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Chapter 1



Everywhere else in the world today, private and government sectors are

gearing up to meet the challenges of the 21 st century. The challenges of

globalization, integration, and achieving economies of scale nation are

identifying and building up their respective competitive advantages in different

areas like in education, agriculture, manufacturing, technology or in a

competitive world class manpower pool.

The K-12 program covers kindergarten and 12 years of basic education

to provide sufficient time for mastery of concept and skills, developed lifelong

learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle level skills

development, employment and entrepreneurship. Example: activities, songs,

poems, stories and illustration are based on local culture, history and reality.

This makes the lesson relevant to the learners and easy to understand. Every

Filipino will have the education for the foundation for lifelong learning and for

the total development of a child. The early years of human being from 0 to 6

years are the most critical period when the brain grows to at least more than 60

and above of adult size.

Senior high school is two years of specialized upper secondary

education; students may choose a specialization based on aptitude, interest,

and school capacity. The choice of career track will define the content of the

subject a student will take in Grade 11 and 12. Senior High School subjects fall

under either the core curriculum or specific tracks. Each student in senior high

school can choose among three tracks; Academic; Technical-Vocational-

Livelihood; sports and arts. The academic track includes three strands:

accountancy, business, management mathematics (STEM). Students undergo

immersion which may include earn while you learn opportunities, to provide

them relevant exposure and actual experience in their chosen track. It can really

be helpful to her/him education, employment, and entrepreneurship. Because

every graduate will be equipped with information, media, and technology skills,

learning innovation skills, effective communication skills, and life and career

skills. The implementation of the K-12 program has been an instrumental in

equipping students with the skills thereby providing those opportunities for jobs,

the information of taking the senior high school program is undertaken by the

department education which closely coordinate with the Commission of Higher

Education, and Technical Education and Skills Development.

In section 22 of Technical Education and Skills Development Act of

1994, the establishment and administration of the National Trade Skills

Standards of the R.A. 7796 known as the TESDA Act mandates TESDA to

establish national occupational skills standards. The authority shall developed

and implement a certification and accreditation program in which private

industry group and trade association are accredited to conduct approved trade

test, and local government units to promote such trade testing activities in their

respected areas in accordance with the guidelines to be set by the Authority.

The training regulations crafted by TESDA and TIBFI introduced

competency-based technical education and skills development in the country

and serves as the foundation in developing competency based curriculum to


address the mismatch between the training provided by the TVET system and

industry requirements.

Competency-based education and training is the term used to describe

the TESDA and CHED way of adopting competency-based education, the

leading paradigm for innovation both in the system level and the level of

learning environments, and has rapidly become popular in the vocational

education practice and in the policy field in many countries because the

emphasis the concept places on the positive side of the education and learning,

and its alleged capacity to reduce the gap between the school system and the

labor market. Commission on Higher Education on the other hand, introduced

competency-based education through the promulgation of CHED

Memorandum Order No. 30 series of 2006, the propose of which is to

rationalize the undergraduate tourism management, hospitality, hotel and

restaurant, and travel management education in the country with the end view

of keeping pace with the demands of global competitiveness.

Competency is the possession and application of knowledge, skills and

attitudes needed to perform certain work activities to the required standards of

the workplace. These competency standards are the benchmark for training,

assessment and certification in the Philippine Technical Vocational Education

and Training Qualification Framework. This is rationally promulgated framework

of competency classification and recognition for middle level skilled workers.

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority crafted the training

regulations which serve as basis for the competency assessment and

certification, registration and delivery of training programs and development of

curriculum and assessment instrument to analyze the competency standards.


In this premise the researcher’s yearning is to assess the competencies

of students taking Technical Vocational Livelihood strands. At present, the

perspective of the hospitality industry is the problem of skills and job mismatch.

Hospitality students who graduate today faces many challenges when finding a

job in the today’s competitive job market. Graduates must the expectations of

the industry. Questions arise on how education is responding to industry.

Academic Hospitality programs are designed to teach the skills that will appear

them to be competitive in the workplace. These skills should enable the

graduate to manage the rapidly changing demands in today’s hospitality

industry addressing increased competition, changing consumer’s attitudes, and

employer demands. This study is therefore to determine the competencies of

students taking Technical Vocational and Livelihood Strand in the 4 th District of


Background of the Study

Start school year 2012- 2013, the education system of the Philippines is

enhanced from the 10- years of basic education in 12- years through the

program called the K-12 Education Plan of the Department of Education. The

K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years

of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior

High School to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills,

develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-

level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

The implementation of the K- 12 education plan in the Philippine Basic

Education Curriculum is said to be the key to the nation’s development. Though

the government will face many problems in the long run of the implementation

of the program, there really is a need to implement it because the enhancement

of the quality of the education is very urgent and critical. With the new

curriculum, senior high school students can choose a field that they are good

at and that they are interested in. As a result, they will be equipped with the

skills needed for a specific job even without a college degree. At the age of 18,

the age when they graduate from high school, they will be employable and

competitive already. Thus, adding up to the nation’s manpower.

Finally, with K- 12, Filipino graduates automatically recognized

as professionals abroad because we are following the international education

standard as practiced by all nations. There is no need to study again and spend

more money in order to qualify for their standards. With this, Filipino

professionals who aspire to work abroad are finds a hard time in getting jobs in

line with their chosen field and able to help their families more in the Philippines

as well as the country’s economy with their remittances, property buying, and

creation of businesses. Filipinos are known to be competitive in the international

community. While this may be true, our current education system hinders us in

becoming more competitive among other countries. The K- 12 education plan

offers a great solution to that problem. However, it is undeniable that there

seem to be problems arising as we implement the program such as lack of

government budget, classrooms and school supplies as well as the teachers.

But, if we focus on the long- term effect of K- 12, we can conclude that it is very

beneficial to us Filipinos. Therefore, we must have the strong will in supporting

K- 12 Educational Plan for the betterment of our education system and

economy. Remember, if we want change in our society, we must start it with

our education system (StudyMoose, 2016).

The K to 12 Senior High School is believed to be the solution of the

elongated dilemma of the Philippine educational system because this prepares

the students in their entry to college and equips them with relevant and globally

competitive skills which will foster employability. Education is the key to long-

term problems of the country (Canezo, 2016).

