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Optimal Protection Coordination for Microgrids

with Grid-Connected and Islanded Capability
Waleed K. A. Najy, H. H. Zeineldin, Member, IEEE, and W. L. Woon, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Microgrids can be operated either grid-connected to in the system. For inverter-based DG units, the fault current
reduce system losses and for peak shaving or islanded to increase could reach approximately 1 per-unit (because of the controller
reliability and provide backup power during utility outage. Such limiters). Directly-connected conventional synchronous gener-
dual configuration capability imposes challenges on the design
of the protection system. Fault current magnitudes will vary ators, on the other hand, have a much more profound effect
depending on the microgrid operating mode. In this paper, a on the short-circuit levels. In this paper, we will refer to the
microgrid protection scheme that relies on optimally sizing fault latter type as CSG for simplicity.
current limiters (FCL) and optimally setting directional over- The introduction of DG to distribution systems causes the
current relays is proposed. The protection scheme is optimally distribution system to increasingly resemble interconnected
designed taking into account both modes of operation (grid-
connected and islanded). The problem has been formulated as transmission systems. For such interconnected systems, the
a constrained non-linear programming (NLP) problem and is protection scheme is based on directional overcurrent relays
solved using the genetic algorithm (GA) with the static penalty which are optimally set to ensure protection coordination. A
constraint-handling technique. The proposed approach is tested wide variety of methods has been proposed over the past few
on two medium-voltage networks: a typical radial distribution decades to tackle this problem. Some approaches proposed
system and on the IEEE 30-bus looped power distribution sys-
tem equipped with directly-connected conventional synchronous topology-based approaches like linear graph theory and loop
generators (CSG). break-point relay locating [4]-[5]. Optimization methods be-
came the tool of choice for researchers, with the problem
Index Terms—Directional overcurrent relay coordination, dis-
tributed generation, fault current limiters, short-circuit analysis. being formulated as a linear programming problem and solved
using the simplex method and its variants [6]. More recently,
heuristic techniques have been proposed, with particle swarm
optimization (PSO) [7], the genetic algorithm (GA) [8]-[9],
evolutionary methods [10] and the harmony search algorithm

