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GROUP NUMBER: 551030_4


JULY 21th, 2017

Educational management allows for educational improvement in each of the different

educational environments. For this reason we as teachers we must have an excellent ability to

observe in each of the school contexts in which we are in order to know who our students are,

who knows, do not know and need. If we know what are the problems that we face in our

educational environment, we can know that we must solve and in this way as master managers

we will seek, inquire about the possible solutions and definitely the one we will use in order for

our students to learn from significant way.

Daniela Hernández´s Action Plan


During the beginning of the second academic period, most of the students in the ninth grade
began to show a poor performance in chemistry, which generated a concern for the teacher,
because they were not a few but about 80% of Students had poor grades; Since in the first period
did not present such a serious situation because of this has decided to intervene in order to find
the cause of the problem and be able to reach a solution.
1. Teacher 2. Student 3. Pedagogical resources (implements)

Low academic
achievement in

4. Classroom 5. Educational institution

1. Teacher

- It is necessary to update the practices and activities of teaching

- The method you use for class development is not appropriate.

- He does not dedicate a part of the class to solve the doubts that the students present.

- The document does not present a good character to teach so your explanations are not so

2. Student

- Students have been neglected in this academic period, therefore, have been reflected in their

- The issues seen in the second period are more complex, therefore the most difficult is their

- It requires more commitment, study and responsibility in the students for the successful
development of the proposed activities.

3. Resources

- The area of chemistry does not have the necessary materials and instruments to facilitate and
make the development of the class more dynamic and productive.

4. Classroom

- The classroom is not in order to the needs of the class so it does not have the space for the
development of practical activities, besides not having the materials and the necessary inputs for
a correct explanation.

5. Educational Institution
- The institution does not have the necessary resources to create an exclusive space for the
practices and activities of the chemistry area.

- The rector of the institution has no interest in improving educational spaces for students to
receive a quality education.

Possible solutions

1. At the end of the explanation of each topic, the document can take a separate time to dedicate
exclusively to the solution of the questions they present to students, as well as more interaction
and teacher-student communication.

2. The teacher should improve the application of the strategies used in explaining the class and
implement more the use of activities and teaching materials in the development of these, and that
cannot be found in the understanding of the subjects to the Students

3. I could hold a meeting with the parents and the document with the end of going through little
by little the necessary materials for the development of the sea class more didactic and the
students learned with a different method.

Solution chosen

The solution chosen is # 2 since I think the most appropriate option for the problem affects a
large majority of students, not just a few; this implies that it can rule out the lack of interest on
the part of the students, therefore the cause of the problem originates from the mismanagement of
the teaching strategies and the contents that the teacher together with the learning competences
that are developed in their students

Action plan
Objectives Implement the use of new strategies to improve the understanding of the topics

To promote the improvement in the acquisition of learning through group or

individual activities (workshops) that present the knowledge learned during
each theme and also help to reinforce the acquired skills.

Generate interest in the subject, motivating students to research, developing

new skills and competencies.
Goal To improve the academic performance of students in the area of chemistry with
the implementation of new strategies and the development of activities /
workshops that reinforce their skills.
Teaching The explanation given will be clear and will be given a space at the end of the
strategy class for the solution to questions presented during the development of the
Unsuccessful quices will be made to reinforce the understanding of the subject
and at the same time clear the doubts, at the end of the teacher will make a
feedback to the development of the questions thus to improve the existing gaps
in the subject
Encourage the active participation of students to create a better environment in
the classroom so that everyone is involved in acquiring learning for a better
understanding of the subject
In a collaborative way, workshops will be developed to achieve a joint learning
process, in which peer interaction is improved, seeking to achieve the same
goal, developing competencies and values
Evaluation It will be evaluated for each topic seen to be able to make a measurement of the
academic progress of the student and thus facilitate the understanding of the
subjects and can have a good basis for those you see later.

This allows to recognize the failures and difficulties that the student presents in
front of each subject and thus to look for a timely solution to the problem or
deficiency that is presenting
Jenny Carrillo´s Action Plan
1. Identify the problem

Students in Emmanuel school are losing their motivation to learn English and are

becoming more demotivated as times goes by. Students in schools are losing their

motivation to learn English and are becoming more demotivated as time goes by.

