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SET 2016

Signature of fie invigilator Question BookletNo.

1 OMR Sheet No.. .

Subject Code t9 ROLL No.

Time Atlowed : 150 Minutes Max. Marks : 150

No. ofpages in this Booklet : l2 No. ofQuestions: 75


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3. This booklet consists ofseventy five (75) compulsory questions each carrying 2 marks.

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cMB-33142 1 Paper-III

1. Arjika, Mujavat. Silamcnt \\ere allridges ofwhich 5. Given below are two statements, one labelled as
mouilains ? Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason @).
(A) tlirnalayas Select the correct answq from the code given.

(B) \rindhyas & Satpuus Assertion (A) : The Indus people had a stong and
(C) Aravzrlli morurrains emciedcenaalized adrninistralio[
(D) \Vestem Chats
Reason (R) : The Itrdus civilization is known for
2. 'lhe Histoty tl
Briti.;h /r.1/.l writtcn bv Jamcs \1i11
uas publishcd in u,hich lear I
(A) 161 7
standardization of bumt bricks used
in various constructions, weights and
measures; eic.
(B) I7r7
Code :
(c) 1817
(l)) 1917
(A) Both (A) and (R) axe corect and (R) is the
corect explanation of (A)
Name the r ear in lrhich Kalhana complctcd \ritlng
his llalatanrgini '.' (B) Both (A) and (R) corect but (R) is rot the
(,\) 950 CE corcct explanation of (A)
(B) 1ors 0 cE (C) (A) is false, but (R) is corect
(c) 1150 CE

i (r)) 1250 CE
@) Both (A) and @) are false

l 4. N,fatch l,is! I Lisl - ll and choose lhc conect

6. Which one of the following pairs is conectly
ans\\er l-ron thecodc givcn bclorv: matched ?

List -I List - II (A) Harappa - Dockyard

a. Panini l. PrukritapruL,asha
(B) Lothal - Temple-like structure
b. Paturjali 2. Manudharmasastra
(C) Surkotada - Horse remains
c. Vararuchi 3. Mahabhashya
d. Manu . 4. Ashtadhyoyi (D) Mohenjodaro - 'H' Cemeay
Code: '7. Neolithic sites irr Kashmir axe found at :

abcd (A) Bur2ahom

(,\)1132 (B) PahalCam
(B):4rl (C) Srtugax
(c) ,1 12 3
(D) Jaffrm

cMB-33r,12 Paper-III
8. Match List - l with List - II and choose lhc correct 12. Which of the following rigorous practices is rol
answer iiom thc codc givcn bclo$ : pursued by the Jain monks ?

List -I List- II (A) Fasting and self-mortification

a. N,laruls 1. Protector ofCatlle
@) Death through gradual staffation
b. Ushas 2. Gods ofStorm (C) Shaving ofhair ofhead and beard
c. Pushan 3. GoddessofEten ty
(D) Not taking bath other than in the flowing water
d. Aditi 4. Goddess oIDau'n
Code : 13. The Puranic story ofKrishna's subjugation ofKaliya
actually indicates the overtfuow of which cult by
a b c d
I Bhagavatism inthe Mathura region!
(A) 1 3 2
(A) Sai cult
G)2 4 1 3
(B) Naga cult
(c) 4 3 I 2
(C) Rakshasa cult
@)4 3 2 I
(D) Yaksha cult
9. I he term.,Idl,a duing the Vedic period relers to :

(A) Distriol 1,1. Which ofthe following would be the most accuate

(B) l ribc description of the Mauryan monarchy under

Ashoka ?
(C) Vlage
(l)) t'eople (A) Enlightened Despotism

(B) Centralised autocracy

I0. I hc chlefcenrre ofthe Indo-Roman trade in south
India \\'as l (C) Patemal despotism

l (.\l .tikan1edu @) Guided democracy

{B) \lonpalli
15. Chiefofficers mentionedinAshoka's cdictsare :

(L ) \ LaOuIal
(A) Rajukas. Yuktas. Mahattaras and Pradesikas
(l)) Nluziaris
(B) Rajukas, Yuktas. Prativedakas and Purusas
11. Which ofthe following is ,r.r/ a represcntative (r1-
(C) Dharnmarnahamaras ard Raiukas
(D) Rajukas, Anta-mahamatras. Purusas and
(A) Stupa
@) Chaitya
(C) Vihara
[)) Gopura

cMB-33142 3 Paper-III
16. Match List - lwith List - II and choosc the corecr 18. ln South Indiathe biggest beneficiaries ofland grants
answ& from the code given below : u,crc the :

