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Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 1:

Protozoan and Metazoan Infections

Second Edition
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Fish Diseases and Disorders,
Volume 1: Protozoan and
Metazoan Infections
Second Edition

Edited by

P.T.K. Woo

University of Guelph
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Fish diseases and disorders.--2nd ed.

p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-10: 0-85199-015-0 (alk. paper)
ISBN-13: 978-0-85199-015-6 (alk. paper)
1. Fishes--Diseases. 2. Fishes--Infections. I. Woo, P.T.K. II. Title.

SH171.F562 2006

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Contributors vii

Preface to the Second Edition ix

Patrick T.K. Woo

Preface to the First Edition x

P.T.K. Woo

1. Phylum Amoebozoa 1
Dina Zilberg, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, and
Barry L. Munday, University of Tasmania, Australia

2. Phylum Dinoflagellata 16
Edward J. Noga and Michael G. Levy, North Carolina State University, USA

3. Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea

(Phylum Euglenozoa) 46
Patrick T.K. Woo, University of Guelph, Canada

4. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 116

Harry W. Dickerson, University of Georgia, USA

5. Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans (Phylum Ciliophora) 154

Linda Basson and Jo Van As, University of the Free State, South Africa

6. Phylum Apicomplexa 183

Kálmán Molnár, Veterinary Medical Research Institute, Hungary

7. Phylum Microspora 205

Iva Dyková, Institute of Parasitology, Czech Republic

8. Phylum Myxozoa 230

Stephen W. Feist and Matt Longshaw, CEFAS Weymouth Laboratory, UK

vi Contents

9. Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 297

Kurt Buchmann and José Bresciani, Royal Veterinary and
Agricultural University, Denmark

10. Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 345

Ilan Paperna and Ronald Dzikowski, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

11. Cestoidea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 391

Terry A. Dick, Chandra Chambers and Ike Isinguzo, University of Manitoba,

12. Phylum Nematoda 417

Kálmán Molnár, Veterinary Medical Research Institute, Hungary,
Kurt Buchmann, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark
and Csaba Székely, Veterinary Medical Research Institute, Hungary

13. Phylum Acanthocephala 444

Brent B. Nickol, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

14. Phylum Arthropoda 466

Robert J.G. Lester and Craig J. Hayward, University of Queensland, Australia

15. Phylum Annelida: Hirudinea as Vectors and Disease Agents 566

Eugene M. Burreson, College of William and Mary, USA

16. Fish-borne Parasitic Zoonoses 592

Ronald C. Ko, University of Hong Kong, China

17. Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 629

Susan M. Bower, Pacific Biological Station, Canada

18. The Immune System of Fish 678

Willem B. Van Muiswinkel and Brenda Vervoorn-Van Der Wal,
Wageningen University, The Netherlands

19. Immunocompetent Cells and Their Mediators in Fin Fish 702

Bernadette F. Ardelli, McGill University, Canada, and Patrick T.K. Woo,
University of Guelph, Canada

20. Molecular Approaches and Techniques 725

Ted G. Clark, Cornell University, USA

Glossary 753

Index 775

Bernadette F. Ardelli, Institute of Parasitology, Macdonald Campus, McGill University,

21, 111 Lakeshore Road, Ste Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, Canada H9X 3V9
Linda Basson, Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of the Free State,
Bloemfontein, South Africa
Susan M. Bower, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Sciences Branch, Pacific Biological
Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada V9T 6N7
José Bresciani, Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural
University, Stigbojlen 4, DK-1870 Frederiksberg C, Denmark
Kurt Buchmann, Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Royal Veterinary and
Agricultural University, Stigbojlen 4, DK-1870 Frederiksberg C, Denmark
Eugene M. Burreson, School of Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science,
College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, VA 23062, USA
Chandra Chambers, Department of Zoology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Canada R3T 2N2
Ted G. Clark, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, College of Veterinary
Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Terry A. Dick, Department of Zoology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Canada R3T 2N2
Harry W. Dickerson, Department of Infectious Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA
Iva Dyková, Institute of Parasitology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
Branisovská 31, 370 05 Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic
Ronald Dzikowski, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agricultural, Food and
Environmental Quality Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot 76100, Israel
Stephen W. Feist, CEFAS Weymouth Laboratory, Barrack Road, The Nothe, Weymouth,
Dorset DT4 8UB, UK
Craig J. Hayward, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia
Ike Isinguzo, Department of Zoology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Canada R3T 2N2
Ronald C. Ko, Department of Zoology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Robert J.G. Lester, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia

viii Contributors

Michael G. Levy, Department of Population Health and Pathobiology, North Carolina State
University College of Veterinary Medicine, 4700 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC 27606,
Matt Longshaw, CEFAS Weymouth Laboratory, Barrack Road, The Nothe, Weymouth,
Dorset DT4 8UB, UK
Kálmán Molnár, Veterinary Medical Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
H-1581 Budapest, Hungary
Barry L. Munday, School of Human Life Sciences, University of Tasmania, Locked Bag
1-320, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia
Brent B. Nickol, School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln,
NE 68588-0118, USA
Edward J. Noga, Department of Clinical Sciences, North Carolina State University College
of Veterinary Medicine, 4700 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA
Ilan Paperna, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agricultural, Food and
Environmental Quality Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot 76100, Israel
Csaba Székely, Veterinary Medical Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
H-1581 Budapest, Hungary
Jo Van As, Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of the Free State,
Bloemfontein, South Africa
Willem B. Van Muiswinkel, Cell Biology and Immunology Group, Wageningen Institute of
Animal Sciences, Wageningen University, PO Box 338, 6700 AH Wageningen, The
Brenda Vervoorn-Van Der Wal, Cell Biology and Immunology Group, Wageningen
Institute of Aminal Sciences, Wageningen University, PO Box 338, 6700 AH,
Wageningen, The Netherlands
Patrick T.K. Woo, Axelrod Institute of Ichthyology and Department of Integrative Biology,
College of Biological Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1
Dina Zilberg, The Albert Katz Department of Dryland Biotechnologies, Jacob Blaustein
Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer Campus,
84990 Israel
Preface to the Second Edition

Worldwide consumption of fish and fish products has continued to escalate in the last few
decades as the population increases and with the realization that fish is an excellent
protein. The aquaculture industry is now the single fastest-growing food production pro-
cess in the world, this is partly because fish is also less expensive to produce. Since the
publication of the first edition of this trilogy on ‘fish diseases and disorders’, a tremendous
volume of research has been conducted on parasites, especially those that cause morbidity
and mortality in fish. This is reflected in the current enlarged edition; however, the aims,
philosophy, focus, audience and format of this edition have remained unchanged.
Significant changes in coverage in this edition include the addition of three new
chapters (Chapters 1, 19 and 20), and four of the original chapters have been completely
rewritten and are by new authors (Chapters 5, 8, 9 and 12). The remaining chapters have
been updated and revised, and many of them also have new co-authors. The fact that these
changes are possible bodes well for the study of fish diseases as it indicates a very dynamic
and rapidly evolving discipline with considerable expertise. This is especially evident in
the identification of new areas of research, in the development of expertise in the younger
generation of scientists and in the application of new technologies to better understand
these pathogens and to devise strategies to minimize their impact on fish health.
On a more personal note, I am delighted to welcome our 16 new authors and
co-authors, and I am confident their expertise, experience and insights into fish health will
without a doubt make this a significantly better book. To our original authors, I am most
grateful for their continued support and contributions.
As with the first edition I am hopeful that this edition will be useful to colleagues, and
that it will also serve to highlight the relevance and importance of our discipline to the
aquaculture industry.

Patrick T.K. Woo

Preface to the First Edition

Fin fish is the primary source of protein for humans in many parts of the world and this
is especially true in most developing countries. The catch-fish industry has declined
significantly and the decline is due to a series of factors which include over-fishing, loss of
fish habitats and environmental pollution. In the past few decades numerous international
agencies and national governments have encouraged and continue to encourage private
industries to be involved in aquaculture or have themselves gone into intensive fish
culture, usually under artificial and/or semi-artificial conditions. Disease outbreaks
(infectious and non-infectious) with resulting high mortalities occur more often when fish
are held under relatively crowded and confined conditions. Also, mass mortality of
healthy fish may occur even under good environmental conditions when an infectious
agent is accidentally introduced into the culture system.
This volume is the first of three proposed volumes on diseases and disorders of fresh-
water and marine fishes (fin and shellfish). It is on parasitic infections while the second
and third volumes are on microbial and non-infectious diseases/disorders. No single
author can hope to write these volumes with any authority, hence I have chosen well quali-
fied, internationally recognized experts to write the chapters. Each chapter deals with a
specific disease/disorder or a group of closely related diseases. The primary purpose is to
produce comprehensive and authoritative reviews by experts who are actively working in
the area or have contributed greatly to our understanding of the disease/disorder.
The principal audience for the books is research scientists in the aquaculture industry
and universities, fish health consultants and managers of private and government fish
health laboratories. The books are also appropriate for graduate and senior undergraduate
students who are studying diseases of aquatic organisms. The series may also serve as
reference text books for undergraduate and graduate courses in general parasitology, micro-
biology, environmental studies and for courses on impacts of diseases in aquaculture.
The secondary audience is research scientists with expertise in related disciplines
(e.g. immunology, molecular biology) who wish to know about specific important fish
disease(s) so that they may be able to initiate research programmes in their areas of
expertise. I expect this secondary audience to increase as it becomes evident that fish
disease is an important component of the aquaculture industry and that fish health can be
used as an indicator of problems in the aquatic ecosystem.

P.T.K. Woo

1 Phylum Amoebozoa

Dina Zilberg1 and Barry L. Munday2

1The Albert Katz Department of Dryland Biotechnologies, Jacob Blaustein Institute for
Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer Campus,
84990 Israel; 2School of Human Life Sciences, University of Tasmania,
Locked Bag 1-320, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia


Amoebic gill disease (AGD) of sea-caged Host Range and Geographical

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar (L.), and rain- Distribution
bow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum),
was first described by Munday (1985) soon Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout are most
after Atlantic salmon cage culture was initi- susceptible to AGD. Outbreaks of the dis-
ated in Tasmania. Neoparamoeba pema- ease in Atlantic salmon have been reported
quidensis, the causative agent of AGD, is from Tasmania (Munday et al., 1993), Ireland
currently the most important pathogenic (Rodger and McArdle, 1996; Palmer et al.,
amoeba in fish and causes significant losses 1997), France (Findlay and Munday, 1998),
in marine-cultured salmonids (Munday et al., Spain (Rodger and McArdle, 1996) and
2001). The same species of amoeba also Washington State, USA (Douglas-Helders
infects turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) in et al., 2001a). The disease has not been
north-west Spain (Dykova et al., 1995, reported from Canada, Iceland, Scotland or
1998a). Other species of amoeba that have Norway.
been isolated from fish are either secondary Apart from outbreaks in rainbow trout,
disease-causing agents or non-pathogenic. AGD is not common in Oncorhynchus spp.
Species of amoeba of the genus Paramoeba (Munday et al., 2001). New Zealand
are the primary disease-causing agents in sea produces a greater tonnage of salmonid
urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) products than Tasmania; however, under
(Jones, 1985; Jones and Scheibling, 1985) very similar environmental conditions,
and in blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) only a few minor outbreaks of AGD have
(Sprague and Beckett, 1969; Johnson, 1977), been diagnosed in the chinook salmon,
causing morbidity and mortality. As AGD is Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. There was
by far the most economically significant only one significant outbreak of the disease
amoeba infecting aquatic organisms, it is in the coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch,
the only one that has been a subject of although it was monitored in Washington
intense research. State and California from 1985 to 1987

CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1

(ed. P.T.K. Woo) 1
2 D. Zilberg and B.L. Munday

(Kent et al., 1988). AGD has also been organism was initially placed in the genus
diagnosed in sea-caged brown trout, Salmo Paramoeba (Roubal et al., 1989), and
trutta L., in France (Munday et al., 2001). described as Paramoeba pemaquidensis by
AGD due to N. pemaquidensis has also Kent et al. (1988). Page (1987) reclassified
emerged as a problem of turbot in north- ‘naked’ amoeba, and re-described the organ-
west Spain since 1995 (Dykova et al., 1995, ism as Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis. This
1998a). No such problem exists with turbot name is generally accepted and is used in
culture in France, even though the disease the recent literature.
is present in salmonids there (Munday
et al., 2001). There have also been reports
on AGD in European sea bass, Dicen- Morphology and Life Cycle
trarchus labrax, and sharp-snout sea bream,
Diplodus puntazzo (Dykova and Novoa, Amoebae (Fig. 1.1) freshly removed from
2001). infected gills appear as subspherical
Foster and Percival (1988b) identified (15–40 µm diameter), transitional forms
N. pemaquidensis on the gills of wild, with up to 50 digitate pseudopodia (Kent
immature couta, Thyrsites atun (Euphrasen), et al., 1988; Roubal et al., 1989; Munday
caught in the vicinity of infected salmonids et al., 1990; Rodger and McArdle, 1996;
in Tasmania, but the parasite has not been Dykova et al., 1998a). The organism has a
identified on wild fish since (Dawson, 1999; nucleus (≈ 5 µm diameter) and one or more
Nowak et al., 2000; Douglas-Helders et al., parasomes (≈ 4 µm), which stain positively
2002). with Feulgen. It has an extensively flat-
tened hyaline zone, with irregular anterior
margin, and occasionally conical pseudopodia
Systematics and Taxonomy projecting ahead of the anterior margin in
locomotion. The organism has a floating
Amoeba describes an assemblage of unicel- form with fine pseudopodia radiating from
lular eukaryotes that use pseudopodia for a central cell mass (Page, 1970; Cann and
locomotion and prey capture. Amoebae are Page, 1982). Electron microscopy reveals
members of the phylum Amoebozoa and are numerous adherent filaments, extending
characterized by amoeboid movement. Taxo- 350 nm from the cell surface (Kent et al.,
nomy of amoeba is based on morphological 1988; Dykova et al., 1998a). These are absent
characteristics, and recently also on molec- in N. pemaquidensis from culture (Kent
ular characteristics of the single-stranded et al., 1988; Dykova et al., 2000). Amoebae
ribosomal RNA (ssrRNA) gene (Sims et al., from gills are significantly larger than those
1999). Morphological characteristics that from cultures (Kent et al., 1988; Roubal
are used to identify the aetiological agent of et al., 1989; Dykova et al., 2000).
AGD include habitat, dimensions, nuclear
characteristics, size, shape and number of
pseudopodia, and surface filaments and
microscales (Page, 1970, 1973, 1987; Cann
and Page, 1982; Kent et al., 1988; Dykova
et al., 2000). The parasome (Nebenkörper)
Perkinsiella amoeba, a symbiotic organism
that lives in the cytoplasm (Perkins and
Castagna, 1971; Hollande, 1980), is also often
used as a diagnostic feature (Page, 1970, 1973;
Cann and Page, 1982).
N. pemaquidensis belongs to the phy-
lum Amoebozoa, class Lobosea, subclass Fig. 1.1. Transitional form of N. pemaquidensis
Gymnamoebia, order Euamoebida and family with digitate pseudopodia (×4740). Courtesy of
Vexilliferidae (Page, 1987). This gill-associated V. Findlay.
Phylum Amoebozoa 3

In histological sections, the amoeba

(Fig. 1.2) is vacuolated and frequently closely
adherent to the gill epithelium (Roubal
et al., 1989; Munday et al., 1990; Dykova
et al., 1995), an observation confirmed using
the electron microscope (Roubal et al., 1989).

Host–Parasite Relationship

Clinical and pathological features

Fig. 1.2. N. pemaquidensis (n) attached to
Peak mortalities in infected Atlantic salmon healthy-appearing gill lamellae at 2 DPE to fish with
smolts in Tasmania may reach 10% per week AGD (mucus cell, m; chloride cell, c; H & E,
(Foster and Percival, 1988b) while those in ×1580) (Zilberg and Munday, 2000).
turbot (500 g) in Spain may range between 5
and 20% over a period of 3 months, from
October to December (Dykova et al., 1998a).
Clinical signs include lethargy and
respiratory distress, with salmonids rising
to the surface of the water and displaying
increased opercular movements (Kent et al.,
1988; Munday et al., 1990; Rodger and
McArdle, 1996). However, in experimental
studies, Powell et al. (2000) were unable
to confirm that AGD-infected fish actually
had a measurable increase in ventilation
In Atlantic salmon, macroscopic lesions Fig. 1.3. Heavy amoebic gill disease infection in
are usually multifocal patches of white to Atlantic salmon, showing discrete and coalesced
grey swollen gill tissue with associated patches (Munday et al., 2001).
excess mucus (Fig. 1.3; Munday et al., 1990;
Rodger and McArdle, 1996). These are most by Zilberg and Munday (2000). Briefly, at
numerous in the dorsal portions of the gill 2 days post-exposure (DPE) to AGD-infected
arch (Adams, 2000; Adams and Nowak, 2001). fish, N. pemaquidensis were seen on the gills,
In rainbow trout the mucoid branchitis is which were otherwise normal (Fig. 1.2). By 4
more diffuse (Munday et al., 2001). Infected DPE, multifocal hyperplasia and lamellar
turbot have behavioural alterations, fusion appeared, involving up to 15 gill
namely, reduced feeding and reverse pos- lamellae per foci by 7 DPE. Epithelial cells
ture (ventral side up), gills covered with were both hyperplastic and hypertrophic
excess mucus, clubbed, necrotic gill fila- and the tissues were spongiotic (Fig. 1.4).
ments with patches of greyish peripheral N. pemaquidensis was more abundant, asso-
discoloration (Dykova et al., 1998a). ciated mainly with the hyperplastic epithe-
Histopathological lesions in salmonids lium and, in some instances, was sloughed
and turbot are similar, with the main lesion off with sheets of branchial tissue (Fig. 1.5).
being hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the Also, a marked increase in mucus cells was
gill epithelium (Kent et al., 1988; Roubal noted. At 28 DPE, epithelial hyperplasia and
et al., 1989; Munday et al., 1990; Dykova lamellar fusion were extensive, with numer-
et al., 1995; Rodger and McArdle, 1996; ous associated N. pemaquidensis (Fig. 1.5).
Zilberg and Munday, 2000). The sequential Occasionally interlamellar vesicles devel-
development of the disease in experimen- oped, often containing amoebae and inflam-
tally infected Atlantic salmon was described matory infiltrates in the supporting tissues
4 D. Zilberg and B.L. Munday

Fig. 1.4. Hyperplastic and oedematous gill tissue (h) at 14 DPE to fish with AGD. N. pemaquidensis (n)
can be seen between gill filaments, both attached to and detached from the epithelium (H & E, ×480)
(Zilberg and Munday, 2000).

Fig. 1.5. Extensive hyperplasia and associated N. pemaquidensis on gills of fish at 28 DPE to fish with
AGD. N. pemaquidensis (n) both attached to the epithelium and associated with exfoliated hyperplastic
cells (h) (×400) (Zilberg and Munday, 2000).

(Munday et al., 1990; Dykova et al., 1995, respiratory acidosis (Powell et al., 2000).
1998a). Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis is But these abnormalities are not widespread
confined to the gill surface, and there is or severe enough to explain the clinical signs.
no evidence of histopathological changes in
internal organs (Kent et al., 1988; Zilberg
and Munday, 2000). Pathogenesis
The crucial metabolic perturbations
associated with AGD are still unclear. N. pemaquidensis is capable of colonizing the
Severely affected fish have elevated blood normal gill epithelium (Zilberg and Munday,
sodium levels (Munday et al., 1990) and 2000), probably by lectin/glycoconjugate
Phylum Amoebozoa 5

bonds. It is likely that the glycoconjugate is colonized by N. pemaquidensis with drastic

galactose or N-acetylgalactosamine (Findlay, consequences (J. Handlinger, 2000, per-
2001). This mechanism may also be involved sonal communication).
in the apparent affinity of N. pemaqui- Clinical AGD is always associated with
densis for hyperplastic gill epithelium water temperatures coupled with salinity. In
(Munday, et al., 1990; Nowak and Munday, general, outbreaks in salmonids have only
1994; Dykova, et al., 1995). A vicious cycle occurred at water temperatures between 12
seems to develop whereby the infection and 20°C (Kent et al., 1988; Munday et al.,
leads to the production of hyperplastic gill 1990; Rodger and McArdle, 1996) although
epithelium, which attracts more amoebae, amoebae are found on the gills at 9–10°C
and so on, until the fish dies, host immu- (Munday et al., 1990; Clark and Nowak, 1999;
nity intervenes and/or the environmental Douglas-Helders et al., 2001c). In experimen-
conditions become less suitable for the tal infections the severity of the disease can
pathogen. This will be discussed further be effectively manipulated within the range
below under ‘Epizootiology’. of 12–14°C (Findlay, 2001) but at 16–18°C it
is very difficult to control (Akhlaghi et al.,
1996; B.L. Munday, 1994, unpublished obser-
Epizootiology vation). Similarly, the number of N. pema-
quidensis in the water within the vicinity
There is some evidence from experimental of the cages is elevated during the summer
studies that N. pemaquidensis becomes more (Douglas-Helders et al., 2002).
virulent with sequential passage through The situation in relation to salinity is
naïve hosts (Findlay et al., 2000). The mini- intriguing. All reported long-term infec-
mum infectious dose for Atlantic salmon in tions in salmonids have been associated
an experimental setting is about 230 N. pema- with high salinity (≥ 32 p.p.t.) (Foster and
quidensis per litre of water (Zilberg et al., Percival, 1988b; Munday et al., 1990; Rodger
2001). A single smolt with AGD may have and McArdle, 1996; Clark and Nowak, 1999).
several hundred thousands of amoebae (D. In contrast, AGD in turbot has occurred at a
Zilberg and B.L. Munday, 1999, Tasmania, constant salinity of 22 p.p.t., a salinity at
unpublished); consequently the danger which amoebae disappear from the gills of
posed by a cage of infected fish is tremen- infected rainbow trout within 24 h (D. Zilberg
dous. Even dead fish have live N. pemaqui- and B.L. Munday, 1999, unpublished).
densis for up to 3 days post mortem Neoparamoeba Page, 1987 is the
(Douglas-Helders et al., 2000b) so the danger gynamoeba (naked amoeba) most frequently
does not cease with the demise of the fish. isolated from marine habitats. Individual
Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout species, including N. pemaquidensis, have
appear to be the most susceptible salmonids. wide distribution throughout the world,
There is good field and experimental evi- and are found both in open waters and in
dence that previously exposed fish acquire sediments (Page, 1970, 1973; Cann and
a degree of resistance to reinfection after Page, 1982). This may explain the occurrence
a freshwater bath (Foster and Percival, of the disease around the world. Similarly,
1988a; Findlay et al., 1995; Findlay and N. pemaquidensis was identified in sedi-
Munday, 1998). However, this is only rela- ments from fish farming areas and also away
tive and can be overcome by a large chal- from fish farms in Tasmania (Crosbie et al.,
lenge dose. Minor hyperplastic lesions on 2002; Nowak et al., 2002). This finding pro-
the gills are associated with some increase vides confirmation that the protozoan is
in severity of AGD (Nowak and Munday, also widespread in the marine environment
1994; Zilberg and Munday, 2000) but are around Tasmania.
probably not significant in deciding the N. pemaquidensis was found on the bio-
eventual outcome. Severe gill lesions from fouling that naturally develops on salmon
jellyfish damage and clubbing and necro- nets in cage cultures, but the contribution of
sis gill syndrome are sometimes rapidly amoeba on the biofouling is still questioned
6 D. Zilberg and B.L. Munday

(Tan et al., 2002). Non-fouled nets and species of live and autoclaved bacteria
nets treated with anti-foulants have more (Page, 1973; Cann and Page, 1982; Kent
N. pemaquidensis on them than untreated et al., 1988; Munday et al., 1990; Dykova
nets (Foster and Percival, 1988b; Tan et al., et al., 1998a, 2000). Optimal growth occurs
2000) and increase the prevalence of AGD in a salinity of 15 p.p.t. and at 20°C (Kent
(Douglas-Helders et al., 2003a). A possible et al., 1988).
explanation for this is the increased load Despite a number of attempts, it has
of bacteria on non-fouled nets, which is a not been possible to produce AGD in fish
major food source for N. pemaquidensis. with cultured organisms (Kent et al., 1988;
The disease is spread in the water. Howard et al., 1993; Findlay, 2001). AGD
N. pemaquidensis has been detected in has only been achieved by cohabiting naïve
waters over 1 km from cages stocked with fish with infected fish (Howard et al., 1993;
infected fish (Douglas-Helders et al., 2002). Akhlaghi et al., 1996; Findlay, 2001) or by
The parasite can survive in the water and exposing them to isolated N. pemaquidensis
maintain its infectivity for at least 14 days from infected gills (Zilberg et al., 2001).
(Douglas-Helders et al., 2003b).

Nutrition and Physiology

N. pemaquidensis feeds on bacteria by put-
Atlantic salmon can develop resistance to ting out short pseudopodia, forming a ‘food
AGD. Infected fish maintained in fresh water cup’ around a bacterium, and also by
for 4 weeks were parasite-free and resistant engulfing bacteria by local invagination of
to experimental reinfection (Findlay et al., the anterior margin of the hyaline zone
1995; Findlay and Munday, 1998). Two fresh- (Page, 1970). Partially digested bacteria have
water baths (current treatment for the disease) been observed in food vacuoles (Cann and
also produced similar resistance in labora- Page, 1982) and in the cytoplasm of N. pema-
tory trials (Findlay and Munday, 1998). The quidensis from fish gills (Roubal et al., 1989;
situation is apparently different under field Dykova et al., 1998a).
conditions as occasionally up to eight bath N. pemaquidensis reproduces by binary
treatments are required during a single growth fusion, with accompanying division of
cycle in sea cages (Mitchell, 2001). Serum nucleus and parasome. Divisions of the
antibodies have been identified in previ- nucleus and parasome are not simultaneous,
ously infected fish, but these do not corre- but each daughter cell has its own parasome
late with resistance to the disease (Findlay (Page, 1970).
et al., 1995). Antibodies against N. pema-
quidensis do not alter its ability to induce
AGD (Zilberg and Munday, 2001b). This Diagnosis of Infection
suggests that a non-specific or acquired cel-
lular immune response, or a combination of It is important to distinguish between AGD
both, may be responsible for the acquired and the presence of N. pemaquidensis with
resistance. Thus far, all efforts to immunize no or inconsequential gill pathology. For
fish against AGD using different exposure the aquaculturist the former is the crucial
regimes to N. pemaquidensis antigens have diagnosis, whereas clinicians and particu-
failed (Akhlaghi et al., 1996; Zilberg and larly researchers have an interest in both
Munday, 2001a). these aspects of the diagnosis. On-farm
diagnosis is done by counting the typical
mucoid patches on the gills (Alexander,
In Vitro Culture and Propagation 1991). While this has been shown to be
highly correlated with the presence of
Gill-associated N. pemaquidensis grows N. pemaquidensis in experimental infections
on seawater agar seeded with numerous on Atlantic salmon (Zilberg and Munday,
Phylum Amoebozoa 7

2000; Findlay, 2001), the association is However, as the American and Spanish
inconsistent in the field (Clark and Nowak, organisms can survive in much lower
1999). In turbot, grossly visible lesions are salinities than the Australian N. pemaqui-
not necessarily present in infected fish densis, it appears that the assay does not
(Dykova and Novoa, 2001). distinguish between biovars with different
Several diagnostic methods are avail- physiological characteristics.
able for the confirmation of a clinical dia-
gnosis. Wet mounts taken from fish gills can
be stained using an immunofluorescent Prevention and Control
antibody test (IFAT) (Howard and Carson,
1993) or with Quick Dip (Fronine Pty Ltd, Treatment
Riverstone, New South Wales, Australia)
(Zilberg et al., 1999). The latter is somewhat The most effective and frequently used
problematic in that amoebae can be difficult treatment is freshwater baths. Briefly,
to differentiate from gill epithelial cells. A fish are bathed in fresh water close to
dot-blot technique has also been developed zero salinity for 2–6 h (Foster and Percival,
(Douglas-Helders et al., 2000a, 2001a). 1988a). According to Munday et al. (1990),
According to Douglas-Helders et al. (2001a), a freshwater bath has three effects; it
the test appears to be sensitive and specific, reduces the number of amoebae on the
and is suited for mass screening of fish. gills, removes seawater-stable mucus and
In a more elaborate method, concentra- reduces any hypernatraemia which may
ting mucus washed off with seawater and develop.
applying a drop of the loose pellet on a cover- After a 2–6 h, normal, on-farm, fresh-
slip in a wet chamber for 30 min allows water bath, up to 27% of the amoebae
trophozoites to attach to the coverslip remain viable and these organisms are capa-
(Dykova and Novoa, 2001). Trophozoites can ble of initiating AGD under experimental
be directly observed under a light micro- conditions (Clark et al., 2000; Findlay,
scope, or fixed with Davidson’s fixative 2001). A freshwater bath, however, dramati-
and stained with haematoxylin and eosin cally reduces the number of gill lesions
(H & E), Feulgen reaction and DNA staining. (Parsons et al., 2001). Thus, killing the
Gill samples can also be examined amoebae on the gills seems to be less impor-
using histological methods. In experimental tant in comparison to returning the gill epi-
infections, the amoebae are seen attaching thelium to normality as a result of the
to the gill epithelium at 2 DPE – this is the treatment. In fact, removal of mucus from the
earliest of any method to confirm an infec- gills seems to be the most important func-
tion (Zilberg and Munday, 2000). IFAT is tion of a freshwater bath, as this process
positive in 7 DPE (Zilberg and Munday, removes amoebae mechanically in a man-
2000). A specific PCR has been developed; ner similar to natural exfoliation of gill
it identifies the parasite with 95% certainty mucus (Fig. 1.5; Zilberg and Munday, 2000).
(Wong and Elliot, 2000; Elliot et al., 2001), In the short term, it potentially alleviates
and is suitable for use with fish gills, sea the physiological perturbations produced
water and biofouling. by AGD (Powell et al., 2000; Powell and
Polyclonal antibodies developed against Nowak, 2001). The efficiency of a freshwater
the Tasmanian isolate (Howard and Carson, bath is improved when soft water is used
1993) react with organisms present on fish (Roberts and Powell, 2002). This is proba-
in Ireland (Rodger and McArdle, 1996), bly due to enhanced removal of less viscous
New Zealand and France (T.S. Howard mucus, as binding with CaCO3 increases
and J. Carson, 1999, Tasmania, personal mucus viscosity. It is probable, but
communications). According to PCR assays, unproven, that the replacement mucus
organisms recovered from AGD on salmonids is rich in such immune components as
in Australia, Ireland and Washington State lysozyme, which help to inhibit recoloni-
and from turbot in Spain are identical. zation of the gills by N. pemaquidensis.
8 D. Zilberg and B.L. Munday

As only severely affected fish have hyper- Summary and Conclusions

natraemia (Findlay, 2001), reversal of this
change is likely to be of only minor Amoebic gill disease due to N. pemaqui-
importance. densis is a major constraint on salmonid
A large number of other treatments mariculture in Tasmania. It is also a cause
have been tried. The chemicals that have of intermittent, serious, disease outbreak in
some effects on pre-existing AGD are narasin Atlantic salmon in Ireland, France and
((4S)-4-methylsalinomycin)) (Cameron, 1992), North America and an emerging problem in
levamisole (1-2,3,5,6-tetrahydro-6-phenyl- turbot culture in Spain. For salmonids,
imidazo[2,1-b]thiazole) (Zilberg et al., 2000), treatment with freshwater baths is the only
chlorine dioxide and chloramine-T (Powell proven therapy but this is stressful for the
and Clark, 2001; Powell et al., 2002). How- fish. In view of the relatively low salinity at
ever, none is as effective and safe as fresh- which AGD occurs in turbot, it is doubtful
water baths. that freshwater baths will be as successful
as with salmonids.
Wild fish in Tasmania are not known to
Control be susceptible to the disease, although they
have small numbers of N. pemaquidensis
Control of AGD on salmonids in Tasmania on their gills. It is yet to be determined
has revolved mainly around the timing of if such ‘carrier’ fish are a source of N. pema-
freshwater baths, some of which are quidensis that can produce AGD in cage-
regarded as prophylactic (Douglas-Helders cultured salmonids.
et al., 2001b), and some farmers avoid the Research to date has not shown that
problem entirely or partially by utilizing immunization is likely to be a useful pro-
low-salinity sites for all or part of the phylactic measure, although the use of extra-
marine culture phase. cellular products as vaccine candidates has
The Tasmanian industry has kept not been explored.
multiple classes of stock (spring smolts, There is an acute lack of information
out-of-season smolts, etc.) on a single site. related to the effects of such managerial prac-
Although no objective data are available, tices as keeping fish of different ages at one
the apparent increase in virulence of site and increasing overall stocking levels
N. pemaquidensis with serial passage under at individual sites on disease outbreaks.
experimental conditions suggests that the
‘all-in all-out’ strategy may be more desir-
able. In this strategy, once smolts are stocked
at a site they are grown and harvested, and Future Research Directions
only then can the next stocking be carried
out. Similarly, increased biomass at indi- Host resistance and immune factors
vidual lease sites inevitably reduces dis-
tances between cages, thereby rendering 1. It is anomalous that nothing is known
more likely the transfer of infection from about the effects, if any, of a freshwater bath
cages with clinically affected fish to other on the immune status of salmonids with
cages. Undoubtedly, the effects of manage- AGD. Studies to elucidate this may well
ment strategies on the occurrence and provide information, which will enable
severity of AGD will require more intensive better use of immunomodulators.
investigation in the future. 2. Research on possible immune res-
Although chinook salmon are more ponses to extracellular products may lead to
difficult to culture than Atlantic salmon development of protective vaccines, which
and rainbow trout, there could be merit in has been elusive to date.
having at least a proportion of these fish at a 3. Identification of lectin/receptor com-
site if their apparent relative resistance to plexes responsible for N. pemaquidensis
AGD can be confirmed. colonizing the gills may lead to the
Table 1.1. Different species of amoeba that were reported in the literature, isolated from different species of aquatic organisms around the world.

Species Host Organ Geographic location Reference

Acanthamoeba sp. Perch (Perca fluviatilis) Brain, liver, Czech Republic Dykova et al., 1999b
Silver, white bream (Blicca bjoerkna) Spleen
Gymnocephalus cernuus Brain
Chub (Leuciscus cephalus) Brain, kidney
Rutilus rutilus Kidney
Sheat-fish (Silurus glanis) Spleen
A. polyphaga White sucker (Catostomus commersoni) Intestine New York Franke and Mackiewicz, 1982
and common shiner (Notropis cornutus)
Blue tilapia (Tilapia aurea),1 Gills, urinary bladder,
largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), spleen, gall bladder, South-eastern USA Taylor, 1977
striped bass (Morone saxatilis), channel blood

Phylum Amoebozoa
catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), goldfish
(Carassius auratus), rainbow trout
(Salmo gairdneri), carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Cochlipodium sp.2 Rainbow trout Gills West Virginia, USA Noble et al., 1997
C. minus Perch Liver, kidney, brain, Czech Republic Dykova et al., 1998b
spleen, gills
Flaballula citata 2 Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) Gills Dykova et al., 1999a
F. calkinsi 2 Turbot Gills
Hartmannella sp. White sucker (Catostomus commersoni), Intestine New York Franke and Mackiewicz, 1982
common shiner (Notropis cornutus)
H. vermiformis 3 Tilapia nilotica (Oreochromis niloticus) Kidney Czech Republic (farm) Dykova et al., 1997
Naegleria sp. Tilapia nilotica Gills Alabama, USA Taylor, 1977
Perch Spleen, kidney Czech Republic Dykova et al., 2001
Bream Brain
Rainbow trout Gills
N. australinesis Catfish (hybrid) Brain Thailand (farm) Dykova et al., 2001
N. gruberi White sucker (Catostomus commersoni), Intestine New York Franke and Mackiewicz, 1982
common shiner (Notropis cornutus)
Paramoeba invadens1 Sea urchin Nerve, water vascular Nova Scotia, Canada Jones, 1985; Jones and
tissue Scheibling, 1985

Table 1.1. Continued. Different species of amoeba that were reported in the literature, isolated from different species of aquatic organisms around the world.

Species Host Organ Geographic location Reference

P. perniciosa1 Blue crab Connective tissue, Maryland and Sprague and Beckett, 1969;
haemal spaces, Virginia, USA Johnson, 1977
blood vessels
Platyamoeba sp.2 Turbot Gills Spain Leiro et al., 1998
P. longae 2 Turbot Gills Spain Dykova et al., 1999a
P. murchelanoi 2
P. weinsteini 2
P. douversi 2
P. leei 2
P. plurinucleolus 2

D. Zilberg and B.L. Munday

Rosculus ithacus Tilapia nilotica Kidney Czech Republic (farm) Dykova et al., 1997
Saccamoeba sp. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) Gills Czech Republic Dykova et al., 2002
Thecamoeba sp.2 Rainbow trout Gills Oregon, USA Sawyer et al., 1975
T. hoffmani 2 Rainbow trout, coho salmon ? Michigan, USA Sawyer et al., 1974
(Oncorhynchus kisutch),
chinook salmon (O. tschawytscha)
Vahlkampfia sp. Blue tilapia, largemouth bass, Gills, skin mucus South-eastern USA Taylor, 1977
brown trout (Salmo trutta)
Vannella Turbot Gills Spain Dykova et al., 1999a
V. septentrionalis,2
V. anglica 2
V. platypodia Goldfish (Carassius auratus) Kidney Czech Republic Dykova et al., 1998b
Chub (Leuciscus cephalus) Brain
Vexillifera expectata Perch Liver Czech Republic Dykova et al., 1998c
Unidentified 2 European catfish (Silurus glanis) Gills, kidney, liver, Germany Nash et al., 1988
spleen, intestine
Unidentified 2 Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) Gills Canada Speare, 1999
Unidentified 2 Rainbow trout Gills West Virginia, USA Bullock et al., 1994

was associated with a disease outbreak.
2Secondary pathogen.
3Pathogenicity was experimentally proven.
Phylum Amoebozoa 11

production of vaccines targeting key lectins OTHER AMOEBAE

involved in adherence.
4. As has been accomplished for other There is information in the literature regard-
diseases, selective breeding for resistance ing the isolation and identification of a
to AGD may be productive. The present sys- large number of different species of amoeba
tem of using ever-increasing numbers of from aquatic organisms. Some findings are
freshwater baths ensures the continued sus- incidental, unassociated with specific dis-
ceptibility of salmonid stocks. ease conditions, and others are associated
5. The apparent inherent resistance of with morbidity and mortality. Species of
chinook salmon to AGD needs to be studied Paramoeba infect internal organs and cause
more closely. morbidity and mortality in sea urchin
(Jones, 1985; Jones and Scheibling, 1985)
and in blue crab (Sprague and Beckett, 1969;
Parasite factors Johnson, 1977; Table 1.1). In fish, N. pema-
quidensis is the only amoeba that was con-
1. More research is required to identify firmed to be a primary disease-causing agent.
differences (apart from pathogenicity) Several species of amoeba can cause disease
between N. pemaquidensis isolated from as secondary pathogens, following a primary
‘carrier’ fish and from fish with AGD, and to gill infection that is caused by bacteria
identify virulence factor(s) in the pathogen. (Bullock et al., 1994; Noble et al., 1997) or
2. Since Padilla-Vaca et al. (1999) have by N. pemaquidensis (Dykova et al., 1999a).
shown that the glycoconjugate profile of the Some of the amoebae associated with dis-
bacteria used as the nutritional lawn for ease conditions seem generally to be free-
Entamoeba histolytica is crucial in deter- living, and change their mode of life under
mining the pathogenicity of the organism, it conditions that are unfavourable to the fish
is important to conduct similar studies for (except for N. pemaquidensis), and some
N. pemaquidensis. are probably a part of the normally associ-
3. More studies are required to under- ated fauna. Table 1.1 summarizes much of
stand the salinity effects on strains of the published literature on amoebae associ-
N. pemaquidensis. ated with aquatic organisms. Their effect
as disease-causing agents, in many of the
reported cases, is yet to be determined.
Management factors

1. The effects of introducing sequential Acknowledgements

populations of naïve fish into a single pro-
duction site need to be monitored. Our research reported in this review was
2. The use of epidemiological modelling supported by the Cooperative Research
to forecast the potential effects of increasing Center for Aquaculture in Australia. We
fish and/or cage numbers at any one site thank Dr Ariel Diamant for reviewing the
needs to be examined closely. draft of this manuscript.


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Parsons, H., Nowak, B.F., Fisk, D. and Powell, M. (2001) Effectiveness of commercial freshwater bathing as
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Phylum Amoebozoa 15

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2 Phylum Dinoflagellata

Edward J. Noga1 and Michael G. Levy2

1Department of Clinical Sciences, North Carolina State University College of
Veterinary Medicine, 4700 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA;
2Department of Population Health and Pathobiology, North Carolina State University

College of Veterinary Medicine, 4700 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA

Introduction/Economic Importance (Becker, 1977; Lawler, 1980; Lauckner,

1984; Noga, 1996). It causes serious morbid-
Dinoflagellates are commonly found in ity and mortality in brackish and marine
aquatic ecosystems. They are important pri- warmwater food fish at aquaculture facili-
mary producers and consumers, as well ties worldwide (Table 2.1) and is often con-
as endosymbionts in many invertebrates sidered the most consequential pathogen
(Taylor, 1987; Fensome et al., 1993). Many of marine fish (Paperna et al., 1981). Out-
dinoflagellates produce ichthyotoxins, which breaks can occur extremely rapidly, result-
have caused mass mortalities in wild and ing in 100% mortality within a few days.
cultured fish (Noga, 1998; Rensel and Whyte, A. ocellatum is also a major problem in
2003). About 140 of the approximately 2000 aquarium fish (Nigrelli, 1936; Brown and
known living species are parasites, most Hovasse, 1946; Hojgaard, 1962; Dempster,
being parasites of invertebrates (Drebes, 1972; Lawler, 1977b), including both public
1984). Five genera have been reported as fish aquaria and hobbyist tanks. It has also very
parasites: Amyloodinium, Piscinoodinium, rarely caused natural epidemics, best docu-
Crepidoodinium, Ichthyodinium and Oodini- mented in fish of the Salton Sea, a hyper-
oides. One unclassified dinoflagellate has saline inland lake in eastern California, USA
also been described (Buckland-Nicks and (Kuperman et al., 2001).
Reimchen, 1995). Only Amyloodinium,
Piscinoodium and Ichthyodinium are of any
known or potential economic significance.
While there is evidence that the toxic dino- Piscinoodinium
flagellate Pfiesteria can also exhibit para-
sitic tendencies (Vogelbein et al., 2002), it is Piscinoodinium is morphologically and
not a typical parasite and thus will not be developmentally similar to Amyloodinium
discussed in this review. and causes a highly similar disease in tropi-
cal freshwater fish. Most reports of the para-
site have been in fish held in aquaria (Jacobs,
Amyloodinium 1946; Schäperclaus, 1951; Reichenbache-
Klinke, 1955; Geus, 1960; van Duijn, 1973;
Amyloodinium ocellatum is the most common Lom and Schubert, 1983) but it has more
and important dinoflagellate parasitizing fish recently been recognized as a commercial
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
16 (ed. P.T.K. Woo)
Table 2.1. Amyloodiniosis infections reported in food fish.1, 2

Geographical location Hosts References

Gulf of Mexico (Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, Striped bass (Morone saxatilis) Lawler (1980), Landsberg et al. (1994)
Florida, USA) Redfish (Sciaenops ocellata)
Grey mullet (Mugil cephalus)
Pompano (Trachinotus carolinus)
Atlantic Ocean (North Carolina, USA) Hybrid striped bass Noga et al. (1991), E Noga, 1995, unpublished data
(Morone chrysops × Morone saxatilis)

Phylum Dinoflagellata
Summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus)
Atlantic Ocean (South Carolina, USA) Hybrid striped bass Jenkins et al. (1998), Smith et al. (1999)
Southern flounder Sandifer et al. (1993)
Atlantic Ocean (Florida, USA) Southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) Benetti et al. (2001)
Atlantic Ocean (Florida Keys, USA) Snapper (Lutjanus sp.) S. Citino (Florida, 1994, personal communication)
Pacific Ocean (Mexico) Bullseye puffer (Spheroides annulatus) Fajer-Ávila et al. (2003)
Caribbean Sea (Martinique, French West Indies) European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) Gallet de Saint-Aurin (1987)
Caribbean Sea (Isla de Margarita, Venezuela) Pompano (Trachinotus goodei, T. carolinus) Gaspar (1987)
Mediterranean Sea (Spain) European sea bass Alvarez-Pellitero et al. (1993)
Mediterranean Sea (Italy) European sea bass Ghittino et al. (1980), Giavenni (1988), Rigos et al.
Sharp-snout sea bream (Puntazzo puntazzo) (1998)
Mediterranean Sea (Sète, France) Sea bream (Sparus aurata) Paperna and Baudin Laurencin (1979)


Table 2.1. Continued. Amyloodiniosis infections reported in food fish.

Geographical location Hosts References

Mediterranean Sea (Israel) European sea bass A. Colorni (Israel, 1994, unpublished data)
Sea bream
Mediterranean Sea (Sicily, Italy) Yellowtail (Seriola dumerili) Aiello and D’Alba (1986)
Adriatic Sea (Italy) European sea bass Ghittino (personal communication cited in Paperna,

E.J. Noga and M.G. Levy

Aegean Sea (Turkey) Sea bream Tareen (unpublished data cited in Tareen, 1986)
European sea bass
Red Sea (Eilat, Israel) Sea bream Paperna et al. (1981)
European sea bass
Mullet (Mugilidae)
Red Sea (Eilat, Israel) Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) A. Colorni (Israel, 1994, unpublished data)
Persian Gulf (Kuwait) Sobaity sea bream (Acanthopagrus cuvieri ) Tareen (1986)
Pacific Ocean (Hawaii, USA) Pacific threadfin (Polydactylus sexfilis) Montgomery-Brock et al. (2001)
Pacific Ocean (Iloilo, Philippines) Grey mullet Baticados and Quinitio (1984)
Pacific Ocean (Taiwan) Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) Chien and Huang (1993)
Pacific Ocean (Australia) Mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus) Fielder and Bardsley (1999)
Pacific Ocean (Thailand) Barramundi (Lates calcarifer ) Chonchuenchob et al. (1987)

1This list includes reported infections only where the contagion was identified in a local source or was introduced into local waters with the fish. It does not
include numerous other reports from captive aquarium fishes worldwide.
2Note that almost all cases were diagnosed as A. ocellatum via light microscopy; ultrastructural confirmation was not performed in most instances.
Phylum Dinoflagellata 19

aquaculture pathogen as well (Shaharom- also experienced epidemics (Ramesh et al.,

Harrison et al., 1990; Ramesh et al., 2000). 2000). Temperate species (e.g. common
carp (Cyprinus carpio), tench (Tinca tinca))
and larval amphibians (Amblystoma mexi-
Ichthyodinium canum, Rana temporaria and Rana arvalis)
are also susceptible (Geus, 1960) but reports
Ichthyodinium chabelardi parasitizes the from amphibians are extremely rare.
developing eggs of Atlantic sardines (Sardina
pilchardus) and a somewhat similar para-
site has been observed in other coldwater Crepidoodinium
marine fish (Hollande and Cachon, 1952,
1953; Pederson and Koie, 1994; Stratoudakis Crepidoodinium cyprinodontum, which
et al., 2000). Infection rates can be very closely resembles Amyloodinium and
high, with as much as half or more sampled Piscinoodinium, was reported in the late
eggs being infected (Meneses and Re, 1991; 1960s on some estuarine cyprinodontid
Meneses et al., 2003). Such high prevalences fishes in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic
have led to speculation that this parasite Ocean near Virginia and North Carolina,
might be a significant and unrecognized USA. Reported hosts included various
cause of larval mortality. killifish: Fundulus majalis, Fundulus
heteroclitus, Fundulus similis, Fundulus
luciae, Lucania parva and Cyprinodon
variegatus (Lawler, 1967, 1968; Williams,
Host Range
1972). Crepidoodinium australe (Lom et al.,
1993) was identified from sand whiting
(Silago ciliata), an estuarine fish in New South
Wales, Australia. Both parasites caused rel-
A. ocellatum is one of the few fish parasites
atively minor damage to their hosts and
that can infest both elasmobranchs and
were not fatal.
teleosts (Lawler, 1980) and almost all fish
that live within its ecological range are sus-
ceptible to infestation. Amyloodinium has Ichthyodinium
continued to be one of the most serious
impediments to warmwater mariculture, Ichthyodinium chabelardi has been observed
with well over 100 species known to be sus- in Atlantic sardine populations in the Med-
ceptible. Even freshwater fish, such as iterranean Sea, Adriatic Sea and north-east
centrarchids (Lepomis), tilapia (Tilapia) or Atlantic Ocean. Morphologically similar
guppies (Poecilia reticulata), are highly sus- parasites have been reported in a number of
ceptible to infestation when they are in saline other coldwater marine fish, most notably
waters (Lawler, 1980; Noga and Bower, 1987; Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus), sea
Kuperman and Matey, 1999; Table 2.1). In bream (Sparus aurata), blue whiting (Micro-
one instance, it has been observed to even mesistius poutassou) and anchovy (Engraulus
infect a monogenean worm, another fish encrasicolus) (Stratoudakis et al., 2000).
ectoparasite (Colorni, 1994), attesting to its A similar organism has also been identified
cosmopolitan feeding habits. in eggs and larvae of Atlantic cod (Gadus
morhua) and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
from waters around Denmark (Baltic Sea,
Piscinoodinium etc.) (Pedersen and Koie, 1994).

Many tropical fish are susceptible to

Piscinoodinium, with anabantids (Siamese Oodinioides
fighting fish, gouramis), cyprinids (goldfish,
barbs) and cyprinodontids (killifish) fre- This parasite was reported on freshwater
quently affected (Noga, 1996). Tilapia have and marine aquarium fish. Little is known
20 E.J. Noga and M.G. Levy

about its importance, because it has not Oodiniaceae, parasitic dinoflagellates may
been reported since its original description be a polyphyletic group, which are evolu-
(Reichenbache-Klinke, 1970). The absence tionarily derived from different ancestors
of proof that this is a dinoflagellate and the (Cachon and Cachon, 1987; R.W. Litaker,
lack of further reports since its initial descrip- M.G. Levy and E.J. Noga, unpublished data).
tion make this taxon highly questionable The reader should refer to Cachon and
(Lom, 1981). Cachon (1987) and Fensome et al. (1993) for
the most recent overviews of parasitic
dinoflagellate taxonomy.
Unclassified dinoflagellate

This parasitic dinoflagellate has only been Oodinid dinoflagellates

identified on fish from a single lake on the
Charlotte Islands off the coast of British Oodinids presently include the ectoparasites
Columbia, Canada (Reimchen and Buckland- Amyloodinium Brown and Hovasse, 1946
Nicks, 1989). It primarily infests stickleback (A. ocellatum (Brown, 1931) Brown and
(Gasterosteus aculeatus), but has also been Hovasse, 1946), Piscinoodinium Lom, 1981
observed on salmonids (Oncorhynchus (P. pillulare (Schäperclaus, 1951) Lom
kisutch and Salvelinus malma) in that lake. 1981), P. limneticum (Jacobs, 1946) Lom,
Interestingly, despite often severe infesta- 1981 and Crepidoodinium Lom and Lawler,
tions, no apparent harm to its hosts has 1981 (C. virginicum Lom, 1981, C. australe
been observed. Lom, Rohde and Dykova, 1993).
Differentiation of the fish-parasitic
oodinids has traditionally been based pri-
marily upon the morphology of the trophont,
especially the type of host attachment and
the mode of nutrition (Lom, 1981) (see
Effective control of parasitic dinoflagellates
‘Parasite Morphology/Life Cycle’ and
requires a thorough understanding of their
Table 2.2). Fish-pathogenic oodinids were
epidemiology, including host and geograph-
originally classified in the genus Oodinium;
ical range, as well as other factors affecting
however, important differences recognized
transmission. These factors can only be dis-
by Brown and Hovasse (1946) and Lom and
cerned via a thorough understanding of the
colleagues (Lom, 1981) justified their sepa-
phylogenetic relationships among the differ-
ration into different genera. Ongoing stud-
ent parasite isolates. Such studies may also
ies suggest that further separation of these
lead to more effective methods for diagnosis
taxa might be warranted.
of specific pathogens.
Several undescribed oodinid-like ecto-
Having characteristics of both plants
parasites have been reported from fish
and animals, dinoflagellates are classified
(Overstreet, 1968; Lom and Lawler, 1973;
as both zoological and botanical taxa. Our
Paperna and Zwerner, 1976). Differences in
review will use the botanical nomenclature,
environmental tolerances (see ‘Parasite
since the most recent taxonomic studies
Morphology/Life Cycle’), as well as morpho-
of these parasites have followed this classi-
logical differences (dinospore morphology,
fication scheme. Two groups within the
presence/absence of a stigma or ‘pigmented
phylum Dinoflagellida have fish-parasitic
eyespot’, etc.), also suggest that undescribed
species: the class Blastodiniphyceae, order
species or strains might exist (see below).
Blastodiniales, family Oodiniaceae (having
However, further research is needed in
the genera Amyloodinium, Piscinoodinium
this area.
and Crepidoodinium); and the class
Syndiniophyceae, order Syndiniales, family
Syndinidae (having the genus Ichthyo-
dinium) (Fensome et al., 1993). There is Some have proposed that the dinospore
increasing evidence that, even within the might have taxonomic usefulness. In the
Table 2.2. Key differentiating criteria of ectoparasitic dinoflagellates infecting fish.

Penetration of

Phylum Dinoflagellata
Host holdfasts into Clove-like Food Lytic Starch
Genus cytopathology cytoplasm Stomopode bodies Stigma Chloroplasts vacuoles bodies Mucocysts granules

Amyloodinium Severe Deep Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y

Piscinoodinium Moderate Moderate N N N?1 Y N N Y Y
Crepidoodinium Mild None N N N Y N N Y Y

1P. pillulare dinospores have been reported by Hirschmann and Partsch (1953) as having a stigma. However, others have not observed a stigma in either
P. pillulare (Lom, 1981) or P. limneticum (Jacobs, 1946).

22 E.J. Noga and M.G. Levy

original genus description of Amyloodinium, as ‘cryptoperidiniopsisoid’, ‘Lucy’ and

dinospores were elongate (Brown, 1934; ‘Shepherd’s crook’ spp. (Steidinger et al.,
Brown and Hovasse, 1946), while other iso- 2001). Interestingly, while not a classical
lates described later had anteroposteriorly parasite, Pfiesteria has been shown to be able
compressed dinospores (Lawler, 1980; to prey upon host tissues using a peduncle
Noga et al., 1991). However, all recent (Burkholder et al., 1992; Vogelbein et al.,
descriptions of Amyloodinium, including 2002), which might be structurally and func-
isolates from the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic tionally analogous to the stomopode that
Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea, Amyloodinium uses to feed on host tissues.
have displayed only anteroposteriorly com- In terms of interspecific relationships,
pressed dinospores (Lawler, 1980; Noga further analysis of the SSU-rRNA gene,
et al., 1991; Landsberg et al., 1994; M.G. Levy, including the internal transcribed spacer
M.F. Poore, A. Colorni, E.J. Noga and (ITS) region, of three different geographical
R.W. Litaker, unpublished data), making isolates of Amyloodinium (DC-1, Gulf of
the usefulness of this feature uncertain. A Mexico (Florida) and Red Sea), showed
more significant finding is that Amyloodinium > 99% sequence identity, strongly suggest-
dinospores have been presumed to be ‘naked’ ing that these isolates might be the same
(i.e. not having plates or ‘armour’), making species (Levy et al., in preparation).
them of the gymnodinoid type. However,
improved ultrastructural techniques led to
the discovery that dinospores collected from
redfish (Sciaenops ocellatus) and presum- There are two described species of
ably originating from the Gulf of Mexico, Piscinoodium. Piscinoodinium (= Oodinium)
Florida, USA, and parasites collected limneticum was the first species described,
from an aquarium in Florida having an and was identified from North American
amyloodiniosis outbreak both had the same aquarium fish (Jacobs, 1946). Without prior
type of delicate plates. A partial character- knowledge of this report, Schaperclaus (1951)
ization of the Kofoidian plate tabulation described a second species, P. (= Oodinium)
pattern, which is a very important taxonomic pillulare, from European aquarium fish.
feature in armoured dinoflagellates, was Detailed ultrastructural studies by Lom and
consistent with placement in the free-living Schubert (1983) of what they considered to
order Peridiniales, subclass Peridini- be O. pillulare led to the transfer of this spe-
phycidae, class Dinophyceae (Landsberg cies to the genus Piscinoodinium. However,
et al., 1994). since the original species descriptions of
Recent molecular analysis of the small both P. limneticum and P. pillulare only
subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU-rRNA) gene included light microscopy, the actual species
of A. ocellatum isolate DC-1 (Noga, 1987) studied by Lom and its relationship to other
also suggests a possible phylogenetic rela- ‘freshwater Oodinium’ parasites is unclear.
tionship of Amyloodinium to the subclass For example, in striking contrast to
Peridiniphycidae (Litaker et al., 1999). the molecular phylogenetic findings with
The current molecular data, however, are Amyloodinium that support its placement
insufficient to unequivocally confirm the in the class Blastodiniphyceae, data recently
placement of Amyloodinium in the Peri- obtained from the SSU-rRNA gene of an iso-
diniphycidae. What the molecular data do late that has many typical features of
indicate unequivocally is that Amyloodinium Piscinoodinium (i.e. typical trophont infect-
and the recently discovered Pfiesteria group ing skin of freshwater tropical fish) place
are primitive dinoflagellates (R.W. Litaker, this organism in the class Dinophyceae,
M.G. Levy, M.F. Poore, A. Colorni and subclass Gymnodiniphycidae. This makes
E.J. Noga, unpublished data). The Pfiesteria it closely related to such dinoflagellates as
group currently includes the putatively the symbiont Symbiodinium pilosum and
toxic algae P. piscicida and P. shumwayae, the free-living Gymnodinium simplex. In
as well as species tentatively classified addition, its ultrastructural features do not
Phylum Dinoflagellata 23

appear to correspond to published descrip- Unclassified dinoflagellate

tions of Piscinoodinium (M.G. Levy and
R.W. Litaker, unpublished data). These The stickleback parasite from British
molecular and morphological data suggest Columbia has not yet been classified. Inter-
that the taxonomic status of this genus (and estingly, this parasite has only been found
possibly that of Crepidoodinium) requires in a single lake in British Columbia and
significant revision. it has been suggested that it might have
co-evolved with its highly geographically
restricted stickleback host (Buckland-Nicks
Syndinid dinoflagellates and Reimchen, 1995).

The syndinids include intracellular para-

sites and those that inhabit cavities. Parasite Morphology/Life Cycle
Ichthyodinium Hollande and Cachon, 1953
(I. chabelardi Hollande and Cachon, 1953) All fish-parasitic dinoflagellates are highly
was classified by Taylor (1987) as a member adapted to a parasitic mode of existence,
of the subclass Syndiniophycidae, order and the trophozoite stage bears little resem-
Syndiniales, family Syndiniaceae. However, blance to free-living dinoflagellates. It is
molecular studies will be needed to confirm only during the disseminative (dinospore)
its taxonomic placement and determine stage that typical dinoflagellate morphology
whether one or several species are involved. is apparent (Fig. 2.1).

Fig. 2.1. Life cycle of oodinid parasites of fish (from Noga, 1987; courtesy of Science).
(A) Parasitic trophont that feeds on the skin and gill epithelium. (B) Encysted tomont stage that divides to
produce free-swimming infective dinospores (C).
24 E.J. Noga and M.G. Levy

Oodinids base of the trophont. An osmophilic ring

encircles the basal region, and an attach-
Amyloodinium, Piscinoodinium and ment plate bears numerous filiform rhizoids
Crepidoodinium have the same life cycle (Fig. 2.4), which exit through the break in
(Fig. 2.1). They feed as sessile, sac-like the theca. The rhizoids are enlarged at their
trophozoites (trophonts) on the skin or gill bases, which serves to anchor them deep in
epithelium (Figs 2.2, 2.3). Trophonts are the host cell. A 30 µm stomopode is associ-
bounded by a cell wall with a thin, resis- ated with the attachment plate. It passes
tant, pellicular envelope. Beneath the from deep within the trophont and exits
cell membrane is a layer of flat amphiesmal proximal to the sulcal fold. This organelle,
vesicles, as is found in free-living dino- which probably functions in feeding, con-
flagellates (Dodge and Crawford, 1970). Var- tains two types of inclusions: ‘lytic bodies’
ious organelles, including chloroplasts, and ‘clove-like structures’, both believed
mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, trichocysts to aid digestion. Starch granules and food
and mucocysts, may be present. vacuoles containing host cell cytoplasm are
Trophonts have a prominent stalk scattered throughout the cytoplasm, and
(Fig. 2.4), a cytoplasmic evagination with chloroplasts are absent (Lom and Lawler,
holdfasts that anchors the parasite to the 1973).
host and in some cases absorbs nutrients. After feeding, the trophont detaches
The stalk is a characteristic of oodinid (and from the host, retracts its rhizoids and
blastodinid) dinoflagellates. After feeding, becomes a tomont. Divisions within a com-
the trophont detaches and withdraws its mon cyst wall produce up to 256 dinospores
stalk, forms a reproductive cyst (tomont) and (Brown, 1934; Nigrelli, 1936). Dinospores
divides asexually several times (Fig. 2.2B). are 8–13.5 µm long by 10–12.5 µm wide.
After the last asexual division, motile forms Brown (1934) and Nigrelli (1936) described
(dinospores; also referred to as gymnospores A. ocellatum as having gymnodinoid (barrel-
or zoospores) are released, which are capa- shaped) dinospores, but all later studies
ble of infecting a new host. This type of only described isolates with antero-
reproduction is termed palintomy. Dino- posteriorly compressed dinospores (Lawler,
spores have a girdle, sulcus and two flagella 1980; Noga et al., 1991; Landsberg et al.,
(Fig. 2.3B). Recently, it has been shown that 1994; Fig. 2.3). A red stigma, which accounts
Amylooodinium dinospores also have a for the name ‘ocellatum’, is present through-
peduncle (which might form the trophont’s out the life cycle.
stomopode) as well as an associated rhizoid-
like complex (Landsberg et al., 1994), previ- ECOLOGICAL FACTORS AFFECTING GROWTH.
ously only known in the trophont. Dinospores Amyloodinium is a warmwater parasite and
are fairly uniform in size and the number of is more pathogenic at higher temperatures
dinospores produced per tomont is roughly (Paperna, 1980; Kuperman et al., 2001);
proportional to the size of the trophont. thus, in more temperate regions, it is only a
problem in warmer months (Noga et al.,
1991; Kuperman and Matey, 1999). In Red
Amyloodinium Sea isolates, where environmental toler-
ances have been best studied, the optimal
LIFE CYCLE AND MORPHOLOGY. Light micro- temperature for tomont division and
scopic aspects of the life cycle have been sporulation ranges from 23 to 27°C. Com-
described in detail (Brown, 1934; Nigrelli, pletion of tomont division is limited to
1936; Brown and Hovasse, 1946). The 16–30°C (Paperna, 1984) and infections do
trophont is pear-shaped to ovoid and up to not occur at less than 17°C (A. Colorni,
350 µm long (Figs 2.2, 2.3). Trophonts are Israel, personal communication). Strain
reported to have a cellulose wall consisting DC-1 tomonts held at 15°C stop dividing
of a theca with amphiesmal plates. Thecal after four divisions; however, even after 17
armour is complete except for a gap at the weeks’ exposure to 15°C, these tomonts can
Phylum Dinoflagellata 25

Fig. 2.2. Light micrographs of Amyloodinium (A) Trophonts (arrows) on a damselfish (Dacyllus sp.) fin.
(B) Tomonts in various stages of development: (i) single cell (just differentiated from trophont);
(ii) two-cell; (iii) nearly mature; and (iv) mature, with some dinospores already having exited the tomont
(photos courtesy of A. Colorni).
26 E.J. Noga and M.G. Levy

Fig. 2.3. Scanning electron micrographs of Amyloodinium: (A) A trophont attached to gill.
(B) A dinospore from a Gulf of Mexico isolate, showing armour or plates. Representative plates are
labelled (P). Note the dinospore’s antero-posterior compression (’hamburger’ shape). L, longitudinal
flagellum; T, transverse flagellum (from Landsberg et al., 1994; courtesy of Diseases of Aquatic Organisms).
Phylum Dinoflagellata 27

Fig. 2.4. Host attachment mechanism of Amyloodinium. Scale is in microns. H, host cell;
AP, attachment plate; R, rhizoid; ST, stomopode tube; VF, velum-like pellicular folds;
F, flagellum; PC, pusular canal; L, fibrillar ledge; FV, food vacuole; N, nucleus; PH, phagoplasm.
(From Lom and Lawler, 1973; courtesy of Protistologica).

produce dinospores when returned to Amyloodinium in the Salton Sea was most
25°C (C.E. Bower, Connecticut, personal pathogenic when temperatures were very
communication). high (39–41°C), even though the salinity
Temperature also affects salinity toler- was also very high (46 psu) (Kuperman and
ance, which narrows as one deviates further Matey 1999; Kuperman et al., 2001). Fre-
from the optimal temperature range. Effec- quent outbreaks have been reported in
tive tomont division and sporulation of some oligohaline waters as well (McIlwain,
Red Sea isolates occurred at up to 50 psu 1976), with epidemics occurring at salini-
(practical salinity units). The minimum ties as low as 2.8 psu in Gulf of Mexico
effective salinity varied from 12 to 20 psu, estuaries (Lawler, 1977b). The reason for
depending upon the isolate (Paperna, 1984). such differences in salinity tolerance are
Amyloodiniosis severity in larval mulloway unknown, but the salinity of the Red Sea
(Argyrosomus japonicus), an estuarine usually fluctuates very little (around 40 psu),
sciaenid cultured in New South Wales, whereas salinity in estuarine regions var-
Australia, was also closely related to salin- ies greatly, depending upon freshwater
ity, but infection could occur (albeit at low runoff.
levels) at 5 psu; peak levels were at 20 psu, Other risk factors have not been well
with declining levels to 35 psu (Fielder studied, although low dissolved oxygen
and Bardsley, 1999). Hojgaard (1962) also has been associated with some epidemics
reported that isolates in Danish public (Sandifer et al., 1993; Kuperman et al.,
aquaria were inhibited by 10 psu. However, 2001). Bacteria and protozoa inhibit the
28 E.J. Noga and M.G. Levy

development of Amyloodinium (Brown, sac-like cell, up to 140 µm long (Schäperclaus,

1934; Bower et al., 1987; Noga and Bower, 1951). They are almost round when mature
1987) by delaying dinospore emergence and and appear to possess a rudimentary sulcus
killing sporulating tomonts before dino- (Lom and Schubert, 1983). A short stalk
spores emerge (Brown, 1934; Bower et al., with an attachment disc extends from the
1987; Oestmann and Lewis, 1995). It is base (Fig. 2.5) and thin nail-like holdfasts
uncertain whether this inhibition is due to a (rhizocysts) radiate from the stalk. Head
direct toxic effect or environmental changes parts of the rhizocysts are inverted in sepa-
(e.g. hypoxia/anoxia would be most likely rate compartments (rhizothecas) in the sole
to occur in contaminated cultures). of the disc while their shafts are firmly
embedded in host cell cytoplasm (Fig. 2.5).
While rhizocysts have a very intimate
Piscinoodinium attachment to the host cell, they are
LIFE CYCLE AND MORPHOLOGY. The trophont much less aggressive than the rhizoids of
is a yellow-green to brown, pyriform or Amyloodinium (Fig. 2.4).

Fig. 2.5. Host attachment mechanism of Piscinoodinium. H, host cell; R, rhizocyst supposedly migrating
into the attachment disc; R’, rhizocyst ‘in position’ within the rhizotheca, embedded into the host cell
cytoplasm; MF, microfibrillar strands converging to form a perinema-like ring around the ‘neck’ of the
attachment disc; N, notch on the upper surface of the attachment disc; above it, the theca is subtended by
a circular ribbon of microtubules and an electron-dense substance; C, chloroplast; S, starch grains; Mi,
mitochondrion; Mt, microtubular ribbons along the zone of special cytoplasm extending from nucleus into
the attachment disc; B, complex of basal bodies; F, flagellum; T, theca; L, subthecal lacunae; P, pusular
system. (From Lom, 1981; courtesy of Folia Parasitologica [Praha]).
Phylum Dinoflagellata 29

The theca covers the entire cell except by cytoplasmic stems evaginated through
for the area of the attachment disc. The thecal openings. The finger-like rhizoids
periphery of the cell contains disc-shaped are attached only superficially to the host
chloroplasts and numerous starch granules. cell membrane, which is modified at the
Up to 256 dinospores (10–19 µm long × point of contact. The attachment resembles
8–15 µm wide in P. limneticum) are pro- the cell junction of epithelial cells. Penetra-
duced from each tomont. Piscinoodinium tion of host cells has not been observed.
pillulare is reported to possess a red stigma Up to 2048 dinospores are produced from a
that is absent in P. limneticum (Schaperclaus, single tomont.


The life cycle can be completed in 10–14
days under optimal conditions. Optimal
temperature for P. pillulare is 23–25°C, with
sporulation requiring 50–70 h for an average- LIFE CYCLE AND MORPHOLOGY. I. chabelardi
sized tomont. At 15–17°C, sporulation parasitizes the vitelline (yolk) sac of sar-
requires 11 days (van Duijn, 1973). Opti- dines, where it rapidly multiplies, filling
mal conditions are probably similar for the yolk sac with parasites; it causes larval
P. limneticum. Under crowded conditions death by depleting energy reserves and rup-
or in stagnant water, sporulation is inhib- turing the yolk sac after hatching. Sardine
ited and smaller dinospores are produced. eggs are mainly infected during colder
Lower temperature slows the life cycle and months, with peak prevalences in January–
results in larger dinospores (Jacobs, 1946). February. Up to 33% of all sampled eggs
Mass mortalities in tank-reared fish have have been infected in some surveys (Meneses
been associated with decreasing tempera- and Re, 1991). Infections are inapparent
tures (dropping from 30°C to 21°C) (Ramesh until closure of the blastopore occurs in the
et al., 2000). Shaharom-Harrison et al. (1990) developing embryo (Meneses and Re, 1991).
also observed epidemics with either In mackerel, where a similar parasite occurs,
increasing or decreasing temperatures in it can be seen somewhat earlier in develop-
pond-cultured fish. Decreasing temperature ment (Meneses et al., 2003; www.plank.
is a common stressor in fish and can lead to
development of a number of opportunistic The life cycle is quite complicated
infections, probably due to temperature- (Fig. 2.7). The earliest detectable parasitic
mediated immunosuppression. stage in the yolk sac is the ‘primordial
schizont’ (Figs 2.7, 2.8), which begins as a
spherical, uninucleated trophont, ∼ 8–15 µm
in diameter; it undergoes multiple nuclear
LIFE CYCLE AND MORPHOLOGY. The trophonts divisions to form a large (100–200 µm),
of C. cyprinodontum are large and some- multinucleated plasmodium. The primor-
what flattened, measuring up to 670 µm dial schizont then cleaves into several
long by 130 µm wide (Lom and Lawler, uninucleate, elongated ‘secondary schizonts’,
1973), while those of C. australe are even which undergo further divisions. In the
larger and very flattened (leaf-like), measur- final stage, ‘last generation schizonts’ are
ing up to 820 µm long by 235 µm wide (Lom produced, which resemble the early pri-
et al., 1993). Both species have been mordial schizonts. In the advanced stages,
observed only on the gills. Trophonts have parasites fill the yolk sac (Fig. 2.8). After the
well-developed chloroplasts (giving them a host dies, the freed parasite divides once or
bright green appearance), spongy cytoplasm twice more in the water. The resultant
and abundant starch granules. The holdfast free-swimming dinospores survive several
organelle consists of numerous attachment days in culture but, under laboratory condi-
projections and rhizoids (Fig. 2.6) formed tions, are not infective to sardine eggs by
30 E.J. Noga and M.G. Levy

Fig. 2.6. Morphology of Crepidoodinium. Scales are in microns (from Lom and Lawler, 1973; courtesy
of Protistologica). (A) Trophont with a rounded nucleus and the flattened holdfast organelle ramified into
numerous lobose or finger-like projections from which the small attachment rhizoids arise.
(B) and (C) Enlarged holdfast portions of the trophonts; only the tips of small rhizoids emanating from these
major and minor branches contact the host epithelial cells.

Fig. 2.7. Ichthyodinium developmental stages in Atlantic mackerel. (From Meneses et al., 2003;
courtesy of Journal of Plankton Research.)
Phylum Dinoflagellata 31

Columbia has been reported to be extremely

complex and unusual, with a number of
developmental stages and life forms. These
include a trophont on the skin or gills, a
‘vegetative cyst’ (also on the skin or gills),
several amoeboid stages that develop from
germinating vegetative cysts, a ‘resting cyst’
that occurs off the fish, and a dinospore
(presumably the disseminative stage). A
typical dinoflagellate nucleus (dinokaryon)
was observed in the vegetative cyst and dino-
spore stages, whereas a typical eukaryotic
nucleus was reported for the amoeboid
stages. Dinospore and vegetative cyst stages
contained chloroplasts, whereas the
amoeboid stages, which were observed on
less than five occasions, lacked chloro-
plasts. Since observations of all putative
developmental stages were observed in
non-axenic cultures, and most of the stage
transformations were not observed or docu-
mented, the possibility that some of the
reported life cycle stages might be unrelated
contaminants must be eliminated. For
example, based upon observations of non-
axenic cultures, it was initially proposed
that the dinoflagellate P. piscicida had over
24 stages, incuding multiple amoeboid
forms, in its life cycle (Burkholder and
Glasgow, 1997). However, subsequent stud-
ies using highly specific molecular probes
Fig. 2.8. Atlantic sardine embryo and larva
indicated that P. piscicida actually has a
infected with Ichthyodinium. (A) Normal larva.
Y, yolk sac, D, oil droplet. (Photo courtesy of very simple life cycle and that the
I. Meneses.) (B) Early stage infection of ‘amoeboid stages’ in P. piscicida cultures
embryonating egg having several primordial are true amoeba (i.e. contaminants intro-
schizonts in the yolk sac (arrows). (Photo courtesy duced on the fish which were used as a food
of I. Meneses.) (C) Advanced infection of larva, with source for P. piscicida or from elsewhere)
parasites filling the yolk sac. (Photo courtesy of I. (Litaker et al., 2002).
Meneses and Y. Stratoudakis) (from Stratoudakis
et al., 2000; courtesy of Journal of Fish Biology).

Host–Parasite Relationships

either exposure to eggs in water or direct
inoculation of dinospores into the yolk
Amyloodinium causes amyloodiniosis,
mass (Hollande and Cachon, 1953).
marine velvet disease, marine Oodinium
disease and oodiniosis.
Unclassified dinoflagellate
Clinical signs/pathology
LIFE CYCLE AND MORPHOLOGY. The life cycle Clinical signs of amyloodiniosis include
of the stickleback parasite from British anorexia, depression, dyspnoea (swimming
32 E.J. Noga and M.G. Levy

near the water surface with laboured may also be important causes of debilitation
breathing) and pruritis (Brown, 1934; Brown and death.
and Hovasse, 1946; Lawler, 1977a, b; Noga, Paperna (1984) felt that the serious
1996). The gills are usually the primary site gill pathology associated with many
of infestation, but heavy infestations may A. ocellatum infestations was more severe
also involve the skin, fins and eyes. Paperna than the parasitosis would indicate. He
(1980) found that the skin was the primary speculated that A. ocellatum, like some
site of infestation in sea bream (S. aurata) other dinoflagellates, may produce an exo-
larvae. Heavily infested skin may have a toxin responsible for some of the hyperpla-
dusty appearance (‘velvet disease’), but this sia and necrosis. This remains to be proven,
is not a common finding and fish often die but, in cell culture, A. ocellatum trophonts
without obvious gross skin lesions. Young produce a very localized area of cell necro-
fish appear to be most susceptible, although sis and this appears to be associated with
there are few hard data in this area. the feeding activity of the parasite and not
Trophonts may also occur on the toxin production (Noga, 1987).
pseudobranch and in the branchial cavity
and nasal passages (Lawler, 1980). Although
Innate immunity
tomonts have been reported in the oesopha-
gus, stomach and intestines (Brown, 1934; Although most fish species in
Hojgaard, 1962), they probably developed Amyloodinium-infested waters are suscep-
elsewhere and were subsequently swal- tible, certain factors clearly limit the ability
lowed. Cheung et al. (1981) reported a case of Amyloodinium to proliferate, as feral fish
of presumptive amyloodiniosis in the vis- usually have very few parasites (Lawler,
cera of a porkfish (Anisostremus virginicus). 1980). Except in very rare instances
However, only tomont-like structures were (Overstreet, 1993; Kuperman et al., 2001),
seen and there was no strong morphologi- epidemics have only been reported in the
cal evidence that this organism was stressful confines of aquaculture (Table 2.1),
Amyloodinium. even though there is often very high preva-
A single trophont can feed on multiple lence in feral fish (Lawler, 1980). Some fish
epithelial cells simultaneously (Paperna, species are naturally resistant to infestation.
1980). This is at least partly responsible for These include killifish (Fundulus grandis),
the extensive damage caused by the para- American eel (Anguilla rostrata), molly
site. The hydrodynamic forces exerted on (Poecilia latipinna) and others belonging to
the trophont, which projects into the water seven families. Resistant species are gener-
when the fish swims, may exacerbate dam- ally those which produce thick mucus or
age. Trophonts can also move slowly back can tolerate low oxygen levels, presumably
and forth while attached (Noga, 1987), also due to their greater ability to withstand
facilitating host cell fragmentation. attack or feeding on gill tissue by the para-
Mild infestations (e.g. one or two site (Lawler, 1977b). In some instances,
trophonts per gill filament) cause little patho- older fish appear to be more resistant.
logy. However, heavy infestations (up to Quantitative comparisons of susceptibility
200 trophonts per gill filament) cause seri- also showed that clownfish (Amphiprion
ous gill hyperplasia, inflammation, haemor- ocellaris) are more susceptible than striped
rhage and necrosis. Death is usually attributed bass (Morone saxatilis), which are more
to anoxia and can occur within 12 h with an susceptible than Mozambique tilapia
especially heavy infestation (Lawler, 1980). (Oreochromis mossambicus) (C.E. Bower,
In contrast, acute mortalities are sometimes 1988, Connecticut, personal communication).
associated with apparently mild infesta- Host factors must play an important role
tions, suggesting that hypoxia may not in host–parasite interactions. Fish-parasitic
always be the cause of death. Osmoregu- oodinids feed exclusively on or within the
latory impairment and secondary microbial epithelial tissues of the skin or gills. Thus,
infections due to severe epithelial damage all host–parasite interactions (i.e. host
Phylum Dinoflagellata 33

recognition, defensive mechanisms respon- both HLP-1 and magainin 2 caused severe
sible for protecting against these pathogens, developmental abnormalities, including
etc.) are located in the mucus or on/in epi- delayed development, in both the trophont
thelial cells and extracellular fluid of the and the tomont. The deleterious effects
epithelium. Serum from blue tilapia (Oreo- were manifested in what appeared to be ‘de-
chromis aureus) with no previous exposure layed mortality’, where normal-appearing
to Amyloodinium has anti-Amyloodinium parasites would die later in development
activity in a cell culture infectivity assay. (Noga et al., 2002). These data suggest that
As little as 1.25% blue tilapia serum is normal, non-immune skin and gill tissues
parasiticidal and 10% is completely inhibi- contain potent defences against protozoan
tory (Landsberg et al., 1992). Heating the ectoparasites and that the effects of these
serum to 47°C for 20 min or 56°C for 30 min, defences may extend beyond their transient
as well as treating it with carageenan or interactions with the parasites, which
zymosan, suggested that complement-like has important implications for this host–
activity was responsible for at least part of parasite relationship.
the activity.
Amyloodinium is also highly sensitive
Acquired immunity
to natural, host-produced antibiotics, known
as histone-like proteins (HLPs). The HLPs At present, there are no practical vaccines
are small (∼ 13–21 kDa), basic proteins that available for treatment of any fish-parasitic
are related to histones H2B and H1; they are protozoa, including dinoflagellates (Woo,
present in high concentrations in the skin 1996). However, recent studies have identi-
and gills of hybrid striped bass and other fied important defensive mechanisms that
fish (Noga et al., 2001). A comparison of the might be used to specifically enhance pro-
antibiotic activity in mucus versus epider- tection from these pathogens. Early studies
mis compartments of the skin of hybrid provided anecdotal evidence that fish
striped bass suggested that the majority of recovering from amyloodiniosis were resis-
antibiotic (including HLP-1) activity resided tant to reinfestation (Lawler, 1977b, 1980;
in the epidermis, although some activity was Paperna, 1980). Smith et al. (1993) then
present in the mucus. The concentrations at showed that serum from fish immunized
which HLPs were lethal to Amyloodinium with dinospores could agglutinate living
were well within the range in which these dinospores and kill Amyloodinium in cell
compounds are present in fish tissues; thus culture. Immunized fish also mounted an
they probably play an important role in pro- antibody response that was detectable
tecting fish against this parasite. Interest- via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
ingly, HLPs are highly lethal to trophonts (ELISA). Using DC-1 isolate dinospores as
but have no effect on dinospores (Noga et al., the capture antigen, this ELISA detected
2001). Both the ability of the parasite to anti-Amyloodinium serum antibody in blue
infect host cells and the ability to grow and tilapia immunized with the DC-1 isolate
differentiate after infection were severely (Smith et al., 1993) and in sea bream immu-
inhibited. This preferential toxicity for nized with a Red Sea Amyloodinium isolate
trophonts is highly unusual, since virtually (Noga et al., 1992). Using this same ELISA,
all drugs act against the dinospore (infective anti-Amyloodinium serum antibody was
stage) and trophonts are typically highly also detected in hybrid striped bass
resistant to therapy (see ‘Prevention and (M. saxatilis × Morone chrysops) that had
Control’). In contrast, magainin 2, a peptide recovered from a spontaneous amyloo-
antibiotic produced in the skin of the diniosis outbreak on a North Carolina fish
African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), was farm (Smith et al., 1994). These data suggest
equally toxic to both trophonts and dino- that fish can mount a significant antibody
spores (Noga et al., 2001). response with both experimental and natu-
In addition to direct killing of Amyloo- ral challenges and that there was consider-
dinium trophonts, there was evidence that able cross-reactivity between these three
34 E.J. Noga and M.G. Levy

Amyloodinium isolates. The latter supports 1998b). Immune serum also reacted with
the molecular data indicating that Amyloo- trophonts and dinospores in an indirect
dinium might be a very homogeneous taxon fluorescent antibody test. There was a sug-
(see ‘Taxonomy/Systematics’). Using tomont gestion that immunity could also be pas-
antigen, Cecchini et al. (2001) also detected sively transferred to naïve fish (Cobb et al.,
anti-Amyloodinium antibody in cultured 1998b). Local antibody was hypothesized to
European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) be more important than serum antibody
that had recovered from an amyloodiniosis since protection lasted long after serum
outbreak. antibody was undetectable via ELISA.
Subsequent studies have shown that
Amyloodinium-infested fish can develop
protective resistance following experimen-
tal challenge. Following weekly sublethal
Piscinoodinium causes freshwater velvet,
challenges with Amyloodinium, tomato
rust disease, gold dust disease, pillularis
clownfish (Amphiprion frenatus) devel-
disease and freshwater Oodinium disease.
oped significant immunity to infection in
about 1 month. This protection was long-
Clinical signs/pathology
lived (at least 6 months) and appeared to be
directed against the trophont (Cobb et al., Piscinoodinium infests the skin and gills
1998a). Protection was associated with an (Fig. 2.9). Clinical signs are similar to those
antibody response as measured by ELISA. of amyloodiniosis, except that fish can
The reaction of immune fish serum against withstand much heavier infestations. It is
dinospore and trophont antigens in Western most pathogenic for young fish, which may
blots suggested the presence of both shared die within 1–2 weeks, while older fish may
and stage-specific antigens (Cobb et al., live for months. Heavy infestations produce

Fig. 2.9. Piscinoodinium infestation of the dorsal fin of a tiger barb (Barbus). Each refractile white focus
is a parasite.
Phylum Dinoflagellata 35

a yellow or rusty sheen to the skin. There is proliferative host response eventually
excess mucus, darkening of the skin, encloses the parasites. The parasites and
dyspnoea, anorexia and/or depression their host response are most prevalent in
(Jacobs, 1946; van Duijn, 1973; Shaharom- mid-summer, and are not detectable during
Harrison et al., 1990). Skin ulcers (Shaharom- winter. Interestingly, the vegetative cyst,
Harrison et al., 1990) and tattered, not the trophont, is the life stage almost
sloughing epithelium (Schaperclaus, 1951) exclusively observed on fish. However,
are seen in some cases. Rhizocysts anchor trophonts of other parasitic dinoflagellates
the trophont to its host and damage the epi- such as Amyloodinium will rapidly form
thelium. This damage may be exacerbated tomonts when disturbed. Thus the obser-
by the hydrodynamic forces exerted on the vance of only vegetative cysts due to
trophont projecting into the water moving rapid transformation prior to fixation is a
past the fish. Cellular damage is thought to possibility.
attract parasites because trophonts typically
cluster in damaged areas.
Gill histopathology ranges from separa- In Vitro Culture
tion of the respiratory epithelium to severe
hyperplasia of the entire filament. Filament Amyloodinium
degeneration and necrosis may occur. Skin
infestations can cause deep, focal erosions Amyloodinium can be maintained in vivo
of the epithelium (Ferraz and Sommerville, by serial exposure of infective dinospores to
1998). Besides skin and gills, trophonts may susceptible hosts (Lawler, 1980; Bower
also infest the oral cavity and the pharynx et al., 1987), but this is very labour-intensive
(Ramesh et al., 2000). Some parasites in and requires considerable space for holding
either skin or gills may become almost fish. Noga and Bower (1987) developed a
entirely covered by hyperplastic epithelium method of passaging the parasite on
(van Duijn, 1973; Shaharom-Harrison et al., gnotobiotic fish larvae. Individual tomonts
1990; Ferraz and Sommerville, 1998), prob- were decontaminated by repeated passage
ably due to the chronic irritation caused by through several baths of sterile saline with
infestation. Early reports suggested that some antibiotics (Noga, 1992). Guppies (P. reticu-
‘encysted’ parasites may even sporulate lata) were then successfully infected with
(Geus, 1960), but others have observed dead germ-free dinospores. The parasites com-
parasites in the epithelial cysts (Ferraz and pleted at least one full life cycle on the host
Sommerville, 1998), suggesting that this is a fish and were serially passaged up to six
successful protective host response. Out- times.
breaks may be precipitated by stress (e.g. In some cases, the parasites on
poor water quality or unfavourable temper- gnotobiotic larvae continued to grow and
atures). There is some evidence that recov- reproduce long after the host had died.
ered fish may be resistant to reinfection This suggests that factors other than death
(Jacobs, 1946). of the host per se are responsible for the
parasite normally leaving the host. Rapid
exodus from a dead host is common among
other fish ectoparasites (Hoffmann, 1967).
Unclassified dinoflagellate
Amyloodinium survives for several days
after its host dies so long as the tissues that
Clinical signs/pathology
support its growth are nourished (Noga and
The stickleback parasite from British Bower, 1987).
Columbia induces an extremely severe epi- Organ cultures of fish larvae also sup-
dermal hyperplasia on the skin, resulting in ported parasite growth (Noga and Bower,
a grossly visible, white ‘gelatinous coating’ 1987) and A. ocellatum readily propagates
that can cover a large area of the body on a fish gill cell line (G1B cells, derived
(Reimchen and Buckland-Nicks, 1989). This from walking catfish (Clarias batrachus),
36 E.J. Noga and M.G. Levy

American Type Culture Collection No. further antibiotic treatment resulted in

CRL-2536) maintained in a 1 : 1 mixture of consistently microbe-free preparations.
cell culture medium and artificial sea water Because they were unable to propagate this
(Noga, 1987). One isolate (DC-1) has been Amyloodinium isolate using a monolayer
continuously propagated in vitro for over of redfish dorsal fin cells (RDFCs), they
15 years and hundreds of cell culture designed an alternative method that involved
passages (E.J. Noga, unpublished data). the production of RDFC aggregates, which
Cell-cultured parasites are similar morpho- allowed completion of the parasite’s life
logically and developmentally to those pro- cycle in vitro (Oestmann and Lewis, 1996a).
duced in vivo (Noga, 1987) and can readily
kill fish (Cobb et al., 1998a). Isolates from
the Gulf and Atlantic coasts of the USA, the Parasite Nutrition and Physiology
Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea have
also been continuously cultured in vitro for Amyloodinium
years using the same method (Noga et al.,
1991; M.G. Levy, A. Colorni, A. Diamant The mechanism by which Amyloodinium
and E.J. Noga, unpublished data). feeds on host cells is unclear. A single
Amyloodinium can also be propagated trophont can damage and kill several host
in a highly defined medium called IO2/ cells (Lom and Lawler, 1973; Noga, 1987).
HBSS, consisting of a 1 : 1 mixture of artifi- This probably accounts for the severe injury
cial sea water and Hank’s balanced salt inflicted on the host by trophonts. Rhizoids
solution. Fetal bovine serum (which is anchor the parasite to the host cells, but
non-toxic to Amyloodinium at a 5% concen- probably do not absorb nutrients (Lom and
tration) or other additives are not needed Lawler, 1973). The stomopode may be a
(Noga, 1989). Media of less than 300 mosmol source of digestive enzymes that are
did not support parasite survival (Noga, injected into host cells or it may serve as a
1989). The effects of mineral composition feeding tentacle that gathers fragments of
on parasite survival indicate that ionic cells severed by the pulling motion of the
strength (i.e. salinity) is only one determi- rhizoids. This is supported by the observa-
nant of survival (see ‘Parasite Nutrition and tion of the constant twisting motion of the
Physiology’). trophont (Noga, 1987), which may facilitate
The G1B cell culture system can be used the severance of the host cell fragments.
to quantitatively evaluate the infectivity of There is in vitro evidence that
Amyloodinium dinospores (Noga, 1992). A. ocellatum probably derives all its nutri-
Exposure to anti-parasite drugs or immune tion from host cells. It grows as well in a
components produces a reproducible, dose- medium with only mineral salts, phosphate
dependent inhibition of infectivity (Noga, and glucose as it does in a medium with
1987; Smith et al., 1993; Noga et al., 2001). additional trace minerals, vitamins and
It is a much more sensitive indicator of par- amino acids (Noga, 1989). It is likely that
asite survival than measuring inhibition of absorption of nutrients from the water, as
motility (Noga, 1987; Noga et al., 2001) and with free-living dinoflagellates, is of minimal
allows the quantitative evaluation of importance. Further studies are needed, how-
infectivity in a way which is analogous to ever, to substantiate this hypothesis.
colony counts of bacteria. Mineral composition has an important
Because of the problems they encoun- influence on the growth and survival of
tered with establishing a Gulf of Mexico A. ocellatum in vitro (Noga, 1989). Mineral
Amyloodinium isolate from redfish, composition had different effects on vari-
Oestmann and Lewis (1995) developed a ous life stages. Media with K+, Mg2+, Ca2+
method for decontaminating large numbers and SO42− content were best for continued
of tomonts by first exposing the parasites to growth. Media that enhanced dinospore dif-
a brief osmotic shock, followed by density ferentiation to trophonts would not support
gradient centrifugation using Percoll; continued survival. Certain mineral ions
Phylum Dinoflagellata 37

(possibly K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and SO42− ) inhibit trophonts or tomonts is required for defini-
dinospore differentiation while stimulating tive diagnosis. If fish are small, they can
development of other stages (Noga, 1989). be restrained in a dish of water, and eyes,
In magnesium-deficient sea water, trophonts skin and fins examined under a dissecting
grow to normal size but fail to divide and microscope (Fig. 2.9). Lifting the operculum
eventually die (Oestmann and Lewis, 1996a). allows examination of the gills. Trophonts
The effect of mineral composition on para- are removed by gently brushing or scraping
site growth and development suggests that the skin or gills, followed by microscopic
mineral fluxes occur even while the para- examination of the sediment, which con-
site is attached to the host. Piscine intra- tains detached parasites. Snips of gill are
cellular fluid differs considerably from that also removed from living or recently dead
of sea water with respect to concentrations fish for examination (Lawler, 1977b, 1980;
of ions such as K+ and Na+. Hence the para- Noga, 1996).
site may need to regulate by ionic exchange Freshwater dips dislodge marine
with the environment (Noga, 1989). dinoflagellates and are especially useful for
small fish. Fish are placed in a beaker of
fresh water for 1–3 min. After 15–20 min,
Other dinoflagellates tomonts settle to the bottom of the beaker.
Saltwater baths can be used to dislodge
It has been hypothesized that the presence Piscinoodinium. They are detected using a
of chloroplasts and lack of food vacuoles dissecting or inverted microscope (Bower
suggest that Piscinoodinium can derive et al., 1987). Fish are best examined while
nutrition from photosynthesis (Lom and still living or soon after death, as parasites
Schubert, 1983). The extensive ramifying detach shortly after host death. Interest-
nature of the attachment organelle implies ingly, the kinetoplastid flagellate parasite
that some nutrition is also obtained from Ichthyobodo is detached from fish by treat-
the host, probably by osmotrophy. ment with tricaine anaesthetic in poorly
In Crepidoodinium, the minute rhi- buffered water (Callahan and Noga, 2002).
zoids contact but do not penetrate enough Whether tricaine has the same effect on
of an area of the host cell membrane for oodinid dinoflagellates is unknown.
osmotrophy to supply much, if any, nutrition
(Lom et al., 1993). Thus Crepidoodinium is
more appropriately termed an ectocommensal Immunological and molecular methods
rather than a parasite. It is an autotroph
that probably uses the fish primarily as an Fish that are recovering from spontaneous
attachment site. Amyloodinium infestation or that have been
experimentally exposed to parasite antigen
may produce serum antibody that is detect-
Diagnosis of Infections able by ELISA or dinospore agglutination
assay (Smith et al., 1992; Cobb et al.,
Classical methods 1998a, b; Cecchini et al., 2001). Such assays
might be useful for monitoring levels of
Gross skin infestations of oodinids are most protection in susceptible populations, since
easily seen on dark-coloured fish. Skin elevated antibody titres have been associ-
parasites are best observed using indirect ated with resistance (Cobb et al., 1998a, b).
illumination, such as by shining a flashlight Sequencing of the SSU-rRNA genes from
on top of the fish in a darkened room. three geographical isolates of A. ocellatum
Observing fish against a dark background (DC-1, Gulf of Mexico (Florida) and Red Sea)
also helps. While presumptive diagnosis revealed > 99% sequence identity (Levy
of oodinid infestation may sometimes be et al., in preparation). Using these seq-
made from the gross clinical appearance uences, consensus Amyloodinium-specific
(e.g. ‘velvet’), microscopic identification of oligonucleotide primers were developed for
38 E.J. Noga and M.G. Levy

a PCR assay. The assay could detect as few water but can be more difficult to monitor
as 10 dinospores/ml of water when pro- (Noga, 1996).
cessed using the MoBio Soil Extraction Kit C. Bower (Connecticut, personal com-
(MoBio, Inc., Solana Beach, California, USA) munication) discovered that the anti-
followed by PCR. The assay was also spe- malarial chloroquine diphosphate is very
cific for Amyloodinium, potentially allow- safe and effective in treating amyloodi-
ing for highly sensitive monitoring of niosis. Experimentally infested clownfish
pathogen load in susceptible populations. (A. ocellaris) were free of A. ocellatum
infestation after a 10-day exposure to a
single waterborne treatment of 5–10 mg/l
chloroquine diphosphate. Chloroquine has
Prevention and Control no effect on tomont division, but kills
dinospores immediately upon their excyst-
Amyloodinium ment. This concentration is non-toxic to fish,
but is highly toxic to micro- and macroalgae
The economic importance of warmwater and to various invertebrates (C.E. Bower,
mariculture has created an effort towards the Connecticut, personal communication) and
development of methods for the prophylaxis thus cannot be used in reef tanks, at least as
and treatment of amyloodiniosis. Amyloo- a waterborne formulation. The pharmaco-
dinium has a very rapid reproductive rate kinetics of orally administered chloroquine
and can complete its life cycle in less than in cultured red drum, S. ocellatus, suggests
1 week under optimal conditions; thus that it shows promise as an oral medication
prompt treatment is imperative to prevent it (Lewis et al., 1988). However, chloroquine
from quickly overwhelming a susceptible is very expensive and is not likely to be
fish population. The free-swimming dino- approved for food fish.
spore is susceptible to chemotherapy (Lawler, Many other agents have shown limited
1980; Paperna, 1984), but trophonts and success against amyloodiniosis. Flush treat-
tomonts are relatively resistant, making ment with 100–200 mg/l formalin for 6–9 h
eradication difficult. For example, tomonts caused trophonts to detach from the fish,
tolerate copper concentrations that are over but tomonts resumed division after the
ten times the levels that are toxic to dino- removal of the formalin (Paperna, 1984).
spores (Paperna, 1984). Even when tomonts Nitrofurazone (50 mg/l), Furanace (2.5 mg/l),
are inhibited from dividing, they can often acriflavin (6 mg/l) or malachite green
resume dividing when returned to untreated (0.5 mg/l) also halted tomont division or
water (Paperna et al., 1981). Thus periodic killed this stage over a 4–17-day treatment
examination for reinfestation after treatment period, but parasite development often
is advisable. resumed after the drug was removed from
Copper is most widely used for treat- the water.
ment (Bower, 1983; Cardeilhac and Long-term baths with chlorotetracycline,
Whitaker, 1988). The free copper ion is the tetracycline, acetic acid and potassium
active component and free copper must be permanganate were ineffective (Lawler,
maintained at 0.12–0.15 mg/l for 10–14 days 1977a). The herbicides simazine, endothall
to control epidemics. Higher concentrations or diuron did not control amyloodiniosis,
of free copper should be avoided because but the antiseptic benzalkonium chloride is
they are toxic to fish. Copper levels needed reportedly effective (Johnson, 1984).
to treat amyloodiniosis are also toxic to Polyether ionophorous antibiotics
most invertebrates and algae. Free copper adversely affect osmotic regulation in para-
ions are unstable in sea water and thus cop- sites and it was hypothesized by Oestmann
per levels should be monitored closely, and and Lewis (1996b) that use of one such agent,
adjusted as needed. Chelating agents (e.g. lasalocid, might be effective against Amyloo-
citrate or ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid dinium, which has a highly effective osmo-
(EDTA)) increase the stability of copper in regulatory capacity. In vitro treatment
Phylum Dinoflagellata 39

of tomonts with its water-soluble salt, fish to a clean tank, reduced parasites to
3,N-methylglucamine lasalocid, completely undetectable levels. However, fish treated
inhibited dinospore emergence at concen- with a 300 mg/l dose died, suggesting that
trations as low as 0.01 mg/l. Treatment of this drug has a relatively low therapeutic
infestations on red drum fry for 24 h with index. Treatment of Pacific threadfin with a
0.10 mg/l reduced gill infestation intensity 5 min freshwater bath followed by transfer
by 80% and none of the fish treated with to a clean tank, repeated three times every
1 mg/l had any signs of infestation. The cost 3 days, was also effective (Ostrowski and
effectiveness of these dosages was not dis- Molnar, 1998).
cussed, although it is encouraging that It is likely that repeatedly reducing the
lasalocid is currently used for treating parasite burden with sequential treatments is
coccidiosis in other food animals. allowing time for an acquired immune
Amyloodinium tolerates wide tempera- response to develop, which helps to clear the
ture and salinity ranges, making environ- infection (see ‘Host–Parasite Relationships’).
mental control difficult (Paperna, 1984). In terms of prevention, the risk of
Lowering the temperature to 15°C arrests introducing infectious dinospores into an
the disease process, but this is almost never aquaculture system may be reduced by dis-
feasible. Lowering salinity delays but does infection of incoming water, such as by
not prevent infestations (Barbaro and ultraviolet irradiation (Lawler, 1977b). Age-
Francescon, 1985), unless fish are placed in ing of water beyond the survival time of
fresh water. A short freshwater bath of up to dinospores and quarantine of new fish for at
5 min dislodges most but not all trophonts least 20 days are additional measures that
(Kingsford, 1975; Lawler, 1977b). may reduce, but not eliminate, the risk of
A novel biocontrol strategy was pro- parasite introduction. Dinospores remain
posed by Oestmann et al. (1995), based upon infective for at least 6 days at 26°C (Bower
the observation that larval brine shrimp et al., 1987) and one must allow time for all
(Artemia salina) readily prey on dinospores. tomonts to sporulate. To reduce epidemics
All dinospores were eliminated after 8 h in in wild-caught southern flounder, fish were
an in vitro assay at a ratio of 8 nauplii/ml treated prophylactically and also placed in
and 10,000 dinospores/ml (1 nauplius/1250 low-salinity (0–1 psu) water for at least
dinospores). Adding nauplii prior to experi- 1 week (Smith et al., 1999).
mental challenge of fish also reduced, but
did not eliminate, the infestation.
The most successful medical approaches Other dinoflagellates
have involved repeated treatments, often
followed by removal of the fish to a Heating water to 33–34°C reportedly controls
clean (uncontaminated) tank. For example, Piscinoodinium infestations (Untergasser,
treatment of juvenile bullseye puffers 1989), but some aquarium fish cannot toler-
(Sphoeroides annulatus) in sea water with ate such high temperatures. However, for
51 mg/l formalin for 1 h or 4 mg/l formalin all treatments, the temperature should be
for 7 h significantly reduced Amyloodinium raised to the parasite’s optimum (∼ 25°C) to
load on the skin and gills. Reinfestation ensure that the susceptible stage (dino-
occurred after 15 days but was controlled spore) is rapidly exposed to the treatment.
by repeating the treatment (Fajer-Ávila Temperature should be raised no more
et al., 2003). than 1°C/h.
Laboratory treatment with hydrogen The safest and most effective treatment
peroxide at either 75 or 150 mg/l elimi- for piscinoodiniosis is salt (about 1 teaspoon
nated Amyloodinium trophonts from Pacific NaCl or artificial seawater salt per 5 gallons
threadfin (Polydactylus sexfilis) without of water) for 10–14 days. For infestations
fish mortality (Montgomery-Brock et al., requiring more immediate treatment, a 35 g/l
2001). In a field trial, two 75 mg/l treat- NaCl dip for 1–3 min dislodges trophonts.
ments 6 days apart, followed by moving the Immersion for 3–5 days in 7 g/l NaCl
40 E.J. Noga and M.G. Levy

combined with 40 mg/l potassium per- impact. More effective methods are espe-
manganate is reportedly curative (van cially needed to control disease caused by
Duijn, 1973). However, some tropical aquar- Amyloodinium, the most important para-
ium fish cannot tolerate such high salt con- sitic dinoflagellate affecting fish. It is very
centrations, and levels of potassium difficult to eliminate the infestation and,
permanganate that exceed 2 mg/l of active with the increasing regulations on the use
ingredient are not considered safe for fish of drugs in aquaculture, it is necessary
(Plumb, 1979). Exposure of Piscinoodinium- to optimize the application of currently
infested matrinxa (Brycon cephalus) to approved drugs, as well as try other
6 psu NaCl for 96 h significantly reduced approaches. One alternative to drugs is
the parasite load on the transported fish and environmental manipulation, but a better
was apparently well tolerated by this understanding of environmental conditions
stenohaline freshwater fish (Carneiro et al., that affect parasite growth and survival is
2002). needed, as well as a means for the feasible
Immersion for 10 days in methylene utilization of these data in commercial
blue (3 mg/l) or acriflavine (10 mg/l) is applications. The strong evidence for a pro-
reportedly curative (Jacobs, 1946; van Duijn, tective immune response against Amyloo-
1973). Higher dosages of methylene blue are dinium holds great promise for the eventual
recommended in organically rich water. development of protective vaccines. Like-
However, methylene blue is toxic to nitrify- wise, the identification of potent non-specific
ing bacteria (Collins et al., 1975) and many defences has the potential to allow broad-
aquatic plants (van Duijn, 1973). While spectrum protection.
Piscinoodinium is susceptible to copper Parasitic dinoflagellates are a poly-
(van Duijn, 1973), copper is unsafe for fish phyletic group and molecular studies are
when used in waters having less than needed to clarify the taxonomic relation-
50 mg/l alkalinity. ships among various taxa at all levels, from
Reducing lighting to inhibit autotrophy major taxonomic groups to intraspecific
has been advocated during drug treatment relationships. These data are also needed to
(van Duijn, 1973) but its effectiveness is provide highly specific and sensitive diag-
unproven. Dinospores remain infective noses for effective biosecurity and manage-
for up to 48 h (Jacobs, 1946; van Duijn, ment of infestations/infections in culture.
1973). Piscinoodinium has been observed This will also help to avoid the unwanted
asymptomatically on a number of fish, introduction and spread of exotic isolates
including goldfish (Carassius auratus), and would be especially useful for detect-
common carp, Siamese fighting fish (Betta ing latent carriers, which are the most
splendens) and gourami (Colisa sp.) likely reservoirs for parasitic dinoflagellate
(Thilakaratne et al., 2003), suggesting that infestations/infections. Molecular studies
strict quarantine of susceptible fish is needed will also be critical to understanding
to prevent inadvertent spread. Attempts to the taxonomic relationships and biology
treat other parasitic dinoflagellates have not of Ichthyodinium, which appears to affect
been reported. a large number of important feral fish

Summary and Recommended Research Acknowledgements

Increasingly, natural fisheries have reached Our research reported in this review has
or surpassed their sustainability, and thus been supported by Research Grant No.
the gap between fish supplies and con- US-3030-98 from the United States–Israel
sumer demand must be met by aquaculture. Binational Agricultural Research and
Within the stressful confines of aquaculture, Development Fund (BARD) and Grant
parasitic dinoflagellates exert their greatest NA16-RG-2251 from the National Sea Grant
Phylum Dinoflagellata 41

College Program, National Oceanic and Eilat) for providing figures, and R.W. Litaker
Atmospheric Administration. We thank (Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat
I. Meneses and Y. Stratoudakis (Instituto Research, National Ocean Service, National
de Investigação das Pescas e do Mar Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, Beau-
(IPIMAR), Portugal) and A. Colorni (Israel fort, North Carolina) for reviewing a draft of
Oceanographic and Limnological Research, the manuscript.


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3 Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and
Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa)

Patrick T.K. Woo

Axelrod Institute of Ichthyology and Department of Integrative Biology, College of
Biological Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1G 2W1

Introduction usually extends the length of the body

(Vickerman, 1977). The kinetoplast, which
Members of the order Diplomonadida and is part of the mitochondrial system, stains
class Kinetoplastea are flagellated proto- reddish with Romanovsky stains. The mito-
zoans that are generally found in the diges- chondrion is mainly concerned with aerobic
tive tract and blood/body fluids of vertebrates respiration (Vickerman, 1976b). Most spe-
(fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and cies are extracellular parasites in animals,
mammals). In addition, some species are and they are in the blood/tissue fluids,
ectoparasitic and are found on the body sur- digestive tract and internal organs of their
face and/or gills of fishes. vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. Ecto-
Diplomonads (Figs 3.1 and 3.2) have parasitic kinetoplastids and those associated
bilateral symmetry, and each parasite has with the digestive tract have direct trans-
two karyomastigonts. A karyomastigont missions, while the haematozoic parasites
consists of one to four flagella, of which one are usually transmitted by bloodsucking
is recurrent, and an axial structure of micro- invertebrates.
tubules and accessory filaments (Lee, 1985). Many diplomonads and kineto-
Most of these parasites are extracellular in plastids cause disease in their vertebrate
the intestinal tract, and the active troph- hosts. Some (e.g. Trypanosoma cruzi in
ozoites multiply by binary fission. They humans, Trypanosoma vivax in cattle,
usually form cysts, which are passed into Hexamita meleagridis in turkeys) are very
the external environment with faeces, but well studied because of their medical
cysts have not been found in some species. and/or economic importance; however,
Transmission from host to host is direct, and relatively less is known about those that
infection normally occurs via the ingestion cause disease in fish, amphibians and
of cysts or trophozoites. reptiles. This review is focused on the
Kinetoplastids (Figs 3.7, 3.12 and 3.33) diplomonads (Hexamita and Spironucleus)
have one or two flagella, an axoneme and and kinetoplastids (Ichthyobodo, Cryp-
a paraxial rod, which arise from a flagellar tobia and Trypanosoma) that are known
pit (Vickerman, 1976a). This parasite has a to cause disease in freshwater and
mitochondrion that contains DNA, and it marine fishes.
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
46 (ed. P.T.K. Woo)
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 47

Fig. 3.1. Trophozoites (light microscope) of Spironucleus from the blood of an experimentally infected
chinook salmon (× 1000) (Guo and Woo, unpublished).

Hexamitosis and Spironucleosis known, and hence these parasites remain

potential problems for the aquaculture
Introduction industry.

Hexamita and Spironucleus (collectively

called hexamitids in the current review) are Geographical distribution and host range
frequently reported in the digestive tract of
fishes, and sometimes also in internal Hexamitids are presumed to have a very
organs and tissues. These parasites have wide host range and geographical distribu-
direct life cycles, they are difficult to distin- tion. These parasites are in wild, farmed
guish under the light microscope and some and aquarium fishes in cold, temperate and
species are associated with morbidity and warm waters. They have been reported in
mortality (diseases known as hexamitosis, Acipenseridae, Anguillidae, Catostomidae,
spironucleosis and possibly ‘hole-in-the- Centarchidae, Cyprinidae, Cyprinodon-
head’ disease) in salmonids, cyprinids and tidae, Gadidae, Gasterosteidae, Mugilidae,
ornamental aquarium fishes. Although the Percichthyidae, Percidae, Salmonidae,
gross pathology and histopathology of the Siganidae and Sparidae. Arthur et al. (1976)
disease(s) (e.g. spironucleosis) have been indicated that prevalence of these parasites
described in some detail, the mechanism(s) varies greatly in fishes and even in fish
of the disease(s) has not been studied or elu- between adjacent geographical localities.
cidated, and subclinical infections are often Hexamita salmonis has been reported
reported in the field. Sporadic outbreaks of in fishes in North America, Europe and
fatal systemic spironucleosis have occurred Asia. It is usually found in freshwater fishes
in cyprinids (Molnar, 1974), in eels but it has also been reported from marine
(Einszporn-Orecka, 1979), in tropical aquar- fishes (Becker, 1977; Mo et al., 1990;
ium fishes (Becker, 1977; Ferguson and Buchmann et al., 1995). The disease is most
Moccia, 1980; Gratzek, 1988; O’Brien et al., commonly found in fingerlings, although
1993), in Atlantic salmon (Mo et al., 1990; yearlings and smolts may also show clinical
Poppe et al., 1992) and in chinook salmon signs of the infection. Outbreaks of the dis-
(Kent, 1992; Kent et al., 1992). The disease ease are usually sporadic in aquaculture
was initially referred to as systemic hexa- facilities, and they have seldom been
mitosis because it was thought the patho- reported in wild fishes (Allison, 1963;
gen belonged to the genus Hexamita. Factors Uzmann and Hayduk, 1963; Becker, 1977;
that precipitated these outbreaks are not Mo et al., 1990).
48 P.T.K. Woo

Fig. 3.2. Trophozoite (light microscope) of Giardia microti from the intestine of a naturally infected
meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) from Guelph, Ontario, Canada (× 1150; original).

Spironucleus vortens is in angelfish the hexamitid in chinook salmon (Oncor-

(Pterophyllum scalare) in Florida, USA hynchus tshawytscha) in sea cages on the
(Poynton et al., 1995), in discus (Symphy- Pacific coast in Canada (Kent et al., 1992) is
sodon discus) and angelfish in the UK believed to be different.
(Paull and Matthews, 2001) and in ide (Leu-
ciscus idus) in Norway (Sterud and Poynton,
2002). It is presumed to be the causative Systematics and taxonomic position
agent in ‘hole-in-the-head’ disease in cich-
lids. The parasite is also known as ‘discus Members of the order Diplomonadida have
parasite’ as it is often found in discus fish a double set of organelles and bilateral sym-
(Gratzek, 1988). metry (Lee, 1985; Vickerman, 1990; Figs 3.1
Spironucleus are known to be patho- and 3.2), and those that are known to cause
genic and cause disease in salmonids main- disease in vertebrates include Hexamita,
tained in sea cages. Spironucleus barkhanus Spironucleus, Octomitus and Giardia.
has been isolated from Atlantic salmon The hexamitids (e.g. Hexamita, Spiro-
(Salmo salar), grayling (Thymallus nucleus) are presumed to have evolved from
thymallus) and Arctic charr (Salvelinus Enteromonas (Brugerolle, 1975; Siddall
alpinus) in Norway (Mo et al., 1990; Poppe et al., 1992), which has a single karyo-
et al., 1992; Sterud et al., 1998, 2003), while mastigont. Parasitism is believed to have
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 49

proceeded from Trepomonas to Hexamita, There are at least 20 nominal species of

to Spironucleus, to Octomitus and finally to Hexamita and ten species of Spironucleus
Giardia. Trepomonas and Hexamita can (Vickerman, 1990), and a few more species
live in rich organic waters or as intestinal of Spironucleus have been described since
parasites, while the remaining three genera the review by Vickerman. Hexamitids from
are all parasitic. There is a gradual reduction the intestinal tract of salmonids are usually
in the size of the cytostome from Trepomonas assumed to be H. salmonis, and this
to Hexamita and to Spironucleus (Fig. 3.1), assumption should be tested under rigid
and the organelle is absent in Octomitus experimental conditions. Currently, three
and Giardia. Giardia (Fig. 3.2) is the only species of hexamitids (H. salmonis, S. vortens
diplomonad that has a ventral disc, which and S. barkhanus) and perhaps an undes-
is used for attachment to intestinal cells. cribed species of Spironucleus are known to
It is generally accepted that Hexamita cause disease in fishes, and they are the
has an elongated to spherical body and focus in the current review.
spherical nuclei, while a pyriform body and H. salmonis has two sac-like nuclei,
elongated nuclei are characteristic of Spiro- which taper at the anterior end. Also, its
nucleus (Becker, 1977; Lee, 1985; Poynton kinetosomal complexes are anteromedial,
and Sterud, 2002). However, the shape of and its recurrent flagella between the two
the body may be distorted in air-dried nuclei exit the body posteriorly (Moore,
smears, as was shown with Giardia (Grant 1922). Also, in H. salmonis the cytostome
and Woo, 1978). A less unambiguous ultra- openings are caudal and at the flattened
structural feature is the position of the ante- posterior end of the body, but in Spiro-
rior kinetosomes (flagellar bases), and it is nucleus they are posterolateral and the
one of the features used to distinguish body may taper to a caudal projection
Hexamita from Spironucleus (Lee et al., (Brugerolle et al., 1973; Becker, 1977; Kulda
1985). Also, the two recurrent flagella in and Nohynkova, 1978; Lee, 1985).
their canals (also sometimes referred to as Kent et al. (1992) has suggested that
flagellar pockets) are located between the H. salmonis may actually be a Spironucleus;
nuclei in Spironucleus while those in and Sterud et al. (1997) rightly pointed out
Hexamita are on the surface of the nuclei that the transfer of H. salmonis to the genus
(Brugerolle and Lee, 2000). Spironucleus should be done after ‘compre-
The taxonomy of hexamitids in fishes hensive morphological, scanning and trans-
needs further careful study because most mission electron microscope studies of
species descriptions are only based on mor- flagellates from the type host and locality
phological features as seen under the light (brook trout, from Bath, New York)’. How-
microscope. Electron microscopy (both ever, Poynton et al. (2004) prematurely
scanning and transmission) is useful but it made the transfer based on the study of a
also has limitations. The use of biological hexamitid isolated from juvenile rainbow
features for species differentiation has been trout from a farm in Northern Ireland
employed successfully with Trypanosoma (Ferguson, 1979). It should be noted that the
and Cryptobia (Woo, 1994) and it may also main focus of the initial report (Ferguson,
be a useful approach with Spironucleus. 1979) was to investigate the high mortality
These include host specificity of the para- of juvenile rainbow trout in the fish farm.
site as determined in cross-transmission Ferguson (1979) presumed that the intesti-
studies and the use of other biological nal flagellate was H. salmonis, although no
characteristics (e.g. antigenic, culture char- pathological lesions (Ferguson, 1989) were
acteristics) to help delineate species of detected in the intestine of infected fish.
haemoflagellates in fishes, especially those His presumptive identification of the para-
parasites that are morphologically similar site was probably based on the fish host
to each other (Bower and Woo, 1977; Jones (a salmonid) and on the successful use of
and Woo, 1991, 1992; Woo and Thomas, furazolidone to treat the infection and to
1991). reduce fish mortality. There is little doubt
50 P.T.K. Woo

that the Poynton et al. (2004) study indi- the body and emerge as free posterior
cates that the hexamitid from rainbow trout flagella (Lee, 1985). Flagella lengths are
in Northern Ireland (Ferguson, 1979) is a about 1.5–2 times the length of the body.
Spironucleus, but is it H. salmonis? As indi- The nuclei of Hexamita are oval or
cated by Sterud et al. (1997), a very impor- spherical and are apposed at their flattened
tant factor in a systematic study of this type median portions, whereas those in Spiro-
is that the parasite should be from the type nucleus are pyriform and S-shaped and are
host and type locality of H. salmonis. This adjacent at their narrow anterior ends
obviously was not done, and it is another (Brugerolle et al., 1973; Brugerolle, 1974;
reason why the proposal made by Poynton Kulda and Nohynkova, 1978). The two
et al. (2004) is not used in this review. recurrent flagella in their canals run
Based on gene sequences (e.g. genes for between the nuclei in Spironucleus, while
elongation factor 1 alpha, a-tubulin) Keeling in Hexamita they are on the surface of
and Doolittle (1996, 1997) suggested that the nuclei (Brugerolle and Lee, 2000). The
the two hexamitids isolated from the sys- apposed kinetosomal complexes in Hexamita
temic disease in salmonids (Mo et al., 1990; are anterolateral near each nucleus, while
Kent et al., 1992; Poppe et al., 1992) are those in Spironucleus are anteromedial
not Spironucleus. This suggestion has not and near the extreme anterior, with the
been accepted by other workers (e.g. Sterud recurrent flagellum passing on the internal
et al., 1998, 2003; Guo and Woo, 2004a,b). side of the nuclei (Brugerolle et al., 1973;
Keeling and Doolittle (1996, 1997) also indi- Brugerolle, 1974; Lee, 1985). The kineto-
cated that the two isolates from salmonids, somal pocket in the nucleus is shallow in
one now described as S. barkhanus (Sterud Hexamita, while it is deep in Spironucleus
et al., 1997) and the other perhaps being (Siddall et al., 1992).
an undescribed species or subspecies of Diplomonad cysts are usually oval in
Spironucleus (F.C. Guo and P.T.K. Woo, shape, and each cyst usually contains two
unpublished), belong to a single species. recently divided flagellates. Consequently,
This latter parasite is currently under study the cyst will have four nuclei, a flagellar
and will be referred to as the ‘chinook sheath, partially disassembled micro-
Spironucleus’ in the current discussion. tubular ribbons, a striated rootlet fibre and
glycogen rosettes (Brugerolle et al., 1973;
Januschka et al., 1988; Vickerman, 1990).
Parasite morphology, host specificity
Fixed and stained trophozoites of
and life cycle
H. salmonis measure 8–14 µm in length and
6–10 µm in width (Kulda and Lom, 1964a),
while the oval or round cysts measure 7 ×
Live trophozoites of Hexamita and Spiro- 10 µm. Many cysts contain two flagellates
nucleus vary from elongated to nearly spher- (Becker, 1977).
ical and the two genera are usually difficult Live S. vortens trophozoites are pyriform
to separate. The pyriform trophozoites in shape and measure 12.5–20.5 µm in
become more spherical before they divide. length and 5.0–11.2 µm in width. Protargol-
The lengths of live organisms may reach stained specimens are much smaller and they
20 µm and the organisms have bilateral sym- are 5.5–9.9 µm in length and 3.3–4.8 µm in
metry. Each side has a nucleus and four width. The body (under scanning electron
flagella and this is the karyomastigont. The microscope (SEM)) is adorned with com-
four kinetostomes of each karyomastigont pound lateral ridges, which counter-cross
are arranged in two pairs, with the two ante- at the posterior end, where the recurrent
rior kinetostomes designated as K1 and K2 flagella emerge (Poynton et al., 1995).
while the two posterior ones are K3 and R (R Live S. barkhanus trophozoites vary
is associated with the recurrent flagellum). from pear-shaped to nearly spherical,
The six anterior flagella are for locomotion, with body length 15.6 (11.0–20.0) µm
while the two recurrent flagella pass through and width 9.4 (6.0–14.0) µm (under light
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 51

microscope). Trophozoites prepared for H. salmonis; hence the parasite has been
SEM are smaller, with average length 7.6 reported in North America, Europe and
(5.7–9.0) µm and width 5.2 (4.4–6.3) µm. Asia. It usually occurs in freshwater fishes
The six flagella exit anterolaterally, while but it has also been reported in marine
the two recurrent flagella emerge postero- fishes (e.g. Becker, 1977; Mo et al., 1990;
medially from cytostome openings, which Buchmann et al., 1995). Similarly, S.
are surrounded by crescent-shaped ridges vortens described from a warmwater fish
(under SEM). The body is not adorned (P. scalare) in Florida, USA (Poynton et al.,
(Sterud et al., 1997). 1995), has also been reported from a
Briefly, the two elongated sac-like coldwater fish (L. idus) in Norway (Sterud
nuclei of S. barkhanus taper at their anterior and Poynton, 2002). These are reports of
ends (under transmission electron micro- natural infections and should be confirmed
scope (TEM)), and the two kinetosomal with well-controlled experimental studies.
complexes are in deep depressions close to Spironucleus elegans from cichlids
the anterior tips of the nuclei. The recurrent does not readily infect salmonids (Kulda
flagella are located between the two nuclei and Lom, 1964a,b). However, amphibians
and exit posteromedially through two are presumed to be a source of infection for
cytostomes. Each cytostome is partially fish since angelfish can acquire S. elegans
surrounded by a striated lamina, which from newt rectal fluid (Kulda and Lom,
originates from the kinetosomal area. 1964a). Kent et al. (1992) showed that
More ultrastructure details of the organism the ‘chinook Spironucleus’ from systemic
are in Sterud et al. (1997). infection in chinook did not infect Atlantic
Live trophozoites of the ‘chinook salmon. Cross-transmission studies (Guo
Spironucleus’ from experimentally infected and Woo, ‘unpublished’) using the ‘chinook
chinook salmon are about the same size Spironucleus’ and S. barkhanus, and hatch-
as S. barkhanus, and in Leishman–Giemsa ery raised salmon showed that most Atlan-
stained smears the nuclei in some speci- tic salmon could not be infected by the
mens appear tear-drop-shaped (Fig. 3.1). ‘chinook Spironucleus’ – both parasites
SEM specimens show that the two posterior used in the study were the initial outbreaks
cytostomes are surrounded by crescent- of the disease.
shaped ridges and the body is not adorned
(Kent et al., 1992). The ‘chinook Spiro-
Life cycle
nucleus’ infects chinook salmon and may
cause transitory infection in Atlantic Trophozoites of hexamitids are usually
salmon; S. barkhanus from Atlantic salmon found extracellularly in the lumen of the
does not infect chinook salmon (Kent et al., intestine, in internal organs or in lesions on
1992; F.C. Guo and P.T.K. Woo, unpub- the body surface (Nigrelli and Hafter, 1947;
lished). This is one indication that they Paperna and Overstreet, 1981; Mo et al.,
are different; however, further comparative 1990; Poynton and Morrison, 1990; Kent,
studies of the biology of the two organisms 1992; Kent et al., 1992). However, S. bark-
are needed. hanus, which causes systemic disease in
Atlantic salmon, also has an intracellular
stage, and the significance of this is not
Host specificity
known. The parasite is in host cells in capil-
Although hexamitids are common in fishes, laries and sinusoids of the liver, spleen and
little is known about their actual host speci- head kidneys (Sterud et al., 2003).
ficity as determined in cross-transmission Infection is generally believed to occur
studies. Some species are presumed to be via the ingestion of cysts or trophozoites;
not host-specific as they have been reported however, the rectal route of infection has
from fishes that are not closely related. also been suggested (Moore, 1922; Kulda
Hexamitids in the intestinal tract of sal- and Lom, 1964a,b; McElwin and Post, 1968;
monid fishes are usually assumed to be Becker, 1977; Poynton and Morrison, 1990;
52 P.T.K. Woo

Kent et al., 1992). In intestinal infections, probably through exposure of uninfected

cysts and trophozoites are normally voided fish to ascitic fluid and tissues of infected
with the faeces. Kent et al. (1992) did not fish. Guo and Woo (2004a) demonstrated
find cysts in chinook salmon with systemic direct transmission of S. barkhanus from
infections and they suggested that transmis- infected to uninfected Atlantic salmon when
sion was via trophozoites. It was assumed fish were held in the same tank. Parasites
that the mucus and/or faecal material from were detected in the blood of fish about
the fish protected the trophozoites from 9 weeks after the start of the cohabitation
osmotic stress in the aquatic environment. study with experimentally infected fish.
Poppe et al. (1992) also suggested that the
trophozoites in skin lesions on heavily
infected Atlantic salmon might be a source Host–parasite relationships
of infection.
S. barkhanus has two distinct develop- Intestinal infections
mental phases in experimentally infected Trophozoites are commonly found in the
Atlantic salmon (Guo and Woo, 2004a). The lumen of the intestine, while cysts are often
parasites were in the blood 1–8 weeks after not seen. Trophozoites of H. salmonis are
infection (blood phase; Fig. 3.3) before they usually in the upper intestine and pyloric
disappeared from the blood and were con- region, and they are also sometimes in the
fined to the internal organs (spleen, liver, gall bladder and rectum. In heavy infections
etc.), eye socket, muscles and in lesions on they may occur throughout the intestinal
the body surface (tissue phase). Fish mor- tract (Moore, 1922; Becker, 1977; Uldal and
tality occurred during both the blood and Buchmann, 1996). S. elegans is normally in
tissue phases of the disease, and there were the lower intestine and rectum (Kulda and
no detectable differences in susceptibility Lom, 1964a; Becker, 1977), while Spiro-
to disease and mortality in three full-sib nucleus torosa seems to be confined to the
families of Atlantic salmon (Guo and Woo, rectum of codfish (Poynton and Morrison,
2004a). 1990). Parasites that are morphologically
Kent et al. (1992) suggested that sys- similar to S. torosa have been found in the
temic spironucleosis in chinook salmon rectum of marine codfish (Alexeieff, 1910).
held in sea cages was transmitted directly It is presumed that some hexamitids in
from infected to uninfected fish and this was trout can only get established if the intestine
is not physiologically normal (Kulda and
Lom, 1964b). It has also been suggested that
some subclinical infections may become
problematic if the immune system of the
infected fish is depressed; this may result in
increased parasitaemias, which may develop
into systemic infections (Bassleer, 1983).

Systemic infections
Systemic hexamitid infections have been
reported in cyprinids (Molnar, 1974), eels
(Einszporn-Orecka, 1979), salmonids (Mo
et al., 1990; Kent, 1992; Kent et al., 1992;
Poppe et al., 1992) and tropical aquarium
Fig. 3.3. Course of Spironucleus barkhanus freshwater fishes (Becker, 1977; Ferguson
infection (blood phase of the disease) in and Moccia, 1980; Gratzek, 1988; O’Brien
experimentally infected Atlantic salmon (from Guo et al., 1993), with trophozoites in the blood,
and Woo, 2004a; courtesy of Diseases of Aquatic gall bladder, heart, kidney, liver, spleen, eye,
Organisms). D, a dead fish. brain, muscles, mesentery and abdominal
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 53

cavity. There are also reports of hexamitids and tissue phases). The parasite multiplies
in cranial skeletal tissues (Ferguson, 1989) by binary fission in the blood soon after
and in pustules on the skin of infected cich- infection, and is detectable in increasing
lids (Nigrelli and Hafter, 1947). numbers for the first 2–4 weeks, after which
Factors that promote the development the numbers decline to an undetectable level
of systemic infections are not known, nor and this marks the end of the blood phase of
have the mechanisms of the disease been the disease (Fig. 3.3). Fish mortality occurs
elucidated. It was suggested that invasion of in both the blood and tissue phases of the
the intestinal epithelium and dissemination disease (Guo and Woo, 2004a).
of the infection might occur if the immune It is suggested here that pathogenic
system of the fish host was compromised. hexamitids secrete a histolytic enzyme(s)
Also, necrotic changes and lesions in the which is an important contributing factor to
intestine, such as those caused by other para- the development of clinical disease in sys-
sites (e.g. acanthocephalans), might provide temic disease (e.g. anaemia, lesions) and
easy access to the blood, and the blood dis- fish mortality. This virulent factor may be
seminated the parasite to other organs similar to the metalloprotease secreted by
(Molnar, 1974; Becker, 1977; Einszporn- Cryptobia salmositica, a pathogenic flagel-
Orecka, 1979; Ferguson and Moccia, 1980). late that causes salmonid cryptobiosis (see
Invasion of intact intestinal epithelium was later section). The secreted protease will
not assumed to be the route of systemic allow the hexamitid to cause the anaemia,
infection in naturally infected Atlantic and will produce lesions in internal organs
salmon (Poppe et al., 1992). It was sug- and large ulcers on the body surface
gested that the infection was acquired when (Fig. 3.4) of infected fish. Also, direct trans-
the fish were in fresh water and the disease mission studies of the two pathogens (‘chi-
was triggered by stress associated with tran- nook Spironucleus’ and S. barkhanus) via
sportation or smoltification. Some extra- cohabitation of infected and uninfected fish
intestinal infections were also accompanied (Kent et al., 1992; Guo and Woo, 2004b) also
by secondary infections, and the latter support the hypothesis that the pathogens
might be more pathogenic (Bassleer, 1983). secrete a protease(s) which subsequently
As indicated earlier, S. barkhanus in facilitates the invasion of the blood system
experimentally infected Atlantic salmon has by the pathogens to initiate the blood phase
two distinct developmental phases (blood of the disease.

Fig. 3.4. A large ulcer on the body surface of Atlantic salmon experimentally infected with Spironucleus
barkhanus (from Guo and Woo, 2004a; courtesy of Diseases of Aquatic Organisms).
54 P.T.K. Woo

Susceptibility weakness, whirling, listlessness, abdominal

distension, anaemia, faecal pseudocasts, pale
Families and species of fish are known to
stringy faeces, a red vent, exophthalmia and
differ in their susceptibility to hexamitid
dark coloration (Moore, 1922; Allison,
infection and disease; for example, codfish
1963; Becker, 1977; Ferguson and Moccia,
(Gadidae) and porgies (Sparidae) are pre-
1980; Post, 1987; Andrews et al., 1988;
sumed to be susceptible to natural infec-
Gratzek, 1988; Mo et al., 1990; Buchmann
tions (Alexeieff, 1910), while brook trout
and Uldal, 1996).
(Salvelinus fontinalis) is the salmonid most
Fish infected with H. salmonis may have
susceptible to H. salmonis under hatchery
anaemia, ascites, enteritis and intestinal con-
conditions (Moore, 1922). The parasite does
tents that are yellowish and watery or
not cause clinical disease in coho salmon
jelly-like, with excessive amounts of mucus.
(Oncorhynchus kisutch), while steelhead
The pathology associated with the infection
trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) suffer mortal-
varies from no effects (Uzmann et al., 1965) to
ity (Uzmann et al., 1965). In many fresh-
haemorrhages in the intestine (Roberts and
water tropical fishes, there are no clinical
Shepherd, 1974), catarrhal enteritis (Sano,
signs (presumably infected with S. vortens)
1970) and hepatocellular necrosis (Ferguson,
of infections, whereas, in angelfish, discus
1979). Mortalities of infected juvenile rainbow
(cichlids) and gouramis (belontiids), clini-
trout were moderate to severe in outbreaks
cal disease is evident (Gratzek, 1988). Simi-
of the disease (e.g. Ferguson, 1979; Uldal
larly, S. barkhanus is not known to cause
and Buchmann, 1996). Infected rainbow
clinical disease in naturally infected grayling
trout were smaller and often had empty gas-
and Arctic charr but causes systemic dis-
trointestinal tracts because of the anorexia
ease and mortality in Atlantic salmon
(Uldal and Buchmann, 1996). Infected brook
(Sterud et al., 1997, 1998; Guo and Woo,
charr normally do not have clinical disease
2004b). However, Guo and Woo (2004a)
(M’Gonigle, 1940), while cyprinids with
found no significant difference in the sus-
intestinal hexamitosis have enteritis, liver
ceptibility of three families of Atlantic
necrosis and serous exudates in the abdomi-
salmon to experimental S. barkhanus infec-
nal cavity (Molnar, 1974).
tion. It is likely that some fish stocks
Infected aquarium tropical fish may
(within a susceptible host species) are more
have yellow mucus in their intestines, enter-
susceptible than others, as has been shown
itis and enlarged and inflamed gall bladders
in salmonid cryptobiosis (see later section).
(Molnar, 1974; Becker, 1977; Bassleer, 1983;
Susceptibility to disease may also, in
Ferguson, 1989). High parasitaemias in the
part, be related to the age of the host; for
intestine are frequently associated with
example, H. salmonis is not known to cause
severe disease (Post, 1987; Andrews et al.,
clinical disease in adult salmonids, while it
1988). Hence, Gratzek (1988) suggested that
may be pathogenic to younger fish (Becker,
the flagellate interfered with nutrition by
1977). This is similar in tropical aquarium
competing for essential nutrients and/or by
fishes (Bassleer, 1983). However, age suscep-
damaging the intestinal epithelium to affect
tibility needs more careful laboratory studies
digestion and absorption. The histopa-
as some adult fish in natural populations
thology in the intestine includes gastritis
may have acquired immunity due to prior
and perforation with serosal granuloma in
exposure(s) to the parasite as juvenile fish.
the stomach (Ferguson, 1989).
In systemic infections, the stomach of
Clinical signs and pathology
fish may be perforated, with chronic inflam-
In general, hexamitid infections in the mations in internal organs, atrophy of renal
intestine are usually chronic, with low tubules and necrosis of the kidney. These
numbers of parasites, but in heavy infec- fish are usually in poor condition and die
tions clinical disease may occur. Clinical (Amlacher, 1970; Ferguson and Moccia,
signs of the disease in natural infections 1980). Flagellates are sometimes in renal
include anorexia, emaciation, weight loss, peritoneal exudates in the kidney. Fish with
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 55

hole-in-the-head disease (presumed to be organs, splenomegaly, nodules in the liver

caused by S. vortens) have small hole-like (Fig. 3.6a), deformed (globulated) spleen
lesions on the body surface which produce (Fig. 3.6b) and granulomatous lesions in the
yellow, cheesy strings of mucus. In some spleen (Guo and Woo, 2004a).
fish (e.g. angelfish), these lesions may be Naturally infected chinook salmon
confined to the head region, occasionally with systemic infections have hypertrophic
extending posteriorly along the lateral line livers, which may be mottled with petechial
(Bassleer, 1983; Andrews et al., 1988; Paull haemorrhages and whitish, friable areas.
and Matthews, 2001). Bilateral ulcers arise There are also serosanguineous ascites,
from large erosions in the cranial cartilage blood clots in the visceral cavity, enlarged
(Ferguson, 1989). Hexamitid infections in spleen and kidney and petechiae through-
breeding angelfish may also lower the out the skeletal muscles. Blood vessels,
hatchability of eggs and/or cause the death especially those in the liver and lower
of young fry (Gratzek, 1988). intestine, have large numbers of parasites.
Naturally infected Atlantic salmon with The liver is oedematous, congested and
systemic disease may have dermatitis, with inflamed, while the renal interstitium is
whitish discoloration of the peduncle and hyperplastic. The anaemia is caused partly
caudal fins. Infected post-smolts have whit- by haemodilution and haemorrhage (Kent,
ish granulomatous nodules, which contain 1992; Kent et al., 1992).
many flagellates, in the pale liver and
kidneys. The most severe lesions are in
large fish (4–5 kg), with additional brown In vitro culture and propagation of
abscesses in the caudal muscles. Livers and Hexamita and Spironucleus
kidneys have multifocal necrosis, with
oedema, congestions, haemorrhages and H. salmonis was first cultured axenically at
fibrosis. Fish with advanced disease have 10°C in Medium 199 supplemented with
severe muscular degeneration, cholangio- human cord serum, lactalbumin hydrolysate
hepatitis and perihepatitis, encephalitis and and antibiotics (penicillin, streptomycin and
meningitis (Poppe et al., 1992). In experi- mycostatin). Cultures were supersaturated
mentally infected Atlantic salmon, S. bark- with nitrogen and maintained in a nitrogen
hanus causes disease with high mortality. atmosphere (Uzmann and Hayduk, 1963).
The clinical signs include skin blisters, More recently, the parasite was cultivated
ulcers on the body surface (Fig. 3.4) and uni- at pH 7.5 in Eagle’s minimum essential
lateral exophthalmia (Fig. 3.5). Gross pathol- medium (MEM), supplemented with fetal
ogies include haemorrhaging in internal bovine serum (FBS), 4% bile-supplemented

Fig. 3.5. Unilateral exophthalmia in Atlantic salmon experimentally infected with Spironucleus barkhanus
(from Guo and Woo, 2004a; courtesy of Diseases of Aquatic Organisms).
56 P.T.K. Woo

Fig. 3.6. Large nodules in the liver (a) and globulated spleen (b) in Atlantic salmon experimentally infected
with Spironucleus barkhanus (from Guo and Woo, 2004b; courtesy of Diseases of Aquatic Organisms).

TYI-S-33 medium (Keister, 1983) and antibi- Sangmaneedet and Smith (2000) also
otics. The flagellate multiplied rapidly at cultured S. vortens from the intestine of
10°C and multiplication was slower at 5°C. angelfish in TYI-S-33 medium. The parasite
The addition of bile (30–960 mg bile per litre multiplied rapidly at 25, 28 and 31°C and
of medium) supported better growth than the optimal pH ranged from 6.5–7.5. All
those either without bile or with a higher cultures supplemented with either bovine
amount of bile (Uldal and Buchmann, 1996). or fish bile had lower numbers of parasites
The modified TYI-S-33 medium than those without bile.
(Keister, 1983) at 10°C supported rapid
in vitro multiplication of S. barkhanus from
Atlantic salmon and the ‘chinook Spiro- Parasite nutrition
nucleus’ from chinook salmon (Sterud, 1998;
F.C. Guo and P.T.K. Woo, unpublished). Endocytosis and exocytosis occur at the
Both parasites multiplied rapidly by binary cytostomes (Brugerolle, 1974; Kulda and
fission. Also, isolates from muscle Nohynkova, 1978; Lee, 1985; Vickerman,
abscesses of Atlantic salmon and from the 1990). In Hexamita, the cytostomes can
gall bladder of grayling were grown at 5, 10, dilate to ingest large bacteria; however, in
15 and 20°C. However, the isolate from Spironucleus only smaller bacteria and par-
grayling had a slightly higher optimum tem- ticles are ingested because of smaller
perature and a higher upper temperature cytostomes (Vickerman, 1990). Poynton and
limit than the salmon isolate (Sterud, 1998). Morrison (1990) suggested that S. torosa
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 57

from codfish may also feed directly on the soon after infection or towards the end of
cytoplasm of intestinal cells because of the the blood phase of the disease (Guo and
intimate association between the parasite Woo, 2004b). Guo and Woo (2004b) also
and intestinal cells, as seen under the TEM. described a technique to quantify the num-
Very little is known about the metabo- bers of parasites in internal organs during
lism, biochemistry or genetics of hexa- the tissue phase of the disease.
mitids (Becker, 1977). The apparent absence An enzyme-linked immunosorbent
of mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and assay (ELISA) was developed to detect spe-
microbodies in these parasites is presumed cific antibodies in the blood. This immuno-
to indicate a rather primitive metabolic pro- logical technique is a modification of that
cess (Kulda and Nohynkova, 1978). The for cryptobiosis (Sitja-Bobadilla and Woo,
main carbohydrate storage product is glyco- 1994) and it is especially useful for epidemio-
gen (Honigberg et al., 1981; Vickerman, logical studies where large numbers of fish
1990), and intestinal hexamitids are either have to be examined. It is also an excellent
anaerobes or aerotolerant anaerobes. technique to detect infections during the
tissue phase of the disease, when there are a
very low number of parasites in the blood
Diagnosis of infection (Guo and Woo, 2004b).

In heavy infections the parasite is easily

detected using light microscopy. Samples Prevention and control
should be obtained from freshly killed fish,
and thin smears (e.g. along the gastrointes- The introduction of hexamitids into fish cul-
tinal tract, from the blood and imprints of ture facilities can be minimized by quarantine
internal organs) should be air-dried and of new fish. Cleaning of filters and gravel will
fixed in alcohol before staining. also help since accumulation of organic mate-
To confirm the number of flagella and the rial can promote growth of hexamitids in the
body shape which are consistent with water column (Gratzek, 1988). Good animal
hexamitids, living organisms should be exam- husbandry and nutrition may also reduce the
ined in wet mount preparations (vaseline- number and severity of outbreaks. Amphibi-
ringed cover slips) under a light microscope ans, which are known to harbour S. elegans,
using bright field or phase contrast or may be a source of infection for fish.
Normarski illumination. The addition of vis- Post (1987) recommended treatment
cous Protoslo or methyl cellulose will slow when the infection has about 15–30 troph-
the organisms for closer examinations (Lee ozoites per microscopic field. Dimetrida-
et al., 1985). For the flagella to stain well zole and metronidazole may be added to the
(Fig. 3.1), thin smears should be post-fixed in feed and they are less commonly delivered
10% buffered formalin (Woo, 1969), as was as bath treatments. As far as is known, both
done for Cryptobia and Trypanosoma (see drugs are not licensed for use on fish that
later sections). Also, the two nuclei stain well are for human consumption (Gratzak, 1988;
in post-fixed smears and organ imprints. Stoskopf, 1988). An antibacterial treatment
As indicated earlier, S. barkhanus has (furazolidone), usually added to the feed,
an initial blood phase after infection before has been used successfully to control
the parasite disappears from the blood and hexamitids in the intestine and reduce fish
is found mainly in internal organs (Guo and mortality (Ferguson, 1979; Andrews et al.,
Woo, 2004a). The haematocrit centrifuge 1988). The nitroimidazoles (metronidazole,
technique, which is very useful for detect- benznidazole, ronidazole and secnidazole)
ing low numbers of Trypanosoma (e.g. completely eliminate intestinal H. salmonis
Woo, 1969, 1970) and Cryptobia (e.g. Woo infections in rainbow trout, and some
and Wehnert, 1983) in the blood, is also non-nitroimidazoles (albendazole, amino-
very sensitive for the detection of Spiro- sidine, diethylcarbamazine and nitro-
nucleus. The technique is especially useful scanate) are just as effective. However, other
58 P.T.K. Woo

non-nitroimidazoles (e.g. amprolium, bithio-

nol, febantel, praziquentel) have no detect-
able effects on the number of parasites in
infected fish (Tojo and Santamarina, 1998).
Dimetridazole, metronidazole and mebenda-
zole are quite efficient in inhibiting multipli-
cation of S. vortens under in vitro conditions
(Sangmaneedet and Smith, 1999).

Ichthyobodoses Fig. 3.7. Free-living Ichthyobodo necator: note

the two free flagella (× 1000) (from Miyazaki et al.,
1986; courtesy of Dr T. Miyazaki).


Ichthyobodosis in freshwater fishes is

caused by the ectoparasite Ichthyobodo
necator. The disease was known as costiasis
after the previous name of the parasite, Costia
necatrix, which was originally described
from brown trout (Salmo trutta) alevins in
France. The organism has a free-living stage
in water (Figs 3.7 and 3.8) and a parasitic
Fig. 3.8. Free-living pre-division form of
stage (Fig. 3.9), which is usually attached to
Ichthyobodo necator: note that it is larger than the
dorsal fins and the tips of secondary gill
non-dividing form, and it has more than two free
lamellae (Fig. 3.10) of fish (Fish, 1940; flagella (× 1000) (from Miyazaki et al., 1986;
Tavolga and Nigrelli, 1947). The free-living courtesy of Dr T. Miyazaki).
stage has a long and a short flagellum
(Fig. 3.7); however, these flagella are not
seen when the organism attaches to epithe-
lial cells (Fig. 3.9).

Geographical distribution and host range

Ichthyobodo has worldwide distribution, is

not host-specific and has a very wide pH and
temperature tolerance. The parasite has been
recorded on salmonids in hatcheries at
temperatures between 2°C and 14°C
(Urawa, 1992), on cyprinids at 2°C and
30°C (Schaperclaus, 1986) and on poecilids
Fig. 3.9. Parasitic form of Ichthyobodo necator
and tilapia at a temperature as high as
attached to a host cell: note its shape and its
38°C (Tavolga and Nigrelli, 1947). It is an pointed cytostome (c) (from Miyazaki et al., 1986;
important pathogen of young salmonids and courtesy of Dr T. Miyazaki).
cyprinids, especially in hatcheries where
fish are cultured in high numbers (e.g. Bohl,
1975; Ellis and Wootten, 1978; Bullock and Rosengarten, 1985; Broderud and Poppe,
Robertson, 1982; Awakura et al., 1984; 1986; Urawa, 1993, 1995, 1996).
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 59

both freshwater and marine fishes indicate

that Ichthyobodo is a complex of sibling
species (Todal et al., 2004). The parasites
were from fishes in Norway, Japan, Singapore,
South Africa and Brazil and the conclu-
sions were that these represent eight strains
or species which belong to two parasite lin-
eages (A and B). Briefly, two of the eight
Ichthyobodo strains or species were from
fishes in Norway, and the freshwater para-
site (lineage A) from the skin of Atlantic
salmon parr, S. salar, and the three-spined
stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, was
suggested to be I. necator sensu stricto. The
Fig. 3.10. Large numbers of Ichthyobodo necator
Ichthyobodo (sublineage B1) that has an
attached to gill filaments: note that the gill filaments
show hyperplasia of epithelial cells and fusion of
affinity for the gills of both fresh- and sea-
the lamellae (× 480) (from Miyazaki et al., 1986; water salmon is a different species. The
courtesy of Dr T. Miyazaki). Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, is infected
with a marine species (sublineage B3) and it
is different from the two on salmonids. The
Systematic and taxonomic position two parasites (sublineage B2) from fresh-
water cyprinids (Cyprinus carpio and
A recent study on kinetoplastid phylogeny Carassius auratus) from different parts of
(Moreira et al., 2004) agrees with the earlier the world and the two Ichthyobodo isolates
suggestion of Callahan et al. (2002) that (sublineage B2) from unrelated North and
Ichthyobodo requires a new grouping. South American freshwater fishes (Morone
Hence, Moreira et al. (2004) proposed a new hybrid and Apistogramma sp.) are closely
subclass (Prokinetoplastina) and a new related. A more recent study (Callahan
order (Prokinetoplastida) for Ichthyobodo, et al., 2005), using an internal transcribed
and this classification is adopted in the spacer (ITS) rRNA sequence on isolates
current review. from fishes in the USA, Japan and Greece,
Briefly, I. necator was first described by supports the conclusion that Ichthyobodo is
Henneguy as Bodo necator and was later a multispecies complex. All but one (from
transferred to the genus Costia by Leclerq. rainbow trout) of the isolates in the study
The generic name Costia was subsequently were identified as four of the eight species
found to be already in use, and according suggested by Todal et al. (2004). The isolate
to Joyon and Lom (1969) Pinto replaced it from rainbow trout was considered a new
with Ichthyobodo and renamed the parasite species and was tentatively designated
I. necator. Two species of Ichthyobodo species IX. Many of these species were
(I. necator and I. pyriformis) have been identified from multiple hosts, and one
reported from freshwater fishes. I. pyriformis species was isolated from both marine
was described from salmonids in the USA and freshwater fishes (Callahan et al.,
(Davis, 1943). Body measurements of the 2005).
two parasites overlap and there are no mor-
phological characters visible under the light
microscope to distinguish them. Hence, Morphology and life cycle
I. pyriformis is generally accepted as a small
form of I. necator and is a junior synonym The free-swimming form of I. necator is
(e.g. Tavolga and Nigrelli, 1947; Vickerman, ovoid to spherical and measures 5–18 µm
1976b; Becker, 1977). by 3–8 µm (Fig. 3.7). It divides by binary fis-
Partial small subunit ribosomal DNA sion and its pre-division stage has three and
(ssu-rDNA) sequences of 14 isolates from four flagella (Fig. 3.8) and is larger than the
60 P.T.K. Woo

stage with two flagella. The nucleus is Host–parasite relationships

round to oval, and basophilic granules are
often seen in the cytoplasm. There is a large Host susceptibility
basophilic body at the base of the flagella
Malnourished and/or juvenile fish are
(Fish, 1940; Tavolga and Nigrelli, 1947;
more severely affected than healthy adults
Vickerman, 1976b). The parasitic stage
(Robertson, 1985; Rosengarten, 1985), and
elongates and attaches to a host cell by its
high mortality (40–73%) is associated with
pointed anterior end (Fig. 3.9). Tavolga and
heavy infections (e.g. Robertson, 1979;
Nigrelli (1947) suggested that the flagellate
Poppe and Hastein, 1982; Awakura et al.,
also has a saprophagous stage, which atta-
1984; Rosengarten, 1985; Urawa, 1987).
ches to and feeds on detached cells and
Outbreaks and infections on cyprinids
scales. Other workers (e.g. Bauer, 1959) had
become more severe when infected fish
not seen such a form and were generally
from outdoor ponds or tanks are transferred
sceptical about its existence.
to indoor tanks (e.g. Bauer, 1959; Bauer
The cell membrane consists of two
et al., 1969). Important factors that contri-
membranous layers with a fibrillar layer
bute to disease outbreaks include stress on
in between them (Schubert, 1966; Joyon
the fish due to transfer and higher indoor
and Lom, 1969). The nine peripheral fibrils
temperature, which promotes more rapid
of the flagella continue to form the
parasite multiplication.
kinetoplast–mitochondrion complex. The
Swordtails (Xiphophorus hellerii) are
nuclear membrane also has two layers and
very susceptible and usually die 8–14
there is a single nucleolus.
days after infection (Tavolga and Nigrelli,
Infection occurs when free-swimming
1947), while platyfish (Platypoecilus mac-
forms attach to a fish. The flagella on the
ulates) are less susceptible. Tilapia (Tilapia
free-swimming stage are presumed to be
macrocephala) and guppies (Poecilia reti-
used for site selection, and the ventral flat
culata) have light infections or the infec-
disc is used for attachment in the parasitic
tions are confined to the caudal region.
form (Schubert, 1966, 1978). Both free-
It is generally assumed that some pro-
living and parasitic stages multiply by longi-
tective immunity is acquired on recovery
tudinal binary fission (Tavolga and Nigrelli,
from an infection. Rainbow trout (O. mykiss)
1947; Bauer, 1959). Free-living individuals
immunized with either whole Tetrahymena
with three to four flagella (pre-division
thermophila or their cilia were more resistant
stage) are often seen in the aquatic environ-
than naïve fish (Wolf and Markiw, 1982).
ment (Fig. 3.8) and they occur in large num-
bers when conditions are favourable, and
fish become heavily infected (Fig. 3.10) Course of infection and foci of investigation
1–2 weeks after infection (e.g. Andai, 1933). Parasitaemias on salmonids usually peak at
The free-swimming and parasitic forms are about 4 weeks after fish larvae start feeding
presumed to encyst under adverse environ- and mortality is highest between 4 and 8
mental conditions. The cysts in the water weeks (Robertson, 1979). Foci of infections
become an additional source of infection on the fish include the cuff of skin sheltered
and contribute to the spread of the organism by the operculum, pectoral and pelvic fins
to new areas. and the area adjacent to the dorsal fin
The organism has been found in the (Robertson et al., 1981; Robertson, 1985).
roe of spawning carp and it is presumed Parasites are not normally found on the
that fish become infected after hatching head anterior to the operculum.
(Hlond, 1963). Other sources of infection
are water supplies and feral fishes that
Clinical signs and pathology
come into a hatchery with the water.
Amphibian larvae (salamander, frog) are Fish with relatively light infections on the
also considered potential sources of body may roll in the water (flashing) and rub
infection (Becker, 1977). against immersed objects or sides of the tank.
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 61

These activities are apparently responses to interlamellar spaces is extensive, with fusion
skin irritations caused by the parasite. How- of the lamellae and marked clubbing of gill
ever, fish with heavy infections are often filaments (Fig. 3.11). Epithelial cells with
listless and anorexic. Spots appear on the parasites become necrotic and blood vessels
body surface and these fuse to form greyish collapse, with proliferation of mucus cells
films on fins and body surface. Also, the gills in clubbed filaments.
are usually swollen (Fish, 1940; Miyazaki
et al., 1986) and other clinical signs include
increased mucus secretions and frayed or Diagnosis of infection
destroyed fins. Some infected fish may not
be able to maintain an upright position or Clinical signs are usually used for prelimi-
swim to the water surface (Savage, 1935; nary diagnosis of the disease. The infection
Bauer, 1959). Fish with only gill infections is confirmed by examination of mucus from
are listless and anorexic but do not flash or gills and of the body surface for flagellates
have excessive body mucus. under the light microscope. The parasite is
Goblet cells are often not seen in the quite fragile and often ruptures during fixa-
epidermis and there is hyperplasia of tion and staining. Carefully prepared smears
Malpighian cells in salmonids with heavy (e.g. from the body surface) are usually fixed
body infections. Spongiosis, vacuolization, in Shaudinn’s fixative and transferred to
loss of cytoplasmic and nuclear details in ethyl alcohol before being stained (e.g.
the suprabasal layers may occur in the epi- using iron haematoxylin, carmine, periodic
dermis. Oedema is followed by degenera- acid–Schiff) (Becker, 1977). At present,
tion and sloughing of the epidermis (Ellis there are no serological techniques that can
and Wootton, 1978; Robertson et al., 1981; be used to either detect the infection or
Awakura et al., 1984; Robertson, 1985). It is determine the immunological state of fish.
likely that mortality is due in part to osmo-
regulatory problems with resultant haemo-
dilution (Robertson et al., 1981; Robertson, Control
1985). The histopathologies are similar in
infected plaice and flounders that are main- Flush treatment with formalin (166 ppm)
tained in sea water (Bullock and Robertson, for 1 h or a formalin bath (1 : 4000) for
1982; Cone and Wiles, 1984). 15–30 min is well tolerated by salmon fry
Acute hyperplasia and fusion of sec- (Fish, 1940; Imamovic, 1986; Skrudland,
ondary gill lamellae are obvious in heavily 1987). Also, treatment for 1 h in a formalin
infected channel catfish (Miyazaki et al., bath (1 : 6000) is also very effective. Forma-
1986). Hyperplasia of epithelial cells in the lin treatment is not recommended if the

Fig. 3.11. Clubbing of gill filament due to heavy Ichthyobodo necator infection (from Miyazaki et al.,
1986; courtesy of Dr T. Miyazaki).
62 P.T.K. Woo

young fish have bacterial gill disease. It is plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) from Scotland
also important to have good aeration during (Bullock and Robertson, 1982; Bullock, 1985),
formalin treatment because formalin (a winter flounders (Pseudopleuronectes ameri-
reducing agent) combines with the dis- canus) from Newfoundland (Cone and Wiles,
solved oxygen in the water to form formic 1984) and Japanese flounders (Paralichthys
acid that may kill fish (Helms, 1967). Dip- olivaceus) at the Hokkaido Institute of Mari-
ping infected salmonids in dilute acetic culture, Japan (Kusakari et al., 1985).
acid (2000 ppm) to kill the parasite is also Wood (1979) indicated that the fresh-
used (Hora and Pillay, 1962). Other treat- water Ichthyobodo survived on fish follow-
ments include exposing fish (usually finger- ing their transfer to the marine environment.
lings) to a weak solution of malachite green Consequently, it was assumed that the para-
(1 : 300,000 to 1 : 400,000) for 40–60 min site on marine fish was acquired when fish
(Becker, 1977). Modifications of these treat- were in fresh water and the parasite survived
ments (in amounts and treatment periods) when infected fish migrated or were trans-
are in Hoffman and Meyer (1974). ferred to sea water. However, Morrison and
Cyprinids lose their infection when Cone (1986) described an Ichthyobodo from
exposed daily to copper sulphate (500 ppm) haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)
for 1–2 min or in sodium chloride caught 120 km from Nova Scotia, Canada,
(10,000 ppm) for 15–30 min (Osborn, 1966; and Diamant (1987) found the parasite on
Schaperclaus, 1986). More concentrated common dabs (Limanda limanda) from the
salt solutions (5%) are recommended for North Sea, thus suggesting the existence of
larger fish. A 1 h flush treatment with pyri- purely marine species of Ichthyobodo.
dylmercuric acetate (2 p.p.m.) also elimi- Recent studies confirmed the high salinity
nates the parasite. Bithionol (25 mg/l for 3 h tolerance of the parasite, and Callahan et al.
or on 2 consecutive days) is effective in (2005), using molecular techniques, showed
eliminating the parasite from rainbow trout that the same species of Ichthyobodo occur
(Tojo et al., 1994). The drug is not toxic to in both marine and freshwater fishes.
fish at the recommended dosage.
To control an outbreak, ponds with
infected fish are drained and quicklime or Marine Ichthyobodo
chloride of lime is added before restocking
with new or treated fish. Other useful che- The parasite has been found on a variety of
micals include methylene blue, potassium marine fishes (Urawa et al., 1998). Bruno
permanganate, aureomycin, globucid, lysol (1992) showed that mean width and length
and quinine hydrochloride (Amlacher, 1970; of Ichthyobodo from salmonid fry in fresh
Schaperclaus, 1986). water were significantly greater than those
The parasite multiplies rapidly between of the parasite from fish in sea water. How-
10 and 25°C. It encysts at about 8°C and dies ever, Bruno’s measurements of the marine
at temperatures above 30°C (van Duijin, parasite were lower than those from other
1973). Hence raising the water temperature marine fishes (Morrison and Cone, 1986;
to 32°C for 5 days is also effective against Diamant, 1987). Roubal and Bullock (1987)
temperature-sensitive strains but this app- found differences in the attachment discs
roach is not recommended for coldwater fish. and cytostome processes between fresh-
water and marine Ichthyobodo from salmo-
nids. According to Lamas and Bruno (1992),
ICHTHYOBODOSIS IN MARINE FISH the cytostome process of marine Ichthyo-
bodo on Atlantic salmon is smooth along its
Geographical distribution and host range entire length, while that of I. necator has
ridge-like projections.
Ichthyobodo has been found on salmonid I. necator from freshwater fish sur-
smolts in the sea (Ellis and Wootten, 1978; vived and multiplied on chums (Oncor-
Roubal et al., 1987; Bruno, 1992) and on wild hynchus keta) when infected salmon were
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 63

transferred to sea water (Urawa and

Kusakari, 1990). However, there were minor
morphological changes (e.g. reductions in
body width and in contractile vacuoles)
when the parasite was in sea water. The
parasite was also found on chum fry in estu-
aries, and I. necator from chums was not
infective to Japanese flounders, while the
parasite from flounders was not very
infective to chums.
Fig. 3.12. Cryptobia salmositica with a red blood
cell from a fish with microcytic and hypochromic
Clinical signs and pathology anaemia: note that the red blood cell is not oval and
there is reduced haemoglobin (× 1150) (from Woo,
1987a; courtesy of Advances in Parasitology).
The parasite caused high mortality of juve-
nile Japanese flounders in a hatchery in
Japan (Urawa et al., 1991). The fish were
maintained in canvas tanks supplied with
sea water at 17°C and about 40% of 43,000
fish were infected. Large numbers of para-
sites were on the entire dorsal surface of
infected fish, including the head. The clini-
cal signs were loss of appetite, greyish slime
on the body surface and erosion of the fins.
The histopathologies are similar to
those in freshwater salmonids (Robertson
et al., 1981) and they include extensive
hyperplasia of the epidermis with almost Fig. 3.13. Ectoparasitic slender form of Cryptobia
total depletion of goblet cells, nuclear and salmositica next to an epithelial cell on the body
cytoplasmic degeneration of epithelial cells, surface of a rainbow trout 6 weeks after infection
(× 1150) (from Woo and Wehnert, 1983; courtesy of
and vacuolation and severe spongiosis in
Journal of Protozoology).
most of the epidermal layer. Also, epidermal
cells lose their interdigitating cell mem-
branes (Urawa et al., 1991).
3.15), while the endoparasites are either in
the blood (Fig. 3.12) with an ectoparasitic
stage on the body surface (Fig. 3.13) or in
Cryptobiosis the digestive tract (Figs 3.16–3.18). There
are also numerous reports of unidentified
Introduction Cryptobia species. It is likely that many of
the described species are not valid; however,
Cryptobia spp. (Figs 3.12 and 3.13) infect their taxonomic status can only be settled
and cause diseases in many species of after careful experimental studies. Also,
marine and freshwater fishes (e.g. salmonids many of these flagellates, e.g. Cryptobia
and flatfish). The parasite may be on the catostomi in white suckers (Catostomus
body surface and/or gills (ectoparasitic), in commersoni), are not known to cause dis-
the digestive tract or in the blood (endo- ease (Bower and Woo, 1977; Thomas and
parasitic) of fishes. It has worldwide distri- Woo, 1992a) and such non-pathogenic
bution and there are at least 52 nominal species are not included in the present
species (Becker, 1970; Lom, 1979; Woo, discussion.
1987a). The ectoparasites are on the body Briefly, the parasite (Figs 3.12, 3.13 and
surface or attached to the gills (Figs 3.14 and 3.14) is an elongated (oval to ribbon-like)
64 P.T.K. Woo

Fig. 3.14. Large numbers of Cryptobia branchialis (scanning electron microscope) attached to gill filaments
of a naturally infected tilapia (from Kuperman et al., 2002; courtesy of the late Dr B.I. Kuperman).

Fig. 3.15. Histological section of gill lamellae of a naturally infected tilapia to show hypertrophied gill
epithelial cells with a large number of Cryptobia branchialis (from Kuperman et al., 2002; courtesy of the
late Dr B.I. Kuperman).

flagellate with two flagella, which originate as a free flagellum at the posterior end. The
from the anterior end. The shorter anterior oval to elongated kinetoplast is very promi-
flagellum is free, while the recurrent nent and is located at the anterior end in
flagellum is attached to the body and it ends close proximity to the nucleus. The parasite
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 65

Fig. 3.16. Drawing of a free-swimming Cryptobia Fig. 3.17. Composite drawing of Cryptobia
iubilans: note the short prominent rostrum (R), iubilans to show its principal ultrastructures at the
slender cytopharynx (Cp), Golgi complex (G), electron microscopic level: note the microtubules
anterior flagellum (AFl), recurrent flagellum (RFl) (Cm), the mitochondrion (M) extending the length of
and kinetoplast (K) (from Nohynkova, 1984a; the flagellate, the subpellicular microtubules (DMt),
courtesy of Protistologica). anterior flagellum (AFl), preoral ridge (PR),
cytostome (Cs), recurrent flagellum (RFl), ventral
subpellicular microtubules (VMt), flagellum-
associated reticulum (FAR), cytopharynx (Cp), dense
multiplies by longitudinal binary fission
lamina (D), postflagellar pit (PfP), contractile
under both in vivo and in vitro conditions vacuole (CV), kinetoplast (K), nucleus (N), Golgi
(Woo, 1987a). complex (G), digestive vacuole (DV), inclusion
vacuole (IV), polysaccharide (P), microtubules (Mb)
and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) (from
Systematics and taxonomy Nohynkova, 1984a; courtesy of Protistologica).

