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1. Which of the following refers to a young or immature person?

a. Youth c. juvenile
b. Puberty d. child

2. The term which denotes the condition or habit of behaving unlawfully.

a. Delinquency c. offense
b. Anti social behavior d. felony

3. Which of the following is the result of Juvenile Delinquency if it will be left unchecked?
a. Increase in salaries of police personnel who will go after juvenile delinquents
b. Increase of basic commodities
c. Increase of rehabilitation centers for youthful offenders
d. Increase in the number of juvenile delinquents

4. This is a term used to generally denote various offenses committed by children or youth under
the age of 18.
a. Juveniles c. juvenile delinquency
b. Juvenile offenders d. juvenile crimes

5. Which of the following ancient codes limited the criminal liability of children under the age of
a. Revised Penal Code c. Hammurabi’s Code
b. Code of Napoleon d. Code of Kalantiao

6. This period is sometimes known as the beginning of humanism and reason which began to
treat children humanly.
a. 19th century-The New Era c. 20th century-The New Millennium
b. 18th century-The Enlightenment d. 17th century- The Reformation

7. The first institution founded in New York dedicated for the treatment and confinement of
a. House of ill-refute c. House of Refugee
b. House of the homeless d. House of Refuge

8. What is considered as the cause of Accidental Delinquent Youth?

a. physical defects c. mental disorders
b. genetic disorders d. peer pressure or pure curiosity

9. What will Asocial delinquents become of if timely intervention is not provided?

a. ruthless criminals capable of violence and heinous crimes
b. ignorant and uneducated citizens of the country
c. lack of concern to their family and friends
d. liabilities of the community where they came from

10. Who among the following delinquents is referred if they are aggressive and resents parental,
school and government authorities?
a. Asocial delinquents c. Social delinquents
b. Neurotic delinquents d. Accidental delinquents
11. A delinquent youth whose anti-social behavior is a direct result of internal conflict and pre-
occupation with his own emotion and mood.
a. Asocial delinquents c. Social delinquents
b. Neurotic delinquents d. Accidental delinquents

12. The prevention of the juvenile delinquency is the function of:

a. government c. educational institutions
b. parents d. all sectors concerned

13. The anti-social behavior of juveniles may be best characterized by:

a. increase in school drop outs
b. disobedience and disrespect for authority
c. rebellious and undisciplined minors
d. increase of arrested juvenile delinquency

14. What would be the result if children are unable to cope with their
family life? a. truancy c. lying
b. vagrancy d. stealing

15. What behavioral disorder is manifested among juveniles who lack love, security, attention,
respect, acceptance, praise and happiness?
a. truancy c. lying
b. vagrancy d. stealing

16. Which of the following approaches explains that law violations and delinquency is a
result of some physical defect?
a. biogenic approach c. sociogenic approach
b. psychogenic approach d. physigenic approach

17. What approach is being referred if the delinquency pattern is due to social structures?
a. sociogenic approach c. biogenic approach
b. psychogenic approach d. physigenic approach

18. A cause of behavioral disorders wherein personal problems, curiosity, ignorance, necessities
and diseases provokes crimes.
a. Precipitating factors c. indisposing factors
b. Predisposing factors d. none of the above

19. All the following are general prevention measures in every government level for juvenile
delinquency, except:
a. policies, programs and strategies based on analytical studies
b. well-defined responsibilities for the qualified agencies and institutions
c. ambiguous objectives and policies for the reduction of juvenile incidents
d. in depth analysis of the problem and inventories of programs and services

20. Preventive policies facilitating the successful socialization and integration of all children and
young persons is achieved through:
a. Community c. schools
b. Family d. all of the above
21. The following are various factors in juvenile delinquency, except:
a. poverty, media c. influence of people, family rejection
b. family size, broken home d. loving home, proper discipline

22. What is the main responsibility of the family towards the child?
a. Provide him education c. provide him basic necessities
b. Provide him foods d. provide him shelter

23. Juvenile delinquency is not directly caused by poverty but by the conditions created by poverty.
To prevent juvenile delinquency, the best solution is:
a. abolish poverty
b. control/eliminate the conditions created by poverty
c. arrest offender
d. report to Davao Death Squad all juvenile delinquents

24. Who has parental authority over legitimate or adopted children?

a. Mother c. father and mother
b. Father d. Grand Parents

25. The following factors may lead to juvenile delinquency, except:

a. Functional or emotional adequacy c. favoritism
b. Too lenient discipline d. too harsh discipline