Demotivation has become frequent in schools and the number of demotivated learners is

increasing. So, this study tried to shed light on some „potential motivational pitfalls and

danger zones‟ (Dörnyei, 2001b).

2. Gathering relevant data


For this research I will use two instruments there are:

1. I will use the observation to the students in English class and I do a short journal for

writing about the events in their classes whit the purpose that he can review of what

happened during a lesson and based in it he can keep a new insights.

2. I am going to implementing the previous survey to the Emmanuel community the rector,

teachers, students and parents. They should answer the survey and then I I'm going to

analyze and interpret the data, Draw conclusions on this; Representing it in tables, figures

and Images to summarize; and explaining the conclusions in words to provide answers to

my research questions and according to my survey applied.

With this process I could know what factors affect the motivation of the students and

look for strategies to motivate the students to meaningful learning English as a foreign

Survey with 10 questions for teacher, director, students and parents with this I want to

know the importance of the learning English for educative community.

This could be the survey:




Agradezco su participación en la siguiente encuesta. Por favor responda teniendo en cuenta su

experiencia en el cargo que ocupa dentro de la institución.

INSTITUCION: Colegio Pedagógico Emmanuel

Nombre: ___________________________________________________ edad: ________

Cargo: ______________________ Grado: (si aplica): __________________

Lea y responda atentamente las 10 preguntas que encontrará a continuación.

1. ¿Está usted interesado(a) en el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera?

2. ¿cree que es necesario aprender inglés?

3. ¿le gusta aprender inglés?

4. ¿qué importancia le da al inglés en relación con otras asignaturas?

5. ¿de que manera cree que en usted se despertaría más interés por el aprendizaje de

6. ¿Cómo han sido sus experiencias anteriores con respecto al aprendizaje de inglés?

7. ¿Cree usted que cuenta con las herramientas necesarias para dicho aprendizaje?

8. ¿Se interesa usted por crear ambientes que favorezcan su aprendizaje de inglés
como lengua extranjera?
9. ¿considera importante la enseñanza de inglés en la institución a la cual usted

10. ¿Qué beneficios cree que traería a su vida a nivel personal, educativo y a nivel de
comunicación el aprender inglés?

3. Analyzing the data gathered

Emmanuel school was founded in the year 2002, in the La Cumbre neighborhood in the

Floridablanca city. La Cumbre is a popular neighborhood of stratum one and two. The

most parents haven´t studied in the university and they don’t know about English only

that they studied when they were in the primary.

Emmanuel school is a primary school in where there is an excellent education

academically and formative in other words this institution provides complete education.

In Emmanuel school the education is personalized for this reason in each classroom you

can find fifteen students it favors the learning environment.

The school has five years providing the educational service but only two years that there

is an English teacher prepared. The other years the English classes were dictated by the

same teacher who taught the other subjects.

The year immediately prior to this year. The students had a Colombian teacher who had

lived the last twenty years in the United States and in this country he wasn´t a teacher, so

he came at Emmanuel School and his classes were based in learning songs and

vocabulary no more.
When I arrived in 2017 at Emmanuel School and I did a diagnostic test so that I could

know in which level of English my new students in the third, fourth and fifth grades of

primary school were able to realize that they did not reach the basic standards of

competence for the school level they were in.

But this situation was not the most important for me. I could see that the most of the children

didn´t want English classes, they were unmotivated in English learning and this really was a


In relation to everything said above the research problem that I choose is the
students demotivation in learning English and the negative effect of this demotivation on
the learning process.

4. Generating possible solutions

For generating possible solution I should answer the following questions:

What strategies should be implemented to motivate learners to learn English as a

foreign language?

Teachers should implement different strategies to motivate learners to learn English as a foreign

language “Active learning instructional strategies include a wide range of activities that share the

common element of ―involving students in doing things and thinking about the things they are

doing‖ (Bonwell & Eison 1991). Active learning instructional strategies can be created and used

to engage students in (a) thinking critically or creatively, (b) speaking with a partner, in a small

group, or with the entire class, (c) expressing ideas through writing, (d) exploring personal

attitudes and values, (e) giving and receiving feedback, and (f) reflecting upon the learning

process It should also be noted that active learning instructional strategies can (a) be completed
by students either in-class or out-of-class, (b) be done by students working either as individuals

or in group, and (c) be done either with or without the use of technology tools When an instructor

employs active learning strategies, he or she will typically will (a) spend greater proportion of

time helping students develop their understanding and skills (promoting deep learning) and a

lesser proportion of time transmitting information (i.e., supporting surface learning). In addition,

the instructor will provide opportunities for students to (a) apply and demonstrate what they are

learning and to (b) receive immediate feedback from peers and/or the instructor”. Eison


How to get all students participate actively and thoughtfully in class work?