The Senior High School modeling is a research and development activity

where some designs and strategies will be tried out by the identified model

schools. As such, the model schools are given the flexibility to innovate and

develop their own curriculum based on the needs of the students and demands

of the local industries; design their instructional materials; and explore and

experiment varied teaching-learning strategies suited to their students and

learning environment (DepEd Prime, 2011).



This chapter presents related literature and studies which provide

additional data and information to the present investigation. It involves the

systematic identification, location and analysis of documents containing

information related to the research problem.

K12 Philippines (2013) stated that the Senior High School (SHS) covers

the last two years of the K to 12 programs and includes Grades 11 and 12. In

SHS, students will go through a core curriculum and subjects under a track of

their choice.

ASU (2012) stated that the Kruger and Dunning (1999) suggest that "the

miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas

the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others." In

both cases, training in both the topic and in metacognitive skills related to it

improves a person's ability to accurately estimate their skill relative to peers. In

the case of the highly incompetent, this may be because they have become

more competent; in the case of the highly competent, it may be because they

receive validation of their skill.

Waugh 2013 cited, high standard of living, is an important part of culture

and values. The education system has a significant and direct impact on the

quality of our workforce our economic productivity and ultimately, our ability to

prosper as businesses, as people, and as nation rely on our public schools to

provide highly skilled and educated talent. K to 12 is a solution to create


opportunities that will help all children from the time they enter the classroom

to when they join the workforce.

Based in the research of Irish Yvonne Mae O. Ombong that was posted

last March 10, 2017 Senior High School is two years of specialized upper

secondary education; students may choose a specialization based on aptitude,

interests, and school capacity. The choice of career track will define the content

of the subjects a student will take in Grades 11 and 12. SHS subjects fall under

either the Core Curriculum or specific Tracks (Official Gazette, 2012). Senior

High School (SHS) covers the last two years of the K to 12 program and

includes Grades 11 and 12. In SHS, students will go through a core curriculum

and subjects under a track of their choice (, n.d). The

K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six

years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of

Senior High School [SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts

and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary

education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneur


Many of the Pilipino wants to finish their fourth year in high school. Many

of the students after only a diploma in high school them never mind the college

diploma. Especially the poor Pilipino parents they have that mindset that if

he/her child graduate high school a student can work already they are not

thinking that their child is not yet ready, can’t work a stable job.

Technical Vocational Livelihood is a specialization in Senior High School that

offered subject like TESDA


Department of Education Philippines (DepEd) (2017) stated that the

Home Economics track offers various specializations that can lead to livelihood

projects at home. This strand aims to give you job-ready skills that can help you

in finding the right employment. In home economics, students develop an

understanding of the factors that influence the well-being of individuals and

families within the home and community and of the actions people take to

enhance and sustain those environments. In the context of food and nutrition,

students evaluate current issues and theories of nutrition, identify and reflect

on factors that influence people’s choices and behaviors, and use this

knowledge to make informed decisions. Through the processes of selecting,

preparing, cooking, and serving food, students develop their creativity and

experience a sense of accomplishment. At the same time, they develop

personal and interpersonal understandings and skills that contribute to well-


According to Ann Harwood the observations from involvement with

vocational courses indicated that many of the full time lecturing staff worked in

isolation from their particular industry. This by definition prevented them from

achieving the first hand experience that might be considered essential for

keeping up to date with changes and innovations within their industries.

A student who taking up Technical Vocational Livelihood tracks, after

he/she finish Senior High School in TVL she or he may obtain National

Certificate Level II (NC II), provided he/she passesthe competency-based

assessment of the Technical Education and Skills Development

Authority(TESDA). NC I and NC II improves employability of graduates in fields

like Agriculture, Electronics, and Trade.TVL is composes of four programs the


following are Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Agri-Fishery and last is the ICT

(Information Communication Technology).

Home- Economics is a strand aims to give a student job-ready skills that

can help you in finding home. This strand aims to give you job-ready skills that

can help you in finding the right employment. In home economics, students

develop the right employment. This track offers various specializations that can

lead to livelihood projects at an understanding of the factors that influence the

well-being of individuals and families within the home and community and of

the actions people take to enhance and sustain those environments.(DepEd,


According to Raymond Michael A. Gayatin, Teacher II (2018) that TVL track

in Senior High School is the most popular option to choose from in our Senior

High School program. He stated also some reason involved one of this is as

the students finish a specific TVL strand, they will be equipped with skills in

order for them to be employed as soon as they finish two years of Senior High

School. Most of the skills offered are highly marketable outside the country with

very high salary. This is why people are more into skills training now.

Robles (2014) stated that the policy of the State to provide relevant,

accessible, high quality and efficient technical education and skills development

in support of the development of high quality Filipino middle-level manpower

responsive to and in accordance with Philippine development goals and

priorities. The State shall encourage active participation of various concerned

sectors, particularly private enterprises, being direct participants in and


immediate beneficiaries of a trained and skilled work force, in providing

technical education and skills development opportunities.

Celtcorp (2016) stated that the Gottfredson‘s theory refers occupational

aspirations are a reflection of one’s self-concept. People seek occupations that

are congruent with their self-image and reflect their knowledge of different

occupations. This theory describes that students become attracted to certain

specialization. According to this theory, self-concept is the key to specialization

selection. Students tend to choose jobs that are compatible with their

personality. The key determinants according to the theory are one’s social

class, level of intelligence and experiences with sex typing.

K12 academic (2018) stated that the Holland’s theory of career choice

suggested that people can function and develop best and find jobs satisfaction

in work environments that are compatible with their personalities. People tend

to choose a career that is reflective of their personality. Holland’s theory

emphasize the closer the match of personality to job, the greater the

satisfaction. Holland’s theory places emphasis on the accuracy of self-

knowledge and career information necessary for career decision making.

Barnachea (2017) stated that the socioeconomic theory suggest that

many people follow path of least resistance in their career development by

simply falling into whatever work opportunities happen to come their way.

Furthermore, happenstance theory says that people choose their career based

on what they learned. Certain behaviors are modeled, rewarded, and


Conceptual Framework

With all the information gathered, the researcher will arrived at the

following research paradigm.

