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Francis Jay N.

Master’s in public administration
Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Sablayan Branch

1. Why do people exert much effort to lead a public organization?

Public organization means an organization run by the government and funded by taxpayer’s
money. This includes the national and local agencies or department, leading on this type of organization
is not just a walk in the park. Eyes and opinion from the public are of great interest, biases from political
and social party sometimes affect the establishment of leadership. But why do people still exerted
efforts to lead a public organization?

People wanted to be on the public sector or organization and lead because of its benefits and
working scheme. Public organization had some of the following benefits: 1. Job Security – while both of
private and public organization have funding, private organization are much prone to closure when
financial crisis takes place rather than the public which is always funded and backed up by the
government. 2. Helping a Community – Since it is funded by taxpayer the services are also for the
taxpayer or the public itself, being a leader of a public office mean touching and helping the public so
there’s always a part of you helping the community. 3. Working atmosphere – Less demanding, less
stress because there isn’t an obvious competition that often found in public administration 4. Glory and
Fame – the public sector will always get to know who leads a certain public organization and with that
the whole community itself will give its respect to your authority. 5. Compensation – While private
organization also give due compensation being in the public organization mean higher compensation
due to the standardization of salary and financial and social benefits.

Leading a public organization also means giving much effort likewise as what earlier stated,
there is always an opinion in every public sector so in order to secure and grab the leadership position
an individual must undergone all the challenges to prove that his/her criteria and leadership style are
the needs of that public organization.

2. If you would serve in the public administration, which department is your choice to head?

Being a nurse by profession, I always wanted to give the care, the competency and the
compassion. DOH or Department of Health is an office that caters the Health sector of the community. I
choose to lead on one of its division the nursing service in order to promote malasakit and
compassionate care with a heart under the leadership style of transformational leadership. I would like
to influence the division to deliver a quality and compassionate service to the public that no one will be
deprived of their rights for optimum health and right to seek medical advised.

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