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ABN. 19 048 935 817

PO BOX 1198, Dubbo NSW 2830

Skills for Touch

This touch skills checklist is intended as a self-assessment tool for players to identify
strengths in their game and also identify areas for improvement. There are two sections:
Individual player skills and execution of two player and team moves. All of the individual skills
are required in the execution of team moves. You should be striving to execute individual
skills consistently when under pressure, when tired and at pace.

Tick the box that you estimate your current skill is at now. Identify a couple of skills to work
on each season and re-assess your skills every 6-12 months.

Individual player skills

Player Skill Never Sometimes Consistently
Dump ball with right hand
Dump ball with left hand
Play the ball flat on the ground (so dummy half can scoop
and go) with no rolling of the ball
Dump the ball to the side of the defender (rather than in front
of the defender)
“Kicking” (engaging the defender) While driving the ball,
make eye contact with one defender, then shift eye contact to
an alternate defender to make more ground (and even dump
on two defenders).
Carry the ball in two hands
Run at space between players to draw two defenders to
yourself (rather than at a single player)
5m-9m pass left to right
10m- 15m pass left to right (a cut out pass)
5m-9m pass right to left
10m-15m pass right to left (a cut out pass)
Pass 5m-9m from dummy half left to right
Pass 5m-9m from dummy half right to left
Set yourself deep (min 7m) and wide (min 5m) of the ruck
when preparing to catch the ball
Catch the ball when on the run (minimum 50% pace)
While on the run, catch a ball in front of your body with your
hands (ready to pass immediately)
Right handed scoop from dummy half
Left handed scoop from dummy half
Scoop from dummy half and change direction
In and away
Talking in attack so other players know what you are planning
to do or what you want them to do
Player Skill Never Sometimes Consistently
Touch on the saddle (between the opponents shoulder and
neck) with inside hand (hand closest to the middle of the
field) outside hand points to your corner
Moving forward in defence to make a touch (shooting) once
dummy half has the ball (can go at will if no dummy half)
Make touch in front of the attacking player (NOT letting them
get to the side of you)
Getting on-side (running backwards while watching the play)
When defending in the wing position- compress the link
defender in to the middle of the field, but have your body
positioned with chest to your corner and head turned to
watch the game (when you have to chase out, your body
already in the right position to go)
Talking in defence about which touch you are going to make
and which touch other players around you need to make
Shutting down (kill, hit, crash). When the defender inside
you is beaten by the attacker, you run in and make the touch
on their player.

Two person and team moves

Player Skill Never Sometimes Consistently
Rucking- Three man drive
Arrows- four man rucking with dummy half wrapping the
player receiving the ball
Dump and split to receive the ball back from the dummy half
„B‟ Switch
Option (flat switch-)
„C‟ (dummy switch and down)
Bump ball
Double suck
Star (Spike)
Rock Star
Quickie Boy
Quickie two (with sweeper)
Finishing the set of six with the ball on your own box side as
close to the sideline as possible

Player Skill Never Sometimes Consistently
Green zone defence (Frosty- link and middle attacking first
play the ball)
Red zone defence (Short side pairs- alternate middle and
links shooting up once over the half way line. Wingers
compress into the middle and players pull to their corner
when the touch is made)

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