Figure 1 consists of two boxes referred to the independent variables and

moderating variables. The independent variables consist of the level of

competencies of Grade 12 students in TVL strands. The dependent variables

show possible career choices of Grade 12 students after taking up TVL strand.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

1. demographic profile
of the respondents in
terms of;
 Age Possible Career choices

 Sex of Grade 12 students

 Civil Status after taking up TVL
 TVL program
2. Level of
competencies of
Grade 12 students in
TVL strands

Fig. 1 Research paradigm


Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study was to determine the competencies of

students taking technical vocational and livelihood strand in the 4 th district of

Laguna. Specifically, it answers the following;

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Civil Status

1.4 TVL program

2. What are the possible career choices of Grade 12 students after taking

up TVL strand?

3. What is the level of competencies of Grade 12 students in TVL strand in

terms of;

3.1 Cookery

3.2 Bartending

3.3 Housekeeping

3.4 Bread and Pastry

3.5 Food and Beverages

3.6 Local Guiding

3.7 Travel Services

3.8 Tourism Promotion

4. Is there significant relationship between the demographic profile of the

respondents and level of competencies of Grade 12 students in TVL


5. Is there a significant difference between the competencies of private



To answer the objectives of the study, the following hypothesis will test:

Ho1 There is no significant relationship between the demographic

profiles of the respondents and level of competencies of Grade 12 students in

TVL strand.

Ho2. There is no significant difference between the competencies of

private institution.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will expect to be significant and be a great help

to the following:

Students. The findings of this study may provide information and

awareness for every student regarding the level of competencies in Technical,

Vocational, and Livelihood strand.

Teachers. The result of the study will provide additional insights about

the competencies of the students in Technical, Vocational, and Livelihood


Researchers. The result of this study will serve as a ready-made

reference for further study and investigation.

Respondents. The result of this study will serve as their guide in taking

national competency of Technical, Vocational, and Livelihood strand. .


Future Researcher. They may use the findings or any data of this

research which is related to their study.

Community. This study may enhance the community awareness about

the significant of competencies in students’ progress in taking Technical,

Vocational, and Livelihood strand.

Entrepreneur. This study may use as guide who have hired personnel

from K-12 graduates especially in Technical, Vocational, and Livelihood strand.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study were conduct from June to December 2018 covering the

Grade 12 students who will enrolled in TVL strand in both private and public

school in 4th district of Laguna. The study will evaluate the competencies of the

students taking Technical Vocational and Livelihood strand based on the data

gathered by the research.

The study focuses on TVL strands specifically taking up of Home

economics, Cookery, Bartending, Housekeeping, Bread and Pastry, Food and

Beverages, Local Guiding, Travel Services, Tourism Promotion.

And however, the result of this study is based on the respondents’

answer on the item of the questionnaire make by the researcher

The study were limited by the hesitation of the respondents to answer

the queries.

Definition of Terms

The following terms will operationally have defined in order to have a

clear understanding of the study.

Bartending in this study refer to specializing in the art preparing and

serving beverages while seeing to patrons’ satisfaction and well-being.

Bread and Pastry in this study refer to mix and bake ingredients

according to the recipes to produce small quantity of breads, pastries, and other

baked goods for consumption on premises or for sale as specialty baked goods.

Competencies in this study refer to the measurable or observable

knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviour critical to successful job


Cookery in this study refer to the art and practice of preparing food for

consumption, especially by the application of heat and cooking.

Department of Education in this study refer the executive department

of the Philippine government responsible for ensuring access to, promoting

equity in, and improving the quality of basic education. It is the main agency

tasked to manage and govern the Philippine system of basic education. It is the

chief formulator of Philippine education policy and responsible for the Philippine

primary and secondary school systems.

Entrepreneurship in this study refer to a process of designing,

launching, and running a new business which is often initially a small business.

Food and Beverages in this study refer to the process of preparing,

presenting and serving of food and beverages to the customers.


Housekeeping in this study refer to to the management of duties and

chores involved in the running of a household such as cleaning, cooking, home

maintenance, shopping, laundry and bill pay.

K-12 Basic Curriculum in this study refer to the expression is a

shortening of kindergarten (K) for 4- to 6-year-olds through twelfth grade (12)

for 17- to 19-year-olds, the first and last grades, respectively, of free education

in these countries.

Local Guiding in this study refer to providing assistance, information on

cultural, historical and contemporary heritage to people on organized tours and

individual clients at educational establishments, museums, and venues of other

significant interest.

Travel Services in this study refer to made up of a complex web of

relationships between a variety of tourism products, destination, tour operators,

and travel agents.

Tourism Promotion in this study refer to stimulating sales through

dissemination of information. It means trying to encourage actual and potential

customers to travel.

Technical Vocational Livelihood in this study refer to TVL track as

specialty in senior high school or SHS, he/she will continue the TLE course

he/she studied in 9th and 10th grades. This will allow him/her to earn NC II that

he/she can use as credentials in applying for a job if he/she wants to work after

SHS graduation.TVL strand is the skills oriented strand in Grade 12 students

TESDA (Technical Educational and Skills Development Authority)

serves as the Philippines’ Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

authority. As a government agency, TESDA is tasked to both manage and


supervise the Philippines’ Technical Education and Skills Development

(TESD). Its goals are to develop the Filipino workforce with “world-class

competence and positive work values” and to provide quality technical-

educational and skills development through its direction, policies, and


Chapter 2


The conduct of the research was guided accordingly the research

design and method, the respondents or subjects to be studied, the data

collection instrument, and the data analysis. These will be presented


Research Design

This study used the descriptive research using questionnaires as the

instrument in gathering the data.

Descriptive research also known as statistical research, describe data

and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied.

Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, where, when and how.

Also Further Good and Scates (2012) emphasized that descriptive

research method included that the present facts concerning anything, a group

of person, number of objects, a set of conditions, a class of events, a sequence

of thoughts or any kind of phenomenon which one wishes to study.

Although the data description is factual, accurate and systematic, the

research cannot describe what caused a situation. Thus, descriptive research

cannot be used to create a causal relationship, where one variable affects

another. In other words, descriptive research can be said to have a low

requirement for internal validity. The description is used for frequencies,

averages and other statistical calculation. Often the best approach, prior to

writing descriptive research, is to conduct a survey investigation.


Survey method is a fact finding study with adequate and accurate

interpretation of data. It is used to collect necessary data which include the

demographic data about people’s behaviour, practices, intentions, beliefs,

attitudes, opinion, judgement, interest perceptions and the like and then such

data are analyzed, organized and interpreted (Calderon and Gonzales, 2012).

