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Diphtheria Toxin:Receptor Interaction: Association,

Dissociation, and Effect of pH
Joanna S. Brooke, Jeong-Heon Cha, and Leon Eidels1
Department of Microbiology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,
6000 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75235-9048

Received June 8, 1998

some, the B fragment undergoes a conformational

Diphtheria toxin (DT) binds to a specific heparin- change and inserts into the endosomal membrane bi-
binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor layer (6); this insertion facilitates the translocation of
(HB-EGF) precursor that is expressed in DT-sensitive
the A fragment from the endosome into the cytosol and
cells. DT binds to the cell-surface HB-EGF precursor
is followed by the reduction of the interfragment disul-
with an apparent dissociation constant (KD) of É 1 1
fide bond (7). In the cytosol, the A fragment catalyzes
1008 0 1009 M at 47C, a temperature at which toxin binds
but is not internalized. The interaction of DT with the the ADP-ribosylation of elongation factor 2 molecules
cell-surface receptor, however, may be influenced by resulting in the inhibition of protein synthesis (8-10).
other cell-surface components. We used a biosensor Since all eukaryotic elongation factor 2 molecules can
method to measure the binding of DT to immobilized be ADP-ribosylated but not all eukaryotic cells are sen-
recombinant human HB-EGF (hHB-EGF) at 257C with sitive to DT, a functional receptor for DT must be pres-
no other cellular components present. We observed ent in order to initiate the cytotoxicity process (11,12).
that at pH 7.4, using this in vitro two component sys- As a result of studying the cytotoxicity of DT in
tem, DT binds to hHB-EGF with an apparent KD of 2.7 HeLa cells in the presence or absence of CRM197, a
1 1008 M. We also observed that the dissociation of DT competitor mutant DT, Ittelson and Gill (13) hypoth-
from hHB-EGF at pH values that approach those of the esized that there were specific cell-surface receptors
endosome occurs at a faster rate as the pH is de- for DT. The non-toxic mutant toxin CRM197 has an
creased. These results suggest that the low pH of the intact B fragment but an enzymatically inactive A
endosome is sufficient to allow DT to dissociate from fragment (14). Dose-response curves measuring pro-
the HB-EGF precursor, prior to the translocation of tein synthesis inhibition of HeLa cells indicated that
the enzymatically active fragment of DT into the cyto- CRM197 competitively inhibited the binding of DT
sol. q 1998 Academic Press to the cells (13). Ittelson and Gill (13) proposed that
the toxin was binding to a surface receptor prior to
passage through the cell membrane and into the cyto-
sol, and that CRM197 was able to inhibit this binding
Diphtheria toxin (DT) is an exotoxin that is secreted
to cells. An apparent dissociation constant (KD) of É
from lysogenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae as a poly-
1008 M was reported for the CRM197:receptor com-
peptide of Mr Å 58,340 (1); DT may be proteolytically
plex from a Schild plot of the inhibition of DT activity
digested to yield two disulfide-linked fragments, an A
by CRM197 at 377C (13). Since DT and CRM197 have
fragment of Mr Å 21,167 and a B fragment of Mr Å
identical B fragments and the B fragment is neces-
37,195 (2). DT kills toxin-sensitive eukaryotic cells by
sary for the entry of DT into the cytosol, the investi-
inhibiting protein synthesis. The toxin binds, via the
gators reasoned that the apparent KD value for the
receptor-binding domain of its B fragment, to specific
DT:receptor complex must be similar to that observed
cell-surface receptors, and toxin:receptor complexes
with the CRM197:receptor complex (13).
then are internalized via clathrin-dependent endocyto-
Middlebrook et al. (12) examined the binding of ra-
sis into an endosomal compartment (3-5). When the
diolabeled DT to highly DT-sensitive Vero cells and
toxin is exposed to the low pH environment of the endo-
derived an apparent association constant (KA) of 9 1
108 M01 (an apparent KD of 1.11 1 1009 M) from a
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: (214) Scatchard plot of the binding data. In this system DT
648-5906. E-mail: LEIDEL@MEDNET.SWMED.EDU. was allowed to bind to cells at 47C, a temperature at

297 0006-291X/98 $25.00

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All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

