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P a g e |0

Impact of Water Jet
Fluid lab

Instructor: Eng. Omar Osta

Prepared by:


Muntader Al_mahdi 214036929
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Table of Contents:

Contents : Pages :

Table of Figures 1

Objectives 2
Theory 2-3
Apparatus 4
Procedure 4

Results 5

Discussion and conclusions 8

References 11

Table of Figures

Figures: Pages :
Figure 1: Water jet acts on target 2

Figure 2: Water jet acts on flat plate 3

Figure 3: Water jet acts on Hemispheric cup 3

Figure 4: Impact of water jet apparatus 4

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The objective of this laboratory session is to measure the force of a water jet
impacting on objects and to compare it to an estimate based on the momentum
When a jet of water flowing with a steady velocity strikes a solid surface the water is
deflected to flow along the surface. If friction is neglected by assuming an inviscid
fluid and it is also assumed that there are no losses due to shocks then the magnitude
of the water velocity is unchanged. The pressure exerted by the water on the solid
surface will everywhere be at right angles to the surface.
Consider a jet of water which impacts on to a target surface causing the direction of
the jet to be changed through an angle  as shown in figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Water jet acts on target

The theoretical jet force is calculated from the principle of linear moment
The density of water equal 1000 𝑚3
In general the jet force is:

F = ṁ( Vin - Vout cos) N

ṁ = ρw Q
F:the jet force.
ρ: density of water.
Q: flow rate.
Vin: water velocity by which the jet strikes the van.
Vout: water velocity after the strike.
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Case :
1- Flat plate:

In this case  then cos(90)= 0 then

𝐹 = ρ ∗ Q ∗ Vin (N)

Figure 2: Water jet acts on flat plate

2- Hemispheric cup:

In the case  then cos(180)= -1 then

𝐹 = ρ ∗ Q ∗ (Vin + Vout) (N)
Assume very little energy loss between nozzle (jet) and target (Hemisphere) then
we can assume Vi = Vo
Thus F = ṁ( Vin - Vout cos)= m V̇ in (1-(-1))=2ṁVin

Figure 3: Water jet acts on Hemispheric cup

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Jockey Balance Bar x1 x2 Jockey Mass

Flat Plate Target
Spring with Adjustable
Tension for
Leveling Balance Level
Beam w/ No Flow Indicator
Balance Bar y
Stop Cup Target

3L L

Weighing Tank

5kg Water Reservoir

Figure 4: Impact of water jet apparatus

The equipment consists of:

1. Water supply from the Hydraulic bench which is connected to the inlet pipe at the
bottom of transparent cylinder such that water jet and its target plate can be easily
2. Water is discharged vertically through a nozzle of 10 mm diameter.
3. Three target plates: Flat plate, 120o cone and hemisphere.
4. The target plate is connected to a pivoted beam, which carries a jockey weight [0.6
kg] and is restrained by a light spring.


1. Position the weight carrier on the weight platform and add weights until the top of
the target is clear of the stop and the weight platform is floating in mid position. Move
the pointer so that it is aligned with the weight platform. Record the value of weights
on the weight carrier.
2. Start the pump and establish the water flow by steadily opening the bench
regulating valve until it is fully open.
3. Measure the amount of water collected during a certain time.
4. Close the control valve and switch off the pump. Allow the apparatus to drain.
5. .Repeat for different positions of the jockey weight.
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Diameter of nozzle: 10 mm
Mass of jockey weight: 0.6 kg
Distance from nozzle tip to target: 35 mm
Distance from center of vane to pivot of lever: 150 mm

Table 1: Flat Plate 𝜃 = 0o

Velocity Velocity
Distance Time Flow rate 𝑚̇̇ at at Target FExp
Volume FTheo (N) % Error
y (mm) (s) (kg/s) nozzle plate Vo (N)
tip (m/s) (m/s)
10 15 70 0.214 2.648 2.515 0.524 0.3924 25.10

20 15 52 0.288 3.056 2.94 0.707 0.7848 10.93

30 15 44 0.341 3.96 3.872 1.21 1.1772 2.71

15 37 0.405 4.393 4.314 1.487 1.5696 5.51

50 15 33 0.454

Table 2: Hemisphere 𝜃 = 180o

Velocity Velocity
Distance Time Flow rate 𝑚̇̇ at at Target FExp
Volume FTheo (N) % Error
y (mm) (s) (kg/s) nozzle plate Vo (N)
tip (m/s) (m/s)
10 5 33.81 0.147 1.882 1.689 0.499 0.3924 21.45

20 5 26.9 0.186 2.365 2.215 0.8234 0.7848 4.69

30 5 21.38 0.234 2.976 2.858 1.336 1.1772 11.93

5 18.25 0.274 3.487 3.387 1.855 1.5696 15.42
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Analysis and calculations:

Mass flow rate of water:

mass of water 15 kg
= = 0.214
time 70 s

 Velocity at Nozzle tip

Mass flow rate equation

ṁ 0.147
V= = pi = 1.882(m/𝐬)
pA 1000∗(0.01)^2

 Velocity at Target plate

√Vnozzle2 − 2gs = √1.8822 − 2 ∗ 9.81 ∗ 0.035 = 1.689 (𝐦/𝐬)

 Momentum(theoretical force)
Flat plat f= 𝑚̇̇Vo =0.240* 2.515=0.707N

Hemisphere F= 2 𝑚̇̇Vo =2*0.186*2.215=0.8234N

 Measured force (experimental )

F x 0.15=0.6 x g x y
0.6 x 9.81 x 0.02
F= = 0.7848 N

Calculate percentage error

Measured force(experimental) − Momentuum(theoreitcal force )

x 100
Momentuum(theoreitcal force )

| |x 100 = 4.69%
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From the results obtained and the plots graphed, the following points were concluded:
• As the volumetric rate of flow 'Q' increased, the force resulted from the impact
of the jet on both the flat plate and the hemispherical cup, is increased to for
the predicted 'F1' and the measured 'F2' values of the force. This relation can be
seen clearly from the four plots accompanied with this report. This result was
already predicted from the change in momentum equation of calculating the
• The predicted value of the Jet force showed larger values than the measured one.
This might be occurred for the following reasons:
o Errors in taking the reading.
o Losses in the experiment apparatus.
These losses were used in calculating the experiment efficiency which showed
values of 0.8 for the flat plate and 0.83 for the hemispherical cup.
• The impact of the Jet forces on the flat plate where half of it on the
hemispherical cup. This result is displayed clearly in plots 1 & 2 for both
predicted and measured values of the force. This was already predicted from
the equations of momentum for calculating the forces.
• According to the last point the hemispherical cup is more efficient for using in a
turbine than the flat plat, but only one point to be considered is that the water
to exit the cup is going to collide with water entering the cup which will
reduce the force, for that reason the cup is made in angles less than 180◦.

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