List-I List - II (A) Bnlnrins

a. Maldkara l. Cultivator (B) l emples

(C) Both (A) and (B)
b. Halakiya 2. Fishcnnan
(D) \Varriors and oficials
c. Dasdku l. Gardencr
19. \\hich Chinese pilgrim visited Harsha's empire ?
d- Lohavaniia .1. Blacksmith
(n r lbing
Code i
(B) Fahien
abcd (C) Hiuen'ltang

(A)1.4 3 2 @) Wang Hiuen'l!e

(B)2 4 I 3 0. Medhatithi (of the nirth centun) $as the l'amous

r 1 2 I
(D)i 2 1 .+
@) Kamandakunilis.]ra
1'1. Gir,en belo\ are two statements. one labcllcd as (C) Trihyas trcs
Asscnion (A) and the other labellcd as Reason (R).
()) Naradasmriti
Selectthc corect ansrver from lhe code given.
21. Which onc ofthe fo llowing mixcd castes was a result
Asscrtion (A) I The Gandhara Schoolola11 is also
o ftribai associations ?
kno*n as the Indo-Greek school
(A) Nisadas
Reason (R) : fhe Gandhara School was hi-l]hly
(B) Abhiras
influenccd by the Graeco-Roman
traditions. (C) Gonds

Code: (D) Sanlhals

Thc temple of Somnath which was dedicatcd
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the
destroyed by lr4ahmud Ghazni \!as a temple
cone_ct explanation of (A)
dcdicared to Lord :

' and (R) correcr bur ( R) is not the correcl (A) Mshnu
(B) Shiva
.ul(R ) is correct
(C) Sula

) arc t'alse (D) K.ishna

CIIB-33r-. 1 Paper-III

Khusratl contains delails

23. Which olthe ibllowing u'orks dcscribcs the lamous 28. Kh.Eah1ll-l'utuh of Amir
ronlantic story ofthe ariage olsamlogita with the about:
Chauhan king Prith\iraia m:l (A) Batban's militaryrelonns
(L) Ptithrifttitu Iija)d (B) NlalikKafur's militar:" conq ests ol Soirrh hldjir

lB ) H dnlmi t' -Vd h a l',a t)' a (C) Razia's domfail

(C) Pavmaduta @) Muhammed-bin-Tughlaq's conqLlcst ol Gujarat

(D:) tit l1t iraj a- Raso clescribes the

29. Chachanama is afamous wo*, which
history of:
24. The Khmerking ofCambodia sought thc liiendship
ofuhich Cholaking ? (A) Gujant

(.\) Rajar:r-ia
(B) Kashmir
(C) Puniab
G) Raiendra I
@) Sind
(C) Kulottunga I

@) Adhimjendra 30. Match List J with List - II aDd choose thc corrcct
answer from the code giveD belo$:
25. Which Chalukyan king ofKalyani is said to havc List - II
List -I
eslablished a new era in place ofold S.rka era ?
a. Albenmi J. Tadq-i-Yamini
(A) Taila II
b. Fidausi 2. Shahnama
(B) Someswaral
c. Utbi 3. Tariq-i-lJind
(C) \tkamadiBavl
d. Barani 4. Tariq-i-Firozshahi
(D) Somesl\'ara lll
'f Code :
16. l,akh Baksh' was the title of:
ab cd
(A) ntutmish
(A) 3 2 l4
@) Jalaluddin Yakut (B) 3 I 24
(C) Qutubuddin Aibak
(c) 2 4 31
(D) Balbart (D) 1 2 43
2?. Identifu the Delhi Sultanate ruler who died due to
31. Who was the author o l'famous hislorical \! otk 1')/rr*
sudden fall from Horse while playing Chaugan at
Lahore :
us-Sdlutinl ?