The researchers used the questionnaire-checklist to gathered relevant

data which lead them to obtain accurate findings; more over this research

method also serve as a guide in evaluating the competencies of students taking

technical vocational and livelihood strand in the 4th district of Laguna.

Respondent of the Study

The subjects of the study was composed of 10 schools combined of

private and public schools. The researcher were choose 15 students per school

as the respondents of this study. They were ask individually to give the pertinent

information by accomplishing a prepare questionnaire which were hand carried

to them.

Sampling Technique

Purposive sampling used as a sampling technique in which researcher

relies on his or her own judgment when choosing members of population to

participate in the study. Purposive sampling method may prove to be effective

when only limited numbers of people can serve as primary data sources, due

to the nature of research design and aims and objectives.


Research Instrument

Questionnaire checklist were used as researcher instrument in this

study. It will form of question to the respondents to know the relevant

information pertinent to determine the competencies of students taking

technical, vocational, and livelihood strand in the 4th district of Laguna. The

questionnaire will formulate and written in English. The questionnaire were

divide into two parts. Part one deals with the demographic profile of the

respondents. Part two has obtained the level of competencies of Grade 12

students in TVL strands, and the possible career choice of Grade 12 students

after taking up TVL strands.

They were give statements and they were respond by checking the

appropriate space or box. Rating was expressed in a five-point scale described

below and used to rate the level of competencies of Grade 12 students in TVL

strand. Camera was used for documentation and served as proof in conducting

this study

The level of competencies of Grade 12 students in TVL strand were rate

according to:

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4.21-5.00 Highly Competent

4 3.41-4.20 Competent

3 2.61-3.40

2 1.81-2.60 Slightly Competent

1 1.00-1.80 Incompetent

Research Procedure

After the title approval, the researcher constructs the questionnaire

checklist. The panellist for oral examination will validate the contents. After the

approval, a pre-survey will conduct to make sure that the questionnaire will

understandable and clear. The questionnaire will hand carried to the

respondents. They individually will ask to give the pertinent information to

accomplish the prepared questionnaire. The respondents will request to answer

the questionnaire freely and gave enough time to respond to the statement. In

order to motivate the respondents to answer honestly, they will assure that their

responses will be keep confidentially. Informal interview will also do to

supplement and gather more information about the respondents.

Setting of the study


Gantt chart

The activities conducted for this study was presented in a Gantt chart shown


Activities Jan. Feb. March April May Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1.Construction of

2.Preparation for

3.Tilte Defense

of Chapter I-II


6.Revision of

Research Survey

8.Gathering of
Data, Tabulating
of Result

9. Pre-finals

10. Final Defense

of thesis

Statistical Treatment

The data were gathered, tabulated and analyzed for interpretation. The

statistical tools were use as follows:

Variables Statistical Tools

Respondents’ Profile Frequency and Percentage

Level of competencies of Grade 12

students in TVL strand Weighted Mean

Possible career choice of Grade 12

students after taking up TVL strand Frequency and Percentage

Relationship between the demographic

profile of the respondents and the level of
competencies of Grade 12 students in TVL Chi- square

Significant difference between the

Pearson Correlation
competencies of private institution

Chapter 3


The presented all the result and discussion of the study. This include the

following age, sex, civil status, TVL program, Cookery, Bartending,

Housekeeping, Bread and Pastry, Food and Beverages, Local Guiding, Travel

Services, Tourism Promotion, career choices of grade 12 students.

1. Profile of the respondents

Table 1 shows the age of the respondents. It was shown in the table that

most of the respondents are at the age of 17 ranked 1. This quantity is followed

by those who aged 18, 16, 19, and 20 ranked 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively. There

is one each aged 21 and 22 tied in rank 6.5.

Table 1. Age of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage Rank

16 23 19 3
17 39 32 1
18 35 29 2
19 19 16 4
20 2 2 5
21 1 1 6.5
22 1 1 6.5
TOTAL 120 100

Table 2 shows the sex of the respondents. It was shown in the table that

most of the respondents are male with 61 respondents covering 51 percent of

the population. On the other hand, female respondents are 59 covering 49

percent of the population. The number of male respondents is 2 more than that

of the number of female respondents.


Table 2. Sex of the Respondents

Sex Frequency Percentage Rank

Male 61 51 1
Female 59 49 2
TOTAL 120 100

Table 3 shows the civil status of the respondents. It shows that all of the

respondents are single.

Table 3. Civil Status of the Respondents

Sex Frequency Percentage Rank

Single 120 100 1
TOTAL 120 100

Table 4 shows the TVL Program the respondents are taking. It was

shown that the respondents are equally divided on the eight TVL programs –

Cookery, Bartending, Housekeeping, Bread and Pastry, Food and Beverages,

Local Guiding, Travel Services, and Tourism Promotion – with fifteen

respondents each covering 12.5 percent of the population. All of the programs

ranked 4.5.

Table 4. TVL Program the Respondents are taking

TVL Program Frequency Percentage Rank

Cookery 15 12.5 4.5
Bartending 15 12.5 4.5
Housekeeping 15 12.5 4.5
Bread and Pastry 15 12.5 4.5
Food and Beverages 15 12.5 4.5
Local Guiding 15 12.5 4.5
Travel Services 15 12.5 4.5
Tourism Promotion 15 12.5 4.5

TOTAL 120 100

Table 5 shows the level of competency of Grade 12 students in TVL

strand in Cookery. The table shows that the students are highly competent in

preparing poultry and game dishes, preparing sea food dishes, and preparing

egg dishes. These competencies raked 1, 2, and 3, with an average weighted

mean of 4.37, 4.29, and 4.22, respectively. It was also shown that the

respondents are competent in preparing salads and dressings and maintaining

the kitchen premises clean, preparing starch dishes, preparing vegetable

dishes, preparing appetizers, preparing meat dishes, preparing sandwiches,

and preparing stocks, sauces, and soups. These statements ranked 4.5, 6, 7,

8.5, 10, and 11 with an average weighted mean of 4.20, 4.13, 4.10, 4.07, 4.05,

and 3.83, respectively. This infers that the Grade 12 TVL students are

competent in Cookery with a total average weighted mean of 4.12.