Moreira et al. (2004) proposed dividing the

class Kinetoplastea into two new subclasses, Trypanosoma). This broad division of the
namely the Prokinetoplastina (Ichthyobodo) group is adopted in the current review.
and the Metakinetoplastina (e.g. Cryptobia, The genus Cryptobia was initially pro-
Trypanosoma). They further proposed four posed for biflagellated organisms in the
new orders within the Metakinetoplastina; reproductive systems of snails (Leidy,
two of these are relevant to the present 1846). The genus was later expanded to
discussion, the Parabodonida (e.g. Crypto- include other morphologically similar flag-
bia) and the Trypanosomatida (e.g. ellates infecting other invertebrates and
66 P.T.K. Woo

surface of fish (Woo and Wehnert, 1983;

E.M. Burreson, personal communication).
Ectoparasitic forms of C. salmositica
(Fig. 3.13) are morphologically similar to
blood forms and they are infective when
inoculated into fish (Woo and Wehnert,
1983). The parasite is transmitted from
infected to uninfected fish when fish are
allowed to mix freely in a tank or are sepa-
rated by a wire screen to eliminate bodily
contacts (Woo and Wehnert, 1983) or when
infected and uninfected fish are brought
Fig. 3.18. Drawings of two intracellular Cryptobia
together briefly in a dip net (Bower and
iubilans within the vacuole (V) of the host
Margolis, 1983). A functional contractile
macrophage-like cell (MC). K, kinetoplast;
N, nucleus (from Nohynkova, 1984a; courtesy of vacuole was seen in electron micrographs
Protistologica). of blood forms of C. salmositica (Paterson
and Woo, 1983). This organelle is essential
for the ectoparasitic form to survive in fresh
water when it is in the mucus on the body
vertebrates (e.g. ectoparasites on gills/body surface.
surface and endoparasites in blood/digestive Woo (1994) divided the Cryptobia into
tract of fishes). The genus Trypanoplasma two subgenera. The haematozoic and nor-
was proposed by Laveran and Mesnil (1901) mally digenetic species (i.e. parasites with
for a biflagellated haemoflagellate in fresh- indirect life cycle) belong to the subgenus
water fish. Crawley (1909) synonymized Trypanoplasma, while the subgenus
Trypanoplasma with Cryptobia because of Cryptobia contains the non-haematozoic
their morphological similarities. Also, numer- monogenetic (i.e. one host) parasites. This
ous non-haematozoic Cryptobia species have proposal still indicates the close phylogene-
been described from the body surface and tic relationships between the two groups
intestinal tracts of aquatic organisms, many but shows that there are biological differ-
of which are from fishes (Woo, 1987a). In ences between them. He further suggested
general, scientists in Europe (e.g. Lom, that non-haematozoic species (ectoparasitic
1979; Steinhagen et al., 1989a, 2000) retain on gills/body surface and endoparasitic in
Trypanoplasma for haematozoic species intestine) might warrant further division
and Cryptobia for non-haematozoic species into additional subgenera because of the
because they believe the differences in life distinct environmental and/or physiologi-
cycles (haematozoic species are transmitted cal conditions under which they live. This,
indirectly by leeches, while non-haematozoic however, should only be done after careful
species have direct transmissions) and the experimental studies. The division into two
presence of a contractile vacuole (in subgenera indicates a close phylogenetic
ectoparasitic species) are sufficient for their relationship between the two groups of
separation. However, North American work- organisms and yet indicates some distinc-
ers (e.g. Bower and Woo, 1977; Newman, tive differences. Wright et al. (1999) studied
1978; Khan et al., 2001) agreed with Crawley. the ssu-rRNA gene sequence of four species
Woo (e.g. 1987a, 1994, 1998, 2001, 2003) of haematozoic Cryptobia (one from Europe
has always supported Crawley because and three from North America) and con-
there are biological similarities between the firmed that ‘neither tree topology, nor
haematozoic and non-haematozoic para- nucleotide differences, nor the type of RNA
sites. For example, C. salmositica (Fig. 3.12) editing supports a generic distinctiveness
and Cryptobia bullocki are haematozoic for Trypanoplasma’. However, based on
parasites; however, they have an ecto- kDNA structure and ssu-rRNA gene
parasitic phase in the mucus on the body sequences, Dolezel et al. (2000) concluded that
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 67

‘the subgeneric status of Trypanoplasma 1987a), and they are the focus of this
within the genus Cryptobia, as proposed chapter. C. (Cryptobia) branchialis is an
by Woo (1994), is inadequate, and that ectoparasite while the rest are endoparasites.
the genus Trypanoplasma . . . be considered C. (Cryptobia) iubilans is associated with
valid’. Moreira et al. (2004) supported the the intestine while C. (Trypanoplasma)
suggestion that the haematozoic species be salmositica, C. (T.) bullocki and Cryptobia
in the genus Trypanoplasma; however, (T.) borreli (syn. Trypanoplasma cyprini)
Callahan et al. (2002) agreed with the con- are haematozoic species. For convenience,
clusion of Wright et al. (1999). It is evident the subgeneric grouping of the parasites
that more extensive studies (biological and will not be used in the following sections.
molecular) of the non-haematozoic Cryptobia,
especially those in the intestine of fishes,
are required to help resolve this systematic
Cryptobiosis in freshwater fish
Two hypotheses have been proposed
C. branchialis, C. iubilans, C. salmositica
on the origin of the haematozoic parasites
and C. borreli are normally parasitic on/in
in fish. These have been discussed more
freshwater fishes; however, C. branchialis
fully in an earlier review (Woo, 1987a).
and C. salmositica have been found on/in
Briefly, Woo and Wehnert (1983) suggested
fish in sea water. C. branchialis is an ecto-
that members of the subgenus Trypanoplasma
parasite, while C. iubilans is in the diges-
arose from free-living flagellates (e.g. genus
tive tract and associated internal organs.
Procryptobia) via the ectoparasites (subge-
Both pathogens are transmitted directly
nus Cryptobia) on the body surface of fish.
between fish. The haematozoic C. salmositica
The second hypothesis (Nohynkova, 1984a)
is normally transmitted by blood-sucking
was that the haematozoic species were
leeches (digenetic life cycle); however,
linked to the intestinal flagellates (subgenus
it can also be transmitted in the absence
Cryptobia). Both hypotheses agree that the
of leeches (monogenetic life cycle). As far
haematozoic and non-haematozoic species
as is known, the haematozoic C. borreli
are closely related.
requires blood-sucking leeches for indirect
Two non-haematozoic species (Cryptobia
branchialis and Cryptobia iubilans) are
known to cause disease, while the majority
of species (e.g. Cryptobia stilbia, Cryptobia
dahlia) are not pathogenic to fish. As indi- Geographical distribution of parasite and
cated earlier, little is known about the non- host range
haematozoic species (those that are on the
body surface and in the digestive system of C. branchialis (Figs 3.14 and 3.15) is
aquatic organisms); consequently, a com- ectoparasitic on the gills of a large number
prehensive study (using molecular and bio- of freshwater fishes and has been impli-
logical approaches) is needed on these cated in morbidity and mortality of cul-
parasites. Woo (2003) suggested that the tured carp, goldfish and catfish in Asia,
study would help to determine the relation- Eastern Europe and North America (e.g.
ships between haematozoic and non- Chen, 1956; Bauer et al., 1969; Naumova,
haematozoic species and this would also 1969; Hoffman, 1978). However, Cryptobia
help to clarify the status of Trypanoplasma. with similar morphological features to those
He also recommended that, until this study of C. branchialis have been found on marine
was done, it would be more prudent to and estuarine fishes in Chesapeake Bay and
assign all species to the genus Cryptobia. its tributaries, USA (Burreson and Sypek,
This is the approach that will be used in 1981), on sea bream (Sparus aurata) in sea
this review. water in southern France (Blanc et al., 1989)
At least five species of Cryptobia are and on tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)
known to cause disease in fishes (Woo, in the Salton Sea, an inland salt lake in
68 P.T.K. Woo

southern California, USA (Kuperman et al., Cross-experimental transmissions and

2002). virulence (e.g. clinical signs of the disease)
C. iubilans occurs extracellularly studies may also be useful in deciding the
(Fig. 3.16) in the stomach, intestine, gall taxonomic status of C. makeevi.
bladder, spleen, ovary and liver and intra- C. borreli was described by Laveran
cellularly in macrophage-like cells (Fig. 3.18). and Mesnil (1901) from red-eye (Leuciscus
It infects four species of freshwater aquar- erythrophthalmus) caught in ponds in
ium cichlids (Herichthys cyanoguttatum, Garches, France. The parasite has since
Cichlasoma meeki, Cichlasoma nigrofas- been found in the blood and tissues of sev-
ciatum, Cichlasoma octofasciatum) in the eral freshwater cyprinids in Europe. It
former Czechoslovakia (Nohynkova, 1984a). sometimes causes heavy losses in cultured
Recently, four commercial producers of dis- carp, tench and crucian carp (Lom, 1979).
cus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus) in the The parasite is not host-specific and causes
southern USA had fish infected with the mortality in experimentally infected gold-
pathogen (Yanong et al., 2004). fish (C. auratus) and the common carp
C. salmositica (Fig. 3.12) was initially (C. carpio) (Dykova and Lom, 1979; Lom,
described from coho salmon (O. kisutch) 1979). After extensive morphological and
in Washington State, USA (Katz, 1951). cross-transmission studies, Lom (1979) con-
It has since been reported in all species of cluded that the parasites from carp, goldfish
Pacific Oncorhynchus, S. trutta, Prosopium and crucian carp in Europe are all C. borreli,
williamsoni, seven species of sculpins and that the pathogenic Trypanoplasma
(Cottus spp.), a cyprinid (Rhinichthys cyprini described by Plehn (1903) from carp
cataractae), a sucker (Catostomus snyderi) in Germany is a junior synonym of C.
and a stickleback (G. aculeatus) (Woo, borreli. Comparative antigenic and bio-
1987a). These fishes are in freshwater chemical studies of parasite isolates from
streams from California to British Columbia, cyprinids throughout Europe may help to
and in south-western Alaska (Wales and confirm Lom’s conclusion.
Wolf, 1955; Becker and Katz, 1965b; Katz
et al., 1966; Bower and Margolis, 1984b). It is
most likely that the parasites in the cyprinid Geographical distribution and biology of
and in the sucker are not C. salmositica leech vectors
because other species of cyprinids and suck-
ers cannot be experimentally infected with Piscicola salmositica is the only known vec-
the parasite (Wehnert and Woo, 1980). Also, tor of C. salmositica. This freshwater leech
cyprinids and suckers have their own spe- is not host-specific and is in cold, fast-flowing
cies of Cryptobia and they are not infective rivers and streams from British Columbia to
to salmonids (Woo, 1987a). northern California (Becker and Katz,
Lom (1979) suggested that the poorly 1965a,c). Cocoons and adult P. salmositica
described Cryptobia makeevi in Onco- are susceptible to drying and freezing, and
rhynchus gorbuscha and O. keta from the draining areas where cocoons are deposited
Amur River in East Asia might be C. salmo- is a method to control leeches in hatcheries
sitica. This indicates the need for more (Bower and Thompson, 1987). Adult leeches
careful comparative morphological, devel- are susceptible to chlorine (Bower et al.,
opmental (e.g. in the leech vector), antigenic 1985), and hence the chemical can be
(e.g. using Western immunoblots) and molec- considered for controlling leeches under
ular (e.g. using partial ssu-rDNA) studies. Li certain conditions.
and Woo (1996) described a species-specific C. borreli develops in two freshwater
DNA probe (1.2 kilobase pairs) to distinguish leeches (Hemiclepsis marginata and
C. salmositica from C. bullocki, C. borreli and Piscicola geometra). H. marginata is in
C. catostomi. It is a simple and practical tech- small ponds and slow-moving streams
nique as the parasite DNA can be extracted throughout Europe and Asia (Elliott and
from infected blood dried on filter paper. Mann, 1979; Sawyer, 1986; Shanavas et al.,
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 69

1989), while P. geometra prefers cooler anterior flagellum to posterior free flagellum
waters and occurs in fast-flowing streams 1.97 (0.6–3.7) (Katz, 1951).
and in lakes throughout Eurasia (Mann, The ultrastructure of the parasite is gen-
1961; Malecha, 1984; Sawyer, 1986). erally similar to that of other Cryptobia spp.
However, the blood form of C. salmositica
has a functional contractile vacuole (with
Parasite morphology systole and diastole stages) and its lumen
has electron-dense filamentous materials
C. branchialis (Fig. 3.22) is found on fish (Paterson and Woo, 1983). Contractile vacu-
in fresh and salt water. Living specimens oles have not been found in other haema-
from freshwater fish have body length tozoic species (Vickerman, 1971; Brugerolle
14.0–23.0 µm and body width 3.5–6.0 µm, et al., 1979). In C. salmositica, the vacuole is
while fixed specimens are smaller: body at the base of the flagellar pocket and is asso-
length 9.0–18.0 µm and 2.2–4.8 µm; anterior ciated with the postflagellar pit (Paterson
flagellum 7.7–11.0 µm; posterior flagellum and Woo, 1983). A similar contractile vacu-
10–15 µm; nucleus round to oval (1.2 × ole occurs in C. iubilans and it is also
1–1.7 µm). The cytoplasm contains refractile located just posterior to the postflagellar pit
granules and the parasite attaches to host and close to the Golgi complex (Fig. 3.17;
epithelium by its posterior flagellum (Chen, Nohynkova, 1984a).
1956; Kuperman et al., 2002). C. borreli is an elongated parasite with
The parasite (fixed specimens) in considerable variations in size and shape.
young tilapia from the Salton Sea is some- Small and slender forms predominate dur-
what smaller: body length 10.5 (7.5–11.6) µm; ing acute infections while large stumpy par-
body width 4.1 (2.8–4.6) µm; anterior flag- asites are the principal forms in chronic
ellum 8.7 (6.1–10.2) µm; recurrent flagellum infections. Measurements (Kruse et al.,
19.5 (13.8–28.2) µm. The latter extends at 1989b) are based on fixed and stained speci-
the posterior end as a free flagellum, which mens: body length 24.4 (± 3.0) µm; body
attaches the parasite to the gill epithelial width 4.9 (± 1.2) µm; anterior flagellum
cells (Kuperman et al., 2002). 14.6 (± 3.6) µm; posterior free flagellum 7.9
C. iubilans (extracellular stage; Fig. 3.16) (± 2.7) µm; kinetoplast length 7.6 (± 1.6) µm;
is oval to elongated and measurements are nucleus length 4.1 (± 0.86) µm; nucleus
based on fixed specimens: body length width 2.1 (± 0.47) µm; the oval nucleus is in
5.5–12.5 µm; body width 3.5–5.5 µm. The the anterior part (near the convex margin) of
anterior flagellum is 1.5–2 times its body the parasite. The ultrastructure of C. borreli
length and the posterior free flagellum is lon- is similar to that of other Cryptobia and
ger than the anterior flagellum. Its triangular it does not have a contractile vacuole
kinetoplast is located at the anterior end of (Brugerolle et al., 1979).
the body and is close to its round nucleus. Its
ultrastructure was studied and described in
Transmission of Cryptobia
detail (Fig. 3.17) by Nohynkova (1984a).
C. salmositica (Fig. 3.12) is an elon-
Direct transmission
gated organism and its body measurements
are based on air-dried stained blood smears: C. branchialis presumably are dislodged
body length 14.9 (6.0–25.0) µm; body width from the gills of infected fish and become
2.5 (1.3–4.0) µm; anterior flagellum 16.1 free in the water column. These flagellates
(6.5–27.0) µm; posterior free flagellum 9.0 are brought into the gill chamber via the
(4.0–17.0) µm; kinetoplast length 2.0–9.0 µm; mouth and the organisms attach to the gill
kinetoplast width 0.5–2.0 µm; nucleus length filaments, where they multiply rapidly
1.5–3.5 µm; nucleus width 1.0–2.5 µm; ratio under favourable conditions.
of anterior flagellum to body length 1.07 Cichlids (C. nigrofasciatum) become
(0.40–1.95); ratio of posterior flagellum to infected with C. iubilans after ingesting
body length 0.61 (0.25–1.15) and ratio of organs of infected fish and/or parasites in
70 P.T.K. Woo

the water as a result of regurgitation or defe- The infection rate was reduced to 50% if
cation of infective materials (Nohynkova, infected and uninfected fish were separated
1984a). The parasite survives for at least 4 h by a wire screen and with uninfected fish
at 20°C in aquarium water. ‘downstream’ to infected fish. Biochemical
C. salmositica is not only transmitted studies of C. salmositica showed that it has
by blood-sucking leeches (see below); it is two proteases, a cysteine protease (49, 60,
also transmitted directly between fish. The 66 and 97 kDa) and a 200 kDa metallo-
parasite in the blood of infected juvenile protease (Fig. 3.19). The metalloprotease is
sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) is released a histolytic enzyme (Fig. 3.20) and is an
on to the body surface through a blister important virulent factor (Zuo and Woo,
caused by the dissociation of connective tis- 1997a,d, 1998a). It is probably involved in
sues near the abdominal pore (Bower and direct transmission of the parasite by first
Margolis, 1983). It is in the mucus on the causing lesions on the skin of infected fish
body surface of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus so that the parasite becomes ectoparasitic.
mykiss) about 6 weeks after experimental The parasite is then carried in mucus strands
infection. Round and slender ectoparasitic and it enters the recipient fish either
forms (Fig. 3.13) are infective when injected through a lesion on the body surface or
into fish (Woo and Wehnert, 1983). penetrates the mucus membrane of the gills
Woo and Wehnert (1983) showed that or oral cavity (Woo and Wehnert, 1983).
67–80% of uninfected trout became infec- Direct transmission was more efficient
ted if uninfected fish were allowed to mix and rapid if heavily infected and uninfected
freely with infected trout in the same tank. juvenile sockeye were held together in a dip

Fig. 3.19. Purified cysteine protease and metalloprotease from Cryptobia salmositica. Lane A, crude
parasite lysate; B, partially purified cysteine protease from diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-agarose column;
C, metalloprotease from DEAE-agarose column; D, purified metalloprotease from Sephacryl S-300 column;
M, molecular weight markers (kDa). (From Woo, 2003, which was modified from Zuo and Woo, 1997d;
courtesy of Diseases of Aquatic Organisms.)
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 71

Fig. 3.20. In vitro degradation of collagen type V by purified metalloprotease from Cryptobia salmositica.
Lanes A–E, collagen incubated with metalloprotease for 0, 2, 5, 6 and 8 h, respectively. Lane F, collagen +
phosphate-buffered saline at 8 h. Lane M, molecular weight markers (kDa). (From Zuo and Woo, 1997d;
courtesy of Diseases of Aquatic Organisms.)

net for brief periods out of water (Bower proboscis sheath and these are transmitted
and Margolis, 1983). Mortality due to cryp- to fish when the leech feeds.
tobiosis was 64–89% in fish held in fresh The freshwater leech P. salmositica
water and 94% in sea water. There was field became infected with C. salmositica after it
evidence to suggest that direct transmission fed on infected fish, and transmitted the par-
was enhanced under hatchery conditions, in asite when it fed again (Becker and Katz,
that the prevalence of the parasite in coho 1965a). Large numbers of parasites were in
salmon rose from 29% to 74% after fish were the crops of leeches 7–8 days after an infec-
transferred to another pond, while the preva- tive blood meal; however, there were no
lence in non-transferred fish remained the indications that flagellates were in the pro-
same. Bower and Margolis (1983) also sug- boscis sheaths of infected leeches. S. Li and
gested the increase in prevalence might be P.T.K. Woo (unpublished) found numerous
due to stress related to a relapse of the slender Cryptobia in the proboscis sheaths
infection as a result of the transfer. of P. salmositica removed from naturally
Becker and Katz (1965a) indicated that infected salmon. The isolates of Cryptobia
there were outbreaks of cryptobiosis in from proboscis sheaths were morphologically
hatcheries where no leeches were found. similar to the slender ectoparasitic forms of
Consequently, direct transmission of C. salmo- C. salmositica found on the body surface of
sitica, especially in hatcheries, clearly fish (Fig. 3.13) and the isolates were infec-
needs more studies and further careful tive and caused disease when inoculated
documentation. into trout. The development of C. salmositica
in its leech vector needs more careful studies
using laboratory-reared leeches.
Indirect transmission
The development of C. borreli in the
In general, haematozoic Cryptobia multi- leech H. marginata was first described by
plies in the crop of blood-sucking leeches Robertson (1911). Kruse et al. (1989a)
and the parasite in the crop is infective to described its development in laboratory-
fish. Slender forms accumulate in large reared P. geometra. Briefly, parasites ingested
numbers either in the crop or in the with the blood meal multiplied in the crop,
72 P.T.K. Woo

and long slender flagellates were present in about 16 × 106 parasites/ml in 7 weeks) than
large numbers in the crop 8–10 days later. that from male brood fish which is about
All stages in the leech were infective to fish. 6 × 106 parasites/ml. The factor(s) that pro-
The parasites were transmitted experimen- motes multiplication is heat labile (Currie,
tally to the common carp by allowing infected 2004).
leeches to feed on them. The development of C. borreli from carp was cultured at
the parasite, its mode of transmission and 25°C in SNB-9 diphasic blood agar medium
the lack of transovarian transmission in the supplemented with vitamins and antibiot-
leech vector are presumed to be similar ics (Nohynkova, 1984b). It divided by binary
to those of C. salmositica in P. salmositica fission and the parasite lost its infectivity to
(Becker and Katz, 1965a). fish after six subcultures. A Hungarian
strain cultured in SNB-9 blood agar at 20°C
(Hajdu and Matskasi, 1984) was also not
In vitro culture and propagation of infective to fish (Jones et al., 1993). Simi-
Cryptobia larly, Peckova and Lom (1990) were also not
successful in maintaining infective cultures
C. salmositica from fish was initially cul- of C. borreli in supplemented SNB-9 blood
tured and subcultured in Hanks’ solution agar. The cultures lost their infectivity to
with 10% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum fish after 10–14 days. S. Li and P.T.K. Woo
at 5 and 10°C (Woo, 1979). The parasite (unpublished) successfully cultured and
multiplies by longitudinal binary fission, subcultured the parasite continuously in a
and newly divided parasites are slender. cell-free medium (TDL 15 with 10% FBS,
These are morphologically similar to the 1% goldfish serum and 17 mM Hepes). The
newly divided parasites in the blood of fish parasite multiplied readily and was infec-
(Woo, 1978) or on the body surface of tive to goldfish and carp. Recently, Steinhagen
infected fish (Woo and Wehnert, 1983). Cul- et al. (2000) showed that the parasite multi-
tures are always infective when inoculated plied rapidly in a mixture of Hanks’ balanced
into fish. C. salmositica and C. bullocki also salt solution (45%), L15 (22.5%), MEM
multiply at 10°C in MEM with Hanks’ salts (22.5%) and distilled water (10%), supple-
(pH 7.2–7.3), 25 mM Hepes buffer, 25% mented with 5–10% of heat-inactivated
heat-inactivated FBS, L-glutamine and pooled carp serum. The parasite was main-
0.33% dextrose (Woo and Li, 1990; E.M. tained for more than 5 months (ten pas-
Burreson, personal communication). MEM sages) and was infective to fish.
is the medium of choice because C. salmo-
sitica multiplies rapidly and rosette colo-
nies are present in about 5 weeks. Formation Glycoproteins, surface membrane
of colonies indicates a healthy culture and and metabolism
the peak number of parasites is about 9 × 106
parasites/ml of medium in about 6 weeks The non-pathogenic C. catostomi has a dis-
(Li and Woo, 1991a). A strain that has been tinctly different polypeptide profile from
in continuous culture for over 15 years is that of the two pathogenic species (C. salmo-
still infective to fish. It does not cause dis- sitica and C. bullocki), although the three
ease but confers protection when it is used species have many polypeptides of similar
as a live vaccine in fish (Woo and Li, 1990). molecular mass and there are antigenic sim-
The addition of even a minute amount of ilarities between them (Woo and Thomas,
fresh plasma from sexually mature rainbow 1991; Verity and Woo, 1996).
trout (male or female) significantly increases As indicated earlier, C. salmositica was
the rate of multiplication of the parasite and attenuated after prolonged in vitro culture
the final numbers of parasites in culture. (Woo and Li, 1990). The attenuated strain
Plasma from female brood fish is signifi- (Fig. 3.21) is smaller in size and has at
cantly much better in promoting parasite least 21 polypeptide bands, and five
multiplication (peak number of parasites at bands (20–200 kDa) are either absent or
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 73

metalloprotease activities under in vitro

conditions (Zuo et al., 1997). The antibody
is against a 200 kDa glycoprotein, and its
epitope (designated Cs-gp200) consists of
carbohydrate determinants and a confor-
mational polypeptide with internal disul-
phide bonds. It is a hydrophilic antigen and
is secreted by the parasite (Feng and Woo,
1998a). Cs-gp200 has its asparagine-bound
N-glycosidically linked hybrid-type carbo-
hydrate chain with the minimum length of
a chitobiose core unit. It has a phosphati-
Fig. 3.21. Attenuated (vaccine) strain of Cryptobia
dylinositol residue, which anchors the con-
salmositica (light microscope; × 1150) (from Woo, formational polypeptide (with disulphide
2003; courtesy of Journal of Fish Diseases). bonds) to the surface membrane. The mole-
cule is extensively post-translationally
modified (Feng and Woo, 1998b). Cs-gp200
antigenically different from those in the has high mannose components and it
original pathogenic strain (Woo and appears as a doublet in the pathogenic
Thomas, 1991). The avirulent strain does strain and as a single band in the vaccine
not have the 200 kDa metalloprotease (Zuo strain (Feng and Woo, 2001).
and Woo, 1997a), and its surface is less neg- Another monoclonal antibody (mAb-
atively charged (∼ 7.7 mV) than that of the 007; an IgG3 isotype with kappa light chains)
pathogen (∼ 15 mV). Major compositions of was produced against a major 47 kDa poly-
the surface membrane include sialic acid peptide secreted by pathogenic (C. salmo-
residues, phosphate groups and protein sitica and C. bullocki) and non-pathogenic
glycoconjugates and these probably (C. catostomi) species of Cryptobia. This
contribute to the negative surface charge antigenic polypeptide is located in the cyto-
(Vommaro et al., 1997). There are also dif- plasm of the parasite and is also secreted by
ferences in expression of surface membrane both the pathogenic and attenuated strains
carbohydrate residues and glycoproteins of C. salmositica. It can be detected readily
between the pathogenic and attenuated (using an antigen-capture ELISA) in the
strains; specifically the increased surface blood of fish at 1–2 weeks after infection.
carbohydrate residues on the attenuated The amount of antigen is higher in rainbow
strain coincide with the loss of virulence trout infected with the pathogenic than
(Feng and Woo, 2001). C. catostomi also has with the non-pathogenic strain. This, in
more carbohydrates on its surface mem- part, may be because the pathogen multi-
brane and is more reactive with lectins than plies readily in rainbow trout while the vac-
the pathogenic C. salmositica (Feng and cine strain does not (Verity and Woo, 1996).
Woo, 1998d). C. salmositica and C. bullocki consume
A monoclonal antibody (an immuno- oxygen under in vitro conditions, and para-
globulin G1 (IgG1); designated mAb-001) site motility and oxygen consumption are
was produced against a surface membrane significantly reduced after the parasites are
epitope of C. salmositica. The antibody exposed to sodium azide. However, pre-azide
agglutinates living parasites but does not activities are restored in C. salmositica once
activate complement to lyse the pathogen. the azide is removed, even after 24 h of
In vitro exposure of the parasite to the anti- exposure (Thomas et al., 1992). In cultures
body reduces its survival and infectivity in the parasite produces hydrogen peroxide
fish (Feng and Woo, 1996b). The antibody and some glycolytic products (i.e. lactate
mAb-001 inhibits parasite multiplication and pyruvate), even when it is under
and respiration (Hontzeas et al., 2001) aerobic conditions. It is also sensitive to
and significantly reduces cysteine and acidic pH; hence for large-scale culture of
74 P.T.K. Woo

C. salmositica the medium has to be ade- attenuated strain does better with disac-
quately buffered, as the carbon dioxide it charides, e.g. β-D (+) glucose, α-lactose,
produces changes the pH of the medium maltose and sucrose. The attenuated strain
(Ardelli and Woo, 2001c). If the parasite multiplies more readily than the pathogen
mitochondrion is damaged (e.g. exposure to when L-glutamine and D (−) proline are
the trypanocidal drug isometamidium chlo- added to the medium (Ardelli and Woo,
ride), its oxygen consumption and carbon 2003). The significance of the differences
dioxide production decrease dramatically, in nutritional preferences between the two
with concurrent and significant increase in strains is not well understood.
secretions of glycolytic products (Ardelli Both strains (pathogenic and attenuated)
and Woo, 2001a). This shows that the para- of C. salmositica have a cysteine (thiol)
site can readily switch from predominantly protease (49, 60, 66 and 97 kDa), and the
aerobic respiration to glycolysis. C. salmo- enzyme has been isolated and partially
sitica, as with C. borreli (Opperdoes, 1988), purified (Zuo and Woo, 1997a, d, 1998a). Its
has its Embden–Meyerhof pathway enzymes optimal activity is at pH 5.0, and it has
(e.g. hexokinase, fructose-6-biophosphate many properties (e.g. substrate specificity,
aldolase, triosephosphate isomerase, glu- inhibitor sensitivity, optimal pH) similar
cose phosphate isomerase), as well as the to those of the protease from pathogenic
peroxisomal enzyme, catalase, sequestered mammalian trypanosomes (Zuo and Woo,
in glycosomes (Ardelli et al., 2000). Cryp- 1998a). The cysteine protease (Fig. 3.19) is
tobia and Trypanosoma are the only known a metabolic enzyme and it has been
organisms where glycolysis is compartmen- detected in pathogenic and non-pathogenic
talized in microbodies called glycosomes. species of haematozoic Cryptobia (Zuo and
They may also contain enzymes for perox- Woo, 1997a). Like the purified metallo-
ide metabolism, and it is presumed that the protease (Fig. 3.20), the partially purified
compartmentalization of enzymes facili- cysteine protease has high proteolytic activ-
tates glycolysis (Opperdoes, 1988). ities against azocasein, haemogloblin and
C. salmositica does not multiply rap- fibrinogen and it also has high enzymatic
idly in MEM unless FBS is added to the activity against albumin (Zuo and Woo,
medium. Multiplication increases with 1998a). About 80% of its in vitro activity
increasing amounts of FBS and reaches a is inhibited by the monoclonal antibody
peak number of approximately 9 × 106 para- mAb-001 (Zuo et al., 1997). As indicated
sites per ml of medium. Glucose is depleted earlier, this monoclonal antibody aggluti-
from the medium and the depletion increa- nates live parasites, and inhibits the in vitro
ses with increasing numbers of parasites multiplication and oxygen consumption of
(Li and Woo, 1991a). The optimum temper- the parasite (Feng and Woo, 1996b; Hontzeas
ature for in vitro multiplication for virulent et al., 2001). It is therapeutic when injected
and avirulent strains is 10°C, although the into fish with acute infections (Feng and
avirulent strain multiples significantly Woo, 1997b). These studies indicate that
faster than the pathogenic strain (Woo and the cysteine protease is an important meta-
Thomas, 1992). The avirulent strain has bolic enzyme and is probably involved in
been maintained in continuous in vitro cul- intracellular protein catabolism, which
ture since 1989 (Woo and Li, 1990), and it is results in the release of amino acids for pro-
still infective, does not cause disease and is tein synthesis and parasite multiplication.
protective to fish. The pathogenic and vac- C. salmositica multiplies rapidly by
cine strains have minor nutritional differ- binary fission in fish (Woo, 1978). Parasite
ences, especially in their utilization of loads are significantly higher in rainbow
carbohydrates. The pathogen multiplies trout with high (e.g. 3.5 g/dl) than with low
more readily in MEM with monosaccharide (e.g. 1.0 g/dl) plasma proteins (Thomas and
supplements, specifically D (−) ribose, D (+) Woo, 1990b). Also, trout on an ascorbic acid-
xylose, D (+) galactose, D (+) glucose, D (+) deficient diet have lower parasitaemias
mannose and D (−) fructose. However, the than fish on an ascorbic acid-supplemented
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 75

diet (Li et al., 1996). The parasite does not and packed red cell in the tube is examined
multiply in MEM unless supplemented under the microscope at 16 × 10 (Woo,
with FBS, and it multiplies less readily 1969). The sensitivity of the technique is
with 10% and 15% FBS than with 25% and high, detecting C. salmositica infections
30% FBS (Li and Woo, 1991a). Glucose is when there are about 75 organisms per ml
depleted from the medium, and its deple- of blood (Bower and Margolis, 1984a). Its
tion increases with increased numbers of sensitivity is increased if more than one
parasites. Similarly, the pathogenic C. borreli capillary tube of centrifuged blood is exam-
utilizes glucose (Meyer et al., 2002) and also ined, as was shown with mammalian try-
has its glycolytic enzymes sequestrated in panosomes (Woo and Rogers, 1974).
glycosomes (Opperdoes et al., 1988). The microscopic immuno-substrate-
enzyme technique (MISET) and the immuno-
fluorescent antibody technique (IFAT) are
Diagnosis and detection of infection equally sensitive in detecting specific anti-
bodies against C. salmositica (Woo, 1990).
Clinical signs can be used as indications of MISET is preferred because it does not
acute infections and for preliminary diag- require a fluorescent microscope and the
nosis. Parasites are easily detected using the slide can be stored for extended periods
wet mount technique during the acute phase after it has been examined. An antibody
of the disease. Fresh samples (excised gills ELISA is also available to detect C. borreli
and body mucus for ectoparasitic species; infections in carp (Jones et al., 1993) and for
internal organs and contents from the diges- C. salmositica in salmonids (Sitja-Bobadilla
tive tract for intestinal species; and blood/ and Woo, 1994). Finally, Verity and Woo
ascitic fluid for haematozoic species) are (1996), using an antigen-capture ELISA,
collected from living fish or within minutes detected infections in experimentally infec-
of death and examined under cover slips ted rainbow trout (inoculated with either
using bright-field or phase-contrast micro- the virulent or the avirulent strains of
scopy (at × 160 and × 400) for actively C. salmositica) as early as 1 week after
moving flagellates. For confirmation, air-dried infection. The test was negative for all fish
smears of parasites are fixed first in 100% prior to inoculation of the parasite but
ethanol and then in buffered formalin, stained was consistently positive after experimental
in Giemsa’s stain and examined under a infection.
light microscope (Woo, 1969).
The clotting technique (Strout, 1962)
and the haematocrit centrifuge technique
Fish–C. branchialis relationships
(Woo, 1969; Woo and Wehnert, 1983) are
used to concentrate and detect low infec-
Attachment to host cells
tions of haematozoic species. These tech-
niques are especially useful when parasite According to Kuperman et al. (2002),
numbers are low, e.g. either before acute C. branchialis (Figs 3.14 and 3.15) attaches
disease or during the chronic phase of the to the gill epithelium of infected fish in one
infection. For parasites of coldwater fish of two ways. The most common mode of
(e.g. salmonids), the haematocrit tubes with attachment is for the membrane of the free
blood are centrifuged at 4–10°C for 5 min at portion of the recurrent flagellum to expand
13,000 g (Woo and Wehnert, 1983; Bower to form a ledged ridge which is in close con-
and Margolis, 1984a). C. salmositica becomes tact with the cell membrane of the host cell
very sluggish and dies if the blood is kept at (Fig. 3.22). This mechanism provides num-
about 21°C; hence it should be kept cold at erous interfaces with the host cell along
all times. Other species (e.g. C. catostomi) most of the free recurrent flagellum. The sec-
can be centrifuged at about 20°C or at room ond type of attachment is for the tip of the
temperature (Bower and Woo, 1977). After recurrent flagellum to adhere to the host cell.
centrifugation, the junction of the plasma In both cases, the flagellum does not seem to
76 P.T.K. Woo

penetrate the host cell membrane but is only darter (Etheostoma flabellare) from the
inserted into an intercellular invagination. USA. His conclusions were that the parasite
was not pathogenic and that mortality in
Clinical signs, pathology and mortality infected fish was probably caused by an
unknown pathogen. According to Chen
Gills of infected fish with large numbers
(1956), the disease is more severe in young
of C. branchialis are abnormally red. The
grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) than
body is usually covered with a copious
in older fish and in other species of carp.
amount of mucus and it generally darkens
Hence, Woo (1987a) suggested that the Lom
before the fish dies. Infected fish are
study be repeated with young grass carp to
anorexic and are usually close to the water
help resolve the confusion. Also, a multi-
surface (Bauer et al., 1969; Kuperman et al.,
tude of factors could have contributed to
2002). The parasite destroys the epithe-
the lack of disease and this would include
lium of gill filaments of susceptible fish in
the virulence of the parasite ‘strain’ that
heavy infestations, and this leads to forma-
was used.
tion of thrombi and eventually death of the
fish (Chen, 1956). The parasite has been
associated with mortality of cultured carp,
Fish–C. iubilans relationships
goldfish and catfish.
There is some controversy regarding
Clinical signs and mortality
the pathogenicity of the parasite. At the
ultrastructural level, Lom (1980) was unable Cichlids infected with C. iubilans are lethar-
to show that C. branchialis caused lesions gic and anorexic. Most infected fish died
to the gills of infected carp (C. carpio) from within 3 months after the onset of clinical
the former Czechoslovakia and fantail disease (Nohynkova, 1984a). Similar clinical

Fig. 3.22. Cryptobia branchialis (transmission electron microscope) to show attachment of parasite
recurrent flagellum to cell membrane of gill epithelium (from Kuperman et al., 2002; courtesy of the late
Dr B.I. Kuperman).
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 77

signs, including stunted growth and emacia- Fish–C. salmositica relationships

tion, were reported in five different out-
breaks of the disease in juvenile discus fish Course of infection and clinical signs
in the USA. In one outbreak, the mortality
The number of C. salmositica in the blood
was 93% (280 out of 300) in 1 week and it
of rainbow trout sometimes has a major
was assumed that C. iubilans was the pri-
peak followed by a minor peak before the
mary cause of death (Yanong et al., 2004).
chronic phase of the disease (Woo, 1979;
Nine of these fish had light trichodinid and
Thomas and Woo, 1990b; Ardelli and Woo,
monogenean infections on the gills and body
2002). The parasite multiplies more rapidly
surface. However, heavy infections of
and with higher parasitaemias in fish with
Cryptobia were in the stomach, with moder-
higher plasma protein levels than in fish
ate to heavy infections of hexamitids and
that are fed a high-protein diet. (Thomas and
Capillaria in the intestine. Multifocal granu-
Woo, 1990b, 1992b; Li and Woo, 1991b).
lomas were seen in the liver, spleen, poste-
C. salmositica multiples rapidly at 10°C
rior kidney, stomach and intestine.
in the blood of salmonids and in tissue-
culture medium (Woo, 1979; Woo and Li,
Development in fish 1990). However, it multiplies less readily
under in vivo (Woo et al., 1983) and in vitro
Nohynkova (1984a) did not indicate finding
(Woo and Thomas, 1992) conditions at 5, 15
obvious perforation of the gut in infected
or 20°C. It divides by binary fission and the
fish. She suggested that the parasite spread
first indication of division in an infected
from the stomach to other organs, including
fish is the production of two new flagella.
the spleen and ovary. It would be very chal-
This is followed by duplications of the
lenging to elucidate the route and mecha-
kinetoplast and the nucleus. Cytokinesis
nism of spread of the parasite to other
begins at the posterior end and division is
organs, especially those that are not continu-
unequal and symmetrogenic. The parasite
ous with the stomach. Perhaps the infected
retains its elongated form during the
macrophage-like cells are responsible for
division (Woo, 1978).
transporting the parasite to other organs.
Clinical signs of the disease in
This would indicate the significance of the
Oncorhynchus spp. include exophthalmia
intracellular stage in this parasite.
(Fig. 3.23), splenomegaly (Fig. 3.24), gen-
Using scanning electron microscopy,
eral oedema, abdominal distension with
Yanong et al. (2004) demonstrated numer-
ascites (Fig. 3.25), hepatomegaly, anaemia,
ous C. iubilans on or penetrating into the
positive antiglobulin reactions of red cells
gastric mucosa in naturally infected fish.
They also confirmed that the parasite was
in vacuoles in host cells. The identification
of the parasite was based on the detection of
a triangular kinetoplast and other morpho-
logical features of C. iubilans, such as an
anterior rostrum.
Morbidity and mortality in infected dis-
cus fish seem to be related to water quality,
concurrent infections with other parasites
and bacteria, diet and the size and age of
infected fish. Metronidazole is not effective
against the parasite in fish, while bath treat-
ments with dimetridazole (80 mg/l for 24 h
and repeated daily for 3 days) or 2-amino- Fig. 3.23. Dorsal view of obvious exophthalmia in
5-nitrothiazol (10 mg/l for 24 h and repeated a rainbow trout experimentally infected with
for 3 days) seem to decrease the prevalence Cryptobia salmositica (from Woo and Poynton,
of the parasite (Yanong et al., 2004). 1995; courtesy of CABI, Wallingford, UK).
78 P.T.K. Woo

(Fig. 3.26) and anorexia (Woo, 1979; Thomas are obviously quite emaciated. The immune
and Woo, 1988, 1990a, 1992b; Li and Woo, system in infected fish is depressed (Jones
1991b; Chin et al., 2004b). Also, some fish et al., 1986; Sin and Woo, 1993) and the
haemolytic activity of complement is low
(Thomas and Woo, 1989b). Also plasma
thyroxine (T3 and T4), protein and glucose
are lowered, along with depletion of liver
glycogen (Laidley et al., 1988). The metabo-
lism and swimming performance of infected
fish are significantly reduced (Kumaraguru
et al., 1995). The bioenergetic cost of the
disease is considerable to infected fish.
These are some of the contributing factors
that retard fish growth, as there are signifi-
cant reductions in food consumption, dry
weight and energy gained and gross conver-
Fig. 3.24. Splenomegaly in rainbow trout with sion efficiency in infected juvenile trout
acute experimental cryptobiosis (from Woo, 1979; (Beamish et al., 1996).
courtesy of Experimental Parasitology). The parasite is presumed not to cause
disease in sculpins and they are considered
the principal reservoir hosts of the parasite
(Becker and Katz, 1965a, 1966). Little is
known about the sculpin–parasite relation-
ships and this should be one area of future
studies. Laboratory-raised Cryptobia-tolerant
brook charr, S. fontinalis, can be infected
with the pathogen. Although parasitaemias
are just as high as in Oncorhynchus spp.,
there are no clinical signs of the disease in
infected Salvelinus (see later section for
Fig. 3.25. General oedema with abdominal mechanism of protection). Hence Ardelli
distension and ascites in rainbow trout with acute et al. (1994) suggested that charr would
experimental cryptobiosis (from Woo, 1979;
serve as a reservoir host for C. salmositica in
courtesy of Experimental Parasitology).
areas on the Pacific coast where charr and
Oncorhynchus spp. occurred together.

Pathology and mortality

The anaemia, a consistent clinical sign of
the disease, is microcytic and hypochromic
in rainbow trout, and its severity is directly
related to parasitaemia (Woo, 1979). There
are obvious lesions in haemopoietic tissues
during the acute phase of the disease in juve-
nile rainbow trout. The severity of lesions is
related to parasitaemias in the blood and to
Fig. 3.26. Agglutination of red blood cells (from a
extravascular localization of the parasite
rainbow trout experimentally infected with
Cryptobia salmositica) by anti-trout immuno-
(Bahmanrokh and Woo, 2001). In rainbow
globulins (positive Coombs’ reaction), to demonstrate trout the blood components return to pre-
immune complexes on surface membranes of red infection values during the chronic phase of
blood cells (from Thomas and Woo, 1995; courtesy the infection (Li and Woo, 1991b). Haemo-
of CABI, Wallingford, UK). dilution, splenomegaly and haemolysis are
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 79

contributing factors to the anaemia (Woo, either type I or type IV collagen and/or their
1979; Laidley et al., 1988; Thomas and breakdown products (Zuo and Woo, 1998b).
Woo, 1988). R. Arcuri and P.T.K. Woo Since the metalloprotease is secreted by the
(unpublished) showed that infected trout pathogen it contributes to the development
had significantly lower blood osmolarities of the disease and histopathogical lesions
from 2 weeks after infection and this was (see below) in infected fish. This confirms
related to high parasitaemias and anaemia. that the severity of the disease in
The anaemia is in part caused by Oncorhynchus spp. is directly related to the
haemolysis, and this is the result of secre- parasitaemia (Woo, 1979).
tions by living parasites and the release of The severity of the disease, appearance
parasite antigens after the parasites have of the clinical signs and mortality are also
been ruptured by complement-fixing anti- related to size of the inoculum, water tem-
bodies. The secreted antigen (haemolysin) perature, diet and the genetics of the fish
lyses red cells directly, while the released (e.g. Woo, 1979; Woo et al., 1983; Bower
antigens form immune complexes with and Margolis, 1985; Jones et al., 1986; Li
antibodies on red cells. These result in and Woo, 1991b; Chin et al., 2002, 2004a).
intravascular and/or extravascular haemo- Anorexia is another consistent clinical
lysis (Thomas and Woo, 1988). Red blood sign of the disease and it contributes to
cells from parasitaemic trout are anti- immunodepression in infected fish during
globulin-positive or Coombs’ test-positive acute disease (Thomas and Woo, 1992b);
(Fig. 3.26) and these red cells are lysed however, it is also beneficial to the host
when incubated with trout complement. because it decreases plasma protein by
The antigens are also secreted by the patho- reducing protein intake (Li and Woo,
genic strain in cultures (Thomas and Woo, 1991b). Reduction in plasma protein lowers
1989a; Woo and Thomas, 1992). parasite multiplication and hence the para-
A 200 kDa glycoprotein (metalloprotease) sitaemia. Lower parasitaemia decreases the
has been identified, isolated and purified severity of the disease and mortality.
(Fig. 3.19) from the pathogenic C. salmositica. The anaemia and large numbers of
The enzyme has been purified and its parasites occluding small blood vessels
optimal activity is pH 7.0 (Zuo and Woo, would combine to reduce oxygen delivery
1997a, d, 1998a). It has high proteolytic to tissues and vital organs. Part of this is
activities against azocasein, haemoglobin, manifested as an increase in susceptibility
fibrinogen and gelatin, but low activity of infected fish to environmental hypoxia.
against albumin. It is inhibited by metal- This would be an important contributing
chelating agents and excess of zinc ions, but factor to fish mortality under some condi-
activated by calcium ions (Zuo and Woo, tions, especially when dissolved oxygen is
1997d, 1998a). The purified enzyme lyses reduced as a result of overcrowding, slow
red blood cells under in vitro conditions water flow or algal blooms (Woo and
(Zuo and Woo, 2000) by digesting proteins Wehnert, 1986).
in erythrocyte membranes (Zuo and Woo, According to Putz (1972), C. salmositica
1997d). Consequently, it is an important was more pathogenic to coho salmon
contributing factor to anaemia, and is the (O. kisutch, with 100% mortality) than to
‘haemolysin’ that was earlier identified as chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) in the
one of the causes of anaemia (Thomas and USA. However, Bower and Margolis (1985)
Woo, 1988, 1989a). The metalloprotease is found 100% mortality in chinook salmon,
also collagenolytic (Fig. 3.20), and readily while coho salmon from some stocks in
degrades collagen (types I, IV and V) and Canada did not die from the infection (0%
laminin (Zuo and Woo, 1997d). The prote- mortality). The difference is probably due to
ase is secreted by the parasite in fish (Zuo the genetics of the fish. For example, sockeye
and Woo, 1997c) and in culture (Zuo and salmon (O. nerka) from the Fulton River
Woo, 1998a). In cultures, its secretion is stock (British Columbia, Canada) suffered
significantly increased in the presence of high mortality when injected with about 100
80 P.T.K. Woo

parasites per fish, while the Weaver Creek strain of C. salmositica (Feng and Woo,
stock of sockeye salmon (British Columbia) 2001). It is tempting to suggest that the
had light mortality even when injected with increased expression of carbohydrate
about a million parasites per fish (Bower resides on the C. salmositica vaccine strain
and Margolis, 1984a). Mortality of infected and reduced ACP also contribute to its loss
sockeye salmon is consistent within the of virulence. Further studies are needed to
same fish stock and with different parasite more fully understand the mechanism of
isolates (Bower and Margolis, 1985). the disease.
The histopathology includes focal
haemorrhages, congestion of blood vessels,
Immune response
occlusion of capillaries with parasites and
oedematous changes in kidney glomeruli The piscine immune system is well devel-
(Putz, 1972). Bahmanrokh and Woo (2001) oped (Chapters 18 and 19), and both
conducted a sequential study in experimen- innate and acquired (adaptive) immunity
tally infected juvenile rainbow trout and are involved in protecting fish from para-
showed that the histopathology was a gener- sitic diseases (Woo, 1987b, 1992; Woo and
alized inflammatory reaction, and lesions Jones, 1989; Jones, 2001).
were in connective tissues and the reticu-
loendothelial systems. Lesions were seen INNATE IMMUNITY. In the present discussion,
first in the liver, gills and spleen at about 1–2 absence of disease in infected fish is patho-
weeks post-infection (wpi). Endovasculitis gen tolerance, while resistance to infection
and mononuclear infiltration occurred at is pathogen resistance. Some naïve brook
3 wpi and these were followed by tissue charr infected with C. salmositica do not
necrosis and extravascular localization of have the disease (Cryptobia-tolerant charr)
parasites at 4 wpi. Extensive necrosis of tis- although their parasitaemias are as high as
sues was related directly to high parasi- those in rainbow trout. Also, there are charr
taemias and extravascular localization of that cannot be infected with C. salmo-
flagellates. Necrosis in the liver and kidney, sitica, and these are Cryptobia-resistant fish.
depletion of haematopoietic tissues and Innate resistance to Cryptobia infection is
anaemia were probably responsible for mor- inherited by progeny and controlled by a
tality of fish during the acute phase of the single dominant Mendelian locus (Forward
disease. Regeneration and replacement of et al., 1995). Fresh plasma of Cryptobia-
necrotic tissues with normal structures were resistant charr lyses the parasite (lytic titres
noticeable in haematopoietic and reticular range from 1 : 2 to 1 : 4) via the alternative
tissues at 7–9 wpi and these were associated pathway of complement activation (Forward
with reduced parasitaemias in the blood and Woo, 1996). Also, many other fishes
(recovery or chronic phase of the disease). (e.g. goldfish, white suckers) are also resis-
Acid phosphatase (ACP) is also found tant to C. salmositica infection, and the
in C. salmositica. It occurs both in membrane- mechanism of innate resistance in these
bound and water-soluble fractions of the refractory fishes is also the alternative path-
parasite lysate. The pathogenic strain has way of complement activation (Wehnert and
high total ACP activity, but this decreases Woo, 1980). The undiluted plasma of refrac-
on prolonged culture in MEM, and this tory fish lyses the parasite in 30–60 min at
decrease is associated with loss of viru- 4°C and the lytic titres range from 1 : 4 to
lence. Also, the membrane-bound ACP in 1 : 8. Further studies on innate resistance
the pathogen is more resistant to the ACP (either to infection or to disease), especially
inhibitor sodium tartrate (Zuo and Woo, in Oncorhynchus spp., would be rewarding
1996). Compared with the pathogenic C. because it can be exploited and it may be
salmositica, there are also increased carbo- an alternative protective strategy against this
hydrate residues on the surface membrane and other pathogenic organisms (Woo, 1992).
of the non-pathogenic C. catostomi (Feng As indicated earlier, parasitaemias in
and Woo, 1998b) and on the attenuated infected Cryptobia-tolerant brook charr are
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 81

just as high as or higher than those in The attenuated strain multiplied in

Oncorhynchus spp.; however, they do not Atlantic salmon and parasitaemia peaked at
suffer from cryptobiosis. Hence, they may 5 weeks post-vaccination (wpv). Antibodies
be reservoir hosts for the pathogen on the were detectable at 4 wpv and the antibody
west coast of North America, where the dis- titre increased as the parasitaemia declined.
tributions of Oncorhynchus and Salvelinus Respiratory burst activity of circulating granu-
overlap (Ardelli et al., 1994). Also, there are locytes (Fig. 3.27) in vaccinated Atlantic
no detectable differences in the immune salmon was significantly higher than in
responses of both Cryptobia-tolerant and unvaccinated fish, and the highest activity
Cryptobia-resistant charr to other antigenic occurred with rising parasitaemia and the
stimulations (Ardelli and Woo, 1995). lower activity with declining parasitaemia
Infected Cryptobia-tolerant brook charr (Fig. 3.28). There were significant increases
are resistant to disease because the in the proportion of granulocytes (to total
metalloprotease secreted by C. salmositica leucocytes) at 4 wpv. Also, at 6 wpv the pro-
is effectively neutralized by a natural anti- portion of lymphocytes and monocytes
protease – the α2-macroglobulin in blood. increased significantly and remained ele-
The amount of α2-macroglobulin is higher vated. These indicate both innate (respira-
in brook charr than in rainbow trout prior to tory burst activity and increases in numbers
infection, and it remains high (about 40%) of granulocytes corresponding to rising para-
during the infection, while that in trout sitaemia) and acquired (antibody production
drops to about 12% as the anaemia becomes and increases in the proportion of monocytes
evident (Zuo and Woo, 1997b,c). Neutral- and lymphocytes corresponding to declining
ization of parasite metalloprotease by α2- parasitemia) immune responses to the live
macroglobulin was demonstrated under both vaccine (Chin and Woo, 2005).
in vivo and in vitro conditions (Zuo and
Woo, 1997b,c,d). Since Cryptobia-tolerant ACQUIRED (ADAPTIVE) IMMUNITY. The attenu-
brook charr do not suffer from clinical dis- ated C. salmositica produces low para-
ease, their immune system readily controls sitaemia in rainbow trout, does not cause
the infection and they recover more rapidly disease, circulates in the blood for at least
than trout from the infection. An obvious 6 months and is protective when used as a
option to control cryptobiosis is to produce live vaccine (Woo and Li, 1990). It is used
transgenic Cryptobia-tolerant salmon (Woo, routinely as an experimental vaccine (see
2001). It is expected that the transgenic below) as it has no detectable bioenergetic
salmon, like Cryptobia-tolerant brook cost to juvenile rainbow trout (Beamish
charr, will maintain a high level of et al., 1996), and it protects juvenile and
α2-macroglobulin to neutralize the secreted adult salmonids from the pathogen (e.g.
metalloprotease and hence there will be Sitja-Bobadilla and Woo, 1994; Li and Woo,
reduced or no disease. This exploitation 1995; Feng and Woo, 1997a, 1998c; Ardelli
of innate resistance is a novel approach to and Woo, 2002; Mehta and Woo, 2002).
the management of an infectious disease The humoral response to the parasite is
and is worth consideration. The strategy detectable in some fish at about 2 wpi
will probably initiate discussions on the (Jones and Woo, 1987; Woo, 1990; Sitja-
ramifications of applying such a strategy Bobadilla and Woo, 1994; Chin et al.,
against an infectious organism. One of 2004a,b). Families of Atlantic salmon with
the obvious advantages in this approach early detectable antibody production had
is that further human interventions significantly lower parasitaemias than those
(vaccination, chemotherapy, etc.) are not with delayed response, and they recovered
required once the transgenic animal is earlier (Chin et al., 2004a).
produced. The immune system can be Fish that recover from the disease are
relied on to effectively control the infection protected, and their antisera contain agglu-
since there is no clinical disease in the tinating, neutralizing and complement-
animal. fixing antibodies (e.g. Sitja-Bobadilla and
82 P.T.K. Woo

Fig. 3.27. Neutrophils from peripheral blood of Atlantic salmon (× 400): (a) one normal (inactivated) cell –
absence of formazan after in vitro exposure to nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) dye; (b) two activated cells –
presence of formazan after in vitro exposure to NBT (original; courtesy of Adrian Chin).

Fig. 3.28. (a) Parasitaemia (± SE) and antibody titre (OD492 ± SE) in Atlantic salmon after being inoculated
with the live Cryptobia salmositica vaccine; (b) percentage of activated peripheral phagocytes (± SE) in the
blood of Atlantic salmon after being vaccinated with the Cryptobia salmositica vaccine – an asterisk
indicates a significant difference (P < 0.05) in percentage of activated phagocytes between vaccinated and
naïve groups (from Chin and Woo, 2005; courtesy of Parasitology Research).
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 83

Woo, 1994; Li and Woo, 1995; Feng and parasites (Woo, 1979). This was confirmed
Woo, 1997a, 1998c; Ardelli and Woo, 2002; under in vitro conditions with macrophages
Mehta and Woo, 2002). Intraperitoneal from the head kidneys in both vaccinated
implantation of cortisol lowers antibody and recovered fish (Li and Woo, 1995).
production and this increases parasitaemia Adoptive transfer of leucocytes and plasma
in rainbow trout. The mortality of infected from immune fish conferred partial protec-
cortisol-implanted fish is higher than in tion in naïve fish (Jones and Woo, 1987).
infected fish or uninfected cortisol- Cell-mediated responses to the parasite were
implanted fish (Woo et al., 1987). Also, both demonstrated using delayed-type hypersensi-
antisera from recovered fish and the tivity and macrophage inhibition migration
monoclonal antibody mAb-001 are thera- tests (Thomas and Woo, 1990a), and
peutic and prophylactic against the parasite enumeration of lymphocyte numbers in
in fish (Feng and Woo, 1997b). Titres of intact and thymectomized rainbow trout
complement-fixing antibodies in recovered (Feng and Woo, 1996a). Also, activities of
and vaccinated fish rise significantly after circulating lymphocytes (T cells and B
C. salmositica challenge (e.g. Li and Woo, cells) in infected Atlantic salmon were
1995; Ardelli and Woo, 1997, 2002; Feng depressed until about 4 wpi. In fish
and Woo, 1998c; Mehta and Woo, 2002), injected with the C. salmositica vaccine, the
and this classical anamnesis response also humoral response (i.e. B-lymphocytes) was
confirms that the protection is in part due to greater than the cell-mediated response (i.e.
humoral response in recovered and vacci- T-lymphocytes), and this was the reverse in
nated fish. fish infected with the pathogen (Ardelli and
As indicated earlier, mAb-001 pro- Woo, 2002). Respiratory burst activities of
duced against a 200 kDa epitope (Feng and macrophages from infected rainbow trout
Woo, 1996b) inhibits the activities of cys- were significantly higher than those in vac-
teine and metalloproteases (Zuo et al., cinated fish. However, this response from
1997). The antibody also inhibits parasite vaccinated fish rose rapidly after parasite
multiplication and oxygen consumption challenge and was comparable to that in
(Hontzeas et al., 2001), agglutinates the infected fish (Mehta and Woo, 2002). This
parasite, does not fix complement, but is is also a classical anamnesis response.
protective when injected into fish (Feng Infected fish lost their infections or
and Woo, 1997b). there was no mortality when the water
Thymectomy in adult rainbow trout does temperature was raised to 20°C (Woo et al.,
not decrease production of complement- 1983; Bower and Margolis, 1985). Woo
fixing antibody in infected and vaccinated (1987a) suggested that modification(s) of
fish in long-term study. However, it reduces this approach might be useful for protect-
protective antibody production in short- ing fish. Bower and Evelyn (1988) con-
term thymectomized fish (Feng and Woo, firmed that infected juvenile sockeye
1997a). Parasitaemias and the production of salmon acclimated to 20°C survived, while
complement-fixing antibodies in thymec- all infected fish maintained at 10°C died
tomized and intact rainbow trout (injected from the disease. Also, 60 of temperature-
with rabbit anti-thymocyte serum (RATS) acclimatized infected fish survived a para-
before Cryptobia infection) are not signifi- site challenge at 10°C, while 95 of infected
cantly different from those in control fish naïve fish died.
(infected but not injected with RATS). Both
groups acquire protection on recovery.
Vaccine and vaccination
RATS is not cytotoxic to B-like cells and
thus the protective antigen(s) on C. salmo- LIVE VACCINE. As indicated earlier, C. salmo-
sitica is thymus independent (Feng and sitica has been attenuated under in vitro
Woo, 1998c). conditions (Woo and Li, 1990). The vaccine
Peritoneal macrophages in ascites fluid strain (Fig. 3.21) is smaller, it has lost
of infected rainbow trout contain engulfed polypeptide bands and some of the
84 P.T.K. Woo

remaining bands are antigenically different. injected with the DNA vaccine were consis-
The vaccine strain also multiplies much tently more anaemic than controls at
more readily than the pathogenic strain in 2–5 wpv, and agglutinating antibodies
tissue-culture medium (Woo and Thomas, against Cryptobia were detected in the
1991, 1992). It was used as an experimental blood of vaccinated fish at 5–7 wpv. Also,
vaccine in many species of salmonids, and vaccinated fish consistently had lower para-
all vaccinated fish were protected from dis- sitaemias, delayed peak parasitaemia and
ease when challenged with the pathogen faster recovery (Tan, 2005). Antibodies from
(e.g. Ardelli and Woo, 1995, 1997, 2002; Li vaccinated fish also agglutinated a taxonomi-
and Woo, 1995; Staines and Woo, 1997; cally unrelated pathogen (Spironucleus)
Feng and Woo, 1998c; Mehta and Woo, from chinook salmon (C.W. Tan and P.T.K.
2002). Rainbow trout vaccinated in fresh Woo, unpublished). This cross-reaction
water and transferred to sea water were also indicates that the Cryptobia DNA vaccine
protected (Li and Woo, 1997). may have the potential to be a broad-spec-
A single dose of the vaccine protected trum vaccine. Further careful studies are
rainbow trout for at least 24 months. The required to follow up on this suggestion.
titres of complement-fixing antibodies in
vaccinated fish rose significantly after chal-
Immunodepression and anorexia
lenge. This is a classic secondary response.
Under in vitro conditions, activated macro- C. salmositica depresses the piscine immune
phages from head kidneys of vaccinated fish system during the acute phase of the disease.
showed both antibody-independent and Production of antibodies to sheep red cells
antibody-dependent cytotoxicity. Also, in and Yersinia ruckeri were depressed in
the presence of antisera, the macrophages infected trout (Wehnert and Woo, 1981;
were very efficient in engulfing living para- Jones et al., 1986; Sin and Woo, 1993). Jones
sites. They were significantly more efficient et al. (1986) showed that Cryptobia-infected
than activated macrophages with sera from trout exposed to Y. ruckeri suffered higher
naïve fish or macrophages from naïve fish mortality than fish infected with either
with antisera (Li and Woo, 1995). pathogen. When Cryptobia-infected fish that
Humoral and cell-mediated immunity were earlier exposed to Yersinia were
are important components of the protection re-exposed to the bacteria, they were as sus-
in fish against cryptobiosis (e.g. Thomas ceptible as fish that did not have prior expo-
and Woo, 1990a; Li and Woo, 1995; Feng sure to the bacterium.
and Woo, 1996a; Ardelli and Woo, 2002; Anorexia contributes to humoral
Mehta and Woo, 2002). immunodepression in infected trout
(Thomas and Woo, 1992b); however, as indi-
DNA VACCINE. Pathogens usually change cated earlier, it is also beneficial to infected
their surface epitopes to evade the immune fish as it lowers the plasma proteins and sub-
response; consequently, a surface epitope- sequently the severity of the infection
based vaccine generally does not protect (Li and Woo, 1991). In infected rainbow
against all isolates of the pathogen. How- trout, the haemolytic levels of complement
ever, an enzyme-based vaccine will proba- are about 20% of pre-infected levels and
bly be more protective because it is unlikely this persists throughout the infection
that enzymes are significantly different (Thomas and Woo, 1989b). Low complement
between isolates. Also, antibodies against decreases phagocytic activity and antigen
an enzyme-based vaccine may inhibit the presentation by macrophages and hence may
enzymatic activity in taxonomically unre- contribute to immunodepression. Further
lated pathogens; thus a specific but broad- studies are needed to elucidate the mecha-
spectrum vaccine. A recombinant protein of nism in immunodepression and the factors
the 200 kDa metalloprotease of C. salmo- that contribute to it.
sitica and a recombinant metalloprotease Anorexia was evident at 3 wpi in juve-
DNA vaccine have been produced. Trout nile trout at 10°C and peaked at 4 wpi,
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 85

which coincided with peak parasitaemias. P.F. Chapman (1993, personal communica-
However, at 5°C anorexia was at 5 wpi and tion) described outbreaks of the disease in
was most severe at 7 wpi, with peak para- chinook salmon in hatcheries in Washington
sitaemia at 8 wpi. Before the onset of State, which began in December 1992 and
anorexia, there were no significant correla- peaked in February 1993. Infected fish had
tions between mean share of meal and coef- the typical clinical signs (anaemia, sple-
ficient of variation in feeding but these nomegaly, ascites) of the disease, and
became significant during anorexia. Fish on 65,000 fish were involved, with peak mor-
an anorexic diet (pair-fed to infected fish) tality of 0.1% per day in February. In one
responded well at 10°C to C. salmositica hatchery the mortality of chinook brood-
vaccine and this could partly be because of stock was about 50%. He noted that cryp-
constant antigenic stimulation by the live tobiosis had occurred in the same
vaccine (Chin et al., 2004b) compared with hatcheries in the past but was not as severe.
earlier studies (Wehnert and Woo, 1981; Cryptobiosis also causes mortality in
Jones et al., 1986; Sin and Woo, 1993). sexually mature salmon. Significant mortal-
ities were associated with post-spawning
rainbow trout and pre-spawning chinook
Effects of salmonid cryptobiosis on salmon in North America (Wales and Wolf,
fish production 1955; P.F. Chapman, 1993, personal com-
munication) and pre-spawning pink salmon
The parasite is a lethal pathogen of salmon (O. gorbuscha) in the former Soviet Union
in semi-natural and intensive salmon cul- (Makeyeva, 1956). Wales and Wolf (1955)
ture facilities on the Pacific coast of North suggested that many post-spawning trout in
America (Bower and Thompson, 1987). a hatchery in California died from a com-
The prevalence of the parasite in down- bined effect of Cryptobia and Saprolegnia
stream migrants of Pacific salmon ranged parasitica. Makeyeva (1956) concluded that
from 3% to 21% in some streams (Becker heavy Cryptobia infection was the cause of
and Katz, 1966). Experimental studies pre-spawning mortality of pink salmon in a
showed that infected pre-smolt salmon tributary of the Amur River. She found
retained their infection when transferred lower numbers of parasites in fish that had
to salt water and mortality was not reduced spawned and assumed that the fish were
when fish were in sea water (Bower and infected just before spawning and hence
Margolis, 1985). Consequently, the disease were able to spawn successfully.
may be quite a significant cause of fish Currie (2004) showed experimentally
mortality in the sea; however, no field stud- that spawning female rainbow trout were
ies have been conducted to validate this much more susceptible (significantly higher
suggestion. parasitaemias) than sexually mature males.
There were serious outbreaks of the All infected females had exophthalmia,
disease in juvenile salmon in hatcheries while none of the males had this clinical
(fresh water) in Washington State, USA. sign. Also, most infected females with eggs
These include three separate outbreaks in died before or shortly after spawning and
chinook salmon in three localities in 1972 none of the infected males died. Infected
and 1973 (Wood, 1979). The fish had mas- males initially increased milt production
sive numbers of Cryptobia in their blood, and sperm concentration; however, this
they were anaemic and lethargic and some declined as the disease progressed. There
had abdominal distension and generalized were no differences in survival and weights
oedema. Parasites were on the body surface between progeny of uninfected females
and in abdominal fluid in fish with acute fertilized by sperm from infected and unin-
disease. There was a substantial loss of juve- fected males. Further experimental studies
nile chinook salmon, while coho salmon should be conducted to better under-
of the same age in the same or adjacent stand the conditions (e.g. susceptibility
ponds were unaffected. More recently, to secondary infections) that contribute to
86 P.T.K. Woo

mortality of infected fish during their salmon is morphologically similar to C.

reproductive state. salmositica from Pacific salmon (P.T.K.
Some adult Pacific salmon had detect- Woo, unpublished). Cross-transmission and
able infections as early as 5 days after they other studies (e.g. antigenic, immunologi-
returned to fresh water (in November) in the cal, molecular) would have to be conducted
Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. to better characterize and identify the
Parasitaemias were very high in the fish at parasite from Caspian salmon.
spawning, and many fish died before they The most recent outbreak of the disease
spawned (Bower and Margolis, 1984b). In in spring chinook salmon brood stock was
the Soleduck hatchery (Washington State, in a hatchery on the Rogue River in Oregon,
USA), about 50% of spring chinook salmon USA (C. Banner, 2004, personal communi-
broodstock brought in from streams annu- cation). Mortality due to cryptobiosis was
ally die from cryptobiosis (L. Peck, 1994, over 50% and moribund fish had a massive
personal communication). number of parasites in the blood (Fig. 3.29).
In 1996 there was a severe outbreak of No leeches were found on infected fish and
cryptobiosis in Caspian salmon (S. trutta total mortality was similar in male and
caspius), Ardon hatchery, Republic of female fish.
North Osetia-Alania, Russia (P. Golovin, Outbreaks of the disease caused by
personal communication). Very little is C. salmositica have also occurred in fish
known about this Cryptobia (e.g. specific held in sea cages. In 1997 the parasite
identification, its vector, geographical dis- caused significant morbidity and mortality
tribution, reservoir host), other than the fact in smolts and pre-harvest chinook salmon
that massive numbers of parasites were in in a hatchery on Vancouver Island, Canada.
the blood and clinical signs were similar to There was a small mortality spike (about
those of cryptobiosis in Oncorhynchus spp. 1%) in post-smolts in the first 10–15 weeks
The pathogenic flagellate from Caspian after transfer to salt water. Re-emergence of

Fig. 3.29. Blood smear from a sexually mature spring chinook salmon naturally infected with Cryptobia
salmositica (courtesy of Craig Banner, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, USA).
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 87

the disease as a significant cause of morbid- varied greatly (3–21%) between streams
ity and mortality occurred later in the pre- and years. Fingerlings had detectable infec-
harvest fish. According to hatchery manage- tions in the autumn and winter. The para-
ment, the outbreak was confined to fish site was also in downstream migrants
exposed to unfiltered surface water and did (normally 1-year-old fish) in early spring.
not appear to be linked to handling of fish. Wood (1979) had found Cryptobia in coho
Also, mortality seemed to be associated and chinook salmon less than 60 days old.
with age and major stressors, such as The torrent sculpin (Cottus rhotheus) is
harassment by marine mammals. Another considered the principal reservoir host of
outbreak in the pre-harvest chinook salmon the pathogen. This will have to be con-
occurred in the same hatchery in 2001. firmed with laboratory studies. Becker and
Cryptobia was found in large numbers in Katz (1966) found the parasite in 60% of
the blood and ascites fluid of moribund sculpins between April 1961 and October
fish, and clinical signs (e.g. exophthalmia, 1962 in Oregon. The prevalence (27%) was
anaemia, anorexia) were evident in many lowest in small fish (< 65 mm); however,
fish. Fish mortality varied between cages the parasitaemia was highest in small fish
and ranged from 3.3% to 24.9%. Briefly, the and it decreased in larger fish. In British
parasite was detected in the blood of some Columbia the prevalence in sculpins (Cottus
fish (while fish were in fresh water in the aleuticus) ranged from 8 to 95% between
hatchery) before they were transferred to September 1981 and September 1982 (Bower
sea cages in August–September 1999. Para- and Margolis, 1984b). In small sculpins
sites from moribund fish in sea cages are (< 40 mm) the prevalence was low between
morphologically similar to C. salmositica, August and November and highest in April.
and cause clinical disease in experimen- This seasonal trend was seen in large scul-
tally infected rainbow trout. Also, the pins (> 40 mm) and their prevalence was
C. salmositica vaccine protects fish from higher than that in small fish.
two of these isolates (M. Eldridge and
P.T.K. Woo, unpublished). It is suggested
here that the outbreak in sea cages was initi- Chemotherapy and immunochemotherapy
ated because of relapse in some infected
fish (possibly due to ‘stress’), and the patho- There have been extensive studies on the
gen was rapidly transmitted directly to chemotherapy of pathogenic mammalian
other fish during weighing and grading trypanosomes (e.g. Peregrine, 1990); how-
when fish were brought into direct contact. ever, little is known about the effectiveness
of drugs on Cryptobia. Trypanosoma and
Cryptobia are related but many trypanocidal
Epizootiology of salmonid cryptobiosis drugs (e.g. suramin, berenil and antrycide)
have no detectable in vitro effects on
The prevalence of C. salmositica in salmon C. salmositica (P.T.K. Woo, unpublished).
returning to fresh water to spawn was low Although a combination of antibiotics (peni-
in September but increased to about 100% cillin, streptomycin and amphotericin B)
in December and January. Also, returning affects the in vitro viability of C. salmositica
salmon had detectable infections within in cultures, it does not seem to affect try-
5 days in fresh water and the longer fish panosomes. However, the antibiotic combi-
were in fresh water the higher were their nation does not have a therapeutic effect in
parasitaemias (Bower and Margolis, 1984b). rainbow trout with cryptobiosis (Thomas
These increases were assumed to be related and Woo, 1991). Similar results were
to increased numbers of leeches in the obtained when cultures of newly isolated
streams in November (Becker and Katz, C. salmositica were exposed to a similar
1965b, 1966; Bower and Margolis, 1984b). combination of antibiotics. Amphotericin B
Becker and Katz (1966) found that the is the main cryptobiocidal factor in the anti-
prevalence of the parasite in young salmon biotic combination (Chapman, 1994).
88 P.T.K. Woo

Crystal violet, a triphenylmethane dye, (Fig. 3.30). In vitro oxygen consumption

is trypanocidal and it is routinely added to and carbon dioxide production decrease
the blood in many South American blood significantly after drug exposure (Fig. 3.31),
banks to prevent transmission of T. cruzi in with a very significant increase in the
blood transfusions (Docampo et al., 1988; secretion of glycolytic products (lactate
Docampo and Moreno, 1990). Crystal violet and pyruvate) as the parasite switches from
is also effective against C. salmositica under aerobic respiration to glycolysis after its
in vitro conditions (Ardelli and Woo, 1998). mitochondria are damaged by the drug
Low concentrations of the dye inhibit mul- (Ardelli and Woo, 2001a). Also, in vitro
tiplication of C. salmositica, lower its exposure to sublethal levels of the drug
infectivity to fish and cause ultrastructural reduces infectivity of the parasite to fish
lesions on mitochondrial and nuclear mem- and changes the surface glycoprotein
branes. However, the therapeutic dose antibody-receptor sites of the parasite.
causes high fish mortality (74%) in juvenile This alteration of surface epitopes explains
rainbow trout (B.F. Ardelli and P.T.K. Woo, the protection of some parasites from
unpublished). lysis by complement-fixing antibodies
Isometamidium chloride (Samorin) when rainbow trout with acute infections
also lyses C. salmositica under in vitro con- were treated with the drug (Ardelli and
ditions. It is widely used against trypano- Woo, 1999). Further work is needed to
somiasis in domestic animals (Kinabo better understand the drug–pathogen
et al., 1989), and is used as a prophylactic interactions.
drug against bovine trypanosomiasis In general, chemotherapy is selective
(Kinabo and Bogan, 1987). In fish, Samorin toxicity. Woo (1995) suggested that conju-
(1.0 mg/kg weight) injected intramuscu- gation of a drug to a parasite-specific anti-
larly reaches a peak level in the blood of body would reduce the amount of drug
salmon 2–3 weeks after intramuscular required for effective treatment. This
injection (Ardelli and Woo, 2000). The drug approach would significantly increase the
is therapeutic against C. salmositica in cost of treatment and it was expected that
rainbow trout during pre- and post-clinical it would not be used routinely. Advan-
phases of the disease. It is not effective tages associated with using less drug
during acute disease as the drug ‘modifies’ would include reduced side effects due to
surface epitopes of the parasite so that they chemotherapy and accumulation of drug
are not lysed by complement-fixing anti- residues in host tissues. It also lowers the
bodies (Ardelli and Woo, 1999). However, risk of the development of drug resistance
it is more effective in infected Atlantic by the pathogen. Reduced accumulation
salmon, and at a higher dose (2.5 mg/kg) of the drug residue in host tissues is an
the infection is eliminated in about 30% important consideration if the fish are for
of adult fish and it significantly reduces consumption.
the parasitaemias in remaining fish. Ardelli and Woo (2001d) conjugated
Also, all infected juvenile chinook salmon isometamidium to polyclonal antibodies
treated with isometamidium (1.0 mg/kg) at and mAb-001. The conjugated drug is on
2–3 wpi survived the disease, while 100% the entire parasite while the unconjugated
of untreated infected fish died. The drug drug accumulates in the kinetoplast. Before
also has prophylactic value, and it does not drug conjugation both antibodies aggluti-
affect fish growth, food consumption, nate living parasites but they react differ-
blood complement levels or haematocrit ently after drug conjugation. Conjugated
values in fish (Ardelli and Woo, 2001b). polyclonal antibodies lyse the parasite under
Under in vitro conditions the drug in vitro conditions but parasites are no lon-
accumulates rapidly in the kinetoplast of ger agglutinated. In contrast, the conjugated
the parasite and causes condensation of its mAb-001 does not lyse C. salmositica but
kinetoplast DNA, formation of vacuoles agglutinates it. After in vitro exposure to the
and swelling of mitochondrial cristae drug–polyclonal antibody conjugate, the
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 89

Fig. 3.30. Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production by Cryptobia salmositica after
in vitro exposure to isometamidium chloride (from Ardelli and Woo, 2001a; courtesy of Journal of

infectivity of the parasite and subsequent height of parasitaemias and duration of

parasitaemia were significantly lowered. infections (Steinhagen et al., 1989a), as
Also, survival was higher in chinook was also shown in salmonid cryptobiosis
salmon infected with the drug–antibody (Woo et al., 1983). Also, the C. borreli
conjugate-exposed parasite. These results infection lasted 20 weeks in fish kept at
are encouraging and further studies are 20°C and it was shortened to 12 weeks at
needed to refine the approach. 30°C (Steinhagen et al., 1989a).
Keysselitz (1906) indicated that post-
spawning cyprinids were more suscepti-
ble to the parasite than sexually mature
Fish–C. borreli relationships
fish. Effects of C. borreli on pre- and post-
spawning cyprinids need to be examined
Route and course of infection
more closely.
The parasite multiplies rapidly after infec-
tion and this is followed by its elimination
Pathology and mortality
from peripheral blood (Steinhagen et al.,
1989a; Jones et al., 1993). Water tempera- Infected fish are anaemic (Lom, 1979;
tures affected the length of prepatent periods, Steinhagen et al., 1990; Jones et al., 1993),
90 P.T.K. Woo

Fig. 3.31. Micro-lesions in Cryptobia salmositica (transmission electron microscopy) after in vitro exposure
to isometamidium chloride: (a) normal kinetoplast – not exposed to Samorin; (b) condensation of DNA in
kinetoplast after exposure to Samorin; (c) vacuole formation in kinetoplast after drug exposure;
(d) swelling of cristae after exposure to Samorin; (e) vacuole formation in cytoplasm after drug exposure
(V, vacuole; C, cristae; K, kinetoplast) (from Ardelli and Woo, 2001a; courtesy of Journal of Parasitology).

and the anaemia is associated with high Parasites are located extra- and intra-
parasitaemia and is absent in the blood of vascularly in goldfish. The intercellular
recovered fish. The kinetics and mechanism spaces in fat cells are dilated and are often
of the anaemia are not well studied but it is full of flagellates. Diffused degenerative
presumed that they are similar to those in changes and glomerulitis and tubulo-
salmonid cryptobiosis. The numbers of nephrosis occur in the kidneys. Also, foci of
granuloblasts and granulocytes in carp necrotic tissues are obvious in livers (Dykova
increased after infection and peaked at and Lom, 1979; Bunnajirakul et al., 2000).
44 days (Steinhagen et al., 1990). Cytopathological lesions are obvious in
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 91

renal tubule epithelium cells early after important factor. Lom (1979) indicated that
infection. As the infection progresses, there mortality was 40–80% in first-year carp
is loss of basilar invaginations with swell- and this was reduced significantly in older
ing of mitochondria and deterioration on carp.
mitochondrial internal membrane. Cells of
the distal tubule are affected earlier than
those of the proximal tubule. The cytologi-
cal changes suggest loss of functions, which INNATE IMMUNITY. Non-specific antibodies
will probably lead to ionic and osmo- are produced soon after C. borreli infection,
regulatory problems (Rudat et al., 2000). and an in vitro study on carp phagocytes
The infection destroys about 40% of suggests that there is a mechanism that may
nephric tubules, and infected fish excrete limit the multiplication of the parasite prior
more electrolytes in their urine than unin- to the production of specific antibodies
fected carp. Uninfected carp normally excrete (Saeij et al., 2003b). It seems that there is a
highly diluted urine (about 10% plasma heat-labile fraction of the pathogen which,
osmolarity). As the infection progresses, the together with CpG motifs in the DNA of
osmolarity increases to about 26% plasma C. borreli, induces the production of nitric
osmolarity, with increased Na+ ions (Meyer oxide and also probably the inflammatory
et al., 2002). Consequently, destruction of cytokines tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a
excretory renal structures leads to severe and interleukin (IL)-1b.
effects on osmoregulation in infected carp,
and this, together with a decrease in oxygen ACQUIRED (ADAPTIVE) IMMUNITY. Infected gold-
supply due to the anaemia and occlusions fish that survive an infection are protected
of capillaries with parasites, contributes to (Lom, 1979). Sera from recovered fish agglu-
fish mortality. tinate C. borreli (Scharsack et al., 2004) and
Nitric oxide is detrimental to the host parasites are lysed by complement-fixing
tissues. Phagocytic cells from organs in antibodies in sera from immune fish (Saeij
infected carp produced nitric oxide and this et al., 2003b; Scharsack et al., 2004). Infected
increased nitrate levels in the serum. Host carp rapidly produced antibodies in the
survival was higher if infected carp were first 4 weeks of infection (Jones et al., 1993),
treated with aminoguanidine, an inducible peak antibody production coincided with
nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (Saeij et al., decline in parasitaemia and most fish
2002). The high amount of nitric oxide pro- recovered 8–12 weeks after infection.
duced by leukocytes in infected carp did Recovered fish were protected from chal-
not affect parasite survival but it might lenge. Immunosuppressive agents signifi-
interfere with the coordinated defensive cantly increased parasitaemias in carp,
response of activated cells in the carp which resulted in high fish mortalities
(Scharsack et al., 2003a). Also, C. borreli (Steinhagen et al., 1989b).
was not sensitive to responses of activated Daily handling stress increased sus-
neutrophils from head kidneys of infected ceptibility of carp to C. borreli, and in vitro
carp. The parasite probably interfered with studies showed that cortisol suppressed
the production of immunological signals of Cryptobia-induced expression of IL-1b,
these cells, and this probably resulted in TNF-a, serum amyloid A and nitric oxide
immunodepression, which favoured para- synthase (Saeij et al., 2003a). Macrophage-
site survival in infected fish (Scharsack depleted carp infected with the parasite did
et al., 2003b). not have lethal parasitaemias but had lethal
C. borreli killed 56–80% of experi- bacteraemias. Those fish that survived were
mentally infected goldfish (Lom, 1979). protected when challenged with C. borreli
As in C. salmositica infections, mortality (Saeij et al., 2003c). Infected outbred carp
due to C. borreli is also probably related responded with the production of specific
to the size of the inoculum and water antibodies, while the highly susceptible
temperature. Age seems to be another isogenic hybrid carp did not. This suggests
92 P.T.K. Woo

a relationship between susceptibility and flounder in Chesapeake Bay, USA, are com-
antibody production (Wiegertjes et al., monly infected with the parasite.
1995). Sera from carp that were highly sus-
ceptible to the pathogen did not have anti-
bodies (either to agglutinate or to lyse the Parasite morphology
parasite); however, peripheral leukocytes
from these carp and more resistant carp Specimens from air-dried smears are longer
responded equally well to mitogenic and more slender than those that are wet-
stimulation (Scharsack et al., 2004). The fixed in osmic vapour (Strout, 1965). The
mechanism of non-responsiveness to the following description is based on stained
pathogen in highly susceptible carp needs air-dried specimens: body length 17.6
further elucidation. (12.5–23.1) µm; body width 2.7 (1.2–4.5) µm;
anterior flagellum 13.1 (8.3–19.1) µm; pos-
terior free flagellum 8.5 (4.4–15.7) µm; length
Cryptobiosis in marine fish of kinetoplast 3.3 (1.7–5.5) µm; width of
kineoplast 1.1 (0.6–2.0) µm; length of nucleus
C. bullocki causes disease and mortality in 3.4 (1.8–6.8) µm; anterior of nucleus to
marine fishes. The parasite is transmitted anterior end 4.2 (0.9–6.3) µm; and anterior
by blood-sucking leeches. It is readily cul- of kinetoplast to anterior end 1.5 (0.1–4.6) µm.
tured in MEM at 15°C and culture forms The cytoplasm is alveolar and darkly
are infective to fish (E.M. Burreson, 1993, stained chromatin granules are often seen
personal communication). The various diag- in the posterior part of the body.
nostic procedures developed for C. salmo-
sitica can easily be adapted for use with
C. bullocki. Geographical distribution of
the leech vector

Geographical distribution of The marine leech, Calliobdella vivida, is the

parasite and host range vector. It is not host specific and is found on
fish in estuaries or near the coast from New-
C. bullocki was described from the blood of foundland to the northern Gulf of Mexico. It
winter flounders (P. americanus) in New is present in autumn, winter and spring
Hampshire, USA (Strout, 1965). It is found (Sawyer et al., 1975; Appy and Dadswell,
in estuarine and inshore fishes along the 1981; Madill, 1988).
Atlantic coast of North America (from
New Brunswick to Georgia) and also in the
northern Gulf of Mexico (Strout, 1965; Laird Life cycle and transmission of C. bullocki
and Bullock, 1969; Daily, 1978; Newman,
1978; Becker and Overstreet, 1979; Burreson C. bullocki rounds up at 10°C and starts to
and Zwerner, 1982). The parasite is common divide within 24 h in the crop of the leech.
in flounders (prevalence from 70 to 100%) Slender forms appear about 4 days later,
that use estuaries as nursery grounds. These concentrate in the anterior part of the
include winter and summer flounders crop and are in the proboscis sheath a day
(P. americanus and Paralichthys dentatus) later. Water temperatures affect the rate of
along the Atlantic coast, and southern floun- development in the leech – at 20°C flagel-
der (Paralichthys lethostigma), hogchoker lates are in the proboscis sheath in 24 h,
(Trinectes maculatus) and croaker (Micro- while their appearance is delayed to 10
pogonias undulatus) on the southern Atlantic days at 5°C. Infected leeches still have
coast to the northern Gulf of Mexico. Also, flagellates in their proboscis sheaths even
the smooth flounder (Liopsetta putnami) in after three consecutive feedings on unin-
New England and hogchoker and summer fected fish (Burreson, 1982a).
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 93

Fish–C. bullocki relationships may also be present. The parasite is also in

the submucosa of the gut and liver. The
Clinical signs and pathology glomeruli are congested and there are focal
glomerular lesions in the kidneys (Newman,
The disease develops slowly in summer
flounders and clinical signs include anae-
mia, splenomegaly, exophthalmia, sluggish-
ness and abdominal distension with ascites
(Fig. 3.32) (Burreson, 1982b; Burreson and Complement-fixing antibody against the
Zwerner, 1984). Clinical disease is evident parasite was detected in experimentally and
in experimentally infected juvenile summer naturally infected summer flounders kept at
flounders at 5 wpi and fish are normally 24°C and 10–22°C, respectively (Sypek and
dead at 11 wpi. Burreson, 1983). Cell-mediated immunity
Ascites and haemorrhaging in the ven- seemed to be more important than anti-
tral musculature are evident in about 5 wpi bodies at temperatures below 12°C. It was
(Burreson, 1982b; Burreson and Zwerner, suggested that antibodies were responsible
1984). In acute infections, the parasite occurs for the recovery in fish and the decrease in
extravascularly and is in haemopoietic prevalence of the disease in the spring.
organs and interstitial adipose tissues. Sypek and Howe (1985), after studying natu-
Necrotic foci are in the liver, with diffuse rally infected fish, suggested that tempera-
necrosis throughout the spleen. Ulcerative ture would not be the only regulating factor.
and haemorrhagic lesions in the abdominal A naturally infected fish that had
cavity, oedema, haemorrhage and necrosis recovered from the infection for at least
of the intestine and oedema of the stomach 1 year was immune to challenge. Its

Fig. 3.32. Severe ascites in juvenile flounder experimentally infected with Cryptobia bullocki: three views
of the same infected fish (from Burreson and Zwerner, 1984; courtesy of Dr E.M. Burreson).
94 P.T.K. Woo

antibody titre rose rapidly after challenge species of piscine trypanosomes have been
(Burreson and Frizzell, 1986). This indi- described and host specificity of the vast
cates immunological memory and the study majority of species is not known. Some spe-
should be repeated with experimentally cies are monomorphic while others are
infected fish (Woo, 1987a). pleomorphic. It is likely that many of the
species are invalid; however, this can only
be confirmed after careful experimental
Epizootiology of flatfish cryptobiosis studies (Woo, 1994). Piscine trypanosomes
are always transmitted by leeches and most
According to Burreson (Chapter 15), the species are not known to cause disease
prevalence of C. bullocki is low in migrating and/or mortality in the host; hence they
fishes in Chesapeake Bay because they are will not be discussed in the present review.
exposed to leeches for only short periods.
They migrate out of the bay as leeches hatch
and re-enter the bay as adult leeches are TRYPANOSOMIASIS IN FRESHWATER FISH
dying. However, resident fishes (hogchoker,
oyster toadfish and juvenile summer floun- Geographical distribution and host range
ders) have high prevalence because they are
exposed to leeches throughout winter, and Trypanosoma danilewskyi was first des-
mortality of juvenile summer flounders is cribed from the blood of the common carp
highest when the water temperature is low (C. carpio) in Europe (Laveran and Mesnil,
(0.5–1.5°C). Infected fish with ascites brought 1904). The parasite has since been found in
into the laboratory died within 2–6 weeks at carp, goldfish (C. auratus), tench (Tinca
5°C. However, if they were maintained at tinca) and eel (Anguilla sp.) in Europe
10°C and 13°C, the ascites disappeared and (Thompson, 1908; Pavlovskii, 1964; Lom,
the fish survived the disease (Burreson and 1973) and in Saccobranchus fossilis in
Zwerner, 1984). India (Qadri, 1962). The parasite is not host
Burreson (1982b) found the parasite in specific and is infective when inoculated
about 100% of juvenile summer flounders in experimentally into Barbus conhus, Danio
the autumn in lower Chesapeake Bay. Dead malabaricus, C. commersoni, Notropis cor-
flounders (with clinical signs) were seen and nutus, Etheostoma caeruleum and Ictalurus
also the number of juvenile flounders caught nebulosus (Woo and Black, 1984).
decreased rapidly through the winter. Infec- T. danilewskyi-like trypanosomes have
ted juvenile flounders from warmer waters been isolated from numerous fish species
(8°C) did not have abdominal distension and from different localities. In vitro and
with ascites. Hence low water temperature in vivo studies (see below) clearly indicate
seems to be important in the development of that there are significant differences between
the disease and fish mortality. The higher the isolates, specifically in their nutritional
temperatures may enhance immunological requirements, cultural characteristics and
response and thus help to control the infec- changes in virulence (on subpassage in
tion. The precise role(s) temperature plays in fish). These are some of the reasons why
morbidity and mortality in infected fish this author believes that it is premature to
needs to be studied more closely. synonymize T. danilewskyi with Trypano-
soma carassii, as Lom and Dykova had
It is suggested here that the parasite is
Trypanosomiasis most probably a species complex, as was
shown with Ichthyobodo (see earlier section),
Introduction and that future biological studies should help
to establish the taxonomic status of the various
Trypanosomes usually have a free flagellum isolates. These should include developmental
at the anterior end (Fig. 3.33). About 190 (in the vector, in the fish host), antigenic (e.g.
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 95

Fig. 3.33. Trypanosoma danilewskyi in the blood of an experimentally infected goldfish: note the
monomorphic trypomastigotes, a non-nucleated abnormal form, and a pre-division stage with two
kinetoplasts, two free flagella and a nucleus (× 1150) (from Woo, 1981a; courtesy of Journal of

using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide distance from kinetoplast to middle of nucleus

gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), Western (KN) = 10.7 µm ± 2.69 (7.8–15.0); length of
immunoblots), cross-protection (e.g. using body (PA) = 21.2 µm ± 3.64 (15.6–24.9);
recovered fish, complement-fixing antibodies), length of free flagellum (AF) = 14.3 µm ± 2.30
molecular (e.g. using ssg-rDNA) and suscepti- (9.2–18.2); maximum body width excluding
bility (e.g. using genetically known carp undulating membrane (BW) = 2.3 µm ± 0.40
stocks) studies. (1.6–3.1).
Woo and Black (1984) showed that the
host fish significantly affects the morph-
Morphology and multiplication ometrics of the trypanosome. The PK, AF
and area of the nucleus are similar among
T. danilewskyi (Fig. 3.33) is a slender samples from the same species of fish host
monomorphic trypanosome and the follow- but differ significantly between samples
ing measurements are based on air-dried from five different host species.
blood smears. Specimens are from a gold- The ultrastructure of piscine trypano-
fish at 4 weeks after experimental infection somes is similar to that of mammalian tryp-
(Woo, 1981a). The strain was initially iso- anosomes. The surface coat of T. danilewskyi
lated from crucian carp (C. auratus gibelio) is fibrillar and thin and is morphologically
in the former Czechoslovakia by Dr J. Lom, similar to the stercorarian trypanosomes of
Institute of Parasitology, Czech Republic. mammals. The parasite has a well-developed
Morphometrics are based on 50 well-stained cytostome, which is located near the nucleus.
specimens: distance from posterior tip to Membrane-bound dense granules are in jux-
kinetoplast (PK) = 1.7 µm ± 0.61 (0.6–2.5); taposition to the cytopharyngeal tube (Lom
96 P.T.K. Woo

et al., 1980; Paulin et al., 1980) and the prom- In vitro culture of the parasite
inent nucleolus; and chromatin patches are
attached to the inner nuclear membrane T. danilewskyi was cultured and subcultured
(Paterson and Woo, 1984). at 25°C in diphasic blood agar. Infectivity
One of the major epitopes on the surface of cultures, which contained both epimas-
coat of blood trypomastigotes is a mucin-like tigotes and trypomastigotes, to goldfish
glycoprotein, which is the target of the decreased with subcultures. The exception
humoral response (Lischke et al., 2000). The was the ‘Ma’ strain, which was isolated
glycoprotein has a polypeptide backbone, from goldfish. It multiplied as trypo-
consisting of threonine, glycine, serine, mastigotes in diphasic medium and
alanine, valine and proline residues. Each retained its infectivity after a considerable
polypeptide is associated with carbohydrate number of in vitro subcultures (Lom and
chains composed of about 200 monosac- Suchankova, 1974).
charide units (galactose, N-acetylglucosamine, The parasite was also cultured at 25°C
xylose, sialic acid, fucose, mannose and with fish cells in Eagle’s MEM with 10%
arabinose), which are most probably O-linked bovine fetal or calf serum supplement
to hydroxyl amino acids. (Smolikova et al., 1977). It grew better with
The parasite multiplies rapidly by the addition of haemin (2 mg per 100 ml
binary fission in the blood (Woo, 1981a). of medium) and did not grow in the
The first division stage is the production medium without living cells. However,
of a new flagellum and this is followed another strain of T. danilewskyi was cul-
by division of the kinetoplast. The new tured and subcultured as trypomastigotes in
flagellum flips posteriorly, and along it MEM (with Hanks’s salts and L-glutamine,
new cytoplasm is produced or accumu- supplemented with 10% FBS) at 20°C with-
lated. The nucleus divides and one daugh- out fish cells (Islam and Woo, 1992). The
ter nucleus migrates posteriorly past the strain also multiplied rapidly as infective
two kinetoplasts. Body division is by trypomastigotes in a serum-free medium
transverse constriction at a point between (Wang and Belosevic, 1994a). It did not
the kinetoplasts. This division process grow in four other media, including
is different from the traditional longi- diphasic blood agar medium (SNB9) sup-
tudinal binary division of most other plemented with vitamins (Islam and Woo,
trypanosomes. 1992), but this medium combination sup-
ported growth of another strain (Skarlato
et al., 1987).
Development in the leech vector The in vitro division process of the
parasite (as trypomastigotes) is similar to
After ingestion with the blood meal, that in fish (see above) and the parasite in
T. danilewskyi develops in the leech MEM is always infective to goldfish (Islam
H. marginata (Robertson, 1911; Qadri, and Woo, 1992). The parasite multiplied
1962); the biology of the leech vector is in more readily in a medium supplemented
Chapter 15. Unequal division of trypo- with 10% fish serum (goldfish, carp or foil
mastigotes in the crop of the leech results in barb) than with mammalian serum (horse
tadpole-like epimastigotes. Sphaero- or fetal bovine) or no serum (Bienek and
mastigotes are also present but their signifi- Belosevic, 1997). Secretory products of
cance is not known. Epimastigotes divide cultured macrophage or fibroblast from
repeatedly by binary fission, with eventual goldfish significantly enhanced the multi-
appearance of slender metatrypanosomes. plication of T. danilewskyi in cultures
These migrate and accumulate in the pro- (Bienek and Belosevic, 1999). Overath et al.
boscis in about 10 days and may be present (1998) was also successful in cultivating
even several months after an infective blood infective trypanosomes using a modified
meal. Transmission to fish is presumed to MEM supplement with 5% heat inactivated
occur when infected leeches feed. FBS and 5% carp serum.
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 97

Host–parasite relationships Immunity

Goldfish that have recovered from acute
Course of infections and clinical signs
infections are protected on subsequent
The parasite multiplies rapidly in goldfish homologous challenge (Lom, 1973; Woo,
when they are kept at 20°C and more 1981b; Islam and Woo, 1991a; Overath et al.,
slowly at 30 or 10°C (Lom, 1973; Woo et al., 1999) and plasma from these immune fish
1983; Islam and Woo, 1992). The para- contains neutralizing antibodies (Woo, 1981b).
sitaemia increases after infection in fish Passive immunization with IgM purified
maintained at 20°C and starts to decline at from recovered fish confirms that the infec-
about 28 days after infection. These fish tion is controlled by antibodies (Overath
eventually recover from the infection and et al., 1999). The immunity is non-sterile as
are immune to homologous challenge (Woo, low numbers of parasites are in the blood of
1981b; Islam and Woo, 1991a; Overath recovered fish. Intraperitoneal injection of
et al., 1999). corticosteroid into recovered goldfish signif-
The parasite causes anorexia in experi- icantly increases the number of trypano-
mentally infected goldfish (Islam and Woo, somes in the peripheral blood of immune
1991c) and this is most evident during high fish (Islam and Woo, 1991a; Overath et al.,
parasitaemia. Fish that survive the disease 1999). Oestradiol can modulate the suscepti-
return to normal feeding. bility of infected goldfish. Oestradiol-
implanted fish had significantly higher
parasitaemias and mortality than sham-
Pathology and mortality operated fish. Also, mitogen-induced pro-
liferation of circulating lymphocytes from
T. danilewskyi also causes anaemia in gold-
oestradiaol-implanted fish was impaired
fish (Robertson, 1911; Dykova and Lom,
compared with those from sham-operated
1979; Islam and Woo, 1991b). As in
fish (Wang and Belosevic, 1994b). Excre-
salmonid cryptobiosis (see earlier section),
tory/secretory products from T. danilewskyi,
the severity of the anaemia in trypano-
when injected with Freund’s complete
somiasis is directly related to the number of
adjuvant, confer protection (Bienek et al.,
parasites in the blood, and it is also partly
2002). This is encouraging and protective
caused by a lytic factor and haemodilution
antigen(s) need further characterization.
(Islam and Woo, 1991b). The lytic factor(s)
As indicated earlier, cultured T. danil-
is secreted by living parasites and it lyses
ewskyi is infective to goldfish (Wang and
red cells in the absence of specific antibod-
Belosevic, 1994a) and it survives well
ies. It is likely that the mechanism of the
under in vitro conditions in normal goldfish
anaemia in trypanosomiasis is similar to
serum. However, if its surface proteins are
that in salmonid cryptobiosis and that the
removed, using trypsin, the parasite is lysed
virulent factor is a protease.
via the alternative pathway of complement
Mortality of infected goldfish is related
activation. The trypsinized parasite regains
to the size of the inoculum, and a small
its resistance to lysis after 24 h when cul-
inoculum produces low mortality (Woo,
tured in a trypsin-free medium (Plouffe and
1981b; Islam and Woo, 1991a). Infectivity
Belosevic, 2004). The significance of this is
and virulence of one parasite strain (iso-
not well understood.
lated from carp) increased on repeated
transfer in goldfish (Lom, 1979). However,
the virulence of two other strains of T.
danilewskyi (isolated from eels and tench) Diagnosis of infection
decreased on repeated transfer in goldfish.
No explanations were provided for the dif- During the acute phase of the disease, para-
ference and, since no experimental details sites are readily detected by examination of
were given, the study should be carefully a drop of freshly collected blood under the
repeated. light microscope. Taxonomic identification
98 P.T.K. Woo

of the parasite is best done with alcohol– shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius),
formalin-fixed blood smears stained with American plaice (Hippoglossoides plates-
Giemsa’s stain (Woo, 1969). The haematocrit soides), yellowtail flounder (Limanda fer-
centrifuge technique (Woo, 1969) can be ruginea) and winter flounder (P. americanus).
used to detect infections (e.g. early after
infection or in the chronic phase of the
infection), which are not usually detectable
Morphology and life cycle of parasite
using the wet-mount technique. There
are no serological techniques for piscine
trypanosomiasis; however, serodiagnostic
techniques developed for salmonid crypto- T. murmanensis (Fig. 3.34) is a pleomorphic
biosis (see earlier section) can easily be trypanosome with small, intermediate and
adapted for trypanosome infections. large forms (Khan, 1972, 1977a). The follow-
ing description is based on 50 stained
trypanosomes from naturally infected cod
TRYPANOSOMIASIS IN MARINE FISH (Khan, 1972). The nucleus and kinetoplast
are oval and six to eight longitudinal striations
Geographical distribution and host range are present in large specimens; PK = 9.1 µm
(6.0–14.0); KN = 32.9 µm (25.0–38.0); NA (dis-
Trypanosoma murmanensis (Fig. 3.34) was tance from middle of nucleus to anterior
initially described from cod (Gadus cal- end) = 34.6 µm (26.0–40.0); PA = 76.7 µm
larias) from the Barents Sea, Murmansk, in (57.0–92.0); AF = 6.9 µm (6.0–8.0). Measure-
the former USSR (Nikitin, 1927). It is com- ments of the trypanosome from other natu-
monly found in Atlantic cod (G. morhua) in rally infected fishes are somewhat different
coastal Newfoundland, Canada (Khan, (Khan, 1977a).
1972, 1986; Khan et al., 1980a). Natural
infections have also been detected in
Life cycle
Pleuronectiformes and Perciformes (Khan,
1977a; Khan et al., 1980b). The parasite multiplies as amastigotes and
The trypanosome is not host specific sphaeromastigotes in the digestive tract of
(Khan, 1977a; Khan et al., 1980b), and the marine leech Johanssonia arctica. The
experimentally infected fishes include the epimastigotes (presumed to have developed
American eel (Anguilla rostrata), Atlantic from sphaeromastigotes) migrate to the pro-
cod (G. morhua), tomcod (Microgadus tom- boscis of the leech, where they transform into
cod), cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus), infective metatrypanosomes and these are
striped wolffish (Anarhichas lupus), Vahl’s inoculated into fish when the leech feeds
eelpout (Lycodes vahlh), Arctic eelpout (Khan, 1976). The development is completed
(Lycodes reticulatus), oceanpout (Macro- in 62 days at 0–10°C and in 42 days at 4–6°C.
zoarces americanus), longhorn sculpin Small slender trypomastigotes appear
(Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus), in the blood of cod 3 days after infection.

Fig. 3.34. Drawings of small, intermediate and large forms of Trypanosoma murmanensis from the blood
of experimentally infected cod (from Khan, 1976; courtesy of Canadian Journal of Zoology).
Diplomonadida (Phylum Parabasalia) and Kinetoplastea (Phylum Euglenozoa) 99

They grow into large forms in 29–55 days. flounders kept at 0 to 1°C. Mortality ranged
The pleomorphic nature of the parasite is from about 7% in 3+-year to 65% in
more apparent as the parasitaemia starts to 0+-year cod. The mortality figures were
decline at about 29 days after infection similar in immature winter flounders
(Khan, 1976). (17–56%). Larger fish (presumably older)
were less susceptible and adult flounders
did not die from the infection (Khan, 1985).
Geographical distribution of leech vector

The vector of T. murmanensis is the marine Evidence of trypanosomiasis in

leech J. arctica. It is commonly found in the naturally infected fishes
Arctic seas and the north-western Atlantic,
where the water temperature is usually at There are several trypanosomes that are
–1 to 2°C and at depths of about 165 m presumed to cause lesions in organs and/or
(Epshtein, 1962; Meyer and Khan, 1979; changes in the blood of naturally infected
Khan, 1982, 1991; Sawyer, 1986). fish. Fish from the field are often infected
with a variety of pathogens and may have
also been subjected to stress factors (e.g.
Fish–parasite relationships toxic pollutants, nutritional deficiencies).
Hence, it is difficult to ascribe abnormali-
Course of infection ties to any one particular cause. At best,
these field reports can only be considered
The parasite is not known to multiply in the as preliminary and some are briefly
fish host. Khan (1976) suggested that the included here.
slight increase in the number of trypano- Neumann (1909) found inflammation
somes at 3 and 10 days after infection was of the brain, fatty degeneration in organs,
due to the late entry of some parasites into anaemia and eosinophilia in skates (Raja
the general circulation. punctata) that had high numbers of
Trypanosoma variabile. According to
Clinical signs and pathology Smirnova (1970), the number of red cells,
Infected fish are anaemic and lethargic, haemogloblin contents and serum protein
with emaciation and splenomegaly in levels of Trypanosoma lotae-infected
some fish (Khan, 1985). The severity of the burbot (Lota lota) were lowered, while the
anaemia and decrease in plasma proteins number of phagocytic white cells was
are associated with parasitaemias (Khan, elevated.
1977b; Khan et al., 1980c). The anaemia is Fish infected with Trypanosoma vittati
probably associated with an inactive and Trypanosoma maguri had low numbers
haemopoietic system. The condition factor of red cells and haemogloblin (Tandon and
and somatic indices of liver, spleen and Joshi, 1973). However, the numbers of
heart are altered in experimentally infected white cells and immature or abnormal red
G. morhua, P. americanus, M. scorpius and cells were higher in the infected fish.
M. octodecemspinosus. Also, spleens of Clarias batrachus and Channa punctatus
infected juvenile cod are congested with infected with Trypanosoma batrachi and
blood and melanomacrophage centres; and Trypanosoma aligaricus had lower red cell
they are also more common in infected than counts and lower haemogloblin (Gupta and
in uninfected juvenile winter flounders Gupta, 1985). The numbers of agranulocytes
(Khan, 1985). and granulocytes were higher in infected
fishes, except for neutrophils, which were
significantly lower. Blood glucose levels
were lower in C. punctatus, C. batrachus,
The parasite caused high mortality in Heteropneustes fossilis and Mystus seeng-
experimentally infected cod and winter hala infected with trypanosomes (Tandon
100 P.T.K. Woo

and Joshi, 1974). Also, serum alkaline reared fish (e.g. Woo, 1979) or an appropri-
phosphatase and cholesterol levels were ate culture medium (e.g. Jones and Woo,
lowered in infected Cirrhina mrigala, 1991). The cloned parasite is then identi-
C. batrachus, Mastacembelus armatus, fied (Woo, 1994) and cultured. To deter-
M. seenghala and Wallago attu (Tandon mine pathogenicity, all three strains (field,
and Chandra, 1977a, b). cultured and cloned strains) should be used
Since naturally infected fish can have to experimentally infect hatchery-reared
mixed infections, it is recommended that fish. This approach would satisfy Koch’s
the parasite first be cloned. The cloning is postulates for determining the aetiological
done using either susceptible laboratory- agent for a disease.


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4Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and
Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora)

Harry W. Dickerson
Department of Infectious Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA

Phylum Ciliophora – General 3. Infraciliature located below the surface

Considerations of the cell. This infrastructure consists of
basal bodies and a host of more or less
The phylum Ciliophora currently contains closely associated microtubules and fibrils.
7200 known species, but there are probably 4. A cytostome, or cell mouth, is usually
several thousand more that are as yet undis- present. Some ciliates are commensals on
covered (Corliss, 1979). Ciliates are found the gills or skin of fishes and others (such
in virtually all bodies of water, ranging from as Tetrahymena spp.) are opportunistic
small ponds or streams to open oceans. parasites. Ciliates are often found on dead
Most are free-living, but many occur as or moribund fishes. Parasitic ciliates are not
commensals or symbionts, and a few are common. This chapter describes the two
parasites of invertebrates and vertebrates. most virulent parasitic ciliates of fishes,
Ciliates range in size from approximately Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon
10 µm to 4500 µm and their body shape var- irritans.
ies from nearly spherical to highly ovoid
(Corliss, 1979). They have a rigid body form,
resulting from a distinct fibrous cortex just
below the surface plasma membrane. The
ciliate cell has a large number of organelles I. multifiliis, Fouquet, 1876, and C. irritans,
and inclusions. Some distinguishing charac- Brown, 1951, are pathogenic ciliates that
teristics of ciliates are listed below (Corliss, infect fresh- and saltwater fishes, respec-
1979; Nanney, 1980): tively. This chapter reviews what is cur-
rently known about the pathobiology of both
1. Nuclear dimorphism. With few excep- these parasites. In each section I. multifiliis
tions ciliates possess two nuclei, a trans- is discussed first, followed by C. irritans.
criptionally active macronucleus and at I. multifiliis, also referred to as Ich, is
least one germ-line micronucleus. one of the most pathogenic protozoan para-
2. Cilia or compound ciliary organelles, sites of fishes. There is no official record on
such as cirri. These are often present in the annual economic loss attributed to
large numbers and arranged in distinct pat- ichthyophthiriasis, even though it is con-
terns. Some species have them only in one sidered to be a major problem in aqua-
stage of the life cycle. culture (Hoffman, 1999). Epizootics were
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
116 (ed. P.T.K. Woo)
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 117

reported in China as early as the 10th cen- and Hong Kong. Wurtsbaugh and Tapia
tury (Hines and Spira, 1974a). The first (1988) described an epidemic in fishes in
major outbreak in North America was Lake Titicaca on the Peru–Bolivian border.
described at the end of the 19th century They noted that a number of fishes, salmonids
(Stiles, 1894). Ich was relatively unknown and atherineds, had been introduced into
in Russia before 1940, but since then it has Lake Titicaca and its watersheds at various
become a serious disease of carp (Bauer, times in the past.
1953). The significance of the problem will Bragg (1991) found a higher incidence
increase with the growth of aquaculture. of Ich in salmonid fishes from South African
Concomitant with the rapid develop- rivers in areas where intensive aquaculture
ment of mariculture in the last decade, occurred. He suggested that aquaculture
C. irritans has also become an increasingly contributed to increased infections in both
important problem. Sikama first reported river and hatchery fishes. In contrast, epi-
the parasite in Japan in 1938. zootics of Ich occurred in adult sockeye
salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, during the
1994 and 1995 spawning seasons in the
Geographical Distribution and Skeena River watershed in northern British
Columbia, Canada. In this case, it is sug-
Host Range of the Parasites
gested that resident fish were the most likely
source of the parasite in the watershed
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
because several species were found with
light infections of Ich. Transmission of the
Geographical distribution
parasite to anadromous sockeye salmon was
Ich is a cosmopolitan parasite of fishes probably enhanced by the high density of
(Nigrelli et al., 1976; Valtonen and Keränen, fish held below the spawning grounds prior
1981). Infections have been reported from to moving into the spawning area (Traxler
virtually all regions where fishes are cul- et al., 1998).
tured, including the tropics and sub-Arctic,
as well as in feral fish populations from
Host range
most continents (Nigrelli et al., 1976;
Valtonen and Keränen, 1981). Fouquet Ich appears to parasitize all freshwater
first described the organism in France in fishes. There are no records of species with
1876 (Stiles, 1894). According to Stiles, complete natural resistance (Ventura and
Hildendorf and Paulick published observa- Paperna, 1985). There are suggestions of
tions on a fish disease caused by a ciliate variation in the degree of susceptibility
(presumably I. multifiliis) in Hamburg, between fishes, however. These variations
Germany, in 1869. These were the first may depend on such factors as genetic
detailed descriptions of the parasite and its background, physiological status of the
life cycle. The disease was known in fishes fishes, parasite strains and environmental
in Europe in the Middle Ages (Hoffman, conditions (Clayton and Price, 1988, 1994).
1999), however. There is evidence that it Epizootics in native fish populations
originated in Asia as a parasite of carp often occur in only one species of fish. Elser
(Dashu and Lien-Siang, referenced by Hines (1955) reported on an outbreak in a reservoir
and Spira, 1974a). in Maryland in which the disease affected
The worldwide spread of the parasite predominantly yellow perch (Perca flaves-
was facilitated by transportation of fish by cens). Allison and Kelly (1963) described an
humans (Nigrelli et al., 1976). Paperna epizootic in rivers of north-western Alabama.
(1972) reported on an outbreak in Uganda The majority of infected fishes were giz-
and noted that I. multifiliis was not found in zard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) and
that country in a previous study. He further threadfin shad (Dorosoma petenense). In an
indicated that a number of fish species had outbreak reported in Kentucky the only
been imported into Uganda from the USA fishes infected were blackstripe topminnows
118 H.W. Dickerson

(Fundulus notatus) (Kozel, 1976). An epi- areas and intensive culture conditions pre-
zootic that occurred in Lake Titicaca on the dispose them to infection.
Peru–Bolivia border primarily affected
killifish (Orestias spp.) and the majority
Seasonal fluctuations in infection
(93%) of dead were O. agassii (Wurtsbaugh
and Tapia, 1988). The occurrence of epizo- Outbreaks of I. multifiliis occur when
otics in only one or a few species in a mixed conditions are favourable for rapid multi-
fish population may not indicate genetic plication of the parasite. These include
variation in resistance, but rather different a suitable environment and susceptible
physiological states that predispose certain fishes. According to McCallum (1982), fish
individuals or groups to disease. Wurtsbaugh density is not a constraint on the establish-
and Tapia (1988) observed that most of the ment of infection. Nevertheless, there does
fishes that died in the epizootic were gravid appear to be a requirement for a minimum
or spent adult O. agassii. Pickering and number of fishes before an epizootic
Christie (1980), in a study on parasite infec- develops. Severe infections occur most
tion of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.), found commonly in dense populations of fishes.
Ich more frequently in precocious mature A critical condition for an outbreak is
pre-spawning males than in immature water temperature. The duration of the
fishes. They concluded that sexual matura- developmental cycle of I. multifiliis is sig-
tion was associated with an increase in prev- nificantly influenced by temperature
alence and severity of infestation with (MacLennon, 1937, 1942; Nigrelli et al.,
ectoparasites. Reproductive stress may also 1976; Noe and Dickerson, 1995). Generally,
be a factor in the apparent variation in sus- as the temperature rises (up to 25–28°C),
ceptibility to infection. parasite activity increases and the life cycle
Nigrelli et al. (1976) proposed that is completed in a shorter time than at lower
there are physiological races of I. multifiliis temperatures. In addition, the number of
related to the temperature tolerances of the tomites in each cyst varies with the temper-
host fishes. Thus, races of I. multifiliis exist ature of the water, which reflects the num-
that infect coldwater (7.2–10.6°C) fishes, ber of cell divisions (Nigrelli et al., 1976).
such as salmon, and others that infect Stress can bring about an outbreak in a
warmwater (12.8–16.1°C) tropical fishes. fish population. Stress is a complex physio-
To date, there is no experimental evidence logical reaction that causes the release of
to substantiate or refute this idea. Fishes steroids from the adrenal glands, which in
with wide ranges of temperature toler- turn decreases the immune function of the
ance, such as carp and catfish, may be host. A wide variety of factors induce
susceptible to both cold- and warmwater stress in fishes: these include crowding,
parasites. Ich epizootics in Arctic fishes low dissolved oxygen, chemical pollutants
suggest that these outbreaks occur when in the water, high temperature and spawn-
the water temperature reaches a moderate ing activities.
range. Valtonen and Keränen (1981) Ichthyophthiriasis usually occurs
reported on an epizootic in a salmon hatch- when fishes are stressed and the water tem-
ery in central Finland in two consecutive perature is relatively warm. Epizootics arise
years when the water temperature rose to in aquarium-reared fishes when optimum
14°C or higher. conditions for parasite development and
Paperna (1980) stated that I. multifiliis rapid multiplication are present. The para-
in Europe and Asia is highly pathogenic for site reproduces when fishes are under stress
carp, with a preference for this species. from low oxygen and/or crowded condi-
There are no experimental data to support tions. Outbreaks occur in the spring as the
this speculation. Although ichthyophthiriasis water warms and when fishes are spawning
often occurs in carp in Europe and Asia, (Elser, 1955; Allison and Kelly, 1963). This
this could merely be due to the fact that is very apparent in reports of disease in
carp are the primary fish raised in these sub-Arctic areas. Ich epizootics in Finland
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 119

occurred when water temperatures were reproductive potential of I. multifiliis in a

above 14°C, and stopped as soon as the tem- population of susceptible fishes. He con-
perature fell (Valtonen and Keränen, 1981). cluded that the low prevalence between
The cyclic nature of outbreaks is also epizootics was consistent with the idea that
influenced by the development of immunity I. multifiliis and fish populations are regu-
in fish populations. It is well documented lated by parasite-induced host mortality. He
that fishes recovered from I. multifiliis infec- developed a mathematical model that
tions develop protective immunity (Burkart quantitatively reproduced the observed
et al., 1990; Matthews, 1994; Dickerson and epizootic behaviour of an I. multifiliis
Clark, 1996). Epizootics occur when there is infection.
a sufficiently large population of susceptible
fishes. As the infection progresses, highly
susceptible fishes die while those that are
Cryptocaryon irritans
more resistant develop immunity. With time
the majority of the surviving fishes become
Host range, geographical distribution,
immune. As these conditions develop, the
prevalence and seasonal fluctuations
epizootic wanes and losses stop. The surviv-
ing population of fishes reproduces and with C. irritans is a parasite of marine fishes.
time the level of acquired disease resistance Sikama first described cryptocaryoniasis in
decreases, allowing another epizootic to Japan in 1938. The disease is now thought
occur under suitable conditions. to occur worldwide (Sikama, 1961). The
How does the parasite survive between parasite is a recurring problem in marine
outbreaks? Ich is an obligate parasite and as fishes in aquaria and is becoming a concern
such requires susceptible hosts to propagate. in commercial mariculture (Colorni, 1985).
There is no evidence of a resistant stage that It was suggested that the parasite’s inci-
allows survival during environmental changes dence in fishes in the USA occurred ini-
or in the absence of fishes. Thus, it is most tially through the importation of fishes from
likely that the parasite is maintained through Hawaii and the Indo-Pacific area (Nigrelli
a low-level infection in a population. The and Ruggieri, 1966). The parasite also
dynamics of the host–parasite relationship occurs in marine fish populations on the
during the inter-epizootic periods is poorly east coast of the USA.
understood. The prevalence of the parasite in native
Temperature is an important factor in fishes in North America is not well docu-
the persistence of infection in fish popula- mented. The parasite was found on a few
tions. When water temperature is low, the fishes in Mission Bay, California (Wilke and
parasite grows and develops more slowly. Gordin, 1969). These fishes were examined
The growth period of trophonts on fishes at a time when there was a concomitant out-
ranges from 1 week at 20°C to 20 days at 7°C break of cryptocaryoniasis in aquaria at the
(Nigrelli et al., 1976; Noe and Dickerson, Scripps Institute of Oceanography. It was
1995; Aihua and Buchmann, 2001). Growth unclear whether the native fishes were nat-
occurs at temperatures as low as 2–5°C urally infected or whether they acquired the
(Bauer, 1953; Aihua and Buchmann, 2001). infection as a result of contamination with
McCallum (1982) found no density-dependent tomonts and theronts released from the
constraints on the establishment of I. multi- Institute.
filiis infections in naïve hosts. There was, C. irritans is not fastidious in its host
however, significant variation in the selection (Colorni, 1985). The host range
numbers of parasites found on each fish. does not appear to be as great as that of
These differences were attributed to such I. multifiliis, however. Fishes vary in sus-
factors as the amount of mucus produced by ceptibility to infection. Elasmobranchs are
individual fishes, nutritional status and stress. generally resistant (Wilke and Gordin, 1969).
In a subsequent study, McCallum (1986) Also, there are apparent differences in
examined the role of host death on the degrees of susceptibility in marine teleosts.
120 H.W. Dickerson

Colorni (1985) observed that, when out- I. multifiliis is placed in class Oligo-
breaks of C. irritans infections occurred in hymenophora, subclass Hymenostomata,
aquaria with mixed fish species, some order Hymenostomatida, suborder Ophry-
fishes were more readily infected than oth- oglenina and family Ichthyophthiridae.
ers. This confirmed an earlier observation
of Wilkie and Gordin in 1969. Nigrelli and
Ruggieri (1966) listed 27 species of marine Cryptocaryon irritans
fishes native to the Atlantic or Indo-Pacific
areas that had died of C. irritans infections. Sikama described a parasitic holotrichous
Wilkie and Gordin (1969) reported 93 sus- ciliate as the cause of a disease outbreak in
ceptible and 19 resistant marine fishes. It marine fishes and suggested that the disease
was suggested that these differences might was similar to ichthyophthiriasis. He recog-
be related to the ecological niches of the nized that this organism was different from
various species (Wilke and Gordin, 1969). I. multifiliis and proposed the name Ichth-
Cryptocaryoniasis appears to be pri- yophthirius marinus (Sikama, 1961). Brown
marily a disease of fishes in tropical envi- had previously described this parasitic cili-
ronments. It does not occur in water below ate, and proposed the name Cryptocaryon
19°C (Nigrelli and Ruggieri, 1966; Wilke irritans, however (Brown, 1950). Brown
and Gordin, 1969), and it is seen most com- published a more detailed description of
monly in aquaria kept at 20–25°C (Nigrelli the cycle of macronuclear development,
and Ruggieri, 1966). Temperature affects which clearly distinguishes C. irritans from
the development of the parasite (Cheung I. multifiliis (Brown, 1963).
et al., 1979). Many potentially susceptible Although Sikama first described cryp-
fishes reside in cold water; these can be tocaryoniasis, Kerbert may have observed
infected if the temperature rises above 19°C the disease much earlier (Stiles, 1894).
(Wilke and Gordin, 1969). C. irritans is placed in class Oligohy-
menophora, subclass Hymenostomata, order
Hymenostomatida, suborder Ophryoglenina
and family Ichthyophthiridae. Cheung
Systematics found in a scanning electron microscopic
study that the organism does not have oral
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis accessory membranes (membranelles) simi-
lar to those of I. multifiliis (see below) and
The first description of the etiologic agent hence questioned the inclusion of C. irri-
of white spot disease was by Hilgendorf and tans in the order Hymenostomatida (Cheung
Paulicki in 1869 (Stiles, 1894). They des- et al., 1981). Colorni and Diamant noted
cribed the life cycle of the ciliate and placed that the similarities between I. multifiliis
it in the genus Pantotricha. In 1876 Fouquet and C. irritans are more likely to be the
published a detailed description of the result of an adaptive convergence of life his-
organism and its life cycle. He placed the tories, rather than phylogenetic proximity
organism in a new genus (Heterotricha) and (Colorni and Diamant, 1993). These authors
proposed the name Ichthyophthirius multi- suggested a reassessment of the taxonomic
filiis. At present, multifiliis is the only rec- status of C. irritans as well. Based on
ognized species of Ichthyophthirius (Lee sequence analysis of the 18S ribosomal
et al., 1985). Based on differences in gross RNA (rRNA) gene, Wright and Colorni have
nuclear morphology between isolates, how- proposed that the ciliate be placed in the
ever, it was suggested by Nigrelli et al. order Prorodontida within the class
(1976) that subspecies could exist. Serotypic Prostomatea. They proposed a new family
strains of I. multifiliis are described based name: Cryptocaryonidae (Wright and
on the presence of specific surface pro- Colorni, 2002). Distinct biological and
teins, referred to as immobilization antigens pathological differences have also been
(Dickerson et al., 1993). found between isolates of C. irritans taken
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 121

from fish in the Red and Mediterranean

Seas (Diamant et al., 1991; Colorni and
Diamant, 1993).

Parasite Morphology and Life Cycle

Ichthyophthirius multifiliis

Ich is a holotrichous, histophagous ciliate.

It possesses a large, reniform macronucleus
and at least one small, round micronucleus
(Peshkov and Tikhomirova, 1968; Hauser,
1973; Matthews, 1996). There are up to four
micronuclei per theront, varying from one
to four depending on temperature (Matthews,
1996). The micronuclei of ciliates are
transcriptionally inactive and play a role in
genetic exchange (Nanney, 1980). While
micronuclear exchange occurs in some cili-
ates by autogamy or conjugation, others
reproduce indefinitely without it (Nanney,
1980). It is possible that I. multifiliis under-
goes autogamy or conjugation. Our own
experience indicates that laboratory isolates Fig. 4.1. Life cycle of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis.
maintained by serial passage on fishes grad- The infective theronts attach to susceptible fishes
ually lose their infectivity and become and penetrate through the surface mucus and
senescent, a phenomenon that indicates the epithelium. Trophonts feed at the basal layers of the
need for autogamy or sexual conjugation skin and gill epithelia. Mature tomonts leave the
(Noe and Dickerson, 1995). There is also fishes, secrete gelatinous cysts and divide to form
experimental evidence to suggest that daughter tomites. The tomites differentiate into
I. multifiliis cells conjugate in the epithe- infective theronts. The rate of development both on
and off the host is influenced by temperature. The
lium during infection (Matthews, 1996).
life cycle of Cryptocaryon irritans is similar except
Ich cyclically transforms between an that developmental times are longer. See text for
obligate fish-associated trophont and a free- details.
living reproductive stage, the tomont. The
theront is the infective stage of the parasite.
The nomenclature used in this chapter is and Rocchi-Canella, 1976; Kozel, 1986;
from standard references of ciliate taxon- Geisslinger, 1987). The entire surface of the
omy and protozoan parasitology (Corliss, theront is covered with cilia, each of which
1979; Lee et al., 1985; Lom and Dykova, measures approximately 5.0 µm in length
1992). Refer to Fig. 4.1 for a summary of the by 0.2 µm in diameter (Kozel, 1986). A lon-
various stages involved in the life cycle. ger cilium, two to three times the length of
The daughter cells (tomites) of the tomont the others, protrudes from the posterior end
differentiate within a thin-walled cyst (see of the cell (Canella and Rocchi-Canella,
below) into free-swimming infective theronts. 1976; McCartney et al., 1985; Kozel, 1986;
The theront is pyriform to fusiform in shape Geisslinger, 1987).
with a tapered posterior end (Fig. 4.2). It is The theront continuously spins on the
about 30 µm × 50 µm in size, but this varies longitudinal axis as it swims. The caudal
greatly, depending on the initial size of cilium probably serves to maintain direc-
the tomont (MacLennon, 1942; Canella tional stability (Matthews, 1996). The ciliate
122 H.W. Dickerson

obviously needed to clarify these

The most important structure associated
with penetration is the apical perforatorium
(MacLennon, 1935a; Roque et al., 1967;
Canella and Rocchi-Canella, 1976; Ewing
et al., 1985). Cannella and Rocchi-Cannella
(1976) described this organelle in detail at
the light microscopic level. It consists of a
group of apical ectoplasmic ridges, each aris-
ing between ciliary rows that converge to
form a 1.5 to 2 µm protrusion at the tip of the
theront. The parasite uses this structure to
physically force its way through the epithe-
lial layers (MacLennon, 1935a; Canella and
Rocchi-Canella, 1976). The attachment and
Fig. 4.2. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis theront. invasion into the epithelium by I. multifiliis
Phase-contrast micrograph of the infective stage is a very physical and active process, requir-
of the parasite. Bar = 16 µm. ing considerable energy expenditure by the
frequently alternates between slow cruising There is considerable dispute in the lit-
and intermittent bursts of speed preceded erature concerning the rate of development
by tumbling, which often results in a random of the cytostome (Canella and Rocchi-
change of direction (MacLennon, 1935b; Canella, 1976). The small primitive buccal
Wagner, 1960; Kozel, 1986; Matthews, 1996). apparatus of the theront changes in the
The parasite is attracted towards light and trophont to a vestibular cavity that is large
is positively chemotactic to unknown sub- enough to ingest relatively large cell debris
stance(s) released from fishes (Lom and (MacLennon, 1935a; Canella and Rocchi-
Cerkasova, 1974; Wahli and Meier, 1991). Canella, 1976). According to MacLennon,
Theronts swim for approximately 4 days, the theront virtually eats its way into the
but are probably not infective for the entire epithelium, using a cell mouth that differ-
period (Parker, 1965; Lom and Cerkasova, entiates immediately upon entering the
1974). host. In contrast, Cannella and Rochi-
The theront attaches to the surface epi- Cannella contend that the cytostome only
thelium of the skin and gills and penetrates develops at 18–32 h (at a temperature of
within 5 min to the basal layer (Ewing et al., 26–27°C) after invading the host. Ewing
1985; Kozel, 1986; Cross and Matthews, showed an electron micrograph depicting a
1992; H.W. Dickerson, personal observa- young trophont (40 min after infection) in
tion). Secretory mucocysts, concentrated at gill epithelium, with necrotic cell debris
the apical end of the theront, are discharged inside a vestibular-like structure (Ewing
as it approaches the fish (Ewing et al., 1985; et al., 1985). This would tend to support
Ewing and Kocan, 1992). Ewing et al. (1985) MacLennon’s findings that the theront
and Ewing and Kocan (1992) postulated develops a functional buccal apparatus
that the released substance plays a role in soon after it enters the host. Because a
attachment. Geisslinger (1987) found that cytostome is not visible in Ewing’s micro-
theronts appeared to stick to epithelia by graph, however, it is hard to discern
means of their cilia, and saw no evidence whether the putative buccal apparatus is
at the scanning electron microscope (SEM) real or merely a fold in the cell membrane.
level that material released by mucocysts The organelle of Lieberkühn, also
was involved. He suggested that theronts referred to as the ‘watch glass organelle’,
attach by means of specialized thigmatic lies in the oral region of the theront. It
cilia (Geisslinger, 1987). More work is is a dense, ovoid, non-membrane-bound
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 123

structure overlaid by an alveolar surface Canella, 1976; Chapman and Kern, 1983;
thrown into five to seven ridges that face Ewing and Kocan, 1986).
the oral cavity (Lynn et al., 1991). The func- The trophont creates a tissue space in
tion of this organelle is a mystery, although the epithelial layers as it feeds and moves.
it could possibly be involved in phototaxis. The parasite within this vesicle appears as a
It exists only in the theront stage and disap- white spot about 1 mm in diameter. Large
pears soon after the parasite colonizes a fish. numbers of these are easily visible: hence
The theront penetrates to the basal the common name ‘white spot disease’ (Figs
layer of the epidermis (Ventura and 4.3 and 4.4). Occasionally, several parasites
Paperna, 1985) and undergoes differentia- occur within the same vesicle. Most
tion and growth. Once the vestibular appa- researchers attribute these to theronts pene-
ratus becomes functional, the trophont trating within the same path or comigration
increases dramatically in size. The diges- within the epithelium (MacLennon, 1935b;
tive cycle of the parasite has been divided Canella and Rocchi-Canella, 1976; Matthews,
into three main stages, based on the ultra- 1994). Ewing et al. (1988), however, calcu-
structure of the food vacuoles (Lobo-da-Cunha lated that the number of trophonts within a
and Azevedo, 1993). The growth rate is particular section of epithelium increased
positively correlated to increases in the during infection, and postulated that para-
ambient temperature (MacLennon, 1942; sites multiply within vesicles. Definitive
Ewing et al., 1986). The parasite rotates proof of cell multiplication on the fish
and moves in an amoeboid fashion, using requires direct demonstration of trophonts
the perforatorium to scrape cells and cell in the process of dividing; this has not yet
debris from the edges of the lesion, which been observed.
it then ingests. The ciliate’s surface is con- The duration of infection is variable
tinually thrown into folds as the cell and depends on different factors. These
rotates and moves in the epithelial tissue. include temperature, fish species, physio-
The large horseshoe-shaped macronucleus logical state of the host and body region in
is readily apparent under a light micro- which the parasite resides (Canella and
scope. The parasite continues to grow by Rocchi-Canella, 1976). If an infected fish
adding ciliary rows as well as membrane dies, the trophont leaves, possibly in
and cytoplasmic organelles (including response to changes in oxygen tension and
mucocysts, contractile vacuoles and ribo- the pH of the tissues. Before the parasite
somes). The single contractile vacuole of can survive off the fish, however, it must
the theront multiplies to several hundred first attain a critical size and stage of dif-
in the trophont (Canella and Rocchi- ferentiation. MacLennon (1942) found that

Fig. 4.3. Channel catfish fingerling (Ictalurus punctatus) infected with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis.
The fish was exposed to parasites for 7 days at 23°C. Each white spot represents a single trophont.
124 H.W. Dickerson

Fig. 4.4. The same fish as in Fig. 4.3 seen at a higher magnification. Notice how the trophonts
within the skin are often raised above the surface of the fish.

parasites of less than 95 µm were not viable secreting a cyst or undergoing divisions, and
if removed from a fish. In agreement with the dead parasites became enclosed within
MacLennon, Ewing et al. (1986) showed granulomatous tissue.
that the predicted minimum diameter neces- The trophont is defined as a tomont as
sary for survival ranged between 85 and soon as it ceases to feed and extricates itself
104 µm. The time required to reach these from the epithelium. This is the reproduc-
sizes is primarily a function of the tempera- tive stage of the organism. The parasite has
ture and the size of the parasite when it ini- usually left the fish at this stage, but some-
tially infected the fish. In MacLennon’s times it remains superficially attached to
studies, trophonts attained these sizes within the surface mucus. Secretory mucocysts of
2 days at 27°C (with a calculated growth the tomont are discharged to produce a
rate of 5.9% per hour) and 3 days at 22°C gelatinous cyst wall, in which the cell
(with a growth rate of 8.3% per hour). undergoes multiple binary divisions (Ewing
Ewing et al. (1986) found that close to 100% et al., 1983). The period between leaving
of the trophonts that left after 2 days at 21 the fish and secreting the cyst wall is influ-
and 24°C were able to survive. Parasites enced by temperature. At 21–23°C, the
associated with fish for longer periods tomont swims for approximately 1 h before
(4 days as opposed to 3) were able to exit it secretes the sticky proteinaceous matrix.
the epithelium more quickly when the host When placed in water at a temperature
died (Ewing and Kocan, 1987). When below 10°C, tomonts do not secrete a cyst
mature, trophonts exit the epithelium, wall or divide (H.W. Dickerson, unpub-
secrete cysts, divide and produce active, lished results). When cooled cells are
infective theronts. Ewing et al. (1986) pro- warmed to 21–23°C, they secrete a cyst and
posed that, before the parasite can survive proceed to divide normally. Secretion of the
outside the host, its contractile vacuole cyst can also be delayed by placing tomonts
must develop so that it can respond to the into minimal essential cell-culture media
osmotic changes that occur as the trophont (Wahli and Matthews, 1999).
leaves the epithelium. Tomonts attach on virtually any sub-
Theronts injected into the abdominal strate in the immediate aqueous environ-
cavities of channel catfish (Ictalurus punc- ment. Occasionally, however, encysted
tatus) grow for a period of up to 3 weeks tomonts are found free-floating or in the sur-
(Dickerson et al., 1985). Trophonts within face mucus of moribund or dead fishes. The
the peritoneal cavity eventually die without gelatinous capsule anchors the dividing
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 125

parasite to the substrate. The matrix also few theronts to differentiate bore their way out
appears to prevent entry of bacteria and fungi. of the cyst, leaving a hole in the wall through
Investigators have studied the cyst wall by which the remaining organisms leave.
light (MacLennon, 1937) and electron
microscopy (Ewing et al., 1983). MacLennon
observed that the wall has inner and outer Cryptocaryon irritans
layers, each of which is composed of
proteinaceous fibrils. Ewing et al. con- C. irritans is a holotrichous ciliate that
firmed that the cyst consists of two layers: infects the surface epithelia of marine fishes.
an inner homogeneous layer with the same It goes through an obligate feeding stage and
consistency and electron density as the a fish-free reproductive stage during the
material found in mucocysts; and a less course of its life history. The various forms
dense outer layer covered with bacteria and of the parasite reach approximately the
other debris. They found that the wall var- same sizes as their Ichthyophthirius counter-
ied in width, with the thickest side at the parts. The infective theront (Fig. 4.5) is
point of attachment to the substrate. In pyriform in shape and 25 to 60 µm in length
some instances, secretion of the cyst wall (Brown, 1963; Nigrelli and Ruggieri, 1966;
continues after the first or second division, Cheung et al., 1979; Colorni, 1987; Colorni
resulting in partitioning into chambers,
within which the daughter cells divide.
MacLennon found that the cyst wall could
be removed following the first division
without affecting the viability of the divid-
ing organism.
Shortly after the parasite secretes the
cyst wall, it begins a series of palintomic
divisions. This results in 200–800 tomites.
The period between secretion of the cyst
and the first cell division is dependent on
temperature and tomont size. At 23°C, the
first division usually occurs between 30
and 75 min (Canella and Rochi-Canella,
1976; H.W. Dickerson, personal observa-
tion). At the same time, the vestibular
buccal apparatus and the perforatorium are
resorbed. The number and size of tomites
vary and depend on the number of cell
divisions, which is correlated directly with
the initial size of the tomont (MacLennon,
1937; Canella and Rocchi-Canella, 1976).
Divisions are completed in 18–24 h at
23°C. The tomont divides nine to ten times
to produce 516 to 1024 tomites. Tomites
develop into infective theronts. Differentia-
tion of tomites into theronts involves the Fig. 4.5. Cryptocaryon irritans theront.
acquisition of a pyriform cell shape, the Photomicrograph of the infective stage of the
parasite. The size of the C. irritans theront is similar
development of a rudimentary buccal appa-
to that of I. multifiliis (it is shown here at a greater
ratus and the formation of a perforatorium. magnification than the theront in Fig 4.2).
Food vacuoles are not evident in theronts, Photomicrograph courtesy of Dr A. Colorni, Israel
although small vacuoles with acid phos- Oceanographic and Limnological Research Ltd,
phatase activity have been observed National Center for Mariculture, PO Box 1212, Elat
(Lobo-da-Cunha and Azevedo, 1993). The first 881122, Israel.
126 H.W. Dickerson

and Diamant, 1993). Feeding trophonts reach and Diamant, 1993). The macronucleus of
diameters of 60 to 450 µm (Cheung et al., the trophont has four lobes arranged into a
1979; Colorni, 1985; Colorni and Diamant, crescent (Brown, 1963; Nigrelli and Ruggieri,
1993; Matthews et al., 1993). The mature 1966; Wilke and Gordin, 1969; Colorni and
trophont leaves the fish as a free-swimming Diamant, 1993). Each lobe is approximately
tomont (Fig. 4.6) and secretes a cyst, in which 10 µm long by 8 µm wide and contains one
it undergoes multiple divisions to produce to two nucleoli (Colorni and Diamant, 1993).
200 or more daughter tomites. Tomites differ- The macronuclear membrane has a trila-
entiate into infective free-swimming theronts, minar structure with many nuclear pores.
which attach to and penetrate into the skin The cytoplasm of the Cryptocaryon trophont
and gill epithelia of susceptible fishes. is more opaque than that of Ichthyo-
There have been a number of studies on phthirius, making the nucleus of live
the morphology of C. irritans (Brown, 1963; unstained specimens more difficult to see.
Nigrelli and Ruggieri, 1966; Cheung et al., The four lobes of the macronucleus fuse
1981; Colorni and Diamant, 1993; Matthews into a continuous strand in the encysted
et al., 1993; Kesintepe, 1995). C. irritans has tomont before it begins to divide (Brown,
two types of nuclei, a lobed macronucleus 1963; Colorni and Diamant, 1993). The
and several smaller micronuclei (Brown, tomont does not multiply by simple
1963; Nigrelli and Ruggieri, 1966; Colorni palintomic division, as in Ichthyophthirius,
but instead undergoes a process of ‘bud-
ding’. As first described by Brown (1963), a
section of cytoplasm containing part of the
macronucleus is pinched off at one end of
the cell. This cytoplasmic and nuclear frag-
ment then proceeds to divide into two cells
of equal size. The process is repeated with
the remaining segment of the tomont until a
number of tomites of equal size are pro-
duced within the cyst. Nigrelli and Ruggieri
(1966) also described the division of the
tomont as being asymmetric, resulting in
the initial production of a group of daughter
cells at one pole followed by division of the
rest of the cell.
During cell reproduction the micro-
nuclei proliferate by mitotic division, with
five to seven eventually being distributed
into each of the daughter cells (Brown,
1963; Colorni and Diamant, 1993). Brown
indicated that not all of the micronuclei
were viable, and postulated that some dis-
integrated and reassociated in the process
of autogamy. The time required for tomont
division is longer in Cryptocaryon than in
Ichthyophthirius (see below).
The buccal apparatus of the parasite
differentiates after nuclear development
Fig. 4.6. Cryptocaryon irritans tomont. Scanning and before the theront leaves the cyst
electron micrograph of the reproductive stage of the (Brown, 1963). It consists of a single ring of
parasite after leaving the fish and preceding cirri surrounding the oral opening, which is
secretion of the cyst in which it undergoes division. about 20 µm in diameter (Cheung et al.,
Bar = 25 µm. 1981; Colorni and Diamant, 1993). Cirri are
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 127

composed of two adjacent cilia (Kesintepe, as to the classification of Cryptocaryon

1995). Nigrelli and Ruggieri (1966) postu- in the same suborder (Ophryoglenina) as
lated that this stiff cirrus ring is used to bur- Ichthyophthirius.
row into the epithelium and scrape cells for
ingestion. The prominent perforatorium,
Development of the parasite
which is important in the infection and
feeding processes of Ichthyophthirius, has As with Ichthyophthirius, ambient tempera-
not been described in C. irritans. ture influences the growth and development
The buccal cavity of the trophont has a of Cryptocaryon. The trophont remains on
protrusile membrane with a smaller exten- the fish for 3–7 days at optimal growth tem-
sion below it (Brown, 1963). It was suggested peratures (23–30°C) (Cheung et al., 1979;
that the protrusile membrane functions to Colorni, 1985; Burgess and Matthews, 1994;
draw in mucus, blood and cellular debris as Yoshinaga and Dickerson, 1994). C. irritans
the parasite feeds (Nigrelli and Ruggieri, differs from its freshwater counterpart in
1966). In this regard the buccal apparatus of that it generally takes longer to reproduce
the C. irritans trophont differs significantly and differentiate outside the fish. Secretion
from that of Ichthyophthirius. of the cyst is usually completed within 24 h
Flask-shaped mucocysts are present, at 25°C. Cheung et al. (1979) found that
but are not differentiated into crystalline only 10% of tomonts held at 7°C secreted
and secretory forms as described in I. multi- cysts. When the organisms were incubated
filiis (Ewing and Kocan, 1992). They do not at 25°C, the majority (66%) secreted cysts.
appear to contribute to cyst formation At 24–27°C, Cryptocaryon tomonts take
(Colorni and Diamant, 1993), but may be 3–28 days to divide and produce infective
involved in host invasion (Colorni and theronts, with most emerging by the eighth
Diamant, 1993; Matthews et al., 1993). The day (Nigrelli and Ruggieri, 1966; Cheung
encysted parasite is resistant to chemical et al., 1979; Colorni, 1987; Burgess and
treatment, suggesting that the cyst wall is Matthews, 1994; Yoshinaga and Dickerson,
impermeable to soluble substances in the 1994). I. multifiliis completes these divisions
water (Herwig, 1978). The cyst wall on aver- in 18–24 h. Tomonts divide and develop
age is 0.5 to 1 µm thick (Matthews et al., into theronts at an asynchronous rate
1993). It has a loose, fibrillar outer layer (Colorni and Diamant, 1993; Matthews et al.,
and a multilayered, compact inner wall 1993; Burgess and Matthews, 1994;
(Kesintepe, 1995). Yoshinaga and Dickerson, 1994). Yoshinaga
Cheung et al. (1981) published electron and Dickerson (1994) discovered that the-
micrographs depicting tomonts with trun- ronts are released from cysts with a circa-
cated cilia. Nigrelli and Ruggieri (1966) dian periodicity and enter the water between
stated that the cilia became absorbed before the hours of 0200 and 0900, regardless of the
the parasites secreted cyst walls. Other day that they leave the cyst.
studies found that the cilia were shed rather
than resorbed at this stage (Colorni and
Summary of the life cycle of C. irritans and
Diamant, 1993; Matthews et al., 1993). Loss
comparison with that of I. multifiliis
of cilia does not occur with Ichthyo-
phthirius, where all stages of the parasite In many respects the life cycle of Crypto-
are ciliated, including the tomites within caryon is similar to that of Ichthyophthirius
the cyst. (see Fig. 4.1). A fish-associated trophont
Kesintepe (1995) found contractile vac- stage and a free-living reproductive tomont
uoles to be present, a result that is in agree- stage occur in both parasites. As with
ment with the findings of Sikama (1961). An I. multifiliis, the parasitic trophont of Crypto-
organelle of Lieberkühn is not present in any caryon remains on the fish for approxi-
stage of the parasite (Colorni and Diamant, mately 5–7 days at 25°C. The reproductive
1993; Matthews et al., 1993; Kesintepe, 1995). stage of C. irritans, however, usually
The absence of this structure raises doubts takes much longer to develop than that of
128 H.W. Dickerson

I. multifiliis and commonly extends to 8 days but rather due to the fact that infection
at 25°C and longer at lower temperatures. occurs on fishes under the greatest stress.
Two hundred or more infective theronts Reproductive activity is a significant stress
emerge from each encysted tomont and each on fishes.
of these penetrates the host by means of spe- Fishes exposed to I. multifiliis can dev-
cialized ciliary membranelles associated elop protective immunity (Hines and Spira,
with the buccal apparatus. In contrast, 1974c; Burkart et al., 1990); hence survivors
I. multifiliis penetrates using a specialized of an epizootic are resistant to subsequent
apical structure, the perforatorium. infection. Therefore, in native populations,
young fishes might be more susceptible to
infection than older individuals if the latter
Host–Parasite Relationships of were previously exposed to the parasite. In
I. multifiliis naïve feral fish populations, all ages appear
to be equally susceptible to infection.
Host selection

I. multifiliis does not appear to have a predi- Distribution of parasite on host

lection for any specific group of fishes,
although it is believed that the organism orig- Except in very severe infections, I. multi-
inated as a parasite of carp (Hoffman, 1999). filiis is not usually uniformly distributed on
There is a linear relationship between the body of the fish. The parasite occurs
the number of theronts to which a host is most frequently on the dorsal surface, parti-
exposed and the resultant parasite burden cularly the head and fins (Hines and Spira,
(McCallum, 1982). Theronts are positively 1973a; Kozel, 1976).
phototactic (Lom and Cerkasova, 1974; Wahli The gills are important sites of infec-
and Meier, 1991). Wahli and Meier (1991) tion. The volume of water passing through
could not demonstrate that theronts were the gills increases the opportunity for att-
attracted to fish, a result in disagreement achment, and parasites interfere with gas-
with that of Lom and Cerkasova (1974), who eous exchange once infection is established.
found that theronts were attracted by com- In unstressed fishes there is very little
ponents of fish blood. Houghton (1987) mucus covering the secondary lamella of
observed that theronts were attracted to the gills (Handy and Eddy, 1991), which
pieces of fish tissue in the water, suggesting may render the gills more susceptible to
a possible short-range homing mechanism. infection than other body sites.
Epizootics of I. multifiliis appear to
occur uniformly in populations of male and
female fishes. There are reports where Genetic susceptibility
infections occurred predominantly in one
sex, however. Male guppies (Lebistes In experimental I. multifiliis infections, only
reticulatus) were reported to be more a portion of the infecting theronts develop
severely infected than females (Paperna, into trophonts (McCallum, 1982). McCallum
1972). Similarly, in brown trout (S. trutta) (1982) suggested that this variability
mature males were more frequently infected depends on the genetic background of the
than females, with the most severe infec- host. A major host resistance factor is the
tions occurring on precociously mature production of surface mucus, which is
pre-spawning males (Pickering and Christie, increased in response to infection (Hines
1980). In contrast, in an epizootic in Lake and Spira, 1974c; Ventura and Paperna,
Titicaca, the majority of the dead and 1985). There may be genetic factors that
infected fish were gravid or spent female influence the amount and composition of
killifish (O. agassii) (Wurtsbaugh and Tapia, fish mucus.
1988). Infection may not be a function of Significant variation in susceptibility
predilection of the parasite for either sex, to infection occurs among fish species.
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 129

When effects due to other variables (such as As mentioned earlier, mucus produc-
time of infection and temperature) are tion is increased. Heavily infected carp have
removed, heterosis (hybrid vigor) contrib- a thick, lumpy covering of surface mucus
utes to resistance to I. multifiliis (Clayton (Hines and Spira, 1974a). Increased produc-
and Price, 1992, 1994). tion of mucus is not a unique response to
I. multifiliis is believed to have origi- I. multifiliis, however, as it occurs on most
nated as a parasite of carp (Hoffman, 1999). fishes that are exposed to irritants or skin
The long host–parasite association may parasites.
have led to the development of resistant Infected fishes have enlarged spleens
strains of carp. Preliminary studies using and kidneys and pale, mottled livers. Their
scale patterns as genetic markers suggested peritoneal cavities contain fluid (Hines and
that strains of carp vary in their resistance Spira, 1974a). Peritoneal fluid exudation
to I. multifiliis (Clayton and Price, 1988). could be a secondary effect caused by oppor-
tunistic bacterial or fungal infections and/
or anorexia of the fishes in the later stages of
Behavioural modifications the infection. Enlarged gall bladders (a change
associated with starved animals) were repor-
In the early stages of disease, fishes congre- ted in moribund Ich-infected carp (Hines
gate near water intakes to reduce contact and Spira, 1974a).
with free-swimming theronts (Kabata,
1985). Fishes also ‘flash’ or rub their bod-
ies against objects in reaction to skin and Gross pathology – C. irritans
gill irritation caused by the theronts (Brown
and Gratzek, 1980). Fishes swim more rap- The gross lesions in C. irritans infections are
idly than normal and often leap out of the similar to those seen in fishes infected with
water. As the disease progresses, they I. multifiliis. Petechial haemorrhages occur
become less active and congregate at the in the skin (Nigrelli and Ruggieri, 1966; Wilke
bottom of ponds or aquaria (Hines and and Gordin, 1969). Fishes produce excessive
Spira, 1973a). Fishes also lie near the edges amounts of mucus in response to infection
of ponds, moving their gill opercula rap- (Nigrelli and Ruggieri, 1966; Wilke and
idly in an attempt to obtain more oxygen Gordin, 1969). With severe infections, skin
(Kabata, 1985). This is related to gill dam- ulcers occur with secondary Pseudomonas
age caused by the parasite. With very spp. bacterial infections (Nigrelli and
heavy infections, fishes become lethargic Ruggieri, 1966).
and stop feeding (Hines and Spira, 1973a).

Clinical signs
Gross pathology – I. multifiliis
The common clinical signs of ichthyo-
In very mild I. multifiliis infections the only phthiriasis are the characteristic dissemi-
detectable pathological change is the pres- nated white surface lesions (‘spots’). Each
ence of a few white spots on the surface of spot represents a developing trophont within
the fishes. In more severe cases there are an epithelial capsule or vesicle (see Fig. 4.4).
usually large numbers of spots on the skin Visible parasites develop several days after
(see Figs 4.3 and 4.4). Occasionally, how- the initial attachment of theronts (Hines and
ever, I. multifiliis only infects the gills, with Spira, 1973a; Ventura and Paperna, 1985). In
no obvious gross lesions on the body surface. cases where the infection is restricted to the
Ulcers develop in the skin of heavily gills, these are not visible.
infected fishes and are often sites of second- An early physiological response to
ary bacterial or fungal infections. The fins infection is an increase in surface mucus
become frayed due to loss of tissue between production (Hines and Spira, 1973a). Skin
the fin rays (Hines and Spira, 1973a). penetration by theronts stimulates expanded
130 H.W. Dickerson

numbers of mucus-secreting cells in the are only seen in severe epizootics or in

epidermis. These multiply not only in areas experimental infections with large numbers
around the parasite, but throughout the epi- of parasites (Ventura and Paperna, 1985).
dermis (Hines and Spira, 1974a). In severe
infections, mucus may stream off the poste-
Histopathology of the skin consequent
rior edges of the fins and tail.
upon mild infection
A careful observer can detect infection
before the development of surface lesions In primary I. multifiliis infections (that is,
by noting changes in fish behaviour (see the first exposure of fish to the parasite), there
above). Initially, infected fishes swim more is little reaction to the penetrating theronts.
rapidly and rub themselves against objects. After approximately 40 h, most trophonts
As the disease progresses, the fishes surface are located next to the basement membrane.
in order to reach dissolved surface oxygen. The cells between the parasite and the base-
They become increasingly lethargic and ment membrane become hydropic,
eventually cease feeding. vacuolated or necrotic, with pyknotic nuclei
In severe infections there is erosion of (Ventura and Paperna, 1985). The growing
the epithelia, leading to ulcer formation and trophont gradually lifts and displaces the
exposure of the deeper tissues to bacterial epithelial cell layers until it lies within an
and fungal invasion. A common cause of epithelial capsule that extends above the
secondary invasions is the fungus Saproleg- skin surface (Ventura and Paperna, 1985).
nia spp., which appears as tufts of ‘fuzz’ on The epithelial layer overlying the trophont
the skin. expands to cover the parasite during this
The clinical signs of a C. irritans infec- growth stage. The epithelium retains its
tion are similar to those seen in ichthyo- architecture of differentiated cell popula-
phthiriasis. Fishes develop small white cysts tions (Ventura and Paperna, 1985). Cell dam-
on their body surfaces (Wilke and Gordin, age is observed only in the cellular layers in
1969; Yoshinaga and Dickerson, 1994). These direct contact with the developing trophont.
lesions are often numerous, small, greyish Host cell debris can be observed in the food
vesicles rather than the larger white spots vacuoles of the trophont and in the spaces
associated with Ich infections (Nigrelli and in the epithelial capsule around the parasite.
Ruggieri, 1966). C. irritans infection fre- There is evidence of haemorrhage occurring
quently involves the eyes and leads to cor- in the skin as a result of parasite invasion
neal clouding and blindness (Nigrelli and (Chapman, 1984; Ventura and Paperna,
Ruggieri, 1966; Wilke and Gordin, 1969). 1985). Large, pale-staining, alarm substance
Marine fishes infected with C. irritans pro- cells have been observed in the area of the
duce excessive amounts of surface mucus developing trophont (Chapman, 1984). In
(Nigrelli and Ruggieri, 1966; Wilke and mild infections only a few leukocytes are
Gordin, 1969; Huff and Burns, 1981). seen in the epithelium.

Histopathology of the skin consequent

Histopathology – I. multifiliis
upon heavy infection
The nature and severity of histopatho- Heavy infections elicit a severe inflamma-
logical changes seen in I. multifiliis infec- tory reaction in the skin. Penetration by
tions vary greatly. This variation is numerous theronts leads to increased epi-
influenced by such host factors as stress thelial cell hyperplasia. This cellular prolif-
and nutritional status. Nevertheless, para- eration could be a defence mechanism
site load is the major factor contributing to (Ventura and Paperna, 1985). In addition to
the diverse tissue changes. In general, mild hyperplasia, there is a generalized increase
infections elicit minor cellular reactions. in the number of mucus cells in the skin
The extensive histopathological changes (Hines and Spira, 1974a). The epithelium in
reported to occur in I. multifiliis infections heavily infected fishes may be up to four times
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 131

its normal thickness due to proliferation of is variable (Hines and Spira, 1973b). As the
epithelial and mucus cells (Hines and infection progresses, the epithelial cells
Spira, 1974a). continue to proliferate and eventually fill
Extensive cell necrosis and histolysis up the interlamellar space until the lamellae
occur around trophonts developing in the are completely cornified or ‘clubbed’ (Hines
hyperplastic epithelium. Empty spaces are and Spira, 1974a).
present, along with hydropic, vacuolated In the late stages of heavy infections,
and necrotic cells (Ventura and Paperna, complete atrophy of the gill lamellae is
1985). There is congestion in the dermal seen, along with areas of necrosis of the gill
lymphatics, leading to oedema and an filaments (Hines and Spira, 1974a).
increased epithelial infiltration of neutro-
phils, eosinophils and lymphocytes (Hines
and Spira, 1974a; Ventura and Paperna, Histopathology – C. irritans
1985). The outermost epithelial cells degen-
erate and slough off, eventually exposing There is limited information on the histo-
the underlying basement membrane (Hines pathologic changes that occur with C. irritans
and Spira, 1974a). It was suggested that infections. From the analogies in the infec-
the extensive cellular reaction observed in tive and feeding stages of I. multifiliis
the skin of fishes heavily infected with and C. irritans, it is reasonable to assume
I. multifiliis is a hypersensitivity reaction that the cellular changes caused by both par-
(Hines and Spira, 1974a; Ventura and asites are similar. The major lesions caused
Paperna, 1985). by C. irritans are vesicles within the skin.
Mucus-producing cells proliferate in the skin
and gills. Epithelia of infected gills become
Histopathology of the gills
hyperplastic and eroded in severe cases.
Theronts attach to the gills at the middle or
base of the gill lamellae. The young tro-
phonts penetrate and displace the inter- Clinical pathology
lamellar epithelium until they reach the
basement membrane (Ventura and Paperna, Although the total leukocyte numbers do not
1985). Host cell debris is seen in the cyto- change during I. multifiliis infections, there
plasmic vacuoles of the parasite. Epithelial is a differential shift in the various leukocyte
cells migrate from the apical end of the populations. Infected fishes develop a
adjacent lamellae and cover the developing lymphocytopenia and neutrophilia (Hines
trophont, producing a multilayered cap and Spira, 1973a). The number of neutro-
over the parasite. The cell layer over the phils in circulation early in the infection
parasite also includes mucus cells and chlo- may increase 5-fold with no concurrent rise
ride cells (Hines and Spira, 1974a; Ventura in total leukocyte numbers. The shift in dis-
and Paperna, 1985). Epithelial cell prolifer- tribution of leukocyte cell populations is
ation occurs not only adjacent to the para- accompanied by an increase in the number
site but also all along the lamellae (Hines of immature blast cells. It was suggested that
and Spira, 1974a). Mature trophonts may the leukocyte changes in infected fishes are
occupy three or four lamellae (Ventura and non-specific stress reactions (Hines and
Paperna, 1985). Mucus cells become promi- Spira, 1973b).
nent in the proliferating epithelium and Studies on serum levels of Na+, K+, Mg+
comprise up to 50% of the cells in an inter- and blood urea ammonia indicated signifi-
lamellar area (Hines and Spira, 1974a). The cant osmoregulatory disturbances (Hines
respiratory epithelium, however, retains its and Spira, 1974b). In severe infections there
squamous morphology during this prolifer- was a marked drop in serum Na+ and Mg+
ation. At this time, there is a significant levels and a rise in serum K+ levels. Blood
increase in the number of neutrophils in the urea-ammonia levels also increased during
area. The amount of lymphocyte infiltration the course of the infection.
132 H.W. Dickerson

Immune response – I. multifiliis layer does not completely cover the second-
ary lamellae in unstressed rainbow trout
It was recognized early that fishes surviving (Handy and Eddy, 1991).
I. multifiliis outbreaks become resistant to In addition to acting as a physical bar-
reinfection (Bushkiel, 1910). The duration rier, surface mucus also contains anti-
of immunity depends upon the severity of parasitic factors. Hines and Spira (1974c) and
the initial infection (Bauer, 1953). A num- Wahli and Meier (1985) found that mucus
ber of studies determined the period of and serum from immune carp and rainbow
immunity in fishes recovered from natural trout (Salmo gairdneri) immobilized trophonts
infections or cured by chemical treatment in vitro. It was suggested that this immo-
(Beckert and Allison, 1964; Parker, 1965; bilizing activity was due to the presence of
Hines and Spira, 1974c; McCallum, 1986). antibodies and that these prevented the pen-
Immunity induced by single exposure of etration of theronts through the mucus. Xu
channel catfish to the parasite lasts for at and Dickerson, using dot-blot assays, found
least 3 months (Pyle, 1983). In the natural that Ich-immune channel catfish have
course of infection, surviving fishes eventu- mucus antibodies against membrane anti-
ally become free of the parasite (Valtonen gens of I. multifiliis (Xu, 1995). In contrast,
and Keränen, 1981). Premunition has not Cross and Matthews (1993b) were unable to
been demonstrated, although a small per- demonstrate binding of carp mucus anti-
centage (< 5%) of infecting parasites bodies to thin sections of fixed theronts.
developed in immunized carp (Cross and The discrepancy in these findings is proba-
Matthews, 1992). bly due to the fact that specific antibodies
The immune responses of most fish are are present in relatively low levels in
complex reactions involving the activation mucus (as compared with serum) and may
and interaction of a variety of cell popula- not have been detectable in the experiments
tions and the production of humoral factors, of Cross and Matthews. More recent work
including antibodies. Some host reactions suggests that mucosal antibodies are protec-
are general, responding similarly no matter tive. This work is discussed further below.
what parasite is encountered; others are spe- A basic innate host reaction to I. multi-
cific, reacting only with the parasite that filiis is epithelial cell proliferation. In mild
induced the reaction. The former responses infections there is little reaction other than
are innate reactions, and the latter are refer- the formation of an epithelial cell capsule
red to as adaptive or acquired. In I. multifiliis around the parasite itself (Ventura and
infections, both innate and adaptive reac- Paperna, 1985). In severe or repeated infec-
tions appear to play significant roles. tions, however, extensive epithelial cell
Surface mucus is the fish’s first line of proliferation occurs (Hines and Spira, 1974a;
defence against infection. To infect, the- Ventura and Paperna, 1985). This epithelial
ronts must penetrate this mucus layer and hyperplasia could interfere with penetra-
burrow into the epithelium. Mucus-secreting tion of the theront. The skin of infected
cells increase in the skin of infected fishes fishes also becomes infiltrated with neutro-
(Hines and Spira, 1973a; Ventura and phils, basophils, eosinophils, eosinophilic
Paperna, 1985). Heavily parasitized fishes granular cells, macrophages and lympho-
characteristically have a thicker mucus coat cytes (Ventura and Paperna, 1985; Cross
than uninfected fish. Theronts have limited and Matthews, 1993b). Increases in eosino-
energy stores, which could become dep- philic granular cells were coupled to the
leted during penetration of the thickened acquired immune response against the para-
mucus layers. Trapped theronts would site (Cross and Matthews, 1993b). Leuko-
eventually be removed from the surface cytes (granulocytes) were observed adjacent
with the excess mucus. In this regard, the to parasite surfaces without apparent
naturally thin mucus layer of gills could be adherence. How these cells interact with
a predisposing factor for infection at this the trophonts in the tissue is not well
site. One report indicated that the mucus understood.
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 133

Some of the lymphocytes found in the serum antibodies to surface membranes of

skin of infected fishes are described as I. multifiliis.
non-specific cytotoxic cells (NCC) (Graves The relationship between serum and
et al., 1984). In laboratory experiments, mucus antibody levels is still under inves-
NCC isolated from the anterior kidney of tigation (Maki and Dickerson, 2003). It was
channel catfish were found to be cytotoxic reported that a secretory form of antibody
against deciliated Tetrahymena pyriformis, analogous to mammalian secretory anti-
a free-living ciliate. This activity was body occurs in channel catfish (Lobb and
blocked following incubation of isolated Clem, 1981). Channel catfish are protected
NCC with formalin-killed I. multifiliis against I. multifiliis challenge following
(Graves et al., 1984, 1985a,b). Based on intraperitoneal injection of immobilizing
these results, it was hypothesized that murine monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)
NCC also react with and kill immobilized against I. multifiliis (Lin et al., 1996).
I. multifiliis. It was found that the NCC Mouse antibody immunoglobulin G1
were mobilized out of anterior kidneys in (IgG1) was transported from the peritoneal
Ich-infected fishes and the circulating NCC cavity to the surface of the fish, where it
had increased target-cell affinity and killing reacted with the parasite. In contrast,
capacity (Graves et al., 1985b). Also, there is transfer of immune fish sera or immobiliz-
a decrease in lymphocytes in circulation ing mouse IgM mAbs did not protect
in Ich-infected fishes (Hines and Spira, against I. multifiliis infection, suggesting
1973b). Theoretically, this decrease could that the teleost serum tetrameric antibody
be attributed (at least partly) to NCC passing does not pass as readily to the surface as
out of circulation into the skin to interact the monoclonal mouse IgG (Lin et al.,
with immobilized theronts, although this 1996). An adaptive, protective immune
has never been tested directly. response is elicited against Ich following
As described previously, sera and the intraperitoneal injection of live
mucus collected from infected fishes immo- theronts. As one might expect with a large
bilize theronts in vitro (Hines and Spira, extracellular parasite such as I. multifiliis,
1974c). This phenomenon was taken as evi- antibodies are important effectors of pro-
dence that fishes produced antibodies tective immunity (Cross, 1993; Matthews,
against the parasite. Various antigens, 1994; Dickerson and Clark, 1998). Their
including theronts (Burkart et al., 1990), mechanism of activity is just beginning to
trophonts (Areerat, 1974) and cilia (Goven be elucidated. An early hypothesis was
et al., 1981), were used to induce fishes to that antibodies immobilize theronts in the
produce immobilizing or agglutinating fac- mucus layer of the skin (Hines and Spira,
tors in their sera. Immobilization and agglu- 1974c). Immobilization in vivo may be an
tination were assumed to be the result of indirect effect rather than a direct action of
antibody activity. Nevertheless, in early the antibodies on theront cilia. Clark et al.
studies, the precise character of the factors (1987) showed that immobilized theronts
was not determined. It was subsequently were surrounded by a mucus-like material,
demonstrated that channel catfish immune and suggested that antibody binding
to Ich produce antibodies to ciliary antigens caused discharge of parasite mucocysts.
of the parasite (Clark et al., 1988). A strong The clumping of theronts was the result of
positive correlation exists between anti- their being trapped in this released sub-
body levels in the serum as determined by stance. Cross (1993) demonstrated the
an ELISA test and the ability of the serum binding of carp serum antibody to a gelati-
to agglutinate live I. multifiliis theronts nous mucus-like material surrounding
in vitro. These results strongly support the tomonts. He hypothesized that this mate-
conclusion that the serum anti-parasite rial is responsible for immobilization in vitro
activity is indeed antibody-mediated. Sub- and may form a barrier to further anti-
sequent studies by Cross and Matthews body binding. It was proposed by Ewing
(1993a) have also shown binding of fish et al. (1985) that discharge of theront
134 H.W. Dickerson

mucocysts is also a means of attachment Immune response – C. irritans

and penetration into the epithelium. Pre-
mature discharge of mucocysts could There is a dearth of information on the
result in theronts that are unable to infect immune response of fishes to C. irritans
fishes even though they have penetrated infection. It has been suggested (without
the surface mucus and come into contact experimental evidence) that fishes maintain
with the epithelium. an immunity by premunition (Nigrelli and
To directly observe the fate of live para- Ruggieri, 1966). It seems reasonable to pos-
sites on fish, Cross and Matthews (1992) tulate that fishes produce antibodies to
placed theronts on the tails of immune or C. irritans both in the circulation and possi-
naïve carp and observed them under the bly in surface mucus. These antibodies
microscope. They discovered that the para- could play similar roles to those involved in
sites penetrated into the skin of both naïve protective immunity against I. multifiliis.
and immune fish within minutes. Theronts
were unable to remain colonized on
immune fish, however, and left within 2 h. Mechanisms of disease – I. multifiliis
The authors argued that immunity was the
result of a humoral factor due to the rapid- Fishes infected with small numbers of
ity of the response. There was no evidence I. multifiliis show few signs of infection
of parasites being immobilized or killed in other than the development of white spots.
the tissue. Fishes tolerate a few parasites very well. As
Fishes have subpopulations of lym- previously stated, this situation suggests that
phocytes similar to those that occur in teleost fishes and I. multifiliis have had a
mammals (Yocum et al., 1975; Lobb and long association, and as a result have evolved
Clem, 1982; Secombes et al., 1982). B- a balanced host–parasite relationship. Dis-
lymphocytes develop into antibody-producing ease and/or deaths occur when there is a dis-
cells, and analogous cells are elicited in turbance in this balanced interaction. This
the antibody response against I. multifiliis. disruption is most frequently the result of
In mammals, T-lymphocytes are a well- infection with large numbers of parasites.
characterized, diverse cell population When conditions are right (e.g. optimum
involved in both regulation (e.g. TH1 and temperature and sufficient number of hosts),
TH2 helper lymphocytes) and implementa- the parasite population increases very rap-
tion (T-cytotoxic cells) of the immune idly. As a result, fishes are exposed to many
response. T-cytotoxic cells react with anti- parasites in a short period of time.
gens on cell surfaces and kill foreign- Infection by I. multifiliis triggers hyper-
antigen-bearing cells. The two model plasia of gill epithelial cells. As a result the
reactions for T-cell activity are delayed-type gill interlamellar spaces are reduced, which
hypersensitivity reactions and graft rejec- significantly limits the surface area available
tion. Fishes have been shown experimen- for oxygen interchange. Severe infections
tally to develop delayed hypersensitivity thus cause fishes to become oxygen-starved.
reactions and will reject heterologous scale In addition to being the primary site of
grafts (Hildemann, 1972; Kikuchi and Egami, oxygen uptake, the gills also function in both
1983; Tataner and Manning, 1983). It is osmoregulation and excretion of nitrogenous
unlikely that fishes develop either type of wastes (Smith, 1929). Epithelial hyperplasia
response against I. multifiliis. Houghton interferes with these functions as well.
and Matthews (1986, 1990, 1993) argue for Infected carp have decreased levels of serum
a cell-mediated effector response against sodium and magnesium and increased levels
I. multifiliis, based on experiments show- of serum potassium (Hines and Spira,
ing that corticosteroid treatment of Ich- 1974b). High levels of serum urea-ammonia
immune carp increases their susceptibility nitrogen and nitrogenous wastes accumulate
to infection, while serum antibody levels in the blood. An additional contributing
remain high. factor to ionic imbalance is the interplay
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 135

between nitrogenous waste excretion and outbreaks of Ichthyophthirius become sol-

ionic exchange. When NH4+ ions are excreted idly immune to reinfection (Bushkiel, 1910).
through the gills, Na+ ions are taken up from It has since been documented in many
the water into circulation (Maetz and reports that fishes recovered from infection
Garcia-Romeu, 1964). Thus, the decrease in are protected against subsequent attack by
NH4+ excretion during infection contributes the parasite (Butcher, 1941; Bauer, 1953;
to lowered serum Na+ concentrations. Incre- Beckert and Allison, 1964; Parker, 1965; Hines
ased mucus production in the gills of infected and Spira, 1974c; Beckert, 1975; Matthews,
fishes interferes with osmoregulatory func- 1994; Dickerson and Clark, 1996). The fact
tions as fish mucus is relatively imperme- that fishes develop such a strong immunity
able to water and ions (Hughes, 1970). against infection makes it theoretically
Proliferative and degenerative changes in possible to create protective vaccines for
the skin also influence osmoregulation. The the control and prevention of disease
skin is a major barrier to ion loss and to outbreaks.
water entry in fishes (Wikgren, 1953), and
the subepidermal oedema and disruption of
The use of controlled infections
the epithelium cause ionic imbalance (Hines
for vaccination
and Spira, 1974b). Finally, fishes with
severe infections are under stress, and stress Fishes have been successfully immunized
reactions have been reported to elicit serum against Ichthyophthirius using controlled
ionic imbalances (Stanley and Colby, 1971; infections. In one study, goldfish (Carassius
Wedemeyer, 1972). auratus) were vaccinated following expo-
Ich infections cause severe cellular sure to 0.5 and 1.0 median lethal doses
reactions in the skin. Gradual desquama- (LD50s.) of infective theronts (Parker, 1965).
tion, degeneration, necrosis and sloughing An LD50 was 108 theronts per fish, with a
of the superficial epithelial cells occur in density of 3.7 theronts per ml of water.
the area of the growing parasite (Ventura Immunized fish were resistant to lethal chal-
and Paperna, 1985). This devitalization of lenges of eight to ten LD50s. Channel catfish
the skin reduces the ability of fishes to (Ictalurus punctatus) vaccinated by expo-
resist infections by opportunistic patho- sure to 20 or 40 encysted tomonts and subse-
gens. These secondary infections add stress quently treated with 0.1 ppm malachite
to an already badly compromized host and green had lower mortality than non-immu-
increase the mortalities in a population of nized fishes when challenged with 20
infected fishes. tomonts per fish (Areerat, 1974). Mirror carp
(Cyprinus carpio) were immunized follow-
ing exposure to sublethal doses of tomonts
Mechanisms of disease – Cryptocaryon
(Hines and Spira, 1974c). In this study fishes
recovered naturally without treatment and
remained free of parasites when challenged
The limited body of literature on C. irritans
with large numbers of tomonts (500 per fish).
does not contain any significant description
One hundred per cent of naïve control fishes
of disease mechanisms. Both the life cycle
died when exposed to tomonts or infected
of and the pathology associated with C. irritans
fish in the same system.
are similar to those of I. multifiliis. Thus, it
seems reasonable to assume that the mecha-
nisms of disease would be similar for the Live versus killed vaccines
two parasites.
Infection with live parasites produces a
more substantial and prolonged protective
Antigens of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis immune response than vaccination with
killed organisms. This is attributed to an
It was observed as early as the beginning of increase in parasite mass as a result of
the 20th century that fishes surviving mild growth on the host, excretory or secretory
136 H.W. Dickerson

products released by the live parasite during fractions (Burkart et al., 1990). The vacci-
infection and the inflammatory response nation and testing were done on channel
elicited by parasite activity. catfish under uniform conditions. The
Live vaccines usually consist of either a study confirmed that controlled infection
carefully controlled infection with a fully with live organisms afforded higher protec-
virulent parasite (such as those for Ichthyo- tion than either injection or immersion with
phthirius described above) or an infection killed parasites. Vaccination by intraperi-
with a less virulent or attenuated strain. toneal or surface infection provided com-
To date, no attenuated strains of Ich have plete protection when fishes were
been described and the use of the virulent challenged 21 days later. These findings
organism for vaccination carries the risk of agree with other studies where it was found
inducing high mortalities in the population that fishes exposed to non-lethal doses of
one is attempting to immunize. Ich cannot parasites (Hines and Spira, 1974c; Houghton
be easily propagated, which also makes its and Matthews, 1990) or to lethal doses fol-
use as a live vaccine impractical on a large lowed by treatment (Beckert and Allison,
scale. Nevertheless, the intraperitoneal 1964; Houghton and Matthews, 1986; Clark
injection of fish with live theronts or et al., 1987) were protected against further
surface exposure to sublethal numbers of infection. In contrast, vaccination with
parasites is currently the most effective killed cell preparations was much less
means to immunize small numbers of fish effective; in most cases, all of the vacci-
(Dickerson et al., 1985; Dickerson and Clark, nated groups died following challenge (see
1996; Maki and Dickerson, 2003; Xu et al., below). The differences in protection
2004). between live and killed parasites suggest
Attempts have been made to immunize either that relevant immunogens are mole-
fishes against Ichthyophthirius using killed cules rapidly turned over on the live para-
parasite preparations. In an early study, site (e.g. membrane proteins or secretory
goldfish were injected intraperitoneally with and excretory products) or they are dena-
freeze-thawed theronts (Parker, 1965). When tured by the procedures used to treat the
challenged, the fish had fewer visible parasite in killed vaccines (freezing,
trophonts compared with non-immunized deciliation or formalin fixation).
control fish. The protection was less than
that afforded by vaccination with live organ-
Theront versus trophont antigens
isms. Areerat (1974) injected channel catfish
fingerlings intraperitoneally or intramuscu- Protective immunity is elicited in channel
larly with lysed tomonts with or without catfish following exposure to live theronts
Freund’s complete adjuvant. One hundred (Burkart et al., 1990; Dickerson and Clark,
per cent of the immunized fishes survived 1996; Maki and Dickerson, 2003; Xu et al.,
infection for at least 7 days following chal- 2004). Because theronts differentiate into
lenge. Beckert (1975) was able to induce trophonts soon after they attach to fish, it is
protection after injecting channel catfish difficult to determine whether protection is
intraperitoneally with killed trophonts elicited by stage-specific antigens. To
mixed with Freund’s complete adjuvant. address this question, antigens from both
theronts and trophonts were compared
directly in vaccination trials (Burkart et al.,
Assessment of protection
1990). Channel catfish were immunized
It is difficult to compare results of vaccina- with: (i) freeze-thawed or formalin-fixed
tion trials from different laboratories because theronts; (ii) isolated theront cilia; and
experiments were conducted using differ- (iii) formalin-fixed trophonts. One hundred
ent antigens, fishes and challenge proce- per cent mortality was seen in all groups
dures. One study directly compared (in the except the one injected with killed trophonts,
same system) the protection afforded by which had a mean mortality of 51% ± 38.
live vaccines and various killed parasite This protection was lower than that reported
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 137

by Areerat (1974) but suggested that formalin- Houghton and Matthews, 1986; Clark et al.,
killed trophonts contain protective anti- 1987, 1988). Clark et al. (1988), using dot-
gens. The finding in this experiment that blot assays, demonstrated that immobiliz-
fish injected with Ich cilia all died follow- ing antisera from immune channel catfish
ing challenge is in direct disagreement with contained antibodies that reacted specifi-
a previous report where vaccination with cally with ciliary membrane proteins. This
theront cilia was purported to significantly was the first time that a direct correlation
reduce mortality (Goven et al., 1981). Never- was shown between immobilization and
theless, in all groups inoculation with both the presence of antibodies against parasite
trophont and theront antigens increased the antigens.
survival period (days to death) over that of The immobilization antigens (i-antigens)
control fish. It thus appears that killed anti- of Ichthyophthirius are glycosyl-phosphatidyl-
gen preparations elicited some protection, inositol (GPI)-anchored membrane pro-
although not enough to prevent death. More teins ranging between 40 and 70 kDa
recently, Xu et al. (2004) demonstrated pro- (Dickerson et al., 1989, 1993; Lin and
tection following immunization with killed Dickerson, 1992; Clark et al., 2001; Clark
trophonts. and Forney, 2003). Analysis of these anti-
gens following mAb affinity chromatogra-
Immobilization antigens phy indicated that they share common
epitopes and that immobilization is dep-
Sera from immune fishes immobilize
endent on native protein conformation
free-swimming theronts and tomonts in vitro
(Lin et al., 1996; Wang and Dickerson,
(Fig. 4.7). Hines and Spira (1974c) were the
2002; Clark and Forney, 2003).
first to describe this phenomenon and
Hines and Spira (1974c) suggested that
they postulated that immobilization was
immobilization of parasites is responsible
elicited by the binding of antibodies to para-
for protection after observing that naïve
site cilia. Immobilization of theronts and
fishes remained disease-free when chal-
trophonts by immune fish sera has been
lenged in the presence of immune fishes.
described by other researchers as well
They postulated that immobilizing anti-
(Beckert and Allison, 1964; Parker, 1965;
bodies are released into the water from the
Areerat, 1974; Wahli and Meier, 1985;
mucus of immune fishes. The hypothesis
that antibodies are directly involved in
protection has been tested using mAbs in
passive immunization studies (Clark et al.,
1996; Lin et al., 1996). In these studies,
murine mAbs that immobilize Ichthyo-
phthirius were found to confer virtually
complete protection against an otherwise
lethal parasite challenge when injected
intraperitoneally (i.p.) into naïve channel
catfish. As is the case for immobilization,
the protection afforded by these antibodies
is serotype-specific (Lin et al., 1996). While
these studies provide clear evidence of a
role for i-antigens in protective immunity,
experiments carried out by Cross and
Matthews (1992) with actively immune fish
Fig. 4.7. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis theronts generated conflicting results. When carp
immobilized by antibody. Theronts were incubated that had been immunized by previous expo-
with immobilizing mouse monoclonal antibodies sure to Ichthyophthirius were re-exposed to
for 30 min and photographed under a phase- infectious theronts, parasites readily pene-
contrast microscope. Bar = 16 µm. trated the skin. Nevertheless, within 2 h of
138 H.W. Dickerson

exposure, ∼ 80% of those initially present et al., 1996). Because immobilizing antibod-
had disappeared with little or no trace. The ies are present in the skin and cutaneous
conclusion was that parasites were being mucus of actively immune fish (Xu, 1995;
forced to exit fish prematurely in response Xu and Klesius, 2003), these results strongly
to host factors (presumably antibodies) suggest that protective antibodies are pro-
within the skin. The ability of parasites to duced locally in the skin. These results
invade and then exit the skin was clearly are entirely consistent with biochemical evi-
inconsistent with the presence of immobi- dence that serum and mucus antibodies
lizing antibodies in the tissue, and raised are metabolically distinct (Lobb and Clem,
obvious questions regarding the role of 1981). Whether such antibodies arise locally
i-antigens in forced exit and protective from lymphocytes within the skin or are pro-
immunity overall. To reconcile these find- duced elsewhere and enter the epithelium
ings, a further series of passive immuniza- through some, as yet, unidentified pathway
tion trials was conducted, this time using is unknown (Dickerson and Clark, 1998).
fish that were already infected with
Ichthyophthirius (Clark et al., 1996). In this
Concurrent infection and cross-immunity
case, passive transfer of immobilizing anti-
bodies forced rapid, premature exit of para- Protective immunity against Ichthyoph-
sites from the host, exactly as described by thirius is highly specific. Hines and Spira
Cross and Matthews (1993b) for actively (1974c) noted that immune carp became
immune fish. Trophonts that exited fish in infected with other ectoparasites even
response to murine antibodies were viable though they were resistant to reinfection
and developed to form new theronts. Subse- with Ich. This observation was used to
quent studies with actively immune fish argue that immunity against Ich was an
showed that parasites that escape the host acquired specific response. It was of inter-
can directly reinfect naïve animals (Wahli est, therefore, when other researchers sug-
and Matthews, 1999). Thus, while prema- gested that the ciliate Tetrahymena shared
ture exit represents an entirely novel mech- common antigens with Ichthyophthirius
anism of humoral immunity, it may act as (Goven et al., 1981), and that Tetrahymena
an evasion strategy for the parasite as well cilia could be used to vaccinate fish against
(Clark et al., 1996; Clark and Forney, 2003). Ich. Subsequent work indicated that trout
Passive transfer experiments suggest were also protected after bath immunization
that i-antigen-elicited immunity requires in cultures of Tetrahymena thermophila
the production of cutaneous (mucosal) anti- (Wolf and Markiw, 1982). Wolf found that
bodies in fish (Dickerson and Clark, 1998). fish immunized with Tetrahymena were
Of a total of eight immobilizing mAbs that resistant to both Ichthyobodo necatrix and
gave protection in passive immunization Ich. It was reported that goldfish (C. auratus)
trials, seven were IgG-class antibodies. The vaccinated with T. pyriformis were pro-
only mAb that failed to protect was an tected against I. multifiliis as well as a num-
IgM-class antibody (Lin et al., 1996). Simi- ber of other protozoan parasites (Ling et al.,
larly, antibodies from actively immune fish 1993). Other labs could not repeat these
(which are tetrameric IgM-like molecules) findings, however (Dickerson and Clark,
failed to protect naïve animals following 1996; Matthews, 1996). Sera from carp
passive transfer, despite the fact that such immunized by intraperitoneal injection
antibodies strongly immobilize the para- with live Tetrahymena did not immobilize
site in vitro. Based on ELISA and in vitro Ich, and the fish were not protected against
immobilization assays, IgG class mAbs infection (Houghton et al., 1992). Immobi-
reached the serum and mucus of test animals lizing sera from Ich-immune channel cat-
following i.p. injection. In contrast, serum fish reacted with Ich ciliary membrane
antibodies from immune fish entered the proteins but not with those of Tetrahymena
serum but not the mucus, while IgM murine (Clark et al., 1988). A possible explanation
mAbs entered neither compartment (Lin for the discrepancy is that the protection
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 139

observed in the earlier studies of Goven and dislodged from the surface of heavily
Wolf was the result of non-specific innate infected fishes and placed into ice-cold
immunity, rather than acquired immunity. sterile water in glass centrifuge tubes.
Cross protection occurs between differ- Long-term culture of the parasite can be
ent immobilization serotypes of I. multifiliis achieved by lowering the holding tempera-
(Leff et al., 1994; Jarrett, 1997). Channel cat- ture of infected fish. Viable and infective
fish immunized against Ich are protected parasites are recovered up to 30 days after
against challenge with homologous or infection from channel catfish held at 10°C
heterologous parasite strains. (Noe and Dickerson, 1995).
Placing single trophonts into 1 ml of
sterile water in individual wells of 24-well
Antigens of C. irritans plastic tissue-culture plates clones the para-
sites. These develop into theronts over-
Marine fish surviving infection with C. irritans night at 23–25°C. Theronts derived from
become resistant to reinfection (Colorni, cloned tomonts are then used to infect sus-
1985, 1987). Preliminary results from our lab- ceptible channel catfish fingerlings. These
oratory (H.W. Dickerson and T. Yoshinaga, fishes are placed in an aquarium containing
unpublished results) indicate that saltwater- naïve fishes.
adapted mollies (Poecilia latipinna) exposed Cryptocaryon culture is maintained in
to controlled Cryptocaryon infection and much the same way except that salt water
cured by treatment with malachite green is used and the development times are lon-
and formalin develop immunity to lethal ger than those of Ichthyophthirius. A stan-
challenge. The antigens that elicited this dard method for propagating C. irritans on
response were not identified. grey mullet (Chelon labrosus) has been
described (Burgess and Matthews, 1994),
and a procedure for growing the parasite
In Vitro Culture and Propagation on saltwater-adapted black mollies
of the Parasites (P. latipinna) is available (Yoshinaga and
Dickerson, 1994).
One of the major problems encountered
when working with either Ichthyophthirius
or Cryptocaryon is that both organisms are
obligate parasites and neither can be grown
To date, cryopreservation and retrieval of
with artificial media.
viable, infective organisms has not been
Ichthyophthirius is routinely grown by
possible with either parasite (Everett et al.,
serial passage on channel catfish fingerlings
2002). There have been several attempts
(Noe and Dickerson, 1995). Briefly, an
with Ich, one of which succeeded in keep-
infected fish is placed in a 20 l aquarium
ing tomonts viable for several months in liq-
with five naïve fishes. When these fish
uid nitrogen (Beeler, 1981). Although the
become heavily infected, all but one are
tomonts divided into theronts following
removed and placed in 5 l glass jars contain-
thawing, their infectivity was not tested.
ing aerated water. Five naïve fish are again
added to the aquarium to maintain the
infection. The fish in the jars are transferred
to fresh jars daily. Trophonts that leave the Parasite Biochemistry and
fish settle to the bottoms of the jars and Molecular Biology
encyst. The water is gently poured off. The
attached tomonts are rinsed in sterile water Very little is known about the physiological
and allowed to divide overnight, and the and nutritional requirements of either
free-swimming theronts are collected by Ichthyophthirius or Cryptocaryon, except
centrifugation (Dickerson et al., 1989). that they are obligate parasites that grow
When trophonts are needed, they are gently only by feeding on live fishes. Attempts to
140 H.W. Dickerson

culture Ichthyophthirius in artificial media primary sequence. Apart from D, A is the

have not been successful (Hlond, 1967; best-characterized parasite i-antigen
Beckert, 1975). Survival of theronts and serotype to date. Natural isolates obtained
tomonts can be extended in selected media, from Georgia (G1) and New York (NY1) are
however (Ekless and Matthews, 1993). members of this group. These isolates
A number of early studies examined the express either two (G1) or three (NY1)
biochemical composition of the various dev- i-antigen polypeptides based on SDS-PAGE
elopmental stages of Ichthyophthirius. Differ- and Western blotting, with the G1 proteins
ential staining was used to identify glycogen, migrating at ∼ 48 and 60 kDa size ranges
nucleic acids and proteins (MacLennon, (Lin and Dickerson, 1992; Wang et al.,
1935a; Yottenckar and Uspenskaya, 1964; 2002). The gene for the 48 kDa antigen has
Uspenskaya and Ovchinnikova, 1966). been sequenced (IAG48[G1]), and predicts a
Glycogen, lipids and proteins accumulate protein that shares 44% and 57% homology
in the cytoplasm of trophonts during the with the IAG52A[G5] and IAG52B[G5] gene
feeding period and diminish during the products, respectively (Clark et al., 1999).
development of the theront. Differences in When the predicted sequences of all three
protein patterns exist in trophonts and proteins are compared, they differ most in
infective theronts when examined by the region between adjacent -C-X2-C- motifs
SDS-PAGE (Pyle and Dawe, 1985). (particularly in the central repeats) and are
most conserved at their carboxy-termini. As
suggested for the Paramecium antigens (Preer
Molecular biology of the i-antigens et al., 1987), the central repeats may har-
of Ichthyophthirius bour epitopes recognized by immobilizing
Parasite strains collected from the wild and Attempts to amplify the genes for the
maintained as clonal isolates express any- 48 and 52/55 kDa antigens using gene-
where from one to three i-antigen poly- specific primers and genomic DNA from
peptides with apparent relative molecular heterologous serotypes have proved unsuc-
masses (Mrs) of 40–60 kDa on SDS-PAGE cessful (Clark and Forney, 2003). Further-
(Clark et al., 1995; Clark and Forney, 2003). more, the genes themselves fail to hybridize
Based on immobilization with specific anti- with DNA of heterologous i-antigen sero-
sera, five i-antigen serotypes, designated types in Southern blots probed under con-
A–E, are presently known (Clark et al., ditions of high stringency (Dickerson et al.,
1995). The majority of these (ten of 12 natu- 1993). Under low stringency conditions, the
rally occurring field isolates) fall into the same genes recognize only a limited num-
three groups A, C and D. The most common ber of bands in Southern blots of DNA from
serotype, namely D, has been identified homologous or heterologous strains, indi-
in isolates ranging from China to the USA cating that only a small number of i-antigen
(Lin et al., 2002). Cells that express the D genes exist in any given isolate. This lim-
serotype show a single i-antigen band of ited repertoire most probably arose from
∼ 52/55 kDa following SDS-PAGE and gene duplication and genetic drift involving
Western blotting. The 52/55 kDa band has point mutations and/or intra- or intergenic
been shown to resolve into four or more iso- recombination. In the free-living ciliates,
electric variants on two-dimensional gels, cells that express a particular serotype con-
and genes encoding at least two distinct tain multiple i-antigen genes that are
i-antigens have now been isolated from the expressed in a mutually exclusive fashion
G5 parasite strain (a representative of under different sets of environmental con-
serotype D) (Lin et al., 2002). The two genes ditions (Doerder et al., 1996). There is little
(designated IAG52A[G5] and IAG52B[G5] ) evidence that this occurs in Ichthyoph-
are co-expressed in the G5 isolate (although thirius, however, and i-antigen expression
at widely different levels), and their products in I. multifiliis appears to be highly stable.
share roughly 40% identity in terms of Clonal parasite isolates grown on fish have
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 141

been shown to maintain a given serotype proteins are disulphide-linked. In addition

for > 100 generations (H.W. Dickerson and to the -C-X2,3-C- motifs, a number of other
T.G. Clark, unpublished). Furthermore, structural elements appear to be conserved
changes in steady-state levels of i-antigen among the parasite i-antigens, most notably,
transcripts have not been detected when CP-X-G (T/A) sequences at the start of each
infective theronts are exposed to different repeat and a KKLTSGA domain just upstream
temperatures (temperature change is one of of the C-termini in each protein (Lin et al.,
the principal stimuli leading to antigenic 2002). The latter element may be a recogni-
variation in free-living species (Clark and tion sequence for the transamidase that adds
Forney, 2003). While there is little evidence the GPI anchor to the C-terminal residue of
for antigenic switching in Ichthyophthirius, the mature protein (Clark et al., 2001).
the abundance of i-antigen transcripts var- Immobilization-antigen coding sequen-
ies significantly in development. Transfor- ces display the same non-standard codon
mation from the host-associated (trophont) usage employed in other genes from
to the infective (theront) stage is accompa- hymenostomatid ciliates (including Para-
nied by a dramatic increase in abundance of mecium and Tetrahymena), where UAA
i-antigen mRNAs, with transcript levels and UAG stop codons specify glutamine
reaching as high as 6% of total poly-A+ RNA instead. The existence of 18–25 such
(Clark et al., 1992). The fact that i-antigen codons in each of the three i-antigen genes
transcript levels increase in parallel with sequenced precludes their expression in
the infectivity of the organism bears on the conventional systems without extensive
functional role of these surface proteins in vitro mutagenesis.
(Clark et al., 1992).
Based on sequences obtained from
three cloned genes, the i-antigens of Ichth- Diagnosis of Infection
yophthirius share a common structure,
consisting of hydrophobic N- and C-termini Fishes infected with either I. multifiliis or
that direct endoplasmic reticulum trans- C. irritans usually develop characteristic
location and GPI-anchor addition, respec- white spots on their surface (see section on
tively, and a series of five to six imperfect clinical signs above). In mild infections the
tandem repeats of ~ 80 amino acids each parasites are not readily seen. The parasites
spanning their length (Lin et al., 2002). As are more difficult to see on fishes with
is true of the i-antigens of the free-living lightly pigmented skin. In early stages of
ciliates, the repeats are characterized by the infection, large numbers of theronts can
presence of periodic cysteine residues, actually kill a fish before the parasite
which fall into register when the repeats becomes visible and death is caused by
are aligned. The parasite antigens contain massive damage to the gill epithelia.
six cysteines per repeat, which occur As mentioned earlier (see section
as -C-X2,3-C- motifs within the larger- above on host–parasite relationships),
order framework -C-X19–21-C-X2-C-X16–47- infected fishes often have behavioural
C-X2-C-X20–22-C-X3. The spacing of the changes caused by the irritation from para-
cysteine residues is consistent with the sites in the skin and gills. This behaviour is
i-antigens being metal-binding proteins non-specific, however, and can also be
(Berg and Shi, 1996; Schwabe and Klug, associated with other bacterial, fungal and
1996; Clark et al., 1999; Clark and Forney, protozoan diseases.
2003). The epitopes recognized by immobi- To make a definitive diagnosis of
lizing antibodies are destroyed by sulph- ichthyophthiriasis or cryptocaryoniasis, it is
hydryl reducing agents (Wang, 2001), and, necessary to microscopically examine tissue
based on studies of the Paramecium from a gill arch, a tail fin or the body surface.
i-antigens (Preer et al., 1987), there is good The large (200 to 800 µm) ciliated trophonts
reason to believe that some or all of the are easily seen in unstained wet mounts
cysteine residues within the I. multifiliis (× 10–40 magnification). The trophont of Ich
142 H.W. Dickerson

has a distinctive horseshoe-shaped nucleus, Physical treatments without the

which is a pathognomonic sign of infection. use of chemicals
In early or very heavy infections, theronts
will also be seen. They are ciliated and The objective for the treatment of a dis-
pyriform in shape and can easily be confused ease is to break the cycle of infection. In
with Tetrahymena spp. I. multifiliis infection, the most vulnerable
The diagnosis of Cryptocaryon is also stage is the free-swimming theront. The
best made from a wet mount taken from trophont is located deep in the epidermis of
the gills, skin scraping or fin sections. The the fish and is protected from most agents
presence of a large ciliated protozoan is that are added to the water.
indicative of cryptocaryoniasis. The nucleus The simplest treatment is reduction or
of C. irritans is crescent-shaped and lobed. removal of theronts. The repeated transfer
of fishes to different aquaria is effective.
Daily transfer for 5–7 days is usually suffi-
cient to break the cycle of infection
Prevention and Control of the Parasites (Brown and Gratzek, 1980; Houghton and
Matthews, 1990). In large fish culture oper-
Disease control and prevention in an inten- ations, dilution is used if the fishes can be
sive fish production operation depend upon placed in a raceway. A rapid flow of water
an integrated management programme. The is maintained for a week to reduce the
basic elements are: prevention of exposure number of theronts.
of fishes to the parasites; prompt identifica- In closed fish culture systems where
tion of the disease if it occurs; treatment of the water is recycled, exposing the water to
infected fishes; and immunization (if possi- ultraviolet light can control Ich infections.
ble). Prevention of disease is always more The recycled water is passed through an
cost-effective than treatment. ultraviolet light sterilizer and exposed to
Ich and C. irritans infections are usu- 91,900 µW/cm before being cycled back
ally introduced into fish populations by into the aquaria containing fish (Gratzek
the addition of infected fishes. In fresh- et al., 1983).
water fish culture, no animals should be Theronts are killed at temperatures
introduced into a facility unless they have higher than 30°C. Maintenance of fishes at
been in quarantine for 2–3 weeks (Brown these temperatures for a week will eliminate
and Gratzek, 1980). If possible, the quar- infection. The water temperature should be
antined fishes should be held in moder- raised gradually to allow the fishes to accli-
ately warm water (24°C). This is the mate to the change. This treatment is often
optimal temperature for the development combined with dilution. The use of ele-
of I. multifiliis and in 2–3 weeks the para- vated temperatures to control Ich infec-
site would have gone through several tion is obviously unsuitable for coldwater
infection cycles. Thus, if the fishes were fishes.
carrying low levels of infection, there
would be ample time for it to become
apparent. The water from the quarantine Chemotherapy
facility (pond, raceway, aquarium, etc.)
should not be circulated into any other fish A variety of chemicals have been used for
holding facility. treating I. multifiliis, none of which is uni-
If an Ich infection develops during the versally successful.
quarantine, the fishes should be treated. Sodium chloride was one of the first to
Treatments that control the free-swimming be used (Stiles, 1894), where it was reported
theronts break the cycle of infection by pre- that theronts were killed instantly in satu-
venting reinfection. In addition, it is also rated salt solutions. Stiles (1894) proposed
possible to treat trophonts that are on the creating a salt concentration gradient for use
fishes (see chemotherapy section, below). as treatment. This can be done by placing
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 143

salt below a slotted or mesh floor in the 14 g of malachite green dissolved in 1 gallon
aquarium (Cross, 1972). The fishes tend to of formalin. Fishes in aquaria are treated by
stay in the upper portions of the aquarium. adding 1 ml of stock solution to 10 gallons of
When tomonts leave the fishes, they fall water. The treatment is repeated three times
into areas of high salt concentration and are with a 3-day interval between each treat-
killed. Various concentrations of salt ment (Brown and Gratzek, 1980). Again,
(7000–20,000 ppm) have been suggested for aeration must be maintained, and carbon
pond treatments (Kabata, 1985). In general, filters removed. Raceways are treated
salt treatment does not rapidly control the (1 ml/10 gallons) for 6 h daily and flushed
infection and often does not completely after each treatment. Ponds are treated at
remove the parasite from the environment. 3- to 4-day intervals. The mixture is usually
The use of salt may have an additional ben- very effective, especially in treating fishes in
efit, however. Fishes infected with I. multi- aquaria. The incorporation of malachite
filiis have decreased serum sodium and green into fish food has been reported to be
magnesium (Hines and Spira, 1974b), and effective against trophonts residing on the
sodium in the water may help fishes main- fish (Schmahl et al., 1992a, 1996). The fish
tain osmotic balance, thus reducing stress. must be healthy enough to eat for this
Formalin is a common treatment. Fishes treatment to work.
in aquaria are treated with 25 ppm (1 ml Another chemical that has been suc-
formalin to 10 gallons of H2O) of formalin cessfully used is potassium permanganate.
on alternate days until the infection is This is recommended for ponds (Brown and
cleared. Usually the water is changed on Gratzek, 1980). The dose is 2 ppm (or less)
days between treatments. Pond fishes are for scaleless fishes and 2–5 ppm for scaled
treated with 15 to 25 ppm (5 to 8 gallons of fishes. The effectiveness of potassium
formalin/acre foot water). Bath treatments permanganate is reduced by large amounts
are also used; fishes are treated with of organic matter in the water.
160–250 ppm formalin for 1 h daily until A number of other chemicals have been
mortality stops (Brown and Gratzek, 1980). used; these include copper sulphate (Brown
Care must be taken when formalin is used and Gratzek, 1980; Straus, 1993), acriflavine,
in ponds in hot weather. If the formalin quinine, mepacrine, mercury compounds
kills the algae in the pond, the pond may be and chloramine-T (Cross, 1972). These have
depleted of oxygen (Cross, 1972) . not been consistently effective in controlling
Malachite green has also been used, Ichthyophthirius infections.
either alone or in combination with forma- Attempts have been made to kill
lin. The zinc-free oxalate salt of malachite trophonts on infected fishes. This approach
green is the only form of the chemical that has been used to eliminate I. multifiliis from
is effective against Ichthyophthirius. Fish in fishes before they are introduced to a pond,
aquaria are treated with 0.1 ppm at 3- to lake, river, aquarium, etc. A major problem
4-day intervals until the infection is is that the mucus and overlying epithelium
cleared. Carbon filters in the aquaria should prevent access of chemicals to the parasite.
be removed during treatment. Aeration Three approaches – hyperosmotic shock,
must be maintained (Brown and Gratzek, vacuum infiltration and surfactant immer-
1980). Pond fishes are also treated with sion – were tested as a means of delivering
0.1 ppm at 3- to 4-day intervals. Bath treat- drugs to trophonts in the skin. None of the
ments are done at 2 ppm for 30 min. Mala- procedures was effective (Post and Vesely,
chite green is a suspected carcinogen and 1983). Toltrazuril was found to reach
must therefore be handled with care. It is trophonts embedded in the skin of fishes
not approved for use on food fishes in the (Mehlhorn et al., 1988). Immersion of fishes
USA because of the possibility of residual in water containing 10 µg/ml of the drug for
contamination in tissues. When malachite 4 h (repeated daily for 3 days) killed fish-
is used in combination with formalin, a associated parasites. This treatment was
stock solution is prepared which consists of only effective against trophonts and did not
144 H.W. Dickerson

kill theronts. Another triazinone, HOE 092 V, Immobilization antigens have been
formulated as a water-soluble preparation, identified as protective immunogens (Wang
was also effective against trophonts in carp and Dickerson, 2002; Wang et al., 2002),
and cardinal tetras (Paracheirodon axelrodi) and their genes have been cloned (Clark
when applied once as a medicated bath at et al., 1995; Lin et al., 2002). A promising
the same concentration and exposure time as system for expression of these genes is the
toltrazuril (Schmahl et al., 1992b). Quinine use of T. thermophila (Gaertig et al., 1999).
has also been used as a food additive A cadmium-inducible metallothionein
(Schmahl et al., 1996). promoter allows high-level expression of
Control of I. multifiliis outbreaks requires Ichthyophthirius i-antigen genes in Tetra-
good animal husbandry and management in hymena. Plasmid constructs have been cre-
addition to the use of therapeutic agents. ated in which the coding regions of i-antigen
Dead fishes should be removed as soon as genes IAG48[G1] and IAG52A[G5] are
they are found because trophonts begin to placed downstream of the 1.9 kb 5′ untrans-
drop off and encyst within hours. Aquaria lated region of MTT1 (T.G. Clark, unpub-
should be scrubbed and water recycled lished results). Plasmid replacement vectors
through a diatomaceous earth filter (Brown have been introduced into T. thermophila
and Gratzek, 1980). This will dislodge and strain CU522 by biolistic bombardment.
remove developing cysts and theronts from This strain is sensitive to growth in taxol
the aquaria. In raceways where the water flow by virtue of a mutation in the BTU1 gene
can be increased, the bottoms should be (btu1-1-K350M), which permits targeted
swept daily. This will dislodge developing gene replacement into the BTU1 locus and
cysts and many will be flushed out in the selection with taxol (Gaertig et al., 1999).
water flow. In shallow ponds, sweeping the Following transformation, resulting cell
bottom will bury some cysts while others lines produce large amounts of recombinant
attached to the suspended bottom material protein in the presence but not in the
can be flushed out by increasing the water absence of 5 µg/ml CdCl2 (H.W. Dickerson,
flow (Brown and Gratzek, 1980). T.G. Clark and J. Gaertig, unpublished
Aquaria, ponds and raceways should results). The respective antigens are clearly
be drained, cleaned and allowed to dry after visible on the surface of Tetrahymena
an outbreak. Drying kills the parasite. The transformants by immunofluorescence micro-
bottom of a dried pond should be treated scopy. Expression from the IAG52A[G5]
with lime. If ponds cannot be drained com- gene is approximately 1% of total cell pro-
pletely, the residual water should be treated tein. Preliminary evidence suggests that
with a disinfectant such as calcium T. thermophila cells expressing Ich i-antigens
hypochlorite (Brown and Gratzek, 1980). elicit protective immunity when injected
intraperitoneally into channel catfish (Wang,
2001). Work is under way to further develop
Immunization this system for the expression and delivery
of Ich protective antigens.
The ideal method to prevent infection of
fishes with I. multifiliis is prophylactic
immunization. Prevention of disease is Prevention and control – Cryptocaryon
always preferred to treatment. At the present irritans
time, there are no practical, commercially
available vaccines against Ich. A variety of As with I. multifiliis, the control of C. irritans
components of I. multifiliis have been used to in marine fishes depends upon breaking the
experimentally induce immunity in fishes, cycle of infection. A variety of treatments
but, because I. multifiliis is an obligate para- have been used to control C. irritans.
site that can only be collected from live A simple method is separation of fishes
fishes, large-scale production of antigenic from the encysted tomonts before they
material for vaccines is extremely difficult. develop into infective theronts. In small
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans (Phylum Ciliophora) 145

aquaria transferring the fishes to clean at 8–12 mg/gallon. Quinine hydrochloride is

aquaria every 3 days can do this. The tanks soluble in salt water; quinine sulphate stays
are cleaned and dried between uses (Colorni, effective over a wide range of water pH; and
1987). Another method is to place the fishes atebrine is the least expensive (Herwig,
in cages in the open sea for at least 10 days. 1978). During treatment the tanks should be
The cages should be several metres above the protected from light, which inactivates the
sea floor. Tomonts fall to the bottom and drugs. Fishes may occasionally show toxic
the released theronts are unable to reach the reactions. The clinical signs of drug toxicity
fishes (Colorni, 1987). In large display tanks include loss of equilibrium, loss of appetite
with both fishes and invertebrates, chemical and rapid movement of gill opercula. Treat-
treatment is not feasible. The following ment of the water with 2–4 drops per gallon
method was found to be useful. A 1–2 cm of a 0.2% stock solution of potassium per-
layer of clean, fine sand was spread uni- manganate solution will generally counter-
formly on the bottom of the tank. After 3 days, act the toxicity (Herwig, 1978).
the sand was removed with a suction Exposure of the parasite to either hypo-
dredge and replaced with a new layer of or hypersalinity has been proposed. Colorni
sand. The procedure was repeated four (1985) reported that four repeated exposures
times at 3-day intervals (Colorni, 1987). of 3 h duration in 10% sea water cleared the
infection in 5–8 days. Quinine-HCl and 45%
sodium chloride had a synergistic effect
Chemotherapy when used to treat C. irritans on red snappers
(Huff and Burns, 1981). Killifish were cleared
Many of the same chemicals used to treat of C. irritans in sea water diluted 1 : 1, 1 : 2
I. multifiliis infections have been tried against and 1 : 3 with distilled water (Cheung et al.,
C. irritans. One chemical that appears to work 1979). The reduced salinity appeared to affect
is copper sulphate. Immersion of fishes in the trophonts on the fishes as well as the
0.15–0.25 ppm copper sulphate for 3–10 days encysted tomonts. The use of hyposalinity
is recommended (Herwig, 1978). The treat- may be limited by the ability of the fishes to
ment may have to be repeated several times. tolerate the low salt concentrations. Estuary
Brown and Gratzek (1980) suggested that con- fishes are more likely to tolerate low salt treat-
tinual exposure to copper (0.15 ppm) will ments than open-sea or reef-dwelling fishes.
control C. irritans infections. The solubility of A suggested treatment is as follows: an
copper is adversely affected by calcium car- initial 5–15 min bath in fresh water fol-
bonate in the water. It was suggested that lowed by quarantine in a saltwater aqua-
citric acid or glacial acetic acid be added to rium containing atebrine at 4–6 mg/gallon.
chelate the copper to keep it in solution. This The freshwater dip is repeated on the sec-
is questionable since the chelated copper ond day and the atebrine concentration
may not be available for activity against the increased to 8–12 mg/gallon. This routine is
parasite (Herwig, 1978). repeated for a total of 5 days. The fishes
A mixture of cupric acetate (0.42 ppm), should be observed for an additional 10 days
formalin (5.26 ppm) and Tris buffer (4.8 ppm) after treatment (Herwig, 1978).
has been an effective treatment (Nigrelli and
Ruggieri, 1966). Another variation is to use
copper sulphate (0.15–0.2 ppm), citric acid Summary and Conclusions
and methylene blue stock (1 ml of 1% solu-
tion/2.5 gallons of water) until the water is a I. multifiliis and C. irritans are parasitic
clear blue colour (Nigrelli and Ruggieri, 1966). ciliates of freshwater and marine fishes,
Quinine derivatives are effective drugs respectively. Ichthyophthiriasis and crypto-
against C. irritans. Quinine hydrochloride, caryoniasis are significant diseases in
quinine sulphate and quinacrine hydro- fish culturing systems. Outbreaks produce
chloride (atebrine or mepacrine) kill financial losses, resulting not only from fish
theronts and can be used interchangeably mortalities, but also from the cost of control
146 H.W. Dickerson

measures and treatments. There are a vari- elucidated. It is necessary to study further
ety of treatments or combinations of treat- these responses in order to take logical
ments available, none of which is ideal. An approaches to vaccination. For example,
important area of research is the develop- the common antigens responsible for cross-
ment of effective prophylactic control meth- protection among different serotypic strains of
ods to prevent catastrophic outbreaks. I. multifiliis remain to be characterized. Also,
When available, immunization is one the pathways through which antigens are pre-
of the most cost- and time-effective means sented and processed at mucosal surfaces
of preventing disease. There are significant remain to be determined. Likewise, the mech-
problems hindering the development of anisms of antibody production and transport
practical vaccines against I. multifiliis and to mucosal surfaces require further study.
C. irritans, however. One of the major obsta- Methods to preserve and maintain
cles is that these ciliates cannot be grown in infective organisms are needed. One of the
axenic culture, which precludes the large- problems in immunization trials is the lack
scale culture of organisms for preparation of of standard challenge methods. If viable para-
vaccines. Future research should address sites could be preserved by freezing, then
the problem of mass production of protec- standard isolates would be available for
tive antigens. One solution is the develop- these purposes. Preservation techniques
ment of in vitro cultivation systems for would benefit other areas of research as well.
I. multifiliis and C. irritans, which will Collection and cryopreservation of isolates
require basic studies on parasite physiology from different geographical areas, with dif-
and biochemistry. The current and future ferent fish species and at different times
resources provided by genomic technolo- would allow comparative studies. This
gies in ciliates are sure to provide advances could help to resolve taxonomic questions
in this area. The genome of the free-living related to a number of species of Ichthyoph-
ciliate T. thermophila is currently available thirius and Cryptocaryon. Also, the question
for comparative studies (Turkewitz et al., of biotypes or strains and host specificity
2002), and an Ichthyophthirius expression could be investigated in more detail.
sequence tag library is under construction Finally, a re-examination of the classi-
(T.G. Clark, unpublished). A second solution fication of Cryptocaryon is in order due to
would be the use of genetic engineering for significant differences from Ichthyoph-
the production of recombinant protective thirius in morphology, development and
antigens in easily cultured organisms. The genomic sequence.
free-living ciliate T. thermophila is a promis-
ing system for the large-scale production of
heterologous genes, and has already been Acknowledgements
successfully used to express the i-antigens of
I. multifiliis (Gaertig et al., 1999). The authors wish to thank Ms B. Velasquez
Further research is also necessary to for providing the drawing depicting the life
understand the immune response against both cycle of I. multifiliis.
parasites. Although it has been evident for This work was supported by multiple
some time that fishes develop protective consecutive grants (1987–2005) from the US
immunity against I. multifiliis, the effector Department of Agriculture, National Research
mechanisms are only now becoming Initiative Competitive Grants Program.


