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Palm reading is a personal experience which uses

lines on hand, mounts to link the intentions of our
heart with the reasoning of our mind. Each hand is
unique and different. They give us a step by step
recording of an individual’s life from birth to death.
Palmistry remains unrelated to worldly events,
environment or any external conditions.
Our hands contain patterns of power. A persons
health, diet, daily life encounters and many other
inner perspectives are also recorded. These patterns
are made up of lines on hand, mounts or various
other markings. The more a person understands the
message in his/her palms, more in control they can
get of their life. Our hands are a reflection of our
soul, they tell us about ourselves. By the time we are
born, we bring a map of our life in our hands. This
map is a recording of our life till death. Using this map
and our gift of free will, we can become masters of
our own destiny.
• Before we start off , it is necessary we know
which hand represents our past or potential,
and which is the hand of our future. Basically
when a person is right handed, then the left
hand is regarded as the hand we are born
with and the right hand is how we make of life
with the setbacks and opportunities that we
are handed.
• For most people the right hand may be the stronger one and can be considered as the hand of future. If a
person uses both hands equally then they can try different tests and figure out which hand is the more
prominent one. The weaker of the two represents the past.
• The hand of the past denotes traits from past lives and pre-birth conditions giving information on our
possibilities, i.e. what we have come into this life with. Here it is revealed what potential future prospects and
abilities we possess.
• If the hand is not that full of markings or a little bare, then it simply denotes that the person will be a late
developer. It means that the persons life may start showing positive pattern of events later than most. This
hand also symbolizes the subconscious of a persons mind.
• The right hand is the working hand of the present and the future. We may discover that the hand of past has
shown considerable possibilities for the person, but these possibilities just may not show up on the hand of the
• This means that they have not materialized yet or the person has not followed it through. Also there may be
markings which were not there on the hand of potential but are now present on the hand of future. This means
or indicates that the person has developed some traits or made opportunities for them self as they have
progressed in life. Also this hand symbolizes the conscious mind.
• The basic shape of the hand of a person gives us a reflection of a persons main qualities. There may be positive
and negative traits shown by the shape of a persons hand. The key here is to strike a balance.
• The two basic hand shapes are :-
1.The SQUARE hand , which shows the persons down to earth nature.
2.The CONIC, which is round and creative.
• There are also other hand shapes called as psychic, speculate and philosophic hands, which are variations of
the square and conic hand shapes.

• The sun line or the Apollo line is the sister line to the line of fate, ie a second fate line . The sun lines presence gives a boost to the existing
fate line. A strong sun line will always compensate for a weak fate line.

• A strong sun line can be possessed by many well known people in the field of arts, music and writers. The sun line shows a love of all the
creative arts and things of beauty. This line can also indicate the possibility of wealth without working, like inherited money or perhaps
winning the lottery and also happiness and good fortune.

• The line of sun originates from the left-hand side of the palm when looking at the right hand, and visa versa on the left palm. A long
prominent line, free from adverse marks and from liners running across it, the grater the chance of riches coming into the persons life.
• If this line is absent ,it shows that the person may have all kind of excellent qualities, but their lives will be lived unrecognized . Many palms
do not show this line until halfway up the up the hand. This may mean that the person will finally get the recognition that they deserve in
the second half of their lives.



• It is very fortunate for a person to have a strong sun line in the beginning years of their lines. It indicates that there is a good chance for
personal success, fulfillment and happiness in the early years upto 25 years of age.


• If there is absence of the line of sun in this section, then it means that the person may have bad luck and his projects and plans may have
come to nothing. Obstacles have caused the persons progress or ambition to remain unfullfilled.If this line appears.

• This bad luck can be overcome in the end section of the line which shows a persons good fortunes returning.


• If the sun line rises from above the heart line near the end of the palm, this is an especially fortunate sign, even if it hasn't shown up until
now. The person might have experienced early struggle in life, but somehow they will always have been rescued at the last moment, some
thing would always turn up at the last moment just when they really needed it.