P ROTECTION against faults is an essential requirement

when designing distribution systems. A good protection
coordination scheme is one that is able to isolate as little
[11] all being implemented, where the problem was formulated
as a non-linear programming (NLP) problem. Studies that
investigate protection coordination for multiple system con-
of the system as possible when a fault occurs, so as to figurations on a power system level were investigated in [12]
avoid unnecessary disconnection of power to areas that are and [13]. The systems under study in these papers involved
unaffected by the fault. Protection coordination in this sense is multiple sources that were switched in and out of different
designing protection schemes such that each protective device configurations. Optimization was performed using a hybrid
performs its primary function as quickly as possible, but in the genetic algorithm [12] and interval linear programming [13].
event that it fails, it should be backed up by another protective Recently, the impacts of DG on distribution system protec-
device. Distribution systems are commonly radial where power tion have been analyzed [14]-[15]. In [14], it has been shown
flows in one direction from the main substation to the loads that CSG can have an impact on protection coordination.
[1]. For such systems, overcurrent relays and fuses are used Inverter-based DG tend to have less impact since the mag-
as the main protection means. The unidirectional flow of fault nitude of the short circuit currents are low compared to CSG
currents reduces the complexity of protection coordination. [14]. Fault current limiters have been proposed as a means for
The advent, and increasing popularity, of distributed gener- mitigating the impact of CSG on protection coordination [15].
ation (DG) in distribution systems has added to the complex- In [16], protection coordination of a looped distribution system
ity of the protection coordination problem. Introducing DG was achieved by optimally setting directional overcurrent relys
into the distribution system will cause changes in the short- in conjunction with the use of fault-current limiters (FCL) in
circuit magnitudes and directions, and therefore the existing series with every CSG in the system. FCLs are series devices
protection scheme may not be able to perform its coordination that are considered to be invisible to the system under normal
function correctly [2]. In [3], it has been shown that the fault operation, but that help limit the short-circuit current under
current contribution will depend on the type of DG present fault conditions. The protection system in [16] was optimally
designed assuming one possible DG configuration which is the
Copyright (c) 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted.
However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be grid-connected mode.
obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to The increasing penetration of DG in distribution systems has
This work was supported and funded by the Masdar Institute of Science led to the concept of microgrids. A microgrid can be viewed as
and Technology. The authors are with the Masdar Institute of Science and
Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (email:; a group of DG sources that is operated either grid-connected; or islanded. Several studies have been conducted to investigate
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the operation of power systems under either grid-connected or identifier, with the total number of fault locations investigated
microgrid configurations, or both, especially in the presence being N , and j is the relay identifier, with the total number
of CSG [17]-[20]. This has been done in the context of control of relays being M . The superscript p refers to primary relays,
[21]-[22], DG design [23], mitigation of harmonics [24] and while bk refers to backup relay k, with K being the number
planning [25]. However, protection coordination of directional of backup relays for each primary.
overcurrent relays that takes into account both grid-connected Also, the coordination condition needs to be satisfied, which
and islanded operation of microgrids has not been investigated is that a minimum gap in time between the operation of
before. primary and backup relays, known as the coordination time
This paper proposes the use of FCL, in series with the utility, interval (CT I), must be maintained. In this paper, CT I is
in conjunction with directional overcurrent relays to solve taken to be 0.2 seconds. As will be discussed in Section
the protection coordination problem in distribution systems IV, there may be more than one backup relay for each
equipped with CSG with dual configuration capability. The fault location, so some relays will have to satisfy several
proposed method is applicable to meshed distribution systems coordination constraints per fault. Therefore the following set
with CSG. The FCL size and optimal directional over-current of constraints is defined:
relay settings are optimally determined taking into account
both grid-connected and islanded mode of operation. The tbcij
− tpcij ≥ CT I ∀c, i, {j, k} (3)
problem is formulated as a constrained non-linear program-
ming (NLP) problem and is solved using GA. The proposed where k is the backup relay identifier. Limits on the values
approach was tested on a 9-bus radial distribution system and that T DS and Ip can take must also be set. Practically, Ip will
the IEEE 30-bus looped distribution system. typically take only discrete values defined by the manufacturer,
Section II of this paper describes the formulation of the but this condition is usually relaxed for simplicity. The value
optimization problem. Section III gives details of the genetic of Ipi−min is chosen such that it is larger than the rated
algorithm, and the constraint-handling technique used. In load current by a significant margin. Therefore, the following
Section IV, details of the test system are presented, as well constraints are further defined:
as the implementation of GA. Section V presents the results
obtained, and in Section VI, conclusions are drawn. The paper Ipi−min ≤ Ipi ≤ Ipi−max , ∀i (4)
ends with an Appendix that contains further details on the
T DSi−min ≤ T DSi ≤ T DSi−max , ∀i (5)
system setup and the optimization code parameters.
II. F ORMULATION OF THE P ROTECTION C OORDINATION The modified problem will involve the use of an FCL
P ROBLEM installed at the grid side. This is the component that will
help reduce the amount of short-circuit current drawn from the
The operation time of an overcurrent relay (OCR) is an
utility. FCLs can be resistive or inductive. In this work, FCLs
inverse function of the short-circuit current passing through
of the inductive type are used. The FCLs have fixed ratings
it. This function is defined by two parameters, namely the
once they are installed into the system. Hence the following
time-dial settings (T DS) of the relay, a tuning parameter,
constraint is introduced:
and the pickup current (Ip ), which is the minimum value of
current above which the relay starts to operate. The inverse-
time characteristic function most commonly used is given by: 0 ≤ XF CL ≤ XF CLmax (6)

A In this way, the problem becomes one where the settings

t = T DS (1) T DSi and Ipi must be found for all relays i, as well as the
( IIsc
)B −1
value of the fault-current limiting inductance XF CL that would
The constants A and B vary according to the type of OCR minimize the total operating time T for all considered system
used. It is assumed that inverse-definite minimum time (IDMT) configurations simultaneously, such that these settings will be
OCRs are being used, and therefore the constants A and B are applicable irrespective of the microgrid mode of operation.
taken to be 0.14 and 0.02 respectively [7]. It must be noted, however, that because of their potentially
The objective is to minimize the coordination times of high values, FCLs cannot be present in the system during
all relays, while maintaining the conditions of protection normal operation since this can cause large voltage drops. For
coordination. As was explained in Section I, two system con- this reason it is proposed to use FCL of the active type as
figurations (grid-connected and islanded) will be considered highlighted in [16]. Active FCLs are switched into the system
in the problem. The objective function is taken to be the sum, in the event of a fault and have negligible impedance during
T , of the coordination times of all relays, which needs to be normal operation.
minimized as follows: The inclusion of XF CL will affect the system admittance
matrix Ybus , which will in turn affect the magnitudes of the
X X short-circuit currents. This will impact the optimal values of
M inimize T = (tpcij + tbcij
) (2)
T DS and Ip needed to achieve relay coordination. Hence, it
c=1 i=1 j=1 k=1
can be seen that the relay time response (and therefore the
where c is the system configuration identifier, with C being optimal coordination time) is a function of XF CL . Because
the number of configurations considered, i is the fault location XF CL will propagate into the Zbus matrix when Ybus is
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All lines 500m long;

inverted, it becomes very difficult and complex to formulate 12.47 kV 0.1529+j0.1406 ohm/km
2 4 5
equations and constraints in terms of XF CL . For this reason, R1 10 R2 R3 11 R4 R5 12 R6 R7 13 R8

heuristic techniques such as the genetic algorithm are often 500MVA

X/R=6 R18 R19
chosen in such a task due to their ease of implementation. T1
R17 S1 T2 T3