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5 Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans
(Phylum Ciliophora)

Linda Basson and Jo Van As

Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of the Free State,
Bloemfontein, South Africa

Introduction stamp on the peritrichs, especially the tricho-

dinids, as our research interest and expertise
In the chapter on ‘Trichodinids and other are in this group of ciliophorans. Further-
ciliates’, Jiri Lom (1995) mentioned that more, we shall also provide additional infor-
ciliophorans are amongst the most common mation on the African ciliophorans.
and widely distributed symbionts of fishes, The major part of this contribution is
either as parasites or as commensals. We on the trichodinids, with the focus on those
now know a little more about ciliophorans associated with fish. The rest of the chapter
that cause disease and mortality in fish, and deals with the other ciliophorans, separat-
also have methods to control them. He also ing them into those parasites commonly
stated that many facets of their existence are associated with fish and causing pathology
in urgent need of further study, and (obligate fish parasites), commensals which
regrettably this has not changed in the last seldom cause pathology (obligate fish com-
10 years. Trichodinids are one of the most mensals) and lastly free-living ciliophorans
commonly encountered symbiont groups in associated with fish which also cause dis-
the aquatic environment; however, much of ease (facultative fish parasites). Succinct
the diversity of this and other ciliophoran but thorough information on ciliophoran
groups is virtually unknown. What is worse, morphology and ultrastructure may be
the relationship of many ciliophorans to found in Lee et al. (1985).
their hosts is based on mere speculation.
When a ciliophoran, however inoffensive it
may be, is found growing massively on a Trichodinids
fish, it is often automatically considered a
pathogen and an appropriate ‘osis’ is then The order Mobilida Kahl, 1933 (class Oligo-
added. Also, with the exception of Tetra- hymenophorea de Puytorac et al., 1974;
hymena, none of these ciliophorans has been subclass Peritrichia Stein, 1859) comprises
cultivated in vivo and their metabolism and mobile ciliated organisms with conical,
nutritional requirements are unknown. cylinder-shaped bodies, of which the domi-
The aim of this chapter is to update nant feature is an aboral adhesive disc.
Lom (1995), as much of it is still relevant This suborder is represented by three
today. We would, however, like to place our families, the Urceolariidae Dujardin, 1841,
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
154 (ed. P.T.K. Woo)
Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans (Phylum Ciliophora) 155

Trichodinopsidae Kent, 1881 and associated with ‘green weeds growing in the
Trichodinidae Raabe, 1963. The former two water’. After describing a Hydra, he
are associated with invertebrates and they remarked that this animal ‘had her body
have simple plate-like denticles. The laden with another sort of little creatures,
Trichodinidae all have complex structures whose shape was flat beneath and round
in the aboral adhesive disc and are epizoics above’. These ‘little creatures’ could be
(sometimes endozoics) of a broad range of none other than Trichodina pediculus (O.F.
aquatic invertebrate and vertebrate hosts, Muller, 1786) Ehrenberg, 1838, the first
with seven of the ten genera associated with description of a representative of the order
fish. It is both the largest family in species Mobilida.
numbers and the best known worldwide, The cup- to cylinder-shaped body of a
especially those associated with fish. Van trichodinid (Fig. 5.1A) is covered by a thin
Leewenhoek in his letter in 1703 to the membranelle, the pellicle. A spiral of cili-
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal ary rows on the adoral side (adoral zone)
Society described ‘some animalcula’ can make from one half a turn (180°) to

Fig. 5.1. SEM micrographs of Trichodina heterodentata (A–E). A. Aboral side with compound wreath of
cilia used for movement. B. Oral view showing adoral spiral entering infundibulum. C. Denticle ring with
radial and peripheral pins: with pellicle removed. D. Denticles after soft body has been removed, viewed
aborally. E. Daughter cell after division, with old denticle ring in the process of resorption and new denticle
ring already formed. Note the stronger old radial pins with thinner new pins in between. F. Young fingerling
of Oreochromis mossambicus with a heavy infestation of trichodinids on the body. Scale bars = 20 µm
(A–E), 1 mm (F). A–F originals.
156 L. Basson and J. Van As

three full turns around the oral surface and wreath of oblique ciliary rows (Fig. 5.1A),
this organelle is used for feeding (Fig. 5.1B). varying between six and ten cilia per row,
The opposite side of the body contains a as well as a row of single cilia, the basal
complex adhesive disc (Fig. 5.1C), com- row, which is separated from the com-
prising a skeletal ring. The ring consists pound wreath by a septum. A third ring of
of varying numbers of interlinking units, cilia that is present in some species, called
commonly referred to as denticles, which, the marginal cilia, is located just adoral
although solid, consist of three distinct to the basal cilia. The nuclear apparatus
regions, i.e. the distal blade, a central part consists of a macronucleus, normally horse-
and a proximal ray (Figs 5.1D and 5.2A). shoe-shaped, very rarely ellipsoidal, as well
The shape of the ray, in particular, forms as a small micronucleus visible in some
the basis of differentiation between the gen- species (Fig. 5.2C).
era, together with the structure of the adoral During binary fission, the buccal
spiral. The most complex denticles are ciliature undergoes a rather intricate stoma-
found within the largest genus, Trichodina togenic process (Lom, 1964). Division is ini-
Ehrenberg, 1838, where both the ray and the tiated by the micronucleus, followed by a
blade are well developed (Fig. 5.2A, B). The sequence of developments of both the
locomotory organelle consists of a compound macro- and the micronuclei. The first sign

Fig. 5.2. A. Schematic drawing of denticles of Trichodina magna to illustrate the sequence and method
of the description of denticle elements, according to the method of Van As and Basson (1989).
B. Diagnostically important features in the adhesive disc of trichodinids. C. Diagnostically important
features of the nuclear apparatus. Abbreviations: ab, blade apex; abm, anterior blade margin (surface); add,
adhesive disc diameter; b, blade length; ba, blade apophysis; bc, blade connection; bm, border membrane
with striations; ca, centre of adhesive disc; ccp, central conical part; cp, central part; dbm, distal blade
margin (surface); dd, denticle ring diameter; dpc, deepest point of curve relative to apex; ira, indentation in
lower central part; ma, macronucleus; mi, micronucleus; pbm, posterior blade margin (surface); pp,
posterior projection; r, ray length; ra, ray apophysis; rc, ray connection; rp, radial pins; rpd, number of
radial pins per denticle; tp, tangent point. B, C originals.
Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans (Phylum Ciliophora) 157

of division in the adhesive disc is the pres- even before resorption of the old ring is
ence of a distinct band to the distal side of completed. The consecutive stages of devel-
the blade, which impregnates in a different opment coincide with a gradual increase
way in silver-impregnated specimens from in the size of the cell. Conjugation has been
the rest of the adhesive disc. This band has studied in Trichodina reticulata Hirschmann
been associated with the formation of a new and Partsch, 1955, where micro- and macro-
denticle ring and initially consists of thick- conjugants are found, not differing mark-
ened areas on each side of the radial pins edly in size. In the macroconjugant, a new
adoral to the thatched band that connects ring of denticles is formed outside the
the radial pins. Subsequently these areas on resorbed old one and with the same number
several radial pins will fuse to form a of denticle elements.
platelet. The adhesive disc separates into Since some trichodinid ciliophorans
two semicircles, which then close to form have been implicated in mortalities of wild
two smaller discs in the daughter individu- as well as cultured fishes, they have been
als. During division the number of denticles the subject of study for some considerable
is reduced to half the original number. At time. Although the first description dates
this stage the thickened band consists of back to 1838, it was only in 1958 that a stan-
elongated platelets, clearly overlapping, dard taxonomic system, based on the
which continue to extend in subsequent description of the silver-impregnated speci-
stages, appearing plaited. Each of these mens, was adopted (Fig. 5.2B). This system
platelets will develop into a new denticle, of Lom (1958) has more recently been
first the central part, then the blade and expanded on by the present authors (Van As
lastly the ray, restoring more or less the and Basson, 1989) in order to facilitate
number of denticles present in the parent differentiation of closely related species
individual. The old ring is gradually (Fig. 5.2A). The taxonomy is largely based
resorbed (Fig. 5.1E). Along with the devel- on the morphology of the denticles in the
opment of the denticles, a completely new adhesive disc.
striated membrane is formed. The distal Various theories (Pénard, 1922; Zick,
development of the blades from the plate- 1928; Precht, 1935; MacLennan, 1939; Davis,
lets coincides with an extension of radial 1947; Richards, 1949; Haider, 1964) con-
pins in this direction. In ectozoic species, cerning the function of the adhesive disc and
such as Trichodina heterodentata Duncan, its elements have been put forward. Initially
1977, the extension is limited only from the it was thought that the denticles protruded
central part in a distal direction, whereas in from the adhesive disc, inflicting damage on
endozoic species, such as Trichodina xeno- the host by their abrasive action when speci-
podos Fantham, 1924, the growth is in both mens rotate in one place, as stated by Lom
directions, as the striated membrane extends (1973). This assumption was later discarded
from the tip of the ray to the border mem- by the same author when it was shown that
brane. In young daughter cells the radial the entire body, including the adhesive disc,
pins are newly formed, but are extensions of is covered by the pellicle. The view, how-
the original radial pins. At some stage before ever, prevailed that the denticle ring was in
the complete resorption of the old denticle some way responsible for host damage as it
ring, an additional set of radial pins, each formed part of the adhesive disc, which
placed between existing pins, will develop functions as a sucking cup. When tricho-
(Fig. 5.1E). According to Lom (1973), these dinids attach firmly to their host, epithelial
new radial pins originate from barren kineto- cells are drawn into the adhesive disc. This
somes found between consecutive radial pins. disc, however, plays no part in feeding as the
The development of the new border opening of the cytostome is situated on the
membrane and the complex hinge is still adoral surface, with the spiral of cilia lead-
unknown. Coinciding with the denticle ing into the cytopharynx. These cilia create a
development, the nuclei undergo changes current to facilitate transport of food parti-
to gradually evolve into a horseshoe shape, cles into the cytostome. Electron microscope
158 L. Basson and J. Van As

studies revealed the complexity of the convenient substrate upon which they glide
adhesive disc, which includes not only and to which they temporarily attach. They
denticles but other elements, such as a stri- feed on waterborne particles and bacteria,
ated membrane terminating in hinge-like as well as detritus particles from the fish
structures, on which the border membrane surface. Trichodinids never occur in large
with its radial pins articulates. All the ele- numbers on a healthy fish and they also
ments within the adhesive disc are inter- show over-dispersion under natural condi-
linked via a network of myonemes, which tions. In a firmly attached Trichodina, the
are attached to different parts of the body, rim of the border membrane ‘bites’ into the
thus providing contractile properties to the surfaces of epithelial cells, and the surface
ciliophoran. Kruger et al. (1995) described it encircles is forcibly vaulted as by a sucker;
the morphology of the denticles. Scanning these activities probably cause irritation to
electron microscope studies on this mate- the fish. In a fish debilitated by some envi-
rial revealed a remarkable analogy between ronmental factors or on fish larvae or young
the vertebrae in the spinal column of verte- fry, the natural ‘repellent ability’ of the fish
brates (Van As and Basson, 1990). surface is impaired and the trichodinids pro-
Two distinct articulation surfaces can liferate (Fig. 5.1F). A massive number of
be seen, i.e. the apophysis of the blade and trichodinids can, by their constant attach-
the apophysis of the ray (Fig. 5.1D). The ment and rotating movements, seriously
central conical part tapers to a sharp point, damage the epithelial or epidermal cells.
fitting into the opening of the preceding Under these circumstances the trichodinids
denticle. The structure of these denticle behave like ectoparasites, feeding on dis-
parts suggests that restricted turning move- rupted cells and the associated bacterial
ments of individual denticles may be possi- growth. They may even penetrate into the
ble. As in the spinal column of vertebrates, gills or skin. In heavy infestations, ectozoic
where excessive bending in a dorsal or ven- trichodinids may also occur in the rectum
tral direction is prevented by the neural and cloaca (Richardson, 1938).
spine on the dorsal side and the haemal Heavily infested fish may exhibit a
spine on the ventral side, the blade and ray greyish-blue colour, formed by excessive
prevent distortion of the denticle ring. This mucus secretion and peeled epithelia, and
implies that the adhesive disc will maintain frayed fins. The excessive epithelial growth
its basic shape whilst allowing enough flex- is believed to be a protective reaction, but,
ibility to attach to an uneven surface. An at the same time, trichodinids feed on it.
additional analogy between the denticle Debilitated fish are sluggish, swimming
ring and the vertebral column is that the just beneath the water surface or near the
denticle ring not only serves as support for water edge, and they cease feeding. Tricho-
the body, but facilitates attachment of dinosis is frequently found in young fry,
myonemes, which make body movement especially in the spring in freshwater fish
possible when these ciliophorans execute stressed by harsh winter conditions and
different movements, i.e. swimming free or in fishes in freshwater or marine farms
attaching to the surface of its host. (Van As et al., 1984).
The presence of internal body support Oldewage and Van As (1987) reported
in invertebrates and protists is not uncom- mortalities in an impoundment in South
mon; even systems with articulating parts Africa where trichodinids were predomi-
are found in some organisms. However, to nant on cichlids. The fish were stressed by
our knowledge, the articulated denticle ring high organic loads and low winter tempera-
of trichodinids is the only example of a sup- tures, where an abrupt cold spell resulted in
port system in unicellular organisms with annual winter kills. Heavy trichodinosis
the resemblance and analogy to the spinal may cause losses of up to 50% of fish stocks.
column of vertebrates. Growth inhibition is likely to be more com-
All trichodinids are essentially com- mon; however, this has very seldom been
mensals. Ectozoic species use their host as a evaluated. Sanmartin Durán et al. (1991)
Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans (Phylum Ciliophora) 159

recorded a Trichodina sp. infestation on 360° (in a few cases only 330°) or as much
young cultured Scophthalmus maximus as 540°.
resulting in about 26% weight loss over a Since the original description of the
12-month period. type species from Hydra, more than 200
Since the description of T. pediculus species have been described from the skin,
from Hydra, more than 260 species, repre- fins, gills and urinary bladder of fishes and
senting ten genera, have been described. amphibians and also from the integument
Seven of these genera are associated with of invertebrates. Of these species, only
fish. There are roughly 259 species from approximately 141 are considered as valid.
fishes, of which 178 are well-established Representatives of this genus have been
valid species (confirmed using a silver- reported from all continents except Antarctica.
impregnated staining technique) from The majority of species are ectozoic.
marine, estuarine and freshwater habitats. Trichodina acuta Lom, 1961 (Fig. 5.3A)
Representatives of Trichodinella (Raabe, is a widely distributed freshwater species
1950) Srámek-Husek, 1953 and Tripartiella found mainly on the skin, rarely on the
Lom, 1959 are found exclusively on the gills, of most families of fishes in Eurasia,
gills of fishes. Some species of Trichodina North America, the Philippines and Africa.
occur on the gills, skin and fins, while It has a clear centre in the adhesive disc
many show preference for the gills and a (impregnates with a clear central circle).
minority live exclusively on the body sur- The denticles (18 to 23 in number) charac-
face. A small number of trichodinids (both teristically have strong, curved rays. The
Trichodina and Paratrichodina Lom, 1963 adhesive disc ranges from 35 to 60 µm and
species) live inside the fish body, mostly in the denticle ring is from 22 to 36 µm.
the urinary tract. Trichodina centrostrigeata Basson,
Most trichodinid species show very lit- Van As and Paperna, 1983 (Fig. 5.3B) is
tle host specificity (e.g. Trichodina rectun- found mainly on the gills of a number of
cinata Raabe, 1958 is on the gills of several freshwater fish species, but is mostly asso-
marine fish families), while others are more ciated with cichlids in Africa, Taiwan and
host specific (e.g. Tripartiella orthodens the Philippines. The centre of the adhesive
Basson and Van As, 1987) (Van As and disc contains 11 to 16 separate centre ridges.
Basson, 1987). Some species, such as The adhesive disc ranges from 31 to 48 µm,
Trichodina jadranica Raabe, 1958, occur on the denticle ring from 19 to 33 µm and the
both marine and freshwater fish hosts. number of denticles from 23 to 30.
Trichodinids also have a worldwide distri- Trichodina compacta Van As and
bution, probably via transcontinental intro- Basson, 1989 (Fig. 5.3C) is found on the
ductions of fish. Common species such as skin and fins of several freshwater fish fam-
Trichodina nigra Lom, 1961, Trichodina ilies in southern Africa, Israel and Taiwan,
mutabilis Kazubski and Migala, 1968, but shows a clear preference for cichlids. A
Trichodina acuta Lom, 1961, T. hetero- clear central circle is present. The adhesive
dentata Duncan, 1977 and Trichodinella disc ranges from 29 to 49 µm and the
epizootica (Raabe, 1950) are found on most denticle ring from 17 to 30 µm, with 15 to
families of fishes in Europe, Asia, America 21 denticles.
and Africa (Lom and Dykova, 1992). Trichodina fultoni Davis, 1947 (Fig. 5.3D)
is a widely distributed pathogenic fresh-
GENUS TRICHODINA EHRENBERG, 1838. The water parasite of cyprinid, perciform, cen-
denticles consist of well-developed blades, trarchid, anguilliform and other fishes in
rays and central parts. The blades are flat, Eurasia and North America. The clear cen-
straight or often semicircular and the rays tre in the adhesive disc has argentophilic
are either spine- or needle-shaped or rod-like spots. The adhesive disc ranges from 62 to
and of various lengths. The central parts 82 µm, the denticle ring from 41 to 55 µm
lack anteriorly directed projections. The and the number of denticles from 27 to 31.
adoral spiral is of various lengths, usually Pathogenicity at 12°C was established for
160 L. Basson and J. Van As

Fig. 5.3. Silver-impregnated adhesive discs of Trichodina species. A. T. acuta, B. T. centrostrigeata,

C. T. compacta, D. T. fultoni (courtesy of Dr Lom), E. T. heterodentata, F. T. maritinkae. Scale bars = 20 µm.
A–C, E, F originals.

several North American fishes and cultured other marine fishes. It is also a common spe-
eels (Hoffman and Lom, 1967; Markiewicz cies on the gills of freshwater fishes, as well
and Migala, 1980). as a pathogen in eel cultures. It is rather a
Trichodina heterodentata Duncan, 1977 small ciliophoran, the adhesive disc rang-
(Fig. 5.3E) was originally described from cich- ing from 18 to 35 µm, with 15 to 27
lids in the Philippines and has since been denticles in the denticle ring.
recorded from the skin, rarely the gills, of Trichodina maritinkae Basson and
various freshwater fish families in southern Van As, 1991 (Fig. 5.3F) seems to be res-
Africa, the Middle East, Taiwan and South tricted to representatives of the family
America, showing a distinct preference for Clariidae. It has been reported from Africa
cichlids. The adhesive disc ranges from 38 to and Taiwan. The adhesive disc ranges from
82 µm, the denticle ring from 23 to 51 µm, 31 to 50 µm and the denticle ring from 21 to
and the number of denticles from 20 to 30. 32 µm, with 22 to 32 denticles.
Trichodina jadranica Raabe, 1958 was Trichodina murmanica Poljanski, 1955
originally described from the gills of the (Fig. 5.4A) is a marine species with a clear
marine fish Mullus barbatus and later from centre in its adhesive disc. It is common in
Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans (Phylum Ciliophora) 161

Fig. 5.4. Silver-impregnated adhesive discs of Trichodina species. A. T. murmanica (courtesy of Dr Lom),
B. T. mutabilis, C. T. nigra, D. T. nobilis, E. T. pediculus (courtesy of Dr Lom), F. T. perforata (courtesy of
Dr Lom). Scale bars = 20 µm. B–D originals.

the North Atlantic, Bering and other Africa and exhibits great morphological
northern seas, where it occurs on the skin variability (Kazubski and Migala, 1968).
of Gadus morhua as well as coastal gadid The adhesive disc ranges from 37 to 74 µm,
and perciform fishes. The adhesive disc and the denticle ring is from 29 to 46 µm and the
denticle ring range from 40 to 70 µm and number of denticles ranges from 21 to 32.
from 41 to 55 µm, respectively, and the Trichodina nigra Lom, 1961 (Fig. 5.4C)
number of denticles from 25 to 31. is a very common fish trichodinid found on
The pathogenic potential of this and the skin and gills of many freshwater fish
other marine species has not been studied families in Eurasia, Africa and the Philip-
in maricultures. pines. It shows some preference for cypri-
Trichodina mutabilis Kazubski and nid hosts, but is also found on various
Migala, 1968 (Fig. 5.4B) is commonly found cichlid and perciform hosts. Its morphology
on the skin and gills of the common carp. It is very variable and some of the populations
also occurs on several other fish families may be separate species. The diameter of
in Eurasia, America, the Philippines and the adhesive disc ranges from 32 to 65 µm
162 L. Basson and J. Van As

and the diameter of the denticle ring from the gills) in hatcheries in North America
19 to 39 µm, with 18 to 29 denticles. and the former USSR. The adhesive disc
Trichodina nobilis Chen, 1963 (Fig. 5.4D) ranges from 76 to 137 µm, the denticle ring
is common on the skin and rare on the gills from 45 to 72 µm and the number of den-
of mostly cyprinid fish in China, Japan, ticles ranges from 27 to 34. The morphology
Taiwan and the Philippines. It was intro- was studied using scanning electron micro-
duced into Europe. A characteristic of this scopy (Arthur and Margolis, 1984).
species is deep notches in the proximal Endozoic trichodinids, with the excep-
anterior border of the blade. The adhesive tion of two species (Trichodina fariai da
disc ranges from 61 to 69 µm, the denticle Cunha and Pinto, 1928 and Trichodina luba
ring ranges from 37 to 40 µm, and the num- Basson, Van As and Fishelson, 1990), live
ber of denticles from 24 to 28. in the urinary tract, where they are found
Trichodina pediculus (O.F. Müller, 1786) rolled up to fit into the narrow lumen of the
Ehrenberg, 1838 (Fig. 5.4E) has a cosmopol- urinary bladder to the collecting ducts
itan freshwater distribution; it is common in the kidney. They may cause extensive
on the skin of adult fish and fish fry in desquamation of the epithelium; however, a
Eurasia and America. It is disc-shaped or diseased condition has not been observed
hourglass-shaped in lateral view. The para- and the renal damage to the fish has not
site has extremely long, needle-pointed been assessed. Their mode of transmission
rays. Its adhesive disc ranges from 46 to is unknown. It is assumed that they are
68 µm, the denticle ring from 28 to 38 µm discharged with the urine and somehow
and the number of denticles from 20 to 32. find their way to the urinary bladder of
Trichodina perforata Lom, Golemansky another fish.
and Grupcheva, 1976 (Fig. 5.4F) lives on Endozoic trichodinids as a rule tend to
the gills of Cyprinus carpio and Carassius be more host specific than most of the
carassius in Eurasia. It has deep notches ectozoic species and are not restricted to the
or even holes in the denticle blades. The genus Trichodina. Also, they have numer-
adhesive disc ranges from 37 to 50 µm, ous and closely spaced denticles with nar-
the denticle ring from 23 to 29 µm and the row blades.
number of denticles from 23 to 26. Trichodina luba Basson, Van As and
Trichodina rectuncinata Raabe, 1958 Fishelson, 1990 is found in the colon of
(Fig. 5.5A) occurs on the gills of marine the marine fish, Acanthurus xanthopterus
gobiid, blenniid, perciform and syngnathiid (South Africa, Hawaii and New Guinea).
hosts. This species shows a lot of variabil- The adhesive disc ranges from 30 to 40 µm
ity, suggesting the existence of more than and the denticle ring from 18 to 29 µm, with
one species. 26 to 37 denticles.
Trichodina reticulata Hirschmann and Trichodina oviducti Poljanski, 1955 is
Partsch, 1955 (Fig. 5.5B) shows specificity the largest trichodinid. The adhesive disc
for C. carassius and Carassius auratus ranges from 88 to 271 µm, and the denticle
throughout its distribution in Eurasia, North number ranges from 43 to 60. It commonly
America and the Philippines. The centre of infects the urogenital system, including ovi-
the adhesive disc contains cell-like struc- ducts, copulatory sacs and seminal grooves
tures; the range of the adhesive disc is 31 to of skates (Raja spp.) in the Barents Sea and
57 µm, that of the denticle ring is 20 to northern Atlantic. It is transmitted vene-
36 µm and the number of denticles ranges really and heavy infection is associated
from 21 to 34. It causes disease and mortal- with yellowish mucoid exudates (Khan,
ity in C. carassius, C. auratus and C. carpio 1972; morphology – Khan et al., 1974).
(Ahmed, 1976, 1977). Freshwater endozoic species have
Trichodina truttae Mueller, 1937 marginal cilia and a well-developed velum.
(Fig. 5.5C) is one of the largest species in the Many of them have structures in the centre
genus and a well-known pathogen of of the adhesive disc. Trichodina polycirra
salmonids (usually on the skin, rarely on Lom, 1960 lives in the urinary tract of Rutilus
Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans (Phylum Ciliophora) 163

Fig. 5.5. Silver-impregnated adhesive discs of Trichodina species. A. T. rectuncinata, B. T. reticulata,

C. T. truttae (courtesy of Dr Lom), D. T. uretra, E. Hemitrichodina robusta, F. Vauchomia renicola
(courtesy of Dr Lom). Scale bars = 20 µm. A, B, D, E originals.

rutilus and Abramis brama. The adhesive water Barbus trimaculatus (South Africa).
disc ranges from 48 to 58 µm and the denticle The adhesive disc ranges from 42 to 65 µm
number from 38 to 55. and the denticle ring from 27 to 48 µm, with
Another freshwater species, Trichodina 47 to 54 denticles.
urinaria Dogel, 1940 has a holarctic distribu-
tion and is found in the urinary tract of Perca GENUS HEMITRICHODINA BASSON AND VAN AS,
fluviatilis, Perca flavescens, Stizostedion 1989. The denticles have well-developed rays
lucioperca and Notropis cornutus. The adhe- and central parts, but the blades are reduced.
sive disc ranges from 40 to 53 µm and the The adoral spiral describes an arc of more
denticle number from 29 to 40. Experimental than 360°, but less than two full circles.
infection of Notemigonus crysoleucas was So far only one species has been
accomplished by keeping fish in aquaria with described in this genus. It occurs on the
infected yellow perch (Li and Desser, 1983). skin and fins, occasionally also on the gills
Trichodina uretra Basson, 1989 (Fig. 5.5D) of freshwater fishes, and was reported from
lives in the urinary tract of the fresh- southern Africa.
164 L. Basson and J. Van As

Hemitrichodina robusta Basson and Paratrichodina incissa (Lom, 1959) Lom,

Van As, 1989 (Fig. 5.5E) has been reported 1963 (Fig. 5.6B) is common on the gills of
from the body surface and fins of predomi- many fish species, with a clear preference
nantly mormyrids (Mormyridae) in South for cyprinids in Eurasia. The denticle has a
Africa and Namibia. The adhesive disc deep notch in the anterior blade margin. Its
ranges from 43 to 70 µm and the denticle adhesive disc ranges from 16 to 31 µm, with
ring from 27 to 45 µm, with 18 to 24 den- 19 to 31 denticles.
ticles. This species has a clear centre in the
adhesive disc and is sparsely dotted, with GENUS TRIPARTIELLA LOM, 1959. These small
extremely wide, well-developed rays and trichodinids have hemispherical bodies.
the blades reduced to small projections. The delicate central part of the denticle
bears a straight ray, directed backwards in
GENUS VAUCHOMIA MUELLER, 1938. These most cases. The blades are slanted more or
large ciliophorans have hemispherical to less obliquely backwards; their narrow
conical bodies. The striated border mem- bases, by which they join the central parts
brane consists of a ring of rays and a ring of of the denticles, extend anteriorly in projec-
myonemes, with these two rings fused. The tions, which may be short and thin or wide
denticles consist of blades, central parts and knee-like. These projections fit well
and rays. The adoral spiral completes 2.5 into the corresponding notch in the preced-
to 3 full circles. ing denticle. Thus the denticles are wedged
Two species are known, both from the together both by the central conical parts
USA, where they occur as endoparasites in and by the projections. The adoral spiral
the urinary canal of freshwater fish. makes a turn of 180–290°.
Vauchomia renicola (Mueller, 1931) Representatives of this genus are all gill
(Fig. 5.5F) lives in Esox niger (USA) and has parasites of freshwater fishes, with 26 spe-
a flat body. The adhesive disc can be up to cies described, of which 17 are considered
97 µm in diameter, with 44 to 65 denticles, as valid species from Eurasia, the USA, the
the highest number among trichodinids. Far East and Africa.
Tripartiella cichlidarum Basson, Van As
GENUS PARATRICHODINA LOM, 1963. These and Paperna, 1983 (Fig. 5.6C) is found on
trichodinids are small and the body is shaped cichlids from Israel. The adhesive disc
in a flat hemisphere. The denticles have ranges from 22 to 30 µm and the denticle
well-developed rays and are wedged together ring ranges from 11 to 15 µm, with 30 to 32
only by the central parts. The anterior projec- denticles.
tion may be present or absent. If present, the Tripartiella clavodonta Basson and
projection is situated near the base of the Van As, 1987 (Fig. 5.6D) shows a clear pref-
blade and is not in contact with the notch in erence for the gills of cichlids in South
the blade of the preceding denticle. The Africa and the Philippines. The adhesive
adoral spiral makes a turn of 150–280°. disc ranges from 15 to 20 µm and the
So far 11 species have been described in denticle ring from 9 to 12 µm, with 18 to 24
this genus, of which eight have been col- denticles.
lected from the gills of freshwater and marine Tripartiella copiosa Lom, 1959 is a
fishes and three from the urinary tract of widely distributed species in Eurasia,
fishes. Eight species occur in Eurasia, two in known from about 40 fish species, mainly
the USA and one, Paratrichodina africana cyprinids. It has rectangular backward-
Kazubski and El-Tantawy, 1986, in Africa. slanted blades, with a spike-like anterior
Paratrichodina corlissi Lom and Haldar, projection. The adhesive disc diameter
1977 (Fig. 5.6A) occurs on the gills of Gobio ranges from 14 to 31 µm, with 19 to 33
species in Eurasia and has a shallow denticles.
notch in the blade. The adhesive disc diam- Tripartiella orthodens Basson and Van
eter ranges from 19 to 25 µm, with 18 to 24 As, 1987 (Fig. 5.6E) occurs on the gills of
denticles. Tilapia rendalli, a cichlid in South Africa.
Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans (Phylum Ciliophora) 165

Fig. 5.6. Silver-impregnated adhesive discs of various trichodinid species. A. Paratrichodina corlissi (courtesy
of Dr Lom), B. Paratrichodina incissa (courtesy of Dr Lom), C. Tripartiella cichlidarum, D. Tripartiella
clavodonta, E. Tripartiella orthodens, F. Trichodinella epizootica. Scale bars = 10 µm. C–F originals.

The adhesive disc ranges from 23 to 31 µm Only five species are currently recog-
and the denticle ring ranges from 13 to nized as valid, and as many as nine are
16 µm, with 24 to 28 denticles. probably synonymous with T. epizootica.
They are mainly parasites of freshwater
GENUS TRICHODINELLA (RAABE, 1950) ŠRÁMEK- fishes, but sometimes marine fishes are also
HUŠEK, 1953. The denticles have a delicate infested, where they occur exclusively on
central part, whose anterior border extends the gills. Representatives of this genus have
in a projection fitting well into a notch been reported from Eurasia, Africa, the
between the central part and blade of the Middle East, Mexico, the USA and the
preceding denticle. Therefore the denticles Philippines (Lom and Dykova, 1992).
are wedged together by both the central Trichodinella epizootica (Raabe, 1950)
parts and the projections. The ray is red- (Fig. 5.6F) is one of the most widely distrib-
uced to form a short delicate hook curved uted species of freshwater trichodinids in
along the central part. The adoral spiral per- Eurasia, but is also found in Africa and the
forms an arc of 180–270°. Middle East on about 90 fishes from various
166 L. Basson and J. Van As

families. This parasite proliferates mas- short anterior ciliary row. The flat or slightly
sively on stressed fish and becomes highly concave ventral surface has a ciliature
pathogenic. The adhesive disc ranges from reduced to two longitudinal belts close to
14 to 47 µm, with 16 to 30 denticles. the margins of the body. Three short oral
Trichodinella lawleri Lom and Haldar, kineties are found at the ventrally located
1977 is a marine species that can be patho- buccal opening or cytostome, each compris-
genic in aquarium fishes. ing two rows of kinetosomes, of which only
the outer row is ciliated. A conspicuous
GENUS DIPARTIELLA SHTEIN, 1961. The denticle cytopharyngeal apparatus forms a circlet
ring is composed of tightly packed den- made up of a few large, rod-like nemato-
ticles, consisting only of well-developed desmata surrounding the cytopharyngeal
triangular blades and weakly developed tube. The nuclear apparatus consists of a
central parts, which do not extend into con- single macronucleus and a single micro-
ical protrusions. The adoral spiral describes nucleus. An overview of the ultrastructural
an arc of about 270°. morphology of Chilodonella may be found
This genus comprises a single species in Soltynska (1971).
and it occurs on the gills of marine fishes Chilodonella piscicola (Zacharias,
from Eastern Europe and Asia. 1894) Jankovski, 1980 (Fig. 5.7A) (syn-
Dipartiella simplex (Raabe, 1959) onym: Chilodonella cyprini (Moroff, 1902,
Shtein, 1961 was originally found on the see Shulman and Jankovski, 1984)) has an
gills of Gobius niger in the Baltic Sea. Some asymmetrically oval body, with a clear
authors have considered this species as a notch in the posterior margin, 55 µm ×
mistaken identification of a Trichodinella, 43 µm (range 30–80 µm × 20–62 µm). There
but it has been encountered recently in two are mostly eight to 11 (range 7–15) kineties
cultured marine fishes from China (Xu et al., in the right arched ciliary band, and 12 to
1999), as well as from Egypt (L. Basson, 13 (range 8–14) in the straight left band.
unpublished data). The cytopharynx is curved at its inner end
and reinforced by 14 to 16 nematodesmata.
It may be slightly extruded for boring into
Other Ciliophorans and disrupting epithelial cells of the host.
Two contractile vacuoles are present, one
OBLIGATE PARASITES anteriorly at the right and the second pos-
teriorly at the left. The ciliophoran sur-
GENUS CHILODONELLA STRAND, 1926. T h e vives for a period of time when removed
genus Chilodonella Strand, 1926 comprises from the host (24 h at 5°C, 1 h at 20°C). A
many free-living species and two species small number may encyst and the cysts
infesting freshwater fishes. Both the latter may last for a long time.
species have cosmopolitan distributions, Chilodonella hexasticha (Kiernik,
occur in estuarine and brackish waters (e.g. 1909) Kahl, 1931 (Fig. 5.7B) differs from the
in the eastern Baltic Sea) and appear to preceding species by the absence of a notch
infest most, if not all, teleost fishes. They at the posterior body margin and in less
cause the well-known chilodonellosis, numerous and more loosely spaced kineties
a disease affecting the skin and gills, (five to seven in the right, seven to nine in
especially in fish cultures. the left ciliary band). It is smaller
These ciliophorans belong to the family (30–65 µm × 20–50 µm) and its distribution
Chilodonellidae Deroux, 1970, order Cyrto- is less widespread than that of C. piscicola.
phorida Fauré-Fremiet in Corliss, 1956 and The latter tends to infest fingerlings more
class Kinetophragminophorea de Puytorac than adult fish, while C. hexasticha pre-
et al., 1974. vails on older fish.
The body of Chilodonella is oval and Both species may occur simultaneously
dorsoventrally flattened. The slightly con- on the same host. Most of the information
vex dorsal side is without cilia, with just a on their biology and relationships to fish
Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans (Phylum Ciliophora) 167

Fig. 5.7. Silver-impregnated ventral surfaces of A. Chilodonella piscicola, B. Chilodonella hexasticha,

C. Brooklynella hostilis (C – courtesy of Prof. Lom), D. Live colony of Epistylis transvaalensis with feeding
zooids, E. Round hole in operculum of Oreochromis mossambicus formed in presence of huge colonies of
E. transvaalensis, coinciding with bacterial and fungal infections, F. Apiosoma dermatum, stained with
haematoxylin, showing adoral cilia and nuclear apparatus. Scale bars = 20 µm. A, B, D–F originals.

was collected at a time when their specific Chilodonellosis occurs throughout a

distinction was not recognized. Prost wide temperature range. Mass infestations
(1952) was the first to confirm that they are with C. piscicola may be found from
indeed distinct species. The data on their slightly above zero (e.g. at 4°C) to slightly
distribution in Eurasia came from this above 20°C, while C. hexasticha is known
period, while more recent records on the to cause morbidities even at 26 to 31°C
occurrence of Chilodonella in South Africa, (Shariff, 1984). Chilodonellosis accounts
Israel, the USA, Australia and Malaysia for the greatest economic losses due to a
identified the species C. hexasticha (Hoffman single disease in commercial tropical fish
et al., 1979; Paperna and Van As, 1983; stores (Leibovitz, 1980). Since chilod-
Shariff, 1984; Langdon et al., 1985); C. cyprini onellosis has mostly been reported at low
has also been reported in Japan recently temperatures when fish are under stress, an
by Imai et al. (1985) and Urawa and assumption prevailed that chilodonellas
Yamao (1992). prefer colder waters and basically only
168 L. Basson and J. Van As

occur in commercial set-ups. There is, how- the fish with only cartilaginous rays. Patho-
ever, a report on massive mortalities due to logical manifestations may vary, depending
chilodonellosis (C. hexasticha) in free on the intensity of infestations. Sometimes
waters. This took place among native fish large aggregates of melanin can also be seen
(bony bream) in Australia in the winter, along some of the primary lamellae under-
where the temperature was 8–13°C going degeneration. Disintegration of the
(Langdon et al., 1985). Unpublished infor- gills and their necrosis render the gills
mation of the present authors also indicates non-functional. Fish lose osmotic balance
that chilodonellosis does occur readily in and suffocate; this is manifested by their
warmer waters; we observed mortalities increased sensitivity to oxygen deficiency.
among cichlids on a fish farm in the Heavily infested fish die.
Okavango River (Botswana) at water tem-
peratures exceeding 25°C. GENUS BROOKLYNELLA LOM AND NIGRELLI, 1970.
Under favourable conditions (e.g. in Brooklynella hostilis Lom and Nigrelli,
fish and especially fingerlings that are 1970 (class Kinetophragminophorea de
debilitated in early spring or by overcrowd- Puytorac et al., 1974; subclass Hypostomata
ing), chilodonellas may virtually cover the Schewiakoff, 1896; order Cyrtophorida
body surface in a continuous layer. They Fauré-Fremiet in Corliss, 1956; family
disintegrate the body surface using their Hartmannulidae Poche, 1913) causes brook-
oral cytoskeletal apparatus and feed on cell lynellosis, a severe disease of marine fishes
debris. in sea aquaria and in maricultures, where it
Clinical signs of heavy infestations can cause mass mortalities and repeated
include increase of mucus, with an overall epizootics (e.g. in fish from Kuwait and
dark, slimy, patchy or mottled grey appear- Singapore – see Lom and Dykova, 1992). The
ance. These films of mucus and cellular parasite has a cosmopolitan distribution, but
debris may become detached from the skin is more common in warmer waters. Unlike
surface. Moribund fish may also show signs Chilodonella, Brooklynella has not been
of hypoxia and uncoordinated swimming, detected on feral fish. It infects most marine
are emaciated and have opaque eyes and teleosts in aquaria and seems to be restricted
abrased skin. to the gills of its host, unlike its freshwater
Pathogenesis in skin lesions has not counterpart Chilodonella.
been studied, but has been described in Brooklynella hostilis is the only species
detail in gill infestations with C. hexasticha in the genus and is 36–86 µm × 32–50 µm in
(Paperna and Van As, 1983; Shariff, 1984; size and kidney-shaped, with a shallow
Langdon et al., 1985). Chilodonella initially posterior notch (Fig. 5.7C). It has a flat ven-
cause localized hyperplasia of the gill epi- tral and a vaulted dorsal side. The ventral
thelium, which later becomes more general- surface is uniformly ciliated, with the
ized. Proliferating epithelial cells fill the kineties converging anteriorly along a
spaces between secondary lamellae, which prebuccal suture. There are 8 to 10 postoral
may fuse together and coalesce into a single kineties, and a left band of 12 to 15 kineties,
mass. The thin respiratory epithelium is cov- which do not reach the posterior margin of
ered by the hyperplastic epithelium and this the body, stopping short of the glandular
drastically reduces the respiratory surface of organelle. The right band of 8 to 11 kineties
the gills. The epithelium may be infiltrated is long and arches along the posterior and
with lymphocytes and eosinophil granulo- anterior margin of the body. The middle
cytes, with an additional increased prolifera- postoral kinety continues as a series of
tion of mucus and chloride cells. non-ciliated kinetosomes in a spiral course
The hyperplastic epithelium may around the posterior glandular organelle,
undergo changes, with dilatation of capil- which appears as an elevated tubercle. The
laries, oedema, petechia and haemorrhages. organelle discharges a thin secretion, asso-
Complete destruction of the epithelium of ciated with attachment of the ciliophoran to
primary and secondary lamellae may leave the host. The preoral kinety is quite short,
Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans (Phylum Ciliophora) 169

while the anterior circumoral kinety is and two of them are exclusively associated
longer than the posterior one. The cyto- with fish, i.e. Riboscyphidia Jankovski,
pharyngeal tube, reinforced by six to eight 1985 (syn. Scyphidia Dujardin, 1841 p.p.)
stout nematodesmata, capped by separate and Ambiphrya Raabe, 1952. In the two
beak-like apical ends, is compressed later- remaining families, the Operculariidae
ally and appears as a broad slit. Descrip- Fauré-Fremiet in Corliss, 1979 and the
tions of these and other ultrastructural Ellobiophryidae (Chatton and Lwoff,
features may be found in Lom and Corliss 1929), one genus each has representatives
(1971). The oval macronucleus is about associated with fish, i.e. Propyxidium
18 µm × 12 µm. There are 13 to 22 oval micro- Corliss, 1979 and Caliperia Laird, 1953,
nuclei distributed around the macronucleus respectively.
and several small contractile vacuoles. Cyst Sessiline peritrichs associated with fish
formation has not been recorded. are permanently attached to the host with a
In heavy infestations the ciliophoran scopula, a specialized flattened thigmotactic
destroys the gill surface tissue with its area of the pellicle equipped with very short
cytopharyngeal armature, feeds on tissue immobile cilia. The scopula either adheres
debris and ingests blood cells. The infested directly to the substrate or it secretes a stalk,
fish suffer from respiratory difficulties and which may be non-contractile (e.g. in the
have haemorrhages and petechiae on the family Epistylididae) or contractile (e.g. in
gills. A light infestation elicits a mild the family Vorticellidae). The stalk may
inflammatory reaction. The result of the bear one zooid, or if branched, many zooids
proliferative reaction is fusion of the termi- forming a macroscopic colony.
nal lamellae. In heavy infestations desqua- The vaulted apical surface inside the
mation, haemorrhages, cell proliferation peristomial spiral is called the epistomial
and other tissue reactions are observed. disc, which is raised above the border of the
The secondary lamellae may be completely peristomial area (known as the peristomial
denuded of the epithelial layer and the lip) in the feeding state, but can retract
tissue response is manifested by macro- inside the body. The epistomial disc is sep-
phages and plasma cells. Such severe arated by a deep groove from the peris-
lesions usually cause fish mortality (Lom tomial lip, in which the peristomial spiral is
and Nigrelli, 1970). inserted.
The non-ciliated surface of the bell-
shaped, conical or cylindrical zooid is
OBLIGATE FISH COMMENSALS finely annulated. In order to infest another
host, the zooid is transformed into a mobile
Sessilines disc-shaped telotroch, which uses a loco-
motory fringe of cilia to swim towards
The sessiline peritrichs (class Oligohy- its host after detaching itself from the stalk.
menophorea de Puytorac et al., 1974; Some fish sessilines also form protective
subclass Peritrichia Stein, 1859; order cysts.
Sessilida Kahl, 1935) contain 12 families Sessiline peritrichs found on fish
associated with aquatic organisms, and are essentially ectocommensals or sym-
four of them are associated with fish. In the phorionts, which use their hosts as living
first family, the Epistylididae Kahl, 1935, substrates, from which they feed on organic
there are six genera, of which two are com- debris and waterborne bacteria. Sessilines
monly on fish, i.e. Epistylis Ehrenberg, can be found on a variety of substrates, but
1830 and Apiosoma Blanchard, 1885 (syn. in some cases, such as Apiosoma species,
Glossatella Bütschli, 1889). In the case of these are exclusively associated with fresh-
the latter genus, all species are associated water fish. Sessilines never occur in large
with fish, whilst species of Epistylis are not numbers on healthy, non-stressed fish; a
restricted to fish. The second family, heavy growth signifies that the fish has
Scyphidiidae Kahl, 1935, has six genera, been predisposed by some debilitating
170 L. Basson and J. Van As

environmental and/or infectious factor variable in shape, even in populations from

decreasing the repellent ability of its sur- the same host.
face. Attachment via scopula or terminal Heavy infestations of Epistylis sp. were
platelet of the stalk does not harm the host’s implicated in the death of many thousands
epithelium, except for the increased num- of game fish species of the family
ber of microfibrils present beneath the host Centrarchidae in the USA. These infesta-
cell membrane (Lom and Corliss, 1968). tions coincided with ulcers and pit-like
Very often sessilines are considered to be lesions, known as ‘red sore disease’. Rogers
responsible for the diseased state, but some (1971) reported that, although Epistylis is
species may, at most, merely impair the not an obligate parasite, it would infest the
condition of the fish by irritating the surface. surface of fish, causing proliferations and
They are actually very seldom involved in subsequent destruction of the epidermis.
pathology. He also reported that bacteria would sec-
ondarily infect these lesions and that mor-
talities occasionally associated with these
Family Epistylididae Kahl, 1935
Epistylis infestations were probably due to
The scopula produces a non-contractile the secondary bacterial infections. Lom
stalk, either simple, bearing a solitary zooid, (1966), however, found that there was
or dichotomously branched, bearing many no ultrastructural evidence that E. lwoffi
zooids. The zooid is contractile, with a inflict any serious damage by their mode of
retractile peristomial lip, more or less diver- attachment. He further showed that these
gent, encircling a wide, slightly elevated ciliophorans are incapable of producing
epistomial disc. A great number of species histolytic enzymes that would be able to
are found in this family, both free-living produce scale erosion, ultimately causing
and epizoic. Species of two genera pit-like lesions. Esch et al. (1976) reported
(Epistylis and Apiosoma) occur on fish that ‘red sore disease’ occurred specifically
(Lom and Dykova, 1992). in reservoirs in the USA with high levels of
organic material and thermal pollution and
GENUS EPISTYLIS EHRENBERG, 1830. These are in combination with the presence of the
colonial ciliophorans, with bell-shaped or bacterial pathogen, Aeromonas hydrophila.
elongated cylindrical or conical bodies. This bacterium is most likely to be the pri-
A non-contractile stalk bears several to mary cause of red sore disease, while
many zooids. The vaulted epistomial disc Epistylis, being incapable of producing any
is slightly elevated above the peristomial lytic or mechanical action that would result
lips and slanted. The macronucleus is in ulceration, was probably the secondary
horse-shoe-shaped or very long and sausage- invader, harvesting the rich masses of
shaped. Numerous species are either free- bacteria in the lesions (Hazen et al., 1978).
living (freshwater and marine) or epizoic, Epistylis transvaalensis Viljoen and
mostly on invertebrates. Five species occur Van As, 1983 (Fig. 5.7D) was reported from
on the surface of freshwater fish. South Africa from Pseudocrenilabrus phi-
Epistylis lwoffi Fauré-Fremiet, 1943 lander. It forms colonies with up to eight
occurs on the gills or skin of a variety of bell-shaped zooids, 27–45 µm × 20–38 µm in
freshwater fishes in Eurasia and North size. The macronucleus is ribbon-shaped.
America. It forms small colonies, up to eight Epistylis transvaalensis was also impli-
conical zooids (40–80 µm × 20–30 µm), with cated in red sore disease in South Africa
a horseshoe-shaped macronucleus and a (Van As and Basson, 1988), where huge col-
small micronucleus. The stalk is attached to onies were found on wild adult Oreochromis
the substrate by a thin terminal platelet, a mossambicus. In one specimen these
ring-like termination, which fastens around lesions formed a round hole in the oper-
the basal body end of Apiosoma, or a culum of the fish, with colonies of Epistylis
fork-like stalk end, which is wedged into coinciding with bacterial and fungal infec-
the epithelium. The stalk may be extremely tions (Fig. 5.7E).
Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans (Phylum Ciliophora) 171

GENUS APIOSOMA BLANCHARD, 1885 (SYN. freshwater, free-living or very often epizoic.
GLOSSATELLA BÜTSCHLI, 1889). These ciliopho- A single species of a single genus (out of six)
rans are solitary, with circular scopulas, is found on freshwater fish.
either narrow or of large diameter, some-
times with long lateral projections or lobed. GENUS PROPYXIDIUM CORLISS, 1979. Propy-
They secrete a short disc in the shape of a xidium has solitary zooids on short stalks
pad of fibrillar material (only seen using the and a horseshoe-shaped macronucleus. It
electron microscope; under the light micro- contains many free-living or epizoic species.
scope, the scopula appears to be directly Propyxidium tectiformis (Scheubel,
attached to the substrate). The macronucleus 1973) occurs on the gills of Phoxinus
is compact, usually conical, its apex pointed phoxinus. The body is about 52 µm × 19 µm,
towards the scopula, or ellipsoidal, situated with a short non-contractile stalk extending
in the aboral half of the body. Many species into a short, spoon-like shield, which pro-
(more than 60) are found in this genus as tects the zooid from one side.
epizoics on the surface of freshwater fish.
Apiosoma dermatum (Viljoen and Van As,
Family Scyphidiidae Kahl, 1935
1983) (Fig. 5.7F) occurs on the skin of wild
P. philander and B. trimaculatus (South These are solitary ciliophorans that attach
Africa). The long cylindrical body is directly to the substrate (mostly aquatic
40–61 µm × 25–38 µm. A triangular macro- animals) via short immobile scopulary cilia
nucleus is situated in the aboral part of the or by an adhesive secretion of the scopula.
body, and a small oval micronucleus is situ- The scopula may be very large and flat-
ated laterally to the macronucleus. tened, forming a wide, flat disc. The body is
Apiosoma micropteri (Surber, 1940) cylindrical or cylindrical-conical, with the
occurs on the gills and body surface of adoral spiral making one turn around a
Micropterus salmoides and Micropterus slightly elevated epistomial disc. They are
dolomieu. It has an urn-shaped body, found in freshwater and marine environ-
58.6 µm × 22.2 µm, with a large, inverted, ments and are generally epizoic, with two
cone-shaped macronucleus and a small genera associated with fish.
micronucleus. It is very similar to Apio-
soma piscicolum, or maybe identical. It is GENUS RIBOSCYPHIDIA JANKOVSKI, 1985 (SYN.
allegedly responsible for mortalities in SCYPHIDIA DUJARDIN, 1841 P.P.). The scopula
M. salmoides and M. dolomieu fingerlings is often extremely large, with a thin flat
in North America, causing suffocation. border, with or without immobile scopulary
Apiosoma piscicolum Blanchard, 1885 cilia. The body is mostly cylindrical, some-
(Fig. 5.8A) occurs on the skin and gills of times conical, with a reversible collar and
many European, North American and South the epistomial disc is flat or slightly vaulted
African freshwater fishes. The plump to above the peristomial lip. A sausage-shaped
elongated body is 110 µm in length and macronucleus can often be sinuous in the
40 µm wide. The macronucleus is conical, oral half of the cell. Approximately 18 spe-
with the end pointing aborally. cies are found exclusively on the skin and
gills of freshwater and marine fish.
Riboscyphidia adunconucleata (Mac-
Family Operculariidae Fauré-Fremiet in Corliss,
Kenzie, 1969) occurs on Pleuronectes
platessa in Scottish waters. The body is
This family differs from Epistylididae in almost cylindrical and up to 75 µm long,
having a narrow, epistomial, operculum-like with a small micronucleus (1.5 µm).
disc. The family contains solitary or colonial Riboscyphidia arctica (Zhukov, 1962)
zooids, with the body ovoid and elongated occurs on the gills of marine species of the
or stocky and globular. The macronucleus is genera Liparis, Melletes and Myoxocephalus
elongated, horseshoe-shaped or spheroid. in the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Numerous species are known, generally The plump conical body can be up to 80 µm
172 L. Basson and J. Van As

Fig. 5.8. A. Apiosoma piscicolum, stained with haematoxylin, showing large macronucleus and smaller
micronucleus. B. Ambiphrya neobolae with ribbon-shaped macronucleus. C. Erastophrya sp., a live
specimen from skin of Barbus attached to an apiosoma. D. Tetrahymena corlissi, silver-impregnated
specimen (courtesy of Dr Lom). Scale bars = 20 µm. A–C originals.

long, with a sinuous macronucleus and a gills of young bullhead, Ameiurus melas
giant micronucleus (7 µm × 11 µm in size). melas (North America); it is also common
on Ictalurus punctatus and the symbionts
GENUS AMBIPHRYA RAABE, 1952. These cilio- were found on I. punctatus introduced into
phorans are similar to Riboscyphidia, but Russia and on the fry of cyprinids (includ-
have a permanent equatorial ciliary fringe, ing C. carpio and introduced Ctenopharyn-
which is motionless in attached cilio- godon idella) in Europe. It usually has
phorans. The cilia are often shielded by a a plump conical or cylindrical body,
thin pellicular fold, called a median mem- 50–95 µm × 40–61 µm. It attaches to the
brane. The macronucleus is in the shape of gills or skin by a scopula in the form of a
a long, thin and sinuous ribbon. They are flat disc, often exceeding body width and
known from the gills and skin of brackish often eccentric. The epistomial disc is
and freshwater fishes, and are represented slightly vaulted and retractile. The macro-
by four described species. nucleus is ribbon-like, 4–6 µm wide, form-
Ambiphrya ameiuri (Thompson, ing an orally situated horse shoe, with the
Kirkegaard and Jahn, 1947) occurs on the ends descending into the aboral end of the
Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans (Phylum Ciliophora) 173

body. The globular micronucleus is situ- Claparéde and Lachmann, 1858; order
ated next to the macronucleus. Suctorida Claparéde and Lachmann, 1858)
It inflicts no injury and feeds on water- are considered to be the most puzzling of all
borne organic particles, but may irritate the ciliophorans, with seemingly unique char-
body surface and impede respiration when acteristics, i.e. the stalked, sessile adult
it occurs in very high fish densities, espe- suctorians lack cilia, they possess feeding
cially on fry. or ingestory sucking tentacles, the swarmer
Ambiphrya neobolae Viljoen and Van As, (tomite) bears cilia and lastly the single
1985 (Fig. 5.8B) occurs on the skin of Neobola mouth opening of the conventional kind is
brevianalis in South Africa. The cylindrical replaced by polystomy. Some species are
body, with constrictions at the equatorial cili- colonial. A few species are passive floaters
ary fringe and just adoral to the scopula, is in aqueous habitats and some are stalkless
44–84 µm × 24–45 µm. The scopula is broad, endoparasites. Suctorians are predators for
with a diameter of 17–38 µm. A ribbon-shaped the most part, with free-living ones feeding
macronucleus extends throughout the body, on other ciliophorans in particular. Repro-
with the tips folded back. duction is mainly by a budding process,
where the tomite or swarmer is formed for a
very short period of time.
Family Ellobiophryidae
The most studied part of the suctorian
(Chatton and Lwoff, 1929)
body has been the tentacles. The number,
These are solitary sessilines fastened to the arrangement and distribution of the tenta-
gills of aquatic animals by two outgrowths cles are important diagnostic characters.
from either side of the scopula, which Suctorians are abundant in fresh and
encircle the gill filament and grow together brackish waters, but the majority occur in
to form a firm attachment ring. Of the two marine environments. They typically attach
genera in the family, one is found associ- to a substratum, such as algae or other vege-
ated with marine fish. tation, other protozoans or aquatic inverte-
brates of many groups. However, they also
GENUS CALIPERIA LAIRD, 1953. The cylindri- occur as symphorionts on semi-terrestrial
cal body is slightly contractile and the organisms, such as turtles. They have been
attachment outgrowths have distinct cen- reported from peritrich ciliophorans and
tral axes. Ciliophorans of the genus Clauso- other suctorians as endosymbionts, as
phrya Naidenova and Zaika, 1969 from the well as from the respiratory surfaces of
skin of Proterorhinus marmoratus from the invertebrates and fishes and the intestinal
Black Sea are most probably synonymous tract of various animals, including some
with Caliperia, but their alleged differences mammals. Symbiotically, suctorians are
(lack of central axis and contractility of the the most widespread of all ciliophoran
outgrowths) warrant further study. Only groups.
three species are found associated with fish. Three families of suctorians are found
Caliperia longipes Laird, 1953 occurs on associated with fish. Of these families only
the gills of New Zealand marine fishes one has representatives that attach directly
Oliverichthys melobesia and Ericentrus to the epithelium of fish.
rubrus. The body size is 51 µm × 38 µm in
fixed specimens, a single rod-shaped axis
Family Trichophryidae Fraipont, 1878
runs in both the calliper-like posterior pro-
cesses. The macronucleus forms a long spiral. A single genus occurs on fish, i.e. Capriniana
Strand, 1928. Suctorians in this family have
one or sometimes two or three bundles of
Suctoria suctorial organelles in the attachment sur-
face. They fasten to the host cell by a special
Suctorians (class Kinetophragminophorea cementing layer containing spirally wound
de Puytorac et al., 1974; subclass Suctoria fibres. Three species are known from fishes of
174 L. Basson and J. Van As

which C. piscum is a common freshwater an internal brood pouch, out of which a

ectocommensal. free-living larva emerges through a birth-
Capriniana piscium (Bütschli, 1889) pore. The adults are stalkless, without a
Jankowski, 1973 (synonyms Trichophrya lorica, while the larvae have transverse
piscium Bütschli, 1889; Trichophrya sinensis bands of cilia. A single genus is found on
Chen, 1955; Trichophrya intermedia Prost, fish, i.e. Erastophrya Fauré-Fremiet, 1943.
1952; Trichophrya micropteri Davis, 1947; The posterior end is drawn out into a
Trichophrya ictalurus Davis, 1942; Tricho- semicircular projection or into two such
phrya salvelinus Davis, 1942 and Capriniana projections that fuse to form a ring embrac-
aurantiaca Strand, 1926) is found as an ing the basal body part of sessiline peritrichs
ectocommensal on the gills of various fresh- of the genus Apiosoma, ectocommensal on
water fishes, very commonly on P. fluviatilis the surface of fishes. Two species, i.e.
and Esox lucius. The body is oval or irregu- Erastophrya chattoni Fauré-Fremiet, 1943
larly elongated and adheres to the secondary and Erastophrya wuchangensis Chen, 1964
gill lamella with a flattened broad attachment in Chen, 1973, are known.
surface, called the scopuloid. A prominent Erastophyra chattoni lives attached to
apical fascicle of 10 to 35 knob-tipped sessiline peritrichs of Apiosoma on the
suctorial tentacles extends from the opposite surface of various freshwater fishes, such
side of attachment. Another fascicle and/or as Gasterosteus aculeatus, P. fluviatilis and
isolated tentacles can occur on the opposite Leuciscus cephalus in the Palaearctic. The
side of the body. Tentacles have capitate ends ovoid body (60–140 µm × 30–55 µm) has a
bearing numerous haptocysts, which upon rugged surface attached to the suprascopular
contact impale and attach to prey (cilio- narrow part of Apiosoma. The larvae are up
phorans), to be ingested through the tentacle. to 40 µm, generally formed singly in the brood
It reproduces by endogenous budding, form- pouch. Contractile, slightly motile suctorial
ing a discoidal migratory larva, often settling tentacles with knobbed tips cover the body.
nearby. In this way heavy infestations can Erastophyra wuchangensis was repor-
build up. Capriniana feeds on other cilio- ted attached to apiosomas on several
phorans; there is no firm evidence that it species of cyprinid fishes in China. The
feeds on the fish host cell or mucus. elongated body (60–200 µm long) possesses
Free-living ciliophorans tentatively a single crook-like holdfast projection and
identified as C. piscium were found to three and more bundles of tentacles.
cause heavy infestations of gills, viscera On several occasions suctorians tenta-
and body muscles in marine fishes (Cheung tively identified as belonging to the genus
et al., 1980). These infected fish were pre- Erastophrya have been encountered on a
disposed by some environmental stress. number of fish species in the Okavango
Ciliophorans had ingested blood cells and River (Botswana). They were also found
cellular debris, and were in internal organs, attached to species of Apiosoma (Fig. 5.8C).
specifically the kidney, urinary bladder,
spinal cord and blood vessels. There was
also extensive damage to body muscle, and Family Endosphaeridae Jankovski, 1978
fishes died in a relatively short time. Death These are small ciliophorans with neither
was attributed to a heavy parasite load on stalks nor tentacles, and with endogenous
the gills, which interfered with respiration. budding. They are found solely as endo-
The following two families of sucto- parasites of peritrich ciliophorans. One
rians contain representatives that are indi- genus lives on fish.
rectly associated with fish.
sphaera engelmani Entz, 1896 is 9–40 µm
Family Dendrosomatidae Fraipont, 1878
in size and lives within the cells of various
They divide by endogenous budding, pro- peritrichs, including Trichodina and Tricho-
ducing one or more daughter individuals in dinella species in fresh and salt water.
Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans (Phylum Ciliophora) 175

We have also encountered them in various cosmopolitan distribution, records on its

species of the genus Mantoscyphidia, found occurrence are patchy and mostly from the
on the gills of marine molluscs. The larval USA (Hoffman et al., 1975), with a recent
swarmers, with three equatorial ciliary report from Japan and other South-east
bands, attach to a new host ciliophoran and Asian countries by Imai et al. (2000).
enter its cytoplasm by piercing a narrow The body is pyriform (averaging 55 µm ×
channel through the pellicle. Eventually 30 µm in size), with 25 to 31 kineties. It has
they may kill the host ciliophoran. one caudal cilium, which is more rigid and
longer than other somatic cilia, an ellipsoid
macronucleus, a single micronucleus and a
FACULTATIVE FISH PARASITES single, posteriorly located contractile vacu-
ole. It forms reproductive cysts, in which
G E N U S T E T R A H Y M E NA F U R G A S O N , 1 9 4 0 . the ciliophorans divide to produce two to
Although these ciliophorans are mostly eight tomites.
saprozoic, there are several records of Tetra- As a histophagous parasite, T. corlissi
hymena Furgason, 1940 (class Oligohy- disintegrates host tissue and feeds on cell
menophorea de Puytorac et al., 1974; debris. In tropical aquarium fishes the infec-
subclass Hymenostomata Delage and tion is manifested by whitish patches, due to
Hérouard, 1896; order Hymenostomatida masses of ciliophorans in copious amounts
Delage and Hérouard, 1896; suborder Tetra- of mucus (Johnson, 1978). Fish scales are
hymenina Fauré-Fremiet in Corliss, 1956; bristled as the outer skin is lost and the tis-
family Tetrahymenidae Corliss, 1952) infec- sue swells. A mass of ciliophorans may form
tions in fish. Many species are facultative a rim around the eye orbit (‘spectacled eye’).
parasites in fish, but there are others that The entry into the body has not been well
are obligate parasites (Elliot, 1973), causing studied. Extensive necrotic changes occur in
‘tet’ disease and mortalities of ornamental the muscles and subdermal tissue. An
fishes. Despite the relatively common inflammatory reaction has only rarely been
occurrence in fish, however, specific deter- observed (I. Dyková, unpublished). The
mination is mostly non-existent or uncertain. infection results in mortality. Although the
Tetrahymena are small pyriform cilio- ciliophorans in general are not considered a
phorans with radially symmetrical bodies, major threat to tropical fish, but more of a
uniformly covered with 20 to 30 meridional nuisance, they can be important in tropical
kineties. The buccal cavity is equipped fish cultures.
with a specialized oral ciliary apparatus Infections with this and other Tetra-
consisting of the paroral membrane on the hymena species in fishes may be much more
right side and of three serially arranged prevalent than reported earlier. Ciliophorans
membranelles on the left side of the buccal tentatively identified as Tetrahymena
cavity. The cytostome is at the bottom of the pyriformis (Ehrenberg, 1830) were found to
buccal cavity. One to three postoral kineties invade fry, especially those with injured
begin at the posterior margin of the buccal integuments. They may destroy not only sur-
cavity. Comprehensive information on the face tissues but also internal organs (Shulman
morphology and ultrastructure of Tetra- and Jankovski, 1984). These ciliophorans,
hymena may be found in Elliot (1973). Sev- including Tetrahymena faurei (Corliss, 1952),
eral species have been reported from fish. were recorded in the central nervous system
Tetrahymena corlissi Thompson, 1955 of larvae of C. carpio, A. brama and
(Fig. 5.8D) is found naturally on amphibians Ameiurus sp. and in the spinal canal and
and freshwater fish with a (facultatively?) musculature of rainbow trout (Corliss, 1960;
free-living stage. This ciliophoran infects Stolk, 1960).
various fish species and is frequently fatal Tetrahymena rostrata (Kahl, 1926)
to its host. It is a histophagous parasite, Corliss, 1952 is an edaphic histophagous
found pervading the skin, muscle and body organism and a facultative parasite of some
cavity organs. Although it may have a invertebrates. It has 27 to 35 kineties and
176 L. Basson and J. Van As

forms both reproductive and resting cysts. It body. Infection is transmitted by spherical
was probably associated with cranial ulcer- cysts.
ations in farmed Salmo salar in freshwater Balantidia are essentially harmless and
tanks. Invasion of head tissues was associ- are found in the middle and posterior parts
ated with subacute inflammation. The of the intestine in grass carp. Little-known
clinical signs were severe fin and tail rot factors, perhaps the lack of starch in the
and depigmentation of the head (Ferguson host’s food, may turn them into histo-
et al., 1987). phagous parasites, where they abrade the
Tetrahymena are very easy to culture. epithelium, penetrate into the subepithelial
Agnotobiotic cultures feed on bacteria and intestine layer and feed on the tissue cells.
are easy to isolate and maintain in 2.5% Balantidia cause extensive ulceration and
proteose peptone. They can also be cultured elicit granuloma formation deep in the
axenically in chemically defined media tissue. Balantidium enteritis is associated
(Elliot, 1973). with hyperaemia and inflammatory changes
of the intestine. Enteritis may be fatal, and
G E N U S BA L A N T I D I U M C L A PA R É D E A N D losses in 1–3-year-old grass carp were
LACHMANN, 1858. Ciliophorans of the genus recorded (Molnár and Reinhardt, 1978).
Balantidium Claparéde and Lachmann, 1858 Balantidium polyvacuolum Li, 1963
(syn. Stentoropsis Dogel and Bykhovski, commonly occurs in the rectum of Xeno-
1938) (class Kinetophragminophorea de cypris argentea, Xenocypris davidi and Plag-
Puytorac et al., 1974; subclass Vestibulifera iognathops microlepis in China. This
de Puytorac et al., 1974; order Tricho- ciliophoran (84–142 µm × 57–115 µm in size),
stomatida Bütschli, 1889; family Balanti- containing up to 22 contractile vacuoles and
diidae Reichenow, 1929) infect various a broad vestibular groove, can seriously
homeotherm and poikilotherm vertebrates; damage the intestinal tissue of its host, pro-
although mostly innocuous, they have ducing local necroses and ulcerations.
pathogenic potential. The cytostome is Two additional species are found in fish,
located at the base of an anteriorly situated Balantidium barbi (Dogel and Bykhovski,
vestibulum. The body is uniformly covered 1934) Jankovski, 1982 (syn. Stentoropsis
with longitudinal ciliary rows. Ten species barbi Dogel and Bykhovski, 1934) (see
are found in freshwater and marine fishes, Shulman and Jankovski, 1984) from fish in
with some species being monoxenous and Central Asian rivers and Balantidium sigani
some being found in different genera. These Diamant and Wilbert, 1985 from herbivorous
species are all endocommensals that can marine fish from the Red Sea; no pathogenic-
become histophagous parasites. ity was recorded in their hosts.
Balantidium ctenopharyngodoni Chen,
1955 lives in the intestine of grass carp, URONEMA MARINUM DUJARDIN, 1841. Uronema
C. idella, in China, and also in the grass marinum Dujardin, 1841 (class Oligo-
carp stocks introduced to Europe. The hymenophorea de Puytorac et al., 1974; sub-
infection is quite common. class Hymenostomata Delage and Hérouard,
The body is ellipsoidal, slightly dorso- 1896; order Scuticociliatida Small, 1967; fam-
ventrally flattened, about 40–80 µm × ily Uronematidae Thompson, 1964) is well
25–65 µm. The subapical vestibular groove, documented as a parasite of marine fishes in
almost one-third the body length, deepens aquaria. It is equipped with a thigmotactic
towards the cytostomial opening. Its left ciliary field. It is about 30–50 µm in size. It
edge is covered with densely spaced ends of has a long caudal cilium and a buccal area
adjacent somatic kineties, bearing stronger that is half the body length.
and longer coalescent cilia, while the right Free-living ciliophorans tentatively
vestibular edge bears no cilia. The macro- identified as this species were found to
nucleus is bean-shaped, with a single cause heavy infections of gills, viscera and
micronucleus adjacent to it. Three contrac- body muscles in marine fishes (Cheung
tile vacuoles lie in the middle third of the et al., 1980). Infected fish were predisposed
Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans (Phylum Ciliophora) 177

by some environmental stress. The fish improve, they rapidly disappear (Migala
initially had white patches, which later and Kazubski, 1972).
became lesions or open wounds. Infected Surface wounds on fish, notably on fry,
fish were nervous and later were listless, predispose them to invasions by free-living
had breathing difficulties and had open, ciliophorans in the marine environment.
bleeding surface ulcers, full of ciliophorans Helicostoma buddenbrooki Kahl, 1931,
(Bassleer, 1983). The ciliophorans had Euplotes Ehrenberg, 1830 sp. and Uronema
ingested blood cells and cellular debris, and Dujardin, 1841 sp. were recorded on O-group
were in internal organs, specifically the kid- sole and plaice and young Zoarces vivi-
ney, urinary bladder, spinal canal and parus in mariculture (Purdom and Howard,
blood vessels. There was also extensive 1971). They attached to skin abrasions,
damage to the body muscle and fishes died enlarged the lesions and eventually caused
in a relatively short time. Death was attrib- lethal injuries.
uted to the heavy parasite load on the gills,
which interfered with respiration.

Others (free-living ciliophorans Microscopic examination (objective × 10) of

attacking the surface of fish) wet mounts of excised gills and scrapings
from skin, fins and nasal pits is the best
There is a large group of ciliophorans that
available technique to detect ectozoic
are mostly free-living. However, when fish
ciliophorans. Sessile suctorians are easy to
are stressed by adverse environmental con-
find as the refractile granules in the cyto-
ditions and they are completely debilitated
plasm make them appear very dark, in con-
and moribund, these free-living ciliophorans
trast to surrounding cells. Endocommensal
become facultative parasites externally.
ciliophorans (Balantidium etc.) can be
These freshwater ciliophorans include spe-
detected by careful examination of intesti-
cies of the genus Coleps Nitzsch, 1827 and
nal contents and/or mucosal scrapings.
various histophagous ciliophorans, which
Careful examination of fresh mounts is
feed on tissues. These fishes may also be
required to detect light infestations. There
colonized by free-living peritrichous cilio-
are no other methods to detect these
phorans (e.g. Vorticella Linnaeus, 1767,
Carchesium Ehrenberg, 1830 or Zootham-
nium Bory de St Vincent, 1826).
Fish that are seriously stressed but
not moribund are also susceptible to free- Prevention and Control
living ciliophorans, such as Chilodonella
cucullulus (O.F. Müller, 1786), Chilodonella The prevention and treatment strategies
uncinata (Ehrenberg, 1838), Dexiostoma are very similar to those taken with most
campylum (Stokes, 1886) Jankovski, 1967, ectozoic protozoan infestations. The out-
Glaucoma scintillans Ehrenberg, 1830, break of an ectoparasitic ciliophoran infes-
Colpidium colpoda (Ehrenberg, 1831) Stein, tation always indicates that the defence
1960, Frontonia acuminata Ehrenberg, 1833 capabilities of the fish are compromised, often
and Frontonia leucas Ehrenberg, 1838. due to adverse environmental conditions.
They may establish transient infestations of Hence the host–parasite equilibrium must
the skin and gills. be shifted back in favour of the fish by
These ciliophorans live in highly pol- changing the environment. This is a prereq-
luted waters, and infect the body surface uisite, without which all treatment proce-
and gills of pond fish under adverse condi- dures are only of temporary value. Handling
tions, e.g. in early spring after a long, severe and transport will also have a negative
winter. When environmental conditions impact on fish health. Treatment for most
(oxygen, temperature, food, water quality) fish ciliophorans involves a chemical added
178 L. Basson and J. Van As

directly to the water. Before treating fish, a Raceways and various tanks can be made
few things must be considered: parasite-free by flushing them with 5%
● Knowledge of the water in which the
● Make sure nets, buckets and other
fish are kept (source depth, volume and
implements used on the farm are clean.
chemical nature, etc.).
● Ponds should be stocked with parasite-
● Knowledge of the fish’s susceptibility
free or previously treated fish.
to chemicals (e.g. malachite green is far
● New fish should never be added to
less toxic to catfish than it is to sunfish
existing populations in a pond, as this
and bass and it might kill fry).
could introduce pathogens. Always
● Knowledge of the chemical to be used
routinely treat them for parasites before
is important (e.g. copper sulphate can
adding them to a system that has been
be used in dosages higher than 2 ppm
drained and disinfected.
in waters with a carbonate hardness
● If new stocks are obtained, always keep
over 200 ppm, but, in water with a car-
these in quarantine for a period.
bonate hardness of 20 ppm, concentra-
● Fish should be fed a balanced diet and
tions as low as 0.02 ppm may kill fish).
not over- or underfed.
● Certain chemicals may have an indirect
● There should be a proper oxygen sup-
detrimental effect on the fish. Copper
ply and this should be balanced in rela-
sulphate during summer months may
tion to temperature.
kill enough algae to cause an eventual
● Prevent excessive crowding and ensure
oxygen depletion problem. Formalin is
minimal handling of the fish.
known to also cause oxygen depletion. ● Specific requirements of the fish spe-
In both cases provide ample agitation
cies should be provided.
in summer months. ● Prevent unnecessary stress to fish, such
● Legal considerations: certain countries
as extremes in water quality, as well as
have limitations for fish being produced
a build-up of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates
for human consumption (e.g. malachite
or any toxicants.
green is not approved for food fish by ● Fish should be examined regularly for
the US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), but formalin is approved).
● Advisability of treatment: in some Chemical treatment is to be used in an
cases where the majority of fish are emergency and only after the proper manage-
moribund, it must be decided whether ment practice has failed. We recommend
or not a treatment is economically fea- sodium chloride, formalin, acriflavine
sible as the stress imposed by the treat- hydrochloride (= trypaflavin), malachite
ment may add to total mortality. green (p, p-benzylidene bis N, N-dimethyl
The guidelines of proper health manage- aniline) and/or potassium permanganate
ment for fish culture are summarized as (KMnO4) to treat most of the ectozoic
follows: ciliophorans. They can be used in relatively
high concentrations in dip baths (D) when
● The water should be pathogen-free and it the fish are immersed in a net for a very
can be either from wells or sand-filtered short time (seconds to 1 h). These chemicals
if the supply is from a stream contain- can be used in low concentrations as a flush
ing native fish. The water must also be treatment (F). Fish are exposed to the chem-
free of pollutants, at an appropriate tem- icals for several hours to days before the
perature and physiochemically balanced. water in the tank is replaced with clear
● Efforts should be made to prevent water. In a highly diluted state, the chemi-
access of trash or wild fish. cals can be left in the tanks for indefinite
● Ponds and tanks should be drained treatment (I). Dip treatment is convenient for
at regular intervals and their bottoms small fish, fry and fingerlings, while flush
sanitized with quicklime (2.5–3 t/ha). and indefinite treatments are suitable for
Trichodinidae and Other Ciliophorans (Phylum Ciliophora) 179

raceways, tanks, larger water bodies or aquar- in combination with formalin:

ium systems. The choice always depends on 0.25 ppm malachite green in 125 ppm for-
their feasibility in a given situation. The malin for 2–6 h, depending on intensity of
wide range of chemical concentrations oxygenation.
recommended by various authors can be 5. Potassium permanganate.
explained by the necessity to adjust the con- D: 0.1% for 30–45 s
centration to the ambient temperature, D: 50 ppm for 10–15 min (e.g. trout fry).
oxygen contents and quality of water (pH, total F: 10 ppm for 60–90 min
hardness, organic load) in relation to the F: 5 ppm for 16 min.
particular fish species and age class. Finally, I: 2–3 ppm.
the resistance of parasite populations to these
For Brooklynella, in addition to forma-
chemicals should be taken into account.
lin and acriflavine treatment, indefinite
Thus, to assess the proper concentrations
immersion in a copper bath is useful:
and length of exposure and to make sure that
0.42 ppm cupric acetate in 5.25 ppm forma-
a specific species can tolerate the chemical,
lin in 4.8 ppm Tris buffer.
a trial should precede large-scale treatment.
For Uronema and other marine facul-
For chilodonellas, trichodinids, sessi-
tative parasitic ciliophorans, use a fresh-
line peritrichs, facultative and opportunistic
water dip for 10–15 min, followed by a
parasites, suctorians and other ecto-
15–20 min dip in 5 ppm methylene blue or
commensals, the following treatments are
30 ppm nitrofurazone (repeat twice daily,
recommended (the concentrations below are
if necessary).
given either in percentage or ppm):
Raising the water temperature to 25°C
1. Sodium chloride (not for marine or for several days may help to restore the
euryhaline ciliophorans). defence capability of the fish against
D: 1.5% to 3% for 5 min to 1 h (e.g. sessiline Chilodonella infestations. This may also be
peritrichs: 3% for 5 to 10 min, or 1.5% for useful against other ciliophorans, but not
1 h; Chilodonella: in common carp fry 2% against those in the tropics.
for 15 min at temperatures above 15°C, 1%
for 30 min at 20–25°C, in yearling carp 3%
for 15–30 min at temperatures above 15°C). Conclusions and Recommendations
F: 0.1–0.2% for 1 to 2 days. for Future Research
2. Formalin (convenient also for warm-
water and for marine ciliophorans). This review is a summary of the basic
D: 150–250 ppm for 30–60 min (e.g. in com- knowledge of ciliophorans that live on the
mon carp and salmonid yearlings, concen- surface or inside the fish body. There is an
tration depends on temperature: below 10°C, impressive diversity in genera and species,
250 ppm; 10–15°C, 200 ppm; above 15°C, in their form and structure and many species
150 ppm). are serious pathogens especially of cultured
F: 250 ppm for 1 h fish. Chemicals are readily available and
F: 40–50 ppm for 24 h. are quite effective against the ciliophoran
I: 15–25 ppm. parasites.
3. Acriflavin. Future studies should centre chiefly on
F: 50 ppm for one to several days. the host–parasite relationships, although it
I: 10–20 ppm. is likely that there are many more undes-
4. Malachite green. cribed species and genera. Basic bio-
D: 2.5–5 ppm for 30 s diversity in large parts of the globe has not
D: 60 ppm for 10–30 s at 10–20°C. been studied; in the field of trichodinid
F: 0.15–0.5 ppm for 6 days (e.g. common diversity, basically nothing is known from
carp 0.5 ppm, trout fingerlings 0.15– central and northern Africa, Australia and
0.2 ppm). South and Central America. To conduct
I: 0.1 ppm studies on host–parasite relationships, we
180 L. Basson and J. Van As

have to have a reliable source of parasites. proliferate), nutritional requirements of the

At the moment, there are neither in vitro parasite and the host immune response to
culture methods nor dependable in vivo the parasite (e.g. protective humoral and
techniques to maintain ectozoic cilio- cell-mediated responses).
phorans. Once we have a reliable source of The mechanism of the disease should
parasites, we can then start to unravel the be further studied. We know little about the
host–parasite relationships. The intriguing pathomorphogenesis in chilodonellosis and
areas that we should initially pay attention trichodinosis and the differences in patho-
to include the process of infestation (e.g. genicity among various strains and races of
stimuli that attract the ciliophoran to the Chilodonella and Trichodina. This basic
fish host), proliferation of the parasite on information is necessary in order to form
the fish (e.g. factors that predispose the fish the basis of an efficient programme on
to disease and allow the parasite to disease prevention.


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6 Phylum Apicomplexa

Kálmán Molnár
Veterinary Medical Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
H-1581 Budapest, Hungary

Introduction only a few deal with the ultrastructure

(Azevedo et al., 1995; Paperna, 1995; Azevedo,
Apicomplexans occur in a wide variety 2001; Diniz et al., 2002), systematic position
of animals (helminths to mammals). Api- (Siddall et al., 1994; Siddall, 1995; Jirku
complexan parasites, primarily coccidia of et al., 2002), development (Negm-Eldin,
warm-blooded animals, belong to the most 1998, 1999; Vilenkin and Paperna, 1997;
important and harmful group of animal Fournie et al., 2000; Davies and Smit, 2001)
pathogens. The economic importance of and pathology (Steinhagen, 1997; Hemmer
apicomplexan infection in mammals and et al., 1998) of fish apicomplexans. Although
birds is documented every year by hundreds the first coccidium oocysts from fish had
of reports on the development and patho- already been detected at the end of the 18th
genic effect of these parasites, as well as by century (Thélohan, 1890), the subject has
dozens of drugs and technologies recom- been studied by only a few specialists and
mended for prevention. Contrary to this there is a limited amount of data on the devel-
fast-developing branch of coccidiology, the opment and pathogenicity of both histozoic
progress in fish apicomplexan research is and blood-parasitic fish apicomplexans. It is
rather moderate and can claim only modest likely that the number of described species
results. represents only a small fraction of fish api-
Since the recent knowledge on fish api- complexans. Of these, species infecting
complexans was summarized in a chapter marine fishes were summarized by Lom
of the first edition of this book (Molnár, (1984). In another review on the coccidia
1996), only a limited number of related proper, Dyková and Lom (1983) included 128
papers has been published. These papers species, and this number has been increased
concern mostly the occurrence of the known up to the present by at least 100 new
species (Cruz and Davies, 1998; Diouf et al., coccidium species (Duszynski et al., 1999).
2000; Abollo et al., 2001; Alvarez-Pellitero A review on fish haemogregarines (coccidia
et al., 2002; Tolonen and Karlsbakk, 2003) sensu lato) was made by Davies (1995), who
and the description of some new species from recorded 72 species from marine and 31 spe-
different continents (Diouf and Toguebaye, cies from freshwater fishes. Coccidioses of
1994, 1996; Lom and Dyková, 1995; Sitja- the common, bighead and silver carp, eel and
Bobadilla et al., 1996; Baska, 1997; Molnár tilapia are known to cause mortality. Heavy
and Ogawa, 2000; Alvarez-Pellitero and Apicomplexa infections are also common in
Sitja-Bobadilla, 2002; Molnár et al., 2003), and marine fishes, e.g. swim-bladder coccidiosis
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
(ed. P.T.K. Woo) 183
184 K. Molnár

of the cod caused by Goussia gadi, liver He listed 26 fish hosts for the five Babesio-
coccidiosis of the killifish caused by soma spp. he considered valid. A similar
Calyptospora funduli and testicular infec- conclusion was drawn by Negm-Eldin
tion of the sardine caused by Eimeria (1998, 1999), who, using the leech vector
sardinae. Little is known about the patho- Batracobdeloides tricarinata, could trans-
genic effect of haemogregarinids. mit Babesiosoma mariae and Cyrilia nili to
series of fishes in cross-transmission exper-
iments. Fish coccidia seem to be less host
Host Range of the Parasite specific than mammalian coccidia. A fish
coccidium can infect several closely related
Apicomplexan parasites, both coccidians and host species, usually of the same genus
adeleid blood parasites, infect fishes world- (Belova and Krylov, 2000). However, Goussia
wide. They are common in both marine and subepithelialis of the common carp and
freshwater fishes. While, however, haemo- Goussia sinensis of silver and bighead carp
gregarinids are mostly known from marine are relatively strictly host specific. Eimeria
fishes (Davies, 1995; Davies and Johnston, anguillae, which is found in eel species of
2000), coccidia proper are common in both both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans,
freshwater and marine specimens (Dyková and Goussia vanasi and Goussia cichlidarum
and Lom, 1981, 1983). The majority of the of tilapia species are good examples of group
known apicomplexan species have been specificity. Although Shulman (1984) listed
described from Europe and the Far East; more than a dozen hosts for Goussia carpelli,
there are, however, data on their occurrence experimental data (K. Molnár, unpublished)
in North and South America (Fatham et al., suggest that G. carpelli infects only fish of the
1942; Hoffman, 1965; Molnár and Fernando, genera Cyprinus and Carassius and that coc-
1974; Solangi and Overstreet, 1980; Békési cidians in other cyprinids are morphologically
and Molnár, 1990), in South Asia (Setna and similar but less well-studied species.
Bana, 1935; Mandal et al., 1984; Molnár et al., Cryptosporidia are considered to have an
2003), in Australia (Molnár and Rohde, 1988; extremely broad host range. According to
Lom and Dyková, 1995), and in Africa (Diouf Levine (1984) four species, including the
and Toguebaye, 1996; Smit and Davies, 1999). fish-parasitic Cryptosporidium nasoris, are
Little is known about host specificity of valid, while according to Fayer et al. (1997)
fish apicomplexans. The majority of known eight species should be recognized. Up to the
haemosporidians has been described from present time, four named Cryptosporidium
a single fish species. In contrast, Haemo- species (C. nasoris, C. reichenbachklinkei,
gregarina bigemina has been recorded in at C. cichlidis and C. molnari), as well as five
least 85 species of fish. This may be explained Cryptosporidium spp., are known from fishes
by the fact that these are not based on experi- (Hoover et al., 1981; Paperna and Vilenkin,
mental studies and that some authors des- 1996; Alvarez-Pellitero and Sitja-Bobadilla,
cribed the meronts or gamonts as new species, 2002). Paperna and Vilenkin (1996) thought
while others identified them with the best- that fish cryptosporidia differed in morpho-
known species, H. bigemina. The majority of logy and in their location in the host from
investigators (Khan, 1978, 1980; Becker and cryptosporidia of warm-blooded animals and
Overstreet, 1979; Barta and Desser, 1989; created a new genus, Piscicryptosporidium,
Barta, 1991) regarded only leeches as vec- for them.
tors, while Davies and Johnston (1976) as
well as Davies (1982) suggested that
H. bigemina could develop both in the leech Systematic and Taxonomic Positions of
Oceanobdella blennii and in the isopod Apicomplexans
Gnathia maxillaris.
Barta (1991) suggested that Babesio- Members of the phylum Apicomplexa
soma species were less host specific and Levine, 1970 have a special cell organelle,
synonymized some of the described species. called the apical complex, which facilitates
Phylum Apicomplexa 185

invasion of the host cell. The majority of rather large; therefore Goussia and Calyp-
species form spores and/or oocysts. Fish tospora are tentatively included in the
apicomplexans are divided into two major family Eimeriidae as independent genera.
groups. Coccidia proper are primarily intes-
tinal parasites and produce resistant Phylum: Apicomplexa Levine, 1970
oocysts in the host. Adeleid blood parasites Class: Conoidasida Levine, 1988
(Coccidia sensu lato) have the merogonic Order: Eucoccidiorida Leger and Duboscq,
and some gamogonic stages in fish, while 1910
spore formation takes place in parasitic Suborder: Adeleiorina Leger 1911
annelids or insects. Both groups are charac- Family: Haemogregarinidae Neveu-
terized by a complete apical complex, Lemaire, 1901
including the conoid (Conoidasida). In Genus: Haemogregarina Danilewsky,
addition to adeleid apicomplexans, some 1885
protozoans of uncertain systematic position Genus: Cyrilia Lainson, 1981
(Haematractidium, Haemohormidium) can Genus: Desseria Siddal, 1995
also infect blood cells of the fish. These lat- Family: Dactylosomatidae Jakowska and
ter parasites have an incomplete apical Nigrelli, 1955
complex and lack the conoid, and there is Genus: Dactylosoma Labbé, 1894
no spore formation in their life cycle. Genus: Babesiosoma Jakowska and
The majority of adeleid apicomplexans Nigrelli, 1956
parasitize marine fishes and only a few Suborder: Eimeriorina Leger, 1911
species occur in freshwater fishes. The Family: Eimeriidae Leger, 1911
majority of these parasites have not been Genus: Eimeria Schneider, 1875
adequately described, and in most cases Genus: Goussia Labbé, 1896
only the merogonic and gamogonic stages Genus: Crystallospora Labbé, 1896
in blood cells are known. Levine (1988) Genus: Calyptospora Overstreet,
recorded 60 Haemogregarina, two Cyrilia Hawkins and Fournie, 1984
and one Hepatozoon species in fish, and, in Family: Cryptosporidiidae Leger, 1911
Barta’s revision (1991), five Babesiosoma Genus: Cryptosporidium Tyzzer, 1907
and two Dactylosoma have been added. Protists of uncertain taxonomic position
Siddall (1995) created a new genus, Desseria, Genus: Haematractidium Henry, 1910
within the family Haemogregarinidae, and Genus: Haemohormidium Henry, 1910
included 40 other species of marine and
freshwater fish haemogregarines with a wide
Morphology and Development
A common characteristic of the Api-
Coccidia proper
complexa is the ‘apical complex’, a structure
demonstrable only by electron microscopy.
The organelle appears only at certain stages of
development. The apical complex usually The development of fish-parasitic coccidia
consists of a polar ring, a conoid, micronemes, does not differ essentially from that of coc-
rhoptries and subpellicular tubules. Api- cidia of warm-blooded animals (Fig. 6.1).
complexans have a complex life cycle, which The development of the Eimeriidae and the
involves (in most cases) merogony, gamogony Cryptosporidiidae is divided into merogony,
and sporogony. gamogony and sporogony. Merogony begins
The following classification is based with invasion of the host cell by the parasite.
on that of Levine (1988) and is modified by The intruding sporozoite, enclosed in a
Perkins et al. (2002). The latter authors parasitophorous vacuole in the cytoplasm or
regarded Goussia as a junior synonym of nucleus of the cell becomes rounded, begins
Eimeria, but molecular studies made by to grow and changes into a meront. In the
Jirku et al. (2002) showed that the genetical meronts, merozoites are formed, which,
distance between Eimeria and Goussia is when released, invade other cells and form
186 K. Molnár

second- and third-generation meronts. Gamo- numerous workers. However, only Paterson
gony begins when the last generation of and Desser (1981a), Hawkins et al. (1984a,
merozoites forms macro- and microgamonts. b) and Steinhagen et al. (1989) have studied
In the microgamonts numerous microga- meronts and merozoites in experimentally
metes develop. After fertilization the macro- infected fish. The merogony of Goussia
gamont develops into an oocyst. During iroquoina takes place in the intestine, while
sporulation, the zygote in the oocyst divides that of C. funduli is in the liver. According
and forms sporocysts, in which sporozoites to Hawkins et al. (1984b), there were two
develop. Sporulation may take place within merozoite generations, and Paterson and
(endogenous sporulation) or outside (exoge- Desser (1981a) also found at least two
nous sporulation) the fish. generations. In species with epicellular
development, merogony is also epicellular
Morphological characteristics of the (Molnár and Baska, 1986; Landsberg and
different developmental stages Paperna, 1987; Kent et al., 1988; Jastrzebski
and Komorowski, 1990). Usually 8–16 mero-
MEROGONIC STAGES. Merogonic stages in nat-
zoites of 8–16 µm in length are formed in
urally infected fish have been described by
the meronts (Fig. 6.2), but in G. cichlidarum
Landsberg and Paperna (1985) reported
meronts containing large numbers of
merozoites. The merozoites of fish coccidia
do not differ in structure from those of
warm-blooded animals: they have an eas-
ily discernible nucleus, conoid apparatus
and trimembranous pellicle covering the
The meronts develop in the cytoplasm,
or occasionally in the nucleus, within a
parasitophorous vacuole. In species with
epicellular development, the parasitopho-
rous vacuole is intracellular but extracyto-
Fig. 6.1. Goussia acipenseris. Schematic diagram plasmal and is covered by a single unit
of the oocyst. membrane of the host cell. The vacuole of

Fig. 6.2. Goussia balatonica. Intracellular meront with merozoites (transmission electron microscope
(TEM), × 8800).
Phylum Apicomplexa 187

epicellular eimeriids is complete, which in development. Alvarez-Pellitero et al. (1997)

Molnár and Baska’s (1986) view means that reported that G. sparis might develop in both
its cavity completely surrounds the para- intraepithelial and supraepithelial positions.
site. The wall of the vacuole is a single- The macrogamont (Fig. 6.3), which develops
layered unit membrane. Good metabolic from the last merozoite generation, is always
communication between parasite cytoplasm surrounded by a parasitophorous vacuole. In
and the host cell is ensured by parts of the species with epicellular development, the
vacuole protruding into the cytoplasm of vacuole is extracytoplasmic and this is simi-
the host cell. lar with the meront (Fig. 6.4). Electron micro-
Cryptosporidium have incomplete vac- scopic studies of the macrogamont cytoplasm
uoles. The parasitophorous vacuole formed (Paterson and Desser, 1981c; Hawkins et al.,
by enterocyte microvilli surrounds the meront 1983b) indicate amylopectin, lipid granules
only on the side facing the gut lumen. and two distinct types of ‘wall-forming
Between the meront and the host cell cyto- body’ (assumed to be involved in the forma-
plasm there is a special adhesive zone. All tion of the thin oocyst wall).
stages of cryptosporidia develop epicellularly.
SPOROGONIC STAGES. The oocysts of fish
GAMOGONIC STAGES. Microgamogenesis coccidia, except for members of the genus
begins with multiple divisions of the nucleus Cryptosporidium, are rather similar (see
of the microgamont in the parasitophorous Figs 6.1, 6.6 and 6.7). The oocysts of the
vacuole. The newly formed nuclei gradually Eimeriidae contain four sporocysts and, occa-
migrate to the periphery of the micro- sionally, one to two polar granules. Each
gamont, where they separate from the cyto- sporocyst contains two sporozoites and a
plasm to form microgametes (see Fig. 6.4). residual body. The only important difference
Microgametes possess two flagella, with the between genera is in the structure of the
exception of those of cryptosporidia, which sporocyst.
do not have flagella. The microgamete con- The oocyst is adapted to the aquatic
tains a nucleus, mitochondria, micro- environment; it has a thin, sensitive oocyst
tubules and a perforatorium at the apical wall and does not have a micropyle. The
end. In the majority of species, macrogamo- thickness of the one- or three-layered wall
genesis takes place in the apical part of the varies between 3 and 200 nm.
cytoplasm of epithelial cells. However, there Each Cryptosporidium oocyst contains
are species with intranuclear and epicellular four naked sporozoites and a residual body.

Fig. 6.3. Goussia balatonica. Intracellular macrogamonts (ma) and microgamont (mi) in the intestinal
epithelium (TEM, × 4400).
188 K. Molnár

Fig. 6.4. Eimeria anguillae. Epicellular macrogamont (ma) in a parasitophorous vacuole (pv) surrounded
by microvilli (mv) inside a host cell (hc) (TEM, × 21,800).

Fish cryptosporidia have been reported myelin-like projections emerged from the
by Hoover et al. (1981), Pavlasek (1983), outer layer.
Landsberg and Paperna (1986), Paperna Only a few fish coccidia (e.g. Eimeria
(1987) and Alvarez-Pellitero and Sitja- isabellae) possess a typical Eimeria sporocyst
Bobadilla (2002). These authors based their (i.e. having a Stieda body). In the majority of
diagnosis on the special adhesive zone of the species there is only a thickening, plug or
the developmental stages. The ultrastruc- cap at one end of the sporocyst. This is where
ture of sporulated oocysts has only been the sporocyst opens and the sporozoites are
studied by Paperna (1987) and Alvarez- released in the host or intermediate host.
Pellitero and Sitja-Bobadilla (2002). Goussia-type sporocysts are composed
Paperna (1987) found the wall to be thick of two equal-sized, round, elliptical or coffin-
and double-layered, but Alvarez-Pellitero shaped valves, united by a suture. This suture
and Sitja-Bobadilla (2002) reported the is hardly discernible using light microscopy
simultaneous occurrence of thick-walled but can be seen under an electron micro-
and thin-walled oocysts and they observed scope. Although most fish coccidia have
three main layers in the wall. been described as Eimeria, the majority of
Sporocysts are elliptical, oval or dodeca- the species undoubtedly belong to the genus
hedral in shape. They differ from each other Goussia. Sometimes the sporocyst is also
primarily in the mode of sporozoite release. surrounded by a membraneous veil, which
The wall of the sporocyst is generally thin is attached to the sporocyst by special mem-
but is more resistant than that of the oocyst. branes. The sporocyst veil has been reported
However, there are species with a relatively by Lom (1971) for Goussia degiustii and by
thick sporocyst wall, e.g. Eimeria etrumei Baska and Molnár (1989) for G. sinensis.
and Goussia siliculiformis. The sporocysts of Calyptospora are
The sporocyst wall is usually com- characterized by a thickening or projection
posed of two layers. However, some species, at the caudal end, by sporopodia starting
such as G. gadi and Goussia lucida have a from the spore surface or from the caudal
three-layered wall (Odense and Logan, 1976; projection and by a sporocyst veil sup-
Daoudi, 1987). The thickness of the wall ported by sporopodia and surrounding the
varies between 30 and 500 µm. Azevedo sporocyst. The opening of the sporocyst is a
(2001) found a thick inner layer and a thin- longitudinal suture, which extends only to
ner outer layer in Goussia clupearum; the anterior one-third of the sporocyst.
Phylum Apicomplexa 189

The sporocyst of Crystallospora crys- The possible role of intermediate hosts in

talloides is bipyramidal and opens at a the transmission of fish coccidia was first
suture situated at the foot of the pyramids suggested by Landau et al. (1975), who
(Daoudi, 1987). demonstrated the sporozoites of a coccidian
The sporozoites of fish coccidia are parasitizing a muraena (Gymnothorax
banana-, sausage- or comma-shaped. They moringa) from the intestinal tissues of a crus-
usually lie in the sporocyst in a head-to-tail tacean (Mysidacea). Direct infection with
presentation. In the cryptosporidia the oocysts has been reported by Musselius et al.
sporozoites are side by side and lie in (1965), Zmerzlaya (1966), Steinhagen and
the same direction. The sporozoite has a Körting (1988) and Steinhagen et al. (1989)
nucleus that is easily discernible by light using G. carpelli, while Marincek (1973b)
microscopy and is situated in the middle of was successful with G. subepithelialis in
the body. The conoid apparatus lies at the the common carp. By feeding oocysts mixed
anterior end, and the posterior end may in the feed, Paterson and Desser (1981a,b,c,
sometimes be striated. 1982) produced G. iroquoina infection in
After the formation of sporocysts, a fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)
sporocyst residuum appears within the spo- and common shiner (Notropis cornutus),
rocyst. This residuum is granular in the while Landsberg and Paperna (1985) pro-
young oocysts and may be compact in the duced G. cichlidarum infection in tilapia.
older ones (Molnár, 1989). Certain species, In contrast, Molnár (1979) failed to produce
e.g. G. siliculiformis and G. degiustii, are experimental G. carpelli infection by feed-
characterized by a large residuum. In coc- ing oocysts mixed in the diet; however, he
cidia parasitizing the inner organs, the succeeded when the oocysts were mixed
residuum is used up slowly, while it is used with chicken liver. He consistently achieved
more rapidly in intestinal coccidia. intensive infection by feeding tubifex col-
lected from natural habitats. Kent and
Hedrick (1985) produced G. carpelli infection
Infection of fish
in goldfish only if they had previously fed the
Coccidia of fish were for a long time oocysts to tubifex or shrimps. Steinhagen and
regarded as infecting the host in a direct Körting (1990) produced G. carpelli infection
way. Now it has been proved that fish both by the direct route and through vectors.
coccidia might develop through interme- On the other hand, Solangi and Overstreet
diate and paratenic hosts as well (Fig. 6.5). (1980) and Fournie and Overstreet (1983)

Fig. 6.5. Schematic diagram of coccidian development inside and outside fish.
190 K. Molnár

reported that C. funduli required a true inter-

mediate host, the grass shrimp (Palaemonetes
pugio), for its development. On the other
side, Steinhagen and Körting (1990) sug-
gested that the invertebrate is a paratenic
host in which the sporozoites do not
undergo development. Fournie et al. (2000)
have demonstrated that the sporozoites of
C. funduli need to infect the shrimp for at
least 5 days before reaching infectivity. These
authors also proved that during that stage
sporozoites were located in the basal epithe-
lial cells of the shrimp’s intestine. Steinhagen
(1991) observed that the sporozoites of
G. carpelli and G. subepithelialis invaded
cells of the alimentary tract, where they were
found in membrane-bound parasitophorous
vacuoles and persisted for 9 weeks for
G. carpelli and 3 weeks for G. subepithelialis.
Steinhagen et al. (1998) have shown that unin-
fected carp can be infected by G. carpelli both
directly and through paratenic hosts, but Fig. 6.6. Unsporulated oocysts from the gut of the
sterlet. The larger ones are Goussia vargai and the
reinfection occurs only in the latter way.
smaller ones are Goussia acipenseris (× 320).
Vilenkin and Paperna (1997) infected
tilapia hybrids directly with the oocysts of
Eimeria vanasi, and 7 to 56 h post-exposure
(p.e.) found sporozoites in intraepithelial
lymphocyte-like or leucocyte-like cells but
never in epithelial cells. Sporozoites in these
cells divided by endodiogeny once or twice
to form daughter sporozoites. The oocysts
of fish coccidia undergo rapid sporulation
and ageing in the environment. The sporo-
zoites die soon after the residual body of the
sporocyst is used up. In tubifex or shrimp
vectors, on the other hand, the sporozoites
are released in the gut and remain viable for
a long time in epithelial cells.

Peculiarities in the development of

fish coccidians
Oocysts of fish coccidians are always
assumed to be sporulated when they leave
the fish. Recent studies, however, have
revealed that a number of species shed Fig. 6.7. Extraintestinally sporulated oocysts of
unsporulated oocysts (Figs 6.6 and 6.7). G. vargai (× 1000).
The majority of fish coccidians infect the
intestinal epithelium, but a relatively large bladder and serosa. Most species produce
number of them, especially those with large oocysts continuously throughout the year
oocysts, develop at non-intestinal sites, but there are species which follow a 1 year
such as the kidney, spleen, liver, swim seasonal cycle and produce oocysts only in
Phylum Apicomplexa 191

the spring. Oocysts of warm-blooded ani- definitive host, while dactylosomatids are
mals have resistant oocysts, which preserve free in the cell cytoplasm. Haemogre-
the sporocyst residuum and infectivity for garinids infect the fish with sporozoites
years; fish coccidians have a soft, mem- while the infective stage is the merozoite in
branaceous oocyst wall. Residual bodies in the dactylosomatids. No significant differ-
warm-blooded animals are relatively steady; ences exist in transmission to vertebrates.
fish coccidia consume residual bodies very Davies and Johnston (2000) think that in the
quickly and lose infectivity within a few days. case of the haemogregarinids Haemogre-
garina and Desseria merozoites are trans-
mitted by the invertebrate host, while in
Adeleid blood parasites (coccidia sensu lato) that of Cyrillia sporozoites are transmitted.
In the case of the dactylosomatid Babesio-
Development of adeleid blood soma merozoites are transmitted, while for
parasites in general Dactylosoma this type of transmission has
not been demonstrated yet.
Fish-parasitic coccidia sensu lato have
heteroxenous life cycles, which involve two
Development and morphology of
hosts, one being the fish and the other a para-
sitic leech or insect (Fig. 6.8). The develop-
ment of coccidia sensu lato is divided into The development of fish-parasitic haemo-
merogony, gamogony and sporogony. There gregarinids (Figs 6.9a,b and 6.10) is known
is also a special association of the two primarily from studies of natural infec-
gamonts prior to encystment (syzygy) and tions. Khan (1980) was the first to describe
this takes place before sporogony. Although some developmental stages of Cyrilia
the Haemogregarinidae and the Dactylo- uncinata in experimental infections. He
somatidae have striking resemblances found that sporozoites were injected into
(development, morphology and vectors), the blood by leeches, entered lymphocytes,
there are important differences between them. monocytes, neutrophils or blast cells, devel-
At sporogony haemogregarinids develop in oped into meronts and formed merozoites.
parasitophorous vacuoles in cells in the The merogony of Haemogregarina and

Fig. 6.8. Schematic diagram of the development of haemogregarinid and dactylosomatid apicomplexans.
192 K. Molnár

Cyrilia spp. occurs in blood cells, while in enterocyte or on the surface in a parasito-
Desseria spp. it takes place mainly in the phorous vacuole. The produced sporozoites
inner organs. Negm Eldin (1999) found that migrate towards the salivary and the probos-
C. nili had two successive types of merogonic cis of the leech. Intraleucocytic meronts of
stages in infected fish and the meronts of Haemogregarina spp. usually harbour two
the second merogonic cycle were destined to eight merozoites and do not significantly
to form gamonts. The vermiform merozoites enlarge the size of the host cell. The length
enter erythrocytes or leucocytes to form of the banana- or crescent-shaped merozo-
macro- and microgamonts. In some species ites and gamonts varies between 4 and 5 µm;
there is some division of gamonts in the intraleucocytic meronts, however, may reach
erythrocytes, while in others they directly 26 µm × 23 µm. Haemogregarina bigemina
change into micro- and macrogamonts. can also be transmitted to fish by gnathiid
Gamonts are taken in during a blood isopods. Davies and Smit (2001) observed
meal. In the intestine of the leech they are that specimens of Gnathia africana taken
released from blood cells and the micro- and from fish contained the following stages of
macrogamonts unite in syzygy. During this H. bigemina: syzygy, immature and mature
process they are surrounded by a thin mem- oocysts, sporozoites and merozoites of at
brane. In Haemogregarina and Cyrilia the least three types.
microgamont produces four microgametes,
and one of the resulting microgametes fertil- Development and morphology of
izes the macrogamont. Oocyst formation dactylosomatids
takes place and, depending on the parasite
species, it may occur either within an For a long time the development of dactylo-
somatids parasitic in fishes was little stud-
ied. Only the intraerythrocytic merogonic
and gamogonic stages (Fig. 6.9c,d) were
known. Paperna (1981) suggested that
the parasite is transmitted by leeches.
Negm-Eldin (1998) was the first to experi-
mentally infect fish with B. mariae. This
author used the leech vector B. tricarinata
for transmission. In the affected fish, three
Fig. 6.9. Schematic diagrams of adeleorin
successive types of merogonic cycles
apicomplexans and of Haemohormidium beckeri in
erythrocytes. a, b. Meront with seven merozoites occurred within the fish erythrocytes. The
(a) and gamont (b) of Haemogregarina delagei (after third cycle produced merozoites, destined
Khan, 1972). c, d. Meront of tetrad form (c) and to become gamonts. The gamonts were
gamont (d) of Babesiosoma hannesi (after Paperna, somewhat larger than the meronts. Para-
1981). e. H. beckeri (after Khan, 1980). sitaemia in the fish lasted for up to 7 months.

Fig. 6.10. Haemogregarina developmental stages in Giemsa-stained blood films. a. Free gamete of
H. acipenseris in the cytoplasm. b. Intraerythrocytic gamont of H. acipenseris (× 1200). (Courtesy of
Dr F. Baska.)
Phylum Apicomplexa 193

In the leech crop, gamonts became associ- the peripheral organelles characteistic of
ated in syzygy and fused. Negm Eldin Haematractidium.
(1998) found three stages of merogony in
the development of B. mariae, but Smit
et al. (2003), who recovered this parasite Pathogenicity of Apicomplexans
from the African fish Serranochromis
angusticeps, could not find these stages. The majority of fish coccidians have rela-
tively low pathogenicity. No mortality was
observed even when 85–90% of the spleen
Blood protozoans with uncertain or liver was infected with Goussia spp. or
systematic position C. funduli (see Molnár, 1976; Solangi and
Overstreet, 1980). Lethal infections occur
Members of this protozoan group differ primarily in farm ponds, but severe cases
from other apicomplexans in having an have been reported from natural waters as
apical complex without a conoid. They have well. Bauer et al. (1981) reported fish mor-
no spores or sporogonic stages. They are tality caused by G. carpelli and G. sinensis.
well-known pathogens of vertebrates. Fish Molnár (1976) also recorded deaths due to
are also infected by Haemohormidium and G. sinensis. Eimeria anguillae infection
Haematractidium spp. Haemohormidia are caused emaciation and deaths in eels in
amoeboid, oval or rounded organisms in the New Zealand (Hine, 1975). Fiebiger (1913),
cytoplasm of erythrocytes (Fig. 6.9e). Davies as well as Odense and Logan (1976),
(1980), who studied Haemohormidium cotti reported mortality in the haddock caused
using light and electron microscopy, found by G. gadi. MacKenzie (1978) found a spe-
that the parasites (1.2 to 4.5 µm) in the red cies of Eimeria that caused 6–10% reduc-
blood cells were bounded by a complex tion in body mass in blue whiting. Pinto
membrane like that seen in the pellicle of a (1956) reported parasitic castration as a
typical Apicomplexa. The outer membrane result of E. sardinae infection. Upton et al.
was in direct contact with the host cell cyto- (2000) supposed that a heavy infection of
plasm. No parasitophorous vacuole was the gut with Eimeria phylloptericis caused
found. Khan (1980), who studied the devel- significant morbidity and mortality in the
opment of Haemohormidium beckeri in aquarium-cultured sea-dragon, but the role
erythrocytes, described its division by both of a joint infection with bacterial pathogens
binary fission and merogony. He found no could not be excluded.
gamogonic stages. The leeches Platybdella The damage to tissues depends on the
orbiti and Johanssonia arctica were vectors. intensity of infection. In E. anguillae infec-
Dividing stages were found in their gut and tion, Hine (1975) observed partial or total
proboscis; however, no oocysts were found. destruction of the intestinal mucosa and
Natural transmission occurred when leeches submucosa. The epithelial cells became
fed on susceptible fish. Siddall et al. (1994), compressed and the submucosal connective
who studied Haemohormidium terranovae tissue vacuolated, and mature oocysts and
in American plaice, stated that there was free sporocysts were passed out with
no evidence of any ultrastructure feature necrotic tissue. Kent and Hedrick (1985)
characteristic of the phylum Apicomplexa. reported high mortality in a lethargic and
They considered Haemohormidium Henry emaciated 15-day-old goldfish population.
as a senior synonym of Haematractidium They found that G. carpelli caused chronic
Henry. Davies and Johnston (2000), who enteritis, with numerous yellow bodies and
compared the ultrastructure of H. cotti with inflammatory and necrotic cells in the
Haematractidium scombri, found that the lamina propria of the gut. The microvillous
cytoplasm of H. cotti was electron-lucent structure of the intestinal epithelium was
in comparison with that of H. scombri, it also destroyed. Molnár (1976) studied
contained vacuoles and scattered bodies G. sinensis in silver carp and also found
with dense centres and, crucially, it lacked intensive histological changes in the gut
194 K. Molnár

epithelium. Most of the epithelial cells to the nucleus in the cytoplasm. These
were damaged by meronts or gamonts but exerted a more pathogenic effect on cells than
neither inflammation nor haemorrhagic first- and third-generation meronts located in
lesions developed in the intestinal wall. He the apical region of endothelial cells. The
concluded that, despite intensive infection, most severe changes were seen during gamo-
G. sinensis was regarded as a moderately gony. The chromatin of infected cell nuclei
pathogenic parasite. In artificial infection degenerated, the nuclei became enlarged and
of the common carp with G. carpelli, infected cells extended above the level of the
Steinhagen et al. (1997) reported on dilu- uninfected cells. The damaged cells changed
tion of the blood plasma, leucocytosis, bac- their cylindrical shape and died. In severe
terial co-infection and the increase of cases the epithelium desquamated and the
phagocytic activity, while Hemmer et al. lamina propria was exposed. The infection
(1998) observed loss of epithelial cells was aggravated by inflammation, and lym-
and atrophy of intestinal folds, with severe phocytes and eosinophils appeared in the
damage to the infected epithelium. Heavy infected area. The process was character-
G. carpelli infection increased the number of ized by increased mucus production. Large
mitotic enterocytes, and the squamous to numbers of pinhead-sized yellowish-white
cuboidal-shaped cells exhibited immature nodules were found in the enlarged spleen
characteristics. The relatively mild clinical of a gudgeon infected with Goussia
symptoms observed during G. carpelli infec- metchnikovi (Pellérdy and Molnár, 1968).
tion are attributed to the high regenerative These nodules contained hundreds of
capacity of the carp intestine. Epicytoplasmic oocysts. Young stages, mostly macrogametes,
infection with G. cichlidarum leads to were surrounded by an inflammatory tissue
intense desquamation of the swim bladder reaction, while the young oocysts were sur-
epithelial lining in cichlids (Landsberg and rounded by thin connective tissues. In
Paperna, 1985). advanced cases the capsule became thick
More severe changes develop in nodu- (10 to 15 µm). A similar host reaction was
lar coccidiosis (Fig. 6.11). Pellérdy and reported in C. funduli infection in killifish
Molnár (1968) reported that agglomerations (Solangi and Overstreet, 1980). Heavily
of G. subepithelialis oocysts in common infected fish had pale white to black lesions
carp were frequently surrounded by inflam- densely scattered throughout the liver paren-
matory cells. Marincek (1973a) described chyma. At the early stage, inflammatory
second-generation meronts developing basal cells (mainly lymphocytes, mononuclear

Fig. 6.11. Nodular coccidiosis in tench. Unsporulated oocysts just leaving the infected area of the
intestinal epithelium (haemotoxylin and eosin (H & E) × 730).
Phylum Apicomplexa 195

macrophages and eosinophils) accumulated viscera. The lesions consisted of necrotic

around the gamonts. Later, fibrotic capsules tissue with a caseous centre. Histologically,
surrounded by inflammatory cells developed there was an accumulation of parasitized
around the oocysts. As the process advanced, reticuloendothelial cells, cell debris and
the inflammatory infiltration disappeared and pycnotic nuclei. Parasitaemias of up to 36%
pigmentation appeared within the fibrotic of all blood cells were observed; the major-
capsules. Similar pathogenesis and host reac- ity of infected cells were neutrophils and
tion were observed in the Goussia thelohani- monocytes. In mackerel caught in certain
infected liver of a marine fish, Symphodus areas of the Atlantic, 4% of the leucocytes
tinca (see Daoudi et al., 1988). Hawkins et al. were infected with meronts, and meronts
(1981) found few changes in the liver during were demonstrated in 100% of impression
merogony of C. funduli, which they attrib- smears from the spleen. Lesions in the spleen
uted to the formation and release of merozo- and kidneys contained Haemogregarina-like
ites. Hepatocyte degeneration, pigment organisms and were often surrounded by a
formation and leucocytic infiltration connective tissue capsule (MacLean and
occurred mostly during gamont formation; Davies, 1990).
hepatocytes were replaced by parasites and Coccidian infection in fish increases
leucocytes associated with them, including the propagation of immunoglobulin-positive
monocytes, heterophils and eosinophils. (Ig(+)) leucocytes. In G. carpelli infection
The formation of a connective tissue Steinhagen (1997) observed that during
capsule around clumps of oocysts is also merogony and gamogony the proportion of
common in Goussia spp. that infect kid- Ig(+) cells increased and peaked during
neys. Pellérdy and Molnár (1968) observed oocyst formation. Increase of Ig(+) cells was
a capsule around Goussia scardinii oocysts temperature-dependent but even at low
in the renal parenchyma, and Morrison and temperatures local and systemic immune
Poynton (1989) reported damage of the responses were induced in carp with enteric
renal epithelium and granuloma formation coccidian infection.
around the affected tubules in Goussia
spraguei-infected cod.
The infection of the swim bladder is Clinical Signs of Infection
characterized by severe changes. Both
Schäperclaus (1954), who studied G. gadi According to Schäperclaus (1954),
infection in the cod, and Grabda (1983), Kocylowski and Myaczynski (1963) and
who investigated Eimeria jadvigae infection Bauer et al. (1981), fish infected with
in Coryphaenoides holotrachys, reported G. carpelli do not feed properly, group in a
thickening of the swim bladder wall. In certain area of the pond and float in the
more severe cases the inner surface of the water with their heads down. In intestinal
bladder was covered with a white sub- coccidiosis, the faeces are covered with a
stance, the wall had a spongy texture and thick, sometimes reddish, mucus layer. In
the lumen was filled by a mucus exudate goldfish affected with coccidiosis, Hoffman
containing large numbers of oocysts. (1965) observed a long mucus sheath con-
There is little information on the patho- taining masses of oocysts protruding from
genic effect of adeleid parasites. In cultured the rectum. Difficulty in swimming is indic-
turbot, Ferguson and Roberts (1975) reported ative of swim bladder coccidiosis.
a proliferative disease of the haematopoietic Intensive intestinal infection is always
tissues; this was later discovered to be caused accompanied by abundant mucus production.
by a haematozoon (Kirmse and Ferguson, As a result, the frequently reddened intestinal
1976), which Kirmse (1978) described as wall is lined with thick viscous mucus. This is
Haemogregarina sachai. Kirmse (1980) found more likely to be derived from the cytoplasm
that up to 60% of some populations of of the injured cells than from enhanced
H. sachai-infected turbots were affected secreting activity. In nodular coccidiosis,
with gross tumours in the musculature and white nodules the size of a millet seed or
196 K. Molnár

lentil can be seen through the intestinal Another intensive host reaction is mounted
wall. Spleen and liver coccidiosis is also against oocysts after the death of host cells.
indicated by the presence of nodules, and This results in secondary damage of the epi-
swim bladder coccidiosis by a thickening of thelial cells overlying the oocysts. Oocysts
the swim bladder wall. get into the intestinal lumen as a result of
secondary damage to the epithelial layer.
According to Dyková and Lom (1981),
Host–Parasite Relationship unrejected oocysts in the subepithelium
became surrounded by a connective tissue
Fish coccidia and their hosts have a capsule and gradually died. Marincek
well-developed host–parasite relationship. (1973a, 1978) suggested that a large portion
Though Steinhager and Hespe (1997) of the infected gut lost its normal function.
described an enhanced phagocytic activity A similar mechanism was observed in
during the period of merogonic and gamo- E. anguillae infection. Rupture of the host
gonic development at G. carpelli infection of cell membrane releases the majority of
the common carp, the host usually takes a long the young oocysts into the gut lumen and
time before reacting to the developing parasite. these sporulate outside the host. However,
Infected cells are inactive and gradually some of the macrogamonts and young oocysts
die. At this time the host response is mainly are surrounded by intact epithelial cells
restricted to replacing the damaged cells and are driven to deep layers of the epithe-
(Molnár, 1984). In diffuse coccidiosis, e.g. in lium, where they sporulate. This must be
G. carpelli infection, the inactive epithelial why Dyková and Lom (1981) and Lacey and
cell that contains the developing macro- Williams (1983) suggested that E. anguillae
gamont is gradually surrounded, grown over had intracytoplasmic sporogony. A similar
and pushed to deeper layers by neighbouring host reaction is supposed for Piscicrypto-
epithelial cells. The sporulated oocyst is sporidium spp. described by Paperna and
expelled, probably as a result of macrophage Vilenkin (1996). Although these authors dif-
activation and necrosis of the epithelium ferentiated the genus Piscicryptosporidium
above the oocyst. The oocyst or two or three from Cryptosporidium by the presence of
oocysts together are situated in a ‘yellow intraepithelial oocysts, this author thinks
body’. One component of the yellow body is that these oocysts assumed the latter posi-
the necrotic host cell, but macrophages engulf- tion only through a secondary host reaction
ing oocysts may also become yellow bodies. in a similar way to that characteristic
According to Dyková and Lom (1981), the yel- of epicellular Goussia spp. Non-specific
low body contains mucoid substances and fer- defence response parameters (leucocytosis,
rous ions as well as the cytoplasm of the eosinophilia, activation of phagocytes and
pathologically altered host cell. Also, the yel- elevation of natural antibody titre and of
low body contains lipofuscin and ceroid, ceruloplasmin) were detected in carp
which may be derived from degenerating cell infected with G. subepithelialis (Studnicka
membranes (Kent and Hedrick, 1985). and Siwicki, 1990).
Molnár (1984) suggested a new ejection The majority of oocysts of non-intestinal
process in G. subepithelialis infection. The species sporulate within the fish and are
merogonic and gamogonic stages develop released after the death of the host. These
in the epithelial cells and, as Marincek oocysts, e.g. the oocysts of G. metchnikovi in
(1973b) pointed out, only a few unsporulated the spleen or those of G. siliculiformis on the
oocysts are excreted from the parasitic nodule serous membranes, have a large sporocyst
(Fig. 6.11). The remaining infected epi- residue and remain viable for a long time
thelial cells, which contain oocysts, are after their sporulation. Oocysts scattered in
pushed downwards and grown over by pro- the parenchyma of the spleen are first local-
liferating intact epithelial cells. In this way ized to larger nodules, become surrounded
large numbers of oocysts may be situated by melanomacrophage cells (Fig. 6.12) and
and may sporulate close to the submucosa. are later destroyed (Molnár, 1984).
Phylum Apicomplexa 197

Fig. 6.12. Goussia metchnikovi oocysts inside a melanomacrophage, spleen of Gobio gobio (H &
E × 730).

Certain coccidian infections persist in The severity of an apicomplexan infec-

fish; this suggests that the mechanism tion can be increased by immunosuppression.
observed in coccidioses of warm-blooded Steinhagen et al. (1998), who treated com-
animals also occurs in fish. Nothing is known mon carp with corticosteroids or subjected
about the humoral immune response of them to temperature stress in the laboratory,
the host. Hawkins et al. (1981) and Békési could produce a higher number of oocysts
and Molnár (1990) reported a depletion of during primary infection. However, resis-
hepatocytes around Calyptospora macro- tance to reinfection was not reduced by the
gamonts in the liver and an increase in the application of hydrocortisone, dexametha-
number of perisinusoidal cells, which aggre- sone or X-ray irradiation, given both prior to
gated the macrogamonts into islets. Later, and concurrently with reinfection. The
the macrogamonts become surrounded by administration of hydrocortisone or irradia-
granulocytes and heterophil and other leuco- tion did not induce a recurrence of previous
cytes. In G. sardinae infection, Morrison infection. Carp that had been immuno-
and Hawkins (1984) observed leucocytes suppressed by hydrocortisone injection dur-
and phagocytes, while in G. thelohani ing a primary infection were also refractory
infection Daoudi et al. (1988) saw lympho- to a secondary infection via faecal contami-
cytes and eosinophil cells around the nation, and reinfection of these fish was
gamonts. According to Molnár (1984), the achieved only through tubifex paratenic hosts.
melanomacrophage cells would gradually
destroy G. metchnikovi oocysts congregated
into islets. In C. funduli-infected killifish, Nutrition of Fish Apicomplexans
an infection prevents reinfection (Solangi
and Overstreet, 1980). On the other hand, Apicomplexans with a typical intracytoplas-
Békési and Molnár (1990) observed three mic parasitophorous vacuole feed through
generations of Calyptospora tucunarensis intravacuolar blebs that contain host cell
in the liver of tucunare. The developing cytoplasm. According to Hawkins et al.
macrogamonts were surrounded by peri- (1983a,b,c), Morrison and Hawkins (1984)
sinusoidal cells and oocysts aggregated into and Jastrzebski (1989), nutrient materials in
nodules. A connective tissue capsule was the cisternae of the host cell endoplasmic
formed around some oocysts from an earlier reticulum are passed into the space of the
infection. parasitophorous vacuole, formed into blebs
198 K. Molnár

and absorbed into the cytoplasm of the para- scrapings. Oocysts are often distinguished
site. Epiplasmally located coccidia, such as only after sporulation. Oocyst sporulation
Cryptosporidium and some Goussia and is achieved in several changes of tap-water
Eimeria, absorb nutrients only through their in a watch glass or in a small Petri dish.
attachment zone or through invaginations Addition of a loopful of penicillin and
of the parasitophorous vacuole (Fig. 6.3). In streptomycin sulphate to the water to con-
Cryptosporidium, the parasitophorous vac- trol bacterial growth increases the chances
uole is not complete and there is a special of sporulation. The oocyst wall is fragile and
adhesive zone between the cell and the par- this does not permit prolonged storage
asite. This is where absorption takes place. (Molnár, 1986, 1989). Oocysts in the mucus
Parasite nutrition is ensured by a special or faeces are preserved in 1% glutaraldehyde
feeder organelle, which is formed by close or 4% formalin (Molnár and Hanek, 1974;
contact of the parasitic folds and the plasma Molnár, 1977) for a short period. For perma-
membrane at the base of the parasito- nent preparations, fish coccidia are best
phorous vacuole. In epicellular Goussia and preserved as histological slides.
Eimeria, the parasitophorous vacuole extends Oocysts are relatively easy to detect
invaginations into the host cell cytoplasm using histological methods. Mallory’s stain
(Molnár and Baska, 1986; Daoudi, 1987; is particularly suitable. Mature oocysts
Morrison and Poynton, 1989; Jastrzebski and stain yellow and stand out in sharp contrast
Komorowski, 1990). Paperna and Landsberg to fish tissues.
(1987), however, reported that these Flotation is rarely used for fish coccidia.
invaginations are substituted by tubular The only data have been published by
formations in G. vanasi. Berland and Højgaard (1981) who used IKI
stock solution (30 g I + 300 g KI + 500 ml
distilled water) and 290 ml distilled water for
the flotation of Goussia clupearum oocysts.
Diagnosis of Infection Davies and Stewart (2000) recommended
an easy and effective method for detecting
The thin and fragile wall of the oocyst and low-level infection with coccidians infecting
sporocyst of fish coccidia does not permit the inner organs. These authors utilized
the use of concentration procedures rou- autofluorescence of the oocysts. Using fluores-
tinely used with coccidia of warm-blooded cence microscopy they could detect oocysts of
animals. Fish coccidia are demonstrated Eimeria sardinae, Goussia clupearum and
exclusively in fresh preparations or by G. metchnikovi in unstained squash prepara-
histological methods. tions of the liver, testis and spleen, respec-
Coccidia in internal organs are detected tively, where sporocysts showed a blue
by examining small pieces of tissue under a autofluorescence.
cover slip. Low-intensity infections are
detected if the organs are first digested in
0.25–0.5% trypsin solution. Intestinal
coccidia are demonstrated by microscopic Prevention and Control of
examination of faeces and intestinal scrap- Apicomplexan Infections
ings; they are easiest to detect in the mucus
from the intestinal epithelium or surface of Little is known about the prevention of
the faeces (Molnár, 1977). If the fish is losses caused by fish coccidia. Perhaps this
fasted for 1 or 2 days before the examina- is because they only affect fish species
tion, oocysts in the yellow body are easily (common carp, silver carp, bighead, eel
discernible at × 400 in the gut. and, possibly, tilapias) cultured in ponds.
Unsporulated oocysts (small size and Only a few of the drugs developed for con-
thin oocyst wall) (Fig. 6.6) in fresh prepara- trolling coccidioses in warm-blooded ani-
tions are often mistaken for granulocytes or mals have been tried on these fish parasites.
algae, which are common in intestinal Naumova and Kanaev (1962) recommended
Phylum Apicomplexa 199

Osarzol as a therapeutic agent against Hence, a fundamental task in future research

G. carpelli infection of the common carp, into fish coccidia would be to establish con-
but failed to specify the dose. Furazolidone ditions for reproducible experimental infec-
(for every 1000 fingerlings they mixed tions. This would be necessary to better
300 mg drug with the food) is effective if fed understand the pathogenicity and specific-
to fish for 3 days (Musselius et al., 1965). ity of and immunity to fish coccidia. The
Kocylowski et al. (1976) reported that possible role of vectors in transmitting
amprolium chloride (fed at a dose of 5 g/kg these parasites would be another important
fish at 2-day intervals on three occasions) is area of research. There is an urgent need
quite efficacious against the parasite. To con- to apply molecular biological methods for
trol E. anguillae, Hine (1975) successfully fish coccidians. These methods are fairly
treated eels with Furanace (1.0–1.5 mg/kg of advanced in the case of coccidians of warm-
eel) by adding it to the food for 6 days. blooded animals, while for fish coccidians
Reduction in oocyst count in killifish fed only the first such trials are in progress
monensin (Solangi and Overstreet, 1980) (Jirku et al., 2002).
indicated that other anticoccidials might Further studies are needed to elucidate
also be efficacious. Bauer et al. (1981) sug- the life cycle and development of Haemo-
gested that ponds should be disinfected by gregarinida and Dactylosomatida coccidia.
freezing, drying out or the addition of lime Other areas that need clarification are taxo-
or chlorinated lime. nomy and phylogenetic relationships between
groups of related coccidia. For studying the
host selection, specificity, antigenicity, immu-
nity and pathogenicity of blood-dwelling
Conclusions and Recommendations apicomplexans, a laboratory model should
for the Future be selected.
Coccidiosis is presumed to cause sub-
Significant progress has been made since stantial losses; however, there is no chemo-
the review of Dyková and Lom (1981) and therapy against fish coccidia in fish farms.
this includes the ultrastructure and Hence research should also be focused on
intracellular development of fish coccidia. studying the pathogenicity of coccidia and
Except for a few pioneering studies, most of selecting anticoccidials that could be used
the literature is based on natural infections. in fisheries.


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(Protozoa: Apicomplexa) from the intestine of experimentally infected common carp Cyprinus carpio.
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7 Phylum Microspora

Iva Dyková
Institute of Parasitology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Branišovská 31,
370 05 Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic

Introduction based on findings in a limited number of

hosts. Until recently, it was believed that,
Microsporidia are unicellular organisms except for a few Pleistophora species that
living as intracellular parasites in a variety infect amphibians and reptiles, the genera
of invertebrates and in all five classes of known from fish do not occur in hosts
vertebrate hosts. Many microsporidian spe- other than fish. Recently, a new species of
cies are widely distributed in teleosts in Pleistophora, P. ronneafiei, has been described
freshwater, estuarine and marine habitats. from the skeletal muscle of a patient who was
Some species, e.g. Heterosporis anguillarum immunocompromised (Cali and Takvorian,
(Hoshina, 1951), Kabatana takedai (Awakura, 2003).
1974), Loma salmonae (Putz et al., 1965) The hosts, sites of infection and known
and Nucleospora salmonis (Hedrick et al., geographical distribution for each species
1991), are serious pathogens of cultured fishes. of microsporidia in fish were published
Microsporidian infections can cause direct recently by Lom (2002).
losses due to mortalities, which in natural
conditions can be accompanied by sub-
sequent decline of stocks, and by indirect Systematic and Taxonomic Position
losses due to reduction of the marketing
value of infected fish (Shaw and Kent, 1999). Based on analyses of various molecular mark-
Microsporidian infections also constitute a ers, Microsporidia are considered a separate
threat to the ornamental fish industry and phylum in the kingdom Fungi (Germot et al.,
to colonies of zebrafish in research facilities 1997; Hirt et al., 1997, 1999; Cavalier-Smith,
(Lom et al., 1989, 1993; Michel et al., 1989; 1998; Keeling and McFadden, 1998; Keeling
Matthews et al., 2001). et al., 2000; Van de Peer et al., 2000; Tanabe
et al., 2002; Lom and Nilsen, 2003). The
structural diversity of fish microsporidia
Host Range of the Parasite reviewed by Lom and Nilsen (2003) includes
14 genera with 156 species to date. Recently,
Several microsporidian species (Glugea Azevedo and Matos (2003) added a new genus
anomala, Glugea stephani, L. salmonae, and species of xenoma-forming microspori-
Ovipleistophora mirandellae, Pleistophora dians, Amazonspora hassar, from gill fila-
hyphessobryconis) are not known to be host ments of the Amazonian teleost Hassar orestis.
specific. Descriptions of most species are Previous taxonomic schemes of microsporidia
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
(ed. P.T.K. Woo) 205
206 I. Dyková

have relied exclusively on morphological fea- As a rule, fish microsporidia have simple
tures distinguishable under light and electron life cycles consisting of merogony and
microscopes. Recent classification of fish- sporogony, which take place in the cytoplasm
infecting microsporidia has also integrated of the host cell.
molecular data accumulated in the last Merogony serves to produce a great
decade (Bell et al., 2001). Presenting results number of meronts (Fig. 7.2A). Meronts
of phylogenetic analyses, Lom and Nilsen divide by binary or multiple fission, thus
(2003) concluded that the grouping of fish- giving rise to uninucleate cells or multi-
infecting species of microsporidia based on nucleated plasmodia. Heavy infections with,
molecular data corresponds to the morpholog- for example, Pleistophora or Glugea species
ical criteria defined by Sprague et al. (1992) may be due to the spread of merogony stages
for families Pleistophoridae Doflein, 1901 within infected tissue or to autoinfection,
(now containing the genera Pleistophora, when mature spores discharge their infec-
Heterosporis and Ovipleistophora) and tious sporoplasm into neighbouring host
Glugeidae Thélohan, 1892 (with the only cells. As a rule meronts grow into multi-
genus Glugea), while the families Spragueidae nucleate cylindrical or ellipsoidal plasmodia
Weissenberg, 1976 (with the only genus (Fig. 7.2B, E). They divide by plasmotomy
Spraguea) and Tetramicridae Matthews and or by multiple fission. The surface of
Matthews, 1980 (with the genera Microgemma meronts, as well as the ultrastructure of cell
and Tetramicra) cluster together with organelles, varies in individual genera and
Kabatana spp. and Microsporidium seriolae, helps to distinguish them (Larsson, 1986;
forming a group which is morphologically Lom and Nilsen, 2003).
heterogeneous. Also the clade formed by par- Spores are produced in the process of
tial small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU-rRNA) sporogony. The intermediate stages are spo-
gene sequences of Loma embiotocia, ronts, which have an electron-dense coat and
L. salmonae, Loma spp. and Microspori- either produce sporoblasts (Fig. 7.2D) by
dium sp. MYX1 and by SSU-rRNA gene binary fission (disporoblastic sporogony) or
sequences of Pseudoloma neurophilia and first grow into a multinucleated plasmodial
Ichthyosporidium sp. is morphologically sporont (or sporogonial plasmodium). The
heterogeneous. plasmodial sporont produces sporoblasts
by multiple fission, by gradual fragmentation
or by producing intermediate stages, the
sporoblast mother cells, e.g. in the genus
Parasite Morphology and Life Cycle Glugea (Fig. 7.2C). These in turn produce
sporoblasts, which mature into spores.
Microsporidia are strictly intracellular para- In most genera, a special envelope is
sites, lacking mitochondria in all stages of produced at the surface of the sporont and
their life cycle, and are characterized by during sporogony it detaches from the para-
single-walled spores. The spores are about site to demarcate a vesicle-like space
2–10 µm long, mostly ellipsoidal or egg- around it. This is the sporophorous vesicle
shaped; fish-infecting species have a large (SPV) (Fig. 7.1N,P). The SPV envelope
posterior vacuole (Fig. 7.1). They contain a may be a thick wall or a thin membrane.
sophisticated extrusive apparatus that injects In muscle-infecting species of the genus
the infectious sporoplasm into the host cell Heterosporis, the whole development is
via the extrudable polar tube (Fig. 7.2F). completed within a special thick membrane,
Generic and specific determination is based a sporophorocyst of presumably parasite
on spore morphology, and especially on the origin (see Fig. 7.7B,C).
characters of developmental stages. These In most species mature spores are of a
characters (fine structure of merogonial and uniform shape and size. The development
sporogonial stages and fine structural features of macro- and microspores, which differ in
of interaction with host cells) can only be size and number of polar tube turns, was
detected under the electron microscope. described in Pleistophora, Ovipleistophora
Phylum Microspora 207

Fig. 7.1. Spores of fish-infecting microsporidia. A. Glugea anomala from Nothobranchius korthausae.
B, C. G. anomala from Gasterosteus aculeatus (B. Spores within a sporophorous vesicle). D. Glugea
plecoglossi from Plecoglossus altivelis. E. Glugea stephani from Parophrys vetulus. F. Glugea atherinae
from Atherina boyeri. G. Ichthyosporidium giganteum from Leiostomus xanthurus. H. Tetramicra
brevifilum from Scophthalmus maximus. I. Glugea hertwigi from Osmerus mordax. J. Glugea luciopercae
from Stizostedion lucioperca. K. Pleistophora hippoglossoides from Hippoglossoides platessoides.
L. Pleistophora hyphessobryconis from Paracheirodon innesi. M, N. Heterosporis schuberti from
Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor (inset in M. Microspores; N. Spores within a sporophorous vesicle).
O. Kabatana arthuri from Pangasius sutchi. P, Q. Ovipleistophora mirandellae from Rutilus rutilus
(P. Spores within a sporophorous vesicle). R. Pleistophora ovariae from Notemigonus crysoleucas.
S. Spraguea lophii from Lophius americanus. (The size of each species included in the plate is given in
the text.)
208 I. Dyková

Fig. 7.2. Microsporidian life cycle stages. A. Elongated meront of Glugea anomala. B. Almost completely
divided sporogonial plasmodium of G. anomala. C. Division of the sporoblast mother cell in G. anomala.
D. Sporoblasts of G. anomala (common fixation shrinkage). Scale bars for A–D: 1 µm. E. Ovipleistophora
mirandellae, sporogonial plasmodium in the process of segmentation. Scale bar: 2 µm. F. Mature spore of
O. mirandellae. Scale bar: 1 µm.

and Heterosporis. In Spraguea lophii from (Sprague and Vernick, 1968; Weissenberg,
the type host Lophius piscatorius, two devel- 1968). These cells and their microsporidian
opmental sequences producing two different parasites integrate morphologically and
spore forms were described and ‘true spore physiologically and form a separate entity
dimorphism’ was taken as an important (Weissenberg, 1949) with its own develop-
taxonomic criterion. ment (Figs 7.3A–C, E, F and 7.7A).
Species of some genera stimulate the Development of microsporidian infec-
infected cell to enormous hypertrophy. Such tion within fish hosts depends on many
hypertrophic cells with hypertrophic nuclei factors. Among environmental factors it
and surface modifications (microvilli, invagi- is the ambient temperature that is known
nations or thick walls) are called xenomas to influence development. Thus, the growth
Phylum Microspora 209

Fig. 7.3. Xenoma formations. A. Young xenoma of Glugea anomala in the subepithelial connective tissue
of the intestine of Nothobranchius sp. (× 480). B. Young xenoma of Glugea plecoglossi with cylindrical
meronts embedded in the lamina muscularis of the intestine (× 360). C. Mature xenoma of G. plecoglossi in
the testis of Plecoglossus altivelis surrounded by a connective-tissue layer (× 170). D. Structure of xenoma
formation of G. anomala with presporogonic stages on the periphery and densely stained spores
accumulating inwards (semi-thin section, × 890). E. Typical small xenoma of Glugea sp. with hypertrophied
centrally located unfragmented nucleus localized in the cardiac muscle of Ictalurus punctatus (× 380).
F. Xenoma of Tetramicra brevifilum in the muscle tissue of Scophthalmus maximus. Note the villosities on
the periphery of the xenoma and spores released from another xenoma between the remnants of muscle
fibres (× 250).

of Glugea plecoglossi is extremely retarded raised above 15°C. Transfer of infected rain-
at temperatures below 16°C (Takahashi and bow trout yearlings from the optimal 18°C to
Egusa, 1977b) and experimental infections 8°C stops parasite development.
with G. stephani failed when the host was It is supposed that all fish-infecting
kept below 15°C (Olson, 1976). In Microspori- microsporidia possess a direct transmis-
dium takedai, low temperature (below 15°C) sion accomplished perorally, although some
does not prevent infection, but the parasite species described from invertebrates (Amblyo-
only develops after the ambient temperature is spora spp., Parathelohania spp., Dubosquina
210 I. Dyková

sp. and Hyalinocysta chapmani) require an subject to regressive (hypobiotic) changes

intermediate host to complete the life cycle (see Fig. 7.5A–D). The final changes in both
(Andreadis and Vossbrinck, 2002; Lom and groups are the same. The cells are replaced
Nilsen, 2003). with mature spores and eventually totally
Experiments focused on transmission of destroyed (Fig. 7.4D). Tissue damage elicited
L. salmonae (Shaw et al., 1998) showed that by xenoma-forming species is essentially the
exposure of Oncorhynchus spp. to infectious same as that caused by non-xenoma-forming
spores through cohabitation, intraperitoneal, species. Regressive characters (dystrophy,
intramuscular or intravascular injection or atrophy and necrosis) predominate in the
administration per os led to the develop- final phase of both types of infections. The
ment of infection, while the placement of extent of regressive changes is related to
spores on gills did not provoke infection. the intensity of infection. When the total
Transovarial (true vertical) transmission volume of organ or tissue is reduced, their
suspected in L. salmonae and Pleistophora vital functions can be seriously impaired
ovariae has not been confirmed. P. neuro- (Ralph and Matthews, 1986).
philia is spread to progeny with sexual Tissue reactions to fish-infecting micro-
products rather than directly within eggs sporidia are essentially directed towards the
(Kent and Bishop-Stewart, 2003). isolation and elimination of parasites. Two
patterns are recognized according to whether
the parasites are localized in xenomas or
disseminated in the tissue from the beginning
Host–Parasite Relationships of infection.
The first type is exemplified by Glugea
The interactions of microsporidia with fish species and comprises three successive
hosts have been studied mostly in natural stages: a weakly reactive stage, a productive
infections (Dyková and Lom, 1980). Since stage with the formation of granulomas and
the early studies of Weissenberg (1913, granuloma involution (Figs 7.3A–E and
1921), there have been several attempts 7.4A–C). The extent of the pathological
to elucidate the host–parasite relationships changes depends on the intensity of the
in experimental infections (McVicar, 1975; infection.
Olson, 1976; Takahashi and Egusa, 1977a; The weakly reactive stage is often
Berrebi, 1978; Dyková and Lom, 1978; long-lasting and overlaps with later stages.
Matthews and Matthews, 1980; Rodríguez- It is characteristic in infections with young,
Tovar et al., 2002, 2003). thin-walled xenomas (Fig. 7.3A, B) contain-
Site selection of microsporidians within ing only meronts. The host tissue is damaged
the hosts depends on their requirements for a by pressure atrophy. This elicits proliferation
particular cell type within which they can of the connective tissue and results in for-
develop. Some species seem to be highly cell mation of a thin, concentric layer around
specific (e.g. S. lophii develops in neurocytes, the xenoma (Fig. 7.3C). After they have
O. mirandellae in oocytes, Pleistophora spe- been filled with spores, large xenomas pro-
cies in myocytes). In some species (Loma) the voke a proliferative inflammation. The host
infection was found to start in neutrophils. tissue reacts by granulomatous inflamma-
The cell type is difficult to recognize after it tion (Fig. 7.4C–E). The granulation tissue
has been transformed into a xenoma. This matures and the granuloma undergoes invo-
probably explains the usage of the ambigu- lution. It diminishes in size and the result-
ous term ‘mesenchymal cells’ for infected ing fibrous connective tissue may undergo
connective-tissue cells. Progressive (hyper- hyalinization. Gradual repair of the tissue
biotic) changes, manifested by extensive lesions occurs quite often; however, the origi-
hypertrophy of infected cell and fragmenta- nal function of the organ is not restored.
tion of the nucleus, are set up when the The second type of host tissue reaction
xenoma starts to develop. Cells infected is represented by Pleistophora species,
with non-xenoma-forming species are which infect muscles. Host tissue reaction
Phylum Microspora 211

Fig. 7.4. Advanced stages of host tissue reaction to microsporidian infections. A. Inflammatory infiltration
around a Glugea plecoglossi xenoma with dystrophically changed wall (the ovary of Plecoglossus
altivelis, × 240). B. The remnants of G. cf. anomala xenoma surrounded by an inflammatory reaction (the
liver of Austrolebias nigripinnis, × 320). C. Remnants of Tetramicra brevifilum xenoma walled off with
connective tissue from the liver parenchyma of Scophthalmus maximus (× 220). D. Pleistophora
macrozoarcidis spores replacing all muscle fibre of Macrozoarces americanus and walled off with mature
connective tissue (× 150). E. Proliferation of granulation tissue triggered by spores released from xenoma of
Loma branchialis (s, spores; gs, gill secondary lamella) (× 900).

is surprisingly slight during merogony and muscle fibre (Fig. 7.4D). A thick wall of
sporogony. There is little evidence that the fibroblasts may be formed to demarcate the
invaded muscle fibres are isolated by a host parasite mass as soon as it undergoes
response (Fig. 7.5C,E). A slight lymphocyte necrotic changes. Phagocytic cells play a
infiltration of the myosepta is the first indi- crucial role in the host defence mechanism
cation of a tissue reaction. The productive in both types of tissue reactions. Their exact
stage of the tissue reaction occurs when nature and origin are still not clear. In
mature spores completely fill the infected the granulation tissue, there are migratory
212 I. Dyková

Fig. 7.5. Life cycle stages of Pleistophora hyphessobryconis (A–D). A, B. Early stages of the life cycle as
seen in semi-thin sections: arrowheads mark meronts, arrows mark sporogonial plasmodia (× 780).
C. Earlier stage of the life cycle surrounded by a halo of destroyed sarcoplasm (asterisk) and a group of
sporophorous vesicles with maturing spores (× 850). D. Advanced sporogonial plasmodium (top) and
sporophorous vesicle (bottom) (× 780). E. Massive infection of P. hyphessobryconis in the muscle tissue
of Paracheirodon innesi (× 200). F. Sporophorocyst of Heterosporis sp. and inflammatory reaction in the
muscle tissue of Betta splendens (× 730).

phagocytic cells, macrophages and fibro- The host reaction eventually destroys
blasts, which ingest and digest spores (up to the spores produced in the course of the
30 spores were found in one cell) infection. The efficiency of the defence
(Fig. 7.4E). response depends upon the physiological
Many of the spore-filled macrophages condition of the host and environmental con-
in the centre of the granuloma disintegrate ditions. The ambient temperature affects not
and other phagocytes take up the resulting only the humoral response (Corbel, 1975;
spore-containing debris. Eventually, the Roberts, 1975) but also phagocytosis. Low
spore content and even chitinous spore temperatures delay or inhibit macrophage
shells are completely digested. response, fibroplasia and the activity of
Phylum Microspora 213

fixed macrophages of the reticuloendo- by constriction into uninucleate daughter

thelial system (Finn and Nielson, 1971; cells, which grow into sporogonial plasmodia.
Ferguson, 1976) and also impede the devel- These divide into uninucleate sporoblast
opment of the parasite. Thus, the histo- mother cells, each producing two spores.
pathological changes are the result of a The xenomas of G. anomala appear as
complicated interaction of the host’s white, usually spherical, cyst-like forma-
response to the parasite and the environ- tions, which develop gradually to a diame-
mental temperature. ter of several mm. Subcutaneously located
The role of innate and acquired immu- xenomas may bulge from the organ surface
nity against microsporidian infections in and internal cysts may cause body deformi-
fish is far from being understood. Although ties. At an early stage of infection, the host
phagocytosis of spores by macrophages seems cell starts its hypertrophy (Fig. 7.3A) and
to play a crucial role in the host defence later it lays down a thick xenoma wall.
(Dyková and Lom, 1980, 2000; Canning and Hypertrophy also modifies the size and shape
Lom, 1986), detailed knowledge of innate of the host cell nucleus. In early xenomas the
resistance mechanisms is lacking. The host meronts are distributed throughout the
specificity of microsporidia provides indi- xenoma; in advanced xenomas they are con-
rect evidence of the innate immunity of fish fined to the periphery, while spores concen-
species. Marked differences in the suscepti- trate in the centre (Fig. 7.3D). In advanced
bility to L. salmonae were observed between xenomas fragments of host cell nuclei are
fish species (completely resistant Atlantic observed. The ageing xenomas change into
salmon versus susceptible chinook salmon) ‘bags of spores’, losing remnants of host cell
and even between different strains of the cytoplasm and nuclei. Since the beginning of
same fish species. Although antibody pro- their development, xenomas cause pressure
duction due to microsporidian infections in atrophy of the surrounding tissues. When
fish is known, protective immunity has only xenomas are filled with mature spores,
been proved in rainbow trout after exposure their cell membranes lose their integrity
of juveniles to the low-virulence variant of and the host inflammatory reaction starts to
L. salmonae (Sanchez et al., 2001a). develop in the form of granuloma formation
(Fig. 7.4B). The reparative type of inflamma-
tion that substitutes destroyed tissues with
connective tissue can result in a permanent
Microsporidia of Low Organ Specificity functional disorder of the infected organ.
G. plecoglossi Takahashi and Egusa, 1977
Microsporidians that infect multiple organs causes one of the most dangerous diseases
belong to the genera Glugea, Tetramicra and of cultured Plecoglossus altivelis in Japan.
Ichthyosporidium. Since the cells infected are Oncorhynchus mykiss can be infected experi-
connective tissue cells, xenoma formations mentally (Takahashi and Egusa, 1977a). The
can be found in any organ of the fish host. sites of infection are similar to those of
G. anomala (Moniez, 1887) Gurley, G. anomala. The development of xenomas
1893, the best-known species of the genus, is temperature-dependent (Takahashi and
is common in Gasterosteus aculeatus and Egusa, 1977b). The spores are elongate ellip-
Pungitius pungitius in Eurasia and North soidal, 2.1 µm × 5.8 µm, and the posterior
America. Microsporidia morphologically vacuole occupies about one-half of the spore
identical to G. anomala were found in sev- (Fig. 7.1D). Gross lesions associated with the
eral species of aquarium fish of the genera infection are related to the site of develop-
Nothobranchius and Austrolebias. The ment of the xenomas. Large xenomas are visi-
spores are elongate and slightly ovoid. The ble through the skin and may occur as a bulge
range of their highly variable size is on the body surface. The sequence of tissue
1.9–2.7 µm × 3–6 µm. The posterior vacu- reaction to xenomas developing from early
ole extends to the middle of the spore stages to maturity follows the pattern com-
(Fig. 7.1A–C). The cylindrical meronts divide mon in Glugea infections.
214 I. Dyková

