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1.1. The chinese new year is also knows like “spring festival”.
1.2. The date of the year varies each year, but t is celebrated from late January to mid-
1.3. The lantern festival is celebrated the last day of the new year celebration.
1.4. The people clean their house to sweep away any bad luck from the previous year.
1.5. The red is a lucky color and the gold represent wealth.
1.6. Because
1.7. The lion has a mirror in its head to frightened evil spirits with its own reflect.
1.8. The people paint scenes from history or legend.
2. traditional food
2.1. nian gao is a rice cake and actually is a traditional dish during the spring festival. The
diference between north and south’s nian gao is that the first is sweet because they
added sugar tho the batter while in the south they steamed or cooked with vegetables
and meat.
2.2. Fish – surplus and wealth
chicken – family reunion
noodles – prosperity(wealth)
2.3. because during the jin dynasty people would arrange spring rolls and vegetables together
on a plate and this was known as the Spring Platter
2.4. the people offer the chicken to their ancestors praying theirs for blessings and protection

3. customs and traditions

1.Families usually gather together for a big meal on New Year’s Day. (T).

It’s a huge migration of people who come back home to celebrate the New Year.

2. Families eat lots of different dishes for their New Year meal. (T)

3. Money is given in red envelopes by younger people to older people. (F).

Money is given to children and single adults.

In Tibet, young people give a basket full of fruit, bread or a cooked meal to the elders.

4. Fireworks were traditionally used to scare away evil spirits. (T).

They believe that firework’s noise scares Nian, the lion-like monster who legend says rose from the sea
for a feast of human flesh on the new year.

5. The colour red is important for Chinese New year. (T)

6. Lion dances are performed by many dancers. (T)

7. Apples are a popular fruit during New Year. (F).

They eat mandarin oranges.

8. People often visit the temple on the first day of the New Year. (T)

Other Chinese traditions:

1.Receive the NY with a clean house.

Colombian people clean their home almost every day so, it’s not so strange to have it clean for the NY.

2. Save the knives

We don’t have that tradition.

Colombian NY traditions:

1. Eat 12 grapes at midnight.

2. Run around the neighborhood with a suitcase.

3. Wear yellow underwear.

4. the calendar and zodiac signs

1.1. The Chinese calendar is a combined lunar and solar calendar.

1.2. An ordinary year has 12 months and 353, 354, or 355 days. A leap year has 13 months
and 383, 384, or 385 days.
1.3. The Chinese calendar does not count years in an infinite sequence. Instead years have
names that are repeated every 60 years.
1.4. Chinese astronomers discovered that there was an error in the Chinese calendar for 2033.
The traditional calendar claimed that the leap month would follow the 7th month, while
in fact it comes after the 11th month. It is very unusual that the 11th month has a leap
month, in fact it hasn’t happened since the calendar reform in 1645 (before 1645, all
months had the same probability for having a leap month).
1.5. Boar to the year 2019 and a Rat to 2020

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