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Struggles and Experiences of being the Eldest Child in the family

among select
Junior High School Students

A Research Paper Presented in the Junior High School Department

Carlos F. Gonzales High School

In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for English 10

Submitted by:

Joana Marie Castro

Djenna Mae Francisco
Carmela Moya
Celine Tolentino
Eddielyn Dela Cruz
Carl Justin Miranda
Gio Andrei Palomo

10 - Santol

Submitted to:

Mrs. Angeline Milan

Research Teacher

A. Background Information

Growing up with siblings can be a real struggle sometimes. As the eldest you
have to understand them and give up something you like for them. They seem to always
show up at just the most inconvenient moments and never shut up, no matter how many
times you tell them to stop talking and go away. Though being the eldest in the family
do have some advantages, but the struggle of being the eldest child is both a blessing
and a curse. Being the eldest child in the family puts you in a unique position. Your
life changes the day your parents introduce you to your younger sibling and from then
onwards, you are always expected to set the perfect example for every kid in the family.
Though you get to dominate your siblings, scare them with all the crazy stuff (most
common one being — “you were picked from a dustbin!”) and have an upper hand in
many situations, but this privilege comes at a price.

Earlier this year, the Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of
Essex published groundbreaking research which showed that firstborn girls are 13 percent
more ambitious than firstborn sons. It suggested that an eldest female daughter was
statistically more likely to end up with the highest qualification of the family. The paper
goes on to note that it has been observed that children in larger families have
significantly lower levels of aspirations than those from smaller. Many has wondered if
the eldest of two or three children would experience 'eldest child syndrome' to the same
effect as someone with more younger siblings. However, the paper's lead researcher
Feifei Bu said that her data found "no evidence" to suggest that the birth order effect
differs between small and larger sibling groups. She further explained how the research
showed that a larger gap between each child did show an effect on educational
attainment. When publishing the study, she noted: "It is interesting that we observe a
distinct firstborn advantage in education, even though parents in modern society are more
likely to be egalitarian in the way they treat their children."

Child psychologist Dr. Rachel Andrew said that she sees a "number of effects that
being the eldest sibling can have" from the adults and young people she sees. Dr.
Andrew confirmed that as the eldest, being given responsibility constantly can see the
child "having more in common with adults rather than their peers. They can also
internalize that in order to be loved/accepted that they need to work hard and be
responsible. These patterns can lead to depression in adolescence/adulthood, particularly if
in spite of working hard, success does not seem to be achieved".

Dr. Andrew explained: "Other siblings may find it hard to accept changes in eldest
siblings often because if an eldest child changes their behavior it will often have a
knock on effect on the other children and the parents and the way a family
functions. "Often, eldest siblings I've met have felt liberated when they have taken a
stance against being responsible or chosen to accept themselves as they are, rather than
viewing themselves as only loveable when they achieve certain things," he said. IQ tests
suggest that first-born children may be more intelligent than their later siblings,
performing better at school and college, and going on to earn higher salaries in adult
life. However, many psychologists reject this point of view, believing that the evidence
for this is inconclusive.

Being the eldest child in the family both have advantages and disadvantages. For
example, you have authority, that’s one advantage of being the eldest child. And although
here are times where you wish you’re just the only child you love your sibling/s, even
if they drive you up a wall. As corny as it sounds, you're blessed to have each other,
and you know it.
The researchers aim to identify the struggles and experiences of the eldest child in the
family among the select junior high school students in order to inform the students and
the teachers about the problem that the eldest child is facing.

B. Method of Study

The method used in conducting this study is through surveys. This is done by giving survey

questionnaires to grade levels 7 to 10 students of CFGHS. The researchers identified those students who

are the eldest child among their family and randomly selected for sampling purpose. Furthermore, it was

conducted with references such as searching a book in the library, browsing from the internet and other

related materials which can fully help in presenting this study very well.

