CH 6 Tutorial 2016

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CE4257 Tutorial 2 - 2016 (C G Koh) p.



CE4257 Tutorial 2 – 3-D STRESS ANALYSIS

Question 3 will be graded (30 marks); due on Oct 26th (Wed)

You may use Excel, MATLAB, MATHEMATICA or any similar software to aid in the numerical
computation. But you need to clearly show the working steps. Avoid using any finite element
analysis software to solve the problems.

1. Consider a tetrahedral element used among other elements in the stress analysis of a large
gravity dam. Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio are 20 GPa and 0.25, respectively. The
physical coordinates (x, y, z) and displacements of the nodes for this element are given in
the table, except for missing data marked with NA (i.e. Not Available).

Node x (m) y (m) z (m) ux (mm) uy (mm) uz (mm)

1 0 2 0 0 0 −20
2 0 0 0 20 0 30
3 3 0 0 0 NA 0
4 NA NA NA 0 NA −10

For this element, the mapping between the physical coordinates and tetrahedral coordinates
is as follows:

 ζ1  0 0 3  0.75 1 
ζ     x
 2   1 6  2  3  0.75  
 ζ 3  6 0 2 0 0   y
     
ζ 4  0 0. 0 1.5  z

(a) Determine the physical coordinates of node 4.

(b) Given that the shear stress τxy at node 1 is 40 MPa, determine the displacement uy at node
3 and state the unit clearly.

(c) To be compatible with an adjacent quadratic element, a node (node 5) is to be added to

this element at the mid-side of edge 1-2, i.e. node 5 is given by ζ1=ζ2=0.5 and ζ3=ζ4=0.
Derive the shape functions N1 and N5 in terms of the tetrahedral coordinates for the
proposed 5-node tetrahedron element.

[ Answer to part b: 45 mm ]
CE4257 Tutorial 2 - 2016 (C G Koh) p. 2

2. For the tetrahedral solid element shown, the physical coordinates (x, y, z) and displacements
of the four nodes are given in the table below.

(a) Determine the physical and tetrahedral coordinates of the centroid (or geometric centre)
of the element.

(b) Determine the normal strains.

(c) A uniform pressure of 5 MPa acts on the outer surface 2-3-4 of the element. Determine
the corresponding loads at all the four nodes.

V e V
For (a): The x-coordinate of centroid is xc  x dV ; similarly for yc and zc. Make use

of volume integration formulae in tetrahedral coordinates.

For (c): The direction of pressure load can be determined by noting that the cross product
of two vectors v1 and v2 results in a vector perpendicular to the plane containing v1 and v2.
See .

Node x (m) y (m) z (m) ux (mm) uy (mm) uz (mm)

1 −1 1 0 30 −30 20
2 0 2 0 0 20 −20
3 −1 3 0 −10 −30 20
4 −1 1 1.5 0 0 20

[ Answer to part b: (0, -0.01, 0)T ]

CE4257 Tutorial 2 - 2016 (C G Koh) p. 3

3. Figure 3a shows a solid structure modelled by 20 identical 8-node brick elements for stress
analysis. The size of each brick element is a×a in plan and 2a in height.

(a) Adopting the natural coordinates (, , ) as shown in Figure 3b, determine the Jacobian
matrix (in terms of a) for a typical element.
[5 marks]

(b) For a typical element shown in Figure 3b, compute the diagonal term of element stiffness
matrix corresponding to the x-displacement at element node 2 (i.e. ux2). Do not compute
the whole element stiffness matrix. Use only the relevant coefficients in the B matrix.
Carry out numerical integration by 1x1x1 Gauss quadrature formula and express your
answer in terms of Young’s modulus E and length a.
[20 marks]

(c) For the structure shown in Figure 3a, compute the diagonal term of structure stiffness
matrix corresponding to the x-displacement (Un) at the node as indicated by an arrow.
[5 marks]

Young’s modulus = E
Poisson’s ratio = 0.25
CE4257 Tutorial 2 - 2016 (C G Koh) p. 4

4. (a) A concrete block of dimensions LxBxH is subjected to two point loads at the centres of
the two end faces as shown. Making use of symmetry and adopting only one 8-node brick
element, set up the finite element model to carry out stress analysis. Let Young modulus
be E and Poisson’s ratio be ν. Clearly indicate the dimensions of the element, the nodal
loads and all the nodal restraints.


(b) If the point loads are now replaced by uniformly distributed load w applied over the same
two faces (of area B x L). The distributed load w has the unit of force/area. How do we
specify this new load conditions in the one-element model used in part (a)?

Notes: Consistent nodal loads (by Virtual Work method or Galerkin method) are
P [unit: F]
• For point load (P) at any point (including node) in the element:
f  N P
e T

• For surface traction or pressure (q) on surface A:

q [F/L2]
f   N q dA
e T

• For body force (b), e.g. gravity load, inertia force:

f   N b dV
e T

CE4257 Tutorial 2 - 2016 (C G Koh) p. 5

5. The figure below shows an eight-node brick element used (together with many other
elements) in stress analysis of a gas vessel. All faces are either vertical or horizontal, except
the inclined face 3-2-6-7. The front face 1-2-3-4 is subjected to a uniform pressure of p.
This physical element is mapped to a master element as shown.

(a) Compute the equivalent load vector at node 3 by using the following general formula for
surface traction. Use only one Gauss point for numerical integration.

f   N q dA for surface traction q

e T

(b) Neglecting round-off error, how many Gauss points are needed to compute the integral
exactly (if possible at all) in part (a)? Explain without carrying out computation.

[ Answer to part a: (0 0 −0.375pL2)T ]

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