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Deste Keywords
*Note: This deck and guidebook exist only in either Greek or Turkish (names of cards taken from Turkish deck), the majority of these
meanings were derived from a video created by Chris which can be found at

The Goddesses (Maglarin Rhulari)

Attart (The Light): mother earth, good luck, love, Valide (The Darkness): personification of bad, bad luck,
happiness, joy, abundance, builds things. pain, loss, poverty, destroys things.

The Four Spirits (Ruhu)

Selana (Ebony/Earth): Moon energy, change, enjoy life & Rx: Dark side of moon, people are wearing masks.
think positive.

Ariman (Ruby/Fire): Love, sex, use your magic, enjoy Rx: Issues to work out, problems, feeling of being trapped.
what you are doing.

Bedes (Emerald/Water): Take action, it is on you, make Rx: Difficult situation that requires patience.
the first move, make the decision, take responsibility.

Isfahan (Diamond/Air): Change, change your path, you Rx: Watch your words, they could be hurtful or create
are repeating mistakes. difficult situations.

The Four Elements/Gems (Elementin)

Ebony/Abanoz/Earth: Pain, bad luck, difficulty, loss, Rx: The difficulties will soon go away, the silver lining.
sorrow, impacts all.

Ruby/Yakut/Fire: Love, relationship, passion, happiness Rx: The love is not reciprocated either you for them or
100%. them for you, happiness 50%.

Emerald/Zumrut/Water: Success, dreams fulfilled, feeling Rx: Success, but smaller success, still positive.
able to achieve anything.

Diamond/Elmas/Air: Money, wealthy in resources or Rx: Still wealth, but not as much.

The Four Horses (Atlar)

Mounter (Ebony/Earth): Brings luck, love, money & Rx: Hides emotions, unreliable, false.
stability. Strong & true.

Kalif (Ruby/Fire):Fun, enjoyment, living in the moment. Rx: Held back from doing what you want.

Hesse (Emerald/Water): Mental health or anxiety and the Rx: Your mental situation is dangerous. Be careful who or
things that make you anxious. what you are thinking about.

Zara (Diamond/Air): Someone who will help you in a Rx: Someone who is not helping you.
situation. Official like doctor or police, etc
The Court

The Princesses (Hanumlar)

Tattaret/Ebony/Earth: Family, marriage, children. Rx: Sorrow from not having family, marriage or children.

Seltsoukassa/Ruby/Fire: Sex & money. Rx: Loss of power, trapped by sex & money.

Mida/Emerald/Water: Having difficulties that she either Rx: Overcomes the difficulties and has peace of mind.
creates or makes up—no peace of mind.

Dastar/Diamond/Air: Careful, thinks before acting, desire Rx: Must be even more careful.
to achieve goals.

The Queens (Sultanlar)

Assyranta/Ebony/Earth: Mother, loves home, house, Rx: Untrustworthy.
children, husband.

Urmiaa/Ruby/Fire: Good friend, passionate, helps Rx: Overdoing it, needs to take care of herself.
everyone and works from heart.

Parsadra/Emerald/Water: Talks a lot, makes up stories, Rx: Jealousy, fool.

jealous of all, opinionated, gossip.

Adhamdeva/Diamond/Air: Devious, selfish, wants Rx: You found out the devious person and with that
everyone to do for her. knowledge you can protect yourself.

The Princes (Beyler)

Sunit/Ebony/Earth: Aggressive, wants things his way, Rx: Divorce or breakup is coming.
roller coaster relationships.

Saah/Ruby/Fire: Lover, charmer, seducer, good Rx: Untrustworthy.


Aral/Emerald/Water: Loves family, uncle, brother, reliable. Rx: Someone betraying you.

Gamhat/Diamond/Air: Loyal, achiever, good friend. Rx: Losing his power, can’t achieve what he wants.

The Kings (Hukumdarlar)

Turan/Ebony/Earth: Hleper and happy to do so. Rx: Unhelpful or harmful.

Tagral/Ruby/Fire: Needs his own space & time, good but Rx: Addictive personality, negative.
difficult to be with.

Eprahhat/Emerald/Water: Truth seeker, needing to Rx: Untrustworthy through lying or lack of knowledge.

Dare/Diamond/Air: Sensitive, organized, new beginnings, Rx: Depressed & unorganized.

knows what he wants.
The Core Cards (Desenli Kartlar)
Anchor/Capa: Stability, career, stable/longterm Rx: Unstable, instability.

Book/Kitap: Secret of life, wise or religious book, guide, Rx: You need to learn your lesson.
learned your lesson.

Broom/Supurge: Danger, a falling out, negative, repeating Rx: The situation will stop bothering you but will come
a bad situation, conflict. back.

