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La Immaculada Concepcion School

High School Department

A.Y. 2013-2014

Social Studies IV—Economics

Teacher’s Name: Mr. Junior Lim Dates of Implementation: June 5-June 18, 2013
Grade Level: Fourth Number of Meetings: Coverage: First Unit


Established Goal/s:
1. To understand the meaning of economics and how people are making decisions on how to use the limited and
scarce resources.
2. To describe Economics as one of the Social Sciences.
3. To create a presentation that shows the application of Economics to our daily living.
Essential Understanding(s): (EU) Essential Question(s) (EQ)

Students will understand that: Students keep considering on :

1. The concept of Economics is focused on how 1. How does Economics exist?
people decide to use the scarce and limited 2. How does economics affects human decisions?
resources. 3. How does economics became a Social Science?
2. Economics has a relationship to sciences and other
Knowledge (K) Skills (S)

Students will know the: Students will be able to:

1. Definition of Economics 1. Relate the importance of Economics in everyday lives.
2. Nature and relationship of Economics to Science 2. Explain the relation of Economics to other Sciences.
and other Fields. 3. Analyze the contribution of Economists in our modern time.
3. Branches and Sectors of Economics
4. Importance of Economics
5. World Economist


Product or Performance Task/s (T) Other Evidence: (OE)
Activity – based application of concepts Graded Recitation
Each group should be able to define Economics by
their own words. Quizzes

The following criteria will be used to evaluate the Homework

 Cooperation Seatwork
 Originality
 Content
 Relevance


(What learning activities will enable students to achieve the desired results)
DAY 1&2 Course Description and Definition of Economics

I. Introduction
Getting the attention of the students through Story analysis and picture association.
II. Interaction
a. Let the students read and analyze the story and picture being presented.
b. Relate the story and pictures from students’ daily living.
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c. Associate their answer to the topic

III. List of Materials (per meeting)
a. PowerPoint Presentation
b. Cartolina/Manila Paper and Pentel Pen
IV. Integration
 The teacher will introduce the course description and outline
 The teacher will discuss the meaning of Economics and relate it to other fields of science
 Let the students make their own definition of Economics throughout the session.
V. Closure
At the end of the session, students should defined economics as a social science which deals with the choosing
and making of decisions in producing different goods and services from the limited and scarce resources in
order to distribute it for consumption and to satisfy the increasing needs of the people.
VI. Agreement
Review on the concepts of studying Economics
Day 3: Formative Quiz #1 (Terms and Terminologies)

I. Introduction
The teacher will give a 25 item Terminology Quiz about the past lessons.
II. Interaction
a. The students will answer the quiz for 30 minutes only.
b. Upon finishing the quiz, the teacher and the students will have a comprehensive checking.
c. The student/s having the lowest score will sing or entertain the class.
III. List of Materials (per meeting)
a. Test Paper and Pencil
IV. Integration
 Students will be asked to answer the 25 item Quiz for 30 minutes about the concept of Economics.
V. Closure
Through answering a formative test, students will be able to master the basic to complex concept of Economics.
VI. Agreement
1. Research on the different fields and other sciences which may associate in the study of Economics.
2. Answer and Justify: Why is it that Economics is considered as a Social Science?
DAY 4 Nature and Relation of Economics to Science and other Fields

I. Introduction
The teacher will ask the students to fill-up a web diagram in the board with subjects or fields that may
associated with the study of Economics.
II. Interaction
a. Let the students to list-down all the fields and subjects which they think related to Economics.
b. Ask the students to explain their answers.
c. Let the students analyze if the answers are related to the study of Economics.
III. List of Materials (per meeting)
a. PowerPoint Presentation
b. Board and Chalk
IV. Integration
 The teacher will write the word “ECONOMICS” in the board using a web diagram
 Students will be asked to write subjects and sciences that may be associated with the study of Economics.
V. Closure
Economics is social science which can be associated to different sciences and other field of knowledge. As a
social science, economics is based on the human thinking on how to deal with the limited and scarce resources.
VI. Agreement
Review on the Sciences and other fields and sciences related to the study of Economics.
Day 5: Formative Quiz #2 (Identification)