26. Which of the following criteria is ideal for a normal home?

a. Faulty development of the child c. structural completeness
b. Unfair treatment d. parental rejection

27. What should be the best way to control delinquency?

a. arrest all juvenile delinquents
b. imprison parents who abuse and neglect their children
c. remove conditions inducing delinquency
d. increase juvenile crimes

28. The more a youth is involved in alcohol and drug abuse, the more;
a. he will feel secured and safe
b. he will come to his senses
c. he feels that he’s not important to his parents
d. the likelihood that he will be involved in criminal behavior

29. A police activity that directly attempts to eliminate the opportunity of minors to commit crime
is known as:
a. crime control c. regulation of conduct
b. crime prevention d. liquidation of delinquent

30. In case the court will grant the petition of Chris Aquino to legally separate from his husband
James Yap, who will have custody of their 4 year old son Baby James?
a. President Noynoy c. James Yap
b. Chris Aquino d. Joshua
31. According to the theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency on an individual, what
causes children to be engaged in criminal behavior?
a. They lack love and affection from parents
b. They are not suitably penalized for prior delinquent acts
c. They are members of gangs
d. They did not received their basic needs from their parents

32. Who are responsible to damages caused by children under Art. 58 of PD 603?
a. Government c. No one is responsible
b. Parents d. they children themselves

33. Which of the following is acknowledged as the number one determinant of human behavior?
a. Family c. environment
b. School d. heredity

34. This plays an active role in the promotion of child rights and delinquency prevention by
relaying consistent messages through a balanced system.
a. educational system c. mass media
b. juvenile justice system d. family

35. Nurturing and rearing of children which is critical in delinquency prevention is the function of:
a. educational system c. family
b. government institutions d. religious services

36. Which of the following is the most common reason on the rapid rise of child criminals?
a. abused children often commits crime
b. dysfunctional family life
c. juvenile delinquents are not properly rehabilitated
d. juvenile laws are not properly implemented

37. In case of disagreement between the father and mother over their child, whose decision shall
a. Father c. court
b. Mother d. child

38. The promotion and development of the personality, talents, mental and physical abilities of
young people is the responsibility of the:
a. Educational institution c. family
b. Religious institution d. Sangguniang Kabataan

39. All the following are rights of parents over their children, except:
a. Right to the company of their children
b. Right to dispose their children
c. Right over the person and property of their children
d. Right to discipline their children deprive

40. Which of the following is the appropriate mechanism to handle juvenile cases?
a. Regional Trial court c. Supreme Court
b. Family Courts d. Sandigan Bayan
41. The paramount consideration of the state in preventing juvenile delinquency is:
a. the child’s best interest c. the education of the youth
b. the health of the youth d. the education of parents

42. Under Republic Act No. 7610, the maltreatment, discrimination, neglect of children is an act of:
a. child abuse c. child exploitation d.
b. child prostitution child trafficking

43. This is utilized as a temporary home for minors who are awaiting for final disposition of their
cases by the court.
a. detention center c. rehabilitation center
b. child placement agency d. receiving home

44. A child that has been deserted by his parents without any support for a period fixed by the law
a. dependent child c. neglected child
b. abandoned child d. juvenile delinquent

45. Neglect may occur to the child in two ways;

a. Physical and emotional neglect c. mental and physical neglect
b. Sexual and lustful neglect d. all of the above

46. Generally, children commit delinquency in order to-

a. escape from emotional problem c. gain satisfaction
b. achieve recognition from gang d. earn money

47. Specifically refers to the condition when a child’s basic needs have been deliberately
a. Neglect c. emotionally disturbed
b. child abuse d. incest

48. The act of buying and selling of a child for money or any consideration is,
a. child abuse c. child trafficking
b. child prostitution d. child making

49. This is an act establishing the Family Courts.

a. PD 603 c. RA 9262
b. RA 7610 d. RA 8369

50. Which of the following law prohibits the employment of children below 15 years of age in
public and private undertakings?
a. RA 7610 c. RA 7658
b. RA 8369 d. RA 9262

51. Which of the following is not a jurisdiction of the family court?

a. cases where the accused are minors c. petition for probation
b. petition for support/acknowledgement d. petition for child custody
52. Boy Libog engages the service of an 11 year old child prostitute to satisfy his sexual desire. What
crime should be filled against him if any?
a. statutory rape
b. child prostitution under sec.5 RA 7610
c. acts of lasciviousness
d. he will only be criminally liable if he will not pay the child