Camel/Deve: Strength, wealth, perseverance. Rx: Lost wealth, strength, tiredness.

Child/Kiz Cocugu: Young person that you love and care Rx: Someone is hurting you, loneliness.
for, you are popular.

Clouds/Bulutlar: What is bothering you will clear, sun is Rx: Dark clouds bring rain, situation is growing more
coming out. difficult.

Cross/Hac: Physical/emotional pain, hurt. Rx: You know what is hurting you and can take action to
minimize it, prepared.

Dervish/Dervis: Wise man, guides, learning the truth. Rx: Liar, unknowledgeable, mistakes, not learning from

Dog/Kopek: Friendship. Rx: Betrayal by a friend.

Door/Kapi: Getting something big, getting job, promotion, Rx: Doors are closed, problems to overcome before
doors are opening. reaching your goals.

Eastwind/Samyeli: Bringing people together who are Rx: Negative change is coming, people you don’t want
meant to be together, positive change, situation moving on. around won’t leave.

Fish/Balik: Danger, waiting to make a choice. Rx: Avoiding danger, friend may help.

Flowers/Cicekler: Something beautiful, gift, spring, Rx: Something beautiful coming to an end, negative card
positive. nearby can force the reversal of this card.

Fox/Tilki: Cleverness, using abilities to get what you want. Rx: Cunning, deception, trickster.

Garden/Bahceler: Social, you are popular, meeting Rx: Same as upright unless it is surrounded by negative
people. cards, then things are ending and you are becoming alone.

Heart/Kalp: Love, positive emotions from both sides. Rx: Disappointment, hurt, your love isn’t reciprocated.

House/Ev: Family, neighbors, new home, friends visiting. Rx: Negative environment.

Key/Anahtar: Opens doors to success, relationships. Rx: Problems you got yourself into and now need to get
yourself out of and you might not know how.

Letter/Mektup: Good news from far away, positive Rx: Bad news is coming or what you are waiting for isn’t
message. coming.

Mice/Fareler: Being treated unfairly, someone is stealing Rx: You will get back what has been taken, justice.
from you.

Moon/Ay: Emotional pain, hurting inside, moody feelings. Rx: None.

Mountain/Dag: Strength, friendships helping, wealth, Rx: Lack of strength, no help, powerless, poverty.

Opium/Afyon: Need time to think, do something different, Rx: Your’e not getting over something, using things to
time to get over it. escape from the situation (drugs, alcohol, etc).
Owl/Baykus: Wisdom, symbol of Katina, someone who is Rx: Someone doesn’t know what they want, seems to
wise. know everything but doesn’t.

Path/Yol: Making a decision, following your path, on the Rx: You don’t know what to do, at a standstill, made a bad
right path, making the right choices. choice.

Ring/Alyans: Relationships, love, good partnership. Rx: Divorce, separation, ending.

River Nile/Nil Nehri: Money, wealth, work, abundance. Rx: Obsessed with something, drawing in it.

Ship/Yelkenli: Change, traveling, far away. Rx: Standstill, that change you want isn’t happening.

Snake/Yilan: Danger, enemy. Rx: Forgiveness, either offered or received.

Stars/Yildizlar: Wish granted, popularity, famous. Rx: Can’t see the stars, not recognized, feeling alone.

Sun/Gunes: Love, abundance, wealth, light and positivity. Rx: None.

Tomb/Mezar: Death, ending. Rx: You can deal with what is ending, you can overcome.

Tower/Kale: Power, strength, building, something being Rx: Destruction, weakness.


Tree/Agac: Good health, well being, growth. Rx: Bad health, instability, possible danger.

Yatagan: Pain and danger. Rx: You know what to do to protect yourself so it can’t hurt
you anymore.

The Significators
Diamond/Air: Blonde hair, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini Ebony/Earth: Black hair, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Emerald/Water: Brunette hair, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Ruby/Fire: Red hair, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
**Prince/Princess under 40 ** King/Queen over 40

Tanridna Spread

23 17 11 5 1 7 13 19 25

21 15 9 3 S/27 4 10 16 22

26 20 14 8 2 6 12 18 24

5, 1, 7: Thoughts & Feelings 3 and back in grey—past moving away in time from S
8, 2, 6: Hopes & Fears 4 and forward in grey—future moving away in time from S
1: Major thought, feeling or event 23, 21, 26 read as significant past event
2: Ground you stand on or major hope/fear 25, 22, 24 read as significant future event
27: Outcome, final card laid over significator *At the end of the reading pull a Spirit card for advice.
Center row: Main events; Top row: Influences the card under it; Bottom row: Details or hidden influences of card above.

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