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My philosophy in life: “Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is
something that does not let you sleep.”

(you can use the ideas of philosophers discussed)

Name: Arniel B. Reyes

Age: 18
Sex: Male
Your future profession: BSCS

Photo Photo
Real self False Self



My family influenced my sense of justice. They thought me how to be fair. They are also the one who
influenced my attitude the most.


My friends influenced my linguistics they thought me new words phrases and expressions. They also
influenced my fashion sense and my attitude.


My culture also influenced my sense of fashion and linguistics but not as much as my friends. At also
influenced my attitude towards other people. It also influenced


My gender/Sex influenced my fashion sense the most because as a man I should wear man clothes and
stuffs and it also influenced my hobbies.


My nationality influenced my view of other nationalities as a Filipino I see other nationality as inferior
and others as superior I know that I need to change that but that is how my nationality influenced me.

Socioeconomic Status:

As a middle Class it influenced my spending habits and consumption of food.


Narrative story about you, including all the (6) aspects of the self

Changes and development, including what you have learned in the course subject (UTS)
Through this past month during the second semester I heave learned a lot of things such as balancing
my diet and focusing on my mental state more often then before. I always find myself reading books
more often than playing computer games or just killing time doing nothing. I have also understood my
emotions more clearly and thought about my feelings more thoroughly. I also find myself talking and
socializing more than I use to be. Before I never really wanted to talk to anyone because I always get this
feeling that we all live in our own different world where we are not allowed to enter unless we are in
their league. I have also learned on how to spend my money efficiently and buying things that I just need
that lead me to saving up more money then I used to. I have also felt more connected to the world I find
myself looking for current news and trends that are happening around the globe. I have also controlled
my sexual desires and urges and understood its following consequences. Now I feel like I have been
reburned fresh with new knowledge of life and I am on my way to fully understand myself.


Guide questions:

What did you learn from the course subject?

Do you think you’re well equipped in facing the future and be a better student?

What can you contribute to young aspiring students/ Filipinos?

What I learned from this subject is that Knowing yourself Isn’t what matters, understanding yourself is.
Because knowing oneself is just knowing what you like and dislike, knowing your status, etc. but
understanding your self is knowing why you are doing those things.

I think that I am well equipped in facing the future to become a better student because I know that I
would apply all the things that I have learned I have truly unlocked some of my potentials and I know
that with this knowledge that I have learned it will guide me to unlock other branches that are to be
discovered about myself. It’s like I am on my end game now.

I could contribute by supporting them and helping them get through from the hindrances and feelings
that they are facing using the knowledge that I have learned from this subject. I am confident to help
them from their problems because I have understood myself thus, I could help them understand
theirselves and know why they face those hindrances.

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