Change in MCC Laws

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Changes in the BCCI Playing conditions 2018-19

•Bat gauge needs to be used to determine whether bats comply with the
regulations of 40mm for thickness and 67mm for depth as mentioned in the Laws.

•The use of approved LED Wickets is permitted.

• Playing time shall comprise the time play is in progress excluding lunch
and tea intervals, intervals between innings and official drinks intervals. (
Keep in mind while calculating a player’s penalty time).

• There shall be one drinks interval during each session of play, scheduled
at the mid-point of the session.

•For calculating over rate at the end of each innings,an allowance of 4

minutes for every Drinks break( one per session)to be allowed.

•We cannot forego Tea in a multi day game and drinks in a One day

• Overs not bowled at the end of the day even after Over Time
will not be carried forward to the next day. (Done away with)

• In a one day match, at scheduled interval when there are 25 runs or

less for the batting team to achieve victory the match continues to its
conclusion. This takes the discretion out of the hands of the umpires
and batting side.

• Applicable only for One Day and T20 matches

Time lost in getting the team back to play after their initial reluctance/refusal
under Law 16 – Result 16.2.3 If action as in clause 16.2.2 above takes
place after play has started and does not constitute a refusal to play the
delay or interruption in play shall be dealt with in the same manner as
provided for in clauses in 13.7.2(Delayed and Interrupted Matches) and
11.4 (Changing agreed times for intervals)

•In Knock out matches including the finals-Even if 1st innings result is
not obtained at the end of the scheduled last day of the match,the
match will NOT be extended by one more day (there is no extension).
•If a ball is bowled Under arm, treat it like Ball thrown. Until last year it
was No Ball followed with Dead Ball. ( Henceforth will be No Ball
followed with first and final warning)

• In T20 matches, for innings of rescheduled length between 5 to 9

overs, no bowler may bowl more than two overs.

• The below clause removed from the PC which was applicable only for
multi day matches)
To make up for time lost after lengthy delays due to ground weather light
conditions, the BCCI Match Referee may, further reduce the prescribed
interval timings above, after taking into account the intention of not having a
prolonged interval after a lengthy interruption. However, the minimum
interval time shall not be less than 20 minutes for a Lunch interval and not
less than 10 minutes for aTea Interval.

• Practice on the Field

The below clause added:
Between call of play and call of time, no bowling practice takes place in the
area between the square and the boundary in a direction parallel to the
match pitch.

• 41.19 Unfair actions (New clause added)

• 41.19.1 If an umpire considers that any action by a player, not covered in
these Playing Conditions, is unfair, he shall call and signal Dead ball, if
appropriate, as soon as it becomes clear that the call will not disadvantage
the non-offending side, and report the matter to the other umpire.
• The bowler’s end umpire shall
• If this is a first offence by that side
• - summon the offending player’s captain and issue a first and final
warning which shall apply to all members of the team for the remainder of
the match.
• - warn the offending player’s captain that any further such offence by any
member of his team shall result in the award of 5 Penalty runs to the
opposing team.
• If this is a second or subsequent offence by that Side • - award
5 Penalty runs to the opposing side
• The umpires shall then report the matter to the BCCI Match
•As a Reinforcement point from a Player safety perspective, have the
boundary rope a minimum of 3 yards from the perimeter fencing or
advertising boards.

Level 4 offence under Law 42, Players Conduct.

•A player will not be sent off as mentioned in MCC Laws. (It is same
like last year, just reinforcing the point)

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