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which binding occurs but internalization of the toxin biosensor chip and examined the kinetics of DT binding
does not. The low temperature, however, appeared to to hHB-EGF. We found that DT dissociates from hHB-
alter the rate of association of DT with the cells (12), EGF at neutral pH with an apparent KD É 1008 M that
and may have also affected the rate of dissociation of is similar to values reported for binding of DT to DT
DT from the toxin:receptor complex as compared to the receptor-expressing cells. We found that in an acidic
actual rate observed in vivo. environment DT dissociates from hHB-EGF at a faster
The ability to measure the binding of DT to DT-sensi- rate compared to that at neutral pH, supporting a
tive cells facilitated the search for the cell surface DT model in which DT dissociates from the receptor at the
receptor. Immunoprecipitation and cross-linking ex- low pH of the endosomal compartment prior to inser-
periments using radiolabeled DT revealed a range of tion and translocation.
Mr É 10,000 0 20,000 for the cell surface receptor (15).
In our laboratory the identification and eventual isola- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tion of the gene that encodes the DT receptor was ac-
complished by expressing cDNA from highly DT-sensi- Materials. DT was purchased from Connaught Laboratories and
tive monkey kidney Vero cells in the normally DT-resis- purified as described (15). Recombinant hHB-EGF was obtained from
tant mouse L-cells and by screening for DT-sensitive R & D Systems. We used hHB-EGF as a DT-receptor analogue; the
mouse cells (16-18). The specific binding of radioiodin- amino acid sequences for the mature HB-EGF of the human and the
monkey proteins differ in only one amino acid that is not important
ated DT to these DT-sensitive mouse L-cells was mea- for binding to DT, residue 87 which is Asn in the human and Ser in
sured at 47C, and an apparent KD was obtained that the monkey (18). The dehydrated tissue culture medium 199 was
was approximately 10-fold higher than the apparent purchased from Gibco BRL. All other chemicals were purchased from
KD obtained with Vero cells (18). The receptor for DT Sigma.
was identified as a cell surface-expressed heparin-bind- Instrumentation and reagents. The BIAcore 2000 system and
ing epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB- CM5 sensor chips were obtained from Pharmacia. The buffers used
EGF) precursor (18). Analysis of the amino acid se- with the BIAcore 2000 system were: HEPES-buffered saline (HBS)
(10 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl and 3.4 mM EDTA); HBS-
quence of the HB-EGF precursor showed that the struc- P20 (HBS containing 0.05% (v/v) BIAcore Surfactant P20); running
ture contains a signal sequence (amino acid residues 1- buffer (tissue culture medium 199 with Hanks salts, 50 mg/ml BSA,
23) and is composed of three domains: an extracellular 100 mg/ml gelatin, 20 mM HEPES, pH 7.4), and three other running
domain (residues 24-159), a transmembrane domain buffers with the same components as the previous buffer but with
(residues 160-184) and a carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic 20 mM sodium maleate buffer substituted for the HEPES buffer, and
the pH of these buffers was adjusted to 6.9, 6.4, and 5.8, respectively;
domain (residues 185-208) (18). Specific proteolytic regeneration buffer (10 mM glycine/HCl, pH 2.0, with 0.005% (v/v)
cleavage within the extracellular domain of the HB- Tween 20, 150 mM NaCl); carboxymethylated dextran activation
EGF precursor results in the release of mature HB- solutions (0.1 M N-hydroxysuccinimide and 0.1 M N-ethyl-N*-(3-di-
EGF (residues 63-148) (19). ethylaminopropyl carbodiimide); coupling buffer (10 mM sodium ace-
Using eukaryotic cells expressing mutant DT recep- tate, pH 4.0), and deactivation solution (1 M ethanolamine, pH 8.5).
Protein immobilizations were performed using the standard BIAcore
tors, amino acids within the EGF-like domain of the amine coupling protocol provided by Pharmacia.
receptor (corresponding to residues 115-148) have been
Sensor chip configuration. Recombinant hHB-EGF was immobi-
identified as important for DT binding (20-24). More lized by standard amine coupling using 10 mM sodium acetate, pH
recently we have identified three amino acid residues 4.0 as the coupling buffer and using a flow rate of 10 ml/min. A
that lie within the mature HB-EGF region of the DT running buffer flow rate of 30 ml/min was used in the kinetic experi-
receptor as the most important residues for binding to ments.
DT, for toxin sensitivity, and for toxin affinity (24). Kinetic analysis. The coupling of hHB-EGF onto the chips re-
Furthermore, recombinant mature human HB-EGF sulted in a range of 125-289 resonance units (RU) immobilized on the
(hHB-EGF) has been shown to effectively inhibit the sensor chips. DT, resuspended in running buffer at concentrations of
25 nM-1 mM, was injected using the kinject method of injection and
binding of radiolabeled DT to DT receptor-expressing allowed to flow at a temperature of 257C over the CM5 chip with
cells (20). This result indicates that mature HB-EGF immobilized hHB-EGF. DT at the concentrations of 25-200 nM when
is able to act as a soluble DT-receptor analogue. injected over the immobilized hHB-EGF did not produce enough data
In this study, we report the association and dissocia- points to use in the 1:1 analysis of the DT:hHB-EGF complex, and
tion rates for DT binding to hHB-EGF at 257C using a thus were not employed. A negative control used to monitor non-
specific binding to the sensor chip surface was achieved by activating
biosensor kinetic analysis. We also compared the disso- and inactivating the carboxymethylated dextran in the first flow cell
ciation rates of DT from the DT:hHB-EGF complex at without coupling any ligand to this flow cell. To eliminate possible
different pH values. We employed the BIAcore instru- bulk refractive index effects, the surface plasmon response observed
ment (Pharmacia) in which protein-protein interac- for running buffer passed over this first flow cell was subtracted from
tions are observed as changes in refractive index over the binding curves observed for the interaction of DT with hHB-
EGF. For the kinetic analysis of DT dissociation from hHB-EGF
time as one protein (analyte) binds to a second protein at different pH conditions, the surface plasmon resonance response
(ligand) that is covalently coupled to a sensor chip (25). observed for running buffer passed over the immobilized hHB-EGF
Using this technology, we immobilized hHB-EGF on a was subtracted from the binding curves observed for the dissociation