Table 5. Level of Competency of Grade 12 TVL Students in Cookery

Weight Verbal
Competencies Performance Rank
ed Mean Interpretation
I can
Clean and
1. Clean, sanitize and store
maintain 3.93 Competent
2. Clean and sanitize premises 4.13 Competent 4.5
3. Dispose of waste 4.00 Competent
Average Weighted Mean 4.20 Competent
1. Prepare stocks, glazes and
essences required for menu 4.07 Competent
Prepare items
stocks, 2. Prepare soups required for
3.73 Competent
sauces and menu items
soups 3. Prepare sauces required for
3.67 Competent
menu items
4. Store and reconstitute
3.87 Competent
stocks, sauces and soups
Average Weighted Mean 3.83 Competent
1. Perform Misen place 4.07 Competent
2. Prepare a range of
4.20 Competent
Prepare appetizers
appetizers 3. Present a range of 8.5
4.13 Competent
4. Store appetizers 3.87 Competent
Average Weighted Mean 4.07 Competent
1. Perform Misen place 4.20 Competent
2. Prepare a variety salads and Highly
Prepare 4.40
dressings Competent
salads and
3. Present a variety of salads 4.5
dressings 4.13 Competent
and dressings
4. Store salads and dressings 4.07 Competent
Average Weighted Mean 4.20 Competent
1. Perform Misen place Highly
2. Prepare a variety of
Prepare 4.13 Competent
sandwiches 10
3. Present a variety of
3.87 Competent
4. Store sandwiches 3.93 Competent
Average Weighted Mean 4.05 Competent
1. Perform Misen place Highly
2. Cook meat cuts for service 4.13 Competent
meat dishes 8.5
3. Present meat cuts for service 3.93 Competent
4. Store meat 3.80 Competent
Average Weighted Mean 4.07 Competent

1. Perform Misen place Highly

Prepare Competent
vegetables 2. Prepare vegetable dishes 4.00 Competent
dishes 3. Present vegetable dishes 4.20 Competent
4. Store vegetables dishes 3.87 Competent
Average Weighted Mean 4.10 Competent
1. Perform Misen place 4.20 Competent
2. Prepare and cook egg dishes Highly
Prepare 4.33
egg dishes
3. Present egg dishes 4.13 Competent 3
4. Store egg dishes 4.20 Competent
Average Weighted Mean Highly
1. Perform Misen place 4.20 Competent
2. Prepare starch dishes Highly
Prepare 4.33
starch dishes 6
3. Present Starch dishes 4.13 Competent
4. Store Starch dishes 3.87 Competent
Average Weighted Mean 4.13 Competent
1. Perform misen place Highly
2. Cook poultry and game Highly
Prepare 4.40
dishes Competent
poultry and
3. Plate/present poultry and Highly
game dishes 4.33 1
game dishes Competent
4. Store poultry and game Highly
Average Weighted Mean Highly
1. Perform misen place Highly
2. Handle fish and seafood Highly
Prepare 4.40
3. Cook fish and shellfish 4.20 Competent
dishes 2
4. Plate/Present fish and Highly
seafood Competent
5. Store fish and seafood 4.07 Competent
Average Weighted Mean Highly
4.12 Competent

2.1. Level of Competency of Grade 12 TVL Students in Bartending

Table 6 shows the level of competency of Grade 12 students in TVL

strand in Bartending. It was shown that the respondents are competent in

cleaning bar areas, operating bar, and preparing and mixing cocktails and non-

alcoholic concoctions. These competencies raked 1, 2, and 3, with an average

weighted mean of 4.00, 3.78, and 3.60, respectively. It was also shown that the

students are moderately competent in preparing and serving coffee beverages,

preparing milk, providing basic wine service, and preparing espresso. These

competencies ranked 4, 5, 6, and 7, with an average weighted mean of 3.67,

3.33, 3.16, and 3.01, respectively. Generally, it infers that the students are

competent in Bartending with a total average weighted mean of 3.51.

Table 6. Level of Competency of Grade 12 TVL Students in Bartending.

Weig Verbal
Performance hted Interpretati Rank
Mean on
I can
1. Receive
4.00 Competent
housekeeping requests
2. Provide/Service
Housekeepi 4.20 Competent
housekeeping requests 3
ng Services
to Guests 3. Provide advice to Moderately
guest Competent
4. Liaise with other Moderately
departments Competent
Average Weighted Mean 3.67 Competent
1. Set up equipment and
4.20 Competent
2. Access rooms for Moderately
Clean 3.13
servicing Competent
and Prepare
3. Make up beds Moderately
rooms for 3.00 2
4. Clean and clear Highly
guests 4.60
rooms Competent
5. Clean and store Highly
trolleys and equipment Competent
Average Weighted Mean 3.84 Competent
1. Provide valet services Moderately
to guests Competent
2. Display professional Moderately
Valet/ Butler 2.87 5
valet standards Competent
3. Care for guest Compete
property nt
Competencies Weighted Verbal
Performances Rank
Mean Interpretation
I can
1. Clean bar,
equipment and 4.20 Competent
Clean Bar
2. Clean and 1
maintain public 3.80 Competent
4.00 Competent
Weighted Mean
1. Prepare bar for
3.60 Competent
2. Take drink
4.20 Competent
3. Serve drinks 4.00 Competent
4. Deals with
3.60 Competent
Operate bar affected with
alcohol 2
5. Maintain proper
bar operation
3.80 Competent
6. Close/turn over
3.40 Competent
bar operations
3.77 Competent
Weighted Mean
1. Prepare
and mix a range 3.60 Competent
of cocktails
2. Prepare and
mix a variety of
3.60 Competent
Prepare and concoctions
mix cocktails and 3. Use, clean and
non-alcoholic maintain bar
concoctions tools and
equipment and
machineries for 3.60 Competent
mixing cocktails
and non-
3.60 Competent
Weighted Mean

1. Explain different
types of wines 3.20
to customer
2. Recommend
wine and food 3.40
combinations to
Provide basic customers
wine service 3. Prepare wine,
glasses and Moderately
accessories for Competent
4. Open and serve Moderately
wine Competent
5. Check wine for Moderately
faults Competent
Average Moderately
Weighted Mean Competent
1. Set up and
prepare Moderately
machine and Competent
Prepare equipment
Espresso 2. Dose and Tamp Moderately
3.00 7
Coffee Competent
3. Extract Moderately
espresso Competent
Average Moderately
Weighted Mean Competent
1. Prepare milk
3.60 Competent
and equipment
2. Prepare Foam
Texture Milk 3.60 Competent
3. Prepare Steam Moderately
milk Competent
Average Moderately
Weighted Mean Competent
1. Take orders of
4.00 Competent
2. Prepare
Prepare and espresso- Moderately
Serve Coffee based Competent
Beverages beverages 4
3. Prepare and
serve brewed 3.60 Competent
3.67 Competent
Weighted Mean
3.51 Competent