(A) QuhrbuddinAibak (A) Balban

(B) IltLfinish (B) llarari

(C) Balban (C) Isami

(D) Ferishta
@) NasiruddirMuharnmad
cM8-33142 5
32.'Ariz-i-Mumalik, dunogDelhi
Sultanatepedodwas J7. \Vho u,as lhnsen.s musicall.luru
(A) Maintenance olamy (A) l.aiKalau,ar
(]l) Rettnue Colleclion (B) Mivan fai
iC) l.egalmatters (C) S*amiHaridas
(D) IixremalAliairs
(D) Mohaunadgaus
,, n:lt *,
I:::l -
nr'\rt](.\\nrker\ "rr
tres crnpt.rr col rr c r I urdrcd t ioll 38. Who founded the ciry
a,td I nur I h,,u -.,d rr uar er.,,l.ilk
ro,lanurJL Iurc rh( cjorhs. (A) Rawat
l('sLrfpt) ru)al f3rnrl\,
-rrd cI r*c. in Kh.U.lhuna:
(B) Rao Jodha
() Batbon
(C) Lakha
(B) nmdsh
(C) Aia-Uddin-Knilli
- (D) Ramaev

(D) Muhammad_Bin_lLrghlaq 39. 'lhc tcnn .po .

laj cluring Mughal
period is ret-erred to :

-t,1. 'Barid'during {..\) Land \\hich \\r,ts cultivated

MLrghal period u,as oflicer continuously
(B) I-and *hich u,as culrivated oncc
ir I l.ears
(A) Rctcnue Collection (C) I-and which ttu cuhir alcd on.i in s l ears
(Il) Judicial\leucrs
@) Land u hich u as c ulti\ared once in 6year.s
(C) Ne\\s arld Intelligencc
(D) VillagcAccourrs 40. Valch I ist -l uith
I ist - lland rhoose the.orrecr
ansucr liom thc code git
en belou
15. r: turJ pcol,l(.t ru\ .tlllldint _

rnrttndltstinislh(ol,senJIi,,nol.. -!o rbout tr.!k(.d List _I List - II

(A) llabLu a. Shivaner l. Shiraji.s capirai
(ll) llalban b. Puandar 2. Uirrhpl.i.:
(Cl) Shaniahan c. Raigarh 3. -fre.:.
a:LlJr tingh
(D) Auargaz,eb d. Ramdas -1. S::r,-ai GLridc
36. Iderrrrh-rlrc \I idnrr of t(an:\anga. r,,lro.cnr Code :
r0 HtmallL'1: J illl,hi
a bc
(A) Rzni padmavati
(A) I 2j
(B) Rani Dugavati
@)2 :.1 I
(C) Rani Meenakshi
(c) 2 li
@) Rani Kamavati
(D) 3 12

+1. \larch I-isr - I wirh List _ II and choosc rhc correct .1.1.
ans\cr Giren bclo\\.arc t\\o statements. one labelled
fi-om thecodegiven belou : as
Assenion (A) and the olhcr labelled as Reason (R).
List -I List - II Selectthe corect ansFcr lrom th(jcode givcn
a. I3alaji \l sh$arath l. Rcmembe.ed as the
Assertion (A) : 'lhe N4ughals had cordial relation
fighting Peshwa and an
incamation of Hindu uith ttre SiHu.
energy by the Marathas Rcason (R) : Banda Bahdur revolted against
b. BajiRaoJ 2. Appointed as Senakarta Mughals.
bl Sahu
c. BalajiBajiRao 3. CorrstinrLional Revolution
(A) Both (A) and (R) arc true and (R)
of 1750. called the is the corect
explanarion of(A)
d. SadashivRao 1. Led the Marathaarmy in ('B) Both (.{) and (R) are tuc and (It) is nor rhe
the Third Battle of corectexplanarion 01 (AJ
Paoipat (C) (A) is rrue bul iR) is lalse
Codc :
(D) (A)is l'alse bur (R) jsrruc
il bcd
(A) l2 15. \\llo \\as the lbunder oi ,'llluva.D1nasrl, ?
@) )r (.{) Salur, anamsimha
(B) Vranarasimha Ra).a
(D)): l:_i
(C) AchntaRaya

(A) RajLr'todamal @) Sadasl'iva Rul,a

{B) \l, singh

46. 'I{ook Swinging Cercmonl ot Vijaranagam pcoplc
{C ) -laiSinSh
rvas described br. :
(D I lHul l:azal
(A) Paes
1j. h-r-:; :..e \lu!halernpcruruhor,rasagrcJtlo\cr
ot L)hr":rJ RJ-a! iI Ilindi: (11) Conti