If the student are motivated in class, they will have interesting for realized all proposed activities.

The students should feel confidence in the moment the class, the activities should be motivate


What factor in the student environment is causing disinterestedness in learning

English as a foreign language?

The majority of students stated that the English teachers are not well trained, for exampleusing

Lao language when teaching, so they cannot perform well and influenced the interest ofthe


The majority of students' lack of English background knowledge; for example, theEnglish

curriculum is provided when they learn in the first year of low secondary school.3.
The majority of students lack of confidence to use the language because of afraid andfeeling

shame if they make mistakes; Lao curriculum is not suitable for Lao students to helpthem

improve English; English language is difficult to learn.4.

Students do not practice to speak English with English native speakers; classroom iscrowded as

well as the environment is not suitable. (Factors Causes Students Low English Language

Learning: A Case Study in the National University of Laos, s.f.)

5. Selecting a solution

I choose the following solution: Teachers should implement different strategies to motivate

learners to learn English as a foreign language “Active learning instructional strategies include a

wide range of activities that share the common element of ―involving students in doing things

and thinking about the things they are doing‖ (Bonwell & Eison 1991). Active learning

instructional strategies can be created and used to engage students in (a) thinking critically or

creatively, (b) speaking with a partner, in a small group, or with the entire class, (c) expressing

ideas through writing, (d) exploring personal attitudes and values, (e) giving and receiving

feedback, and (f) reflecting upon the learning process It should also be noted that active learning

instructional strategies can (a) be completed by students either in-class or out-of-class, (b) be

done by students working either as individuals or in group, and (c) be done either with or without

the use of technology tools When an instructor employs active learning strategies, he or she will

typically will (a) spend greater proportion of time helping students develop their understanding

and skills (promoting deep learning) and a lesser proportion of time transmitting information (i.e.,

supporting surface learning). In addition, the instructor will provide opportunities for students to

(a) apply and demonstrate what they are learning and to (b) receive immediate feedback from

peers and/or the instructor”. Eison Jim(2010)

6. Planning the implementation of the solution

The class for the children will be fun and meaningful take in mind the students contest.
Angie Katherine Sanchez´s Action Plan
Planning on Problem Solving
Type of Institution: Public Economic Status: Lower Class
City: Bucaramanga / Santander Number of Students: 26 students
Average Age: Between 15 and 16 years Type of students: Teenagers
Grade: 10th grade English Level: A1 level
Stage 1: Identifying the exact problem.
Demotivation in Tenth Grade Students in face of English Learning

A group of tenth grade learners from a public institution, are presenting anomalies and signs of demotivation when they to learn
English; this problematic situation has caused their academic performance to fall (preventing them from obtaining good marks in the
subject and to advance in their English level). It is necessary to identify the causes and consequences of this problem, as well as to
know the reason for the lack of motivation in teenagers and because the loss of interest in the subject; with the purpose to raise new
alternatives for solution and to opt for the most convenient, to make changes in the educational scenario, to be able to arrive at take
decisions and solve this problem, that today affects to the students of tenth grade.
Stage 2: Identifying the causes of the problem.

Medio ambiente Elaborada por:

Claudia Yaneth
López Agredo
Afectación a la salud Fenómenos naturales
Aumento de
Afectación a la calidad
de vida Perdida de la biodiversidad
Degradación del Aumento de
Falta de conciencia paisaje temperatura
Quema de Bosques, PITALITO
quema de combustibles
Mal desecho de residuos
fósiles (carbón,
petróleo y gas)
Falta de higiene Calentamiento
Irresponsabilidad e inconciencia
La deforestación

Exceso de Social Deterioro capa

Basuras de ozono
Stage 3: Generating possible solutions to the problem.