• These people may not become very rich at this stage, but they will not be without riches also.
• The line of mercury is the health line of the
person. It is situated on the outer side of the
palm underneath the fourth finger. The
advantage of a missing line of health is that
there is perfect digestion and functioning of
the stomach which brings a clear head and
abounding energy that are essential qualities
for business dealings
• A straight line of health without any markings is desirable. This indicates that there will be good health and partiality of
• The line of health starts from the base of the hand near the wrist straight up the palm to just under the fourth finger.
• If the line is strong and straight with no breaks present and if the life line occurs to be weak , then the mercury line will
act as a boost to it , to support logetivity.
• If there are breaks, then it represents a concern with health. This line monitors the persons performance in all aspects
of life.

• If there is a line at this early period it could show poor health as a child. It may happen that sometimes the line is only
present frm birth to young adulthood.
• If this line disappears from the middle of the palm then it simply indicates that the person has overcome their earlier
delicate health problems.

• If the line of health begins from this period ,then the person is likely to develop health problems during this period. But
if the mercury line is still there from the early stages and continues to be there, then that persons health has not
improved from childhood.

• If there are criss cross lines running over the line at the mid-section shows that worrying helps to keep the health

• If the line of health appears in this area then it is best that it is a clean and not too-deep a line with no adverse
• We may find in the ending section that there are many islands or chaining present. This usually indicates that the
person has been into some addictions and his body is not very physically fit. Extra health care needs to be taken from
here on.

• The line of life is probably the most important
and supreme line on the hand. It not only
foretells us longetivity but also other
important aspects of our life. The main aspect
that this line shows is the persons life energy
force vitality and zest.
• The longer and stronger this line, the greater the life energy force, zest and drive of the individual. A break in most of the lines
present in the hand can be seen as being disruptive, but on the line of life it can indicate a complete change in life, such as a
new home or a career or a new perspective in life.

• Another kind of information that this line gives us, is regarding a persons physical constitution and strength, as well as the
probable course their life will take.

• The line of life starts at the side of the hand about less than an inch below the index finger and runs down towards the wrist
ending below the thumb. The life line surrounds the mount of Venus (the fleshy part of the base of the thumb).

• If this line starts with many islands with a weak appearance, it shows that the person has had a poor start in life. This indicates
childhood difficulties that the person might have experienced early on in life.
• Also early on in the beginning of this line is recorded our relationship with our parents after birth onwards, and early
experiences in the world.

• In our mid life, a well shaped arch forming a regular course denotes the ability to look at life objectively, assessing the positive
and negative aspects calmly and sensibly.
• Any little lines attached to the line of life, pointing upwards refer to some help given at those particular times to further
• If the line of life crosses way over the palm to the middle of the hand or beyond, it shows a very adventurous life. Travelling will
also be a key factor to achieving their goal and they will strive constantly for personal freedom.

• The longer this line continues down the hand in a strong clear manner, the better the heath of a person will be. This shows that
the person has continuing vitality and zest even in the declining years.

• If the line ends under the mount of Venus and curves around the ball of the thumb, then it shows that the person will no travel
far and would prefer to be on home ground.

• If the line of life heads across the palm heading towards the mount of moon, then the person is an adventurer and is not
destined for a conventional routine existence.
• The line of heart is known as the curve of creativity
and represents our emotional life. It also indicated
whether a person is warm and giving or introverted
and cold. Emotions change or fluctuate continually,
as they are experiences of our creative self.
• All the fluctuations in turn lead to markings on the heart line like breaks, chaining etc. A long straight line that runs
across a persons palm almost always indicates a coldness in the persons temperament. This line can be said to be a
record that contains both emotional state of being and physical condition of the heart.
• Numerous fragmented smaller hair-lines coming off the main line indicate emotional breakdown caused by fear and
• The line of heart is read from the mount of mercury. This line is located at the top of the palm and travels roughly
parellel to the head line and just above it nearer to the fingers.
• This line starts at the base of the mount of mercury, which is under the little finger, and continues straight across the
hand, usually ending in a curve finishing in the middle of the jupiter mount. This is a perfect heart line, which is,
needless to say, very rare.
• If a person was unhappy in his childhood, then this will be recorded in detail at the beginning of the line. The
circumstances that actually that caused the unfortunate emotional upsets will be recorded on the life line.
• If the line of heart starts high up, curving around the mercury point, then it can indicate a talent for the mystic arts. It is
also a much desired placement as it foretells a vary happy nature.
• The deeper the line is in this section, the more able the person is to enjoy the purely physical aspects of love.
• Islands in this section of the line of heart are always a weakening sign, probably showing illness and heart problems.
These people should keep a close check on their health and keep fit.
• A descending line of heart, where the end dips down toward the beginning of the head line, reveals a jealous nature,
possessive in relationships.
• When the end of the line branches into three lines, this is a good marking signifying a balance between the emotions,
common sense and physical pleasure.
• If the middle branch of the line of heart ends between the index finger and the third finger, it indicates we will
emotionally attain the partner we have been looking for.