Glugea cepedianae (Putz, Hoffman and 4 µm × 6 µm in size (Fig. 7.1G). The site of
Dunbar, 1965) Canning and Lom, 1986 was infection is subcutaneous connective tis-
originally described as Pleistophora species sue, fat tissue and probably also liver paren-
from Dorosoma cepedianum in fresh water chyma (Sprague and Hussey, 1980). The
in Ohio, USA. In the first year of life, up to infection of L. xanthurus is extensive and
65% of young shad may be infected. Heavy causes ventral swelling, extending from the
infections result in high mortalities of head to the caudal fin. There are two types
gizzard shad, which is a valuable bait fish in of xenomas. Small multilocular cystic forma-
some areas. The spores are slender ovoid, tions are up to 0.2 mm in size and develop
2.3 µm × 4.9 µm. Single large xenomas up to simultaneously in enormous numbers, while
1 cm in diameter were observed to compress the huge, thick-walled, lobed xenomas are
the visceral organs against the body wall. up to 4 mm in size. Inflammatory reactions
Glugea atherinae Berrebi, 1978 infects develop around both types of xenomas. The
the commercially important smelt Atherina proliferative inflammatory response is char-
boyeri in brackish lagoons on the French acterized by epithelioid cells in palisade-
Mediterranean coast. Mathieu-Daude et al. like arrangements. The early stages of
(1992) performed cross infections and con- I. giganteum, the development of xenomas
sidered G. atherinae to be in fact G. stephani. and the hypothesis on the syncytial origin
The prevalence in separate lagoons may of ‘multilocular cysts’ (Sprague and Hussey,
range from 1.2 to 21%. The infection is sex 1980), as well as the prevalence of this
dependent. In general, females are more fre- unique parasite, warrant further study.
quently infected than males (Berrebi, 1978). Tetramicra brevifilum Matthews and
The xenomas are basically in the same organs Matthews, 1980 was found in feral fish
as in other Glugea species. The spores are populations of Scophthalmus maximus off
elongate ovoid, 2.9 µm × 5.7 µm in size, and the Cornish coast (UK). The prevalence in
the posterior vacuole occupies one-half of 1-year-old fish reached 10%. In a turbot farm
the spore length (Fig. 7.1F). The infection is in north-west Spain, T. brevifilum was diag-
acquired in the first and second year of life. nosed in 1990 as the agent responsible for
Two types of xenomas are found in year- mortalities (11.5%) and the low growth rate
lings. Large xenomas are up to 14 mm in of surviving specimens (Figueras et al.,
diameter, occur mainly in the body cavity 1992). In fish with a high intensity of infec-
and cause pressure atrophy of affected tion, xenomas and aggregates of spores are
and surrounding organs. Numerous small visible through the body wall and in organs
xenomas (up to 0.2 mm in diameter) are as white nodules; muscle tissue develops a
found throughout the whole length of the jelly-like consistency, while, in the liver,
post-oesophageal part of the digestive tract kidney, spleen and gills, globular xenomas
and may cause partial obstruction of the up to 1 mm in size and xenoma-like agglom-
intestine. Experimental infections produced erations of spores are detected as elongated
xenomas both in the body cavity and in or ribbon-like xenomas, which predominate
the subcutaneous connective tissue. The in the muscle tissue (Fig. 7.3F). These
xenomas and their effect on organs contribute xenomas display a large mass of fragments
to the mortality of fish. of the host cell nuclei. The ovoid spores are
Ichthyosporidium giganteum (Thélohan, uninucleate and 2 µm × 4.8 µm in size, with
1895) Swarczewski, 1914 infects the marine a large posterior vacuole (Fig. 7.1H) con-
fishes Crenilabrus melops along the Atlantic taining a large inclusion, which is a pheno-
coast of France, Crenilabrus ocellatus in the menon very rare among fish microsporidia.
Black Sea and Leiostomus xanthurus along A similar electron-dense body was found in
the Atlantic coast of the USA. The prevalence the vacuole of a Nosemoides syaciumi spore
in L. xanthurus may reach 25% (Schwartz, (Faye, 1992). Except for pressure atrophy of
1963). The infected cells, which transform a considerable extent due to the large size
into xenomas, may be cells of connective or of xenomas, proliferative inflammation is
fat tissue. The diplokaryotic spores are ovoid, elicited around the large agglomerations of
Phylum Microspora 215

spores in parenchymatous organs. In the 250 xenomas per host (Sinderman, 1963).
muscle tissue, giant xenomas displace sur- Severe epizootics with high mortalities
rounding muscle fibres in myomeres and were recorded in smelt in Canadian lakes,
provoke regressive changes, atrophy and in New Hampshire (Haley, 1952, 1953,
liquefactive necrosis. The spores released 1954) and in Russia (Annenkova-Khlopina,
from xenomas are surrounded by only a 1920; Bogdanova, 1957; Petrushevski and
weak cellular response. The infection of Shulman, 1958). The effect of G. hertwigi on
S. maximus shows organ preference neither the intestine of the host is basically the same
in intensity nor in prevalence. as in G. stephani infection. In the anterior
part, the most heavily infected portion of the
intestine (Delisle, 1972), the intestinal wall
may disintegrate completely, and dystrophic
Microsporidian Infections in the changes associated with septicaemia or
Intestine intoxication may result in the death of the
host. Infected fish may survive for a period
The microsporidians that infect the intes- of time if organ functions are not severely
tine of marine and freshwater fishes belong impaired and the host tissue reaction (i.e.
to the genera Glugea and Loma. granulomatous inflammatory reaction) takes
G. stephani (Hagenmüller, 1989) Wood- place to eliminate xenomas or to repair the
cock, 1904 causes infections in flatfish of ulcerative losses. The influence of stress is
the genera Pleuronectes, Pseudopleuronectes, extremely important. Mortality is high due to
Parophrys and Rhombus in the northern spawning stress in late spring and due to envi-
Atlantic and European seas. The prevalence ronmental stress in other seasons (Nepszy
may slightly exceed 50% and its develop- and Dechtiar, 1972).
ment is temperature-dependent. Spores Glugea luciopercae Dogiel and Byk-
from Pseudopleuronectes platessa are hovski, 1939, syn. Glugea dogieli Gasi-
oval and about 2.7 µm × 4.7 µm in size magomedov and Issi, 1970, occurs in
(Fig. 7.1E). Since xenomas average 1 mm in Stizostedion lucioperca in estuarine and
diameter, the intestinal lesions can be freshwater habitats in Europe and Asia. The
observed macroscopically. In heavy infec- spores are elongate oval 2.1 µm × 4.5 µm
tions the masses of developing xenomas in with a relatively narrow anterior end
subepithelial connective tissue cause thick- (Fig. 7.1J). In the intestine of pike and perch,
ening of the intestinal wall, atrophy of the numerous tiny xenomas fuse together to form
epithelium and luminal occlusion. Severe a confluent layer in the subepithelial
morphological alterations of the intestine connective tissue.
along with functional failure may be limit- Loma acerinae (Jírovec, 1930) Lom and
ing factors that affect the growth of feral and Pekkarinen, 1999 is a representative of a
cultured plaice and flounders. group of species that form small xenomas
Glugea hertwigi Weissenberg, 1911 is where the host cell nucleus is in a central
also highly pathogenic and occurs mainly position. The developmental stages of the
in the intestine of the euryhaline smelt parasite are not limited to the periphery of the
Osmerus eperlanus eperlanus in the Baltic xenoma. The parasite occurs in Gymnoce-
Sea, and is also common in Osmerus mordax phalus cernuus in Central Europe. Spores are
in Canada and the USA. In northern Russian ellipsoid, 2.7 µm × 4 µm, with a large posterior
lakes, it occurs in Hypomesus olidus and vacuole. The xenomas are spherical and do
in fish of the genus Coregonus. The spores not exceed 0.5 mm in diameter. They are
are elongate oval, 2.2 µm × 4.7 µm in size located in the subepithelial connective tis-
(Fig. 7.1I). G. hertwigi forms giant xenomas sue of the intestine and are sometimes also
(up to 4 mm in diameter), mainly in the found in the lamina muscularis. The para-
intestine, though in massive infections site causes only slight pathological changes
almost all organs may be affected. The max- in the digestive tract. A similar type of xenoma
imum intensity of infection was about was observed in Loma myrophis infection in
216 I. Dyková

the midgut of Myrophis platyrhynchus Microsporidian Infections in Muscles

collected in the Amazon River (Azevedo and
Matos, 2002). The microsporidians that infect muscle tissue
are species of Pleistophora, Heterosporis,
Kabatana and Microsporidium.
Pleistophora macrozoarcidis Nigrelli,
Microsporidian Infections in the Liver 1946 is common in Macrozoarces americanus,
in the western part of the northern Atlantic.
There are a few records of microsporidians The prevalence of infection increases with
infecting the liver parenchyma. The para- the age and size of the fish (Sheehy et al.,
sites belong to three genera, Glugea, Micro- 1974). The microspores are usually ovoid,
gemma and Microsporidium, and are known 3.5 µm × 5.5 µm, and they have a large vacu-
from marine hosts. ole at the wider posterior end. The rare
Glugea machari (Jírovec, 1934) Sprague, sausage-shaped macrospores are up to 8 µm
1977 syn. Octosporea machari Jírovec, 1934, long. In early infections the parasite foci
has been recorded from the liver of Dentex appear as small white cylinders lying along
dentex in the Adriatic Sea. The xenomas are the axis of the body of the fish host. In
up to 400 µm in diameter and are localized advanced stages they appear as tumour-like
near blood vessels. masses, with large areas of body muscula-
Microgemma hepaticus Ralph and ture replaced with cell debris and spores. In
Matthews, 1896 was described from the liver most cases a thin layer of sarcoplasm remains
of juvenile Chelon labrosus off the coast of in each infected muscle fibre. The infected
Cornwall, UK. The prevalence was about muscle fibres may be encapsulated with
38%. Pyriform spores, 2.4 µm × 4.2 µm in size, concentrically arranged connective tissue
develop within xenomas, which are up to (Fig. 7.4D). No news on the occurrence has
0.5 mm in diameter. Meronts divide by been available recently.
plasmotomy and are enclosed by the host Pleistophora ehrenbaumi Reichenow,
membrane. The sporogonic stages are free in 1929 is common in Anarhichas lupus and
the cytoplasm and divide by exogenous bud- Anarhichas minor in the North Sea. Meyer
ding. The foci of infection are manifested as (1952) reported 10% prevalence in A. lupus
white spots in the liver. Xenomas are associ- in the waters west of Iceland. The spores are
ated with the walls of blood vessels, with bile ovoid and uninucleate, with a large poste-
ducts and sometimes even with capsules of rior vacuole and distinct coils of the polar
the encysted metacercariae of Bucephalus tube. Spore size varies from 1.5 µm × 3 µm
haimeanus (Ralph and Matthews, 1986). (microspores) to 3.5 µm × 7 µm (macrospores).
Degenerated xenomas elicit a typical inflam- In the infected muscle fibres, there are
matory reaction, leading to granuloma forma- mostly small, brownish, needle-like forma-
tion. The parasite causes considerable tions, which are filled with spores. Egidius
mortalities in 0+ age-class C. labrosus. and Soleim (1986) found a giant tumour-
Microgemma ovoidea (Thélohan, 1895) like formation in an emaciated A. lupus. In
Amigo, Salvado, Gracia and Vivarès, 1996 the course of infection, SPVs filled with spores
(synonyms Glugea ovoidea Thélohan, 1895; gradually replace muscle fibres. As long as a
Nosema ovoideum Labbé, 1899; Micro- thin peripheral layer of sarcoplasm remains,
sporidium ovoideum Sprague, 1977) was no host tissue reaction is apparent. Enhanced
originally described from Motella tricirrata. phagocytosis of spores occurs when the
It also occurs along the French coast in remnants of muscle fibres disintegrate.
Cepola rubescens and Mullus barbatus. Pleistophora hippoglossoides Bosanquet,
Spores are ovoid, 1.5 µm × 2.5 µm in size. 1910, originally described from Drepanopsetta
Uninucleate meronts divide by binary hippoglossoides, is also common in Hippo-
fission. Sporogony starts with binucleate glossoides platessoides and Solea solea.
cells dividing in two sporonts. Each sporont The muscle tissue of heavily infected hosts
divides to produce two sporoblasts. is unfit for human consumption because of
Phylum Microspora 217

the consistency and organoleptic qualities. The genus Heterosporis Schubert, 1969
The elongate-ovoid or pyriform spores are has three species, two of which infect orna-
monomorphic, 2.7 µm × 4.7 µm in size mental fishes.
(Fig. 7.1K). The whitish parasitic nodules Heterosporis finki Schubert, 1969 is
are visible through the skin. They consist of found in the oesophageal wall and skeletal
a mass of sporophorous vesicles lying in a muscles of Pterophyllum scalare. The spores
structureless matrix with the remnants of are ovoid with a large posterior vacuole.
the muscle fibres. Kabata (1959) observed The macrospores are 2.5 µm × 8 µm and
displacement of muscle tissue surrounding the microspores 1.5 µm × 3 µm in size. The
these nodules. pathogenicity of H. finki in juvenile farmed
P. hyphessobryconis Schäperclaus, 1941 P. scalare was studied by Michel et al. (1989).
occurs commonly in freshwater aquarium The parasite caused significant losses and
fish. In addition to its two original hosts adult fish appeared to be more resistant. In
Paracheirodon innesi and Hemigrammus severe infections fish were emaciated, with
erythrozonus, about 16 other freshwater discoloured or greyish spots on the skin. All
fishes belonging to four families have been the skeletal muscles were milky white
found to be infected. Some of these are feral and creamy in texture. The striated muscles
fish. The species was imported in fish from contained numerous sporophorocysts.
the upper course of the Amazon River. Heterosporis schuberti Lom, Dyková,
However, it is presently distributed all Körting and Klinger, 1989 infects the orna-
over the world. The spores are ovoid, mental fish Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor
4 µm × 6 µm in size, and one side is slightly and Ancistrus cirrhosus. Massive infection
more vaulted. The posterior vacuole occu- of muscle tissue has been repeatedly found
pies more than one-half of the spore length in both fishes and the infection caused up
(Fig. 7.1L). There are up to 34 coils of the to 95% mortality in A. cirrhosus. The spores
polar tube. SPVs with 20 to 130 spores may from P. multicolor vary greatly in shape and
reach up to 35 µm in diameter. In the neon size. They may be broadly ovoid microspores
and glowlight tetras the infected segments of (3.1 µm × 4.2 µm in size), medium-size spores
muscles are clearly visible as greyish or whit- (about 6.5 µm in size and nine per SPV) and
ish patches under the skin. In heavy infections macrospores (4.4 µm × 7 µm) (Fig. 7.1M,N).
the parasite may spread to other organs and The posterior vacuole occupies about two-
the body cavity. Developmental stages within thirds of the spore length. Infected speci-
the individual muscle fibres may be sur- mens of P. multicolor were partly emaciated
rounded by amorphous dystrophic sarco- and showed signs of distress. Large parts of
plasm or by unaffected peripheral sarcoplasm the trunk musculature were pervaded
(Fig. 7.5A–D). As the infection progresses, with parasites. The earliest stages identified
large blocks of muscles are destroyed were early meronts. They were wedged into
(Fig. 7.5E). The resulting debris contains myocytes and were without a halo of disin-
masses of SPVs and free spores, together with tegrated sarcoplasm. Small or young sporo-
host phagocytes with ingested spores. phorocysts (see Fig. 7.7B) were surrounded
Pleistophora finisterensis Leiro, Ortega, by muscle fibrils, which extended perpen-
Iglesias, Estévez and Sanmartín, 1996 was dicularly from the cyst surface. In the final
described from blue whiting, Micromesistius stages of infection, the walls of the SPVs dis-
poutassou, from coastal waters in north-west appeared within the cyst and a thick wall of
Spain. The yellowish or white fusiform connective tissue was built up around the
(3–6 mm) lesions localized in the hypaxial sporophorocysts. Several sporophorocysts
musculature of the host contained ovoid or were fused together to form a large cystic
slightly pear-shaped spores with a large structure with a common connective tissue
posterior vacuole, 2 µm × 4 µm in size. SPVs wall. Between the sporophorocysts there
containing 150–250 spores reach a diameter was moderate cellular infiltration. Eventu-
of up to 25 µm. The muscle fibres adjacent ally, spores were released into spaces between
to the infected ones were not altered. the myocytes. The muscle was thus
218 I. Dyková

converted into a disorganized mass of dam- xenoma wall or any other distinct bound-
aged myocytes, cystic structures, free ary. The heart muscle ‘cysts’ prevail in
spores and aggregates of macrophages with chronic infection and develop at lower tem-
ingested spores (see Fig. 7.7C, D). peratures. In the acute disease, there is high
H. anguillarum (Hoshina, 1951) Lom, mortality, with enormous numbers of
Dyková, Wang, Lo and Kou, 2000 (syn. ‘cysts’ in the trunk musculature (up to 130
Pleistophora anguillarum Hoshina, 1951) is per gram of tissue). There is a strong nega-
a serious pathogen of farmed Japanese eel, tive correlation between the condition of
Anguilla japonica, in Japan and Taiwan. the fish and the intensity of the infection.
Severe infections, localized mainly in skele- Mortalities were also observed in wild masu
tal muscles, cause growth retardation and/or salmon (Urawa, 1989). In experimentally
considerable mortalities. Infected eels may infected yearlings, host tissue reaction started
be unsuitable for market. The spores are on day 11 with inflammatory infiltration.
elongate-ovoid, with a huge posterior vacu- Phagocytic cells appeared on day 17. Their
ole occupying almost two-thirds of the spore number declined to a minimum on day 30.
length. Microspores average 2.4 µm × 7.8 µm. The phagocytic response was more pro-
The clinical signs include deformities of nounced in 2-year-old trout.
the body, whitish spots beneath the skin, Kabatana arthuri (Lom, Dyková
depressed sites of the trunk musculature and and Shaharom, 1990) Lom, Dyková and
its liquefaction (T’sui and Wang, 1988). Tonguthai, 2000 (synonyms: Microsporidium
Infected muscle fibres are gradually replaced arthuri Lom, Dyková and Shaharom, 1990;
with cysts, which are full of mature spores. Kabataia arthuri Lom, Dyková and Tonguthai,
Along with these regressive changes in the 1999) was observed in the skeletal musles
muscles, the host inflammatory reaction is of Pangasius sutchi from Thailand. Sporo-
initiated. In advanced infection the dis- gony proceeds without SPV formation.
appearance of muscle fibres or whole Multinucleate meronts transform into sporo-
myomeres is associated with an extensive gonial plasmodia. Round, pyriform, uni-
fibroblastic response. nucleate spores average 2.1 µm × 3.1 µm
K. takedai (Awakura, 1974) Lom, Nilsen (Fig. 7.1O). In heavy infections the parasite
and Urawa, 2001 (synonyms: Glugea takedai destroyed parts of the musculature (Fig. 7.6D).
Awakura, 1974; Nosema takedai Miki and Necrotic changes developed in muscle fibres
Awakura, 1977; Microsporidium takedai around presporogonic stages as well as on the
(Awakura, 1974) Canning and Lom, 1986), an periphery of giant aggregates of mature spores
important pathogen of cultured commercial (Fig. 7.6A,D). The main feature of the host
fish in Japan (originally found in O. mykiss), defence reaction was the phagocytic activity
infects eight salmonid species in Japan and of macrophages. A host inflammatory reaction
Sakhalin. The prevalence may be 100% in was observed only exceptionally. Spore-
O. mykiss and Oncorhynchus gorbuscha; in laden macrophages were found in various
Oncorhynchus masou, Oncorhynchus keta tissues and organs (Fig. 7.6B,C). Their infil-
and Salvelinus leucomaenis, it may range tration in the epidermis includes its outer-
from 86 to 93%. The infection is temperature- most layers and may effectively enhance the
dependent and is restricted to the warmer spread of infection while the host still lives
period of the year (Urawa, 1989). The parasite (Fig. 7.6B).
grows well at 18°C, whereas it stops growing Kabatana seriolae (Egusa, 1982) Lom,
at 8°C. The spores, with subapically attached Dyková and Tonguthai, 1999 (syn. Micro-
polar tubes, are ovoid, 2 µm × 3.4 µm in size. sporidium seriolae Egusa, 1982) infects Seriola
K. takedai produces spindle-shaped cyst-like quinqueradiata in Japanese maricultures. The
formations, up to 6 mm in size, in skeletal spores are ovoid or pyriform (2.2 µm × 3.3 µm
muscles. In the heart, they are globular, about in size) and are produced by multiple fission
2 mm in diameter. Both types of ‘cysts’ con- of multinucleate sporogonial plasmodia. As
tain proliferating microsporidia in a cyto- in the preceding species, SPVs and diplo-
plasmic mass, which lacks host cell nuclei, karya are absent. Pathological changes are
Phylum Microspora 219

Fig. 7.6. Kabatana arthuri infection in Pangasius sutchi. A. Regressive changes of two myomeres (M1, M2)
adjacent to a giant aggregate of spores (S). Arrows mark thin connective-tissue envelope (× 350).
B. Macrophages replete with spores among still preserved muscle fibres. Macrophages in epidermis (E) and
alarm cells (ac) (× 870). C. Spore containing macrophages in corium (× 340). D. Longitudinal section of the
ventral muscle showing a large mass of spores (× 185).

manifested as surface depressions, which gill filaments or lamellae. Loma branchialis

indicate disintegrated regions of muscles. (Nemeczek, 1911) Morrison and Sprague,
The amorphous, cheese-like tissue debris 1981 (synonyms: Nosema branchialis
contains various stages of the life cycle. Nemeczek, 1911; Glugea branchialis
(Nemeczek, 1911) Lom and Laird, 1976; Loma
morhua Morrison and Sprague, 1981) are
Microsporidian Infections in Gills found in Gadus (Melanogrammus) aegle-
finus and six other species of gadid fish in
Species of the genus Loma, which are mor- the North Atlantic and north-western seas.
phologically very similar, are restricted to The prevalence is about 10 to 60%. Spores
220 I. Dyková

are ovoid, 2.3 µm × 4.8 µm. White cyst-like reaction provoked by other xenoma-forming
xenoma formations (about 0.5 mm in size) species. The overall damage to the gills
are localized in gill filaments or secondary correlates with the intensity of infection.
lamellae (Fig. 7.7A). The reported infec- L. salmonae (Putz, Hoffman and
tions are usually light. Distortions and Dunbar, 1965) Morrison and Sprague, 1981
atrophy or local vascular changes in gill fil- (syn. Pleistophora salmonae Putz, Hoffman
aments did not seem to affect the host. The and Dunbar, 1965) is widespread in feral
tissue reaction, which eliminates xenomas and hatchery-reared O. mykiss, O. masou
and repairs altered gills, is similar to the and Oncorhynchus nerka throughout North

Fig. 7.7. A. Xenoma of Loma branchialis filled with spores in a gill filament of Melanogramus aeglefinus
(× 150). B. Early (left) and more advanced (right) sporophorocyst with meronts of Heterosporis schuberti
from muscles of Ancistrus cirrhosus (× 850). C. Sporophorocyst of H. schuberti in muscles of
Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor (× 480). D. Muscle fibres replaced with masses of spores in H. schuberti
infection in P. multicolor (× 150). E, F. Ovipleistophora mirandellae infection in oocytes of Abramis bjoerkna
(× 140). F. Sporophorous vesicles in an oocyte (× 640). G. Sporophorous vesicles of
O. mirandellae in the testis of Rutilus rutilus (× 220). H. Nucleospora secunda, spores developing in the
nucleus of enterocyte of Nothobranchius rubripinis. Scale bar: 1 µm.
Phylum Microspora 221

America and Japan. It has been imported from testes of Barbus barbus) is common
into France with Oncorhynchus kisutch. in Abramis bjoerkna, Abramis brama,
Considerable mortalities were recorded in B. barbus, Leuciscus leuciscus, Rutilus
Japan and North America. In one Californian rutilus and other European cyprinids. It is
epizootic, almost all the fingerlings were sometimes also found in Esox lucius and
lost in a hatchery (Putz, 1964). Spores are Hucho hucho. Sporogonial plasmodia arise
pyriform, 2.4 µm × 7.5 µm in size, two or four from oval meronts with one to four nuclei
being produced in SPVs. Uninucleate meronts and produce sporophorous vesicles (Figs 7.1P
develop into elongate plasmodia, which have and 7.7F). There are macrospores, with
at least five nuclei. size range 7.4–12 µm × 3.9–6.4 µm (about
The clinical signs of infection are simi- 30 to 60 per SPV, medium-size spores (about
lar to those in L. branchialis. In heavy infec- 100 per SPV), with size range 4–6.5 µm ×
tions gill filaments are distorted by xenoma 2–3.5 µm, and microspores (3 µm × 1.5 µm
formations, secondary lamellae fuse and in size) (Fig. 7.1Q). The macroscopic white
there is a marked epithelial hyperplasia in lesions are obvious in the gonads of male
all parts of the gills. Wales and Wolf (1955) and female fish. The infection of oocytes
correlated anaemia with the intensity of probably occurs before the zona radiata is
the L. salmonae infection. Using a specific formed. The parasite develops within the
digoxigenin-labelled single-stranded DNA yolk, which is eventually replaced by the
probe, Sanchez et al. (2001b) detected early spores (Fig. 7.7E). Up to 20% of oocytes
developmental stages of L. salmonae in the may be infected. The oocytes or their rem-
gut mucosal epithelium (24 h post-exposure) nants are surrounded by a pronounced
and in the heart (48 h post-exposure). They proliferative inflammatory reaction and
visualized for the first time the haemato- contain numerous regressively changed
genous distribution of this parasite and spores. In testes the developmental stages of
deduced that merogony takes place before O. mirandellae are in the supporting con-
L. salmonae reaches the gills. nective tissue among the seminiferous
Loma fontinalis Morrison and Sprague, tubules (Fig. 7.7G). O. mirandellae infec-
1983, described from Salvelinus fontinalis tion may reduce fecundity in both male and
in Canada, is very similar to L. salmonae. female fish.
Microfilum lutjani Faye, Toguebaye and P. ovariae Summerfelt, 1964 is a com-
Bouix, 1991 was described from gill second- mon parasite of Notemigonus crysoleucas
ary lamellae of Lutjanus fulgens from coastal and Pimephales promelas in the Midwest
waters of Senegal. and southern states of the USA, with an
overall prevalence of about 46% and with a
much higher prevalence in bait minnow
Microsporidian Infections in Gonads hatcheries. According to Lom (2002), this
species possibly also belongs to the genus
Several species that belong to the genera Ovipleistophora. The SPVs, 23 µm in dia-
Ovipleistophora and Microsporidium were meter, contain 8 to 20 elongate ovoid spores
found to infect gonads of fishes. Most of 8.4 µm × 4.2 µm in size (Fig. 7.1R). The pos-
them are restricted to female hosts. There is terior vacuole occupies two-thirds of the spore
also one species assigned to the genus length. Since the development of P. ovariae
Pleistophora and two doubtful species of takes place in oocytes, infected oocytes
the genus Thelohania that infect oocytes become prematurely atrestic. Spores released
(Canning and Lom, 1986). from oocytes are removed by phagocytosis.
O. mirandellae (Vaney and Conte, The course of the inflammatory reaction has
1901) Pekkarinen, Lom and Nilsen, 2002 not been described. In the post-spawning
(syns Pleistophora oolytica Weiser, 1949; season, a mass of proliferating connective
perhaps also Pleistophora elegans Auerbach, tissue was noted in infected ovaries of fish.
1910; according to Maurand et al. (1988) Mortalities were not observed but parasitic
also Pleistophora longifilis Schuberg, 1910 castration may reduce the fecundity of
222 I. Dyková

shiners and minnows by more than 40% hypertrophy, manifested as nodular forma-
(Summerfelt, 1964). tions resembling bunches of grapes. There
Microsporidium sulci (Rašín, 1936) is proliferation of glial cells between the
Canning and Lom, 1986 (syns Cocconema xenomas, which gradually turn to
sulci Rašín, 1936; Pleistophora sulci (Rašín, granulomas. The impairment of vital func-
1936) Sprague, 1977) commonly infects tions has not been described and most
oocytes of Acipenser ruthenus and Acipenser xenomas in mature fish only contain a mass
gueldenstaedti in the Danube and Volga of phagocytosed and destroyed spores.
River basins. Spherical spores, which are Pseudoloma neurophilia Matthews,
2.5 µm in diameter, develop in SPVs. Brown, Larison, Bishop-Stewart, Rogers
Sporogonial stages have diplokarya, and and Kent, 2001 is a parasite of the spinal
meronts are cylindrical. cord and brain of zebrafish, Danio rerio, a
model organism widely used in studies of
vertebrate developmental biology. The infec-
tion was detected in many laboratory colo-
Microsporidian Infections in the nies and pet stores (Matthews et al., 2001).
Nervous System In addition to the central nervous system,
the primary site of infection, free or phago-
S. lophii (Doflein, 1898) Vávra and Sprague, cytosed spores are also detectable in skeletal
1976 (syns Glugea lophii Doflein, 1898; muscles within foci of the host inflamma-
Nosema lophii (Doflein, 1898) Pace, 1908; tory reaction. Spores are ovoid to pyriform,
Glugea americanus Takvorian and Cali, 1986) uninucleate and 5.4 µm × 2.7 µm in size,
is a common parasite of L. piscatorius and with a large posterior vacuole. Their polar
of four other anglerfish species along the tube forms 13 to 16 coils. According to the
coast of Europe and Iceland, in the North original description (Matthews et al., 2001),
Sea, along the US Atlantic coast and along the SPVs containing aggregates of 8 to 16
the coast of Brazil. The prevalences vary spores are located within xenoma forma-
from 32% to 100% in L. piscatorius, Lophius tions. Since the authors did not observe any
budegassa and Lophius americanus, and meronts, a morphological re-description is
seem to increase with the age of the host warranted.
(Priebe, 1971). Based on a single ultra-
structural study by Loubès et al. (1979),
S. lophii is considered to be a dimorphic
microsporidian with two developmental Microsporidia – Exclusive Parasites of
sequences. Each produces spores of a Fish Cell Nuclei
different type. In small xenomas, there are
uninucleate oval spores of the Nosemoides N. salmonis Hedrick, Groff and Baxa, 1991
type. These are 2.5 µm × 4.5 µm in size (syn. Enterocytozoon salmonis Chilmonczyk,
(Fig. 7.1S). In advanced xenomas, there is a Cox and Hedrick, 1991) infects blood leuco-
peripheral region with a different type of cytes and haematopoietic cells of the lym-
developmental stages and slender curved phocyte lineage in the spleen and kidney of
Nosema-type spores (1.4 µm × 3.7 µm in Oncorhynchus tshawytscha in the Pacific
size) with diplokarya. Freeman et al. (2003) Northwest of the USA. Similar haemato-
follow the claim of Takvorian and Cali poietic infections were reported in
(1986) that Lophius species other than O. mykiss in British Columbia, Canada and
L. piscatorius harbour Spraguea without France. Spores are ovoid, 1.5 µm × 2 µm in
spore dimorphism. Pathological lesions size, and have 8 to 12 turns of the polar tube.
associated with the S. lophii infection are All stages develop in direct contact with
conspicuous when the cerebrospinal region the host cell nucleoplasm. In the chinook
of the host is examined. Intracellular salmon O. tshawytscha, up to 37% of spleen
development of S. lophii in the cells of haemoblasts harboured these parasites (Elston
cranial and spinal nerve ganglia causes et al., 1987). Non-haemopoietic cells, e.g.
Phylum Microspora 223

epithelial cells of the urinary tubules or Diagnosis of Infection

mesangial cells of the glomeruli, were occa-
sionally infected, and the infection was Clinical signs and gross lesions are observed
usually associated with a high rate of infec- in fish heavily infected with microsporidia.
tion in haematopoietic tissues. The clinical Multiple focal lesions due to xenoma-forming
signs are anaemia, lymphoblastosis and leu- species can be observed on the body surface
kaemia, but these have not been confirmed as well as in the body cavity, digestive tract
in experimental infections. and parenchymatous organs, depending on
Nucleospora secunda Lom and Dyková, the number and site of the development
2002 infects nuclei of enterocytes of of xenomas. They resemble plasmodial cyst-
ornamental fish Nothobranchius rubripinnis like formations due to myxosporean
(Fig. 7.7H). Developmental stages and spores infections. The lesions caused by non-
are isolated from one another in the karyo- xenoma-forming species are of a less defined
plasm. Merogony proceeds from simple shape, manifesting themselves as whitish foci
uninucleate to multinucleate meronts. in the affected tissue. The white colour
Transformation into sporogonial plasmodia also characterizes oocytes infected with
is marked by the appearance of ellipsoidal Ovipleistophora sp. To make a general
dark bodies, evidently polar tube precur- etiological diagnosis, i.e. to recognize
sors. Primordia of the extrusion apparatus microsporidian infection, mature spores
are already established in the plasmodium typical of this group of organisms have to be
before it starts to cleave into separate detected in the content of lesions.
sporoblasts. Ellipsoidal mature spores are In the light microscope, spores of micro-
of average size, 1.6 µm × 0.8 µm, and have sporidia can easily be recognized in fresh
four to five turns of the polar tube. Tubular tissues. The best visibility can be obtained
inclusions appear in the karyoplasm of using Nomarski differential interference
infected nuclei. contrast. The large posterior vacuole typical
for fish-infecting species and the uniform size
and shape of the spores differentiate them
In Vitro Culture and Propagation of from yeasts and other objects (in most species,
Microsporidia mature spores are of a uniform shape and
size, natural variation is low and spore
In vitro culture (from meronts to infec- dimorphism is rather exceptional). When
tious spores) was accomplished with spores sampled from lesions are available,
N. (Enterocytozoon) salmonis (Wongtavatchai the polar tube can be expelled by, for exam-
et al., 1995). It has been propagated in vitro ple, 2% hydrogen peroxide. As an impor-
for over 17 passages in chinook salmon tant diagnostic feature, the polar cap at the
mononuclear leucocyte cultures. Experi- spore apex can be stained as a red dot using
mental infections proved the infectivity of the periodic acid Schiff reaction. In tissue
spores harvested from the cultures. Success- sections, spores stain dark blue with Giemsa
ful in vitro culture of a fish-infecting micro- but they can also be recognized in sections
sporidian species has also been announced stained routinely with haematoxylin and
by Lores et al. (2003). The authors reported eosin.
continuous in vitro culture of Glugea sp., Careful ultrastructural studies following
which was most probably Microgemma the lines drawn, for example, by Larsson
caulleryi (Lom, 2002). As a host cell (1986), Canning and Lom (1986) or Lom and
line they used larval cells of the mosquito Dyková (1992) constitute a basic prerequisite
Aedes albopictus at 28°C. They failed to for generic and species determination of
culture this species in a salmon cell the agents of lesions. A practical key for the
line (CHSE-214) at 21°C. Unfortunately, only determination of microsporidian genera para-
several life cycle stages were documented sitic in fishes, together with a catalogue of
and the formation of xenomas was not described genera and species, has been given
observed. recently by Lom (2002). In total, 108 named
224 I. Dyková

fish-infecting species and 59 innominate infections gives priority to disinfection and

ones were included. quarantine. Although chlorine treatment of
Serodiagnosis is not currently used in fish eggs at 25 ppm for 10 min is routinely used
microsporidioses. Protein profiles of spores in zebrafish laboratories, the evaluation of
were characterized for several fish-infecting concentrations of chlorine needed to kill
microsporidia with the aim of testing possible microsporidian spores is still pending. When
cross-reactivity with the Trachipleistophora the risk of the possible presence of mature
hominis antiserum (Cheney et al., 2001). spores, liberated, for example, from the diges-
Several diagnostic PCR assays have been tive tract of parental specimens, exists, the
proposed for fish-infecting microsporidia hatched fry should be separated from adult
(Barlough et al., 1995; Docker et al., 1997; individuals before they start to feed.
Bell et al., 1999; Brown and Kent, 2002), but For the treatment of G. anomala infec-
sequence data available thus far do not tions, Schmahl and Mehlhorn (1989)
permit the construction of fast and reliable and Schmahl et al. (1990) recommended
tools for species identification within all Toltrazuril (Bayer AG) as a short bath
genera (Nilsen, 2000; Lom and Nilsen, 2003). (5–20 µg/ml of water for 1 to 4 h) applied for
Since inadequate ultrastructural obser- 6 days at 2-day intervals in well-aerated
vation and judgement, in the absence of water. The attempts to treat G. plecoglossi
molecular analysis, may result in the lump- infections with fumagillin (acyclic polyene
ing together of several species that are not macrolide produced by the fungus Aspergillus
congeneric into one genus, Lom and Nilsen fumigatus) yielded ambiguous results
(2003) recommended the identification of (Takahashi and Egusa, 1976). The same
signature sequences when describing new applies for amprolium treatment of K. takedai
species (see Woese, 1987). infections (Awakura and Kurahashi, 1967).
Summarizing data from the literature, Shaw
and Kent (1999) stressed that high concentra-
tions and prolonged treatment of infections of
Prevention and Control L. salmonae with fumagillin might cause side
effects. Lower doses (2 or 4 mg of drug/kg
The direct transmission supposed thus far of fish per day) give positive results when
in all fish-infecting microsporidia, as well administered in an adequate form (e.g. mixed
as the longevity of their spores, makes with alcohol and sprayed on the feed).
implementation of prevention measures The same authors also recommend an
impossible in natural conditions and quite analogue of fumagillin, TNP-470 (Takeda
difficult in rearing facilities or cultures of Chemical Industries, Ltd) for the treatment
ornamental fishes. Strict quarantine and of L. salmonae and N. salmonis infections
examination of fish collected in natural (0.1–1.0 mg of drug/kg of fish per day for
water bodies are a basic requisite for intro- 6 weeks). Nitrofurazone, a broad-spectrum
duction into any type of aquaculture. Experi- bactericidal drug that possesses some anti-
mental infections of Gasterosteus aculeatus protozoan activity, was reported to reduce
and natural infections of Nothobranchius infections of P. ovariae in N. crysoleucas
spp. fry with Glugea spp. revealed the pres- (Nagel and Summerfelt, 1977). Albendazole, a
ence of mature xenoma formations as early as derivative of benzimidazole, successfully used
21 days post-infection (Dyková and Lom, in human infections of Enterocytozoon
1978, 1980; I. Dyková and Z. Pindová, unpub- bieneusi, was not tested in fish. It was found
lished). Also, in rainbow trout experimen- to be teratogenic in animals in doses equiva-
tally infected with L. salmonae, the first cells lent to doses given in humans (Gross, 2003).
infected with meronts were found in gills at Promising results (substantial lowering
week 3 post-exposure (Rodríguez-Tovar et al., of the intensity of L. salmonae infection in
2002). Such time studies on phases of life rainbow trout juveniles) achieved in vaccina-
cycles are extremely important, since the defi- tion experiments with a live low-virulence
cit of proven remedies for microsporidian variant of L. salmonae (Sanchez et al., 2001a)
Phylum Microspora 225

open a new field of studies focused on should be acquired. Also, studies of

protection of fish during the grow-out period. host–parasite relationships at the tissue and
cellular levels have to be amplified. They
have to include experimental infections
Summary and Conclusions focused on initial phases of life cycles to
trace the route of the parasite from the
Since fish-infecting microsporidia are sup- digestive tract to target organs and to learn
posed to be transmitted directly, it is reason- how the merogony stages are spread within
able to expect that, with the development of the host.
intensive fish cultures, new microsporidians Limited experience with chemopro-
will emerge as important disease agents. The phylaxis and chemotherapy of fish micro-
pathogenic potential of microsporidians has sporidian infections has to be augmented.
already been proved in feral as well as cul- Selected therapeutic drugs have to comply
tured fishes but newly discovered genera with all regulations that ensure that the
and species give evidence of the necessity products used in disease control are safe and
to fill the gaps in our knowledge of the effective and do not leave harmful residues
whole group of obligatory intracellular para- in food. To elaborate new methods of appro-
sites. Suggestions by Lom and Nilsen (2003) priate treatment, experimental infections as
have to be followed: a careful morphological well as establishment of in vitro cultures in
study continues to be indispensable for the fish cell lines are of vital importance.
proper identification and subsequent recogni- Of the many problems of fish micro-
tion of existing and new species. Identifying sporidian biology, especially those concern-
sequences of SSU-rRNA genes should sup- ing host–parasite relationships, the foremost
port this, especially when new species are is that of xenoma formation. Nobody has yet
described. On the basis of thorough knowl- successfully attempted to induce xenoma
edge of the microsporidian fauna of fish, production experimentally in cells main-
deeper insight into the host specificity tained in vitro.


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8 Phylum Myxozoa

Stephen W. Feist and Matt Longshaw

Cefas Weymouth Laboratory, Barrack Road, The Nothe, Weymouth,
Dorset DT4 8UB, UK

Introduction Recognition of the requirement for oligo-

chaete and bryozoan obligatory hosts in the
Myxozoans are highly specialized metazoan life cycle of several freshwater species has
parasites of aquatic hosts with a very wide resulted in an increased interest in the bio-
host range. This diverse group of organisms logy of the group. Many new species have
is characterized by multicellular spores been described and significant advances have
with polar capsules containing extrudable been made in the understanding of the trans-
polar filaments. Interest in the group has mission biology of several species. The devel-
intensified along with the development of opment of specific diagnostic methods has
aquaculture since many species cause seri- facilitated studies on the pathogenesis and
ous disease outbreaks in farmed fish species, the use of molecular phylogenetic tech-
in both freshwater and marine environ- niques has provided fundamental advances
ments. Myxobolus cerebralis (Hofer, 1903), in the taxonomy of the Myxozoa. In particu-
Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae (Canning, lar, insights into the evolution of Myxozoa
Curry, Feist, Longshaw and Okamura, 1999) have been provided by morphological and
and Ceratomyxa shasta Noble, 1950, in molecular studies of the class Malacosporea.
salmonids are examples. The economic Current research continues to be focused on
impact of such parasites can be severe, the occurrence of disease outbreaks, patho-
especially where prevalence rates are high. genesis and phylogeny of these parasites.
They can also have a severe impact on wild However, for several important and well-
fish stocks. Infections with multivalvulid characterized diseases, including cerato-
myxozoans such as Kudoa spp. within the myxosis, whirling disease and proliferative
musculature of several marine fish species kidney disease (PKD), the emphasis is on
severely reduce the flesh quality and in some host immunity, prevention and control. This
cases cause extensive myoliquefaction, ren- chapter provides a summary of current
dering the product unmarketable. In fresh- knowledge of the biology of the phylum
water environments, M. cerebralis has been Myxozoa, with particular attention given to
shown to be a significant factor in popula- those parasites as agents of disease in fish.
tion declines of wild stocks of Pacific Sections covering diagnosis, control and
salmonids. new directions for research are also provided.

CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1

230 (ed. P.T.K. Woo)
Phylum Myxozoa 231

Host Range and Distribution established in other geographical regions via

the anthropogenic translocation of the hosts.
Myxozoans are common parasites of teleost Myxobolus cerebralis is thought to have been
fish and invertebrates, with a few species transferred to the USA, New Zealand, South
infecting elasmobranchs (Arthur and Lom, Africa and Australia through the movement
1985; Stoffregen and Anderson, 1990; Heupel of either live fish or dead, chilled fish des-
and Bennett, 1996), amphibians and rep- tined for human consumption (Bartholomew
tiles and a single case of infection in a and Reno, 2002, Whipps et al., 2004b). Low-
digenean (Overstreet, 1976), and a Kudoa sp. ers and Bartholomew (2003) demonstrated
has been reported causing myoliquefaction that the importation of oligochaetes into the
in octopus (Yokoyama and Masuda, 2001). USA carried a risk of translocating Myxozoa
However, recent studies have revealed a from Europe to the USA since actinospore
much wider host range amongst animal stages (see later section) were found within
phyla than had previously been imagined. oligochaetes destined for the pet trade.
A myxozoan-like parasite in European mole, Myxobolus artus Akhmerov, 1960 in the
Talpa europaea (Friedrich et al., 2000) and musculature of carp was originally restricted
the presence of myxozoans in inflammatory to the former USSR, but through the inter-
lesions of the bile ducts and hepatic paren- national trade in the host species it has
chyma of anatid ducks held in an enclosure now been recorded in Japan, Taiwan and
at a zoological garden have been reported Indonesia (Ogawa et al., 1992) and in the
(Lowenstine et al., 2002). In addition, there UK (M. Longshaw and S.W. Feist, unpub-
have been several reports of myxozoan spores lished data). Similarly, Myxobolus koi Kudo,
in human stool samples. In each case, the 1919 has been reported outside its normal
patients were suffering from abdominal geographical range in the UK (Crawshaw and
pain or diarrhoea that were related to other Sweeting, 1986) and a parasite morphologi-
enteric pathogens. These are likely to have cally identical to the European Myxobolus
arisen through the ingestion of infected fish pseudodispar Gorbunova, 1936 has been
material (McClelland et al., 1997; Boreham reported in peamouths in the USA (Kent
et al., 1998; Lebbad and Wilcox, 1998; et al., 1996). The myxozoan Sphaeromyxa
Moncada et al., 2001). sevastopoli Naidenova, 1970, a parasite
There is no clear pattern regarding host originally recorded in gobies from the
specificity within the Myxozoa. Some species Black Sea area of the former USSR, has
appear to be highly specific to their host, been reported in two recently established
whilst others may be specific at the family European goby species in Michigan, USA
level (e.g. M. cerebralis and T. bryosalmonae (Pronin et al., 1997). Sphaerospora molnari
in salmonid hosts). Others possess a wide Lom, Dyková, Pavlásková and Grupcheva,
host specificity (e.g. Myxobolus aeglefini 1983 and Sphaerospora cf. chinensis (Lee
Auerbach, 1906, in both gadoid and and Nie, 1965) have been reported in
pleuronectid hosts) (Nielsen et al., 2002). Germany and the USA, respectively, out-
Myxozoans appear to be distributed through- side their normal range (Hedrick et al.,
out marine, estuarine and freshwater envi- 1990; Kaup et al., 1995). However, the pau-
ronments worldwide. Phylogenetic studies city of data on the diversity of myxozoans
by Kent et al. (2001) have shown that, at in many hosts and the geographical range
the genus level, marine taxa branch sepa- for most species makes it difficult to come
rately from genera that usually infect fresh- to firm conclusions regarding possible
water fish. translocation of these parasites.
There are discontinuities in the preva- The discontinuity in parasite preva-
lence of myxozoans in fish hosts with dif- lence and distribution has been used to sug-
ferences in prevalence being found across gest their use as biological tags for a number
the range of the hosts. However, some of hosts. M. aeglefini has been used as a bio-
myxozoans have become established or logical tag in studies of stock structure
at least have the potential to become of Pleuronectes platessa and to examine
232 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

migration routes of Gadus morhua hiemalis Similarly, T. bryosalmonae is present within

(van Banning et al., 1978; Timofeeva and the bryozoan definitive host throughout the
Marasaeva, 1984). Hemmingsen et al. year, but is released mainly in spring and
(1991) suggested that Myxidium spp. could summer (Gay et al., 2001; Tops and
be useful tags to discriminate stocks of Okamura, 2003). A corresponding seasonal
Gadus morhua in northern Norway and, in pattern of infection in the fish host occurs,
particular Larsen et al. (1997) showed that though in many cases the pattern is less
Myxidium oviforme Parisi, 1912 and Zscho- clear. The confusing patterns observed may
kkella hildae Auerbach, 1910 were suitable in part be due to the examination of differ-
tags in this case. Kabata (1963) discrimi- ent host age classes within a sample, as it is
nated stocks of Trisopterus luscus using known that prevalence of infection alters
Ceratomyxa arcuata Thélohan, 1892 and with age (Roubal, 1994). However, in tem-
Myxidium sphaericum Thélohan, 1895 and perate climates, it appears that prevalences
stocks of Melanogrammus aeglefinus using are generally highest in the autumn and
Myxidium sp., Leptotheca sp. and Sphaero- winter (Andrews, 1979; Gonzalez-Lanza
myxa hellandi Auerbach, 1909. and Alvarez-Pellitero, 1985; Mitchell, 1989;
Two species of Myxobolus in the central Brummer-Korvenkontio et al., 1991). Further-
nervous system of salmonids, Myxobolus more, inter-annual variations in prevalences
neurobius Schuberg and Schröder, 1905 within fish hosts are known to occur
and Myxobolus arcticus Pugachev and (Awakura et al., 1995; Molnár, 1998; Molnár
Khokhlov, 1979, have been used as biologi- and Székely, 1999; Pampoulie et al., 2001;
cal tags to study the migration and stock M. Longshaw and S.W. Feist, unpublished
structure of salmonids. Awakura et al. (1995) data).
used both M. arcticus and M. neurobius Extrasporogonic stages of T. bryosal-
as a biological tag to demonstrate that monae infections in fish tend to be short-
Oncorhynchus masou caught in Japanese lived, less than a year. Fish surviving the
coastal waters originated from a number of infection become resistant to reinfection
different river systems and that there was and generally do not display disease symp-
migration of the fish from the Sea of toms. Myxospore infections in fish hosts,
Okhotsk to the Sea of Japan. Furthermore, however, can be extremely long-lasting,
Urawa and Nagasawa (1995) and Urawa potentially persisting for the lifetime of
et al. (1998) have shown marked differ- the host. Infections in oligochaetes can per-
ences in the prevalence of M. arcticus both sist for at least a year under laboratory con-
in different geographical regions and in dif- ditions and possibly for the lifetime of
ferent Oncorhynchus spp., which means the oligochaete under natural conditions
that M. arcticus shows promise as a biologi- (El-Matbouli et al., 1999a,b; Granath and
cal tag. Margolis (1993) reported a court Gilbert, 2002).
case in Canada in which the prevalence of
M. arcticus in sockeye salmon was used to
demonstrate that the fish were caught out- Systematics and Taxonomic Position
side the commercial fishing season.
Myxozoans can show seasonal and The phylum Myxozoa Grassé, 1960 cur-
annual variations in prevalence and this is rently contains two classes, the Myxosporea
related to a number of factors, including Buetschli, 1881 and the Malacosporea
availability of hosts and ambient tempera- Canning, Curry, Feist, Longshaw and
ture influencing parasite development. Okamura, 2000. Following the erection of
Whilst the definitive hosts (oligochaetes) the class Myxosporea, the phylum has
can release actinospore stages throughout undergone a series of taxonomic revisions.
the year, most are released in spring and Despite early suggestions that myxozoans
summer in temperate regions (El-Mansy may be metazoans, they were classified as
et al., 1998a,b; Xiao and Desser, 1998b; multicellular (= pluricellular) protistans for
Özer et al., 2002; Oumouna et al., 2003). many years. Actinospores in oligochaetes
Phylum Myxozoa 233

were first described by Stolc (1899) and,

whilst for many years they were placed
within the same phylum as myxozoans from
vertebrate hosts, no attempts were made to
link them biologically. As a result, the phy-
lum Myxozoa contained two classes – the
Myxosporea and the Actinosporea. Follow-
ing the discovery that actinospores repre-
sented an alternate stage of the Myxosporea
(Wolf and Markiw, 1984), Corliss (1985)
and Kent et al. (1994) proposed the sup-
pression of the class Actinosporea. In addi-
tion, they considered that all myxozoan
parasites in annelid worms should be rele-
gated to species inquirendae and referred to
as collective groups, a suggestion supported
by Lom et al. (1997). The actinospore genus
Tetractinomyxon has also been reduced to
the collective group level, despite some ear-
lier reservations (El-Matbouli and Hoffmann,
1998; Kent and Lom, 1999). The proposals
by Kent et al. (1994) and Lom et al. (1997)
that new forms of actinospore should not be Fig. 8.1. Line drawings of representative
named and should be referred to as, for myxospore genera showing key morphological
features (not to scale). A. Ceratomyxa,
example, collective group sp. 1, of Smith,
B. Henneguya, C. Myxobilatus, D. Hoferellus,
1995, etc. were not universally accepted
E. Myxobolus, F. Sphaerospora, G. Kudoa,
(Lester et al., 1998). Various arguments H. Chloromyxum, I. Parvicapsula, J. Sphaeromyxa,
were proposed by proponents of the two K. Myxidium, L. Thelohanellus, M. Unicapsula.
positions (Lester et al., 1998, 1999; Kent
and Lom, 1999) and currently most authors
agree with Kent and Lom (1999) in publish-
ing descriptions of new actinospore forms Molnár, et al., 2002). However, it has also
and referring to them as, for example, been demonstrated in some cases that mor-
Triactinomyxon type 1 of Smith (2001); phological criteria may not necessarily be
Raabeia type 7 of Smith (2001), etc. Follow- the best method to elucidate the relation-
ing the discovery of myxozoan parasites ships within the group. Whipps et al.
in bryozoans, Canning et al. (2000) erected a (2003) recently described a new species of
new class and order (Malacosporea: Mala- Kudoa using morphological and molecular
covalvulida) within the phylum Myxozoa approaches. On the basis of morphological
to accommodate these parasites. characters, the new species should have
Myxozoan taxonomy is based on the been classified within the family Septem-
structure of the spore stages, principally on capsulidae as it possessed 12–13 polar
the number of shell valves, spore shape and capsules. Sequence information, however,
position of the polar capsules (Fig. 8.1). clearly placed the parasite within the family
Over 1300 species have been described, Kudoidae. Subsequently, Whipps et al.
principally on spore morphology and in (2004a) suppressed the multivalvulid fami-
some cases on tissue tropism (Bahri and lies Pentacapsulidae, Hexacapsulidae and
Marques, 1996). The use of molecular tools Septemcapsulidae on molecular evidence
has allowed further characterization of para- so that the genera Pentacapsula, Septem-
sites to take place and in many cases con- capsula and Hexacapsula become junior
firmed the morphological criterion for synonyms of Kudoa. Phenotypic variation
species discrimination (Estzerbauer, 2002; in actinospores with identical sequences
234 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

are also known (Hallett et al., 2002). The Family Saccosporidae Canning,
overlapping morphological characteristics Okamura and Curry, 1996
for other genera can also be problematic,
e.g. discrimination of Zschokkella and Myxi- Seventeen collective groups of
dium and of Leptotheca, Ceratomyxa and actinospores are recognized as follows:
Sphaerospora. A revision and re-evaluation Antonactinomyxon, Aurantiactinomyxon,
of the morphological and molecular charac- Echinactinomyxon, Endocapsa, Guyenotia,
teristics used to discriminate myxozoans at Hexactinomyxon, Hungactinomyxon, Neo-
the species, genus and family level need to actinomyxum, Ormieractinomyxon, Pseudo-
be undertaken, especially since it has been triactinomyxon, Raabeia, Siedleckiella,
pointed out by Kent et al. (2001) that taxa Sphaeractinomyxon, Synactinomyxon, Tet-
cluster more by tissue location and mode of ractinomyxon, Tetraspora and Triactino-
development than by spore morphology. myxon (Fig. 8.2).
The class Myxosporea currently con-
sists of the order Bivalvulida, composed of
three suborders and 12 families, and the Origin and Evolution
order Multivalvulida, containing two fami-
lies. The current classification of the phylum The advent of molecular techniques has led
Myxozoa is according to Grassé (1970): to further interest in the phylogenetic posi-
tion of the Myxozoa. These parasites are
Class Myxosporea Buetschli, 1881 allied either to the Bilateria (Smothers et al.,
Order Bivalvulida Schulman, 1959 1994; Schlegel et al., 1996; Anderson et al.,
Suborder Platysporina Kudo, 1919 1998; Kim et al., 1999; Zrzavy and Hypsa,
Family Myxobolidae Thélohan, 1892 2003) or to the cnidarians (Siddall et al.,
Suborder Sphaeromyxina Lom & Noble, 1995; Zrzavy et al., 1998; Zrzavy, 2001)
1984 based on molecular data. The latter view
Family Sphaeromyxidae Lom & has led to calls for the suppression of the
Noble, 1984 phylum and its transfer to the cnidarians by
Suborder Variisporina Lom & Noble, Siddall et al. (1995). However, Anderson
1984 et al. (1998) showed that the parasites pos-
Family Alatosporidae Shulman et al., sessed Hox genes typical of bilaterians. The
1979 bilaterian nature is supported by ultra-
Family Auerbachiidae Evdokimova, structure (Canning et al., 2002; Okamura
1973 et al., 2002) and DNA sequences (Monteiro
Family Ceratomyxidae Doflein, 1899 et al., 2002) of the vermiform myxozoan
Family Chloromyxidae Thélohan, Buddenbrockia plumatellae Schröder, 1910.
1892 This bryozoan parasite possesses two cell
Family Fabesporidae Naidenova & layers separated by a basal lamina and four
Zaika, 1969 longitudinal muscle blocks. There is no evi-
Family Myxidiidae Thélohan, 1892 dence of nervous tissues, gut, reproductive
Family Ortholineidae Lom & Noble, organs or excretory systems. The structure
1984 of the vermiform stage of B. plumatellae is
Family Parvicapsulidae Shulman, 1953 more complex than any myxozoan stages
Family Sinuolineidae Shulman, 1959 occurring in vertebrate hosts. Myxozoans
Family Sphaerosporidae Davis, 1917 are now considered to be highly specialized
Order Multivalvulida Shulman, 1959 bilaterian metazoans, possibly as a sister
Family Kudoidae Meglitsch, 1947 group to the Nematoda (see Canning and
Family Trilosporidae Shulman, 1959 Okamura, 2004, and references therein).
Class Malacosporea Canning, Curry, Feist, Canning et al. (2002) used both molecular
Longshaw & Okamura, 2000 and morphological evidence to indicate that
Order Malacovalvulida Canning et al., the phylum Myxozoa should be retained
2000 within the Bilateria. However, Kelley et al.
Phylum Myxozoa 235

coelozoic parasites of the gall bladder and

urinary bladder of marine teleosts of the
subclass Actinopterygii (‘ray fins’) from the
Cretaceous period (approximately 100 mil-
lion years ago). Radiation of the Myxosporea
followed, as they became histozoic, infect-
ing a variety of tissues and new hosts as
teleost fish radiated into the freshwater
environment (particularly the Platysporina)
and then returned to the marine environment.
However, members of the Actinopterygii and
sharks and rays (Chondrichthyes), which
are hosts to modern Myxosporea, evolved
much earlier, during the lower Devonian
period, about 400 million years ago. Extinct
groups of ancient fish, such as the
cephalaspids (‘armoured fish’), were
amongst the first vertebrates and evolved
even earlier, during the upper Ordovician
period. It is possible that myxozoans or their
ancestors were able to utilize these hosts,
either as parasites or as symbionts. However,
fossil evidence of myxozoan infections is
lacking. Reinvestigation of well-preserved
Fig. 8.2. Line drawings of the actinospore
fossil fish assemblages, such as those from
collective groups showing key morphological
features (not to scale). A. Endocapsa (after Hallett the Solnhofen limestone (Jurassic period) or
et al., 1999), B. Sphaeractinomyxon (after Hallett the more recent Miocene deposits at Monte
et al., 1999), C. Tetraspora (after Hallett and Lester, Bolca in Italy and others, may reveal evi-
1999), D. Tetractinomyxon, E. Aurantiactinomyxon, dence of myxosporean cysts and even
F. Neoactinomyxum (after Ormières and Frézil, myxospores, particularly in specimens
1969), G. Neoactinomyxum (after El-Mansy et al., where some soft tissue preservation has
1998a), H. Guyenotia (after Naville, 1930), occurred. Unfortunately, direct evidence of
I. Echinactinomyxon, J. Raabeia, K. Triactinomyxon, infections in ancient cephalapsids and
L. Pseudotriactinomyxon (after Lowers and
chondrichthyans is highly unlikely since
Bartholomew, 2003), M. Hexactinomyxon (after
preservation of muscle and other soft tissues
Janiszewska, 1957), N. Ormieractinomyxon (after
Marques, 1984), O. Siedleckiella (after Janiszewska, is extremely rare.
1955), inset, collection of eight spores forming The origin of myxozoan invertebrate
characteristic net, P. Synactinomyxon (after hosts goes back even further in time. Bryozoa
McGeorge et al., 1997), inset, individual spore first emerged during the early Ordovician
shown, Q. Synactinomyxon, R. Antonactinomyxon prior to the cephalapsids and rapidly diver-
(after Janiszewska, 1955). sified into approximately 30 families, which
are well represented in the fossil record
(Taylor, 1985; Paul, 1989). Oligochaete
(2004) utilized actin cDNA sequence data to annelid and nematode fossils are known
suggest that the myxozoans may branch from the Carboniferous period (approxi-
outside of the metazoans. mately 300 million years ago) onwards
Before the recognition of invertebrates (Conway Morris, 1981). They must have
as obligatory hosts for Myxozoa, discussion originated much earlier from primitive
on the evolution of these parasites was annelids, whose remains have been found in
based only on evidence from forms infect- Precambrian deposits, such as the Ediacaran
ing fish hosts. Schulman (1966) considered fauna from Australia (McMenamin, 1989).
that primitive forms were probably initially Similarly, the Burgess shale fauna from
236 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

Canada, deposited during the ‘Cambrian be species-specific. The polar filament is

explosion’ 570 million years ago, when twisted longitudinally on itself as well as
there was a huge diversification of life coiled within the polar capsule. The num-
forms, contains several annelid forms ber of polar filament coils is a useful diag-
(Gould, 1990). If one accepts the bilaterian nostic feature for species identification.
origin of the Myxozoa, it is interesting to Myxospores develop within plasmodia or
speculate that their evolution into parasitic pseudoplasmodia and can have extra-
forms could have occurred shortly after the sporogonic proliferative stages within the
evolution of their primary annelid hosts, fish host (Fig. 8.4). Additionally, hyper-
with parasitism of bryozoan and possibly parasitic microsporidia may be noted within
fish hosts occurring later during the Ordovi- the plasmodia (Diamant and Paperna, 1985,
cian period 450 to 500 million years ago and 1989; Dyková and Lom, 1999; Tin Tun
thereafter. et al., 2000).
Within oligochaetes, actinospore stages
develop generally within the intestinal epi-
Parasite Morphology and Life Cycle thelium. The actinospore stage released from
the oligochaete host is always triradiate, with
Morphology either three or six spore valves (caudal pro-
cesses) (Fig. 8.5). The exception to this is the
Guidelines for the description of myxospore actinospore collective group Tetractino-
and actinospore stages have been proposed myxon, which has four spore valves. The
by Lom and Arthur (1989) and Lom et al. spore valves are considered to act as floats to
(1997), respectively. Caution should be assist in maintaining the actinospore position
exercised when examining hosts for in the water column. Each caudal process
myxozoan spores as it is recognized that contains a single nucleus and the length can
some spores can show morphological plas- range from 10 µm for members of the collec-
ticity and malformed spores have been tive group Neoactinomyxum to several hun-
reported (Meglitsch, 1960; Arthur and Lom, dred µm for Triactinomyxon and Raabeia
1985; Feist et al., 1991; McGeorge et al., types. All actinospores described so far con-
1997; Morris, D.C. et al., 2002; see Fig. 8.5). tain three polar capsules, regardless of the
Myxozoans are classed as either histozoic number of caudal processes and contain
(within tissues) or coelozoic (inhabiting fewer polar filament coils compared with
cavities) and most organs in the fish hosts their myxospore counterparts.
can be infected. Myxospore size in fish Malacospores in bryozoan hosts develop
hosts is usually between 10–20 µm in within hollow rounded sacs or larger vermi-
length or width. Spores comprise between form forms, in the case of B. plumatellae,
two and 12 shell valves, between one and 13 measuring up to 2 mm in length. Spores,
polar capsules and the infective sporoplasm, approximately 19 µm in diameter, comprise
which normally consists of one binucleate eight cells forming the valvular cells, four
or two uninucleate cells. Polysporoplasma spherical to subspherical polar capsules
can contain up to 12 sporoplasm cells. contained within pyriform capsular cells
Myxospore shell valves are held together at the apical end of the spore and two
along a sutural line that splits to release sporoplasms, each of which may contain a
the infective sporoplasm within the secondary cell (Fig. 8.6). The spore shell
oligochaete definitive host. The shell valves valve cells contain haplosporosomes, elon-
can be smooth or ridged and in some genera gate nuclei, mitochondria and lipid vacuoles
there may be protrusions from the shell and are joined together by septate junctions.
valve (Fig. 8.3). Additionally, some spores The spores of B. plumatellae and T. bryo-
may be surrounded, either completely or salmonae do not contain extraneous orna-
partially, by a mucus envelope. The polar mentation. However, an unnamed species
capsules contain a coiled polar filament from the bryozoan Plumatella repens pos-
and the orientation and type of coiling can sesses subspherical spores with small
Phylum Myxozoa 237

Fig. 8.3. Photomicrographs of representative myxospore genera. A. Henneguya zschokkei from coho
salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), B. Henneguya psorospermica from pike (Esox lucius) gills,
C. Thelohanellus pyriformis from gill of tench (Tinca tinca), D. Chloromyxum sp. from P. phoxinus gall
bladder, E. Leptotheca sp. from gall bladder of tadpole fish (Raniceps raninus), F. Sphaerospora elegans from
stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) kidney, G. Parvicapsula assymetrica from Cyclopterus lumpus urinary
bladder, H. Kudoa thyrsites from scabbardfish (Lepidopus caudatus) muscle, I. Myxoproteus ambiguus from
the urinary bladder of anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius), J. Myxobilatus gasterostei from the kidney of
stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus, K. Myxidium sp. from the gall bladder of rudd (Scardinius
erythrophthalmus), L. Ceratomyxa sp. from common goby (Pomatoschistus microps), M. Myxidium gadi
from the gall bladder of whiting (Merlangius merlangus), N. Myxobolus sp. from dace (Leuciscus leuciscus)
buccal cavity cyst, O. Sphaeromyxa sp. from two-spot goby (Gobiosculus flavescens) gall bladder.

extensions to the shell valves (Morris, D.J. To date, only two morphologically identical
et al., 2002). Discrimination of species is cur- malacospore forms have been reported in
rently based on differences in the develop- fish, one in salmonid hosts (causing PKD)
ment of spores and DNA sequence, as there and one in common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
are a limited number of features of taxo- (Voronin, 1993; Voronin and Chernysheva,
nomic value (Canning and Okamura, 2004). 1993). In carp, sporogonic forms have not
238 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

Fig. 8.4. Myxosporean extrasporogonic and plasmodial stages. Fresh preparations unless otherwise stated.
A. Myxobolus artus plasmodium encysted in the renal tissue of koi carp (Cyprinus carpio). B. Gill cysts of
Myxobolus macrocapsularis in juvenile chub, Leuciscus cephalus. C. Sporogonic plasmodium of
Zschokkella sp. from the gall bladder of three-bearded rockling (Gaidropsaurus vulgaris). D. May–Grünwald
Giemsa-stained smear of a Myxidium incurvatum plasmodium from the gall bladder of flounder (Platichthys
flesus). E. Sphaeromyxa sp. plasmodia contained within the gall bladder of two-spot goby (Gobiusculus
flavescens). F. Sphaerospora truttae pseudoplasmodia within renal tubule of brown trout (Salmo trutta).
G. Plasmodium of Myxobilatus gasterostei containing two mature spores from the kidney of the three-spined
stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). H. Extrasporogonic stage from the rete mirabile in the eye of G.
aculeatus. I. Giemsa-stained section of the rete mirabile with the parasites located within the capillaries.
J. Phase-contrast image of a plasmodium of Myxidium lieberkuehni from the urinary bladder of pike
(Esox lucius), showing the characteristic villous projections on the surface of the plasmodium.
K. Interference-contrast image of M. lieberkuehni plasmodia showing the clear ectoplasmic layer. L. Cyst of
Myxidium rhodei from the kidney of roach (Rutilus rutilus). M. Presporogonic stages of Sphaerospora elegans
in Bowman’s space of the glomerulus in the kidney of G. aculeatus. N. Numerous plasmodia attached to the
epithelium of the urinary bladder of a juvenile dace (Leuciscus leuciscus).
Phylum Myxozoa 239

Fig. 8.5. A–C. Deformed myxospores; D–I. Actinospores released from oligochaetes. A. Giemsa-stained
smear of Myxidium giardi spores from eel Anguilla anguilla, one of which contains three polar capsules.
B. Deformed Thelohanellus pyriformis spore from gill of tench (Tinca tinca). C. Triradiate spores of
Ceratomyxa sp. from the gall bladder of common goby (Pomatoschistus microps).
D. Aurantiactinomyxon-type actinospore. E. Echinactinomyxon-type actinospore. F. Neoactinomyxum-type
actinospore. G. Triactinomyxon-type actinospore. Note presence of large style and sporoplasm and polar
capsules at apex of spore. H. Collection of Synactinomyxon-type actinospores. I. Secondary cells released
from the sporoplasm of a Triactinomyxon-type actinospore.

been observed, whilst in salmonids a lim- an intermediate or alternate oligochaete

ited form of sporogony can occur (Kent host was an essential requirement in the
et al., 2000). development of M. cerebralis (the causative
agent of whirling disease in salmonids). The
oligochaete stage, known as an actinospore,
Life cycle is the infective stage to fish. Subsequen-
tly, a number of other studies confirmed
Until the pioneering studies by Wolf that some myxozoans undergo a two-
and Markiw (1984), it was thought that host life cycle (Table 8.1). These include
myxospores were transmitted directly from representatives of the genera Myxidium,
fish to fish and that the spores needed to be Sphaerospora, Hoferellus, Myxobolus,
‘aged’ in mud to be infective. However, Thelohanellus and Zschokkella. In gene-
Wolf and Markiw (1984) demonstrated that ral, Myxobolus spp. appear to produce
240 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

Fig. 8.6. Sporogonic stages of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae. A. Fresh spore of T. bryosalmonae showing
the four polar capsules and two sporoplasm cells surrounded by valvogenic cells. B. Diagrams of
T. bryosalmonae spores in three-dimensional view and apical view. Note presence of four capsular cells
and eight valvular cells. C. Section through a complete spore showing the sporoplasm cells with each
containing a secondary cell. A single polar capsule can also be seen. Inset: Characteristic sporoplasmosome
within the cytoplasm of the sporoplasm cell, showing the typical bar-like invagination, also seen in the
histozoic fish stage of the parasite. D. Sacs of T. bryosalmonae released from the bryozoan host. E. Section
through the polar capsule showing the exit pore for the filament and characteristic reticulated cap. Note the
gap between the valvogenic cells at the exit pore of the polar filament. F. As E, showing the nucleus of the
capsulogenic cell and sections through the coiled polar filament.

Triactinomyxon-type actinospores, with Myxidium giardi Cépede, 1906 (Benajiba

the exceptions of Myxobolus cultus and Marques, 1993), Hoferellus carassii
Yokoyama, Ogawa and Wakabayashi, 1995, Akhmerov, 1960 and Hoferellus cyprini
which produces Raabeia-type actinospores (Doflein, 1898) (El-Matbouli et al., 1992b;
(Yokoyama et al., 1995b), and Myxobolus Grossheider and Körting, 1992) and
pavlovskii Akhmerov, 1954, which produces Thelohanellus hovorkai Akhmerov, 1960
Hexactinomyxon-type actinospores (Ruidisch and Thelohanellus nikolskii Akhmerov, 1960
et al., 1991). Aurantiactinomyxon-type (Yokoyama, 1997; Székely et al., 1998). Other
actinospores have been demonstrated for actinospore types that have been shown to
Phylum Myxozoa 241

Table 8.1. List of known myxozoan life cycles.

Myxozoan species Fish host Actinospore type Invertebrate host Reference

Ceratomyxa shasta Oncorhynchus Tetractinomyxon Manayunkia Bartholomew

mykiss speciosa et al. (1997)
Ellipsomyxa gobii Pomatoschistus Tetractinomyxon Nereis spp. Køie et al. (2004)
Enteromyxum fugu Takifugu rubripes None – direct None Yasuda et al.
transmission (2002)
Enteromyxum leei Sparus aurata None – direct None Diamant (1997)
Enteromyxum Scophthalmus None – direct None Redondo et al.
scophthalmi maximus transmission (2002)
Henneguya exilis1 Ictalurus punctatus Aurantiactinomyxon Dero digitata Lin et al. (1999)
Henneguya ictaluri Ictalurus punctatus Aurantiactinomyxon D. digitata Pote et al. (2000)
Henneguya Salmo trutta, Triactinomyxon Tubifex tubifex Kallert et al.
nuesslini Salvelinus fontinalis (2005a)
Hoferellus carassii Carassius auratus Aurantiactinomyxon Nais cf. elingius Troullier et al.
Hoferellus carassii Carassius auratus Neoactinomyxum Branchiura Yokoyama et al.
sowerbyi (1993b)
Hoferellus cyprini Cyprinus carpio Aurantiactinomyxon Nais sp. Grossheider and
Körting (1992)
Kudoa ovivora2 Thalassoma None – direct Via infected host Swearer and
bifasciatum transmission? eggs? Robertson
Myxidium giardi Anguilla anguilla Aurantiactinomyxon T. tubifex Benajiba and
Marques (1993)
Myxobolus arcticus Oncorhynchus Triactinomyxon Stylodrilus Kent et al. (1993)
nerka heringianus
Myxobolus arcticus Oncorhynchus Triactinomyxon Lumbriculus Urawa (1994)
masu variegatus
Myxobolus bramae Abramis brama Triactinomyxon T. tubifex Eszterbauer et al.
Myxobolus carassii Leuciscus idus Triactinomyxon T. tubifex El-Matbouli and
Hoffmann (1993)
Myxobolus Oncorhynchus Triactinomyxon T. tubifex Wolf and Markiw
cerebralis mykiss (1984);
El-Matbouli et al.
Myxobolus cotti Cottus gobio Triactinomyxon ‘tubifex’ El-Matbouli and
Myxobolus cultus Carassius auratus Raabeia B. sowerbyi Yokoyama et al.
Myxobolus dispar Cyprinus carpio Raabeia T. tubifex Molnár et al.
Myxobolus drjagini Hypophthalmichthys Triactinomyxon T. tubifex El-Mansy and
molitrix Limnodrilus Molnár (1997a)
Myxobolus Abramis abramis Triactinomyxon T. tubifex, El-Mansy and
hungaricus L. hoffmeisteri Molnár (1997b)

242 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

Table 8.1. Continued. List of known myxozoan life cycles.

Myxozoan species Fish host Actinospore type Invertebrate host Reference

Myxobolus intimus Rutilus rutilus Triactinomyxon T. tubifex Rácz et al. (2004)
Myxobolus Abramis brama Triactinomyxon T. tubifex Székely et al.
macrocapsularis (2002)
Myxobolus Abramis brama Triactinomyxon L. hoffmeisteri Kallert et al.
parviformis (2005b)
Myxobolus Hypophthalmichthys Hexactinomyxon T. tubifex El-Matbouli and
pavlovskii molitrix Hoffmann (1991a)
Myxobolus Anguilla anguilla Triactinomyxon T. tubifex El-Mansy and
portucalensis Székely (1998)
Myxobolus Rutilus rutilus Triactinomyxon T. tubifex, Székely et al.
pseudodispar L. hoffmeisteri (1999)
Sphaerospora Cyprinus carpio Neoactinomyxum B. sowerbyi, Molnár et al.
renicola T. tubifex (1999a)
Sphaerospora Salmo trutta Echinactinomyxon L. variegatus, Özer and Wootten
truttae T. tubifex (2000)
Tetracapsuloides Oncorhynchus None Fredericella Feist et al. (2001)
bryosalmonae mykiss sultana, Plumatella
Thelohanellus Cyprinus carpio Aurantiactinomyxon B. sowerbyi Yokoyama
hovorkai (1997); Székely
et al. (1998)
Thelohanellus Cyprinus carpio Aurantiactinomyxon T. tubifex Székely et al.
nikolskii (1998)
Zschokkella nova Carassius Siedleckiella T. tubifex Uspenskaya
carassius (1995)
Zschokkella sp. Carassius auratus Echinactinomyxon B. sowerbyi Yokoyama et al.

1Lin et al. (1999) used sequence information to link the actinospore stage with the myxospore

stage – no experimental transmission trials have confirmed this finding.

2This report needs confirming as Swearer and Robertson (1999) used fish collected from the field for

both control and challenge fish.

be the infective stage of myxospores include different species. However, no DNA sequence
Siedleckiella (Zschokkella nova Klokacheva, analysis of the forms has been carried out to
1914) and Neoactinomyxum (Sphaerospora establish relatedness. In addition, the
renicola Dyková and Lom, 1982). actinospores were released from different
However, only two life cycles have oligochaete hosts, suggesting the possibility
been replicated consistently in laboratory that the oligochaete influences the type of
studies, namely M. cerebralis (El-Matbouli actinospore produced.
et al., 1999b) and M. pseudodispar (Székely Xiao and Desser (2000b) employed a
et al., 2001). Studies on other species have cladistic approach to examine the related-
provided conflicting results. El-Matbouli ness of the two myxozoan life stages and
et al. (1992b) reported that the actinospore found that conventional classification of the
stage of H. carassii was an Aurantiactino- actinospore stage at the supraspecific level
myxon type, whereas Yokoyama et al. was not supported. There was a lack of con-
(1993b) considered it a Neoactinomyxum gruence between the two stages, which is sup-
type. Whilst the myxospore forms used in ported from studies of myxozoan life cycles
these studies were morphologically identi- carried out to date. Different life stages are
cal, it is possible that they represented two subject to various environmental selection
Phylum Myxozoa 243

pressures, which may account for the mor- occurred in the oligochaete host and thus
phological differences (Xiao and Desser, that host should be considered as the final
2000b). Understanding of the morphological or definitive host. However, descriptions of
adaptations and the ecology of the actino- some myxozoan life cycles continue to refer
spore stages will assist in elucidating the to oligochaetes as alternate hosts. Similarly,
reasons for the different phenotypes observed. Bryozoa are the definitive hosts of malaco-
Although actinospores have been sporeans described to date. Fish appear to be
recorded from a number of different oligo- accidental or dead-end hosts (Hedrick et al.,
chaete genera of Tubificidae and Nadidae, 2004; Henderson and Okamura, 2004; Tops
only representatives of Stylodrilus, Tubifex, et al., 2004).
Limnodrilus, Lumbriculus, Branchiura, Dero
and Nais have been demonstrated to be hosts.
In addition, the polychaete Manayunkia Intra-oligochaete development
speciosa has been shown to act as the inver-
tebrate host for C. shasta (Bartholomew Intra-oligochaete development of myxozoan
et al., 1997), the marine polychaetes Nereis life cycles undergoes three phases – schizo-
spp. as hosts for Ellipsomyxa gobii (Køie gony, or proliferative stage, gametogamy and
et al., 2004) and freshwater bryozoans as sporogony (Fig. 8.7). In myxozoans with a
hosts for B. plumatellae and Tetracap- two-host life cycle, the oligochaete phase is
suloides species, including the agent for initiated by infection with myxospores from
salmonid PKD (Anderson et al., 1999a,b; the fish host, either over the lifetime of the
Longshaw et al., 1999; Canning et al., 2000, host or on death with subsequent decompo-
2002; Feist et al., 2001). However, life sition of the host. This decomposition may
cycles for most myxozoans have not been occur either naturally or, as in the case of
elucidated and, although it is likely that a some Kudoa infections, more rapidly due to
two-host life cycle will apply to most species, the release of proteolytic enzymes (Moran
it is recognized that some can be transmit- et al., 1999b).
ted directly between fish. Diamant (1997), Myxospores are ingested by oligochaetes
using cohabitation experiments, demon- and, on contact with the oligochaete epithe-
strated that Enteromyxum (= Myxidium) lium, polar filaments are released, which
leei (Diamant, Lom and Dyková, 1994) anchor the parasite to the host. The spore
could be transmitted to uninfected fish and valves separate along the sutural line and
Redondo et al. (2002) showed direct trans- the amoeboid sporoplasms are released and
mission with Enteromyxum scophthalmi penetrate between the epithelial cells of the
Palenzuela, Redondo and Álvarez-Pellitero, gut wall. In M. cerebralis, the binucleate
2002. Yasuda et al. (2002) demonstrated sporoplasm undergoes several nuclear divi-
that Enteromyxum (= Myxidium) fugu (Tin sions to produce a multinucleate cell. It is
Tun, Yokoyama, Ogawa and Wakabayashi, presumed that a similar pattern of develop-
2000) and E. leei (= Myxidium sp. TP of Tin ment occurs in myxospores with two
Tun, Yokoyama, Ogawa and Wakabayashi, uninucleate sporoplasms, each producing
2000), parasitic in cultured tiger pufferfish, a multinucleate cell, rather than fusion to
were both capable of fish-to-fish transmis- form a binucleate cell. The multinucleate
sion. They suggested that, although an alter- cell undergoes plasmotomy to produce
nate host may be available in the natural numerous uninucleate cells, which invade
environment, the parasites were able to other intercellular spaces. Some of these cells
transmit from fish to fish via trophozoites may then undergo another schizogonic phase,
and spores passed out with the faeces. giving rise to more multinucleate cells and
El-Matbouli et al. (1995) and El-Matbouli subsequently more uninucleate cells. Fusion
and Hoffmann (1998), described the devel- by plasmogamy of uninucleate cells pro-
opment of M. cerebralis in the fish and duces a binucleate stage.
oligochaete hosts, respectively. Their find- The next phase in the development
ings confirmed that sexual reproduction is gametogony and is initiated by the
244 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

binucleate stage producing a four-nuclei

stage by karyogamy. This stage produces
four uninucleate cells by plasmotomy, two
of which become enveloping somatic cells
and the other two becoming generative
cells, designated as α- and β-cells. In this
early pansporocyst, the two enveloping
cells undergo mitosis twice to produce
eight somatic cells. In all actinospore types
with pansporocysts that ultimately contain
eight actinospores, the α- and β-cells
undergo three mitotic divisions to produce
16 diploid gametocytes, composed of eight
α-cells and eight β-cells. One meiotic divi-
sion produces 16 haploid gametocytes and
16 polar bodies. Each α-cell fuses with a
β-cell to produce a pansporocyst consisting
of eight zygotes surrounded by eight somatic
cells. For Tetraspora, which only contains
four actinospores in the pansporocyst, the
generative α- and β-cells in the early
pansporocyst presumably undergo two
mitotic divisions to produce eight diploid
gametocytes consisting of four α-cells and
Fig. 8.7. Intra-oligochaete myxozoan life cycle
four β-cells. One meiotic division leads to
(actinospore phase), where heavy arrow = life cycle the production of eight haploid gameto-
of M. cerebralis demonstrated experimentally by cytes and eight polar bodies. The fusion of
El-Matbouli and Hoffmann (1998) and light arrow = each α-cell with a corresponding β-cell
life cycle for other actinospores. produces a pansporocyst containing four
A binucleate or uninucleate sporoplasm (1) zygotes surrounded by eight somatic cells in
released from a myxospore following ingestion by Tetraspora.
the oligochaete undergoes a series of nuclear
divisions to produce a multinucleate cell. Following
plasmotomy, the cells either undergo further processes (e.g. Hexactinomyxon type), following
nuclear divisions to produce more multinucleate production of eight four-cell stages (8), three of the
stages (2) or produce a two- and then four-nuclei cells undergo one mitotic division. Three of these
cell (3). Plasmotomy follows to produce four cells, new cells will undergo a further mitotic division,
two of which envelop the other two cells (4). For all giving rise to six valvogenic, three capsulogenic and
actinospore types, the outer cells undergo two one sporoplasmogenic cell, and develop into eight
mitotic divisions to produce a pansporocyst wall actinospores (10). For Tetraspora, following the
containing eight cells. For M. cerebralis and other division of the early developmental stage into a
actinospores producing eight actinospores per two-cell early pansporocyst (4), the inner cells
pansporocyst, division of the inner cells produces undergo two mitotic divisions and one meiotic
16 diploid cells via three mitotic divisions (5). division to produce eight haploid cells (11). Fusion
Following one meiotic division, 16 haploid cells are of the α and β cells produces an early pansporocyst
produced (6). Fusion of the α and β cells, the sexual containing four cells. Two mitotic divisions produce
phase, producing an early pansporocyst containing four four-cell stages within the pansporocyst (12).
eight cells (7), which each undergo two mitotic Within each of these, a mitotic division of three of
divisions to produce eight four-cell stages (8). For the cells leads to the production of capsulogenic
M. cerebralis, three of these cells will undergo one and valvogenic primordia. Subsequent development
mitotic division to produce the capsulogenic and leads to the production of a pansporocyst
valvogenic cells. Subsequent development will containing four actinospores (13). Release of
produce a pansporocyst containing eight actinospore stages into the water allows the life
actinospores (9). For actinospores with six caudal cycle to continue (14).
Phylum Myxozoa 245

The fusion of the α- and β-cells is the environment by defecation or released on

sexual phase of development, demonstrating death of the host.
that oligochaetes are the definitive or final
hosts, i.e. hosts in which fusion of gametes
takes place. Sporogony is the final phase of Intra-piscine development
development. This begins with two mitotic
divisions of the zygotes, leading to a four- The actinospore stage is infective to a fish
cell stage, so that sporocysts contain 32 cells host. On contact with a suitable host, the
in eight groups of four cells. The exception polar filaments are extruded from the actino-
to this is the Tetraspora pansporocyst, which spore to anchor it to the host. The actinospore
contains a total of 16 cells in four groups sporoplasm penetrates the epidermis of the
of four cells. For actinospores containing host. In some cases a favoured entry point is
three valves, such as M. cerebralis and via mucus cells (Yokoyama and Urawa,
Tetraspora, three of these cells surround the 1997; El-Matbouli et al., 1999b). Malaco-
fourth and divide by mitosis, resulting in spores of T. bryosalmonae released from the
six cells. Three of these become capsulogenic bryozoan phase also enter the fish host
cells and the other three valvogenic cells. via the mucus cells (Morris et al., 2000b;
Valvogenic cell primordia of actinospores Longshaw et al., 2002). In the initial inter-
containing six valve cells, such as cellular stage, the cell wall surrounding the
Pseudotriactinomyxon and Hexactino- actinospore sporoplasm disintegrates and the
myxon, undergo a further mitotic division sporoplasm cells (infective germ cells) invade
to produce six valvogenic cells. The fourth surrounding tissues (Fig. 8.8). Endogenous
cell in the four-cell stage becomes the budding gives rise to an enveloping primary
sporoplasm cell, initially dividing by inter- cell and an internal secondary cell. At this
nal cleavage, leading to a generative cell point, development can continue in several
surrounded by a somatic cell. The genera- ways. These range from the production of
tive cell divides by mitosis to produce small uninucleate pseudoplasmodia to large
infective germ cells in various multiples, complex extrasporogonic proliferative stages
normally 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and so on. prior to spore formation. The type of intra-
This number is species-dependent. Further piscine development appears to be species-
development of the capsulogenic and dependent and varies between genera. It is
valvogenic cells leads to the formation of probable that most myxozoans will undergo
polar capsules and valve cells, respectively. at least one proliferative stage prior to spore
Polar capsule ontogeny in actinospores fol- formation in order to maximize potential
lows a similar pattern to that in myxospores, spore production. The formation of pseudo-
with the polar filament being formed by the plasmodia directly from individual actino-
inversion of an external tube. The exit pore spore sporoplasm cells appears unlikely since
for the polar capsule is covered by a ‘plug’ only limited numbers could be produced.
of moderately dense material, topped by a Extrasporogonic cycles, which occur in
cone, which is then covered by the cell sites other than those in which sporogony
membrane of the capsulogenic cell (Lom takes place, have been reported from several
and Dyková, 1997; Alvarez-Pellitero et al., genera, including Sphaerospora, Hoferellus,
2002). At maturity, each pansporocyst con- Myxidium, Kudoa and Myxobolus. In the
tains eight (or four in Tetraspora) actinos- extrasporogonic phase, the secondary cell
pores. Within the pansporocyst, the shell within the primary cell undergoes a series
valves are usually folded up or concertinaed, of mitotic divisions to produce numerous
expanding on contact with water. Excep- secondary cells. Endogenous budding of the
tions are members of the collective group secondary cells gives rise to tertiary cell(s)
Endocapsa, whose caudal processes do not within each secondary cell. In M. cerebralis,
expand on contact with water. The mature this first extrasporogonic phase takes place
actinospores are either released into the intraepithelially in the dermis, and within
lumen of the oligochaete, passed into the the blood for S. renicola. Rupture of the
246 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

primary cell releases the secondary cells

into the host cytoplasm or into the blood
system. M. cerebralis undergoes a further
two proliferative stages, one intercellularly
in the subcutis and a second in the nervous
tissues. For S. renicola, one of the pro-
liferative stages occurs within the swim
bladder wall. Molnár (1994) considered this
stage equivalent to the blood stage, as pro-
liferation occurs within the capillaries of
the swim bladder. Extrasporogonic stages
have also been reported in the rete mirabile of
sticklebacks co-infected with Sphaerospora
elegans Thélohan, 1892 and Myxobilatus
gasterostei (Parisi, 1912), and in the renal
tubule or collecting duct epithelium and
glomeruli in carp infected with S. renicola.
At the site in which sporogony occurs,
the parasite develops into a plasmodium
(trophozoite) or a pseudoplasmodium, in
which sporogony takes place. Pseudo-
plasmodia can be monosporic, disporic or
slightly polysporic (Lom and Dyková, 1992),
Fig. 8.8. Intra-piscine myxozoan life cycle but in all cases the cytoplasm contains one
(myxospore phase). This applies to those vegetative nucleus. Conversely, plasmodia
myxozoans undergoing a two-host life cycle. Heavy contain multiple nuclei. Spores in pseudo-
arrow = life cycle of M. cerebralis, demonstrated plasmodia and in plasmodia are either
experimentally by El-Matbouli et al. (1995); formed within a pansporoblast, which can
light arrow = postulated life cycle for other be monosporic, disporic or polysporic, or
myxospores. by the aggregation of generative cells (Feist,
On contact with a suitable host, the
1995). Pansporoblast formation is initiated
sporoplasm is released from an actinospore and
by the envelopment of a generative cell by
invades the epidermis (1). The cell wall of the
sporoplasm disintegrates and the inner secondary another cell (the pericyte). Division of the
cells invade surrounding host cells (2). Endogenous enveloped cell (sporogonic cell) produces
budding produces a secondary cell surrounded by a the required number of capsulogenic,
primary cell (3). Several routes of development are valvogenic and sporoplasmogenic cells
possible for the myxospore following this stage. required for the formation of the spore.
Production of mono-, di- or slightly polysporic
pseudoplasmodia without a proliferative stage may
be possible (4). The primary cell containing a production of a plasmodium containing numerous
secondary cell can undergo one (E3), two (E2 and nuclei and secondary cells (9). Sporogony is
E3) or three (E1, E2 and E3) extrasporogonic initiated either by the aggregation of generative cells
proliferative stages in which endogenous budding (10) or by the production of a pansporoblast derived
gives rise to numerous secondary cells containing from a pericyte enclosing a sporogonic cell (11). In
tertiary cells. (5) Development route with two plasmodia containing pansporoblasts, it is possible
proliferative stages (E2 and E3); (6) Development for a final proliferative stage to occur (12).
route in which only one proliferative stage Sporogony is completed by formation of spores after
occurs (E3). Production of mono- or disporic aggregation of valvogenic, capsulogenic and
pseudoplasmodia following one or two proliferative sporoplasmogenic cells in a plasmodium (13) or
stages (7). In the proliferative stage of Sphaerospora pansporoblast (14). Release of the spores into the
renicola occurring in the swim bladder, secondary water over the lifetime or on the death and decay of
and tertiary cells become trapped within the swim- the host allows the life cycle to continue in the
bladder wall (8). At the site of sporogony, the invertebrate host.
Phylum Myxozoa 247

Alternatively, in spore formation occurring divisions, which have not been observed in
by aggregation of generative cells, each dif- stellate cells. Division of the sporoplasmo-
ferentiates into the requisite cell types. genic cells leads to the production of two
Polar filaments within the polar capsules uninucleate sporoplasms, both of which
are formed by the inversion of an external may contain a secondary cell derived by
tube that is attached to the capsula endogenous budding. The sporoplasms are
primordium. On completion of polar fila- enveloped by a group of stellate cells,
ment development, the exit pore of the which differentiate to form at least four
polar capsules is sealed with a plug-like valve cells and four capsulogenic cells.
structure, usually lacking the cap typically Synchronous maturation of the spores
reported in actinospores. occurs within the sac, which contains up to
Myxospores within the fish host pos- several hundred spores. Unlike myxospores,
sess one to several uni- or binucleate the valve cells do not degenerate at maturity
sporoplasms, which initiate the new infec- and they remain ‘soft’. The ontogeny of
tion in the invertebrate host. Sporoplasms polar capsules in malacosporeans is still
often contain electron-dense sporoplasmo- unclear. The formation of an external tube
somes within the cytoplasm and spores prior to inversion into the capsule has not
may contain an iodinophorous vacuole. been conclusively observed and may be an
Myxospores are released into the environ- extremely transitory event (Canning et al.,
ment via a number of different routes, either 1996, 1999, 2002). However, unlike actino-
rupture of cysts on body surfaces with spores and myxospores, the exit pore of the
excretory products or upon the death and polar filament is not covered by a cap or
decay of the host. Myxospore stages are highly stopper-like structure, nor is it covered by
resilient, as demonstrated for M. cerebralis the valve walls. Malacospores are short-
spores, which retain infectivity after lived, surviving for less than 12 h (De
4 months in mud, freezing at −20°C for Kinkelin et al., 2002).
2 months and passage through the alimen- Feist et al. (2001) and Longshaw et al.
tary canal of predatory birds and fish (2002) experimentally induced PKD in
(El-Matbouli and Hoffmann, 1991b). Inges- naïve rainbow trout fish exposed to the
tion of myxospores by oligochaetes initiates bryozoan stages of the parasite. They dem-
the developmental cycle. onstrated that the parasite entered the fish
via the mucus cells of the skin epithelium
and not via the gut epithelium. Morris et al.
Malacospore development (2000b) showed that the parasite was pres-
ent in the gill epithelium after 3 days’ expo-
The development of T. bryosalmonae does sure at an enzootic field site. Thus it is
not follow the patterns observed in the likely that all external epithelia exposed to
myxospore–actinospore life cycle. The the environment are suitable sites for infec-
route of entry into and the initial early tion. Entry of the parasite into the fish is
development of the parasite within the apparently rapid, with T. bryosalmonae
bryozoan host have not been elucidated. In cells present in the skin of rainbow trout at
T. bryosalmonae, the wall of the sac in 1 min post-exposure (Longshaw et al.,
which spores develop consists of a single 2002). Parasites are transported around the
layer of flattened (mural) cells. Proliferation body via the blood, during which time they
of these cells leads to the formation of a sac may undergo a series of multiplications
wall and production of sporogonic cells (Kent and Hedrick, 1985). These extra-
within the sac. These sporogonic cells take sporogonic stages undergo further develop-
one of two forms – either sporoplasmogenic ment, primarily within the kidney and
(pale) cells or denser, stellate cells. The spleen but they can also be localized within
sporoplasmogenic cells, containing charac- many other tissues and organs of the host.
teristic cytoplasmic sporoplasmosomes The earliest identifiable stage of T. bryo-
(Fig. 8.6), undergo a series of meiotic salmonae (PKX cells) in the fish host tissues
248 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

is a mononucleate primary cell containing 1993a; Xiao and Desser, 2000a). Actinospores
prominent cytoplasmic granules. Following appear to release their sporoplasms in
endogenous cleavage, secondary cells response to mucus from the specific fish
are produced within the primary cell. Sec- host (Yokoyama et al., 1993a, 1995a).
ondary cells may also themselves divide by The general paucity of data on actino-
binary fission and form tertiary cells spore biology for most species contrasts
by endogeny. In rainbow trout cultured markedly with those gained on the actino-
within the UK this is most often the final spore of M. cerebralis. The susceptibility of
stage observed in fish. Tetracapsuloides different genetic strains of Tubifex tubifex
bryosalmonae undergoes sporogony within to M. cerebralis myxospores and the factors
the lumen of renal tubules and collecting that influence the distribution of actino-
ducts in some hosts, particularly in spore infections in oligochaetes have been
salmonids from the USA (Kent and Hedrick, determined (Allen and Bergersen, 2002;
1985). The spores are characterized as being Beauchamp et al., 2002). The M. cerebralis
ovoid, with indistinct valves and two polar actinospore develops optimally at 15°C,
capsules (Kent et al., 2000). The complete and developmental stages degenerate at
life cycle of T. bryosalmonae has not been temperatures above 25°C (El-Matbouli et al.,
elucidated, since infections of bryozoan 1999a). The effect of different chemicals
hosts have not been achieved and the possi- and salinity on the viability of the
ble role of other hosts cannot be discounted Triactinomyxon stages has also been inves-
(Tops et al. 2004). The possibility that tigated (Wagner et al., 2003). Whilst it is
propagation of malacosporeans can occur recognized that sediment type affects the
within bryozoan hosts has been suggested distribution of oligochaete species (Xiao
by Taticchi et al. (2004). These authors and Desser, 1998b), Blazer et al. (2003)
described the presence of malacosporean- showed that the substrate type affected the
like vermiform stages, similar to those of number and duration of release of M. cere-
B. plumatellae, hatching from Plumatella bralis actinospores. Actinospore release was
fungosa flotablasts. This finding suggests greatest in oligochaetes maintained in mud
the possibility of parasite survival and dis- and sand, and least in a leaf litter substrate
persal in the statoblast stages and that other (Blazer et al., 2003). Stevens et al. (2001) found
hosts may not be required, at least for some that the initial myxospore dose affected the
species. number of actinospores produced and that
the parasite reduced the biomass, abundance
and individual weights of oligochaetes. There
Ecological factors affecting transmission is a need to conduct more wide-ranging
studies on actinospore biology and ecology
Actinospore release follows a circadian pat- in order to ascertain whether the patterns
tern in oligochaetes, with most spores being that are apparent in M. cerebralis actinospores
released during late evening and early apply to other actinosporean infections.
morning (Yokoyama et al., 1993a; Özer and
Wootten, 2001). The maximum number of
spores released daily by an individual Vector specificity and factors
worm can be as many as 80,000 for affecting vector
Echinactinomyxon types (Özer and Wootten,
2001). Actinospores are released from the Most actinospores have been recorded in oli-
oligochaete host throughout the year; how- gochaetes, predominantly in the families
ever, most are released during the summer Tubificidae and Nadidae, although there are
(El-Mansy et al., 1998a,b; Özer et al., 2002). a few records in polychaetes (Ikeda, 1912;
There have been limited studies on the lon- Bartholomew et al., 1997; Hallett et al., 1998;
gevity of actinospores following release Køie, 2000, 2002; Køie et al., 2004). The life
from the oligochaete, with estimates rang- cycle for C. shasta is the only one that has
ing from 11 to 25 days (Yokoyama et al., been completed in which a freshwater
Phylum Myxozoa 249

polychaete has been implicated. Whilst provide a route of entry for secondary infec-
Bartholomew et al. (1997) also reported the tions. Pathology associated with myxozoan
presence of an Aurantiactinomyxon type in infections in the gills includes fusion of lam-
the same host, thus far all other records of ellae, inflammation, hyperplasia, pressure
actinospores in marine polychaetes are of atrophy and cellular necrosis. Molnár
the Tetractinomyxon type (Ikeda, 1912; (2002b) proposed a system to describe the
Køie, 2000, 2002). Despite a number of pub- specific site locations of myxozoans in gills.
lications on the actinospore fauna of marine This distinguishes between interlamellar
oligochaetes and polychaetes, no links have epithelial and intralamellar vascular types
been made between the stages in this host for plasmodia in the gill lamellae, with
and in a vertebrate counterpart (Caullery and either chondroidal, vascular or epithelial
Mesnil, 1905; Hallett et al., 1995, 1997, 1998, intrafilamental types developing in the gill
1999, 2001; Hallett and Lester, 1999). filaments.
Parasite specificity in the invertebrate Gill sphaerosporosis of carp, caused by
host is unclear. Actinospores of M. cerebralis S. molnari, has been reported in C. carpio
appear to be specific to genetic lineages of and Carassius carassius in Europe (Dyková
T. tubifex, whilst other actinospores may and Lom, 1988a; Fig. 8.9). Additionally,
have a wide variety of oligochaete types Hedrick et al. (1990) reported the presence
as hosts (Xiao and Desser 1998a,b; of S. cf. chinensis in the gills of Carassius
Koprivnikar and Desser, 2002; Székely et al., auratus. In both infections, moderate to
2003). Whilst the malacosporean T. bryo- severe gill hyperplasia results and a large
salmonae appears to be relatively specific proportion of the respiratory epithelium
to the salmonid host (with the exception of can be replaced by sporogonic stages. In
pike, Esox lucius), it has been reported from mild S. molnari infections, local circulatory
a wide range of bryozoan hosts in both disorders and dystrophic changes also
Europe and the USA (Longshaw et al., 1999; occur. S. molnari spores measure 10.5 µm ×
Okamura et al., 2001; Okamura and Wood, 10.3 µm and those of S. chinensis measure
2002). 7.4 µm × 7 µm. Both the parasites form
As with any free-living organism, poly- monosporic pseudoplasmodia.
chaetes, oligochaetes and bryozoans are Proliferative gill disease (PGD, ham-
affected by the environment in which they burger gill disease), caused by the extra-
are found. Tubifex tubifex distributions are sporogonic stage of Henneguya ictaluri
determined by the composition and organic Pote, Hanson and Shivaji, 2000, is a major
content in the substratum and the presence disease of channel catfish (Ictalurus
of other oligochaetes (Granath and Gilbert, punctatus) and can result in high mortali-
2002) and, whilst they are often associated ties amongst juvenile farmed catfish (Pote
with sites of poor water quality, they can et al., 2000). The parasite elicits a strong
survive in many different habitat types. In granulomatous inflammatory response in
general, poor water quality, low oxygen the gills. Styer et al. (1991) demonstrated
content and low flow rates are detrimental experimentally that the life cycle alternated
to the definitive hosts of myxozoans. between the fish host and the oligochaete
Dero digitata. Both stages in the life cycle
have been confirmed using molecular tech-
niques (Pote et al., 2000; Hanson et al.,
Diseases According to Host Organ 2001). The spore body of the myxospore
measures 24 µm × 6 µm and the total spore
Gills length is 48–80 µm.
Another pathogenic Henneguya sp. in
Infections of the gill can compromise the the gills of I. punctatus is Henneguya exilis
respiratory capability if present in suffi- Kudo, 1929. The presence of plasmodia at
cient numbers, and disruption of the gill the base of the secondary lamellae (epithe-
epithelium by the release of myxospores can lial filamental type of Molnár, 2002b) elicits
250 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

Fig. 8.9. Histological sections of gill, pseudobranch and fin infections. A. Giemsa-stained section of carp
(Cyprinus carpio) gill infected with Sphaerospora molnari (inset: mature spore in sutural view). B. Large cyst
of Myxobolus koi in gill of koi carp (C. carpio) (inset: mature spore in valvular view). C. Multiple cysts of
Henneguya psorospermica in gill of pike (Esox lucius). D. Multiple cysts of Myxobolus macrocapsularis
in gill of chub (L. cephalus) (inset: mature spore in valvular view). E. Cysts of M. macrocapsularis in
pseudobranch of dace (L. leuciscus). F. Sporogonic plasmodium of an unidentified Myxobolus sp.
in cartilage of caudal peduncle of L. cephalus. G. Longitudinal section through fin of a juvenile roach
(R. rutilus) showing Myxobolus sp. cysts within the epithelium. H. Myxobolus sp. cysts in connective tissue
of fin of barbel (Barbus barbus).

a severe tissue proliferation in this atypical The alternate stage is an Aurantiactino-

site. Known as ‘lamellar disease’, it can lead myxon type in the oligochaete D. digitata
to high mortalities of fingerlings. The forma- (Lin et al., 1999). Spores measure 17.6 µm ×
tion of cysts in other sites is not pathogenic. 4.9 µm, and total length is 52.3 µm.
Phylum Myxozoa 251

The pathology associated with measure 12–15 µm × 5–9 µm and contain

Henneguya creplini (Gurley, 1894) on the two equal-sized polar capsules measuring
gills of Stizostedion lucioperca in Lake 6–7.4 µm × 1.6–2.7 µm.
Balaton was described by Molnár (1998). M. pavlovskii infects the gills of big-
Plasmodia on the gills are large, reaching head (Aristichthys nobilis) and silver carp
900 µm × 750 µm in size, with an average of (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and in
30–60 plasmodia per fish. During cyst young cultured fish can cause pathological
development, host responses are minimal. damage to the gill structure due to the
Following sporogenesis and rupture of development of plasmodia affecting respi-
plasmodia, an intense host response, con- ratory function (El-Matbouli et al., 1992a).
sisting of epithelial proliferation, overgrowth Parasite plasmodia develop in an inter-
of the damaged plasmodium and cell necro- lamellar and basifilamental position on the
sis, becomes apparent. Spores are 14.3 µm × gills (Molnár, 2002b). The parasite has been
5.5 µm, with a total length of 43 µm includ- shown to undergo a two-host life cycle, pro-
ing caudal appendages. Infections in pike ducing Hexactinomyxon-type actinospores
(E. lucius) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) caused in the oligochaete T. tubifex (El-Matbouli
by Henneguya psorospermica Thélohan, and Hoffmann, 1991a). Myxospores measure
1895 also give rise to multiple large plas- 7–9.5 µm × 5–8 µm.
modia displacing the gill tissue (Fig. 8.9). Serious infections of the pseudobranch
Henneguya piaractus Martins and de are uncommon, although infections of this
Souza, 1997 in the gills of captive Piaractus organ have been recorded (Molnár, 2002b).
mesopotamicus can cause mortalities (Martins Mortality of farmed Salmo salar associated
and de Souza, 1997; Martins et al., 1997). with Parvicapsula pseudobranchicola
Clinical signs of infection include decreased Karlsbakk, Sæther, Høstlund, Fjellsøy and
feeding, lethargy, erratic swimming and loss Nylund, 2002 has been reported. The
of equilibrium. Histologically, haemorrhag- Parvicapsula species reported by Sterud
ing and severe inflammation occur in the et al. (2003) is likely to be P. pseudo-
gill epithelium and larger cysts cause pres- branchicola, based on tissue location, patho-
sure atrophy on adjacent lamellae. Spores genesis and geographical location, although
measure 11.3 µm × 3.2 µm with a total length there are some minor differences in the
of 48.4 µm including caudal process. spore dimensions. Clinical signs include
Infections with Myxobolus basila- increased surface swimming, lethargy, lack
mellaris Lom and Molnár, 1983 cause a of feeding, exophthalmia and mortality.
localized pathological response to the para- Petechial haemorrhaging of infected pseudo-
site cysts within the gills of its host branchs is observed. It has been suggested
(Kovács-Gayer and Molnár, 1983). The cysts that the infection ultimately leads to blind-
develop in a basifilamental position on the ness of the host due to loss of pseudobranch
gill. Growth of the cyst lifts the basal part of function which supplies blood to the eye
the gill filament and deforms adjoining (Karlsbakk et al., 2002; Sterud et al., 2003).
lamellae, reducing the respiratory surface. The spores measure 12 µm in length and
Those cysts developing in the gill arch restrict 6.2 µm in thickness and possess two slightly
nerves and blood vessels passing through the unequal polar capsules measuring 2.4 and
gill arch, leading to local blockages. 2.3 µm in diameter (Karlsbakk et al., 2002).
M. koi forms large and small-type cysts
in the gills of C. carpio (Fig. 8.9). The
smaller cysts develop in an interlamellar Skin, scales, fins and subcutaneous tissues
position within the gills and host responses
are minimal. In contrast, large cysts pro- Infections of the skin, scales or subcutane-
duce extensive pathological changes in the ous tissues are generally not considered
gill, including hypertrophy of the branchial serious (Fig. 8.9). However, in fish destined
epithelium and clubbing of the gill fila- for the aquarium trade or for human con-
ments (Yokoyama et al., 1997). Spores sumption, they can be considered problematic
252 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

as they reduce the aesthetic appeal of the enter the fish host via the gills (Yokoyama
fish and their value. Typical of this group is and Urawa, 1997). Myxospores measure
Myxobolus diversus Nie and Li, 1973 in the 20 µm × 10 µm and possess a single polar
fins of goldfish. Whilst serious pathological capsule measuring 9 µm × 8 µm.
changes are generally absent, the obvious Thelohanellus wuhanensis Xiao and
presence of myxozoan cysts on the fins Chen, 1993 is a serious disease of C. auratus
reduces the value of the fish (Molnár and gibelio that causes large swellings on the
Székely, 2003). skin of affected fish and leads to mortality
Molnár (2002a) described the character- of infected fry (Wang et al., 2001). Myxospores
istic types and development of myxozoan measure 23 µm × 14 µm and contain a single
plasmodia in fins. Plasmodia developing polar capsule measuring 10.5 µm × 8 µm.
within the skin between the fin-rays and Several Myxobolus species in the skin
inside the lumen of the fin-rays produced and subcutaneous tissues have been reported
limited host responses. However, plasmodia as pathogens. Myxobolus drjagini (Akhmerov,
developing on the outer surfaces of the 1954) forms small plasmodia in the skin of
fin-rays, as typified by T. nikolskii, mark- the operculum, head and buccal cavity of
edly deform the cartilaginous elements of H. molitrix and causes twist disease in
the fin-rays of carp (Molnár, 1982; Moshu China (Wu et al., 1975). El-Mansy and
and Molnár, 1997). T. nikolskii has also been Molnár (1997a) did not consider that it
reported on the scales of C. carpio carpio caused losses in Hungary. The parasite
(common carp), where plasmodial develop- alternates through T. tubifex and produces a
ment is associated with calcified collagen triactinomyxon-type actinospore. Myxospores
but with low pathogenicity (Moshu and measure 13 µm × 7 µm and contain two
Molnár, 1997). C. c. carpio, C. auratus unequal-sized polar capsules measuring
(goldfish) and C. carpio haematopterus (koi 5.8 µm × 3.7 µm and 3.4 µm × 2.5 µm. The
carp) possess differential susceptibility to market value of C. auratus auratus is
infections by T. nikolskii with C. c. hae- reduced as a result of infections with
matopterus being less susceptible com- Myxobolus rotundus (Nemezek, 1911) that
pared with C. c. carpio, and C. auratus cause large, visible cysts on the body
being resistant (Molnár, 2002c). Székely surface (Lu et al., 2003).
et al. (1998) demonstrated that T. nikolskii Myxobolus episquamalis Egusa, Maeno
alternates through T. tubifex, producing an and Sorimachi, 1990 infects the scales of
Aurantiactinomyxon type with a spore Mugil cephalus. Small, pale, raised lesions
body measuring 21 µm in diameter and pos- are present on infected fish and can lead to
sessing caudal processes measuring 13 µm × erosion of the scales and attenuation of the
9 µm. The myxospore measures 16.5 µm × dermis. Whilst the infection is of little
10 µm and contains a single polar capsule pathological consequence, Rothwell et al.
measuring 6.5 µm × 5.6 µm. (1997) considered that up to 6% of the catch
T. hovorkai, a parasite of the connective were unsaleable due to the loss of aesthetic
tissue, causes haemorrhagic thelohanellosis quality of the fish.
in koi carp. The disease is manifested by
haemorrhaging and oedema in skin lesions,
with destruction of the capillary network Muscle
caused by the release of mature spores into
the surrounding tissues, and chronic mor- There are many reports of myxozoan infec-
talities (Yokoyama et al., 1998). The para- tions in muscle of both marine and fresh-
site alternates through the oligochaete water fishes worldwide. They range from
Branchiura sowerbyi, producing an innocuous infections with minimal host
Aurantiactinomyxon-type actinospore with response to intense infections leading to
a spore body 19 µm in diameter and possess- mortality or spoilage of the musculature
ing caudal processes measuring 29 µm × through enzymatic degradation on the
9 µm (Székely et al., 1998). Actinospores death of the host. Typically, host responses
Phylum Myxozoa 253

to the parasite are usually not initiated until that M. pseudodispar from the musculature
sporogenesis of the myxospores is complete. of roach is a junior synonym of Myxobolus
Whilst the majority of infections are reported cyprini Doflein, 1898 due to the pleo-
from somatic muscle, any organ containing morphic nature of the spore. Molnár et al.
muscle tissue, including the heart, intestine (2002) used DNA sequence data to demon-
and gills, can be affected. In addition, the strate that M. pseudodispar Gorbunova,
presence of myxozoan development stages 1936 from a number of hosts, Myxobolus
in muscle, which normally occur in other musculi Keysselitz, 1908 from barbel (Barbus
host tissues, can lead to pathological changes barbus) and M. cyprini from C. carpio were
in the musculature (Fernández-de-Luco distinct species. In addition, barbel are
et al., 1997). hosts to Myxobolus pfeifferi Thélohan,
The synonymy of Henneguya zschokkei 1895 in the muscle, which has caused epi-
Doflein, 1901 from whitefishes (Coregonus zootics of ‘barbel boil disease’. Longshaw
spp.) and Henneguya salminicola Ward, et al. (2005) found M. pfeifferi in the muscu-
1919 from salmonids (Oncorhynchus and lature of juvenile Leuciscus cephalus,
Salmo spp.) is problematic. Whilst some Leuciscus leuciscus and Rutilus rutilus
authors consider H. salminicola as a junior without significant host response. For all
synonym of H. zschokkei, Eiras (2002) four Myxobolus spp. the pathogenesis of
included them as separate species in a syn- the disease is similar to that reported for
opsis of the genus. Recent molecular data M. artus, whereby spores develop within
have provided further evidence that they cysts in the myofibrils. Growth of cysts results
are distinct species (Kent et al., 2001). For in marked enlargement of infected muscle
both, heavy infections within the somatic fibres and pressure atrophy of adjacent
muscle can render the flesh unmarketable myofibrils. On completion of sporogenesis,
as the production of fillets can cut through spores are subjected to a vigorous granu-
these cysts to produce a milky exudate lomatous response involving epitheloid-
(Awakura and Kimura, 1977). The spore type cells and phagocytic cells. Infected
body of H. salminicola measures 12 µm × myofibrils are destroyed and localized
8 µm and total spore length is 43–52 µm. blockage of vessels and necrosis of the sur-
The spore body of H. zschokkei measures rounding tissue can occur (Fig. 8.10). Spores
10 µm × 7 µm and total spore length is are transported around the body via the
55 µm (Fig. 8.3). blood and lymphatic system to various
In heavy infections with M. artus in sites, including the thymus, liver, kidney,
C. carpio, the body surface of the host is spleen, gills and intestine. The majority of
‘irregular and uneven’ due to the presence infections in carp by M. cyprini are consid-
of numerous cysts in the muscle (Ogawa ered to cause only subclinical damage to the
et al., 1992). Two types of cysts are found – muscle and local necroses in other organs
a larger, interfibrillar type and a smaller but can, in some cases, cause hydropic
intrafibrillar type. Following sporogenesis, degeneration and dropsy (Molnár and
spores are subjected to a host response and Kovács-Gayer, 1985). In roach infected with
the rupture of pseudocysts leads to the lysis M. pseudodispar, similar effects have not been
of adjacent muscle fibres. Spores are reported (Baska, 1987; Athanassopoulou and
phagocytosed and transported to other Sommerville, 1993b). Spore measurements
organs in the body via the blood (Fig. 8.10). are as follows: M. cyprini 10–16 µm ×
Yokoyama et al. (1996) showed that carp 8–12 µm (polar capsules equal in size, mea-
release up to 3 × 105 M. artus spores per fish suring 5–7 µm in length); M. musculi
per day throughout their lifetime, possibly 9–13 µm × 8–11 µm (polar capsules unequal
via the intestine and skin. Spores measure in size, measuring 4.5–7 µm × 3–4 µm
8 µm × 11 µm in size. and 4–6 µm × 2–3.5 µm); M. pseudodispar
Cyprinid fishes are parasitized by a 10–12 µm × 7–9.5 µm (polar capsules unequal
number of Myxobolus spp. in the musculature in size, measuring 4.5–5.5 µm × 3 µm and
(Fig. 8.10). Some workers have considered 4 µm × 3 µm); M. pfeifferi 10–13 µm × 9–12 µm
254 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

Fig. 8.10. Histological features of muscle-invading species. A. Sporogonic plasmodia of Myxobolus artus
in the skeletal muscle of carp (C. carpio) (inset: mature spore in valvular view). B. Granulomatous host
response to a plasmodium of M. artus within the renal tissue (same fish as in Fig. 8.10A). C. A plasmodium
of Myxobolus pseudodispar within the muscle of a juvenile roach (Rutilus rutilus). D. Focal inflammatory
response to M. pseudodispar spores and sporogonic stages from a ruptured plasmodium. E. Intra-
myofibrillar Kudoa infection in cow-nosed ray (Rhinoptera bonasus). F. Multiple plasmodia of Kudoa sp.
in the myofibrils of common goby (Pomatoschistus microps). G. Giemsa-stained section of Kudoa thyrsites
infection in cod (Gadus morhua). H. Fibrous encapsulation of a Kudoa sp. plasmodium in viviparous blenny
(Zoarces viviparus).

(polar capsules equal in size, measuring somatic musculature. Externally, the disease
5–6 µm × 2.5–3.5 µm). can manifest itself as a large swelling
Myxobolus lentisuturalis Dyková, Fiala anterior to the dorsal fin, caused by the
and Nie, 2002 from Carassius gibelio induces developing parasite cyst. In heavily infected
severe regressive changes in the dorsal individuals, necrotic changes occur in
Phylum Myxozoa 255

infected myofibrils. Spores measure 11.8 µm × plasmodia were present within the muscu-
7.6 µm, with equal-sized polar capsules lature of these fish and, whilst the authors
measuring 4.2 µm × 2.5 µm. were unable to unequivocally demonstrate
Intense infections with a variant of that the plasmodia causing ulceration were
Myxobolus procercus (Kudo, 1934) were early stages of K. clupeidae, strong circum-
reported in the musculature of Percopsis stantial evidence was provided to suggest
omiscomaycus by Cone et al. (1997). Host that these invasive extrasporogonic stages
responses to sporogonic forms of the para- were responsible for the ulcerations.
sites were in approximately 5% of the fish
examined; otherwise fish appeared healthy.
Cone et al. (1997) considered that the
extremely large numbers of myxozoan cysts Cartilage and ossified elements
in the muscle may be due to an over abun-
dance of oligochaetes and the depressed Infections of cartilage and bone are rela-
immune system of the fish host. Spores tively rare, and parasites infecting the host
measure 14 µm × 6 µm, and polar capsules prior to ossification often become trapped
are often dissimilar in size measuring within the ossifying or fully ossified ele-
approximately 7.2 µm × 2.2 µm. ments. Infections of the cartilage can result
Most muscle infections in freshwater in hypertrophy of cartilage and inflamma-
fishes are caused by bivalvulid myxospores tion of surrounding tissues.
and the host response is usually towards M. cerebralis is the causative agent of
mature spores. In marine fish, however, salmonid whirling disease. Clinical signs of
myxozoan infections in the muscle are the disease can include melanization of the
frequently caused by multivalvulid tail region and skeletal deformities. The
myxospores, which in a few cases result in characteristic ‘whirling’ motion and tail
the enzymatic destruction of the muscle tis- chasing of infected fish are thought to be a
sue following the death of the host. Typical consequence of constriction and pressure
of this group are members of the genus on the spinal cord (Rose et al., 2000).
Kudoa, reviewed by Moran et al. (1999b) M. cerebralis was first recorded infecting
(Fig. 8.10). Fish can be unmarketable due brown trout from Central Europe and north-
either to the presence of large, macroscopic, east Asia, which were transferred to a number
melanized cysts within the musculature or of sites worldwide through the movement
to post-mortem myoliquefaction. At least 50 of live fish and fish products (Bartholomew
species of Kudoa have been described from and Reno, 2002; Bartholomew and Wilson,
marine fishes worldwide. Kudoa thyrsites is 2002). Evidence from the internal tran-
known to infect more than 20 species of fish scribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal
from a number of different families world- DNA (rDNA) confirmed that M. cerebralis
wide, including wild and farmed fish (Kent, was introduced to several countries from a
2000). Myoliquefaction has also been limited geographical source (Andree et al.,
reported in Seriola holandi infected with 1999a; Whipps et al., 2004b). It now occurs
Unicapsula seriolae Lester, 1982 and Kudoa in Europe, the USA, South Africa and
(= Hexacapsula) neothunni (Arai and New Zealand. Movements of live infected
Matsumoto, 1953). fish from hatcheries and fish farms possibly
Ulcerative lesions in young-of-the-year increased the geographical spread of the
Brevoortia tyrannus have been attributed pathogen within individual countries. Whilst
to a number of aetiologies, including there is strong evidence from other studies
bacteria, fungi and harmful algal blooms. in some regions of the USA that M. cerebralis
Reimschuessel et al. (2003) demonstrated is responsible for declines of wild rainbow
that ulcers and chronic inflammatory infil- trout (Hedrick et al., 1998), Modin (1998)
trates in this host were associated with considered that ‘there is little clear evidence
invasive extrasporogonic plasmodia of of significant impacts on wild salmonids in
Kudoa clupeidae (Hahn, 1917). Spores and California’.
256 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

Wolf and Markiw (1984) demonstrated phylogeny of the parasite in the oligochaete
that the parasite required an oligochaete and fish hosts and provided further insights
host in its life cycle and subsequent studies into its biology (Andree et al., 1997, 1999b;
have shown that the parasite is extremely Antonio et al., 1998).
specific to T. tubifex (Granath and Gilbert, Infections with Myxobolus buckei
2002) and possibly even to distinct genetic Longshaw, Frear and Feist, 2003, originally
lineages of T. tubifex (Beauchamp et al., reported by Bucke and Andrews (1985) as
2001). Like numerous other myxozoans, it Myxobolus ellipsoides Thélohan, 1892,
has been presumed that myxospores from cause serious disease in juvenile cyprinids
fish were only available to the oligochaete in the UK, resulting in marked spinal com-
host upon the death and decay of the fish pression in infected fish. Normal and burst
host. However, Nehring et al. (2002) have swimming of infected fish is compromised
demonstrated experimentally that live brown and few juvenile fish survive to adulthood
trout expel viable M. cerebralis myxospores, (Longshaw et al., 2003). Histological lesions
which are infective to T. tubifex. Sporo- in infected fish range from mild hypertro-
plasms from waterborne triactinomyxon phy of the zygapophyseal elements to com-
actinospores enter the host via a number of plete fusion of the vertebrae (Fig. 8.11).
entry points, including the mucus cells of Hypertrophy of the vertebral elements and
the epithelium, gills and buccal cavity expansion of the intervertebral membrane
(Markiw, 1989; El-Matbouli et al., 1995, to accommodate the developing plasmodia
1999b). Entry and establishment of the cause pressure on the spinal cord and adja-
disease in fish is determined by the degree cent blood vessels. Fish are infected prior to
of ossification and, whilst adult, ossified ossification and the parasite develops ini-
fish can be infected, they are asymptomatic tially within the remnants of the embryonic
for the disease (Markiw, 1992). Following notochord. A vigorous inflammatory res-
penetration of the epithelium by the ponse to the developing plasmodia and
triactinomyxon, sporoplasms reach the spores leads to the radial expansion and
peripheral nerves, then the central nervous fusion of the vertebral centra during the
system and eventually the cartilaginous ele- cartilaginous phase of host development.
ments. During migration through the ner- Following ossification, parasites remain
vous tissues, the parasite undergoes a series trapped within bony elements. Spores mea-
of proliferative stages and appears to be sure 14 µm × 11.5 µm in size.
unrecognized during this stage by the host M. aeglefini has been reported from
immune system. Within the cartilaginous ele- a number of marine fishes in the North
ments, phagocytosis of chondrocytes by Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic Sea (Lom
plasmodia has been reported and the lysis and Dyková, 1992). It has a wide host speci-
of cartilage by the parasite can induce a vig- ficity, having been reported in flatfish and
orous host response (Fig. 8.11). Inflamma- gadoids (Nielsen et al., 2002). The report
tory cells involved in the host response by Yokoyama and Wakabayashi (2000) of
include mononuclear leucocytes, and the M. aeglefini in cartilaginous tissues of the
combination of cartilage lysis with a vigor- skeletal musculature of Japanese porous-
ous host response can lead to severe disrup- head eelpout may represent a morphologi-
tion of the cartilage and result in skeletal cally similar but genetically different species
deformities. M. cerebralis spores are highly of Myxobolus. Whilst M. aeglefini is nor-
variable in morphology, but in general are mally considered as a parasite with a speci-
oval to circular in valvular view and mea- ficity for head cartilage, it can be found in
sure 7–10 µm × 7–10 µm in size. Polar cap- the eyes of gadoid hosts (Fig. 8.11). As with
sules are equal in size, measuring 4–6 µm × other cartilage-infecting myxozoans, damage
3–3.5 µm, and contain five to six turns of to the host is caused by a combination of the
the polar filament. The advent of molecular host response and lysis of the cartilage by
tools such as PCR and in situ hybridization the action of the parasite. Spores measure
has assisted in the identification and 11–13 µm × 10–12 µm in size.
Phylum Myxozoa 257

Fig. 8.11. Pathological features of cartilage infections. A. Low-power view of head cartilage of rainbow
trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) infected with Myxobolus cerebralis, showing disintegration of cartilaginous
elements. B. High-power view showing spores and developmental stages of M. cerebralis amongst
destroyed cartilage (A and B are from Giemsa-stained sections). C and D. Vertebral deformation and
complete fusion of vertebrae in chub (L. cephalus) caused by Myxobolus buckei (C. inset: mature spore of
M. buckei in valvular view). E. Cysts of Myxobolus aeglifini in the scleral cartilage of the eye of poor cod
(Trisopterus minutus) (inset: mature spore of M. aeglifini in valvular view). F. Section through two large
cysts of M. aeglifini in the scleral cartilage of whiting (Merlangius merlangus). G. Myxobolus sp. in the
cranial cartilage of common goby (P. microps). H. Cysts of Myxobolus sp. in the cranial cartilage of roach
(R. rutilus).

Reproductive tissues Infections of the ovaries occur either within

oocytes or within the interstitial or connec-
Myxozoan infections of gonadal tissue are tive tissues, with those species occurring
relatively rare and appear to be sex specific. within the oocytes being more serious.
258 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

In both male and female fish, infections stage oocytes undergoing or completing
can lead to reductions in fecundity by cas- vitellogenesis. Eggs are non-viable and
tration or gonadal regression. Negative infected females show reduced growth,
impacts at the host population level may be fecundity and/or spawning activity. Spores
possible but have not been reported to date. measure 6.5 µm × 7.7 µm in size.
Sphaerospora testicularis Sitja- Myxobolus dahmeyensis (Siau, 1977)
Bobadilla and Alvarez-Pellitero, 1990 infects was reported in the ovaries of Tilapia zilli
the seminiferous tubules in the testis of and Sarotherodon melanotheron melano-
Dicentrarchus labrax. Infections lead to theron by Gbankoto et al. (2001). No para-
testicular hyalinization and hypertrophy, site cysts were produced and spores were
occlusion of the tubular lumens, ascites in only present in mature oocytes, which were
the abdominal cavity and damage to the destroyed by the parasite, leading to castra-
germ and Sertoli cells. Disporic pseudo- tion of the host.
plasmodia contain spores measuring Henneguya amazonica Rocha, Matos
12 µm × 15 µm in size. Agarella gracilis and Azevedo, 1992, originally reported
Dunkerley, 1915 has been reported in the from the gills of Crenicichla lepidota, is
testis of Lepidosiren paradoxa in Brazil, found mainly within the ovarian stroma but
with no data on the impact of the parasite. also within the follicles of Hoplosternum
Spores measure 28–35 µm × 13–16.5 µm in littorale. Whilst Torres et al. (1994) reported
size. Testicular tissue of Girardinus januarius that the morphology of infected oocytes was
is destroyed by spores of Myxobolus lutzi not significantly affected, they could not
Aragão, 1919. Spores measure 10 µm × 7 µm discard the possibility that ovaries may be
in size. destroyed by the parasite. Spore body mea-
Henneguya oviperda (Cohn, 1895) sures 13.9 µm × 5.7 µm; total spore length,
Labbé, 1899 has been reported from the ova- including caudal appendages, is 59.3 µm.
ries of pike E. lucius in Russia and other
European countries. In heavy infections, it
causes complete degeneration of ovarian Central nervous system
tissue and oocytes. Parasite cysts are found
in the connective tissue and follicle epithe- Over 20 myxosporean species have been
lium of the ovary, whilst spores are found reported infecting the brain and spinal cord
in the oocytes. Spores measure 27–42 µm × of teleosts (Hoffmannn et al., 1991; Frasca
5–10 µm, including caudal appendages. et al., 1999; Cho and Kim, 2003). In addi-
Sphaerospora ovophila Xiao and tion, unidentified myxozoan-like parasites
Desser, 1997 spores in the ovary of Lepomis have been described infecting the spinal
gibbosus produce visible cysts measuring cord of the toad (Bufo bufo) (Stensaas et al.,
up to 500 µm in diameter. Spores measure 1967) and more recently from the brain of
8.2 µm × 6.2 µm in size. Myxobolus algonqui- the mole (Talpa europea) (Friedrich et al.,
nensis Xiao and Desser 1997 from Note- 2000). In these cases, only plasmodial
migonus crysoleucas produces cysts in the stages containing secondary (occasionally
connective tissue of ovaries or interstitial tertiary cells in the mole parasite) were
tissue among oocytes measuring up to 800 µm observed and no significant host response
in diameter. Spores measure 14.7 µm × was recorded.
10.9 µm in size. No pathology was reported In general, myxosporeans infecting ner-
with these two forms (Xiao and Desser, vous tissue do not elicit a significant host
1997). response. Examples include Myxobolus
Kudoa ovivora Swearer and Robertson, galaxii Szidat, 1953 from the spinal cord of
1999 occurs in the ovaries of Thalassoma Galaxias olidus, a salmoniform freshwater
bifasciatum and other labroid fishes. fish from Australia (Langdon, 1990), Myxo-
White-coloured plasmodia are restricted to bolus neurophilus (Guilford, 1963) in yellow
the inner wall of the oocyte membrane and perch (Perca flavescens) (Dzulinksy et al.,
spores are only found in late developmental 1994) and Myxobolus inaequus Kent and
Phylum Myxozoa 259

Hoffmann, 1984 in South American knife (Lom et al., 1991). Egusa (1985) described
fish (Eigemannia virescens) (Kent and infections with Myxobolus buri Egusa, 1985
Hoffmann, 1984). However, encephalitis causing severe scoliosis in cultured Seriola
associated with presporogonic and sporogonic quinqueradiata in Japan. Several regions of
stages occurs with some species (Dyková and the brain were affected, including the olfac-
Lom, 1988a; Frasca et al., 1998). In others, a tory and optic lobes, cerebellum and medulla
significant proportion of the nervous tissue oblongata. Parasite stages are surrounded
can be replaced with parasitic cysts. Infec- by a fibrous capsule and pericystic inflam-
tions with Myxobolus hendricksoni Mitchell, mation. Spinal curvature in mullet
Seymour and Gamble, 1985 in fathead min- (M. cephalus) from Japan is caused by
nows (Pimephales promelas) result in macro- Myxobolus spinacurvatura Maeno, Sorimachi,
scopic cysts up to 1.5 mm in diameter Ogawa and Egusa, 1990. Cysts approxi-
throughout the brain, in particular the optic mately 1 mm in diameter occupy several
lobes and corpus cerebrelli (Mitchell et al., regions in the brain, including the olfactory
1985). Even with extensive infections, and optic lobes, and also infect mesenteric
behavioural abnormalities have rarely been tissue and the spleen (Maeno et al., 1990).
reported. Fish infected with M. arcticus Bullheads (Cottus gobio) from the Czech
have reduced mean swimming speed com- Republic, southern England and Germany are
pared with uninfected fish (Moles and Heifetz, hosts to Myxobolus cotti El-Matbouli,
1998), and infections with Myxobolus Fischer-Scherl and Hoffmannn, 1990, where
encephalicus (Mulsow, 1911) in carp fry plasmodia infect several regions of the
can result in loss of equilibrium and cir- brain and are also found within axons
cling motion. Plasmodia of M. encephalicus (Lom et al., 1989b; El-Matbouli et al., 1990;
grow within the blood vessels of the brain see Fig. 8.15). Intra-axonal myxosporean
and cause congestion of the vessels and plasmodia have also been described from
focal oedema. Sporogonic stages invoke a the spinal cord and brainstem of the com-
severe granulomatous response (Dyková mon shiner (Notropis cornutus) (Ferguson
and Lom, 1988a). Neurological symptoms, et al., 1985).
including uncoordinated darting and roll- Salmonids are hosts to several brain-
ing movements, are associated with infec- infecting myxosporeans. M. neurobius
tions of Myxobolus balantiocheirli Levsen, infects brown trout (Salmo trutta), Atlantic
Alvik and Grotmol, 2004 in tricolour shark- salmon (S. salar) and grayling (Thymallus
minnow (Balantiocheilos melanopterius). thymallus) in Europe and Asia and Pacific
In this case, parasite-induced inflammation salmonids in North America (Gonzales-
is largely absent (Levsen et al., 2004). Lanza and Alvarez-Pellitero, 1984; Maloney
There have been several reports of skel- et al., 1991). Plasmodia are up to 400 µm in
etal deformities associated with myxospori- diameter. Spores are ovoid, 10–14 µm ×
diosis of neural tissues. Triangula percae 8–9.2 µm in size. Although generally regarded
Langdon, 1987 was described from redfin as non-pathogenic, intense infections can
perch (P. fluviatilis) from Victoria, Australia, induce pressure atrophy of surrounding tis-
where juveniles appear to be more suscepti- sues. A similar Myxobolus sp. causes ‘sleep-
ble to the infection and develop marked ing disease’ in cultured masu and amago
curvature (lordodis) of the spine. The para- salmon in western Japan (Murakami, 1979,
sites are located in the white matter of the cited by Urawa and Awakura, 1994). In
mesencephalon, the diencephalon and the Pacific salmonids M. arcticus can be found
medulla oblongata (Langdon, 1987). In at prevalences approaching 100% (Kent
Scotland, Myxobolus sandrae Reuss, 1906 et al., 1993; Awakura et al., 1995). Spores
also causes lordosis and vertebral compres- are pyriform, measuring approximately
sion of the spine in the same host. Atrophy 15 µm × 7.5 µm. M. arcticus is currently
and demyelinization of the white matter of the only myxosporean parasite with a tro-
the spinal cord is the principal host response pism for neural tissue for which the life
to the presence of sporogonic plasmodia cycle has been elucidated. Transformation of
260 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

M. arcticus myxospores occurs in the Infections of the kidney and urinary tract
oligochaete Styrodrilus heringianus, with
triactinomyxon spores released from that The kidney is the main target organ for a
host being infective to sockeye salmon. large number of myxosporean species. The
Mature myxospores develop in the neural various metabolic functions of the organ
tissue 3–4 months after exposure (Kent related to excretion, osmoregulation and
et al., 1993). haematopoiesis, as well as the presence of
Neurotropic presporogonic stages of endocrine tissue, such as the corpus of
M. cerebralis, identified using small sub- Stannius, and inter-renal tissue, are reflected
unit rDNA sequence data and in situ in its complex structure. Coelozoic species
hybridization, have been linked with neuro- reside in all cavities, from Bowman’s cap-
logical disease and mass mortality of sule of the glomerulus and the various com-
Atlantic salmon smolts at a marine culture partments of the nephron to the renal
facility in Ireland (Frasca et al., 1998, 1999). collecting ducts and the urinary bladder.
Clinical signs are absent. Plasmodia are Histozoic species (e.g. Myxobolus spp.) are
present between axons, most frequently in commonly found as small accumulations of
the optic tectum of the mesencephalon. loose or phagocytosed spores or contained
Pathology ranged from mild to severe focal in larger groups within macrophage aggre-
encephalitis, involving glial cells, macro- gates, where they may have been trans-
phages and lymphocytes. It was hypothe- ported from other organs for elimination
sized that infective stages originated from from the host. In addition, they can occur as
nearby riverine inputs to the farm location encysted plasmodia within the haemato-
(Frasca et al., 1999). poietic interstitial tissues (e.g. Myxidium
Multivalvulid myxosporeans of the rhodei Léger, 1905). Histozoic and intra-
genus Kudoa have been described in the cellular proliferative extrasporogonic stages
brain of cultured and wild marine fish. of some myxosporean and malacosporean
Kudoa paralichthys Cho and Kim, 2003 species induce a significant pathological host
infects olive flounder in Korea (Cho and response, resulting in diseases such as PKD
Kim, 2003), whilst Kudoa tetraspora of salmonids, caused by T. bryosalmonae,
Narasimhamurti and Kalavati, 1979 and and sphaerosporosis in carp, caused by
Kudoa cerebralis Paperna and Zwerna, 1974 S. renicola. Renal infections of endocrine
infect mullet (M. cephalus) and striped bass tissues have not been reported thus far. The
(Morone saxatilis), respectively (Paperna principal histopathological features of renal
and Zwerna, 1974 Narasimhamurti and myxosporidiosis range from acute to
Kalavati, 1979). In all of these infections, chronic inflammation to extensive tissue
the host response is minimal. Whereas necrosis and fibrosis and are dependent on
all neurotropic myxosporeans appear to a variety of factors, including the immune
sporulate in the central nervous system status of the host, the pathogenicity of the
(CNS), a Kudoa sp. infecting Thunnus parasite and the stage of development of
maccoyii from Western Australia usually the infection. Renal damage can be exten-
sporulates in peripheral nerves (Langdon, sive, resulting in functional impairment.
1990). Kudoa (= Pentacapsula) neurophila However, the host is often able to survive
(Grossel, Dykova, Handlinger and Munday, unless placed under additional environ-
2003) causes severe granulomatous meningo- mental stress and/or secondary challenge
encephalomyelitis amongst cultured juve- from other pathogens.
nile striped trumpeter (Latris lineata) in Infections with the malacosporean
Tasmania (Grossel et al., 2003) and Kudoa T. bryosalmonae (formerly PKX) are respon-
(= Septemcapsula) yasunagai (Hsieh and sible for serious economic loss in sal-
Chen, 1984) forms large parasitic cysts in monid culture throughout Europe and North
cultured Lateolabrax japonicus and Oplegna- America, although the impacts on wild fish
thus fasciatus in China and Japan (Hsieh populations are less certain (Feist et al.,
and Chen, 1984). 2002; Wahli et al., 2002). Infection of fish
Phylum Myxozoa 261

hosts is initiated when infective spores polar capsules and two sporoplasm cells,
released from bryozoans enter the fish which may each contain a single secondary
through the skin and gill epithelium, either cell. The sporoplasm cells contain char-
between epithelial cells or intracellularly acteristic sporoplasmosomes, identical to
via mucus cells (Morris et al., 2000b; those seen in the extrasporogonic histozoic
Longshaw et al., 2002). The spore has char- fish stage (Fig. 8.12).
acteristic soft shell valves, comprising eight Most reports of PKD involve rainbow or
cells surrounding four small subspherical steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss),

Fig. 8.12. Proliferative kidney disease, pathology and morphology of the causative agent Tetracapsuloides
bryosalmonae. A. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fingerling exhibiting renal hypertrophy. B. Giemsa
stained renal impression smear showing extrasporogonic stage of T. bryosalmonae surrounded by host
phagocytes. C. Diagrammatic representations of stages in the development of histozoic T. bryosalmonae
from rainbow trout kidney (primary cell nucleus, N; secondary cell, S; tertiary cell, T). D. Electron
micrograph of a renal interstitial stage from rainbow trout kidney. Primary cell contains a prominent nucleus
(N) with two secondary cells (S), one of which contains two tertiary cells (T). E. Fresh preparation of
T. bryosalmonae from trout kidney with characteristic cytoplasmic granules and secondary cells within the
primary cell, which is itself surrounded by phagocytic cells. F. Low-power view of a section of infected
renal tissue showing loss of excretory elements and proliferation of interstitial haemopoietic tissue (upper
left). G. Chronic granulomatous response in pike (E. lucius) spleen in response to T. bryosalmonae stages.
262 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

although outbreaks in brown trout (S. trutta) with degenerative changes in the excretory
and Atlantic salmon (S. salar) in Europe elements, and vascular pathology, includ-
and in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus ing haemoglobin crystallization, occur
tshawytscha) and coho salmon (Onco- (Clifton-Hadley et al., 1987; Fig. 8.12). In
rhynchus kisutch) in North America are chronic infections, granulomatous intersti-
common (Hedrick et al., 1993). In Europe, tial lesions, with phagocytic cells surround-
Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and ing the parasites, are commonly seen
grayling (T. thymallus) are also known to be (MacConnell et al., 1989). Eventually the
hosts for the parasite, and may exhibit signs parasite is eliminated and the lesions
of the disease (Feist and Bucke, 1993). Pike resolve. Some parasites traverse the renal
(E. lucius) is the only non-salmonid fish tubule epithelium, becoming coelozoic
known to be susceptible (Seagrave et al., within the tubules, where sporogony is ini-
1981; Morris et al., 2000a). Brook trout tiated. This generally occurs at a low level,
(Salmo fontinalis) can become infected but with only a few, apparently immature,
do not exhibit clinical signs of PKD (Feist ovoid spores being produced. An exception
and Bucke, 1993). Juvenile fish are most at is in Arctic charr, where large numbers of
risk from the disease but naïve fish of any spores are formed without an extensive host
age are susceptible. Frequently 100% of reaction to the extrasporogonic stages (Kent
susceptible stocks become infected. Out- et al., 2000). The spores are formed within
breaks of PKD are seasonal in nature, occur- monosporous pseudoplasmodia and mea-
ring in late spring, with clinical signs being sure 12 µm in length and 7 µm in width.
seen typically between June and September They contain two subspherical polar cap-
when temperatures reach 15°C and above sules and are surrounded by indistinct
(Clifton-Hadley et al., 1986). Parasites are valvogenic cells. Hedrick et al. (2004)
usually seen within renal tissue about 4 weeks described more advanced stages in the
post-exposure, with lesions developing urine of fish recovering from PKD. These
shortly thereafter. The histozoic stage con- were subspherical with a width of 16 µm
sists of a primary cell containing one or more and a height of 14 µm, with two spherical
secondary cells and occasional tertiary cells polar capsules. Transmission studies have
(Seagrave et al., 1980a,b). The cytoplasm of so far failed to produce infections of bryo-
the primary cell contains numerous charac- zoans by these stages (Tops et al., 2004).
teristic sporoplasmosomes, morphologically Management strategies aimed at reduc-
identical to those in the sporoplasm cell of ing exposure to the infective stage are the
the bryozoan stage (Feist, 1997; Kent et al., most effective means to control the disease.
1998). Pericyte formation has been observed Reduced water temperature suppresses the
(Feist and Bucke, 1987). The main present- effects of the disease (Clifton-Hadley et al.,
ing features of the disease are abdominal 1986) and fish exposed late in the season,
distension, bilateral exophthalmia and pale before ambient temperatures fall, survive
gills. Internally, marked renal and splenic the infection and appear less susceptible to
hypertrophy is typical and the kidney may the disease the following year. The infective
have a mottled appearance. stage is present throughout the year (Gay
The extrasporogonic stage of the para- et al., 2001; Tops and Okamura, 2003). Prac-
site proliferates rapidly within the host, tical measures to reduce the numbers and
reaching almost every organ via the blood- distribution of the bryozoan hosts in and
stream and eliciting focal or multifocal around aquaculture facilities have yet to be
inflammation within the tissues. In the evaluated. Treatment regimes are covered
skeletal musculature, severe granulomatous in the section on ‘Prevention and Control’.
myositis can result (Fernández-de-Luco Two species of Parvicapsula infect-
et al., 1997). In the kidney and spleen, ing salmonid renal tissue have been
both the proliferation of the parasite and reported. Parvicapsula minibicornis, Kent,
the host response are more vigorous. Inter- Whitaker and Dawe, 1997 is known from
stitial haematopoietic cell hyperplasia, several Pacific salmonids from Canada
Phylum Myxozoa 263

(Jones et al., 2003, 2004). Affected fish unidentified Parvicapsula species infects
exhibit slight renal swelling. Trophozoites marine-cultured coho salmon in North
reside within Bowman’s space and capillar- America (Hoffmann, 1984). Other Pacific
ies of the glomeruli and occasionally within salmonids and Atlantic salmon are also sus-
the renal tubule epithelium. Sporogonic ceptible. The disease has not been reported
stages occur within the lumen of renal from Europe. Infection occurs 8 to 10 weeks
tubules. Pyriform spores contain two equal- post-introduction to an infected site, with
sized pyriform polar capsules and measure up to 50% losses being reported (Johnstone,
11 µm in length and 7.5 µm in width (Kent 1984). The kidney is the primary site of
et al., 1997). The parasite has been asso- infection and appears hypertrophied and
ciated with prespawn mortality among haemorrhagic. Renal tubules become
Fraser River stocks of sockeye salmon occluded with trophozoites and developing
(Oncorhynchus nerka) in British Columbia spores (Fig. 8.13). Tubule epithelium may
(St-Hilaire et al., 2002). Prevalence rates also harbour sporulating trophozoites. Histo-
amongst Pacific salmon species range from logically, the tubule epithelium becomes
47 to 100% (Jones et al., 2003). A second atrophied. The release of parasite stages to

Fig. 8.13. Pathology of renal infections. A. Intracellular and coelozoic stages of Hoferellus carassii in the
renal tubule of goldfish (Carassius auratus). B. Three-spined stickleback (G. aculeatus) kidney showing
distension of renal tubules caused by numerous sporogonic stages of Myxobilatus gasterostei. C. Large
xenoma of extrasporogonic stages of Myxidium lieberkuehni, which has replaced the glomerular tissue in
the kidney of pike (E. lucius). D. Glomerular and tubule infections of Myxobilatus platessae in the kidney of
European flounder (Platichthys flesus). E. Sporogonic stages of Myxidium minteri in the renal tubule lumen
of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). F. Parvicapsula sp. sporogonic stages within the renal
tubule epithelium and lumen of coho salmon (O. kisutch).
264 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

the renal interstitium following rupture of Sommerville, 1993a). Plasmodia are fre-
affected tubules elicits only a mild host quently found in Bowman’s space within
response. Glomerular infections have not the glomerulus, resulting in atrophy of the
been reported with this species. Pseudo- glomerular tuft (Fig. 8.14). Development
branch infections, similar to those occur- within the haemopoietic interstitial tissues
ring in cultured Atlantic salmon infected results in an intense granulomatous inflam-
with Parvicapsula pseudobranchiola have matory reaction, which is often effective in
also been reported (Yasutake and Elliott, destroying the parasite. Mortalities have not
2003). Relationships between Parvicapsula been associated with M. rhodei infections
sp., P. pseudobranchiola and P. minibicornis (Dyková et al., 1987). Other species of
require further analysis. Myxidium have been associated with signif-
Marked renal hypertrophy associated icant disease. Myxidium minteri Yasutake
with Parvicapsula renalis Landsberg, 1993 and Wood, 1957 is restricted to wild and
infections have been reported in red drum hatchery stocks of salmonids of the Pacific
(Sciaenops ocellatus) from the Atlantic north-west of the USA. The parasite is
Ocean off Florida (Landsberg, 1993). The coelozoic in renal tubules (Fig. 8.13), with
parasite infects proximal tubules of the pos- occasional spores present in interstitial tis-
terior kidney with both extrasporogonic and sues in heavy infections (Yasutake and
sporogonic stages in the lumen of the tubules. Wood, 1957). Spores are fusiform, 9.3 to
Epithelial changes include vacuolation and 12.6 µm in length and 6 to 7 µm in width,
the presence of hyaline droplets, sometimes with equal-sized pyriform polar capsules.
with the presence of rodlet cells. Interstitial Coho salmon are most susceptible to infec-
renal tissue is not affected. tion (up to 44%), with prevalence rates in
M. rhodei is a common parasite of the chinook salmon and rainbow trout gener-
roach (Rutilus rutilus) and other cyprinids ally less than 10% (Sanders and Fryer,
in Europe (Dyková et al., 1987; Alvarez- 1970). However, in these cases, the parasite
Pellitero, 1989; Athanassapoulou and was located in the gall bladder, with rare

Fig. 8.14. Pathology of renal infections. A. Sphaerospora sp. in the kidney of dace (Leuciscus leuciscus)
causing dilatation of renal tubule with reduction in tubule epithelial height. B. Atrophy of the glomerular
tuft surrounded by a coelozoic plasmodium of Myxidium rhodei in the kidney of dace (L. leuciscus).
C. Fibrous encapsulation of sporogonic plasmodia of M. rhodei in the renal interstitial tissue of R. rutilus.
D. Intracellular extrasporogonic stage of an unidentified myxosporean in the renal tubule epithelium of dace
(L. leuciscus).
Phylum Myxozoa 265

cysts found in the liver. Myxidiosis caused inexpectatum Baska, 1990 in sterlet
by M. giardi in eels, Anguilla anguilla, (Acipenser ruthenus) from the River Danube
affects many tissues, including the kidney, also infect glomeruli, displacing the glo-
where significant damage to the excretory merular tuft. Stages within the lumen of the
elements occurs. Granulomatous inflamma- tubules and urinary bladder have no dis-
tion and mortality among elvers can result. cernible pathogenic effect (Baska, 1990).
In pike (E. lucius), extrasporogonic Hoferellosis in goldfish (C. auratus)
stages of Myxidium lieberkuehni Buetschli, caused by H. carassii gives rise to the condi-
1882 invade the endothelial cells of the glo- tion known as ‘kidney enlargement disease’
merular tuft, resulting in grossly enlarged (KED) (Molnár et al., 1989). The disease has
cells containing numerous parasites and a been reported from Europe, Asia and North
hugely hypertrophied nucleus, the whole America. Clinical signs include abdominal
structure constituting a parasitic xenoma. distension, protrusion of scales and loss of
The cells contained within the xenoma fre- balance. The disease is seasonal in nature,
quently contain secondary and tertiary with fish becoming infected during the late
cells, which, on release from the xenoma, summer and autumn, developing clinical
pass down the proximal tubule and develop signs the following spring, when mortalities
into small plasmodia (Lom et al., 1989a; may result (Yokoyama et al., 1990a). Inter-
Feist, 1997). Many infected glomeruli nally, marked renal hypertrophy is caused
become infiltrated by host phagocytes and by a cystic papillomatous hyperplasia of the
granulation tissue and are destroyed by the tubule epithelium (Fig. 8.13). Extra-
host. Large polysporic plasmodia are com- sporogonic stages of H. carassii invade
monly found attached to the epithelium of tubule epithelial cells. The stages consist of
the renal collecting ducts, and in the uri- primary cells up to 17 µm in diameter, with
nary bladder they impart an orange tinge secondary, tertiary and even quaternary
due to the pigment granules contained cells contained within them. Affected cells
within the plasmodia (Fig. 8.13). A second become elongate and protrude into the
extrasporogonic stage is located intra- lumen of the tubule. Division of the epithe-
cellularly within the epithelial cells of the lial cells, presumably in response to the
collecting ducts. Infected cells become hyper- parasite, offers further opportunities for
trophied and show degenerative changes intracellular development and attachment
without xenoma formation. It is presumed of coelozoic plasmodial stages. These are
that these stages are also able to become approximately 100 µm in diameter and con-
sporogonic if they enter the lumen of the tain spores measuring 13 µm in length and
ducts. Affected epithelium becomes hyper- 8.4 µm in diameter. The oligochaete Nais cf.
plastic, forming papillomatous folds into elinguis has been identified as the host for
the lumen of the duct, which itself becomes the actinospore stage (Aurantiactinomyxon)
extremely dilated. Gross pathology in juve- of H. carassii. However, transmission experi-
nile fish resulting from these changes is ments have not been successful in inducing
reminiscent of PKD, with renal hypertrophy typical disease symptoms in susceptible
and a greyish mottled appearance being fish (Trouillier et al., 1996).
typical features (Fig. 8.13). Mature spores of Cultured gilthead sea bream (Sparus
M. lieberkuehni are fusiform with longitu- aurata) from the Mediterranean and Atlantic
dinal striations typical of the genus and coast of Spain are susceptible to glomerular
measure approximately 20 µm in length disease caused by Polysporoplasma sparis
and 6 µm in width. Sitjà-Bobadilla and Alvarez-Pellitero, 1995.
Chloromyxum species also infect renal Only semi-intensive culture systems are
tissues, although most do not cause signifi- affected and the infection is not seasonal.
cant pathology. Chloromyxum majori Prevalence rates increase with increasing
Yasutake and Wood, 1957 in salmonids can fish size, reaching over 50% in fish greater
result in the destruction of glomerular cap- than 100 g (Palenzuela et al., 1999). Infected
illaries, and plasmodia of Chloromyxum fish do not exhibit external clinical signs,
266 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

but internally glomeruli of the mesonephros inflammatory reaction in the interstitial tis-
harbour numerous sporogonic stages of the sues. Spores are infective to the oligochaete
parasite within the capillaries, replacing B. sowerbyi, with Neoactinomyxum actino-
blood cells and reducing the filtration spores being released after 98 days of devel-
capacity of affected glomeruli. Hypertrophy opment within the oligochaete host (Molnár
of the corpuscle and thickening of the cap- et al., 1999a). However, experimental proof
sule are typically seen and, eventually, that these stages are infective to naïve carp
necrosis and fibrosis result. Parasites can is lacking. S. renicola has two proliferative
also infect the renal tubule epithelium extrasporogonic cycles. Blood stages, com-
and occupy the lumen. In heavy infections, prising primary cells containing a number
atrophy of renal interstitial tissue, with of secondary and tertiary cells, invade the
inflammation and haemorrhage, is present swim bladder, where they continue to pro-
(Palenzuela et al., 1999). Spores are sub- liferate, increase in size and induce swim
spherical, 19.8 µm in length, 21.3 µm in bladder inflammation (see above) (Dyková
thickness and 18.1 µm in width, with large et al., 1990). These swim bladder stages can
capsulogenic cells. The characteristic fea- be transmitted experimentally but have not
ture of the spores, which differentiates the been shown to give rise to the stages occur-
species from the genus Sphaerospora, is the ring within the renal tubule epithelium
presence of between 4 and 12 sporoplasm (Molnár and Kovács-Gayer, 1986). The
cells (Sitjà-Bobadilla and Alvarez-Pellitero, marked cellular hypertrophy and stenosis
1995). Gilthead sea bream and common of affected tubules are thought to be due to
dentex (Dentex dentex) are hosts to Lepto- extrasporogonic stages of H. cyprini rather
theca sparidarum Sitjà-Bobadilla and that S. renicola. Molnár (1988) reported that
Alvarez-Pellitero, 2001. Large numbers of similar intracellular tubule epithelium
sporogonic stages within renal tubules stages occur in cyprinid fishes infected
cause blockage and pressure atrophy of with Myxobilatus legeri (Cépede, 1905).
the tubule epithelium (Sitjà-Bobadilla and Mass mortality among cultured cobia
Alvarez-Pellitero, 1995). (Rachycentron canadum) from Taiwan has
Several members of the genus Sphaero- been caused by infections with an unidenti-
spora are pathogenic within the kidney of fied Sphaerospora-like species (Chen et al.,
fish, although most frequently the changes 2001). Cumulative mortality may reach
produced are mild and induce only local- 90% within 30 days of introduction to
ized host reactions, especially where only marine cages. Affected fish exhibit pale
the renal tubule lumens are infected livers, ascites, gill pallor and marked renal
(Fig. 8.14). Extrasporogonic stages appear to hypertrophy, with the surface having a
be typical for the genus and have been knobbly appearance and pale or haemor-
reported for many Sphaerospora species rhagic patches. Parasitic stages infect
(Lom et al., 1985; Hedrick et al., 1988a, 1990; glomeruli, renal tubules and the interstitial
Feist et al., 1991; Supamattaya et al., 1993; tissues. Tubules become occluded with
McGeorge et al., 1994; Jones et al., 2004). parasites and cellular debris, with the epi-
Sphaerosporosis in carp caused by thelium showing hypertrophy and hyper-
S. renicola occurs amongst cultured com- plastic changes. Ruptured tubules invoke a
mon carp throughout Europe and in Israel. vigorous host response to the parasites,
Prevalence may reach 100%. Sporogonic with granuloma formation being typical.
stages of the parasite are found in the Mature spores have not been described.
lumen of renal tubules, comprising disporic Wild and cultured groupers (Epi-
pseudoplasmodia and subspherical spores nephelus malabaricus) from Thailand
measuring approximately 7.3 µm in dia- infected with Sphaerospora epinepheli
meter. These stages cause tubule dilatation Supamattaya, Fischer-Scherl, Hoffmann
and attenuation of the epithelium. In severe and Boonyaratpalin, 1991 exhibit highly
infections, the epithelium becomes atro- vacuolated tubule epithelial cells with
phied and necrotic, with an associated pycnotic nuclei. Other changes include
Phylum Myxozoa 267

dilation of glomerular capillaries, with and finally the gall bladder (Dyková and
degeneration of endothelial cells, thick- Lom, 1988b). Many myxosporeans cause
ening of the basement membrane and adhe- changes to the colour and consistency of the
sion of the capillary membrane to the bile, depending on the intensity of infection,
parietal layer of Bowman’s capsule. Severely and cellular necrosis of bladder epithelium
affected corpuscles become necrotic and is occasionally reported (Morrison et al.,
surrounded by a fibrous layer (Supamattaya 1996). Plasmodia of pathogenic species fre-
et al., 1993). Interstitial haematopoietic quently become lodged in the biliary col-
tissues are unaffected. lecting ducts in the liver, where they can be
Serious outbreaks of histozoic sphaero- associated with proliferation of bile ducts,
sporosis involving significant losses among inflammation of the surrounding tissues
cultured juvenile tench (Tinca tinca) from (pericholangitis) and occasionally hepato-
Germany have been reported. Prevalence is cellular necrosis (Walliker, 1968; Bucher
generally low but can reach 100%. The et al., 1992; Fig. 8.15). Attenuation of bile
causative agent, Sphaerospora tincae Plehn, ductule epithelium in the liver is a common
1925, produces large numbers of disporic finding amongst gall-bladder-infecting spe-
pseudoplasmodia, replacing tissues of the cies. It is likely that many myxosporeans
pronephros and resulting in hypertrophy of inhabiting the biliary system are capable of
the organ. Inflammation is usually absent. inducing pathological changes similar to
Concurrent infections with the coelozoic those described above. However, the major-
Sphaerospora galinae Evlanov, 1981 exert ity of species have been described without
no discernible pathological effect (Lom histological examination of the bladder,
et al., 1985). bile duct or liver, which would reveal these.
Sphaerospora truttae Fischer-Scherl, Several Zschokkella species are known
El-Matbouli and Hoffmann, 1986 infects to be pathogenic. Zschokkella russeli Tripathi,
brown trout (S. trutta), grayling (T. thymallus) 1948 in the five-bearded rockling (Ciliata
and Atlantic salmon (S. salar). Hatchery- mustela) is found at prevalences up to
reared fish become infected during June, 89% at intertidal localities in Wales (Davies,
when extrasporogonic stages may be found 1985) and also occurs in many other fish
in the blood and renal interstitial tissues. species. Plasmodia are found folded within
Primary cells contain up to 100 secondary the bile ducts in the liver, floating freely
cells, which in turn may have tertiary cells in the bile and loosely attached to the gall
within them. These stages are transmissible bladder epithelium. Pathological changes,
to naïve fish by intraperitoneal injection. including cholangiofibrosis, pericholangitis
Coelozoic disporic pseudoplasmodia develop and flattened epithelium with reduced
within renal tubules from August onwards, microvilli, have been reported in the hepatic
with mature spores present from September. bile ducts but the parasite induces no
These may be retained within the kidney pathology in the gall bladder itself.
for up to 18 months when held in fresh Zschokkella icterica Diamant and
water but are lost within 4 months follow- Paperna, 1992 infecting rabbitfish (Signanus
ing transfer to sea water (McGeorge et al., luridus) from the Red Sea produces large
1996a,b). plasmodia up to 400 µm in diameter in the
hepatic bile ducts, whilst smaller plasmodia
reside within the gall bladder, where they
Gall bladder and liver are associated with desquamation of the
epithelial lining (Diamant and Paperna,
A large number of coelozoic myxosporean 1992). Congestion of the ducts leads to
species inhabit the gall bladder, especially cholestasis, breakdown of the ducts and, in
in marine fish, and most infections are severe infections, hepatocellular necrosis,
rather innocuous, without a significant host and cholangitis results, with clinical signs
response. Infection proceeds via the hepatic of ascites and jaundice in affected fish. Mul-
vascular system into the biliary ductules lets of the genera Mugil and Liza from the
268 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

Fig. 8.15. Infections of the gall bladder, liver and neural tissues. A. Low-power view of papillomatous
ingrowths of the gall-bladder epithelium of saithe (Pollachius virens) infected with Myxidium gadi.
B. Semi-thin resin section from the previous specimen showing attachment of sporogonic M. gadi
plasmodia. C. Hepatobiliary fibrosis associated with invasion of the bile ductules with elongate plasmodia
of Myxidium truttae infecting brown trout (Salmo trutta). D. High-power view showing attenuation of
gall-bladder epithelium and the presence of a small plasmodium of M. truttae within the hepatic
parenchyma. E. Infection of bile ducts in Callionymus lyra with a Myxidium sp. F. Spores of Myxobolus cotti
within the brain of bullhead (Cottus gobio).

Mediterranean are hosts to Zschokkella (Schulman, 1966). Up to 100% prevalence

mugilis Sitjà-Bobadilla and Alvarez-Pellitero, of infections in cultured sea trout (S. trutta)
1993. Sitjà-Bobadilla and Alvarez-Pellitero (anadromous) and 48% in Atlantic salmon
(1993) recorded prevalences of up to 70%. (S. salar) from Finland have been recorded
Plasmodia measuring up to 50 µm in dia- without the presence of histopathological
meter induce degenerative changes in the changes or mortalities (Feist and Rintamäki,
bladder epithelium. 1994). Sporogonic plasmodia of Chloro-
Chloromyxum truttae Léger, 1906 is a myxum cristatum Léger, 1906 infecting
common parasite of brown trout (S. trutta) common carp (C. carpio) and grass carp
and other salmonids (Alvarez-Pellitero (Ctenopharyngodon idella) induce hepato-
et al., 1982; Lom and Dyková, 1992). Infec- cellular necrosis (Lom and Dyková, 1981).
tions in wild fish do not usually exhibit Similar pathology occurs in carp infected
clinical signs of disease, but heavy infec- with Chloromyxum cyprini, where plas-
tions in cultured stocks may result in ema- modia invade the liver parenchyma.
ciation and yellowish discoloration of the Regeneration of necrotic liver tissue in
skin and fins. A discoloured liver, swollen such cases is limited and the prognosis for
gall bladder and enteritis are the main infected fish poor (Dyková and Lom, 1988b).
presenting features, and mortalities due to Necrosis of the gall bladder epithelium
severe infections have been reported resulting from infections of Chloromyxum
Phylum Myxozoa 269

trijugum Kudo, 1919 has also been repor- responsible for losses among hatchery stocks,
ted (Mitchell et al., 1980). juvenile wild salmonids and pre-spawning
Myxidium gadi Georgèvitch, 1916 is a adults. Differences in susceptibility between
well-known parasite of gadoid fish such as salmonid species and strains have been
saithe (Pollachius virens) and pollack noted (Ibarra et al., 1991, 1992), and fish
(Pollachius pollachius), occurring at high surviving the infection are typically under-
prevalences in fish from the North Sea. sized and emaciated (Tipping, 1988). Sus-
Infected gall bladders are atrophied and ceptible fish acquire the infection from
have a pale coloration. Depending on the actinospores released from the freshwater
intensity of infection, the bile may be polychaete M. speciosa (Bartholomew et al.,
slightly discoloured and viscous, leading to 1997). External clinical signs vary accord-
complete occlusion of the gall bladder and ing to the salmonid species and include
bile duct with parasitic stages. Plasmodia anorexia, lethargy, abdominal distension,
attach themselves to the bile duct epithe- darkened coloration and exophthalmia.
lium, resulting in extensive papillomatous Internally, there is widespread enteritis and
ingrowths of the epithelium and necrosis haemorrhaging, with the formation of
(Feist and Bucke, 1992; Fig. 8.15). Intra- mucoid deposits and caseous material within
cellular epithelial and intrahepatic stages the intestine and pyloric caecae, resulting
have not been reported. from destruction of the intestinal mucosa.
Ceratomyxosis caused by Ceratomyxa As the infection proceeds, proliferative
sparusaurati Sitjà-Bobadilla, Palenzuela stages spread via the bloodstream and infect
and Alvarez-Pellitero, 1995 is a significant the visceral tissues and skeletal muscle by
pathogen of cultured gilthead sea bream causing widespread haemorrhaging and
(S. aurata) in the Mediterranean (Sitjà- necrosis (Bartholomew et al., 1989b).
Bobadilla et al., 1995). Prevalence of infec- The histozoic nature of C. shasta is
tion can reach 60% in infected stocks and unique amongst the usually benign coelozoic
low-level mortalities have been reported. members of the genus inhabiting the uri-
Severe infections induce abdominal disten- nary bladder and gall bladder of marine
sion with inflammation and ascites. Cyto- fish. The actinospore stage released from
logical damage to the bladder epithelium M. speciosa invades the epithelium of the
includes hypertrophy and vacuolization. posterior intestine, with small plasmodia
Sloughing of the epithelium and inflamma- initiating local lymphocytic infiltration by
tion of the underlying tissues can occur. 18 days post-exposure at 12°C. Between 30
The parasite is regarded as a threat to sea and 50 days post-exposure to the infective
bream culture (Palenzuela et al., 1997). stage, all intestinal layers become invaded
with the presporogonic stages of the para-
site, necrosis is evident and mortalities
Infections of the intestine ensue (Fig. 8.16). At 21°C the pathogenesis
of the disease is more rapid. Sporogenesis is
Members of several genera of myxosporeans complete by day 18 and mortalities occur by
infect intestinal tissues, although relatively day 20 (Bartholomew et al., 1989b). Gross
few are exclusive pathogens of the intes- lesions may also affect the spleen and renal
tine. Most infections are not regarded as and muscle tissue. Myxospores are arcuate,
pathogenic, typically forming discrete with a diameter of 14–23 µm, containing
sporogonic cysts with minimal localized two uninucleate sporoplasm cells with a
host reaction to the parasites. Examples of subspherical polar capsule positioned each
pathogenic species are given below. side of the sutural line.
Ceratomyxosis of hatchery-reared and A few members of the genus Myxobolus
wild salmonids from the Pacific north-west infect intestinal as well as other tissues.
of North America is caused by C. shasta Most species are located in the tissues of
(Ratliff, 1983; Bartholomew et al., 1989a; the lamina propria underlying the mucosal
Hendrickson et al., 1989). The parasite is epithelium, suggesting that plasmodial
270 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

Fig. 8.16. Infections of the intestine and associated tissues. A. Destruction of the intestinal mucosa of
gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) caused by Enteromyxum leei. B. Intraepithelial stages of E. leei in the
intestinal mucosa of S. aurata. C. Section of pyloric caecae with large numbers of plasmodia and spores of
Ceratomyxa shasta (arrows) in the underlying connective tissue. Inset: developing spores of C. shasta.
D. Intraepithelial stages of C. shasta in the mucosal epithelium and submucosal tissues (arrow).
E and F. Cysts of Myxobolus sp. in the thin connective-tissue layer underlying the intestinal epithelium of
minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) and roach (R. rutilus), respectively.

development is initiated within capillaries maturation leading to cyst rupture and

(Molnár, 2002d). Rupture of the cysts is release of spores occurring in August and
likely to result in the death of the host. September (Rhee et al., 1993). Infections of
Plasmodia vary greatly in size, depending catfish (Clarias gariepinus) from the River
on the species, from microscopic to over Nile, Egypt, with Henneguya supra-
5 mm in diameter. Myxobolus nodulo- branchiae Landsberg, 1987 give rise to large
intestinalis Masoumian, Baska and Molnár, intestinal cysts measuring up to 4.5 mm in
1996 produces large cysts in the intestinal diameter (El-Mansy, 2002). Prevalence was
wall of Barbus sharpeyi from south-west Iran, 21.2%. Plasmodia invade the outer layer of
constricting the gut lumen. Thelohanellus the intestine and cause pressure atrophy to
kitauei (Egusa and Nakajima, 1981) causes the smooth muscle layer, which becomes
serious disease in Israel carp (C. carpio discontinuous around the intestine.
nudus) in Korea. The parasite forms large Although Kudoa species are well-known
cysts on the intestinal mucosa, surrounded parasites of striated muscle (see above),
by a thin connective tissue capsule. Develop- some species invade other tissues, includ-
ment of the cysts is rapid during July, with ing the smooth muscle of the intestinal wall.
Phylum Myxozoa 271

Kudoa dianae Dyková, Fajer Avila and Direct fish-to-fish transmission occurs,
Fiala, 2002, a parasite of the bullseye puffer, presumably by ingestion of exfoliated intes-
Sphoeroides annulatus, was found in 20% tinal tissues infected with spores or pres-
of adults collected off the coast of Mexico. porogonic stages of the parasite, or by
Spores measure 4.5–5.5 µm in width and coprophagy. Experimental infections in
5.5–6.5 µm in thickness. Cysts were also S. aurata resulted in prevalence levels of up
located in mesenteric tissues. Although there to 33% and the onset of mortalities within
is no significant inflammatory reaction to 2 weeks of exposure by cohabitation or
intact cysts, spores from ruptured plasmodia exposure to effluent from a tank containing
are phagocytosed by macrophages and infected fish (Diamant, 1997). Pathological
transported to the mucosal epithelium, changes are similar to those in entero-
where they can totally replace the epithelial myxosis caused by E. scophthalmi (Fig. 8.16).
tissue (Dyková et al., 2002). Kudoa intestinalis Both species are serious threats to the
Maeno, Nagasawa and Sorimachi, 1993 mariculture of several fish species in the
infecting striped mullet, M. cephalus, from Mediterranean region.
Japan also infects the smooth muscle of the Emaciation disease of tiger puffer
intestine but is apparently non-pathogenic. (Takifugu rubripes) in the Kyushu district
E. scophthalmi is also a highly patho- of Japan has been noted since 1996 (Tin
genic histozoic parasite which causes the Tun et al., 2000). Clinical signs are princi-
disease enteromyxosis, characterized by pally general emaciation of the body,
severe enteritis and mortalites in cultured including enophthalmia and the appear-
turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) (Branson ance of bony ridges on the head. The dis-
et al., 1999; Palenzuela et al., 2002). Trans- ease can result in mortalities of up to 60%.
mission is direct, via cohabitation with Three myxozoans have been detected in the
infected fish, exposure to water contami- intestine of infected fish (namely E. fugu,
nated with spores and oral administration E. leei and Leptotheca fugu Tin Tun,
of infected intestinal tissue. Early develop- Yokoyama, Ogawa and Wakabayashi, 2000)
mental stages are intracellular within epi- (Ogawa and Yokoyama, 2001). Of these,
thelial cells and can be detected in the E. leei and E. fugu can be transmitted by
anterior intestine as early as day 8 following feeding on infected tissues, cohabitation
oral intubation. Proliferative stages become with infected fish and exposure to effluent
abundant intraepithelially and within the from tanks containing infected fish (Yasuda
lumen of the intestine (Redondo et al., 2002, et al., 2002). Histopathological changes
2003). Pathogenesis of the disease is depen- include infiltration with inflammatory cells
dent on temperature and mode of infection. into the lamina propria and epithelium,
Typical pathology includes vacuolation with eventual detachment of the mucosal
and sloughing of the epithelial cells and layer as infection with E. leei and E. fugu
oedema of the subepithelial tissues. Mortal- progresses. Enteromyxum fugu does not
ities occur within 3 weeks of exposure to appear to be pathogenic (Tin Tun et al.,
infected material and reach 100% in most 2002). The tissue tropism, morphological
experimental trials. Spores (22.2 µm in characteristics and pathogenicity of E. fugu
length and 11.7 µm in width) are scarce in are similar to those of Enteromyxum
infected animals, are not formed until late infections.
in the infections and do not appear to be
responsible for transmission to susceptible
hosts (Redondo et al., 2002). Infections of the swim bladder
E. leei was first noted as a pathogen of
cultured gilthead sea bream (S. aurata) There are several cyst-forming myxosporean
by Diamant (1992) and subsequently in sev- parasites that infect the wall of the swim
eral other cultured marine species in the bladder. In most cases, there is little sig-
Mediterranean area (Diamant et al., 1994; nificant host reaction to the parasite since
Le Breton and Marques, 1995; Diamant, 1998). sporogonic stages are not exposed to the
272 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

host immune system. However, as is the been achieved for M. cerebralis and
case for such infections in other locations M. pseudodispar (El-Matbouli et al., 1999b;
within the host, rupture of cysts results in a Székely et al., 2001). Myxozoans may be
vigorous inflammatory response. In the case transmitted to naïve hosts via exposure of
of swim bladder infections, the likely result fish to waters enzootic for the parasite in
is organ dysfunction, impaired swimming question and, for myxozoans with direct life
performance and possibly death. However, cycles, cohabitation with infected fish is
such an outcome has rarely been reported. also possible (Diamant, 1997; Redondo et al.,
In chub (L. cephalus) infected with Myxo- 2002; Yasuda et al., 2002). Intraperitoneal
bolus cycloides Gurley, 1893, infiltration of injection of extrasporogonic stages into
trophozoites with fibroblasts results in the naïve fish has been demonstrated for
isolation of small clusters of spores by T. bryosalmonae (Kent and Hedrick, 1985),
fibrous tissue and macrophages. Eventually C. shasta (Ibarra et al., 1991), S. renicola
there is complete encapsulation of the (Molnár and Kovács-Gayer, 1986), S. truttae
trophozoite and necrosis of the trapped (McGeorge et al., 1996b) and K. thyrsites
spores. M. cycloides is not regarded as a seri- (Moran et al., 1999a). Wolf and Markiw
ous pathogen (Holzer and Schachner, 2002). (1976) induced sporulation of M. cerebralis
The swim bladder is one site for trophozoites in media and Siau (1977) was
the extrasporogonic proliferative stage of able to culture Myxobolus exiguus Thélohan,
S. renicola in common carp fingerlings, 1895 sporoplasms in trout tissue culture
which causes swim bladder inflammation cells. Attempts by Redondo et al. (2003) to
(SBI). The stages comprise primary cells culture and maintain E. scophthalmi in a
containing up to approximately 50 second- variety of media were unsuccessful.
ary cells, each containing one or two ter-
tiary cells. Rupture of the primary cell
releases the secondary cells, which may Diagnosis of Infection
then grow, with internal division of the
enclosed cells to repeat the cycle. The Diagnosis of myxozoans is still mainly reli-
presence of large numbers of parasites in ant on morphological characteristics of
the swim bladder wall elicits a strong mature spore stages, using established crite-
inflammatory response. Hyperplasia of the ria (Lom and Arthur, 1989; Lom et al., 1997).
connective and epithelial tissues results in Detection of developmental stages from fresh
extreme thickening of the swim bladder material, smear preparations and histo-
wall, and haemorrhaging is frequently logical sections is dependent on the experi-
present. Affected fish display reduced ence of the investigator and the intensity of
swimming capability and poor growth. In the infection. However, specific identifica-
the acute phase, peritonitis and renal tion is generally not possible. Ultrastructural
hypertrophy can occur. Prognosis for fish investigations using sectioned material are
with SBI is poor and mortalities may occur rarely able to identify species, but scanning
(Körting, 1982; Csaba et al., 1984; Dyková electron microscopy provides valuable
and Lom, 1988a; Molnár, 1988). diagnostic data on the surface morphology
of spore stages (Lom and Dyková, 1993).
Fresh or fixed spores are best visualized
using phase contrast or differential inter-
In Vitro Culture and Propagation of ference contrast microscopy, whilst smears
the Parasite or imprints can be stained with Giemsa,
May–Grünwald–Giemsa or silver nitrate
There is a paucity of data on in vitro culture (Wolf and Markiw, 1979; Clifton-Hadley
methods for myxozoans. For a number of et al., 1983; Baska and Molnár, 1988).
freshwater myxozoans, transmission via the Biotinylated lectins have been used to char-
invertebrate hosts is possible, although reli- acterize the carbohydrate types within
able challenge methods have thus far only myxozoans and have some diagnostic value
Phylum Myxozoa 273

(Castagnaro et al., 1991; Marín de Mateo One of the major constraints of the PCR
et al., 1996; Muñoz et al., 1999a, 2000), and technique is that, whilst it demonstrates the
the fluorescent dye 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein presence of parasite DNA, it does not pro-
diacetate succinimidyl-ester (CFSE) has vide information on the viability or patho-
been used to determine routes of entry by logical effect of the parasite. Therefore, a
actinospores into the fish host (Yokoyama further refinement of the PCR method has
and Urawa, 1997). been in the development of the in situ
Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies hybridization technique to demonstrate the
have been developed for a number of myxo- presence of myxozoans in tissue sections
zoans that are important fish pathogens and (Antonio et al., 1998; Frasca et al., 1999;
used to detect both extrasporogonic and Morris et al., 1999, 2000b; Longshaw et al.,
spore stages and to study parasite anti- 2002).
gens. Antibodies have been raised against
T. bryosalmonae (Adams et al., 1992;
Marín de Mateo et al., 1996; Saulnier and Prevention and Control
de Kinkelin, 1996; Morris et al., 1997, 2000a),
C. shasta (Bartholomew et al., 1989c), A number of chemical and biological meth-
K. thyrsites (Chase et al., 2001), H. salmini- ods currently exist to negate or reduce the
cola (Clouthier et al., 1997), M. cerebralis impact of myxozoan infections in fish. Many
(Griffin and Davis, 1978; Markiw and Wolf, of the treatments proposed were developed
1978; Hamilton and Canning, 1988), Spha- prior to the discovery of myxozoan life
erospora dicentrarchi Sitja-Bobadilla and cycles and it may prove useful to examine
Alvarez-Pellitero, 1992 (Muñoz et al., 1998, the effectiveness of the various treatments
1999b) and M. rotundus (Lu et al., 2003). on actinospore stages as these may well be
The advent of molecular biology- more susceptible to treatment. However,
based tools has led to the development of conflicting data are provided for chemical
sensitive methods for the detection of treatments in the literature. The efficacy of
myxozoan parasites of economic concern drugs against myxozoans shows clear dif-
by targeting specific rDNA sequences, in ferences within both the myxozoan species
particular, the use of PCR to link the alter- and the genera tested. The reasons for these
nate stages of myxozoan life cycles (Andree differences are rarely discussed but may be
et al., 1997; Bartholomew et al., 1997; Lin related to pharmacodynamics, metabolism
et al., 1999; Pote et al., 2000; Feist et al., and excretion altering the mode of action of
2001; Hanson et al., 2001). Primers have the drug, as well as host susceptibility to
been developed that target both the 18S the disease and parasite loading. The use of
and the ITS regions of the rDNA (Andree reliable, controlled, laboratory challenge
et al., 1999a) and include generic myxozoan experiments, coupled with fish of a known
primers (Kent et al., 2001), genus-specific provenance, provides a real possibility of
(Andree et al., 1999b) and species-specific carrying out comparable drug trials to deter-
primers (Hervio et al., 1997; Saulnier and mine the mode of action and efficacy of
de Kinkelin, 1997; Andree et al., 1998; chemical treatments against important
Kent et al., 1998; Morris, D.C. et al., 2002). pathogenic myxozoans.
DNA sequence data from the PCR product Clifton-Hadley and Alderman (1987)
provide confirmation on species identity and Alderman and Clifton-Hadley (1988)
and in addition are routinely used for demonstrated that repeat treatment with
phylogenetic analysis. In addition, restric- malachite green of subclinical fish affected
tion fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) by PKD controlled the development of the
on PCR products can be used to discrimin- disease and the presence of the extra-
ate species and has been used to demon- sporogonic parasites in susceptible rainbow
strate phylogenetic links between species trout. Malachite green is ineffective against
(Xiao and Desser, 2000c; Eszterbauer et al., ceratomyxosis caused by C. shasta in
2001; Eszterbauer, 2002). rainbow trout (Ibarra et al., 1990). It is
274 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

recognized that repeated doses of malachite fumagillin nor TNP-470 significantly reduced
green can lead to pathological alterations of the number of M. cerebralis spores, although
livers and gills in exposed fish (Gerundo they did report some spore deformation, in
et al., 1991). The use of malachite green in contrast to El-Matbouli and Hoffmann
food fish is banned due to the accumulation (1991c), who were able to prevent the clinical
of the chemical or its metabolites in fish outbreak of whirling disease in O. mykiss fed
tissues and its potentially carcinogenic fumagillin DCH. Molnár et al. (1987)
properties. showed that, while fumagillin DCH worked
The oral administration of fumagillin against renal sphaerosporosis, it was ineffec-
or its analogue TNP-470 has been shown tive against early stages of S. renicola and
to be efficacious in the treatment of against M. cyprini and T. nikolskii in
T. bryosalmonae in chinook salmon and the same hosts. Similarly, fumagillin is
sockeye salmon (Hedrick et al., 1988b; ineffective against S. testicularis and
Higgins and Kent, 1998), H. carassii in C. shasta (Ibarra et al., 1990; Sitja-Bobadilla
C. auratus (Yokoyama et al., 1990b), renal and Alvarez-Pellitero, 1992).
sporogonic stages of S. renicola in C. carpio The anticoccidial drug toltrazuril
(Molnár et al., 1987), Myxobolus sp. in affects developmental stages of Myxobolus
O. masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus sp. in the gills of Abramis brama (Schmahl
(Murakami, 1980), T. wuhanensis in C. a. et al., 1989) but is ineffective against
gibelio (Wang et al., 2001) and M. giardi in H. carassii and S. renicola (Yokoyama et al.,
A. anguilla (Székely et al., 1988). However, 1990b; Molnár, 1993). Taylor et al. (1973)
as with malachite green, toxic effects have showed that oral administration of furazoli-
been reported in fish exposed to higher doses done reduced the numbers of M. cerebralis
of fumagillin, including reduced growth spores in fish and Alderman (1986) sug-
rates, direct mortality and reductions in the gested that a combined dose of proguanil
size of kidney and spleen (Wishkovsky HCl and clamoxyquin could also reduce
et al., 1990). These results were further con- M. cerebralis spore production and asso-
firmed by Le Gouvello et al. (1999), who ciated lesions.
showed that whilst a single treatment of As with many diseases, good hus-
fumagillin administered at 3 mg kg/body bandry practice in farm situations can help
weight/day was sufficient to reduce the to alleviate the symptoms of disease and
impact of PKD on rainbow trout farms, it reduce the impact of co-infections with
led to a loss of appetite in treated fish. other diseases. To reduce the spread of any
Whilst they did not find evidence of patho- infections, the movement of potentially
logical changes associated with a toxic infected fish should be avoided. Avoidance
effect due to fumagillin, they did report the of the actinospore stages, again in fish farms,
possibility that fumagillin, at least in the can reduce the transmission of myxozoans
early post-medication phase, may in fact to fish, either by rearing fish in borehole, fil-
depress the immune system, leading to an tered or ultraviolet (UV)- or ozone-treated
increase in stress and bacterial infections. water (Tipping, 1988; Nehring et al., 2003).
In contrast, Morris et al. (2003) demon- Rearing fish outside the critical period of
strated that in rainbow trout TNP-470 had transmission for infective stages may also
a similar pathological mechanism to be useful. De Kinkelin and Loriot (2001)
fumagillin. They suggested that, whilst a exposed naïve fish to infective stages of
treatment regime of 1.0 mg TNP-470/kg T. bryosalmonae and held them at between
fish/day for 6 days was successful at remov- 10 and 11°C for up to 4 months prior to an
ing parasites from the host, there was con- increase in temperature permissive for full
flicting evidence regarding the mortality development of PKD. An effective immune
effects of the drug and further work would response was instigated that provided pro-
be required to test the effects of the drug on tection against PKD. Due to the inherent
different host species. Additionally, Staton nature of fish farming, in many farms it is
et al. (2002) demonstrated that neither impossible to control the temperature of the
Phylum Myxozoa 275

inflowing water and thus this approach has Two methods that may show promise
limited value. However, many farmers are as a control mechanism are interfering with
able to manage the disease by a controlled the actinospore’s ability to penetrate the
exposure programme involving the expo- host by manipulation of the triggers that the
sure of salmonids to infective stages in the actinospore responds to, such as mucus
late autumn and overwintering the fish. and its constituents, and disrupting the bio-
By the following summer most fish are chemical pathways involved in the patho-
immune to PKD (Longshaw et al., 2002). genesis of the parasites (Longshaw et al., 2003).
El-Matbouli et al. (1999a) showed that The susceptibility of different fish spe-
high temperatures were successful at stop- cies to myxozoan infections is known, par-
ping actinospore production in T. tubifex ticularly for C. shasta, M. cerebralis and
and killing all developmental stages in the T. bryosalmonae, which may have some
host. value in reducing the impact of these dis-
In both wild and farmed fish, the eases at certain sites by selecting resistant
removal of dead and moribund fish from a species for culture, thus reducing the avail-
system is critical to limit the release of ability of hosts for the parasite and poten-
spores from these animals. A possibility for tially breaking the life cycle. Rainbow trout
reducing the availability of myxospores in (O. mykiss), steelhead trout (O. mykiss) and
wild situations may be either to remove clin- chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) are more
ically affected fish and fish from areas with susceptible to M. cerebralis infections com-
high levels of infection or to remove the pared with coho salmon (O. kisutch) and
older age classes, which would release large brown trout (S. trutta) (Hedrick et al., 1999,
numbers of myxospores to the environment 2001b). Similarly, O. mykiss and Onco-
following death. The draining, drying out rhynchus clarki are susceptible to C. shasta
and liming of fish ponds reduces the num- infections, whereas S. fontinalis, S. salar,
bers of both myxospores and oligochaetes. S. trutta, O. nerka, O. tshawytscha, O. kisutch
Wagner (2002) reviewed the current state of and Oncorhynchus keta are relatively resis-
knowledge regarding the prevention, control tant to the disease (Bartholomew, 1998) and
and management of whirling disease. a similar differential susceptibility is known
The alteration of the habitat may have for T. bryosalmonae (Hedrick et al., 1993).
an impact on myxozoan infections. Reduc- However, the factors that confer resistance
ing the availability of suitable habitats for for one disease are not necessarily the same
oligochaetes and/or bryozoans, such as by for all myxozoan diseases, since it is known
rearing fish in concrete raceways, reduces that C. shasta-resistant rainbow trout are
the numbers of alternate hosts available to susceptible to infections with M. cerebralis
transmit the parasite to fish, thus reducing (Hedrick et al., 2001a).
the overall prevalence. There is evidence to The host strain also has an impact on
suggest that this may be a possibility as it susceptibility, which has led some authors
has been shown that T. tubifex maintained to suggest that there may be development of
in mud and sand released more actino- resistance through natural selection, which
spores than counterparts held in leaf litter is passed on to the progeny. Evidence of a
(Blazer et al., 2003). Conversely, habitat genetic basis to disease resistance is only
degradation may increase the numbers and now becoming available and has been dem-
types of oligochaetes and reduce host onstrated through selective breeding and
defence mechanisms to allow an increase in species hybridization, coupled with
severity and prevalence of certain Myxozoa. molecular markers to identify the genetic
Stevens et al. (2001) found that the initial loci involved (Ibarra et al., 1994; Bosworth
M. cerebralis myxospore dose affected the et al., 2003; Nichols et al., 2003). Manipula-
number of actinospores produced in tion and integration of the resistance ‘genes’
T. tubifex and that the parasite reduced the into strains of fish may provide a useful
biomass, abundance and individual weights means of controlling these important
of oligochaetes. diseases.
276 S.W. Feist and M. Longshaw

Fish can respond to myxozoan infec- For most, the mechanisms of migration
tions through a number of specific and replication within the host remain a
and non-specific mechanisms. Long-term mystery. Host immunology during myxozoan
acquired immune responses are known infections remains little studied, apart from
to occur in fish with a historical exposure recent investigations into diseases such
to T. bryosalmonae, E. scophthalmi and as PKD and ceratomyxosis in salmonids.
C. shasta (Foott and Hedrick, 1987; Increasing knowledge in this area will offer
Bartholomew, 1998; Sitjà-Bobadilla et al., insights into the molecular aspects of
2004). Detailed understanding of these host–parasite responses, which may offer
responses will assist in the development of potential for the development of DNA-based
strategies towards negating the impact of vaccines. However, it currently seems
diseases on the host. Studies investigating unlikely that these will be developed in the
the molecular basis of the immune response near future. The application of genomic,
via expression of immune-regulatory genes proteomic and metabolomic methodology
during the pathogenesis of myxozoan dis- offers powerful tools to characterize the
eases will identify specific dynamic changes occurring within the hosts during
changes occurring during the disease pro- the disease process and may reveal mole-
cess (Holland et al., 2003). Ultimately, tech- cular targets for diagnosis and treatment.
niques to boost the immune system to The elucidation of the life cycle for several
combat important myxozoan infections and myxosporeans and the malacosporean
the development of vaccines against these T. bryosalmonae offers the most immediate
diseases will provide a successful means of opportunity for amelioration of the diseases
reducing the impact of these parasites. caused by these organisms. With this
Another approach for the possible control knowledge, management strategies aimed at
of whirling disease by inhibiting parasite avoidance of the infectious stage or deliber-
protease activity has been suggested (Kelley ate exposure aimed at eliciting an effective
et al., 2004). host response without the manifestation of
clinical disease will continue to be refined
according to local situations until propri-
etary treatments become available.
Summary and Conclusions Significant advances regarding the
phylogeny of the Myxozoa have been made
During the past decade there have been sev- in recent years, in particular, associated
eral significant advances in the knowledge with the suppression of the class Actino-
of myxozoan parasites and the diseases they sporea and the erection of the class
cause. Many new species have been identi- Malacosporea following the recognition of
fied and the increasing use of rDNA bryozoans as hosts. The recognition of the
sequencing has and will continue to play a enigmatic parasite B. plumatellae as a
pivotal role in the confident assignment of myxozoan and subsequent morphological
these, particularly since many ‘species’ and molecular studies have provided com-
exhibit spore pleomorphism, both within pelling evidence that myxozoans are highly
individual plasmodia and in those occurring specialized triploblast animals, possibly
in multiple sites within hosts. Although most related to the Nematoda. There are likely to
species cause little harm, a few have become be several interesting developments in this
recognized as serious pathogens, especially area as new invertebrate hosts for similar
in aquaculture situations. Detailed studies parasites become recognized. Fundamental
on host–parasite interactions have provided understanding of the evolutionary aspects
valuable information on the pathogenesis of of myxozoan biology will also be refined.
these, and the cellular aspects of the host res- Interest in the life cycles of marine species
ponse to myxozoan infections is reasonably and their anticipated invertebrate hosts will
well understood. However, this is true only surely provide many fascinating discover-
for a small percentage of known species. ies. Practical applications for infections
Phylum Myxozoa 277

in mariculture species can be anticipated. With the continuing increase in aqua-

In addition, the discovery of myxozoan para- culture and the introduction of new species,
sites in mammals and birds indicates the it is likely that myxozoan parasites will also
possibility that many other hosts are yet to continue to pose health challenges to the
be identified. industry, both from previously undescribed
Most investigations consider myxozoan species and from others able to exploit a new
pathogenicity at the individual level, with niche in high-density host populations. Para-
comment on the extent of mortalities in cap- sites, such as E. leei, with direct transmis-
tive populations. However, with the notable sion capabilities will pose the most serious
exception of whirling disease, there have threats. Epidemiological approaches and the
been few investigations on the effect of application of risk analysis for assessment
myxozoan parasites on wild populations. of potential disease spread have begun to
That the pathogenicity of myxozoan para- be used for fish diseases, particularly
sites and other pathogens is dependent on a those listed by the Office International des
wide range of factors, both internal and Epizooties (OIE). Similar approaches applied
external to the host, is accepted. Usually, to the study of myxozoan infections in wild
descriptions of the ‘diseases’ caused indicate populations will be useful for understanding
the more severe manifestations and may temporal and spatial changes in infection
comment on individual survivability in the rates, especially where environmental data
short term. However, most myxozoans, even are also considered.
if they cause acute disease, do not kill their
host unless secondary stressors and/or
reduced immunocompetence has a signifi- Acknowledgements
cant effect. Consequently, myxozoan parasit-
ism tends to be chronic, with the host able to We wish to thank the numerous colleagues
survive for several years, depending on the and friends who have provided material,
species. There are very few data on the reprints and valuable discussions over the
effects of such chronic parasitism in wild years. We acknowledge the support from
fish populations and only in the case of the Department for Environment, Food and
whirling disease have population declines Rural Affairs (Defra) (contracts FC1138,
been associated with the infection. An FC1137, CDEP 84/5/287, CDEP 84/5/312
important area of research will be to under- and AE003). We are indebted to Drs
stand the long-term impacts of these infec- Michael Kent and Chris Whipps (University
tions at the population level. Knowledge of of Oregon), Dr Beth Okamura (University
the population biology of target species and of Reading) and Prof. Elizabeth Canning
of invertebrate hosts will be essential in this (University of London) for allowing us
regard. access to unpublished manuscripts.