(A) Akbar (C) Ra7-/-*

(B) Jahangf
(D) Ilarbosa
(C) Shah Jahaa

@) Auraryazeb

cMB-33r 12
1 Paper-III
Vij ayanagar
The laEest administrative division in the
Given below are two statements. one labelled
empircwas: .
Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason

given (A) Mva

Select the conect answer from the code
@) Mandalam
Assertion (A) : Tukaram was the supreme exponent
(C) Kottan
of bhakti in Maharashtra at
PandarPur' which had became tho @) Nadu
centre of Malarashtuadharma Sepoy
l. Praisingthe loyalry oflndian Princess during
Reason (R) : 1he religious a*akening that spread \,{utinv;ich of the following Viceroys commented
firoughout Maharashtra was geatly thatttrey had acted as "break waters in the
storm" :
inskuncntal in the emergence ofthc
(A) Lord Canning
marathas as a disticl cullurai idendry'
(R) Lord Llton
Codc : (C) Lord RiPPon

(A) Ilorh (^) and (R) are lr'ue and I Rl rs th"ofiec! lDt Lord Dufferin
c\pianruioll Lrfl \)
The fist Textile Mill was started in Bombay in 1853
(B) Bolh (,\) and (R) are lrue and (R) is nor
conect cxplanation of (A) (A) Cowasjee Nanal
(C) (A) is ttue but (R) is false (B) Jamshedji Tata

(D) (A) is false but (R) is true (C) Ghanshamdas Birla

and (D) J.K. Singlanir

,18. Dashaho(lhtt \ras the f'amous work on -'\ns
Sciences who \"as iis auhor'1 rvilh the
Who among the lbllo\\ ing \\ a' ri-'o'iated
I 8 3'l ?
(A) Ramda.s formation of Madns Mahajana Sabha in
(A) P Arandacharlu
(B) Iukaram
@) T.M. Nair
(O l)adu .
(C) M.C. R4a
(l)) l:lktuth
1D) M. VijaYamghavachari
-licai:. ofPurandhar was ralificd b,v Aurangazeb
49. lndian
4. ln which year thc British Committee oflhe
lhrouglr a liman on
National Congress fomed ?
(A) 8'L'Augtrst 1665
(A) 1886
(B) l0" August 1665
(R) 1887
(C) 5'r'sePrember 1665 (c) 1888

(D) 6'L' Septcmber 1665 o) 1 889

l-he SaradaAcr of 1919 ixed the minimum
age of
ii \13lch Lisl - l with List - II and choo.. ii' 'orrect
h_' \' Marriage for Females and \{a1es respcctively:
Jn5$er from thccodc'i e.]
List - II (A) 14 and 18 Years
List -I
@) l5 and 19 Years
a. Ralmumd \'lazda\ a l. Deoband
(C) 16 and 20 -vears
San Sahha
(D) 17 and 21 Years

b. Dar-Lrl-tJloom 2. Bomba,r
59. Who among the following coined thl.
Religion, One Caste and One God for Mankind"
c. Nadwa-ul-U lema 3. Atganr

(A) E.V RamaswamY Naiker

d. lv{ohammedan
@) Sri NaraYana Guru
ErlucationalConferencc'1' l-uckno$
(C) Dr B.R. Ambedkar
Code l
(D) Jyotibha Phule
abcd labelled as
60. Given below are tlto statements one
(A)12 3 ,1
Assertion(A) and the othcr labelled as Reason

(B)21 4 Selectthe correct answer fiom the code

given fl
(c) i 4 2

Assertion (A) : The 1857 Mutiny was supptessed il
bY fte British'

4 3 | 2 Reasor (R) : Except l'or a few like Rani ofJhansi'

a 7
very tew Indian rulers parricipated in
Dri.l \\ al'r Befirlne opened a gitls
56. Atwhichplacc
theMutiny. I
schoolin 1El9
Code :
i,\) Bomba)
ard (R) is the corect
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true
(B) Madras explanation of(A)
(C) Calcutla (B) Both (A) and (R) arc tlue but (R) is not the
II conect exPlanation of (A)
(D) Poona
(C) (A) is truebut @) is false
57. Who among the tbllowingwas $c nrst to sing the
@) (A) is false but ( R) is true
Vandematar"am Song in 1896 inthe IndianNational
Congress scss ion at Calculta ?
On which date ir
1906 a National Council of
(A) Michael lvadhusudan llutta Education was setup ?

