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Aditya Kant Agarwal

Roll No: 19BSP0143

Task 1:

Choose a national or regional culture, ethnicity – one different from your own and find out what
values the people in this demographic are generally known for. How working or doing business with a
person from one of these groups require you to adapt your own values and communication style.


 I am choosing “Jainism” as a regional culture of India. It is concentrated largely in Gujarat and

Rajasthan as well as in the larger cities of the Indian peninsula.
 Followers of Jainism are called “Jains”, a word derived from the Sanskrit work Jina (means

 The principle/values of Jainism are-

 Non-Violence: It is the most important principle of Jainism. They believe that one must
abandon all violent activities and should not injure, abuse, insult, torture or kill any
living being ,they are against of all kind of violence whether physical or verbal.
 Truth: Jainism insists that one should not only refrain from falsehood, but should always
speak the truth.
 Non-Stealing: One should be totally honest in action, thought and speech. One should
not steal, ask others to do so or approve of such activities.
 Non-Attachment: They believe that one should not get attached to any material or
psychological possessions, avoiding carving and greed.
 Not to touch intoxicants: They believe that alcohol can make one’s mind weak due to
which one can’t think clearly and may result in violence.

While working with these people we should keep below points in mind :

 We should not hide any important facts or detail of the deal from them as they will not accept
such type of behavior as they believe in power of truth .Moreover it will not be ethical to do so.
 While communicating with them we should choose our words wisely and should not use any
harsh word or foul language as they are against all kind of violence whether physical or verbal.
 While doing business meeting with them we should always order veg food as ordering non-veg
food may offend them as it is against their values.
 We should not offer alcohol to them as it is against their principle.
 We should be very professional and honest while dealing with them as they are very down to
earth people and respect hard work.
Task 2:

Megan Cabot is one of 12 workers in department X. She has strong leadership qualities and all co-
workers look up to her. She dominates conversations with them and expresses strong viewpoints on
most matters. Although she is a good worker but her dominating personality has caused problems for
you, the new manager of the department. Today you directed your subordinates to change a certain
work procedure. The change is one that has proven superior in the past whenever it has been tried.
Soon after giving the directive, you noticed the workers talking in a group with Megan the obvious
leader. In a few minutes she appeared in your office. “We’ve thought it over,” she said. “Your
production change won’t work.” Explain what is happening. How will you handle the situation?


 In the above situation I will first try to understand her view point why does she think these
changes would not work.
 I will try to explain pros associated with the decision taken in more understandable way.
 I will analyze the points which are given by her. In case the points provided by here are valid and
might impact the productivity then I will try to find out alternative solution by discussing the
matter with seniors or find a work around and if not, then she has to work according to new
method otherwise I will take disciplinary action against her.

Task 3:

Formal Communication: Self-Introduction Write an e-mail message to introduce yourself to your

instructor and your class. Include such things as your background, interests, achievements, and goals.
Keep your e-mail message under one normal screen in length, and use Figure 1.4 as a model
(Reference book -Business Communication Today -Bovee) for the format.




Subject: Self Introduction Letter

Greeting Everyone,

My name is Aditya Kant Agrawal and I am a PGPM student at IBS Gurgaon. My hometown is in Haldwani,
Uttarakhand. I have done my schooling from Aryaman Vikram Birla. I was the house captain of my
school and was responsible for organizing events. I have completed my graduation from Kumaun
University, Haldwani.

I have been a part of social cause organized by Agrawal Sabha in distributing blankets to weaker section
of the society during winter. I am quick learner and always keen to learn new things.
My hobbies are travelling, listening music and doing adventure sports. My goal is to be associated with
top MNCs and to be at a respectable position.

At last i like to extend my gratitude to each one of you and looking forward for this new journey at IBS.

Thanks and Regards,

Aditya Kant Agrawal

Task 4:

Message for Analysis

Read the following blog posting and then (1) analyze whether the message is effective or ineffective
communication(be sure to explain why) and (2) revise the message so that it follows this chapter's

It has come to my attention that many of you are lying on your time cards. If you come in late, you
should not put 8:00 onyour card. If you take a long lunch, youcshould not put 1:00 on your time card. I
will not standcfor this type of cheating. Isimply have no choice but to institute an employee monitoring
system. Beginning next Monday, video cameras will beinstalled at all entrances to the building, and your
entry and exit times will be logged each time you use electronic keycards to enter or leave.

Anyone who is late for work or late coming back from lunch more than three times will have to answer
to me. I don't careif you had to take a nap or if you girls had to shop. This is a place of business, and we
do not want to be taken advantageof by slackers who are cheaters to boot. It is too bad that a few bad
apples always have to spoil things for everyone.

+91 9811986205


The above message is an ineffective communication because

 There is no greeting in the message.

 Secondly, there are multiple spelling mistakes, due to which the message is not properly
 The message includes the day but not the date, which may result in further confusion.
 In the message, there is no scope of genuine reason.
 In the first paragraph, there is a mistake in the time mentioned as it doesn’t include the proper
time format.
 It lacks the proper designation of the person who is sending the message.
 The message fails to invite queries of the employees.

Revised Message-
Hi Team,

It has been noticed that many of you are not putting correct timing of your entry/exits on your time
cards. If you are coming late, you should not put 8:00am on your card. Similarly, if your lunch time
exceeds then you should not be putting the incorrect time on your time cards. We will not tolerate this
type of behavior. We simply have no choice left, but to install employee monitoring system. Beginning
next Monday 24th Jun’19, video cameras will be installed at all entrances of the building and your entry
and exit times will be logged each time you use electronic key cards to enter or leave the building.

Anyone who is late for work or coming late from lunch for more than three times will have to give a
proper explanation to me. In case, there is an emergency then you have to inform me regarding the
same, so that your name will not be in the defaulter list. This is our work place and we expect
professional attitude towards the work. It is too bad that a few bad apples always spoil things for

Going forward, I hope we maintain proper work environment and if you have any queries then feel free
to contact me.

General Manager, ABC Groups

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