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9 Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes)

Kurt Buchmann and José Bresciani

Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University,
Stigbojlen 4, DK-1870 Frederiksberg C, Denmark

GENERAL The majority of the monogeneans are

on external surfaces of fish (skin, fins, gills,
Introduction mouth cavity, nostrils) but a few species
have adopted an endoparasitic life. Thus,
Monogeneans are flatworms (Platyhelmin- the bladder and urinary ducts (Acolpenteron
thes) with representatives in freshwater, ureteroecetes in labrids), the foregut and
brackish and marine habitats. The vast stomach (e.g. Enterogyrus sp. in Pomacanthus
majority of species are ectoparasitic and they paru (Cone et al., 1987)) and even the cloaca
all have a direct life cycle, i.e. without inter- (Calicotyle kroyeri in skates and rays) may
mediate hosts. Although a number of species serve as a microhabitat for a few species. In
parasitize cephalopods, amphibians, reptiles addition, the gill-parasitic amphibdellids
and mammals, most of these platyhelminths have juvenile stages in the blood of electric
are fish parasites with a relatively high host rays (Llewellyn, 1960). However, even rela-
specificity. Thus, it is generally assumed tively homogeneous organs such as the
that many fish hosts (agnathans, cartilagi- gills, the fins or the skin comprise subcom-
nous and bony fish) harbour at least one partments which serve as microhabitats.
unique monogenean species and this pre- Monogeneans tend to select these rather
sumption can be used to estimate the total specific microhabitats on their fish hosts
number of species present. Since there are (e.g. Rohde, 1977; Euzet and Combes, 1998).
more than 25,000 known teleost species, it is The main character of the group is the
tempting to suggest that the total number of opisthaptor (main adhesive apparatus in
monogenean species exceeds this number, the hind part of the worm) (Figs 9.1, 9.2 and
although fewer than 3000 species have been 9.3). This organ of attachment is normally
described (Whittington, 1998). Furthermore, equipped with sclerotinized structures
it was recently suggested (Bakke et al., 2002) (hooks, clamps and suckers). Also the fore
that there are about 20,000 species in the part of the worm has attaching capacities
genus Gyrodactylus alone. The potential for (adhesive pads, cephalic openings) and is
expansion of our knowledge about this referred to as the prohaptor.
group of platyhelminths was further stressed Monogeneans are an evolutionarily old
by Lim (1998), who stated that only 8% of animal group that is believed to have
the South-east Asian monogenean species evolved from ancestral ecto-commensal tur-
are known. bellarians several hundred millions of years
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
(ed. P.T.K. Woo) 297
298 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

Fig. 9.3. Oviparous polyopisthocotylean

(Discocotyle sagittata). Drawing by Beth Beyerholm.

Fig. 9.1. Oviparous monopisthocotylean ago (Llewellyn, 1982; Kearn, 1994). These
monogenean (Tetraonchus sp.). Drawing by Beth
platyhelminths have demonstrated an
impressive adaptability to changing envi-
ronmental and host conditions. Thus, the
high number of species is probably not only
the result of co-evolution between host and
parasite but may also result from host
switching (Bakke et al., 2002; Zietara and
Lumme, 2002). This is especially true of the
gyrodactylids, a group of parasites that
spread directly from fish to fish or via a
transient residence on the substrate before
infecting a range of hosts that reside in a
specific habitat. Thus, a wide range of fish
species may be exposed to infection and
some of these exhibit some degree of sus-
ceptibility, which provides the basis for a
new parasite–host system.
Two quite different dominant lineages
have been suggested for the monogeneans,
and they are the monopisthocotyleans and
the polyopisthocotyleans. An alternative
nomenclature based on an analysis of ana-
tomical and ultrastructural features defines
the subclass Polyonchoinea (equivalent to
Monopisthocotylea, with 18 families) and a
clade corresponding to Polyopisthocotylea
comprising the subclasses Polystomatoinea
Fig. 9.2. Viviparous gyrodactylid monogenean (two families) and Oligonchoinea (30 fami-
(Gyrodactylus sp.). Drawing by Beth Beyerholm. lies) (Boeger and Kritsky, 1997). These two
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 299

main groups differ markedly in morphol- introduced into the Aral Sea in 1934, with
ogy, anatomy, nutrition, physiology and 350,000 and 7,000,000 larvae in 1933 and
reproduction. Molecular and ultrastructural 1934, respectively. Following its introduc-
studies have even suggested that Monogenea tion in the 1930s, the parasite propagated in
comprising these two groups is not a the highly susceptible host, leading to
monophyletic group (Justine, 1998). The heavy parasite burdens and high mortality.
differences in anatomy, physiology and par- The intensities of infection reached 600
ticular feeding activity between these two worms per fish and the prevalence was
groups have important implications for 100% in most areas. The devastating effect
their pathogenicity. Polyopisthocotyleans of the worm on the gills impaired gas
are blood feeders, whereas monopistho- exchange and thereby survival, which left
cotyleans are epithelial feeders browsing the local fish stock in a very bad state (Lutta,
the host surface and ingesting epithelial 1941; Petrushevski and Shulman, 1961).
cells, mucus and only occasionally a lim- Similarly, wild populations of Atlantic
ited amount of blood leaking from haemor- salmon (Salmo salar) in more than 44
rhages. This is the basis for a clear Norwegian rivers have been infected by
difference in gut morphology, nutrition and Gyrodactylus salaris since 1970 and this has
physiology between the two groups (Smyth resulted in heavy losses of wild salmon fry
and Halton, 1983). Likewise, the direct in affected rivers (Johnsen and Jensen, 1986;
ingestion of host blood (with its high con- Mo, 1994). The parasite originated from an
tent of immune factors) in polyopisthocoty- isolated stock of Baltic salmon in Sweden
leans probably demands a quite special and was probably imported on several occa-
immune evasion strategy compared with sions into Norwegian rivers and fish produc-
monopisthocotyleans ingesting mucus, epi- tion systems in the 1970s (Hansen et al.,
thelial cells and occasionally some blood 2003). The Baltic salmon seems to be rela-
cells leaking from haemorrhages. tively resistant compared with the Atlantic
salmon in Norway and Scotland (Bakke
et al., 1990; Bakke and MacKenzie, 1993;
Epizootics in Wild Fish Stocks Dalgaard et al., 2003). The resistance is prob-
ably because the Baltic salmon had coex-
Despite the fact that many host–monogenean isted with the parasite for a few thousand
systems appear well adapted, several reports years. In contrast, the Norwegian salmon
have described high pathogenicity of mono- had no history of coexistence with the para-
geneans to certain host species, not only in site before 1970, whereby no selection of
aquaculture systems but also in natural resistance had occurred. It appears that the
lakes, rivers and seas. Thus, dramatic de- introduction of certain species of mono-
creases of wild fish stocks due to heavy and geneans to previously unexposed host spe-
uncontrolled infections by monogeneans cies may lead to uncontrolled and epidemic
are known from the Aral Sea, where the outbreaks of monogenean infections. A num-
local population of the spiny sturgeon ber of other epidemics with fatal outbreaks
(Acipenser nudiventris) experienced mass of monogenean infections have been repor-
mortality and became severely decimated ted. Other reports of mass mortality include
after introduction of the capsalid mono- the death of 87,000 Japanese anchovy
genean Nitzschia sturionis into this marine (Engraulis japonica) infected with Pseudan-
habitat. This parasite, occupying the gills thocotyloides sp. in the semi-enclosed Sea of
and buccal cavity of the host, has a body Iyo, Japan (Yamamoto et al., 1984). These
length of up to 20 mm and was probably mazocraeid monogeneans are sanguinivorous
introduced into the Aral Sea with infected gill parasites and intensities of up to 60
stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus) from worms per fish were found. Considering that
the Caspian Sea in the 1930s. Ninety the hosts had body lengths of 5.8–6.8 cm, it
spawners of the stellate sturgeon, which was suggested that anaemia was the cause of
had not been examined for infections, were the mortality. Correspondingly, in Japanese
300 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

marine waters, the monogenean Neohetero- the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, has
bothrium hirame has been found to be asso- experienced severe problems caused by
ciated with a decline of Japanese flounders, the gill parasites Pseudodactylogyrus bini,
Paralichthys olivaceus (Ogawa, 2002). Recent Pseudodactylogyrus anguillae and Gyro-
studies indicated that the pathogenicity of dactylus anguillae (Ogawa and Egusa, 1976,
N. hirame is increased by concomitant infec- 1980; Buchmann, 1997). Rainbow trout,
tions with marine strains of the viral haem- Oncorhynchus mykiss, and brown trout,
orrhagic septicaema (VHS) virus (Shirakashi Salmo trutta, cultivated in Europe suffer
et al., 2003). from skin and fin infections with Gyro-
dactylus derjavini (Buchmann and Uldal,
1997). Also gill infections with the blood-
Epizootics in Cultured Fish feeding polyopisthocotylean Discocotyle
sagittata are a health problem, eliciting seri-
In many aquaculture systems (both fresh- ous anaemia in trout (Rubio-Godoy et al.,
water and marine) where fish are at a high 2003b). Likewise, salmonids kept in fresh-
stocking density and in confined environ- water rearing facilities in North America
ments, monogeneans are often important have infections with Gyrodactylus salmonis
pathogens because they propagate rapidly and Gyrodactylus colemanensis (Cone and
and are transferred readily between fish Cusack, 1988). Atlantic salmon, S. salar, can
(Thoney and Hargis, 1991). In fish culture harbour lethal infections with G. salaris;
systems where monogenean infections are these are primarily on the fins and skin and
allowed to develop due to appropriate only occasionally on the gills (Mo, 1994). In
abiotic and biotic conditions, uncontrolled Japan, other salmonids such as Masou
high morbidity and mortality occur. If left salmon, Oncorhynchus masou, are hosts for
untreated, this will lead to serious eco- Tetraonchus awakurai and Tetraonchus
nomic loss for fish farmers. The mass infec- oncorhynchi, which can cause severe mor-
tions may be based partly on the innate tality (Ogawa and Egusa, 1985). Various cat-
susceptibility of the fish, which can be fish species are hosts for monogeneans. The
influenced by stressful environmental con- European catfish Silurus glanis can have
ditions. Thus, cortisol released in response high populations of Ancylodiscoides vistu-
to stress or artificially administered gluco- lensis (Molnar, 1968; Szekely and Molnar,
corticoids decrease the resistance of fish to 1990). Severe morbidity due to Gyrodactylus
monogenean infections (Harris et al., 2000). groschafti infections on African catfish Clarias
gariepinus was reported by Obiekezie and
Taege (1991). The guppy Poecilia reticulata,
Freshwater facilities which is an important ornamental fish, is host
for the congeners Gyrodactylus bullatarudis
Common carp, Cyprinus carpio, suffers from and Gyrodactylus turnbulli (Scott, 1985).
infections with several species of Dactylo- As a specialized variant of aquaculture
gyrus and Gyrodactylus (Wunder, 1929; enterprises, public freshwater aquaria and
Wilde, 1935; Bauer et al., 1973). Recently, exhibition facilities may have serious prob-
mass mortality of koi carp occurred in con- lems due to monogenean infections on their
nection with heavy infections by mainly fish. Thus, the pirarucu, Arapaima gigas,
Dactylogyrus formosus and five other conge- can experience severe morbidity and heavy
neric species (Kritsky and Heckmann, 2002). mortality due to Dawestrema cycloanci-
Similar problems exist in production facili- strium (Buchmann et al., 1994). This is
ties for other cyprinids, such as grass carp not confined to monogeneans parasitizing
(Ctenopharyngodon idella), bighead carp the external surfaces of the host but also
(Aristichthys nobilis), tench (Tinca tinca) those colonizing the internal organs. For
and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) example, Acolpenteron ureteroecetes in
(Bauer et al., 1973). Production of eels, such the ureters of largemouth bass, Micro-
as the European eel, Anguilla anguilla, and pterus salmoides, may reach intensities in
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 301

hatching facilities which elicit mortalities various microbothriids, such as Dermo-

(Petrie-Hanson, 2001). phthirius (Cheung et al., 1982; Rand et al.,
1986), and monocotylids, such as Dendro-
monocotyle (Chisholm and Whittington,
Mariculture 2003). Mariculture of tilapia experienced
problematic infections with N. melleni
Mariculture enterprises may also be ham- (Kaneko et al., 1988) and the emerging fin
pered by severe monogenean infections. Sea fish culture in Australian marine waters has
bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, production has also suffered devastating infections with
experienced severe problems with the gill this parasite (Deveney et al., 2001). Deveney
parasites Diplectanum aequans and Diple- et al. (2001) described an outbreak of
ctanum laubieri (Oliver, 1977; Gonzales- N. melleni in cultured barramundi (Lates
Lanza et al., 1991). Related diplectanid calcarifer), resulting in the death of 200,000
monogeneans have produced problems in fish. Yellowtail cultured in this region also
grouper culture in South-east Asia (Leong, suffers from infections with B. seriolae and
1997). Likewise representatives of the Zeuxapta seriolae (Ernst et al., 2003). Related
related genus Pseudorhabdosynochus are parasites, such as Benedenia monticelli, are
expected to pose problems in Brazilian cul- considered pathogenic in mullets (Paperna
ture of Epinephelus niveatus (Santos et al., et al., 1984) and, as mentioned above, B.
2000). Gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata, seriolae affects yellowtail culture. Common
cultured in the Mediterranean, is host for sole, Solea solea, which is normally only
problematic monogeneans, such as Furne- lightly infected under natural conditions,
stia echeneis (Paperna et al., 1977) and can have dense populations of Entobdella
Microcotyle chrysophrii (Oliver, 1984; Faisal soleae in captivity (Anderson and Conroy,
and Imam, 1990). Monogenean problems in 1968; Kearn, 2002). Generally it seems that
Japanese mariculture have been intensely many monogenean parasites can propagate
studied for many years. Thus, Japanese in an uncontrolled way if suitable condi-
yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata, cultures tions (e.g. temperature, salinity, pH, con-
have suffered from heavy infections by fined environments) for reproduction are
Benedenia seriolae and Heteraxine hetero- available (Thoney and Hargis, 1991).
cerca (Egusa, 1983). Red Sea bream, Pagrus
major, cultured in Japanese waters, suffer
from Anoplodiscus tai infections (Ogawa, Morphology of Monogeneans
1994) and Japanese flounder, P. olivaceus,
both wild and in culture, can be severely Monogeneans comprise two very distinct
affected by N. hirame (Hayward et al., 2001; groups, the Monopisthocotylea (Figs 9.1
Ogawa, 2002). Similarly, tiger puffer, Taki- and 9.2) and Polyopisthocotylea (Fig. 9.3),
fugu rubripes, suffers from infections with which differ considerably, with important
Heterobothrium okamotoi (Ogawa, 2002). implications for pathogenicity, treatment
Apart from food-fish production, other and host response.
aquaculture production types face similar
monogenean problems. Marine exhibition
General adult monogenean parasite
aquaria are excellent habitats for mono-
genean propagation. The capsalid Neobe-
nedenia melleni was reported to have
caused morbidity and mortality of a range The most important adhesion apparatus is
of marine teleosts in the New York aquar- the opisthaptor, which is located posteriorly
ium well before 1930 (Jahn and Kuhn, 1932; (Fig. 9.4). It is often equipped with charac-
Nigrelli and Breder, 1934). This parasite teristic sclerotinized structures used for attach-
showed an unusually broad host spectrum ment to the host. The attachment sclerites can
and infected several species of fishes. Also be formed as large hooks or anchors (hamuli)
sharks and rays may be severely affected by (Fig. 9.5). Some may be able to penetrate
302 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

Fig. 9.4. Gyrodactylus derjavini, dorsal view

showing opisthaptor firmly attached to fin of
rainbow trout. Fig. 9.6. Pseudodactylogyrus anguillae, distal part
of one hamulus able to penetrate gill tissue.

Fig. 9.7. Gyrodactylus derjavini, marginal hooklets

on opisthaptor able to penetrate epithelial cells of fins.

lamellae of the host gill (Fig. 9.8 and 9.9).

Several other specialized structures, such
as suckers, septae or squamodiscs, may be
found in association with the opisthaptor.
The outer lining of the monogenean is a
Fig. 9.5. Gyrodactylus derjavini, ventral view of syncytial tegument composed of an outer
opisthaptor showing two large hamuli in sheaths anucleated layer and a basal nucleated layer
and 16 marginal hooklets. in the parenchyma (Lyons, 1970; El-Naggar
and Kearn, 1983). The outer tegumental
host tissue (Fig. 9.6), whereas others may plasma membrane is covered by a glycocalyx
serve a non-penetrating spring function, showing positive reactions for various carbo-
securing tension of attachment sites. These hydrates. Although the tegument of many
are often connected by transverse bars and species is relatively smooth, it can be
plates. In addition, smaller marginal hooklets equipped with microvilli, especially in
(Fig. 9.7) assist the attachment. They are able the adhesive regions of the parasite, such
to penetrate epithelial cells and generate a as cephalic openings in Gyrodactylus
firm contact with the host. Polyopistho- (Buchmann and Bresciani, 1999). Spines also
cotyleans can possess sclerotized clamps, occur. The tegument seems to be quite active
often in large numbers, which are extremely and may serve osmoregulatory and excretory
important for pinching the secondary functions. It is well equipped with
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 303

Fig. 9.9. The opisthocotylean Discocotyle

sagittata, adult worm (length 4 mm) with clamps on
opisthaptor. Parasite kindly provided by Miguel

1978; El-Naggar and Kearn, 1980; Kearn and

Evans-Gowing, 1998). Sticky secretions
may allow the worm to attach to the sub-
strate (fish or other materials) and addi-
tional secretions released can subsequently
Fig. 9.8. The polyopisthocotylean gill eliminate the adhesive and allow the worm
monogenean Axine bellone (length 2.5 mm), to detach. Preliminary studies suggested
a. attached to gill lamellae of garfish, b. ventral that the material is proteinaceous in nature
view showing numerous clamps on opisthaptor, (Whittington et al., 2000). Although only a
c. clamps on opisthaptor (width of clamp 20 µm). limited number of studies have been con-
Parasites kindly provided by Eric Buchmann. ducted on gland cells in the cephalic
region, it is generally assumed that these
mitochondria and secretory bodies. It has play a crucial role in attachment and com-
been suggested that some trans-tegumental munication with the host (El-Naggar and
uptake of nutrients may occur (Halton, 1978). Kearn, 1980; Whittington et al., 2000).

Anterior adhesive pads Digestive gland cells

The fore part of monogeneans plays a cru- Different gland cells serving various pur-
cial role in attachment, movement, feeding poses, such as adhesion or digestion, are
and reproduction (Whittington et al., 2000). found in monogeneans (Smyth and Halton,
It has been suggested that at least three 1983). Enzymes produced in association
types of gland cells secrete products with the gut of gyrodactylids include
involved in attachment of the parasite to the alkaline and acid phosphatases, esterases
substrate (host or external items) (Kritsky, and proteases (Buchmann, 1998b). The
304 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

purposes of these enzymes have been only on host material is active and requires a
partly explored but may have importance developed and coordinated neuromuscular
for pathogenicity of the parasite when system. The worms generally possess an
enzymes are released into host tissue, initi- orthogonal central nervous system, com-
ating extracorporeal digestion. Likewise, posed of three pairs of longitudinal nerve
enzymes released from the worms may act trunks (dorsal, ventral and lateral) intercon-
as important antigens in the host immune nected with transverse commissures (Halton
response. et al., 1993, 1998). There is a rudimentary
brain, composed of cerebral ganglionic col-
lections of nerve cells, which are connected
Sensory system
by commissures, from where the longitudi-
Various types of sense organs exist in mon- nal nerve cords extend anteriorly or posteri-
ogeneans (Lyons, 1969; Watson and Rohde, orly (Fig. 9.10a). In the opisthaptor, the nerve
1994). From in vitro studies with these platy- roots (Fig. 9.10b) extend to the periphery for
helminths, it is evident that they respond innervation of attachment musculature con-
actively to both mechanical and chemical nected to hooks or clamps. All major anatom-
stimuli. Chemotaxis in host finding has been ical elements (cephalic openings, pharynx,
described (Kearn, 1967). Likewise, reactions buccal suckers, mouth, gonopore, cirrus,
to light (photopositive or photonegative subtegumental musculature) are innervated
behaviour) have been studied in larval by the peripheral nervous system. Neuro-
monogeneans (e.g. Bychowsky, 1957). It is transmitters in the nervous system and the
therefore believed that chemoreceptors, neuromuscular system have been studied
tangoreceptors, rheoreceptors and photo- extensively (Halton et al., 1993, 1998). Histo-
receptors function in monogeneans. Many chemically, esterases such as acetylcho-
larval monopisthocotyleans (oncomiracidia) linesterase can be found both in the central
have two pairs of pigmented eyes, which and peripheral system (Fig. 9.10a,b). In
may be equipped with lenses. Polyopistho- addition to these cholinergic nerves, a
cotylean larvae have one pair of eyes, which number of aminergic nerves are found, both
normally are without lenses (see Smyth and histochemically and by use of immunocyto-
Halton, 1983). The eye may be equipped chemistry. Serotonin is generally less abun-
with melanin in the supporting cells, but dant but may be found in the major
ciliary eyes consisting of a single cell may compartments. Further, a range of peptides
be found. Isolated, single, unicellulated can be localized immunocytochemically in
receptors are embedded in the tegument the worms. Monogeneans do not possess a
and can be seen projecting from the general circulatory system through which hormones
worm surface and may register touch or may fulfil their function. The presence of
flow in the water. Groups of unicellulated hormones and peptides in the monogenean
receptors are called compound receptors. nerves indicates that this system may have
They are mostly distributed in the anterior a role to play for hormonal function in
part of the worm and it is speculated that platyhelminths. In this context it could be
they function as chemo- and tangosensors. suggested that various host substances
Also, compound multiciliated receptors (steroids, peptides, proteins) could affect the
made of a number of nerve endings, each behaviour of the parasite. Correspondingly,
bearing modified cilia, can be found. the signal molecules in the parasites could
Monogeneans may have papillae equipped interfere with epidermal functions in the
with and penetrated by nerves, which may host.
serve a function in attachment to the host.
Muscular system
Nervous system
Many monogeneans are able to move rapidly.
Most monogeneans are mobile and move act- They can be seen moving in a leech-like
ively in their microhabitat. Likewise, feeding manner if they are isolated or moving on
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 305

Fig. 9.10. Histochemical demonstration of the nervous system of Pseudodactylogyrus bini visualized due
to activity of cholinesterases, a. anterior part of worm with four eye spots and cerebral ganglia, b. posterior
body and opisthaptor with hamuli.

fins, skin or gills. Typically, a sequence of layer of transverse fibres. Additional

movements consists of stretching the body, oblique, diagonal, dorsoventral or radial
attaching the anteriormost part of the worm, fibres can be found. Thus, the opisthaptor,
detaching and lifting the opisthaptor, bend- with its hooks, suckers and clamps, the
ing the body and attaching the haptor next pharynx and the male copulatory organs are
to the fore part, which will then detach. richly supplied with muscles. They are all
Likewise, feeding, including attachment of non-striated and contain many mitochon-
the feeding organ to the host surface and dria, allowing the typical coordinated move-
active function of the mouth and pharynx, ments composed of stretching, shortening
is based on coordinated muscular actions. and bending.
Reproduction involves movement of male
and female copulatory organs and repro-
Alimentary canal
ductive tracts, with sphincters coordinating
neuromuscular functions (see Halton et al., The digestive system in monogeneans is
1998). Muscles in monogeneans are gener- comprised of the mouth, pharynx and
ally arranged below the worm surface as intestinal caeca. These latter are normally
an inner layer of longitudinal and outer paired and can be simple and unbranched
306 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

or can branch or anastomose. A range Parasite Identification

of enzymes are released by gland cells
associated with the mouth, pharynx or Classical morphological method
caeca. The gastrodermis serves for absorp-
tion of nutrients and is developed accord- Sclerotinized elements – hard parts
ing to the food type. Polyopisthocotyleans,
which are primarily sanguinivorous, are Classical descriptions of monogeneans have
adapted for the absorption of haemoglobin been based on drawings and measurements
(Halton, 1974), whereas the monopis- from slide preparations, i.e. helminths
thocotylean surface browsers are adapted embedded in Canada balsam or other
to digestion of epithelial cells and mucus. lipophilic mounting media or hydrophilic
Most investigated monogeneans possess media such as glycerine gelatin. Gyrodac-
cellular gastodermis. However, the intesti- tylids are especially well suited for embed-
nal lining of gyrodactylids is a syncytium ding in ammonium picrate glycerine
(Kritsky et al., 1994). (Malmberg, 1970). Studies on live worms
are used for description of the excretory
systems and distribution of flame cells. The
Excretory system primary characters are the shape and size of
Worm excretory products are released hard sclerotinized parts, such as hamuli,
though two anterolateral openings leading clamps and marginal hooklets, and their
to the collecting ducts, which again are con- arrangement on the opisthaptor. Addition-
nected to a protonephridial system, con- ally, hard reproductive organs, such as the
sisting of flame cells, capillaries and ducts. vagina, cirrus and accessory cirrus, are
The ultrastructure of the flame bulbs and important characters. However, body length
capillaries (presence of septate junctions and width, arrangements of testes, ovary,
and lamellae) differs among groups and vitellaria, pharynx and intestinal caeca and
reflects the phylogeny of the worms gland cell distribution may also supple-
(Rohde, 1993). It is likely that the system ment the description. It should be noted
serves an osmoregulatory role, in addition that the water temperature at sampling sites
to elimination of waste material. The dis- may influence the size of sclerotized struc-
tribution of flame cells and ducts is an tures (Mo, 1991, 1993). Following treatment
important taxonomic character (e.g. with silver nitrate and ultraviolet (UV)
Malmberg, 1970). exposure, various sensillae on the parasites
may be visible. The arrangement and distri-
bution of these (chaetotaxy) represent
Reproductive system important taxonomic characters (Shinn
Monogeneans are hermaphroditic flatworms et al., 1997).
and are equipped with an ovary and testes.
In addition, vitellaria, an ootype and a semi-
nal receptacle may be present. Sclerotinized Molecular methods
structures, such as a cirrus (penis), an
accessory cirrus and a vagina, may be Nuclear DNA encoding ribosomal RNA
found. These hard structures, together from both large and small subunits of
with the opisthaptoral elements, represent monogenean ribosomes has been the sub-
important diagnostic characters. The main ject of extensive studies (Mollaret et al.,
differences concerning the anatomy of the 2000; Olson and Littlewood, 2002). These
reproductive system between monopistho- genes have been shown to provide excellent
cotyleans and polyopisthocotyleans are the tools for phylogenetic studies and for diag-
presence of the genito-intestinal canal in nostic purposes. Further, mitochondrial
the latter group (Kearn, 1994) and a differ- DNA has recently been shown to provide
ent organization of spermatozoan micro- a high degree of sensitivity in phylo-
tubules (Justine, 1993). genetic studies of gyrodactylids (Zietara
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 307

and Lumme, 2002; Hansen et al., 2003). Reproduction and Life Cycle
Sequencing of entire PCR products will, of
course, elucidate differences and variations These platyhelminths are hermaphroditic,
between species. The genes for 18S, 5.8S with both male and female copulatory
and 28S ribosomal RNA and the spacers organs. Some monogeneans are oviparous
between them have shown themselves with a simple life cycle (Fig. 9.11). The
to be particularly interesting because the worms produce and release eggs into the
intraspecific variation is extremely low. aquatic habitat (Fig. 9.12a,b,c). Egg mor-
Fast and yet reliable methods to differenti- phology differs considerably. Dactylogyrus
ate between species have been developed. and Pseudodactylogyrus produce small oval
Based on slight variations between species eggs equipped with a sticky stalk, allowing
in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) eggs to glue to the substrate (Fig. 9.12a),
regions 1 and 2, comprising also the 5.8S while other eggs have short (Fig. 9.12b) or
gene, a reliable diagnostic tool the poly- long extensions (e.g. Bychowsky, 1957;
merase chain reaction–restriction fragment Ogawa, 2002). Dependent on temperature,
length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), has the egg will in most species embryonate
been developed by Cunningham (1997) to and hatch by releasing a ciliated larva, the
distinguish different gyrodactylid species. oncomiracidium (Fig. 9.13), although
Thus, conducting PCR with specific prim- some species may hatch by releasing a non-
ers for this region in the Gyrodactylus ciliated larva, e.g. Acanthocotyle greeni
species infecting salmonids in Europe, (MacDonald and Llewellyn, 1980). Follow-
G. truttae, G. derjavini, G. salaris and ing a crawling or free-swimming phase
G. teuchis, a 1300 bp fragment is obtained. of short duration (normally less than
Various restriction enzymes can cut the ITS 24 h, dependent on temperature), the
sequence but, due to differences between
the four species, different fragments will
result. By running an agarose gel with
ethidium bromide of the restriction prod-
ucts from the different species and sub-
sequent UV illumination, specific band
profiles will be visualized (Cunningham,
1997; Cunningham et al., 2001). The repeti-
tive ribosomal RNA genes are separated
by intergenic spacer (IGS) regions. A very
sensitive discrimination between popula-
tions of gyrodactylids may be obtained
from studying the IGS regions of ribosomal
DNA (rDNA) (Collins and Cunningham,
2000). By using random amplified poly-
morphic DNA (RAPD) methods, it has also
been possible to differentiate between pop-
ulations of G. salaris (Cunningham and Mo,
1997). Knowledge of specific differences
between species in certain genes may allow
the use of fast methods for species differ-
entiation. Thus, it is possible to conduct
hybridization, in which DNA from a worm
is immobilized on a membrane and subse-
quently hybridized with specific probes
conjugated with a marker, allowing visual- Fig. 9.11. Life cycle of the oviparous monogenean
ization of positive reactions (Cunningham, Pseudodactylogyrus anguillae. Drawing by Beth
2002). Beyerholm.
308 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

Fig. 9.12. Eggs of monogeneans. a. Discocotyle sagittata egg (length 300 µm), kindly provided by Miguel
Rubio-Godoy, b. Pseudodactylogyrus anguillae, embryonated egg with oncomiracidium ready to hatch,
c. Dawestrema cycloancistrium egg with extended filament.

oncomiracidium attaches to the host and postlarval development and the adult life-
sheds the ciliated cells, whereupon this span are clearly influenced by tempera-
postlarva develops into the adult stage. ture (Bauer et al., 1973; Buchmann, 1997;
Oncomiracidia of gill monogeneans may Gannicott and Tinsley, 1997). A number of
attach directly to the host gills or settle on species are ovoviviparous and a large group
the body and subsequently migrate as of monogeneans, represented by most gyro-
postlarvae towards the gills (Cone and Burt, dactylids, are viviparous, i.e. they give rise
1981). to live offspring. In the genus Gyrodactylus,
The oviposition rate, the embryonation most representatives are viviparous and
and hatching time, the free-living phase, the have a well-developed uterus in which the
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 309

described that changes of light intensities

may initiate hatching in certain species.
Thus, E. soleae egg hatching is stimulated
by illumination after a period of darkness
(Kearn, 1963). In contrast, D. sagittata egg
hatching is induced by darkness (Gannicott
and Tinsley, 1997). These reactions are
interpreted as adaptations to the host beha-
viour. Thus, sole burrow into the sand in
the morning and become easily available for
oncomiracidial invasion. However, host
substances can also influence the egg-hatching
process. Thus, mucus extract from a fish
Fig. 9.13. Discocotyle sagittata, oncomiracidium host has in several systems been observed
(length 250 µm). Specimen kindly provided by to act as an efficient hatching stimuli. This
Miguel Rubio-Godoy. has been observed in as different systems as
E. soleae from sole (Kearn, 1974), Acan-
thocotyle lobianchi from Raja spp.
offspring is located. Remarkably, this also (MacDonald, 1974), Pseudodactylogyrus
bears a maturing embryo (Fig. 9.2), whereby from eel (Chan and Wu, 1984) and Ancyro-
three generations can be discerned in one cephalus mogurndae from mandarin fish
mother worm (Cable and Harris, 2002; (Xia et al., 1996). When the fully embry-
Cable et al., 2002). The reproductive rate of onated egg is subjected to mucus extracts,
gyrodactylid monogeneans is also tempera- the oncomiracidium will initiate active
ture dependent (Malmberg, 1970; Gelnar, movements and subsequently escape the egg
1987; Jansen and Bakke, 1991; Andersen through the opercular opening. The hatching
and Buchmann, 1998). Although the varia- stimulus in mucus was suggested to be urea,
tions in temperature preference of these although this could not be confirmed for
worms are extremely high because their E. soleae (Kearn, 2002).
natural habitat spans from deep marine
waters to tropical freshwater lakes,
reproduction is positively correlated with Host finding
temperature within certain limits. How-
ever, because gyrodactylids reproduce and The selection of the correct fish host in a
deliver offspring directly on the fish, some highly complex ecosystem is impressive.
indirect temperature effects may counteract The basic mechanisms behind this choice
this. Thus, the host response to mono- are still insufficiently studied. However, due
geneans is highly influenced by tempera- to the high host specificity in monogenean–
ture and will increase with temperature, fish systems, it has been speculated that
whereby the high reproductive rate at host factors can be recognized by and attract
higher temperatures will be counteracted the monogenean transmitted stage. Controlled
by the elevated host immune responses studies were conducted by Kearn (1967)
(Andersen and Buchmann, 1998). using E. soleae on S. solea. It appeared that
there was some chemoattraction of the
infective oncomiracidia. Isolated epithe-
Host–Parasite Relationships lium-covered scales from various fish spe-
cies were exposed to larvae and the larvae
Egg hatching clearly selected the sole scales and showed
low attraction to dab, plaice, solenette and
Both abiotic factors and host factors can thickback sole. Dissected epithelia from
affect even the earliest stage of an oviparous corneae in fish were presented to the para-
monogenean parasite, the egg. It has been site as well but appeared to be without the
310 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

same attracting force. As corneae have no that the settling of this parasite species is
mucus cells, they did not attract the larvae, not specific.
which suggested that a host mucus fac-
tor(s) is involved in host finding. In fact,
some oncomiracidia selected agar plugs Host factors affecting nutrition and
with sole mucus substances, although sub- reproduction
sequent studies were less convincing
(Kearn, 2002). Correct host attachment is only a minor part
Similar studies have been conducted in of the life cycle. Stimuli to induce feeding,
gyrodactylid systems. Investigations of host maturation, mating and finally production
selection by Gyrodactylus salaris and of offspring are important elements of the
G. derjavini support the view of host prefer- parasite’s life. Therefore host factors may
ence. G. salaris infects salmon, S. salar, induce proper feeding and absorption of
when it has the choice between rainbow nutrients, maturation and reproduction. For
trout, carp and salmon. Likewise, G. der- example, hormonal treatment of unsuitable
javini preferentially infect rainbow trout hosts elicits gyrodactylid reproduction.
when offered the same three host possibili- Thus, brown trout treated with hydrocorti-
ties (Buchmann et al., 2004). This ability to sone allows G. salaris to reproduce on this
select the correct host was also found in in otherwise innately resistant host (Harris
vitro studies using fish scales covered with et al., 2000). Salmon treated with dexametha-
live host cells. Involvement of lectins in sone allows the reproduction of G. derjavini
trout skin and carbohydrates in G. derjavini on this unsuitable host (Olafsdottir et al.,
was suggested by Buchmann (2001) to be 2003). The mechanism is not known and
part of the communication between host further studies should be conducted to
and parasite. However, preliminary in vitro elucidate these effects.
investigations on migration of isolated
gyrodactylids offered mucus or in agar
plugs in Petri dishes did not indicate spe- Host responses and acquired immunity
cific selection of host material. Therefore,
other factors, e.g. volatile host substances In many monogenean–fish systems, the para-
from intact cells only, could be involved in site infrapopulation under normal circum-
host selection. It has also been suggested stances will not increase to a lethal level for
that the pH of mucus plays an important the host. Several physiological and anatom-
role for host identification (Hirazawa et al., ical factors may be responsible and the host
2003). These researchers found that oncom- immune response is one of these. The first
iracidia of H. okamotoi are sensitive to the reports indicating immunity in fish against
pH of mucus from tiger puffer. Thus, a pH monogenean infections came from the New
of 6.4, which occurs naturally in this natu- York Aquarium, where N. (Epibdella) mel-
ral host, was preferred by the parasite. Fur- leni had high numbers in naïve fish but only
ther studies on attachment induction in showed limited infection following subse-
Neobenedenia girellae oncomiracidia indi- quent exposures (Jahn and Kuhn, 1932;
cated that lyophilized extracts of fish skin Nigrelli and Breder, 1934). The related cap-
epithelia induce infection by parasite set- salid N. girellae infecting Japanese flounder
tlement. Lectin studies indicated that induced acquired immunity in the flatfish
sugar/lectin associations are responsible against reinfection (Bondad-Reantaso et al.,
for this communication (Yoshinaga et al., 1995b). Paperna (1963, 1964) found that
2000). Similar associations between fish common carp infected with Dactylogyrus
epithelia and Benedenia seriolae were vastator and Dactylogyrus extensus res-
described by Yoshinaga et al. (2002). ponded well and eliminated part of the
The studies showed that the attachment dactylogyrid population. This was con-
induction was also obtained by using inap- firmed by Vladimirov (1971), working with
propriate host material. This indicates a similar cyprinid–dactylogyrid system.
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 311

Further, this author actively immunized (Rubio-Godoy et al., 2003b). This was fur-
carp with Dactylogyrus antigens and subse- ther indicated in vaccination experiments
quently detected a host response. In the (Rubio-Godoy et al., 2003a). In fact, immu-
same period, grass carp (C. idella) was nity factors, such as the alternative pathway
described to react against its gill parasite of complement activation, were found to be
Dactylogyrus lamellatus (Molnar, 1972). associated with differences in host suscepti-
Viviparous gyrodactylids are also known to bility of brown and rainbow trout (Rubio-
induce a host response in some hosts. Thus, Godoy et al., 2004). The blood-feeding
Lester (1972) and Lester and Adams (1974) diclidophorid H. okamotoi elicits antibody
indicated significant elimination of para- production in naturally infected tiger puffer
sites in later stages of infection. They (Wang et al., 1997) and some hosts develop
detected a limited refractory period in the resistance to infection (see Ogawa, 2002).
host following parasite elimination. Corres- Although the number of studies on host
ponding reactions were further described responses with reduction or elimination of
by Scott and Robinson (1984), Scott (1985) infrapopulations of monogeneans are lim-
and Richards and Chubb (1996) using the ited, it should not be concluded that host
guppy P. reticulata and G. bullatarudis and responses are uncommon. Most histo-
G. turnbulli association. Gyrodactylids pathological studies of monogenean infec-
infecting salmonids were studied by Cone tions have demonstrated pronounced cellular
and Cusack (1988). G. salmonis and G. cole- reactions at the infection site. Hyperplasia,
manensis both propagated rapidly on the haemorrhages and infiltration with macro-
hosts but in later stages of infection a popu- phages, neutrophils and other reactive cells
lation decrease was noted. A number of are commonly discerned in histological sec-
challenge experiments elucidating the dif- tions of fish tissue infected with monogeneans
ferent ability of various salmonid hosts to (e.g. Paperna, 1963; Molnar, 1972; Oliver,
respond to G. salaris were described by 1977).
Bakke et al. (2002). Likewise, host reactions The mechanisms of host response to
in salmonid hosts to G. derjavini were monogeneans have been studied. The reac-
noted by Buchmann and Uldal (1997), tion pattern varies from system to system
Lindenstrøm and Buchmann (2000) and but it seems that both innate and acquired
Lindenstrøm et al. (2003a,b). Anguillid eels elements are involved (Buchmann, 1999).
show some reaction to the congeners P. bini Both these responses involve humoral ele-
and P. anguillae (Slotved and Buchmann, ments, such as lectins, complement factors,
1993). These authors infected European eel prostaglandins, leukotrienes and acute-
A. anguilla with both species, eliminated phase proteins, in the non-specific path and
the infection after an infection period of 1 antibodies in specific reactions. Cytokines
month and challenged the fish after 14 or 33 in host epithelia may take part in the
days post-clearance. It was seen that primed orchestration of the reactions (Lindenstrøm
eels in a number of cases had a significantly et al., 2003a,b). Cellular elements, such as
lower infection compared with naïve eels. neutrophils and macrophages, are involved
The sanguinivorous monogenean Micro- (Buchmann, 1999). In vitro studies have
cotyle sebastis infecting the rockfish Sebastes also provided evidence that macrophages
schlegeli in Korea induces host responses, may recognize epitopes on monogeneans
as judged from vaccination studies con- (Buchmann and Bresciani, 1999). These
ducted by Kim et al. (2000). Likewise, the cells are able to produce reactive oxygen
blood feeder D. sagittata infects both brown and nitrogen species with adverse effects on
trout and rainbow trout but survives and monogeneans.
establishes better on brown trout (Rubio- Adaptive responses comprise antibod-
Godoy and Tinsley, 2003). The parasite elicits ies (immunoglobulins). However, it is inter-
a weak anti-parasitic response (Rubio-Godoy esting that the few recorded cases of
and Tinsley, 2002) in the host, includ- antibody production in infected fish all
ing production of detectable antibodies involved gill parasites (see above). Some gill
312 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

monogeneans (e.g. Heteraxinoides xantho- other acute-phase reactants are still to be

philis on the gills of Leiostomus xanthurus) elucidated.
are not known to induce antibody produc-
tion in the host (Thoney and Burreson,
1988). As monogenean–fish host systems In Vitro Culture and Propagation of
are extremely varied and diverse, the mech-
anisms involved in the host reactions may
also vary considerably. However, recent
Limited studies have been concerned with
studies on G. derjavini have indicated that
in vitro culture of monogeneans. Isolated
some of these are influenced by a cytokine
G. derjavini showed temperature-dependent
network in rainbow trout skin (Lindenstrøm
survival in fresh water, with the longest sur-
et al., 2003a). Within a few days post-
vival being 4 days at 3–12°C. Parasites bear-
infection, expression of genes encoding
ing embryos were able to deliver their
interleukin 1-beta and tumour necrosis
developed offspring present in the uterus
factor alpha can be detected. These genes
when isolated from the fish but with no fur-
are involved in the inflammatory response
ther reproduction if maintained in water
in fish skin, leading to the initial anti-
only (Buchmann and Bresciani, 1999).
parasitic reactions. Further, expression of
Diclidophora merlangi survived for 28 days
inducible nitrogen oxide synthetase (iNOS),
in sea water and increased its lifespan to 33
leading to production of reactive N species,
days if the medium was supplemented by
is subsequently seen. Also cyclo-oxygenase,
amino acids and glucose (Halton, 1978).
responsible for prostaglandin production
With the use of an artificial epithelial cell
with regulating effects on the inflammation
layer, EPC cells, Buchmann et al. (2000)
process, is expressed. Expression of genes
kept attached specimens of G. derjavini
for transforming growth factor (TGF) was
alive for almost 6 days at 12°C, although
found in later stages of the infection. This
reproduction was not induced. In vitro cul-
suggests an immune regulating and skin-
tivation of monogeneans seems to be an
repairing role of the cytokine (Lindenstrøm
area with opportunities for future develop-
et al., 2003b). There was no evidence of
ment and improvements.
T-cell receptor (TCR) and major histocom-
patibility complex (MHC) up-regulation
due to infection. This suggests that the
responses are primarily autonomous innate Pathogenicity
reactions, at least in rainbow trout skin
infected with G. derjavini (Lindenstrøm The anatomy of attachment organs, physio-
et al., 2003a,b). logy, gland secretions and feeding strategy
Although some gill monogeneans are vary considerably among monogeneans,
able to induce an antibody response in their even within the Monopisthocotylea and
host, the importance of this for protection Polyopisthocotylea.
has not been confirmed. Various other com-
ponents of cellular or humoral components
may be more important. These include Feeding
mucus and peptide secretion from epithelial
mucus cells, epidermal mast-cell degranu- Direct blood feeding by polyopisthocoty-
lation, complement and lectin production leans can result in anaemia in the host. The
(Wells and Cone, 1990; Buchmann, 1998a, higher the infection intensity, the higher
1999; Harris et al., 1998; Sterud et al., 1998; the loss of blood. Thus, infection with a
Bakke et al., 2000) and release of reactive high number of blood-feeding worms firmly
substances from epidermal cells and anchored in host tissue leads to severe anae-
macrophages (Buchmann and Bresciani, mia. This was described by Eto et al. (1976)
1999; Lindenstrøm et al., 2003a,b). The studying Heteraxine heterocerca infections
roles of prostaglandins, leukotrienes and of yellowtail, S. quinqueradiata. Erythrocyte
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 313

counts, haemotocrit values, haemoglobin developed into club-shaped filaments with

content and mean corpuscular measures of fused lamellae or extensive outgrowths, partly
blood from parasitized fish were lower than embedding the invading parasite. This
in normal fish. The anaemia was character- decreases the respiratory surface of gills and
ized as a microcytic, hypochromic type. will lead to mortality due to hypoxia
The condition was associated with lethargy, (Fig. 9.15). The pathological reaction is evi-
anorexia, dark skin colour and paleness of dently produced by the host as a response to
the muscle, gills, kidney and liver of the the invasion (Roubal, 1995). However, this
infected fish. The proteins in the serum reaction is highly disadvantagous to the host
were lowered. Enzyme activities of lactate respiration. Carp infected with D. vastator
dehydrogenase (LDH), alkaline phosphatase are more sensitive to low oxygen content
(AlP) and glutamic pyruvic transaminase compared with uninfected fish (Molnar,
were also low. Urea and creatinine levels 1994). In addition, several observations indi-
were higher in infected fish. Likewise, cate that some gill-dwelling parasites benefit
Paperna et al. (1984), studying Allobivagina from these pathological reactions. Thus,
sp. infection in Siganus luridus, showed a worms with a weak attachment capacity will
clear negative correlation between the obtain a safer and more secure hold of the
infection intensity and haematocrit values. host tissue if it is partly surrounded with
Fish without infection had a 25–50% host tissue. This is seen in Linguadactyla
haematocrit, while fish with 70–100 worms molvae living on Molva dipterygia elongata
had values of 15–30% and fish with more (Bychowsky, 1957), D. aequans on gills
than 150 worms had values below 10%. The of sea bass (Oliver, 1977), Callorhynci-
lowest value was in a fish with 985 worms. cola multitesticulatus on the holocephalan
Blood smears from infected fish showed fish Callorhynchus millii (Llewellyn and
mainly immature erythrocytes. The pathoge- Simmons, 1984) and P. bini on eel gills
nicity of the sanguinivorous N. hirame (Buchmann, 1997). The tissue ingested by the
infecting olive flounder, P. olivaceus, is asso- monopisthocotyleans comprises epithelial
ciated with severe anaemia (Ogawa, 2002). cells, mucus and blood (if haemorrhages
However, recent work has demonstrated that occur). Apart from the pathological reactions
the mortality of hosts is further increased by this activity produces, the injuries on the host
concomitant infection with a marine form of may be severe. The large capsalids, such as
the VHS virus (Shirakashi et al., 2003). The Benedenia, Entobdella and Neobenedenia,
viral infection alone did not produce note- occurring in high numbers elicit severe dam-
worthy mortality but the effect of the mono- age to the skin during feeding.
genean infection made the host increasingly
susceptible to this viral pathogen.
Browsing of epithelia by monopistho- Mechanical effects of opisthaptoral hooks,
cotyleans elicits another type of pathologi- suckers and clamps
cal disturbance, and this is dependent on
the size and number of monogeneans. Thus, The hamuli, marginal hooklets, suckers
high densities of G. salaris or G. derjavini and clamps of monogeneans all have direct
on fins of salmonids severely injure the contact with host tissue and may afflict
epithelia (Fig. 9.14). However, large capsalids, mechanical damage directly. This has been
such as B. seriolae, may produce large feed- extensively reported for cyprinids (e.g.
ing wounds with heavy erosion of epider- Bychowsky, 1957; Paperna, 1963; Prost, 1963;
mal layers on yellowtail, amberjack and Molnar, 1972; Bauer et al., 1973), anguillids
kingfish (Ernst et al., 2003). Extensive (Chan and Wu, 1984; Buchmann, 1997) and
hyperplasia and tissue reactions at the site salmonids (Cone and Odense, 1984). Even
of attachment are also associated with even light infections with Bothitrema bothi on
smaller monogeneans. Such host reactions Scophthalmus aquosus may result in depres-
will, of course, impair the normal physio- sions of host tissue caused by the hard struc-
logical function of the organ. Gill tissue tures on the opisthaptor (Hendrix, 2004).
314 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

Fig. 9.14. Gyrodactylid effects on fins of salmonids. a. Gyrodactylus salaris on Atlantic salmon fin,
b. Gyrodactylus derjavini on rainbow trout fin, c. marginal hooklets of G. derjavini penetrating fin
epithelial cells.

In addition, the mechanical effect can lead the fish skin, whereas the marginal hooklets
to a host reaction of epithelia, including may each penetrate an epithelial cell. These
hyperplasia. However, the impact varies. mobile and active worms can easily move to
Hamuli in gyrodactylids do not penetrate another position on the skin if there is
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 315

Fig. 9.15. Pathological reactions of eel gills, a. Numerous specimens of Pseudodactylogyrus bini on
eels gills, b. hyperplasia and fusion of gill filaments and lamellae due to infection with P. bini, c. partly
embedded P. bini in tissue reaction of eel gills.
316 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

significant reaction at the site of attach- Cone (1985) found the tegument of Gyrodac-
ment. In contrast, clamps need intact sec- tylus avalonia on stickleback in brackish
ondary lamellae in order to attach to the water colonized by rod-shaped bacteria. Cor-
gills and the strategy of these worms is to respondingly, bacteria have been observed
focus on a minimum of damage to the host on the tegument of G. salmonis on rainbow
structure, although prolonged exposure trout (Cone and Odense, 1984) and on the gill
may produce gill tissue changes. A combi- parasite P. bini from eel gills (Buchmann,
nation of infection intensity and damage 1997), and Justine and Bonami (1993) detected
produced by the monogenean is well illus- virus-like particles in Microcotyle sp. from
trated in G. salaris infecting susceptible marine fish. Thus, it can be suggested that
Norwegian salmon. Fry of this vulnerable the injuries caused by monogenean hooks or
host may have several thousand parasites. worm-feeding activities could act as a portal
Each worm produces with its marginal of entry for various pathogens. In a con-
hooklets 16 minute holes in epithelial cells trolled experiment, Busch et al. (2003) inves-
at each attachment site. Further, part of the tigated whether G. derjavini infections on
infrapopulation moves around on the fins rainbow trout augmented infections by Flavo-
and skin of the fish. All these will probably bacterium psychrophilum. The fish, either
have a devastating impact on osmoregu- infected or uninfected with monogeneans,
lation in the fish. Studies on the effect of were exposed to a bacterial solution. Only
G. derjavini on rainbow trout showed a posi- one fish with G. derjavini became infected –
tive correlation between mortality of hosts which is only weak evidence that the
and intensity of infection (Busch et al., 2003). gyrodactylids could be involved in bacterial
Effect of gland secretions

The enzymes, such as proteases, phospha- Prevention and Control

tases and others in the pharynx, oesophagus
and intestinal caeca, associated with diges- Worm control in wild fish populations
tion (Smyth and Halton, 1983) may affect the
host epithelia and provoke reactions. Gland Devastating monogenean infections in wild
secretions from cephalic glands involved in fish populations have been treated with
attachment of the prohaptor and gland secre- chemicals. Thus, aiming at eradicating
tions from opisthaptoral glands may all have G. salaris infections from Norwegian rivers,
effects on host tissue. Although monogeneans extensive rotenone treatments have been
inflict extensive pathogenic effects on the fish, conducted for a number of years (Mo, 1994).
the host reactions to eliminate them are only This practice differs from normal treatments
partly expressed. This indicates that the par- because both fish and parasites are killed by
asites are able to produce immune-evading rotenone. Subsequently, uninfected salmon
or immunosuppressive substances. The nature from pathogen-free gene bank rearing sys-
of such molecules has to be investigated. tems are released for re-establishment of the
fish stock in the treated river. These drastic
measures have been replaced in certain
Monogeneans as Vectors for rivers by the addition of aluminium prod-
other Pathogens ucts because this metal is quite toxic to
gyrodactylids and is tolerated by fish in the
It has been speculated by several authors concentrations applied (Soleng et al., 1999).
(see Cusack and Cone, 1986) that mono-
geneans could act as vectors for other patho-
gens, such as bacteria and viruses. Bacteria Worm control in cultured populations
and Mycoplasma-like organisms have been
detected in D. merlangi from whiting gills It is possible to interfere with and control
(Morris and Halton, 1975) and Cusack and propagation of monogeneans in most
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 317

aquaculture systems. Thus chemical and Biological control

medical treatment of infections in fish-
rearing facilities is widely used. In these Some fish species are not particularly selec-
cases, chemicals and drugs with a high tive in their food choice and will readily
antiparasitic effect and low toxicity to the ingest both adult and larval parasites. It is
fish are selected. Some salts will merely well established that labrids can be used for
interfere with osmoregulation, whereas keeping salmon and cod lice, Lepeoph-
others, such as oxidizers (hydrogen per- theirus salmonis and Caligus elongatus,
oxide, sodium percarbonate), destroy the respectively, at an acceptable level in
worm surface. Other drugs interfere salmon net pens. Some monogeneans
directly with specific molecules in the attached to the surface of a fish host may
worms. Thus, organophosphates inhibit also be easily discernible by cleaner fish.
the acetylcholinesterases in the nervous Several studies have been conducted indi-
system and the neuromusculature of the cating that cleaner fish can ingest consider-
worms, resulting in paralysis. Benzimi- able numbers of monogeneans. Control of
dazoles bind to tubulin monomers and Macrogyrodactylus polypteri by tilapia
prevent microtubule assembly in worm ingesting ectoparasites from the body sur-
cells, interfering with a number of func- face of African lungfish was reported by
tions in the monogenean (Buchmann, Khalil (1964). Likewise, Kearn (1978)
1997). However, it should be stressed that observed injuries in large monogeneans on
the sensitivity of host fishes to the toxic rays probably produced by smaller cleaner
effects of drugs vary considerably and fish. Further, N. melleni on red tilapia was
drug legislation differs between countries. ingested by cleaner fish (Cowell et al.,
Specific approval of a specific drug for a 1993), and controlled experiments con-
specific disease is required in many ducted by Grutter et al. (2002) demon-
countries. strated that another capsalid monogenean,
Eggs and oncomiracidia in some spe- Benedenia lolo, parasitizing Hemigymnus
cies are large enough to make filtering a melapterus was subjected to predation by
possible way to remove them. Filtering the cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus. Thus,
eggs and oncomiracidia by nylon mesh future control measures may involve the
with pore sizes less than 80 µm have been use of cleaner fish.
used in recirculated systems to control Studying a recirculated eel farming sys-
pseudodactylogyrosis. Several monoge- tem with fish tanks covered with extensive
neans have eggs with long appendages or biofilm layers, it was found that turbellar-
polar filaments, which allow them to clus- ians of the genus Stenostomum were able to
ter and entangle various objects in the ingest newly produced eggs of Pseudo-
aquatic environment. This is the basis for a dactylogyrus spp. attached to the biofilm.
suggested parasite control method by Copepods and other crustaceans are fre-
removal of eggs. Thus submersion of ropes quently found in fish tank systems and
and nets into net pens with tiger puffer, they may have an impact on monogenean
T. rubripes, infected by H. okamotoi is a populations by feeding on oncomiracidia.
practical way to remove large numbers of Cyclopoid copepods were found to ingest
eggs. At intervals, ropes or culture nets oncomiracidia of Pseudodactylogyrus spp.
entangled with eggs are replaced by new (Buchmann, 1988).
ropes (Ogawa, 2002). The eggs form long
strings and chains on ropes up to more
than 2 m long and these must be replaced Chemical control
before hatching of parasite eggs occurs. At
summer temperatures (25°C), this means Numerous chemicals have been used with
every 4 days. Such labour-intensive mea- varying success to control monogenean
sures may put a limit on implementation of infections. The most widely used are copper
this mechanical control method. sulphate, formaldehyde, sodium chloride
318 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

and hydrogen peroxide and, to a lesser groups are the organophosphates, such as
extent, potassium permanganate. However, metrifonate and dichlorvos, and benzimi-
the toxicity of these substances to hosts and dazoles (levamisole and praziquantel). All
parasites varies considerably and is dep- these are efficacious not only in laboratory
endent on species and biotic and abiotic trials but also under farm conditions. How-
conditions, and each parasite–host system ever, the toxicity of these chemicals for
should be tested specifically before treat- different fish hosts differs. Thus, while Euro-
ment is used on a large scale. Formaldehyde pean eel, A. anguilla, tolerates mebendazole
addition to fish tank water is a widely bath exposure well, the effect is very severe
applied non-specific and crude way to in goldfish, Carassius auratus. Likewise,
remove monogeneans from fish skin, gills where organophosphates are effective on
and tanks. Typically, concentrations applied monogenean infections when applied in
vary between 30 and 100 ppm formal- flow-through systems or in large outdoor
dehyde for short periods. Addition of sodium fish ponds, they are less suitable in modern
chloride may compromise the physiology of recirculated systems, where the drugs accu-
monogeneans infecting freshwater fish and mulate and elicit mortalities in fish. There-
freshwater dips may on the other hand have fore, use of anthelmintics in fish cultures
effects on monogeneans infecting marine should not be conducted before substantial
fish. Normally this practice is used for short toxicological and tolerance tests have been
time treatments in order to minimize the carried out for the specific purpose. The
adverse effects on the host physiology. tolerance of the specific host to the drug,
Ammonia is toxic both to fish and parasites temperature conditions, salinity, water con-
but, due to slight differences in toxicity of tent of organic material, retention time of
ammonia to host and parasite, it has been the drug in the rearing facility and possi-
used in water-bath control of monogeneans ble accumulation should be taken into
(Chan and Wu, 1984). Hydrogen peroxide consideration.
will oxidize the organic constituents of Benzimidazoles bind to tubulin mono-
monogeneans, which is the basis for the mers in the parasite to destroy microtubules
extensive use of this compound. Due to the in cytoskeletons and cell transport func-
high surface/volume ratio of ectoparasitic tions. A number of members of this group
worms compared with the host, this sub- have been tested, including thiabendazole,
stance has often shown a satisfactorily high oxibendazole, albendazole, oxfendazole,
parasiticidal effect compared with lower mebendazole, flubendazole, parbendazole,
host toxicity. Hydrogen peroxide can also fenbendazole, triclabendazole and luxa-
be administered in the form of sodium bendazole (Szekely and Molnar, 1987;
percarbonate, which is sodium carbonate Buchmann and Bjerregaard, 1990; Tojo
with hydrogen peroxide bound in the mole- et al., 1992; Buchmann, 1997; Tojo and
cule instead of water (Buchmann and Santamarina, 1998). Mebendazole baths
Kristensson, 2003). This will allow a slower were first used by Goven and Amend (1982)
release and prolonged action of hydrogen against gyrodactylids parasitizing goldfish.
peroxide in the water bath. The finding Later it was found that bath exposure also
that various metals may have adverse eradicated P. anguillae and P. bini from
effects on worms was also the basis for stud- European eel (Szekely and Molnar, 1987;
ies showing that P. anguillae could be Buchmann and Bjerregaard, 1990), and
partly controlled by addition of aluminium D. extensus and Dactylogyrus minutus
and zinc chloride to fish tank water (Buchmann et al., 1993) and Anacanthorus
with infected eels (Larsen and Buchmann, penilabiatus from pacu, Piaractus meso-
2003). potamicus (Martins et al., 2001).
The advent of effective anthelmintics Praziquantel interferes with integu-
in human and veterinary medicine inspired mental integrity (Schmahl and Mehlhorn,
fish parasitologists to investigate the effects 1985) and may possibly expose hidden para-
of various drugs on monogeneans. The main sitic antigens to the host immune system.
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 319

The drug has wide application against mono- The common carp, C. carpio, suffers from
geneans in both marine and freshwater fish heavy infections with the gill parasite
culture. It has high efficacy against Dactyl- D. vastator and early Russian researchers
ogyrus (Schmahl and Mehlhorn, 1985) and P. attempted to produce a protective vaccine
bini and P. anguillae (Buchmann, 1997) in against this parasitosis (Vladimirov, 1971).
freshwater aquaculture. Also, under marine Homogenates of the collected worms were
conditions, praziquantel in a bath treatment injected intraperitoneally into carp and sub-
or in feed is effective. Thus, monogenicidal sequent challenge infections showed some
action was shown against Benedeniella protection. Korean parasitologists working
posterocolpa (Thoney, 1990). Effective oral with the rockfish S. schlegeli and the poly-
treatment with praziquantel against M. opisthocotylean gill parasite M. sebastis
sebastis was reported by Kim and Cho demonstrated that injection of host fish
(2000). B. seriolae on kingfish (Ernst et al., with homogenates of the worms conferred
2003) and Clemacotyle australis on white- some protection against reinfections. Fur-
spotted eagle rays (Aetobatus narinari) (Janse thermore, the adjuvant in the vaccine also
and Borgsteede, 2003) can also be con- induced some protection, which indicates
trolled by the drug. that some innate and non-specific mecha-
Organophosphates paralyse the para- nisms were involved in protection (Kim
site by inhibiting cholinesterases in the et al., 2000). Rainbow trout, O. mykiss, is
nervous system and neuromuscular trans- host for the blood-feeding D. sagittata and
mission. The widely used representative of an experimental vaccine without adjuvant
this group is metrifonate, which is used in was developed and tested by Rubio-Godoy
low concentrations (0.25–0.5 ppm) for bath et al. (2003a). Various formulations of the
exposure of fish infected with mono- parasite homogenate injected intraperi-
geneans (e.g. Sarig et al., 1965; Chan and toneally into the host induced some protec-
Wu, 1984). Dichlorvos is chemically related tion in experimental fish. Injection of a
to metrifonate and has a similar mode of homogenate of H. okamotoi into tiger puffer
action (Buchmann, 1997). did not result in protection against juvenile
The anthelmintic niclosamide has a parasites on the gill filaments but decreased
profound effect on monogeneans (Buch- the number of adult parasites infecting the
mann, 1997), but the effect on fish is even branchial gill wall during the later stages of
stronger, which makes this compound infection (see Ogawa, 2002). Although no
unsuitable. absolute protection was conferred in these
cases, it was clearly shown that some
immunity was induced. In all three studies,
the vaccinated hosts mounted specific anti-
Vaccination against monogenean infections body responses, although it was suggested
that other immune effector mechanisms
It is generally agreed that fish mount vari- (complement, leukocytes) might be involved
ous host responses against monogenean as well. The experiments were all per-
infection. A few studies have indicated formed with gill monogeneans, where the
that vaccination will confer some protec- barrier between the parasite and the host is
tion to fish. It appears that innate mecha- extremely delicate, which may suggest that
nisms in the skin are activated during host protective factors can easily reach the
monogenean infections (Lindenstrøm et al., worm. Similar positive results were not
2003a,b) and several examples of cross- obtained by Bondad-Reantaso et al. (1995b)
protection between different species of working with a skin parasite. Although
monogeneans have been described (Richards these researchers recorded acquired immu-
and Chubb, 1996; Buchmann et al., 1999; nity in Japanese flounder infected with
Larsen et al., 2002). N. girellae, they were not able to induce
A few studies have been conducted protection by injecting homogenate of the
in the field of anti-monogenean vaccines. parasite into flounders.
320 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

Zoosanitary measures other monogeneans to vulnerable and sus-

ceptible host populations has produced
Due to lack of technology to control infec- unambiguous evidence for the devastating
tions at an acceptable level, it is often nec- effects of uncontrolled transfer of pathogens.
essary to use more drastic measures. Thus, Although the transportation of fish for
some producers use excessive amounts of aquaculture purposes, the ornamental fish
anti-parasitic drugs or chemicals to achieve trade and consumption has confused the
a profitable production of fish. This is, of original zoogeographical distribution of
course, problematic for the environment. monogeneans, it is still possible to conduct
Further, the possible use of vaccination or a strict record of parasite distribution. In
of immunostimulants is still not developed Europe, certain areas (England, Scotland)
for use in commercial fish farming. Thus, it are free from G. salaris infection (Shinn
becomes necessary to implement eradica- et al., 1995). Monitoring programmes are
tion measures to obtain satisfactory control conducted and the importation of fish
of monogenean infections. This has been products from infected areas is restricted.
applied both in natural systems and in
aquacultural enterprises. The pathogenic
G. salaris has been cleared from more than Integrated control
16 Norwegian rivers by using rotenone on
the entire water system (Mo, 1994). In this Prevention of the introduction of
way, both fish and parasites were killed and monogeneans to a particular facility is the
uninfected fish were subsequently stocked preferred approach. If this is not possible, a
in the rivers. Further, recirculated aqua- range of methods may be used to alleviate
culture plants have been cleared for infec- the parasite problems. This will include
tion by emptying, drying and subsequent primarily a strict monitoring of infection
disinfection. Following these measures, levels concomitant with implementation of
uninfected sterilized fish eggs have been control measures aiming at reducing the
introduced for hatching and restocking to infection pressure. These actions include:
obtain parasite-free facilities. Cage culture (i) fallowing of infected systems; (ii) regular
of fishes suffering from monogenean infec- movements of facilities to new uninfected
tions may benefit from fallowing and move- sites; (iii) placement of new production
ments of facilities to new uninfected sites at entities in areas with low spreading poten-
regular intervals. Likewise, strategic place- tial and away from existing facilities;
ment of net pens and farms may take into (iv) mechanical removal of eggs and larvae
consideration the fact that infective stages by filtration or by using replaceable ropes or
of parasites are spread to neighbouring nets; (v) reducing entrapment of eggs and
plants by water currents. Thus, spread of larvae in a stationary production system
B. seriolae and Z. seriolae parasites from one (e.g. net cages); (vi) use of cleaner fish, if
kingfish facility to another is dependent on available; and (vii) strategic treatments
water currents (Chambers and Ernst, 2003). using chemicals or anthelmintics.

Legislation, approved zones and SHORT DESCRIPTION OF SELECTED

Strict enforcement of legislation is often a
prerequisite for keeping certain areas free Although it is expected that most mono-
from infection. The basis for this should be geneans have the ability to produce disease
monitoring programmes and restriction of in host populations under appropriate
fish transportation between approved zones. biotic and abiotic conditions, the number of
The spread of N. sturionis, G. salaris, reports on this issue is limited. Below are
P. bini and P. anguillae, N. hirame and monogeneans that are known to cause
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 321

Fig. 9.16. Different monogenean types, A. Dactylogyrus, B. Entobdella, C. Nitzschia, D. Neobenedenia,

E. Benedenia, F. Discocotyle, G. Neoheterobothrium, H. Diclidophora, I. Axine, J. Microcotyle,
K. Heteraxine.

disease, and the morphology of some of the ● Morphology. Body length 0.328–
monogenean types is outlined in Fig. 9.16. 0.388 mm, width 0.081 mm. Hamulus
length 35–41 µm with 14 marginal
● Microhabitat. Gills.
● Life cycle. Eggs embryonate and hatch
Family Dactylogyridae
within 2–3 days. The oncomiracidial
phase is shorter than 24 h and the
Dactylogyrus vastator
postlarval development takes 5 days at
● Host. Common carp, Cyprinus carpio, 24–28°C. The lifespan of the adult worm
and goldfish, Carassius auratus. at this temperature is 5 days (Bauer
● Macrohabitat. Fresh water. et al., 1973).
● Geographical distribution. Originally ● Pathogenicity. Attachment and/or feed-
endemic in Asia but transferred with ing of the worm induces extensive reac-
hosts to Europe and North America. tion on gill tissue, with hyperplasia of
322 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

epithelia and mucus cells (Paperna, effective anthelmintic but may have
1963). adverse effects on the hosts (Buchmann
● Control. A sodium chloride bath has et al., 1993). Schmahl and Mehlhorn
varying effectiveness on the parasite, (1985) found praziquantel to affect worm
with adult parasites being most resis- integrity and structure. Management as
tant. The organophosphorus compound a preventive tool, as suggested by Prost
metrifonate used as a bath treatment is (1963) for other dactylogyrids, may be
effective (Sarig et al., 1965) and so is applicable. Draining and drying of ponds
praziquantel (Schmahl and Mehlhorn, to kill overwintering parasite eggs and
1985). Management as a preventive tool separation of water to prevent contami-
was suggested by Prost (1963). Draining nation from infected ponds to nursery
and drying of ponds to kill over- water can be applicable. There are indi-
wintering parasite eggs and the separa- cations that the host immune system is
tion of water to prevent contamination involved in regulation of parasite levels.
from infected ponds to nursery ponds
are helpful. There are indications that
Dactylogyrus minutus
immune mechanisms are involved in
the regulation of parasite loads. ● Host. Common carp, Cyprinus carpio.
● Macrohabitat. Fresh water.
● Geographical distribution. Originally
Dactylogyrus extensus
endemic in Asia.
● Host. Common carp, Cyprinus carpio, ● Microhabitat. Gill filaments and lamellae.
and goldfish, Carassius auratus. ● Pathogenicity. Heavy infections of carp
● Macrohabitat. Fresh water. fry are associated with mortalities
● Geographical distribution. Endemic in (Buchmann et al., 1993). Attachment
Asia, Europe, Japan, North America. and/or feeding of the worm induces
● Morphology. Length is 0.99–1.584 mm hyperplasia of epithelia. Thus clubbing
and width 0.158 mm. Four eye spots. of filaments and fusion of lamellae is a
Cirrus and accessory cirrus are species common reaction.
characteristic. Dorsally directed hamuli. ● Control. Sodium chloride has varying
Hamulus length 75–88 µm with 14 effects on the parasite, with adult para-
marginal hooklets (Bauer et al., 1973). sites being most resistant. Organophos-
● Microhabitat. Gill filaments and lamellae. phorus compounds like metrifonate and
● Life cycle. At 24–25°C postlarvae mature praziquantel may be effective for bath
and initiate egg production after 6–7 treatments. Mebendazole is an effective
days (Prost, 1963). anthelmintic but may have adverse
● Pathogenicity. Considered to be less effects on the host (Buchmann et al.,
pathogenic than Dactylogyrus vastator. 1993). Management as a preventive tool
Light infections of carp fry co-occurred as suggested by Prost (1963) for other
with Dactylogyrus minutus (Buchmann dactylogyrids may be applicable. Drain-
et al., 1993). Attachment and/or feed- ing and drying of ponds to kill
ing of the worm induces hyperplasia overwintering parasite eggs and separa-
and epithelial reactions, which can tion of water to prevent contamination
partly embed the worm (Buchmann from infected ponds to nursery ponds
et al., 1993). Increased mucus produc- can be applicable. There are indications
tion may result (Prost, 1963). that the host immune system is
● Control. A sodium chloride bath has involved in regulation of parasite levels.
varying effectiveness on the parasite,
with adult parasites being most resis-
Dactylogyrus lamellatus
tant. Organophosphates like metrifonate
and praziquantel may be effective for ● Host. Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon
bath treatments. Mebendazole is an idella).
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 323

● Macrohabitat. Fresh water. injuries with haemorrhages. A tissue

● Geographical distribution. Far East but reaction, with hyperplasia of epithelia,
transplanted with export of infected fish clubbing of filaments and fusion of
to Europe. lamellae, is common (Bauer et al.,
● Morphology. Length 0.48 mm, width 1973).
0.11 mm. Four eye spots. Hamuli, con- ● Control. Sodium chloride bath treat-
necting bar, marginal hooklets, vagina, ments affect the worm stages to different
cirrus and accessory cirrus are species degrees, with adult parasites being the
specific (Bauer et al., 1973). most resistant. The organophosphorus
● Microhabitat. Gill filaments. compound metrifonate used as a bath
● Life cycle. Each adult worm may pro- treatment like praziquantel may be
duce two to four eggs per hour. The egg effective. Mebendazole may be effective,
has a sticky stalk and adheres to the although toxicity of the drug to grass
substrate. Embryonation and hatching carp has not been studied. Management
are temperature dependent and take as a preventive tool against dactylo-
6–7 days at 15°C. The oncomiracidium gyrids as suggested by Prost (1963) may
swims freely for 2–3 h and attaches to be applicable. Draining and drying of
the host surface before it migrates to the ponds in order to kill overwintering
gills. The postlarval development lasts parasite eggs and separation of water to
5–8 days. prevent contamination from infected
● Pathogenicity. Heavy infections elicit ponds to nursery water can be applica-
lethargy, morbidity and mortality. Severe ble. Some host response has been
hyperplasia of gill filaments, including detected, indicating that immune mech-
clubbing, occurs (Molnar, 1972). anisms may be involved in regulation of
● Control. Treatments with formalde- parasite levels.
hyde and organophosphorus agents
such as metrifonate have been used.
Dactylogyrus hypophthalmichthys
Other anthelmintics may have effects
on the parasite. ● Host. Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys
● Macrohabitat. Fresh water.
Dactylogyrus ctenopharyngodonis
● Geographical distribution. Asia, from
● Host. Grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon where it has been transplanted with
idella. export of infected hosts to other parts of
● Macrohabitat. Fresh water. the world.
● Geographical distribution. Originally ● Morphology. Length 0.42 mm, width
endemic in Asia but transplanted with 0.11 mm. Hamuli, marginal hooklets,
export of fishes to Europe and other cirrus and accessory cirrus are specifi-
parts of the world. cally shaped (Bauer et al., 1973).
● Morphology. Length 0.5 mm, width ● Microhabitat. Gill filaments.
0.08 mm. Four eye spots. Hamuli, ● Life cycle. Similar to those of other
marginal hooklets, cirrus and accessory dactylogyrids. Its development is tem-
cirrus are specific for species. perature dependent.
● Microhabitat. Gill filaments and lamellae. ● Pathogenicity. Heavy infections can
● Life cycle. The life cycle is temperature occur in older fish, with intensities up
dependent and the parasite occurs to thousands of parasites per host.
abundantly in the warm season (Bauer ● Control. As for other dactylogyrids.
et al., 1973).
● Pathogenicity. Heavy infections of grass
Dactylogyrus aristichthys
carp fry (several thousands per fish) were
associated with mortalities. Attachment ● Host. Bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis).
and/or feeding of the worm induces ● Macrohabitat. Fresh water.
324 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

● Geographical distribution. Asia, from vary from 1 to 52 per fish (Fischthal

where it has been transplanted with and Allison, 1941). Estimates of at least
export of infected hosts to other parts of 560 A. ureteroecetes worms per host
the world. have been presented (Petrie-Hanson,
● Morphology. Length 0.48 mm, width 2001). The presence of a high number
0.1 mm. Hamuli, marginal hooklets, cir- of parasites in the lumen of ureters and
rus and accessory cirrus are specifically bladders elicits necrosis, inflammation
shaped. Larva elongate with seven pairs and fibrosis. Urinary obstruction can
of hooklets at primordial opisthaptor occur. The kidney may appear enlarged
(Bauer et al., 1973). and pale. Morbidity and mortality may
● Microhabitat. Gill filaments. result. Clinical signs are anorexia, dis-
● Life cycle. Temperature dependent deve- coloration, disorientation, balance dis-
lopment between 14 and 30°C. Fastest turbances and spasms.
embryonation and hatching at 30°C ● Control. No controlled treatment experi-
(2 days). This process takes 10 days at ments have been conducted but
12°C. Oncomiracidium swims freely anthelmintics such as mebendazole,
8–11 h at 17–23°C. It attaches initially to praziquantel or others may have an effect.
the oral cavity of the host, whereupon it
migrates to the gill filaments.
Family Pseudodactylogyridae
● Pathogenicity. Heavy infections can
occur in older fish, with intensities up
Pseudodactylogyrus anguillae and
to thousands of parasites per host. Thus
Pseudodactylogyrus bini
counts of more than 6000 parasites per
host (2-year-old bighead carp). ● Host. Anguillid eels. Registered from
● Control. As for other dactylogyrids. European eel, Anguilla anguilla,
Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, Anguilla
reinhardtii and Anguilla bicolor (Ogawa
Acolpenteron ureteroecetes
and Egusa, 1976; Buchmann, 1997).
● Host. Largemouth bass, Micropterus ● Macrohabitat. Fresh water or brackish
salmoides (Petrie-Hanson, 2001). Repre- water.
sentatives of the genus in Perciformes, ● Geographical distribution. It has been
Cypriniformes and Centrarchidae. suggested that the two species origi-
● Macrohabitat. Fresh water. nated in the Pacific area, from where
● Microhabitat. Urinary system, urinary they were introduced to Europe through
bladder and ureters of teleosts. transportation of live eels. Known local-
● Geographcal distribution. North America. ities are Japan, China, Taiwan, Australia,
Representatives of the genus also in Indonesia, Russia, most European coun-
Eurasia and Africa. tries and North America.
● Morphology. Body elongate, length ● Morphology. Length is generally
1.17–1.25 mm, width 0.11–0.18 mm. around 1–1.5 mm. The opisthaptor is
Head organs poorly developed. Four equipped with two ventrally pointed
eye spots. Haptors without hamuli and large hamuli and 14 marginal hooklets.
bars but with 14 marginal hooklets Sclerotinized cirrus, accessory cirrus
(0.028 mm). Cirrus and vagina present. and vagina. Four eye spots. The two
Eggs measure 0.06 mm × 0.04 mm, with a species are differentiated based on
blunt process at one end (attaching stalk). hamulus size (Ogawa and Egusa, 1976).
● Life cycle. Oviparous hermaphroditic ● Microhabitat. The two species may
worm produces eggs, which hatch, select different microhabitats in the gill
with the appearance of oncomiracidia. apparatus (Buchmann, 1997).
● Pathogenicity. The adverse effect is ● Life cycle. The life cycle is temperature
correlated to the intensity of infection. dependent and finds its optimum at
Worm loads (Acolpenteron sp.) may 25–30°C, whereas development below
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 325

10°C is extremely slow. These mono- geographic region Amazonas, trans-

geneans are oviparous and each worm planted to public aquaria around the
may produce up to 24 eggs per day. The world, e.g. Denmark (Buchmann et al.,
eggs embyonate and hatch within 1–2 1994).
days and the postlarval development is ● Morphology. Length up to 2.552 mm,
1 week at 25°C. The worm may survive width up to 0.138 mm, cirrus coiled
more than 60 days at 25°C (Buchmann, with five to seven rings, proximally
1997). coiled tubular vagina present, four eye
● Pathogenicity. Infected eels develop spots, gut connects behind testis, ven-
hyperplasia of gill structures, including tral anchor 0.035 mm long, dorsal
fusion of gill lamellae. Direct mechani- anchor 0.051 mm long, 14 hooklets,
cal action by hamuli, marginal hooklets eggs elongate-ovate with proximal fila-
and feeding activity may elicit the ment (Kritsky et al., 1985).
reactions. ● Microhabitat. Gills.
● Control. Bath treatment, using various ● Life cycle. Oviparous reproduction.
drugs such as mebendazole (1 ppm) (or ● Pathogenicity. Serious morbidity and
other benzimidazoles) or praziquantel mortality due to heavy infections with
(10 ppm), is feasible (Buchmann, 1997). several hundreds of parasites per host
Formaldehyde (50–100 ppm) is com- in confined environments. Gross patho-
monly used by farmers. Trials have logical changes include necrotic areas
shown that aluminium chloride (1– and inflammation of infected tissue
10 ppm) may have an adverse effect on (Buchmann et al., 1994).
the infections (Larsen and Buchmann, ● Control. No published information
2003). Predation of parasite eggs and available. However, anthelmintics such
oncomiracidia by turbellaria and cope- as praziquantel or benzimidazoles may
pods, respectively, has been observed, be effective.
which suggests alternative control
strategies (Buchmann, 1988).
Family Tetraonchidae

Family Ancyrocephalidae Tetraonchus awakurai and

Tetraonchus oncorhynchi
Ancylodiscoides vistulensis ● Host. Masou salmon (Oncorhynchus
● Host. European catfish, Silurus glanis. masou).
● Macrohabitat. Fresh water. ● Macrohabitat. Fresh water.
● Geographical distribution. Europe. ● Geographical distribution. Japan.
● Microhabitat. Gills. ● Morphology. Most parasites with a
● Pathogenicity. Heavy infections obta- body length of 1.5 mm, with maximum
ined in confined environments may size up to 2.5 mm.
cause mortalities (Molnar, 1968). ● Microhabitat. T. awakurai preferentially
● Control. Bath treatments with ammo- occupies the lower or middle part of the
nium hydroxide have been found to be gill filament whereas T. oncorhynchi
more effective than treatments with tends to colonize the distal part of the
praziquantel and mebendazole (Szekely filament (Ogawa and Egusa, 1985).
and Molnar, 1990). ● Life cycle. Oncomiracidia hatch from
embryonated eggs and transmission
occurs when the temperature is above
Dawestrema cycloancistrium
10°C (Ogawa and Egusa, 1985).
● Host. Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas). ● Pathogenicity. Mass mortality has been
● Macrohabitat. Fresh water. reported associated with heavy infections
● Geographical distribution. Northern in which intensities exceed 1000 para-
part of South America, such as the sites per fish.
326 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

● Control. Prevention of access of wild ● Pathogenicity. Heavy infections with

infected fish into farms. Probably formal- up to 239 parasites per fish (8–13 cm
dehyde or anthelmintics such as prazi- body length) were found associated
quantel or mebendazole may be effective. with gill rot (Paperna et al., 1977).
● Control. Formaldehyde bath treatment
(Paperna et al., 1977).

Family Diplectanidae
Family Gyrodactylidae
Diplectanum aequans and Diplectanum
laubieri (Paperna and Laurencin, 1979)
Gyrodactylus anguillae
● Host. Sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax.
● Host. Anguillid eels such as European
● Macrohabitat. Marine waters.
eel, Anguilla anguilla, American eel,
● Geographical distribution. Mediterra-
Anguilla rostrata, and Japanese eel,
nean, Atlantic Ocean.
Anguilla japonica (Ogawa and Egusa,
● Morphology. D. laubieri: length 0.53–
1980; Ogawa and Hioki, 1986).
1.45 mm, width 0.13–0.27 mm. Four eye
● Macrohabitat. Fresh water and brackish
spots, spherical pharynx, haptor with
two squamodiscs (each with 11–16
● Geographical distribution. Europe, North
rows of sclerites) placed ventrally and
America, Japan.
dorsally. Dorsal hamuli length 0.042–
● Morphology. Hamulus length 0.036 mm.
0.064 mm, ventral hamuli length 0.042–
Marginal hooklet sickle length 5.6–
0.062 mm. Seven pairs of symmetrical
6.1 µm. No anterolateral processes of
marginal hooklets 11–12 µm in length.
ventral bar.
Cirrus straight with a length of 0.101–
● Microhabitat. Parasites are mostly
0.132 mm (Gonzales-Lanza et al., 1991).
found on gills but in heavy infections
● Microhabitat. Gills.
may be found on fins and skin and in
● Pathogenicity. Both species can easily
nostrils and pharynx.
be found in densities of several hun-
● Life cycle. Viviparous reproduction.
dred parasites per host. Haemorrhages
● Pathogenicity. Morbidity and mortality
in gills may be caused by heavy infec-
of heavily infected fish are probably
tions. Hyperproduction of mucus is
associated with injuries of gills in con-
seen. Inflammation and hyperplasia of
nection with attachment and feeding
gill epithelium, with inclusion of leu-
activities of worms. Intensities of up to
kocytes, appear (Gonzales-Lanza et al.,
20,000 parasites per fish were recorded
1991). Fusion of lamellae with decreased
by Ogawa and Egusa (1980).
respiratory surface may impair gas
● Control. No investigations on effective
exchange. Localized cellular reactions
methods have been conducted. How-
can partly encapsulate D. aequans
ever, addition of sodium chloride to
(Oliver, 1977).
tanks with infected eels kept in fresh
● Control. Various anthelmintics may be
water stimulated population increase.
effective against these parasites.

Gyrodactylus salaris
Furnestia echeneis
● Host. Salmonids and particularly Atlantic
● Host. Gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata. salmon, Salmo salar. However, Arctic
● Macrohabitat. Marine waters. charr and rainbow trout may serve as
● Geographical distribution. Mediterra- susceptible reservoir hosts (Bakke et al.,
nean, Atlantic Ocean and Red Sea. 2002).
● Microhabitat. Gills and inner oper- ● Macrohabitat. Freshwater rivers and
culum (in heavy infections). lakes. The parasite may survive salinities
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 327

up to 15 ppt in fjords and brackish water parasites in infected areas (Buchmann

areas for some time but full-strength sea and Uldal, 1997).
water kills the worm within minutes. ● Macrohabitat. Freshwater rivers, lakes
● Geographical distribution. Norway, and trout farms.
Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Russia and ● Geographical distribution. Present in
Germany. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Scotland,
● Morphology. General anatomy as other France, Poland and Germany.
gyrodactylids. The shape and size of ● Morphology. General gyrodactylid shape
marginal hooklets, ventral bar and and anatomy. May be discerned from
hamuli are species-characteristic. The the shape and size of marginal hooklets,
size of these varies dependent on temper- ventral bar and hamuli. The size of
ature during development (Mo, 1991). these vary dependent on temperature
● Microhabitat. The parasite occurs during development (Mo, 1993).
preferentially on fins, to some extent ● Microhabitat. Selects preferentially
on the body skin, cornea and nostrils fins of the host and the body skin to a
but may also be found rarely in the gill lesser extent. However, the site selec-
apparatus. tion is dynamic and may change from
● Life cycle. The parasite is viviparous primary preference for pectoral and
and three generations (parent individ- pelvic fins to a higher affinity for cor-
ual with embryo-bearing offspring in neal surfaces when the host reacts
the uterus) may be seen in one parasite. (Buchmann and Uldal, 1997).
● Pathogenicity. Susceptible salmonids ● Life cycle. The parasite is viviparous
allow an extensive population increase and three generations may be seen in
of parasites on the fish skin, eventually one individual with pregnant offspring
leading to the death of the host. This in uterus.
probably occurs due to osmoregulatory ● Pathogenicity. Parasite populations
impairment and secondary infections. may reach high levels, approximately
● Control. In Norway, stamping-out proce- 1500 specimens in one fingerling. Mor-
dures of infected hatcheries are con- tality is correlated to infection level in
ducted. Preferred treatment in hatcheries fry (Busch et al., 2003).
is formaldehyde addition to tank water. ● Control. Preferred treatments in ponds
Anthelmintics may be used but are not are formaldehyde, although more envi-
in general use. In natural waters, such ronmentally friendly oxidizing agents
as Norwegian rivers, eradication pro- such as sodium percarbonate have
grammes have been performed for more been introduced (Buchmann and
than a decade to clear infected rivers. Kristensson, 2003).
Rotenone treatment of rivers kills both
hosts and parasites and subsequent
Gyrodactylus colemanensis
restocking with the same fish strain has
been performed with some success, but ● Host. Salmonids such as Oncorhynchus
a number of treated rivers have been mykiss, Salmo trutta, Salvelinus font-
reinfected. Addition of aluminium inalis and Salvelinus namaycush and
compounds to rivers is now in progress hybrids between these (Cone et al., 1983).
due to the known effects of aluminium ● Macrohabitat. Fresh water.
on gyrodactylids (Soleng et al., 1999). ● Geographical distribution. North
● Morphology. General gyrodactylid out-
Gyrodactylus derjavini
line with an approximate length of
● Host. Salmonids. Brown trout and rain- 0.45 mm and width of 0.11 mm. Two
bow trout are particularly susceptible, large hamuli (length 43–51 µm) with
whereas Atlantic salmon is relatively ventral bar equipped with well-
resistant but may harbour a few developed anterolateral processes.
328 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

Marginal hooklet with sickle length of adverse effects of marginal hooklets

5–6 µm (Cone et al., 1983). penetrating host epithelia (Cone and
● Microhabitat. Skin and particular caudal, Odense, 1984). Heavy infections may
pectoral and pelvic fins, of which the cause osmoregulatory disturbances.
margins are preferred by the frequently ● Control. Formaldehyde bath will depara-
relocating worm (Cone and Cusack, 1989). sitize hosts (Cone and Cusack, 1988).
● Life cycle. Typical gyrodactylid vivi-
parous reproduction.
Gyrodactylus katharineri
● Pathogenicity. Although heavy parasite
burdens may develop on susceptible ● Host. Main host is common carp, Cyp-
hosts, clinical signs are not obvious. rinus carpio, but occurs occasionally
This may be related to the lack of on other cyprinids.
inflammation and ulceration at the ● Macrohabitat. Fresh water.
attachment site (Cone and Wiles, 1989). ● Geographical distribution. Originally
Whether this is related to the active the parasite was in Asia and has
translocation of parasites is not known. been introduced to Europe and North
● Control. Host responses result in America with the introduction of carp.
marked decreases of the parasite popu- ● Morphology. Body length 0.6–1.1 mm.
lation within 85 days at 10°C (Cusack, Hamuli are 70–112 µm long. Ventral bar
1986). Formaldehyde bathing or expo- with very long anterolateral processes
sure to sodium chloride solutions may (14–34 µm). The marginal hooklet sickle
adversely affect parasite populations length is 8–10 µm.
without eliminating these totally. ● Microhabitat. The parasite selects body
skin and fins but may occur on the gills
and in the buccal cavity.
Gyrodactylus salmonis
● Life cycle. Viviparous reproduction as
● Host. Salmonids such as Oncorhynchus in other gyrodactylids.
mykiss, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Salmo ● Pathogenicity. Adverse effects on hosts
clarki, Salmo salar, Salmo trutta, are dependent on intensity of infection
Salmo aquabonita and Salvelinus and size of host. More than a million
fontinalis. parasites were found on an adult carp
● Macrohabitat. Fresh water. (Solomatova and Luzin, 1988). Fry and
● Geographical distribution. North America. young fish are particularly vulnerable
● Morphology. Typical gyrodactylid out- to infection, with the parasite causing
line with a body length of approxi- morbidity and mortality (Ergens, 1983).
mately 0.5 mm and a width of 0.15 mm. Probably the damage caused by the
Hamuli with a length of 53–65 µm and attachment hooks and the feeding
ventral bar with small anterolateral pro- activities is responsible for the epithe-
cesses. Marginal hooklets with sickle lial damage.
length of 7–9 µm. ● Control. Bath treatments with formal-
● Microhabitat. Body skin, fins, buccal dehyde and ammonia are partly effec-
cavity and nostrils. tive (Solomatova and Luzin, 1988).
● Life cycle. Viviparous gyrodactylid Mirror carp seems to be relatively resis-
reproduction. When reproducing on tant to infection compared with the
S. fontinalis, populations may reach scaled form of carp (Ergens, 1983).
intensities of 376 parasites per fish 38
to 55 days post-infection.
Gyrodactylus turnbulli and
● Pathogenicity. Mortality and morbidity
Gyrodactylus bullatarudis
of S. fontinalis fry are associated with
infection. Clinical signs of infections in ● Host. Guppies (Poecilia reticulata).
fry are cachexia, lethargy and discolor- ● Macrohabitat. Fresh water, both natural
ation. These may be elicited by the waters and aquaria.
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 329

● Geographical distribution. Asia, Europe, hooklets consist of very long and

North and South America. two-segmented handles (Mo and
● Morphology. Hamuli with a length of MacKenzie, 1991).
57 µm, marginal hooklet sickle length ● Microhabitat. Gills.
8.5 µm. Anterolateral processes of the ● Life cycle. Viviparous reproduction.
ventral bar are small. ● Pathogenicity. Many hundreds may be
● Microhabitat. Fins and body skin. found on larger fish. Infested fish are
Preferentially the caudal fin region is in poor condition. Histological sec-
parasitized, although other fins are tions of gill tissue show hyperplasia
parasitized as well (Harris, 1988). and hypertrophy of epithelia concom-
● Life cycle. Viviparous reproduction itantly infected with ectoparasitic
and it is dependent on temperature. At flagellates and ciliates (Mo and
25°C, parasite may give birth four times MacKenzie, 1991).
at 1- to 2-day intervals.
● Pathogenicity. Clinical signs of heavily
infected fish are cachexia and discolor-
Family Anoplodiscidae
ation. Frayed fins can be due to
mechanical injuries caused by attach-
Anoplodiscus tai
ment sclerites and feeding activities.
The parasite is considered a problem ● Host. Red sea bream, Pagrus major.
for aquarists. ● Macrohabitat. Marine waters.
● Control. Generally infections are ● Geographical distribution. Japanese
treated with formaldehyde, hydrogen waters.
peroxide or sodium chloride. Studies ● Morphology. Body elongate, slightly
by Richards and Chubb (1996) showed tapering at both ends, with a length of
that the host mounts a response, lead- 3.2–4.3 mm and a width of 1.35–
ing to decrease of parasite popula- 1.6 mm. Opisthaptor sucker-like with-
tions. This was also shown by Scott out hamuli, bars or marginal hooklets.
(1985). In addition, a genetic factor has Four eye spots dorsal to pharynx. The
been suggested to play a role in sus- pharynx leads to a single intestine with
ceptibility, which may lead to breed- short irregular side branches. The testis
ing for resistance (Madhavi and is single and rounded and located in the
Anderson, 1985). anterior part of the body. Cirrus tubular.
The ovary is anterior to the testis and a
vagina is present (Ogawa, 1994).
Gyrodactyloides bychowskii
● Microhabitat. Fins, occasionally on
● Host. Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. body skin (Ogawa, 1994).
● Geographical distribution. White Sea, ● Pathogenicity. Fins become emaci-
Norwegian Sea (Mo and MacKenzie, ated, probably due to feeding of the
1991). parasite on host epithelia. Haemorrh-
● Macrohabitat. Marine waters. ages occur. Epithelium erodes at the
● Morphology. Resembles Gyrodactylus site of haptor attachment. The mus-
but the shape of the opisthaptor is dif- cular haptor produces sucking and
ferent. Thus, the opisthaptor is more pinching, eliciting haemorrhages.
oval and the 16 marginal hooklets are Inflammatory reactions occur and epi-
arranged in three groups. Two antero- thelial hyperplasia around the parasite
lateral groups each composed of four results. There is massive infiltration of
hooklets and one posterior group of lymphocytes, macrophages and eosino-
eight hooklets are found. In addition, a philic granular cells to the area of para-
median sucker is found on the ventral site attachment.
side of the haptor. This is reinforced by ● Control. No information available but
sclerotized structures. The marginal anthelmintics may be effective.
330 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

Family Microbothriidae ● Microhabitat. The skin and eyes of the

host are preferentially infected but
Dermophthirius the worm may occur in gills and
● Host. (D. melanopteri on the Pacific
● Life cycle. Eggs are filamented, tanned,
blacktip reef shark Carcharhinus mela-
operculate and tetrahedral. They hatch
nopterus, D. carcharhini on the Gala-
within 5–8 days at room temperature.
pagos shark Carcharhinus galapagensis,
● Pathogenicity. Attachment and feeding
D. nigrellii on the lemon shark Nega-
on the host produce considerable inju-
prion brevirostris)
ries, which can lead to mortality
● Macrohabitat. Marine waters.
(Deveney et al., 2001). Heavy uncon-
● Geographical distribution. Atlantic and
trolled infections are associated with
Pacific Oceans.
blindness, scale loss and erosion of epi-
● Morphology. Flat-leaf like worms. Two
dermis and underlying tissue. Hyper-
adhesive organs in the prohaptor.
production of mucus, discoloration,
Buccal cavity present. The opisthaptor
hyperaemia and haemorrhages can be
is small and cup-shaped.
seen (Kaneko et al., 1988).
● Microhabitat. Adult parasites attach to
● Control. A short freshwater bath may
the placoid scales by the use of secre-
limit the infection. Praziquantel has
tory adhesive substances. The haptor
been reported to be effective against
may have a sucker-like mode of attach-
capsalids (Ernst et al., 2003). Cleaner
ment (Rand et al., 1986).
fish have been demonstrated to elimi-
● Pathogenicity. Clinical signs are erratic
nate parasites from infected hosts
swimming with the rubbing of the body
(Cowell et al., 1993).
surface against objects and the bottom
of the fish tank. Parasites feed on the
epidermal tissue and ulcerated lesions Neobenedenia girellae
occur, with loss of scales.
● Host. Many species of marine fishes
● Control. Chemical treatment with met-
but amberjack (Seriola dumerili) and
rifonate or formaldehyde has been
Japanese flounder (Paralichthys
shown to be effective (Cheung et al.,
olivaceus) are particular good hosts.
● Macrohabitat. Marine waters.
● Geographical distribution. Tropical
seas, e.g. Mexico, California, Japan.
Family Capsalidae
● Morphology. Body length 3.9–5.2 mm.
Oncomiracidium 0.187–0.212 mm.
Neobenedenia melleni
● Microhabitat. Body skin and fins.
● Host. Not host specific, with more than Young stages appear on the fins and the
100 marine teleost species infected adult parasites on the body. Older para-
(Jahn and Kuhn, 1932; Nigrelli and sites on the skin, particularly the mouth
Breder, 1934; Whittington, 2004). and eye region, occur on Japanese floun-
● Macrohabitat. Marine waters. der (Bondad-Reantaso et al., 1995a).
● Geographical distribution. North ● Life cycle. Eggs with egg filaments are
America, South America, Australia. released from the adult worm. Eighteen
● Morphology. Length 2–5 mm, width to 49 eggs may be produced per hour.
1.5–3 mm. Two anterior adhesive discs Eggs hatch within 4 days at 25°C but
and a posterior ventrally directed haptor development is inhibited at 15°C.
with sclerites. The anterior sclerites Oncomiracidia first invade fins and per-
are 21.6 µm long, anterior hamuli are form their postlarval stages on fins
29.7 µm, the posterior hamuli are 11.8 µm before migration to the skin. First
and the marginal hooklets are 9.8 µm. oviposition was observed after 10 days
A vagina is absent. at 25°C (Bondad-Reantaso et al., 1995a).
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 331

● Pathogenicity. The parasite feeds on The haptor has three pairs of central
epithelia and may cause similar inju- hooks. Eggs are triangular with a long
ries and reactions to those described for filament, up to 2.7 mm in length. Egg
Neobenedenia melleni. colour is yellow-brown. The larva is
● Control. Freshwater bathing may 0.5 mm in length and 0.2 mm in width.
clear infections. Sodium chloride- Four eye spots are present, which disap-
supplemented sea water or anthel- pear during postlarval development.
mintics such as praziquantel may be ● Microhabitat. Fish skin and fins.
effective. Some acquired protection ● Life cycle. Egg production is tempera-
against challenge infections was found ture dependent. One egg per 50 s is the
by Bondad-Reantaso et al. (1995b) in maximum production rate and a total of
naturally infected fish. This would sug- 60–200 eggs are delivered at a time. Eggs
gest that immunoprophylactic strate- do not develop below 9°C or above 30°C
gies can be applied. However, hosts and 18–24°C is optimum. Larvae are
injected with worm homogenate were phototactic and survive only 1 day.
not significantly protected. Development to the adult stage takes at
least 2 weeks during the summer season
and more than 1.5 months at 17–20°C.
Benedenia monticelli
The total life cycle takes 20 days during
● Host. Mugilid fish, including Liza the warm season (Egusa, 1983).
carinata, Crenimugil crenilabris, Mugil ● Pathogenicity. Fish rub against the net
auratus, Mugil capito, Mugil subviridis of enclosures in order to remove para-
and Valamugil seheli (Paperna and sites. This will result in injuries and
Overstreet, 1981; Paperna et al., 1984). haemorrhages of the skin and second-
● Macrohabitat. Marine waters. ary infections may occur. Infections are
● Geographical distribution. Mediterra- associated with anorexia and growth
nean, Red Sea, Gulf of Elat and Suez. retardation (Hoshina, 1968).
● Morphology. Body length up to 5 mm, ● Control. Fresh water will kill the para-
width 1.5 mm. Presence of vagina. site (Hoshina, 1968). Sea water supple-
● Microhabitat. Mouth of the host is pre- mented with disodium phosphate
ferentially infected but skin and gills peroxyhydrate or pyrophosphate peroxy-
may serve as substrate. hydrate is effective (Egusa, 1983).
● Pathogenicity. Attachment and feed-
ing on the host produce considerable
Entobdella soleae
injuries, which can lead to mortality.
Haemorrhages are elicited in the oral ● Host. Common sole, Solea solea.
submucosa. Intensities of 50–300 ● Macrohabitat. Marine waters.
worms were found associated with ● Geographical distribution. North Sea.
moribund fish. ● Morphology. The adult worm has a
● Control. No studies are available but length of approximately 2–5 mm and a
presumably formaldehyde or anthel- width of 1–2.5 mm. The worm is dorso-
mintic treatments may be effective. ventrally flattened and equipped with
four tiny eyes. The anterior adhesive
area is important for attachment and
Benedenia seriolae
movement. From the pharynx the intes-
● Host. Yellowtail, Seriola quinquera- tine divides into two lateral branches. A
diata (Hoshina, 1968; Egusa, 1983). cirrus with an ejaculatory duct is pres-
● Macrohabitat. Marine waters. ent, as well as a vagina. The ovary is
● Geographical distribution. Pacific Ocean. placed centrally in the body, anterior to
● Morphology. The body is oval and the two testes. The opisthaptor has both
dorsoventrally flattened. The length anterior and posterior hamuli, as well as
is up to 9 mm, the width 3–4 mm. accessory sclerites and marginal hooklets.
332 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

The oncomiracidium is equipped with ● Pathogenicity. Lethargy, discoloration

four well-developed eye spots with and severe anaemia. Adult parasites
lenses. The opisthaptor posseses 14 penetrate to muscle layers of the bran-
marginal hooklets and both anterior and chial wall, inducing epithelial hyper-
posterior hamuli with accessory scler- plasia and inflammatory reactions in the
ites are present. dermis and subcutaneous tissue. There
● Microhabitat. Skin. The upper part of is necrosis of tissues surrounding the
the body is used for initial settling and parasite.
later the postlarva migrates to the lower ● Control. Regular mechanical collection
side of the body for reproduction. of egg clusters on rope or nets in net
● Life cycle. Eggs of E. soleae are tetra- pens may reduce the population of
hedral and possess a stalk with adhe- parasites.
sive material for attachment to sand ● Chemical treatment. Hydrogen peroxide
grains or other materials in the environ- bath treatments are effective only
ment. Egg development takes 27 days at against juvenile gill stages. Oral applica-
13–17°C. The oncomiracidium escapes tion of caprylic acid may have an effect.
through an operculum and the hatch-
ing process can be induced by host
Neoheterobothrium hirame
mucus or light (Kearn, 1963, 1974).
(see Ogawa, 1999, 2002)
● Pathogenicity. A heavy build-up of
E. soleae populations on the skin of ● Host. Japanese flounder, Paralichthys
sole kept in captivity was reported by olivaceus.
Anderson and Conroy (1968). Several ● Macrohabitat. Marine waters.
hundred worms may be found on hosts, ● Geographical distribution. Japanese
which can be lethal if left untreated waters (Ogawa, 1999).
(Kearn, 2002). ● Morphology. Elongate and fusiform
● Control. Formaldehyde bath treatments body with a total length of 14–32.9 mm,
at intervals can cure the infection width 2.4–3.6 mm. The haptor is sepa-
(Anderson and Conroy, 1968). Other rated from the body proper by a slender
anthelmintics may show effects. isthmus. The haptor is equipped with
eight asymmetrical clamps. The mouth
opening is subterminal, with a pair of
oral suckers on both sides of the oral
cavity. The pharynx leads to a bifurcat-
ing intestine with branches. There are
Family Diclidophoridae
numerous testes in the posterior half of
the body. The copulatory organ is mus-
Heterobothrium okamotoi (see Ogawa, 2002)
cular and equipped with hooks. The
● Host. Tiger puffer, Takifugu rubripes. ovary is in front of the testes and
● Macrohabitat. Marine and brackish waters. C-shaped. There is no vagina but there
● Geographical distribution. Japan. is a genital pore in front of the male
● Morphology. Length 12–23 mm, eggs organ. The uterus is narrow with only a
with polar filaments. few eggs. Eggs have a total length of
● Microhabitat. Adult parasites on 0.44–0.57 mm with straight append-
branchial cavity wall, juveniles on gill ages at both ends (Ogawa, 1999). The
filaments. oncomiracidium is 0.25–0.320 mm
● Life cycle. Eggs hatch at temperatures with five pairs of marginal hooks and
between 15 and 25°C and at salinities one pair of hamuli. No eye spots have
between 6.7 and 33.4 ppt. The onco- been seen (Ogawa, 2000).
miracidium has a lifespan of 5–9 days ● Microhabitat. The parasite first atta-
and this is dependent on temperature. ches to the gill filaments and then
Self-fertilization can occur. migrates to the gill rakers and finally to
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 333

the buccal cavity wall, where oviposi- where the developmental rate is high-
tion starts (Anshary and Ogawa, 2001). est. Eggs released from the adults
● Life cycle. Oviposition exceeds 500 per embryonate and hatch within 28 days at
worm above 15°C (Ogawa, 2002). Eggs 13°C. Most embryonated worm eggs
hatch in filtered sea water at 20°C hatch within 1 h from onset of darkness
within 24 h (Ogawa, 2000). Egg produc- (Gannicott and Tinsley, 1997). The
tion occurs at the buccal cavity wall oncomiracidia have a lifespan of less
microhabitat. To reach the adult stage than 24 h at 13°C. They attach to the
at this site takes 59 days at 15°C but gills, shed their ciliary plates and develop
only 31 days at 25°C. into adults. However, no transmission
● Pathogenicity. The parasite feeds occurs during cold winter months and
exclusively on host blood, eliciting accumulated eggs hatch during spring
anaemia, and this may elicit mortality when temperatures rise above 10°C
(Ogawa, 2002). The strong inflammatory (Gannicott and Tinsley, 1998).
reaction is associated with necrosis ● Pathogenicity. The worm is blood-feeding
(Anshary and Ogawa, 2001). and anaemia may develop in heavily
● Control. A sodium chloride- infected hosts. Intensities of more than
supplemented seawater (30 g/l sea 1000 parasites per host occur in trout
water) bath for 1 h is effective against farms, although wild hosts normally
immature parasites on the gills. bear only a few parasites (Rubio-Godoy
and Tinsley, 2002).
● Control. Anthelmintics such as prazi-
quantel and benzimidazoles may have
Family Discocotylidae
some effect. It has been shown that
hosts produce specific antibodies against
Discocotyle sagittata
the worm and immunization with worm
● Host. Salmonids, e.g. brown trout, material confers some slight protection
Salmo trutta, and rainbow trout, Onco- against challenge infections (Rubio-
rhynchus mykiss (see Rubio-Godoy and Godoy et al., 2003a,b).
Tinsley, 2003).
● Macrohabitat. Fresh water. The para-
site will survive in sea water for a
Family Microcotylidae
limited period.
● Geographical distribution. Extensive
Microcotyle sebastis
distribution in Northern Hemisphere,
Europe, North America and Asia. ● Host. Rockfish, Sebastes schlegeli.
● Morphology. Length up to 12 mm, ● Macrohabitat. Marine waters.
width up to 3–4 mm. The rectangular ● Morphology. Adult worms about 4 mm
opisthaptor is equipped with four pairs in length, 0.5–1.0 mm in width.
of clamps for attachment to gill ● Microhabitat. Gills.
lamellae. Freshly hatched oncomira- ● Morphology. Opisthaptor is well devel-
cidia have one pair of clamps. The oped, arrow-shaped with about 30
additional three pairs of clamps clamps for attachment to gill lamellae.
develop in succession until the adult ● Pathogenicity. Morbidity and mortality
stage has been reached. The adult has of infected fish have been reported
numerous follicular testes and a double (Kim et al., 2000).
V-shaped vagina. ● Control. Anthelmintics such as
● Microhabitat. Gills, particularly sec- praziquantel and mebendazole have
ondary gill lamellae. effects (Kim and Cho, 2000). Immuni-
● Life cycle. Oviposition and develop- zation of hosts with worm homogenate
ment are temperature dependent. The confers some protection against
optimum temperature range is 13–18°C, challenge infections (Kim et al., 2000).
334 K. Buchmann and J. Bresciani

Allobivagina sp. blood feeders. Condition factors, lipid

and glycogen stores in muscle and liver
● Host. Siganid fishes, such as Siganus
were lowered. Serum protein picture
luridus, Siganus rivulatus and Siganus
was disturbed (Eto et al., 1976).
argenteus (see Paperna et al., 1984).
● Control. Sea water supplemented with
● Macrohabitat. Marine waters.
sodium chloride may affect adult and
● Geographical distribution. Red Sea,
juvenile parasites. Likewise, supple-
mentation of sea water with oxidizing
● Microhabitat. Gills.
agents, such as pyrophosphate peroxy-
● Pathogenicity. Mass mortality due to
hydrate or disodium phosphate
heavy infections has been reported.
peroxyhydrate, is effective for eradica-
Studies on these blood-feeding worms
tion of worms. Anti-fouling agents con-
on siganids, showed a significant nega-
taining organic tin suppress the
tive correlation between intensity of
infestation (Egusa, 1983). Anthelmintics,
infection and host haematocrit values
such as praziquantel or others, may be
(Paperna et al., 1984). Intensities varied
between 50 and 1133 worms per fish
and the lower haematocrit values (less
than 10%) were found in fish with more
Summary and Conclusions
than 150 worms. The lowest value
(2.5%) was found in a fish infected with
Monogeneans comprise a group of parasitic
985 parasites.
flatworms with a relatively high host speci-
● Control. No trials have been con-
ficity and high species richness, occupying
ducted but anthelmintics such as pra-
both marine and freshwater ecosystems.
ziquantel and mebendazole may be
Despite a well-adapted relationship between
effective. Evidence for development of
host and parasite, severe morbidity and
acquired immunity has been noted
mortality may develop in association with
(Paperna et al., 1984).
epizootic outbreaks in confined environ-
ments with excessive infection pressure.
This is particularly evident in aquacultural
Heteraxine heterocerca
enterprises. Thus, a large number of mono-
● Host. Japanese yellowtail, Seriola genean species are now known to cause
quinqueradiata. severe problems in both marine and fresh-
● Macrohabitat. Marine waters. water rearing facilities and it is expected
● Geographical distribution. Japanese that numerous additional monogeneans
marine waters. will show their pathogenicity whenever
● Morphology. Length up to 17 mm but their preferred hosts are domesticated
mostly 5–10 mm. with their corresponding monogeneans. In
● Microhabitat. Gills. addition, serious outbreaks, leading to mass
● Life cycle. Eggs with long filaments mortalities of hosts, have been recorded
entangle material in the environment, when anthropogenic transfer of parasites
e.g. net meshing in cage culture. Ovipo- has resulted in the spread of the parasite in
sition occurs between 10 and 28°C, wild host populations with a low innate
with an optimum at 18–25°C. Often resistance to the parasite. The direct life
300–800 eggs are delivered at a time cycle of monogeneans, which are oviparous
(Egusa, 1983). (most of the described species), ovovivi-
● Pathogenicity. Infected fish appear parous or viviparous (e.g. most gyro-
lethargic and anorexic. Discoloration of dactylids), is a prerequisite for the fast
skin, muscle, gills, liver and kidney is development of outbreaks whenever suitable
found. Anaemia is hypochromic and abiotic and biotic conditions are present.
microcytic and it is often associated The pathogenicity of the worms is
with the infection as the adults are dependent on their reproductive potential,
Monogenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 335

mode of attachment and feeding mecha- cleaner fish take monogeneans from the
nisms. Thus the monopisthocotyleans are body surface of infected fish and micro-
epithelial feeders, whereas polyopistho- faunistic elements such as turbellarians and
cotyleans are blood feeders. Generally the copepods may ingest monogenean eggs and
number of worms in relation to host size is larvae, respectively. Traditional chemical
important for the development of disease. control efforts have been based on the use of
Severe hyperplasia of affected tissue due to various salts and formaldehyde. Hydrogen
parasite activities will impair normal phy- peroxide formulations are now widely used
siological activities of the host. Thus, as environmentally safe control-bath treat-
destruction and fusion of gill filaments and ments. Also metal salts are now being
lamellae in gill parasite infections (both tested, both in culture systems and in natu-
monopisthocotyleans and polyopistho- ral waters. Several anthelmintics have
cotyleans) may lead to asphyxiation. Direct been tested for their efficacy and have
blood feeding of polyopisthocotyleans can proved their effect. Thus, organophosphates
cause severe anaemia. (metrifonate, dichlorvos), benzimidazoles
Classical diagnoses of worms are (mebendazole, flubendazole) and isoquino-
mainly based on morphological characters line pyrazines (praziquantel) have been
of sclerotized structures, such as hamuli, used succesfully. However, due to drug leg-
hooklets, connecting bars, cirrus, accessory islation, many of these drugs are not
cirrus or vagina, if present. Modern molecu- allowed in many countries. Immunopro-
lar techniques using DNA sequences encod- phylactic measures may add to antiparasitic
ing genes for ribosomal RNA are now control programmes in the future. A num-
widely applied. Likewise, variations of ber of studies have indicated that fish
gene sequences of mitochondrial DNA in respond to monogenean infections by using
monogeneans have found wide application a range of immunological elements. Most
for differentiation of strains and lineages. studies suggest that primarily non-specific
Additional gene sequences may be used in elements of both cellular and humoral
the future. origins contribute to the anti-parasitic
Control (e.g. mechanical, biological, response. However, specific immuno-
chemical) methods are widely applied. In globulins have also been detected and vac-
addition, immunological studies have sug- cination efforts have been found protective
gested that immunoprophylactic measures especially against gill parasite infections.
may have some effect. Hygienic measures Due to the serious impact of monogeneans
may reduce or even prevent introduction of in both cultured and wild host populations,
monogeneans into new production systems. these helminths should be effectively sur-
If parasites are present, mechanical systems veyed and actions should be taken to pre-
may be used to collect and remove mono- vent introduction of monogeneans into new
genean eggs in order to reduce infection host populations. Basic studies on the
pressure. In addition, filtration of produc- biology, ecology and physiology of the para-
tion water can eliminate eggs and larvae. site and host–parasite interactions may pro-
Studies have suggested that biological con- vide new ways to control diseases caused
trol may be applicable in culture. Thus, by monogeneans.


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10 Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes)

Ilan Paperna and Ronald Dzikowski

Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental
Quality Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot 76100, Israel

Introduction Some metacercariae in fisheries and

aquaculture products (fish and shellfish)
The Digenea (previously termed digenetic are a source of infections in humans and
trematodes) are one of the three major taxa domestic animals (Ito, 1964; Deardorff and
of parasitic Platyhelminthes, the other Overstreet, 1991). Metacercariae of Nano-
two being the Cestoda and the Monogenea. phyetus salmonis also transmit rickettsial
Digeneans are heteroxenous (i.e. they infection (‘salmon poisoning’) to dogs
require more than one host to complete (Philip, 1955).
their life cycle), and their adult stage is In the first edition we introduced the
parasitic in vertebrates. All major groups of reader to many aspects of fish trematode
vertebrates serve as hosts for adult dige- biology and the wide range of interactions
neans. Apart from being hosts to adult between digeneans and their piscine hosts.
digeneans, fish may also be infected by the The focus of the current review is on para-
metacercarial larval stage. With one excep- sites that cause disease in fish and the cir-
tion, digeneans undergo part or all of their cumstances that promote the deterioration
larval development in molluscs. Members of the steady-state balance between the fish
of the genus Aporocotyle complete their and its associated parasites. We shall also
larval development in polychaete annelids update the reader with the recent practical
(Koie, 1982). aspects of the relationships between dige-
Very few adult-stage digeneans are neans and their fish hosts. The develop-
known to cause significant harm to the ment in molecular methodologies did not
fish host. Notable exceptions are the extra- bypass research on digeneans. We shall have
intestinal parasites, such as sanguinicoliid a special section on molecular methodolo-
blood flukes, the cyst-forming didymozoids gies for the study and diagnosis of fish
and the skin-inhabiting Transversotrema spp. trematode infections. These methodologies
Metacercarial infection in fish is the have also been applied succesfully to
main source of disease, with subsequent explore digenean phylogenesis and, more
economic loss. Metacercariae may affect importantly, to unveil life histories and
growth and survival, or disfigure fish so consequently to provide a precise tool for
that they lose their market value as a food or specific identification (Cribb et al., 1998;
ornamental product (Paperna, 1991, 1996). Levy et al., 2002).

CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1

(ed. P.T.K. Woo) 345
346 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

Distribution and Prevalence molluscs and piscivorous birds; hence infec-

tions by skin, gill and visceral metacercariae
Host range and geographical distribution are high. The high natural infections of
young-of-the-year plaice with Cryptocotyle
The most important limiting factor for dige- lingua and Stephanostomum baccatum in
nean dispersal is the molluscan hosts. the north-east Atlantic littoral zones are well
Molluscs that serve as the first intermediate documented (MacKenzie, 1968; MacKenzie
host belong to the Gastropoda and Pelecy- and Liversidge, 1975). There are also heavy
poda (bivalves), but a few digeneans also heterophyid muscle infections in grey mul-
develop in Scaphopoda (e.g. an elasmo- lets and in juveniles of other fishes in
branch parasite, Ptychogonimus megastoma, lagoons and inshore marshes and estuaries
in Dentalium spp. (Palombi, 1941, Wright, in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. These
1971)). Marine and freshwater prosobranch areas are inhabited by high populations
snails are the most common intermediate of the intermediate host Pirenella conica
hosts of fish digeneans. All known fresh- (Fig. 10.1A; Paperna, 1975; Paperna and
water and marine Bucephalidae develop in Overstreet, 1981; Taraschewski and Paperna,
bivalve molluscs. Bivalves are also the first 1981; Taraschewski, 1984). The Syrian–
intermediate hosts of Fellodistomatidae African rift is a major migratory route for
(Fellodistomum, Bacciger), Gorgoderidae birds between Europe and Africa. Water
(Phyllodistomum and Gorgodera) and bodies from the Jordan to the East African
Allocreadiidae (Allocreadium, Bunodera, Great Lakes have common fishes (cichlids,
Crepidostomum) (Yamaguti, 1958; Hoffman, Clarias and Barbus), snails (Melanoides
1967; Schell, 1970). Except Cyathocotylidae tuberculata (Fig. 10.2), Bulinus (Fig. 10.1B)
and Apatemon spp., which develop in and Lymnaea spp.) and metacercariae whose
freshwater prosobranch operculids, all definitive hosts are herons (Ardeidae), cor-
other strigeids, as well as Clinostomidae morants (Phalacrocorax spp.) and pelicans
and Plagiorchidae, are associated primarily (Pelecanus onochrotalus). Gill infection
with pulmonate snails (Yamaguti, 1958;
Hoffman, 1960, 1967; Lo et al., 1982;
Finkelman, 1988). However, Sanguinicolidae
of marine and freshwater fishes diverge in
their choice of intermediate hosts, and they
include both pulmonates and operculids.
The marine members can also be found in
bivalves and in polychaetes (Smith, 1972).
Specificity of individual digenean species
to the molluscan host seems to be very
restricted, usually to species, or even to sub-
species. However, this has only been demon-
strated in non-piscine digeneans, notably in
human schistosomes (Paperna, 1968a; Wright,
1971). Some digeneans infecting widely dis-
tributed fish (such as the grey mullet, Mugil
cephalus) seem to be less specific in their
choice of molluscan host (Paperna and
Overstreet, 1981).
Many digeneans of land vertebrates use
fish for their metacercarial stages. Metacer-
cariae are frequently the most common
infections in fishes in the marine, estuarine
and lacustrine littoral zones. These nutrient- Fig. 10.1. A. Pirenella conica (actual size 15 mm).
rich waters are equally attractive to fish, B. Bulinus truncatus (actual size 6–11 mm).
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 347

and Hunter, 1934)). C. marginatum, together

with ‘diplostomulum’ and ‘neascus’, has
been reported to infect fish (Poecilia gillii)
in dry-season pools fringing a stream in
Costa Rica (Chandler et al., 1995). The
diplostomatid eye infections are important
and common in European and North
American freshwater fishes. Dubois (1953)
considered the American Diplostomum
flexicaudum to be the European Diplos-
tomum spathaceum. Both parasites develop
to adult stage in gulls (Hoffman, 1960).
D. spathaceum is in more than 125 fish
species (Hoglund, 1991). Parasitic cataract,
leading to blindness, has been reported in
rainbow trout farmed in Patagonia, Argentina,
where the local snail Chilina dombeiana is
the molluscan host (Semenas, 1998). From
five sites in the St Lawrence River, 12 fish
Fig. 10.2. Melanoides tuberculata (actual size species have been found infected with
20 mm). metacercariae of Diplostomum spp., with
benthic fish (brown bullhead, Ictalurus
with the heterophyids Centrocestus spp. nebulosus, and white sucker, Catastomus
and Haplorchis spp., transmitted by commersoni) having the heaviest infection.
M. tuberculata, occur in all young-of-the- Diplostomum spp. metacercariae are in the
year cichlids that inhabit shallow waters vitreous humour of brown bullheads, and
(Farstey, 1986; Paperna, 1996). Bulinus and this is the same for the vast majority of
Lymnaea are more fastidious in their habi- diplostomatids in the other fishes
tat demands, and demonstrate, particularly (Marcogliese and Compagna, 1999). Wooten
in the seasonal Mediterranean zone, greater (1974) and Lester and Huizinga (1977)
seasonal and annual variations in abun- reported Diplostomum adamsi, Diplo-
dance (Paperna, 1968b, c), and likewise the stomum gasterostei and Tylodelphis clavata
metacercariae they transmit (Neascus (black from the humour or the retina of the eyes.
spot) and flesh and brain diplostomatids Ocular diplostomiasis has been reported to
and clinostomids) (Khalil, 1963, 1969; occur in juvenile cichlids and Barbus spp.
Paperna, 1964a, 1996; Britz et al., 1985; from East and South Africa (Thurston, 1965;
Yekutiel, 1985; Finkelman, 1988; Dzikowski Mashego, 1982; Paperna, 1996), while in
et al., 2003a). In the temperate inland waters Lake Kariba eye infection in Tilapia rendalli
of the northern hemisphere, infections by and Oreochromis mortimeri has been about
metacercariae of strigeoid digeneans are 85% (Douellou, 1992).
particularly common. The common infec- The host range and geographical distri-
tions in North America are ‘white grub’ bution of trematodes have also been altered
(Posthodiplostomum minimum), encysting through human intervention. Snails (carry-
in the viscera (Hoffman, 1960; Grizzle and ing larval trematodes) have been trans-
Goldsby, 1996), species of Bolbophorus, located with fish culture stock or the
encysting in muscles (Overstreet et al., 2002), ornamental fish trade from one geograph-
‘black grub’ (pigmented skin metacercariae – ical region to another (Scholtz and Salgado,
Uvulifer ambloplitis and Crassiphiala 2000; Scholtz et al., 2001). This allowed the
bulboglossa), muscle metacercaria of Hystero- expansion of piscivorous bird trematodes,
morpha triloba (Neascus musculicola with metacercariae that are not piscine host
(Hoffman, 1960; Huggins, 1972)) and ‘yellow specific. Some of these resulting infections,
grub’ (Clinostomum marginatum (Hunter most notoriously Centrocestus formosanus
348 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

and Haplorchis pumilio, dispersed through has been reported for whiting (Odontagatus
the introduction of the Afro-Asian snail merlangus) infected with Derogenes varicus,
M. tuberculata, became health risks for both Hemiurus communis, Stephanostomum
wild and farmed fish in many water bodies pristis and Lecithaster gibbosus (Shotter,
in the USA and Mexico (Mitchell et al., 1973). In the North Atlantic, infection by
2000; Brandt Derogenes and Hemiurus may be linked
trematode.pdf; Scholtz et al., 2001). Four to peak abundance of zooplankton in the
aquacultured fish species (Ictalurus pun- summer (Shotter, 1973). It becomes more
ctatus, hybrid Morone, Notemigonus complicated when there are several optional
crysoleucas and Pimephales promelas) or consecutive intermediate hosts (e.g.
became readily infected when exposed to D. varicus; see Koie, 1979a, 1985). European
C. formosanus cercariae (Mitchell et al., sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) become
2002); in Mexico, farmed carp were also infected with Bucephalus haimeanus upon
infected. The only definitive host identified entry into estuarine habitats, where both
was the heron Butorides striatus (Scholtz molluscan hosts (Cardium edule) and
et al., 2001). metacercariae-infected gobies occur
(Matthews, 1973b). Feeding on plankton has
been correlated to Bunodera luciopercae
Seasonal distribution of adult stages infection of Perca fluviatilis in fresh water
(Chubb, 1979). There is seasonal transmis-
The seasonal occurrences of digeneans in sion of Allocreadium fasciatus in tropical
freshwater fishes have been extensively waters in India and this has been assumed to
reviewed (Chubb, 1979). However, a similar be related to blooms of copepod populations
review on marine fish is not available. In following the monsoon season (Madhavi,
some digenean infections, fish acquire their 1979).
parasites by direct cercariae penetration
(Sanguinicolidae and Transversotrematidae).
Sanguinicola inermis, which infects the Seasonal distribution of metacercariae
common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Europe, infections
is transmitted during the summer (Lucky,
1964). Sanguinicola sp. infecting cichlid It is difficult to extrapolate seasonal varia-
fishes in Lake Kinnereth and the nearby fish tions from direct counts of metacercariae on
ponds in Israel appears by spring and later fish, since such infections normally persist
by autumn (Paperna, 1996). Cercariae of for over 12 months (Donges, 1969). Under
Aporocotyle simplex have been found in these circumstances, infection accumulates
December, and flatfishes are infected in with fish age (presumably with size)
6°C water (Koie, 1982). The tube-dwelling (Karlsbakk, 2001). Marcogliese and Compagna
polychaete Lancides vayssieri, host of larval- (1999) suggested that, in the St Lawrence
stage aporocotyles, occurs in Antarctic waters River, fish become infected with metacer-
with temperatures not exceeding 1.6°C cariae in their first year of life, and that
(Martin, 1952). The ratio of juvenile to adult benthic fish are more prone to infections. In
digeneans in a fish enables a determination northern Finland, where eye diplostomiasis
of time of infection. In general, transmission is widespread in numerous fish species
usually takes place during the summer or (habitats ranging from freshwater lakes to
early autumn (Chubb, 1979). brackish marine), infestation is stable despite
Infection transmitted via the predation the extremely narrow transmission window
of metacercariae-infected intermediate hosts between the snail and the fish. Extended
can be only partially correlated with climatic longevity and continuous accumulation
fluctuations (Scott, 1969; Shotter, 1973). In precluded detection of any seasonal pattern
the North Atlantic, Lecithobothrys bothryo- (Valtonen and Gibson, 1997). This is similar
phorum infections in juvenile Argentina in brain infections of Phoxinus phoxinus by
silus peak in May (Scott, 1969). The same Diplostomum phoxini in two habitats in
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 349

Scotland (Barber and Crompton, 1997). In the low winter temperatures at which activ-
wild Rutilus rutilus, in the UK, the abundance ity of pulmonate snails, such as Bulinus
of eye diplostomiasis peaks in late June and truncatus and Lymnaea (= Stagnicola)
mid-September each year, while in farmed palustris, is interrupted in the south-eastern
fish abundance is continuous. This has Mediterranean (Yekutiel, 1985; Farstey,
been explained by mortality among infected 1986). The latter snails live in aquatic habi-
wild fish (McKeown and Irwin, 1997). In tats fringing Lake Kinneret. M. tuberculata,
the Jiangkou reservoir, China, metacercariae which inhabits the lake proper, may also be
of the bucephalid Dolfustrema vaneyi infect found in deeper waters in the winter. Dur-
Pseudobagrus fulvidraco in late spring ing winter, some snails retain sporocysts
and summer, and the metacercaria has a that contain xiphidiocercariae, and some
predilection for the eyes (Wang et al., 2001). rediae may have pleurolophocercous cercariae
Presence of young metacercariae may indi- (Farstey, 1986). Shedding of Bolbophorus
cate active transmission; however, differen- damnificus cercariae by its snail, Planor-
tiation of metacercariae by age is feasible bella trivolis, is also temperature dependent
only when they transform with time (Terhune et al., 2002). The pulmonates
(e.g. Bolbophorus levantinus: Paperna and inhabiting the flood pools fringing the lake
Lengy, 1963; Centrocestus sp.: Farstey, 1986). are more susceptible to annual flood–drought
Seasonal fluctuations in infection can be transitions in their habitat. Successive years
detected among the young-of-the-year fish of drought and flooding resulted in the
or in transitory fish after they enter a new elimination or reduction of pulmonate
habitat (Lemly and Esch, 1984a). Active snails and the disappearance of metacer-
shedding of cercariae and infection of fish cariae of Neascus, Bolbophorus levantinus,
commonly take place during the warmer Clinostomum tilapiae and Euclinostomum
times of the year in fresh water (Chubb, heterostomum from the lake-dwelling cich-
1979; Lemly and Esch, 1984a; Stables and lids for several years (Dzikowski et al.,
Chappell, 1986) and in marine and estuarine 2003a). However, infections transmitted by
habitats (Matthews, 1973b; Koie, 1975; lake-inhabiting snails (M. tuberculata trans-
Cottrell, 1977). In some habitats, infection mitting Centrocestus and Haplorchis spp.,
in snails only peaks in the autumn (McDaniel Melanopsis costata transmitting Pygidiopsis
and Coggins, 1972). Transmission during genata and Lymnasa (= Radix) auricularia
the winter is rare since snails do not shed transmitting Clinostomum complanatum)
their cercariae below 10°C (Stables and are not affected (Paperna, 1964a; Yekutiel,
Chappell, 1986). There is, however, a report 1985; Farstey, 1986; Finkelman, 1988;
on invasion of Oncorhynchus mykiss by Dzikowski et al., 2003a). In north-east
Diplostomum opataceum at low winter Thailand, the seasonal pattern of Opistorchis
temperatures. This infection had apparently viverini occurrence in cyprinid fish fluctu-
been acquired by predation on Lymnaea ates between high abundance during the
containing precocious (progenetic) meta- rainy season and a low during the dry sea-
cercariae (Becker and Brunson, 1966). son (‘winter’). The number of metacercariae
Another report involves Oncorhynchus in fish is often positively associated with
kisutch in Oregon, which hatch in March infection levels in humans (Sithithaworn
and become infected with Nanophyetus et al., 1997). Recruitment of Haplorchis
salmincola by mid-April (Millemann and taichui in north Thailand is highest during
Knapp, 1970). the dry season (Sukontason et al., 1999).
D. phoxini infections in P. phoxinus in P. conica in marine lagoons fringing
a Swiss lowland alpine lake and in a Scottish the south-eastern Mediterranean and the
highland lake peak by summer (Meuller, northern gulfs of the Red Sea continues to
1995; Barber and Crompton, 1997). The shed cercariae (of Heterophyes and others)
favourable ambient temperatures in boreal throughout the winter months, when water
or alpine habitats are between 10 and 17°C temperatures of fringing and landlocked
(Bauer, 1959; Wooten, 1974). This represents sites may drop to below 10°C (Taraschewski
350 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

and Paperna, 1981, 1982). Year-round infec- these trematodes (egrets, night herons and
tion by larval digeneans has been reported cormorants). Further intensification has led
in Cerithidea californica from mudflats in to the employment of circulation systems –
southern California (Martin, 1955). In the earth and concrete raceways and circular
perennial habitats of the East African lakes, ponds – which additionally favour prolifer-
the M. tuberculata-transmitted metacercariae ation of M. tuberculata, B. truncatus and
(Centrocestus and Haplorchis) and a variety sometimes species of Lymnaea (Paperna,
of pigmented skin metacercariae (Bulinus- 1996).
transmitted) accumulate uninterruptedly In the USA, circulation systems such as
until the young cichlids migrate to deeper raceways and hatcheries similarly become
waters (Paperna, 1996). A similar year-round heavily populated with snails (Stables and
recruitment occurs in India of C. formo- Chappell, 1986), but transmission is often
sanus and of Postdiplostomum grayii in limited to sanguinicolids (Wales, 1958;
Apocheilus panchax (Madhavi and Rukmini, Hoffman et al., 1985). Metacercarial infec-
1991, 1992) and in China of C. formosanus tions are usually prevented when piscivo-
in grass carp (Zeng and Liao, 2000). rous birds are excluded because of an efficient
net system.
Blood flukes (Sanguinicola spp.) were
Infections in farmed fishes implicated in massive mortalities of hatch-
ery rainbow, cut-throat (Salmo clarki) and
Extensive fish ponds and dam reservoirs, brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) after
with usually a low fish biomass and estab- their snail hosts Oxytrema spp., Flumincola
lished hydrophilic vegetation, provide a spp. and Leptoxis (Mudalia) spp. became
stable habitat for freshwater snails, which established in the culture system (Davis
include vectors of Sanguinicola (blood et al., 1961; Evans, 1974b; Hoffman et al.,
flukes) and metacercariae harmful to fish, 1985). S. inermis (transmitted by Lymnaea
notably eye flukes. These habitats are also spp.) has been reported in pond-reared com-
attractive to piscivorous birds. In warm lati- mon carp in Eastern Europe (Lucky, 1964).
tudes, as in Israel, intensive-culture earth Anderson and Shaharom-Harrison (1986)
ponds, cultivating mainly carp, with their reported the introduction of Sanguinicola
heavy organic and nitrogenous load and armata with infected bighead carp
muddy (eutrophic) bottom are considered (Aristichthys nobilis) and grass carp (Cteno-
unfavourable habitats for all snails. Omni- pharyngodon idellus) into fish farms in trop-
vorous fish, such as carp and siluroid cat- ical Malaysia. An unidentified blood fluke
fishes, eat thin-shelled snails and snail became established in cichlids reared in cir-
eggs. Metacercarial infections are episodal culation systems in Israel (Paperna, 1996).
only when ponds become obstructed from Massive metacercarial infections of the
their routine intensive cultivation (Paperna, gills by Centrocestus sp. and of subcutane-
1996). Diversification of the fish culture ous tissues by Haplorchis are transmitted
routine – introduction of new species with by M. tuberculata (Sommerville, 1982;
growing emphasis on cichlid fish (‘tilapia’) Paperna, 1996). Gill infections by C. formo-
culture – will result in gradual adjustments sanus have resulted in mass mortality in
of the water-holding facilities. Smaller fish farmed Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) in
ponds with a firmer substrate (earth or Japan (Yanohara and Kagei, 1983). Common
gravel), often plastic-sheltered during win- carp fry are also affected by Centrocestus
ter, will provide an excellent environment sp. in Indian fish farms (Mohan et al.,
for snails (predominantly M. tuberculata) to 1999). Infections have been reported from
proliferate. These snails are good interme- grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in
diate hosts for a whole range of heterophyid China (Zeng and Liao, 2000) and from
parasites, in particular Centrocestus spp. Puntius spp. and other cyprinids in north
The new structures do not prevent entry of Thailand, where the infection coincided
piscivorous birds that are definitive hosts of with H. pumilio, H. taichui and the human
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 351

bile fluke O. viverini (Sukontason et al., often occur in channel catfish (I. punctatus)
1999). Another troublesome heterophyid, ponds (Overstreet et al., 2002; Terhune
Phagicola longa, accumulates in the trun- et al., 2002). Metacercariae of two
cus arteriosus in farmed cichlids in Israel. Bolbophorus spp. cause severe losses among
Its snail intermediate host is unknown. pond-reared young channel catfish in the
Skin Neascus (‘black spot’), muscle infec- southern USA and infected fish are often
tion with B. levantinus (Paperna, 1996), rejected by commercial processors (Terhune
and visceral infections of C. tilapiae and et al., 2002). B. damnificus is vectored by
E. heterostomum (Lombard, 1968; Britz the snail P. trivolis, and its definitive host is
et al., 1985; Paperna, 1996), transmitted by the American white pelican (Pelecanus
B. truncatus (Donges, 1974; Finkelman, erythrorhynchos). The life history of the
1988), interfere with growth and compro- second species, in pelicans and causing
mise survival of farmed cichlid fishes in protodiplostomulum-stage infections in
Israel and in tropical and southern Africa. catfish, awaits further studies (Overstreet
Visceral infections by Euclinostomum clarias et al., 2002). Metacercariae of C. margina-
are abundant in farmed and wild Clarias tum in the flesh of farmed channel catfish
spp. in Nigeria (Ezenwaji and Inyang, in the southern USA pose a potentially sim-
1998). ilar marketing problem for fish farmers
Lymnaea (Radix)-transmitted C. comp- (Lorio, 1989). Infection is also found in
lanatum are responsible for heavy infection other farmed fish, such as hybrid bass
in farmed loach (Misgurnus anguilli- (Mitchell, 1995). There is also a report of
caudatus) and ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) clinostomiasis (reported as C. complana-
in Taiwan, and these contribute to growth tum, apparently C. marginatum (Dzikowski
retardation and reduce survival (Liu, 1979; et al., 2004a) in introduced Oreochromis
Lo et al., 1981). Procerovum cheni metacer- spp. from Mexico (Garcia Luis et al., 1993).
cariae cause severe muscle and connective- Metacercarial exotic infections, most
tissue infections in farmed eels in Taiwan notoriously C. formosanus and H. pumilio,
(Ooi et al., 1999). In the USA, Mitchell et al. have been dispersed through the introduc-
(1982) reported heavy mortality of commer- tion of the Afro-Asian snail M. tuberculata
cially farmed fathead minnows (P. promelas), and have become a health risk for farmed
in Missouri from intensive visceral infec- fish in many water bodies in the USA and
tion by P. minimum minimum. The snail Mexico (Mitchell et al., 2000; Scholtz et al.,
involved is Physa. 2001; Brandt
Trout in farms in Europe are often trematode.pdf). Four aquacultured fish spe-
troubled by eye infections with D. spatha- cies (I. punctatus, hybrid Morone, N. cry-
ceum, which cause blindness (Shariff et al., soleucas and P. promelas) are readily
1980; Stables and Chappell, 1986). The infected when exposed to C. formosanus
snails, Lymnaea spp., thrive in both earth cercariae (Mitchell et al., 2002). In Mexico
ponds and raceways. Ocular diplostomiasis infections have spread to the common carp
also affects farmed channel catfish (Velez Hernandez et al., 1998).
(I. punctatus) in the southern USA (Rogers, In the marine environment, in the eastern
1972). Diplostomatid eye infections have Mediterranean, extensively used seawater
also been reported from pond-reared ponds often support dense populations of
largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) P. conica (Taraschewski and Paperna, 1981)
and rainbow trout in South Africa (Lombard, and in the western Mediterranean, Hydrobia
1968). Ocular and brain infections of spp. (Maillard et al., 1980). P. conica is first
diplostomatid metacercariae in introduced intermediate host of a number of hetero-
cichlids (Oreochromis spp.) have been phyids, including Heterophyes heterophyes,
reported from Mexico (Garcia Luis et al., which primarily infect grey mullets
1993). (Mugilidae), but also cichlids and D. labrax
The snail Planorbella, vector of Bolbo- (Paperna and Overstreet, 1981). Sparus
phorus spp. and C. marginatum (Lorio, 1989), auratus postlarvae, in a culture system in
352 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

southern France, succumbed to massive a smooth, spiny or corrugated surface

infection with Acanthostomum imbutiforme (Fig. 10.4), a sucker around the anteroventral
metacercariae transmitted via Hydrobia mouth and an additional ventral sucker, or
acuta (Maillard et al., 1980; Euzet and acetabulum. Both suckers are used for
Raibaut, 1985). Less information is available attachment and locomotion. The digestive
on metacercarial infection in cage-cultured system consists of a pharynx connected to
fish: Lysne et al. (1994) report Cryptocotyle the mouth opening, a short oesophagus and
spp. infections in caged Atlantic cod. two blind intestinal caeca. The excretory
system includes flame cells connected to a
duct network, which is connected to a pos-
Parasite Morphology teriorly opening bladder. Most trematodes
are hermaphroditic (with cross-insemination).
Adult-stage morphology The male system consists of testes, vasa
efferentia and vas deferens, and a cirrus
Adult digeneans (Fig. 10.3) usually have pouch containing a seminal vesicle, ductus
a dorsoventrally flattened oval body with ejaculatorius and prostate glands. Some
also contain a specialized copulatory organ
(gonotyl in Heterophyes spp.). The female
system is comprised of an ovary and paired
vitellaria, an oviduct, vitelline ducts, Mehlis’
glands and the receptaculum seminis, which
open into an ootype. The latter is also con-
nected with a rudimetary vagina – the
ductus laureri – and the uterus, through
which eggs are evacuated to the genital
opening (after Dawes, 1946; Yamaguti, 1958).
Eggs are usually oval and operculated
(Fig. 10.5).
Extra-intestinal digeneans, which
include most adult trematodes pathogenic
to fish, are also morphologically and devel-
opmentally notable exceptions; these are
the sanguinicoliid blood flukes, the cyst-
forming didymozoids and the skin inhabit-
ing Transversotrema spp. Sanguinicolidae
(= Aporocotylidae) are parasites of the
blood system. They are slender and spiny
and do not have anterior and ventral suck-
ers and pharynx. The intestinal caeca
Fig. 10.3. Examples of a ‘distome’ digenean (A) are short and are either X- or H-shaped
Allocreadium isoporum (drawn with reference to (Figs 10.6 and 10.7). Eggs are thin-shelled
Dawes, 1946, actual size 3–5 mm) and a and do not have an operculum; a meta-
‘monostome’ digenean (B) Bucephalopsis cercarial stage is lacking (Smith, 1972).
gracilescens (Bucephalidae, drawn with reference to Didymozoidae are thread-like tissue
Dawes, 1946 and Bychowskaya-Pavlovskaya et al., parasites (Atalostrophion, Metanemato-
1962, actual size 6 mm). Abbreviations:
bothrium, for example), with or without an
a = acetabulum; cs = cirrus pouch (sac); dl = ductus
expanded posterior region. They occur
laureri; g = Mehlis glands; gp = genital opening;
in = intestine; o = ovary; od = oviduct; os = oral either as solitary individuals or in groups
sucker; ot = ootype; ph = pharynx; pr = prostate; or pairs in cysts or cyst-like cavities
s = sucker; t = testis; vd = vas deferens; vid = (Fig. 10.8). Many are hermaphroditic (Didy-
vitelline ducts; vs = seminal vesicle; vt = vitellaria; mozoon, Didymocystis). Equal-sized herma-
x = excretory ducts/bladder. phroditic individuals of some didymozoids
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 353

Fig. 10.4. Scanning electron micrographs of adult-stage Haplorchis pumilio (A) and Pygidiopsis
geneta (B) from the gut of a cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), scales 50 µm.

share the same cyst, with fused posterior

parts. They include Colocyntotrema spp.,
Phacelotrema spp. and Neodiplotrema
pelamydis (Dawes, 1946; Yamaguti, 1958;
Fig. 10.9). Others show variable degrees of
separation into sexes, with intermediate rudi-
mentary hermaphrodites (Gonapodasmiinae
and Nematobothrium spp.). Their opposite
sex systems are reduced, rudimentary or lack-
ing, and only the eggs of the larger ‘female’
develop (see Yamaguti, 1958).
The known genera of Transverso-
trematidae – Transversotrema and Prototrans-
versotrema – are ectoparasitic under the scales
of fish. They have leaf-like, transversely elon-
gated bodies, with or without an oral sucker
and with pigmented eye spots (Fig. 10.10;
Witenberg, 1944a; Velasquez, 1958; Angel,
1969). The oral sucker is used for attachment
to the host skin (Mills, 1979).

Larval stages

Free-swimming miracidia are pyriform in

Fig. 10.5. A. Clinostomum tilapiae eggs containing
ready-to-hatch miracidium (actual size 125 µm ×
shape and are covered with cilia-bearing epi-
83 µm). B. Redia of Mesorchis denticulatum (scanning thelial plates. Sporocysts in the intermediate
electron micrograph, scale 10 µm, courtesy of M. host are tegumental sacs, which enclose ger-
Køie). C. Redia of C. tilapiae (live, actual size). D. minal cells and developing daughter sporo-
Furcocercaria of C. tilapiae (live, actual size). cysts or rediae. The redia has a muscular
354 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

devices. The latter structures are all lost

when cercariae transform into metacercariae.
The structural diversity of the cercariae
(Dawes, 1946; Schell, 1970) reflects the
numerous strategies employed to reach the
subsequent hosts. Furcocercariae with forked
tails are characteristic of Strigeoidea, Sangui-
nicolidae and Clinostomidae (Fig. 10.5). The
bucephalids have typical gasterostome orga-
nization and a bifid tail with a very short and
broad tail base, and pleurolophocercariae
common to Heterophyidae have non-
divided tails. Some sanguinicolid and clino-
stomatid cercariae carry a dorsomedian fin
fold. All these cercariae actively penetrate
the integument of their hosts. They have
anteriorly opening penetration glands,
which are absent in cercariae encysting on a
substrate (Fares and Maillard, 1974) and in
those that infect their hosts via ingestion
(of Bivesiculidae (Pearson, 1968) and
Fellodistomidae (Koie, 1979b)). For detailed
descriptions of the morphological evolution
and diversity of digeneans through their
various stages of life history readers are
referred to the first edition of this volume
(Paperna, 1995).

Ultrastructural studies

For a general review of the structure and

ultrastructure of adult digeneans readers are
referred to earlier reviews (Erasmus, 1977
Fig. 10.6. Sanguinicola dentata (Paperna, 1964)
from Clarias gariepinus circulatory system (eggs are Smyth and Halton, 1983; Threadgold, 1984).
released into the kidneys). Actual size 3.4 mm, Koie (1971a, b, c, 1985) published detailed
Abbreviations: EX = excretory duct; GP = genital observations using scanning and transmis-
pore; M = Mehlis glands; O = ovary; OD = oviduct; sion electron microscopy on the intra-
T = testis; U = uterus; V = vitellaria; VD = vas molluscan stage of fish digeneans. There are
deferens; VID = vitelline duct. numerous recent scanning electron micro-
scopic studies of digeneans (e.g. Hughes
et al., 1999; Armitage, 2000; Chai et al.,
pharynx connected to a sac-like intestine, a 2000) and a very noteworthy electron micro-
birth pore located near the pharynx, germ- scopic description of the ectoparasitic
inal cells and developing daughter larval digenean Transversotrema licinum (Abdul-
stages (Fig. 10.11). Cercariae are formed in Salam and Sreelatha, 1992).
either sporocysts or rediae (Fig. 10.11). The digenean integument (e.g. see Cohen
They have a mouth, pharynx, branched et al., 1996, 2001; Halton, 1997; Hughes
intestine, ventral sucker, excretory vesicles et al., 1999) consists of an external layer of
and primordia of the genital organs. Cercariae cytoplasm joined by cytoplasmic bridges,
have a pair of eyes and may also have a tail with nucleated masses of cytoplasm lying
and fins, which are used as locomotive internal to the body musculature (Fig. 10.12).
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 355

Fig. 10.7. Blood flukes. A. Scanning electron micrograph of Sanguinicola fontianalis (from Hoffman et al.,
1985, courtesy of the author; bar = 100 µm). B. Eggs of Sanguinicola sp. in gills of Oreochromis aurea, Lake
Kinnereth. C. Egg in gill tissue of Baryanchistus sp. (Plecostomidae), Amazon, Brazil. D. Eggs in spleen of
O. aurea, Lake Kinnereth.

Many digeneans (notably Heterophyidae) (Lumsden, 1975; Pappas and Read, 1975).
have spines protruding through the tegument Lumsden (1975) discussed the possible role
(Figs 10.4 and 10.13). Regional specializa- of the external layer, particularly the outer
tions of the surface are related to functions glycocalyx, in permeability control, ionic
such as secretion and absorption (for regulation, protection of the parasites
example, the lamellate and highly infolded against host enzymes and involvement in
tegument on the inner face of the adhesive antibody/antigen reactions.
organ of Apatemon gracilis (see Erasmus, The syncytial tegument confers a num-
1977)). Ultrastructural and biochemical ber of paramount advantages on parasitic
studies have implicated the tegument as a organisms. First, the absence of cell bound-
major participant in nutrition: it is replete aries means it is less vulnerable to attack
with organelles of metabolic function and and breakdown by host agents, such as
its surface architecture typifies an absorp- digestive enzymes, detergent bile acids and
tive epithelium, with folds, microvilli or components of the immune system. Sec-
similar features that amplify the free surface ondly, it means that movement of substrates
area. Cytochemical uptake and mem- and ions is possible without restriction.
brane-transport studies have further clari- The sunken nucleated region is distant
fied the dynamic aspects of the tegument from any adverse influence of the host.
356 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

Fig. 10.8. Didymozoidae. A. Palate of Platycephalus fuscus infected with Neometadidymozoon helicis (in
life, bright yellow). From Lester, 1980, courtesy of the author. B. Lobatozoum multidacculatum on gills of
Katsumonus pelamis, New Zealand. C. Larval stages of didymozoids encysted on the surface of the intestine
of Favonigobius exquisitus. D. Section of Nematobothrium spinneri in the body wall muscle of Acantho-
cybium solndri, Queensland. E. N. helicis capsule in the body wall of P. fuscus. (B–E courtesy of B. Lester.)

The separation of the nucleated regions, reflect different nutritive demands (Koie,
although attached to the same cytoplasmic 1985): Podocotyle reflexa sporocysts are
mass, allows regional differentiation and covered by long, thin microvilli (Koie,
specialization (Halton, 1997). 1971b); the Neophasis lageniformis redia
The addition of scanning electron has numerous folds, whereas that of Zoogo-
microscopic studies has provided detailed noides viviparus has slightly increased sur-
knowledge of the outer surface (Figs 10.4, face area (Koie, 1971a, 1985). Rediae of
10.7A and 10.13). Tegument surfaces of Aporocotyle simplex (Sanguinicolidae) have
sporocysts and rediae (Fig. 10.5) show dif- a nearly smooth surface with numerous canal
ferent surface topographies, which probably openings on the tegument (Koie, 1982).
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 357

The surface of the cercariae contains oral or until the snail host is eaten by the definitive
cephalic spines and structures possibly con- host (Koie, 1971a, 1973).
nected with sensory function (Koie, 1971c, All encysting metacercariae are first
1975, 1976, 1977, 1985, 1987). Presumed enclosed in a self-produced, non-cellular
endocytotic vesicles opening to the surface of granular matrix wall, before becoming
N. lageniformis cercariae suggest active enclosed by a cyst wall, which is of host
nutrient absorption by the tegument. These origin (Fig. 10.12; Halton and Johnston,
tailless cercariae remain in their rediae 1982; Faliex, 1991; Walker and Wittrock,
1992). The parasite wall consists of either
acid or neutral mucopolysaccharides and is
sometimes two to three layers with differ-
ent textures (in U. ambloplitis and Neascus
pyriformis (Wittrock et al., 1991)). The tegu-
mental surface of encysting metacercariae
changes and seems to become specialized
for absorption of nutrients by forming short
microvillus-like projections (Koie, 1981) or
anastomosing folds (Koie, 1977).
Cercaria-type spines (such as are used
for penetration) disappear or are trans-
formed into the spines that are characteris-
tic of the adult stage (Koie, 1985, 1987). In
Cryptogonimus chyli, the parasite cyst
stained intensely for acid mucopolysac-
charides and moderately for neutral poly-
saccharides and proteins. The host capsule
stained strongly for connective tissue and
protein and moderately for lipids, nucleic
acids, non-specific esterase activity and
acid and alkaline phosphatase activities
(Walker and Wittrock, 1999). The gut epi-
thelium plasma membrane is complex. In
Fig. 10.9. Didymozoidae. A. Didymozoon faciale
some species, microvilli with supporting
(actual size 16.3 mm). B. Neodiplotrema filaments are apparent and the plasma
pelamydis – fused pair (drawn with reference to membrane is covered by a granular or fila-
Dawes, 1946 (A) and Yamaguti, 1958 (B); for mentous glycocalyx. The ultrastructure of
abbreviations see legend to Fig. 10.3). the gastrodermal cytoplasm reflects its

Fig. 10.10. Transversotrema haasi (drawn with reference to Witenberg, 1944a; for abbreviations see
legend to Fig. 10.3).
358 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

Fig. 10.11. A. Bolbophorus levantinum daughter sporocyst with cercariae, characteristic of strigeoid and
schistosomatid digeneans (redrawn from Paperna and Lengy, 1963). B.Young and C, mature, daughter redia
containing cercariae of Clinostomum tilapiae. Abbreviations: b = birth pore; c = cercariae; gr = germinating
stages; in = intestine; os = oral sucker.

metabolic activity: it is rich in granular endo- complexes and particles of alpha-glycogen.

plasmic reticulum, mitochondria, Golgi The basal membrane forms tubular invagi-
complexes and various inclusions (Erasmus, nations, which project into the cell cyto-
1977). plasm. Beneath the basal membrane is a
In the redia, the surface of the oral thin layer of muscle (Koie, 1971a,b; Erasmus,
sucker and the oesophagus are continuations 1977). The cytological features of the
of the external integument and are sur- cercarial digestive tract resemble those in
rounded by secretory glands. The gut epithe- the redia (Koie, 1971a, 1973). The energy
lial cell plasma membrane forms large (up to required for cercarial activity is apparently
2 µm) projections, folds or microvilli. Gut derived from endogenous sources. Gut
cells are linked to each other by long septate cells, however, have the ultrastructural
desmosomes, and contain granular endo- characteristics of a metabolically active
plasmic reticulum, free ribosomes, Golgi epithelium and in some instances also
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 359

Fig. 10.12. Transmission electron micrographs of Centrocestus sp. metacercariae from gills of
Oreochromis aurea. A. View of the host-produced cartilaginous cyst (c), the parasite-produced wall (pw)
enclosing the parasite (p) with the spiny tegument (s). B. Parasite’s wall (pw) and the syncytial tegument.
C. Enlarged view of the tegument with its spine-carrying border. Abbreviations: cl = circular muscles;
ll = longitudinal muscles; m = mitochondrion; n = nuclei of the tegument; s = spines.

demonstrate enzyme activity (see Erasmus, relatively small while the foregut is greatly
1977). The surface area of the gut is usually expanded (Jones-Malcolm et al., 2000). The
amplified by increasing the size of the lining of the digestive tube displays a pecu-
absorptive caeca. In Glyauchenidae, parasitic liar form of surface amplifications, interpreted
in herbivorous fish (Siganidae), the caeca are to be an adaptation to the predominantly
360 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

Fig. 10.13. Scanning electron micrographs of adult-stage trematodes from cormorant’s gut:
A. Paryphostomum radiatum (Echinostomatidae) with perioral spines and smooth tegument, scale bar
100 µm. B. Centrocestus sp. (Heterophyiidae) with perioral and tegumental spines, scale bar 10 µm.

herbivorous diets of the definitive host. The one has a syncytial structure with few cell
intestine (as well as the excretory vesicle) of nuclei in the wall.
old encysted metacercariae becomes special-
ized to store excretory products, which
are visible as highly refractile bodies (Koie, Evolution and Taxonomy
Insight into the penetration mechanism The diversity of forms, structures and devel-
of the miracidium has been provided by an opmental strategies and a fairly uniform lar-
ultrastructural study by McMichael- val development in the molluscan host have
Phillips et al. (1992). In the miracidium of led to the suggestion that the protodigenean
S. inermis, a stylet and a rodlet complex are was a molluscan parasite (Pearson, 1972). The
located within the single apical gland, phenomenon of progenesis, i.e. larval stages
which lies between a pair of lateral glands. attaining sexual maturity and yielding eggs
The miracidial stylet consists of an arrange- while still in the invertebrate host, has been
ment of hollow tubes, composed of micro- interpreted as a remnant of past life histories
tubules, connected at their base to large (Llewellyn, 1986). In this context an evolu-
secretory granules and opening anteriorly tionary relationship has been suggested
through the apical papilla. A single rodlet between Mesozoa and digeneans (see Wright,
lies adjacent to the stylet base and at least 1971). Manter (1957) writes of the difficul-
eight rodlets are arranged at the apical tip of ties in differential diagnosis of Digenea. The
the stylet. Two sensory endings are associ- life histories of only a fraction of digeneans
ated with the apical papilla. Niewiadomska are known. Many of the cercariae from mol-
and Czubaj (2000) provide a detailed fine luscan hosts or metacercariae on fishes can-
structural description of the proto- and not be correlated with established species or
paranephridial excretory systems in the genera, and many cannot be affiliated with
metacercaria of Diplostomum peudospa- certainty, if at all, with a particular parasite
taceum. All protonephridial canals have family. Six undescribed species of Didy-
nuclei and septate desmosomes between mozoon (recognized by morphological cri-
neighbouring cells, as well as desmosomes teria) and Neometadidymozoon helicis were
enclosing the canals. Contrary to the confirmed to be distinct species using
protonephridial system, the paranephridial ribosomal DNA (rDNA) (Anderson and
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 361

Barker, 1993). These alternative methods of claviformis, showing the genetic identity in
molecular taxonomy are now gathering the ITS regions of mesocercariae collected
momentum as the new methodology for from the intestine of the herbivorous fish
both taxonomy and resolving life history of Thalassoma lunare (Labridae) and the adult
trematodes. collected from the intestine of the carnivore
Epinephelus fasciatus (Serranidae). Using
the sequence of this region, together with
Molecular diagnosis a PCR-linked restriction fragment length
polymorphism (RFLP) approach, Jousson
The molecular knowledge of Digenea is et al. (1998) have linked three cerceria spe-
accumulating rapidly and has great poten- cies of the Mesometridae family to their
tial in resolving life histories and obtaining adult forms and found that three snail spe-
new perspectives on their phylogeny (Cribb cies, Rissoa similes, Rissoa auriscalpium
et al., 2001; Olson et al., 2003). DNA data and Rissoa ventricosa, serve as the first
provide a useful tool to define limits of intermediate hosts of Centroderma spinosi-
taxons and for unveiling cryptic species ssima. Using this methodology, Bartoli
(Overstreet et al., 2002). Specific determina- et al. (2000) have demonstrated the life
tion of digenean larval stages, cercariae and cycle of Monorchis parvus. However, intra-
metacercariae, by morphological traits is specific variation in the rDNA ITS loci of
difficult and ambiguous, because of the lack some echinostomes and of Paragonimus
of morphological traits related to the repro- westhermani (Sorensen et al., 1998; Van
ductive system. Experimental demonstra- Herwerden et al., 1999) has raised questions
tion of the life history is often unachievable regarding the utility of the ITS regions as a
due to the lack of knowledge of the specific diagnostic tool. The small subunit of the
intermediate or definitive host. Although ribosomal DNA (SSU-rDNA) due to its sys-
hosts and morphology change throughout tematic versatility was found to be suitable
the life history of these parasites, the for many phylogenetic studies because of its
genetic composition remains constant. interspecific polymorphic regions (Hillis and
The use of these methodologies has Dixon, 1991; Littlewood and Olson, 2001).
proved their great potential in creating the The ITS regions may be used as diagnostic
genetic linkage between all stages in confirmation and further be used to investi-
digenean life history by either comparing gate intra- and interspecific phylogenetic
ribosomal gene sequences or creating spe- variations among isolates of poorly differen-
cific DNA probes. Using PCR methodologies tiated groups.
enables the targeting of genes even from Sequencing and aligning the 18S rDNA
a single cerceria without DNA extraction genes allows the development of species-
(Grevelding et al., 1997). Various ribosomal specific DNA probes to distinguish adult
genes, along with the interspecific polymor- B. daminificus and an undescribed Bolbo-
phic regions, contain highly conserved phorus sp. (‘Type 2’) collected from peli-
regions for which ‘universal primers’ can be cans (Levy et al., 2002). Levy et al. (2002)
designed in order to amplify this gene from a have developed and applied DNA probes,
newly studied species (Hillis and Dixon, designed for polymorphic regions in the
1991; Littlewood and Olson, 2001). 18S rDNA genes, to link adults to their
There are already several achievements cercariae and metacercariae. Moreover,
in resolving life histories of marine fish these probes have been used as an early
Digenea, where experimental studies are diagnostic tool to detect infections of young
particularly difficult. The metacercaria of rediae in the planorbid snail P. trivolis even
Indodidymozoon pearsoni was identified before the snail starts shedding cercariae.
using the DNA sequence of the internal Similar methodologies have allowed scien-
transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) rDNA (Anderson, tists to develop differential assays between
1999). Cribb et al. (1998) have demonstrated B. levantinus and Bolbophorus confuses,
the three-host life cycle of Bivesicula as well as between C. complanatum and
362 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

C. marginatum (Dzikowski et al., 2003b, Didymocystis superpalati are in cysts in the

2004a). Species-specific probes for six hete- palate of Neothunnus macropterus. Their
rophyid species were developed and applied late larval stages and adults are in the same
to demonstrate the genetic linkage between fish host (Yamaguti, 1970). Species of
cercariae shed by snails, metacercariae Phyllodistomum (Phyllodistominae; Gorgo-
infecting cichlid fish and adult stages found deriidae) are parasitic in the urinary bladder
in cormorants (R. Dzikowski et al., 2004b). of fishes.
We should emphasize that the location Other extra-intestinal digeneans belong
of the polymorphic sites of the 18S sequences to predominantly gut-inhabiting taxa. The
may not be valid for all species. Additional bucephalid Paurorhynchus hiodontis occurs
species with identical sequences in this in the body cavity of Hiodon tergisus
location and polymorphism will have to be (Manter, 1957). The rhynchi, which are
confirmed. Therefore, until more sequence characteristic in other bucephalids, are
data on poorly investigated groups are degenerate in this species. One hemiurid,
available, it is recommended to verify the Gonocerca macroformis (Manter, 1957),
gene sequence when positive results of infects cod (Gadus morhua) ovaries. Aceto-
the developed species-specific assays are dextra ameiuri (Cryptogonimidae) infects
achieved. the swim bladder, body cavity and ovaries
of Ictalurus spp. (Hoffman, 1967).
Many digenean metacercariae in fishes
Parasite Life History have the ability to infect a wide range of
hosts. D. spathaceum has been reported
Host and site specificity from more than 125 fish species (Hoglund,
1991). Only a few metacercariae have some
According to Manter (1957), piscine digen- degree of predilection for one or a few
eans are host specific, since the majority closely related piscine hosts. Metacercariae
have been from a single host species or from of C. tilapiae, Clinostomum cutaneum and
hosts of the same or related genera. Adult- B. levantinus occur only in cichlids, which
stage digeneans are primarily parasites of mostly belong to Oreochromis and Sarothe-
the digestive tract. However, several digen- rodon (Paperna, 1964b; Ukoli, 1966; Britz
ean families have become specialized to et al., 1985; Yekutiel, 1985; Finkelman,
extra-intestinal habitats. These digeneans 1988) Also, some metacercariae which have
have special structural adaptations as well a wide range of hosts nevertheless have pref-
as functional specializations. Sanguini- erences for particular fishes. Heterophyes
colidae (e.g. Aporocotyle, Sanguinicola spp. in the eastern Mediterranean prefer grey
and Cardicola) are in the blood vessels mullet (Mugilidae) over other fishes and,
(Smith, 1972). Transversotrematidae are among the grey mullets, Liza ramada
ectoparasitic, attached under the scales of (= Mugil capito) is the most preferred species
marine (Witenberg, 1944a), brackish-water (Paperna and Overstreet, 1981).
(Velasquez, 1958; Angel, 1969) and fresh-
water fishes (Mills, 1979). Didymozoidae are
in cavities and in tissues. Worms occur in Lifespan of digeneans
the body cavity in M. cephalus (Skinner,
1975), in the orbits of Labeo spp. (Khalil, Information on the lifespan of adult dige-
1969) and encysted in the tissue near the neans is scanty and has been mostly extra-
body cavity, the mouth, the branchial cavity polated from field data. The lifespan of an
or the fins (see Yamaguti, 1958). Nemaro- adult digenean is highly variable, even
bibothrioides histoldi lives in the skeletal between members within the same family.
muscles of the ocean sunfish (Mola mola) Some adults apparently live for one or two
(Thulin, 1980), and Nemotobothrium texo- seasons (spring to autumn – Rhipidocotyle
mensis in the ovaries of Ictobius bubalis septapapillata (Krull, 1934), Asymphylodora
(Hoffman, 1967). Didymocystis palali and kubanica (Evans, 1978)), whereas others,
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 363

mainly in colder habitats, survive for more

than a year and are replaced annually
(Awachie, 1968; see also Margolis and
Boyce (1969) data for Tubulovesicula lind-
bergi and L. gibbosus studied in captive
Pacific salmon). Survival is temperature-
dependent, and overwintering usually pro-
longs the lifespan. Laboratory studies on
Transversotrema patialense suggest that,
in addition to its dependence on ambient
temperatures, its lifespan is also density-
dependent (Mills et al., 1979).

