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The decanter centrifuge’s hour has come as soon as the solids content in the suspension to be
processed is particularly high. These decanter centrifuges provide the benefits of high
clarifying efficiency and maximum dewatering as well as the separation of liquids with the
simultaneous removal of solids. The main requirements in this respect include a high bowl
speed, a powerful drive for the scroll and a scroll speed which automatically adapts to the
solids loading in the feed. Due to its versatility and the technological know-how of Huading
Separator, the decanter centrifuge can be used for a wide range of process tasks; from
clarification through separation, classification, concentration and washing right up to

Decanter centrifuge designs:

━ Clarifying decanter centrifuge for clarifying liquids

━ Dewatering decanter centrifuge for maximum concentration of solids
━ Concentrating decanter centrifuge for the concentration of solids
━ Separating decanter centrifuge for the separation of liquid mixtures and the simultaneous
separation of solids
━ Classifying decanter centrifuge for the extraction of different solid fractions
━ Extraction decanter centrifuge for the extraction of reusable materials

The main components of a decanter centrifuge are the bowl, the screw conveyor, the gearbox,
the frame with the casing, and the feed and the discharge arrangement.


1: Large end hub

2: Cylinder
3: Cone
4: Small end hub

The bowl consists of four parts. A large end (or front) hub, a cylindrical section, a conical
section (or extension) and a small end (or rear) hub. On the hubs are the main bearings and
the bearings for the screw conveyor, the drive pulley and the gearbox adapter. The conical
section has one (or two) row(s) of solids discharge openings. The discharge openings are in
most cases lined with replaceable bushings or liners made from abrasion resistant material
such as stellite or tungsten carbide material. The large end hub has four or more liquid
discharge openings. Some types have pressurised liquid discharge by means of a paring disc
(centripetal pump) placed outside the large end hub. The bowl is driven by an electrical
motor, via V-belts and pulleys.

The screw conveyor rotates slowly relative to the bowl thus conveying the sediment towards
the solids discharge openings in the small end of the bowl. The axial advancement of the
flight in one turn is the pitch. The screw conveyor usually is single flighted, but some have
double (two heads) flights. The flights are either perpendicular to the centre line or have a
forward inclination (canted flights). The conveyor flights are normally protected against wear
by means of an abrasion resistant material such as stellite, wear resistant alloys or sintered
tungsten carbide tiles. The feed slurry is introduced into the decanter through feed openings
in the conveyor body.

Konveyor sekrup berputar perlahan relatif ke mangkuk sehingga membawa

endapan ke arah lubang pengeluaran padatan di ujung kecil mangkuk. Kemajuan
aksial penerbangan dalam satu putaran adalah pitch. Konveyor sekrup
biasanya memiliki satu penerbangan, tetapi beberapa memiliki dua (dua
kepala) penerbangan. Penerbangan dapat tegak lurus terhadap garis tengah
atau memiliki
kecenderungan maju (penerbangan miring). Penerbangan konveyor biasanya
dilindungi terhadap keausan dengan menggunakan bahan tahan abrasi seperti
stellite, paduan tahan aus atau ubin tungsten karbida disinter. Bubur pakan
dimasukkan ke dalam decanter melalui celah umpan di badan konveyor.


1. Drive shaft
2. Sunwheel shaft
The gearbox is fitted on one of the end hubs of the bowl and drives the conveyor by
means of a drive shaft through the bowl end hub. The differential speed is determined
by the speed of the input shaft (sunwheel shaft or pinion shaft). The gearbox is of a
planetary or cycloidal type. A conveyor driven by a planetary gearbox turns slightly
slower than the bowl.
2. Gearbox dipasang pada salah satu hub ujung mangkuk dan menggerakkan
konveyor melalui poros penggerak melalui hub ujung mangkuk. Kecepatan
diferensial ditentukan oleh kecepatan poros input (poros sunwheel
atau poros pinion). Gearbox adalah tipe planet atau sikloidal.
Konveyor yang digerakkan oleh gearbox planet ternyata sedikit lebih
lambat dari mangkuk.

1. Back drive
2. Frame
3. Liquid outlet
4. Hood
5. Solids outlet
6. Main drive motor
There are various designs of frame and hood. The frame/hood is a welded stainless
steel structure carrying the rotating parts and resting on vibration isolators. On newer
types the main drive motor as well as the back-drive system is mounted on the frame.
The lower part of the hood is integrated in the frame in the newer types whereas it is a
separate part in older types. The upper part of the casing (the cover) is always a
separate part. The casing is a stainless-steel structure collecting the separated liquid
and solids and having means for connections for further transport of the separated
liquid and solids.
2. Ada berbagai desain bingkai dan kap mesin. Rangka / kap adalah
struktur baja stainless yang dilas yang membawa bagian yang berputar
dan bersandar pada isolator getaran. Pada tipe yang lebih baru motor
drive utama serta sistem drive belakang dipasang pada bingkai. Bagian
bawah tudung terintegrasi dalam bingkai di tipe yang lebih baru
sedangkan itu adalah bagian yang terpisah di tipe yang lebih tua.
Bagian atas casing (penutup) selalu merupakan bagian yang terpisah.
Casing adalah struktur baja stainless yang mengumpulkan cairan dan
padatan yang terpisah dan memiliki sarana untuk koneksi untuk
pengangkutan lebih lanjut dari padatan dan padatan yang terpisah.

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