0.9 PF
0.9 PF
0.9 PF
0.9 PF
A. Theoretical Background 1 6 7 8 9
R9 14 R10 R11 15 R12 R13 16 R14 R15 17 R16
The genetic algorithm (GA) is a popular heuristic optimiza-
tion technique usually applied when the problem is highly R20 R21

non-linear and of a high dimensional order. The idea behind T4 T5

it is based on biological genetics and the concept of ‘survival- PCC

0.9 PF 0.9 PF 0.9 PF 0.9 PF
of-the-fittest’. Successive generations inherit features from DG3 DG4

their parents in a random fashion through the crossover of

chromosomes. Also, certain changes, called mutations, may Fig. 1. Schematic of 9-bus test system with virtual nodes 10-17 shown
occur to the structure of the chromosomes at random. It
is thought that through the process of evolution, successive
generations will breed ’better’ populations, since only the
M inimize Z = f (X, Y )
fittest will survive.
In the frame of optimization, the algorithm is built such + λ1 .max(0, X − Y )
that each chromosome is composed of a vector of possible + λ2 .max(0, −X)
values of the variables to be found. Initially, a number of these + λ3 .max(0, −Y )
chromosomes are initialized at random, and designated as the
initial population. Through successive iterations, the fitness of where λ1 , λ2 and λ3 are penalty factors. The max functions
these chromosomes are evaluated, and a certain fraction of ensure that the constraints are penalized only if they are
the chromosomes having the best fitnesses are retained in the violated.
next generation, with the rest discarded. These are replicated
to make up the population number. Then, crossovers and IV. S YSTEM D ETAILS AND S IMULATION S ETUP
mutations are applied on the chromosomes, and the process is
In this section, the two test systems under study are de-
repeated for a given number of iterations. The chromosomes
scribed. The first is a section of a benchmark radial system
eventually converge to an optimum. As with all heuristic
practically under use in Canada, while the second is the
techniques, however, GA can be susceptible to being stuck in
distribution system portion of the IEEE 30-bus test system.
local minima. Fortunately, this effect is less so in GA than with
The latter was chosen to test protection coordination for
other heuristic techniques such as particle swarm optimization
looped systems under two configurations simultaneously. A
(PSO) with proper tuning of parameters, especially the number
brief introduction to the application of the GA algorithm to
of mutations, which introduce chromosomes randomly, hence
the protection coordination problem is also presented in this
providing the capability of exiting local minima. Section IV
explains the implementation of GA as applied to the case study
in this paper in further detail.
A. Test Systems Under Study
B. Constraint-Handling Techniques
1) Section of the Canadian Urban Benchmark Distribution
Heuristic methods have no explicit way of incorporating System: The first system tested is based on the Canadian
constraints in their operation. Therefore, constraints are usually Urban Benchmark 4-bus feeder distribution system [28] and
incorporated into the objective function. Several methods have is shown in Fig. 1. Two such feeders, rated at 8.7MVA and
been proposed for handling constraints [26]. In this paper, 0.1529+j0.1406 Ω/km are fed by the utility (short-circuit
the method of static penalties is implemented [27]. In this MVA = 500MVA and X/R ratio = 6) through a 20MVA,
method, violations in the constraints are penalized by including 115kV/12.47kV transformer. Four DGs are connected at buses
them in the objective function. Depending on how strongly the 4, 5, 6 and 9 on the system. The DG MVA ratings tested
constraint must be satisfied, the violations are amplified by a in this paper range between 3MVA and 5MVA. The DGs
penalty factor with a suitable sign. As an example, suppose are connected through 12.47kV/480V transformers with MVA
the optimization problem to be solved is: ratings equal to those of the DGs. The loads shown in Fig. 1
are the rated loads.
M inimize Z = f (X, Y ) (7) Each relay should be capable of operating for close-end
Subject to X ≤ Y (8) and far-end faults within its zone. To account for both close-
X, Y ≥ 0 (9) end and far-end faults (three-phase and single-line-to-ground
faults), in this paper, three-phase faults that occur midway
Since this is a minimization problem, violations in the along the line are considered [29]. Therefore, eight additional
constraints must be calculated such that they are positive. nodes are introduced at midway points in the system. A
Thus, the problem can be transformed into short-circuit analysis was then performed at buses 10 to 17.
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Define DG MVA ratings and locations