53. Manny Yakkis, a known pedophile was caught inside a hotel room with the company of a
handsome boy who is not related to him. They were found lying in bed. Did Manny Yakkis incur
any criminal liability?
a. no, they did not do something wrong
b. yes, child prostitution under sec.5, RA 7610
c. yes, attempt to commit prostitution under RA 7610
d. no, the person who disturbed them in their room must be punished

54. Inducing a child to dance naked, kissing or fondling her breasts are examples of
punishable under RA 7610.
a. immorality c. sexual abuse
b. sexual harassment d. acts of lasciviousness

55. This is a law penalizing acts of violence against women and their children as public crime.
a. PD 603 c. RA 83 69
b. RA 7610 d. RA 9262

56. Which is not a function of the police in the control and treatment of juvenile delinquency?
a. enforcement of criminal laws c. control or regulation of conduct
b. crime prevention d. rehabilitation of youthful offender

57. The employment of children below 15 years of age is only allowed provided,
a. the nature of the work must be explained to the child
b. enough salary and benefits given to the child
c. his working conditions will endanger his life or health
d. if he works directly under the supervision of his parents

58. Under Republic Act No. 7610, the maltreatment, sexual abuses and neglect of children are acts
a. child abuse c. child exploitation d.
b. child prostitution child trafficking

59. A child that has been deserted by his parents without any support for a period fixed by the law
a. dependent child c. neglected child
b. abandoned child d. juvenile delinquent

60. Which of the following is not a jurisdiction of the family court?

a. cases where the accused are minors c. petition for probation
b. petition for support/acknowledgement d. petition for child custody
61. After agreeing to pay P500, Max asked a 16 yrs. old GRO inside the Maligaya Disco and Bar to
sit in his lap, at the same time fondling her breast and other private parts. What do
you call the acts of Max?
a. Shiatsu massage c. lascivious conduct
b. Sexual harassment d. lover’s touch

62. Congressman Haloslos had sexual intercourse with Marie, an 11 years old girl after paying her
stepfather who coerced her to submit herself to Haloslos. What crime was committed by
a. child prostitution under RA 7610 c. Rape under the RPC
b. sexual abuse d. child abuse

63. The penalty for Child Prostitution under RA 7610 is:

a. reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua
b. reclusion perpetua to death
c. prison mayor to reclusion temporal
d. either of the above

64. One who is without a parent or guardian and is relying upon the public for support.
a. neglected child c. dependent child
b. abandoned child d. emotional child

65. Who among the following persons does not have any criminal liability under R.A 7610?
a. the person engage in prostitution
b. the person who commit the sexual act or acts of lasciviousness
c. the person who derive profit of the establishment where the prostitution takes place
d. the person who procure the prostitute

66. Republic Act No. 9344 a child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal
offenses because of personal, family and social circumstances is referred to as:
a. youthful offender d. child at risk
b. child in conflict with the community e. child in conflict with the law
c. child under difficult circumstances

67. An Act providing for stronger deterrence and special protection against child abuse, exploitation
and discrimination.
a. PD 603 c. PD 1602
b. RA 9344 d. RA 7610

68. Under RA 9262, this order may be issued for the purpose of preventing further acts of violence
against a woman or her child.
a. Restraining Order c. Protection Order
b. Cease and desist Order d. Prohibitory Order

69. Social learning theorists view violence as something learned through behavior modeling in the
following sources of behavior models, except:
a. Political leaders c. Family member
b. Mass media d. Environmental experiences
70. Any head of a public or private hospital upon any knowledge of a child who have been treated
or suffered from abuse shall report the incident to:
a. Immediate family
b. The law enforcement authority
c. The DSWD, whether oral or written
d. The security and file a case in court in behalf of the child

71. The offender is over nine years of age but less than 18 years of age at the time of the
commission of the crime, is often referred to as:
a. Criminal c. Socialized delinquent
b. Youthful offender d. Truant

72. Refers to the programs provided in a community setting developed for purposes of intervention
and diversion as well as rehabilitation of a child in conflict with law.
a. Foster home c. Day care center
b. Rehabilitation d. Community based program

73. An act prohibiting employment of children below 15 years of age in public and private
a. RA 7658 c. RA 7610
b. RA 9344 d. PD 603

74. Under RA 7787, sexual harassment may take place in the following places, except:
a. At work or education or training-related social functions
b. At official conferences, symposia or training sessions
c. By telephone, cell phone, fax machine or e-mail
d. During work or school or training-related travel

75. What unit in every police station handles cases involving women and children?
a. Department of Social Welfare and Development
b. Child and Youth Relation Service
c. Women’s and Children’s Concerns Desk
d. Women and Children Halfway Center

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