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Please read the following chapter(s) in your Textbook:

After reading the chapter(s), for each chapter read, please write a summary that includes (a) two descriptive paragraphs; (b)
an Affirmation Statement; and (c) a Plagiarism Confirmation Statement.

 Descriptive Paragraph One:

Please summarize, from your perspective, the three most important themes from the Chapter you read (a separate sentence
for each theme but limited to no more than 3 sentences for each theme) and list three key words or terms that are new to
you with their definition; why it is relevant to achieving your learning objectives for this course (a separate statement for each
key work with at least one sentence but no more than 3 sentences explaining the relevance).

 Descriptive Paragraph Two:

Please summarize and cite (use APA and include a link) to a Media Article (Wall Street Journal or another source) that is
relevant to one or more of the themes you identified in Descriptive Paragraph One. Remember to craft a "Good" paragraph

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