14 R43 13
R29 R28 F30
12 R42
F28 R27 N = number of iterations,
R32 FCL3
CH = number of chromosomes,
S = number of survivors,
C = number of crossovers, and
M = number of mutations
N1 = number of relays
11 N2 = number of FCLs
10 R40 R24
R22 R23
F26 Initialize chromosomes randomly in L
dimensions (N1 for TDS, N1 for Ip and N2 for
3 R34 R11 FCL)
1 R8 R10 R36 5
R9 R16 R17
F16 F18 R37 6 R39
R21 For N iterations do:
R18 R19 R20
R35 F20
F15 4 R38 7 F24
R12 R13 F22 Update chromosomes with the new generation
R14 R15
R6 F19 R1 (first iteration simply copies the existing chromosomes)
R5 R7 F21 F23 R2 R4

2 R33 8
R30 R31 Evaluate the objective function and the errors for unsatisfied
constraints for all chromosomes

Choose the best S survivors, discard the remaining CH-S chromosomes
and replicate the survivors CH/S times
Fig. 2. IEEE 30-bus system
Perform C crossovers between 2C randomly chosen chromosomes

Due to the non-radial nature of the system, each fault is

Perform mutations on M
associated with up to two primary relays, one from each side.
Each of these primary relays is in turn associated with up
to two backup relays. This is best explained by an example. Make sure that the current best is in the next generation by replacing a
random chromosome with the current best before exiting the loop
Considering a fault at node 14, it can be seen that there are
two primary relays, R9 and R10. For R9, two backup relays
Max. iterations No
can be defined, namely R2 and R17. Similarly, for R10, the reached?
two backup relays are R12 and R20. In this way, a matrix
of branch short-circuit currents is created that will be used to
define the problem. Each of these currents is mapped to a relay Optimum total coordination time = objective function of current best

in the system, and hence constraints for relays are defined.

2) The IEEE 30-bus System: The distribution system of Fig. 3. Flowchart of GA implementation
the IEEE 30-bus test system [30] is shown in Fig. 2. The
distribution system is fed through three 50MVA 132kV/33kV
transformers connected at buses 2, 8 and 12. DGs are located
at various buses in the system as shown in Fig. 2 [16]. Each
DG is rated at 10 MVA, operates at unity power factor, and 1) Single-Configuration Problem: Each system is first ana-
feeds the system through a 480V/33kV step-up transformer. lyzed under a single configuration representing grid-connected
The system is equipped with 43 directional overcurrent relays operation. The system is powered by all primary distribution
(27 of those are on system lines, while the rest protect the substations, as well as all DGs. The optimization is carried
utility and DGs). out to find the values of T DS and Ip of each of the relays,
As with the 9-bus system, nodes are introduced at midway as well as the FCLs associated with each primary substation,
points on all lines (F15-F30), representing locations at which with the problem set to satisfy a single set of constraints as
fault analysis will be carried out. Once again, each fault described in Section II.
location is associated with two primary relays, and in one
case, three (F25). The number of backup relays for each 2) Dual-Configuration Problem: For this scenario, the opti-
primary relay varies depending on the fault location, as will mization is performed to satisfy two sets of constraints simulta-
be explained in Section V. The number of backup relays per neously. The first set is that involving the single-configuration
primary relay is larger due to the looped nature of the system. constraints, while the second represents constraints under
islanded operation. In this mode of operation, the utility is
absent, and the system is powered only by the DGs, with all
B. Scenarios Under Study
DGs assumed connected. Satisfying both sets of constraints
For each of the presented systems, two configurations are at once represents a more challenging problem than the one
tested. Essentially, a single production-consumption scenario posed by the single-configuration problem, since each relay
is studied, apart from the fact that the absence of the utility is will need to satisfy more constraints, potentially reducing the
mitigated for. size of the feasible region in the solution space.
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For each system configuration (grid-connected and islanded) also included.