• The line of head reveals our mental
capacity and intellectual prowess.
This line also shows the extent and
depth of a persons reasoning power,
memory, career potential and
common sense attributes of the
person. The perfect line of head
which is rarely seen is slightly curved
in the middle .
• The line of head travels straight across the upper part of the palm, positioned below the heart line and above
the life line.
• If the life line slopes down, then it indicates a good balance between imagination and logic.
• If the line is delicate and weak, then the persons talents would be better directed towards the arts, and it also
shows that the person is less inclined to have the emotional stamina to achieve.
• If the head line does not have a curve at all and just goes straight across the palm, then it shows the person has
immense business acumen, great concentration power and is very practical as well as determined.
• The stronger this line is at the beginning, the better the chance the person has to utilize their reasoning power
later on.
• If the line is very thick or broad at the beginning, the person will only be happy if they get their own way.
• If the mid section of the head line is free of black dots, breaks or islands, then the person will have a relatively
hassle free adult-hood and life will treat them kindly.
• When the start of the line is strong and the middle is weak, then it portrays that the person has not fulfilled
their potential. Usually outside forces have interrupted their ability to concentrate.


• If the end of the line slopes slightly down towards the wrist, then the person has a good imagination and will be
creative in their life.
• If the end section has any breaks in the line or any black dots then depression could be a possibility and their
intellect will also be poorly balanced.
• The line of fate is also known as the line of
Saturn, because of where it ends. The line of
fate gives us information about career and
work prospects also. The strength of this line
determines our chance of achieving a decent
standard of living based on the goals we have
set for ourselves

• This line is situated in the middle of the palm, usually running up in a vertical line from the base of the palm
just above the wrist towards the third finger.
• When this line is strong and without any markings, it shows that the person will have minimum no of problems
and a secure life.
• If the line is weak with markings or breaks in it, then it indicates that the person hasn't found their role or
career path in life.
• The first inch and a half on the line depicts the early years. A plain uninterrupted starting start with a strong line
low down the palm near the wrist shows the person was well directed for many years and basically had an idea
of what they wanted to do.
• People who are not so sure of their intentions or goals in life will have several fragmented lines at the starting
of the line of fate.
• The fragmented lines also show the constant change in course and direction of that persons life.
• This section portrays the building years of a person's life for career and fortune. The life of a person spanning
between twenty and forty is the time when a lot of changes can occur.
• If the line is straight and clear in the mid section ,then it indicates that the person has achieved, direction,
purpose and prosperity that puts the person in control of their endeavors.
• If there occurs a break in the fate line in this mid section then it shows that there is a change of perspective in
terms of lifestyle and work.
• By around this time period in a persons life, their line of fate may become thin or can stop altogether when the
persons working years come to an end.
• If faint lines split of the main one, then it indicates that the person has taken up new interests or hobbies.
• A chain marking in the fate line as it crosses the heart line may indicate trouble in home life.

• If the line of fate runs straight up to the base of the third finger, then it indicates that the person would keep
working until the end of their days.
Marriage lines, palmistry
• Marriage lines in palmistry are actually known
as the lines of union. They indicate the
potential for an important relationship in a
persons life, and the age at which it will occur.
It is not necessary that the line may lead to
marriage, but it can be said that a relationship
will make a profound impression on the
person at that time.
• The lines of union are located on the side of the palm and are
always above the beginning of the heart line, moving on to
the mount of mercury
• In marriage lines, palmistry, the length of the line, determines
the length of the relationship. Also these union lines mainly
point to a relationship which may or may not be physical.
• Any forks, splits or markings on the marriage lines should also
be considered. The ideal marriage lines in palmistry are long,
straight and free of breaks. The deeper the line, the stronger
the union.
• If the marriage line dips at the end, then this indicates that
the quality of the relationship has tapered off. The timing of
marriage lines in palmistry is always read left to right.
• A fork at the end could indicate a split or divorce. It can also
happen that the partners could continue living in the same
house, but pursue their lives in separate ways.

