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Lesson Plan for Grade 8

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
 define conjunctions
 differentiate the kinds of conjunctions according to its usage
 construct sentences using appropriate kinds of conjunctions
II. Content:
 Topic: Kinds of Conjunctions
 References: Building Vocabulary and Grammar Skills (pgs. 124-132) and Teaching
Guide for grade 8 English (pgs. 94-99)
 Instructional Materials:
a. Cartolina
b. Pentel pen
c. Pictures
d. Manila paper

III. Procedure:

A. Motivation:

The students will be divided into four groups. Each group will be given pieces of paper with words
written on it. They will be asked to arrange the words in order for them to make a sentence. Each group
will choose their representative to present their out in front. They will be given 3 minutes to finish the
task given to them.

They will come up with the following sentences:

1. If they were older, they could go to the party.

2. She is beautiful but lazy.

3. Ana and Jeo are bestfriends.

4. Lea got a perfect score because she studied well.

B. Discussion:

After the activity the teacher will ask them if what they noticed in the sentences that they came up. The
students will answer of what they noticed. Then, the teacher will start to discuss the topic.

Conjunctions- are used to link words, phrases, and clauses. It comes from the prefix “con” which means
together and “junct” which means to join.


a. I ate pizza and pasta.

b. Call the performers when you are ready.
Kinds of Conjunctions

1. Coordinating conjunctions- connect words, phrases, and clauses of equal rank.

 And- is used to add something to what has already been said.

a. The man is dedicated and determined.

 But- add something contrary to or different from has been said.


a. He is stubborn but hardworking.

 Or- it implies a choice.


a. You can come today or tomorrow.

 So- is used when the second part is a consequence of the first part.


a. He shouted, so I had to listen to him.

 For- used for giving reason.


a. I am working hard for I want to succeed.

 Nor- to show negative expression.


a. I wasn’t going hide. Nor was I going to run away.

2. Subordinating conjunctions- used to introduce subordinate clause. They convey the thought of
relationship between ideas in a sentence in a sentence.

After If since so that though until

Unless Although Whenever When

Where Wherever While

Even though Even if


a. After she had learned to drive, Alice left more independent.

b. He failed, because he did not study.
c. They read, so that they may learn.

D. Application

The teacher will show a picture of the urban and rural areas. Then, the students will compare and contrast
what life might seem to be in the urban and in the rural areas. They will write at least 8 sentences. Four
sentences about the urban area and four sentences about the rural area and they will underline the
conjunctions used. They will be given 10 minutes to write it in the manila paper. Each group will choose
their representative to present their outputs in front.

Rural Area Urban Area

E. Generalization:

The students will be asked of the following questions:

1. What are the differences among the coordinating, subordinating, and correlative conjunctions?
2. What are the functions of the use of conjunctions in the sentence?

F. Evaluation:

I. Identifying Conjunctions

Directions: Underline the conjunctions in each sentence and identify its kind. Write the answers on the
space provided.

_________________1. When he was fasting, he neither ate the food nor drank the liquids.

_________________2. Gerald had to begin his assignment over again because his computer crashed.

_________________3. Tess wanted to attend, but she has no time.

_________________4. Since Ben refuses to vote, he shouldn’t complain about the system being

_________________5. Nora and Eddie met when they were in college.

II. Fill in the blanks.

Directions: Supply the missing conjunctions in the sentence.

1. Would you care for coffee _______ tea?

2. Speak loudly _______ you can be heard.

3. Corrine is trying to decide ________ they go to a medical school ________ to go to law school.

4. The sun had set, ________ it was still bright outside.

5. She has never been absent ________ the opening of class.

Answer Key


1. Neither…nor- Correlative Conjunction

2. Because- Subordinating Conjunction

3. But- Coordinating Conjunction

4. Since- Subordinating Conjunction

5. And- Coordinating Conjunction


1. Or

2. So that

3. Whether…or

4. But

5. Since

H. Assignment

Directions: Write an essay using the different conjunctions with at least 250 words. Choose your own
topic and make your own title.


Criteria 4 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner


Sentence Fluency

Capitalization and
Punctuation marks
Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 8

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
 define conjunctions
 differentiate the kinds of conjunctions according to its usage
 construct sentences using appropriate kinds of conjunctions

A. Learning Competency:
 EN8G-Ia-8- Use appropriate cohesive devices in composing an informative speech.

II. Content:
Kinds of Conjunctions

III. Learning Resources:

 Building Vocabulary and Grammar Skills (pgs. 124-132) and Teaching Guide for
grade 8 English (pgs. 94-99)

IV. Procedures

A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson (Before the Lesson):
 Word puzzle in two (2) groups, let them arrange the words written on a pieces of
paper in order to make a sentence.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson:

 What have you noticed in the sentences that you came up?

C. Presenting the lesson and examples (Lesson Proper):

 Those sentences used connectors which we called Conjunctions. Conjunctions are
used to link words, phrases, and clauses. It comes from the prefix “con” which
means together and “junct” which means to join. It has three (2) kinds- Coordinating
Conjunctions and Subordinating Conjunctions.
 Presentation of the meanings of Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions and
their examples.

D. Practicing Skills:
 Make their own sentence using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

E. Finding Practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living:

 Compare and Contrast the life might seem in the urban areas and in the rural areas.
F. Making Generalizations about the lesson:
 What are the differences among the coordinating, subordinating, and correlative
 What are the functions of the use of conjunctions in the sentence?

G. Evaluating learning:

I. Identifying Conjunctions

Directions: Underline the conjunctions in each sentence and identify its kind. Write the answers on the
space provided.

_________________1. When he was fasting, he neither ate the food nor drank the liquids.

_________________2. Gerald had to begin his assignment over again because his computer crashed.

_________________3. Tess wanted to attend, but she has no time.

_________________4. Since Ben refuses to vote, he shouldn’t complain about the system being

_________________5. Nora and Eddie met when they were in college.

II. Fill in the blanks.

Directions: Supply the missing conjunctions in the sentence.

1. Would you care for coffee _______ tea?

2. Speak loudly _______ you can be heard.

3. Corrine is trying to decide ________ they go to a medical school ________ to go to law school.

4. The sun had set, ________ it was still bright outside.

5. She has never been absent ________ the opening of class.

H. Additional Activities for application or Remediation

 Assignment: Write an essay using the different conjunctions with at least 250 words.
Choose your own topic and make your own title.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner


Sentence Fluency

Capitalization and
Punctuation marks

V. Remarks

VI. Reflections

a. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

b. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%.
c. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
d. Which of my teaching strategies worked?
e. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal can help me solve?

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