Average Weighted Mean Moderately

1. Collect laundry for Moderate
laundering functions ly Competent
Laundry 2. Perform laundering Moderate
Linen and functions ly Competent
Guest Compete
3. Process laundered item 3.47
Clothes nt
4. Return laundered item 3.67
Average Weighted Mean Moderately
1. Select and set up
4.00 Competent
equipment and materials
Clean 2. Apply cleaning technique 4.00 Competent
public areas, Highly
3. Clean dry and wet areas 4.40 1
facilities and Competent
equipment 4. Maintain and store
cleaning equipment and 4.40
Average Weighted Mean 4.20 Competent
1. Determine the level of Moderately
Deal with/ intoxication Competent
handle 2. Apply appropriate Moderately
3.40 4
intoxicated procedures Competent
guests 3. Comply with
3.47 Competent
Average Weighted Mean Moderately

Table 8 shows the level of competency of Grade 12 students in TVL

strand in Bread and Pastry. It was shown in the table that the students are

highly competent in presenting desserts, preparing and presenting gateaux,

tortes, and cakes, preparing and producing bakery products, and preparing and

displaying petits fours. These competencies ranked 1, 2, 3, and 4 with an

average weighted mean of 4.62, 4.40, 4.29, and 4.23, respectively. On the other

hand, the students show that they are competent in Preparing and producing

pastry products. This competency raked 5 with an average weighted mean of


4.16. Generally, the total average weighted mean of 4.34 implies that the

students are highly competent in Bread and Pastry.

Table 8. Level of Competency of Grade 12 TVL Students in Bread and Pastry

Wei Verbal
Performance ghted Interpretati Rank
Mean on
I can
1. Prepare bakery Highly
Prepare 4.27
products Competent
and produce
2. Decorate and present 3
bakery 4.13 Competent
bakery products
3. Store bakery products Highly
Average Weighted Highly
Mean Competent
1. Prepare pastry Highly
Prepare 4.47
products Competent
and produce
2. Decorate and present 5
pastry 3.93 Competent
pastry products
3. Store pastry products 4.07 Competent
Average Weighted
4.16 Competent
1. Prepare sponge and Highly
cakes Competent
2. Prepare and use filling Highly
Prepare 4.33
and present
3. Decorate cakes Highly
gateaux, 4.40 2
tortes and
4. Present cakes Highly
cakes 4.30
5. Store cakes Highly
Average Weighted Highly
Mean Competent
1. Prepare iced petits Compete
fours nt
2. Prepare fresh petits Highly
fours Competent
3. Prepare marzipan Compete
and display 4.13 4
petits fours nt
petits fours
4. Store petits fours Highly
5. Display petits fours Compete

6. Prepare caramelized Highly

petits fours Competent
Average Weighted Highly
Mean Competent
1. Prepare and serve Highly
plated desserts Competent
2. Store and package Highly
Present 4.87
desserts Competent
3. Plan, prepare and
present dessert buffet 4.60
selection or plating
Average Weighted Highly
Mean Competent
MEAN Competent

Table 9 shows the level of competency of Grade 12 students in TVL

strand in Food and Beverages. The table shows that the students are highly

competent in receiving and handling guests’ concerns, welcoming guests and

taking food and beverages orders, providing room service, and preparing the

dining room or restaurant area for service. These competencies raked 1, 2, 3,

and 4 with an average weighted mean of 4.57, 4.45, 4.31, and 4.23,

respectively. Subsequently, the students have shown that they are competent

in providing food and beverage services to guests, and promoting food and

beverage products. These competencies ranked 5, and 6 with an average

weighted mean of 4.17, and 3.95, respectively. Generally, the total average

weighted mean of 4.28 infers that the students are highly competent in Food

and Beverages.

Table 9. Level of Competency of Grade 12 TVL Students in Food and


Competencie Weighte Ran
Performance Interpretatio
s d Mean k
I can 4

1. Take table Highly

reservation Competent
2. Prepare
4.13 Competent
stations and
Prepare the
dining room/
3. Set-up the
restaurant area Highly
tables in the 4.33
for service Competent
dining area
4. Set the
4.00 Competent
e of the dining
Weighted 4.23
1. Welcome and Highly
greet guests Competent
2. Seat the guest Highly
Welcome Competent
guests and take 3. Take food and
Highly 2
food and beverage 4.67
beverage orders orders
4. Liaise between
kitchen and 4.07 Competent
service areas
Weighted 4.45
1. Know the
4.00 Competent
2. Undertake
Promote Suggestive 3.73 Competent
food and selling
beverage 3. Carry out Up
products selling 3.87 Competent
4. Know the
4.20 Competent
Weighted 3.95 Competent
1. Serve food
4.13 Competent
Provide food 2. Assist the Highly
and beverage diners Competent
services to 3. Perform
guests banquet or Highly
catering food Competent

4. Serve
beverage 4.40
5. Process
payments and 4.13 Competent
6. Conclude food
service and
3.73 Competent
close down
dining area
7. Manage
intoxicated 4.13 Competent
Weighted 4.17
1. Take and
process room 4.13 Competent
service orders
2. Set up trays Highly
and trolleys Competent
3. Present and
serve food and
Provide beverage 4.47
room service orders to
guests 3
4. Present room
service 4.00 Competent
5. Clear away
room service 4.67
Weighted 4.31
1. Listen to the Highly
complaint Competent
2. Apologize to Highly
Receive and the guest Competent
handle guest 3. Take proper 1
concerns action on the 4.80
4. Record
4.13 Competent
Weighted 4.57