Egg release and development

into miracidium

Eggs either are undeveloped when laid and Fig. 10.14. Eggs of a sanguinicolid in gills of
begin embryonic development only after juvenile Liza sp., Kowie estuary, south-east Cape,
evacuation from the host (in Clinostomidae – South Africa.
Donges, 1974; Finkelman, 1988; Fig. 10.5A)
or (as in many piscine digeneans) contain vessels of the gill filaments release their
fully developed miracidia before being laid miracidia, which then actively break through
and these hatch immediately or soon after the gill tissue into the water (Davis et al.,
evacuation from the definitive host (in 1961; Smith, 1972; Figs 10.7B, C and 10.14).
Asymphylodora tincae – Van den Broek and
de Jong, 1979; in Paucivitellosus fragilis –
Pearson, 1968; in all Haploporidae and Yield of cercariae
Haplosplanchnidae – Manter, 1957; Fares and
Maillard, 1974). Hatching in Haploporidae The intramolluscan infection with rediae-
is stimulated by light (Fares and Maillard, forming digeneans is usually considerably
1974). Fully embryonated eggs of Hetero- longer than that with sporocyst-forming
phyidae and Azigiidae do not hatch in the digeneans; the sporocyst elapses after
aquatic environment, but infect snail hosts yielding rediae or cercaricae, while rediae
after being ingested (Khalil, 1937; Sillman, remain to yield daughter rediae or cercariae.
1962; Schell, 1970). Eggs produced by Heterophyid infections in P. conica
digeneans in the kidney or gonads are evac- (H. Taraschewski and I. Paperna, unpub-
uated from their host with products of the lished) and in M. tuberculata (Farstey,
organs. Didymozoid eggs seem to remain 1986) last over a year, and up to 5 years in
viable in tissues long after the worm is dead C. lingua-infected Littorina littorea (Meyerhof
(Lester, 1980; Gibson et al., 1981), and are and Rothschild, 1940). C. lingua-infected
liberated only after the death of the host. L. littorea shed about 3330 cercariae per day
Host death is a necessary condition also for at the early stage of infection, and 830
the transmission of Aphalloides ceolomicola towards the end of the 5-year period. Daily
parasitic on the gobiid Pomatoschistus mic- or periodic cercarial output in pulmonate
rops: the eggs accumulate in a fine mem- snails is often similar (Wright, 1971;
brane of parasitic origin in the abdominal I. Paperna, unpublished) or even higher
cavity of the fish host (Pampoulie et al., (Paperna and Lengy, 1963), but the overall
2000). Eggs of blood flukes (Sanguinicoli- production time is shorter for digeneans in
dae), which contain fully developed mira- pulmonates, which have only sporocyst
cidia, accumulate in the terminal (distal) stages (Strigeata, Sanguinicolidae, Plagior-
blood capillaries. Those that reach blood chidae). Cercarial production has daily
364 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

and periodic fluctuations (Wright, 1971). or encysted (Neascus) metacercariae in the

The periods of low cercarial production cor- eyes of fish (Hoffman, 1960; Donges, 1969).
respond to renewals of the germinal cell Cercariae of D. spathaceum penetrate
stocks in the sporocysts or in the rediae mainly through the gills and migration via
(Theron, 1986). Shedding may be stimulated the blood system to the eyes and this is
by salinity (tide periods) and temperature, as completed within 24 h (Hoglund, 1991),
well as light (day–night cycles), all of which although some migrating diplostomulae
interact with intrinsic periodicity (Wright, may also be found in the subcutis and the
1971). In schistosomes, the timing of the muscles of the trunk (Ratanart-Brockelman,
daily emission correlates with periods of 1974). Bucephalidae are the best example of
activities by the definitive host (Theron, a major group of digeneans with fish as both
1986). An adaptive correlation between intermediate and definitive hosts. Defini-
cercarial shedding and piscine host behavi- tive hosts are usually predatory fishes (Esox
our has not been established. T. patialense lucius, P. fluviatilis, Lophius piscatorius,
are shed at night (Rao and Ganapati, 1967), Conger conger (Dawes, 1946), Morone saxatilis
as are cercariae of A. gracilis (Wright, 1971), (Matthews, 1973a,b), Micropterus dolomeiu
whereas peak emission of Heterophyes spp. and Lepidosteus spp. (Hoffman, 1967)). How-
occurs by the middle of the day. In ever, adult bucephalids have been found in
B. levantinus, the observed daily cycle, grey mullets, which are not usually predators
however, was not affected by continuous (Paperna and Overstreet, 1981). The interme-
illumination or darkness (Paperna and diate piscine hosts of digeneans establishing
Lengy, 1963). as adults in fishes are small-sized and/or juve-
nile fishes (Ginetsinskaya, 1958; Schell, 1970;
Koie, 1978, 1985).
Lifespan of metacercariae

Development of D. spathaceum is completed

Metacercarial stages in molluscs and
at 12°C in 28 days in P. phoxinus and Gobio
other aquatic organisms
gobio, while it takes 35–40 days in R. rutilus,
120 days in P. fluviatilis (Sweeting, 1974)
Cercariae may encyst in the tissue of their
and 65–85 days in Salmo trutta (Chubb,
own molluscan host or emerge and encyst in
1979). The lifespan of D. spathaceum varies
another individual of the same species
in different hosts and becomes shorter in
(Ginetsinskaya, 1958; Stunkard, 1959; Van
less compatible ones (Shigin, 1964; Donges,
den Broek and de Jong, 1979) or in molluscs
1969). Sommerville (1981) reported differ-
of different species and taxa (Hopkins, 1937;
ences in tissue responses among plaice
Palombi, 1937; DeMartini and Pratt, 1964).
(Plathichthys platessa), turbot (Scophthal-
When encysting in their own host, cercariae
mus maximum), Dover sole (Solea solea)
may form metacercariae in the rediae, or in
and the common dab (Limanda limanda)
the sporocysts in digeneans that do not have
exposed to Stephanochasmus (= Stephano-
a redia stage. An example is D. spathaceum
stomus) baccatum infection. In the turbot,
in sporocysts in Stagnicola emarginata
which is the least compatible host, the tissue
(Dawes, 1946; Lester and Lee, 1976).
response was the most intense and there was
The majority of digeneans reach their
mortality among the encysted metacercariae.
definitive piscine host via planktonic or ben-
thic organisms. In marine habitats, the sec-
Metacercarial stages in fish ond intermediate hosts of Fellodiplostomum
felis are brittle stars (Koie, 1980); the second
Most digeneans that encyst as metacercariae intermediate hosts of Podocotyle atomon
in fish (Heterophyidae, Diplostomatidae, (Opecoelidae) are crustaceans (Amphipoda,
Clinostomidae) subsequently reach matu- Isopoda and Mysidacea) (Ginetsinskaya,
rity in piscivorous birds. Members of the 1958; Koie, 1985). Metacercariae of marine
Diplostomatidae form free (Diplostomulum) lepocreadiids Opechona bacillaris and
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 365

Lepidapedon rachion occur in Coelenterata, Azygia spp.) or to encysted or unencysted

Ctenophora, Chaetognatha and Polychaeta metacercariae. Cercariae can penetrate skin
(Koie, 1985) and Neopechona cablei occurs or gills (Hoglund, 1991; Sommerville and
in hydrozoan and scyphozoan coelen- Iqbal, 1991) or are ingested by the fish host
terates and in ctenophores (Stunkard, 1980), (cercariae of Bivesiculidae, Azygiidae and
whereas L. elongatum occurs in Polychaeta Fellodistomidae (Hoffman, 1967; Pearson,
and Mollusca (Koie, 1985). Metacercariae of 1968; Koie, 1979b)). These develop to matu-
the zoogoniid Z. viviparus have been found rity if ingested by a suitable host, or remain
in brittle stars, Ophiura albida, Polychaeta, a waiting larval stage, which will develop
lamellibranchs and gastropods (Koie, 1975, to maturity only if the paratenic host is
1985). Hemiurid transmission in the marine predated upon by the definitive host (Van
environment involves planktonic organisms Cleave and Mueller, 1934; Ginetsinskaya,
such as Sagitta, several medusae, benthic 1958; Koie, 1979a,b). Another option is for
crustaceans, amphipods, copepods and the cercariae to enter invertebrate hosts,
shrimps (Chabaud and Biguet, 1954). The which are subsequently eaten by fish.
greatest versatility is in D. varicus, which Cercariae may also attach to plant material
has been found in more than 100 fish spe- or to some other substrate (encysting into
cies, in temperate and subpolar waters and metacercariae) to be later browsed by poten-
in deep waters of warm seas. The molluscan tial host fishes (e.g. Haplosplanchiidae and
hosts are Notica cateria and Notica pallida. Haploporidae) (Cable, 1954; Fares and
Copepods (calanoid and harpacticoid) are Maillard, 1974). Although S. inermis cercariae
the common second intermediate hosts, but can penetrate common carp over its entire
infections occur in other crustaceans as well, body surface, the majority (68%) penetrate
including hermit crabs. Sagitta may become the fins (Sommerville and Iqbal, 1991).
infected after consuming copepods. Cardicola (= Sanguinicola) alseae is only
Premature adults in fish may be passed capable of penetrating the soft, ventral sur-
via predation to mature in a predator fish face, and Cardicola klamathensis can only
(e.g. cod). Mature D. varicus may also enter through the less heavily scaled areas
reestablish themselves following predation in salmonids (Meade and Pratt, 1965;
in a new host fish (Koie, 1979a). Didymo- Meade, 1967). A. simplex easily penetrates
zoidae apparently have similar life histories through the entire body surface of dabs
via planktonic prey–predator chains from (L. limanda), flounders (Plathychthys flesus)
copepods via coelenterates, ctenophores, and plaice (Koie, 1982). S. inermis remains
chaetognathes and polychaetes to juvenile in fins of carp for over 3 months following
fish (Nikolaeva, 1965; Koie and Lester, entry and all the worms are in the circula-
1985). Larval forms have also been found in tory system after 5 months (Sommerville
Lepas (Cable and Nahhas, 1962). Common and Iqbal, 1991).
second intermediate hosts of Allocreadiidae A. simplex remains in the lymphatic
(Crepidostomum and Allocreadium spp.) of system and among the muscles for over
freshwater fishes are larvae of aquatic 94 days while its entry into blood vessels is
insects: mayflies (Ephemeroptera), caddis completed only 180 days after exposure to
flies (Trichoptera), dragonflies (Odonata) cercariae (Koie, 1982).
and Chironomidae. Other intermediate hosts
include copepods, cladocerans and annelids
(Dawes, 1946; Ginetsinskaya, 1958; Hoffman, Progenetic generations
1967; Schell, 1970).
Sexually mature stages containing fully
developed eggs are sometimes found in the
Infection of definitive host first intermediate molluscan host and in
other aquatic invertebrates that are hosts of
Cercariae develop in fish either to adult stages metacercariae. Eggs are released only after
(Sanguinicolidae, Transversotrematidae and disintegration of the host tissue following
366 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

death or predation. In Asymphylodora spp., information between host and parasite

progenetic generation in the molluscan host (Halton, 1997).
and also in an annelid second intermediate The relative roles of the tegument and
host (Nereis diversicolor, Polychaeta) of the gut in trematode nutrition are not easy to
marine species (Reimer, 1973) has been assess, with variation between species that
shown to alternate or coexist with adult- is often dependent on environmental and
stage generation in the definitive host other conditions (Pappas, 1988). In the two
(Stunkard, 1959; Van den Brock and de best-studied trematodes, schistosomes and
Jong, 1979). Progenetic stages have also the liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica), the tegu-
been found in other non-molluscan second ment appears to be the route of absorption
intermediate hosts, in amphipods (Hunninen of the low-molecular-weight solutes glu-
and Cable, 1943; De Giusti, 1962) and in cose and amino acids (Isseroff and Read,
crustaceans and chaetognaths (Koie, l979b). 1974; Mercer and Chappel, 1985), but the
Progenetic metacercariae of D. varicus have alimentary tract in vivo plays the major role
been found in the parasitic copepod Lern- in nutrition and functions primarily in
aeocera lusci, which infects Gadus luscus macromolecular digestion and subsequent
(Dollfus, 1954). absorption of soluble digestive products
(Halton, 1997).
Little is known about the nutrition and
metabolic function of fish digeneans. The
Feeding and nutrition blood-dwelling flukes (Sanguinicolidae)
feed on blood, while the encysted didymo-
As envisaged by Llewellyn (1965), the earli- zoids obtain plasma from the capillaries
est of flatworm parasites most probably around the cyst and also ingest blood cells
arose from free-swimming rhabdocoel-like (Yamaguti, 1970; Lester, 1980). In the
ancestors that fed as opportunistic micro- ectoparasitic Transversotrematidae, feeding
predators. The external surface of all para- has been suggested to be similar to the
sitic flatworms departs from the turbellarian skin-inhabiting capsaloid monogeneans
character and is composed of a multifunc- (Benedenia), i.e. digestion of the host epi-
tional syncytial tegument. This ultimate dermal cells by proteolytic enzymes
boundary between the parasite and the host excreted from the pharynx (Mills, 1979).
is a living plasma membrane and is associ- The elaborate tegumental surface seen
ated with polyanionic coating or a glycocalyx. in ultrastructural studies of sporocysts,
This boundary is permeable to a variety rediae and encysted metacercariae of pis-
of small organic solutes, some crossing by cine digeneans strongly suggests active
passive diffusion and others via facilitated nutrient absorption (Koie, 1971a,b, 1985).
or actively mediated transport (Halton, 1997). During migration, the metacercariae of
The trematodes inhabit a wide variety D. spathaceum have been shown to utilize
of environments within their host, each dis- their glycogen reserves (Ratanart-Brockelman,
tinct in terms of the concentration and 1974). In metacercarial cysts of Bucepha-
physicochemical properties of nutrients. In loides gracilescens, uptake of labelled sub-
general, most of them reside within a physi- stances across the cyst wall and subsequent
ological fluid, whether it is blood, extra- incorporation by the metacercaria indicates
cellular fluid or bile, and thereby, it is that the encysted larva retains communica-
assumed, have the opportunity to indulge tion with the external environment. The
in tegumental uptake of substrates from the degree of encapsulation varies with encyst-
host. If the parasite surface is alive, it can ment site and increases with age; substrate
respond dynamically to changes in environ- incorporation has been found to be lowered
mental conditions. It also opens up the pos- in thicker-walled cysts (Halton and
sibility, not only of selective transport of Johnston, 1982). The cyst wall of the large
materials into the parasite, but also of a clinostomids is vascularized, which facili-
regulated two-way flux of molecules and tates efficient glucose transport to the
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 367

encysted worm. It also lacks the acellular, capillaries and internal organs appeared
parasite-induced inner wall. Larson et al. to be the direct cause of mortality of
(1988) showed that the rate of diffusion bloodfluke-infected fish (Figs 10.7B–D, 10.14
through the cyst wall exceeded the rate of and 10.15). This is the case in Sanguinicola
transport into the worm. Glucose uptake by fontinalis-infected brook trout (S. fontin-
encysted C. marginatum is not affected alis) in Pennsylvania, USA (Hoffman et al.,
by glucose transport inhibitors (phlorizin 1985). In flatfishes (Hippoglossoides plate-
and phloretin) (Uglem and Larson, 1987). ssoides, L. limanda and Pleuronectes plate-
Apparently, the cyst wall is selectively per- ssa) infected with A. simplex, fragments of
meable, permitting rapid diffusion of glu- disintegrated worms in the efferent gill fila-
cose to the worm surface while restricting ment arteries cause the gill filament to
the movement of the inhibitors. become stunted and necrotic (Koie, 1982).
The blood fluke Paradeontacylix sp. causes
mass mortalities of cage-cultured Seriola
purpurascens. Infections with up to 1000
Host–Parasite Relationships
worms per single gill filament have been
found and they invoke gill hyperplasia.
Eggs in the gills and the ventriculum are
encapsulated and they induce papillate
Adult trematodes
proliferation of the endothelium of afferent
Adult intestinal trematodes are normally branchial arteries. However, there is necro-
considered not to cause disease even when sis in the gills or elsewhere (Ogawa et al.,
their numbers are high. Extra-intestinal para- 1989). Proliferation of the arterial endothe-
sites are, however, potentially pathogenic. lium has also been reported in common
Blood flukes (sanguinicolids and aporo- carp infected with S. inermis (Prost, M.,
cotyles) cause considerable damage to the quoted in Lucky, 1964). Heavy blood loss
gills and impair respiration. Adult worms occurs when miracidia escape from the gills
and eggs can physically obstruct the pas- and apparently this is the main cause of
sage of blood and cause thrombosis and mortality in trout fingerlings infected with
subsequent tissue necrosis (Hoffman et al., Sanguinicola davisi and Sanguinicola
1985; Ogawa et al., 1989). Extensive rupture klamathensis (Wales, 1958; Davis et al.,
of the gill lining by emerging miracidia and 1961). Loss of blood is evidenced by the
tissue response around trapped eggs in pale colour of the gills and the decline in

Fig. 10.15. Degenerate eggs of the sanguinicolis Pearsonellum corventum in the heart of the fish
Plectropomus leopardus. A. Encapsulated egg mass enclosed by infiltrated macrophages. B. Granuloma-
encased egg residue within a melanomacrophage. (From Overstreet and Thulin, 1989, courtesy of R. Overstreet.)
368 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

packed cell volumes and oxyhaemoglobin interdigitated with worm coils, which facil-
levels (Evans, 1974b). Heavily infected cul- itates worm feeding on blood (Lester, 1980).
tured carp apparently die of suffocation Only natural infections have been recorded,
during transportation (Lucky, 1964; Smith, and these are likely to be moderate. It is not
1972). In chronic infections, adult worms known whether these infections are harm-
disperse and become stranded in the heart, ful to maricultured fish. T. patialense, an
kidneys and caudal vessels. Some eggs ectoparasite on the Brachydanio rerio
become encapsulated, and may also become integument, leaves pressure and feeding
surrounded with focal granuloma. Nodular indentations on the body surface. Tissue
foci occur in the heart, head kidney and regeneration occurs soon after the worm
spleen of Oreochromis spp. (Fig. 10.7D), in changes position (Mills, 1979). Kidney
the gills, heart and kidneys of carp damage induced by heavy infection of
(Scheuring, 1922) and in the liver of Para- the urethra with Phyllodistomum umblae
cardicola hawaiensis-infected Tetraodon (= conostomum) adversely affects survival
hispidus (Martin, 1969). Eggs of S. armata of charr migrating from fresh water to sea
are widespread in the viscera of grass carp water (Berland, 1987). A. kubanica are
(C. idella) and bighead (A. nobilis), but the pathogenic to R. rutilus heckeli in the Sea of
tissue response is negligible (Anderson and Azov when they infect the kidneys rather
Shaharom-Harrison, 1986). Eggs in the kid- than the intestine (Bauer, 1958).
neys of S. klamathensis-infected cutthroat
trout (S. clarki) cause hypertrophy or necro-
sis of the renal epithelium and renal
calcifications (Evans, 1974a). In sanguini- Clinical effects of infection are often not
colosis of cichlid fishes and in Pearsonellum obvious. Metacercariae in supposedly sensi-
corventum-infected serranids (Plectropomus tive organs, such as the brain, cranial nerves
leopardus), granulomas form around eggs in or spinal cord, e.g. B. gracilescens in cod,
the viscera and these are accompanied by G. morhua (Matthews, 1974), Diplostomum
melanomacrophage aggregates (Fig. 10.15; mashonense and Diplostomum tregenna in
Overstreet and Thulin, 1989). Dead A. sim- Clarias spp. (Beverly-Burton, 1963; Khalil,
plex are encapsulated in the superficial parts 1963) and Ornithodiplostomum ptycho-
of the liver (Koie, 1982). General effects on cheilus in P. promelas (Hoffman, 1958; So
growth and condition are not always evident and Wittrock, 1982), do not necessarily have
however, and they are correlated with the obvious debilitating effects on fish even
duration and severity of the infection. when the number of parasites is relatively
Encapsulated lesions around residues of high and despite visible structural damage to
Sanguinicola eggs in the heart have been the organs.
found in a dying native population of A sudden massive outbreak of infec-
Sarotherodon galilaeus in Lake Kinnereth, tion is often fatal. Exposure to massive
Israel (Paperna, 1996). Smith and Willams numbers of cercariae will kill fry within a
(1967) did not find any apparent effect on few hours (Sommerville, 1982), but such
weight in hake (Merluccius merluccius) exposures do not normally occur in nature.
infected with Aporocotyle spinosicanalis. Cercariae penetrate and encyst deeper in
Encapsulation of didymozoid worms the tissues of small fishes and the rela-
induces no more than limited local reac- tively larger cysts may interfere with organ
tions (Fig. 10.8; Lester, 1980; Perera, 1992a, function (Fig. 10.16). The effects of cercarial
b), although at times there is also haemor- infestation are most severe in 0-year-class
rhaging of peripheral capillaries in the plaice and minimal in the 1+-year class
buccal dermis of Platycephalus fuscus (Sommerville, 1981). Hoffmann et al. (1990)
(Lester, 1980). Nematobothrium spinneri reported a massive Bucephalus polymor-
in the muscles of Acanthocybium solandri phus infestation and mortality of cyprinid
is enclosed in a thick-walled capsule. Con- fishes after the water temperature was
nective tissue and blood capillaries are suddenly increased from 12–14 to 20°C.
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 369

Fig. 10.16. Metacercariae in fish tissues. A. Cartilaginous cyst around Centrocestus sp. metacercariae in
gills of Oreochromis aurea, Lake Kinnereth. B. Ascocotyle coelostoma (live) in the truncus arteriosus of Liza
ramada. C. Encysted Phagicola nana in the gut wall of Micropterus salmoides. D. Pigmented Neascus
(‘black spot’) encysted on fins of young Oreochromis hybrids.

Massive metacercariae infections in juve- heavy exposure. Fish may even die from the
nile (0-class) fish have been incriminated as penetration wounds caused by D. spatha-
an important cause of natural mortalities, ceum (Ferguson and Hayford, 1941) and
e.g. C. lingua infections of plaice, P. platessa from tissue damage (focal haemorrhages)
(MacKenzie, 1968), Bolbophorus levantinus caused during H. pumilio migration in mus-
in cichlid fishes (Fig. 10.17B; Yekutiel, 1985; cles (Sommerville, 1982) and in the brain
Paperna, 1991). Population studies and caused by D. adamsi (Lester and Huizinga,
field observations suggest that fish heavily 1977). Cercariae of C. lingua and S. baccatus
infected with metacercariae are lost from induce temporary epidermal lesions. They
the host population (Chubb, 1979; Lemly may also cause some disruption of connec-
and Esch 1984a,b). Lemly and Esch (1984b) tive tissues, inflammatory cell proliferation,
confirmed that heavily U. ambloplitis- sometimes myofibrillar necrosis (associated
infected young-of-the-year bluegill sunfish with bacteria) and reactive swelling of the
(50 per fish) did not survive the winter intermuscular septa (McQueen et al., 1973;
because of depleted reserves. Sommerville, 1981). The inflammatory
reaction is particularly intense around
non-encysting metacercariae (e.g. Rhipido-
Entry into tissue and encystment
cotyle johnstonei and Prosorhynchus
A pronounced inflammatory response often crucibulum in plaice and turbot) (Matthews,
accompanies penetration and early migra- 1973a, 1974) and precedes the eventual
tion. This is particularly obvious following enclosure of the parasite in a fibrous capsule
370 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

Fig. 10.17. Diplostomatid metacercariae: A. Diplostomum sp. removed from a visceral cyst in Clarias
gariepinus, Uganda. B. Heavy Bolbophorus levantinum metacercaria in muscles of young Oreochromis
aurea from Lake Kinnereth. C. Early-stage B. levantinum metacercaria with expanded posterior half.
D. Later-stage B. levantinum metacercaria with emptied posterior end (actual size 0.6–0.8 mm).

(Yekutiel, 1985; Fig. 10.18A). The fibrous capsules (Fig. 10.16A). The ‘sand-grain’
capsule produced by the host is super- grub of yellow perch is caused by meta-
imposed on the acellular wall secreted by cercarial cysts of Apophallus brevis. It is
the encysting cercaria (Fig. 10.18B). The composed of bone, which becomes clus-
peripheral inflammatory cellular infiltrate tered around the parasite within the peri-
that precedes fibrous capsule formation con- pheral blood vessels. Such cysts have also
sists mainly of macrophages (Sommerville, been identified in ancient fossil perch. The
1981). Inflammatory cells become stratified bony structure has two opposite escape
into an epitheloid (Fig. 10.18B), while the canals for the parasites and has lines inter-
innermost layer gradually degenerates. This preted as the growth rings of the bone
early capsule, which has the form of a (Sinclair, 1972). Metacercariae of B. levan-
chronic granuloma (and also contains giant tinus migrate in tissues before encysting in
cells) is gradually replaced by the fibrous the muscles (Paperna and Lengy, 1963). The
capsule (Fig. 10.16C; Sommerville, 1981; inflammatory response and macrophage
Yekutiel, 1985). At 5°C, cyst formation is proliferation are limited to host tissues
much slower than at 15°C (McQueen et al., damaged in the earlier stages of the encyst-
1973). Centrocestus metacercariae on the ment (Yekutiel, 1985). Cellular damage
gills become encysted in cartilaginous around Heterophyes spp. infecting grey
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 371

by the host tissues. Collagen may be depos-

ited in the liver (Mitchell, 1974) and in the
spleen (Font et al., 1984), but it is usually
absent. When crowded on the serosal sur-
face of the pyloric caeca (Fig. 10.16C),
metacercariae of Phagicola nana evoke
intense proliferation of the connective tis-
sues, with a considerable amount of colla-
gen. When the parasite is in the submocosa,
the proliferation includes smooth muscle
(Font et al., 1984).

Gill infection due to Centrocestus spp.

Natural infections by Centrocestus sp. are
common in cichlids (as well as in intro-
duced Gambussia affinis) throughout the
distribution range of its snail host
M. tuberculata along the Syrio-African rift
valley and nearby fish farms (Farstey, 1986;
Paperna, 1996). Centrocestus is also in carp
fry in India (Mohan et al., 1999). In the Far
East, a different species, C. formosanus,
infects farmed eel (Yanohara and Kagei,
1983) and grass carp (C. idella) (Zeng and
Liao, 2000). Introduction of M. tuberculata
to Mexico and to the USA extended
C. formosanus infection to farmed (carp) and
native fishes (Mitchell et al., 2000; Scholtz
et al., 2001). Metacercariae encysted on the
Fig. 10.18. Histopathology of Bolbophorus gill filament cartilage are enclosed by a
levantinum infection in young Oreochromis aurea. cartilagenous cell capsule (Fig. 10.12A).
A. Macrophage infiltration around young Cercariae penetrate the gill filaments and
unencysted metacercaria. B. Maturing metacercaria encyst in the connective tissue adjacent to
with ‘reserve cells’ (r) enclosed in a parasite-derived the cartilage layer. Chondroblasts proliferate
wall (w) and foci of macrophage proliferations in from the ray perichondrium and, following
the surrounding muscles (arrows). deposition of ground substance, the metacer-
caria becomes encapsulated (by day 7 post-
mullet is minimal even in heavy infections infection) within a cartilaginous extension of
(6000 metacercariae per gram muscle) the filament ray (Fig. 10.16A; Farstey, 1986;
(Paperna, 1975). Under certain circum- Paperna, 1996). Infection induces epithelial
stances, however, the same metacercariae hyperplasia; infected gill filaments are thick-
can induce more extensive cellular changes, ened and often shortened and distorted
particularly during the late stages of infec- when infection is heavy, and sometimes
tion when damaged tissues and dead para- haemorrhagic. The proliferated cartilage
sites have accumulated (Font et al., 1984). causes filaments to expand several times the
In muscles of grey mullet infected with normal diameter, and this leads to fusion of
Stellantchasmus falcatus, myofibrils degen- filaments and disruption of the normal gill
erating near the parasitic cysts are replaced morphology. Heavy gill infection appears to
by large fat cells (Lee and Cheng, 1970). Cel- lower respiratory efficiency. Heavily
lular and deposited ground substances may infected fish seem to be selectively dying out
vary with species, but may also be affected from the natural and farmed populations,
372 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

particularly under stressful circumstances

(e.g. overwintering and extreme oxygen con-
ditions). Heavily infected fish do not survive
well during transportation. This has been
demonstrated under simulated experimental
conditions: all young cichlids (S. galilaeus)
heavily infected with Centrocestus (116 ± 48
per fish) succumbed, while all same-size
lightly infected fish (with 15 ± 15 per fish)
survived during a 3 h journey at ambient
temperature of 24°C (Farstey, 1986). Infec-
tions in common carp fry in India similarly
cause both acute and chronic mortalities
(Mohan et al., 1999).

Dermal encystment
Cysts formed around certain dermal meta-
cercariae may contain cells heavily loaded
with melanin (and, exceptionally, other pig-
ments). These are commonly called ‘black
spot’, and are formed by Neascus metacer-
cariae from the genera Crassophiala, Ornitho-
diplostomum and Uvulifer (Hoffman, 1960;
Wittrock et al., 1991) (Figs 10.16D and
10.19A,B) and heterophyids of the genera
Cryptocotyle and Haplorchis. Cutaneous
melanosis and cloudy eye have been Fig. 10.19. Metacercarial skin infection in Lake
reported in flounders heavily infected with Kinnereth cichlids. A, B. Low and heavy ‘black spot’
pigmented C. lingua (Mawdesley-Thomas (Neascus) infection in young pond-reared
and Young, 1967). Metacercariae of a species Oreochromis aurea × nilotica. C. Clinostomum
of Clinostomum (‘C. cutaneum’; Paperna, ‘cutaneus’-infected Tristramella simonis (top) and
1964a,b) encyst, sometimes in large num- Tilapia zilli (bottom).
bers, beneath the scales of cichlid fish in
Lake Kinnereth, Israel (Fig. 10.19C). genera Phagicola and Ascocotyle (Fig. 10.16B;
Sogandares-Bernal and Lumsden, 1964; Stein
and Lumsden, 1971). Ascocotyle pachy-
Heart infections
cystis encysts in the lumen of the bulbus
Metacercariae of some Ascocotyle and Pha- arteriosus, infection accumulates with age
gicola have a predilection for the heart or (up to 6800 per fish) and heavy infections
truncus arteriosus (Sogandares-Bernal and reduce growth and overwintering survival
Lumsden, 1964), but in heavy infections (Coleman and Travis, 1998).
they may spread to other tissues. Cardiac
pathology, resulting from thickening due to
Visceral infections
fibrogranulomatosis of the epicardium, is
associated with infection of the pericar- Metacercariae of Haplorchis are found
dium with the strigeid A. gracilis (Watson throughout the integumental connective tis-
et al., 1992). Tort et al. (1987) demonstrated sues (skin, fins and gills) (Paperna, 1964a;
that the in vitro pumping performance of Sommerville, 1982; Yekutiel, 1985). Heavy
hearts in infected fish was reduced by as visceral infection of P. minimum (‘white
much as 50%. Cardiac infections are also grub’; 500–2300 metacercariae in 50–65 mm
commonly caused by heterophyids of the long fish) in fathead minnow causes
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 373

tissues of the ventral articulation of gill

arches, and sometimes also on the surface
of the kidneys. C. complanatum becomes
established in the muscles, with a prefer-
ence in Tor (Barbus) canis for red muscles
(92%) and a predilection for the branchial
and mandibular muscles (62%) (Finkelman,
1988). C. cutaneum settles beneath the
scales (Paperna, 1964a,b; Finkelman, 1988).
Natural infections are sometimes excep-
Fig. 10.20. Abdominal dropsy in Postdiplostomum tionally heavy; none the less, a full-sized
minimum-infected Pimephales promelas (43 mm fish can tolerate a remarkably high number
long) (after Mitchell et al., 1982, courtesy of of worms. A Tristramella sacra in Lake
G.L. Hoffman). Kinneret, Israel, was found virtually cov-
ered with C. cutaneum; 130 Nephroce-
phalus sp. were recovered from a Heterotis
abdominal dropsy (Fig. 10.20) with milky niloticus; 70 Clinostomum sp. from Syno-
ascitic fluid that contains up to 92% leuco- dontis membranaceus (Ukoli, 1966); and
cytes and 8% erythrocytes. Granulomas the same number of C. complanatum from
develop around degenerating parasites and T. (B.) canis (Finkelman, 1988). Farmed
parasitic debris (Mitchell et al., 1982). juvenile cichlids, Oreochromis cross-
Milder or no clinical impacts have been breeds in Israel and Oreochromis mossam-
reported in P. minimum centrarchi (white bicus in Africa succumbed to infections as
grub) infections of largemouth bass low as fewer than ten, or even three to five,
(M. salmoides) (Grizzle and Goldsby, 1996). of either C. tilapiae or Euclinostomum
Massive invasion by the heterophyid heterostomum; worms invaded the kid-
P. cheni in Taiwan of Japanese eels caused neys and the branchial cavity. Mortalities
severe morbidity. Their eyes were cloudy have also been reported among Clarias spp.
white and swollen with oedema and haemor- due to E. clarias (Ezenwaji and Llozumba,
rhages. Metacercariae, encysted in the muscle 1992). Experimentally infected O. mossam-
tissue, were numerous around the eyeball. bicus fingerlings (30–35 mm long) died 62
Once transmission was interrupted, recovery days after being experimentally infected by
occurred within 2 weeks (Ooi et al., 1999). 75–81 E. heterostomus (Donges, 1974).
Stephanostomum tenue in the pericardial C. complanatum infections are regarded as
cavity of elvers of Anguilla rostrata impedes a serious problem in Taiwan, causing death
swimming (Oliveira and Campbell, 1998). among farmed P. altivelis (ayu). The body
Bolbophorus sp. invades as a protodiplo- wall of infected fish is profusely encysted
stomum and then encapsulates in the with metacercariae, leading to its perfora-
muscles (Figs 10.17C, D and 10.18). Heavy tion (Lo et al., 1981). Heavy loads of
infections of B. levantinus in Israel caused Clinostomum van der horsti metacercariae
mortalities among young-of-the-year cichlids often congest the body cavity of their fish
in Lake Kinneret and in farmed stock. Para- host, the mormyrid Gnathonemus macrole-
sites invaded the major part of the somatic pidotus in southern Africa (Ortlepp, 1935).
muscles and disfigured the fish (Fig. 10.17B); In the USA, metacercariae of C. marginatum
Yekutiel, 1985; Paperna, 1996). In the USA, (yellow grub) encyst in the flesh of farm-
B. damnificus and another, yet to be identi- raised channel catfish. Apart from direct
fied, Bolbophorus similarly invade and cause pathological damage, infected fish may not
muscle damage to channel catfish farmed be marketable (Lorio, 1989). There are two
in southern states (Overstreet et al., 2002; reports of Clinostomum infections in humans,
Terhune et al., 2002). causing acute laryngitis, one in Israel and
Several species of clinostomiids occur the other in Japan (Witenberg, 1944b; Kamo
in fish. C. tilapiae encysts in the connective et al., 1962). The worms were adults and
374 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

the infections were probably due to con-

sumption of metacercaria-infected fish.

Eye damage in metacercarial infections

Damage to eyes may either be caused by
metacercariae with a predilection for the
organ (e.g. D. spathaceum) or be a non-
specific side effect (e.g. corneal infection
by integument-encysting metacercariae).
Impairment of vision is aggravated when
metacercarial cysts are accompanied by
melanin pigment (black spot). Severe infec-
tion leads to exophthalmos, cataracts and
even complete collapse of the eye. Blind-
ness can be uni- or bilateral (Sindermann
and Resenfield, 1954; Mawdesley-Thomas
and Young, 1967). D. spathaceum is a spe-
cific pathogen of the eye. The non-encysted
metacercariae invade the lens, the vitreous
humour and the retina. Detailed pathologi-
cal and histopathological descriptions of
diplostomiasis in catfish (Ictalurus melas)
are in Larson (1965) (Fig. 10.21) and in rain-
bow trout in Shariff et al. (1980). Farmed
rainbow trout yearlings with infection lim-
ited to a cataract (small white opacity in the Fig. 10.21. Eye diplostomiasis in Ictalurus melas.
lens with parasites visible beneath the lens) A. Cross-section of the eye showing herniation (h) of
feed normally and remain in good condi- the lens (l) and the metacercariae inside (arrows). B.
tion. However, in 2-year-old trout, the cata- Damaged lens (l) with proliferated epithelium
ract is more prominent, with the lens around a necrotic core (i); note vascularization of
dislocated into the anterior chamber or the vitreous humour (arrow). C, D. Cross-sections of
absent. Fish at this stage are dark, appar- herniated lenses; empty spaces contained worms
before processing. (After Larson, 1965, courtesy of
ently blind and emaciated and feed only
the author.)
from the bottom of the tank. Parasites are
most frequently in the cortical region of the
lens, within a cavity with fine debris, which parasites to the subretinal level results in
results from liquefaction of the cortical retinal detachment. A cellular response
fibres. Degeneration of the lens is evident. usually becomes evident only in later-stage
In the chronic condition, the lens becomes infections. Macrophages aggregate around
irregular and wrinkled from adherences the debris from ruptured lenses, in the dam-
with the inner components of the eye and is aged periphery of the iris, in the choroid
often ruptured. Thickening of the lens cap- and around necrotic foci in the optic nerve.
sule leads to exfoliation, with proliferation The combined effects of cataracts and reti-
of the epithelial layer. The iris is greatly dis- nal detachment cause blindness (Shariff
torted and is in contact with the lens. In cat- et al., 1980).
fishes (I. melas and I. nebulosus), the lens Crowden and Broom (1980) described
herniates near the point of attachment to loss of efficiency and increase in time
the dorsal ligament, with metacercariae devoted to feeding. As the infection pro-
spilling into the protrusion and leaving the gresses, fish spend more time in the surface
remainder of the lens clear for visual func- layer of the water. This would increase their
tion (Fig. 10.21; Larson, 1965). Entry of risk of predation by gulls. When D. adamsi
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 375

cercariae enter (in groups of 20 or more) the ambiguous results (Kennedy, 1984; Lester,
retina of Perca flavescens and remain 1984).
unencysted, they form a cavity between the
photoreceptor layer and the pigment epi-
thelium. Diplostomum schudderi becomes Marketing food fish aspects
established in a similar manner in the retina
of Gasterosteus aculeatus. In both fish Fish containing conspicuously visible (large
hosts, cytological damage and alterations or coloured) free or encysted worms are
occur in both layers of the retina. This sug- rejected by consumers (Kabunda and
gests loss of vision in the foci of infection in Sommerville, 1984; Lorio, 1989; Paperna,
the retina, but an overall minimal visual 1996; Overstreet et al., 2002). Fish with
loss due to the peripheral location of the badly damaged eyes (trout affected by eye
parasites (Lester and Huizinga, 1977). diplostomiasis) are likely to be sold at
Metacercariae of Diplostomum compactum depreciated prices. The mere suspicion of
infected Oreochromis aureus and O. mos- infection affects demand and depreciates
sambicus introduced into Lake Amela, market prices of the entire consignment of
Mexico. The metacercariae enter the aque- fish. Examples are the large yellow
ous and vitreous humours of the eye, caus- clinostomids, which also tend to encyst and
ing corneal oedema, conjunctivitis, neuritis crawl around after the death of the fish
of the optical nerve, eosinophilic iridoclitis (Fig. 10.19C), metacercariae of diplosto-
and uveitis. They also invaded the brain, matids in muscles (Fig. 10.17B); (Paperna,
causing multifocal gliosis, eosinophilic 1996), ‘black spot’ (Fig. 10.19A, B) and fish
meningitis, brain oedema and spongiosis containing large didymozoids in skin and
(Garcia-Luis et al., 1993). Metacercariae of gills or in the muscles (Lester, 1980;
Posthodiplostomum brevicaudatum encys- Fig. 10.8). (For risk to public health, see
ted only in the vitreous humour and in the Chapter 16 in this book.)
retina and caused less obvious eye damage
(Donges, 1969).
Immune responses
Estimating the extent of mortality
In contrast to the wealth of information that
in affected fish populations
has accumulated on the immunology of
Estimation of metacercaria-induced host digeneans in higher vertebrates (Butterworth,
mortality in natural fish populations has 1984), data on fish-infecting digeneans are
been attempted by extrapolating quantita- more preliminary in nature. The main dif-
tive data on frequency distribution of ference between immune responses of fish
infection. The decline in variance was con- and those of mammals and birds is that the
sidered to result from the loss of heavily ambient temperature affects antibody pro-
parasitized fish. Hence a measure of duction in fish (Avtalion et al., 1973; van
overdispersion, in comparison with nega- Muiswinkel, 1995). Eosinophilic granulo-
tive binomial distribution or by calculating cytes, which play an important role in pro-
the ratio of variance to mean, was advo- tective immunity in mammalian digenean
cated as an indirect method of estimating (schistosome) infections (Butterworth, 1984),
fish mortality (Lester, 1977, 1984; Anderson do not seem to be as important in piscine
and Gordon, 1982; Gordon and Rau, 1982; infections (Hoglund and Thuvander, 1990).
Kennedy, 1984). Seasonal changes in the However, it is not certain whether piscine
degree of overdispersion were related to eosinophils are homologous with those
suggested parasite-caused mortality in in mammals (Ellis, 1977). Aaltonen et al.
bluegill during the winter (Lemly and (1997) demonstrated humoral immune
Esch, 1984b). However, extrapolations from response of Rhipidocotyle fennica, it was
field data have met with a variable degree detected in wild R. rutilus in lakes
of success and at times have produced where fish are infected by the parasite.
376 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

Infection by R. fennica increases towards and cytotoxic serum factors in Chelon

late summer: antibody levels are higher in labrosus exposed to C. lingua cercariae.
sera collected in September than in those Precipitating antibodies were detected,
collected in June. Antibodies were pro- using the Ouchterlony technique, in plaice
duced against homogenized cercariae in (P. platessa) infected with C. lingua and
experimentally immunized R. rutilus; how- R. johnstonei. The immune sera had an
ever, the response was more pronounced immobilizing effect on the cercariae. Anti-
after exposure to live cercariae. Western bodies reacted with the tegument and with
blots showed that responses in fish injected secretory glands in cercariae of both para-
with homogenized cercariae were different site species. Antibody production was
from those exposed to live cercariae. Fish temperature-dependent and did not occur
injected with the homogenate were pro- at 5°C (Cottrell, 1977). The antibodies were
tected on challenge. macroglobulins, and resembled mammalian
Trout repeatedly exposed to cercariae immunoglobulin M (IgM). Bortz et al.
of Diplostomum over a 12-week period (1984) detected humoral antibodies in trout
developed protective immunity, but specific with natural infections of D. spathaceum
antibodies could not be detected in the blood and trout injected with sonicated
(Hoglund and Thuvander, 1990). The protec- metacercariae using an enzyme-linked
tion seemed to be due to cell-mediated immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In trout
immunity or to a non-specific mechanism immunized with antigens prepared from
of protection against the migrating diplosto- cercariae and diplostomulae, anti-cercarial
mulae. In mammals, induction of cellular and anti-diplostomulae circulating antibod-
immunity is required for protection against ies were demonstrated using ELISA and
helminth infections (Butterworth, 1984). immunofluorescence. The two cross-reacted,
Migrating diplostomulae induce non-specific although the reaction between anticercarial
cellular responses, which involve infiltra- sera and diplostomatid antigen was weaker.
tion of neutrophils and monocytes (Ratanart- Fluorescence studies indicated the tail region
Brockelmann, 1974). Speed and Pauly (1985) of the cercariae to be strongly antigenic
showed that the survival time of immunized, (Whyte et al., 1987).
challenged fish increased by 4 months
over that of non-immunized controls. An
immunocytochemical study demonstrated In Vitro Culture
putative neurotransmitters in metacercariae
of Diplostomum sp. and Cotylurus erraticus Prior to the era of molecular biology (see
from rainbow trout. Cholinergic and above), metacercariae could not provide
serotoninergic staining was found primarily morphological cues for specific identifica-
in the central nervous system (CNS) and in tions. In vitro studies of piscine digeneans
cell bodies associated with the ventral and have been concentrated on the induction of
dorsal nerve cords. Peptidergic immuno- sexual maturation of metacercariae, rather
reactivity was localized in the CNS and the than on the long-term maintenance of larval
peripheral nervous system, revealing an or adult stages. Stunkard (1930) was the
extensive innervation within the holdfast first to attempt cultivation of metacercariae
organ and around the oral and ventral suckers to adult stages and this has now been accom-
(Barton et al., 1993). plished for a number of species (Kannangara
Precipitating antibodies against anti- and Smyth, 1974). Metacercariae that already
gen from the intestinal digenean Telogaster possess genital primordia are more readily
opisthorchis were demonstrated in the sera cultured to the adult stage, with the produc-
and gut mucus of eels, Anguilla australis tion of eggs capable of hatching (Basch et al.,
schmidtii and Anguilla dieffenbachii 1973; Mitchell et al., 1978). Moreover, some
(McArthur, 1978). Wood and Matthews metacercariae (Gynaecotyle adunca, Pleuro-
(1987) reported induction of humoral anti- genoides sitapurri, Microphallus papilloro-
bodies, sensitized pronephric leucocytes bustus) produce eggs after only minimal
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 377

stimulation, e.g. release from the cyst, expo- Bayer 73) and N-tritylmorpholine (= Frescon,
sure to light or changes in temperature WL 8008, Shell) recommended for schisto-
(Kannangara and Smyth, 1974). Metacer- somiasis snail vector control are toxic to fish
cariae that do not have genital rudiments (Cowper, 1971). Copper sulphate (5-hydrate)
take longer to develop and are more fastidi- is tolerated by most fish (although some
ous in their in vitro maintenance needs. species and younger fish may be more
Diplostomum phoxini was first cultivated susceptible). It is inexpensive, widely used
in a medium that contained egg yolk (Bell in fish ponds as an algicide (Sarig, 1971)
and Smyth, 1958), but subsequent studies and can be safely applied at a dose of
demonstrated that the egg yolk had little 3.5 ppm to sea water and brackish water
or no beneficial effect. D. phoxini and ponds and to neutral and hard fresh-
D. spathaceum reached the egg production water ponds. However, in acid and soft
stage, but eggs of the latter were not viable freshwater ponds (pH 6.8, calcium ions
(Kannangara and Smyth, 1974). In a more > 12 ppm), the same or lower concentra-
recent study, Leno and Holloway (1986) tions become toxic to fish. Copper salt may
reported cultivation of D. spathaceum on be applied continuously at a lower concen-
chick chorioallantois. Whyte et al. (1988) tration (1 ppm) or as a low-soluble formula-
transformed D. spathaceum cercariae into tion (as copper carbonate or copper oxide)
metacercariae in vitro. These were then fur- to produce long-term effects (Hoffman,
ther maintained for 72 h. Cercariae were 1970). Treatment of drained ponds or race-
allowed to penetrate via trout skin using a ways with copper sulphate prior to stocking
modified version of the Clegg and Smithers delayed, but did not prevent, repopulation
(1972) mouse-skin technique for schisto- by snails (Stables and Chappell, 1986; I.
somes. The best results for metacercarial Paperna, personal communication of cur-
maintenance in vitro were obtained with rent experience of fish farmers in Israel).
L-15 (Gibco) medium supplemented with The environmental limits imposed on snail
added fetal calf serum (Whyte et al., 1988). survival in fish-farm systems were dis-
cussed earlier and regular weed control,
performed manually or with herbicides
Prevention and Control (Paperna, 1991), can decimate snail popula-
tions. Of the many recommended mollus-
Transmission control cophagous fishes (De Bont and De Bont
Hers, 1952; Carothers and Allison, 1968;
There is no practical way to prevent con- Taraschewski and Paperna, 1981; Paperna,
tamination of pond waters by droppings of 1996), only black carp (Mylopharyngodon
presumably infected piscivorous birds, the piceus) in fresh water and sea bream (Sparus
definitive hosts of most metacercariae spp.) in seawater ponds are compatible with
infecting fish. The best preventive strategy fish-rearing practices and economies.
for controlling digenean infections in
farmed fish is the elimination of the inter-
mediate host snail. This includes the use of Parasite control
chemical molluscicides, environmental
manipulation and the use of mollusco- Praziquantel (Droncit, Biltricide, Bayer AG,
phagous fish. There is extensive literature Germany) is safe and effective against dige-
on the control of snails that are intermedi- neans and cestodes of man and animals
ate hosts of schistosomes and Fasciola (Andrews et al., 1983). It demonstrated high
(McCullough and Mott, 1983; Madsen, efficacy over a wide range of metacercariae:
1990). Of all the many molluscicides devel- Szekely and Molnar (1991) reported on the
oped to control these snails, only copper elimination of all D. spathaceum metacer-
sulphate is of practical use in fish ponds cariae from herbivorous carp that were fed a
and circulation systems. Molluscicidal con- single dose of the drug (300 mg/kg body
centrations of niclosamide (= Bayluscide, mass). Three sequential lower doses of
378 I. Paperna and R. Dzikowski

35–100 mg/kg yielded 88–100% efficacy, by clinostomids (yellow grub), causing con-
and bath treatments of 1 mg/l for 9 h or tinuous losses or marketing problems in
10 mg/l for 1 h showed 100% and 93–94% warmwater fish farms, notably of catfish in
efficiency, respectively. Short (30 min–4 h) the USA and cichlids in Afro-Asia. To make
and long (1–8 days) bath treatments were matters worse, during the last decade, the
also effective against Diplostomum pus- snail vector, M. tuberculata, of C. formo-
illum and A. gracilis (Zhatkanbayeva and sanus and subsequently the parasite have
Heckmann, 1990). Fish growers in Israel been introduced into Mexico and the
used effectively veterinary formulations southern USA.
(Droncit) to eliminate metacercarial infec-
tions of Centrocestus, Haplorchis and
B. levantinus in juvenile tilapia (> 70 mm in Future Studies
length); available formulations, however,
are too costly for this farming system. Lorio In the last decade the transition in parasitol-
(1989) compared the efficacy of Droncit ogy from an essentially zoological to a bio-
(praziquantel), by bath and injection, with chemical, immunological and molecular
Ivermectin (by injection) and Masoten (by science has had only a marginal impact on
bath treatment) in C. marginatum-infected fish digenean research. Future studies
channel catfish. Praziquantel significantly should include nutritional physiology,
reduced infection, Ivermectin was not as immunology and taxonomy that make use
effective and Masoten was ineffective. One of DNA analysis. Temperature dependence
noteworthy limitation is potential post- of the immune response, combined with the
treatment side effects: since dead metacer- peculiarities of the defence mechanisms
cariae remain in the tissue, they may release against helminthic infections, offers an
toxins harmful to the fish (Mitchell, 1995). attractive and challenging research model.
The emerging methodology of DNA taxo-
nomy is potentially the best option for
Conclusions resolving taxonomic affinities and revealing
life histories of digeneans by specific
Digeneans that parasitize fish are numerous recognition of larval stages.
and diverse in their morphologies and life
histories. Studies on adult digeneans and
metacercariae require different approaches. Acknowledgements
The importance of digeneans to fish culture
has long been underestimated; also their risk We wish to thank our collegues Glenn L.
to public health has not received adequate Hoffman, Kearneysville, West Virginia,
recognition. With the rapid development of USA, Johan Hoglund, National Veterinary
warmwater aquaculture, as well as maricul- Institute, Uppsala, Sweden, Marianne Koie,
ture, and the spread of exotic culinary prac- Marine Biology Laboratory, Helsingor,
tices to Western societies risks to cultured Denmark, Omer R. Larson, University of
fish and to consumers of infected fish are South Dakota, USA, Bob Lester, University
likely to become significant (Ko, 1995). of Queensland, Australia, Paola Oreccia,
Intra-intestinal adult digeneans are poten- Universita degli Studi di Roma, Italy, Robin
tially pathogenic to maricultured fish: how- Overstreet, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory,
ever, piscine digeneans are receiving less Mississippi, USA, John C. Pearson, Univer-
attention now than in the past. In the last sity of Queensland, Australia, and Darwin
decade, the burden due to massive infec- Wittrock, University of Wisconsin, Eau
tions by metacercariae has increasingly Claire, USA, for kindly providing us with
alarmed freshwater fish farmers. Some of the published and unpublished data and publi-
most troubling infections are of the gills by cations, drawings and photographs and their
Centrocestus spp. and of the muscles and kind permission to use their illustrations
connective tissue by Bolbophorus spp. and and photographs in this review.
Digenea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 379


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11 Cestoidea (Phylum Platyhelminthes)

Terry A. Dick, Chandra Chambers and Ike Isinguzo

Department of Zoology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Canada R3T 2N2

Introduction because it is an important human parasite or

due to its pathology in fish (Rosen and Dick,
Tapeworms have been observed in fish since 1983) but as a contaminant in the flesh of
antiquity, with the best known being the economically important coregonids. More
broad fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium) of recently, fish tapeworms have been used to
humans. Most conspicuous are the cysts of address questions of host specificity and
tapeworms that harbour the infective stage in co-evolutionary relationships between host
fish flesh and viscera. These include cysts of and parasite (Caira and Jensen, 2001;
Diphyllobothrium spp. (Ando et al., 2001; Skerikova et al., 2001). Both Schistocephalus
Dick et al., 2001), cysts of Triaenophorus and Ligula provide new insights into host–
crassus in the flesh of coregonids and some parasite associations (Reimchen, 1997; Heins
salmonids (Fig. 11.1) and massive infections et al., 1999; Loot et al., 2001; Overli et al.,
of Diphyllobothrium spp. along the viscera in 2001; Brown et al., 2002; Bagamian et al.,
salmonids (Fig. 11.2). Very heavy infections 2004).
are commonly reported in the flesh or along Recently several major groups of fish
the viscera, but remarkably few have been cestodes have received much needed reviews
shown to cause mortality of fish. The of their taxonomy and systematics (Beveridge
human–fish tapeworm Diphyllobothrium et al., 1999; Zehnder and Mariaux, 1999;
has received the most attention, followed Skerikova et al., 2001; Logan et al., 2004). The
by the large larval tapeworms Ligula and cestode genus Proteocephalus occurs world-
Schistocephalus of birds and those of eco- wide; however, very little is known about the
nomic importance, such as Triaenophorus of mechanisms of species distribution within
fish. On the other hand, entire orders, such as the host range. The current debate is
the Tetraphyllidea and Tetrarhynchidea, whether the distribution of species is the
have received relatively little attention until result of a long-lasting association or through
recently. With the exception of the a series of co-speciation events or whether
Cyclophyllidea and Aporidea, every order of other factors are involved (Zehnder and
cestodes has members that infect fish. While Mariaux, 1999; Carney and Dick, 2000;
much has been made of the human–fish tape- Skerikova et al., 2001). Using both mor-
worm Diphyllobothrium in textbooks and phological (Carney and Dick, 2000) and
anecdotal reports, it is Triaenophorus that molecular analyses (Skerikova et al., 2001),
has been most extensively studied, not it was concluded that the European species
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
(ed. P.T.K. Woo) 391
392 T.A. Dick et al.

of Proteocephalus reflect a series of taxa from two continents, sparked off some
host switches rather than host–parasite interesting responses on the use of the term
co-speciations. On the other hand, studying host specificity. Poulin and Mouillot (2003)
different fish groups, Choudhury and Dick computed a ‘new index of host specificity’
(1998) and Nelson and Dick (2002) showed from a phylogenetic viewpoint and ques-
that there is a strong correlation between tioned the index of specificity proposed by
some parasite species and host groups. Caira et al. (2003), which also incorporated
The term host specificity has been used phylogenetic information. Proteocephalus
rather loosely and with something of a slid- species are considered to be relatively nar-
ing scale for the host–parasite association. row in their host preference; however, sev-
Carney and Dick (1999), using fish sister eral species have been shown to infect a
range of fish hosts (Freze, 1965; Willemse,
1968, 1969; Chubb et al., 1987; Dubinina,
1987; Hanzelova et al., 1996; Scholz and
Hanzelova, 1998; Scholz, 1999a).
Historically, most studies on fish
cestodes have focused on taxonomy, life
cycles, surveys, epizootiology and popula-
tion dynamics. Recently, the expansion of
the aquaculture industry, as well as basic
curiosity about the defence mechanisms of
lower vertebrates, has made the study of
immunopathological responses in fish rele-
vant. An increasing worldwide awareness
of potential fish-transmitted human patho-
gens (Rim, 1998; Dick et al., 2001) has also
raised the profile of fish cestodes.

Economic importance

Fig. 11.1. Lake trout fillet with section through a Numerous tapeworms cause disease in fish
Triaenophorus crassus cyst (white arrow). (Table 11.1) and the problems of tapeworms

Fig. 11.2. Diphyllobothrium ditremum and Diphyllobothrium dendriticum encysted in the viscera and
along the body wall of Arctic charr. Cysts in the liver (white arrow), large numbers of cysts on the caecae
and stomach wall (black arrow) and asterisks show cysts along the hypaxial muscles.
Cestoidea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 393

Table 11.1. Pathogenic fish tapeworms, their distribution and hosts.

Order and species Distribution Fish host Location in host

Amphilina foliacea Eurasia Sturgeon Liver, body cavity
Amphilina bipunctata N. America White sturgeon Body cavity
Caryophyllaeus spp. Eurasia, N. America Cypriniforms Intestine
Khawia sp. Eurasia Cypriniforms and Intestine
Bothriocephalus Eurasia, N. America Cypriniforms, centrachids, Intestine
acheilognathi antherinids, goodeids
Cyathocephalus truncatus Europe Trout Intestine
Eubothrium salvelini N. America Arctic charr Intestine
Triaenophorus crassus Eurasia, N. America Pike Intestine
Triaenophorus nodulosus Eurasia, N. America Pike Intestine
Diphyllobothrium dendriticum Europe, N. America Salmonids Viscera
Diphyllobothrium latum Worldwide Percids Muscle
Diphyllobothrium sebago N. America Trout, salmon Viscera
Ligula intestinalis Eurasia, N. America Cypriniforms Viscera
Schistocephalus sp. Eurasia, N. America Sticklebacks Viscera, muscle
T. crassus Eurasia, N. America Whitefish, trout Muscle
T. nodulosus Eurasia, N. America Trout Viscera, liver
Corallobothrium sp. N. America Catfish Intestine
Proteocephalus exiguus Europe Thymallus Intestine
Proteocephalus ambloplitis N. America Small-mouth bass Viscera, ovaries

Pathology caused by larval marine tapeworms has been reviewed by Sindermann (1970) and

in aquaculture and fisheries (marine and reservoir on the Canadian prairies and had
freshwater) have been reviewed (Sindermann, potential for further dissemination through
1970; Hoffman, 1975, 1999). The most stocking programmes (Szalai and Dick,
important tapeworm in warmwater aqua- 1991; T. Dick, unpublished). Caryophyllaeus
culture is the Asian pseudophyllidean spp. and Khawia spp. are also of concern in
tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi Europe and North America, and the effects
(Paperna, 1991; Luo et al., 2003). It is an of Triaenophorus on fisheries are well doc-
excellent example of translocation of tape- umented (Lawler, 1970). Triaenophorus
worms from their original location (in this nodulosus is considered to be the most
case, Siberia) with the introduction of their pathogenic of the Triaenophorus species in
hosts (ex. cyprinids) into other parts of the Eurasia (Kuperman, 1973). It causes epi-
world (Bauer and Hoffman, 1976). Simi- zootic outbreaks with heavy mortalities in
larly, Proteocephalus ambloplitis was intro- juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus
duced and established in a warmwater mykiss) held in rearing ponds and under
394 T.A. Dick et al.

hatchery conditions (Scheuring, 1923; Bauer, several other helminths it has been used in
1959; Kuperman, 1973) although natural toxicological studies as an indicator of com-
infections of trout are relatively rare. In con- munity health. For example, pollutants may
trast, the most important North American increase parasitism by increasing host suscep-
freshwater parasite is T. crassus, since it tibility or by increasing the abundance of inter-
causes unsightly infestation in the muscles mediate hosts and vectors (Turcekova et al.,
of whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis). High 2002). Pollutants may also decrease parasitism
T. crassus infections can affect the value of as infected hosts may suffer higher mortality
exported whitefish. The culture of salmonids or pollutants may negatively affect intermedi-
and coregonids in fresh water and the increas- ate hosts and vectors (Turcekova et al., 2002).
ing use of fish stocking as a management The concentrations of heavy metals such as
strategy can be affected by T. crassus. As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in Proteocephalus have
T. crassus was found in juvenile brown been found to be six to 280 times higher than
trout (Salmo trutta) in 1991 in a hatchery in those in the tissues of its definitive host and
Manitoba, Canada (T. Dick, unpublished). this result may be used as a criterion for the
Similarly, T. crassus is a problem in European assessment of fish and ecosystem health. More
coregonids as it has an impact on the growth studies in this area are required in order
of Coregonus laveratus, which is age/size- to make community-based decisions with
related, but does not induce host mortality respect to ecosystem health as a whole.
(Pulkkinen et al., 1999).
Experimental infections of Eubothrium
sp. were reported to affect the growth and Host Range/Geographical Distribution
survival of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
(Saksvik et al., 2001). Saksvik et al. (2001) Most of the economically important fish tape-
found that infected fish had a slower growth worms are in temperate, north temperate and
rate than uninfected fish and the difference Arctic regions of the world, with some species
became greater over time. (Diphyllobothrium, Triaenophorus and Ligula)
Proteocephalids are common parasites of having a circumpolar distribution. The Asian
fishes in hatcheries; however, infection levels tapeworm has a remarkable ability to infect
remain relatively low in most cases and they new host groups and its geographical range is
are generally not considered to be economi- expanding as new infections are discovered
cally important. For example, Buchmann (Scholz, 1999a). This chapter will focus on
et al. (1995) found that, in Danish trout hatch- selected species (Table 11.1) because there are
eries, Proteocephalus sp. occurred only in adequate catalogues of most tapeworms and
farms that received water from surrounding their hosts in other reviews (Wardle and
lakes and, in all instances, infections McLeod, 1952; Hoffman, 1967, 1999; Margolis
remained low and pathology in the host was and Arthur, 1979; MacDonald and Margolis,
not detected. A similar result was shown for 1995). Other reviews (e.g. deChambrier and
farm-raised trout (O. mykiss) in Michigan Vaucher, 1997; Scholz, 1997; Beveridge
(Muzzall, 2000). The highest infections of et al., 1999; Rego et al., 1999; Zehnder and
Proteocephalus appear in Arctic populations Mariaux, 1999; Caira and Jensen, 2001; Palm,
of charr (Salvelinus alpinus) (Knudsen et al., 2002; Blend and Dronen, 2003; deChambrier
1997); however, even in these populations, et al., 2004) of major groups of fish parasites
infection levels can be low (Kolasa and are recommended for further reading.
Curtis, 1995). Because all but one species do Species diversity of fish tapeworms
not mature in homeothermic vertebrates and appears to be greatest in subtropical and tem-
are therefore unable to infect humans, the perate regions but this is also the region where
medical importance of this genus is also con- most survey work has been done. As one
sidered negligible (Muller, 2002). moves north, species diversity declines but
Although Proteocephalus has shown lit- the numbers of parasites are higher, to the
tle economic importance and few impacts on point where intestines may be distended with
the health of host populations, along with masses of adult tapeworms. For example, 1000
Cestoidea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 395

encysted larval Diphyllobothrium (mean La Rue (1911, 1914), Wardle and McLeod
intensity of over 400) and about 700 adult (1952), Freze (1965), Schmidt (1986), Rego
tapeworms of Proteocephalus and Eubothrium (1994), Rego et al. (1999), Scholz (1999a),
per Arctic charr are frequently found (Dick Zehnder and Mariaux (1999) and Kodedova
and Belosevic, 1981). Also the prevalences can et al. (2000). Over the past decade consider-
be up to 97%. One must be careful in drawing able effort has focused on the Proteo-
conclusions on intensities and prevalence cephalids, including the clarifying of some
since most fish parasites have seasonal peaks of the taxonomy by Scholz and Hanzelova
and many potential hosts have not been ade- (1994, 1998, 1999), Snabel et al. (1994, 1996),
quately sampled. Seasonal cycles are more Hanzelova et al. (1995a,b), Scholz et al.
pronounced in temperate, north temperate (1995, 1997, 1998a,b), Kral’ova-Hromadova
and Arctic regions and are most evident in the (1996), Kral’ova-Hromadova and Spakulova
contracted growing season of the Arctic. This (1996), Kral’ova-Hromadova et al. (1997),
seasonality is less pronounced for larval tape- Carney and Dick (2000), Skerikova et al.
worms than for adult tapeworms. Larval (2001), and Scholz and deChambrier (2003).
Triaenophorus tend to accumulate with the Rego et al. (1999) provide a good
age of the fish (Watson and Dick, 1979), as do description of the characters for the genus
Diphyllobothrium larvae in whitefish and Proteocephalus. In the past, species identifi-
cisco (T. Dick, unpublished). cation was based on a small number of mor-
phological characteristics, most of which
contain a large degree of intraspecific vari-
Systematics and Taxonomic Position ability within different host species (Chubb
et al. 1987; Dubinina, 1987). However,
The majority of cestodes that produce dis- Scholz et al. (1997), Scholz (1999a) and
eases fall within three orders: Caryophy- Skerikova et al. (2001) caution that the sys-
llidea (Caryophyllaeus and Khawia), tematics of this genus has not been suffi-
Pseudophyllidea (Ligula, Schistocephalus, ciently studied and that the identification of
Diphyllobothrium and Triaenophorus) and individual taxa is still problematic. Several
Proteocephalidea (Proteocephalus spp.). species are polymorphic (Chubb et al. 1987;
The systematic relationships among various Dubinina, 1987; Scholz, 1989; Anikieva, 1992a,
groups of tapeworms have been reviewed. b, 1993, 1995; Snabel, et al., 1994; Hanzelova
Accordingly, the two lines of descent that et al., 1995a,b; Scholz et al., 1998a; Zehnder
derive the Pseudophyllidea (via the Tetrar- and Mariaux, 1999) and as such contain few
hynchidea) and the Cyclophyllidea (via morphological or biometrical features for use
the Proteocephalidea) from a common in species identification (Scholz, 1999a).
Tetraphyllidean-like ancestor are supported Recent multidisciplinary approaches
by life cycle and developmental studies have not only confirmed the validity of many
(Stunkard, 1983). The position of the Caryo- Proteocephalus species (Gil de Pertierra,
phyllidea has been the subject of consider- 2002; Scholz et al., 2003a), but reduced the
able controversy but their historical status as number of species listed in the genus as
‘primitive’ cestodes with affinities to the well. For example, upon re-evaluation of
cestodarians or as monozoic pseudo- the genus throughout its European distribu-
phyllideans has been replaced by a more tion, Scholz and Hanzelova (1998) recog-
independent one (Mackiewicz, 1981). Phylo- nized only 11 individual taxa rather than
genetic analysis of the Platyhelminthes the multiple species listed previously.
(Brooks, 1989) derives the Amphilinidea
(Amphilina sp.) and Gyrocotylidea indepen-
dently from an ancestor common to these Parasite Morphology and Life Cycles
two and the remaining tapeworm orders (i.e.
the Eucestoda, including the Caryophyllidea). The amphilinids and gyrocotylideans have
The systematic relationships of Proteo- been reviewed by Dubinina (1974), Skrjabina
cephalidae have been studied in detail by (1974) and Bandoni and Brooks (1987a,b).
396 T.A. Dick et al.

The morphology and biology of the increases in specialized vesicles with possi-
Caryophyllidea have been reviewed by ble endolysosome-like activity (Charles,
Mackiewicz (1972). The only common 1971). In contrast to the adult tegument, the
feature between the caryophyllids and tegument of P. ambloplitis plerocercoids
cestodarians is their monozoic body plan. possesses short conoid microtriches and
Differences include the arrangement of the lacks vacuolization as well as lacking uni-
reproductive apparatus (separation of male cellular tegumental gland cells (Coggins,
and female gonopores and the presence of 1980b). Coggins (1980b) also described the
the uterine pore at the opposite end in the end organ in plerocercoids and demon-
amphilinids) and the hosts they parasitize strated the presence of proteolytic enzymes
(amphilinids and gyrocotylids are parasites (Coggins, 1980a), a structure not present in
of more ‘ancient’ fish, such as acipenserids adult worms and probably used by the
and chimaerids, while caryophyllids are typi- plerocercoid during visceral migration. In
cally parasites of cyprinid and catostomid contrast, the teguments of plerocercoid and
fishes). Plerocercoids of pseudophyllideans adult stages of Haplobothrium globuliforme
often occupy similar sites in the fish host, were found to be ‘remarkably similar’ to
and correct diagnoses require a thorough each other, although differences in the neck
knowledge of the morphology of the lar- region were noted. This was interpreted as a
vae. The morphology of plerocercoids of pre-adaptation of the plerocercoid to the
Schistocephalus and Ligula is well known adult existence (MacKinnon and Burt, 1984).
(Hoffman, 1967; Smyth and McManus, Comparative studies on pseudophyllidean
1989) and the parasites are distinguished by plerocercoids have revealed gland cells in
lack of segmentation in Ligula (conspicuous the anterior end of the body (head and
in Schistocephalus). The plerocercoids of bothria) in Eubothrium and Triaenophorus,
Triaenophorus are unique in that they bear which release their contents via ducts
tricuspid hooks, which vary in size, (Kuperman and Davydov, 1982). In con-
depending on the species (see review by trast, plerocercoids of Diphyllobothrium
Kuperman, 1973). The lack of conspicuous latum have an extensive syncytial gland
morphological differences makes identifi- complex throughout the parenchyma, while
cation of Diphyllobothrium plerocercoids the Ligulidae possess frontal and lateral
difficult. Some researchers use the external glands (Kuperman and Davydov, 1982).
tegumental morphology, i.e. wrinkled ver- Few studies have documented ultrastructural
sus smooth tegument, and the form/shape interactions at the host–parasite interface in
of the bothrial grooves and a key has adult fish tapeworms. McVicar (1972) has
been developed using these characteristics shown that unique structures on the tegument
(Andersen et al., 1987; Andersen and Gibson, of the holdfasts of some adult tetraphyllideans
1989). The tetrarhynchideans are readily sepa- (Echineibothrium, Phyllobothrium and
rated from tetraphyllideans by the presence of Acanthobothrium) may be specialized micro-
spiny proboscides in the former. For informa- triches with osmiophilic ends and presents
tion on marine fish cestodes causing disease evidence that the myzorhynchus apical pad
(particularly Tetraphyllidea, Tetrarhynchidea of Echineibothrium is involved in direct
and Diphyllidea), readers are referred to nutrient uptake from the host submucosa.
Sindermann (1970) and Grabda and Bier Additional information on tegumental ultra-
(1988). structure comes from physiological studies,
Ultrastructural studies of plerocercoids often in vitro (see Smyth and McManus,
and adults of fish cestodes are scarce. Studies 1989), and more recently from immuno-
show that plerocercoids of Schistocephalus pathological interactions (Hoole and Arme,
and Ligula (Charles, 1971) develop thicker 1986, 1988; see section on pathology).
outer tegumental layers, surface ridge sys- Figure 11.3 illustrates a generalized life
tems and microtriches characteristic of each cycle of fish tapeworms. Fish tapeworms do
species. With age, the number of ‘spine pre- not exhibit modifications such as resistant
cursor’ vesicles declines with concomitant eggs or cysts to withstand abiotic factors
Cestoidea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 397

Fig. 11.3. Diagram represents life cycles of important freshwater fish tapeworms. 1. Eggs from definitive
host enter water. 2A. Embryonated egg of Proteocephalidea infective to invertebrates. 2B. Hatched
coracidium of Pseudophyllidea, Tetraphyllidea and Tetrarhynchidea infective to invertebrate
intermediate hosts. 3. Infection of definitive host via infected invertebrates. 3A. Pseudophyllidea and
Proteocephalidea. 3B. Caryophyllidea. 4. Infection of fish intermediate hosts via infected invertebrates
(Diphyllobothrium spp., Triaenophorus spp., Proteocephalus spp., Tetraphyllidea, Tetrarhynchidea).
5. Infection of piscivorous fish definitive hosts via infected prey fish (Proteocephalus spp.,
Triaenophorus spp.). 6. Infection of homeotherm definitive host via infected prey fish (Ligula,
Schistocephalus, Diphyllobothrium spp. (D. latum of humans and D. dendriticum and D. ditremum
of gulls also utilize paratenic fish hosts)). 7. Infection of definitive cartilaginous fish hosts (sharks, rays, etc.)
by larvae of Tetrarhynchidea and Tetraphyllidea via infected prey fish. a: Embryonated egg of
Proteocephalidea, often with modifications to facilitate floating and dispersal; b: embryonated operculate
eggs of Pseudophyllidea, Tetraphyllidea, Tetrarhynchidea; c: ciliated motile coracidia released from b;
d and e: procercoids in invertebrate hosts; f: larva of Caryophyllidea in tubificids; g: fish intermediate hosts;
h: larval stages (plerocercoids and plerocerci) infective to definitive hosts; i: paratenic fish host.

and are transferred passively. These tape- size increase is spectacular in larval Ligula
worms usually release eggs that complete and Schistocephalus, where, in the body
embryonation in water and commonly cavity of the fish, the biomass of the para-
hatch into ciliated, motile and short-lived site may reach 40% of the body weight of
larvae called coracidia. Non-motile embryos the host.
possess egg envelopes modified to maintain The use of paratenic hosts is well docu-
motion and position or attract invertebrate mented in fish parasites (Fig. 11.3). In the
hosts in the water column, thereby enhanc- genus Diphyllobothrium, a piscivorous fish
ing the chance of being ingested by inverte- feeds on a smaller infected fish of the same or
brates (Jarecka, 1961). In the haemocoel different species and the plerocercoid stage
(body cavity) of the invertebrate host, the re-encysts in the new host. D. dendriticum
coracidium differentiates and develops into and D. ditremum are good examples of this
a procercoid stage. Although not much is phenomenon as high numbers of larval stages
known about the factors that affect develop- accumulate in large Arctic charr (S. alpinus)
ment, we know that space and nutrients are in Arctic lakes. Numerous studies have indi-
important (Shostak et al., 1984). The migra- cated that certain larval tapeworms (Ligula
tion of the procercoid and its differentiation and Schistocephalus) influence the behav-
into a plerocercoid in fish muscle is best iour of their fish hosts and enhance transmis-
illustrated by T. crassus in coregonids sion, and parasitized intermediate hosts may
(Rosen and Dick, 1983). The magnitude of be more susceptible to predation by natural
398 T.A. Dick et al.

definitive hosts (Mackiewicz, 1988). Trans- may be shed during the summer, with new
mission to the definitive host (fish, bird or recruitment in the late summer and early
mammal) is through ingestion of the infected autumn, e.g. T. crassus in pike and most
intermediate host and can involve consump- proteocephalid species. The mechanism of
tion of carrion (natural mortality) or offal left synchronization of tapeworm maturation
by sports and commercial fishermen. and the physiological state of the pike is not
Host specificity of fish parasites is diffi- well understood but we know that loss of
cult to determine as few studies have ade- T. crassus in pike is closely synchronized
quately evaluated all possible routes of with the spring spawning of pike. The entire
transmission. For example, new hosts are tapeworm population in a fish is shed at
constantly being found for larval tapeworms spawning and this may occur in about a
(Hoffman, 1967; Margolis and Arthur, 1979). week. This has the added advantage that
Some parasites, e.g. Caryophyllidea, are more tapeworm eggs are concentrated in shallow,
specific in their invertebrate hosts than others, warm water, the same areas that young
e.g. Pseudophyllidea. There can be narrow whitefish and cisco frequent during their
host specificity even in species that have a early stages of development.
wide geographical distribution, but the dis- The acquisition of larval tapeworms is
tribution is usually closely tied to the distri- similar to that of adults. If there is encyst-
bution of the definitive hosts. For example, ment, it usually occurs over a 2-month
Triaenophorus has a worldwide distribution period in the first summer and with some
that is restricted and closely correlated to its associated pathology (see pathology sec-
host, Esox (pike). T. nodulosus is the most tion). Most studies report an accumulation
widely distributed species, with 78 species of larval stages of the other tapeworms over
of intermediate fish hosts. However, time but D. latum in the flesh of pike and
T. crassus, with 39 reported intermediate walleye shows an annual increase in the
hosts (Kuperman, 1973; Margolis and Arthur, summer and a decline during the winter
1979), has two preferred hosts, whitefish months. Studies on Ligula suggest an annual
and cisco, in North America. Plerocercoids recruitment with some intraspecific inter-
of Ligula occur in a wide range of hosts (e.g. action, apparently tied to space and nutri-
catastomids, centrarchids, cyprinids, percids, ents in the fish host. Studies using Ligula
salmonids), but the definitive host is Larus and Schistocephalus are providing some
canus (common gull). Host specificity is also fundamental insights into parasitism. Some
evident in Diphyllobothrium plerocercoids of the interactions are expressed through
in fish from Quigly Lake, Canada, where reduced growth of the parasite through a
D. dendriticum occurs in whitefish and crowding effect or, alternatively, differ-
cisco (Coregonus artedii) while D. latum ences in size of parasites may be the result
occurs in pike and walleye (Sander vitreus). of new parasite recruitment (Szalai et al.,
As fish are poikilotherms, the effects of 1989). Bagamian et al. (2004) reports that
abiotic factors are pronounced on their Schistocephalus solidus significantly low-
tapeworms, where growth and maturation ered body condition in three-spined stickle-
of these parasites are tied to temperature. back (Gasterosteus aculeatus) during the
Most infections of fish occur during the latter part of the breeding season, and Overli
summer and early autumn and adult tape- et al. (2001) concluded that sticklebacks
worms grow and mature during late spring infected with S. solidus experience chronic
and early summer. In spring and early sum- stress, as evidenced through monoaminergic
mer, most tapeworms reach sexual maturity activity by elevated 5-hydroxyindoleacetic
and release eggs; this is the time when pop- acid (5-HIAA) : 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT).
ulations of the invertebrate hosts reach their Heins et al. (1999) found that substantial
peak. Differentiation into procercoids is also numbers of female three-spined stickleback
rapid, due to high water temperatures, and produced eggs even though they harboured
there is sufficient time for infections of fish infections of S. solidus, but they did not
to occur prior to winter. Adult tapeworms evaluate clutch size and mass or egg size.
Cestoidea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 399

Reimchen (1997) concluded that infection of found that the gobiid Cottocomephorus
stickleback with S. solidus, Cyathocephalus grewingki serves as a paratenic host for
truncatus and Eustrongyloides sp. was corre- Proteocephalus exiguus in Lake Baikal.
lated with pelvic asymmetry and concluded Similarly, the common sculpin is a natural
that it was a phenotypic signal of parasitism. paratenic host to Proteocephalus longicollis
Under field conditions, Loot et al. (2001) in Europe (Moravec, 2001). Vojtkova and
found that the behaviour in roach infected Koubkova (1990), Kennedy et al. (1992) and
with Ligula intestinalis is modified and para- Scholz and Moravec (1993) found Proteo-
sitized fish occur close to the bank. They cephalus larvae in the alder-fly larvae
concluded that this behaviour enhances (Megaloptera); however, its role in the
transmission to piscivorous birds. transmission of this parasite has not been
The typical proteocephalid life cycle investigated.
includes an intermediate, definitive and Infection of the definitive host occurs
paratenic (or reservoir) host (Wagner, 1954). by the ingestion of infected intermediate
Few studies have focused on the life cycles hosts. A low establishment rate within the
of individual Proteocephalus species and, definitive host gut has been documented
to date, they remain one of the least studied by several authors (Meggitt, 1914; Jarecka
groups of cestodes. More information on and Doby, 1965; Doby and Jarecka, 1966;
life cycles, growth and development can be Willemse, 1968, 1969; Malakhova and
found in Scholz (1999a). Anikieva, 1976; Rintamaki and Valtonen,
Copepods of the orders Calanoida and 1988; Morandi and Ponton, 1989; Hanzelova
rarely Cyclopoda serve as intermediate et al., 1990; Scholz, 1991, 1993; Kennedy
hosts (Zaika, 1965; Evseeva, 1996; Scholz, et al., 1992), but reasons for this have not
1999a,b) and peak abundances of the larval been sufficiently studied.
stages often follow closely the seasonal abun- Recent morphological studies have
dances of the host (Evseeva, 1996; Rusinek revealed differences between Proteocephalus
et al. 1996; Hanzelova and Gerdeaux, 2003). species that have not been previously
Oncospheres ingested by the host migrate to described. These include spermiogenesis
the body cavity and quickly grow into devel- (Brunanska et al., 2003a,b, 2004), ultra-
oping ‘metacestodes’ (Scholz, 1999a). This structural studies on the male genital system
stage metamorphoses into the procercoid (Korneva and Davydov, 2001; Brunanska
stage, which is infective to the paratenic or et al., 2003a,b; Iqbal, 2003) and the female
other intermediate hosts. The procercoid genital system (Swiderski and Conn, 1999;
possesses a well-developed anterior scolex Korneva, 2001), embryonic envelope
with four muscular suckers and, although it (Brunanska, 1999; Iqbal and Wooten, 2002),
is much smaller than that of the adult tape- scolex morphology and sensory receptor
worm, its morphology remains the same ultrastructure (Stoitsova et al., 1995;
(Scholz, 1999a,b). Although it is difficult Brunanska et al., 1998, 2000; Scholz et al.,
to distinguish between species of Proteo- 1998b; Rego, 1999; Zd’arska and Nebesarova,
cephalus using procercoid morphology, 1999).
Sysoev et al. (1994) found differences between
the procercoids of four species of Proteo-
cephalus using body and scolex shape, body
size and relative position of suckers. Other Host–Parasite Relationships
methods used to identify procercoids are
excretory system morphology, embryonic Fish have a well-developed immune system
hook size and the motion of larvae once lib- (Chapter 18), which is often temperature-
erated from the host (Doby and Jarecka, dependent. Most insults to the fish host by a
1966; Scholz, 1999a). helminth produce a strong cellular res-
Paratenic hosts of Proteocephalus spe- ponse, with non-specific inflammation,
cies have not been reported extensively in the while the main immunoglobulin (antibody)
literature; however, Rusinek et al. (1996) is of the IgM class. Acute inflammation
400 T.A. Dick et al.

from heavy metazoan parasite infections inhibition of gametogenesis and reduced liver
commonly produces lesions manifested by glycogen, muscle carbohydrates, proteins,
cell death and necrosis and distortion of tis- blood amino acids and lipids, are frequently
sues. Generally, migrating parasites (larval associated with infections. Other effects are
forms) produce the most serious reactions: reduction in oxygen consumption by the host
leucocytosis and fibrosis and, more rarely, and an increase in serum proteins and alka-
haemorrhage, hyperaemia and necrosis line phosphatase. The parasite may increase
(Arme et al., 1983). its own phospholipids at the expense of the
host muscle (Arme et al., 1983; Kurovskaya
and Kititsyna, 1986; Rzeczkowska and
Cellular responses and tissue pathology Honowska, 1988). An increase of enzymes
was also correlated with T. nodulosus
The host cellular response to tapeworm infection of the liver and lesion production
infections may result in total (as in (Scheinert and Hoffman, 1986).
Diphyllobothrium) or partial (as in Ligula) Reduced fecundity in small-mouth
encapsulation of the parasites. The cellular bass has been associated with P. ambloplitis
exudates that initially accompany visceral plerocercoids, which cause gonad tissue
reactions consist primarily of fibroblasts. destruction (McCormick and Stokes, 1982).
Infiltration in tissues or in the body cavity Outright mortalities can be caused by larval
by leucocytes is dominated by macrophages, tapeworms such as Diphyllobothrium and
neutrophils and lymphocytes (Hoole and Triaenophorus, especially in aquaculture
Arme, 1983). Sharp et al. (1992) found that situations (Rodger, 1991), and mortality
a cellular response to D. dendriticum plero- may be dependent on the intensity of infec-
cercoids occurred during the first 2 weeks tions (Rosen and Dick, 1983; Halvorsen and
post-infection, followed by an increase in Andersen, 1984). The causes of mortality
neutrophils and a large influx of macro- include destruction of the tissue–water inter-
phages, which eventually transformed into face, extensive haemorrhaging and second-
epithelioid cells. A blood vascular network ary microbial infection. The liver is a
eventually developed, followed by fibroplasia favourite site of infection and the pathology
and the deposition of a collagenous tissue may include haemorrhaging, necrosis, fibro-
matrix (Sharp et al., 1992). The lymphoid sis, oedema and discoloration (Arme et al.,
organs of fish such as roach (Rutilus rutilus) 1983). Mortality is often attributable to liver
infected with Ligula undergo changes, such dysfunction and blood loss (in salmonids
as an increase in melano-macrophage cen- infected with D. ditremum (Weiland and
tres in the spleen and an increase in Meyers, 1989; Rodger, 1991), in acipenserids
‘vacuolated granulocytes’ in the pronephros infected with Amphilina spp. (Popova and
(Taylor and Hoole, 1989). With time, cellu- Davydov, 1988), in trout infected with
lar activity decreases as the parasite is T. nodulosus (Scheuring, 1923; Bauer, 1959;
encapsulated and isolated. Encapsulation Kuperman, 1973) and in bluegills and bass
is a general phenomenon and may occur infected with larvae of Proteocephalus
in the viscera (with Diphyllobothrium spp., (Mitchell et al., 1983; Joy and Madan, 1989)).
T. nodulosus, Proteocephalus) or in the mus- The early lesions in whitefish muscle
cle (T. crassus). Although the parasites are infected with T. crassus include haemor-
encapsulated, they often live as long as their rhaging and discoloration. The extent of the
hosts. pathology due to differentiating and migrat-
The pathophysiology caused by the ing plerocercoids (Fig. 11.4) is usually
plerocercoids of Ligula and Schistocephalus underestimated. Rosen and Dick (1983)
has been reviewed in detail (see Arme et al., showed by timed and serial sections that
1983). This includes growth retardation and damage is quite extensive (Fig. 11.4). It
abdominal distension, as well as displacement has been suggested that the pathogenicity of
and morphological/physiological alteration of D. dendriticum depends on the host’s defence
internal organs. Metabolic changes, such as mechanism. Fish with weak (in salmonids)
Cestoidea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 401

Fig. 11.4. Pathology caused by T. crassus in experimentally infected whitefish. A. Cross-section through
posterior region showing encapsulated plerocercoid (arrow) at 90 days post-infection. B. Section through
region of small intestine showing the migrating plerocercoid at 5 days post-infection. C. Reconstruction of
the extensive migration of the plerocercoid and associated tissue changes at 63, 70 and 90 days
post-infection. I, intestine, hm, hypaxial muscle, P, plerocercoid, pc, peritoneal cavity. From Rosen and
Dick (1983), courtesy of the Canadian Journal of Zoology.

or no cellular response (in Coregonus fluviatilis) maintained higher infections of

albula) have more lesions, which lead to Proteocephalus percae during the spawning
higher mortality; fish (such as C. laveratus) period than males. The authors speculated
that produce a strong cellular encapsulation that female perch have higher energy
response show lower mortality (Bylund, demands during spawning and consume a
1972). This was also shown with T. crassus larger amount of food infected with the para-
infections in whitefish (Rosen and Dick, site during this time period.
1983) and rainbow trout (Rosen and Dick, Although generally considered to exert
1984). negligible pathogenic influences on their
Although some species of Proteocephalus hosts (Kassai, 1999), species such as
are found in several host species, their prev- P. longicollis may negatively affect growth
alence, mean intensity of infection, ratio of and the general health of cage-cultured fish
gravid to mature and juvenile worms and species, as in rainbow trout in Europe and
worm size indicate that they are more suc- North America (Scholz and deChambrier,
cessful in only a few hosts (Hanzelova et al., 2003). Plerocercoids of P. ambloplitis have
1996). Hanzelova et al. (1996) found that been reported to cause host castration due
prevalence and mean intensity increase to the mechanical atrophy of gonads in the
with the body size of the host; however, fish intermediate host (Freze, 1965; Williams
infections often remain low. In addition to and Jones, 1994).
interspecific differences in parasite loads
between host species, some species of the
genus exhibit differences with respect to Pathology in the gut
infection level between males and females
of the definitive host. Balling and Pfeiffer The pathology caused by tapeworms in
(1997) found that female perch (Perca the gut may cause tissue alteration or
402 T.A. Dick et al.

destruction, mechanical blockage and Immunity to cestodes

reduced nutrient absorption. With cestodes
that penetrate the mucosal layer (such as Although the antibody response in fish to
Triaenophorus and many tetrarhynchideans), microbial pathogens is well documented,
the establishment of gut infections usually knowledge on specific immunity in
begins with an initial phase of acute inflam- helminth infections is sparse (Evans and
mation in the region of contact. The inflam- Gratzek, 1989; Sharp et al., 1992). The dem-
mation is characterized by subepithelial onstration of precipitating antibodies in
oedema, leucocyte infiltration and, in heavy Abramis brama (bream) to Ligula (see
infections, epithelial erosion and necrosis. As Molnar and Berczi, 1965) must be viewed
infections become more chronic, a relatively with some caution. Precipitation reactions
low level inflammation is maintained. Also may be confused with C-reactive protein
vascularization is decreased to the infected activity, which has been demonstrated in
areas and this is accompanied by epithelial turbot (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) with
hyperplasia (Pronina and Pronin, 1982; phosphorylcholine-rich extracts from its
Shostak and Dick, 1986). High numbers of tapeworm Bothriocephalus scorpii (see
parasites (200 worms) did not cause mortal- Fletcher et al., 1980). A complement factor
ity, although the diameter of the lumen was and C-reactive protein have also been
reduced by more than 50% and this proba- implicated in leucocyte adherence to the
bly affects movement of food through the plerocercoid of Ligula (Hoole and Arme,
intestine (Shostak and Dick, 1986). 1986, 1988). Precipitins to phosphorylcholine
The pathology in the gut is often related epitopes, which are common to a variety of
to the morphology of the holdfast organs organisms, including microbial pathogens
of the parasite. Species of Caryophyllidea and metazoans, have been observed in lake
that possess well-developed/specialized but sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens (Choudhury
non-invasive attachment organs elicit little and Dick, 1993). Other studies have
or no pathology, whereas those with devel- only inferred the presence of antibodies to
oped holdfasts or possessing an introverted tapeworms (Kennedy and Walker, 1969;
terminal on the holdfast are associated with McVicar and Fletcher, 1970; Sweeting,
ulcers and nodules (Mackiewicz et al., 1977). However, recent studies using
1972). Also, the size of the holdfast and ELISA have demonstrated unequivocally
hooks determines the extent of pathology, as the antibody response of rainbow trout to
has been shown for Triaenophorus spp. (see Diphyllobothrium spp. (Sharp et al., 1989,
Kuperman, 1973; Shostak and Dick, 1986). 1992).
Heavy gut infections may cause intesti- No detectable cellular response was
nal distension, mechanical obstruction and demonstrated in the gudgeon (Gobio gobio)
perforation, as in B. acheilognathi. The clini- infected with Ligula (Arme et al., 1983) and
cal signs include emaciation and anaemia in pike and walleye infected with D. latum
Bothriocephalus (Caryophyllidea) (Scott and (Dick and Poole, l985). However, recent
Grizzle, 1979). Nutritional demands made by information (Taylor and Hoole, 1989) indi-
gut tapeworms may adversely affect growth, cated an increase of melano-macrophages
condition and fitness; Eubothrium salvelini in the spleen of infected gudgeon, although
in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus cell counts in the pronephros remained
kisutch) (Boyce and Yamada, 1977; Boyce, unchanged. There was also evidence to sug-
1979), may cause a change in blood compo- gest that plerocercoids of Ligula and
sition or may increase susceptibility to Schistocephalus adsorbed host proteins,
environmental stress, such as zinc. Shostak which helped them evade host immune
and Dick (1986) did not find evidence for responses (Hoole and Arme, 1986). Parasite
interspecific or intraspecific competition for diversity appears to be influenced by major
nutrients among helminths in the intestine of histocompatibility complex (MHC) class IIB
pike. This suggests that nutrients were not a variation and this suggests a self-reactive
limiting factor. T-cell elimination (Wegner et al., 2003).
Cestoidea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 403

Reduced pathogenicity is often taken 1947, 1982; Berntzen, 1961, 1962; Berntzen
to indicate a long evolutionary period of and Voge, 1965).
host–parasite association. T. nodulosus With the exception of Schistocephalus
causes little pathology in its obligatory and Ligula, little work has been done on
hosts, smelt (Osmerus) and perch (Perca), fish parasites, but these two genera are
but severe pathology in trout. Similarly, unusual in that the plerocercoid stage is large
Proteocephalus evokes a weak host res- with extensive energy reserves in the form of
ponse in its natural hosts (C. laveratus and glycogen. Since external nutrients were not
C. laveratus migratorius) but causes persis- required for the culture of Schistocephalus
tent inflammation in Thymallus (grayling). and Ligula, researchers focused on the
Experimental infections of rainbow trout physicochemical requirements of the culture
with T. crassus showed extensive worm system (Smyth, 1946, 1947, 1954). Smyth
migrations. The clinical signs included (1982) developed a special culture appara-
pop-eye, extensive haemorrhaging in the tus, with ports to add and replace the culture
hypaxial muscles and death (T.A. Dick, medium, and used cellulose dialysis tubing
unpublished). This may account, in part, to compress the worms. Additional culture
for the failure of rainbow trout stocking in conditions included highly buffered media
pike/whitefish/Triaenophorus systems. It to neutralize acid metabolic by-products,
is commonly held that host-specific hel- 100% horse serum or other well-buffered
minths are not pathogenic to their hosts. culture media, anaerobic or very low O2
This generalization should be modified as pressure (pO2) to prevent premature oxida-
Amphilina spp. cause extensive liver path- tion of the phenolic precursors in the egg-
ology in their acipenserid hosts (Popova shells and gentle agitation of the culture
and Davydov, 1988), for which the genus is medium to ensure diffusion (Smyth and
specific. McManus, 1989). Similar conditions were
applied successfully to Ligula, but due to
its larger size the culture system was scaled
In Vitro Culture up accordingly. Smyth and McManus (1989)
also pointed out that segments of Ligula
The absence of a digestive tract in cestodes cut from the median region of the plero-
has made them an interesting challenge for cercoid would mature in vitro. Culturing
culture studies (Taylor and Baker, 1987; the less differentiated plerocercoids of
Smyth and McManus, 1989). Culture of D. latum to adults remains a major chal-
cestodes may include the hatching pro- lenge. In general, much more work needs
cesses (mostly due to physical factors), to be done on cestode culture. Taylor and
short-term culture or maintenance (which Baker (1987) summarize the problems and
may or may not include the following: lack of knowledge of in vitro culture for
nutrient requirements, physicochemical cestodes, which include insufficient
aspects of the media and long-term culture details on culture procedures, lack of pre-
involving differentiation of the parasite). cise criteria for assessing the quality of the
The present discussion will focus on the cul- media and culture technique, in addition
ture to mature adult stages only. The criteria to morphogenesis, lack of defined media,
for development and maturation usually incomplete culture of the entire life cycle
accepted are segmentation, organogeny, and the absence of cell lines.
gametogenesis and eggshell formation
(Smyth and McManus, 1989). Cestodes also
pose more of a challenge because of their Nutrition and Physiology
long flat shape and tendency to ‘knot up’ in
culture. Consequently, in early studies, The biochemical composition of cestodes has
considerable effort was expended on the been compared by Smyth (1976). For most of
physical set-up of the system, i.e. roller the fish tapeworms, values are as follows: dry
tubes vs. continuous flow (Smyth, 1946, weight as a percentage of fresh wet weight
404 T.A. Dick et al.

varies from 27.0% to 31.8%; glycogen as a excretes methyl butyrate as an end prod-
percentage of dry weight varied from 13.8% uct of respiration (Smyth and McManus,
in Triaenophorus to 38–50% in Ligula; 1989).
lipid as a percentage of dry weight is about The amino acid composition of all
16%; protein varies from about 35% in cestodes is similar to that of other organ-
Ligula to 60% in D. latum. These values isms. Collagen is the most common struc-
fall within the range reported for other tural protein in tapeworms and has been
tapeworms. However, in the case of in- characterized from Bothriocephalus and
organic compounds, the few reports indi- Nybelinia (Smyth and McManus, 1989).
cate that fish tapeworms have lower values Proteases have been reported from Schisto-
than most other tapeworms (Smyth and cephalus and Ligula, but their functions
McManus, 1989). Smyth and McManus remain obscure as amino acids do not
(1989) summarize the general lipid compo- appear to have an important role in cestode
sition of cestodes as being similar to that of energetics. However, a much more plaus-
other organisms. As cestodes have lipid ible role for proteases is for tissue penetra-
compositions similar to their hosts, it is tion by larval cestodes.
not surprising that fish tapeworms have There are extensive reviews on the
higher levels (70–80%) of unsaturated fatty transport of nutrients across the cestode
acids and this is higher than in most other tegument (Arme and Pappas, 1983;
cestodes. The beta-oxidation enzymes Threadgold, 1984). Although the presence
(acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) synthetase (short of a sodium pump has been demonstrated
and long chains), acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, in cestodes, enzymes such as sodium or
enoyl-CoA hydratase, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA potassium adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase)
dehydrogenase, and acetyl-CoA acyltrans- have not been detected in most cestodes
ferase) are present in Ligula and Schisto- (Threadgold, 1984; Smyth and McManus,
cephalus (Smyth and McManus, 1989). 1989). Pinocytosis as a means of nutrient
The role of carbohydrates as an energy uptake has been demonstrated in Schisto-
source in cestodes has been extensively stud- cephalus (Hopkins et al., 1981). Functional
ied, with the end products of carbohydrate differences along the tegument of Bothrio-
breakdown (aerobic and anaerobic) being ace- cephalus gregarius suggest different physi-
tate and propionate in Schistocephalus, ological functions (Berrada-Rkhami et al.,
succinate and lactate in Diphyllobothrium 1990). Glycoconjugates of the neck appear
and lactate, succinate, acetate and propio- to be involved in recognition, adherence,
nate in Ligula. In the case of the glycolytic fixation and protection. Those glycoconjugates
enzymes, fish cestodes are similar to other on the strobila are primarily nutritional,
cestodes. Key glycolytic enzymes, such as but may also protect against digestive
hexokinase (in Bothriocephalus), phospho- enzymes of the host.
fructokinase (in Schistocephalus), pyruvate
kinase (in Ligula and Khawia) and lactate
dehydrogenase (in Schistocephalus), have
been demonstrated (Smyth and McManus, Identification of Parasites
1989). It appears that Schistocephalus is
capable of utilizing carbohydrates by a Identification of adult fish tapeworms is
functional tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle generally done with the aid of morphologi-
(Koerting and Barret, 1977). Oxidative cal keys, and it is the larval tapeworms
phosphorylation may occur in D. latum, (especially the pseudophyllideans) that
since its mitochondria can oxidize nicotin- present the most problems. Morphological
amide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and keys are available for Diphyllobothrium
succinate, and there is some fragmentary (Andersen and Gibson, 1989) and general
evidence for the pentose-phosphate path- references (such as Hoffman, 1967) are use-
way in Ligula and Schistocephalus. ful. Isozymes were used to distinguish
B. scorpii, in contrast to other cestodes, between D. latum and D. dendriticum
Cestoidea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 405

(deVos and Dick, 1989) and between Prevention and Control of

D. latum and Diphyllobothrium nihon- Tapeworms in Fish
kaiense (Fukumoto et al., 1987). Popula-
tions of Bothriocephalus have also been Numerous studies, including some field
examined using enzyme electrophoresis. applications, have evaluated the role of drugs
Bothriocephalus barbatus was found to be for fish tapeworms and some are effective,
homogeneous, but B. gregarius could be especially those against Bothriocephalus and
divided into two groups based on geo- Proteocephalus (Table 11.2). Niclosamide has
graphical distribution (Renaud et al., proven effective against fish tapeworms
1986). McManus (1985) showed that when given orally but is highly toxic to fish
natural populations of L. intestinalis were when added to water (Schmahl, 1991). Short
polymorphic for the enzyme phospho- exposure and low concentrations are satisfac-
glucomutase (PGM) and populations of tory for sticklebacks (G. aculeatus).
L. intestinalis were not correlated to Use of vaccines to prevent tapeworm
geography or host species, while other infections in fish is not well developed, but
enzymes such as lactate dehydrogenase new suggested approaches include conju-
(LDH), malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and gating a therapeutic drug to a monoclonal
glucophosphate isomerase (GPI) were not. antibody (Scholz, 1999b).
Antigenic affinities were demonstrated Aquaculture facilities frequently use
between D. dendriticum and D. ditremum nearby natural water bodies as their source of
and between Diphyllobothrium vogeli and water. These natural systems often have hosts
D. ditremum whereas D. latum showed no (invertebrate and vertebrate) infected with
cross-reactivity with the other three species tapeworms such as Diphyllobothrium, Proteo-
(Freze et al., 1983). Molecular techniques cephalus and Triaenophorus. This may lead
utilizing ribosomal DNA (rDNA) probes to the appearance of Triaenophorus (larvae)
hybridized against endonuclease-restricted and Proteocephalus (adults) in cultured fish
genomic DNA l (deVos et al., 1990) (usually trout) with the introduction of
were used to identify Diphyllobothrium infected copepods into the water. Water fil-
plerocercoids. Oligonucleotide primers tration systems (sand, screens) or use of
from sequenced intergenic spacer regions of groundwater will help to prevent the spread
rDNA from D. latum and D. dendriticum of these parasites to aquaculture facilities.
have been used to identify plerocercoid Numerous environmental manipula-
and adult D. latum and D. dendriticum tions of natural systems have been
(T.A. Dick, unpublished). Numerous recent attempted and these include: (i) extirpation
papers have been on the use of molecular of fish-eating birds in the vicinity of an
techniques to study members of the aquatic system; (ii) extirpation of pike in
order Proteocephalidea (Zehnder and the case of T. crassus (Lawler, 1970); and
Mariaux, 1999) and the phylogenetic posi- (iii) the removal of cisco to reduce larval
tion of the Caryophyllidea, Pseudo- cysts in the commercially valuable whitefish
phyllidea and Proteocephalidea (Kodedova (Miller, 1952; T.A. Dick, unpublished). An
et al., 2000), D. nihonkaiense (Ando et al., intensive programme to remove pike from
2001), Proteocephalus sp. (Scholz et al., Hemming Lake, Manitoba, succeeded in the
1997, 2003b) and diphyllobothriid tape- extirpation of T. crassus. However, cisco
worms (Logan et al., 2004). A number of were inadvertently extirpated, with a sub-
nucleic acid sequences are currently stantial decrease in the number of
being used and they include internal tran- whitefish, and, while pike size decreased,
scribed spacer (ITS) rDNA (Kral’ova- the total number of pike actually increased.
Hromadova et al., 2003; Logan et al., The intensities of T. crassus plerocercoids
2004), ITS-1 and ITS-2 and 5.8 ribosomal in whitefish were reduced by 42% in
gene (Kral’ova-Hromadova et al., 2001) whitefish in Quigly Lake through the selec-
microsatellite markers (Luo et al., 2003) and tive removal of cisco. This was conducted
28 rDNA (Scholz et al., 2003a,b). prior to spawning in the autumn, but at the
Table 11.2. Chemotherapy in the control of fish tapeworms.

Parasite Target host (location) Chemical Result Reference

Bothriocephalus Carp (China) Cucurbita, areca1 Effective Nie and Pan, 1985
acheilognathi (ground up in feed)
Carp (E. Europe) Taenifugin carp2 Successful in feed, two Zitnan et al., 1984
(minimum 2% of fish wt) times over 3 weeks
Carp (Europe) Zestocarp2 80–100% reduction Weiroski, 1984
Bothriocephalus Carp Mansonil, Yomesan2 1 g/kg fish, 100% effective Par et al., 1977
Carp Taenifugin carp2 100% effective Kral et al., 1980

T.A. Dick et al.

Carp, grass carp Niclosamide Successful, incorporated Schmahl and Taraschewski,
into fish pellets 1987
Bothriocephalus Carp Phenasal 100% effective Albertova and Michurin, 1984
Bothriocephalus sp. Carp (S. Africa) Lintex3 (50 mg/kg fish wt) 100% eradication Brandt et al., 1981
Caryophyllaeus sp. Carp Kamala1 Infection reduced Bauer, 1959
Carp Rottlera1 Infection reduced Bauer, 1959
Caryophyllaeus and Carp Zetocarp2 (Cestocarp) (> 12°C, day 1: 20 g/kg fish, Schaperclaus, 1992
Khawia day 2: 10 g/kg fish) 93–100%
Proteocephalus Bass (N. America) Mebendazole (100 mg/kg fish wt 90% reduction Boonyaratpalin and
ambloplitis per day in feed) Rogers, 1984

1Herbal extracts.
2Active ingredient niclosamide.
3Active ingredient 2′, 5-dichloro-4′-nitrosalicylanilide. See Schaperclaus (1992) for details.
Cestoidea (Phylum Platyhelminthes) 407

same time maintaining a reproductively ecosystem to control the spread of tape-

viable cisco population (T.A. Dick, unpub- worms in fish need more research. Parasite
lished). The removal of invertebrate hosts numbers can be reduced without drasti-
(copepods) of T. crassus was considered but cally altering the fish species composition
was unacceptable as they are important in a system, but an understanding of fish
components of the food chain of many population dynamics, as well as parasite
aquatic animals (Miller, 1952). transmission, is essential. Knowledge of
predator–prey interactions, including sports
and commercial fishing, must be integrated
into the concept of parasite transmission.
Conclusions Knowledge of food chains may help to
reduce D. latum, D. dendriticum and
Significant contributions have been made D. ditremum from Arctic and north temper-
to our understanding of the proteocephalids ate systems. Little is known of the effects
as a group and the genus Proteocephalus. on the indigenous fish parasite popula-
More work is still needed on this group of tions following stocking of an exotic
unrelated taxa. While it does not appear to piscivorous fish species. Increased efforts
have much of a negative impact on fish, it to use fish tapeworms and other fish para-
may be useful as a model to study phylo- sites as natural indicators to gain new
genetic and co-evolutionary associations, or insights into trophic strucuture and food
lack thereof, between fish and their para- webs in marine and freshwater ecosystems
sites. Studies are needed to relate larval would give greater resolving power to cur-
stages of tetraphyllideans and tetrarhyn- rent tools, such as stable isotopes.
chideans to their adult stages through As freshwater aquaculture operations
life-cycle studies, and the use of the name expand, particularly cage culture, and the
Scolex pleuronectis should be discontin- use of surface water by hatcheries becomes
ued. Also, there is very little known about more common, we can anticipate additional
the intraspecific variability (i.e. morpholog- problems with parasitic tapeworms. These
ical, biological and genetic) in the genus include mortality, decreased growth and
Diphyllobothrium. The importance of unsaleable products for human consump-
B. acheilognathi as a worldwide pathogen tion. This is due to the difficulty of exclud-
of fish, with over 40 recorded fish hosts to ing copepods from the water supply and
date, indicates that the biology, infectivity increased susceptibility of cultured species
and genetics of this tapeworm need further (cyprinids, coregonids, percids, salmonids)
study. Significant challenges include its to indigenous tapeworms. Careful selection
transfer across watersheds through engi- of aquaculture sites and monitoring of the
neered changes in water movements and its water supply will have to be done to mini-
potential impacts on endangered and mize some of these problems.
threatened fish species worldwide. Only a few tapeworm diseases of fish
Morphological identification of larval have been closely monitored and carefully
tapeworms still relies on the local ‘expert’, documented. In general, cell-mediated
but increased application of nucleic acid immunity appears to be the primary host
sequences is changing this approach. The response. The pathology is progressive,
perception of narrow host specificity in with the formation of large pustules and
fish tapeworms should be viewed with eventually host encapsulation. It may result
caution. More needs to be known about in the destruction of the parasite, formation of
potential hosts in a given system and the a granuloma and finally its resorption. The
significance of these hosts in transmission. humoral antibody response to tapeworm
Basic information is lacking for most fish infections is not well understood. T. crassus
parasite systems, especially the signifi- is a useful model system to study the interac-
cance of biological and genetic variability. tion of cellular and humoral responses since
Manipulations of portions of the aquatic the parasite produces extensive pathology in
408 T.A. Dick et al.

the intestine of pike and in the muscle of response in the host. In this respect, the
cisco and whitefish. Chemotherapy and/or D. latum/pike/walleye system and Schisto-
vaccines to control tapeworm infections are cephalus/Ligula may be useful models.
unlikely options, although they may have a
role in intensive cage-culture operations.
However, much more will have to be
known about the efficacy of the drugs and Acknowledgements
their persistence in fish tissues. Similarly,
considerable basic research is required to The authors thank the Canadian Journal of
understand the fish immune system and its Zoology for permission to reproduce
relation to tapeworms. Fig. 11.4a, b and c and Lu Ming Chuan for
Finally, there are only a few examples photography. The authors also thank Colin
where a migrating and differentiating larval Gallagher for technical help with the
helminth does not seem to elicit a cellular manuscript.


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12 Phylum Nematoda

Kálmán Molnár1, Kurt Buchmann2, Csaba Székely1

1Veterinary Medical Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1581
Budapest, Hungary; 2Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Royal Veterinary and
Agricultural University, Stigbojlen 7, DK-1870 Frederiksberg C, Denmark

Introduction Although nematodes are important

pathogens, their direct pathogenic effect on
Parasitic nematodes constitute one of the fishes is much less important than the role
earliest known groups of helminths in fishes. played by them as causative agents of
They infect freshwater, marine and brackish- zoonoses. Nematode infections in marine
water fish species and sometimes cause fishes cause a range of problems. Some of
substantial damage to the host. Although these are associated with pathogenicity of
parasitic nematodes can infect almost all the parasite to the fish host, while others
organs in a fish, the majority of the cur- are health hazards connected to human
rently known species have been described ingestion of live nematodes in fresh or
from the intestine. Most nematodes infect undercooked fish. Furthermore, consumer
fish as adults, but a large proportion of them attitudes to the presence of nematodes in
occur as larval stages. These are usually foods also have a great impact on the market
parasites of piscivorous birds, mammals or value of fish products and may stress the
reptiles, or less frequently of predatory fishes. need for strict monitoring and diagnosis of
The majority of nematodes reach sex- nematode infections in marine fish stocks.
ual maturity through a complicated devel- The prevalence of parasitic nematodes
opmental cycle involving an intermediate on the different continents is not equally
or possibly paratenic hosts. Species living well known. The majority of species have
in the temperate zone are usually character- been described from Europe. Detailed data
ized by seasonal occurrence, and annual on nematodes of freshwater fishes (Avdeev
life cycles are common. Because of the com- et al., 1987; Moravec, 1994) and those in
plicated, multi-host life cycle, the develop- North American fishes (Hoffman, 1999) are
ment of fish nematodes is successful in readily available. Recently major progress
non-disrupted ecosystems. In fish taken has been made in the study of fish-parasitic
from their natural surroundings, nematode nematodes in the Neotropical region
infections are less likely to develop. For (Moravec, 1998). Of the nematodes parasitiz-
these reasons, nematodes cause less damage ing marine fishes, anisakid species causing
in cultured fishes than do other helminths. human infections are relatively well docu-
At the same time, certain nematodes can mented (Hauck and May, 1977; Smith and
give rise to massive infections with high Wootten, 1978; Berland, 1981; Sindermann,
fish mortality in natural waters. 1990; Koie et al., 1995). Relevant data on the
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
(ed. P.T.K. Woo) 417
418 K. Molnár et al.

occurrence and pathological role of fish- the anisakid species (Anisakis, Contracae-
parasitic nematodes are found in the first cum, Hysterothylacium, Pseudoterranova)
edition of this publication (Dick and have come into prominence because of
Choudhury, 1995). Since the publication of infections in humans.
the work, relatively little new information Fish nematodes might harm their host
has been added to our existing knowledge in a variety of ways. They can cause
of fish-parasitic nematodes. The new data mechanical injuries, atrophy of tissues,
concern primarily the development, patho- occlusion of the alimentary canal, blood
logical effect and human health implica- vessels and other ducts and toxication
tions of a few selected groups (Anguillicola, from their metabolic products, and they
Philometra, Skrjabillanus, Anisakis). can deprive the host of food, enzymes and

Economic Importance

In some cases, parasitic nematodes can pro-

duce very spectacular and massive infec-
tions in fishes. The masses of Philometra
ovata (Fig. 12.1) in the abdominal cavity of
gudgeon or the white-coloured Hystero-
thylacium bidentatum (Fig. 12.2) in the
stomach of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) def-
initely indicate that nematodes are impor-
tant pathogens. In spite of this, Williams
(1967) rightly stated that among the
helminth parasites of fishes the pathologi-
cal effect of nematodes had been studied
the least. The situation has not changed.
Although the number of known species has
gradually increased, there are still few new
data on the pathological effects of nema-
todes. In freshwater fish species, the new
data mostly concern Anguillicola crassus Fig. 12.2. Hysterothylacium bidentatum
(Fig. 12.3) infection in eel (Anguilla specimens in the stomach of the sterlet (Acipenser
anguilla). As regards marine fish parasites, ruthenus) (× 1.2). Photo by György Csaba.

Fig. 12.1. Philometra ovata filling the abdominal cavity of a gudgeon (Gobio gobio) (× 0.6).
Phylum Nematoda 419

Fig. 12.3. Heavy and moderate infections with Anguillicola crassus in opened swim bladders of
European eels (× 0.6).

Host Range larval stages of nematodes of seabirds and

marine mammals in their adult stage
Nematode infection occurs in practically all (Anisakis, Pseudoterranova). The distribu-
fish species and in all locations. The preva- tion of the majority of freshwater nematode
lence, intensity and economic importance species is mostly restricted to a single conti-
of nematode infections, however, vary by nent or specific zoogeographical zones
region and by fish species. thereof.
The host range of these parasites is pri-
marily influenced by the host specificity of
the nematode species for the final host and Systematic and Taxonomic Position
for the intermediate host. Species having a
narrow host range are usually in a fish host The phylum Nematoda consists of about
that is prevalent in a given habitat, while 40,000 species of free-living and parasitic
species with a broad host range are in fish nematodes (Anderson, 2000). Nematodes
species all over the world. These nematodes occur also in fish, though the number of
can often cause mild disease in all members species infecting fishes is relatively few if
of a fish genus and, after colonizing a new they are compared with the terrestrial hosts,
host species, they can give rise to much more which are highly diverse and rich in taxa
severe disease. Such a species is A. crassus, (Anderson, 1996). Phylum Nematoda is
a nematode of Japanese eel (Anguilla divided both by cladistic and molecular
japonica), which causes a mild disease in methods into two major classes, Adenophorea
its original hosts. However, this nematode and Secernentea. Adenophorea consist
is much more pathogenic in European and mostly of free-living marine and freshwater
American eel species (Anguilla rostrata). species, as well as terrestrial soil nematodes
The typical examples of highly specific with only a small number of parasitic organ-
nematodes are the members of different isms. These include three families: Diocto-
skrjabillanid genera (Skrjabillanus tincae, phymatidae, Capillariidae and Cystiopsidae.
Skrjabillanus cyprini, Molnaria intestinalis, Secernentea also have free-living taxa, but
Sinoichthyonema amuri), which in most the vast majority of this class are parasitic
cases infect a single fish species. organisms.
Nematodes with a broad host range are Classification of fish nematodes in this
represented by Capillaria species, which chapter is based on Anderson’s (2000)
can colonize numerous fish species of dif- system, but some modifications have been
ferent taxonomic positions. Fish parasites made in lower taxons, as suggested by
characterized by a global range include the Moravec (1994, 1998).
420 K. Molnár et al.

Parasite Morphology and Life Cycle a transparent body but with a distinct yellow
buccal capsule (Camallanus).
Morphology The cuticle of nematodes is elastic, and
it is thick in gut-dwelling species (Hystero-
Nematodes in marine and freshwater thylacium, Eustrongylides) and relatively
fishes are highly variable in size, from delicate in histozoic specimens (Philometra
microscopic to 10–20 cm in length, as with rischta, Daniconema anguillae). The surface
H. bidentatum, Philometra obturans and of the cuticle may be smooth but it can bear
Philometroides cyprini (Fig. 12.4), and there longitudinal striations or transverse rows.
are specimens as small as Lucionema bala- The cuticle of some nematodes is covered
tonense. Adult nematodes are sexually entirely or partly with spines (Spinitectus,
dimorphic and they have five stages (L1, L2, Gnathosoma), and distinct bosses might
L3, L4 and adult stage) with four moults. also cover the cuticular surface (Philo-
Most species have a fusiform shape, being metroides nodulosa, P. cyprini). The cuticle
widest in the middle and tapering at the may also have papillae with a tactile func-
anterior and posterior ends. Capillariids tion and which serve as chemoreceptors.
and skrjabillanids are typically fusiform All papillae are connected by nerve endings.
with a uniform diameter and an extremely
thin, elongated body (Fig. 12.5). Female
Cystoopsis acipenseris have filiform ante-
rior and globular posterior body regions.
Nematodes have a cuticle and are without
cilia. They do not have protonephridia,
respiratory organs or blood systems.
Female nematodes are usually larger
than males. While the size of female asca-
ridoids, camallanoids and capillariids are
only rarely double the size of the males,
philometrid females can be 100 times the
length and up to 100,000 times the body
weight of males. Most nematodes have a
yellow or whitish colour but those that live
in the blood vessels (P. obturans, Philo-
metroides sanguinea) or feed on blood Fig. 12.5. Female specimen of Capillaria
(A. crassus) may be a red or dark brown pterophylli in the gut of a discus fish (Symphysodon
colour. Some intestinal nematodes may have discus). (× 66) Photo by Ferenc Baska.

Fig. 12.4. Philometroides cyprini female freed from the scale pocket of common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
(× 0.3).
Phylum Nematoda 421

Most papillae are located at the cephalic and species a pharynx is located between the
caudal region. According to their location buccal capsule and the oesophagus. The
and function, they are called labial, structure of the oesophagus varies; in some
cephalic, cervical and genital papillae. groups (ascaridoids, camallanoids, etc.) it
The structure of the mouth shows great is entirely muscular, while in others (e.g.
variations. It may be a simple slit-like open- capillariids, philometrids) it has a muscular
ing at the anterior end surrounded by distinct and a glandular part. The oesophagus joins
or indistinct papillae (Capillaria, Philometra), the intestine directly or through a subglobular
but it can form large labia or cuticular out- or elongated ventriculus. This ventriculus
growths (Fig. 12.6), called interlabia forms an elongated, posteriorly directed
(Hysterothylacium, Anisakis, Raphidascaris). tube in ascaridids (Raphidascaris). Similar
The mouth leads into the buccal capsule but anteriorly extending elongation of the
(Figs 12.7 and 12.8), which can be sclerotized intestine (intestinal caecum) exists in other
and furnished with large denticles, ridges, ascaridids (Pseudoterranova, Porrocaecum)
plates or tridents (Camallanus, Cucullanus, and in several genera of this group (Contra-
Skrjabillanus, Anguillicola). The buccal cav- caecum, Hysterothylacium) both ventri-
ity is followed by the oesophagus. In some cular and intestinal appendices exist. The
intestine is usually a straight tube finishing
in the rectum. The rectum opens on the
ventral side near the posterior end. In the
males the rectum and the ejaculatory duct
form a joint cloaca.
An oesophageal nerve ring represents
the central nervous system, and special
structures (papillae and dierids), located
mostly in the anterior and posterior ends of
body, serve a sensory function.
In some fish nematodes, there are no
great differences in the general appearance
of the two sexes and without microscopic
examination males and females, especially
juvenile forms, are hard to distinguish
Fig. 12.6. Anterior end of Anisakis simplex with (Anguillicola, Raphidascaris). Other fish
interlabia around mouth opening. Scanning electron nematodes have striking differences between
microscope (SEM) (× 115). Photo by José Bresciani male and female, both in size and the struc-
ture of the tail (Philometra, Skrjabillanus,

Fig. 12.8. The anterior part of Cucullanus

Fig. 12.7. Buccal capsule of Camallanus truncatus heterochrous showing mouth opening. SEM (× 340).
from the gut of pike perch (Sander lucioperca) (× 115). Photo by José Bresciani
422 K. Molnár et al.

The male reproductive organ usually Branchiura (fish lice), can transmit devel-
consists of testis, vas deferens, seminal ves- opmental stages to fish. Both fish and inver-
icle and ductus ejaculatorius. The ejaculary tebrates may serve as transport (paratenic)
duct, opening into the cloaca, has some hosts for some nematodes. A transport host
accessory copulatory organs. The most com- is an organism in which no development
mon accessory organs are the sclerotized necessary for the progress of the life cycle
spicules. Most fish nematodes have two takes place. A high number of larvae can
spicules. They can be equal or different in accumulate in such hosts. Although direct
size. The number of spicules in Capillariidae development without an intermediate host
is one. No spicules exist in Anguillicolidae. may be a possibility for some groups (e.g. for
The spicules are often supported by another Capillariidae), this has not been unequivo-
sclerotized organ, the gubernaculum, which cally proven experimentally. Recently it was
directs the movement of the spicules. In shown by Køie (2001c) that the marine
some skrjabillanids, a sclerotized copula- Capillaria gracilis, which invades the rec-
tory plate substitutes for the spicules. A tum of Atlantic cod, needs intermediate
typical bursa copulatrix with membranous hosts. Thus, chironomids and oligochaetes
lateral alae forms the copulatory apparatus ingest the larvated eggs, where hatching and
of skrjabillanids and a similar structure is some growth of the larvae occurs. Further, the
found in male Capillospirura. obligate fish intermediate host allows con-
The female reproductive organs are com- siderable growth of the worm before infec-
posed of ovaries, oviducts, uteri, vagina and tion of the final host. In the case of direct
vulva. In most cases there are two sets of development, host finding is often promoted
tubular ovaries locating anteriorly and poste- by paratenic hosts, e.g. by oligochaetes carry-
riorly from the vulva opening. Ovaries con- ing the larvated eggs (Bell and Beverley-
tinue to oviducts and uteri, from which eggs Burton, 1980; Lomakin and Trofimenko, 1982;
or larvae pass into a muscular common Moravec, 1983). Percutaneous transmission
vagina. The vulva may be located in different by migrating larvae, which is common in
parts of the fish body, characterizing families terrestrial animals, does not exist in fishes.
and genera of the nematodes. In Capillaria, Some worms lay unsegmented eggs, and
Skrjabillanus and Raphidascaris spp., the these worms are oviparous. Ovoviviparous
vulva is found in the first part of the body worms lay eggs containing the first- or second-
length, but in Camallanus and Rhabdochona stage larva (Fig. 12.9a), and viviparous worms
spp. it is situated postequatorially. The discharge free first-stage larva (Fig. 12.9b).
Capillospirura vulva is located approxi-
mately at mid-length. In adult Philometra
specimens, the vulva and vagina are absent.


The majority of fish nematodes have rather

complicated development. Most are hetero-
xenous and have final, intermediate and
paratenic (transport) hosts. In the life cycle
of fish nematodes, there is always a single
intermediate host. In the majority of
cases, food animals such as aquatic crusta-
ceans (Copepoda, Amphipoda, Mysidacea,
Decapoda), annelids, coelenterates, molluscs Fig. 12.9. (a) Ovoviviparous eggs of Anguillicola
and small fishes are intermediate hosts. Also crassus. Second-stage larvae inside the extremely
parasitic organisms infecting fish, such as thin egg shells, (b) Viviparous larvae of Philometra
cyclostomes and crustaceans of the class ovata released from a ruptured female (× 85).
Phylum Nematoda 423

Thus the egg development, embryonation of The most common route for infection of
the egg and/or subsequent survival of the the intermediate host is when the eggs or
larva are highly dependent on the environ- free larvae are consumed by these animals.
mental conditions. Hatching of eggs can The first-stage larvae attract the attention of
occur in the environment after release with their intermediate hosts by their movement
host faeces or after ingestion by interme- before being eaten by the intermediate
diate hosts (oviparity), just after oviposition host. Nematode larvae of the Philometra,
(ovoviviparity) or in the female worm Anguillicola or Camallanus genera pene-
(viviparity). trate into the haemocoel of the copepod
Final hosts of fish nematodes are both intermediate host (Fig. 12.10) within a very
homeothermic and poikilothermic animals. short time and, depending on the water
In the case of some nematodes with a world- temperature, third-stage infective larvae are
wide distribution, marine mammals and formed (Molnár, 1966b; Moravec, 1971;
fish-eating birds serve as final hosts. Whales Hirose et al., 1976). Non-motile eggs of
are the final hosts of the ascaridoid nema- Rhabdochona, Cystidicoloides or Cystidicola
tode Anisakis simplex, while for another species are ingested by their mayfly or
marine ascaridoid, the seal worm Pseudo- gammarid intermediate hosts. A special
terranova decipiens, seals play the role of way of development in the intermediate
the final hosts. Contracaecum and Porro- host is when the vector is also a parasite. To
caecum spp. have a wide host range and date, only the branchiurid Argulus spp.
both birds and mammals can be final hosts. (Fig. 12.11) and cyclostomes are known to
The majority of the known fish nema- transmit infection from one fish to another
todes develop to the adult stage in fish. as intermediate hosts.
Marine nematodes of this type include According to Moravec (1994), there is
Hysterothylacium aduncum, Cucullanus always a single intermediate host in fish
cirratus, Cucullanus heterochrous and nematodes, and host finding of nematodes
Dichelyne (Cucullanellus) minutus, while is promoted by one or more paratenic hosts.
the genera Capillaria, Camallanus, The developmental cycle of capillariid nema-
Rhabdochona, Philometra, Philometroides, todes seems to be monoxenous. Eggs, how-
Anguillicola and Raphidascaris are in ever, are often taken up by oligochaete
freshwater fishes and are regarded as the paratenic hosts, in which the larvated eggs pre-
best studied and economically most impor- serve their viability for a long time and serve
tant nematodes. as sources of infection. In the development of

Fig. 12.10. Third-stage larvae of Anguillicola crassus (arrows) in the haemocoel of the intermediate host
cyclops (× 80).
424 K. Molnár et al.

Fig. 12.11. Third-stage larva of a Skrjabillanus sp.

(arrow) entering the stylet of the intermediate host
carp lice (Argulus foliaceus) (× 40). Fig. 12.12. Encapsulated dead and live third-stage
larvae of Anguillicola crassus in the gut wall of the
the ascaridoid Raphidascaris acus oligo- paratenic host ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) (× 25).
chaetes, snails and crustaceans may serve
as paratenic hosts before non-developing
larvae get into the obligatory small fishes in
which they reach the infective third stage.
In this species the final host can also serve
as intermediate host. For A. simplex the
euphasiaceans, for Contracaecum osculatum
and P. decipiens copepods and for H. aduncum
copepods, amphipods, isopods and mysids
can be the intermediate hosts (Smith and
Wootten, 1978; Køie, 1993, 2001b; Køie
et al., 1995). It is also small fish which act
as the true intermediate host for C. cirratus Fig. 12.13. Histological section of the gut of a
(Køie, 2000a), while polychaetes are inter- fingerling of the paratenic host sheatfish (Silurus
mediate hosts for Cucullanus heterochrous glanis). Third-stage larvae (arrows) of A. crassus
and Dichelyne minutus (Køie, 2000b, encapsulated by epithelioid cells and connective
tissue. Haematoxylin and eosin (H & E) (× 80).
In most cases, paratenic hosts (crusta-
ceans, snails, oligochaetes, small fishes and detail in A. crassus infection in European
tadpoles) are food organisms of the final eel. The paratenic host fishes of this nema-
host. The role of paratenic hosts in the tode may have massive infections (Figs 12.12
development of various nematode families and 12.13) (Thomas and Ollevier, 1992;
is different. In the family Philometridae, the Székely, 1994, 1995).
larvae of P. obturans from the copepod
intermediate hosts are transmitted to the
predacious pike through the prey fishes. Homeothermic animals as final hosts
The role of paratenic hosts is more impor-
tant with the anisakids. Hosts (in the A. simplex is an ascaridoid nematode
majority large predacious fishes, marine with a worldwide distribution. The final
mammals and fish-eating birds) get infected hosts are whales, intermediate hosts are
with these parasites by several paratenic euphausiaceans and transport hosts can be
hosts. When a paratenic host is consumed, copepods, fishes and cephalopods (Smith
the infective third-stage larvae can survive and Wootten, 1978; Køie, 2001b). In the
to infect the new organism until they get to final host, the nematodes reside in the
the final host. The process was studied in stomach, while they are in the haemocoel in
Phylum Nematoda 425

the intermediate crustacean host. In the fish Poikilothermic animals as final hosts
transport hosts, the worms are in organs
such as gonads, liver, spleen and the mus- One widely distributed nematode in fishes
culature. (Smith and Wootten, 1978). Adult is H. aduncum. Eel pout, Zoarches vivi-
worms copulate in the final host. Eggs are parous, is one of the best final hosts. How-
delivered to the sea with host faeces. The ever, the worm may be found in numerous
eggs embryonate and two moults occur in other species, such as burbot, cod, flounder,
the egg before hatching. The larva is third- four-horned sculpin and whitefish (Fagerholm,
stage (Køie et al., 1995) and, before getting 1982). The digestive tract (stomach and
into the obligatory euphausiacean inter- anterior intestine) is the site of infection for
mediate host, the free-living, ensheathed the adult worm. Eggs from the adult female
larvae are ingested by transport hosts such are passed with host faeces to the sea water,
as copepods. The intermediate host can also where embryonation takes place, with two
be ingested by various types of transport hosts moults in the egg. The third-stage larva
(fishes, cephalopods) (see Køie, 2001b). develops in copepods, amphipods, isopods
Another marine ascaridoid with a and mysids (Køie, 1993). Other organisms,
worldwide distribution is the seal worm such as ctenophores, chaetognaths, poly-
P. decipiens. Final hosts are seals, interme- chaetes and ophiurids, which obtain infec-
diate hosts are copepods and benthic crus- tion by ingesting infected crustaceans, can
taceans. Fish may act as paratenic hosts. The serve as transport hosts. Often prey fishes
site in fish is the musculature. Adult worms serve as transport hosts as well. Larvae may
live in the stomach of the seal. Eggs pass be found in the body cavity and encysted on
from the intestine to the marine environ- various organs in the fish (Fagerholm,
ment, where embryonation and two moults 1982). Larvae longer than 3 mm moult into
occur inside the egg. The third-stage larva the fourth stage within the intestinal lumen
emerges on hatching (Køie et al., 1995). of the host.
Copepods ingest the larvae. These can be The cucullanids have another varia-
eaten by benthic crustaceans. Invertebrates tion: Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, and
are eaten by fish, in which the muscle other gadoids are the final hosts of C. cir-
becomes infected. Seals ingest the fish and ratus in the North Atlantic and adjacent
final moults to the adult stage take place in waters. The preferred microhabitats are the
the seal. pyloric caeca and the intestine. Eggs pass
C. osculatum also has a worldwide with faecal matter to the sea water, where
distribution and uses warm-blooded ani- embryonation occurs. The third-stage lar-
mals (seals) as final hosts. Intermediate vae hatch from the eggs. Intermediate hosts
hosts are crustaceans and fish carry the are small fishes, such as sand gobies, which
third-stage larva (Køie and Fagerholm, become infected by eating the transport
1995). A number of fish species, such as host, copepods. When the final host, the
cod, salmon, sculpin, herring and others, cod, ingests the infected intermediate fish
can be infected (Fagerholm, 1982; hosts, the third-stage larva invades the
Hemmingsen et al., 1993). In gadoids the stomach mucosa, where moulting to the
liver is the preferred site (Fagerholm, fourth stage occurs. Subsequently, this
1988). Adult female worms deliver eggs to larva passes to the pyloric caeca and the
the environment. Two moults occur inside anterior intestine, where the final moult
the egg and the third-stage larva emerges takes place and the worm develops into the
from the egg. Before infecting marine crus- adult stage (Køie, 2000a).
taceans, copepods can act as transport A similar development is seen in
hosts. Fish acquire infection by predation C. heterochrous, a common worm of flat-
on crustaceans. In gadoids the liver carries fishes in the Baltic, Atlantic and North Sea.
the majority of larvae. Final development Final hosts include flounder, dab, plaice,
takes place after ingestion of transport sole, halibut and long rough dab (Berland,
hosts by warm-blooded animals. 1970). The site is the intestine, primarily the
426 K. Molnár et al.

posterior half of the intestine of the flounder and Oreste, 1998). Similar positive plasma
(Buchmann, 1991). Eggs pass with host fae- and bile antibody reactivities in fish against
ces to the sea water, where embryonation P. decipiens larvae were recorded by Coscia
occurs. Probably the third-stage larva and Oreste (2000). Two main types of anti-
emerges from the egg following ingestion by gens are generally recognized in nematodes.
a polychaete, which serves as intermediate These are the soluble excretory and secre-
host (Køie, 2000b). Larvae from polychaetes tory (E/S) antigens and the somatic antigens
are infective to fish, where they moult to the associated with surfaces on the outer or
fourth stage in the submucosa. After the inner part of the worm. These may be partly
final moult, the larva develops into the protective. However, it is generally agreed
adult stage in the intestine (Køie, 2000b). that cellular reactions play a major role in
The related nematode D. (Cucullanellus) protection of the host against nematode
minutus is in flounder, plaice and goby in infections. Both humoral and cellular host
the Baltic Sea, North Sea, Mediterranean reactions have been detected in various
Sea and Black Sea (Køie, 2001a). It is in the hosts against invading nematodes and these
anterior part of the intestine (Buchmann, immune factors may function in host elimi-
1991). Eggs from the female worm pass with nation and killing of infective stages. How-
faeces to the sea bottom, where embryo- ever, the roundworms seem to have some
nation takes place. Probably two moults evasion mechanisms. Thus, the cuticle of
occur in the egg, and the larva (440 µm long) nematodes consists in most cases of a pro-
that hatches from the egg is considered a tective proteinaceous layer, which protects
third-stage larva (Køie, 2001a). The poly- the inner vital organs of the worm against
chaete Nereis diversicolor is the obligate aggressive immune effectors. Even encapsu-
intermediate host. Following growth, the lated Anisakis and Anguillicola worms
larva is infective to fish such as flounders. recovered from infected fish are fully capa-
The fourth moult occurs in the gut wall of ble of moving vividly upon removal of the
the final host and the adult worms reside host encapsulation (Santamarina et al., 1994;
in the anterior intestine. Székely, 1994; Larsen et al., 2002). These
mechanisms have not been adequately
Host–Parasite Relationship
Immune reactions
Pathological effect
Nematodes elicit specific antibody produc-
tion in the host. Migration of the larval The pathological effect of nematode infec-
stages in host cavities and host tissue may tion in fish is little studied, and most infor-
expose both structural and metabolic anti- mation is based on field observations. There
gens to the host immune system. It has been are only a few reported cases of mortality
demonstrated by immunoblotting that the due to nematode infections. Most authors
European eel produces specific antibodies (Bauer et al., 1977; Moravec, 1994; Dick and
against a number of antigens of the swim Choudhury, 1995) agree that fish nema-
bladder nematode A. crassus (Buchmann todes damage the hosts by depriving the
et al., 1991; Höglund and Pilström, 1994; fish of digested food; by feeding on host tis-
Békési et al., 1997; Nielsen and Buchmann, sues, sera or blood; and by direct mechani-
1997; Knopf et al., 2000). Third-stage larvae cal damage through fixing to host tissues
of A. simplex in the fish host provoke the and developing or migrating in them
production of specific antibodies in natu- (Fig. 12.14). Nematodes generally possess a
rally infected saithe (Priebe et al., 1991). In range of enzymes, such as proteases, which
addition, a range of Antarctic teleosts has may have tissue-degrading functions (Newton
been shown to possess reactive antibodies and Munn, 1999). Large-sized parasites
against molecules from C. osculatum (Coscia compress organs (Platzer and Adams, 1967),
Phylum Nematoda 427

Fig. 12.14. Anisakis simplex (arrow) penetrating Fig. 12.15. Damaged swim bladders of the
pyloric caecum of rainbow trout and causing European eels that died during the eel mortality in
mechanical damage of the wall (arrowheads) 1991 in Lake Balaton. One of the swim bladders
(experimental infection) (SEM × 50). Photo by José contains numerous A. crassus specimens, while
Bresciani. others have thickened fibrous walls as a
consequence of past infection (× 0.5).
deform the shape of the body (Molnár,
1966a), increase or reduce the size of organs
(Paperna, 1974) and cause haemorrhages
(Jilek and Crites, 1982; Dunn et al., 1983),
inflammation (Measures, 1988; Molnár
et al, 1993), granulomas (Hauck and May,
1977; Sindermann, 1990), ascites (Bauer
et al., 1977) and mesenteric and visceral
adhesions (Sindermann, 1990). The patho-
genic effect depends on the species and the
size and the number of parasites (Fig. 12.3),
and survival of the fish also depends on the
site of infection.
Fig. 12.16. With heavy infections with A. crassus,
the worms die and decay in the lumen of the
thickened swim bladder (arrow) (× 0.7).
Mortality caused by nematodes was des-
cribed by Bauer and Zmerzlaya (1972), who
indicated that R. acus larvae caused heavy Schäperclaus (1992) also found that
mortalities in bream (Abramis brama). Pseudocapillaria tomentosa can severely
According to Bauer et al. (1977), the heavily damage tench (Tinca tinca). A devastating
infected bream lost their balance and swam effect of nematode infection was observed
on their side, their body was covered by by Molnár et al. (1991, 1993), who repor-
a thick layer of slime, there was local ted on massive eel mortality in Lake
destruction of their sexual glands and Balaton, Hungary, due to A. crassus (Figs
bloody exudates accumulated in their 12.15 and 12.16) infection. In this lake an
abdominal cavity. Eiras and Reichenbach- estimated 400 t of eels died in 1991, 1992
Klinke (1982) also described heavy infec- and 1995. Similar heavy mortalities caused
tion and deformation of the rainbow trout’s by this nematode were observed in the
intestine due to large parasitic nodules Czech Republic by Barus (1995). Goezia
caused by R. acus. Moravec and Gut (1982) spp. infecting the stomach of the fish seem
and Moravec et al. (1984) reported on the to have a relatively high pathogenic effect.
mortality of ornamental fishes due to mas- These worms bore their anterior ends deep
sive infection with Pseudocapillaria brevi- into mucosa up to the muscularis layer.
spicula and Capillaria pterophylli (Fig. 12.5). Gaines and Rogers (1972) observed that
428 K. Molnár et al.

they form deep nodules in the stomach part of the alimentary tract (oesophagus,
wall. These authors also reported mortali- stomach, pyloric region), while others are
ties in striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and in the intestine. The major damage caused
tilapia in Florida. Mortalities were observed by these worms is associated with their con-
by Freitas and Lent (1946) in Arapaima sumption of intestinal contents, thereby
gigas in Brazil caused by Goezia spinulosa. depriving the host of nutrients. A less impor-
Trichuroid nematodes are generally tant effect comes from direct mechanical
considered pathogenic. These nematodes blockage by the worms.
damage epithelial cells by feeding and pene- H. bidentatum (Fig. 12.2), a common
trating deeply into the intestinal mucosa. parasite of the acipenserids, may cause
The necrotic changes they cause often lead heavy infections in sterlet. These large-sized
to morbidity of the hosts. Dubinin (1952) in nematodes can completely occlude the
Russia reported on disease through gut stomach and thus reduce digestion and
inflammation of acipenserids (A. ruthenus, block the passage of food. After the death of
Acipenser nudiventris) caused by Pseudo- heavily infected fish, these nematodes fre-
capillaria tuberculata. Severe debilitating quently migrate out through the mouth or
conditions also developed on some North the gill slit.
American centrarchid fishes. Capillaria In less intensive infections, nematodes
catostomi caused enteritis in the caeca and may evoke pathological changes, mostly
intestine (Hoffman, 1982). Eustrongylides around their attachment sites. Damage to the
spp. are also pathogenic. The pathogeni- mucosa or deeper tissues is usually caused
city of Eustrongylides spp. in sturgeons by lips, the buccal capsule, teeth or spines.
(A. nudiventris) was studied by Dubinin Rhabdochona species, when in high
(1952) and Dogiel and Bykhovskiy (1939) in numbers, can cause perforation of the intes-
Russia, who considered Eustrongylides lar- tinal wall at attachment points (Moravec,
vae to be highly pathogenic, causing heavy 1975). Similar damage occurs with Cama-
infections leading to complete destruction of llanus, Procamallanus and Paracamallanus
gonads and to parasitic castration of infected species as they ‘grab’ the intestinal wall with
fishes. It was also Dubinin (1952) who found their buccal capsules while feeding on
that, in heavy infections with H. bidentatum, blood. Usually there is a local inflammatory
inflammatory processes were found in the reaction at the attachment site. Thatcher
intestinal walls of sterlets (A. ruthenus) and (1991), as well as Sinha and Sinha (1988),
sometimes perforation of the swim bladder suggested that nematodes could cause pri-
by migrating worms was recorded. Kall et al. mary anaemia by feeding on blood. In inten-
(2004), who examined P. obturans infection sive infections, especially in small fishes,
of pike (Esox lucius), reported that the pikes these camallanids can reduce growth rates
infected by this large worm inhabiting gill and also cause intestinal blockage. More
arteries were less active, showed lethargy severe changes were recorded in ornamental
and died in aquaria shortly after trans- fishes. Several authors (Petter et al., 1974;
portation to the laboratory. Sprengel and Stumpp, 1975; Campana-Rouget et al., 1976;
Lüchtenberg (1991) experimentally proved Schäperclaus, 1992) reported on complete
that A. crassus infection in eels reduced destruction of the intestinal mucosa and
swimming performance, and in another death of the fish in the presence of large
experiment Molnár (1993) found that numbers of Camallanus fotedari or Cama-
heavily infected eels were more susceptible llanus moraveci. Heavy infection with
to decreased oxygen content in the water. Camallanus cotti caused a reduced sexual
display rate in Poecilia reticulata (McMinn,
Intestinal tract
Cucullanus truttae has similar effects
Most Nematoda species infect the intestinal on rainbow trout. According to Dunn et al.
tract. Some of them (e.g. Hysterothylacium, (1983), there is loss of epithelium and muco-
Goezia, Cystidicola spp.) prefer the anterior sal hyperplasia, as well as haemorrhage and
Phylum Nematoda 429

fibrosis in the laminar propria at the point observations were reported by Janiszewska
of attachment. Growth rate, food consump- (1939) with D. minutus in flatfishes. Jilek
tion and swimming activity are reduced in and Crites (1982), who studied the pathoge-
infected fish. The spiruroid nematodes nicity of the habronematoid S. carolini in
Camallanus oxycephalus and Spinitectus centrarchid fishes, described the third-stage
carolini of the green sunfish penetrate to the larvae penetrating the intestinal wall, caus-
mucosal layer of the gut and cause damage ing traumatic enteritis, the growth of
to the columnar epithelium. At the site of epithelioid fibroblasts around worms and
penetration, ulcers developed in the accumulation of granule cells, leucocytes
mucosal and submucosal layers and there and macrophages. An expanding fibrocytic
was growth of granulomatous tissue with layer formed a capsule around the larvae;
extensive fibrosis (Meguid and Eure, 1996). the innermost layer became necrotic but
Local changes in the intestine can also be encapsulated worms were able to develop
provoked by seemingly less pathogenic into adults. A. simplex larvae have been
nematodes. seen to induce severe inflammatory reac-
In the case of Echinocephalus daileyi, tions in the wall of the stomach of cod.
where there is a special cephalic inflation Thus clusters of larvae gathered in local
and rows of hooks for attachment of the inflammatory foci in the stomach wall of
worm to the intestinal mucosa, Thatcher the fish host (Berland, 1981). Arai (1969)
(1991) observed inflammation and forma- found large ulcers caused by Anisakis
tion of a fibrous capsule around the head larvae in the stomach wall of Ophiodon
bulb. Formation of capsules filled by tissue elongatus, and Williams and Richards
debris, oedematous fluid, fibrous exudate (1968) observed prominent host reactions
and leucocytes at the attachment point of in Raja radiata against Pseudanisakis
the nematodes was also observed by Ko rotunda, especially the head, which was in
et al. (1975) with Echinocephalus sinensis the lamina submucosa granulation tissue.
in the ray Aetabulus flagellum.
Deardorff and Overstreet (1980)
Body cavity
remarked that Goezia pelagia apparently
feeds on both the host elements and par- The body cavity is the frequent location of
tially digested food. The parasite forms a Philometra and Philonema; however, little
deep nodule in the intestinal wall, with the is known about their pathogenic effect.
development of ulcers. A connective-tissue Philonema spp. are known to be respon-
capsule surrounds the head part of the para- sible for multiple mesenteric and visceral
site, and primary exudates, inflammatory adhesions in salmonid fishes (Nagasawa, 1985;
cells, red blood cells and necrotic tissue are Garnick and Margolis, 1990; Sindermann,
in the nodules. Aeromonas bacteria could 1990). Both Philonema and Philometra
be cultured from some of the nodules. It is infection can cause atrophy or destruction
often larval penetration and migration that of gonads, ascites and extension of the
cause severe reactions. Thus, invasion of abdomen (Molnár, 1966a, 1967; Platzer and
host tissue by marine nematode larvae has Adams, 1967; Williams, 1967; Hoffman,
been described to cause pathological reac- 1975; Moravec et al., 2003). While studying
tions. Haemorrhages, tissue compression Eustrongylides sp. larvae infecting mesen-
and necrosis are often found in tissue with teries and inner organs of African fishes of
invading P. decipiens larvae (Ramakrishna the genera Haplochromis, Bagrus and
et al., 1993). The host reaction may be Clarias, Paperna (1974) found that the most
expressed in tissue proliferation, degenera- heavily infected fish were emaciated. In
tion and inflammation. these fish an extensive lysis was observed
Molnár (1994) found hundreds of around the worms, which penetrated the
A. crassus larvae in nodules in the intestinal somatic muscles. Inner organs were infil-
wall; some of the larvae were alive while trated by lymphocytes and macrophages
others were dead and calcified. Similar and inflammatory necrosis was observed.
430 K. Molnár et al.

Eiras and Rego (1988) reported on similar liver. Thus, heavy parasite burdens were
changes in South American fishes (Pygo- seen in small livers and only a few nema-
centrus nattereri), while Measures (1988) in tode larvae were in large livers. Although
North America found granulomatous inflam- tissue-penetrating worms may cause adverse
mation and exudates containing erythro- reactions, further studies should be con-
cytes and macrophages. However, Kennedy ducted to elucidate this question. In this
and Lie (1976) reported that heavy infec- context it should be recalled that liver size
tions of encapsulated Eustrongylides did in gadoids is highly influenced by food
not cause weight loss or changes in the composition and energy content (Buchmann
outward appearance and condition factor of and Børresen, 1988). Thus, feeding on
fish. Experimental infections of rainbow low-energy diets such as crustaceans (serv-
trout with A. simplex third-stage larvae are ing as an intermediate host for C. osculatum)
known to cause a pronounced cellular reac- instead of high-energy feed (clupeids) may
tion in the body cavity and in tissue pene- lead to high parasite burdens and, second-
trated, especially in the pyloric caeca arily, low liver weight.
(Santamarina et al., 1994; Larsen et al., 2002). Of the nematodes causing heavy patho-
Larvae of the genera Hysterothylacium, logical changes of the liver in the larval
Anisakis, Pseudoterranova and Contra- stage, R. acus is the best-studied species. In
caecum and of Spiroxis contortus are fre- the adult stage this parasite infects the gut
quently found on the serosa of the gut, of piscivorous fishes, primarily pike. In the
where they are coiled and covered only by a latter fish, only local inflammations were
thin serosa layer; in other cases they are registered in the gut. In intermediate host
encapsulated by a row of connective-tissue fishes, however, heavy infections and mass
layers (Smith and Wootten, 1978). mortalities were often registered in rainbow
trout, common bream, yellow perch and
experimentally infected loach (Barbatula
barbatula) (Moravec, 1970; Bauer et al.,
Of the nematodes damaging the liver, 1977; Poole and Dick, 1984). Third- and
Schulmanela (Hepaticola) petruschewskii fourth-stage larvae in their true intermedi-
is the best-known species. Kutzer and Otte ate hosts invaded various internal organs,
(1966) studied the pathological effects of destroyed blood vessels during larval
H. petruschewskii in salmonid, percid and migration and caused numerous nodules in
cyprinid fishes. Macroscopic changes of the the intestinal wall, liver, peritoneum and
severely infected fish included greyish dis- mesentery. Valtonen et al. (1994), who fol-
coloration of the liver, with the appearance lowed R. acus migration in roach (Rutilus
of nodules the size of a pinhead or larger, rutilus), recorded a chronic granulomatous
which was sometimes accompanied by inflammatory reaction. They remarked that
hyperaemia, petechial haemorrhages and larvae occurred more often in pancreatic
icterus. Histologically, in addition to the tissue than in the liver. These authors also
presence of helminths in numerous convo- remarked that the infection rate in polluted
luted passages, haemorrhage and hyper- eutrophic lakes was much higher than in
aemia of the liver capillaries, aggravated by oligotrophic ones. Dezfuli et al. (2000),
the appearance of fibrinous–serous exudate, who studied the effect of larval raphida-
were found. Leucocytic infiltration, epithe- scariosis in the liver of Phoxinus phoxinus,
lioid cell proliferation and even the appear- reported that the inflammatory process
ance of giant cells could also be observed. was characterized by an increase of rodlet
Devastating effects on host liver tissue cells, besides granulocytes and epithelioid
were described by Petrushevski and granulomata.
Shulman (1961). Nematode larvae, probably Authors who examined the effect of
C. osculatum, which normally reside in the Anisakis larvae on host tissues (Mikailova
liver of Baltic cod (G. morhua), were sug- et al., 1964; Prusevich, 1964; Hauck
gested to affect the size and function of the and May, 1977; Smith, 1984) reported that
Phylum Nematoda 431

Anisakis larvae invading tissues caused

destruction of the liver parenchyma, rup-
tures of the wall of the blood vessels, small
haemorrhages and thrombus formation.
The larvae were covered with fibrin
infiltrated by leucocytes. At a later stage, a
connective-tissue capsule was formed
around the larvae.

Swim bladder
The swim bladder of fishes is damaged Fig. 12.17. Cross-section of a third-stage
mostly by Cystidicola and Anguillicola A. crassus larva in the oedematous tissue of the
species. Van Banning and Haenen (1990) submucosa of the eel’s swim bladder (H & E × 145).
and Molnár et al. (1993) reported that the
acute process of A. crassus larval migration
was characterized by epithelial hyper-
plasia and hyperaemia of the swim bladder
wall. In cases of chronic swim bladder
inflammation, oedema and hyperplasia of
tissues of the tunica propria, submucosa
and serosa were observed, as well as
granulomatoid infiltration by mononuclear
cells and fibrinoid degeneration around
larvae. Molnár (1994) remarked that inside
the oedematous connective tissue of the
swim bladder larvae migrate without caus- Fig. 12.18. Fourth-stage larvae of A. crassus
ing an observable host reaction in the swim- accumulating in the gas gland, before entering the
bladder wall or the gas glands (Figs 12.17 lumen of the swim bladder (× 12).
and 12.18), but in more advanced cases
granulation tissue containing mononuclear
cells stops larvae (Fig. 12.19.) The granula-
tion tissue, built up from epithelioid
macrophages, forms a nodule around the
larvae, which become surrounded by a
capsule. Larvae die and, together with the
necrotized epithelioid cells, give rise to
amorphous tissue debris. Secondary bacte-
rial infections may change nodules into
pustules filled with degenerate cells,
inflammatory cells and serum. Kamstra
(1990), Van Banning and Haenen (1990)
and Molnár et al. (1993) reported that adult Fig. 12.19. Cross-section of a third-stage
A. crassus specimens filling the whole A. crassus larva inside the swim-bladder wall
lumen of the swim bladder feed on blood, surrounded by granulation tissue and mononuclear
causing anaemia, epithelial hyperaemia cell infiltration (H & E × 85).
and dilatation of the ductus pneumaticus.
Due to the damage caused by larvae and ductus pneumaticus or they die. Dead
adult worms, the wall of the swim bladder worms and blood form a hard brown-black
thickens and becomes fibrotic (Fig. 12.15). mass in the lumen of the swim bladder
Worms in the lumen either leave the (Fig. 12.16), which will eventually contain
bladder and migrate to the gut through the facultative pathogenic bacteria.
432 K. Molnár et al.

Skin is not pathogenic, while the large females

(up to 20 cm in length) of Philometroides
The best-known parasites of the skin come
cyprini (Fig. 12.4), a parasite of the Amur
from the genera Philometra and Philome-
wild carp, can cause swellings of the scale
troides. By the time they reach full matu-
sacs, accumulation of serous infiltration
rity, the large females of Philometra rischta
and haemorrhages under the scales. After
destroy the subepithelial layer of the gill
the expulsion of worms, the areas without
cover of bleak (Alburnus alburnus), and the
scales and with ulcers may have secondary
worms are separated from both the gill and
microbial infections (Vasilkov, 1967, 1975;
the aquatic environment by an epithelium
Sekretaryuk, 1983). Similar changes in the
bordered by basement membrane. Worms
fins are caused by P. sanguinea infection in
cause ulceration of the gill cover, which
Carassius species (Fig. 12.20) and by
becomes completely disintegrated in some
Philometra huronensis infection in sucker.
cases (Molnár, 1966a; K. Molnár, unpub-
These changes lead to fraying of the fin
lished). Similar injuries may arise after col-
rays, which may break and come off in
onization of the skin of sucker (Catostomus
fragments (Molnár, 1966a; Uhazy, 1978).
commersonii) by P. nodulosa (Dailey, 1966;
In sturgeon fishes, especially in the sterlet,
Hoffman, 1975, 1999). The very tiny S. cyprini
C. acipenseris forms large nodules in the
connective tissue on the ventral surface of
the skin (Fig. 12.21), causing capsule for-
mation and oedema (Bauer et al., 1977).
There is usually a female and a male worm
in each nodule. Rockfish infected with
adult trichuroid nematodes in the skin
have inflammatory reactions with intra-
epithelial deposition of eggs (Conboy and
Speare, 2002).

Nematode infection of the gills is relatively
Fig. 12.20. Females of Philometroides sanguinea rare. The best-known nematode is P. obturans,
in the blood vessels of the caudal fin of a gibel carp a parasite of the gill arteries of the European
(Carassius gibelio) (× 0.85). pike. This large-sized nematode, measuring

Fig. 12.21. Parasitic nodules (arrows) in the skin caused by Cystoopsis acipenseris in the abdominal side of
sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) (× 0.4). Photo by Ferenc Baska.
Phylum Nematoda 433

20 cm in length, is known to obstruct blood Freezing (−20°C for 24 h), heating

circulation, to feed on blood and to perfo- above 60°C or salting (250 g NaCl/l) will
rate gill arteries when releasing larvae. kill Anisakis larvae. Likewise, storage of
Moravec and Dyková (1978) and Kall et al. Pseudoterranova larvae in fish meat at
(2004) found parietal trombi in the bulbus −30°C for 15 h or at −20°C for 7 days is
arteriosus and endothelial hypertrophy in lethal for the worms (McClelland, 2002).
the ventral aorta. The worms clearly obs- Even dead worms (killed by freezing, heat-
tructed the arteries; the elastic wall of the ing or salting) still contain immunogenic
vessel was stretched around the para- molecules, which can trigger severe aller-
site and appeared thinner. In cases when gic reactions following ingestion of fish
the female worm was damaged and only the products. In fact, the disease provoked by
gonads filled the arteries, the arterial wall the marine larvae is to a high degree associ-
became irregular, showing signs of hyper- ated with the host reaction, such as immuno-
trophy and hyperplasia. In contrast to this globulin E (IgE) production, mast-cell
large Nematoda species, Ribu and Lester degranulation, eosinophilia, oedema and
(2004) found tiny histozoic nematodes in urticaria. It has been speculated that
gill filaments and described them as nematodes living in the adult stage in fish,
Moravecia australiensis. such as Hysterothylacium, could elicit
disease in humans following ingestion
of live larvae (Norris and Overstreet,
Eyes 1976). It has been reported that adult nem-
The eyes of fishes may frequently have atodes of Philometra from fish tissue can
worms. For example, Parukhin (1975) found infect humans through open wounds in
the females of Philometra oveni in the orbits skin and elicit disease (Deardorff et al.,
of a percid fish (Serranelus hepatus) and 1986). Considering the high prevalence of
Moravec and Dyková (1978) found larval philometrids in fishes (Moravec et al.,
stages of P. obturans in the vitreous humour. 2003), this suggestion should be further

Zoonotic aspects of fish nematodes Spoilage of fish products by marine

nematode larvae
The presence of nematode larvae in fish
may present a risk for humans. Third-stage Nematode larvae in fish fillets may lead to
larvae of Anisakis spp., Pseudoterranova rejection by consumers due to the unattrac-
spp., Phocascaris spp. and Contracaecum tive appearance of the product. Therefore
spp. occur in fish musculature and their considerable efforts are being made to
adult stage is in homeothermic animals detect and remove larval nematodes from
such as whales and seals. Thus, the stimuli fish products (Möller and Anders, 1986). It
for further development of the larva to the has been estimated that up to half of the
final moult are high temperature, acidic pH production costs in certain processing
and pepsinogen, which occur in the sto- plants consist in the detection and removal
mach of homeothermic animals. Following of Pseudoterranova from cod fillets; the
ingestion by humans of live larvae in fish problem is worldwide due to the extensive
products, the larvae get activated and pene- distribution of these anisakid larvae
trate the gastric or intestinal mucosa, elicit- (McClelland, 2002). These concerns are
ing abdominal symptoms. Extra-intestinal mainly with wild fishes because several
migration of worms also occurs. This is studies have shown that aquacultured
anisakiasis (anisakiosis) or pseudoterra- salmon are free from infection, since in
noviasis (pseudoterranovosis) (Smith and this case fish conduct their entire life in
Wootten, 1978; Möller and Anders, 1986; captivity and are fed with non-infected
McClelland, 2002). feed (Lunestad, 2003).
434 K. Molnár et al.

In Vitro Culture of the Parasite the parasites. In live fish, only large para-
sites on or close to the surface of the body
Studies on the in vitro culture of marine are recognized. Red-coloured Philometra
nematodes have concentrated on marine species in the opercula and the fins or
anisakids. Thus, incubation of third-stage parasite nodules in the skin around
larvae of A. simplex (Carrajal et al., 1981), C. acipenseris can easily be observed. Large
P. decipiens (Likely and Burt, 1989) and nematodes inhabiting the gut and inner
C. osculatum (Likely and Burt, 1992) in organs are easily detected on dissection of
appropriate physiological media containing freshly killed, frozen or formalin-fixed ani-
serum, haemin and amino acids resulted in mals; in the case of small nematodes, a dis-
moulting and in some cases in development secting microscope is necessary. Infection
of adult egg-producing worms. Similar suc- with histozoic species, such as the small
cessful results were obtained with in vitro skrjabillanid nematodes, can be diagnosed
culture of H. aduncum from third-stage lar- on live material under a microscope. Scrap-
vae to adult worms by Iglesias et al. (2002). ings of intestinal serosa can be examined
The process was developed by Adroher under a dissecting microscope for the deli-
et al. (2004), who managed to follow the cate capillariid nematodes and larval
development process of H. aduncum in stages. Larval nematodes in the internal
vitro from the third-stage larvae to the organs are usually found in squash prepara-
hatching of the new generation third-stage tions between two glass plates. Physiologi-
larvae. Further studies could also focus on cal 0.6% fish saline is necessary to keep
the culture of all stages for a repeatable, nematodes alive. Before fixing, nematodes
complete in vitro life cycle. are rinsed in saline. For fixation, a hot mix-
ture of 70% ethanol and glycerine (9 : 1
part) or a hot mixture of saline and 40%
Identification and Diagnosis of Infection formalin can be used. For diagnosis of
Anguillicola infection in the lumen of the
General methods for identifying nematodes swim bladder, Beregi et al. (1998) suggested
are described in textbooks by Bykhovskaya- X-ray (Fig. 12.22) and Székely et al. (2004)
Pavlovskaya (1969), Fernando et al. (1972), used computer tomographic methods.
Bauer et al. (1977), Bauer (1987), Sindermann Male genital organs can be studied by
(1990) and Moravec (1994). placing the worms in glycerine or lacto-
Methods for diagnosis of nematodes phenol under a cover slip for clearing. For
much depend on the size and location of staining permanent mounts, carmine staining

Fig. 12.22. X-ray as a tool for diagnosis of A. crassus infection of eel swim bladder. Note the large
convoluted worms (arrows) in the swim bladder and the ductus pneumaticus (× 1).
Phylum Nematoda 435

or Thatcher’s method (Petter and Thatcher, shape and length of the worms, the location
1988) is suggested. Oral papillae can be of the vulva and the shape of the spicule
studied by en face preparations (e.g. as sug- (Berland, 1970).
gested by Anderson, 1958).
Identification is based on morphologi-
cal characters. Thus, relative proportion of Molecular tools
length and width is used. An important
feature is the overall shape of the worm, The recent development of molecular tech-
specifically the presence of papillae, alae, niques has provided alternative and, in
boring tooth, striations, oral opening, excre- some cases, more accurate diagnostic tools.
tory pore opening location, caeca and app- Thus, PCR-based methods include amplifi-
endages on oesophagus, ventriculus and cation of genes encoding ribosomal RNA.
intestine. As an example, it can be men- Direct alignment and comparison of DNA
tioned that the identification of a number of sequences may reveal differences between
species (P. decipiens, Pseudoterranova species. By using the PCR-restriction frag-
krabbei, Pseudoterranova bulbosa and ment length polymorphism (RFLP) method,
Pseudoterranova azarasi), comprising a various closely related nematodes can be
species complex previously referred to as differentiated on their banding pattern in
P. decipiens (Paggi et al., 2000), has tradi- an agarose gel (Kijewska et al., 2002;
tionally been based on such structures. Szostakowska et al., 2002). Further, mito-
Morphologically, the worm is characterized chondrial DNA sequences have been found
by an anteriorly directed intestinal caecum, to be valuable for differentiation between
no ventricular caecum and an excretory sibling species within Contracaecum
pore opening at the nerve ring. Most ogmorhini (Mattiucci et al., 2003). In addi-
ascaridoids are clearly differentiated from tion, electrophoresis of enzymes from vari-
Anisakis spp. Anisakis larvae are easily ous nematodes and subsequent comparison
identified by the lack of caeca on the intes- of gel migration distances allow separation
tine and ventriculus. Likewise a character- of such species. These techniques were
istic tail spine is found. The excretory pore also used for confirmation of mitochon-
is located anterior to the nerve ring (Smith drial DNA results from C. ogmorhini
and Wootten, 1978). The differential diag- studies (Mattiucci et al., 2003). These have
nosis of C. osculatum is also feasible using been found to be feasible for differentiation
morphology. Both ventricular and intesti- between the genera Anisakis, Contra-
nal caeca are found and the excretory pore caecum and Pseudoterranova (Mattiucci
opens anterior to the nerve ring. Species of et al., 1998). P. decipiens was formerly
Porrocaecum and Phocascaris are difficult considered to be a single, well-defined
to distinguish morphologically, but the for- species, but recent allozyme work has
mer genus is presumed to be in birds while shown that this entity comprises a species
the latter genus is in seals (Paggi et al., complex like P. decipiens (sensu stricto),
2000). Some similarity exists between P. krabbei, P. bulbosa and P. azarasi (Paggi
Contracaecum spp. and Hysterothylacium et al., 2000). Similar techniques were used
spp. larvae. However, several differences by Mattiucci et al. (2002) for differentiation
are found, among which the location of the between Anisakis typica and other species
opening of the excretory pore is important. within the genus.
The third-stage larva of Hysterothylacium
has no lips and carries characteristic caeca
on both the intestine and ventriculus, but Prevention and Control
the excretory pore opens below the nerve
ring (Fagerholm, 1982). Likewise, morpho- Parasitic nematodes primarily affect fish in
logical differences are obviously used to natural waters. Only a smaller proportion
diffentiate adult nematodes in fish. The of them cause problems in fish ponds and
identification of cucullanids is based on the aquaria.
436 K. Molnár et al.

Lo (1988) summarized the methods for marine animals if dosage and exposure time
treating the valuable discus fish (Symp- are appropriate. Benzimidazoles, pyrantel,
hysodon) in an aquarium. Anthelmintics, morantel, avermectins and levamisole are
such as garlic oil, piperazine, trichlorphon all drugs with high nematicidal potential.
and levamisole, have varying effectiveness
when administered in food. He suggested
trichlorphon in a bath (concentration of Prophylaxis
4 ppm or 7 ppm), but several side effects
were recorded. Pena et al. (1988) found that Bauer and Hoffman (1976) as well as
fresh minced garlic (200 mg/l water) and its Molnár (1987) emphasized the importance
hexane extract were 100% effective in treat- of the control of intercontinental transfer of
ing Capillaria in carp, while ammonium fishes. These authors, as well as Bauer et al.
potassium tartrate (1.5 mg/l, twice daily) was (1981) and Schäperclaus (1992), recom-
86% effective. mended that all wild fish should be exam-
Avdosev (1978) suggested that Philo- ined for internal and external parasites
metroides lusiana could be controlled dur- before stocking. Parasites spread by fish-
ing the larval shedding period by killing the eating birds can be the most effectively con-
intermediate host cyclops in the pond with trolled if the definitive host birds are kept
0.325 g/m3 trichlorphon administered three away from ponds or the water supply con-
times at 10-day intervals. Vasilkov et al. taining intermediate hosts. Bauer et al.
(1974) found that ditrazine citrate, adminis- (1981) suggested that, at the time of larval
tered in an oral dose of 0.4 g/kg of fish, was release of P. cyprini, brood fishes should be
effective against P. cyprini (P. lusiana) isolated from susceptible young fish.
developing in common carp, and the same Heat inactivation (60°C) or freezing
drug was effective even in a dose of 0.3 g/kg (−20°C for 24 h) will kill infective third-stage
when inoculated into the abdominal cavity. larvae of Anisakis spp. (Smith and Wootten,
The effects were examined of a few 1978). Likewise, Pseudoterranova larvae are
anthelmintics against A. crassus infection killed in fish products by storage at −30°C for
of the eels. Taraschewski et al. (1988) tested a minimum of 15 h or at −20°C for at least
five drugs but only levamisole-HCl proved 7 days (McClelland, 2002). Immunopro-
to be effective. Hartmann (1989) found that phylaxis in fish against nematode infections
levamisole in bath treatment was effective has not been achieved, although it is known
in 2 and 5 mg/l doses. from veterinary immunoparasitology that
Controlled studies by Tojo et al. (1994) immune reactions in farm animals can elimi-
showed that experimental infections of nate infections. We suggest that it is time to
rainbow trout with A. simplex third-stage initiate studies on developing vaccines
larvae were only weakly influenced 6 days against some of the more important patho-
post-treatment by anthelmintics such as genic nematodes in fishes.
mebendazole, flubendazole, parbendazole,
triclabendazole, piperazine, netobimin,
trichlorphon and nitroscanate. However, Summary and Conclusions
previous in vitro studies have shown effects
of mebendazole, flubendazole, triclaben- Knowledge of fish nematodes varies greatly.
dazole, nitroscanate and various types of The nematode fauna of fish in Europe and
Chinese herbal medicine on Anisakis spp. the northern parts of Asia and America is
larvae (Tojo et al., 1994). Other in vitro relatively well studied. Little is known,
studies showed clear effects of ivermectin however, about fish nematodes of South
on larvae and adults of P. decipiens Asia, Africa, Australia and Latin America.
(Manley and Embil, 1989). Therefore, it is All nematodes in marine fishes with zoo-
likely that some anthelmintics used to treat notic relevance have been studied and, of
nematode infections in humans and ani- these, large-sized ascaridoid and philo-
mals may be effective against nematodes of metrid nematodes are the best known.
Phylum Nematoda 437

Small-sized nematodes, such as the done on A. crassus infections. R. acus and

skrjabillanids, are known mostly from Europe, A. simplex also seem to be experimental
although recent studies on fishes of Central tools for studying pathogenic effect of
America show that their distribution may nematodes.
also be high in other continents. In most There is no effective drug against fish
cases, only the intestinal tract is examined nematodes. Although nematodes cause rela-
and histozoic nematodes infecting inner tively few problems in propagated fishes in
organs, serous membranes and muscles may fish farms or cage cultures, they are rela-
not be found by inexperienced examiners. tively important in aquarium fishes.
There is an urgent need for the intro-
duction of molecular methods in the
research of fish nematodes. This method Acknowledgements
can be useful in synonymizing or separating
morphologically similar species and find- We would like to thank Tibor Kassai for
ing latent infections with small histozoic critically reading the text, and colleagues
nematodes. Ferenc Baska, José Bresciani and György
Pathogenicity of fish parasites is mostly Csaba for providing Figs 12.2, 12.5, 12.6,
based on field observations, except studies 12.8, 12.14 and 12.21.


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13 Phylum Acanthocephala

Brent B. Nickol
School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln,
NE 68588-0118, USA

Introduction in lampreys (Hoffman, 1999), rays (Brooks and

Amato, 1992; Sanmartin et al., 2000; Knoff
Acanthocephalans are endoparasitic worms et al., 2001) and sharks (Yamaguti, 1961).
comprising approximately 1100 species Sturgeons, primitive ray-fin fishes
(Golvan, 1994), nearly one-half of which are (Chondrostei), have one acanthocephalan
found as adults in the intestine of fishes. species specific to them (Choudhury and
Juvenile worms of many other species occur Dick, 2001) and are reported to host another
in the viscera, especially the mesentery and 14 species incidentally (Choudhury and
liver, of fishes that act as paratenic hosts. Dick, 1998). Bowfins and gars, intermediate
Although these parasites are not usually ray-fin fishes, harbour another few species
regarded as having significant economic (Golvan and de Buron, 1988; Hoffman,
importance, epizootics are known from 1999). Most of the acanthocephalans of pis-
hatcheries (Bullock, 1963) and they have cine hosts are found in the bony fishes
been linked to local extinction of natural (Teleostei). More species of Acanthocephala
populations (Schmidt et al., 1974). There is are found in the cypriniform families
little knowledge of the more subtle effects the Cyprinidae and Catostomidae than in any
parasite has on host populations, but mortality other piscine family.
might be significant when hosts are stressed
(Jilek, 1979; Connors and Nickol, 1991).
Seasonal Fluctuations

Host and Geographical Distribution A review of seasonal occurrence of acantho-

cephalan species in piscine hosts (Chubb,
Freshwater and marine fishes from the Arctic 1982) reveals many differences among spe-
(Van Cleave, 1920) to the Antarctic cies and geographical localities. Kennedy
(Zdzitowiecki, 2001) and from surface (1972) found that feeding response was an
waters to the depths of the ocean (Noble, important factor in controlling the intensity of
1973; Wayland et al., 1999) harbour acan- Pomphorhynchus laevis in dace (Leuciscus
thocephalans. Fishes of most systematic leuciscus) and that water temperature
groups are parasitized. Although these para- influenced this response. Unless negated by
sites are rare in agnathans and elasmo- another factor, such as temperature-dependent
branchs, a few species are known to occur rejection (Kennedy, 1972), prevalence and
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
444 (ed. P.T.K. Woo)
Phylum Acanthocephala 445

intensity should be greatest during times invertebrate hosts occurs during summer
when intermediate hosts with infective lar- and early autumn. Development in hosts
vae constitute an appropriate portion of the infected late in the season is retarded by
diet of definitive hosts. When this occurs low temperatures (Olson and Nickol, 1995)
throughout the year, there may be no sea- until spring.
sonal periodicity in the occurrence of acan- Some acanthocephalans show adapta-
thocephalans. For example, P. laevis shows tions directly related to seasonal events in
no seasonal periodicity in prevalence, the life histories of fishes. Peak egg produc-
intensity or development and maturation in tion by Fessisentis friedi apparently occurs
chub (Leuciscus cephalus) in the Danube as pickerel (Esox americanus) move into
River basin of the Czech and Slovak repub- shallow water to spawn (Muzzall, 1978).
lics where the amphipod intermediate host Maximum intensity and egg production of
is available to fish throughout the year Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli in white suckers
(Moravec and Scholz, 1991). (Catostomus commersoni) have also been
Absence of seasonal periodicity does related to migration and spawning (Muzzall,
not imply that rates of recruitment and mor- 1980). In Lake Michigan, Echinorhynchus
tality are constant throughout the year. salmonis reaches peak sexual maturity in
High water temperatures (under laboratory chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
conditions) reduce the success with which during spawning (Amin, 1978). These sea-
P. laevis establishes in goldfish (Carassius sonal patterns result in peak egg production
auratus); hence Kennedy (1972) suggested by the acanthocephalans when fishes are in
that increased feeding by fish in the shallow waters, where appropriate inverte-
summer offsets a lower rate of parasite brate intermediate hosts are most abundant.
establishment. Thus, seasonal differences A common type of cycle consists of
in rates of recruitment and mortality (from spring recruitment by fishes after the environ-
failure to establish in fish) could occur even ment has warmed and fish and invertebrate
if parasite occurrence shows no periodicity. hosts have become active, summer transmis-
There are instances in which appro- sion between fishes and invertebrates, slow
priate invertebrate intermediate hosts are development in invertebrates during the win-
consumed by definitive hosts throughout ter and completion of larval development
the year, but there are definite seasonal with rising temperatures in the spring.
cycles in infections. Awachie (1965) dem- Deviations from the spring ‘recruitment
onstrated that, even though infective larvae cycle’ are often related to deviations in
of Echinorhynchus truttae occur in Gammarus fish–invertebrate relationships and envi-
pulex and the amphipods are an important ronmental disturbances. Prevalence of
part of the food of brown trout (Salmo E. salmonis in yellow perch (Perca flavescens)
trutta) all year, seasonal differences in den- in Lake Ontario rises in the autumn, after
sities of infective larvae lead to fluctuating which it declines until the parasite is absent
occurrence in fish. Variations in habits of from fish during the summer (Tedla and
hosts during the year, for instance, changes Fernando, 1970). Watson and Dick (1979)
in diet, also cause seasonal differences in also found that E. salmonis was most com-
prevalence and intensity of infections mon in white fish (Coregonus clupeaformis)
(O’Neill and Whelan, 2002). from Southern Indian Lake, Manitoba, in late
Kennedy (1970) suggested that, when autumn when the amphipod intermediate
maturation of helminths from freshwater host was a prominent white fish food item.
fishes shows seasonal cycles, peak egg pro- In instances where invertebrates are
duction almost always occurs late in spring rare or absent during winter, the cycle may
or early in summer. This generalization be altered. This results in recruitment to
applies to many, but not all, species of the definitive host population in the
Acanthocephala. Annual cycles in fishes autumn. Maturation then is slow, with egg
frequently begin with recruitment in spring, production occurring in the spring. Eure
and most transmission between fish and (1976) found this for Neoechinorhynchus
446 B.B. Nickol

cylindratus in a heated reservoir in South and 16S rRNA) and a relatively small num-
Carolina. Recruitment into largemouth bass ber of species. The ‘unequal rate effect’, or
(Micropterus salmoides) occurs in the ‘long branch attraction’, is a common
autumn, while ostracod numbers decrease. source of error in phylogenetic analyses of
By November, ostracods are scarce and molecular data that has often been ignored
most acanthocephalans are in bass. Egg pro- (Garey and Schmidt-Rhaesa, 1998). Genetic
duction is delayed until spring, when differentiation found among populations
ostracods are again abundant. of P. laevis in European fishes (Kral’ova-
Environmental disturbances might not Hromadova et al., 2003) suggests that at
affect host relationships of all parasites sim- least some acanthocephalan taxa are evolv-
ilarly. Contrary to Eure’s (1976) findings, ing rapidly and thus are likely candidates
Boxrucker (1979) detected no seasonal for inducing the long branch attraction
difference in prevalence or intensity of error. The variety of conclusions reached
P. bulbocolli in a thermally heated area in from analysis of molecular data (Zrzavy,
Lake Monona, Wisconsin. Instead, he found 2001) suggests that phylogenetic relation-
that, in an unheated area, this species dis- ships of the group likely will remain contro-
played the familiar pattern of increasing versial until analysis of other suitable genes
prevalence and intensity during the spring is completed and more species are studied.
followed by declining numbers in autumn. As presently constituted, the phylum
Elevated winter temperatures may have Acanthocephala comprises four classes,
resulted in more rapid parasite development totalling nine orders (Table 13.1). Members
in intermediate hosts, and in fish feeding of the class Archiacanthocephala do not
more extensively on them, than during occur in fish. The entire class Polyacantho-
winter in unheated environments. cephala contains only four species, most
commonly parasites of South American cai-
mans. However, at least two of the species
Origin and Systematics occur as larvae in the liver of fishes that
apparently act as paratenic hosts (Amin
Phylogenetic affinities of the phylum et al., 1996; Aloo and Dezfuli, 1997). Nearly
Acanthocephala have been debated among all of the species found in fishes belong to
biologists for more than a century. Some the classes Eoacanthocephala and Palaea-
have regarded the invaginable proboscis, the canthocephala. With the exception of nine
general body form and the pseudocoelom as species found in North American turtles
evidence of affinity to the nematodes, (Barger and Nickol, 2004), all eoacantho-
priapulids and kinorhynchs (Meyer, 1933; cephalans are parasites of fishes. Among
Morris and Crompton, 1982). Van Cleave the palaeacanthocephalans, all of the order
(1941) emphasized that the life cycle with Echinorhynchida are parasites of fishes
no free-living stage points to an ancestral except for a few species that occur as adults
group that was already parasitic. He consid- in amphibians. Acanthocephalans in the
ered embryology, the types of intermediate other palaeacanthocephalan order, Poly-
hosts and anatomical features to indicate a morphida, occur as adults in birds and mam-
close relationship with cestodes. mals, but larvae of many species are found in
More recently, molecular techniques for viscera of fishes that act as paratenic hosts.
genetic analysis suggest that Acanthocephala
and Rotifera are sister taxa (Garcia-Varela
et al., 2000; Herlyn et al., 2003) or even that Morphology
Acanthocephala is a clade within Rotifera
(Garey et al., 1998; Welch, 2000). Although Acanthocephalans are bilaterally symmet-
molecular data indicating close affinity with rical, dioecious, pseudocoelomate worms
rotifers appear convincing, conclusions have that lack an alimentary canal. They are
been based on nucleotide sequences from characterized by a spined proboscis that is
only two genes (18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) invaginable and retractable into a saccular
Table 13.1. Characterization of the classes and orders of the phylum Acanthocephala.

Principal definitive Principal intermediate

Taxon Key recognition features1 hosts hosts2

Class Polyacanthocephala Main lacunar canals dorsal and ventral; cement glands 8, elongate with Crocodilians Unknown
multiple large nuclei; proboscis receptacle closed sac with single muscle
layer; tegumental nuclei numerous, amitotic fragments
Order Polyacanthorhynchida Only order of the class
Class Archiacanthocephala Main lacunar canals dorsal and ventral; cement glands 8, spherical with Birds and mammals Terrestrial insects
single nucleus; proboscis receptacle single-walled, often with ventral
cleft; tegumental nuclei few, elongate or branched, if fragmented,
fragments close together
Order Apororhynchida Proboscis globular, not retractable, spineless or with rootless spines Birds Unknown

Phylum Acanthocephala
usually not reaching surface
Order Gigantorhynchida Proboscis conical, retractable, with distinct regions of large anterior hooks Birds and mammals Orthoptera, Coleoptera
and small posterior spines
Order Moniliformida Proboscis cylindrical, retractable, with strongly recurved hooks diminishing Mammals Cockroaches
in size anterior to posterior and arranged in longitudinal rows
Order Oligacanthorhynchida Proboscis spherical, retractable, with few large hooks arranged in spirals Birds and mammals Orthoptera, Coleoptera
Class Palaeacanthocephala Main lacunar canals lateral; cement glands 2–8, with fragmented nuclei; Fishes, amphibians, Crustacea
proboscis receptacle closed sac with 2 muscle layers; tegumental nuclei birds and mammals
numerous, amitotic fragments or few highly branched fragments
Order Echinorhynchida Palaeacanthocephala of lower vertebrates Fishes and Amphipods, isopods
Order Polymorphida Palaeacanthocephala of higher vertebrates Birds and mammals Amphipods, isopods,
Class Eoacanthocephala Main lacunar canals dorsal and ventral; cement gland single syncytium Fishes Crustacea
with large nuclei; proboscis receptacle closed sac with single muscle
layer; tegumental nuclei few, large
Order Gyracanthocephala Eoacanthocephalans with trunk spines Fishes Copepods
Order Neoechinorhynchida Eoacanthocephala without trunk spines Fishes Ostracods

1For a complete key to classes, orders, families and subfamilies, see Amin (1987).

2For a complete list of known intermediate hosts, see Schmidt (1985).
448 B.B. Nickol

proboscis receptacle (Fig. 13.1). Body length an unarmed region immediately behind the
of adults varies greatly among species, rang- proboscis, bounded anteriorly by the most
ing from less than 2 mm to greater than proximal proboscis hooks and posteriorly
700 mm. Acanthocephalans of most species by an invagination of body wall (Van Cleave,
are about 10 mm long. 1947). The neck is usually short and incon-
Attachment to the host intestine is by spicuous, but in some genera it is extremely
means of a proboscis (Fig. 13.2). Hooks and elongated and may be inflated to form a
spines on the proboscis are arranged in a bulb. The remainder of the body is a trunk,
variety of patterns, which serve as important which, in some species, bears tegumental
taxonomic characters. The neck (Fig. 13.1) is spines, which may enhance attachment to
the host intestine (Aznar et al., 2002). As all
ontogenetic stages lack alimentary canals, a
genital pore is the only opening visible by
light microscopy. The genital pore occurs
posteriorly on the trunk, and in males it
is surrounded by an invaginable bursa
(Fig. 13.1).
Apart from the anterior lemnisci and
proboscis receptacle, the only conspicuous
internal organs are those of the reproduc-
tive system. In males there are two testes,

Fig. 13.1. Camera lucida drawings of

Arhythmacanthus paraplagusiarum from the
tonguefish Paraplagusia guttata. (i) Proboscis.
(ii) Ventral view of posterior extremity of female. (iii)
Lateral view of posterior extremity of female.
(iv) Posterior tip of proboscis receptacle. (v) Male,
entire. B, bursa; C, cement gland; L, lemniscus; Fig. 13.2. Scanning electron micrograph of the
N, neck; R, proboscis receptacle; S, selector proboscis and neck of Acanthocephalus lucii, a
apparatus; T, anterior testis; U, uterus; UB, uterine parasite of several species of European fishes. Scale
bell; V, vagina; VS, vaginal sphincter. (From Nickol, bar = 0.2 mm. (Unpublished micrograph, courtesy
1972.) of D.W.T. Crompton and O.L. Lassiere.)
Phylum Acanthocephala 449

followed posteriorly by one to eight cement ganglia and a bursal ganglion. Sensory
glands (Fig. 13.1). In members of the class receptors are simple and inconspicuous. An
Eoacanthocephala, there is a separate cement apical sense organ, varying in form from a
reservoir, whereas in those of other classes papilla to a depression surrounded by a
ducts from cement glands may be dilated to small elevated rim, occurs at the tip of the
store secretions of the cement glands. Effer- proboscis (Dunagan and Bozzola, 1992). In
ent ducts from the testes and cement glands, the class Eoacanthocephala, this structure
or cement reservoir, join posteriorly and appears to lack a sensory function (Herlyn,
discharge through a small copulatory organ. 2001) and it might not be homologous to
Acanthocephalan ovaries fragment apical organs of other acanthocephalans.
early in development to form ovarian balls, Paired lateral sense organs appear as depres-
which float free in the pseudocoelom. As sions on the neck, but not all species pos-
development proceeds, the pseudocoelom sess apical or lateral sense organs. Males
fills with eggs, which have four membranes possess sense organs on the bursa.
surrounding the developing larva (acanthor). Most acanthocephalans, including all
Eggs are passed through a funnel-shaped of those found in fishes, do not possess an
uterine bell to a selector apparatus, which excretory system. When an excretory sys-
allows only fully formed eggs into the uterus tem is present, the protonephridial organs
(Fig. 13.1). Other eggs are directed back to discharge through ducts that for males enter
the pseudocoelom through a series of canals the vas deferens and for females enter the
and pores. The female system terminates in uterus.
a vagina, regulated by a vaginal sphincter,
which discharges through a genital pore.
The body is covered by a thin glycocalyx Life Cycle and Transmission
(Beermann et al., 1974), beneath which is a
bilayered plasma membrane. Numerous Life history
foldings of the plasma membrane form canals
(about 15 nm in diameter) in the outer layer Acanthocephalans require vertebrate ani-
of the tegument (Stranack et al., 1966). The mals as definitive hosts and arthropods as
fibrous syncytial tegument, sometimes intermediate hosts. Those with terrestrial
called hypodermis, comprises three layers: definitive hosts usually have insect inter-
an outer striped layer, pierced by numerous mediate hosts, whereas those with aquatic
crypts formed by the infolded plasma mem- definitive hosts usually require micro-
brane (Fig. 13.3), a middle felt layer, which crustaceans (amphipods, copepods, isopods
contains large concentrations of glycogen or ostracods). Schmidt (1985) provided a
(von Brand, 1939), and an inner radial layer, complete list of acanthocephalan inter-
which contains the tegumental nuclei and a mediate hosts known at the time.
network of unlined channels that form the Intermediate hosts are infected by
lacunar system. In the neck, the radial layer ingestion of eggs voided with the faeces of
extends into the pseudocoelom as a pair of definitive hosts. Eggs hatch in the alimen-
projections called lemnisci (Fig. 13.1). tary tract of the intermediate host. The
Beneath the tegument, the body wall acanthor, armed with an aclid organ, pene-
consists of an outer layer of circular and an trates the gut and continues to develop
inner layer of longitudinal muscles, a series through several ontogenetic stages (known
of tubular canals that may have a circula- as acanthellae) in the serosa. During these
tory function, and the rete system, which is stages, primordia of adult organs are laid
associated with the body wall musculature down. Late in acanthella development, the
(Miller and Dunagan, 1985). proboscis invaginates and all structures
The nervous system consists of a cere- of adult worms are present. This juvenile,
bral ganglion located in the proboscis or cystacanth, is the infective stage for a
receptacle, nerves branching from the cere- definitive host. Details of larval develop-
bral ganglion and, in males, a pair of genital ment were described by Ward (1940) for
450 B.B. Nickol

Fig. 13.3. Transmission electron micrograph of the tegument of Leptorhynchoides thecatus from a green
sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) showing crypts (C), fibres (F) of the felt layer and mitochondria (M).
Scale bar = 0.005 mm. (Unpublished micrograph, courtesy of J.A. Ewald.)