C. Purpose of the Study

This study will benefit the following persons: To students for them to understand that being the

eldest child among the family both have advantages and disadvantages thus also come great

responsibility. To teachers that they will determine the problems on their students on why are they losing

interest in class and lacking motivation to participate, by that they can come up with a strategy to

motivate their students. And lastly to parents. That whatever the result of this study, they will be aware of

the performance of their children and give them a chance to talk to each other and guide them.

D. Scope and Limitation

This study was conducted at the CFGHS grade levels 7 to 10 who are the eldest child among the

family. The researchers focused only on the struggles and experiences of being the eldest child in the

family of the grade levels 7 to 10 students of CFGHS.


The graph will show how the students or respondents, were able to express their thoughts and

feelings of being the eldest child in the family. This will serve as the basis in forming the conclusion

according to the data gathered.

Table 1.1. Age Profile of Students

Age Respondent Percentage
12 4 8%
13 12 24%
14 13 26%
15 19 38%
16 1 2%
17 1 2%

The table 1.1 shows that most of the respondents or students subjected to this study are 15

years old that constitute 19 persons or 38% in percentage form. In addition, some of them

are either 12, 13, 14 , 16 or 17 years old.

Table 1.2. Gender of Respondent


Male Female
In table 1.2, it shows that 37 students (or 74% ) are female while 13 students (or 24%) are

male which is the eldest child in their family.

Table 2. Responsibilities of the Eldest Child

Responsibilities of the eldest child

Washing the Cleaning the Taking care of Cooking Others (Please
dishes house your younger Specify


In table 2, shows that 39 or 78% students responsibilities at home is washing the dishes, In

addition cleaning the house comes in second with 37 or 74% students.

Table 3. Advantages of Being the Eldest Child

You can give orders to your
younger siblings

You have all your parents
24% 30% attention back when you were
You can make your siblings
believe everything you say

24% 11%
You are the resoonsible one in
10% your parents eyes

You have authority

In table 3, it shows that 30% of the students answered that the advantages of being
the eldest child is because you can give orders to your younger siblings, 24% of the
students answered that it’s because you are the responsible one in your parents eyes or
because you have authority.

Table 4. Disadvantages of Being the Eldest Child

Respondents Percentage
You get blamed for something 21 42%
you didn’t do
You have to always be the 32 64%
understanding one
Your parents always compare 20 40%
you to others
You have all the responsibilities 17 34%
at home
You have to share everything 9 18%
Others (Please specify) 1 2%

In table 4, it shows that the main disadvantage of being the eldest child is that they have
to always be the understanding one with 32 respondents or 64% in percentage from.

Table 5. Eldest Child dealing with their responsibilities

Respondents Percentage
Hanging out with friends 28 56%
Watching movies/videos/etc. 17 34%
Reading books/wattpad 22 44%
Using social media 25 50%
Listening to music 37 74%
Having your own “me time” 23 46%

In table 5, it shows that most of eldest child spend their free time listening to music with
37 respondents or 74% in percentage form followed by hanging out with friends with 28
respondents or 56%

Table 6. Opinions or Advice of Respondents to their fellow Eldest Child

Respondents Percentage
Be Responsible 12 24%
Be a good influence to your 4 8%
younger siblings
Be patient 5 10%
Be Understanding 8 16%
No answer or nonsense 21 42%

In this table, table 6, it shows that 21 respondents or 42% in percentage form didn’t
gave their own opinion about the topic but instead gave either nothing or a nonsense
answer. In addition, 12 respondents or 24% in percentage form answered to be a
responsible eldest child.

III. Summary of Results

This study is composed of 37 females students from different grade levels and male
from different grade levels and the age range of the respondents are either 15, 14 or 13.
this study, it shows that the majority in gender of being an eldest child are females in grade
levels 7 to 10 of CFGHS.

The students are given a survey questionnaire to know what are their struggles and
experiences of being the eldest child in the family. In table 2, it shows that most of the eldest
child’s responsibility at home is washing the dishes, in tables 3 and 4 shows the negative
and positive effect of being the eldest child and 29 respondents answered that the positive
effect of being the eldest is that they can give orders to their younger siblings while on the
negative effects 32 respondents answered that its because they have to always be the
understanding one which leads us to one thing and that is most of the eldest child does not
like being pressured because of their responsibilities as an eldest child.

