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Copyright © 2019 lorettatifara.



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5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019

My friend, do you know

fear begins with a

Whatever we think on
repeatedly becomes a part
of us.

The Scriptures say, “As he

thinks in his heart, so is

So, if you allow fear to come in to your thought, fearful thoughts will
control how you act.

It is true that if you are thinking about cars all the time, you either work
in a field related to automotive or spend your spare time in something

When we think on something long enough, chances are we will end up

acting on our thoughts.

This is another reason why it is so important to guard our minds,

choosing carefully which thoughts we accept or reject.

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019

Some people believe that we can not help or change the way we think,
but that simply is not true.

We can replace negative thoughts with God’s words and change the
course of our life and destiny.

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019

Staring down every anxious thought takes some intention.

That means you have to be deliberate and remind yourself of these five

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019


In the trials of life, you decide what your response will be – no one
else can do that for you.

When fear presents itself and that panic button pops up in your
mind, remind yourself: “I have a choice here. I can choose to panic,
or I can choose faith and peace and joy instead.”

To panic means you allow yourself to be overcome by sudden fear.

But God made you not to be overcome but an overcomer. That
means you don’t bail like snowmobile.
You don’t pull out the white flag of surrender to your fears.

Instead, you stay the course. You meet fear face-to-face with faith,
since you can’t conquer what you can’t confront.

You can’t confront what you are unwilling to identify.

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019

Identify the fears in your life, and let these thoughts know they are
not going to live in your mind rent free any longer.

Maybe you’re thinking, some thought have lived in my mind for so

long, they could be drawing Social Security by now.
You can still choose today as the time to stop fearful and panicky

You say to God, “I am going to trust You to

bring me through.” And when
anxiousness begins to rise, you say it again
and again.

I like what the Scriptures say, “Do not let

your heart be troubled. Rely on God.”

Visualize God taking that panic button

from you. He’s offering to hold it anyway.

You might be thinking “It is not enough to

simply have faith that God is in control – I
need him here, right now, right here beside me”.

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019

Well, the truth is “HE IS WITH YOU ALL THE TIME”. Because He has
promised not leave not to forsake you.

The question is “DO YOU BELIEVE IT?”

It is your CHOICE.

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019


When fear come, so do an array of emotional, negative thoughts.

This is not the time to make

decisions based on how you feel,
because your emotions will take
you up, down, and all over the

It is not the time to try and reason

out everything, either.

This is our natural bent – to want

to know why and how, when and where.

Too often we waste so much energy trying to figure out things only
God knows.

We have to be careful that we do not obsess things we can not

figure out or understand, or take ownership of worry, which cause
us to panic.

God say “ Why worry about what to eat or drink or wear?” .

That is taking ownership of and trying to reason out all the wrong

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019

That is when fear or worry causes us to dwell on thoughts like

“What am I going to do? What is God going to do?”

What if we did not need to know everything?

Wouldn’t we be free to live for this moment, for a purpose?

One time I was talking to

my friend about
something that was
bothering me.

After elaborating and

going into a great detail,
I said to my friend “So
what do you think?”

I will never forget what my friend’s response was: “Loretta, I think

you think too much.”

My friend was right!

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019

Many times we read too much into things and assume the worst,
and if we are not careful we will begin to be anxious or fearful about
things that will never happen.

Don’t overthink things. You cannot solve every worry.

You can simplify your life by simplifying your thoughts.

Next, think on this” God tells us, Be still and know that I am God.
Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart
and do not rely on your own understanding.

That means be still in your mind, which is so limited in insight and


God is sovereign and He knows all things.

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019

Simplify your thinking by letting go of a need to know all the whys

and hows, the whens and wheres.
Focus on knowing that God knows everything about your present
and your future, and He loves you and wants the best for you.

Trusting in this will bring you a supernatural peace that will be

available to you in the midst of the storm.

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019


You can fret over your situation, but worry will do nothing.

Or you can pray to Almighty God – the One who has the power to
do something about your situation and longs to help you.

Prayer is so simple, yet

many times we make it

Prayer is talking to God

like He is our best
friend because He is –
and He is not looking
for fancy, eloquent
language, nor is He timing the length of our prayers.

God looks at sincerity in our heart and He listens to our every


Many times we turn to prayer as a last resort when things are not
going right, but God tells us: Turn to prayer first and you will find

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019



Listen to what you are saying.

You can go around saying, “I am afraid, I am afraid, I am afraid!”

But what if you replaced every afraid with believe and know?

What if you said, “God, I believe You will see me through.”

Or, “I believe You are with me in this and are more powerful than
any trouble.”

Or, “I know You

will show me a
way through and
get me to

Speak the truth

that God is more
powerful than
any fear you may

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019


Knowing that fear is the opposite of faith will empower you to act
against fear. Whatever fear tells you, do the opposite!

If fear tells you that you can not do it, then do it anyway.

When you step out in faith, God will step out with you.

I have learned that courage is a decision, not a feeling. If we wait

for the feeling of courage, we may never act against fear.

Most courageous acts are actually done in fear and trembling.

As I chose to get back on the airplane over and over again, it didn’t
feel good, but I remembered the words of God to Joshua, “Do not
fear, but be strong and courageous.”

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019

You see, Moses had died and God chose Joshua to take his place of

It was a tall order to follow in the footsteps of such a great leader,

and God knew the pressure that Joshua felt.

He told Joshua the same thing tree times, but the last time He said,
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be
afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with
you wherever you go.”

This is what God is saying to you today: My command to you is to

be strong and very courageous to confront your fear. Don’t obey
fear – obey Me because I will be with you, too.

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019

The Scriptures say that God has given us not a spirit of fear, but a
spirit of power, love, and sound mind.

God has commanded us to act against fear and equipped us to be


God promises: I will be with you; and when you pass through the
rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the
fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019


My friend, just believe

that God’s got a hold on

Many times when I used

these practices to stare
down my fears.

I kept reminding myself

of a beautiful promise of
God that “I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.
I will give you every place where you set your food. And I, the Lord Your
God, will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hand.”

That promised alone helped me when fear would creep into my

everyday life.

I understand it is very hard to believe that God is still working behind

the scene when we don’t see anything happened yet.

It takes faith to believe that God is with us in our darkest hour, offering
to hold us, help us and keep his hand on us.

Simple faith can do something new for you today.

Faith will go with you through the dark places.

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

Copyright © 2019

Faith will help you press through the fears that crowd your mind.

Faith will help you hold on to the hand of God, and when you don’t feel
His hand you can know that God is with you because you are made for
more than a slow death by fear.

You are made to go boldy into this world.





5 Steps to Overcome Fear

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