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Date / Day : 28 March 2019 / Friday

Class / Proficiency Level : 4 Kuning / Mixed-ability

Time :9.15-10.15 a.m.
Grammar Focus : Adverb
Theme : World of Stories
Topic : Going Places
Enrolment : 21 students
Content standard :5.1 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to use
different word classes correctly and appropriately.
Learning standard :5.1.8 Able to use adverbs correctly and appropriately:
a) place
Behavioural objectives : By the end of lesson, students are able to:
a) identify 5 out of 7 adverbs correctly on the worksheet provided.
b) identify 4 out of 7 adverbs correctly and fill in the crossword
c) Write 3 out of 4 simple sentences correctly based on the adverbs
given on the worksheet.
Cross-Curricular Elements :Constructivism, Contextual Learning, HOTS (Application), Multiple
Intelligence (Verbal Linguistics, Kinesthetics)
Moral Values : Considerate, Friendly, Helping one another
Pupils’ previous knowledge :Pupils are familiar with adverbs of place.
Teaching aids :Envelope, mahjong paper, crossword puzzle, Worksheet A, Worksheet
B, Worksheet C, Worksheet D (remedial), Exit ticket

Stages/time Content Activities Notes

Set induction Letters in envelope 1. Teacher distributes an envelope to Teaching Aids:
(+/- 5 mins) each group. -Envelope with
2. Teacher instructs the pupils to take (Appendix 1)
out the letters from the envelope and
join them together to form a word.
Multiple intelligence:
- Everywhere
-Verbal Linguistics

3. Pupils form the words and read them

4. Teacher discusses the words formed
by the pupils and introduces adverbs
of place as the topic of the day.
Presentation Mahjong paper 1. Teacher explains adverbs and Teaching Aids:
(+/- 15 mins) adverbs of place. -Mahjong paper
(Appendix 2)
2. Teacher pastes mahjong paper on the
whiteboard to explain further on CCE:
-Contextual Learning
adverbs of place using examples.

Multiple intelligence:
- Verbal Linguistics

Moral Value:
-Helping one
- Friendly
Practice(+/- Crossword puzzle 1. Teacher passes worksheet A to the Teaching Aids:
15 mins) pupils. -Worksheet A
2. Pupils will read the story given in (Appendix 3)
worksheet A and circle the adverbs of - Crossword Puzzle
place. (Appendix 4)
3. Teacher discusses the answers of -Worksheet B
worksheet A with the pupils. (Appendix 5)
4. Then, each group is distributed with a
manila card and a worksheet B. CCE:
5. The manila card is a draft of -Constructivism
crossword puzzle for the pupils to
complete and the worksheet consist of Multiple intelligence:
questions for the crossword puzzle. -Kinesthetics
6. Once they have completed the
crossword puzzle, teacher calls out a Assessment:
pupil at random to present their - Peer assessment
group’s answer.

7. The other group members peer

assess their answers while teacher
facilitates the activity and corrects if
there is any mistake.
Production Write simple 1. Teacher calls out a pupil to pass Teaching Aids:
(+/- 20 mins) sentences worksheet C to the class. -Worksheet C
2. Worksheet C consists of 2 sections a) (Appendix 6)
and b). - Worksheet D
3. Section a) consists of sentences and (Appendix 7)
options of answers in between on
adverbs of place to choose. CCE:
4. In section b), pupils will construct -HOTS (application)
simple sentences using the adverbs
given. Multiple intelligence:
5. Teacher provides Worksheet D which -Verbal Linguistics
consists helping words to the remedial
students to help them construct
6. Teacher facilitates the activity.
Closure Exit Ticket 1. Teacher gives an exit ticket to the Teaching Aids:
(+/- 5 mins) pupils. -Exit Ticket
(Appendix 8)
2. Pupils will have to write three words
that they have learned in the lesson. CCE:
- Constructivism
3. Once done writing, pupils will drop the
Multiple intelligence:
exit ticket in a small box prepared by
-Verbal Linguistics
the teacher in the front table.

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