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FIG. 1. Binding of DT to immobilized hHB-EGF. The first arrow represents the start of the injection of DT over the immobilized hHB-
EGF. The arrow with a ball represents the end of the DT injection and the beginning of the flow of the running buffer. From the bottom
curve to the top curve, the respective binding curves for DT of 400 nM, 500 nM, 600 nM, 700 nM, 800 nM, and 1 mM concentrations are
shown. The numbers ①, ②, and ③ represent the baseline of running buffer, the association phase of the binding of DT to hHB-EGF, and
the dissociation phase of the release of DT from hHB-EGF, respectively. RU, resonance units. This figure shows a representative experiment
(see Materials and Methods).

of DT from hHB-EGF. Version 2.1 of the BIAcore software package the binding curves shown in Fig. 1; the interaction
was used to analyze the curves. The values for the dissociation rate
of DT with hHB-EGF displayed first order kinetics
constant (kd) were obtained using the dissociation part of the curve
and plotting ln(RUi/Rt) vs. time, where RUi represents the initial and permitted us to use a 1:1 analysis for the study
resonance units response and Rt represents the resonance units at of DT association and dissociation in the DT:hHB-
a given time. The slope of this plot was used to derive the kd value. EGF complex. The calculated average values for ka
To obtain the values for the association rate constant (ka), first the and kd were 7.9 1 104 M01s01 and 2.0 1 1003 s01,
plots of dRU/dt vs. R for each concentration of DT were derived, the
respectively, and the calculated average value for the
slopes of these curves were then plotted vs. DT concentration, and
the slope of this second plot yielded the ka value. The values for the apparent KD was 2.7 1 1008 M (Table 1). This KD
apparent dissociation constant, KD , were determined by using the value is within the range of biological affinities (1008
formula KD Å kd/ka . The kinetic experiment was performed twice, 0 1009 M) described using biosensor analysis for such
each time using a different chip. The pH experiment was performed ligand-receptor interactions as EGF with its recep-
twice (once at 600 nM DT and once at 800 nM DT), each time using
a different chip. The values obtained for the binding of DT to hHB-
tor, ligands for receptor tyrosine kinases, and human
EGF cannot be compared between the kinetics experiment (Fig. 1) interleukin 5 with its receptor (26-29). The apparent
and the effect of pH experiment (Fig. 2) because a HEPES-based KD value of 2.7 1 1008 M obtained here is in agree-
running buffer was used in the former and maleate-based running ment with the reported value of 1.5 1 1008 M ob-
buffers were used in the latter. tained from an in vivo binding assay using 125I-la-
belled DT and DT receptor-expressing L-M(TK0) cells
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (30). In contrast, the binding of radioiodinated DT to
Vero cells resulted in an apparent KD of 1.1 0 2.0 1
DT binds to recombinant human HB-EGF with an 1009 M (12, 30); this KD is approximately 10-fold
apparent KD of 2.7 1 1008 M. To examine the bind- lower than the KD we obtained in this study. There-
ing of DT to hHB-EGF, increasing concentrations of fore, since the value of the apparent KD determined
DT were injected over the hHB-EGF immobilized on in the present study is derived from the kinetics of
the CM5 sensor chip. No binding was observed when the interaction of only two components-DT and hHB-
running buffer was passed over the immobilized EGF- it is reasonable to expect that in Vero cells,
hHB-EGF (Fig. 1, ①), indicating that none of the com- which display a higher toxin affinity, there may be
ponents in the running buffer bind to hHB-EGF. The additional factor(s) that also participate in the inter-
binding of DT (400 nM-1 mM) to hHB-EGF produced action of DT and the cell-surface HB-EGF precursor.