Find Ybus (including FCL in Ybus for the grid-connected A. Results for 9-bus System
1) Single-Configuration Results: Table I shows the val-
ues of T DS, Ip and XF CL obtained from the optimization
Perform short-circuit analysis on midway faults problem in which only the grid-connected constraints are
considered, as well as the value of the objective function T
For each fault location obtained.
Table II gives the optimal coordination times and XF CL for
Find all primary and backup short-circuit
the grid-connected-only problem for various DG capacities in
current components for each fault location the first major column. It is seen that the values of XF CL are
very small. This shows that the single-configuration system
Map each current component to the
can be coordinated easily without the need for a fault-current
relevant relay limiter. This is also consistent with the findings of past
literature in this field, where coordination was possible to
achieve without the need for supplementary equipment for a
Objective Function =
Sum of operating times of primary relays single configuration. It is also noted that there is a slight but
+ Sum of operating times of backup relays
+ Lagrangian Multiplier * errors in unsatisfied consistent trend of decreasing operation time with increasing
DG capacity. The reason for the decrease is that higher DG
MVAs lead to higher short-circuit currents, and therefore
smaller relay operating times according to the inverse-time
characteristics of OCRs. The differences are, however, not
large because the majority of the short-circuit current is
Objective Function contributed by the utility, and hence small increases due to the
DG will not change the operation times much, since at large
Fig. 4. Flowchart of method for finding the fitness function values of Isc the inverse-time characteristics are approximately
2) Dual-Configuration Results: Table III shows the values
C. GA Implementation of T DS, Ip and XF CL obtained from the problem taking into
Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show the implementation of GA used in account two system configurations simultaneously. The Table
this paper. For each relay, two settings need to be determined, also shows the value of the objective function T which is the
namely T DS and Ip . If each system has N1 relays and sum of the relay operation times for the grid-connected and
N2 FCLs then the total number of unknowns to be found the microgrid systems.
is L = 2N1 + N2 . This corresponds to 43 dimensions for The results for the problem involving both configurations
the 9-bus system and 89 for the IEEE 30-bus system. Each simultaneously are shown in the second major column of Table
chromosome will therefore be composed of L entries. The II. Several things are important to note here. Firstly, it is seen
general implementation is explained in Fig. 3. Fig. 4 explains that contrary to those obtained with the single-configuration
the procedure for evaluating the fitness function of each problem, the values of XF CL when both sets of constraints
chromosome. Every chromosome will need to satisfy two sets are included become significant. This is due to the fact that in
of constraints - one for the case when the utility is feeding order to achieve coordination, the value of XF CL needs to be
the network (the grid-connected configuration) and one for high enough so as to limit the contribution to the short-circuit
the islanded network (the islanded configuration). Only the current from the utility when it is present. This effectively
earlier of those will involve FCL. In the single-configuration makes the system a microgrid under fault conditions, whether
and the grid-connected part of the dual-configuration, every the utility is present or not. The fact that the operation times
chromosome will use a different XF CL . Therefore a new of the grid-connected system and the microgrid are close (for
Ybus must be calculated for every chromosome. Zbus is then example, 43.5 seconds for the grid-connected configuration
found, and short-circuit analysis is performed on midway fault and 43.3 seconds for the microgrid configuration for 5MVA
(virtual nodes 10-17 in the 9-bus system and F15-F30 in the DGs) shows that the two systems are electrically very close,
IEEE 30-bus system). For each fault location, all primary and meaning that the utility contributes very little to the short-
backup short-circuit current components are calculated. Each circuit current. Another observation that can be made from
of these currents is then mapped to its corresponding relays, Table II is that there does not seem to be a clear trend in
and the objective function is updated with the operation times the value of XF CL obtained, apart from the fact that it is
of primary and backup relays using the T DS, Ip and Isc , in significant in all cases.
addition to the penalty factor-effected constraint values. It can also be observed that the total operation time once
again decreases with increasing capacity, which is expected
V. R ESULTS AND A NALYSIS since large capacities lead to large short-circuit currents, which
In this section, the results of the optimization problem in turn lead to faster operation times according to the inverse-
formulated above are reported. A discussion of the results is time characteristics of OCRs.
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Relay T DS(s) Ip (pu) Relay T DS(s) Ip (pu) Relay T DS(s) Ip (pu) Relay T DS(s) Ip (pu)
1 0.2763 0.1331 12 0.1035 0.1597 1 0.1069 0.6411 23 0.2548 0.1017
2 0.1713 0.1579 13 0.1764 0.0646 2 0.1397 0.3694 24 0.1364 0.0882
3 0.1803 0.1712 14 0.1194 0.1644 3 0.1234 0.5782 25 0.1397 0.1979
4 0.1001 0.3244 15 0.1001 0.0300 4 0.1497 0.0493 26 0.1255 0.0637
5 0.1132 0.1753 16 0.2418 0.0989 5 0.1000 0.0385 27 0.1002 0.0314
6 0.1001 0.3635 17 0.1838 0.3257 6 0.1229 0.3644 28 0.1001 0.0191
7 0.1001 0.0303 18 0.2324 0.1020 7 0.1065 0.5730 29 0.1730 0.0625
8 0.2395 0.0970 19 0.1263 0.1902 8 0.1000 0.0107 30 0.1435 0.2501
9 0.2478 0.1703 20 0.1562 0.1178 9 0.2775 0.1009 31 0.1365 0.2680
10 0.1000 0.2849 21 0.1789 0.1526 10 0.1006 0.5872 32 0.1385 0.2546
11 0.1794 0.2032 11 0.1002 0.1848 33 0.1127 0.3328
XF CL = 0.0186pu T = 34.29s 12 0.1435 0.2623 34 0.1932 0.1073
13 0.3208 0.0899 35 0.1069 0.2505
TABLE II 14 0.1075 0.4774 36 0.1395 0.1752
S UMMARY OF O PTIMAL C OORDINATION T IMES FOR S INGLE - AND 15 0.3407 0.0497 37 0.1830 0.1011
16 0.1570 0.2643 38 0.1081 0.2555
17 0.2192 0.1617 39 0.1488 0.1668
Single-Configuration Dual-Configuration 18 0.1149 0.4294 40 0.2129 0.0839
Capacity T XF CL T Tg Tµg XF CL 19 0.2094 0.1165 41 0.1698 0.1934
20 0.1694 0.1853 42 0.1052 0.3524
3 35.04s 0.0046pu 112.20 58.25s 53.95s 2.774pu
21 0.2624 0.1020 43 0.1003 0.2201
4 34.62s 0.0437pu 96.29s 47.41s 48.89s 1.486pu
22 0.1380 0.2359
5 34.29s 0.0186pu 86.78 43.46s 43.31s 1.540pu
XF CL1 = 1.3288pu XF CL2 = 1.5120pu
TABLE III XF CL3 = 1.0026pu T = 89.6837s