In table 5 it shows that most of the eldest child tend to listen to music with 37 respondents
to lessen thepressure given that they are the eldest child followed by hanging out with
friends with respondents. This shows that by doing those things it lessen the pressure given
to them. In table 6, it shows that 21 respondents can’t or didn’t gave their own opinion
regarding in giving an advice their fellow eldest child while on the other 12 respondents
answered thatthey should become responsible.


A. Conclusion

This paper investigated the struggles and experiences of being the eldest child in the
family. This paper was conducted with 50 respondents in total wherein 37 respondents are
female and 13 are male, most of them are either at the age range of 15, 14 or 13 with the
majority of female respondents as the eldest child in the family.

Therefore, the struggles and experiences of being the eldest child in the family are
understandable, manageable at the same time reasonable, but that does not mean that they didn’t
go to any changes either in their behavior or how they act in front of their parents or family and
in front of their friends. Being the eldest child in the family gives a lot of pressure since you
have responsibilities to accomplish not just as an eldest child but also as a daughter/son and as a
student. Given the pressure they tend to behave differently that can cause harm with the
relationship with their family members. Eldest child tend to have problems with their
relationship with their family members mostly with their parents because of jealousy and the
thought of unfair treatment with between them and their siblings. But, in time, this kind of
mindset or behavior can change since they are still growing and going through the stage of
adolescent though this changes may cause harm they are hoping the full support of their family
and their understanding.

Being the eldest child is both a gift and a curse. A gift because there’s so many advantage
of being the eldest child and a curse because being the eldest child also means great
responsibility that should be taken seriously.

B. Recommendation

In this chapter, the following are recommendations given by the researchers to help
the parents, students, and even the teachers, and the readers to understand, cope and
adjust to the situation of the person experiencing this kind of situation.

To the parents, that they may spend some time with their children. Having a conversation
with them face to face. Spending time with them without the use of technology such as
MOBILE PHONES, COMPUTER, etc. sparing time with them is a good way to say that
you care for them. Moreover, this can also lessen the tension between you and your
children and the they feel when your around. This can also be a chance for you to have a
heart-to-heart talk with your children.

To the Students, that they should understand that being the eldest child is something to be
proud of because it means that when the time comes you can be the first one to help your
parents when they retire or settle down. Remove the thought of jealousy and unfair
treatment in your mind instead try to talk to your parents and siblings and spend some
quality time with them. You’re the eldest child so your parents have absolute trust in you.

To the Teachers, that if ever they encounter a situation such as a student being the eldest
child in their family become a reason for their lack of interest to participate in class try to
understand their situation. Ensure that they will perform well in their performance with
their academic life. Give them full support and think of a strategy to boost their

To the Readers, that if they ever met or encounter a student or a person with the same
situation try to understand them and if they ever do something inappropriate, help them
by reaching out your hand. If needed, try to be a good influence to them.


1.) What is your:

Age: Gender: Male Female
Grade and Section:

2.) Are you the eldest child in your family?

Yes No

3.) What are your responsibilities as the eldest child?

Washing the dishes
Cleaning the house
Taking care of your younger sibling/s
Others…(Please Specify)

4.) What do you think is the advantages of being the eldest child? Please choose
You can give orders to your younger sibling/s
You have all your parents attention back when you were young
You can make your sibling/s believe everything you say
You are the responsible one in your parents eyes
You have authority
Others…(please specify)

5.) What are the disadvantages of being the eldest child? Please choose 2.
You get blamed for something you didn’t do
You have to always be the understanding one
Your parents always compare you to others
You have all the responsibilities at home
You have to share everything
Others…(Please Specify)

6.) How do you deal with the responsibilities of being the eldest child?
Hanging out with friends
Watching movies/videos/etc.
Reading books/wattpad
Using social media
Listening to music
Having your own “me time”

7.) What advice can you give to those who are also the eldest child in their

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