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Dissociation of DT from hHB-EGF at Acidic pH Conditions

DT pH of kd 1 103
(nM) running buffer (1/s)

600 6.93 1.3 (0.1)

600 6.42 1.9 (0.1)
600 5.84 3.2 (0.1)

Note. The dissociation of DT from hHB-EGF was measured at 257C

using the maleate-based running buffers described in Materials and
Methods. The running buffers were used at a flow rate of 30 ml/
min. The standard error values are shown in parentheses. This table
shows values for a representative experiment (see Materials and
Methods). The kd values obtained in this experiment cannot be di-
rectly compared to those obtained in the kinetics experiment (Table
1) where a HEPES-based buffer system was employed.

receptor participates in the insertion and translocation

process. Therefore, to test whether DT dissociates from
hHB-EGF at acidic pH values, the following experi-
FIG. 2. Dissociation of DT from immobilized hHB-EGF in run- ment was performed. hHB-EGF was immobilized on a
ning buffers of decreasing pH. The results for DT of 600 nM concen-
tration in running buffers of pH 6.9, 6.4, and 5.8 are shown. The
CM5 chip and DT at a concentration of 600 nM was
association phase (at pH 7.4) of these curves is not shown. The origin injected in running buffer (pH 7.4) over the hHB-EGF.
represents the end of the DT injection and is the time at which the After the injection had finished, the dissociation of DT
running buffer of specific pH has started flowing over the sensor from hHB-EGF was allowed to occur in one of the run-
chip. RU, resonance units. This figure shows a representative experi- ning buffers of pH 6.9, 6.4, or 5.8 (see Materials and
ment (see Materials and Methods).
Methods); as the pH of the running buffer decreased,
DT dissociated at faster rates from hHB-EGF (Fig. 2
DT dissociates from hHB-EGF at faster rates under and Table 2). Interestingly, elution at pH 5.3 (and be-
conditions of decreasing pH. The exact nature of the low) did not result in a decrease in response (data not
events occurring in the endosomal compartment prior shown), suggesting that the toxin had become dena-
to insertion and translocation have not been fully eluci- tured and adhered to the chip. The denatured and pos-
dated. It is possible that the toxin dissociates from its sibly aggregated toxin bound to hHB-EGF on the BIA-
core chip could not be dissociated using a variety of
receptor at the low pH of the endosome or that the
such regeneration conditions as high pH, salts, and
nonionic detergents (data not shown). Our result of DT
TABLE 1 denaturation at pH 5.3 is interesting because at this
Binding of DT to hHB-EGF
pH at 377C, DT is in an environment that approaches
the pH found in endosomes (31, 32), and the toxin is
DT ka 1 1004 kd 1 103 KD 1 108 in a more hydrophobic state than at neutral pH (33-
(nM) (1/Mr1/s) (1/s) (M) 35). Furthermore, at a low pH, DT binds nonionic deter-
gents (33, 36, 37), binds lipids tightly and rapidly, and
400 12.2 (4.4) 1.9 (0.1) 1.6 penetrates them due to hydrophobic and electrostatic
500 9.0 (1.3) 1.9 (0.1) 2.1
600 5.3 (1.5) 2.1 (0.1) 4.0 interactions (38). It has been suggested that at this low
700 7.5 (0.8) 2.0 (0.1) 2.7 pH DT is in a transition state where it is capable of
800 6.6 (1.4) 1.9 (0.1) 2.9 inserting into the endosomal membrane prior to the
1000 6.9 (4.2) 1.9 (0.1) 2.8 translocation of the A fragment into the cytosol (6).
Average 7.9 (2.3) 2.0 (0.1) 2.7 (0.6) Blewitt et al. (37) reported that the toxin undergoes
Note. The binding of DT to hHB-EGF was measured at 257C using conformational changes when at low pH (° pH 5 at
running buffer (tissue culture medium 199 with Hanks salts, 50 mg/ 237C, ° pH 5.3 at 377C); tryptophan residues concealed
ml BSA, 100 mg/ml gelatin, 20 mM HEPES, pH 7.4) at a flow rate within the toxin structure are exposed and the toxin
of 30 ml/min. The individual values for ka and kd are shown with becomes hydrophobic and irreversibly aggregates. In
their standard errors in parentheses. The calculated averages for ka the cell at the low pH of the endosome (É pH 5), instead
and kd are shown with their average standard errors in parentheses.
The calculated average Kd is shown with its average deviation in of aggregating, the hydrophobic toxin penetrates the
parenthesis. This table shows values for a representative experiment endosomal membrane and the translocation process is
(see Materials and Methods). initiated.


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