I. Introduction
The teacher will give a 25 item Identification Quiz about the past lessons.
II. Interaction
a. The students will answer the quiz for 30 minutes only.
b. Upon finishing the quiz, the teacher and the students will have a comprehensive checking.
c. The student/s having the lowest score will sing or entertain the class.
III. List of Materials (per meeting)
a. Test Paper and Pencil
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IV. Integration
 Students will be asked to answer the 25 item Quiz for 30 minutes about the other fields and sciences related
to the study of Economics.
V. Closure
Through answering a formative test, students will be able to master the relationship of Economics to other field
of knowledge.
VI. Agreement
1. Identify the different branches and Sectors of Economics.
2. Compare and contrast each branches and Sectors from one another.
DAY 6 Branches and Sectors of Economics

I. Introduction
The teacher will show a tree in the class. The teacher will asked the following questions:
1. What if the tree has no branches?
2. What is the purpose of the branches?
3. How do the parts of the tree work together?
II. Interaction
a. The teacher will asked questions pertaining to the picture and relate it to the topic.
b. The students will look closer to the picture presented by the teacher.
c. The students will analyze how the parts of a tree work together.
III. List of Materials (per meeting)
a. PowerPoint Presentation
IV. Integration
 The students will have a group reporting regarding the different branches and sectors of Economics.
 The teacher will evaluate the presentation using rubrics.
V. Closure
As a result of their group activity, it shows that Economics is divided into two (2) main branches;
Macroeconomics and Microeconomics. Macroeconomics deals with the holistic study of an economy while,
Microeconomics deals with the small unit of the economy. Economics also can be divided into different sectors
which as its own purpose and function in the economy.
VI. Agreement
1. Research on the reasons “why we should study Economics?”
DAY 7 Importance of Economics

I. Introduction
Using a web diagram, students will be tasked by the teacher to write word/s which will show how important
II. Interaction
a. The teacher will draw a circle in the chalk board and write the words; “IMPORTANCE OF ECONOMICS”.
b. Each students should write word/s that will illustrate how important to study Economics.
c. Afterwards, there will be a peer evaluation wherein, students will try to evaluate the words on the board.
III. List of Materials (per meeting)
a. PowerPoint Presentation
b. Chalk and Board
IV. Integration
 The students will write an essay about how important to study Economics?
 The teacher will select some students to read their essays in front of the class.
V. Closure
Economics is important since that it involves our daily lives. It also focuses on how people should use the
limited resources in order to suite with their increasing needs. Lastly, upon studying Economics, it is expected
that people will become aware on how to make decisions for the improvement of their lives and for others.
VI. Agreement
1. Research about the famous Economist and list-down their contributions to the field of economics.
DAY 8-9 World Economist

I. Introduction
The teacher will show to the class different pictures of Economist as a motivation.
II. Interaction
a. The students will try to identify the pictures based on the given clues presented by the teacher.
b. If their guess is correct, student will give additional information about the presented economist.
III. List of Materials (per meeting)
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a. PowerPoint Presentation
IV. Integration
 Students will analyze the contributions of the Economists in our modern time.
 They will try to familiarize the Pictures of the Economists.
V. Closure
The emergence of Economics is due to the existed thought from different people. Those people who studied
the human life, thinking, behavior and acts. They were the people who dedicated their time in answering the
problems created by the limited supply of resources and the increasing demands of the people. Those people
were called “Economist” who also gives emphasis on how to satisfy the needs of our people economically.
VI. Agreement
Review about the Importance of Economics, its branches and sector, and the contributions of the World
Day 10: Formative Quiz #3 (Analysis and Essay)

I. Introduction
The teacher will give a 25 item Analysis and Essay Quiz about the past lessons.
II. Interaction
a. The students will answer the quiz for 30 minutes only.
b. Upon finishing the quiz, the teacher and the students will have a comprehensive checking.
c. The student/s having the lowest score will sing or entertain the class.
III. List of Materials (per meeting)
a. Test Paper and Pencil
IV. Integration
V. Students will be asked to answer the 25 item Quiz for 30 minutes about the Importance of Economics, its
branches and sector, and the contributions of the World Economists
VI. Closure
Through answering a formative test, students will be able to show mastery of the Importance of Economics, its
branches and sector, and the contributions of the World Economists
VII. Agreement
1. Identify the different branches

Ibanez, Maria Carmela. Social Studies in Perspective-Principles of Economics. Manila: Diwa: Learning System
Inc., 2010.
Quijano, Jodylyn. Basic Economics with Taxation and Agrarian Reform. Manila: Kriss V., 2001

Date Remarks
Designed by
Mr. Junior S. Lim

Date Remarks
Checked by Mr. Romeo B. Matta
Subject Area Coordinator – AP
Date Remarks
Noted by Ms. Marilou T. Albano
Department Head
Date Remarks
Approved by Mrs. Leticia V. Cruz

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