According to the identification of the main causes that have generated the demotivation in tenth grade students, it becomes necessary
to propose the following alternatives of solution for the present educational problem.
A. Design and plan a transversal classroom project on a specific topic, as a kind of openness to an invitation for acquire permanent
habits in relation to the lack of motivation in students.

B. Implement an improvement plan that contains specific objectives and to execute them in detail, in order that the students acquire the
expected competences in the English area (linguistic, sociolinguistic, communicative and pragmatic), as well as to advance and improve
the Language skills, but above all they can regain motivation in their learning process.

C. Prepare a lesson plan with new tools and resources according to the English level of the students that meets their needs, expectations
and awakes their intrinsic motivation.

D. Creating a new institutional educational project (P.E.I) with an innovative curriculum that can make an impact on the affected
population (tenth grade students), facilitating new educational and pedagogical programs and processes to each student.
Stage 4: Choosing the most appropriate solution.
According to the solution proposals that were raised previously, the most viable and primordial option to be applied to the presented
problem is:

B. Implement an improvement plan that contains specific objectives and to execute them in detail, in order that the students acquire the expected
competences in the English area (linguistic, sociolinguistic, communicative and pragmatic), as well as to advance and improve the Language skills,
but above all they can regain motivation in their learning process.

Action Plan for Improvement the Students´s Learning Process

Purpose of Action Plan:

To reach satisfactorily the basic competences required by the thematic content of English subject; to strengthening and
feedback the detected fails in students by means of motivational strategies.

Activities Responsible Date

- Explanation and application of practical exercises and participation. English Teacher During the period

- Dialogue with students to establish agreements and commitments. Students

English Teacher During the period

- Assign workshops as a reinforcement of the themes worked in the
classroom. Students
- Application and development of lesson plans, recreational activities, English Teacher During the period
socialization and oral and written support.

- Communication to parents about the process and improvement English Teacher During the period
actions, as well as student academic performance.

Verification of Compliance with the Action Plan

Date The preventive / corrective action is closed at the end of the improvement plan.
Participants Students, Parents and Teacher.
Was the Goal Achieved? It depends on the results and the progress of the knowledge during the improvement actions.

The conclusions are made at the end of the whole process and improvement plan, taking into account the results of the
students' progress.

Elaborated by: Angie Katherine Sánchez Approved: yes/not

Stage 5: Implementation of the chosen solution
The proposed improvement plan project is equipped with a good range of didactic activities, lesson plans, workshops and assessments; in
addition it is reinforced with resources and technological tools that will allow the management and the development of the class. Methods,
teaching and metacognitive strategies, themes and materials promote creativity, imagination and active participation in students, motivating them
to continue learning according to their learning styles (sensorial
Workshopspreferences in the visual, auditory and kinesthetic areas); in this way the student
and Activities
will be the leader
Course: of their own learning, strengthen their language skills (speaking,
English Methodsreading, listen and writing)
and approaches to apply:andTPR,

direct, cooperative language learning.

Preventive Action (Risks) Identification and Control of Preventive Corrective Action (No Actual
Topics and contents: A secret talent, permanent reading Level: A1 (Beginner level)
and Corrective Activities Conformities)
plan, family tree, among others.
. Lesson objectives Materials / equipment: Worksheets, board, pencil,
- To learn how to talk about simple present events regarding computer, markers, video beam, book, notebook, eraser.
daily routines or everyday activities.
- To encourage the development of language skills using the
suggestopedia method in stories.
- To identify sentences structure related with like and
dislikes topic through the videos analysis.
- To propose didactic and ludic activities and methods, that
promote the motivation in the learners.