• The raised and rounded mounds of flesh on the palm
are called mounts in palmistry. There are basically eight
of these mounts present on the palm.
• Four of them appear as raised pads at the base of the
fingers, and they take the name of the finger directly
above them. The other four mounts are placed on the
outer side of the palm and are named after Greek gods.
• Mounts come in three sizes i.e. large, medium and
small. The consistency, and height of the mount play a
very important role in determining the aspects and
nature of a person.

• The Venus mount is situated below the base of the thumb, forming a
ball that is circled by the life line surrounding it. The Venus mount
connects us to our higher self, and shows our ability to share with
other people.
• The color of the Venus mount is a very important aspect. If it is pale
to white, then that person will be cool concerning their love life. If it
is red, then there will be anger and a coarseness within the sexual
• A light pink colour will indicate a good sexual energy and a warm
loving nature.
• If the mount is of medium size it shows a loving, warm nature, very
human, sensitive and generous. Possesses vitality, a love for
companionship, a desire to please others, and loves beauty in every
form. There is also great magnetism with the power to draw the
opposite sex.


• There are two mounts of mars located halfway up
on the opposite side of the palm. As Mars is the god
of war, both the mounts are fighters, and have the
courage and will to fight.
• The two mounts indicate two types of fighters, one
who battles openly, and one who fights covertly,
unseen. They are called the active lower mount and
the passive upper mount.
• The presence of these mars mounts indicates that
whatever comes one's way there will always be a
fighting spirit present.

• This Mars mount is situated beneath the mount of Jupiter under the life line. This active
lower mount is also known as the positive mount of mars. It can be seen as a small fleshy
pad just above the mount of Venus.


• This perfect mount should be medium sized. It represents self-control, courage and stamina.


• This mount is located on the opposite side of the palm immediately above the mount of
moon, usually between the head and the heart lines, veering towards the outside of the
• If this mount is present, its best not to take liberties while dealing with this person. This
mount is the quieter of the two and shows a slower reaction to provocation.


• A perfect mount of this kind is medium in size. This shows that the person is able to
withstand a lot of hit's before they engage into action. This mars mount also shows
diplomacy, self-control and moral courage as qualities in a person.

• The mount of the Apollo, sun is located at the top of
the palm, just beneath the base of the third finger. This
mount indicates a happy and genial disposition. The
mount of the Apollo always looks away from the darker
aspects of survival and towards the brighter side of life.
• The Apollo nature strives for success, fulfillment,
happiness for everyone and also does not harbor


A medium sized mount of sun has a good balance
between the heart and the head making for a pleasant,
sunny nature. Harmony in the work place and the
home can be found. Is a possessor of a lucky streak,
and has a love of beauty that can bring in good fortune.
• The mount of Jupiter is situated at the top of the palm,
just beneath the base of the index finger. This mount is
connected with ambition and success in business. The
personality is always dashing, kind-hearted and
• These people are leaders and command others to
follow them. They poses attributes of power and also
the ability to acquire money.


• When the mount is medium in size, then this is

considered to be the perfect mount of Jupiter. They
will have zest, energy and drive because they are
extremely ambitious. Such people are self-confident,
generous and they command respect.
• The mount of mercury is situated at the top of the palm,
beneath the fourth finger. This mount emphasis the ability to
communicate, and possesses great powers of expression,
particularly through the voice.
• The person is a hard worker, lively, persuasive, needs variety
and company in life. The mount of mercury reflects the brain
more than other things, showing agility of mind, adaptability,
quick thinking and wittiness.


• When the size of the mount is medium, then it aids the rest
of the hands properties or aspects to communicate better
and more fully. An in form mercury is incredible fun to be
with when they are in form, also they have a daring nature
and are very good sweet talkers with commercial talent.
Mathematics is usually their strong point.