Relay T DS(s) Ip (pu) Relay T DS(s) Ip (pu) more complexity to the problem. A load-flow was performed
1 0.2321 0.1240 12 0.1435 0.1533 and the line currents obtained were used to set the values of
2 0.2414 0.1723 13 0.1677 0.0623 Ipmin to prevent the relays from picking up on load currents.
3 0.1473 0.1649 14 0.1489 0.1655 1) Single-Configuration Results: Table IV shows the values
4 0.1557 0.3065 15 0.1010 0.0305 of T DS, Ip and XF CL obtained from solving the single-
5 0.1025 0.1451 16 0.1255 0.1982 configuration problem with the IEEE 30-bus system, as well
6 0.2587 0.2192 17 0.1000 0.2405 as the optimum total coordination time for those values. This
7 0.1005 0.0308 18 0.2146 0.1474 system is investigated for a single and common DG capacity
8 0.1738 0.1696 19 0.1731 0.1826 value for brevity, having established the effect of the DG
9 0.1721 0.2099 20 0.2197 0.1087 capacity in the first test system. An optimal value of 89.7
10 0.2073 0.1884 21 0.1246 0.2112 seconds was obtained for the total coordination times of the
11 0.2217 0.0921 system due to all faults. The values of XF CL obtained for this
XF CL = 1.5403pu T = 86.78s
problem are relatively low compared to the dual-configuration
problem as will be seen later. They are, however, higher than
those obtained for the corresponding problem on the 9-bus
system, which can be attributed to the looped nature of the
In order to further validate the proposed method, an attempt system.
was made to solve the dual-configuration problem without
2) Dual-Configuration Results: Table V shows the values
using FCLs. A wide range of T DS and Ip bounds was tested,
of T DS, Ip and XF CL obtained from solving the dual-
but it was found that it was not possible to find a feasible
configuration problem with the IEEE 30-bus system, as well
solution satisfying all the constraints of the formulation in a
as the optimum total coordination time for those values. An
absence of FCLs.
optimal value of 187.6 seconds was obtained for the total
coordination times of the system due to all faults. Under
B. Results for the IEEE 30-bus System this dual-constrained problem, it is seen that the values of
In this part, the optimization task is attempted on a more XF CL increase significantly, with the FCL associated with
difficult test case, where power flow is not only potentially the distribution substation at bus 8 exceeding 7pu. By using
bidirectional on any given line, but also highly looped, adding very few FCLs, each associated with a distribution substation,
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Relay T DS(s) Ip (pu) Relay T DS(s) Ip (pu)
Fault Operation times of relays in sec. (p = primary, b = backup)
1 0.1439 0.4278 23 0.1924 0.1778
location p b1 b2 p b1 b2
2 0.1440 0.3352 24 0.1199 0.1335
3 0.1204 0.5310 25 0.1016 0.2549 R1 R10 R17 R2 R4
4 0.1405 0.0431 26 0.1219 0.0680 0.7397 1.1886 1.1725 1.2927 1.5151
5 0.1001 0.0391 27 0.1001 0.0311 R3 R1 R4 R6
0.5581 0.7581 1.4519 1.6579
6 0.1220 0.3647 28 0.1013 0.0186
R5 R3 R6 R8 R18
7 0.1258 0.3579 29 0.1174 0.1285 12
0.3724 0.5744 1.6112 1.8125 1.8114
8 0.1005 0.0100 30 0.1065 0.2605
R7 R5 R18 R8 R19
9 0.1001 0.5150 31 0.1046 0.2514 13
0.1835 0.3843 1.8498 1.7513 1.9541
10 0.1575 0.3471 32 0.1165 0.2508
R9 R2 R17 R10 R12 R20
11 0.1019 0.1663 33 0.1956 0.1114 14
0.7427 1.3357 1.1723 1.1489 1.3521 1.3491
12 0.1452 0.2954 34 0.1486 0.1420
R11 R9 R20 R12 R14
13 0.1007 0.4788 35 0.1012 0.2285 15
0.5700 0.7714 1.3707 1.3106 1.5133
14 0.1131 0.4604 36 0.1573 0.1579
R13 R11 R14 R16
15 0.1708 0.2490 37 0.1724 0.1248 16
0.3827 0.5848 1.4796 1.6839
16 0.1492 0.2106 38 0.1176 0.2292
R15 R13 R16 R21
17 0.1820 0.2486 39 0.1471 0.1737 17
0.1880 0.3913 1.6350 1.8425
18 0.1561 0.2444 40 0.1433 0.1538
19 0.2980 0.0509 41 0.1056 0.2497
20 0.1098 0.3402 42 0.1957 0.1096
21 0.2705 0.0864 43 0.1097 0.2041 PSO

