Lesson 1 Introduction To Ethics

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Introduction to Ethics

Module 1 Introduction to Ethics

At the end of this module, you are expected t0:

1. Understand the importance of Ethics to Philosophy to Higher Learning
2. Learn its contribution to Man’s development

Ethics and Philosophy

What is Ethics? Why is it important to every society? First of all, let us define Ethics
– simply put it is the Philosophy of Life. By critical thinking it discerns men form brutes
making men decide better than mere a priori judgment. The quality of life men lived is a
testament to man’s mental development. Ethics is the primary vehicle for men to reach the
very purpose of life – the pursuit of happiness. Ever since civilizations began their baby
steps, societies are created to ensure their security from predators – real or imagined, they
have to create laws but of what use is it if not guided by reason, and that is where Ethics
come in. The written law is used to ensure order but what is the ultimate source of it all –
ethics no doubt. Ethics made men decide what is right or wrong guided by reason should
ambiguity in the written law persists.
As we all know nothing is perfect, everything has flaws, with that confusion comes
in. Human Ethics are clouded by man’s self-interest that interpretation to law and order as
muddled as needle in a haystack. As time goes by changes in the environment as well as the
complexities of the human world as well as his thinking altered the understanding of
Ethics. That is an undeniable fact. Sadly leaders of the modern world lack ethical standards
that at times their morals are condescending.
In the current world we are currently in, there are age-old questions that even
baffled geniuses and they are: 1) what is the supreme purpose of human living?, 2) What is
man’s greatest good and perfection?, 3) what is the ultimate objective of human strivings, is
it attainable?, 4) what is the summum bonum (highest good) of human life and 5) what is
the root cause and remedy to human suffering.
Is man intrinsically good or evil? If we are to correlate man as part of the Animal
Kingdom then men are bad. Take for example co-workers in an office who display
“decency” in each other’s presence but invent stories behind their backs to discredit them
to their boss and gain brownie points a sure sign of a lack of professional ethics. We might
say this is immoral but logical just the same, we live in a dog-eat-dog world. Survival at all
cost is the name of the game. Which brings us to another philosophical question, why are
not moral acts are not legal and vice versa? Going to church is moral but why was this not
legislated? In the same way, why is divorce considered immoral to us Filipinos is legally
approved in other societies? The decadence of ethics is not just limited to the business
world. It has even affected every aspect of society, such as sports and entertainment.

Course Module
Ethics and Human Development
Humans are not born endowed with ethics as if it is an inherent charcterisitic; but
their behavior jives with human development. Man initially behaves like brutes, and under
human development, he behaves less morally and more ethically. Ethics and morality are
interchangeable for they are both patterns of human behavior but in reality are different.
Ethics refer to rules provided by an external source, such as laws, codes of conduct in
workplaces or principles in religions. Morals on the other hand refer to an individual’s own
principles regarding right and wrong. Ergo as man progressed he deviates from his clouded
personal beliefs to a more socially acceptable norm.
Ethical human behavior depend on two things: personal development and human
development. Personal development, in general, is a process of internalization of values,
judgement and thought; and morally, is a transition from what we should ought to do, to
what is the best thing to do. Human development is the combination of -collective- personal
development and social development. The ethics of human behavior ranges from the
spectrum of low personal and human development to high personal and human
development. In time, man’s ethical development will also serve as his transition from a
self-indulging individual to a person endowed with knowledge that will aid him in his
pursuit for happiness.

References and Supplementary Materials

Books and Journals
1. Montemayor, Felix; Ethics the Philippines; Navotas Metro Manila; National Book Store

Written by:
Christopher S. Espiritu
AMACC Caloocan Campus

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