N. cylindratus, a common acanthocephalan definitive hosts, they penetrate the intestine

of bass, and by DeGiusti (1949) for Lepto- and localize in extra-intestinal sites, where
rhynchoides thecatus, a species reported they remain as cystacanths in these para-
from at least 122 piscine species. Ingestion tenic hosts. Predatory definitive hosts, there-
of a cystacanth-containing intermediate fore, frequently acquire acanthocephalans
host results in infection of a definitive host. from prey animals that serve as paratenic
hosts. Fishes are important paratenic hosts
for many species, especially those of the
Intercalated hosts genus Corynosoma that are found as adults
in marine birds and mammals (Valtonen
In all documented cases, fully formed et al., 2001).
cystacanths are infective to definitive hosts Transfer of adult worms from one defin-
directly from their invertebrate intermediate itive host to another is often assumed not to
host. When cystacanths of some species are occur. When ingested as adults within their
ingested by vertebrates that are unsuitable as definitive hosts, however, some species of
Phylum Acanthocephala 451

parasites survive and parasitize the predator. which behavioural modifications actually
Transmission of this sort, known as post- promote transmission is largely untested
cyclic transmission, has been reported for 11 experimentally, three-spined sticklebacks
species of Acanthocephala, eight of which (Gasterosteus aculeatus) preferentially con-
are transferred from fish to fish in this sume P. laevis-infected prey when given a
manner (Nickol, 2003). choice between equal numbers of infected
and uninfected amphipods (Bakker and
Mundwiler, 1999).
Enhancement of transmission

Eggs of several acanthocephalan species Host–Parasite Relationships

possess filaments that entangle in aquatic
vegetation and apparently anchor them in Site selection
the habitat occupied by their intermediate
hosts (Fig. 13.4). Habitat segregation result- After ingestion by the definitive host,
ing from differences in structure among cystacanths are activated and attach to the
eggs increases the likelihood of transmis- wall of the small intestine. Many species
sion to the correct host (Barger and Nickol, apparently remain at the activation site and
1998) and helps avoid deleterious effects of develop to maturity. Others migrate and
interspecific infections (Barger and Nickol, localize in specific regions of the intestine
1999). (Crompton 1975; Kennedy, 1985). Several
Transmission is enhanced for many factors, including physiological differences
species by parasite-induced changes that along the alimentary tract (Richardson and
alter the behaviour of intermediate hosts Nickol, 1999), maximization of sexual con-
(Bakker et al., 1997; Moore, 2002) or render gress (Richardson and Nickol, 2000) and
them more conspicuous to predators (Mazzi ageing (Taraschewski, 2000), have been
and Bakker, 2003). Although the degree to implicated in site specificity. In most cases,

Fig. 13.4. Scanning electron micrograph of an egg from Leptorhynchoides thecatus showing unwrapping
of embryonic membranes. Unwrapped membranes entangle aquatic vegetation and anchor eggs in habitats
of intermediate host feeding. Scale bar = 0.01 mm. (Unpublished micrograph courtesy of M.A. Barger.)
452 B.B. Nickol

however, it is unknown whether differ- copulation. Although females of some spe-

ences in sites occupied result from differ- cies, especially those parasitic in mammals,
ences in sites of activation, differential may live longer than a year, most in poikilo-
mortality or emigration by the parasites. thermic hosts live about one season. There
may be more than one generation each year.

Course of infection
Clinical signs and gross pathology
Shortly after infection, the proboscis is sur-
rounded by necrotic tissue, which becomes Acanthocephalans in moribund or dead ani-
haemorrhagic and inflamed after a few days. mals are frequently assumed to indicate dele-
During the second week after infection by terious effects; worms have been observed
species that penetrate deeply (e.g. in fish, extending from the rectum (Schmidt et al.,
Acanthocephalus anguillae, P. bulbocolli, 1974; Fig. 13.5) or protruding through the
P. laevis), inflamed tissue around the ante- trunk (Taraschewski, 2000) of infected fishes.
rior portion of the worm is dominated by There are, however, numerous instances of
monocytes and macrophages maturing into exceedingly heavy infections in animals that
epithelioid cells, and an outer belt of con- do not show any obvious disease.
nective tissue appears (Taraschewski, 2000). Bullock (1963) described trout of several
This chronic stage often results in a fibrous species infected with Acanthocephalus dirus
nodule visible on the outer surface of the
intestine. Species that do not penetrate
deeply (e.g. in fish, Acanthocephalus lucii,
E. truttae, N. cylindratus) move about in the
intestine and change their point of attach-
ment before the connective-tissue response
results in nodules (Adel-Meguid et al., 1995).
Copulation in the definitive host may
occur within 24 h of infection (Muzzall and
Rabalais, 1975). In laboratory infections of
green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus), copula-
tion within a group of L. thecatus continued
at least 12 weeks after infection (Richardson
et al., 1997). For most species, egg produc-
tion starts between 4 and 8 weeks after
infection and continues for approximately
2 months. The number of eggs produced
daily by each female acanthocephalan is
unknown for most species, but it appears to
be related to the size of the worm. At peak
production, a female Macracanthorhynchus
hirudinaceus (large worms found in pigs)
may produce about 260,000 eggs per day
(Kates, 1944), a female Moniliformis monili-
formis (intermediate-sized worms in rats)
about 4800 (Reyda and Nickol, 2001) and a
female Polymorphus minutus (small worms
found in waterfowl) about 1700 (Crompton
and Whitfield, 1968). Fig. 13.5. Photograph of Acanthocephalus dirus
Male worms have shorter lifespans than attached to the prolapsed rectum of a mottled
do females; death of males and subsequent sculpin (Cottus bairdi). Photograph = actual size.
loss from the host may begin shortly after (From Schmidt et al., 1974).
Phylum Acanthocephala 453

Fig. 13.6. External view of intestine from a

quillback (Carpiodes cyprinus) showing a
parasite-induced nodule (P) and expansion of the
intestine compared with the normal gut (NG) from a
fish infected with Neoechinorhynchus carpiodi.
Scale bar = 5 mm. (From Szalai and Dick, 1987.)

as having underdeveloped musculature,

heads that were disproportionately large
and a slightly concave dorsolateral sur-
face. He interpreted these as signs of
malnutrition. Fig. 13.7. Transverse section through the region of
Fibrotic nodules induced on the intes- the pyloric caeca of a green sunfish (Lepomis
tinal surface (Fig. 13.6) by deeply penetrat- cyanellus) infected with Leptorhynchoides thecatus,
ing worms are the most frequent signs of showing unparasitized caecum (top) and enlarged
infection. At times the viscera may be dis- parasitized caecum (bottom). Note the compressed
coloured or the infected intestine enlarged and eroded villi along the trunk of the parasite
and inflamed. Pyloric caeca of green sun- (a) compared with normal villi in the unparasitized
fish (L. cyanellus) infected with L. thecatus caecum. Scale bar = 0.1 mm. (Unpublished
micrograph, courtesy of I. de Buron.)
are nearly twice the diameter of those in
uninfected fish of the same size (de Buron
and Nickol, 1994; Fig. 13.7). Acanthocepha-
lans occasionally perforate the intestinal thickening (Bullock, 1963). In some species,
wall and protrude into the coelom or attach fibroplasia extends to layers of the muscularis
their proboscides to another organ. mucosa (de Buron and Nickol, 1994).
Worms of the deeply penetrating spe-
cies often possess very long necks and bul-
Histopathology bous proboscides, which anchor them deep
within the gut wall of their piscine hosts.
Acanthocephalans embed their spiny pro- Dezfuli et al. (2002a) described the cellular
boscis into the mucosal epithelium. Attach- structure of a fibrotic tunnel that forms
ment is frequently between villi. At the site around the neck and proboscis bulb of
of attachment, cells are destroyed and P. laevis. The tunnel terminates in a capsule,
fibroblasts, lymphocytes and macrophages covered by serosa and mesentery, which
are mobilized below the lamina propria protrudes several millimetres into the
(Dezfuli et al., 1990), where chronic fibrinous coelomic cavity (Fig. 13.8). Sometimes these
inflammation, resulting in an increased capsules persist as conspicuous fibrinous
amount of connective tissue, causes nodules on the external surface of the
454 B.B. Nickol

Fig. 13.8. Section of chub (Leuciscus cephalus) intestine showing penetration of Pomphorhynchus laevis.
Note hyperplasia of the lamina propria (arrows) around the neck (cou) and bulbous proboscis (P) of the
worm, forming a nodule in the coelom. An anterior portion of the trunk (T) of the worm shows in the
intestinal lumen. Scale bar = 1 mm. (Unpublished micrograph, courtesy of I. de Buron.)

alimentary canal, or the proboscis perfo- goblet cells in parasitized pyloric caeca
rates the capsule to emerge free in the than in unparasitized caeca in the same fish
coelom or to penetrate the liver or another (de Buron and Nickol, 1994). This suggests
visceral organ. Similar findings were a parasite-induced response that might
reported for P. bulbocolli in rainbow darters lessen damage from the erosive nature of
(Etheostoma caeruleum) (McDonough and the worms. Taraschewski (2000) concluded
Gleason, 1981) and two species of cato- that mucins from goblet cells also contrib-
stomids (Chaicharn and Bullock, 1967). ute to the expulsion of acanthocephalans
A. anguillae is also known to perforate the from immunized hosts.
intestine of its host and attach to the liver.
In goldfish (C. auratus), large portions
of this organ are replaced by proliferative Pathophysiology
tissue, often with patches of pancreas,
surrounding the embedded proboscis Chronic fibrosis, destruction of intestinal
(Taraschewski, 1989a). villi and necrotic and degenerative changes
Most studies of acanthocephalan- in mucosal epithelium adversely affect
induced lesions reveal areas along the trunk motility and the absorptive efficiency of the
of the worm where the mucosal surface is fish intestine. This might affect the general
compressed or desquamated (Fig. 13.7). In health and growth of the host. According to
these cases, mucosal folds and tips of villi Bristol et al. (1984), there is a negative cor-
may be absent and the paramucosal lumen relation between the number of acantho-
contains large amounts of mucoid material cephalans and the amount of body lipid in
originating from goblet-cell hyperplasia. In trout, and Buchmann (1986) demonstrated
green sunfish infected with L. thecatus, a negative correlation between the number
there is a significantly greater number of of Echinorhynchus gadi present and energy
Phylum Acanthocephala 455

stores in Baltic cod (Gadus morhua). Trout of a secretion via the proboscis hooks.
infected with P. laevis have lower muscle Taraschewski (1989b) demonstrated pro-
protein than uninfected fish (Wanstall teolytic enzymes incorporated within
et al., 1982). Seasonal factors, such as host osmiophilic material associated with the
spawning or reduced winter feeding, exac- proboscis of Paratenuisentis ambiguus in
erbate the protein depletion. Wanstall et al. eels (Anguilla anguilla) and postulated that
(1982) suggested that P. laevis induced they are discharged from the worms through
mobilization of endogenous protein for pores in the proboscis hooks. Such enzymes
energy in preference to endogenous carbo- with trypsin-like activity secreted by
hydrates or lipids. This phenomenon is not P. laevis in chub (L. cephalus) degrade
uncommon in fishes under stress. Further, collagen (Polzer and Taraschewski, 1994)
the acanthocephalan Plagiorhynchus cylin- and thus are capable of degrading one or
draceus, considered of little pathological more of the major components of the host’s
consequence, has a significant detrimental gastrointestinal tissue.
effect on the flow of food energy through In addition to aggravating damage done
the host and alters its basal metabolism to cells and tissues by the proboscis, bio-
(Connors and Nickol, 1991). chemical reactions might also increase loss
There are few field studies that relate of gut motility caused by parasite-induced
acanthocephalan infections to the condi- fibrosis in the intestinal wall. Dezfuli et al.
tion factor or survivorship of fishes. Proba- (2002b) found that, when infected with
bly this is because less fit animals are P. laevis, brown trout (S. trutta) have altered
sampled less frequently as a result of more distribution and concentrations of calcitonin
efficient predation on sick and weak hosts. gene-related peptide, beta-endorphin, met-
Nevertheless, Bakker and Mundwiler (1999) enkephalin, neuropeptide Y, substance P,
and Sasal et al. (2001) have shown acantho- vasoactive intestinal peptide and bombesin-,
cephalans to have an adverse effect on the cholecistokinin-8- leu-enkephalin-, and sero-
fitness of their fish hosts. tonin-(5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT))-like
immunoreactive cells. Most of these neuro-
modulators are known to control gut motil-
Mechanism of disease ity and digestive and absorptive processes.
Changes in these functions probably occur
Several biologists have suggested that acan- in infected fishes.
thocephalans secrete toxic substances that
paralyse or kill their hosts or that promote
other patent pathological changes, such as
emaciation, discoloured viscera and prolapse Host Immune Response
of the rectum (Holloway, 1966; Fig. 13.5). No
such substance has been isolated, however, Cellular
and Schmidt et al. (1974) attributed such
damage to localized toxaemia and chronic The range of cellular and humoral immune
fibrinous inflammation, which result from mechanisms described in recent years for
laceration of cells at the site of attachment. teleosts makes it clear that the piscine
Action of the spined proboscis results immune system is relatively well developed
in destruction of mucosal cells and penetra- (Buchmann et al., 2001). Although there are
tion of the intestinal wall, with an accompa- few studies to demonstrate effective immuno-
nying loss of absorptive capability, impaired logical protection against acanthocephalans,
gut motility and sometimes perforation of there is evidence to suggest that some
the intestinal wall. Apparently this damage degree of immunity exists.
is exacerbated by biochemical reactions. Goblet-cell hyperplasia occurs widely
Miller and Dunagan (1971) described a in acanthocephalan infections. The cover-
pore-like opening and groove on acantho- ing created by copious secretion of mucus
cephalan hooks, and they postulated delivery and the presumed presence of antibodies
456 B.B. Nickol

within probably reduce the number of para- speculate that the antigenic substance is
sites that succeed in establishing (Thomas, produced only by mature worms.
2002). Despite a humoral response, chub
Apart from a proliferation of goblet cells, (L. cephalus) have large numbers of P. laevis
increased numbers of eosinophils, neutro- in a variety of stages of development. Harris
phils and monocytes at the attachment site (1972) found no evidence of expulsion of
characterize histopathological effects of worms, even from fish with mature worms.
acanthocephalans. Mobilization of leuco-
cytes occurs regardless of whether the fish
species is suitable for development of the Cross immunity
parasite, and Hamers et al. (1992) found
interspecific differences in the response Concurrent infections with more than one
of leucocytes in fishes parasitized by species of acanthocephalan and/or with
P. ambiguus. In eels (A. anguilla), a suitable other helminths of other phyla are frequent.
definitive host, the response was much less P. bulbocolli and A. dirus occur concur-
intense than in carp (Cyprinus carpio) or rently in rainbow darters (E. caeruleum),
rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), both where they occupy sites in close proximity
unsuitable hosts that expel the acantho- to one another. There appears to be no syn-
cephalans within a few days. The leuco- ergistic effect as both species cause damage
cytes damage acanthocephalan tegument as if they were in single-species infections
extensively in carp; hence Hamers et al. (McDonough and Gleason, 1981). In con-
(1992) concluded that cellular defence is a trast, numbers of the cestode Proteocephalus
factor in determining host specificity for exiguus and Neoechinorhynchus sp. show
P. ambiguus. an inverse relation in ciscos (Coregonus
artedii), although the two helminth species
occupy different intestinal sites. Cross
Humoral (1934) believed that non-specific immunity
limits either P. exiguus or the species of
Plasma cells (‘type B cell’) occur in the Neoechinorhynchus.
inflammatory tissue around the proboscis Very little is known about the nature of
of P. laevis in rainbow trout (Salmo precipitins in serum of acanthocephalan-
gairdneri), and they are probably responsi- infected fishes, and seldom has specific
ble for the humoral response produced by immunoglobulin been demonstrated. Szalai
the fish (Wanstall et al., 1986). Even though et al. (1988), however, confirmed that anti-
immunoglobulins are relatively slow to Neoechinorhynchus carpiodi precipitins in
develop in fish following an infection, and serum from infected quillback (Carpiodes
precipitins are rare (Taraschewski, 2000), cyprinus) were not complement-reactive
antibodies precipitating to acanthocephalan protein or the alpha migrating factor. Partial
antigens have been reported from sera (Harris, characterization of chub (L. cephalus) anti-
1970; Szalai et al., 1988) and intestinal body to P. laevis indicated that it is an
mucus (Harris, 1972) of infected fishes. Sera immunoglobulin M (IgM) type (Harris, 1972).
from chub (L. cephalus) held at 10°C and Consequently, precipitating antibody occurs
with no history of exposure to P. laevis do in at least one acanthocephalan infection
not have anti-P. laevis precipitins, but pre- but its role in limiting infection and the
cipitins were detected within 160 days after degree of species specificity are not known.
infection. Parenteral injection of P. laevis
antigen also induces a similar response by
150 days after injection (Harris, 1972).
Anti-P. laevis precipitins are not found in In Vitro Cultivation
four other piscine species in which P. laevis
occurs but, unlike in L. cephalus, does not Studies on nutritional requirements, devel-
reach maturity. This led Harris (1972) to opment and response to chemotherapeutic
Phylum Acanthocephala 457

agents would be greatly facilitated by suc- hydrolytic enzyme activity occurs at the
cessful in vitro cultivation. Hamers et al. tegumental surface of the worm (Uglem and
(1991) obtained axenic growth of P. ambiguus Read, 1973). Although cytological localiza-
taken from intermediate hosts, but it was tion of surface hydrolases is unknown,
substantially slower than in vivo growth phosphatase (Byram and Fisher, 1974) and
and maximum survival was 63 days. In no aminopeptidase (Uglem and Read, 1973)
case have immature worms been cultured to activities are associated with the tegumental
egg-producing maturity. crypts (Fig. 13.3).
There is only one report of culturing The tegumental crypts, formed by
acanthocephalans in ovo, a procedure highly infolded plasma membrane, provide an
successful for digenetic trematodes (Fried extensive amplification of surface area for
and Stableford, 1991). Young and Lewis nutrient uptake, but Starling (1985) con-
(1977) obtained growth of Corynosoma cluded that the crypts are unstirred regions
constrictum cystacanths, normally infective comparable to intervillar spaces of verte-
to waterfowl, on the chicken chorioallantoic brates and, as such, might make a relatively
membrane; however, the worms survived minor contribution to uptake of solutes
for only 3 days. Cystacanths of two other such as glucose and free amino acids. They
species, also parasitic in birds, survived up should, however, greatly increase the facility
to 9 days, but they did not grow. with which products of hydrolytic enzymes
Crompton and Lassiere (1987) reviewed are absorbed.
reported maintenance techniques and listed
medium constituents and protocols for
those where there was some indication of Nutritional requirements
In addition to dietary protein (Crompton
et al., 1983), hydrolysis of secretory diges-
Nutrition, Physiology and Biochemistry tive proteins, degradation of moribund
mucosal cells and probably exchange
Feeding mechanisms between the mucosal epithelium and intes-
tinal lumen are sources of free amino acids
Most information regarding feeding, nutri- in the intestinal lumen of a vertebrate ani-
tion and metabolism in Acanthocephala is mal (Starling, 1985). Amino acids from host
based on two species from mammals and tissues contribute significantly to the pool
one from waterfowl. Taraschewski (2000) available to acanthocephalans, which assimi-
reviewed these processes and integrated late certain of these both by diffusion and
available knowledge from fishes. by active transport (Uglem and Read, 1973).
Uptake of nutrients occurs through the This exchange among host tissue, host
tegument. Intimate contact between the dietary materials and worms in vivo and the
acanthocephalan proboscis and neck and inability to culture acanthocephalans satis-
the flattening or erosion of host mucosal factorily in vitro have impeded attempts to
cells along the trunk of the worms lead to a define nutritional requirements for amino
frequent assumption that nutrients are acids.
obtained as a result of leakage from host tis- Taraschewski (2000) reached the fol-
sue. Bullock (1963) suggested that, in addi- lowing conclusions after reviewing lipid
tion to uptake of secretions from the host metabolism for acanthocephalans. Non-
mucosa, worms absorb nutrients from the emulsified lipid from necrotic host tissue at
copious mucus frequently produced in the site of attachment is absorbed through
response to infection and which contains the tegumental surface of the proboscis and
end products of host digestion. It is known neck of the worms. Apparently, these lipids
that at least some species obtain nutrients are stored in the lemnisci. In contrast, emul-
from dietary contents in the intestinal sified free fatty acids and monoacylglycerols
lumen of the host (Edmonds, 1965) and that resulting from action of intestinal lipases in
458 B.B. Nickol

the intestinal lumen of the host are absorbed although Crompton and Ward (1967) found
along the trunk of the parasite. Clearly acan- extensive ethanol excretion by M. monili-
thocephalans contain large amounts of lipid formis. Starling (1985) reviewed the glycolytic
and possess enzyme systems for lipid enzymes and metabolic end products of
metabolism (Filipponi et al., 1994; Weber acanthocephalans.
et al., 1995); however, use of these lipid
deposits in energy metabolism is yet to be
demonstrated. Affinity for heavy metals and
The role of carbohydrates in nutritional other elements
requirements of acanthocephalans has been
widely studied. Glucose is absorbed readily Acanthocephalans in some freshwater fishes
against a concentration gradient (Crompton contain concentrations of heavy metals, e.g.
and Lockwood, 1968), and the growth, lead and cadmium (Sures, 2001), and other
fecundity and longevity of worms in hosts elements, e.g. calcium, potassium and mag-
fed different dietary sugars, in various con- nesium (Sures et al., 1999), in remarkably
centrations, have been determined (Parshad higher concentrations than in the tissues of
et al., 1980; Crompton, 1991). the host. Concentrations of these substances
may be tens of thousands of times higher in
the acanthocephalan than in host tissue
Energy metabolism (Taraschewski, 2000). Such concentrations
do not occur in other kinds of parasites in
Glycogen and trehalose appear to be the the same fish (Sures et al., 1994) or in zebra
principal endogenous carbohydrates in mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). These find-
acanthocephalans. Their tissues are rich in ings led Sures and Siddall (2003) to suggest
glycogen, and depleted stores are rapidly that acanthocephalan parasites of fishes
replenished (Read and Rothman, 1958). might be more effective indicators of pollu-
Glycogen synthase occurs in both dephos- tion due to heavy metals in aquatic ecosys-
phorylated and glucose-6-phosphate- tems than are the frequently used zebra
dependent phosphorylated forms, which mussels.
can apparently be interconverted (Starling, The competition for essential minerals,
1985). Trehalose is present in pseudo- including calcium, that occurs between
coelomic fluid, reproductive tissues and the A. lucii and its definitive host perch (Perca
body wall (McAlister and Fisher, 1972). fluviatilis) suggests an adverse relationship
Presumably it contributes to the osmolality between parasite and host. Such competi-
of body tissues and extracellular fluids, but tion might even explain observations of
the role of trehalose is largely undeter- skeletal deformation that are occasionally
mined in acanthocephalans. It is unlikely to reported for acanthocephalan-infected ani-
serve as a primary storage of carbohydrate mals (Sures, 2002). A direct link between
for energy (Laurie, 1959). Starling and accumulation of minerals by acanthocepha-
Fisher (1978) believed that trehalose may lans and pathological changes in their
trap glucose within the acanthocephalan hosts, however, is yet to be established.
tegument after its absorption and carry glu-
cose moieties to non-tegumental tissues.
Carbohydrate is the main source of Feeding-induced pathogenesis
energy, and it is reasonably clear that glu-
cose and glycogen are metabolized via the Deep penetration by the proboscis results in
conventional Embden–Meyerhof pathway fibrinous nodules, which may project sev-
to phosphoenol pyruvate. Further metabo- eral millimetres into the coelom (Fig. 13.6).
lism probably involves anaerobic reactions Szalai and Dick (1987) reported extensive
common to other helminths, but the steps vascularization of such nodules in quill-
are still uncertain (Starling, 1985). Lactate back (C. cyprinus) induced by N. carpiodi
and succinate are the main end products, and demonstrated increased leakage of
Phylum Acanthocephala 459

proteins from blood in the region of the and expand their ranges by movements of
nodules. They suggested that the lesion infected animals, but transfaunations due to
might ensure a limited, but steady, supply anthropochore fish movements, including
of nutrients for the parasites. those that result from stocking and manage-
P. laevis is another species that induces ment of freshwater fishes, are of growing
nodule formation (Fig. 13.8). Polzer and concern (Kennedy, 1993). Acanthocepha-
Taraschewski (1994) found that the worm lans can be introduced with either defini-
releases an aminopeptidase and a trypsin- tive hosts as a result of stocking (Malta
like collagenase into the culture medium. et al., 2001) or with intermediate hosts in
They concluded that acanthocephalan the water supply (Valtonen and Koskivaara,
aminopeptidases have a nutritional role but 1994). If colonization of the habitat is suc-
that the collagenase facilitates rapid and cessful, the resulting parasitism can be
deep penetration by the worm into the intes- costly to aquaculture endeavours (Bristol
tinal tissues. This suggests that proteolytic et al., 1984; Yasumoto and Nagasawa, 1996).
enzymes degrade peptides at the body sur-
face. In some species, the histolytic action
permits rapid and deep penetration, leading Summary and Conclusions
to formation of nutrient-supplying nodules.
Acanthocephalans occur globally in most
fishes, but epizootics and significant eco-
Prevention and Control of Infection nomic losses as a result of infection are
unusual. Acanthocephalans require verte-
Diagnosis brate animals for definitive hosts and
arthropods for intermediate hosts. Isopods,
At least some species of fish respond to amphipods and ostracods are the usual
acanthocephalan infections (natural and in intermediate hosts for aquatic species.
the laboratory) by production of specific Infection occurs when a definitive host con-
antibodies (Harris, 1972). However, there is sumes the infective cystacanth stage con-
insufficient information for immuno- tained in an arthropod or in a paratenic
diagnosis. Acanthocephalans can be diag- host. There is an increasing awareness that,
nosed from eggs passed out in the faeces of in some cases, postcyclic transfer of adult
the host, but this is not convenient and there worms from fish to fish can occur as a result
is little necessity for the technique. Most of predation. Worms are typically recruited
infections are detected during post-mortem into fish populations during the spring,
examination. with maturation, egg production and trans-
mission to intermediate hosts in the sum-
Chemotherapy mer and early autumn. Adult worms usually
live about one season.
Acanthocephalans attach to the intes-
The antidiarrhoeic drug loperamid was effica-
tine of definitive hosts by means of a spiny
cious in treating rainbow trout (S. gairdneri =
proboscis. Mucosal tissue is damaged at the
O. mykiss) infected with E. truttae; doses of
attachment site, resulting in fibroplasia,
50 mg/kg were administered on 3 consecu-
which may extend through the submucosa
tive days (Taraschewski et al., 1990). This
and into the muscularis. Occasionally per-
treatment might be useful in commercial
foration of the gut wall occurs. The mucosal
cultivation of fishes.
epithelium is frequently compressed or
eroded along the trunk of the worm, and the
Prophylaxis tips of the villi may be absent. Destruction
of intestinal villi and necrotic and degener-
Prevention of exposure is the most effective ative changes in mucosal epithelium almost
method of limiting acanthocephalan infec- certainly reduce the absorptive efficiency of
tions. These parasites are good colonizers the fish intestine.
460 B.B. Nickol

Some acanthocephalans are known to All media in which significant growth

induce antibody formation in piscine spe- has been achieved contain undefined compo-
cies. Haemorrhage at the attachment site and nents. Further research for a defined medium
copious amounts of mucus, from goblet-cell is necessary before appreciable progress can
hyperplasia, in parasitized fishes provide be made in determining nutritional require-
an opportunity for antibody–worm inter- ments, especially for amino acids and lipids.
action, but it is not known if protective The consequences of acanthocephalan-
immunity develops. induced reductions in energy efficiency and
Acanthocephalans lack an alimentary altered metabolism of hosts are likely to be
tract and hence uptake of nutrients, derived focused more sharply with increasing
both from leakage of host tissues and from emphasis on aquaculture. Suitable methods
dietary contents in the intestinal lumen of of in vitro cultivation are necessary to eluci-
the host, is through the tegument. Hydro- date responses of worms to chemothera-
lytic enzyme activity at the tegumental sur- peutic agents. Known effects detrimental to
face probably assists in obtaining nutrients commercially cultured fishes are likely to
and in rapid penetration by the worm. Some stimulate research directed at testing for
acanthocephalans penetrate deeply and chemotherapeutic compounds. When effi-
induce formation of a nodule, which extends cacious drugs are found, their toxicity to
into the coelom of the host. Such nodules fishes, aquatic invertebrates and human
are extensively vascularized. Increased leak- beings must be assessed.
age of proteins from the blood into the nod- Recent appreciation of the propensity
ules ensures a steady supply of nutrients for of acanthocephalans to accumulate heavy
the parasites. metals and other elements is likely to stim-
Carbohydrate, in the form of glycogen, ulate research to evaluate their effectiveness
is the main substrate for energy, and as bioindicators of heavy-metal pollution.
glycolysis occurs in the presence or absence The broad spectrum of metals that can be
of oxygen. Lactate and succinate are the accumulated, even if present in very low
main end products, but large amounts concentrations, might make acanthocepha-
of ethanol are excreted by at least one lans pre-eminent among organisms used as
species. sentinels in aquaculture systems.


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14 Phylum Arthropoda

Robert J.G. Lester and Craig J. Hayward

Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Queensland 4072, Australia

Introduction In this chapter, we discuss those arthro-

pods for which pathological changes in fish
Arthropod parasites of fish have been have been described.
recorded since the time of Aristotle (300 BC).
He noted that parasitic isopods (almost cer-
tainly cymothoids) were common on the Copepoda: Ergasilidae
fins of fishes, and that ‘lice’ (probably
ergasilids) occurred under the gills of Introduction
‘chalkis’ (possibly bleak) in such numbers
that the fish were killed. He also mentioned Ergasilid copepods damage the gills and
a ‘scorpion-like’ parasite, possibly a pennellid, cause commercially significant epizootics
from the body of tuna and swordfish. in cultured and wild populations of fishes.
About 2000 species of parasitic arthro- Ergasilus sieboldi is widespread in temper-
pods have been described, the majority of ate parts of Europe and Asia, Ergasilus
which belong to the class Copepoda. Many lizae is important in mullet culture in the
others await description. Thatcher (1998) Mediterranean and Middle East, and
estimated that there were 9000 undescribed Pseudergasilus zacconis infects cultured
parasitic copepod species in the Amazon ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, in Japan. In
alone. North America, Kelly and Allison (1962)
Some of the arthropods that affect implicated E. lizae in the death of large-
wild fish are of commercial significance mouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) in a
as they affect host survival or cause brackish lake and Hogans (1989) reported
unsightly changes in the flesh. Others (e.g. that Ergasilus labracis killed large numbers
the anchor worm, Lernaea cyprinacea) of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr
cause ongoing problems in aquaculture. (85–125 mm long) over a 4-day period in
The biology of pests in freshwater aqua- New Brunswick, Canada.
culture is reasonably well known. Parasites
in the sea, especially sea lice (Lepeophtheirus
salmonis) and more recently cymothoid Host range, distribution and seasonality
isopods, have come under intense scrutiny
with the development of rearing fish in sea Most species in the family Ergasilidae belong
cages. to the genus Ergasilus, of which 65 species
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
466 (ed. P.T.K. Woo)
Phylum Arthropoda 467

are parasitic on freshwater fishes and It first appeared in Finland and Cuba in the
33 species on marine teleosts (Kabata, 1979). 1980s and was first found in North America
Ergasilus sieboldi infests over 60 spe- in the 1990s. It has low host specificity and
cies of fish throughout much of the former now occurs on cyprinids and percids in the
USSR. The main hosts are Tinca tinca, Esox Palaearctic, plus centrarchids and ictalurids
lucius, Acerina cernua, Lucioperca lucio- in North America (Hayden and Rogers,
perca and Silurus glanis (Dogiel et al., 1961; 1998; Hudson and Bowen, 2002). Another
Zmerzlaya, 1972). Several thousand para- ergasilid, Ergasilus centrarchidarum, is
sites may occur on the gills of one fish. In believed to have been spread within the
Germany, 39 of 79 species of fishes are USA by anglers (Muzzall et al., 1995).
infected, the most important hosts being Amongst the marine ergasilids, E. labracis
Ergasilus lucius and Abramis brama (see infects a wide range of marine species,
Dogiel et al., 1961). E. sieboldi is common including salmonids (Hogans, 1989), and
on British freshwater fishes (Abdelhalim et al., Ergasilus luciopercarum infects chinook
1991) and its distribution has probably been salmon, rainbow and brown trout and yellow
aided by the introduction of affected fish. perch. In contrast, Ergasilus nerkae infects
Neoergasilus japonicus, originally only coho salmon (Buttner and Hamilton,
described from Taiwan in 1930, was first 1976) and ergasilids on Amazonian fishes
reported in Europe in the 1960s (Fig. 14.1). also appear to be very host specific (Thatcher
Over the next 20 years it spread across Europe. and Boeger, 1983).
Larvae of E. sieboldi occurred in Lake
Arakul, former USSR, from the end of May
to November, with two peaks in summer
(August and September) (Kashkovsky and
Kashkovskaya-Solomatova, 1986). Females
that overwintered produced egg sacs in
April (water temperature 5.7–7°C), and the
first generation of females settled on the host
in late June. A second generation appeared
from mid-August to mid-September. There
was no recruitment after October, when egg
sac formation ceased (Zmerzlaya, 1972).
According to Reichenbach-Klinke and Landolt
(1973), there was no development if the
water temperature dropped below 14°C. Egg
sac formation is stimulated by temperature
in spring and early summer, but in late sum-
mer and autumn photoperiod rather than
temperature apparently limits development
(Kuperman and Shulman, 1977). In Finland,
the parasite was more abundant in oligo-
trophic than in eutrophic lakes (Tuuha et al.,
1992) and prevalence was markedly reduced
in waters polluted by pulp and paper mill
effluents (Pulkkinen and Valtonen, 1998).
At least two generations per year, includ-
ing one that overwinters, were suggested by
Tuuha et al. (1992) for E. sieboldi, Ergasilus
briani and Neoergasilus japonicus in Finnish
Fig. 14.1. Neoergasilus japonicus, adult female E. labracis infected almost all the
(after Harada, 1930). Bar = 250 µm. striped bass, Morone saxatilis, from lower
468 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

Chesapeake Bay, caught in a wide range of Only fertilized females are parasitic; males
salinities (0.1 to 32 ppt). The parasite was and developmental stages live in the water
present and reproduced year-round, with column. The main characteristic of ergasilids
only a temporary slow-down in egg pro- is the large, recurved, second antennae,
duction during November and December. which are used for attachment. In Ergasilus,
Laboratory-held eggs hatched at temperatures Neoergasilus and Sinergasilus, the second
as low as 5°C (Paperna and Zwerner, 1976). antennae end in a single, large, curved spine
Peak prevalences of E. briani in central (Fig. 14.1); in Thersitina (syn. Diergasilus; see
Finland (Tuuha et al., 1992), N. japonicus Ohtsuka et al., 2004), they end in two
in the Great Lakes (Hudson and Bowen, 2002) spines and, in Paraergasilus, three spines.
and Ergasilus versicolor on the US east The a2 cuticle is swollen in genera such as
coast (Rawson, 1977) occur in the summer. Dermoergasilus.
Ergasilus lizae is a cosmopolitan species The mature female of E. sieboldi is
that is restricted largely to the Mugilidae 1.5 mm long and has a cephalothorax
(Paperna and Overstreet, 1981; Kabata, 1992), formed from the cephalosome and the first
though it has been found on eels, tilapia and leg-bearing segment. Four leg-bearing seg-
carp as well as mullet in aquaculture ponds ments follow, the last intimately associated
with salinities from 0.2 to 21 ppt in Israel with the swollen genital segment, which
(Paperna, 1975, 1977, 1991). High water tem- gives rise to paired multiserial egg sacs, each
perature and low salinity are associated with with more than 100 eggs (Kabata, 1979;
high levels of infection (Raibaut et al., 1975; Grabda, 1991). Mouthparts are on the mid-
Rawson, 1977; Ben Hassine et al., 1983). ventral surface of the cephalothorax, and
Females from silver mullet, Mugil curema, consist of a two-segmented mandible with
survived for over 4 h in salinities ranging a falcate terminal segment, a short first
from 0 to 37 ppt (Conroy and Conroy, 1986). maxilla with two distal setae and a falcate
second maxilla with dentiform setae
(Kabata, 1979).
Systematics The naupliar feeding apparatus is typi-
cal for planktotrophic copepod nauplii and
To identify ergasilid copepods to genus, the adult feeding apparatus (mandibles,
see Boxshall (2004). For specific keys see maxillae 1 and 2) appears at the first
Roberts (1970) for North America, Do (1982) copepodid stage (Abdelhalim et al., 1991).
for Japan and Kabata (2003) for Britain. The stomach extends anterior and posterior
A key to 22 species of ergasilids from brack- to the mouthparts, merging posteriorly with
ish water is given by Lin and Ho (1998). the straight intestine, which leads to the
Keys to Dermoergasilus, an Indo-West Pacific anus at the end of the abdomen between the
genus, and Therodamas, a Neotropical genus, paired uropods. During sexual maturation,
are given by El Rashidy and Boxshall (2001) uterine processes that contain oocytes fill a
and Amado and Rocha (1996), respectively. large part of the cephalothorax. The ovi-
Hoffman (1998) lists species from North ducts lead to the genital segment to join
American freshwater fish. Amado and Rocha with paired cement glands.
(2001) suggest that the morphology of the Members of the family Therodamasidae
ventral plates is a useful guide for identify- have developed long ‘necks’ with mouth-
ing males and premetamorphosed females parts embedded in the fish (Figs 14.2 and
of Ergasilus spp. taken in plankton samples. 14.3), in a development strikingly similar to
lernaeids and pennellids except that in
therodamasids the neck is formed from the
Morphology and life cycle cephalosome whereas in lernaeids it is the
thoracic segments that are elongated and in
Most ergasilid copepods are less modified pennellids the genital segment.
than other fish-parasitic copepods and resem- The life cycles of N. japonicus, E. sie-
ble free-living copepods in segmentation. boldi and E. briani (Urawa et al., 1980a,b;
Phylum Arthropoda 469

Fig. 14.2. Therodamas tamarae adult female, a long-necked ergasilid. Bar = 100 µm (after Amado
and Rocha, 1996.)

Abdelhalim et al., 1991; Alston et al., 1996)

consist of six naupliar, five copepodid
and one adult stage. Sexual differentiation
is evident in the fourth copepodid
(Zmerzlaya, 1972; Abdelhalim et al., 1991).
It takes 22 days for the eggs of E. sieboldi to
develop into free-living males and females
at 17.7–20.1°C (Zmerzlaya, 1972). After fer-
tilization, the female attaches to a fish.
Zmerzlaya (1972) observed that overwin-
tered females of E. sieboldi produced eggs
in the spring, which meant that sperm was
stored for several months.

Host–parasite relationships

Site and host selection, course of infection

Fig. 14.3. Plagioscion squamosissimus gill E. sieboldi attaches near the base of the gill
containing two partly embedded T. tamarae (after filament and prefers (in decreasing order)
Amado and Rocha, 1996). gill arches 3, 2, 4 and 1 (Abrosov and Bauer,
470 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

1959; Zmerzlaya, 1972). It generally infects E. lizae and Ergasilus auritus decrease in
lake-dwelling fish over 2 years old (Dogiel large fish (Noble et al., 1963; Joy, 1976;
et al., 1961). Females can leave a fish and Cloutman and Becker, 1977); factors invol-
transfer to another but ovigerous females ved in this age immunity have still to be
apparently readily fall to the bottom elucidated.
(Zmerzlaya, 1972). Abrosov and Bauer (1959)
kept whitefish in nets in different parts of a
Clinical signs and histopathology
lake and found that those on the bottom and
away from the shore became the most Mullets (Liza macrolepis) in a brackish-
heavily infected. water pond in Taiwan died carrying 500 to
E. lizae attach near the base of gill fila- 1000 Diergasilus sp. per fish (Lin and Ho,
ments of M. cephalus and prefer gill arches 1998). In Russia, fish such as Tinca tinca
2 and 3 (Rawson, 1977). E. labracis also that are heavily infected with E. sieboldi
attach near the base of the gill filament. die, especially in summer when water tem-
Young females occur on gill arches 2 and 3 peratures are high. There is extensive gill
but most mature females are on gills 1 and 4 damage and severe haemorrhage, with
(Paperna and Zwerner, 1981). Ergasilus inflammation and exsanguination associated
anchoratus, an abundant parasite on Silurus with the attachment and feeding of the par-
asotus in a Chinese reservoir, was distrib- asite. Blood vessels in the gill filaments are
uted almost evenly over the gill arches blocked and this leads to atrophy of gill tips
without any observed gill arch preference (Dogiel et al., 1961). In adjacent tissue,
(Nei, 2000). there are increased numbers of mucus cells,
Unlike most ergasilids, N. japonicus eosinophilic cells, rodlet cells and neutro-
attaches primarily to the outside of the fish phils (Dezfuli et al., 2003). Similar histo-
(Fig. 14.4), especially the fins, and is not pathology is associated with P. zacconis
found in the gill cavity (Harada, 1930; (see Nakajima et al., 1974). Infection of A.
Hayden and Rogers, 1998). Again unlike brama with E. sieboldi results in the
most ergasilids, the parasitic female readily disturbance of blood-cell maturation with
moves from host to host. lymphocytopenia and reactive granulo-
The numbers of Ergasilus colomesus cytosis in heterophil and basophil leuco-
increase with fish size (Thatcher and cytes (Einszporn-Orecka, 1973a,b). Rakova
Boeger, 1983). Those of E. centrarchidarum, (see Dogiel et al., 1961) reported a 20% drop
in lymphocytes and an increase in mono-
cytes, polymorphonuclear agranulocytes
and neutrophils in T. tinca and Leuciscus
idus infected with E. sieboldi. M. cephalus
infected with several hundred E. lizae were
emaciated (Paperna, 1975), and Atlantic
salmon parr infected with E. labracis exhib-
ited slow, weak swimming, gulping of air
at the surface and darkening of the skin
(Hogans, 1989). Paperna and Zwerner
(1981) reported an increase in number
of mucus cells, epithelial hyperplasia and
infiltration of macrophages, lymphocytes
and eosinophils in gill filaments of Morone
saxatilis infected by E. labracis. Increase
in number of mucus cells, fusion of
Fig. 14.4. Pimephales promelas dorsal fin with lamellae and filaments due to epithelial
Neoergasilus japonicus females attached, an proliferation, lymphocyte infiltration and
unusual site for an ergasilid (from Hudson and exsanguination was reported by Rogers
Bowen, 2002). (1969) for Ergasilus cyprinaceus. A similar
Phylum Arthropoda 471

effect was described by Thatcher and Effects on host

Boeger (1983) for E. colomesus. Ergasilus
Heavy infections cause death. Sublethal
manadensis caused enlargement of the gill
infections result in decreased condition
filaments, especially at the distal margin,
(Grabda, 1991; Schaperclaus et al., 1991).
necrotic patches and haemorrhages in a cat-
Infections of T. tinca and Coregonus peled
fish (Seenappa and Venkateshappa, 2000).
with E. sieboldi were associated with reduced
Ergasilus australiensis causes epithelial
weight, reduced length, reduced condition,
hyperplasia in the basal half of the gill
reduced fat and increased water content
filaments and pseudobranchs of Acantho-
(Abrosov and Bauer, 1959; Dogiel et al., 1961;
pagrus australis (see Roubal, 1986b, 1989b).
Kabata, 1970).
Ergasilids that encircle a filament, such
as the acusicolids Ergasilus intermedius
and Dermoergasilus acanthopagri, produce Concurrent infection
a tourniquet effect, causing localized swell- Concurrent infections are rare. No second-
ing, hyperplastic epithelium, which fuses ary bacterial infections were found in the
adjacent lamellae, occlusion of the filament gills of cyprinid fishes in Alabama infected
arterial vessels and necrosis of the tip of the with E. cyprinaceus (see Rogers, 1969). How-
filament (Roubal, 1987, 1989b; Thatcher, ever, Reichenbach-Klinke and Landolt (1973)
1998; Ingram and Philbey, 1999). reported that wounds in pond-cultured
Small ergasilids, such as Paraergasilus T. tinca caused by E. sieboldi became secon-
acanthopagri, attach to the nasal and darily infected with Saprolegnia sp.
opercular cavities using small spines, which
cause localized epidermal proliferation
(Roubal, 1989b). Parasite nutrition and physiology
In Therodamas spp., which burrow
into the gill arch, adjacent gill filaments Halisch (1940) suggested that attached
become stunted and deformed. The epider- ergasilid copepods fed by external digestion
mis and dermis grow out, forming a fibrotic and showed that female copepods confined
capsule from which the thorax protrudes in small volumes of water released factors
(Amado and Rocha, 1996; Fig. 14.3). that dissolved gelatin. The diet of E. sieboldi
was shown by Einszporn (1964, 1965a,b) to
Mechanism of disease consist of mucus, epithelium and blood.
She proposed that blood was a major com-
Histopathology associated with E. sieboldi ponent of the diet. However, extrabuccal
is apparently caused by both attachment digestion is now considered a major part of
and feeding (Zmerzlaya, 1972), though most feeding by ergasilids (Kabata, 1984). Donoghue
of the tissue proliferation associated with (1989) found mucus to be the principal diet
E. labracis and Ergasilus mirabilis was adja- of Thersitina gasterostei.
cent to the mouthparts and was not caused Little is known about the nutrition and
by attachment (Paperna and Zwerner, 1981; physiology of the planktonic free-living
Oldewage and Van As, 1987). stages. They often contain bright pigments,
Gill damage results in loss of gill surface particularly blue and also red and orange,
area for respiration and leads to suffocation, which may help to protect tissues from
particularly at high water temperatures photo-oxidation (Alston et al., 1996). The
(Grabda, 1991). Lopmann (1940) found that colours are lost from most species as the
no more than 50% of gill surface area could females mature.
be affected before the fish died. Ojha and
Hughes (2001) estimated that one Ergasilus
begalensis on the gill filament of the catfish Diagnosis
Wallego attu caused a 30% reduction in
laminar flow, resulting in a 68% reduction The parasites are readily seen with the
in oxygen uptake. naked eye or under a dissecting microscope.
472 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

Prevention and control to reduce levels of carrier fish such as

Abramis brama; growth of aquatic vegeta-
Though some ergasilid numbers apparently tion to restrict open water; and replacement
decrease as fish age, there is little evidence of tench by eel or common carp.
that resistance develops in infected fish;
indeed, Donoghue (1986) found that Pungitius
Copepoda: Sarcotaces
pungitius already infected by T. gasterostei
were more likely to be reinfected by a sec-
ond generation of the parasite than fish
being exposed for the first time.
These bizarre copepods cause cysts several
Fresh water and hyposaline sea water
centimetres long in the muscle under the
were ineffective against E. lizae and
skin (Fig. 14.5). The cysts are exposed when
E. intermedius (Conroy and Conroy, 1986;
fish are filleted and cut cysts release copi-
Ingram and Philbey, 1999). Hogans (1989)
ous black fluid over the fillets.
used Neguvon (0.25 mg/l) to successfully
Sarcotaces verrucosus Olsson 1872,
treat E. labracis on Atlantic salmon parr.
the type species, has a worldwide distribu-
Ergasilus ceylonensis on the gills of the
tion, from abyssal depths to tropical reefs
Asian cichlid Etroplus suratensis in Sri Lanka
(Heegaard, 1947a; Kuitunen-Ekbaum, 1949;
was treated successfully with 3–5 ppm
Moser et al., 1985). Hosts include members
potassium permanganate or 3–5 ppm
of the families Moridae, Macrouridae, Scor-
3,4-dichloropropioanilide but infected fish
paenidae, Antennariidae, Triglidae, Acan-
were unable to tolerate 50–500 ppm forma-
thuridae, Serranidae and Pinguipedidae. Two
lin, 5 ppm gammexane or 0.1–5.0 ppm
other species, Sarcotaces japonicus and
fenitrothione (Wijeyaratne and Gunawardene,
Sarcotaces shiinoi, were described from
1988). Ingram and Philbey (1999) used 2 mg/l
Japanese fish by Izawa (1974). The genus is
Dipterex for 24 h to control E. intermedius.
usually included in the family Phylichthyi-
They found that 0.15 mg was ineffective, as
dae; these are small copepods that parasitize
also was 0.08 malachite green continuously.
the lateral line and other sensory canals of
Kabata (1985) suggested several treat-
ments, including: (i) copper sulphate and fer-
ric sulphate in a 5 : 2 ratio; (ii) Dipterex
(Dylox, Chlorophor, Foschlor, Neguvon, Morphology and life cycle
Masoten) at 0.15 ppm for 6 h; (iii) Bromex
(dimethyl-1,2-dibromo-2,2-dichloroethylphos- The female is up to 45 mm long in cold
phate) 0.125–0.15 ppm in water of greater than temperate waters, smaller in the tropics, the
400 ppm chlorinity (fish in fresh water are body broadly oval and the surface verrucose
more sensitive, thus significantly reducing the in bands corresponding to segments, with a
safety margin); (iv) malathion (0,0-dimethyl-S- double rosette around minute mouthparts
(1,2-dicarbethoxyethyl)-phosphorothioate) at and the tail pointed with a spine (Fig. 14.5).
0.2 ppm for 6 h; and (v) the dyes brilliant Most of the bulk of the body is formed from
green and violet K at 0.1–1 mg/l, which killed the gut, which typically contains a thick
nauplii in 3–24 h. Schaperclaus et al. (1991) black fluid. The male is up to 3 mm, with 0
recommend a dip bath (10 min) in trichlor- to 26 in a capsule with each female (Gonza-
phon (5 mg/l) to free tench from E. sieboldi. lez and Tanzola, 2000). For further details
To control Ergasilus celestis in captive see Lester and Roubal (1995).
eels (Anguilla rostrata), Barker and Cone
(2000) recommend a flow rate of more than Copepoda: Lernaea
5 cm/s and a pH below 5.5.
Prophylactic measures against E. sieboldi Introduction
suggested by Schaperclaus et al. (1991)
include: strict quarantine to prevent the Lernaeids or anchor worms are common
import of infected fish and water; net lakes pests in freshwater aquaculture of cyprinids
Phylum Arthropoda 473

Fig. 14.5. Sarcotaces verrucosus female, ventral view, alongside host capsule (from Mora moro,
Tasmania). Scale: units 1 mm.

and, to a lesser extent, of salmonids and Cyprinodontiformes (Cyprinodontidae,

other fish. Epizootics in cultured fish are Poecillidae), Gadiformes (Gadidae), Gastero-
often associated with high mortality. The steiformes (Gasterosteidae), Perciformes
parasites also cause problems in human- (Anabantidae, Apogonidae, Centrarchidae,
made lakes (Anon., 1980; Berry et al., 1991) Cichlidae, Gobiidae, Mastacembalidae,
and in commercial aquaria (Shariff et al., Osphronemidae, Percidae), Salmoniformes
1986; Dempster et al., 1988). They are parti- (Esocidae, Plecoglossidae, Salmonidae,
cularly pathogenic to small fish because of Umbridae) and Siluriformes (Bagridae,
their relatively large size. Ictaluridae, Siluridae) (Kabata, 1979). In
a tropical display aquarium in Malaysia,
23 out of 58 species of fish became infected
Host range, distribution, seasonality (Shariff et al., 1986). In North America, the
parasite has also been reported on tadpoles
Lernaeids are parasites of freshwater tele- (Tidd and Shields, 1963).
osts. Lernaea cyprinacea (Fig. 14.6A, B) has Distribution of the parasite is partly
a worldwide distribution, typically on dictated by water temperature. Its optimum
Carassius carassius, though it has been temperature is 26–28°C (Shields and Tidd,
reported from 45 other species of cyprinids. 1968). Thus, in temperate climates the para-
It is also found on other Cypriniformes site is most common in late summer. It is
(Catostomidae, Cobitidae) and on fish more prevalent in still or slowly flowing
belonging to the following orders: Acipen- water than in fast-flowing streams
seriformes (Acipenseridae), Anguilliformes (Hoffman, 1976; Bulow et al., 1979) and
(Anguillidae), Channiformes (Channidae), less common during floods than in
474 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

Fig. 14.6. Lernaea spp. morphology of female. A and B. L. cyrinacea. C. L. polymorpha. D. L. cruciata.
a, anterior process of dorsal horn; l, 3rd pair of legs; m, mouth; p, posterior process of dorsal horn;
v, ventral horn. Scale bars 1 mm. (A redrawn from Kabata, 1979; B and C redrawn from Shariff and
Sommerville, 1986a; D redrawn from Kabata, 1988.)

droughts (Mederios and Maltchik, 1999). report ten species of lernaeid from fishes
It has become widespread in Bulgarian in Thailand. Species from North America
carp farms since 1993 (Daskalov and are given by Hoffman (1998). New genera
Georgiev, 2001), presumably through human and species have recently been described
introductions. from South America (Boxshall et al., 1997;
In Arkansas, USA, heavy losses of Thatcher and Williams, 1998).
channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, occurred In the genus Lernaea, there are over 40
on three farms that were also growing big- species. Identification is based in part on
head carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis). the shape of the anchors, a difficult charac-
By late summer, most of the catfish in ter, not only because of their inherent vari-
affected ponds had died (Goodwin, 1999). ability (compare Fig. 14.6A with Fig. 14.6B)
In South East Asia, big-head carp and but also because their shape is modified
silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) by bone or other resistance the anchors
carry Lernaea polymorpha (Fig. 14.6C; encounter during their development in the
Shariff and Sommerville, 1986a). In India, fish (Fryer, 1961; Thurston, 1969).
Lernaea bhadraensis attacks Catla catla L. polymorpha (Fig. 14.6C), common in
(Tamuli and Shanbhogue, 1996b). South East Asia, can be distinguished from
L. cyprinacea by the T-bar shape of its
anchor and the relatively short ventral
horns, which grow to face each other (Shariff
Systematics and Sommerville, 1990). A third South
East Asian species, Lernaea minuta, can
There are at least 110 species of lernaeids, be distinguished from L. cyprinacea and
all in fresh water. They belong to two L. polymorpha by body length and second
subfamilies: the Lamprogleninae, which are copepodid stage (Kularatne et al., 1994a).
confined to Africa and Asia, and the Lernaea cruciata, a parasite of Lepomis,
Lernaeinae, which are widespread (Ho, Ambloplites, Micropterus and Morone spp.
1996). Kabata (1983) and Boxshall (2004) in North America, lacks ventral horns
give keys to genera. Ho and Kim (1997) (Kabata, 1988; Fig. 14.6D).
Phylum Arthropoda 475

Morphology and life cycle produce their first batch of eggs. These hatch
24 to 36 h later and the egg sacs are then
The adult female Lernaea cyprinacea has shed. A new pair of egg sacs is produced
a small semispherical cephalothorax, which within 1 to 3 days (Shields and Goode, 1978;
contains the mouth. Behind it is a well- Shariff and Sommerville, 1986b). The largest
developed holdfast, normally consisting egg sacs are produced 5 to 10 days post-
of two bifurcate dorsal processes and two metamorphosis and the parasites die within
simple ventral processes (Fig. 14.6A). The 30 days at 28–32°C.
elongate neck and trunk carry the four pairs Development is greatly reduced at
of legs of the premetamorphosed female. lower temperatures; at 20°C nauplii take
The abdomen is short. In situ, the holdfast 7 days to moult into copepodids and they
and part of the trunk are buried in the host cease development altogether below this
while most of the trunk and the abdomen temperature. Shields and Tidd (1968) found
project into the water (Fig. 14.7). that some metamorphosed females survived
L. cyprinacea has three free-living at 10°C for over 3 months and grew slowly,
naupliar stages and five copepodid stages. though many were lost from the fish. Others
The naupliar stages are non-feeding and were lost when the temperature was raised
moult to infective copepodids in about to 25°C, possibly because they had not bur-
4 days. Copepodids are usually on the gills rowed deeply enough during the cold
and are relatively immobile, although they period. Of 71, only six survived to produce
are not permanently attached. Copepodids eggs. Nevertheless, in cold temperate cli-
finally moult to free-moving adult males or mates, the parasites probably overwinter as
premetamorphosed females in 7+ days, metamorphosed females.
depending on temperature (Shields, 1978; L. cyprinacea requires only one host to
Shariff and Sommerville, 1986b). Adult complete its life cycle, usually a cyprinid,
males die within 24 h. Females are fertil- though adult females have been found on
ized and either attack the same host or many species of fish (see above) and
swim to another host, where they chew and copepodids also have relatively low host
bore their way into the host tissues as they specificity. Copepodids have been found on
metamorphose into adults. Within 1 day, the gills of other fishes, such as African cat-
before they have fully metamorphosed, they fish Bagrus spp., and even in the branchial

Fig. 14.7. Lernaea cyprinacea. Diagram of adult female in situ. b, blood seepage; c, stratum compactum
of dermis; d, stratum spongiosum of dermis; e, epithelial collar; f, fibrous collar; h, area of muscle
disorganization, fibrous granulation tissue and haemorrhage; m, muscle; s, scale.
476 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

chamber of tadpoles, Rana spp. (Fryer, 1966; caused epithelial hyperplasia, telangiectasis,
Shields and Tidd, 1974). In a polyculture haemorrhage and death (Goodwin, 1999).
system in southern USA, channel catfish, Penetration of metamorphosing females
I. punctatus, had eight to 50 copepodids on is generally associated with punctate haem-
the surface of each gill filament and small orrhages, which increase to 5 mm across as
numbers of adult females on the skin, the parasite grows (Khalifa and Post, 1976).
whereas thousands of adult females were Such lesions, both with and without para-
on the skin of cohabiting big-head carp sites, are common in epizootics (Haley and
H. nobilis (Goodwin, 1999). Winn, 1959; Uehara et al., 1984; Berry et al.,
L. polymorpha also requires only one 1991).
host, Aristichthys nobilis, to complete its Muscle necrosis is evident at the ante-
life cycle (Shariff and Roberts, 1989). Some rior end of penetrating parasites. Around
lernaeids apparently use two. Copepodids the parasite’s head is an area of acute
of Lernaea variabilis are on short-nosed inflammation, with many infiltrating leuco-
gars, Lepisosteus platostomus, whilst adult cytes and sometimes giant cells (Daskalov
females occur on bluegills, Lepomis pallidus et al., 1999). Around its neck is a sheath
(see Wilson, 1917). In Africa, catfish, Bagrus of epithelium. Extravasated blood is fre-
spp., carry copepodids of both Lernaea cyp- quently present between the parasite and
rinacea and Lernaea barnimiana prior to the the sheath. This may ooze into the water,
development of metamorphosed females on together with cellular debris. Eventually a
Tilapia sp. (Fryer, 1966; Thurston, 1969). thick connective tissue sheath envelops
the part of the parasite within the host and
may extend from the fish to form a collar
Host–parasite relationships (Fig. 14.7; Khalifa and Post, 1976; Shields
and Goode, 1978; Berry et al., 1991). In
Site and host selection, course of infection Catostomus commersoni the collar contains
large numbers of inflammatory cells, parti-
Larval lernaeids occur typically on the gills. cularly neutrophils, eosinophilic blood
Adult females usually attach on the body granulocytes and lymphocyte-like cells
surface and lodge in the superficial layers of (Lester and Daniels, 1976).
the body musculature. Those of L. cyprinacea In amphibian tadpoles, the parasite
attach all over the body of cyprinids in still caused more tissue destruction than nor-
water, whereas in moving water they are mally observed in fish but stimulated less
principally near the bases of fins. On rain- tissue response (Shields and Goode, 1978).
bow trout, a third of them may attach to Daskalov et al. (1999) reported changes
gills or the wall of buccal cavities (McNeil, in the liver and kidneys of infected carp
1961). On Tilapia sp. and Anguilla anguilla, fingerlings, particularly cloudy swelling,
they are found principally in the buccal granulation and vacuolation in the hepato-
cavity (Fryer, 1966; Ghittino, 1987). cytes and, under the electron microscope,
swollen mitochondria. Increased numbers
of neutrophils and decreased numbers of
Clinical signs and histopathology
lymphocytes were reported in the caudal
Copepodids of L. cyprinacea on small vein of infected Schizodon intermedius from
cyprinids cause disruption and necrosis of culture ponds by Silva-Souza et al. (2000).
the gill epithelium. Khalifa and Post (1976) L. cruciata in white bass (Morone
reported that large numbers of larvae on the chrysops) caused an initial mild necrosis,
gills caused the death of fish. Fingerlings which initiated a mild oedema and infiltra-
with more than six adult females became tion of neutrophils around the anchor. This
moribund (Daskalov et al., 1999). In poly- was followed by macrophage infiltration
culture ponds, the grazing of large numbers and phagocytosis of dead neutrophils and
of copepodids on the surface of each gill other cell debris. Fibroblasts then prolifer-
filament of channel catfish, I. punctatus, ated and eventually matured into fibrocytes,
Phylum Arthropoda 477

with collagen deposition. They formed part trauma and melanin deposition were evi-
of a chronic granuloma, which adhered dent at the attachment site. A thick fibrous
tightly to the anchor processes and capsule formed around parasites in some
cephalothorax. Growing anchors were able fish. In others, muscle was eroded down to
to penetrate scales (Joy and Jones, 1973). the vertebral column and the fish became
Burrowing females in largemouth bass, lethargic and died (Tamuli and Shanbhogue,
Micropterus salmoides, were completely 1996b).
concealed beneath the scales, and caused
local yellow-to-red discoloration. Host
Host immune response
reaction was primarily a mononuclear infil-
trate containing eosinophilic granular cells. Shields (1978) suspected that goldfish
This was mostly confined to the scale acquired immunity to L. cyprinacea because
pocket containing the parasite (Noga, 1986). he was unable to reinfect fish that had once
Punctate haemorrhages appeared when had a heavy infestation. Shields and Goode
female L. polymorpha began to penetrate (1978) observed that half of the parasites on
bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). The experimentally infected goldfish were
transparent body of the parasite became rejected by the host 1 week after maturation
milky and finally an ivory colour. Heavily of the first egg sacs. Wounds left by rejected
infected fish became sluggish and died females healed rapidly.
(Shariff and Roberts, 1989). Shariff et al. (1986) found that, after an
In naïve fish, penetrating females caused epizootic of L. cyprinacea in a display
disruption of the epidermis and dermis, aquarium, 18 out of 23 fish species had
necrosis and haemorrhage. This was followed apparently acquired resistance by the time
by acute inflammation and finally by a of a second outbreak 6 months later. Few
highly vascular chronic granulomatous new infections developed in experimen-
fibrosis, whereby collagen fibres encapsu- tally infected Helostoma temmincki that
lated the horns of the parasite. The penetra- had recovered from an earlier infection.
tion site was first sealed around the parasite Fish that became infected lost their infec-
by epidermal migration, then by inflamma- tions rapidly. Parasites on recovered fish
tory exudate and finally by a collar of produced fewer eggs and the resultant larvae
fibrous tissue. In resistant fish, the breach were less infective than those from females
in the epidermis was relatively small but on naïve fish (Woo and Shariff, 1990).
there was extensive haemorrhage in the A similar phenomenon occurs in some
dermis. The thickened epidermis and oede- other lernaeids. In an experimental infec-
matous dermis contained far more eosino- tion of L. polymorpha on bighead carp,
philic granule cells and lymphocytes than the prevalence first increased and then
naïve fish, apparently the result of immune declined to zero after 4 months (Shariff and
hypersensitivity (Shariff and Roberts, 1989). Sommerville, 1986c). Degenerating females
L. cyprinacea in the eyes of trout were found in haemorrhagic ulcers of resis-
caused blindness (Uzmann and Rayner, tant fish (Shariff and Roberts, 1989).
1958). The holdfast in the anterior chamber Fingerlings of Indian carp (C. catla) from
of the eye of bighead carp caused extensive which L. bhadraensis had been removed
mechanical damage and a severe inflamma- were re-exposed to the parasites and exam-
tory response. The antlers were surrounded ined 30 and 45 days later. Fish that had had
by bands of fibrous tissue, the cornea was heavy infections (20+ per fish) had few new
opaque, the lens capsule ruptured and an infections, whereas those that had been
inflammatory exudate of mononuclear cells lightly infected (three per fish) were heavily
and neutrophils filled the anterior chamber parasitized (Tamuli and Shanbhogue, 1996c).
(Shariff, 1981). No immunity was acquired by Javanese
In India, C. catla with heavy infections carp, Puntius gonionotus, against subse-
of L. bhadraensis were weak and emaciated quent infection by L. minuta, possibly
and had a rough body surface. Haemorrhage, because the parasite does not penetrate far
478 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

into the tissue and stimulates little or no suggesting that the parasites were attaching
inflammatory reaction (Kularatne et al., to and irritating them (Shariff and Roberts,
1994b). 1989). In infested ponds, the carp were
Noga (1986) suggested that haemor- up to 35% lighter than carp in uninfested
rhagic ulcers in largemouth bass, M. ponds (Shariff and Sommerville, 1986c).
salmoides, which contained degenerating
L. cruciata, were the result of immune Concurrent infection and cross immunity
Khalifa and Post (1976) observed unspeci-
fied bacterial and fungal infections in the
Mechanism of disease wounds caused by the penetration of
The mechanical destruction of epidermis L. cyprinacea into cyprinids. Noga (1986)
and dermis caused by grazing copepodids investigated early ‘red-sore’ lesions on the
stimulates inflammation (Shields and Tidd, skin of largemouth bass (M. salmoides) and
1974). When the parasites are abundant on found that at least 35% of them contained
the gills, this presumably precipitates respi- the remains of L. cruciata. The parasites
ratory distress through oedema, poor gas were almost all metamorphosing females.
transfer and slowed blood circulation in the Bacteria, particularly Aeromonas hydrophila,
lamellae. were present in some of the early lesions
Host mortality caused by adult females and bacteria of several species predomi-
is generally the result of the physical nated in more advanced lesions. He sug-
destruction of tissues. The parasites also gested that the wounds caused by the
induce pressure necrosis, and may secrete a copepod allowed in bacteria and fungi and
histolytic and/or digestive enzyme (Shields thus initiated red-sore disease.
and Goode, 1978; Shariff and Roberts, Wilson (1917) observed that the gills
1989). Small fish (4–6 cm) and tadpoles suf- of Lepisosteus platostomus carrying cope-
fer more than large fish because the head of podids of Lernaea variabilis frequently did
the parasite often enters the body cavity and not have glochidia, and vice versa.
penetrates the liver, or penetrates the brain,
spinal cord or other vital organ. Some tad-
poles apparently died from blood loss In vitro culture
through haemorrhages caused by the pene-
tration of metamorphosing females (Tidd Egg sacs, either separate or still attached to
and Shields, 1963). excised females, develop normally in
dishes in non-aerated water. Nauplii hatch
and moult three times to the infective first
Effects on host copepodid in the dish (Grabda, 1963;
L. cyprinacea hindered the feeding and Shields, 1978).
growth of eels (Anguilla anguilla) in Italy
(Ghittino, 1987). In Egypt, six or more para-
sites per fingerling slowed the growth of Parasite nutrition and physiology
cultured Cyprinus carpio and Ctenopharyn-
godon idella (Faisal et al., 1988). During an Naupliar stages do not feed. Copepodids
outbreak in a Malaysian aquarium, 7–9% of apparently graze on epidermis and dermis
fish died (Shariff et al., 1986). Mortality of (Shields and Tidd, 1974). Metamorphosed
small cyprinids, salmonids and tadpoles females ingest tissue debris and erythro-
has frequently been associated with infec- cytes (Khalifa and Post, 1976) released by
tion by this parasite (Tidd and Shields, mechanical damage from their mouthparts
1963; Khalifa and Post, 1976; Anon, 1980). and possibly from the secretion of digestive
The fins of bighead carp (A. nobilis) enzymes (Shariff and Roberts, 1989).
were continually moving once nauplii of The osmolarity of the haemolymph of
L. polymorpha were added to the tank, attached metamorphosed females is similar
Phylum Arthropoda 479

to that of the host, though attached parasites a final treatment of 0.16 ppm trichlorphon
died within 24 h in 90% sea water. Attached (Dipterex) in week 5. Nauplii were not
females in 15% or 30% sea water survived affected by either drug. Unden initially
for at least 6 days but failed to produce immobilized copepodids within 2 h and
viable eggs. They resumed normal reproduc- killed them, but by the fourth treatment half
tion within 48 h of return to fresh water. In the copepodids were still alive. Both drugs
10% sea water the parasite successfully caused fish to cease feeding.
completed its life cycle. Excised parasites A safer non-residual chemical that has
showed little ability to osmoregulate (Shields been used effectively is sodium chlorite
and Sperber, 1974). (Dempster et al., 1988). When the chlorite
ion ClO −2 was maintained at a concentration
of 20–40 mg/l and the pH above 6, the
Diagnosis of infection chlorite eradicated L. cyprinacea from a
commercial aquarium and was non-toxic to
Adult females can be seen macroscopically; fish. As a side effect, it killed bacteria in
copepodids require the use of a dissecting the biological filters so water had to be
microscope. exchanged during the first 2 weeks to keep
the ammonia and nitrite levels down until
chlorite-resistant strains of bacteria devel-
Prevention and control oped and the filters again became biologi-
cally active.
Elimination of the parasite usually requires Hoffman and Lester (1987) reported that
treatment over several weeks to break the life Dimilin (UniRoyal Chemical Co., USA), a
cycle at the larval stage, because embedded growth regulator, at 0.03 ppm eradicated
females are difficult to kill. L. cyprinacea from golden shiner (Note-
Organophosphate insecticides, particu- migonus crysoleucas). Other chemicals that
larly trichlorphon (Dipterex, Neguvon, have been used in the past are in Hoffman
Masoten), are commonly employed. As cope- and Meyer (1974) and Hoffman (1976).
podids take 8–9 days to develop (at 27°C), Kabata (1985) gives details of herbal reme-
treatment is carried out every 7 days to dies, such as tea-seed cake, that have been
prevent reinfection until all the adult used in China.
females have died (within 30 days at 27°C). For small numbers of fish, adult female
Trichlorphon at 0.25 ppm will kill the parasites can be removed by hand, larval
copepodid stage but not the nauplii or stages killed chemically and the fish
adults (Sarig, 1971; Kabata, 1985). It is less returned to clean water. Scott and Fogle
effective at high temperatures. Bromex (1983) bathed adult infested carp (C. carpio)
(dimethyl-1,2-bromo-2,2-dichlorethylphos- for 5 min in 1% trichlorphon (Dipterex;
phate) at 0.12–0.15 ppm kills both nauplii 10 g active ingredient per litre), anaesthe-
and copepodids (Sarig, 1971). Manal et al. tized the fish, removed visible copepods
(1995) successfully eradicated lernaeids and then put the fish in a clean tank. There-
from a farm using 0.01–0.02% malathion in after the water was treated with 0.2–
three applications at 10-day intervals. The 0.25 ppm trichlorphon monthly. Faisal
use of organophosphates creates problems et al. (1988) eradicated L. cyprinacea from
with residues. Ghittino (1987), who used carp brood stock by mechanically removing
trichlorphon (0.25–0.3 ppm) in 3 to 6 weekly metamorphosed females and placing the
treatments for infested eels, discontinued fish in potassium permanganate (25 g/m3)
treatment for at least 1 month before the for 30 min to kill other stages. Vulpe et al.
eels were harvested. (2000) found that 1 g/l potassium permanga-
Shariff et al. (1986) successfully treated nate for 30s killed most adult females.
infested fishes with 0.16 ppm Unden Tamuli and Shanbhogue (1996a) used
(2-isopropoxyphenyl-N-methylcarbamate) 30 ppm potassium permanganate for 20 min
at weekly intervals for 4 weeks and then twice per day to kill adult and juvenile
480 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

L. bhadraensis, though the infected fish CAN$20 million (Pike and Wadsworth, 1999).
(C. catla) became distressed, the parasite’s As evidence of their importance, there is a
eggs remained viable and free-living stages series of international conferences on sea
revived. They deparasitized individual fish lice, the proceedings of which have been
by clipping off females or touching them published in special issues of international
with a fine brush dipped in concentrated journals (Pest Management Science 58 (6)
potassium permanaganate (Tamuli and 2002 and Aquaculture Research 35 (8)
Shanbhogue, 1996c). 2004), and a conference on the use of
To avoid environmental, tissue residue cleaner fishes to combat sea lice has been
and other problems associated with chemi- held. In addition, an email newsgroup
cal treatments, several biological methods (Caligus@listserve.heanet.i.e) and an indus-
have been proposed. Shields (1978) observed try newsletter (‘Caligus’, available on the
that goldfish removed maturing parasites internet) have been established. A compre-
from each other. Tamuli and Shanbhogue hensive review of the extensive literature
(1995) found that tilapia, Oreochromis on sea lice affecting salmonids is by Pike
mossambicus reduced the prevalence of and Wadsworth (1999).
Lernaea on C. catla, whereas in the control Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the
tanks prevalence increased and high mor- northern hemisphere are often infested
tality occurred. Woo and Shariff (1990) with two species of sea lice: Lepcophtheirus
suggested that no naïve fish be introduced salmonis (Fig. 14.8) and Caligus elongatus
(e.g. into a pond) for a period as the resis- (Wootten et al., 1982; Pike, 1989). Infesta-
tance that recovered fish acquire may be tions cause erosion of skin, most often on or
sufficient to break the life cycle. near the head. Heavily infected salmon die.
To reduce the numbers of copepodids, Smolts newly introduced to sea water are
Shields (1978) recommended increasing the most susceptible (Wootten et al., 1982).
the rate of water exchange. Shariff and The first outbreaks of L. salmonis occurred
Sommerville (1986b) proposed that all fish in the 1960s within a few years of the first
should be removed from the pond for a min- salmon farms in Norway. Outbreaks were
imum of 7 days (at 25–29°C) as all the recorded in Scotland a decade later
nauplii and first copepodids (infective (Wootten et al., 1982). L. salmonis also
copepodids) will have died by the 7th day if causes lesions to pen-cultured salmonids in
no host is available. Kabata (1985) reported Japan (chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta,
that the copepod Mesocyclops preyed on pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha,
free-swimming larval Lernaea and sug- and masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou)
gested that planktonic predators could be (Urawa, 1998; Nagasawa, 2004). Infesta-
used in biological control. tions of a second species of caligid in Japan,
Caligus orientalis, have been known to kill
pen-cultured rainbow trout (Urawa and
Kato, 1991). In the southern hemisphere,
Copepoda: Caligidae caged coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
and rainbow trout in Chile were infected
Introduction from the early 1980s with Caligus teres;
from 1997, Atlantic salmon in Chile began
Sea lice (family Caligidae) are among the to be plagued by another species, Caligus
most notorious pests affecting cultured rogercresseyi (see Bravo, 2003). These prob-
marine fishes. The best-known representa- lems in Chile present a sharp contrast
tives of this group are those infesting caged with other parts of the southern hemisphere
salmonids. Sea lice infestations in salmon where salmonids are reared, such as Austra-
farms in Norway and Scotland are esti- lia and New Zealand, where there are
mated to have cost over 70 million ecu in no reports of caligids causing serious
1997 (Costello and Boxshall, 2000). In 1995 problems (despite the reported presence of
in Canada, they are estimated to have cost C. elongatus).
Phylum Arthropoda 481

Fig. 14.8. Adult salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (redrawn from Kim, 1998; photo C. Orr).

The cage culture of non-salmonids is to the eye leads to corneal ulceration and
also developing rapidly around the world, secondary bacterial infection. Cataracts and
and sea lice are becoming increasingly asso- blindness interfere with feeding and result
ciated with mortality and disease in these in further loss of condition.
fishes, too. Ho (2000) listed nine caligids that Sea lice common on wild fishes occa-
have attracted attention in Asia (Table 14.1). sionally cause disease. C. epidemicus
Ho (2000) concluded that three species are (Fig. 14.9) killed a range of wild fishes in
potential major pathogens of cage aquacul- southern Australia in the late 1960s (Hewitt,
ture in Asia: Caligus epidemicus (Fig. 14.9), 1971). This sea louse might have been
C. orientalis and Caligus punctatus. In translocated to southern Australia in ballast
Israel, Pseudocaligus apodus killed cul- water from north-east Asia shortly before
tured mullet (Paperna and Lahav, 1974). In this outbreak, because the species was pre-
Australia, C. elongatus infects southern viously unknown in southern Australia and
bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) after the other organisms from north-east Asia that
tuna have been captured and transferred became established in southern Australia in
to sea cages (Rough, 2000). The copepod the late 1950s and the 1960s were apparently
erodes epithelium and consequent damage introduced in ballast water.
Table 14.1. Caligids reported to have caused mortalities among non-salmonid fishes in Asia (from Ho, 2000).

Caligid species Country Hosts Source

Caligus acanthopagri Taiwan Acanthopagrus schlegeli (black sea bream/porgy); Epinephelus Lin et al., 1994; Lin, 1996, cited by Ho,
malabaricus (Malabar rock cod); Oreochromis mossambicus 2000
(Mozambique tilapia); Scatophagus argus (common spade fish)
Caligus epidemicus Taiwan A. schlegeli; Chanos chanos (milkfish); E. malabaricus; Lin and Ho, 1993; Lin, 1996, cited by
Lates calcarifer (giant perch); Liza macrolepis (large scale mullet); Ho, 2000

R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

Mugil cephalus (grey mullet); O. mossambicus; Oreochromis aurea
(blue tilapia); S. argus; Terapon jarbua (three-striped tigerfish);
Trachinotus blochii (snubnose pompano)
Caligus orientalis China and A. schlegeli; C. chanos; E. malabaricus; L. calcarifer ; L. macrolepis; Hwa, 1965; Lin, 1996, cited by Ho, 2000
Taiwan M. cephalus; O. mossambicus
Caligus patulus Philippines C. chanos Lavina, 1977; Jones, 1980
Caligus punctatus Taiwan A. schlegeli; C. chanos; E. malabaricus ; Lateolabrax japonicus Lin, 1996, cited by Ho, 2000
(Japanese sea bass); L. calcarifer ; L. macrolepis; M. cephalus;
O. mossambicus; O. aurea; T. jarbua; T. blochii
Caligus rotundigenitalis Taiwan A. schlegeli; E. malabaricus; S. argus Lin et al., 1994; Lin, 1996, cited by Ho,
Caligus spinosus Japan Seriola quinqueradiata (yellowtail) Fujita et al., 1968
Lepeophtheirus Japan Verasper variegatus (spotted halibut) K. Ogawa, personal communication,
longiventris cited by Ho, 2000
Lepeophtherius Japan Paralichthys olivaceus (olive flounder) K. Ogawa, personal communication,
paralichthydis cited by Ho, 2000
Phylum Arthropoda 483

Fundy, Canada, are more adversely affected

by C. elongatus than by L. salmonis (Hogans
and Trudeau, 1989a,b). In the north Pacific,
Nagasawa et al. (1993) found that 78% of
L. salmonis were on pink salmon (O. gorbu-
scha), 15% on chinook salmon (Onco-
rhynchus tschawytscha) and the remainder
on steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss),
coho (O. kisutch), chum (O. keta) and
sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) salmon.
Gravid females and other stages of
L. salmonis occur year-round on salmon
farms in northern Europe, with a succession
of generations during the year (Wootten et al.,
1982). The greatest numbers of L. salmonis
occurred in late summer and autumn, due
to an accumulation of the parasite from suc-
cessive generations. However, Tully (1989)
found that the total intensity of infection
Fig. 14.9. Adult Caligus epidemicus. Note the did not rise cumulatively because mature
sexual dimorphism, with the large genital segments lice disappeared from fish before matura-
in the female. tion of the next generation was complete.
Although reproduction is temperature-
dependent in coldwater sites (Wootten
Host range of the parasite and seasonality et al., 1982), there was little reproduction
during the summer in Ireland until the
Most sea lice occur in tropical and warm onset of winter because high summer water
temperate waters. L. salmonis (Fig. 14.8) is temperatures adversely affected the parasite
an exception in having a northern circum- (Tully, 1989). Adult females from winter
polar distribution in cold temperate waters. generations are significantly larger and pro-
Unlike other species of sea lice, it is largely duce larger egg sacs and more but smaller
restricted to the Salmonidae, especially the eggs than in summer (Ritchie et al., 1993).
genera Salmo, Salvelinus and Oncorhynchus Lepeophtheirus pectoralis infects
(see Kabata, 1979; Egidius, 1985). Other pleuronectids such as plaice (Pleuronectes
species of sea lice on salmonids have broad platessa), flounder (Platichthys flesus)
host ranges that include both non-salmonid and dab (Limanda limanda). It is found in
teleosts and elasmobranch hosts (Johnson, the north-east Atlantic Ocean, the western
1998, and references therein). The prevalence Baltic Sea and the White Sea (Boxshall,
and intensity of infection of L. salmonis on 1974b). Zeddam et al. (1988) have shown
wild fish is occasionally high. White (1940) Lepeophtheirus thompsoni to infect only
found grilse of S. salar entering the estuary turbot (Psetta maxima) whereas Lepeoph-
of the Moser River, Nova Scotia, to be heavily theirus europaensis infected brill (Scophth-
infected and exhibiting severe lesions. almus rhombus) and flounder (P. flesus).
Berland (1993) found the prevalence and Meeüs et al. (1990) infected turbot with
intensity of L. salmonis and C. elongatus on both L. thompsoni and L. europaensis and
wild salmon in west Norway to be low in hybridized the two species of parasite
1973 and 1988, but high in 1992. L. salmonis experimentally. They attributed natural
is absent from sites with lowered salinity. reproductive isolation to host specificity of
Farms in Norway are in sites with a consis- infective stages and the low probability of
tently higher salinity than in Scotland and heterospecific mating.
have more severe L. salmonis infections L. pectoralis has its greatest prevalence
(Pike, 1989). Salmon farms in the Bay of (> 95%) and intensity (five per fish) of
484 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

infection on flatfish in the summer (Hogans and Trudeau, 1989a). The parasite
(August–September) (Boxshall, 1974a). leaves the host at temperatures lower than
There is bimodal egg production in May 6°C (Stuart, 1990). Caligus curtus was found
and August, the first peak resulting from rarely on these salmon, and was found usu-
gravid females that have overwintered (para- ally on gadoid fish such as cod, haddock
site longevity of 10 months) but die in the and pollack (Hogans and Trudeau, 1989b).
spring after producing two to three pairs of Caligus clemensi is the only species in marine
egg strings. The resulting larvae produce a waters of British Columbia where it infects
summer generation, which develops rap- a wide range of clupeiform, perciform,
idly (but is shorter-lived than the winter gasterosteiform and gadiform fish in surface
generation), with a peak of egg production waters (Parker and Margolis, 1964).
in August (Boxshall, 1974a). C. epidemicus (Fig. 14.9) infects four
C. elongatus is a cosmopolitan species species of marine bream, A. australis, Acan-
and has been found on over 80 species of thopagrus berda, Acanthopagrus butcheri
fishes in 17 orders and 43 families (includ- and Acanthopagrus latus, from around
ing salmonids, pleuronectids, scombrids, Australia (Byrnes and Rohde, 1992), as well
clupeids, gadids and elasmobranchs). It is as many other species of fishes. The para-
the most common species of parasitic cope- site was abundant on A. australis in an estu-
pod in British waters (Parker, 1969; Boxshall, ary in northern New South Wales during
1974b; Kabata, 1979), being rare on wild one year (2.8 per fish) but not the next (0.5
salmon but more common on wild sea trout per fish), although salinity and temperature
(Salmo trutta) (Wootten et al., 1982) and has were similar in both years (Roubal, 1990).
been recorded on cultured brook trout An epizootic of C. epidemicus within the
(Salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout in lower Mitchell River, Victoria, Australia,
eastern Canada (Hogans and Trudeau, 1989b). caused the death of bream (A. butcheri) and
In Scotland, C. elongatus infects sea- mullet (Mugil cephalus, Aldrichetta forsteri,
caged salmon year-round, with the greatest Liza argentea and Myxus elongatus); the
number in autumn, but with an apparent epizootic was associated with high salinity,
lack of well-marked successive generations up to 28 ppt, and temperature up to 21.8°C
(Wootten et al., 1982). Although large inva- during a severe drought (Hewitt, 1971).
sions by larvae do occur, relatively few C. epidemicus has also been recorded on
copepods seem to mature; the parasite may the telson and legs of the prawn, Penaeus
die or adult parasites may enter the plank- monodon (see Ruangpan and Kabata, 1984).
ton (Wootten et al., 1982). Possible reser- An epizootic of Caligus pageti on a fish
voirs of infection in wild fish include saithe farm in Egypt was associated with a high
(Pollachius virens) and herring (Clupea salinity of up to 45 ppt (Hewitt, 1971).
harengus) (Wootten et al., 1982; MacKenzie C. orientalis, a parasite of cultured rainbow
and Morrison, 1989; Bruno and Stone, 1990). trout in Japan, is a euryhaline species that
The abundance of C. elongatus on cul- infects a wide range of other hosts, includ-
tured Atlantic salmon in the lower Bay of ing Hucho perryi, Tribolodon hakonensis,
Fundy, Canada, is highest in late summer Hypomesus transpacificus and M. cephalus
and autumn (average 17 per fish) and low- (Urawa and Kato, 1991).
est in winter ( one to three per fish) (Hogans
and Trudeau, 1989b). Market-sized Atlantic
salmon and smolt have similar numbers of Systematics and taxonomic position
parasites because the annual cycle of infec-
tion prevents accumulation in older fish The family Caligidae currently contains
(Hogans and Trudeau, 1989b). The genera- 445 species in 33 genera; more than three-
tion time in laboratory culture of C. elongatus quarters of these species are members of
is 5 weeks at 10°C. This allows four to eight the genera Caligus (239 species) and
annual generations in the water tempera- Lepeophtheirus (107 species) (Ho, 2000).
ture range of 5–14°C in the Bay of Fundy The general body shape and relative size of
Phylum Arthropoda 485

body tagma are the primary features used in long and bearing a total of 700 eggs (197–1220;
identification, although setation of appen- see Wootten et al., 1982; Costello, 1993), are
dices is also helpful. A key to genera is produced by the female from the posterior
given by Boxshall (2004). Specific keys are end of the genital segment. The limbs are
provided by Pillai (1885) for India, Kabata similar in both sexes except the male has a
(1988) for Canada, Kabata (2003) for the UK striated ventral surface on the second
and Ho and Lin (2004) for Taiwan. antenna to enhance attachment to the
posterodorsal surface of the female during
mating. Males attempt to mate with adult
Parasite morphology and life cycle females and with the two pre-adult stages
(Wootten et al., 1982), a phenomenon also
Adult caligids usually show sexual dimor- reported for Lepeophtheirus polyprioni by
phism; the female is usually larger than the Hewitt (1964). In experimental studies with
male, and male appendages, particularly L. pectoralis, Anstenrud (1990d) found that
the first maxillae and second antennae, are spermatophore transfer was successful only
modified to aid attachment during copula- between males and adult females, not
tion. Adults of L. salmonis have the large, between males and pre-adult females.
rounded, flat cephalothorax characteristic Caligus spp. have frontal lunules,
of most caligids. The female, 10–18 mm which are absent in Lepeophtheirus spp.
long, has a more prominent genital segment Frontal lunules are evident in the late
than the male (5–7 mm long) (Kabata, 1979; chalimus stages of Caligus. Young stages of
Fig. 14.10). Paired egg strings, up to 2 cm the parasites are difficult to identify, espe-
cially in mixed infections, though the
chalimus stages of C. elongatus have a long
frontal filament and paired eyespots,
whereas L. salmonis has a short frontal fila-
ment and a single eyespot (Wootten et al.,
Adult females of C. elongatus are 6–8 mm
long; males have a slimmer genital segment
and are about 5 mm long. The parasite
is golden-brown or yellow (Hogans and
Trudeau, 1989b). Two egg sacs each contain
about 30 eggs (MacKinnon, 1992).
The internal anatomy of the Caliginae,
especially the reproductive system, has
been given by Wilson (1905a) and
Gnanamuthu (1950). The ultrastructure of
sensory structures was described by Bron
et al. (1993) and Gresty et al. (1993) and the
frontal filament by Pike et al. (1993). Unlike
in other copepods, the midgut is not divided
into different zones (Nylund et al., 1992).
Lewis (1969) discussed the homology of the
maxillae, and subsequent studies on the
musculature of this and other appendages
in L. pectoralis were given by Boxshall
(1990). Locomotion of adult caligids was
described by Kabata and Hewitt (1971).
Fig. 14.10. Life cycle of the salmon louse Kabata (1972) proposed that the life
Lepeophtheirus salmonis (redrawn from Johnson, cycle of caligid copepods consists of five
1998). phases and ten stages. The life cycle of
486 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

L. salmonis has the typical caligid comple- PA1 (10 days) and PA2 (12 days) have
ment of two free-living naupliar stages (N1 also been recorded (Johnson and Albright,
and N2), an infective copepodid stage (C), 1991b).
four attached chalimus stages (Ch1–Ch4), Acclimatization of ovigerous females to
two free-living, pre-adult stages (PA1, PA2) 11.5°C promoted more successful hatching
and one adult (A) stage (Johnson and at 22°C than did acclimatization at a lower
Albright, 1991a, b; Fig. 14.10). The natural temperature (Johannessen, 1978). Tully
lifespan of adult L. salmonis has not been (1989) found that low water temperature
determined (Pike and Wadsworth, 1999). promoted large body size, long develop-
Descriptions of the whole or part of the life mental time and greater fecundity.
cycle of Lepeophtheirus spp. can be found In L. europaensis the period from fertil-
in White (1942), Lewis (1963), Boxshall ized egg to first egg laying was 44 days
(1974a), Johannessen (1978) and Schram (15°C), with a maximum lifespan of 135
(1993). Studies of varying completeness days (Meeüs et al., 1993).
on the life cycles of Caligus spp. include In C. elongatus, the N1 and N2 stages
Wilson (1905b), Heegaard (1947b), Hwa last 15–30 h and 35 h, respectively, at
(1965), Izawa (1969), Hewitt (1971) and 10°C, with no moults below 3°C, and the
Jones (1980). However, nine stages (two N, copepodid stage lasts 50 h at 13°C (Hogans
one C, four Ch, one PA, one A) have been and Trudeau, 1989b). The life cycle of
recorded for most Caligus spp., with 11 C. rogercresseyi in Chile took 45 days at
stages (six Ch) for C. epidemicus (see Lin 10.3°C (July), 31–32 days at 12.4 and 12.8°C,
and Ho, 1993) and eight (four Ch, no PA) respectively (April), and 26 days at 15.2°C
for C. punctatus (see Kim, 1993) and (November) (González and Carvajal, 2003).
C. rogercresseyi (see González and Carvajal, The minimum temperature threshold, where
2003). there is no development of the parasite, was
4.2°C. In warmwater species, the develop-
mental cycle of C. epidemicus from hatch-
Temperature and duration of ing to ovigerous female was 17 days at
development stages 24.5°C and 10–11 days for C. pageti (see
Lin and Ho, 1993). Durations of develop-
The timing of the different stages of devel- mental stages of C. epidemicus are N1 6 h,
opment is directly dependent on water N2 14.5 h, C up to 3–4 days, Ch2–Ch6 each
temperature. The generation time for L. sal- approximately 1 day (Lin and Ho, 1993).
monis is 8–9 weeks at 6°C, 6 weeks at
9–12°C and 4 weeks at 18°C (Wootten et al.,
1982; Stuart, 1990). Up to four generations
Host–parasite relationships
can occur between May and October in
Scotland with a summer water temperature
Site/host selection and course of infection
of 9–14°C (Wootten et al., 1977, 1982).
Tully (1989) found a generation time Lepcophtheirus salmonis nauplii and cope-
(ovigerous female to ovigerous female) of 56 podids are positively phototactic and
days at 13.6°C (males took 52 days) in an exhibit a daily vertical migration, rising
experimental cage in Ireland; Johnson and from the deeper waters to the surface during
Albright (1991a) reported a generation time the day and sinking at night. Heuch et al.
of 7.5–8 weeks (at 10°C) in the laboratory. (1995) conclude that ‘crossing over’, as
Duration of egg development varies from copepodids migrate upwards and salmon
17.5 days at 5°C to 5.5 days at 15°C, with move downwards during daylight, allows
durations at these respective temperatures transmission to take place. Nauplii and
of 52 h and 9.2 h for the N1 stage and 170 h copepods also swim upwards in response
and 35.6 h for the N2 stage. Durations for to pressure, but they do not respond to
the copepodid (up to 10 days), Ch1 (5 days), chemical cues. A change in water flow or a
Ch2 (5 days), Ch3 (9 days), Ch4 (6 days), mechanical vibration produces a burst in
Phylum Arthropoda 487

swimming. On contacting a host, the O. gorbuscha and Oncorhynchus nerka, on

copepodid grips the skin with its clawed the posterior ventral surface (White, 1940;
antennae and examines the surface using Wootten et al., 1982; Nagasawa, 1987). They
the antennules, which bear high-threshold attach by suction, generated by the cephalo-
contact chemoreceptors. Non-salmonid thorax and sealed by its marginal mem-
hosts are rejected and the copepodids brane and the expanded base of the third
re-enter the water column (Bron et al., 1993). pair of legs (Kabata and Hewitt, 1971).
On suitable salmonid hosts, the antennae Nauplii of L. pectoralis are positively
penetrate the epidermis and dermis, and phototactic. The copepodids are positively
the anterior end of the cephalothoracic phototactic initially but later sink to the
shield is pushed into the epidermis, causing bottom, whereupon they display positive
it to separate from the basement membrane. rheotaxis (Boxshall, 1976). On attachment
An adhesive secretion is produced, which to a fish, they evidently use chemical clues,
quickly hardens to form the frontal filament as copepodids from adults on flounder pre-
(Figs 14.10 and 14.11). The larva then ferentially settled on flounder whereas
moults into the first chalimus stage (Jones copepodids from plaice preferred plaice.
et al., 1990; Bron et al., 1991). Infection occurs on or near the base of the
The chalimus stages typically attach to body fins. Mobile post-chalimus stages occur
the dorsal and pectoral fins and around the on the general body surface. Males, non-
anus of wild and caged fish (Wootten et al., ovigerous females and juveniles of L. pecto-
1982), though under confined experimental ralis attach to the body, fins and walls of
conditions they will also attach in the the branchial chamber, but ovigerous
buccal cavity and gills (Bron et al., 1991; females prefer the undersurface of pectoral
Johnson and Albright, 1991b). and pelvic fins (Boxshall, 1976, 1977).
Pre-adult and adult stages of L. salmonis C. elongatus adults and larvae attach to
move freely over the surface of the host and most areas of the body of salmon, but adults
are capable of leaving the host to infect prefer the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the
other fish. They are abundant on the head head, the anterior portion of the abdomen
and dorsal surface and, especially in between the opercula and the base of the
caudal fin (Hogans and Trudeau, 1989b).
In C. epidemicus the copepodids and
chalimus are found on the body and fins
of bream, A. australis, whereas in Caligus
epinepheli, chalimus stages occur on the
gill arches and adults within the buccal cav-
ity (Roubal, 1981). Adult C. epidemicus that
had settled on the bottom of a container
responded with rapid upward swimming
when a shadow passed over the container
(Lester and Roubal, 1995).
Fraile (1986) reported that larvae of
Caligus minimum were attracted by the
mucus of its host, the sea bass Dicentrarchus
labrax. The parasite displayed positive
phototaxis and positive rheotaxis in fast
water currents but not in slow water cur-
rents. Young whiting in the shade of float-
ing logs and medusae, primarily Cyanea
Fig. 14.11. Lepeophtheirus salmonis. Section spp. and Rhizostoma spp., in the sea off
through the attachment site of a copepodid recently Plymouth, UK, were more frequently infected
attached to Salmo salar. (Redrawn from Bron et al., by C. elongatus (syn. rapax) than other
1991.) whiting, suggesting that the copepodids
488 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

had a preference for these habitats (Russell, mucus and the high degree at which the
1933; Shotter, 1973). mucus of each stimulates the production of
In north-west and north-east Ireland, low molecular weight proteases in the sea
all production of L. salmonis larvae is from lice. These authors found variation in the
wild stocks of S. trutta, but in the west 94% release of respective proteases and alkaline
of L. salmonis larvae originated from phosphatases in sea lice in response to mucus
farmed salmon (Tully and Whelan, 1992). from these two species and the mucus of two
Tully and Whelan (1992) estimated that others (coho salmon and winter flounder).
1–38 million larvae were produced per day Glover et al. (2004) found that the strain
from single salmon farms. Major gaps of Atlantic salmon also influenced louse
remain in our knowledge of the population burdens: individuals of the wild Dale
dynamics of sea lice, especially in and strain, when kept in tanks with four other
around sea cages. This lack of data prompted stocks and then challenged with L. salmonis,
Revie et al. (2003) to use statistical regres- had significantly lower louse density than
sion to determine which of 20 variables did two other stocks (wild Vosso and Farm
they recorded were key factors in explain- 2 strains).
ing patterns of abundance of mobile Epizootiological models of sea lice
L. salmonis across 40 salmon farms in have potential for assisting in farm manage-
Scotland. These authors identified six vari- ment and louse control. Tucker et al. (2002)
ables as significant: level of treatment; type used laboratory trials to develop a simple
of treatment; cage volume; current speed; mathematical model of a single cohort in
loch flushing time; and sea louse abun- the life cycle of L. salmonis and success-
dance in the preceding 6 months. Factors fully predicted the timing and numbers of
that had been assumed to be critical, parasites present on laboratory salmon.
including stocking density, site biomass, Interestingly, these authors also found that
water temperature and the presence of the death rates of post-settlement stages of
neighbours, were not found to be significant lice in experimental tanks were highly vari-
in this model. Revie et al. (2002) also exam- able, despite the simplification of natural
ined the epizootiology of C. elongatus in the conditions.
west of Scotland over 4 years, and deter-
mined that, in contrast with L. salmonis,
Clinical signs, gross and histopathology
infections were more common in the first
year of production rather than in the sec- Initially, whitish spots across the neck and
ond, and that fallowing had no effect on along the base of the dorsal fins indicate
abundance. sites of feeding by L. salmonis. At higher
Heuch et al. (2003) compared the levels of infection, these become skin lesions
epizootiological patterns of L. salmonis and then large open wounds (Fig. 14.12);
infections in farmed Atlantic salmon in there may be subepidermal haemorrhaging
Norway and Scotland over several years, and erosion of the skin to expose the cranial
and reported that infection levels of both bones (Wootten et al., 1982). The large open
chalimus and mobile stages were consis- wounds may be associated with secondary
tently higher in Scotland. These authors bacterial infections (Egidius, 1985). Sec-
noted that this could be because the water ondary fungal infections may ensue if
bodies used for farming in Scotland are fish with exposed wounds are returned to
shallower and more enclosed; because pens fresh water (Hastein and Bergsjo, 1976).
are shallower and smaller; because sea Oedema, hyperplasia, sloughing of epider-
water temperatures are higher; and because mal cells and inflammation are caused by
access to medications differ. attachment and feeding of pre-adult and
Fast et al. (2003) concluded that the adult L. salmonis (Jonsdottir et al., 1992).
high susceptibilities of Atlantic salmon and Chinook and coho salmon are more resis-
rainbow trout to infection with L. salmonis tant to L. salmonis than Atlantic salmon
may be related to characteristics of the host and respond to infection by extensive
Phylum Arthropoda 489

Fig. 14.12. Lepeophtheirus salmonis on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar showing severe erosion of the
epidermal and deeper tissues of the head and operculum (photo courtesy of T. Hastein).

epithelial hyperplasia and inflammation C. elongatus leaves a ‘grazing trail’ over

(Johnson and Albright, 1992a). Jones et al. the body surface from the original point of
(1990) described the histopathology associ- attachment to its ‘preferred site’ (Hogans
ated with early developmental stages of and Trudeau, 1989b). When several adults
L. salmonis. Initial mechanical damage occur at one site, there is extensive damage
caused by copepodid and attachment and to epidermal and dermal tissue.
feeding by Ch1 and Ch2 causes a mild epi- C. orientalis causes skin ulcers on Liza
dermal hyperplasia. Later stages cause dam- akame (Urawa et al., 1979), and Caligus
age by feeding, with a focus of irritation macarovi leaves small round scars in the
around the periphery of the lesion associ- epidermis of Cololabis saira (see Hotta,
ated with the frontal filament. The greatest 1962). Caligus uruguayensis in the mouth
damage is associated with the remnant of cavity of Trichurus savala is partly encap-
the frontal filament following detachment sulated by the epithelial and connective
by the Ch4 stage. Lesions, 0.5 cm in dia- tissue hyperplasia that it stimulates
meter, have an outer ring of heavily pig- (Radhakrishnan and Nair, 1981a). Adipose
mented tissue and a depressed core of white fins of O. gorbuscha were eroded by the
skin. The basement membrane is reorga- attached chalimus stages of Caligus clemensi
nized over the remains of the filament and (see Parker and Margolis, 1964). In contrast,
there is dermal fibrosis with inflammatory adults of C. epidemicus on A. australis
infiltration. cause little damage. Its copepodids erode
Damage caused by L. pectoralis is usu- the epidermis during initial settlement, and
ally epidermal hyperplasia restricted to the chalimus stages are associated with
one side of the fin (Boxshall, 1977). Sessile only minor epidermal proliferation and
stages such as adult females and, more signi- inflammation in the dermis where the fron-
ficantly, Ch3 and Ch4 cause the greatest tal filament is attached (Fig. 14.11). How-
damage, which frequently extends to the ever, after the final chalimus moult, the
dermis. Dermal insult leads to fibroplasia, cast-off frontal filament provokes a local-
cellular infiltration and eventually dense ized chronic inflammatory response, char-
granulation tissue (Boxshall, 1977). Heavy acterized by epidermal and fibroblast
infections by L. pectoralis result in lacerated proliferation, lymphocyte and macrophage
and bleeding skin, with partial destruction of infiltration and giant cell formation (Roubal,
the pectoral fin (Mann, 1970). 1994).
490 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

Innate immunity, acquired host immune been recorded on a fish (Brandal and Egidius,
response (humoral and cell-mediated), 1977), indicating that fish can withstand
protective immunity, immunopathology significant erosion. F.R. Roubal (unpub-
lished data) found that the sparid A. australis
Salmon do not naturally produce an anti-
confined in 1 m3 experimental sea cages
body response to Lepeophtheirus salmonis
and with infections of 6000 individuals of
(Grayson et al., 1991; MacKinnon, 1991).
C. epidemicus per fish were in poor condi-
For most of the life cycle, the sea lice are not
tion and had damaged fins and the body
in intimate, fixed contact with host surfaces
surface was covered with mucus.
(Pike and Wadsworth, 1999). Even chalimi,
The damage caused by the chalimus
which attach to a fixed position on hosts,
stages results from the attachment by the
are distanced from the skin (except when
frontal filament and consequently the lim-
feeding) by the inanimate frontal filament.
ited feeding radius (Boxshall, 1977). There
A serum antibody response to an anti-
is no evidence that enzymes are released on
gen (> 200 kDa), associated with the apices
to the surface of the host.
of gut epithelium folds in L. salmonis, was
Osmoregulatory failure through exten-
found in naturally infected Atlantic salmon
sive skin damage appears to be the main
(Grayson et al., 1991). Grayson et al. (1991)
cause of death, though secondary bacterial
also found different antigens in adult and
infection has also been suggested (Wootten
chalimus stages of L. salmonis. Atlantic
et al., 1982). Small host fish can die very
salmon immunized with crude extracts of
rapidly without any appreciable disease
either adult C. elongatus or L. salmonis pro-
(Ho, 2000). For example, larval rock cod
duced humoral antibodies that reacted with
(Epinephelus malabaricus) 2–3 cm long
antigens in these extracts, as well as fewer
died within 3 min after attack by a single
antigens from crude extracts of chalimus
C. epidemicus; in contrast, 20-cm long rock
stages and eggs (Reilly and Mulcahy, 1993).
cod did not die until 4 or 5 days later after
As yet, none of these antigens have been
being attacked by nearly 100 sea lice (Lin,
shown to produce protective immunity in
1996, cited by Ho, 2000). Twelve to 15
the salmon.
C. elongatus will kill salmon smolt, and
Coho salmon implanted with hydrocor-
40–50 will kill an adult salmon (Stuart, 1990).
tisone (0.5 mg/g body weight) produced a
Wagner and McKinley’s (2004) predic-
diminished epithelial hyperplasia and
tive feeding-rate model indicated that 15–25%
inflammation and were more susceptible to
of the tissue consumed by L. salmonis is
infection by L. salmonis than were control
blood. These authors note that at higher
coho salmon. This suggested by Johnson
sublethal infection levels (> 0.5 sea lice/g)
and Albright (1992b) that non-specific host
this consumption rate may cause anaemia,
defence mechanisms are important in resis-
and that this would compound problems
tance of coho to L. salmonis. Mustafa et al.
with osmotic balance.
(2000a) found that macrophage function (as
Unidentified bacteria found in the gut of
measured by respiratory burst activity
L. salmonis have been proposed as a source of
and phagocytosis rate) was significantly
disease in caged salmonids (Nylund et al.,
impaired in Atlantic salmon experimen-
1991, 1992). L. salmonis may act as a vector
tally infected with pre-adult L. salmonis.
for Aeromonas salmonicida and infectious
salmon anaemia (Nylund et al., 1993).
Mustafa et al. (2000b) found that 2-year-
Mechanism of disease
old rainbow trout challenged with the
The primary cause of pathology associated microsporidian Loma salmonae 28 days
with adult caligid copepods results from after exposure to sea lice developed 2.5
parasite feeding; the extent of damage times the number of xenomas than control
depends on the number of parasites. Five trout not exposed to sea lice. This increase
adult L. salmonis cause skin erosion on corresponded with the suppressed macro-
salmon smelts, but up to 2000 parasites have phage function mentioned above.
Phylum Arthropoda 491

Effects on host physiology posterior lip of the mouth tube. The mandi-
bles aid the passage of food into the mouth
Sublethal infection by L. salmonis compro-
tube (Kabata, 1974). Naupliar stages lack a
mises the overall fitness of Atlantic salmon.
gut and anus, whereas the copepodid has a
Even when sea lice are not feeding, they cling
mouth cone but lacks the strigil (Johnson
to the host by digging into the epidermis,
and Albright, 1991b). The first chalimus
using claw-like antennae and maxillipeds.
stage of L. salmonis has well-developed
Hence, the mere presence of sea lice is
mouthparts and a functional alimentary
enough to cause stress to fish (Ho, 2000).
canal and is the first feeding stage in the life
A number of more recent studies dem-
cycle (Jones et al., 1990; Bron et al., 1991).
onstrate that experimental infection of
Mucus and epidermis appear to be the
Atlantic salmon with L. salmonis elevates
main diet (Boxshall, 1977; Wootten et al.,
levels of cortisol significantly compared
1982). Blood was found in the gut of adult
with those in controls (for example, Bowers
Lepeophtheirus spp. when blood vessels or
et al., 2000; Mustafa et al., 2000a). Fast et al.
haemorrhaging tissue occurred near the sur-
(2004) detected prostaglandin E2, a potent
face (Brandal et al., 1976). C. elongatus has
vasodilator that is thought to aid in parasite
higher levels and a greater diversity of pro-
evasion of the host immune response, in
teases in the gut than does L. salmonis, a
secretions of L. salmonis; concentrations
difference attributed to the wider host range
ranged from 0.2 to 12.3 ng per individual
of the former (Ellis et al., 1990). Lipase was
and varied with incubation temperature
found in the gut of L. salmonis by Grayson
and time kept off the host. Critical swim-
et al. (1991).
ming speeds in Atlantic salmon infected
Kvamme et al. (2004) characterized five
in the laboratory with high numbers of
trypsin-like peptidase transcripts from
L. salmonis were significantly lower than
L. salmonis, and found that their levels
both control salmon and salmon with low
increased from planktonic to early host-
numbers of sea lice (Wagner et al., 2003). In
attached stages and also from pre-adult to
addition, after swimming, chloride levels in
sexually mature stages. These authors also
salmon with higher sea louse numbers
noted that the digestive functions of these
were also significantly more increased
five peptidases are indicated by their find-
than levels in control salmon and those
ing that they are all transcribed throughout
with low numbers of sea lice.
the undifferentiated midgut.
The genetic population structure of
L. salmonis has been investigated in some
In vitro culture detail to evaluate the claim that individuals
originating from farmed salmonids are
Pike and Wadsworth (1999) decribe how responsible for the decline of populations
egg sacs can be removed from mature gravid of sea trout (S. trutta) since 1989 on the
females, hatched in clean, filtered sea water west coasts of both Scotland and Ireland.
and the nauplii allowed to moult to infec- However, populations show varying degrees
tive copepodids. Experimental hosts are of polymorphism and hence there is cur-
exposed to copepodids in static, aerated rently no consensus as to whether sea lice
water for several hours. Successful estab- from farms are reducing numbers of sea
lishment is indicated by black pigment trout. Todd et al. (1997) predicted that the
spots at the sites of infection. inclusion of a planktonic larval phase in
the life cycle of L. salmonis, in addition to
the high mobility of salmon, would
Parasite nutrition, physiology and enhance gene flow and preclude genetic
biochemical and molecular biology differentiation of populations as a result of
random drift alone. This was confirmed in
Caligids feed by scraping the skin with a their analysis of allozyme variation in two
dentigerous bar, the strigil, located on the polymorphic loci of female sea lice from
492 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

sea trout, rainbow trout and caged Atlantic and larval interchange between farmed and
salmon from around the Scottish coast. wild host stocks are sufficient to prevent
Isdal et al. (1997) also examined allozyme genetic divergence. In contrast, sea lice
data, from sea lice in Norway, but, in con- from farmed Atlantic salmon in Pacific
trast with Todd et al. (1997), concluded that Canada (off British Columbia) showed sig-
there were two distinct populations of nificant but low differentiation from this
L. salmonis in the north and south of the Atlantic population.
country. Bjørn et al. (2001) examined wild
Todd et al. (1997) also analysed pat- stocks of sea trout and Arctic charr feeding
terns in randomly amplified polymorphic nearby and distant from Atlantic salmon
DNA (RAPD) and, in contrast with their farms in northern Norway for sea lice, and
allozyme results, found that there was concluded that the burdens of lice on wild
some genetic differentiation of sea louse salmonids around farms were about ten
populations around the coasts of Scotland. times higher than those on salmonids away
L. salmonis populations sampled from wild from farms, and also that the most heavily
salmon and sea trout were genetically homo- infected fish in farm areas returned to fresh
geneous, but samples taken from farmed waters prematurely.
salmon and rainbow trout showed signifi-
cant genetic differentiation, both between
wild and farmed salmonids and among the Diagnosis of infection
various farms. There was also evidence of
high levels of small-scale spatial or tempo- Large female caligoids, though semi-
ral heterogeneity of RAPD marker band fre- transparent and often cryptically coloured,
quencies shown for the one farm from are usually visible to the discerning eye on
which repeat samples were analysed. RAPD the gills, fins or body of fish or in the buccal
analysis also revealed that putative ‘farm and opercular cavities, particularly when
markers’ were present in some individual mobile. Copepodids and chalimus larvae
parasites from west coast wild sea trout, are generally small (less than 4 mm long)
indicating that their lice had most probably and detection requires at least the use of a
originated from salmon farms. The authors magnifying glass (Johnson, 1998). Sea lice
concluded that the observed range of phe- still attached to the skin of freshly killed
notypes were produced by a combination fish may also be detected by running a wet
of a founder effect on farms and strong hand along the flanks of the body, and will
selection pressures, perhaps in reaction to be felt as a minor ‘lump’.
Dixon et al. (2004) further analysed
RAPD fragments of L. salmonis from wild Prevention and control
and cultured S. salar in Scotland and con-
cluded that, although distinct clusters of Integrated pest management schemes cur-
populations were discernible, the genetic rently employed against sea lice in salmonid
differentiation did not fit any geographical sea cages rely heavily on the use of chemo-
pattern. These authors suggest that this therapeutics. With the development of
indicates that selection for chemical resis- improved treatments and with the introduc-
tance may occur after dispersal. tion of coordinated management systems
Todd et al. (2004) assessed variation at for salmonid cages over wider areas, includ-
six microsatellite loci among L. salmonis and ing programmed treatment and fallowing of
found no significant differentiation among sites, sea lice are now under greater control.
lice from wild and farmed salmonids in However, with still such a limited range of
Scotland, wild sea-run brown trout in Norway approved chemicals, the increasing devel-
and farmed Atlantic salmon in eastern opment of resistance to them remains a
Canada. These authors conclude that long- problem (Alderman, 2002). Cleaner wrasses
distance oceanic migration of wild hosts offer additional relief in the form of
Phylum Arthropoda 493

biological control, particularly in Norway, mechanical disruption. It breaks down rap-

where they are used in over half of the idly and leaves no residues, so it is
salmon farms (Johnson, 1998). considered ‘organic’ or ‘environmentally
Areas of promising research now under friendly’. Nevertheless, canvas skirts are
way include: the development of effective still required on cages, and transport haz-
vaccines; selecting salmon stock with ards may present difficulties, particularly
innate resistance to sea lice; the isolation of for island-based fish farms where hydrogen
bacteria pathogenic specifically to sea lice; peroxide tanks cannot be shipped on pas-
the development of photomechanical devices senger ferries (Alderman, 2002). Exposure
to trap sea lice; supplementing diets with to 1.5 g/l hydrogen peroxide in a bath for
nucleotides to increase resistance to sea lice 20 min removed 85–100% of lice, and was
(Burrells et al., 2001); and the isolation effective against mobile stages of sea lice
of semiochemicals (behaviour-modifying (Thomassen, 1993). However, use at higher
odours) derived from salmon that could be water temperatures (> 14°C) revealed toxic-
used in traps for sea lice (see below). ity problems for fish (Alderman, 2002). In
The first chemotherapeutic agents used addition, the only effect on chalimus is
were organophosphates; although effective, delayed development, and a high propor-
they are also hazardous to use (Johnson, tion of adult and pre-adult stages recover
1998; Alderman, 2002). Organophosphates (Johnson et al., 1993; Thomassen, 1993;
inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activ- McAndrew et al., 1998). Treasurer et al.
ity in cholinergic nervous systems; they (2000) also found that sea lice from a farm
pose toxic hazards not only to fish stock but with a history of using hydrogen peroxide
also to the environment. Canvas skirts must had developed resistance. Exposure times
also be used around cages to contain treat- of 60 min or at 10 g/l for 30 min caused
ment baths. Additionally, organophosphates damage to the gill epithelium (Thomassen,
have been linked with human health prob- 1993).
lems, and this has increased the pressure to Pyrethroid compounds such as pyre-
find alternative medications. The first com- thrum (Py-Sal) have also been used for sea
pound used was trichlorphon (Neguvon, louse control (Johnson, 1998). These kill
Dipterex, Tugon, Dylox, Masoten); this was organisms by interfering with the closure of
later superceded by dichlorvos (Nuvan sodium channels in nerve membranes, and
500EC, Aquaguard, Vapona, Apavap). A are relatively toxic to fish and invertebrates
more potent (and toxic) organophosphate, (Roth et al., 1993). In the late 1990s, a syn-
azamethiphos (Salmosan, Alfacron), has thetic pyrethroid, cypermethrin (Excis),
now replaced dichlorvos (Alderman, 2002), became available, followed in Norway by
as it does not cause cumulative AChE deltamethrin (Alpha max Vet) (Alderman,
depression from repeated exposure and is 2002). These still require the use of canvas
better tolerated by fish. It kills 100% of skirts and they are much more environmen-
post-chalimus stage lice at 0.01 mg/l (1 h), tally persistent.
but, like other organophosphates, it shows Ivermectin, a member of the avermectin
little efficacy against attached chalimus group of macrocyclic lactones, is a well-
stages (Roth et al., 1996). Sea lice repeatedly established insecticide with neurotoxic
exposed to organophosphates can develop properties. Experiments at an oral dose of
resistance (Jones et al., 1992; Fallang et al., 0.2 mg/kg body weight after coating with
2004). This means that stronger solutions 5% gelatin on food pellets effectively reduced
have to be used to treat the parasite, with a the number of lice and consequential skin
concomitant reduction in the safety margin damage to Atlantic salmon, though there
(Roth et al., 1993). was a narrow safety margin (Palmer et al.,
An effective alternative to organo- 1987). However, the manufacturer has not
phosphates is hydrogen peroxide (Salartect developed formulations for fish or obtained
350 and 500, Paramove 35 and 50), an marketing authorization (Alderman, 2002).
oxidizing agent that removes lice by Nevertheless, oral formulations of this
494 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

chemical designed for treating pigs can be environment protection authority have
used legally under the veterinary prescrip- become increasingly important and now
tion cascade system. Ivermectin requires a play a considerable role in the availability
long withholding period, since, even under of these products for use at each salmon
the cascade system, no residues can be farm site (Alderman, 2002).
present in fish at slaughter as no maximum The ability of L. salmonis to survive for
residue level exists for fish (Alderman, 2002). several days in fresh water precludes fresh
Hoy et al. (1992) concluded that ivermectin water as a treatment for this species.
was not well suited to oral treatment C. elongatus is more sensitive. The para-
because high concentrations reached the sites on pond-reared sea drum, Sciaenops
central nervous system, and the drug was ocellatus, were controlled by a 20–30 min
excreted slowly. Information about its dip in fresh water, whereas treatment had
toxicity to target and non-target marine been unsuccessful with ‘Copper Control’
organisms remains limited (Davies and (Argent; 8.5% copper chelated with mono-
Rodger, 2000). and triethanolamine) at 6 mg/l (18 h) and
Most recently, insect growth regulators 150 mg/l (30 min), formalin at 10 mg/l
have been developed as oral anti-sea louse (18 h) or 250 mg/l (30 min), or trichlorphon
agents, which can be applied in feed and for at 0.25 mg/l (18 h) (Landsberg et al., 1991).
which marketing authorizations have been C. elongatus is difficult to control in sea
obtained (Alderman, 2002). Insect growth cages because the adult parasite readily
regulators are not readily water-soluble and leaves caged salmonids and lives in the
are stable in light; they inhibit chitin syn- water column or infects other fish in the
thesis and hence are not effective against vicinity (Wootten et al., 1982).
adult lice. Diflurbenzuron (Dimilin, Lepsidon) Non-chemical control methods for sea
has a half-life of 29 days at 10°C, pH 7.7, lice are frequently part of integrated pest man-
is effective at an oral dose of 75 mg/kg over agement, and these include fallowing, site
14 days, and is relatively non-toxic to fish selection, vaccination and the use of cleaner
(rainbow trout 96 h median lethal dose fishes as biological controls. Fallowing of
(LD50) = 140 mg/l). Other effective insect salmon farms for periods greater than 30 days
growth regulators include teflubenzuron (7–8°C) may prevent the carry-over of infec-
(Calicide, Ektobann), which was effective at tious agents and allow the seabed to recover
a dose of 10 mg/kg/day for 7 consecutive (Grant and Treasurer, 1993). In addition, cage
days, both at 12–15°C (Branson et al., 2000) sites can be selected where water currents are
and at 5.4–8.3°C (Ritchie et al., 2002), and such that the infectious copepodid stages are
emamectin benzoate (Slice), which was flushed off site (Johnson, 1998).
effective at a dose of 50 µg/kg/day for 7 con- Vaccines offer many advantages over
secutive days (Stone et al., 2000). However, chemotherapeutics, but none are yet avail-
a major disadvantage of insect growth regu- able for the control of sea lice. The digestive
lators is their toxicity to marine crustaceans processes and gut function of sea lice are
(Burridge et al., 2004). poorly known, and so developing a vaccine
The use of quantities of such insecti- from gut antigens of sea lice – as has been
cidal compounds in sea cages, especially developed for other blood-feeding parasites
in enclosed sea lochs and fjords, presents (such as cattle tick) – is proving to be diffi-
difficult environmental problems. Whilst cult (Raynard et al., 2002). Nevertheless,
assessment for safety as a veterinary medi- this phenomenon is being pursued by
cine requires a detailed consideration of industry. In the laboratory, the percentage
aspects of environmental impact, this can of female L. salmonis carrying eggs was
only be generalized in nature. Impact found to be lower on salmon injected with a
assessment of individual fish farms and crude extract of L. salmonis than it was on
individual permits to discharge sea louse control salmon, and the average number of
treatment chemicals (and most other aqua- eggs produced by those copepods was also
culture medicines) from the appropriate fewer (Grayson et al., 1995).
Phylum Arthropoda 495

Two semiochemicals linked to salmon 1990; Costello and Bjordal, 1990). The num-
(isophorone, 1-octen-3-ol) cause behav- ber of mobile lice, and not chalimi, was
ioural activation of adult male lice, includ- lower on salmon in cages with wrasse (2–11
ing electrophysiological responses in their lice per fish) than in cages without wrasse
antennal nerves (Ingvarsdóttir et al., 2002). (< 50 lice per fish) (Treasurer, 1993). Cages
Identification of such host odour cues in in which wrasse have been introduced
sea water may permit the development of require little or no chemical treatment to
slow-release louse traps. control sea lice. The wrasse were not hosts
Sea lice have been controlled by to L. salmonis and Caligus centrodonti
cleaner fish in European salmon farms for found on wrasse were not found on salmon,
over a decade (Fig. 14.13). Over 100 years indicating that copepod transfer between
ago, Wilson (1905b) suggested that Caligus, wrasse and salmon did not pose a problem
Lepeophtheirus and allied genera could be (Bron and Treasurer, 1992). Wrasse were
controlled by the ‘introduction of small not carriers of the typical strain of
fish. . . which will eat up the larvae of para- A. salmonicida (see Treasurer, 1993), and
sitic copepods’. Cleaner wrasse, particu- the atypical strain found in some wrasse
larly rockcook, Centrolabrus exoletus, and was non-pathogenic to salmon (Frerichs
goldsinny, Ctenolabrus rupestris, are used et al., 1992).
to control sea louse infestation in salmon Udonellid monogeneans, which are
farms. In 1989, Norwegian farmers used found on a number of sea lice, have been
50,000 wrasses (65% goldsinny, 15% suggested as candidates for biological con-
rockcook) to treat 2.3 million smolts in 115 trol, but they are probably unsuitable as
cages. At ratios of goldsinny : salmon of they are ectocommensals that feed on the
1 : 8 most lice were removed; a ratio of fish, not the lice.
1 : 158 resulted in more lice remaining but
they caused no harmful effects; at 1 : 260
the wrasse were not effective (Bjordal, 1988,
Copepoda: Pennellidae


Pennellids are widespread and highly visi-

ble parasites of marine fishes. Most cause
localized changes in adjacent tissues and
some result in loss of condition or reduced
gonad development.
Lernaeocera branchialis (Fig. 14.14)
has been estimated to cause reductions of
more than 1000 t/year in the gadoid catch
around Scotland through loss of condition
(Kabata, 1970). In mariculture, infected cod
(Gadus morhua) farmed in sea cages in
Newfoundland show poor weight gain and
increased mortality (Khan et al., 1990).
Lernaeocera lusci has caused mortality in
cultured sole (Solea solea) in Britain (Slinn,
1970; Kirmse, 1987).
Dark muscle lesions caused by Pennella
Fig. 14.13. Lepeophtheirus salmonis being hawaiiensis delayed the marketing of
removed by a goldsinny wrasse Ctenolabrus 169,000 t of boarfish (Pentaceros richard-
rupestris from the head of Salmo salar soni) until the source of the lesion was
(Photo courtesy of A. Bjorndal). identified (Kurochkin, 1985).
496 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

Fig. 14.15. Lernaeocera lusci, from Trisopterus

minutus, showing the antennary processes (ap).
a, antlers; m, mouth. Bar = 1 mm. (Drawn from
Bastide-Guillaume et al., 1987.)

low-salinity waters (Sundnes et al., 1997;

Koie, 1999, Mellergaard and Lang, 1999).
Fig. 14.14. Lernaeocera branchialis. Adult female Adult female L. lusci (Fig. 14.15) occur
(diagrammatic). a, antler; c, cement gland; e, egg primarily on the gadoid, Trisopterus luscus,
string; g, gut; h, holdfast; o, oviduct. Bar = 5 mm. and the goby, Pomatoschistus minutus, in
(Based on Sproston and Hartley, 1941b, and Capart, north-west Europe, and on Trisopterus
1948.) minutus and M. merluccius in the Mediter-
ranean (Bastide-Guillaume et al., 1987;
Tirard et al., 1993; Van Damme et al., 1997).
Host range, distribution and seasonality Slinn (1970) found juvenile stages on
S. solea.
Lernaeocera species are restricted to the In the North Sea, juveniles and males
North Atlantic. Adult females of L. branchialis of L. branchialis reach peak abundance on
are found primarily on gadoids, particularly flounder (Platichthys flesus) in April/May,
G. morhua, G. ogac, Boreogadus saida, followed by a peak in abundance of females
Pollachius pollachius, Merlangius merlangus on cod and haddock in mid- to late summer
and Eleginus navaga, but also occur on (Stekhoven, 1936; Kabata, 1958). They also
fishes in other families, including Merluccidae occur on lemon sole (Microstomus kitt) in
(Merluccius merluccius), Serranidae the northern North Sea (Kabata, 1979). Off
(D. labrax, Serranus cabrilla) and Callio- Newfoundland, juveniles and males are
nymidae (Callionymus lyra) (Kabata, 1979). commonest on lumpfish (Cyclopterus
They are often associated with coastal lumpus) in July/August (Templeman et al.,
waters, possibly because here they come 1976; Khan et al., 1990) and the main trans-
into contact with intermediate hosts carry- mission to cod occurs in the autumn, espe-
ing the juvenile and male parasites and cially in inshore waters (Brattey, 1997). In
because young cod are apparently more sus- the English Channel there is little seasonal
ceptible to infection that older cod (Khan, change (Sproston and Hartley, 1941a). Like
1988). L. branchialis is absent from fish in many parasites, the prevalence of pennellids
Phylum Arthropoda 497

can vary greatly from year to year (Kabata, of pennellids typically has a very short
1958; Hughes, 1973; Nagasawa et al., 1988). frontal filament, sometimes completely
The pennellid Haemobaphes dispha- embedded in the tissues of the fish (Kabata,
erocephalus, a parasite of the west coast of 1988). Schram (1979) gives features that
North America, was found on Atlantic distinguish juveniles of Lernaeenicus
salmon introduced into west coast sea cages sprattae from those of Lernaeocera bran-
(Kent et al., 1997), an example of how exotic chialis. Juvenile females of Lernaeocera,
fish in aquaculture can pick up native Lernaeenicus, Trifur, Peniculus and possi-
parasites. bly Pennella, which are difficult to distin-
guish, could possibly be identified to genus
from the ornamentation on the posterior
Systematics wall of the mouth cone (Romero and Kuroki,
1986, 1989).
A key to genera of pennellids based on
adult females is in Boxshall (2004). Out-
lines of common genera are given in Morphology and life cycle
Figs 14.14–14.16. The two species of
Lernaeocera, L. branchialis and L. lusci, are Adult female pennellids develop elaborate
distinguished by the shape of the holdfast holdfasts and show little signs of segmenta-
of adult females (Van Damme and Ollevier, tion (Figs 14.14 and 14.16). Their life cycles
1995). L. branchialis (Fig. 14.14) has one require either one or two hosts.
dorsal and two lateral thoracic lobes, Lernaeenicus sprattae, a parasite of sprat
whereas the holdfast of L. lusci incorporates (Sprattus sprattus) and pilchards (Sardina
two additional lobes, the antennary pro- pilchardus), requires one host species. Eggs
cesses, which arise on the dorsal side hatch into the first naupliar stage, which
between the mouth and the holdfast proper is free-swimming. After a day they moult
(Fig. 14.15). A key to Cardiodectes is into a second nauplius and a day later into
given by Bellwood (1981) and to pennellid a copepodid (Schram and Anstensrud,
species of India by Pillai (1985). 1985). The copepodid is attracted to the sea
Males and copepodids can be recog- surface at night and fastens to a sprat or
nized as members of the family Pennellidae young pilchard by its second antennae. It
from the characteristic second antennae, moults through four chalimus stages and
which are typically subchelate with a then changes into a mobile male or pre-
strong opposable claw. The chalimus stage metamorphosis female. Fertilization occurs

Fig. 14.16. Pennellidae, morphology of adult females. A. Pennella; B. Lernaeenicus; C. Phrixocephalus;

D. Peroderma; E. Lernaeolophus. (A–D redrawn from Kabata, 1979, E from Grabda, 1991.)
498 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

on the fish; then the female may swim to a He secretes two spermatophores, curls his
second fish or remain on the first fish to abdomen under the female and attaches
complete her metamorphosis (Schram, them over the openings of her two oviducts.
1979). El Gharbi et al. (1985) found that in This takes 2–3 min. Over the next few hours
the Golfe du Lion, Mediterranean Sea, the spermatophores empty into the recepta-
copepodids attached to larval pilchards on culum seminis located just inside the
the breeding grounds during the winter. The genital opening (Capart, 1948) and then the
chalimi developed on them as they moved spermatophore envelope is shed. He may
inshore into lagoons during the spring. fertilize the female a second time, or she
By summer, fertilized pre-metamorphosed may be fertilized by other males several
females were ready to infest the same or more times before she leaves the flounder.
another host and completed their develop- Males remain on flounders for over 5 weeks
ment on that host as it moved back out to after maturity and thus accumulate on their
the breeding grounds in the autumn to gills (Anstensrud, 1989, 1990a,b,c; Heuch
complete the life cycle in about a year. and Schram, 1996).
The egg string is a tube of eggs. After The metamorphosing female becomes
embryonic development, the intact egg leaves free-swimming for several days until it
through a slit in the lateral wall of the egg locates the second host and, after attaching
string and soon after hatches to the first to the abdomen, elongates by straightening
nauplius. An excised adult female sponta- folds in the cuticle (Smith and Whitfield,
neously shed its empty egg strings and 1988). Four to 5 months later she starts to
immediately produced new ones, which it produce eggs and dies after 1.5 years (Kabata,
filled with eggs over the next 24 h (Schram, 1958). The eggs, held close to the female
1979). in coiled strings by a mesentery-like mem-
Some pennellids require two different brane (Heegard, 1947b), appear to be fertil-
species of host to complete their life cycles. ized as they are extruded (Wilson, 1917).
L. branchialis uses a non-gadoid fish as its A second batch of eggs has been produced
first host and then the female transfers to a in vitro by excised females (Heegaard,
gadoid to complete her development (though 1947b; Whitfield et al., 1988), suggesting
the non-gadoid dab, Limanda limanda, has that several batches of eggs could be pro-
been found to function as both intermediate duced in the field. Khan (1988) found that
and definitive host (Begg and Bruno, 1999)). egg strings were not lost by females in situ
The adult female of L. branchialis is a but increased in size from December to June
dark red sigmoid worm, often with yellow and then shrank and eventually dropped off
egg strings (Fig. 14.14). Eggs hatch in when the parasite died. Kabata (1958) sug-
12 days at 10°C and release nauplii, which gested that eggs were laid more or less con-
moult to metanauplii and then to infective tinuously, were liberated from the end of
copepodids within 2 days (Capart, 1948; the egg string and sank to the bottom, where
Whitfield et al., 1988). Copepodids search they hatched. Liberation of the egg does not
for a host for up to a week. They attach to appear to be a prerequisite for hatching,
gills of flounder (P. flesus) or lumpfish as nauplii hatch directly from the egg string
(Cyclopterus lumpus) and moult through in vitro (Sproston, 1942; Heegard, 1947b;
four chalimus stages into adult males and Whitfield et al., 1988).
subadult females. This takes about 25 days In the southern North Sea, L. branchialis
at 10°C (Whitfield et al., 1988). Males, has one generation per year (on Merlangius
which develop faster than females, seek out merlangus), while L. lusci has two, first using
female chalimi and attach to adjacent gill sand gobies (Pomatoschistus minutus) as the
tissue. As soon as the female completes her definitive host and then a much larger popula-
final moult and while still attached (now by tion on sand gobies and bib (Trisopterus
her second antennae), the male grips her luscus) (Van Damme et al., 1997).
with his second antennae and moves back Cardiodectes medusaeus (Fig. 14.17)
until he is attached at the genital segment. uses an invertebrate first host and a
Phylum Arthropoda 499

Fig. 14.17. Cardiodectes medusaeus. A. Adult female attached to myctophid (after Perkins, 1983).
B. Entire parasite, scale bar 1 mm (after Shiino, 1958). C. Section though heart of myctophid with parasite
embedded in the bulbus arteriosus. a, atrium; ba, bulbus arteriosus; bw, body wall; c, copepod; m, mouth;
r, rhizoid holdfast processes; v, ventricle. (After Kabata, 1981.)

myctophid second. Unlike L. sprattae or of cottids, possibly completes its life cycle
L. branchialis, the egg hatches directly into on one host, though Goater and Jepps (2002)
an infective copepodid. The copepodid found only females of another species,
attaches to the mantle or gill of a pelagic Haemobaphes diceraus, on shiner perch,
gastropod (heteropod, pteropod or Janthina) Cymatogaster aggregata, and suggested that
and after three chalimus stages it moults the male Haemobaphes sp. they found on
to an adult male or a pre-metamorphosis pipefish, Syngnathus griseolineatus, may
female. Fertilized females leave the snail point to the intermediate host.
and seek out and attach to fish (Perkins, The life cycle of a Pennella species has
1983). yet to be elucidated. Four chalimus stages,
Peniculisa shiinoi (Fig. 14.18), like males and immature females described
C. medusaeus, has no free-swimming naupliar by Wierzejski (1877) from cephalopods and
stage. The egg extrudes an embryo sur- attributed to ‘Pennella varians’ are common
rounded by the naupliar cuticle attached to on the gills of Sepia and Loligo in the Medi-
the egg string by a short stalk. The embryo terranean (Rose and Hamon, 1953). In the
swells and a free-swimming copepodid eastern Atlantic, 100% of Todaropsis
hatches from it. As the copepodid did not eblanae and 70% of Illex coindetii were
attach to the definitive host, an intermediate infected, with up to 100+ parasites per
host is suspected (Izawa, 1997). squid (Pascual et al., 1997, 2001). It is not
Roth (1988) suggested that Haemo- clear to which pennellid species these
baphes intermedius (Fig. 14.19), a parasite larval stages belong.
500 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

Host–parasite relationships

Site and host selection, course of infection

Pennellid juveniles and males attach to the
surface of the skin or gills. Adult females
penetrate into tissues and are usually
attached near blood vessels. Some, such as
Peniculisa wilsoni (Fig. 14.18), penetrate
only a short distance, while others, such as
Lernaeenicus hemirhamphi, burrow deeply,
seeking any organ with a rich blood supply
(Natarajan and Nair, 1973). In all cases, at
least part of the body and egg strings protrude
from the fish.
Juvenile L. sprattae occur primarily on
the fins, particularly the pectoral fins, of
pilchards and sprat. Copepodids initially
attach anywhere on the body surface; then
over the next 24 h they move to the fins
before moulting into chalimi (Anstensrud
and Schram, 1988). Adult females on pil-
Fig. 14.18. Peniculisa wilsoni. A. Adult females chards tend to burrow into muscles, parti-
attached to fin of Diodon histrix. B. Entire parasite cularly near the base of the dorsal fin
(after Radhakrishnan, 1977). (El Gharbi et al., 1985). They occasionally
pierce the heart (Rousset and Raibaut,
1989). Females on sprat primarily attack the
eye, particularly the upper rear quadrant
(Anstensrud and Schram, 1988).
Juveniles and males of L. branchialis
attach and grow near to the tips of the gill
filaments of the first host. Metamorphosing
females swim into the gill cavity of the sec-
ond host, attach to gill filaments and work
their way along the filament and down the
arch (Kabata, 1958). They usually penetrate
near the ventral end of the third or fourth
arch, and develop their anchors and mouth-
parts in the wall of either the bulbus
arteriosus (in North Sea gadoids; Stekhoven,
1936; Kabata, 1979) or the ventral aorta (in
Newfoundland cod; Khan, 1988).
Maturing females of Phrixocephalus
cincinnatus (Fig. 14.16) develop within the
eye of flounder (Atheresthes stomias). The
juvenile female breaks through the cornea,
causing little damage, and develops inter-
nally, penetrating through the retina into
Fig. 14.19. Haemobaphes diceraus. A. Adult the choroid, where it produces cephalic and
females attached to gill of Theragra chalcogramma thoracic lateral outgrowths. The holdfast is
(after Grabda, 1975, 1991). B. Entire parasite minus well formed before the genital area begins to
egg strings (after Kabata, 1979). grow and pushes out of the eye through the
Phylum Arthropoda 501

cornea, possibly by pressure necrosis or by of fibrous and necrotic tissue, with some
lytic secretions from its anus. Thoracic out- vascularization and free blood near the
growths of mature females spread through- mouth of the parasite. The fibrous tissue
out the vitreous humour (Kabata, 1969a). may form a hard cartilage-like capsule, as in
Lernaeolophus sultanus (Fig. 14.16), a Cardiodectes longicervicus (see Shiino,
pennellid with a worldwide distribution 1958). A sleeve of hyperplastic, fibrous con-
parasitic on scombrids and other fishes, typ- nective tissue surrounds the thorax from
ically attaches to the palate. Its cephalic pro- the granuloma to the surface of the fish.
cesses grow up into the eye socket, while its The posterior thorax or genital complex
genital segment and abdomen lie free in the generally lies outside the host and is usu-
buccal cavity (Grabda, 1972). Lernaeolophus ally free of any host tissue response. How-
aceratus on wrasse attaches in the gill cavity ever, in Lernaeolophus aceratus in the
near the dorsal end of the gill arches, and wrasse Halichoeres tenuispinis, the sleeve
embeds its head between the liver and verte- around the parasite extends outwards into
bral column (Ho and Honma, 1983). the gill cavity so that it wraps around most
Two pennellids insert their heads directly of the parasite’s trunk and leaves only the
into blood vessels. H. diceraus, a relatively abdomen with its branching processes free
large pennellid (60 mm or more long), atta- (Ho and Honma, 1983).
ches in the gill cavity of Theragra chalco- Juvenile L. branchialis cause the ends
gramma (Fig. 14.19). Its S-shaped genital of gill filaments of flounder to thicken and
segment and abdomen lie on the posterior lamellae to fuse as a result of tissue prolifer-
side of a gill arch between the two rows of ation (Kabata, 1958). Infections have been
gill filaments. The neck enters the lumen of associated with a decrease in the condition
the branchial artery and passes against the factor (Moller and Anders, 1986). Adult
blood flow into the dorsal aorta and eventu- female parasites on cod are associated with
ally into the conus arteriosus so that its hyperactivity in the fish plus erratic swim-
head is adjacent to the valves of the ventri- ming and a tendency to remain at the water
cle. The length of the neck varies according surface.
to where the parasite settles in the gills The head of the adult female L. bran-
(Grabda, 1975). chialis is encapsulated by a mass of vas-
Adult female Cardiodectes medusaeus cularized fibrous tissue, which distends the
lie ventral to the heart of myctophids wall of the bulbus arteriosus. As they grow,
and penetrate into the bulbus arteriosus the antlers sometimes break into the lumen,
(Fig. 14.17). Metamorphosing females have but the mouthparts always appear to be
been found encapsulated in the wall of the lodged in the granuloma in the wall. Local
bulbus and lying free in the body cavity, tissue necrosis occurs around the head;
suggesting that, like P. cincinnatus, this adjacent muscles may be discoloured, frag-
species is fully enclosed during development ile and necrotic. In multiple infections,
(Perkins, 1983; Boxshall, 2000). parasites are sometimes shed, leaving open
Peroderma cylindricum (Fig. 14.16) haemorrhagic lesions, which develop
embeds its rootlets in the anterior kidney of necrotic margins and caseous exudates
pilchards, Sardinia pilchardus. The trunk (Stekhoven, 1936; Khan, 1988).
of the parasite, 12 mm long, lies in a muscle Peniculisa wilsoni, a parasite that tends
cavity with a small opening to the outside to occur in groups on the fin of Diodon
through which the egg strings pass. hystrix (Fig. 14.18), grips the fin ray with
its second antennae. Dense fibrous tissue,
partly calcified, develops around the distal
Clinical signs and histopathology
segment of each antenna, fusing them to the
The head and anterior thorax (cephalothorax) bone. The ray element may break and
of most pennellids is buried deeply in the become displaced within the tissue, and
host tissues. The head is usually enveloped soft tissue around the site of attachment
in a large chronic granuloma, composed proliferates and grows into a conspicuous
502 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

tumour, which envelops the head and

part of the thorax (Radhakrishnan, 1977;
Radhakrishnan and Nair, 1981b,c).
Species that invade the eye stimulate
granuloma formation but otherwise do sur-
prisingly little damage while they are alive.
In Phrixocephalus cincinnatus (Fig. 14.16), a
haematoma forms around the holdfast and
this displaces the retina towards lens. When
the parasite dies, decomposition of the hold-
fast destroys the posterior chamber of the eye
and sometimes also the lens (Kabata, 1969a). Fig. 14.20. Peroderma cylindricum. Section
The skull of fish with Lernaeolophus through holdfast embedded in kidney of Sardinia
sultanus (Fig. 14.16) is eroded near the body pilchardus showing an extensive haemotoma (e)
of the parasite, the olfactory epithelium in the around the rootlets (cr). rp, renal tubules.
nasal cavity is disrupted by the holdfast and (Reproduced from Becheikh et al., 1997.)
small haemorrhages occur in the tumour
around the oral opening of the parasite
(Grabda, 1972). Host immune response
Gill filaments adjacent to Haemobaphes
Though Khan (1988) found slight evidence
diceraus are usually shortened or absent
of acquired resistance to Lernaeocera
(Fig. 14.19). Parasite and tissue response
branchialis in that recently attached
partly block the lumen of the branchial
females were more likely to be shed if a par-
artery and cause damage to the inner layer
asite was already present than if the fish
of the conus arteriosus (Grabda, 1975). Parts
was uninfected, previous infections do not
of dead Haemobaphes cyclopterina were
protect against reinfection (Stekhoven and
found in the heart and branchial artery of
Punt, 1937; Khan, 1988). Indeed, in cages,
the flounder Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis
cod that had been previously infected had a
by Bristow and Berland (1988). The lumen
significantly higher rate of new infections
of the conus arteriosus of myctophids is
than previously uninfected fish (Lysne and
greatly expanded by the two sets of anterior
Skorping, 2002). The reason is not clear but
processes and the two pairs of lateral lobes
may be associated with different behaviours
of C. medusaeus (Fig. 14.17). The wall of
in the two groups of fish.
the conus adjacent to the copepod is devoid
No antibody to Lernaeenicus radiatus
of muscle and a fibrous collar surrounds the
was found in an infected sciaenid, Leio-
neck of the parasite at its point of exit on the
stomus xanthurus, by Thoney and Burreson
fish (Moser and Taylor, 1978; Perkins, 1983).
(1988), using an ELISA test. Infection by
Peroderma pacifica (Fig. 14.16), which
Phrixocephalus cincinnatus actually sup-
is completely buried in host tissue except
presses parts of the cellular immune
for its posterior tip, penetrates through to
response in flounder (Faisal et al., 1990).
the vertebral column of its host, the codlet
Bregmaceros japonicus (see Izawa, 1977).
The muscle cavity in which P. cylindricum
Mechanism of disease
lies is lined by thin fibrous tissue. Normal
kidney tissue exists only at the periphery of The disease caused by L. branchialis is pri-
the root mass. The rootlets themselves are marily the result of anorexia, stress and
surrounded by a haematoma and fibro- blood loss. Sudden mortality occurs when
connective tissue but there is little sign of part of the holdfast enters the vessel lumen,
inflammation (Fig. 14.20). The opening to resulting in thrombi and blockage of major
the outside heals over after the death of the blood vessels (Khan, 1988). C. medusaeus, a
parasite but leaves a scar (Becheikh et al., parasite that lies within a blood vessel, does
1997). not cause such thrombi, perhaps because it
Phylum Arthropoda 503

injects an anticoagulant into the blood- by consuming more feed (Khan et al., 1993);
stream (Kabata, 1981, 1984). nevertheless, fish with established infec-
tions eventually become anaemic. The sever-
ity of the anaemia increases with number of
Effects on host
parasites (Khan et al., 1990; Knudsen and
Parasites attached to fins or in muscle seem Sundnes, 1998). Kabata (1958) recognized
to have little effect on the general health of infected haddock (Melanogrammus aegle-
the fish. For example, Nagasawa et al. (1985) finus) by their pallor, particularly in the skin
and Watanabe et al. (1985) could detect no around the eyes, and showed that their
change in the condition or sexual maturity blood had decreased haemoglobin content.
of saury (Cololabis saira) infected with Mann (1952) found that the blood of infected
Pennella sp. in the western Pacific. How- whiting (Merlangius merlangus) had only
ever, Hughes (1973) observed a 17% loss of 20–22% haemoglobin, compared with
weight in the same fish species infected by 38–40% in controls. There was a marginal
Pennella sp. in the eastern Pacific. decrease in erythrocyte count, and their
Pennellids in more critical sites appear oxygen uptake decreased by 30%. In hake
to have a greater effect on their host. Hemir- (Merluccius merluccius) the erythrocyte
hamphus xanthopterus parasitized by count, haematocrit and haemoglobin content
Lernaeenicus hemirhamphi in the kidney all decreased in relation to the number of
and elsewhere had smaller and darker liv- parasites (Fig. 14.21; Guillaume et al., 1985).
ers than normal. Their fat contents dropped Hake infected by L. lusci also show a
from 15% wet weight to 8% in fish with reduced haematocrit (Van Damme et al.,
two to five parasites. In contrast, the liver 1994).
fat in fish with immature parasites increased Naturally infected cod have lower sur-
to 20% (Natarajan and Nair, 1976), a vival rates after capture (Moller, 1984;
response similar to that in gadoids with Khan et al., 1990). Jones and Taggart (1998)
Lernaeocera branchialis described below. estimated that parasitized cod around
Cardiodectes medusaeus in the conus Newfoundland suffered an 8% differentially
arteriosus was associated with decreased higher mortality relative to non-parasitized
body weight and increased otolith mass in cod. This was more evident in northern
two species of myctophids (Sakuma et al., regions, suggesting that the physiological
1999), though in a third myctophid (Steno- effects of the parasite may be reduced in
brachius leucopsarus) infection was associ- warm waters where the cod grow quickly.
ated with an increased growth rate and The total fat content of infected gadoids
sterilization (Moser and Taylor, 1978). is less than that of uninfected fish (Kabata,
Fish infected with L. branchialis lose 1958; Moller and Anders, 1986), particularly
condition depending on intensity of infec- in whiting (Mann, 1970). The parasite also
tion, age of infection, fish age, availability of
food and temperature (Mann, 1952; Sherman
and Wise, 1961; Hislop and Shanks, 1981;
Guillaume et al., 1985). The parasite is par-
ticularly detrimental to its host if the host is
young (Khan et al., 1990). Up to 30% mortal-
ity occurred in young experimentally
infected fish (Khan, 1988). Reminiscent of
the myctophid above, for the first month of
infection before emaciation sets in, fish
show increased growth, increased haemo-
globin and increased fat content compared
with unparasitized fish (Kabata, 1958; Khan, Fig. 14.21. Effect of Lernaeocera branchialis on the
1988; Khan and Lee, 1989). It appears that haematocrit of Merluccius merluccius (from data in
parasitized cod compensate for the infection Guillaume et al., 1985).
504 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

Khan (1984) suggested that L. branchialis

was absent from offshore cod (Newfound-
land/Labrador) because of mortality associ-
ated with concurrent infection with the
trypanosome Trypanosoma murmanensis.
In the laboratory, cod with L. branchialis
plus the trypanosome or plus exposure
to fractions of crude oil had an increased
mortality rate (Khan, 1984, 1988).

Fig. 14.22. Effect of Haemobaphes diceraus on the Parasite nutrition and physiology
weight of Limanda herzensteini (from data in
Nagasawa and Maruyama, 1987). Nauplii, metanauplii and early copepodid
stages of L. branchialis and Lernaeenicus
affects the development of the gonads. sprattae do not feed and can be readily raised
Hislop and Shanks (1981) estimated that in sea water (Heegaard, 1947b; Schram,
L. branchialis was responsible for a 21% 1979; Schram and Anstensrud, 1985).
reduction in egg production in haddock. Pennellid chalimus larvae presumably
Khan (1988) found that infected cod had a feed on epidermal cells like the chalimus of
gonadosomatic index about half that of caligoids. Mature males of Lernaeocera bran-
controls and spawning was retarded. chialis feed on epidermis (Anstensrud, 1989).
Sole (Limanda herzensteini) infected Adult female pennellids generally feed
with Haemobaphes diceraus in their on the blood and lymph of fish from haem-
branchial arteries were shorter than unin- orrhage and inflammation within the granu-
fected fish of the same age and lighter in loma. Blood cells have been found within
weight (Nagasawa and Maruyama, 1987; the gut of L. sprattae, Phrixocephalus
Fig. 14.22). Haemobaphes cyclopterina in cincinnatus, Cardiodectes medusaeus and
Arctic cod was associated with a lower con- Lernaeolophius aceratus by Rousset and
dition factor, hepatic and gonadal indices Raibaut (1989), Kabata (1969a, 1981) and
and haematocrit. Females were especially Ho and Honma (1983), respectively.
affected (Khan et al., 1997). Infection by H. Adult females of L. branchialis feed
disphaerocephalus in an unnatural host, cul- intermittently. Capart (1948) concluded
tured Atlantic salmon, was associated with that digestion took about 8 days, during
anaemia and lethargy (Kent et al., 1997). which the intestine, capacity 0.1 ml,
Sardines (Sardinia pilchardus) infected changes colour from red to clear (Sproston
with P. cylindricum have a lower condition and Hartley, 1941a). Digestion in this
factor, the degree related to the number of parasite, and in Lernaelophus aceratus, is
parasites. Gonad development is inhibited associated with the release of large vesicles
(Kabata, 1970) but this is apparently reversed from the epithelium. These vesicles, which
when the parasite dies (Ben Souissi and Ben sometimes form chains, move into the
Hassine, 1991). Many sardines had two lumen and burst, presumably to release
and some had three or four parasites (Ben digestive enzymes (Stekhoven and Punt,
Hassine et al., 1990), suggesting that high 1937; Capart, 1948; Ho and Honma, 1983).
mortality is not associated with the infection. As L. branchialis age, they become darker,
turning from red to black, possibly because
of accumulated by-products from blood
Concurrent infection digestion. The anus appears to be non-
functional (Sproston and Hartley, 1941b).
Bib (Trisopterus luscus) with Lernaeocerea Heegaard (1947b) kept excised females
lusci frequently had Cryptocotyle lingua, alive and unfed for at least 2 months in sea
another coastal parasite (Evans et al., 1983). water at 6–8°C, during which time they laid
Phylum Arthropoda 505

eggs, which hatched. The parasite evidently (Fig. 14.23), can be a problem for farmed
has little ability to osmoregulate and is salmonids. Rainbow trout production at a
unable to survive in water of less than 16‰ Californian farm dropped from 600,000 lb
salinity (Knudsen and Sundnes, 1998). to less than 100,000 lb per year due to the
Many pennellids have rootlets and/or parasite. Apart from the direct detrimental
abdominal appendages, the functions of effect on fish health, retail markets resisted
which are not clear. Monterosso (1926, in heavily infested product and state restric-
Becheikh et al., 1997) suggested that the tions limited the stocking of ‘grubby’ fish in
rootlets of Peroderma cylindricum and the reservoirs (Modin and Veek, 2002). In
abdominal processses in Pennella and Japan, Alella macrotrachelus (Fig. 14.24) is
Lernaeolophus species (Fig. 14.16) may be reported to be one of the most harmful gill
associated with respiration, as the parasites
have well-developed mouthparts and
apparently functioning guts. Nevertheless,
the cuticle on the holdfast of Pennella
antarctica and Pennella elegans contains
pores, which may be involved in transloca-
tion of material (Wilson, 1917; Kannupandi,
1976), and Perkins (1985) found that the
anterior processes of C. medusaeus con-
tained masses of mitochondria, suggesting
that small molecules might pass through
the cuticle from the host blood.

Prevention and control

Fig. 14.23. Salmincola californiensis female (after
Slinn (1970) anaesthetized brood stock Kabata and Cousens, 1973). Bar = 0.5 mm.
infected with Lernaeocera lusci and
removed or damaged the developing female
parasites with forceps. It may be possible to
locate sea cages away from concentrations
of intermediate hosts. In some circum-
stances, cleaner fishes may be useful as a
Peniculisa shiinoi was recovered from the
stomach of the tropical cleaner fish
Labroides dimidiatus (see Williams and
Williams, 1986).

Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae


Lernaeopodids are highly modified copepods

chiefly parasitic on marine teleosts. Adult
females are attached permanently by a
unique structure, the bulla, which is
implanted in the host tissue. Dwarf, short- Fig. 14.24. Alella macrotrachelus. A. Adult female
lived, adult males attach to the female. with small male attached to neck. Thorn-like bulla
Members of the freshwater genus (arrow) arises from the second maxilla. B. Male.
Salmincola, especially S. californiensis Bar = 0.2 mm.
506 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

parasites of cultivated sparids (Ueki and in the sea. Friend (1941) found that S. sal-
Sugiyama, 1979; Kawatow et al., 1980). monea could survive for several months,
and possibly up to 2 years, on Atlantic
salmon at sea. The parasite was able to grow
Systematics, distribution, host range and but not reproduce. New infection occurred
seasonality only when the salmon returned to fresh
water to spawn. The parasites that survived
The family Lernaeopodidae contains over at sea were able to produce viable eggs and
260 species, 90% of which are marine. The infect other salmon. Most S. californiensis
family has five branches: Salmincola, died within 2 months following the transfer
Lernaeopoda, Charopinus, Brachiella and of its host, O. nerka, from fresh to sea water,
Clavella. The Salmincola branch, which is but some survived for up to 1 year (Bailey
associated with freshwater fishes, is the et al., 1989).
most primitive and Clavella is the most Alella macrotrachelus (Fig. 14.24)
advanced. The small Charopinus branch infect the gills of sparids in the Mediterra-
infects elasmobranchs (Kabata, 1984). For a nean, Japan and Australia, particularly in
key to genera, see Boxshall (2004). Pillai the summer, and apparently overwinter on
(1985) gives keys to Indian lernaeopodid the fish as ovigerous females (Cabral, 1983;
species and Kabata (2003) keys to UK species. Roubal, 1990). Alella pagelli, also from the
Kabata (1966) proposed that the evolu- gills of sparids, occurs in the North Sea, the
tion of the freshwater forms was associated Mediterranean and South Africa (Kabata,
with Palaearctic salmonids and later spread 1979). Alella ditrematis infects Japanese
to ecologically related fishes. There are no embiotocid fish and Alella pterobrachiata
freshwater species in the southern continents. parasitizes Epinephelus merra in Australia
Salmincola spp. are restricted largely to (Ho, 1983).
salmonids and coregonids (Hoffman, 1998). The genus Clavella contains approxi-
S. californiensis (Fig. 14.23) is a native of mately 19 species (Kabata, 1979) that
North American streams that empty into the parasitize four orders of fishes in the Pacific
northern Pacific Ocean (Kabata, 1969b). It and Atlantic Oceans. The prevalence and
infects all Oncorhynchus species and has intensity of Clavella adunca (syn. uncinata)
been introduced into the eastern USA with (Fig. 14.25) on whiting (Merlangius mer-
the transport of live fish and eggs (Hoffman, langus) in the Irish Sea decreased with age
1998). It was imported into Iowa with of fish and the movement of fish away from
farmed trout from Missouri (Sutherland and inshore areas (Shotter, 1971).
Wittrock, 1985).
Salmincola edwardsii has a Holarctic
distribution and is restricted to charr
(Salvelinus spp.), especially brook trout
(S. fontinalis) in North America (Black
et al., 1983). It is generally found only on
the gills (though Fryer (1981) found it
exclusively on the fins of Arctic charr in
Ennerdale Water, UK).
Salmincola salmonea occurs only on
S. salar (Friend, 1941). Species that infect
non-salmonid fish are Salmincola lotae on
gadids and Salmincola cottidarum on sev-
eral cottids (Lasee et al., 1988).
Although Salmincola spp. are restricted
largely to fresh water, Black et al. (1983)
reported that S. edwardsii, S. salmonea and Fig. 14.25. Clavella adunca adult female.
S. californiensis can survive on salmonids Bar = 1 mm. (After Kabata, 1979.)
Phylum Arthropoda 507

Parasite morphology and life cycle stage, four chalimus (Ch1–Ch4) and one
adult. Copepodids attach to the host by a
A characteristic feature of lernaeopodids is frontal filament and moult to the Ch1 stage.
the bulla implanted in the fish by the They undergo three more moults. During
female and to which her second maxillae the Ch4 stage the female develops a bulla in
are attached. the anterior space on the cephalothorax pre-
In the genus Salmincola the second viously occupied by the frontal filament
maxillae of adult females are longer than and uses this to attach permanently to the
the cephalothorax and meet distally, where host following the final moult. The pre-
they join the button-shaped bulla (Fig. 14.23). adult then metamorphoses, without moult-
Paired, multiseriate egg sacs arise near the ing, to an adult. The young male does not
rounded posterior or distal end of the trunk. reattach after moulting from the Ch4 stage
Females of Alella (Fig. 14.24) are similar but seeks out a female Ch4 and attaches to
except that the second maxillae are much the genital region. Spermatophores are
shorter than the neck, and the bulla is introduced into the orifices of the oviducts
thorn-shaped. and, once inseminated, a cement substance
The bulla, produced by the maturing seals the vaginal openings to prevent fur-
female in the frontal region of its head, con- ther copulation. The male dies after copula-
sists of a stalk-like manubrium that expands tion (Kabata and Cousens, 1973). After 1–2
into an anchor and is inserted permanently weeks the adult female produces a pair of
in the host tissue. Kabata and Cousens (1972) egg sacs (60–300 eggs) and the copepodids
and Kabata (1981) recognized three types of hatch after 2–3 weeks. A second pair of egg
bulla based on the internal arrangements of sacs is produced 2–3 weeks after the first
ducts. These types correspond to bullae eggs hatch and the parasite dies after this
from freshwater teleosts, marine teleosts second lot of eggs hatch. The life cycle may
and elasmobranchs. The mouthparts, located take 1–6 months depending on temperature
at the end of the neck, consist of large sec- and species. The parasites may overwinter
ond antennae, small first antennae and as copepodids (Hoffman, 1977).
maxillae and large maxillipeds. The mandi- The moults occur rapidly and adult
bles are located within the mouth cone, males are formed 4–5 days after infection.
as in other siphonostomes. The mouth leads Adult females take a little longer to develop
to a short oesophagus, a long intestine and and start to form the bulla soon after their
an anus. final moult at around 2 weeks (Kabata and
The male salmincolid is tiny, lacks a Cousens, 1973). The life cycle of S. edwardsii
bulla and attaches to the female usually is similar. The time for egg development
near the genital openings by the second was directly related to temperature (5 days
maxillae and maxillipeds (Wilson, 1911; at 8°C, 0.5 days at 20°C). Photoperiod had
Kabata and Cousens, 1973), though it may no effect. Male S. edwardsii apparently sur-
also be attached elsewhere (Fig. 14.24; vive for only 3 days at 13°C (Conley and
Roubal, 1981). Male lernaeopodids have a Curtis, 1994).
blind-ending alimentary tract, which sug- The life cycle is more prolonged in
gests that they do not feed once attached to S. salmonea. Copepodids, which are
the female (Wilson, 1915; Rigby and Tunnell, released from the egg sac within a mem-
1971). brane and sink to the bottom, take 15 days
Kabata (1981) recognized two types of to hatch at 12–13°C. It takes 5 to 6 months
life cycle within the lernaeopodid family. from infection to the production of new
The most common type is illustrated by copepodids (Friend, 1941). Low water tem-
Salmincola and Alella, whereas the other, perature reduces body size and the number
abbreviated type is exhibited by Clavella. of eggs produced (Johnston and Dykeman,
The life cycle of S. californiensis con- 1987).
sists of six stages: one copepodid which In A. macrotrachelus and Tracheliastes
hatches from the egg and is the infective maculatus the egg hatches into a nauplius
508 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

rather than directly into a copepodid, to be concentrated at the bases of the gills.
though the nauplius moults within a few In juvenile fish, adult copepods are primar-
minutes to a copepodid. The parasite then ily on the walls of the branchial chamber
moults through four chalimus stages to the (Kabata and Cousens, 1977). In rainbow
adult (Kawatow et al., 1980; Raibaut, 1985; trout, chalimi attach to the base of the gill
Piasecki, 1989; Lester and Roubal, 1995). filaments but adult copepods attach to the
In C. adunca the chalimus stages are tips of the filaments. At high levels of infec-
fused. The nauplius moults to a copepodid, tion, adults are also found on the body
which attaches and becomes a ‘pupa’. The surface and opercular and oral cavities
pupa grows without moulting to an adult (Sutherland and Wittrock, 1985). In brook
(Heegaard, 1947b; Shotter, 1971). trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) adult females of
Salmincola carpionis are attached to the gill
arches and neighbouring branchial region,
whereas in white-spotted charr (Salvelinus
Host–parasite relationships
leucomaenas) they attach more anteriorly
(Nagasawa et al., 1997). Adult Salmincola
Site and host selection, course of infection
edwardsii on brook trout (S. fontinalis) most
Salmincola copepodids spend some time often occur on the gills but chalimi are
swimming in short bursts (Kabata and found on the fins and elsewhere on the
Cousens, 1977), but most of their time is body (Black, 1982; Black et al., 1983).
spent on the bottom, where shadows and Immature female parasites may move to the
shock waves trigger increased duration and new location or conversely there may be
speed of swimming (Poulin et al., 1990; selective mortality of parasites in non-pre-
Conley and Curtis, 1993). Brook trout fry ferred sites. Conley and Curtis (1994) noted
that remained motionless were less likely to that 80% of chalimi of S. edwardsii died in
acquire copepodids than more active fish. the first 9 days of infection, and Roubal
Infected fish became more active so tended (1981) observed that several copepodids of
to acquire even more parasites (Poulin A. macrotrachelus may attach to the tip of a
et al., 1991). primary gill filament of Acanthopagrus aus-
Copepodids move over the surface of tralis, but only one adult female persists.
the host using their second antennae and Friend (1941) concluded that chalimi of S.
maxillae. The maxillipeds make a cavity salmonea first attached near the tip of the
in the host’s surface and the large adhesive gill filaments and then, following the moult
terminal plug of the frontal filament is to the juvenile adult, the parasite moved
inserted into the cavity (frequently on to towards the base of the filament.
underlying skeletal structures). The cope- Caillet and Raibaut (1979) found that
podid ‘walks’ backwards and uncoils the copepodids of Alella macrotrachelus were
frontal filament; this evagination may take morphologically alike but sexually predeter-
3–5 h (Kabata and Cousens, 1973). mined. Male copepodids settle in the vicin-
Following the chalimus stages, a young ity of adult females already on the gills.
female inserts the bulla into a cavity in the Clavella adunca enters the mouth of
host’s surface and plants the second adult whiting (M. merlangus) and cod
maxillae into it. The bulla is then expanded (G. morhua) and settles on a gill arch, par-
by secretory substances from the maxillary ticularly the first. In juvenile whiting most
glands passing through the maxillae into parasites occur on the posterior opercular
the bulla (Kabata and Cousens, 1973). rim (Kabata, 1960; Shotter, 1976). Pelagic
The distribution of the parasite on the (larval) whiting are not infected but they
host is determined by the stage and density become infected once they settle to the
of the parasite as well as the species and bottom (Kabata, 1960). Shotter (1971)
size of the host. In sockeye salmon fry reported that the nauplius was positively
(O. nerka), chalimi of S. californiensis are phototactic for 2–3 h post-hatching but then
found all over the body, whilst adults tend settled on the bottom of the container.
Phylum Arthropoda 509

Clinical signs and effect on host filament degeneration. The extent of crypting
on the gills of Atlantic salmon caused by
Heavy infections with S. californiensis
S. salmonea may be a measure of the period
were associated with ‘runt’ rainbow trout
since infection; older infections being asso-
(Sutherland and Wittrock, 1985) and reduced
ciated with deeper crypts than more recent
their fecundity (Gall et al., 1972). Growth
infections (Friend, 1941).
rate of chinook salmon was reduced when
The gill epithelium of O. nerka affected
an average of six parasites were on fish of
by S. californiensis shows hyperplasia and
40 g or less (Johnson and Heindel, 2001).
hypertrophy, leading to fusion of filaments;
Brook trout, 22-cm long with an average
aneurysms also appear (Kabata and Cousens,
of 40 S. edwardsii in their gills, had one or
1977). Attachment by the larval frontal fila-
both opercula folded underneath (Muzzall,
ment causes only a limited proliferative
2000). Infected fish had a lower resistance
response, and insertion of the bulla into
to high water temperature than trout with-
subepithelial sites causes only a mild reac-
out the parasite (Allison and Latta, 1969;
tion of the connective tissue. However, in
Vaughan and Coble, 1975). Duston and
muscular attachment sites, compaction and
Cusack (2002) found that heavily infested
disintegration of myotomes occur, espe-
fish had a poor appetite and failed to grow.
cially near the subanchoral surface of the
Infestation at a local hatchery resulted in
bulla (Kabata and Cousens, 1977). When the
such mortality and poor egg production that
parasite is attached to the operculum, there
it was uneconomical to retain brood stock
may be osteogenic activity in the vicinity of
after 2 years. Two hundred adult female
the bulla, leading to a build-up of spongy
parasites were the lethal limit for a 750-g fish.
bone and eventually to bone degeneration
In Japan, a 34 cm brook trout in poor
(Kabata and Cousens, 1977). Sutherland
condition was carrying 57 S. carpionis in
and Wittrock (1985) found hyperplasia of
the buccal cavity (Nagasawa et al., 1998),
the gill epithelium of O. mykiss, with fusion
and Sakhalin taimen (Hucho perryi) eventu-
of up to 40 adjacent gill filaments, caused
ally died as a result of poor appetite associ-
by S. californiensis. Extravasation and infil-
ated with infection by Salmincola stellatus
tration of eosinophilic granule cells was also
(Nagasawa et al., 1994; Hiramatsu et al.,
noted. There was loss of epidermis where
the bulla of S. californiensis penetrated into
the pharyngeal tissue of O. mykiss and the
lamina propria was replaced by infiltrating
leucocytes. Distortion of gill filaments and
The pathology associated with lernaeopodid pronounced epithelial hyperplasia was
copepods depends on the tissue infected, caused by Salmincola yamame (see Hoshina
the species of parasite, its size and the type and Suenaga, 1954).
of bulla. In S. californiensis the ‘burrowing’ S. edwardsii in brook trout caused
behaviour of young females prior to implan- severe diffuse exuberant proliferation of gill
tation of the bulla can lead to extensive epithelium, resulting in severe lamellar
damage and even perforation of the body fusion and aneurysms (Duston and Cusack,
wall into the viscera. Older parasites on the 2002).
opercular wall produced pressure on the Adult female A. macrotrachelus affect
tips of the gill filaments, which resulted in a gill filament length and surface area in
reduction in length of several adjacent pri- A. australis, especially in young fish. Recently
mary gill filaments. In juvenile sockeye attached parasites are associated with the
salmon, up to 25% of gill surface area was swelling of the tips of one or two filaments
lost through such ‘crypting’ of the gill fila- but, as the parasite grows, the longer neck
ments (Kabata and Cousens, 1977). The permits feeding over a wider area. Filaments
same parasite causes crypting in O. mykiss. on adjacent hemibranchs and, in the case of
Sutherland and Wittrock (1985) attributed small fish, adjacent holobranchs are affected
it to retarded filament growth rather than (Roubal, 1986a, 1987). Muroga et al. (1981)
510 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

reported aneurysms in the secondary lamellae (age of parasite) and the size of the fish
of Acanthopagrus schlegeli in the vicinity (Roubal, 1986a, 1987, 1989a).
of attached A. macrotrachelus. In rare cases, attachment sites may also
Introduction of the frontal filament dur- provide portals of entry for secondary
ing initial attachment by Ch1 to A. australis is invaders. Fungal infection of gill filaments
associated with epithelial hyperplasia and infected by S. salmonea follows spawning
cellular necrosis as a result of mechanical and poor condition of Atlantic salmon
damage. Increased numbers of neutrophils (Friend, 1941).
are evident (Roubal, 1989a). Introduction of
the bulla by maturing female parasites
causes localized damage and epithelial
In vitro culture
hyperplasia. Infiltrating cells are dominated
by lymphocytes and macrophage-like cells.
Detached egg sacs will develop and hatch.
Giant cells and foci of necrotic epithelial
Copepodids provided with a suitable host
tissue are seen occasionally. When the bulla
will develop further.
abuts on to the filament’s cartilaginous
supporting bar, there is a proliferation of
chondrocytes, which engulfs the distal end
of the bulla and ensures permanent attach- Nutrition and physiology
ment (Roubal, 1989a).
A small ‘tumour of attachment’ is caused Lernaeopodids feed on mucus and epithe-
when C. adunca attaches to the gill fila- lial tissue. The mandibles rake across the
ments of G. morhua, but the same parasite skin of the host and passage of food towards
causes a large tumour when attached to the the mouth opening is then assisted by con-
gill filaments of Melanogrammus aeglefinus traction of the mouth tube (Chandran
(see Kabata, 1984). and Nair, 1988). Adults and larvae of
S. californiensis apparently feed by brows-
ing on the host epithelium and, where
Host immune response blood vessels are close to the surface, blood
is also ingested (Kabata and Cousens, 1977).
Hucho perryi, a salmonid, produced an
Bare tips on gill filaments adjacent to where
immunoglobulin M (IgM)-like antibody to
S. salmonea was attached were attributed to
S. stellatus, though this was not protective
feeding behaviour (Friend, 1941).
(Hiramatsu et al., 2001). In chinook salmon
The role of the bulla, apart from attach-
there was no evidence of resistance associ-
ment, is unclear. Cousens showed that
ated with prior exposure to S. californiensis
radioactive-labelled amino acids passed
(Johnson and Heindel, 2001).
through the bulla into the parasite, but
whether substances pass from the bulla into
the host is unresolved (see Kabata, 1984).
Mechanism of disease
Substances secreted by the parasite may
In general, attachment causes greater dam- facilitate the passage of the bulla into the
age to the host than does feeding (Kabata host tissue during attachment.
and Cousens, 1977; Kabata, 1984; Sutherland In a study on the effects of temperature
and Wittrock, 1985; Duston and Cusack, on the size of aquatic ectotherms, Atkinson
2002). Attachment to the gill filaments, as (1995) concluded that a high rearing tem-
well as pressure from parasites within the perature was associated with a reduced
buccal cavity, damages the gills, leading to organism size. One of the few exceptions he
a loss of respiratory surface area. In Alella found was S. salmoneus. He suggested that
spp. both attachment and feeding deter- oxygen shortage was normally the limiting
mine the damage to the gills of A. australis, factor but in S. salmoneus the oxygen sup-
since the number and length of filaments ply was ‘enhanced by fish respiratory
affected are related to the length of the neck activity’.
Phylum Arthropoda 511

Diagnosis of infection body weight and condition factor than

controls (Duston and Cusack, 2002).
The large female parasites are usually visi- Bailey et al. (1989) suggested the removal
ble with the naked eye on the gills, fins or of S. californiensis by sea water, but the
body of the fish or in the buccal and ability of the parasite to survive for long
opercular cavities. periods in this environment makes such
an approach impractical. McGladdery and
Johnston (1988) suggested the physical
Prevention and control removal of S. salmoneus and holding Atlantic
salmon at 2–3°C to prevent reinfection. In
Hoffman (1970) recommended manual California, maintenance of brook trout in
removal. Chemicals such as 0.85% calcium the incoming water supply resulted in the
chloride, 0.2% copper sulphate, 1.7% mag- disappearance of S. californiensis from
nesium sulphate, 0.2% potassium chlorate rainbow trout in a commercial hatchery
and 1.2% sodium chloride were ineffec- (Modin and Veek, 2002). They suggest that
tive against adult Salmincola but were use- the parasites attached to the brook trout but
ful against copepodids at 3- or 4-day were unable to complete their development
intervals as long as was deemed necessary on this host and died.
(Hoffman, 1977). Manual removal together Hiramatsu et al. (2001) developed
with ivermectin (22,23-dihydroavermectin) an antiserum to IgM antibody developed
0.2 mg/kg body weight weekly twice or against S. stellatus. They used this in an
three times by gavage after MS222 elimi- immunoblot designed to test incoming fish
nated live S. californiensis from chinook for the parasite.
salmon. All associated necrosis of gill tissue
was resolved within 9 weeks. Emamectin
benzoate 0.2% premix (‘Slice’) coated on to Copepoda: Sphyrion
pellets and fed to brook trout (700–900 g)
for 7 days resulted in a 40–60% reduction Sphyrion lumpi (Fig. 14.26) commonly
in the mean number of adult female infects redfish (Sebastes mentella) in the
S. edwardsii, whereas controls increased by North Atlantic. Holdfasts left by dead para-
20%. The medicated fish also had better sites cause abscesses 2 cm or more across in

Fig. 14.26. Sphyrion species, adult females. A. S. lumpi. B. S. laevigatum from Genypterus capensis.
C. S. quadricornis from Coelorhynchus braueri. Bars = 10 mm. (A after Grabda, 1991, B and C after
Gayevskaya and Kovalaeva, 1984.)
512 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

the flesh. In Germany, regulations prohibit marine environments (Kabata, 1984). The
the sale for human consumption of fillets three best-known species are A. foliaceus,
with more than 5% affected by the parasite Argulus japonicus and Argulus coregoni, all
(Jungnitz, 1989). Heavily infected fish go to freshwater.
fishmeal or pet food. The parasite is esti- A. foliaceus is common on carp in
mated to increase the cost of processing red- Europe and Asia. It occurs in cold temper-
fish fillets by 80% (Hargis, 1958). The ate climates and infests a wide range of
parasite also occurs in 18 other species hosts, including Cyprinidae, Salmonidae,
of deepwater pelagic fish in the temperate Gobiidae, Gasterosteidae, Acipenseridae,
north and south Atlantic Ocean, including frogs and toads (Yamaguti, 1963). It prefers
other scorpaenids, gadids, morids, macrourids eutrophic rather than oligotrophic lakes
and a pleuronectid (Ho, 1989; Moran et al., (Valtonen et al., 1987).
1996; Boxshall, 1998). A larger species, A. japonicus has a worldwide distribu-
Sphyrion laevigatum (Fig. 14.26), found in tion. It was introduced with aquarium fish
the Southern Ocean, leaves deep scars over from the Orient and is now common wher-
6 cm long in the flesh of Genypterus ever goldfish are found (Cressey, 1978). In
blacodes (see Brickle et al., 2003). North America it infests primarily goldfish
For other details of Sphyrion spp., see but has been found on Cyprinus and
Lester and Roubal (1995). Ictalurus (see Amin, 1981). In Europe it
infests Carassius, Cyprinus and other gen-
era including Esox, Perca, Tinca and
Branchiura Sardinus. Its distribution overlaps with that
of A. foliaceus, but it is generally found in
Introduction warmer waters (Stammer, 1959).
A. coregoni occurs primarily on
Argulids have been recognized as pests of salmonids and also infests cyprinids and
cultured trout in Europe and carp in China other hosts. It occurs in rivers and large
since the 17th century (Wilson, 1902; lakes, generally in cooler water than
Kabata, 1985). They cause mortalities of A. foliaceus, in Europe, China, Japan and
fish in aquaria, fish ponds, lakes and estuar- the USA (Gurney, 1948; Yamaguti, 1963;
ies. Epizootics of Argulus foliaceus in a Pasternak et al., 2004). It has not been
Scottish loch twice closed an angling fish- reported from Canada (Kabata, 1988).
ery for rainbow trout, apparently destroying These three species reach peak abun-
all the trout the first time (Northcott et al., dance during the summer and autumn. In
1997). A similar infestation was thought to severe climates they overwinter as eggs
be the cause of the collapse of a rainbow (Razmashin and Shirshov, 1981; Shimura,
trout fishery in a reservoir in Northern 1983a; Hakalahti and Valtonen, 2003). In
Ireland and prevented the development of a more moderate climates, A. foliaceus sur-
rainbow trout fishery in the Azores (Menezes vive the winter as adults (Kimura, 1970) and
et al., 1990; Gault et al., 2002). Infested carp may breed all year (Bower-Shore, 1940). In
and goldfish acquire secondary infections South Africa, gravid females of A. japonicus
of fungi and bacteria, which reduce their have been found during the winter (Shafir
commercial value (Shimura, 1983a). Though and Van As, 1986).
less common in the sea, argulids occasion- Argulus alosae, an estuarine species,
ally cause problems in sea-caged salmonids was found on cultured salmon, S. salar, and
(Stuart, 1990; Jafri and Ahmed, 1994). trout, O. mykiss, in three marine fish farms
in eastern Canada. Fish mortality associated
with the infestation occurred when the water
Host range, distribution and seasonality temperature rose above 16°C. The trout were
more severely affected than the salmon
Most branchiurans are freshwater parasites, (Stuart, 1990; S.E. McGladdery, personal
while a few are found in estuarine or communication).
Phylum Arthropoda 513

Dolops spp. occur in Africa and South guide to the early taxonomic literature, see
America (Fryer, 1968b). Dolops ranarum Yamaguti (1963). More recent keys include
infests a wide variety of hosts. Its females Cressey (1978) for species from the north-
overwinter on Oreochromis and Clarias eastern USA, Kabata (1988) for species
species (Avenant and Van As, 1986). in Canada, Fryer (1982) for those in Great
Chonopeltis spp. occur only in Africa. Britain and Rushton-Mellor (1994) for
Argulus spp. in Africa.