• The mount of moon is a fleshy pad that starts by the wrist and
goes half-way up the palm towards the little fingers. The
mount of moon represents our imagination and sensitivity.
• It is the seat of emotions that affects our moods according to
the moon. The mount of the moon also reflects our romantic
nature and interest in mysticism. When we judge this mount
for size, if it curves outwards, then it indicates that a well-
formed medium size mount of the moon.
• Now if there are two pads together, then they can be
considered together as a large lunar mount.


• The medium sized mount of moon is considered to be

perfect. It indicates an imaginative mind with the capability to
bring their inspirations into everyday life.
• It shows a very romantic nature and a desire to perceive in
• The mount of Saturn is located at the top of the palm just
below the base of the second finger. The main basic
characteristics of Saturn is that of a hard worker, who is
cautious, prudent and a reliable person with a strong sense of
• There is also another strong side to the mount of Saturn. Either
the person is very successful and very independent or they are
despondent and hard natured to the point of unkindness.
• When the mount is medium to slight, then it is considered as
perfect because it then weakens the gloomy aspects of Saturn.
Saturn represents patience, caring, studious and a responsible
person. A medium mount is able to moderate Saturn's
attributes, giving the person an ability to share.

• This mount is usually not present on a persons palm
and is considered very rare. The Neptune mount is
located just above the wrist between the lunar mount
and the life line.
• If a person has a Neptune mount present on his palm,
then he or she may possess interests with homeopathy,
herbalist, and an attraction to essences.
• The mount also indicates that the person has access to
earthly pleasures and is in tune with the universe and
its elements.

• Break in line, palmistry
• Normally a break in line indicates unpleasant interruptions. A clean break denotes something ending.

• Break in life line : A break in life line indicates a complete change in life, such as new career or home. A
break here also shows a change from tradition or lifestyle that the person was born into This is the only
line where a break is not seen as a disruptive sign.
• Break in head line : A break in the head line usually means that the mental constitution, intellectual
prowess of the person will be affected during that period of his life. It can also signify obstructions or
hassles in adulthood if present in the middle of the head line. If a break is present in the ending part of
the line, then it signifies depression in that period.
• Break in heart line : A break in the heart line usually means bad health with respect to the heart
condition or it could also mean emotional upsets or break off with loved ones.
• Break in fate line : A break in fate line usually means some hardship or redundancy in career or difficulty
in work life. A break in the middle section of this line basically means change of career or lifestyle.
• Break in mercury line : A mercury line is the most desirable if it has no breaks. But if it does have breaks
then this signifies that the person may have several different health problems, or the same problems
may be recurring.
• Break in sun line : Breaks in sun line slightly decrease the prospect of riches coming into that persons
• A Crossover break
• A crossover break is less serious as compared
to a clean break. Although this kind of break
does signify some kind of difficulty, things
usually do work out for the best
Chain, grille, bar in palmistry
• Chain : Whenever a chain appears on a line it
weakens that particular part. A chain also
introduces indecision. The longer the chain,
the longer the time period of bad luck .
• Grille : A grille on any part of the palm
dissipates energy. A grille induces confusion
and uncertainty at these times. Basically a
grille despites progress.
•Bar : A bar usually signifies the mark of
an unpleasant experience.
•It also indicates a time of opposition
and barriers.
Cross in palmistry

•A cross in palmistry usually indicates a shock or upheaval at that time period

If the cross is found between the head and heart lines, then it indicates psychic ability. This is generally
known as the mystic cross or Croix mystique in palmistry .

•Cross on finger : This sign is considered as a favorable and fortunate sign on the fingers.

•Cross on mount Jupiter : A cross on the mount of Jupiter indicates that the person is found to lead a
happy and joyful family life.

•A cross on any other mount except that of Jupiter indicates the opposite results of that mount.