Activities Description Workshops

A Secret Talent:
- The teacher will create a round table and when she has
organized the class, will turn on the background music and
begin to read the story. - When the teacher has finished
reading the story to the students, she will initiate the
dynamics of the
game that consists in
through the game (tingo-tango), then the student selected
will choose one of their classmates. - Both students will
stand in the middle of the round table, the student chosen by
their classmate should read the story, while their mate
Stage 6: Evaluating the outcomes.
through the role play, will interpret the activities, actions,
gestures and positions that he / she listens around the story.
Process Monitoring procedures Date
Formation management Planning and service delivery July 20th, 2017
Investigative Evaluation Process
The investigative evaluation process is contemplated in the first instance, applying in the first phase a survey and an
assessment to the students as data collection instruments. Subsequently, 3 phases will be available to process and
statistically analyze the information collected, and finally to establish precise and clear results according to the process
used; in order to draw conclusions about the action plan, and to determine whether to continue with the plan of
improvement or should be completely reformed.
Daily Routines:
- Teacher gives a worksheet to the students
Data with a text
Review Population and sample Variables operationalization
"Lesley's day" and in a collaborative way, they answer the
Type of evaluation:
different - Surveys
asks that this includes - Number of observed: 26 - Teaching methods employed
To assess the - Assessments
process the teacher organizes couplesOccupation:
and Tent grade - Lesson plans, activities, materials design,
descriptive and
students etc.
shows them evaluation.
pictures of daily activities. and
- Registration
Students will
Method: have to writeevidence
Quantitative down onethrough
sentence perAge:
each Between 15 and 16 - Communicative processes carried out by
visual and years means of a control in the educational
and qualitative
picture and add numbers toaudiovisual
organize theresources in a
sentences establishments.
Gender: Men and women
Technical application
logical order along the day.(cell phones, camera, Data processing and analysis
of data collection: camcorder, computer, Nationality: Colombian
techniques: By means descriptive and
Direct and participatory baffles).
Place: Public institution in inferential statistics (observation and
the city of Bucaramanga survey) to record the data observed and
collected in the field work.
- Teacher presents a video projection to learners about the
present simple in daily routines; she will stop the video by
parts if it is necessary.
- Parents and students meeting Family Tree:
- Theater plays Written Production: The students have to describe how
Phase 1: Planning many people are there in your family.
For this stage an survey and assessment are planned with some modulatory and key criteria, the legitimacy criteria is
taken into account, where the test that is designed and planned is done through transparency and legality. The goal of the
assessment is to be a concrete instrument, which serves as support and resource in improving the teaching practice and its
professional action field; there is also the feasibility for the assessment to be effective, in the sense of having a vision of the
achievements that are expected to be fulfilled by the students. Finally, the precision criteria is that the data extracted from
the test be presentations
- Musical Oral Production:
realistic, brief in relation to the analysis of what is expected Thefrom
to be obtained students
itself.have to describe how their
family through a small presentation are.
Phase 2: Presentation
- Conversational and analysis
club with of the information
native speakers to
recreational practice Listening Production: The students watch a short video
It stage start by applies the test and the main characteristic of the results analysis, it will be interpreted in such a way as
about how people describing the members of their family
to give us valid information, so that can compare the results of each of the students. It is possible to compare each student
transmit that information to the teacher in some copies
in particular and be able to take an average of the group based on statistical
given data. The fundamental idea of this stage is to be
to them.
able to verify the abilities or competences, that the learners managed to acquire in the topics and activities development,
and "not" to emphasize what the student could not do.
Phase 3: Information description
Pedagogical days
According to the averages obtained, it is possible to describe if the majority of the students present conceptual and
procedural difficulties, as regards the English acquisition and learning process; as well as the variables that intervene in the
motivation of the students, such as: methodology, hourly intensity, number of students per class, didactic resources, etc; to
obtain better results in the learning process of them.
Phase 4: Presenting results
Measurement and presentation of results through inferential and descriptive statistics, to evidence the pedagogical and
psychosocial development of the students and teacher, in order to provide a valid conclusion of the same in the evaluative
process. This last stage will serve as an alternative to continue consulting on the best method that motivates and promote
conceptual development in teenagers, improve their English level and get involved in the use of the foreign language in a
more experiential way.
Angie Katherine Sánchez

The action plan serves as a strategy to build the goals and objectives that are desired to

achieve, this establishes how will be followed and will be followed and monitored the objectives

to know if they are on the right path.

This is done to obtain concrete and specific results in the face of the problem, the strategies to

be followed and the resources that are needed to carry it out successfully, including the

participants who act on it. At the end of the action plan, an evaluation is carried out to determine

whether the proposed objectives were achieved


Morrison, K. (1998). Management Theories for Educational Change. Pages, 1-42. Available

Muhammad Yasin Shahid, G. M. (2013). The Role of Motivation in Language Achievement: A

Self-Reporting Study of. Available at:

Souriyavongsa, T. (2013). Factors Causes Students Low English Language Learning: A Case
Study in the National University of Laos. Available at:

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