22 0.1014 0.2599 130

XF CL1 = 5.8477pu XF CL2 = 7.1062pu

XF CL3 = 1.6044pu T = 187.5686s 120
Objective function


it is possible to achieve optimal relay settings that satisfy the

coordination constraints, and that apply to two configurations 100

As with the 9-bus system, the dual-configuration problem 90
was attempted on the IEEE 30-bus system with no FCLs. The
problem proved to be even more difficult, yielding large values 80
0 500 1000 1500
of constraint violation errors. Iteration number
It is worth mentioning at this point that the results presented
above for both the 9-bus and the 30-bus systems are specific Fig. 5. Convergence of GA and PSO
to the two configurations described. In other words, the relay
settings are fixed, once optimized, and are not meant to adapt
to DGs switching in and out of the system or to subsections of The operation times were obtained by performing a short-
the above systems. Such adaptive settings would require either circuit analysis on the systems for each fault location. Branch
some kind of communication infrastructure in the system, or currents were then obtained, and the operation times were
reliance on equipment more intricate than regular overcurrent found by substituting the optimal solution values of T DS, Ip
relays. and XF CL to calculate the operation time of each relay. As
was discussed earlier, it is seen from the tables that the primary
relays on the networks have a varying number of backup relays
C. Breakdown of Relay Operation Times each (one or two on the 9-bus system, and up to six on the
Tables VI and VII show a breakdown of the relay op- IEEE 30-bus system). It is observed that all primary-backup
eration times due to midway faults on all lines on the 9- relays are correctly coordinated within the 200ms set for CT I.
bus system and the IEEE 30-bus system respectively. These
tables were obtained from the grid-connected portion of the
dual-configuration problem for each system. Similar tables D. Comparison with particle swarm optimization (PSO)
can be obtained for the single-configuration problem and the The analysis in this paper was done using both GA and PSO
microgrid portion of the dual-configuration problem. These in parallel. It was found that GA consistently outperformed
tables will be very similar to those presented, and will not be PSO under all test systems and configurations. Fig. 5 shows the
included here for brevity. convergence of the GA and PSO algorithms to their respective
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Fault Operation times of relays in sec. (p = primary, b = backup) Operation times of relays in sec. (p = primary, b = backup)
location p b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 p b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6
R5 R9 R12 R30 R33
F 15
0.1595 0.8208 0.8891 1.0310 0.8602
R8 R6 R16 R22 R34
F 16
0.1178 0.8455 0.7692 0.8287 0.9237
R6 R12 R30 R33 R9 R16 R22 R34
F 17
0.5126 0.7375 0.7130 0.7132 0.4601 0.6606 0.6617 0.7370
R10 R6 R22 R34 R16 R18 R36
F 18
0.5867 0.7894 0.7877 0.8079 0.4915 0.6961 0.8744
R7 R9 R30 R33 R12 R14 R35
F 19
0.5038 0.7240 0.7901 0.7540 0.5405 0.7405 0.8016
R17 R10 R36 R18 R2 R37
F 20
0.6133 0.8136 0.8228 0.5200 0.7202 0.7635
R13 R7 R35 R14 R1 R38
F 21
0.5492 0.7511 0.7720 0.4744 0.6755 0.9933
R2 R15 R20 R21 R23 R31 R41 R19 R17 R37
F 22
0.5593 1.1896 1.6444 2.3301 1.3155 1.2049 1.2029 0.5578 0.7601 0.7655
R1 R19 R20 R21 R23 R31 R41 R15 R13 R38
F 23
0.5016 0.7147 0.7348 1.1534 0.7784 0.7033 0.7053 0.5967 0.7984 0.8073
R3 R15 R19 R21 R23 R31 R41 R20 R4 R23 R39
F 24
0.4842 0.6918 0.7001 0.6842 0.6844 0.6878 0.6899 0.4397 1.9774 0.6844 0.7891
R4 R15 R19 R20 R31 R41 R21 R3 R39
0.2911 0.7380 0.7312 0.4934 0.7397 0.7416 0.5648 0.7657 0.7754
F 25
R23 R11 R25 R40
0.6278 0.8491 0.8283 0.8663
R11 R6 R16 R34 R22 R4 R21 R25 R40
F 26
0.2889 1.0608 0.9322 0.9760 0.3942 0.6563 1.0585 1.1727 1.1093
R24 R4 R11 R21 R40 R25 R29 R32 R42
F 27
0.3368 0.5386 0.7303 1.0217 1.5143 0.4488 0.8118 0.6500 0.6491
R26 R24 R32 R42 R29 R43
F 28
0.2818 0.5275 0.8165 0.7403 0.5480 0.7488
R27 R24 R29 R32 R42
F 29
0.1688 0.5031 0.9856 0.7584 0.7104
R28 R26 R43
F 30
0.1662 0.3705 0.8662