•Cross on line : A cross on any line in the palm is supposed to be a bad sign.
Forked line in palmistry

•A forked line indicates that there are two paths to take. It represents a division of interest. Here a
tendency to contradict ones self is shown.
•Forked life line : A forked life line indicates that the person will be restless and indecisive in their old
•Forked head line : A forked head line indicates that the person can have multiple points of view. It
also shows combined intelligence, imagination and business ability.
•Forked heart line : A forked heart line is a good sign. It signifies balance between emotions,
common sense and physical pleasure.
•Forked fate line : If the fate line is forked, then this is a sign of conflict within one's own self.
Islands in palmistry

•An island basically indicates a stress period. It shows some problems in the functioning of the
persons life until the island ends.
Islands on line : Whichever lines have islands present on them, will represent a sign of weakness and stress
until the islands are over.
Islands on fate line : Islands present on fate line indicate a period of difficulty in working life and career.
Islands on head line : Here the islands indicate mental stress and tension for the person.
Islands on heart line : In this case an island depicts heart weakness and problems, problems in love life
could also be indicated.
Islands on life line : Islands on life line weaken it for the duration of the islands. Here Islands can idicate
weakness in health and energy of a person.
Islands on mount : The positive aspects of any mount will be affected reduced by the presence of an island
on them . This period of stress will be temporary till the duration of the island.
Spot, circle, tassle in palmistry

•SPOT : A spot or a dot always indicates a

temporary stop or halt. A string of spots or
dots close together shows a lot of
obstacles to overcome.
•CIRCLE : A circle is a very rare sign to find on a palm. It is
considered a good sign if found at the end of the sun line
on the mount of Apollo. It may be considered as a
warning if found elsewhere.
•TASSELS : They represent a time of breakdown.
When this sign appears on a persons palm, they
must calmly take some time out to figure out
what to do.
Square in palmistry

•A square is a very good sign on the palm / hand, which signifies protection. Another thing that
the square signifies is the positive overcoming the negative.
•Square on line : If a square is found on a line, then it means that the square will provide
protection and repair from any ill aspects present in that area. Here the square will help in
overcoming the negative effects given off by markings like breaks, islands and dots in a line.
•Square on mount : A square is a beneficial symbol if found on a mount, here also it provides
protection, perseverance. A square denotes negative influences when it is found on the upper
portion of the Mount of Venus near the life line. This is the only case where it does not have
any positive aspect.
Star in palmistry

• A star usually indicates sudden happenings. These sudden happenings can be

either very good or bad, depending on where they are placed on the palm.
• The most auspicious place for a star is at the end of a sun line. If the star is present
on any other place on the palm , then it can go either way( either good or bad).
• Star on mount of Jupiter : A star on this particular mount signifies and enhances
honor, power and position in a person life.
• Star on mount of Venus : If a star is present on the mount of Venus then this
denotes extremely high success in all affairs regarding love.
• Star on mount of mercury : A star on the mount of mercury indicates power of
eloquence and also possibly success in the field of science.
• Star on mount of moon or the lunar mount : A star on this particular mount
indicates that the bearer may achieve a celebrity status in life.
• Star on mount of Saturn : If a star is present on the mount of Saturn, then this
denotes that the person will receive success in his life after lots of obstacles or
• Star on mount of mars : Here the star denotes
that a person will receive honor through luck,
patience and courage.
• Star on mount of sun : A star on this mount
represents wealth, fortune and position. But all
this wealth and fortune will be devoid(without) of
• Star on hand lines : A star on the end of life line
or head line indicates personal injury or
emotional trouble. Only at the end of a sun line
can the star be considered a good sign.
Triangle in Palmistry

• Triangle on palm, hand : A triangle on the palm or hand generally denotes harmony peace and good
fortune. It also denotes increase in learning of intellectual and creative talents at that time .
• Triangle on line : A triangle anywhere on a line is a good indication. If a triangle is present on a particular
line, then it indicates that positive characteristics of that line will greatly improve and increase w.r.t
fortune and harmony in life.
• Triangle on mount : A proper triangle found on any of the mounts in the palm is a good sign and may
also indicate favorable success. But if the triangle is malformed, or not properly developed, then this is a
bad sign or some kind of hindrance in life.

Trident, double line in palmistry

• Trident : A trident is usually an extremely fortunate sign to have on the

palm and is said to bring threefold success. A person bearing this mark on
the palm will be happy, healthy and wealthy.

• Double line : A double line is a sign of reinforcement. It creates a

strengthening and reinforcing protection to the first major line. These lines
are at times also called as the "sister lines".

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