(A) 15 August
@) Surcndranath Balrcrji
(B) l6August
(C) Rabindranath'lagore
(C) 15 SePtember
(D) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
(D) 16 September

'i Paper-m
. .,^,,b(lledr.
Ci\enbelo\\ Jr< L\\'' ""t(nerlrs : "-" ^-,'r'
Secretar-Y oL the rub"rr'd u' R..^*'R'
62. \\'ho was thc Founder :,".l,,lil;,;;i;.''h" given
Sabha ?
Nauj awan Bharal l";;;;;;;*t*'*"rrromthecode
the Ilomc
Besad organized
(A) Bhagat Sineh Assevtion (A) : Rritish
Jr,1.-Mou"rn"nt og"instthe
(B) SaifluddhKitchlu

(C) SatYapal tieedom tor

(R) : She *anted to achi'le
@) Ajitsingh Indian PeoPle'

fo]lo\\'* ""t:':C.t:i
b3. Who o[the
againsthPefl alrs
l:::::,*t: Code :
Council ofthe L'eagpe (R) arc tue and (R) is the
(A) Both (A) and
erPlanation of(A)
notttrc cor€ct
are ffue but (R)
(A) Ja'rahadalNehru is
(B) B01l1 (A) and (R)
Gandhi of(A)
@) Mahatna cxPlanation
is ialsc
(C) C.R. Das lCl (A) i-stru'br'rt(R)
(R) is rrue
@) Subash ChandraBose (D) (,\) is lhlsebu!
and. choose
wir'h List -ll tbe Rook lndi'r
64 Match List -l give[ below ' Who among thc
followirg authored
*r,""t u*ru", frorn tt'te code
List-I -II (A) R.C. Dutt
C,{Bq'lY 1. Agcot LlinaryoJk
Gl) RP Dutt
2. Tlte ( tttt! a ss itt Tanil Nadtt
b. David Paze
(C) Dadabhai Nauroii
1. I'Nlud. !o l'dllilion
c. David Luddcn
o'f I tliun @) M.G RanaCe
d. Darid tu nold 4. The La't1l Rot)ts
oflndiaAct iglS
"Thc Govcmme
Polilics - llLthLhdd Nho cornmented
r," as a neN Charter o{Slavery"
Code: (A) Nlahaxna Gandhi
ab cd
(B) Rajcntira Prasad
(A) I 4 32 N ehru
(C) Ja\\aharlal
(R) 3 ) 41
(D) Nlodlai Nehru
(c) 3 1 42
Q)4 l 12.

68. Anargc thc lbllouiug Commissi,rr. ri: ;iron.rlogical Which one ofthe fbllo$ ing pairs is conr:otly rnathed ?
or der
(A) Ganesh Damodar Naujawal1 Bharat
1. Kothari Conxnsslon
Savarkar Sabha
2. Radhr.krislnm Crr::rnissiLrn
3. SadlerComnusion (B) SadarAjit Singh Bharat Mata Society

4. UniveNir\ Gm s Cotimission (C) GS. Aundale Hindustan Socialis

Codc r
Republican Parry
(A) 3 r l 1
(D) Bhupendranath Abhiiava Bharat
(B)2l .r I
(c) r 3 1 2
Dutta Samaj

(D) 3 2 1 4 73. In which )'car ,qird,S .r-al was w ttcrl ?

69. Irom rvhich countrv thc'llornc Rulc' tcnn \\as (A) 1907
(B) 1908
(A) lreland
(B) Scotland (c) 1909
(C) Amcrica
(D) 1910
(D) Canada
70. Tagore suggestcd that thc datc ofPa:lition ofBcngal 7,1. \\rho said "lmpaning llducation to Nati\es is oul Moml
Du!-!" ?
(A) SolidariryDai'
(ll) RaksluB.urdhanDay (A) \Varren I lastings
(C) IllackDa:'
@) Wcllesley
(D) I]rotherhood Dav
71. Giletl below are t\\o statcmcots. onc labcllcd as (C) \\illidm Benlinck
Asserlion (.,\) and the othcr labcllcd as Rcason (R).
SelecL the correct rrrsurr irotrt the it,Je rir cn (l)) Lord lloira
Assefiion (A): lhc Il.ii:h \\o:fte BalrleoI Pleis.\
.' rr' - r I.J llrltur= 75. foulder of rrhich organizarion in N{aharashtra
belier ed in One God arld rvere interested in brcaking
Rcason (R) : The Viclory o\.r \a*ab ga. r' th.'
British a political loodiold rn Bengal. casle rules:l

(A) Mitra Mandali
(A) Both (A) and (R) are truc and (ll) is thc corrcct
e\plir.llalion o [(A) (B) ParunharNa Mandali
(B) Both (A) and (R) are truc but (ll) is not thc
conect explanatioi oi (A) (C) BalikaMardali
(C) (,,\) is true hut (R) is filse
(D) StreeMdndali
()) (A) is falsc but (R) is true

cMB-33142 11 Paper-III

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