solutions for the two-configuration problem with 5MVA DGs utilities, power system component manufacturers and policy
using the 9-bus system. It can be observed that GA converges makers. Microgrids, by definition, should be operational both
to a better solution in a faster time. This trend was consistently grid-connected and islanded. Consequently, it is essential to
observed with all problems attempted. A possible explanation design microgrids such that they perform satisfactorily in
for this is that the high dimensionality of the problem makes both modes of operation. This paper tackles this issue from
PSO susceptible to being stuck in a local minimum at a very the point of view of protection. In this paper a microgrid
early stage of the run. This is due to the fact that in high protection scheme that is based on optimally sizing FCLs and
dimensions, distances become insignificant compared to the optimally setting directional overcurrent relays is proposed,
volume of the solution space, and it becomes increasingly taking into account the microgrid grid connected and islanded
difficult for the PSO velocity components to converge to the mode operation simultaneously. Fault current limiters of the
best answer. This also explains the slow convergence rate. GA, inductive type are located at the main interconnection point
on the other hand, performs crossovers in all dimensions at of the microgrid to the main grid. Inserting the FCL as an
once based on the fitness function. optimization parameter in the protection coordination problem
affects the system admittance matrix which allows for changes
VI. C ONCLUSION in the fault current levels. Thus, the results show that it is
possible to have one optimal relay setting that satisfies both
The concept of the microgrid is quickly taking root not
micro-grid modes of operation with the proposed scheme. In
only in the research community, but also on the agendas of
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H. H. Zeineldin (M’06) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical Wei Lee Woon (M’08) received a B.Eng. in Electronic Engineering with
Engineering from Cairo University, Egypt, in 1999 and 2002, respectively. first class honours from UMIST, UK (now merged with the University of
In 2006, he received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Manchester) in 1997, and his PhD in 2002 from the Neural Computing
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Zeineldin worked for Smith and Research Group at Aston University, Birmingham, UK. Upon graduation
Andersen Electrical Engineering Inc. where he was involved with projects he joined the Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST) as
involving distribution system design, protection and distributed generation. an Assistant Professor, where he served until 2007. He subsequently joined
He then worked as a Visiting Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Masdar Institute of Science and Technology (Abu Dhabi, UAE). Dr. Woon
Technology (MIT), Cambridge. Currently, he is an Associate Professor with has also worked as a Visiting Researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of
the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi, UAE. His Technology and at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Tokyo. His research
current interests include power system protection, distributed generation, and interests include technology mining, analysis of distributed generation systems
deregulation. and EEG signal analysis.

Copyright (c) 2011 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing

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