Table 10 shows the level of competency of Grade 12 students in TVL

strand in Local Guiding. The table shows that the students are competent in

researching information relevant to the locality and tour itinerary, and

accompanying and guiding clients in accordance with the tour itinerary. These

competencies ranked 1, and 2 with an average weighted mean of 3.58, and

3.54, respectively. Moreover, the students are moderately competent in

coordinating tour arrangements for clients. Generally, the total average

weighted mean of 3.49 implies that the students are competent in Local


Table 10. Level of Competency of Grade 12 TVL Students in Local Guiding

Competencie Weighte Ran
Performance Interpretatio
s d Mean k
I can
1. Sources Moderately
information Competent
2. Arranges and Compete
Research 3.80
files Information nt
relevant to the 3. Develops
tour scripts and 1
locality and tour
itinerary commentaries
relevant to the 3.73
tour itinerary and
the interest of the
3.58 Competent
Weighted Mean
1. Performs
pre-arrival 3.40
2. Manages
tour 3.33
Coordinate Competent
3. Resolves 3
complaints and Compete
for clients 3.47
other nt
4. Performs
post-departure 3.20

Average Moderately
Weighted Mean Competent
1. Meets and
assist the clients Compete
upon arrival at nt
the destination
2. Accompani
es and guides Compete
clients while on nt
3. Delivers
information, tour Moderately
Accompany spiels and Competent
and guide commentaries
clients in 4. Resolves
accordance complaints and Moderately
with the tour other Competent
itinerary emergencies
5. Provides
assistance and 3.33
hotel departure
6. Develops
tour guide-tour
driver work 3.40
3.54 Competent
Weighted Mean
3.49 Competent

Table 11 shows the level of competency of Grade 12 students in TVL

strand in Travel Services. The table shows that the students are competent in

providing assistance in travel documentation preparation, and creating travel-

related reservations and transactions and issuing IATA-BSP documents and

other passage documents. These competencies ranked 1, and 2.5 with an

average weighted mean of 4.07, and 4.05, respectively. The total average

weighted mean of 4.06 infers that the students are competent in Travel


Table 11. Level of Competency of Grade 12 TVL Students in Travel Services

Competencie Performanc Weighte Ran
s e d Mean k
I can
1. Administer
client file and
identify 4.00
Create travel- requirements
related 2. Request Moderatel
reservations and services y Competent 2.5
transactions 3. Record
request and 4.13
4. Update and
finalize 4.13
Weighted 4.05 Competent
1. Prepare and
assist client’s Highly
passport Competent
2. Assist client in
securing visa
and/or permits
for country of Competen
destination t
and transit
points, as
Provide applicable
assistance in 3. Assist client’s
travel in securing 1
documentation immigration Competen
preparation clearance t
application for
travel abroad
4. Provide
assistance in
requirements 3.80
for travel e.g.
card from
Bureau of

Weighted 4.07 Competent
1. Gather
information Competen
and other t
travel related
2. Perform sales
and service 4.13
Issue IATA- t
BSP Documents
3. Issue tickets,
and Other 2.5
Document ‘s Competen
(MPD) and 3.87
other travel
4. Network for
latest fare and Competen
tariff t
4.05 Competent
Weighted Mean
4.06 Competent

Table 12 shows the level of competency of Grade 12 students in TVL

strand in

Tourism Promotion. This table shows that the students are highly competent in

promoting tourism products and services. This competency ranked 1 with an

average weighed mean of 4.47. Furthermore, the students show competency

in operating technology-based information system, and providing information

and advice on a destination, product, or service. These competencies ranked

2, and 3 with an average weighted mean of 4.07 and 4.02. The total average

weighted mean of 4.19 infers that the students are competent in Tourism


Table 12. Level of Competency of Grade 12 TVL Students in Tourism


Competencie Performanc Weighte Ran
s e d Mean k
I can
1. Access
information on Competen
an automated t
Operate system
technology- 2. Check
based and download 4.07
t 2
information information
system 3. Interpret
downloaded 4.07
4. Organize Highly
data base Competent
Weighted 4.07 Competent
1. Develop
information on 3.87
a destination
2. Update
information and
information Competen
advice on a 4.20
on a t 3
product or
3. Provide
information Competen
and advice on t
Weighted 4.02 Competent
1. Identify
customer 4.13
2. Suggest
products to Highly
tourism 4.53
meet customer Competent
products and
services 1
3. Provide
product Highly
information Competent
and advice

4. Sell
tourism related Highly
products and Competent
Average Highly
Weighted Mean Competent
4.19 Competent

Table 13 shows the possible career choices of Grade 12 students after

taking up TVL strand. It was shown in the table that 65% of the students look

forward to enrolling a course in college suited his/her TVL track. This is with a

total enumeration of 79 respondents. It was followed by 17 students who are

planning to be restaurant personnel who cover 14% of the population. The

students who want to enrol in TESDA, pursue education course, be a cook

ranked 3, 4, and 5 with a frequency of 10, 3, and 2, respectively. Lastly, the

students who are planning to be a tourist information officer, travel adviser or

consultant, ticketing staff, food nutritionist, and pharmacist with a frequency of

1 each were tied on rank 8. This infers that the Grade 12 students from the 4 th

district of Laguna are students of great dreams.

Table 13. Possible Career Choices of Grade 12 Students after Taking up TVL


Possible Career Frequency Percentage Rank

Enroll to college suit his/her TVL 79 65 1
Enroll to TESDA 12 10 3
Establish business 0 0
Restaurant Personnel 17 14 2
Hotel Personnel 0 0
Bar Personnel 0 0
Baker 0 0
Cook 2 2 5
Assistant Cook 0 0
Laundry Attendant 0 0
Housekeeping Attendant 0 0
Butler 0 0

Local Guide 0 0
Tourist Information Officer 1 1 8
Tourism Desk Officer 0 0
Travel Adviser/Consultant 1 1 8
Concierge Agent 0 0
Reservation Staff 0 0
Ticketing Staff 1 1 8
Travel Documentation staff 0 0
Food Nutritionist 1 1 8
Pharmacist 1 1 8
Education 3 3 4
TOTAL 120 100

Table 14 shows the significant relationship between the demographic

profile of the respondents and level of competencies of Grade 12 students in

TVL strands. It was shown in the table that the p-value is less than the chi the

null hypothesis is rejected. This implies that age and sex does not effect on the

competencies of the students. This infers that age does not matter. Their age

could never be a basis to measure their capabilities, skills, and competencies

for there still are other factors that boost their competencies. On the other hand,

sex could not be used as a measure on how skilful and competent they are. It

is their eagerness to learn more. Subsequently, there is no statistics computed

between the students’ civil status and their level of competency for civil status

is constant.

