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Limba engleză, Clasa a V-a

Numele şi prenumele elevului......................................

● Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor exerciţiilor se acordă 90 de puncte. Din

oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.
● Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 minute.

I Read the note from a student who wants a book from a library.
Fill in the information on the Reservation Form.

To: Weston University Library

My teacher wants me to read „Understanding Science” before my exam on 17th April. I am

on holiday in Northfleet at the moment but I’ll return to my home at 22 King’s Road, Weston
on 9th April. I would like to get the book the next day and keep it for a week. It’s by S.J.
Thank you!
Mary Jones


Reservation Form

Name of the book:

Name of the writer:
When do you want the book?
For how long?
Student’s name:
Student’s address:

II Underline the correct form:

Singular Plural

1 dish dishes/ dishs

2 carpet carpets/ carpetes
3 bath bathes/ baths
4body bodyes/ bodies
5scarf scarfs/ scarves
6 fireman firemans/ firemen
7tooth toothes/ teeth
8monkey monkeys/ monkeies

III Read the description of some people in a family. What is the word for each
1. This is your mother’s brother. _______________
2. She is your father’s mother. __________________
3. This is your father’s sister. ___________________
4. If a chid is a girl, she is this. __________________
5. He is your mom’s husband. _______________

IV Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.

1. This is made from fruit and you can put it on your bread with a knife. .......................
2. Players in this game throw, catch and hit the ball on a sports field. .......................
3. These have pictures on them and you can write on the back and send them to friends
when you’re on holiday. .......................
4. It is this person’s job to write about news in a newspaper. .......................
5. This person flies a plane and usually wears a uniform. .......................
6. People like reading these because they have stories with pictures or photos on their
pages. .......................
7. Some people like this in their tea or coffee and they put it in with a
spoon. .......................
8. You take a lot of these when you are on holiday, using your camera.

a pilot sugar magazines baseball postcards jam a journalist photographs

V Complete the following dialogue:

Ann: What___________________________________?
Agnes: Kovacs.
Ann: Where ____________________________________?
Agnes: Hungary.
Ann: What ____________________________?
Agnes: I’m a student
Ann: How ______________________?
Agnes: I’m 17.

VI Talk about yourself in no more than 80 words. Say your name, age what you like and
dislike; talk about your family (what do they look like, what do they do, etc.)

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