Table 14. Significant Relationship between the demographic profile of Grade

12 TVL Students in terms of Age and Sex and Level of Competencies


Statistical C- P-
Variables Decision Interpretation
Tool Value Value

Age 310.915 1.000 Not Significant


Sex 69.519 0.460 Not Significant


Chapter 4


Summary of findings

The results of the study were summed up as follows. The researcher

conducted the study to determine the competencies of student taking the

technical, vocational and livelihood program in grade 12 students. The subjects

of the study were the 120 students in Grade 12 of the chosen school in the 4th

district of Laguna which is the (Laguna state polytechnic university, Philippine

Women University, Siniloan National High School, Laguna North Western

College, Laguna Maritime, Balian Community College, Poten National High

School, PaeteScience and Business College, San Antonio de Padua, South

Green Ville School).

Based on the data gathered to profile of respondents 61 of them are

male and 59 are female. They were grade 12 students under the TVL program.

Majority of them age belong to 17 years old most were male with. Their civil

status respondents were all singles. The TVL Program the respondents are

taking. It was shown that the respondents are equally divided on the eight TVL

programs – Cookery, Bartending, Housekeeping, Bread and Pastry, Food and

Beverages, Local Guiding, Travel Services, and Tourism Promotion – with

fifteen respondents each covering 12.5 percent of the population. All of the

programs ranked 4.5. the level of competency of Grade 12 students in TVL

strand in Cookery.

Based on the data gathered most of the respondents were highly

competent in preparing poultry and game dishes, preparing sea food dishes,

and preparing egg dishes. These competencies raked 1, 2, and 3, with an

average weighted mean of 4.37, 4.29, and 4.22, respectively. It was also shown

that the respondents are competent in preparing salads and dressings and

maintaining the kitchen premises clean, preparing starch dishes, preparing

vegetable dishes, preparing appetizers, preparing meat dishes, preparing

sandwiches, and preparing stocks, sauces, and soups. This infers that the

Grade 12 TVL students are competent in Cookery with a total average weighted

mean of 4.12.6 shows the level of competency of Grade 12 students in TVL

strand in Bartending. It was shown that the respondents are competent in

cleaning bar areas, operating bar, and preparing and mixing cocktails and non-

alcoholic concoctions. These competencies raked 1, 2, and 3, with an average

weighted mean of 4.00, 3.78, and 3.60, respectively. It was also shown that the

students are moderately competent in preparing and serving coffee beverages,

preparing milk, providing basic wine service, and preparing espresso.

. Generally, it infers that the students are competent in Bartending with a

total average weighted mean of 3.51. Shows the level of competency of Grade

12 students in TVL strand in Housekeeping. It was shown that the respondents

are competent in cleaning public areas, facilities, and equipment, cleaning and

preparing rooms for incoming guests, and providing housekeeping services to

guests, respectively. On the other hand, the students are moderately competent

in dealing with or handling intoxicated guests, providing valet or butler service,

and laundering linen and gust clothes. These competencies ranked 4, 5, and 6

with an average weighted mean of 3.36, 3.33, and 3.27, respectively. Generally,

the total average weighted mean of 3.61 infers that the students are moderately

competent in Housekeeping.

Based on the data gathered resulted the level of competency of Grade

12 students in TVL strand in Bread and Pastry. that the students are highly

competent in presenting desserts, preparing and presenting gateaux, tortes,

and cakes, preparing and producing bakery products, and preparing and

displaying petit fours. These competencies ranked 1, 2, 3, and 4 with an

average weighted mean of 4.62, 4.40, 4.29, and 4.23, respectively. On the other

hand, the students show that they are competent in Preparing and producing

pastry products. This competency raked 5 with an average weighted mean of

4.16. Generally, the total average weighted mean of 4.34 implies that the

students are highly competent in Bread and Pastry.

Also the level of competency of Grade 12 students in TVL strand in Food and

Beverages. The table shows that the students are highly competent in receiving

and handling guests’ concerns, welcoming guests and taking food and

beverages orders, providing room service, and preparing the dining room or

restaurant area for service. Respectively. Subsequently, the students have

shown that they are competent in providing food and beverage services to

guests, and promoting food and beverage products.. The table shows that the

students are competent in providing assistance in travel documentation

preparation, and creating travel-related reservations and transactions and

issuing IATA-BSP documents and other passage documents. These

competencies ranked 1, and 2.5 with an average weighted mean of 4.07, and

4.05, respectively. The total average weighted mean of 4.06 infers that the

students are competent in Travel Services. shows thelevel of competency of

Grade 12 students in TVL strand in

Tourism Promotion. That the students are highly competent in promoting

tourism products and services. Furthermore, the students show competency in

operating technology-based information system, and providing information and

advice on a destination, product, or service. Their competencies. On the other

hand, sex could not be used as a measure on how skilful and competent they

are. It is their eagerness to learn more. Subsequently, there is no statistics

computed between the students’ civil status and their level of competency for

civil status is constant.

Based on the data gathered with regards to Significant relationship between the

demographic profile of the respondents and level of competencies of Grade 12

students in TVL strands. It was resulted in the table that the p-value is less than

the chi the null hypothesis is rejected. This implies that age and sex does not

effect on the competencies of the students.


Based on the research study the results show the possible career

choices of Grade 12 students after taking up TVL strand. It was shown in the

table that 65% of the students look forward to enrolling a course in college

suited his/her TVL track. This is with a total enumeration of 79 respondents. It

was followed by 17 students who are planning to be restaurant personnel who

cover 14% of the population. The students who want to enrol in TESDA, pursue

education course, be a cook ranked 3, 4, and 5 with a frequency of 10, 3, and

2, respectively. Lastly, the students who are planning to be a tourist information


officer, travel adviser or consultant, ticketing staff, food nutritionist, and

pharmacist with a frequency of 1 each were tied on rank 8. This infers that the

Grade 12 students from the 4th district of Laguna are students of great dreams.


The result of the study implies to the researcher to have the following


1. The researcher suggests that in teaching measurements, the teachers

should use different approaches that'll fit in with the needs and interests of the


2. Teachers can make colourful and creative instructional materials that will

help the students engage and learn more during the discussion.

3. The curriculum planner should be aware of the diversity of learners

helping them to innovate strategies in making learning effective and productive.

4. Variation of teaching aids should be researched upon for students with

diverse needs, interests and learning style.

5. Conduct further studies intended to the innovation of instructional

materials for improving the students’ cognitive, affective, and psychomotor




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