Parasite morphology and life cycle
Branchiura differ from Copepoda in that
they have compound eyes, continue to The most obvious feature of argulids is
moult after maturity, lay eggs singly and the sucker-like first maxillae (Fig. 14.27;
develop without a true naupliar stage. Sper- Overstreet et al., 1992). These are mobile
matophores are not normally produced and, structures on a slender stalk. The parasite
when they are, they contain products from can detach them from the fish alternately
both testes. Argulids are closely related to and so ‘walk’ about the fish surface.
pentastomes (Abele et al., 1989; Martin and The two large compound eyes are impor-
Davis, 2001). tant for host detection. Mikheev et al. (2000)
Of the 150 or so species of Branchiura, report that in the light female A. foliaceus
about 100 belong to the genus Argulus use ambush behaviour, whereas in the dark
(Kabata, 1985). For keys to Branchiura and a they swim more and explore an area three

Fig. 14.27. Argulus monodi, adult female. a1 and a2, first and second antennae; c, compound eye;
e, egg; m1 and m2, first and second maxillae; p, proboscis; r, respiratory area; s, stylet; sr, seminal
receptacle. Bar = 1 mm. (After Fryer, 1959.)
514 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

to four times larger. Fish such as perch the male are modified for clasping the female.
reduce their swimming speed in the dark, During copulation the male A. foliaceus
making them more susceptible than fish attaches to the dorsal side of the female and
such as roach, which do not. However, in clasps her last pair of legs between his last
the light, roach are brighter and more reflec- two pairs, interlocking his legs using a
tive so they become more susceptible. socket on the basal segment of the last leg
Highly reflective walls of aquaria confuse and a peg on the basal segment of the third
the parasite (Mikheev et al., 1998). leg. The abdomen of the male is twisted
On either side of the carapace are two under that of the female first to one side and
respiratory areas, where the cuticle is thin, then to the other. In this way the male geni-
permeable, devoid of spines and adjacent to tal opening is brought into direct contact
a blood sinus (Martin, 1932; Sutherland and with the spermathecae of the female (Martin,
Wittrock, 1986). 1932). The spermathecal spine of the female
The proboscis is formed from the bases is apparently inserted into the genital atrium
of the mandibles and the interlocked of the male and pierces the wall of the ejacu-
labrum and labium. At the entrance to the latory duct. Sperm are then pumped from
mouth are two conical projections, the the ejaculatory duct into the spermatheca
‘labial spines’ or ‘siphons’, which have a (Avenant, 1993). Unlike most argulids,
pore at the tip. They probably secrete males of D. ranarum produce spermato-
enzymes that aid digestion. Within the pro- phores (Fryer, 1960). Eggs are fertilized at
boscis lie two large serrate mandibles. the time of deposition (Wilson, 1902), the
These can be everted through the mouth ovum shell being pierced by a spine in
and presumably lacerate host tissue. Three D. ranarum (Fryer, 1960).
delicate lamellae guard the opening of the Adult argulids can survive for several
oesophagus. They are finely serrated and days away from fish. Females generally lay
act as a filter fine enough to exclude whole their eggs on an inert object one at a time,
cells (Martin, 1932). Under the scanning side by side in single, double or triple col-
electron microscope, the surface of the umns, after which they reattach to fish and
labrum appears smooth and the surface of feed again (Shafir and Van As, 1986).
the labium is covered in scattered rows of Eggs of A. foliaceus hatch in 17 days at
blunt teeth (Shimura, 1983b; Sutherland 23°C and 30 days at 20°C. The entire life
and Wittrock, 1986). cycle takes 55 days at 20°C (Rahman, 1995).
The proboscis of D. ranarum is rela- Eggs of A. japonicus hatch after 10 days at
tively short and lacks the two labial spines. 35°C and after 61 days at 15°C. Hatching is
In place of the lamellae at the mouth of the asynchronous and unrelated to the position
oesophagus are densely packed setae of the egg in the egg mass (Shafir and Van As,
(Avenant-Oldewage and Van As, 1990). 1986), whereas in D. ranarum eggs at the
The stylet in argulids lies anterior to periphery of the egg mass hatch sooner than
the mouth tube and is separate from the those in the centre (Fryer, 1964).
digestive tract (Fig. 14.27, s). It is a delicate Eggs of A. coregoni laid in August
structure, consisting of a long tapering hol- hatch in September, while those laid in
low spine and a broad sheath into which September, October and November hatch in
the spine can be retracted. Near the tip of May, June and July the following year. Thus
the stylet are two openings, one of which there are two generations per year (cf. three
may be secretory and the other sensory generations in A. foliaceus and A. japonicus)
(Shimura, 1983b). (Shimura, 1983a). Ultraviolet (UV) enhances
Females grow larger than males. They hatching in A. foliaceus. Eggs buried under
can usually be recognized well before they sediment may delay hatching for at least a
are mature by the prominent seminal recep- year (Mikheev et al., 2001).
tacles (spermathecae) on the abdomen Eggs of Argulus americanus hatch in
(Fig. 14.27, sr). The basal segments of the 35–37 days at 15–16°C; hatched females
second, third and fourth swimming legs of become gravid by day 49 (Shimura and
Phylum Arthropoda 515

Asai, 1984). Eggs of Argulus varians, a marine larva of argulids. However, its three pairs of
species from Sphaeroides testudineus, segmented appendages, second antennae
hatch in 25 days at 25°C (Bouchet, 1985). and first and second maxillae lack setae and
The stage that hatches from the egg is are modified for grasping. The first maxillae
immediately parasitic and, other than in are the largest, and are tipped by two barbed
Chonopeltis (see below), usually attaches to spines, one lying in a groove of the other,
the host species on which it will mature. which deeply penetrate into the tissues of
The hatchlings of A. foliaceus, A. japonicus, the host. Larvae of Chonopeltis australis and
A. coregoni, A. americanus, Argulus Chonopeltis brevis use a small catfish or
catostomi, Argulus lepidostei and Argulus cyprinid as an intermediate host and attach
maculosus are copepodid-like, with long under the operculum. Adults are parasitic
second antennae and mandibular palps on the body or fins of other cyprinids. Their
(Fig. 14.28). After several days they moult mode of transfer from host to host is not
to the second stage, which resembles an clear, as neither larvae nor adults are able to
adult without suckers. After a further five swim (Fryer, 1956, 1968b; Nierkerk and
to six moults (eight in A. coregoni and Kok, 1989).
A. foliaceus) at intervals of 2 to 6 days, they
mature in about 4 weeks, depending on the
temperature (Wilson, 1902; Hindle, 1949;
Host–parasite relationships
Schluter, 1979; Shimura, 1981; Rushton-
Mellor and Boxshall, 1994).
Site and host selection, course of infection
Eggs of Argulus funduli, Argulus
megalops, Argulus puthenveliensis, Argulus A. foliaceus and A. japonicus attach primar-
stizostethii and D. ranarum hatch into juve- ily to the caudal peduncle of carp in culture
nile adults (Wilson, 1902; Fryer, 1968b; ponds (Bazal et al., 1969). Site preference is
Shimura, 1981). less marked for A. foliaceus on Xiphophorus
The hatchling of Chonopeltis species helleri. At 28°C most parasites are on the
bears some resemblance to the copepodid-like flank, caudal fin and pectoral fins; at lower

Fig. 14.28. Argulus coregoni first stage larva. a1 and a2, first and second antennae; m, mandibular palp;
m1 and m2, first and second maxillae; s, first swimming leg. Bar = 0.1 mm. (After Shimura, 1981.)
516 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

temperatures many of the large parasites dorsal, anal and caudal fins. The skin was
(over 2.8 mm) were on the surface of the inflamed, the scales were loosened and, in
operculum (Schluter, 1978). Small indivi- severe cases, the fins were frayed and
duals of A. coregoni attach all over O. masou. almost gone. In Pakistan, 15- to 25-cm long
Large individuals prefer the skin behind the Labeo rohita, C. catla and Cirrhinus mrigala
bases of the pectoral and pelvic fins and, to infested with 70 to 100 Argulus indicus or
a lesser extent, the adipose fin. The para- A. japonicus were swimming near the sur-
sites spread all over dead fish, suggesting face with blood oozing from minute punc-
that site specificity is related to water flow. tures left by the lice. Fish died daily (Jafri
Few occur in the buccal or gill cavities except and Ahmed, 1994).
for recently hatched parasites (Shimura, The first feeding sites of argulids are
1983a). The branchial cavity is the primary often marked by haemorrhagic spots. Under
site for attachment of many branchiurans, low magnification they appear as craters
including A. catostomi, Argulus amazonicus, formed by hyperplasia of the epidermis at
Argulus juparanaensis, D. ranarum, Dolops the margins of the wound (Fig. 14.29).
geayi and some Chonopeltis species (Wilson, Histologically, the craters may be restricted
1902; Fryer, 1968b; Malta, 1982; Malta and to the epidermis, especially on large fish
Silva, 1986). with a thick epidermis, or they may pene-
Argulus canadensis attach more fre- trate through to the stratum spongiosum
quently on fish that already have Argulus of the dermis and even to the stratum
than on uninfected fish (Poulin and compactum beneath. The dermis becomes
FitzGerald, 1989c). The factors relating to oedematous. Mucus and club cells are
this behaviour are not known. absent from any epidermis remaining in the
Immature stages of A. foliaceus tend to crater but are abundant in tissue at the mar-
stay in the same position on the fish for gin of the crater. In terminal cases the epi-
about 20 days until they mature unless thelium over the whole fish becomes thin
mechanically disturbed or the host dies, in and may be missing from parts of the body
which case they move to another location and fins (Stammer, 1959).
or another fish. Adults are more mobile Bower-Shore (1940) noted that, 6 months
(Rahman, 1995). after an A. foliaceus had fed on a small carp,
the site was still plainly visible as a pale
area. With the same parasite and same host,
Clinical signs and histopathology
Al Hamdanne and Al Taee (1995) noted
Infested fish are lethargic, stay in the cor- intensive melanin pigmentation in the dam-
ners of tanks, cease feeding and lose condi- aged epidermis.
tion (Hindle, 1949; Das et al., 1980). Carp Most damage done by D. ranarum
with A. foliaceus will initially try to remove apparently comes not from the mouthparts
the parasite by rubbing against the sub- but from the first maxillae, which are
strate. In chronic heavy infections, the skin hook-like rather than suckers. The hooks
becomes opaque and the fins frayed and the are driven into the host’s integument, caus-
fish is listless (Stammer, 1959). Rainbow ing haemorrhage when removed (Avenant,
trout with A. foliaceus swim in tight circles 1994). Similarly, the claw-like first maxillae
at the start of an epizootic. Trout carrying of copepodid and juvenile A. foliaceus
up to 1500 lice will have fin damage and penetrate deep into the tissue (Rahman,
severe scale loss, especially on the dorsal 1996).
surface (Northcott et al., 1997).
Allum and Hugghins (1959) reported
Mechanism of disease
an epizootic of Argulus biramosus (= Argulus
appendiculosus) on catostomids, cyprinids, Though there are reports of fish particularly
ictalurids and other fishes in two lakes in sensitive to Argulus infection and which
the USA. The 300–400 argulids per fish either thrash wildly (Kroger and Guthrie,
were principally attached near the bases of 1972a) or become immobile after a single
Phylum Arthropoda 517

Fig. 14.29. Argulus sp. lesion on the sciaenid Cynoscion regalis showing thickened epidermis (e) around
the border and erosion down to the stratum compactum of the dermis (from Noga et al., 1991).

puncture, fish can generally carry many hosts for A. foliaceus when the conditions
Argulus with little sign of disease (Stammer, are right for the parasite to multiply
1959). Mortalities are usually associated (Menezes et al., 1990). One trout can carry
with hundreds of Argulus per fish and these up to 3000 lice (Gault et al., 2002).
counts may be underestimates because Young Oncorhynchus masou infested
argulids rapidly leave a host when the host with about 250 A. coregoni per fish became
is caught (Shimura, 1983a; Stuart, 1990). anaemic. Leucocyte counts, plasma protein,
Such mortalities are probably due to the cholesterol and calcium were also lowered
breakdown of the epithelial integrity and (Shimura et al., 1983b).
the resultant loss of ionic and osmotic Three species of sticklebacks (Gastero-
homeostasis. Furthermore, open lesions in steidae) held in aquaria had a significantly
the dermis allow fungal and bacterial infec- higher mortality in tanks with A. canadensis
tions to establish. These, together with than in tanks without the parasite (Poulin
anorexia, contribute to the mortality. and FitzGerald, 1987). Sticklebacks in
infested tanks tended to keep away from the
bottom (Poulin and FitzGerald, 1989a).
Effects on host They also formed larger shoals than in
Infected fish appear to be stressed and may uninfested tanks and this behavioural
repeatedly rub themselves against the sub- change decreased the average number of
strate (Shimura, 1983a). The presence of attempted attachments received by individ-
A. japonicus increased the rate of epithelial ual fish (Poulin and FitzGerald, 1989b). Para-
apoptosis in cortisol-injected carp (Salm sitized sticklebacks swam erratically and
et al., 2000). A single A. indicus in associa- unparasitized fish did not join schools of
tion with Saprolegnia sp. seemed to greatly parasitized fish (Dugatkin et al., 1994).
reduce the growth rate of carp fingerlings
(Singhal et al., 1990). Fingerlings exposed
to a short (1 week) infection by A. foliaceus
remained stunted for over 60 days (Rahman, There is no evidence of acquired immunity
1996). Rainbow trout appear to be excellent to the parasites. Inflammation at the feeding
518 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

sites is not a major component of the the mandibles, which eventually exposes
histological changes, indicating that the the dermis (Avenant, 1994).
secretions of the parasite have low antige- Shimura and Inoue (1984) injected an
nicity. Ruane et al. (1995) produced anti- extract of the mouthparts and stylet of
body to A. foliaceus in rainbow trout after A. coregoni into the muscle of rainbow trout
injecting homogenized tissue, though there and observed a strong haemorrhagic response.
was no suggestion that this was protective. They suggested that the response facilitated
the ingestion of blood by the parasite.
Bower-Shore (1940) used histological stains
to show traces of haemoglobin in the gut of
Concurrent infection
A. foliaceus, though no intact blood cells
were found (Minchin, 1909; Stammer, 1959).
Argulid infections are often concurrent with
Chonopeltis australis and C. brevis feed
saprolegniosis, which becomes the ultimate
on mucus. They have brush-like structures
cause of death (Bower-Shore, 1940; Allum
on the labium, and C. australis has a radula-
and Hugghins, 1959; Stammer, 1959; Rahman,
like disc with spines just inside the mouth,
1996). Argulids have been shown to be
all presumably to aid in mucus collection
mechanical vectors for the virus that causes
(Nierkerk and Van As, 1986; Nierkerk and
spring viraemia of carp (SVCV) (Ahne,
Kok, 1989). D. ranarum feeds on blood. It
1985). They may facilitate the entry of bac-
produces a deep wound, apparently using
teria as O. masou exposed to water contami-
the first maxillae (which are not sucking
nated with Aeromonas salmonicida had a
discs in this genus) as the mandibles are
higher mortality rate in tanks that also con-
relatively small (Fryer, 1968b; Avenant-
tained small numbers of Argulus coregoni
Oldewage and Van As, 1990).
(10 per fish) than in tanks without the
Respiration in argulids probably takes
parasite, though there was little correlation
place not only through the ‘respiratory
between the location of furunculosis lesions
areas’ but also through the abdominal lobes.
and the sites of attachment of the crustacean
The lobes have a brisk blood circulation and
(Shimura et al., 1983a).
are very large in Chonopeltis schoutedeni, a
Argulids are intermediate hosts for
parasite of benthic fish in muddy areas.
fish-parasitic nematodes belonging to the
D. ranarum has haemoglobin as a respira-
Anguillicolidae, Skrjabillanidae and Dra-
tory pigment and can survive in waters with
cunculoidea (Moravec, 1978; Tikhomirova,
low oxygen (Fryer, 1968b).
1983; Molnar and Szekely, 1998; Moravec
et al., 1999). They also carry epiphytes
(Van As and Viljoen, 1984; Viljoen and
Diagnosis of infection
Van As, 1985; Sutherland and Wittrock,
1986; Poly, 1998), though these are not
Argulus spp. can be seen scuttling over the
apparently infective to the fish. Rushton-
surface of the fish with the naked eye.
Mellor and Whitfield (1993) report a dis-
ease of the carapace in A. foliaceus.
Prevention and control

Parasite nutrition and physiology Insecticides are commonly used to treat fish
with argulosis. Gemmexane (hexachloro-
Argulids use the stylet to probe the tissue cyclohexane, benzene hexachloride (BHC)
before feeding. They suck up the products or 666) is particularly effective (Hindle,
of extracellular digestion, which appar- 1949; Singhal et al., 1986), though it is
ently results from the secretions of the highly toxic to humans and some fish
stylet and the labial spines and macera- (Siluridae) and not easily degraded. Ponds
tions by the mandibles. Dolops ranarum are treated with 0.1–0.2 ppm in two or three
apparently feeds by a rolling movement of applications at weekly intervals. The parasite
Phylum Arthropoda 519

develops resistance to it fairly quickly corrugated polypropylene boards 1 m2

(Kabata, 1985). floating in a reservoir in Northern Ireland.
Other chemical treatments include: Changing the boards every 2 weeks reduced
pyrethrum (20–100 ppm for 10–20 min); the prevalence of A. foliaceus on rainbow
malathion (0.25 ppm for 6 h); dipterex trout.
(100 ppm for 1 h, longer at lower dose); tri- To avoid problems with A. foliaceus
chlorfon (Tr-technical grade or Tr-crystalline in south-western Siberia, Razmashin and
(Neubert, 1984) at 0.25–5 ppm in fresh Shirshov (1981) suggested that lakes should
water for several hours, or 0.5 ppm in sea not be stocked with coregonid fry until the
water for 14 to 16 h weekly for 3 weeks); water had been at 14°C or more for 4–5 days.
Neguvon (up to 50,000 ppm for short baths, By then, overwintering eggs would have
0.25 ppm for long treatments); and the hatched and the larvae would have per-
antimalarial drugs quinine hydrochloride ished. To control A. coregoni in tanks,
(13.5 ppm) or atebrine (10 ppm) for several Hakalahti and Valtonen (2003) recommend
days (Kabata, 1985). DTHP (0.0-dimethyl bathing and moving fish and then drying
2,2,2-trichloro-l-hydroxyethylphosphonate) out the empty tanks to kill the eggs.
was used by Puffer and Beal (1981) at Argulids are eaten by Gambusia, angel-
2.5 mg/l for 1 h. Padmavathi and Prasad fish (Pteropyllum scalare) and sticklebacks
(1998) compared dichlorvos (Nuvan) with (Gasterosteidae) (Kabata, 1970, 1985; Poulin
quinalphos (Ekalux, 25% W/V 0.0-diethyl- and FitzGerald, 1987). Predation on A. cato-
0-quinoxalinyl-(2)-thionophosphate, Sandoz stomi by small dace and roach was pro-
India Ltd.) to control A. japonicus in carp posed by Wilson (1902) to control its
ponds and recommended using 0.0025 ppm numbers on fish in a dam in Massachussetts.
Ekalux together with 10 ppm NaCl four
times at weekly intervals. Emamectin benzo-
ate (‘Slice’) in feed (50 mg/kg/day) controlled
A. coregoni on rainbow trout (Hakalahti Isopoda
et al., 2004). Powdered quicklime 10 kg/acre
(2.6 ppm) spread over the surface three Introduction
times over 10 days and potassium perman-
ganate 5 kg/acre (1.3 ppm) over 3 days both The suborder Cymothoida contains about
controlled an infestation of A. indicus/ 500 species that parasitize fish, all in the
A. japonicus in Pakistan (Jafri and Ahmed, superfamily Cymothooidea, in the families
1994). Details of other treatments that some- Corallanidae, Aegidae, Cymothoidae and
times work, such as formalin, are given by Gnathiidae (Bunkley Williams and Williams,
Kabata (1985). 1998a; Brandt and Poore, 2003). In this
To prevent the introduction of argulids review we first deal with the Cymothoidae
into hatcheries, incoming water can be fil- and then with other Flabellifera (Coral-
tered or taken from a source free of fish. lanidae, Aegidae and Cirolanoidea) and
New fish should be quarantined and, if nec- conclude with Gnathiidae.
essary, treated, either using chemicals or by
physically removing the Argulus with
For biological control in muddy ponds,
remove all hard objects from the pond and Of the 300 or so cymothoids described, over
introduce a substrate such as wooden slats 80% are from tropical and subtropical seas,
to which parasite eggs are attached (Kabata, many from the Indo-Malayan archipelago
1985). The slats can be removed weekly and (Avdeev, 1985). A few occur in fresh water,
eggs laid on them destroyed by drying. especially in South America, though none
Shimura (1983a) hung transparent acrylic has been found in fresh water in North
plates vertically in Japanese fish ponds to America or Europe. All cymothoids appear
collect eggs. Gault et al. (2002) used opaque to be parasitic on fish.
520 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

The skin parasite Nerocila orbignyi and spp. and at Palm Island, midway between
the gill parasite Mothocya parvostis have the two sites, they are found on only three
been associated with poor fish growth other pomacentrid species, though the first
and increased fish mortality in cultured three pomacentrids occur there (Bruce,
Dicentrarchus labrax in the Mediterranean 1986b).
and cultured Girella punctata in Japan, Host range is extended in aquaculture,
respectively (Hatai and Yasumoto, 1982a; where fish not naturally infected will
Bragoni et al., 1983, 1984). Salmon farms in become infected with parasites from wild
Chile and Australia are plagued by the fish that are attracted to sea cages. Cerato-
buccal parasites Ceratothoa gaudichaudii thoa gaudichaudii occurs along the South
and Ceratothoa cf. imbricata (Schafer et al., Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the Americas.
1989; N.L. Bruce, personal communication). The normal host appears to be Trachurus
murphyi in Chile (Sievers et al., 1997),
though in aquaculture the parasite is on
Host range coho and Atlantic salmon, but not rainbow
trout (Gonzalez et al., 1997). Prevalence of
N. orbignyi occurs on at least ten families C. gaudichaudii has decreased in Chilean
of fishes, including Mugilidae, Sparidae, aquaculture in recent years, apparently
Carangidae, Molidae and Holocephalidae. because of an absence of T. murphyi
The parasite is found in the Mediterranean, (caused by El Niño and overfishing)
in the tropical and southern Atlantic and in (G. Sievers, personal communication).
Australasia (Trilles, 1975; Bruce, 1987). It is Recently, a new parasite, Anilocra montii,
the most abundant species of cymothoid on has been found in the buccal and gill cham-
the north-west shelf of Africa (Rokicki, bers of Chilean sea-caged coho and rainbow
1997). Ceratothoa oestroides, a common trout (Thatcher and Blumenfeldt, 2001). Its
parasite in the Mediterranean, is found in natural host is unknown. N. orbignyi, a
Sparidae, Carangidae, Clupeidae, Maenidae, parasite of Mugilidae and other fish, and
Scorpaenidae and Mugilidae. Paired para- Emetha audouini, normally a parasite of
sites are commonly found in market-sized Sparidae and Centracanthidae, attack sea
bass in sea cages. Of other common species, bass (D. labrax) in cages and as yet are not
Olencira praegustator parasitizes menha- found on sea bass in the wild (Trilles, 1968;
den along the east coast of the USA from Papapanagiotou et al., 1999).
New Jersey to Florida (Kroger and Guthrie, Cymothoids are chiefly parasites of
1972b) and N. acuminata is found in up to marine teleosts. The few records from
40 species of fishes along the west coast of elasmobranchs and invertebrates may
the USA (Brusca, 1981). represent trawl transfers, though the large
Host specificity tends to be low in spe- isopod Elthusa splendida from the coast of
cies of Nerocila and high in Mothocya and Brazil (Sadowsky and Soares Moreira, 1981)
Renocila (Bruce, 1990). In temperate waters has been found only in the mouth of the
Anilocra spp. appear to have low specific- dogfish, Squalus cubensis. In South Amer-
ity; Anilocra physodes, from the north-east ica, at least eight genera, comprising the
Atlantic and Mediterranean, is reported subfamily Artystonenae, occur in fresh-
from 25 genera of fishes in 13 families water teleosts (Thatcher, 2000) and the genus
(Trilles, 1975). In the tropics, not only do Ichthyoxenus occurs in freshwater teleosts
Anilocra spp. show high host specificity in Asia.
(Williams and Williams, 1981), but the spe-
cies of host preferred may vary with locality
(Williams et al., 1982). On the Great Barrier Systematics
Reef at Heron Island, adult Anilocra
pomacentri parasitize the pomacentrid Trilles (1991) recognized at least 334
Chromis nitida (see Adlard, 1990). At Lizard species of cymothoids. Identification to
Island they are found on two Pomacentrus species is difficult because of unclear early
Phylum Arthropoda 521

literature and the inherent variability in the bilaterally asymmetrical, a feature that is
animals. Bruce (1986a), for example, listed presumably environmentally determined,
22 published records of ‘Irona melanosticta’, though Mothocya epimerica occurs more
all of which were incorrect. Keys to selected frequently on the left side of its host,
genera and species are available (Schultz, Atherina boyeri, leading Bello et al. (1997)
1969; Kussakin, 1979; Brusca, 1981; Brusca to suggest that the isopod is genetically pre-
and Iverson, 1985; Bruce, 1986a, 1987; determined for left curvature.
Bruce and Bowman, 1989; Kensley and Females have two gonopores on the
Schotte, 1989; Williams and Williams, ventral surface near the bases of the sixth
1992). Bruce (1990) gives a review of marine pair of legs and develop plate-like oostegites,
species that have been assigned to the genus which grow from the bases of the legs and
Livoneca. Hoffman (1998) has a key to ten which interleave to cover the marsupium.
species from North American freshwater Males have two penes near the midline
fishes. Charfi-Cheikhrouha et al. (2000) between the seventh (last) pair of legs. Usu-
gives a key to eight species from Tunisia, ally the endopods of their second pleopods
and Horton (2000) contains a key to seven are drawn out on the inner side to form an
species from the north-east Atlantic. ‘appendix masculina’.
Thatcher (2000) summarizes 45 cymothoids To copulate, the male of A. physodes
from South American fishes. moves beneath the female and turns over
(Legrand, 1952). The male of Elthusa
vulgaris moves from the gills to the buccal
Parasite morphology and life cycle cavity to reach the female (Brusca, 1978b).
Copulation occurs before the oostegites cover
The chief morphological features used in the gonopores (Szidat, 1966; Brusca, 1978a).
identification are illustrated in Fig. 14.30. It has been known for over a century
Females are normally broader than that cymothoids are protandrous hermaph-
males. The width/length ratio × 100 (the rodites (Bullar, 1876; Mayer, 1879; Legrand,
Montalenti index; Montalenti, 1948) has 1951, 1952; Fryer, 1968a). Sex reversal occurs
been used to sex cymothoids, though some in a single moult in Nerocila acuminata at
species, such as C. gaudichaudii, do not one of several moults (Brusca, 1978a). Inver-
show such sexual dimorphism (Szidat, sion depends on the inhibitory influence of
1966). Some females from gill chambers are the female partner. The inhibition seems

Fig. 14.30. Cymothoid morphology. A. Mothocya rosea dorsal view. c, cephalon; cx, coxae; p, first
perionite; pt, pleotelson; u, uropod rami. (After Bruce, 1986a.) B. Ceratothoa guttata mouthparts.
a1, a2, first and second antennae; m, mandible; m2, second maxilla; mp, mandibular palp; mt, mouth;
mx, maxilliped; p, first pereopod (leg); pl, pleonite; r, rostrum. (After Bruce and Bowman, 1989.)
522 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

less effective in those species where the O. praegustator and Livoneca redmanii (as
male retains swimming ability. Raibaut and Litoneca ovalis) are rare on fish in the
Trilles (1993) suggest that the female Delaware estuary, though they are common
cymothoid ‘almost certainly secretes a sex- in plankton tows, 47 males of the first species
ual pheromone, transported by the blood of being taken in one 5 min tow (Kroger and
the fish which acts on the neurosecretory Guthrie, 1972b; Lindsay and Moran, 1976).
system of the male inducing it to secrete a Even in more sedentary species, such as the
masculinizing hormone’. When the female gill-inhabiting male of Livoneca papernea,
dies, the inhibition disappears. the male retains its swimming ability (Colorni
Mothocya bohlkeorum and A. prionuri et al., 1997). These males only lose their
probably have multiple broods, as large ability to swim when they start to change
mature females are found with and without into females. In many other species, mature
oostegites (Williams and Williams, 1982, males are found permanently attached to
1986). During its lifespan of less than a year, fish alongside females. Adult females are
A. pomacentri has three broods (Adlard and permanently attached non-swimmers.
Lester, 1995). The buccal-inhabiting Ceratothoa
Fertilized ova pass into the marsupium oestroides can apparently develop on a single
of the female cymothoid, where they host and does not need to transfer between
embryonate, hatch and moult once or twice hosts unless the host dies (Mladineo, 2003).
(Hatai and Yasumoto, 1980; L.-T. Chang, Mancae of this species attached to fish and
personal communication). The resultant migrated under the operculum within 2 h.
‘pullus II’ or ‘manca’ has six rather than Only two isopods persist in a fish; addi-
seven pairs of legs, two large compound eyes tional isopods are lost, indicating a strong
and setose pleopods, uropods and telson. competitive mechanism (Mladineo and Valic,
They leave the marsupium in groups and 2002). Mancae of the burrowing Ichthyo-
swim rapidly, frequently against the current xenus fushanensis attach to many species
and towards the light, at least for the first day of fish but only burrow into Varicorhinus
(Sandifer and Kerby, 1983; Williams, L.B. barbatulus. Those that fail to enter a body
and Williams, 1985; Segal, 1987; Adlard cavity die within a week (Tsai and Dai, 1999).
and Lester, 1995). They attach to a variety of Though there are exceptions (Hamann,
fish (Lindsay and Moran, 1976; Waugh 1997), the length of females is usually strongly
et al., 1989) and attempt to feed over the correlated with host length (Montalenti,
next 2 to 3 days. Mancae of E. vulgaris 1948; Menzies et al., 1955; Weinstein and
appear to be attracted by fish mucus Heck, 1977; Maxwell, 1982; Alvarez and
(Moser and Sakanari, 1985), while those of Flores, 1997), suggesting early and long
A. pomacentri only feed on Chromis nitida infection. Some males show a similar corre-
less than 30 mm long, apparently because lation. Trilles (1964a) used the strength of
the mancae are unable to dislodge scales the male correlation in six species as an
of larger fish to reach the muscle beneath. indication of whether males moved between
Muscle fibres are visible in the gut of feed- hosts and hence of their swimming ability.
ing mancae within 2 days and blood cells Williams and Bunkley-Williams (2000)
within 3 days (Adlard and Lester, 1995). suggest that female isopods in the mouth
Mancae of N. acuminata feed on fish and or gill cavities always grow quickly to fill
then drop off and moult on the bottom of the available space. External isopods are not
tank (Segal, 1987). Like other isopods, they space-limited and their lengths do not
moult in two halves, the posterior half first. always correlate with host length. Certainly,
In skin-inhabiting forms, the stages fol- experimental studies on C. oestroides sug-
lowing mancae have not been confirmed gest that the host species or size has a major
experimentally. In species such as Anilocra influence on development time. Mancae of
spp., the males retain their swimming capa- C. oestroides on Sparus aurata fry devel-
bility and micropredatory habit, and are oped into males within 2 months but
rarely found on host fish. Males of had still not matured into females after
Phylum Arthropoda 523

4 months; yet a male on 1-year-old Diplodus faces sometimes anteriorly and sometimes
annularis had apparently developed into a posteriorly (Sadowsky and Soares Moreira,
female and been fertilized and a new gener- 1981), and in O. praegustator immature
ation of mancae was produced all within females face posteriorly while adults face
29 days (Mladineo, 2003). anteriorly (Kroger and Guthrie, 1972b). Cera-
Estimates of the lifespan of adult tothora gaudichaudii attaches to the inner
females vary from up to the life of the fish, surface of the mouth or, less frequently, the
e.g. 9 years for C. imbricatus (see Maxwell, gills (Sievers et al., 1995).
1982) to 1 year or less for L. redmanii, Pouch-dwelling forms normally pene-
N. orbignyi and A. pomacentri (Sadzikowski trate somewhere on the ventral surface of the
and Wallace, 1974; Bragoni et al., 1984; fish and project into the body cavity, leaving
Adlard and Lester, 1995). In salmon (S. salar) their pleopods in contact with the outside.
in southern Chile, C. gaudichaudii appears Juvenile stages frequently show little
to have a 2-year life cycle (Inostroza et al., host specificity and will feed on a range of
1993) and thus is rarely found to mature on fishes (Lindsay and Moran, 1976; Segal,
salmon, which are kept in cages for only 1.5 1987; Waugh et al., 1989; Adlard and
to 1.7 years, though it will mature on brood Lester, 1994). Juveniles of E. vulgaris on
stock kept for a longer time (Sievers et al., their final host attached first to the body
1997; G. Sievers, personal communication). and then over the next few hours to days
crawled into the gill cavity (Brusca, 1978b).
The prevalence of the parasites may
Host–parasite relationships
be underestimated in trawl samples, as
Robinson (1981) showed that small males of
Site and host selection
E. vulgaris rapidly abandoned fish in trawls.
Adult females either are attached to the
skin, gills and buccal cavity or burrow into
Clinical signs and pathology
the fish and develop in a pouch. In all cases,
they almost invariably show strong site BEHAVIOUR. Fish frequently react violently
specificity. Many species on the skin are to mancae and juveniles that are attempting
above the eye, below the eye or on the caudal to attach. Sandifer and Kerby (1983) found
peduncle. Those in the gills are frequently that mancae from L. redmanii caused
asymmetrically shaped to fit the curve of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) 60–70 mm
the gill chamber. long to leap and thrash about the tank. Segal
Adult females of buccal species are (1987) described how seven species of fish
usually attached to the floor of the mouth, when attacked broke surface, swam rapidly,
though some, such as the giant isopods thrashed their bodies, rubbed against objects
E. splendida and Elthusa neocyttus, are and dived into the sand to dislodge the par-
attached to the roof (Sadowsky and Soares asites. He also observed that the reactions
Moreira, 1981; Stephenson, 1987). Olencira were more violent if the fish had already
praegustator is twisted, the anterior part experienced a manca attack. Mladineo and
attaching to the roof and the posterior to Valic (2002) remarked that fish fry seemed
the side (Turner and Roe, 1967). Ceratothoa to be frightened of the mancae of C.
oestroides sometimes attaches to the tongue, oestroides. Adlard and Lester (1994)
but more often to the roof (Vu-Tan-Tue, reported that Chromis nitida attacked by
1963; Trilles, 1964b). mancae of A. pomacentri rubbed so violently
Most buccal isopods face towards the against objects that skin haemorrhages
mouth opening, sometimes being heavily appeared. Longer-term behavioural changes
pigmented anteriorly and colourless poste- were reported by Guthrie and Kroger (1974),
riorly (Colorni et al., 1997). A few face who found that menhaden parasitized by
towards the throat, such as Enispa convexa O. praegustator tended to stay in nursery
and Asotana magnifica (Menzies et al., areas and had difficulty avoiding surface
1955; Thatcher, 1988). Elthusa splendida trawls. Adult isopods generally cause little
524 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

irritation except when they move, as during the gill filaments were missing from gill
copulation (Legrand, 1952). chambers occupied by Ichthyoxenus puhi;
this extreme damage was presumably why
GROSS PATHOLOGY. There is rarely an open only one gill cavity per fish was found to be
wound associated with permanently attached parasitized (Bowman, 1960).
parasites. Adult cymothoids feed intermit- Cuna insularis in the gill chamber of
tently and the feeding lesions heal over Abudefduf saxatilis in the West Indies
between meals, a phenomenon first noticed eroded the wall to such an extent that it
by Trilles (1968) and confirmed by Romestand exposed the heart (Williams and Williams,
(1979). Where damage is reported, such as 1985a).
the damage to scales, epidermis, dermis and The damage done by isopods in the
muscle of anemone fish under adult Renocila buccal cavity is usually less noticeable but
heterozota (see Bowman and Mariscal, more chronic. Weinstein and Heck (1977)
1968), the observation may have been made reported a little scar tissue on the tongue
shortly after the parasite had fed. under Cymothoa excisa. Sadowsky and
Healing lesions have been reported Soares Moreira (1981) observed a darkened
from under the mouthparts of several skin- area beneath the mouth of Elthusa splendida
dwelling isopods. Morton (1974) found but no break in the skin. Stephenson (1987)
that Nerocila phaeopleura on the caudal noticed slight skin abrasion together with a
peduncle of Sardinella was associated patch of clotted blood under the mouth-
with a shield-shaped wound. Williams parts of E. neocyttus. Thatcher (1988) noted
and Williams (1981) observed that Anilocra only a small indentation in the floor of the
myripristis, attached near the eye of a mouths of piranhas with Asotana magnifica.
soldier fish, Myripristis jacobus, caused However, some species cause the tongue
erosion of scales and loss of pigment, pre- to degenerate. C. excisa and Cymothoa
sumably a result of dermis removal and exigua caused partial and total degenera-
repair. Beneath Anilocra haemuli, the skin tion, respectively, in lutjanids (Weinstein
of Haemulon spp. had turned from brown and Heck, 1977; Brusca and Gilligan, 1983).
to orange and some bone deformation was Romestand and Trilles (1977b) described the
observed. Nerocila acuminata on the caudal regression of the tongue of the sparid Boops
peduncle of a serranid was associated with boops infected with Ceratothoa oestroides.
skin lesions up to 0.5 mm across, which The tongue first became narrow and then
Rand (1986) concluded were probably old shorter until 50% of the tongue was lost.
feeding wounds. He also observed loss of B. boops with either C. oestroides or
pigment in skin around the pereopods. Ceratothoa parallela attached to the roof of
Isopods in the gill cavity are frequently the mouth developed a ventrally curved
associated with loss of gill filaments as a rather than flat vomer bone and a large patch
result of the feeding actions of the parasites of vomerine teeth, which are not found in
and irritation from their presence (Menzies unparasitized fish (Vu-Tan-Tue, 1963; Rome-
et al., 1955; Turner and Roe, 1967; Kroger stand and Trilles, 1977b). Similar changes
and Guthrie, 1972b; Guthrie and Kroger, occurred in Spicara spp. with the same par-
1974; Sadzikowski and Wallace, 1974; asites (Trilles, 1964b), and in Maena smaris
Williams and Williams, 1982, 1985a, with Emetha audouini (Romestand, 1979).
Colorni et al., 1997). Filaments take longer The pleopods of buccal parasites often
to regenerate than dermis and damage to contact the gill arches and their continuous
filaments has been used to indicate former beating irritates the tissue. The presence of
infestation (Stephenson, 1976). Just the C. imbricatus causes a callus-like thicken-
presence of the parasites causes pressure ing (dystrophic calcification) over the inner
atrophy. In Illisha melastoma with Joryma edges of the gill rakers and branchial arch
brachysoma, many gill rakers and gill fila- in Trachurus declivis (Stephenson, 1976).
ments were atrophied (Ravichandran et al., Livoneca papernea also causes gill rakers
1999). In Gymnothorax eurostus almost all of infected atherinids to become thicker,
Phylum Arthropoda 525

shorter, deformed and calcified (Colorni is also no evidence of secondary infection at

et al., 1997). Joryma brachysoma in the the entrance (Thatcher, 2000).
buccal cavity of I. mellastoma causes Mancae and juveniles are aggressive
callus-like thickenings on the gill arch feeders. Within 48 h of attachment, mancae
(Ravichandran et al., 1999). of Anilocra pomacentri produce an ulcer up
The pouch of pouch-dwelling genera is to 2.5 mm across, which penetrates through
formed from an invagination of the skin. It the epidermis and dermis and into the
develops over several months as the grow- muscle (Adlard and Lester, 1995). A larva
ing isopod pushes its way into the body of Artystone trysibia in the orbital cavity
wall. The pouch is kept open to the outside of experimentally exposed catfish causes
by the hindmost legs and the continual severe haemorrhage, which destroys the eye
movement of pleopods (Huizinga, 1972). (Huizinga, 1972). Juveniles of E. audouini
When Artystone minima penetrates near a cause deep ulcerations in the head, expose
pectoral fin, the fin is eventually lost muscle and cause haemorrrhages and
(Thatcher and Carvalho, 1988). The parasite ocular injuries in sea bass, Dicentrarchus
lies at right angles to the main axis of the labrax, in cages (Papapanagiotou et al.,
fish and, though it does not penetrate the 1999). Juveniles of C. gaudichaudii attack
peritoneum, it damages the liver, stomach net-caged salmon and cause ulcerations and
and intestine by pressure atrophy (Schaefer, haemorrhage (Fig. 14.31).
1993). Species of the South American fresh-
water genera Riggia and Artystone penetrate HISTOPATHOLOGY. Inflammation, if present,
directly into the peritoneal cavity and do is typically localized and adjacent to the
not lie in pouches, nor do they elicit much mouthparts. Adult females of Anilocra
other response from the host. They usually physodes on M. maena were associated
lie near the liver with their posterior with loss of scales and dermal layers and
extremity projecting out of the entrance an influx of erythrocytes, eosinophils and
hole. They cause pressure atrophy of the lymphocytes into adjacent epidermis,
liver but do not stimulate an inflammatory dermis and superficial layers of muscle
reaction or encapsulation by the host. There (Romestand and Trilles, 1977b).

Fig. 14.31. Salmo salar buccal area. Ulceration and haemorrhage caused by Ceratothoa gaudichaudii in
Chile (from Sievers et al., 1996).
526 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

The regression of the tongue of B. boops host weight, examples being Cymothoa
parasitized by C. oestroides involves osteo- excisa in the buccal cavity of lutjanids
clasts and granuloma formation (Rome- (Weinstein and Heck, 1977), Ceratothoa
stand and Trilles, 1977b). In those species imbricatus in jack mackerel (Maxwell,
that form pouches within the fish, such as 1982), L. papernea on an atherinid (Colorni
Ourozeuktes and lchthyoxenus, the wall of et al., 1997) and Mothocya epimerica on
the pouch is thin and membranous, apart smelt (Leonardos and Trilles, 2003). Others
from near the mouthparts, where it is are believed to cause a loss of weight. These
roughened and thickened. It is formed from parasites include: Leuciscus waleckii with
skin components and contains epidermis, Ichthyoxenus amurensis (see Petrushevsky
fibrous connective tissue, muscle and, in and Shulman, 1961), Hemirhamphus sajori
some cases, pigment cells and scale primordia with Irona melanosticta (probably Mothocya
(Hale, 1929; Akhmerov, 1939; Huizinga, sajori; see Bruce, 1986a; Hattori and Seki,
1972; Avdeev, 1983). 1956), Morone americana with Livoneca
redmanii (see Sadzikowski and Wallace,
1974), Girella tricuspidata with more than
Host immune response
two C. imbricatus (see Lanzing and O’Connor,
Precipitating antibodies to the haemolymph 1975), Pagellus erythrinus with A. physodes
of Anilocra, Nerocila, Mothocya and espe- (see Romestand and Trilles, 1979), B. boops
cially the buccal isopods Emetha and with C. oestroides or C. parallela (see
Ceratothoa spp. were demonstrated in the Romestand and Trilles, 1979), D. labrax
blood of uninfected wild-caught fish by with N. orbignyi (see Bragoni et al., 1983)
Romestand and Trilles (1975). These had and Pachymetopon blochii with Anilocra
low specificity. It was suggested that the capensis (see Wright et al., 2001). Weight
antibodies were partly protective as the fish reduction in bluefish with L. ovalis was 3%
species that produced them usually carried or 0% according to Marks et al. (1996) and
only one or two isopods whereas Mugil Landau et al. (1995), respectively.
cephalus, which had no demonstrable anti- When age is taken into account, sev-
body, carried up to 12 N. orbignyi per fish. eral workers have shown that parasitized
fish grow more slowly than uninfected
fish (Sadzikowsky and Wallace, 1974;
Effects on hosts
Romestand, 1979; Romestand and Trilles,
Romestand and Trilles (1977a) and 1979; Hatai and Yasumoto, 1981, 1982a;
Romestand (1979) found that A. physodes Adlard and Lester, 1994; Lester and Roubal,
and Ceratothoa spp. caused the haematocrit 1995). This is particularly evident in aqua-
and erythrocyte count to decrease and the culture. In the Mediterranean, C. oestroides
erythroblast count and spleen size to reduces the growth rate of cultured sea bass
increase in three species of fishes. Infected (D. labrax), especially of large fingerlings
fish also had reduced lipid in the serum and (Fig. 14.32; Sarusic, 1999; Horton and
liver (Romestand, 1979). N. orbignyi on Okamura, 2001; Mladineo, 2002). In Chile,
caged sea bass caused hypochromic macro- Atlantic salmon (S. salar) with fewer than
cytic anaemia, a decrease in blood protein, three C. gaudichaudii gained a fifth more
blood lipids and triglycerides and an increase weight than those with more than eight para-
in urea. The conditions were reversed after sites. Weight loss was thought to be mostly
the parasites were lost (Bragoni et al., 1983). due to damage on the gills when the para-
Caged bass with C. oestroides also devel- sites settled (Sievers et al., 1996).
oped anaemia (Horton and Okamura, 2003). Krykhtin estimated that 13% of the
I. melastoma with J. brachysoma had coregonids in the Amur River, Russia,
extremely pale gills, indicating anaemia died before reaching marketable size as
(Ravichandran et al., 1999). a result of Ichthyoxenus amurensis (see
In wild populations of fish, some Petrushevsky and Shulman, 1961). Bragoni
cymothoids apparently have little effect on et al. (1984) found that 7% and 18% of
Phylum Arthropoda 527

impact on host numbers than the increased

mortality caused by feeding manca stages.
Presumably the relatively large amounts of
blood taken by the parasites produce a
nutritional drain on the host and this
inhibits full development of the ovaries.

Concurrent infection

The rapid healing of skin feeding sites is

probably the reason why few secondary
infections occur, though Rand (1986)
noticed a mixed population of Gram nega-
tive bacteria near the edge of one lesion,
and Ravichandran et al. (2001) found that
Fig. 14.32. Effect of Ceratothoa oestroides on feeding lesions of N. phaeopleura had high
growth of sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax in Turkey Vibrio counts. Lawler et al. (1974) in
(from Horton and Okamura, 2001). Mississippi found lymphocystis in the gills
of 21 perch, 20 of which had L. redmanii.
mortalities in two cages of sea bass were They concluded that the isopod was proba-
due to N. orbignyi, which had apparently bly not a vector but that it irritated the
been carried into the vicinity by migrating skin and thus allowed the virus to enter.
mullet. Other adult isopods seem to have C. gaudichaudii is possibly involved in the
little direct effect on mortality, but the transmission of Piscirickettsia salmonis
larvae of many species are highly patho- (see Kent and Poppe, 1998).
genic to small fish (Lindsay and Moran, Fish with isopods are less able to with-
1976; Sandifer and Kerby, 1983; Segal, stand other forms of stress. Keys (1928)
1987; Adlard and Lester, 1994). observed that killifishes, Fundulus parvi-
Isopods are an emerging problem in pinnis, with Elthusa californico died more
fishes in Mediterranean sea cages. In quickly under low oxygen conditions or in
Greece, eight to ten manca of E. audouini low salinity than uninfested fish. Lewis and
in buccal and branchial cavities of 30-g sea Hettler (1968) found that menhaden with
bass (D. labrax) caused 10% mortality Oleucira praegustator with related gill dam-
(Papapanagiotou et al., 1999). Mancae and age did not survive well at 34°C compared
juveniles of C. parallela, apparently from with non-parasitized fish.
wild sparids, attacked 2-g fry of Sparus
aurata and caused 50% mortality in 2
months (Papapanagiotou and Trilles, 2001). In vitro culture
In Croatia, Sarusic (1999) reported 10–20%
loss of fingerlings of bass and bream from Eggs removed from brood pouches of
damage to gills caused by juveniles of M. parvostis were raised in sea water and
C. oestroides. hatched to produce larvae infective to fish
Hattori and Seki (1956) found that the (Hatai and Yasumoto, 1980).
drop in condition factor of adult female
H. sajori parasitized by Mothocya sajori
caused a decrease in the size of the gonad. Parasite nutrition and physiology
Adlard and Lester (1994) observed that few
oocytes were produced by C. nitida carrying Cymothoids feed on blood and macerated
A. pomacentri. Their computer simulation tissue. They use their sturdy maxillipeds
of the parasitized population showed that to tear into the host to release blood
the reduction in fecundity had a greater which they suck up with their muscular
528 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

oesophagus. An anticoagulant is produced or 3 ppm dichlorvos (Nuvan 1000) were

by the lateral oesophageal glands (Rome- 100% effective against C. gaudichaudii.
stand and Trilles, 1976; Romestand, 1979). Salmon cultured in sea cages in Tasmania
Haematin, a by-product of blood digestion, are given freshwater baths in the summer to
was found in the intestinal caeca (hepato- control amoebic gill disease. This also con-
pancreas) though not in the intestine or trols the isopods (C. cf. imbricata), which
posterior intestinal diverticula of A. tend to attach in late summer but leave the
physodes (Romestand, 1979). fish in freshwater baths. Alternatively, one
Cymothoids feed intermittently (Trilles, treatment with dichlorvos in late summer
1968; Romestand, 1979), sometimes only (1.5 ppm at 15.5°C or 2.0 ppm at 11°C for
after a long interval. The intake of nutrients 1 h) has proved effective (C. Foster, personal
is cyclic and closely tied to the moult cycle communication).
and sexual development. Adult females Bragoni et al. (1984) recommended using
release mancae, moult and then feed (Trilles fine mesh nets in the vicinity of aquaculture
and Hipeau-Jacquotte, 1996). Female cages to keep out mullet, believed to be the
C. oestroides feeds after the larvae have left source of N. orbignyi infection in cultured
the brood pouch and before its ovary bass, D. labrax. To avoid Emetha audouini,
enlarges for the next brood. No significant cages containing sea bass were moved away
feeding is thought to occur at other times. from the shore into deep water with a strong
The intestinal caeca, swollen and dark current (Papapanagiotou et al., 1999).
brown at the start of the reproductive Williams and Williams (1979) and
cycle, gradually become clearer and smaller Bunkley Williams and Williams (1998b)
as eggs develop (Romestand et al., 1982). In observed that the cleaner shrimp Periclimenes
A. pomacentri, 3 days after larvae were pedersoni removed juvenile Anilocra sp.
released the parent moulted and shortly from French grunt, Haemulon flavoli-
thereafter host blood was observed within neatum, in the laboratory. The cleaner
the three pairs of intestinal caeca. A new shrimp removed isopods almost immedi-
brood of eggs appeared in the brood pouch ately and returned to the aquarium floor to
18 days later without further ingestion of eat them. Williams et al. (1994) hypothe-
blood. The entire reproductive cycle took sized that heavy infection of a sea-caged
2 months (Adlard and Lester, 1995). Caranx hippos with Cymothoa oestrum was
the result of the fish being unable to get to a
cleaning station. Thorsen and Trilles (2002)
Prevention and control observed that A. capensis (as A. physodes)
was less abundant on reefs with abundant
Formalin was used to treat cultured pom- cleaner fish (Coris julis and Thalassoma
pano infested with cymothoids (Brusca, pavo) than on reefs with few cleaner fish.
1981), though neither it nor antibiotics were
effective against mancae of C. parallela (see
Papapanagiotou and Trilles, 2001). Hatai OTHER FLABELLIFERA
and Yasumoto (1980) used trichlorphon at
100 ppm for 5 min to remove M. parvostis Members of the Aegidae, Corallanidae and
from Seriola quinqueradiata. Another pesti- Cirolanidae are sometimes found in associ-
cide, methyl isoxathion, was used by Hatai ation with fish. They differ from the
and Yasumoto (1982b) at a dose of 1 ppm cymothoids in that the last four pairs of legs
for 2 to 5 min to remove the same parasite are not prehensile. The first three pairs may
from G. punctata. Athanassopoulou et al. be strongly prehensile, as in the Aegidae.
(2001) recommended 0.05 mg/l of pyre- Aegids do not appear to be protandrous
throid (Deltamethrin) for 2 h. The drug has hermaphrodites (Wagele, 1990). For keys to
already proved to be useful against salmon families and genera, see Delaney and Brusca
lice. Sievers et al. (1995) found 60 min (1985), Delaney (1989) and Kensley and
baths with 300 ppm trichlorfon (Neguvon) Schotte (1989).
Phylum Arthropoda 529

The non-cymothoid Flabellifera are isopods will kill 50–80 mm tilapia within
mostly free-living. A few, particularly in the 5 to 6 h (Chinabut, 2002). Fenitrothion,
Aegidae, appear to be parasitic. On the dichlorvos, malathion, ediphenphos and
Great Barrier Reef two species, an aegid, phosphomidon will kill 50% of the parasites
Aega lethrina, and a corallanid, Argathona in 2 days at dosages of 0.001, 0.009, 0.05,
macronema, are common in the nasal pas- 0.28 and 5.19 ppm, respectively (Nair and
sages of serranids and lutjanids (Bruce, Nair, 1982). Chinabut (2002) suggests stock-
1983). Some Flabellifera are micropredators, ing an isopod predator, such as a plankton-
which temporarily attach to fish to feed. eating fish or cleaner fish, in reservoirs to
The aegid Rocinela belliceps attacks, takes reduce the prevalence of young isopods.
blood and kills young pink salmon, In Western Australia, Aega cyclops is
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, on the Pacific commonly observed in wild dhufish,
coast of the USA (Novotny and Mahnken, Glaucosoma hebraicum. They typically
1971). Rocinella angustata from Alaskan emerge from fish nostrils during freshwater
sablefish readily attack Sebastes and treatment following post-capture anaes-
Blepsias spp. under laboratory conditions. thesia. The treatment is fresh water with
They mostly attack at night and those on the 300 mg/l 2-phenoxyethanol for 1.5 h (Pironet
body remain for 4 to 14 days, after which and Jones, 2000).
their intestines contain haemoglobin. After The blind aegid, Syscenus infelix, atta-
they leave the fish, the intestine clears ches behind the dorsal fin of benthopelagic
within a day and they reattach within 1 to 4 rat-tails (macrourids). It erodes the skin and
days. They actively swim to fish (Wing and results in a pale area except for black pig-
Moles, 1995). Aega antarctica is a very ment around the mouthparts and along the
inactive species and usually crawls on to a line of dactyls. Fish with healing scars are
flatfish to feed. A single meal can take from observed. It appears to attach to fish early in
6 to 10 months to digest (Wagele, 1990). life and remain for an extended period
The aegid Alitropus typus is wide- (Ross et al., 2001). Another aegid with a
spread in the tropical Indo-Pacific in brack- long life history is A. antarctica. It was esti-
ish water. It attacks the gills, fins and body mated that mature males are more than
surface of many fishes, including Chanos 5 years old and spawning females more
chanos, Channa striatus and species of than 10 years old. The sexes are separate
Tilapia, Mugil, Gerres, Lebistes and and not protandrous hermaphrodites like
Oreochromis (Nair and Nair, 1983; Kabata, cymothoids (Wagele, 1990).
1985; Ho and Tonguthai, 1992). In the No cirolanids are true parasites, though
Nabagonga River, Bangladesh, farmers with Cirolana spp. are widespread scavengers
cages reported that fish culture is impossi- and are sometimes encountered deep in the
ble in early spring because the fish are tissues of dead and dying teleosts and
attacked by large numbers of isopods, elasmobranchs (Bird, 1981; Berland, 1983).
resulting in anaemia and death within 24 h. In southern California fish in cages died
Once the monsoon arrives, the parasite dis- within a few hours after sunset from attacks
appears. The large amount of aquatic vege- by Cirolana diminuta and an ostracod Vargula
tation in the river may be related to the tsujii. The isopods cause extensive gill dam-
abundance of the parasite (McAndrew, 2002). age. To avoid these micropredators, fish
In the laboratory, young isopods attach to swim well off the bottom at night, bury
C. striatus for 1–2 days, during which they themselves in sand or secrete a protective
feed. They then leave the fish for 1–2 days, envelope (Stepien and Brusca, 1985). Cirolana
reattach, feed again and leave the fish a sec- kiliani introduced into a Dutch commercial
ond time. Infected fish develop macrocytic aquarium irritated and injured fish to such
hypochromic anaemia during the feeding an extent that grouper and eel were driven
periods and begin to recover afterwards. out of their hiding places at night and had
Small fish in the field die from the attacks to move off the bottom. Food items became
(Nair and Nair, 1983). In aquaria 15–20 rapidly infested, causing them to be rejected
530 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

by the fish and the starving fish eventually

contracted Amyloodinium. There may be
110,000 C. kiliani/m2 in the coral on the
bottom of the tanks. Trichlorfon 0.6 ppm for
6 h eradicated the micropredators (Dral
et al., 2001).


Fig. 14.33. Paragnathia formica attached to host
Gnathiids are blood-feeding marine isopods (after Monod, 1926).
(with five pairs of legs), which have been
reported to cause mortality in captured
eels (Anguilla anguilla), sea-caged mullet
(Crenimugil crenilabis) and sea-caged snap-
per (Pagrus major) (Paperna and Overstreet,
1981; Mugridge and Stallybrass, 1983;
Patarnello et al., 1995).
Gnathiids infest many species of marine
and estuarine teleosts and elasmobranchs.
Fig. 14.34. Ganthia sp. praniza larvae on Mugil
In the laboratory, larvae of Paragnathia subviridis (photograph courtesy of I. Paperna).
formica infect fishes of the families
Ammodytidae, Anguillidae, Gasterosteidae,
Labridae, Cyprinidae, Triglidae, Cottidae, are referred to as ‘zuphea’. Zuphea swim
Gobiidae, Pleuronectidae, Trachinidae and very rapidly, using their pleopods. If the
Callionymidae and even a freshwater first zuphea contacts a fish, it attaches and
amphibian (Rana temporaria). They do not feeds, becoming the first ‘praniza’ stage.
attack several invertebrates or humans After engorging, it leaves the fish, moults
(Monod, 1926). Some species of Gnathia on the bottom to second zuphea and then
infest only elasmobranchs (Paperna and reattaches and repeats the cycle twice more
Por, 1977; Honma et al., 1991). The group is (Fig. 14.35). The third and last praniza leaves
believed to have radiated in the cold waters the fish and moults into an adult female or
of the southern hemisphere (Cohen and male. Additional moult stages have been
Poore, 1994). reported. The eggs of Gnathia piscivora
The 160 or so species described are hatch into a stage that does not feed but
based on the characters of the free-living moults after 7 days into the first zuphea,
adult males. The third-stage larvae from fish which is parasitic (Paperna and Por, 1977),
can be kept in vitro in sea water until they and the last praniza stage in G. calva may
moult into adults, the males of which can moult first into a premale if a male is already
then be identified (Hesse, 1855; Stoll, 1962; present (Wagele, 1988). Adult gnathiids do
Paperna and Por, 1977; Wagele, 1988, 1990; not feed but live in small colonies of several
Smit and Basson, 2002). females and usually a single male on the
seabed in burrows, crevices, dead barnacles
or sponges.
Morphology and life cycle The duration of the life cycle varies
widely between species. It takes about a year
Eggs of P. formica and Gnathia calva hatch in P. formica; the first two praniza last 6 to 7
into the first of three larval stages, all of weeks each, the third up to 4 months and
which are parasitic (Stoll, 1962; Wagele, adults live for 12 to 20 months (Stoll, 1962;
1988; Figs 14.33 and 14.34). Unfed larvae Amanieu, 1963). In G. calva, an Antarctic
Phylum Arthropoda 531

Fig. 14.35. Diagrammatic life cycle of a gnathiid isopod (after Tanaka, 1998).

species, the life cycle takes several years. (Heupel and Bennett, 1999). Those that
The eggs are incubated for about a year and attack teleosts will attach almost anywhere
the larvae take 4 to 5 years to reach matu- if scales are absent or poorly developed;
rity. Males may survive a further 2 years as otherwise they attach to the fins, gills or
the guardian of a harem (Wagele, 1988). In buccal cavity (Monod, 1926; Mugridge and
contrast, the life cycles of the temperate Stallybrass, 1983). Larvae from elasmobranchs
water species Gnathia africana and Elapho- moult only into adults (Smit and Basson,
gnathia cornigera take 2 months at 18–25°C, 2002; R.J.G. Lester personal observations).
with about 8 days between each moult Where praniza 1 and 2 are found is a
(Tanaka and Aoki, 2000; Smit et al., 2003). mystery.
The duration of the third praniza stage of Some gnathiids have a clear diurnal
G. piscivora at 24°C was 7–10 days (Paperna rhythm, attacking fish only during the day
and Por, 1977). Males of P. formica live or only at dusk or at night and hiding on the
twice as long as females and mate with bottom at other times (Paperna and Por, 1977;
females of the next generation (Upton, Grutter et al., 2000). They can be a particu-
1987a; Tinsley and Reilly, 2002). lar problem in aquaria (Marino et al., 2004).

Clinical signs and histopathology

Host–parasite relationships
Fish behave erratically to dislodge newly
attached parasites, though this reaction lasts
Site and host selection, course of infection
only a few minutes. The mouthparts of the
Praniza larvae that attack elasmobranchs parasite penetrate the epidermis and cause
attach mainly to gills and gill septa (Paperna haemorrhage from vessels in the dermis.
and Por, 1977; Lester and Sewell, 1989; Some species feed for only a few hours.
Honma and Chiba, 1991) or around the cloaca In Israel, fish in cages or entangled in gill
532 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

nets developed dermal haemorrhages after Gnathia maxillaris on blennies take

attack by praniza. They were stressed and 2–24 h to feed (Monod, 1926; Davies, 1981).
became anaemic (Paperna and Por, 1977). The feeding times for the three praniza
In aquaria, heavily infected fish became stages of G. africana are approximately 2, 3
anaemic (Jones and Grutter, 2005), local- and 10 h (Smit et al., 2003). G. piscivora
ized pigment loss occurred in the skin and that attach to the skin leave the host within
there were necrosis and fusion in the gills 2–4 h, while those that attach to gills and
(Marino et al., 2004). the walls of the gill cavity remain for 1 or
The penetration site on a young eel para- more days (Paperna and Por, 1977; Paperna
sitized 4 days previously was raised 0.5 mm and Overstreet, 1981).
diameter as a result of epithelial hyperpla-
sia and an accumulation of lymphocytes
and eosinophils (Monod, 1926). The feed- Concurrent infection
ing site of Gnathia sp. on the gill of an
epaulette shark was associated with disrup- Foraminiferans, especially Cibicides wuel-
tion of lamellae and loss of epithelium lerstorfi, occur on the dorsal and ventral
(Heupel and Bennett, 1999). There was lit- surfaces of the head of male Gnathia stygia,
tle evidence of inflammation, possibly presumably as a result of a poorly groomed
because the parasite had been attached for head projecting from the burrow (Svavars-
only a short time. son and Davidsdottir, 1994). Gnathia
Some gnathiids on rays remain in posi- maxillaris that fed on blennies infected
tion for days, if not weeks, and inflamma- with Haemogregarina bigemina developed
tion develops around their feeding site. The gametocytes in the hind gut, suggesting that
sting rays Dasyatis akajei and Dasyatis they could be a vector for the blood parasite
matsubarai with praniza in Japan show red- (Davies et al., 1994). Davies and Smit (2001)
dish marks at the site. The adjacent dermis suggested that transmission might be through
is vacuolated and filled with masses of intact ingestion of infected isopods.
and lysing erythrocytes. Macrophages, neu-
trophils, lymphocytes and thrombocytes are
abundant (Honma and Chiba, 1991; Honma Prevention and control
et al., 1991).
Free-swimming gnathiids are eaten by small
fish (Tanaka, 2002). Gnathiids on fish are
Parasite nutrition taken by the cleaner fish Labroides dimi-
diatus. In the Caribbean, a cleaner had over
The praniza is attached by its hooked ros- 100 gnathiids in its stomach (Williams and
trum, the hooked gnathopods (= ‘pylopod’ Williams, 1986). On the Great Barrier Reef,
of Wagele, a modified first pair of legs) and L. dimidiatus reduced gnathiid abundance
the hooked and serrated but immobile man- on teleosts by 75% (Grutter, 1999). Large
dibles. Skin penetration is performed by the cleaners ate larger gnathiids (Grutter, 2000)
maxillules, which make bursts of rapid tear- and parasitized fish were more attracted to
ing movements. A strong muscular oesoph- cleaners than unparasitized fish (Grutter,
agus draws blood into the proventriculus, 2001). Cleaner shrimps also remove gnathiids
apparently aided by salivary glands that (Becker and Grutter, 2004). In the UK, the
produce anticoagulants. The anterior hind abundance of P. formica was apparently
gut is rapidly filled, aided by the unfolding limited by the availability of well-drained
of the bellows-like cuticle of the mid- burrows for adults and resting larvae, and
pereon. Digestion takes place in the two in Japan numbers of E. cornigera were related
sac-like digestive glands (Juilfs and Wagele, to the availability of the sponge Halichon-
1987; Giannetto et al., 2003). Symbiotic bac- dria okadai (Upton, 1987b; Tanaka and
teria up to 10 µm long occur in the rectal Aoki, 1998). In aquaculture, the numbers of
vesicle of G. calva (Juilfs and Wagele, 1987). Paragnathia sp. on A. anguilla were controlled
Phylum Arthropoda 533

by changing the incoming water from sea to creamy yellow peduncle into the muscles of
fresh (Mugridge and Stallybrass, 1983). the fish. The exposed region, partly covered
by the mantle, can be over 36 mm and con-
tains a probosciform mouth, six pairs of
Cirripedia: Anelasma biramous appendages, a penis and egg sacs
(Figs 14.36 and 14.37). The soft peduncle
Introduction may make up to half of the animal and con-
tains the ovaries. Egg sacs are usually white,
Lepadid barnacles of the genus Anelasma though orange egg sacs were reported by
parasitize deepwater sharks of the sub- Long and Waggoner (1993).
family Etmopterinae worldwide (Yano and Eggs are found throughout the year.
Musick, 2000). The parasites typically attach They hatch to release naupliar larvae,
to the body behind one of the dorsal spines, which contain yolk, have no eyespot and no
to the dorsal fins or sometimes to other fins, functional mouth and are poor swimmers
the claspers or elsewhere on the body. They (Frost, 1928; Hickling, 1963). Presumably
usually occur in pairs of similar size side by nauplii moult to infective cyprids (Yano
side. One species has been described, and Musick, 2000).
Anelasma squalicola (Loven, 1844).

Host–parasite relationships
Parasite morphology and life cycle
Parasite prevalence peaked on fish (Etmop-
The parasite has a purplish-black flexible terus spinax) of 25 to 29 cm and then
mantle with roots growing out from the decreased. The low prevalence in large fish
plus the absence of evidence of parasite loss
suggested to Hickling (1963) that parasit-
ized fish had a higher mortality rate than
uninfected fish.
The parasite projects from the skin at
an angle. A granuloma develops around its
peduncle to cause an obvious swelling.
Adjacent muscle is replaced by fibrous con-
nective tissue. The epithelium around the
parasite is intact and epithelial tongues
grow down into the cavity. The parasite’s
‘roots’ may extend 10 mm into the muscle;
adjacent to them are degenerating muscle
fibres, an increased number of blood vessels
and fibrous tissue typical of chronic inflam-
mation (Johnstone and Frost, 1927).
Though the livers of infested fish 41 to
44 cm long were 10% lighter than those of
uninfested fish of the same length (Hickling,
1963), the main effect of the parasites
seems to be on the reproductive organs.
Hickling (1963) found that, in mature
female E. spinax, 98% of those parasitized
had inactive ovaries, compared with 42%
Fig. 14.36. Anelasma squalicola, anterior view. in non-parasitized fish. In mature males,
c, biramous appendage (cirrus); e, egg sac; o, 86% had ‘reduced’ testes, compared with
mouth; p, penis; r, roots; t, mantle (after Johnstone 0.05% in unparasitized fish. Yano and
and Frost, 1927). Musick (2000) reported that the ova of a
534 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

Fig. 14.37. Anelasma sp. A pair in pockets anterior to the dorsal fin of Etmopterus granulosus from
Tasmania. The mantle has been partly withdrawn to reveal the visceral mass and white egg sacs. In the left
animal, the cirri (arrow) are extended. The mouth is near the base of the cirri close to the surface of the fish.

parasitized Etmopterus unicolor female from classic earlier work on isopods, partic-
were much smaller and whiter than the ularly the French school, including Monod,
large yellow ova of non-parasitized fish. Legrand, Trilles and Romestand, have been
The testes of infected E. unicolor and vindicated and sometimes extended. How-
Etmopterus granulosus were much smaller ever, many questions remain.
than those of unparasitized fish, though One aspect that has become particu-
clasper length was unaffected. larly striking is the apparent interaction
between parasitic crustaceans. Males of the
gnathiid isopod G. calva are inhibited from
developing in the presence of another male.
Parasite nutrition, physiology
Males of many cymothoids are inhibited
from changing into a female if a female is
The thin cuticle over the peduncle, the
present elsewhere on or in the fish. Often
branching root system and the physiologi-
only two isopods persist, a male and a
cal changes in infected hosts strongly sug-
female. Similarly, the parasitic barnacle,
gest that the parasite absorbs nutrient from
Anelasma, is usually found in pairs, side by
the host. Furthermore, the lack of spines or
side. If a pheromone is involved in limiting
setae on the legs suggests that these do not
these numbers, is it transmitted though the
carry out the normal cirripedian function of
blood of the host, as suggested by Raibaut
filtering water for food particles. However,
and Trilles (1993), or carried in the water?
the well-developed mouth and digestive
There must be a strong mechanism or mech-
gland in young parasites and the degenerate
anisms operating to produce these results.
digestive tubules in older animals suggest
Its elucidation may provide an additional
that the main mode of nutrition may change
tool in controlling parasitic disease.
during development, as proposed by Broch
Lernaea cyprinacea has been a problem
in 1918 (see Johnstone and Frost, 1927).
in aquaculture for centuries and is likely to
be around for many more years. Details of
its biology that continue to remain clouded
Summary, Conclusions and include the host specificity of the copepodid
Recommendations stage. Is it weak, as suggested by Grabda
(1963), or strong, as suggested by the data
The increase in marine aquaculture has pro- of Haley and Winn (1959)? Wilson (1917)
vided much new information about the biol- stated that females were fertilized at the last
ogy of parasitic Crustacea. This is especially copepodid stage, but Grabda (1963) found
true of the parasitic isopods. Conclusions no copepodids with spermatophores, only
Phylum Arthropoda 535

pre-metamorphosed females. Fryer (1966) the tropics and subtropics, needs revision,
suggested that Lernaea bagri were fertilized particularly the genera Ceratothoa, Cymo-
not in the gills but on the final host as he thoa and related forms.
recovered lernaeid males from a plankton One or a small number of parasites fre-
sample. It is not known whether males feed. quently kill small fish, often without evi-
The taxonomy and life cycles of Pennella dence of much tissue damage. For example,
spp. need further attention. It should be small numbers of argulids, cymothoids and
relatively straightforward now to match caligoids may all kill small fish without
sequences from the ribosomal DNA of adult noticeable histopathology. The fish are often
pennellids to those from juvenile pennellids, highly agitated, suggesting neural distur-
which are abundant on the gills of Atlantic bance, i.e. pain, leading to rapid muscular
squid. The sequences will also give a basis exercise, from which the fish do not recover.
to revise the genus. Perkins (1985) has Better understanding of the phenomenon
shown that the complex head structures of may help to avoid mortalities from such
pennellids may serve for much more than parasites.
attachment. A good laboratory model is
needed to further explore their function.
Similarly, the function of the abdominal Control
processes of Pennella and Sphyrion species
are unclear. In Sphyrion, do contractions of In wild fish stocks, the main tool we have
the prominent dorsoventral muscles cause for controlling infection is fishing pressure.
haemolymph to flow into the branched An increase of this will decrease both the
appendages? population density and the average age of
Sphyrion lumpi has a low host specific- the fish and this may be sufficient to elimi-
ity and thus may lend itself to ready estab- nate the parasite (Forrester, 1956). In many
lishment of a laboratory population to cases increasing fishing pressure is not an
investigate its physiology. Its life cycle, option. In other cases, it needs to be applied
how it penetrates into the fish and whether selectively, perhaps to a reservoir host or
it only feeds in the initial phases of infec- only to areas where the parasite is abundant.
tion are all unclear. A short laboratory In aquaculture, there are more opportu-
study plus analysis of field data will reveal nities for parasite control. There are also
how long females survive and how long the more opportunities for normally benign
scars persist. Analysis of growth rings on parasites to cause disease. It is likely that
scales or otoliths of infected and uninfected only a rolling combination of methods will
fish may indicate whether the parasite has limit the effects of the highly evolved
any effect on the growth rate of the fish. multicellular organisms that are the para-
Sarcotaces verrucosus is another copepod sitic Crustacea. Husbandry methods, such
with low host specificity. Its life cycle, as quarantine procedures and adjustment of
mode of nutrition and effect on the fish water flow, are widely employed. However,
need elucidation. Laboratory infections will information such as the factors that control
elucidate the reason for the strong host the numbers of argulids in natural fish
specificity in Lernaeocera species, particu- populations is currently unknown. Multi-
larly in view of Slinn’s (1970) observation species systems, such as wrasse in salmon
that L. lusci matured on its first host under farms to control sea lice, may have applica-
experimental conditions. bility in the control of parasites such as
The parasitic barnacle A. squalicola argulids and lernaeids.
continues to intrigue but we are not much Chemicals are widely used to control
closer to understanding its biology, espe- infections. The rapidity with which lernaeids,
cially its mode of nutrition, than we were in argulids and, to a lesser extent, caligoids
1927. develop resistance to insecticides suggests
The taxonomy of parasitic isopods, which that we need to look for alternative ways of
are an emerging problem in aquaculture in controlling infections, especially as some
536 R.J.G. Lester and C.J. Hayward

naupliar stages seem to be totally resistant. secretion distasteful to the copepod or to

For lernaeids, the demonstration that fish block receptors on the copepod used in host
can acquire immunity, though in what form recognition. The transformation may be
is not yet known, opens up what may be the applied topically by dipping, perhaps using
best long-term solution: the enhancement of an epithelial virus as a vector, or by produc-
resistance in fish. This may be through con- ing transgenic offspring, in which all the
trolled exposures to the parasite, vaccina- epithelial cells would be modified. The
tion or genetic transformation, as discussed large number of eggs produced by many fish
below. makes them an ideal candidate for electro-
The copepodid stages of species of poration and biolistic methods of introduc-
lernaeids and pennellids develop on gills. It ing DNA. These methods have already been
is not known whether immunity to this used to introduce other genes, such as the
stage develops in fish. If it can be stimu- gene for growth hormone. In the first edi-
lated, either naturally or through vaccina- tion of this volume, we proposed that,
tion, it could help to control the parasite. within a decade, developments in genetic
The high rejection rate of metamorphosing transformation would lead to effective con-
females of L. branchialis in multiple infec- trol of at least Lepeophtheiurus salmonis in
tions suggests a hypersensitive reaction. Salmo salar. This clearly has not occurred.
If one is present, it may lead to ways to It is now evident that controlling this and
protect the fish immunologically. other parasitic crustaceans requires an
Fish antibodies themselves may not be evolving battery of chemical and biological
very effective in removing the parasite, even weapons in an integrated programme of pest
if active against a hidden antigen, because management, such as is applied in Ireland
the parasites have evolved ways to deal (McMahon, 2000) and proposed elsewhere
with teleost antibodies. We may be more (Mordue and Pike, 2002).
successful if we introduce a gene from a
vertebrate that manufactures a different
type of antibody. Genetic transformation Acknowledgements
opens up other possibilities. The epidermal
cells, the first point of contact for a parasitic We thank Ms B. Gill for invaluable litera-
copepod, may be modified to produce a ture and secretarial assistance.


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15 Phylum Annelida: Hirudinea as Vectors
and Disease Agents

Eugene M. Burreson
School of Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and
Mary, Gloucester Point, VA 23062, USA

Introduction the role of leeches as intermediate hosts is

in Sawyer (1986) or papers by Vojtek et al.
Leeches are the only important fish patho- (1967), Spelling and Young (1986a,b,c) and
gens in the phylum Annelida. Both fresh- McCarthy (1990).
water and marine leeches have worldwide Extensive reviews on the general bio-
distribution and they occur in a diversity logy of leeches have been published
of habitats. Leeches can potentially affect (Mann, 1961; Sawyer, 1986). Pathological
the health of fishes in a variety of ways. implications of marine leeches have been
Their most important role is as vectors of reviewed by Rohde (1984), and the role of
potentially pathogenic organisms. Both leeches in the pathology of fish cultured in
freshwater and marine leeches are known the tropics has been reviewed by Kabata
to transmit haemoflagellates of the genera (1985).
Trypanosoma and Cryptobia (= Trypano-
plasma) and the intracellular haemo-
gregarines and piroplasmas to fish. There Host Range
is accumulating evidence that leeches can
also transmit viruses and bacteria. In addi- Leeches that parasitize fishes are primar-
tion, leeches may affect the host by the ily in the families Glossiphoniidae and
sheer amount of blood withdrawn during Piscicolidae. Glossiphoniid leeches occur
feeding. The feeding or attachment wounds on a wide variety of freshwater fishes, as
caused by leeches may also serve as sites well as other freshwater aquatic vertebrates.
for secondary pathogenic invaders. Piscicolid leeches occur on both freshwater
Aquatic leeches also serve as second and marine fishes. Freshwater fish leeches
intermediate hosts for Digenea (Chapter 10), are most abundant in temperate lakes, ponds
harbouring metacercaria of a number of dif- and streams, and occur worldwide on all con-
ferent species. Most of these worms are tinents except Antarctica. Marine leeches are
adults in waterfowl, but some mature in known from all seas, but are most abundant
freshwater fishes. However, none of these in polar to temperate regions. They occur
Digenea has been implicated in pathology primarily on demersal species of all major fish
of fishes so they are not considered further groups, including lampreys, elasmobranchs
in this review. Additional information on and teleosts.
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
566 (ed. P.T.K. Woo)
Phylum Annelida: Hirudinea as Vectors and Disease Agents 567

Systematic and Taxonomic Position two main groups, the Rhynchobdellida, which
possess a protrusible proboscis, and the
Historically, leeches have been placed in the Arhynchobdellida, which lack a proboscis
class Hirudinea within the phylum Annelida, but have armed or unarmed jaws. Molecular
subphylum Clitellata, and equal in rank to data support monophyly of the Arhyn-
the class Oligochaeta. However, recent evi- chobdellida (Siddall et al., 2001; Borda and
dence from molecular phylogenetic studies Siddall, 2003), but many of the traditional
suggests that leeches are specialized oligo- groups within the Arhynchobdellida are not
chaetes. Siddall et al. (2001), using sequence monophyletic (Fig. 15.2). For example,
data from nuclear 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) there is no support for monophyly of the
and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase sub- families Haemadipsidae, Haemopidae or
unit I from 101 annelid species, found sup- Hirudinidae or for the genus Hirudo (Borda
port for the hypothesis that Branchiobdellida, and Siddall, 2003).
Acanthobdellida and Hirudinea, together Within the Rhynchobdellida, molecular
with the oligochaete family Lumbriculidae, phylogenetic analyses support monophyly
constitute a clade within Oligochaeta. for the families Glossiphoniidae (Light and
Results supported synonymy of Clitellata Siddall, 1999; Siddall et al., 2001) and
and the more commonly used Oligochaeta, Piscicolidae (Siddall et al., 2001), but not
and suggested that leeches, branchiobde- for the Rhynchobdellida as a whole because
llidans and acanthobdellidans should be Piscicolidae is a sister taxon to the Arhyn-
regarded as orders of oligochaetes equal to chobdellida, not to Glossiphoniidae (Siddall
their closest relatives, the order Lumbriculida et al., 2001; Borda and Siddall, 2003). This
(Fig. 15.1). latter result may be due, in part, to the poor
The systematic relationships within taxon sampling in the family Piscicolidae,
the leeches and the evolution of blood feed- where sequences have been obtained for only
ing have also received much attention in a few species. Epshtein et al. (1994) proposed
recent years with the development of mole- a large number of tribes within the family
cular phylogenetic methods (Apakupakul Piscicolidae based on morphology, but these
et al., 1999; Trontelj et al., 1999). Molecular need to be verified with molecular phylogen-
data support many, but not all, of the tradi- etic studies.
tional groupings that were based on mor- Molecular data have provided insight
phology. Leeches are usually divided into into taxonomic relationships for a few
arhynchobdellid families that are problem-
atic based on morphology, but have sug-
gested that other, long-standing groups are
now problematic (Borda and Siddall, 2003).
Additional taxon sampling will probably
alter some hypotheses suggested by the few
studies conducted to date on all leech groups
and, thus, formal taxonomic revisions have
not been proposed by most authors.
Sanguivory is a common feature of many
leeches and of all leeches that are parasitic
on fish. Evolution of this behaviour has
long been of interest. Two previous hypo-
theses speculated that there were inde-
pendent origins of blood feeding in the
Fig. 15.1. Phylogenetic tree based on DNA
sequence data showing that Acanthobdellida,
Rhynchobdellida and Arhynchobdellida
Branchiobdellida and leeches are a clade within the (Sawyer, 1986; Siddall and Burreson,
Oligochaeta. Redrawn from Siddall et al., 2001, 1996). More recent phylogenetic studies
with permission of Molecular Phylogenetics and hypothesize that the ancestral leech was
Evolution. sanguivorous and that behaviour has been
568 E.M. Burreson

Fig. 15.2. Phylogenetic tree of the leeches demonstrating monophyly of the Glossiponiidae and
Piscicolidae, but not of the Rhynchobdellida. From Borda and Siddall, 2003, courtesy of Molecular
Phylogenetics and Evolution.

retained in all Piscicolidae and most Glossi- clear whether the ancestor was sanguivo-
phoniidae (Borda and Siddall, 2003). How- rous, with subsequent loss of blood feeding
ever, the ancestral feeding preference of in the Erpobdellidormes, Haemopidae and
the Arhynchobdellida cannot be deter- other some groups, or whether the ancestor
mined from recent phylogenetic analyses was predacious with reacquisition of
(Borda and Siddall, 2003). Thus, it is not sanguivory in the Hirudiniformes.
Phylum Annelida: Hirudinea as Vectors and Disease Agents 569

Parasite Morphology and Life Cycle leeches that inhabit soft substrate areas
utilize the hard carapace of crustaceans for
Leeches that are important in fish pathology attachment after leaving the fish host.
are in the suborder Rhynchobdellida, fami- Semi-permanent parasites remain on the
lies Glossiphoniidae and Piscicolidae. Body fish and take successive blood meals; they
shapes and generalized internal anatomy leave the host only to deposit cocoons.
of representative members of these two Leeches are hermaphroditic and mating
families are shown in Fig. 15.3. may involve copulation through the female
Identification keys to freshwater leeches gonopore or hypodermic implantation of
of the world and to marine leeches of the spermatophores anywhere on the body.
North Atlantic are in Sawyer (1986). Although Mating may occur on or off the fish host, but
dated, this is still the best key available for cocoons are never deposited on the fish.
most areas of the world. Earlier keys to The cocoons of piscicolid leeches, which
European and North American freshwater usually adhere to a hard substrate, such as
leeches and to the marine leech genera of vegetation, rocks, shells, the carapace of
the world are in Mann (1961). A key to gen- live crustaceans or even fish eggs, typically
era of the family Piscicolidae can be found contain a single egg. However, some species
in Soós (1965). Keys to North American of Malmiana may deposit up to five eggs in
freshwater leeches are also in Klemm (1982) each cocoon. Cocoons are left unattended
and Davies (1991), and keys to freshwater and newly hatched piscicolid leeches must
leeches of the former USSR are in Lukin find a fish host on their own; juvenile
(1976) and Epshtein (1987, Piscicolidae leeches can usually survive for a week or
only). A key to marine leeches of the Indian more before their first blood meal. Hatching
Ocean can be found in Sanjeeva Raj (1974). time is usually temperature-dependent, but
Leeches that feed on blood of fishes some species may aestivate in the cocoon
may be either temporary or semi-permanent until appropriate environmental conditions
parasites. Temporary parasites usually leave reoccur. Unlike the piscicolids, glossi-
the host soon after a blood meal. They usu- phoniid leeches brood their eggs in fragile
ally seek a sheltered location among vegeta- cocoons, which, depending on the species,
tion or under stones to digest the blood may be attached either to the substrate or to
meal. However, some estuarine and marine the ventral body surface of the leech. Newly
hatched leeches attach to the parental ven-
tral surface and are carried to a host for their
first blood meal.
The annual cycle of piscicolid leeches
is extremely variable and depends on habi-
tat, geographical location and host biology.
Most marine piscicolid leeches appear to
have a synchronized annual cycle (Khan
and Paul, 1995), with adult leeches dying
after cocoon deposition. However, some,
such as Malmiana virida, have successive
generations and are present throughout the
year (Burreson, 1977). Piscicola geometra, a
widespread freshwater piscicolid leech,
deposits cocoons in late winter and adults die
by April. There are successive generations
Fig. 15.3. Semi-diagrammatic representation of through the summer, but reproduction stops
some rhynchobdellid leeches illustrating the main in September. Adults survive the winter to
morphological features. A. Family Glossiphoniidae. deposit cocoons in late winter (Malecha,
B. Family Piscicolidae, subfamily Platybdellinae. 1984). The close tie that can occur between
C. Family Piscicolidae, subfamily Piscicolinae. the leech life cycle and host occurrence is
570 E.M. Burreson

perhaps best demonstrated by Piscicola petechial haemorrhage (Sloan et al., 1984;

salmositica, which parasitizes spawning Jones and Woo, 1990b). Even though pathol-
salmon when they return from the sea to ogy is usually localized, heavy infestations
rivers of the Pacific North-west of North can result in severe epidermal erosion and
America. Leeches occur in high abun- even mortality because of large amounts of
dance in the rivers when salmon return blood loss or secondary effects of multiple
in September and through December each feeding wounds. Thus, large numbers of
year (Becker and Katz, 1965b). They feed on leeches in aquaculture facilities should
the salmon during autumn and then deposit always be a cause for concern. Fish can tol-
cocoons before they die in December. The erate a high burden of leeches with little
cocoons do not hatch until the following apparent effect, but pathology may depend
September, just as the annual salmon run on the relative size of the leech compared
begins again and approximately 300 days with the fish. Kabata (1985), without pro-
after cocoons were deposited. There does viding details, reported that the presence of
not seem to be any temperature or light cue 100 leeches on a single fish in Africa resulted
to hatching (Bower and Thompson, 1987), in no serious harm to the host. Other reports,
so the timing may be innate and have however, suggest that leeches may be patho-
evolved over time. genic or provide portals of entry through their
Based on the biology of Hemiclepsis feeding or attachment wounds for secondary
marginata, the annual cycle of glossipho- pathogens. For example, general statements
niid leeches is similar to that of P. geometra by Bauer (1961), Markevich (1963) and Bauer
and is cued by water temperature. Cocoons et al. (1973) suggest that P. geometra can
of H. marginata are deposited in late severely affect carp and other species in
spring/early summer when water tempera- rearing ponds in Eastern Europe by causing
ture reaches 15°C. Adult leeches brood the severe emaciation, small bleeding ulcers and
young, carry them to their first host after secondary invasion by bacteria and fungi.
hatching and then die. Leeches feed and One of the earliest accounts of a leech
grow through the summer and autumn, causing mortality is the report by Badham
overwinter under vegetation, and resume (1916) involving the leech Austrobdella
feeding in the spring prior to reproduction translucens and the sand whiting, Sillago
(Needham, 1969). ciliata, in Australia. A few dozen whiting
were periodically stocked with other species
in a saltwater pond over a number of years
and on each occasion the whiting were
Leeches as Pathogens
killed by the leeches. The fish developed
large ulcerated patches on the skin and
Host–parasite relationships
badly infested fish harboured as many as 100
leeches on the fins and body surface.
Clinical signs and gross pathology
A. translucens was specific for sand whiting
Leeches alone are generally not considered and other species of fish in the pond appar-
important fish pathogens. Effects are usu- ently survived well, suggesting that mortality
ally localized and restricted to attachment of whiting was not the result of unfavourable
and/or feeding sites on the skin, fins, gills water quality but from the effects of the
or mouth. The muscular caudal sucker used leeches.
for attachment usually causes little damage; Leeches have recently been implicated
however, leeches that are semi-permanent in pathology of tank-reared orange-spotted
parasites may elicit a substantial host tissue grouper, Epinephelus coioides, in the
response at the attachment site. Rhyn- Philippines. Heavy infestations of Zeylani-
chobdellid leeches feed on host blood or tis- cobdella arugamensis occurred in multiple
sue fluid by means of a protrusible proboscis, patches of several hundred leeches on and
which is inserted into host tissue and at the bases of the fins and in the skin folds
this feeding activity may produce localized of the lower jaw (Fig. 15.4). The affected
Phylum Annelida: Hirudinea as Vectors and Disease Agents 571

and bleeding scars around the attachment

sites made the fish difficult to sell. There
was no mention of host mortality in the
report. Leeches left the fish by the end of
March when water temperature increased
above 0°C. In late April fungal infections
were observed on wounds apparently made
by leeches. This leech outbreak was unusual,
but there were no obvious, unusual environ-
mental conditions known to be present that
would have caused such an occurrence.
Undoubtedly, a number of factors contri-
buted to the greater than normal reproductive
success and hence the high abundance.
Another unusual occurrence of fish
mortality caused by leeches involved adult
brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, and
freshwater leeches in a small, shallow lake
in Maine (Rupp and Meyer, 1954). During
Fig. 15.4. Heavy infestation of Zeylanicobdella periods of hot weather, water temperature
arugamensis on cultured orange-spotted grouper in in the lake can become critically high and
the Philippines. A. Entire fish showing clusters of trout congregate around cooler underwater
hundreds of leeches (arrows). B. Close-up of the springs in shallow water. The congregating
anal fin of fish shown in A illustrating masses of
trout encouraged poaching and bird preda-
leeches (arrows). Photos courtesy of Erlinda
tion, so brush was placed in the lake to pro-
Cruz-Lacierda, South-East Asian Fisheries
Development Center, Iliolo, Philippines. vide cover for the fish. Unfortunately, the
brush provided an ideal habitat for two
hirudinid leeches, Macrobdella decora and
Haemopis grandis. These leeches are not
fish had multiple areas of haemorrhage and normally associated with fish, but on one
hyperplasia at attachment and feeding sites occasion 50 to 60 large trout were observed
(Cruz-Lacierda et al., 2000), but there was ‘being fiercely attacked by hordes’ of leeches
no report of mortality. from the brush. Despite continual harass-
There have been a number of reports of ment by the leeches, the trout remained
leeches causing pathology in feral fresh- congregated in the spring. On one occasion
water and estuarine fishes in North America. over 20 dead trout were reported during a
An epizootic of Piscicola punctata caused 3-day period. One captured, dying trout had
pathology in the bigmouth buffalo, Ictiobus six leeches attached to the gill arches, isth-
cyprinellus, in the Rock River near Rockford, mus and fin bases; one M. decora had rasped
Illinois, USA (Thompson, 1927). During an opening through the body wall and into
February and March of 1926, almost every the ventral aorta. It appeared certain to the
fish was heavily infested with the leech; investigators that the fish was dying from
intensity ranged up to 50 leeches per fish loss of blood. This unusual occurrence was
taken from the river channel, and over 100 possible only because of high concentra-
leeches per fish collected from backwaters tions of fish and leeches in close proximity
and sloughs. It is interesting that the leech for prolonged periods.
had not been observed during the previous Freshwater leeches have also caused
two winters, even though sampling had mortality in fish hatcheries. A heavy infes-
been intensive, and fishermen reported no tation of P. salmositica caused mortality as
similar infestation in the last 50 years. high as 25% in sac fry of pink salmon,
Leeches were removed by fishermen prior Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, in the state of
to delivery to the retail market, but the raw Washington (Earp and Schwab, 1954).
572 E.M. Burreson

Leeches invaded the hatchery through the reported in intensive striped bass (Morone
freshwater supply from a nearby stream and saxatilis) culture facilities on Chesapeake
attacked fry as they hatched in trays. Once Bay, Maryland, USA, but there was no
attached to the fry, leeches quickly became mention of pathology (Woods et al., 1990).
gorged with blood and the fry invariably Similar pathological effects caused by
died, apparently from blood loss. Adult Austrobdella bilobata have been reported in
salmon migrants in the supply stream also yellowfin bream, Acanthopagrus australis,
had heavy infestations of P. salmositica and in New South Wales, Australia (Roubal,
indications were that some fish died before 1986). Khan (1982) described subcutaneous
spawning. lesions caused by Johanssonia arctica in
Leeches that are semi-permanent para- Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua.
sites on fishes, such as the freshwater and
estuarine leech Myzobdella lugubris, tend to
Effects on host physiology
remain attached at a single site. They often
cause very localized histopathological Leeches have only rarely been implicated as
changes, including cellular infiltration, ero- serious pathogens of fishes. Their effects are
sion of the integument under the attach- usually localized to the feeding or attach-
ment site and hyperplasia of the epidermis ment sites and only become serious when
around the caudal sucker. Localized sub- infestation is high. Documented fish mor-
cutaneous haemorrhages often occur at leech tality caused by leeches is extremely rare
feeding sites. Paperna and Zwerner (1974) and appears to occur only when there is
reported removing over 500 M. lugubris from close, prolonged contact between large
a single moribund white catfish, Ictalurus numbers of leeches and fish. Although a
catus, in the York River estuary in Virginia, single leech may withdraw only a small
USA. Leeches were in the mouth and under amount of blood, it nevertheless weakens
the operculum and externally on the skin fold the host (Meyer, 1946a). The subtle effect
behind the lower jaw and at the bases of the of blood loss was elegantly demonstrated
fins. Extensive histopathological changes by Mace and Davis (1972), who studied
caused by the leech included inflammation, the energetics of parasitism by the leech
displacement and erosion of the dermis and Malmiana brunnea on the shorthorn sculpin,
hyperplasia of the epithelium. All patholo- Myoxocephalus scorpius, in Newfound-
gical changes were attributed to leeches and land, Canada. Energy budgets were devel-
it was concluded that leeches were at least a oped for leeches and fish, and growth was
major contributing factor to the distressed measured in two groups of unparasitized
condition of the fish. The same leech was fish for 5 weeks. Growth of a parasitized
also implicated in an epidemic of oral ulcer- group was significantly lower than the
ations in adult largemouth bass, Micropterus expected growth and the difference was
salmoides, from Currituck Sound, North attributed to the energy requirements of the
Carolina, USA (Noga et al., 1990). A system- leeches. It was concluded that the additional
atic survey was not conducted, but sport energy consumption of the host because of
fishermen reports suggested that 90% of the leeches was approximately 750 cal/g of
legal-size fish might have been affected. leech per week. According to Mace and
These fish had large ulcerations on the Davis (1972), a well-adapted host–parasite
tongue and buccal cavity, often extending to relationship should exert a metabolic
underlying musculature; leeches were always demand that is little more than the energy
present in or near the wounds. Localized requirements of the parasite. However, tissue
pathology from M. lugubris also has been damage, harmful metabolites and/or hor-
reported in logperch, Percina caprodes, and mone leakage cause increased energy loss.
brown bullhead, Ictalurus nebulosus, in They concluded that energy loss in sculpins
Ontario, Canada (Appy and Cone, 1982), and was not entirely because of the energy
in mullet, Mugil sp. (Paperna and Overstreet, requirements of the leech, but probably
1981). Heavy infestations of M. lugubris were also because of increased physiological
Phylum Annelida: Hirudinea as Vectors and Disease Agents 573

strain from leech saliva secretions or unde- Haematozoa of fishes are all transmitted by
tected mechanical irritation of feeding rhynchobdellid leeches and, although less
leeches. well documented, leeches may transmit
viruses and bacteria as well. As vectors for
other organisms, leeches must feed on at least
Diagnosis of infection two different host individuals; they must
acquire the organisms by feeding on an
Leeches can be difficult to collect and to infected host and they must then leave that
identify. They often leave the host after host and attach to and feed on a different
feeding and, therefore, may go undetected host individual. Thus, leeches that are semi-
even when abundance is high. They are permanent parasites tend to be less efficient
usually sufficiently large to be detected by vectors. A good example is M. lugubris,
the naked eye and occur on the body sur- which is common in fresh water in the USA
face and fins or in the gill cavity or mouth. and in south-eastern estuaries. This leech
If possible, leeches should be collected by occurs on a wide variety of hosts, many of
gently dislodging the caudal sucker with which harbour haematozoa (E.M. Burreson,
forceps and placing them in a dish contain- unpublished data), but it has never been
ing water. For proper identification it is implicated as a vector. Another example is
important to observe leeches alive and to Oceanobdella pallida, which occurs in the
note as many external characters as possible. mouth of English sole, Parophrys vetulus,
It may be necessary to relax leeches in weak in the north-eastern Pacific. English sole
alcohol or another narcotizing agent prior to are commonly infected with Trypanosoma
examination. Careful observation should be pacifica off Oregon (Burreson and Pratt, 1972)
made of pigmentation colour and pattern, and developmental stages have been
number and arrangement of eyes on the oral observed in the crop of the leech, but never
sucker, ocelli on the body and caudal sucker, in the proboscis sheath. All attempts to
number of lateral pulsatile vesicles, if pre- transmit T. pacifica to uninfected sole with
sent, and arrangements of papillae, tubercles O. pallida failed because leeches removed
or other obvious external characters. Leeches from infected hosts could not be induced to
that have been fixed unrelaxed are almost reattach to other hosts (Burreson, 1975).
impossible to identify because they usually The leech appears to be a semi-permanent
contract strongly or curl into a tight ball, parasite and is probably not the vector for
making observation of important characters T. pacifica. These results illustrate that the
difficult. Leeches relaxed prior to fixation presence of developmental stages of hae-
in formalin will usually retain their pig- matozoa in a leech does not necessarily
mentation and eyes for long periods; how- indicate that the leech is a vector.
ever, pigmentation fades rapidly after transfer Vectors for fish pathogens are restricted
to alcohol. Leeches that have been fixed and to the rhynchobdellid families Glossiphoni-
then preserved in alcohol are often difficult to idae and Piscicolidae; however, within each
identify, especially to species. Generic deter- family, behaviour of individual species and
mination of many leeches, especially pisci- not taxonomic grouping determines their role
colids, may depend on internal anatomy, as a vector. Thus, vectors are distributed
which can only be determined with serial throughout most subfamilies. Nevertheless,
sections. All these difficulties combine to there appears to be a general trend of semi-
make identification of leeches, even for permanent parasitism within the piscicolid
experts, problematic. subfamily Platybdellinae and a general
trend of leaving the host after the blood meal
in the subfamily Piscicolinae and possibly
Leeches as Vectors of Pathogens also the subfamily Pontobdellinae. Thus,
one expects more vectors in the subfamily
Leeches are much more important as vec- Piscicolinae than in the Platybdellinae, and
tors of fish pathogens than as pathogens. this seems to be true, although it must be
574 E.M. Burreson

noted that vectors have been identified for Mulcahy et al. (1990), on the other
only a small number of fish haematozoa. Of hand, present evidence that infectious
the 21 genera in the subfamily Platy- haemopoietic necrosis (IHN) virus may
bdellinae (Sawyer, 1986), only one genus, replicate in the leech P. salmositica. They
Malmiana, is known to have species that are isolated IHN virus from P. salmositica col-
vectors (Burreson, 1982; Siddall and Desser, lected on sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus
1993). However, Sloan et al. (1984) reported nerka, and from the stream bed of the
that 71.0% of the Notostomum cyclostoma Cedar River, Washington, USA. Leeches
(Johansson) (subfamily Platybdellinae) exam- from salmon were isolated in laboratory
ined in northern British Columbia, Canada, containers and, over a 16-day period, the
harboured heavy infections of Cryptobia in virus titre increased from 4.0 × 10 plaque-
the proboscis sheath and one leech had forming units (pfu) per gram to 6.5 × 103
trypanosomes in the proboscis sheath. This pfu/g. This increase suggests that the virus
leech is undoubtedly a vector, but the fish may be replicating in the leeches; however,
host of the flagellates is unknown. In addi- viral replication was not demonstrated
tion, Siddall and Burreson (1994) found with certainty. Prevalence of IHN virus in
developmental stages of a haemogregarine in leeches from the stream bed decreased
the salivary cells of Platybdella sp. from the from 57.0% to 20.0% over 72 days, sug-
Bering Sea, suggesting that it is a vector. Of gesting that the leeches were gradually
the 15 genera in the subfamily Piscicolinae, losing the virus. Although no experiments
five genera, Calliobdella, Johanssonia, Cys- were conducted using infected leeches to
tobranchus, Piscicola and Orientobdella transmit the virus to uninfected fish, the
have been documented as vectors, and authors concluded that the leeches proba-
Calliobdella and Piscicola have more than bly increase the infection rate of the virus
one species known to be vectors. Of the four in spawning sockeye salmon. The virus
genera in the subfamily Pontobdellinae apparently is not transmitted vertically in
(Sawyer, 1986), only one genus and species, the leeches, as the virus was not isolated
Pontobdella muricata, has been definitively from leech cocoons.
shown to be a vector, although Oxytono-
stoma typica is the likely vector of Haemo-
gregarina delagei in Raja erinacea in New Leeches as vectors of bacteria
Brunswick, Canada (Siddall and Desser,
2001). Although there has been speculation that
leeches are capable of transmitting patho-
genic bacteria to fishes, there have been few
Leeches as vectors of viruses cases of transmission actually documented
(Cusack and Cone, 1986). Negele (1975)
There have only been two reports implicat- reported that P. geometra transmitted Aero-
ing fish leeches as vectors of fish viruses. monas hydrophila to fish during the feeding
Ahne (1985) demonstrated that P. geometra process, but gave no details. Bragg et al.
mechanically transmitted spring viraemia (1989) isolated a bacterium from the leech
of carp virus (SVCV, Rhabdovirus carpio) to Batracobdelloides tricarinata that was bio-
carp, Cyprinus carpio. Leeches acquired the chemically and serologically identical to
virus from infected carp during the first Streptococcus sp. pathogenic to rainbow
feeding and transmitted the virus to unin- trout. The authors proposed that the leech
fected carp during two successive feedings. was a possible reservoir for the bacterium,
However, leeches eventually lost the virus but no transmission experiments were
and carp used for the fourth feeding did not conducted. Dombrowski (1953) reported
become infected. Ahne concluded that that P. geometra transmitted the pathogenic
SVCV did not replicate in P. geometra and Pseudomonas punctata to carp.
that the leech served only as a mechanical Leeches, including the important fish
vector. parasites P. geometra and H. marginata,
Phylum Annelida: Hirudinea as Vectors and Disease Agents 575

harbour endosymbiotic bacteria in special- fish (Dyková and Lom, 1979). The life cycle
ized anterior crop diverticula called myce- of C. borreli and vector role of H. marginata
tomes or oesophageal diverticula (Jennings were elucidated by Robertson (1911). This
and Van Der Lande, 1967; Sawyer, 1986; leech also transmits Cryptobia ompoki and
Siddall et al., 2003). These bacteria aid in Trypanosoma punctati in India (Shanavas
digestion of blood by providing normally et al., 1989; Shanavas, 1991) and at least
deficient digestive enzymes; however, they three trypanosomes in Europe, Trypano-
may be mistaken for bacteria that are soma cobitis in the stone loach, Nema-
pathogenic to fish. cheilus barbatulus and other hosts (Letch,
1979, 1980), Trypanosoma tincae in the
tench, Tinca tinca (see Needham, 1969) and
Leeches as vectors of haematozoic protists Trypanosoma granulosum in eels, Anguilla
anguilla (see Brumpt, 1906a,b). In addition,
According to Laveran and Mesnil (1912), developmental stages of Trypanosoma
Leydig first observed flagellates in the danilewskyi were found in the proboscis
leeches Piscicola and Pontobdella in 1857, sheath of H. marginata; however, experi-
and Doflein in 1901 first suggested that mental transmission to the fish was not
leeches were vectors of fish haemoflagellates. attempted (Qadri, 1962).
This speculation was confirmed by a num- H. marginata is widely distributed,
ber of separate studies in the early 1900s from the UK through most of Europe
(Lom, 1979). The leeches that have been (Harding, 1910; Wilkialis, 1970; Elliott and
ascertained to be vectors of fish haematozoa Mann, 1979) and Asia (Shulman, 1961;
through experimental transmission studies Khalifa, 1985; Sawyer, 1986; Singhal et al.,
are listed in Table 15.1. Although a large 1986; Shanavas et al., 1989). It is abundant
number of haemoflagellates have been in small, hard-water ponds or slow-moving
described from fishes (Lom, 1979; Woo, streams that contain abundant vegetation,
1987), very few vectors have been identi- especially large sheath-bearing plants; it
fied. Even less is known about leeches as does not occur in rapidly flowing water
vectors of intraerythrocytic parasites of fish. (Mann, 1955; Sawyer, 1986). Although
Although leeches have long been suspected apparently widespread, both Robertson
as vectors of these parasites in fishes, the (1911) and Needham (1969) had difficulty
first life cycles were not confirmed until the collecting H. marginata. From late spring
early 1980s (Khan, 1980; Lainson, 1981). to early autumn, H. marginata is primarily
Much more research remains to be done, in the leaf bases of large marginal reeds; it
but it is apparent, especially from the work is rarely found on fish. During winter
by Khan in Newfoundland, that very few H. marginata occurs among the plant
species of leeches in a given area transmit rhizomes (Needham, 1969).
many different haematozoa. Long known as a fish parasite,
Of the leech vectors listed in Table 15.1, H. marginata has been shown to feed on a
five of them are especially important, either wide variety of freshwater fishes under
because they have a wide geographical and laboratory conditions (Robertson, 1911).
host range or because they parasitize Letch and Ball (1979) suggested that,
commercially important hosts. These are because of habitat similarities and the inac-
H. marginata, P. geometra, J. arctica, Calli- tive nature of the fish, H. marginata feeds
obdella vivida and P. salmositica; each will primarily on the stone loach, N. barbatulus,
be discussed in detail in the following bullhead, Cottus gobio, and gudgeon, Gobio
sections. gobio, under natural conditions in England.
Fish hosts in culture ponds in India are
listed in Singhal et al. (1986). After feeding,
Hemiclepsis marginata (O.F. Müller)
the leech leaves the host and seeks a con-
H. marginata transmits Cryptobia borreli, a cealed area among plant leaves to digest its
known pathogen in European freshwater blood meal.
Table 15.1. Leech vectors of fish haematozoa.

Leech species Distribution and hosts Haematozoa transmitted

Hemiclepsis marginata (O.F. Müller) Western Europe to north-east Asia, India (Sawyer, Trypanosoma punctati (Shanavas, 1991); Trypanosoma
1986). Not host specific (Robertson, 1911; Letch and cobitis, Trypanosoma granulosum and probably other
Ball, 1979) trypanosomes (Brumpt, 1906a, b; Needham, 1969;
Letch, 1980); Cryptobia borreli (Robertson, 1911),
Cryptobia ompoki (Shanavas et al., 1989)
Haementeria ‘lutzi’ Pinto Brazil on Synbranchus marmoratus (Lainson, 1981) Trypanosoma bourouli, Cyrilia gomesi (Lainson, 1981)
(according to Sawyer, 1986, this
leech is species inquirendae)

E.M. Burreson
Desserobdella phalera (Graf) USA and Canada (Klemm, 1982) on bowfin, Amia calva, Trypanosoma phalera (Jones and Woo, 1990b)
and largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, and other
fishes (Jones and Woo, 1990a)
Batracobdelloides tricarinata Africa on Clarias lazera (Negm-Eldin, 1997) Trypanosoma mukasai, Babesiosoma mariae and Cyrilia
(Blanchard) nili (Negm-Eldin, 1997; Negm-Eldin and Davies, 1998)
Piscicola geometra L. Eurasia, North America (?). Not host specific (Sawyer, Cryptobia borreli, Trypanosoma danilewskyi and
1986; Epshtein, 1987; Madill, 1988). possibly other trypanosomes (Brumpt, 1906b;
Khaibulaev and Guseinov, 1982; Kruse et al., 1989).
Piscicola salmositica Meyer North-western North America, primarily on salmonids Cryptobia salmositica (Becker and Katz, 1965a)
(Oncorhynchus spp.) and sculpins (Cottus spp.) (Becker
and Katz, 1965b)
Cystobranchus meyeri Hayunga Eastern North America (range undetermined) on a Cryptobia cataractae (Putz, 1972a,b). Leech vector
and Grey variety of freshwater fishes (Hayunga and Grey, 1976) misidentified by Putz as Cystobranchus virginicus

Table 15.1. Continued. Leech vectors of fish haematozoa.

Leech species Distribution and hosts Haematozoa transmitted

Phylum Annelida: Hirudinea as Vectors and Disease Agents

Pontobdella muricata L. North-east Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Trypanosoma rajae (Brumpt, 1906a; Robertson, 1907,
on skates (Raja spp.) (Sawyer, 1986) 1909; Neumann, 1909)
Johanssonia arctica (Johansson) Arctic seas, North Atlantic, north-east Pacific to Trypanosoma murmanensis, Haemohormidium
California. Not host specific (Meyer and Khan, terraenovae, Haemohormidium beckeri,
1979; Khan, 1982; Madill, 1988; E.M. Burreson, Haemogregarina uncinata (Khan, 1976, 1978a, 1980,
unpublished data) 1984)
Calliobdella punctata Beneden and North-east Atlantic Ocean. Distribution and hosts Trypanosoma cotti (Brumpt, 1906a; Khan, 1978b)
Hesse (Enophrys bubalis, Blennius pholis) poorly known
(Sawyer, 1986)
Calliobdella vivida (Verrill) East and Gulf coasts of North America, primarily in Cryptobia bullocki (Burreson, 1982)
estuaries. Not host specific (Sawyer et al., 1975;
Appy and Dadswell, 1981; Burreson and Zwerner, 1982;
Madill, 1988)
Malmiana diminuta Burreson North-east Pacific. Not host specific (Burreson, 1977) Cryptobia (?) beckeri in cabezon, Scorpaenichthys
marmoratus (Burreson, 1979)
Malmiana scorpii (Malm) North Atlantic on Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Haemogregarina myoxocephali (Siddall and Desser,
and Myoxocephalus scorpius (Khan and Meyer, 1976) 1993)

578 E.M. Burreson

H. marginata is in the family Glossi- and are eventually carried to a fish host. On
phoniidae, subfamily Glossiphoniinae. the host the young leeches leave the adult
Mature adults are up to 30 mm long by 7 mm and take their first blood meal. The adult
wide; their colour is green to pale yellow, leech soon dies, and the young leave the
with seven longitudinal rows of yellow fish host and return to the shelter of the
spots (Mann, 1961). There are usually two reeds to digest their blood meal. A period of
pairs of eyes on the head region, but the ante- subsequent feeding and growth occurs
rior pair may be coalesced. This species can through summer and early autumn. During
easily be separated from other glossiphoniids winter, feeding is reduced or may cease, but
by the expanded head and oral sucker region large leeches can survive 10 months with-
(Fig. 15.5), which, at rest, is wider than the out feeding (Sawyer, 1986). As the water
body segments immediately posterior to it temperature increases in early spring, feed-
(Mann, 1961; Sawyer, 1986). A key to the ing activity increases prior to the breeding
recognized European glossiphoniids is in cycle. H. marginata is apparently relatively
Sawyer (1986). easy to maintain in the laboratory if vegeta-
An annual life cycle for H. marginata has tion is provided for cover.
been proposed by Needham (1969). Eggs are
laid in late spring and early summer when
Piscicola geometra L.
water temperature rises to 15°C. Cocoons are
deposited on a substrate, usually the protec- On the basis of flagellate developmental
tive shelter of leaf bases of reeds, and are stages in the crop, P. geometra has long been
brooded by the adult. When eggs hatch, implicated as a vector for fish trypanosomes
young leeches attach to the venter of the adult and cryptobiids (Léger, 1904; Keysselitz, 1906;

Fig. 15.5. Important leech vectors of pathogenic haematozoa in fishes. Vertical line beside each leech is
5.0 mm. See text for identification characters. Hemiclepsis marginata redrawn from Mann, 1961, courtesy of
Pergamon Press; Piscicola salmositica redrawn from Klemm, 1982, courtesy of US Environmental Protection
Phylum Annelida: Hirudinea as Vectors and Disease Agents 579

Lom, 1979). However, none of the early trypanosomes, remain unclear. Flagellates
researchers clearly documented transmis- develop much higher abundance and per-
sion of either trypanosomes or cryptobiids sist for much longer in H. marginata than
to uninfected fishes through the feeding in P. geometra (Lom, 1979); in addition,
activity of P. geometra. For example, Brumpt C. borreli invades the proboscis sheath of
(1905) discussed development of crypto- H. marginata, but not P. geometra. These
biids in P. geometra and H. marginata and observations, all of which need confirmation,
stated that successful transmission was suggest that H. marginata is the natural vector
achieved using leeches, but he did not spe- for European freshwater haemoflagellates
cifically state that transmission was success- and that P. geometra has only secondarily
ful using P. geometra. Keysselitz (1906) did acquired the ability to transmit flagellates
not observe developmental stages of crypto- and is less efficient.
biids in the proboscis sheath of P. geometra P. geometra occurs throughout most of
and was unable to actually transmit the para- Eurasia (Shulman, 1961; Elliot and Mann,
site to uninfected fish via leeches because of 1979; Sawyer, 1986; Epshtein, 1987) and may
a lack of uninfected hosts. Brumpt (1906a) be circumpolar. There has been speculation
stated that T. granulosum developed in (Klemm, 1982) that Piscicola milneri (Verrill),
P. geometra for about 15 days, but all flagel- which is widely distributed in northern
lates eventually died. Lom (1979) reported North America, is identical to P. geometra,
that Trypanosoma danilewskyi developed in and Sawyer (1986) states that P. milneri is
P. geometra, but made no mention of suc- inadequately distinguished from P. geometra.
cessful transmission. Khaibulaev (1970) Nevertheless, Madill (1988) and Davies
reported development of both trypanosomes (1991) list both species in North America.
and cryptobiids in P. geometra, but his paper P. geometra appears to be tolerant of diverse
is unaccompanied by figures and should be environmental conditions and has been col-
treated with scepticism. Needham (1969) lected in a wide range of habitats, including
reviewed the photographs in Khaibulaev’s estuaries of the Caspian and Baltic Seas
doctoral dissertation and reported that the (Epshtein, 1987). However, P. geometra
flagellates observed in P. geometra appeared requires cool water that is relatively highly
to be leech spermatozoa. In any case, oxygenated and it is most abundant in rap-
Khaibulaev did not report transmission of idly flowing streams and large lakes where
flagellates to uninfected fish through the fish and vegetation are abundant (Mann,
feeding activities of P. geometra. The only 1961; Sawyer, 1986). P. geometra is not found
documented experimental transmission of in stagnant ponds or slow-moving streams,
C. borreli to uninfected fish through the the preferred habitat of H. marginata.
feeding activity of P. geometra is the report Over 30 species of fish have been
by Kruse et al. (1989). Cryptobia infections recorded as hosts for P. geometra. Leeches
in carp, C. carpio, were detected 6 days after feed anywhere on the body, including skin,
feeding by infected leeches. They also con- fins, gills and mouth cavity, and they may
firmed the observation of Keysselitz (1906) remain on the host for successive blood
that flagellates did not invade the proboscis meals. However, most leeches leave the host
sheath. The only evidence that P. geometra within 7 days after feeding (Sawyer, 1986).
transmits trypanosomes to fish is the report P. geometra is in the family Piscicolidae,
by Khaibulaev and Guseinov (1982). They subfamily Piscicolinae. It is a cylindrical,
were apparently able to transmit T. danile- elongate leech up to 50 mm in length, but
wskyi to Lebistes reticulatus, Trypanosoma usually 15–30 mm long with a caudal sucker
percae to Cobitis taenia and Trypanosoma diameter 1.5–2.0 times the maximum body
scardinii to Pseudorasbora parva through width. The urosome diameter is nearly con-
the feeding activity of P. geometra. stant throughout its length. The body colour
P. geometra is a serious pest in commer- may be brownish olive, greenish or grey
cial fish ponds (Bauer, 1961; Bielecki, 1988), with segmental, unpigmented transverse
but its vector relationships, especially for bands and usually a longitudinal, mid-dorsal
580 E.M. Burreson

unpigmented stripe. Two pairs of eyes are haematozoa in the Newfoundland region,
present on the oral sucker (Fig. 15.5) and 12 even though it has a rich leech fauna (Khan
to 14 ocelli usually occur on the caudal and Meyer, 1976; Meyer and Khan, 1979;
sucker, alternating with radiating pigment Appy and Dadswell, 1981). Early develop-
bands. Recent keys that include P. geometra mental stages of H. beckeri were observed
are in Sawyer (1986), Epshtein (1987) and (Khan, 1980) in another leech, Platybdella
Bielecki (1997). olriki, but the presence of developmental
The life cycle of P. geometra was stud- stages alone is not sufficient evidence of a
ied extensively by Malecha (1984) in vector role. Studies by Siddall and Desser
northern France. The lifespan of an individ- (1992a, 1993) on the developmental sequence
ual leech is about 7 to 9 months and three to of Haemogregarina myoxocephali in Mal-
four generations are produced each year. The miana scorpii strongly suggest that this
overwintering generation deposits cocoons leech is the vector for the parasite; however,
during March and adults die between April actual transmission to fish has not been
and June. Cocoons are deposited on any hard attempted.
substrate, including vegetation. Cocoons J. arctica is commonly encountered in
hatch in late April and early May and leeches Arctic seas (Epshtein, 1961, 1962), in the
reach sexual maturity during June. Adults north-western Atlantic Ocean (Meyer and
reproduce more or less continuously Khan, 1979; Khan, 1982) and in deep waters
through August, producing two or three in the north-eastern Pacific Ocean as far
generations. The winter generation emerges south as California (E.M. Burreson, unpub-
from cocoons in September and individuals lished data). In Newfoundland, leeches have
feed on fish for much of the winter. No been collected in nature from Atlantic cod,
reproduction occurs during this period and G. morhua, polka-dot sea snail, Liparis
leeches may become quite large compared cyclostigma, and American plaice, H. plates-
with the summer generations. Reproduc- soides. In laboratory studies, 19 additional
tion eventually begins in late February and hosts were identified, but leeches seemed to
March, when cocoons that will become the prefer American plaice and Atlantic cod
next summer generation are deposited. (Khan, 1982). Preferred feeding sites are the
head of Atlantic cod and the dorsal and ven-
tral fins of American plaice, although leeches
Johanssonia arctica (Johansson)
also feed on other regions of the body.
J. arctica is important as a vector for a variety J. arctica is in the family Piscicolidae,
of haematozoa in northern seas. It transmits subfamily Piscicolinae. The species was orig-
Trypanosoma murmanensis to a number of inally described by Johansson (1899) from
commercially important hosts, including Greenland as Oxytonostoma arctica.
Atlantic cod, G. morhua, American plaice, Epshtein (1968) transferred the species to
Hippoglossoides platessoides, and yellowtail Johanssonia Selensky. Individuals are sub-
flounder, Limanda ferruginea in the north- cylindrical, up to 29 mm total length, with a
west Atlantic (Khan, 1976, 1977, 1991). It narrow body and an especially narrow neck
also transmits the intraerythrocyte parasites region. Unengorged leeches can appear
Haemohormidium beckeri in perciform almost thread-like. The body is devoid of
fishes (Khan, 1980) and Haemohormidium pigmentation and lacks eyes on the oral
terraenovae in pleuronectiform fishes (Khan, sucker and ocelli on the body or caudal
1984). In addition, J. arctica may transmit sucker; the integument is thin and transpar-
Haemogregarina uncinata; developmental ent. The body has 11 pairs of very small, lat-
stages were observed in the leech crop, but eral, pulsatile vesicles and 12 longitudinal
transmission was not demonstrated because rows of small papillae; both vesicles and
of a lack of uninfected hosts (Khan, 1978a). papillae may be difficult to discern in pre-
Khan (1982) has speculated that J. arctica served specimens. The oral sucker, attached
also transmits an undescribed cryptobiid. strongly eccentrically, is wider than the maxi-
J. arctica is the only known vector for mum body width of unengorged individuals,
Phylum Annelida: Hirudinea as Vectors and Disease Agents 581

an unusual character. The caudal sucker is summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, a

relatively small and approximately the same species of commercial and recreational
size as the oral sucker (Fig. 15.5). Recent importance along the east coast of the USA
keys that include J. arctica are in Appy and (Burreson, 1982; Burreson and Zwerner,
Dadswell (1981) and in Sawyer (1986). An 1984). Trypanosoma burresoni in American
excellent photograph of J. arctica appears in eels, Anguilla rostrata, is also transmitted by
Sawyer (1986); the drawings of the suckers C. vivida in Chesapeake Bay (E.M. Burreson,
in Appy and Dadswell (1981) are more rep- unpublished data) and it is likely that
resentative of the actual leech than those in C. vivida is also the vector for Haemo-
Meyer and Khan (1979). gregarina platessae, although no experimen-
The life cycle of J. arctica in Newfound- tal transmission studies have been conducted
land waters has been well studied (Khan, on this parasite.
1982; Khan and Paul, 1995). The leech needs C. vivida occurs during winter in estu-
a stable physical environment, with rela- aries and is known from Louisiana to
tively constant temperatures of –1 to 2°C, western Florida in the Gulf of Mexico and
and its life cycle involves little seasonality. along the east coast of North America from
Laboratory experiments show that leeches Georgia to Newfoundland (Sawyer et al.,
cannot tolerate water temperature greater 1975; Appy and Dadswell, 1981; Madill,
than 5°C. Leeches mature after four blood 1988). Although extensive collections have
meals, and mating and cocoon deposition not been conducted in all localities, the
take place on the spider crab, Chionoecetes leech appears to be most abundant in the
opilio, and occasionally on the toad crab, large estuaries of Virginia, North Carolina and
Hyas coarctatus, or the sea spider, Nymphon South Carolina. Leeches are most commonly
sp. In the north-eastern Pacific, cocoons of collected at salinities between 10 and 22 ppt,
J. arctica have been observed on the tanner but individuals can withstand oceanic
crab, Chionoecetes tanneri (E.M. Burreson, salinity and pond water for long periods
unpublished data). In the laboratory, engorged (Sawyer and Hammond, 1973; Burreson
leeches, both mature and immature, rapidly and Zwerner, 1982).
leave the fish host and attach to crabs, which The host range of C. vivida is extremely
serve as a hard substrate for attachment in an wide. In Chesapeake Bay, C. vivida was col-
otherwise muddy environment. Cocoons are lected from nine different hosts and fed on
deposited on the ventral femoral surfaces of another five host species in the laboratory
the first and second walking legs. One natur- (Burreson and Zwerner, 1982). No host was
ally infested crab harboured 1246 cocoons found to which C. vivida would not attach
(Khan, 1982). At ambient temperatures of –1 and feed. Common hosts in Chesapeake
to 2°C, cocoons hatched in 176 to 262 days. Bay include summer flounder, P. dentatus,
In laboratory experiments, newly hatched hogchoker, Trinectes maculatus, menha-
leeches held at 0 to 1°C began depositing den, Brevoortia tyrannus, and oyster toad-
cocoons after the fourth blood meal and fish, Opsanus tau. On the basis of studies
deposited from two to 26 cocoons after each in other areas and of the host distribution
feeding through eight blood meals, at which of C. bullocki, C. vivida seems to prefer
time the leeches were 2 years old. Average pleuronectiform fishes and menhaden (Laird
clutch size was 16 cocoons and a mean of and Bullock, 1969; Becker and Overstreet,
62 cocoons per leech was produced over the 1979). Leeches feed anywhere on the body,
2-year period. In nature, young leeches were including the fins.
observed throughout the year, but were most C. vivida is in the family Piscicolidae,
abundant from May through October. subfamily Piscicolinae. The species was orig-
inally described, inadequately, by Verrill
(1872), as Cystobranchus vividus, but no
Calliobdella vivida (Verrill)
type material has been found. Sawyer and
C. vivida transmits Cryptobia bullocki, Chamberlain (1972) described Calliobdella
which has been shown to be pathogenic to carolinensis from South Carolina estuaries,
582 E.M. Burreson

but later, on the basis of further collec- The marked seasonality of C. vivida has
tions, Sawyer et al. (1975) considered implications for its role as a vector. Most
C. carolinensis to be a junior synonym of fish species in Chesapeake Bay are migra-
C. vividus. However, they transferred the tory and leave the Bay during autumn to
species to the genus Calliobdella as C. vivida. spawn on the continental shelf or
The species was thoroughly described by overwinter south of Cape Hatteras, North
Sawyer and Chamberlain (1972). The Carolina; they return to the Bay in late
subcylindrical body is not distinctly divided spring. Thus, most fish are migrating out of
into trachelosome and urosome; total the Bay at the time C. vivida is hatching
length can be up to 40 mm, but most from the cocoon and fish are re-entering the
mature individuals are approximately 18 Bay as leeches are dying after cocoon depo-
to 30 mm long. The oral sucker is well sition. Thus, most fish species are exposed
developed and has two pairs of concentric to C. vivida for only short periods and the
eyes (Fig. 15.5). The caudal sucker is prevalence of C. bullocki is low in migratory
slightly wider than the maximum body fishes. Resident fish, such as hogchoker,
width, is attached strongly eccentrically oyster toadfish and juvenile summer floun-
and lacks ocelli. Pigmentation varies from der, are exposed to leeches throughout the
none to faint, segmental, transverse winter and harbour higher prevalences of
bands, usually reddish brown in colour, C. bullocki.
especially obvious on the trachelosome.
Paired, segmental, punctiform ocelli are
Piscicola salmositica Meyer
often visible dorsolaterally and ventro-
laterally on the body. Eleven pairs of P. salmositica is the vector for Cryptobia
pulsatile vesicles are usually obvious on salmositica, an important pathogen in Pacific
the lateral margins of the urosome. Keys salmon of the north-west coast of North
that include C. vivida are in Appy and America (Wood, 1979; Bower and Margolis,
Dadswell (1981) and Sawyer (1986). 1984) and in rainbow/steelhead trout (Wales
The life cycle of C. vivida has been and Wolf, 1955; Woo, 1979; Mundie and
studied through field collections and Traber, 1983). The elucidation of the vector
laboratory experiments by Sawyer and role of P. salmositica by Becker and Katz
Hammond (1973) in South Carolina and by (1965a) was the first documentation of a
Burreson and Zwerner (1982) in Chesapeake freshwater leech transmitting haematozoa to
Bay. In Chesapeake Bay leeches are abun- fish in North America.
dant from December through March, P. salmositica is restricted to the northern
when water temperature averages 4 to 8°C. Pacific coast of North America, where it
Leeches begin to deposit cocoons as early as occurs in moderate to rapidly flowing
February, but most cocoon deposition streams with low water temperatures, high
occurs in late April and early May when dissolved oxygen content and gravel beds. It
water temperature is about 15 to 17°C. In has been collected from northern California
the laboratory a single large leech deposited to central British Columbia (Becker and
51 cocoons over a 6-day period (Burreson Katz, 1965b). In California it is known from
and Zwerner, 1982). Leeches die after the Eel River and from Fall Creek, a tribu-
depositing cocoons and no leech has tary of the Klamath River. The coastal Alsea
been collected in nature after June. Eggs and Nehalem Rivers and Eagle Creek, a trib-
oversummer in the cocoon and begin hatch- utary of the Willamette River, have yielded
ing in the autumn, when water tempera- specimens in Oregon and leeches have
ture decreases to between 15 and 18°C, been collected from most of the coastal
usually late October to early November in rivers in Washington and from the Columbia
Chesapeake Bay, but as late as December in River system. Leeches have been collected
South Carolina. Unfed C. vivida are strong from streams on both the east and west
swimmers and are routinely collected in coast of Vancouver Island and from tribu-
plankton nets. taries in the Fraser River system in British
Phylum Annelida: Hirudinea as Vectors and Disease Agents 583

Columbia, Canada. The report of P. salmo- and the total leech population in Soos
sitica on cut-throat trout in Wyoming by Creek was estimated at over 1 million
Cope (1958) needs confirmation. leeches (Becker and Katz, 1965b). As they
Hosts for P. salmositica include most mature, leeches attach to the underside of
of the Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., stones, mate, deposit cocoons and die. The
including O. kisutch, O. nerka, O. tsha- salmon spawning migrations terminate in
wytscha, O. gorbuscha and O. keta, rainbow/ February and leeches disappear by March.
steelhead trout, O. mykiss (Salmo gairdneri), On the basis of field studies, it was con-
and the sculpins Cottus rhotheus and cluded that cocoons hatched in 7 days, an
C. gulosus. However, on the basis of the unusually short time period, especially at
host range of C. salmositica, the host range ambient temperatures below 10°C. This
for P. salmositica is probably much greater short hatching time is contrary to results in
than indicated by actual collections laboratory experiments, in which leeches
(Becker and Katz, 1965c; Becker, 1980; took 300 days to hatch (Bower and Thomp-
Bower and Margolis, 1984). Leeches usu- son, 1987). Becker and Katz (1965b) con-
ally feed in the axillae of the pectoral or cluded that only small leeches survived the
pelvic fins or on gill lamellae. summer, although none was ever collected,
P. salmositica is in the family Pis- and it was these leeches that attached to the
cicolidae, subfamily Piscicolinae; it was first returning salmon each autumn. On the
thoroughly described by Meyer (1946b). basis of research with other species that
The body is subcylindrical and the general demonstrate marked seasonality (Burreson
form is not as elongate as that of most other and Zwerner, 1982), it is more likely that
members of the genus (Fig. 15.5). The only eggs survive the summer period and
urosome is rather broad throughout and con- that they hatch in the autumn when water
tains 11 pairs of lateral pulsatile vesicles; temperature decreases. This view was sup-
total length is up to about 40 mm. Pigmen- ported by Bower and Margolis (1984), who
tation is uniformly dark grey to black. The did not find leeches during summer, but
oral sucker has two pairs of eyes, a large, research (Bower and Thompson, 1987), in
crescentiform anterior pair and a smaller which leeches hatched during autumn
dash-like posterior pair. The caudal sucker even when held at constant temperature,
is relatively small, not as wide as the maxi- suggests that hatching may not be environ-
mum body width, and harbours eight to ten mentally controlled.
strongly crescentiform ocelli. The posterior Newly hatched leeches may feed on the
margin of the caudal sucker may be angular resident torrent sculpin, C. rhotheus, known
rather than discoidal (Fig. 15.5). Keys that to serve as a reservoir for C. salmositica, prior
include P. salmositica are Klemm (1982) to the arrival of the salmon. In this manner
and Sawyer (1986). leeches may already be infected with
The biology of P. salmositica was C. salmositica when the first migrating
studied by Becker and Katz (1965b) in the salmon enter the streams. Leeches may
vicinity of the Green River salmon hatchery also periodically feed on sculpins during
located on Soos Creek, a tributary of the the winter. Thus, the wide host range of
Green River near Auburn, Washington. The P. salmositica facilitates the transfer of
leech exhibits a definite seasonal cycle tied C. salmositica to salmon.
to spawning migrations of the host salmon.
Leeches, small and few in number, first
appear in late September attached to
spawning chinook salmon. The leech Prevention and Control
becomes more abundant and individual
leeches are larger during the coho salmon Much of the research on control of leeches
migration in November and December. has been oriented towards P. geometra in
Mean number of leeches per host for ten Eastern European fish ponds and has
hosts was as high as 40 in December 1961, been summarized by Bauer (1961), Bauer
584 E.M. Burreson

et al. (1973), Negele (1975), Kabata (1985) Massive infestations of P. geometra

and Bielecki (1988). Therapeutic agents require that the pond be drained and disin-
listed in these papers and summarized fected. Although desiccation for 24 h kills
below may not be approved for food fish in embryos in cocoons (Prost et al., 1974), it is
all countries. very difficult to effectively dry a pond.
Prevention is the best control and, Thus, disinfection with quicklime (calcium
according to Bauer et al. (1973), the pres- oxide) is a common prophylactic measure.
ence of leeches in a culture pond is a sign of Normal concentrations are 2000 to 3000 kg/
neglect, primarily the failure to remove ha, but much less can be used if the calcium
aquatic vegetation, which provides an ideal oxide purity is at least 93%. It is critical that
substrate for cocoon deposition. Sand or the calcium oxide concentration is high
gravel filters can prevent the introduction enough to yield a pH of at least 8.6 to ensure
of leeches with the water supply. In carp death of both adults and embryos in
culture in Eastern Europe, leeches must be cocoons (Prost et al., 1974). The general
removed from fish before they are trans- procedure is to drain the pond, spread the
ferred to the wintering ponds. The follow- lime evenly over the pond bottom, and then
ing baths have been shown to be effective flood the pond for 7 to 10 days (Kabata,
against P. geometra: (i) 2.5% sodium chlo- 1985).
ride for 1 h. Leeches leave the fish host, but H. marginata has also been the subject
are not killed; care must be taken not to of chemotherapeutic studies in fish culture
reintroduce them to the ponds (Kabata, ponds in India. A number of different treat-
1985); (ii) 200 g quicklime (calcium oxide) ments are effective (Singhal et al., 1986).
per 100 l of water for 5 s. Concentration and A concentration of 0.001 mg/l glacial acetic
time are critical, too high a concentration or acid followed by 10 mg/l potassium per-
too long a time can cause death of the fish. manganate, with an immersion time of
The quicklime must be fresh and free of 5 min each, reduced H. marginata infection
impurities (Negele, 1975); (iii) 0.2% solu- prevalence in treatment aquaria by 80%
tion of lysol or 0.4% solution of priasol compared with untreated control fish. A
(creosote derivative) for 5 to 15 s (Conroy single treatment of 5 mg/l gammexane
and Herman, 1970); (iv) 0.005% solution of (1-6-hexachlorocyclohexane) sprayed over
cupric chloride for 15 min. The solution the surface of the culture ponds removed
should be changed after each group of 15 to most of the leeches from the fish, but it was
20 kg of fish (Bauer et al., 1973); and (v) the not reported whether the leeches actually
proprietary varieties of Dylox are successful died from the treatment. A 15 min immer-
leech therapeutic agents. For example, sion in 30 mg/l sodium chloride solution
2.5% Masoten for 5 min is effective, but old caused the leeches to detach from the fish
baths are toxic to fish (Negele, 1975). hosts and was found to be the most effective
Varieties of Dylox have also been uti- treatment.
lized to treat ponds infested with leeches. Because of its importance as a vector
Neguvon at 1 ppm for 5 days is effective and parasite in salmonids in hatcheries,
against adult leeches, but this concentra- P. salmositica has been the subject of
tion does not kill embryos in cocoons. A a number of studies on control. In an out-
concentration of 10 ppt is necessary to kill break of P. salmositica on pink salmon
embryos, but this concentration is also toxic fry, none of the chemicals commonly
to fish (Prost et al., 1974). Masoten is effective employed to control bacterial and other
in ponds at a concentration of 1 g/4 m3, but it parasitic diseases (formalin, roccal and
is apparently harmful to zooplankton as pyridylmercuric acetate) had any effect on
well (Negele, 1975). Chlorofos has been the leeches (Earp and Schwab, 1954).
used at 2.0 ppm for 4 days (Kabata, 1985). However, the leeches were sensitive to
Correct dosage may be difficult to calculate undiluted sea water (salinity of at least
in ponds where the water volume is not 28 ppt); 1 h exposures killed the leeches,
known. but did not harm the salmon eggs or fry.
Phylum Annelida: Hirudinea as Vectors and Disease Agents 585

Meyer (1969) conducted a study to Summary and Conclusions

examine the efficacy of three organo-
phosphate insecticides, Dylox, Baygon and Leeches can be directly pathogenic to
Baytex, on leeches held in small beakers. fishes, especially if conditions allow close,
The effects of Baygon and Baytex were only continuous contact between large numbers
temporary, but Dylox caused permanent of leeches and their hosts. Thus, the pres-
damage and a concentration of 0.5 ppm ence of leeches in aquaculture facilities
killed P. salmositica in 96 h. Another fish should always be cause for concern. How-
leech, M. lugubris, was more sensitive to ever, the most important role of aquatic
Dylox; a concentration of 0.125 ppm killed leeches is as vectors of pathogenic organ-
it in 96 h. isms. The study of leeches as vectors of
Bower and co-workers have investi- pathogenic viruses and bacteria is still in its
gated the use of chlorine for controlling infancy and should be a productive area of
P. salmositica. They found a wide range of research in the future. Even though the role
chlorine concentrations and exposure of leeches as vectors for the various haema-
times that would kill juvenile leeches, but tozoa groups is now well documented, vec-
adult leeches were more resistant (Bower tors have been identified for only a very few
et al., 1985). In a subsequent paper, Bower of the myriad species known to inhabit the
and Thompson (1987) found cocoons of blood of fishes, especially for the intra-
P. salmositica to be surprisingly resistant erythrocytic protozoa. Current knowledge
to various chemical treatments. High con- suggests that in a given area only one or two
centrations of an iodophore disinfectant leech species transmit a wide variety of
and of chlorine (two to 13 times higher blood parasites, but vectors are known for
than concentrations lethal to juvenile so few haematozoa that this may not be a
leeches) had little effect on embryos in valid conclusion.
cocoons. A chlorine concentration that was One of the intriguing questions remain-
lethal to leech embryos was also poten- ing to be answered is the vector specificity of
tially harmful to fish. Hatching was pre- fish haematozoa. It has been generally
vented by freezing cocoons, in or out of assumed that vector specificity is high and
water, or by desiccation for at least 7 days; that a haematozoan species utilizes only a
even desiccation for 24 h reduced hatching single leech species as a vector. However,
by 50%. this assumption is contradicted by C. borreli,
The freshwater and estuarine leech which appears to utilize two vectors that
M. lugubris has been the subject of chemo- belong to different families, H. marginata, a
therapeutic studies in striped bass glossiphoniid, and P. geometra, a piscicolid.
(M. saxatilis) intensive culture facilities Rigorous comparative studies are needed to
located on Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA confirm the vector relationships of both
(Woods et al., 1990). Dylox at a concentra- P. geometra and H. marginata and to ascer-
tion of 40 ppm caused detachment of all tain that they are transmitting the same spe-
leeches from fish after 3 h static baths at cies of flagellates. Experimental studies with
11.5°C. Potassium permanganate at 10 ppm frog and turtle trypanosomes (Siddall and
was not effective at that temperature and Desser, 1992b) identify multiple leech vec-
Dylox was not effective at temperatures tors, although in both cases one of the leech
below 10°C. species appears to be a more important vec-
There is only one report on control tor than the other species. These results raise
of marine leeches. A 50 ppm formalin many interesting questions about the evolu-
bath for 1 h was effective in controlling tion of the vector–parasite relationships.
Z. arugamensis on orange-spotted grouper There are regions with an abundant
in the Philippines (Cruz-Lacierda et al., leech and haematozoa fauna where important
2000). Freshwater baths may also be effec- research could be conducted to determine if
tive for marine leeches if the fish host can fish haematozoa species can be transmitted
tolerate the bath. by more than one leech. For example,
586 E.M. Burreson

developmental stages of various haema- (Siddall et al., 2001) and have also ques-
tozoa were reported from many different tioned some of the traditional classification
leech species in Newfoundland (Khan based on morphology. Increased taxon sam-
et al., 1991), but experiments are necessary pling is needed before revised classifica-
to demonstrate whether other leeches can tions can be proposed, but such studies
actually transmit haematozoa known to uti- are under way. Phylogenetic studies have
lize J. arctica as a vector. Similar experi- resulted in an increased interest in fish
ments should be conducted to determine leech taxonomy and recent studies have
whether M. lugubris can also transmit reported new species, even in areas that
haematozoa known to utilize C. vivida in were thought to be well studied (e.g.
estuaries of the south-eastern USA. It is dis- Bielecki, 1997; Burreson and Williams,
appointing that few studies have been con- 2004). Unfortunately, the fish leech
ducted on the vector role of fish leeches fauna in many parts of the world is still
over the last decade. poorly known. Our knowledge is especially
With the advent of molecular phylo- inadequate for the marine fauna of the
genetic techniques, an emerging area of southern hemisphere, but, even in areas
interest is phylogenetic analysis of leeches. where the fauna is relatively well known,
Recent studies have already suggested that taxonomic confusion persists (Barta and
leeches are just specialized oligochaetes Sawyer, 1990).


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16 Fish-borne Parasitic Zoonoses

Ronald C. Ko
Department of Zoology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Introduction Trematodiasis

Numerous marine and freshwater fishes Fish-borne trematodiasis is especially impor-

serve as sources of medically important para- tant in South East Asia, the Far East and
sitic zoonoses. Some can cause severe clini- regions where people are dependent on fresh-
cal manifestations, even death. Previously, water fish as the major source of protein.
these infections were only prevalent in a Infections by both large and small digenetic
few countries where the local population trematodes are common. Although the dis-
eat raw fish or fish products. However, in eases per se are seldom fatal, they can
recent years, such eating habits have become cause morbidity and serious complications.
popular worldwide. Therefore, fish-borne The route of infection is by ingesting
diseases are more widely distributed. Unfortu- metacercariae located in muscles and sub-
nately, there is still no efficient/cost-effective cutaneous and other tissues of fish.
method to screen fish on a large scale.
Generally, fish can be either an inter-
mediate host of parasites involving a human Clonorchiasis
as the definitive host or a carrier of larvae of
animal parasites that only invade human tis- Clonorchiasis is caused by Clonorchis
sues for a limited period without undergoing sinensis (Cobbold, 1875) Looss, 1907, which
further development. The latter are consid- is located in the bile duct of humans. The
ered incidental infections. The natural defini- adult worm measures 8–15 mm × about
tive hosts for the parasites are usually marine 4 mm and is characterized by the presence
mammals or birds. However, larval stages of of two highly branched testes and a promi-
a few fish-borne parasites can mature in both nent seminal receptacle (Fig. 16.1). The worm
animals and humans. also matures in cats, dogs, pigs and rats.
This chapter provides an in-depth review Although this trematode has also been
on the pathogenicity, symptoms, methods referred to as Opisthorchis (see Muller, 1975),
of transmission, diagnosis, epidemiology the old nomenclature is retained here because
and treatment of the major fish-borne dis- of its wider acceptance by the medical pro-
eases. The basic morphological features of fession. Furthermore, in Asia, clonorchiasis
the parasites, however, are only briefly is considered as distinct from opisthor-
described. chiasis (which will be described later).
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
592 (ed. P.T.K. Woo)
Fish-borne Parasitic Zoonoses 593

In South Korea, stool samples of 13,373

people living within 6 km of some rivers
had an overall infection rate of 21.5% (Seo
et al., 1981). The rate was as high as 40% in
the Nakdong River basin. Soh (1984)
reported that the rate was more than 10% in
endemic areas. Rim (1986) extensively
reviewed the epidemiology of the disease in
South Korea and other countries. The rate
has dropped recently. Lee, S.K. et al. (1994)
examined faecal specimens of 52,552 patients
in a Seoul hospital during 1984–1992 and
reported an infection rate of 3.2%.
The southern Chinese commonly
acquire the infection by eating rice congee
laden with pieces of raw or poorly cooked
carp. Raw carp is also consumed during
Fig. 16.1. Clonorchis sinensis whole worm special festivals, e.g. Chinese New Year.
(original, × 6). The Japanese like to eat raw carp (particu-
larly Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius)
and Koreans also consume raw fish, espe-
cially during drinking parties.
Clonorchiasis is still regularly encountered
in Hong Kong, southern China, Taiwan and
Biology of parasite
South Korea.
In Hong Kong, no natural transmission Adult worms in the biliary passage lay
of the parasite occurs. The snail intermedi- operculated ova, which are passed into the
ate hosts cannot propagate in the local fish external environment via the intestine. When
ponds, which have high salinities. Also, in laid, each ovum (26–30 µm × 15–17 µm) is
recent years, many ponds have been devel- fully embryonated with a ciliated miraci-
oped into apartment blocks. This disease is dium (Fig. 16.2). The ovum is characterized
due to the consumption of infected cypri- by a small protuberance on the posterior
nid fish imported from the Chinese main- extremity. In water, the miracidium hatches
land. Duchastel (1984) reported that 13.4% and enters the first intermediate host (fresh-
of 25,095 Hong Kong residents who applied water snails) either by direct penetration or
to emigrate to Canada during 1979–1981 by ingestion. Inside the snail, the miracidium
had ova in stool samples. Most applicants develops into a sporocyst, then a redia and
were students under 25 years old. Li (1991) finally the free-swimming cercaria, which
reported that the infection rates in the is released. The cercaria penetrates the skin
Chinese population varied from 1 to 48%. of the second intermediate host (freshwater
A national survey in China during 1988–1992 fish) to become the metacercaria. The infec-
showed that the infection occurred in 22 tive metacercaria (135–145 µm × 90–100 µm)
provinces (Yu et al., 1994). is enclosed by a thick cyst wall. It is located
In Taiwan, there were three endemic mainly in muscles and subcutaneous tis-
areas: Miao-li in the north, Sun-moon in the sues but sometimes also on the scales, fins
middle and Mei-nung in the south. How- and gills of fish (Fig. 16.3).
ever, recent surveys have shown that the The important molluscan hosts are
areas may be more widespread due to an Parafossarulus manchouricus, Bithynia
increase in consumption of raw fish. The (= Alocima) longicornis and Bulimus fuch-
infection seemed to be more common in siana. Other susceptible species include
Hakkanase and farmers than in other groups Semisulcospira libertina, Thiara granifera,
(Chen, 1991a). Assiminea lutea and Melanoides tuberculata.
594 R.C. Ko

Many freshwater fishes, and in particu-

lar members of Cyprinidae, serve as the sec-
ond intermediate host. Yoshimura (1965)
listed 81 species that are susceptible to
C. sinensis, including 71 species in the
Cyprinidae, two species each in the
Ophiocephalidae and Eleotridae and one
species each in the Bagridae, Cyprinodon-
tidae, Clupeidae, Osmeridae, Cichlidae and
Gobiidae. In China, 43 species of freshwater
fishes (Cyprinidae, Cyprinodontidae,
Ophiocephalidae, Eleotridae and Gobidae)
Fig. 16.2. Egg of Clonorchis sinensis recovered have been found to be infected. Among
from faeces (original). these, the most heavily and widely distrib-
uted species are Pseudorasbora parva,
Rhodeus ocellatus and Cultriculus kneri.
However, the major species which are com-
monly eaten raw are Ctenophargyndon
idellus, Hypothalmicthys molitrix, Mylo-
pharyngodon aethiops and Culter aburnus.
In southern China, the traditional practice
of building outside toilets above carp ponds
and the use of night soil for pond enrich-
ment sustain the infection in the cultured
fish population (Fig. 16.4). In Taiwan,
Tilapia mossambica and Ophiocephalus
maculatus are two common species eaten
Fig. 16.3. Metacercariae of Clonorchis sinensis raw. In South Korea, 36 species of fish
(original). belonging to Cyprinidae, Bargridae and

Fig. 16.4. A carp pond in Hong Kong, showing an outside toilet over pond (original).
Fish-borne Parasitic Zoonoses 595

Clupeidae can serve as the second interme- mucosa which are responsible for produc-
diate host. The important species are: ing mucin in the bile. During chronic and
P. parva, Sarcocheilichthys sinensis, Hemi- heavy infections, continuous hyperplasia
barbus labeo, Acanthorhodeus gracilis, may cause formation of adenomatous tis-
Acanthorhodeus taenianalis, Puntungia sue. This is probably elicited by continuous
herzi, Pseudogobio esocinus, Gnathopogon mechanical and chemical stimulation
spp., Acheilognathus intermedia and C. kneri (Flavell, 1981). Recurrent attacks of suppu-
(see Rim, 1986; Soh and Min, 1990). In rative cholangitis may occur due to biliary
Japan, Komiya and Suzuki (1964) reported obstruction by the trematodes. Atrophy of
that metacercariae were frequently found in the biliary epithelium and underlying
P. parva, Sarcocheilichthys variegates, hepatic cells may also develop.
Acheilognathus lanceolata and Tribolodon Clonorchiasis may also cause pancre-
hakonensis. However, the importance of atitis (Hou, 1955). Hou reported that as many
these fishes as sources of infection in recent as 50 worms were recovered from pancre-
years is not known. atic ducts. The main ducts were dilated. A
limited degree of periductal fibrosis and
adenomatous tissue occurred but with con-
siderable squamous metaplasia. Mcfadzean
The pathology of clonorchiasis was studied and Yeung (1966) reported that, in 110
extensively (Ong, 1962; Hou and Pang, Chinese patients in Hong Kong suffering
1964; Gibson and Sun, 1965; Mcfadzean from acute pancreatitis of unknown aetiol-
and Yeung, 1966; Chan and Teoh, 1967). ogy, 83% were infected with C. sinensis.
The infection has also been implicated in Hou (1956) noted a close correlation
recurrent pyogenic cholangitis (Cook et al., between clonorchiasis and primary liver
1954; Ong, 1962), cholangiohepatitis (Fung, carcinoma. The close association between
1961) and cholangiocarcinoma (Hou, 1956; this trematode infection and cholangio-
Belamaric, 1973; Abdel-Rahim, 2001; carcinoma was further elaborated by
Watanapa and Watanapa, 2002). Belamaric (1973), Purtillo (1976) and
The histopathology of clonorchiasis Schwartz (1980). Kim (1984) suggested that
was first described in detail by Hou (1955). exogenous carcinogenic promoters, nutri-
After ingestion, the excysted metacercaria tional, immunological and genetic factors,
reach the bile duct by direct migration probably induce goblet-cell metaplasia and
from the intestine. The adult worms ingest dysplasia of the bile-duct epithelial cells,
blood in the bile ducts. Hepatic parenchymal resulting in carcinoma. Ona and Dytoc (1991)
damage and portal hypertension are usually reported two cases with unusual manifesta-
absent in light and uncomplicated infec- tions. Watanapa and Watanapa (2002),
tions. The lesions are usually localized in however, after reviewing the literature, con-
the distal biliary passages, particularly cluded that C. sinensis is only a probable
those in the left lobe of the liver. The extent cause of cholangiocarcinoma.
of the lesions is dependent on worm burden
and on the presence of a secondary bacterial
infection. The latter complication com-
monly leads to biliary obstruction due to In endemic areas, patients with an enlarged
extensive adenomatous proliferation, cal- liver and a history of eating raw or under-
culi and cholangitis. During the acute stage cooked freshwater fish should be examined
of infection, the mucosa of bile ducts is for clonorchiasis. In light and acute infec-
oedematous, with desquamation of the epi- tions, more than half of the patients are
thelium. Later, due to inflammatory res- usually asymptomatic. However, some
ponses, the bile ducts become thickened show general malaise, abdominal discom-
and crypt formation occurs. Metaplasia of fort, occasional diarrhoea, slight fever,
the epithelial cells follows, resulting in pro- eosinophilia (5–20%), gall-bladder syn-
liferation of glandular-like structures in the drome, paroxymal epigastric pain, mild
596 R.C. Ko

jaundice and hepatomegaly. In heavy and Using indirect haemagglutination (IHA), a

chronic infections, loss of weight, lassitude, fraction, K6-H, was tested on serum sam-
mental depression, anorexia, paraesthesia, ples of the following patients: 38 with
palpitation, tachycardia, headache, jaun- clonorchiasis, three with paragonimiasis,
dice, tenderness of liver, tetanic cramps, five with schistosomiasis, ten with ascariasis
tremors and toxaemia may occur (Belding, and five with ancylostomiasis. Positive
1965; Kim et al., 1982; Tierney et al., 2001). reactions were only observed in the sam-
ples from clonorchiasis patients.
Immunoaffinity purification of somatic
Laboratory diagnosis
worm extracts and characterization of anti-
The traditional laboratory diagnostic method gens of ova and metacercariae were carried
is by stool examination. Rim (1988) reviewed out by Lee et al. (1988). Ova antigens varied
some alternative methods. Although the from 15 to 20 kDa, metacercaria antigens
infection can readily be detected by finding from 15 to 100 kDa and adult antigens from
the characteristic ova in faecal samples, 11 to 80 kDa. An enzyme-linked immuno-
serological tests are sometimes necessary sorbent assay (ELISA) was more sensitive
when there is obstruction of biliary canals. to the adult crude antigens than to those
Various serodiagnostic tests, which are of metacercariae. Negative reactions were
based on antibody detection, have been observed when egg antigens were used.
used. However, no attempt has been made Kim (1998) isolated a 7 kDa antigen (CsE)
to detect circulating antigens that can be from the excretory/secretory (E/S) products
used to diagnose acute infections. but it also reacted with Metagonimus
Three clinical stages are classified yokogawai antibodies. Yong et al. (1998)
according to the pattern of antibody res- produced a recombinant antigen, pBCs31,
ponses at various times post-infection. In of 28 kDa, which showed high specificity in
experimentally infected cats, during the ELISA. Chung et al. (2000) partially puri-
acute stage of infection, the major circulat- fied a 17 kDa cysteine proteinase from
ing antibodies are immunoglobulin M(IgM), adults by Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration and
IgA and IgG. Peak antibody titres for the anion exchange chromatography but it was
first two immunoglobulins occur at 3 and not specific. Using molecular methods, Kim
11 weeks post-infection. In the subacute et al. (2001a) cloned and characterized a
stage, only IgA and IgG predominate. In the proline-rich antigen, CsPRA, which was
chronic stage, only IgG is present (Chen suggested to show high sensitivity and
et al., 1989; Yen et al., 1992). specificity.

Isolation of specific antigens Immunoassays

Despite numerous attempts, a highly spe- A large number of assays have been tested.
cific and sensitive antigen for detecting The complement fixation test (CFT) was
clonorchiasis is still not available. Takei first used by Ryoji (1922) and subsequently
and Chun (1976) produced fractions from by Ito (1925), Chung et al. (1955), Sadun
crude somatic extracts using gel filtration et al. (1959) and Wykoff (1959). The precip-
on a Sephadex G-100 column, followed by itation test, gel diffusion (GD), immuno-
disc electrophoresis. A fraction, KD1, con- electrophoresis (IE), indirect fluorescent
taining protein and carbohydrate was pro- antibody test (IFAT) and IHA have also
duced and tested, using serum samples from been tried but the results were not satisfac-
32 clonorchiasis patients. All tests were tory (Mori, 1957; Pacheco et al., 1960;
positive. Negative reactions were observed in Phillipson and Mcfadzean, 1962; Sun and
samples from uninfected persons and patients Gibson, 1969; Cho and Soh, 1974, 1976; Im,
with schistosomiasis, ascariasis, filariasis 1974; Lee, 1975; Kwon et al., 1984). Yen
and hookworms. Sawada et al. (1976) puri- and Chen (1989) evaluated the more sensi-
fied antigens by using Biogel-A filtration. tive counter-immunoelectrophoresis (CIE)
Fish-borne Parasitic Zoonoses 597

method on 70 clonorchiasis patients and Diagnosis by imaging

seven cases of other parasitic infections.
Computed tomography scanning (CT),
Antibody was detected in all clonorchiasis
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
patients. Cross reactions, however, were also
ultrasound can also be used to diagnose
observed in sera from patients with
clonorchiasis. In a study involving 17
toxocariasis and angiostrongyliasis.
patients with clonorchiasis alone and
Using the charcoal granule agglutina-
25 patients with clonorchiasis and hepato-
tion test, Hu et al. (1989) observed positive
biliary malignancies, CT showed a diffuse,
reactions in 83.5% of 79 clonorchiasis sera
minimal or mild dilatation of the intra-
and 19.5% of 41 sera from cases of other
hepatic bile ducts in 14 cases. However, a
parasitic diseases.
diffuse dilatation of the ducts was observed
The ELISA has become the most com-
in all patients with both parasite and biliary
monly used method to diagnose clonorchiasis
malignancies (Choi et al., 1989).
in humans and animals (Jin et al., 1983;
In a study of 947 clonorchiasis patients
Yang et al., 1983, 1984; Hahm et al., 1984;
using ultrasound, gall stones were seen in
Han et al., 1986; Sirisinha et al., 1990; Yong
85 cases, common bile duct stones in three
et al., 1991). Hahm et al. (1984) reported
and a hepatic stone in one (Hon et al.,
that ELISA detected 78% of 55 known
1989). Lim et al. (1989) presented sono-
clonorchiasis sera, whereas IFAT and CFT
graphic findings in 59 proven cases.
detected 62% and 56%, respectively.
In heavy infections, intraoperative
Significant cross reactions were
cholangiography can show multiple filling
observed between Clonorchis and Opisthor-
defects in the common bile duct, common
chis in ELISA. Immunoblotting and radio-
hepatic duct and left hepatic duct (Nishioka
immunoprecipitation showed that a 89 kDa
and Donnelly, 1990).
metabolic antigen that was predominant
in Opisthorchis viverrini reacted with anti-
sera from both groups of patients. How- Treatment
ever, a 16 kDa antigen from O. viverrini There was no effective drug to treat
appeared to be more specific (Sirisinha clonorchiasis until praziquantel became
et al., 1990). available. Chen (1991b) reported a 96% cure
A monoclonal antibody (mAb), CsHyb rate among 356 patients with praziquantel
065-23, was used in an ELISA inhibition (60 mg/kg of body weight, divided into
test. Of known clonorchiasis cases, 78.5% three doses in 1–2 days).
tested positive. False positives were not
found in sera from 16 paragonimiasis patients Control
and 28 negative controls (Yong et al., 1991).
Nevertheless, the level of sensitivity of the The feasibility of using 60Co gamma irradia-
test is too low for differential diagnosis. tion to control the infectivity of metacer-
Dot-immunogold-silver staining (dot- cariae was explored (Duan et al., 1993). The
IGSS) was tested on 40 and 35 confirmed median lethal dose (LD50) of irradiation for
cases, which were all positive (Wu et al., metacercariae in fish was 0.05 kGy and the
1993; Liu et al., 1995). minimal effective dose was 0.15 kGy.
ELISA has also been employed to mon-
itor serum antibodies in patients after treat-
ment with praziquantel. In five of ten Opisthorchiasis
patients, the titres returned to normal after
1 year (Chen et al., 1987a,b). Opisthorchiasis is a zoonosis that is mainly
Recently, cystatin-capture ELISA, which caused by O. viverrini (Poirrier, 1886) Stiles
binds cysteine proteinases of adult worms, and Hassall, 1869 and Opisthorchis felineus
showed a higher degree of specificity (Rivolta, 1884) Blanchard, 1895. The natu-
than conventional ELISA (Kim et al., ral definitive host for the former species is
2001b). the civet cat (Felis viverrini). Cats, dogs,
598 R.C. Ko

foxes and pigs are the common hosts for is more commonly acquired at the end of
the latter. the rainy season and the beginning of the
The pathogenesis and biology of the dry season (September to February) when
two trematodes are similar to those of fish can be caught easily (Wykoff et al., 1965).
C. sinensis. A mini-review of Opisthorchiidae
was given by King and Scholz (2001).
Biology of parasite
The adult worms, located in the biliary pas-
sage, lay thousands of operculated ova per
Human infection is prevalent in South East day. The ova (29 µm × 16 µm) are discharged
Asia, especially in northern Thailand, where to the outside via the intestine. They are
it is not only a medical problem but also an more elongated than those of C. sinensis and
economic impediment. The latter includes without a clear shoulder at the operculum.
the high cost of mass treatment and Freshwater snails are the first interme-
obstructing water resources development. diate host. The developmental stages of the
The adult worms (5.5–9.6 mm × 0.8– parasite in snails are similar to those
1.7 mm) live in the biliary passage. This of C. sinensis. In Thailand, Bithynia goniom-
species is distinguished from C. sinensis by phalus is the important snail host in the
having lobed testes and a different pattern north-east, Bithynia funiculata in the north
of flame cells in cercariae and metacercariae. and Bithynia laevis in the central region.
The infection rate in snails in endemic
areas is about 0.5% (Harinasuta, 1984).
The metacercariae (220 µm × 116 µm)
According to Harinasuta (1984), 5–6 million are located in the muscles of freshwater
people in northern and north-eastern fish, which are the second intermediate
Thailand were infected with this trematode. hosts. The important cyprinid fish hosts in
The infection rates varied from 10 to 90%. northern Thailand are Cyclocheilichhys
Males were more commonly infected than siaja, Hampala dispar, Puntius orphoides
females and prevalence was higher in adults. and Puntius leiacanthus. In highly endemic
Kasuya et al. (1989) found that 7.5% of 491 regions, the infection rates in fish can be
primary schoolchildren in Chiangmai were 50–90% (Harinasuta, 1984; Sithithaworn
infected. Maleewong et al. (1992c) reported et al., 1997; Waikagul, 1998; Sukontason
that the prevalence was 66% in 2412 per- et al., 1999). High metacercaria burdens occur
sons in north-east Thailand. In Laos, the in the late rainy season and winter (July to
prevalence rates in two rural and one urban January).
community were 52.9%, 55% and 60.7%,
respectively (Kobayashi et al., 2000).
A control programme for opisthorchiasis
has been conducted in northern and north- Opisthorchiasis is a slow disabling disease
eastern Thailand. It was implemented by (Riganti et al., 1989). In highly endemic
establishing a strong educational programme regions, recurrence of the infection is com-
to change eating habits, and by giving a mon, resulting in heavy worm burdens.
free annual treatment of a 40 mg/kg dose Similar to clonorchiasis, the presence of a
of praziquantel (Sormani, 1990; Jongsuk- large number of worms in the bile duct and
suntigul and Imsomboon, 1998). its canaliculi, the gall bladder and hepatic
The disease can be acquired by eating a ducts can elicit adenomatous hyperplasia
local dish called ‘koi-pla’ that contains of the biliary epithelium, resulting in thick-
infected raw fish. The high prevalence of ening of the walls. In chronic infections,
this infection is mainly due to unhygienic obstruction of the biliary system occurs.
eating, the defecation habits of the local A heavy infection can be fatal because it
inhabitants and the common occurrence of leads to cirrhosis of the liver, cholangio-
the snail intermediate hosts. The infection carcinoma or liver carcinoma and hepatic
Fish-borne Parasitic Zoonoses 599

cyst formation. Using ultrasound, cholangio- immunoprecipitation and polyacrylamide

carcinoma was shown in eight of 87 patients gel electrophoresis. An 89 kDa protein was
with hepatomegaly or opisthorchiasis. This the dominant antigen in the E/S products
was confirmed by CT and endoscopic retro- (Wongratanacheewin and Sirisinha, 1987;
grade cholangiopancreatography (Vatanasapt Wongratanacheewin et al., 1988; Amonpunt
et al., 1990). Pungpak et al. (1990) suggested et al., 1991).
that measuring tumour markers, CA125 and A ‘sandwich’ ELISA method was used
CA19-9, may be useful in early detection of to detect parasite antigens in faecal samples
opisthorchiasis-associated cholangiocarci- (Chaicumpa et al., 1992; Sirisinha et al.,
noma. Prempracha et al. (1994) induced 1992, 1995). An IgG monoclonal antibody,
the carcinoma in O. viverrini-infected hams- which was specific to the 89 kDa antigen,
ters by exposure to dimethylnitrosamine. was first captured on a microtitre well by
Haswell-Elkins et al. (1994) and Abdel- rabbit anti-mouse IgG. As little as 0.1 ng of
Rahim (2001) reviewed the possible mecha- parasitic antigens could be detected. A spe-
nisms for parasitic infections to induce cific DNA probe constructed from a repeti-
hepatic neoplasia. Watanapa and Watanapa tive DNA containing 340 base pairs was
(2002) believed that O. viverrini is a definite used in a dot-blot hybridization of the para-
cause of cholangiocarcinoma. sitic DNA. The probe detected DNA released
Abnormalities have been observed in from as few as five ova or even the presence
the high-density lipoprotein content of of metacercariae in fish (Sirisinha et al.,
serum from opisthorchiasis patients. These 1991). Using the PCR method and a pair of
are in the form of low cholesterol and specific primers, Wongratanacheewin et al.
cholesteryl ester concentrations but high (2001) detected a single egg in artificially
triglycerides. This indicates a disturbance inoculated faeces. The primers were based
in the synthesis of the high-density lipopro- on the pOV-Ab-specific DNA probe
tein or the removal of lipid content in sequence with a 330 base-pair product. The
lipoproteins (Changbrunrung et al., 1988). ribosomal RNA gene from this trematode has
been cloned and characterized (Korbsrisate
et al., 1992).
Clinical manifestations cannot be observed
in light infections (fewer than 1000 eggs/g
of faeces). In moderate or heavy infections, Praziquantel, at a dosage of 25 mg/kg of
there may be a slight fever, eosinophilia, body weight three times a day for 1–2 days,
diarrhoea, flatulent dyspnoea, transient is effective, with a cure rate of over 95%
urticaria, weakness, anaemia, pain and ‘hot (Tierney et al., 2001). For mass treatment
sensation’ over the liver, which can be programmes, a single dose (40 mg/kg) is
slightly enlarged, and jaundice. In chronic recommended (Harinasuta, 1984).
heavy infections, symptoms of gastro-
enteritis may occur, together with cachexia,
oedema and malnutrition (Belding, 1965;
Harinasuta, 1984; Tierney et al., 2001). Opisthorchiasis caused by O. felineus occurs
in Poland, central Eastern Europe and Siberia.
The highly endemic areas also include the
Laboratory diagnosis
Dnieper, Donetz and Desna basins. The cat
Although faecal examination is the tradi- is the common host.
tional diagnostic method, serodiagnostic Adult worms are usually located in the
tests have also been used. distal but sometimes in the proximal bile
Aqueous somatic extracts of whole worm, ducts. This species resembles O. viverrini
Triton X-100 and deoxycholate extracts of except that its testes are less lobate and situ-
surface and tegument as well as E/S anti- ated further from the ovary. The appearance
gens were analysed, using radiolabelling, and distribution of the vitellaria are also
600 R.C. Ko

different. The two species are also distin- Philippines and South Korea). Infections
guished by the pattern of flame cells in the have also been reported in Hawaii, Egypt,
cercariae and metacercariae (Belding, 1965). Israel, Romania, Greece and eastern Siberia.
Some important species are Heterophyes
Epidemiology nocens, Heterophyes continua, Heterophyes
heterophyes, Heterophyes dispar, Hetero-
The disease usually occurs in villages and phyopis continua, Haplorchis taichui,
localities near rivers or reservoirs in Siberia Haplorchis pumilo, M. yokogawai,
and Central Europe where fish are eaten Metagonimus takashii, Pyidiopsis summa,
raw. In the Ukraine, most infections are Diorchitrema (= Stellantchasmus) falcatus,
acquired by eating fish on the first day of Stictodora fascatum, Centrocestus armatus,
salting (see Muller, 1975). However, the Echinostoma hortense, Echinostoma cinetor-
prevalence of this infection in humans is chis, Echinochasmus japonicus, etc. (see
usually lower than that of O. viverrini. Belding, 1965; Muller, 1975; Chai et al.,
1988; Chai and Lee, 1991).
Biology of parasite Transmission is by eating raw or newly
The biology of this species is similar to that salted/pickled fish. H. heterophyes infec-
of O. viverrini. The first intermediate host tion is common in Egypt, where the pickled
is Bithynia leachii and cyprinids are the mullet (Mugil cephalus) is traditionally
second intermediate hosts. The important eaten at the feast of Sham-al Nessim (Muller,
fish hosts are C. carpio, Idus melanotus, 1975).
Abramis brama, Barbus barbus, Tinca An epidemiological study by Ahn et al.
tinca, Blicca bjoerkna, Leuciscus rutilis and (1987) on M. yokogawai in South Korea
Scardinus erythrophthalmus. showed that 6.6% of faecal samples from
7357 inhabitants of the eastern coast of
Pathogenesis, symptoms and treatment Kanywon Province were positive for the
infection. The infection rate was higher in
Hepatic lesions, symptoms and treatment females than in males. Metacercariae were
are similar to those of O. viverrini. found in 12 of 50 Plecoglossus altivelis
caught in local streams.
Laboratory diagnosis Snails are the first intermediate host of
Faecal examination is the common method. these trematodes, e.g. Tarebia granifera for
The ovum is morphologically similar to that Haplorchis spp.; Pirenella conica, Cerithidea
of O. viverrini. Serodiagnosis has also been cingulata microptera for Heterophyes spp.;
employed. Teplukhin et al. (1987) used IHA S. libertina, T. granifera for Metagonimus
and somatic or E/S antigens to detect anti- spp. Inside the snail, the development of
bodies. They concluded that somatic anti- the trematode usually includes sporocysts,
gens were 1.5 times more sensitive than E/S one or two generations of rediae and cercariae.
antigens. Gitsu et al. (1987) reported that The metacercariae can infect various
ELISA detected 31.8% of 323 patients pass- species of freshwater or brackish-water
ing fewer than 10 eggs/g of faeces and 86.3% fishes. Members of Cyprinidae, Silurdiae
with more than 1000 eggs/g. and Coltidae commonly serve as the second
intermediate host. Examples of the fish host
are: for Heterophyes spp., M. cephalus, Mugil
Small trematodes japonicus, Tilapia nilotica, Acanthogobius,
Sciaena aquilla, Solea vulgaris; for Metago-
Besides O. viverrini, infections by numer- nimus spp., Leuciscus hakuensis, Odonto-
ous species of small trematodes (0.5–3 mm butis obscurcus, P. altivelis, Salmo perryi,
in length), especially members of the Hetero- P. parva, C. carassius; and for H. pumilo,
phyidae, are also common in South East Arius manilensis.
Asia and the Far East (northern Thailand, Humans acquire the infections by eat-
Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, the ing poorly cooked or raw fish and the
Fish-borne Parasitic Zoonoses 601

metacercariae develop into adults in the

intestine. Concurrent infections of several
species of the small-sized trematodes are
common. Therefore, the clinical manifesta-
tions of each species are not well docu-
mented. In general, the parasites only cause
mild intestinal symptoms, such as tender-
ness, chronic bloody diarrhoea, colicky
pains, vomiting, etc.
In heavy Heterophyes infections, superfi-
cial necrosis of the intestinal mucosa may
occur. Occasionally, ova may enter the
mesenteric circulation, producing granu-
lomatous lesions in the myocardium and
An extensive review on the distribu-
tion and prevalence of 19 species of
food-borne intestinal trematodes, including
Heterophyes and Metagonimus spp., in
South Korea has been given by Chai et. al.
(1998) and Chai and Lee (2002).
Diagnosis is by finding the characteris-
tic ova of the various species in faecal sam-
ples. However, it is extremely difficult to Fig. 16.5. Anterior extremity of Diphyllobothrium
latum, showing the holdfast structure (bothrium)
differentiate them morphologically. Lee, S.C.
(× 50, original).
et al. (1993) attempted to diagnose metago-
nimiasis using ELISA.
The treatment method is similar to that to 3–10 m in length, comprising about 4000
for opisthorchiasis. proglottids (each 2–4 mm × 10–12 mm). Most
human infections are accidental because
the natural definitive hosts of the genus are
birds, bears, seals, dogs, walruses, etc. The
Cestodiasis method of infection is by ingesting raw or
smoked fish that harbours the plerocercoid
There are relatively few cases of fish-borne larva. However, there was one case that was
cestode infections in humans. The cestodes presumably due to eating raw euphausiid
that mature in the small intestine of humans crustaceans (Fukumoto et al., 1988a).
are not very pathogenic and the diseases are An update on the foci, patterns, sources,
never fatal. Diphyllobothriasis is the major etc. of the disease in humans was given by
cestodiasis transmitted by freshwater, Dick et al. (2001).
marine and anadromous fishes. The following are some major species
of Diphyllobothrium that have been found
in humans: in North America and Europe,
Diphyllobothriasis D. latum (Linnaeus, 1758) Luhe, 1910; in
Greenland and Iceland, D. cordatum Leuckart,
The disease is caused by pseudophyllid 1863; on the Pacific coast of South America,
cestodes belonging to the genus Diphyllo- D. pacifica (Nybelin, 1931) Margolis, 1956;
bothrium. The genus is characterized by a in Alaska, D. dendriticum Nitzsch, 1824,
holdfast structure at the anterior extremity, D. alascense Rausch and Williamson, 1958,
called the bothrium (Fig. 16.5), and a highly D. lanceolatum (Krabbe, 1865) Rausch and
coiled uterus with a uterine pore in the Hillard, 1970, D. ursi Rausch 1954, D. dalliae
mature proglottids. The adult worm grows Rausch, 1956; in Japan, D. nihonkaiense
602 R.C. Ko

Yamane et al. 1986, D. hians (Diesing, 1850) salmon playing a minor role. In a survey
Markowski, 1952, D. cameroni Rausch, undertaken between 1977 and 1982, the
1969, D. yonagoense Yamane et al., 1981, infection rate of cherry salmon varied from
D. scoticum (Rennie and Reid, 1912) 15.9 to 48.4% and the mean number of
Markowski, 1952. worms per infected fish was two to three.
Several species have been reported in Since 1955, the catches of cherry salmon
humans in Japan; two were considered new have markedly increased, from several hun-
(Yamane et al., 1981, 1986; Fukumoto et al., dred tons before the Second World War to
1988a; Kamo et al., 1988a,b). Oshima (1984) about 4000 tons annually. With increasing
suggested that the parasite from cherry affluence, more Japanese can afford to
salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) in Japan eat raw cherry salmon fillet as ‘sushi’ or
was probably not conspecific with D. latum ‘sashimi’. This socioeconomic change mainly
described in North America and Europe. accounts for the resurgence of diphyllobo-
The mature proglottid of the worms in Japan thriasis in the country. However, there is
shows a horizontal cirrus sac and a small evidence that the cherry salmon in Japan
seminal vesicle, whereas in D. latum the cir- are not infected prior to their seaward
rus sac is oblique. Clinically, megaloblastic migration. The majority of the migrating
anaemia is often concomitant in European fish in the Sea of Japan actually originated
infections but not in Japanese cases. from the Siberian coastal area, e.g. Saghalin
However, the taxonomic status of many and Kamchatka Peninsula (Oshima and
species within this genus is uncertain. The Wakai, 1983).
species are often distinguished on question- Other cases in Japan were also reported
able morphological characters. Dick et al. (Fukumoto et al., 1988a; Hirai et al., 1988;
(1991), Karlstedt et al. (1992) and Matsura Kamo et al., 1988a,b). Recently, five cases
et al. (1992) noted that it is extremely diffi- of D. nihonkaiense infections (after eating
cult to separate the different species by clas- cherry salmon) were found (Ando et al.,
sical methods. The possibility of using DNA 2001).
probes for species identification should be In South Korea, D. latum infection is
explored. rare. Two cases of D. latum parvum type
were recorded by Lee, S.H. et al. (1994).
Chung et al. (1997) reported five cases
through eating raw redlip mullet, Liza
Sporadic cases of diphyllobothriasis occur haematocheila. Lee et al. (2001) reported
worldwide. According to Oshima (1984), the that, among four family members who had
first scientific report on diphyllobothriasis in eaten cherry salmon, two were infected.
Japan was concerned with the self-infection In Peru, 136 cases of diphyllobothriasis
of Professor Iijima of Tokyo University. He caused by D. pacifica were reported between
swallowed several plerocercoids recovered 1962 and 1976 (Arambulo and Thakur, 1990).
from salmon at the Tone River (Iijima, The infection is commonly acquired by eat-
1889). The incidence of diphyllobothriasis ing a popular local dish called ‘ceviche’,
started to decline from 1920 and, by the end which consists of raw marine fish mari-
of the 1950s, no new cases were reported. nated with lime juice.
However, from the 1960s onwards, the dis- Sagua et al. (2001) attempted to corre-
ease reappeared along the coast of the Sea of late increases in new cases of D. pacifica
Japan, from Hokkaido Island to Shimane in northern Chile with the cyclical effects
Prefecture. About 100 cases are reported of El Niño, as well as environmental
annually. Outbreaks usually occur at the contamination.
beginning of April and subside by August, Infections also occur in Baltic countries
i.e. about 1 month after the fishing season for and Russia where raw or smoked fish is
cherry salmon (Oshima and Wakai, 1983). eaten. Slices of raw fish, known as
In Hokkaido, cherry salmon is the major ‘strogonina’, are the main source of infec-
source of the infection, with the humpback tion. A study undertaken in the region near
Fish-borne Parasitic Zoonoses 603

the Krasnoyark reservoir on River Enisel,

Russia, between 1984 and 1985 showed that
7.7% of 679 villagers were passing D. latum
ova, as were 27% of 34 dogs. Plerocercoids
were harboured in 87–95% of Esox lucius
and 11.4–17.5% of Perca fluviatilis. This
focus of infection occurred about 10 years
after the construction of the reservoir
(Plyuscheva et al., 1987a). Plyuscheva et al.
(1987b) discussed the role of anthropogenic
factors in the establishment of infection foci
in reservoirs. They suggested that foci will
not be established in heavily polluted
industrial areas, where the intermediate
hosts cannot survive.
In the western coastal region of the
Okhotsk Sea, 1% of 1846 human faecal
samples taken in the Khabarorsk Territory
were positive for D. latum ova. Plerocercoids Fig. 16.6. Egg of Diphyllobothrium latum
were found in 27.3% of Oncorhynchus
keta, 23.5% of Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
and 30.7% of Salvelinus leucomaenis (see
Dovgalev, 1988). the Salmonidae, Percidae and various spe-
Epidemiological data were also given cies common in lakes and reservoirs can be
by Curtis and Bylund (1991), Muratov et al. infected, e.g. E. lucius, Stizostedion vitreum,
(1992) and Revenga (1993). Stizostedion canadense, Lota maculosa,
Lota lota, Perca flavescens, Oncorhynchus
nerka, O. keta, O. gorbuscha, Salmo
Biology of parasite
gairdneri, S. leucomaenis, Salvelinus malma,
Only the life cycle of D. latum is described Salvelinus namaycush, etc.
briefly. The adult worm lives in the small
intestine, where it produces unembryonated
ova. Each ovum, which is operculated and
with a small knob at the opposing end, mea- The adult worm attaches to the mucosa of
sures about 55–76 µm × 40–60 µm (Fig. 16.6). the ileum and occasionally, the jejunum.
In water, it embryonates into a ciliated larva Although a catarrhal condition may be pro-
(coracidium), which bears three pairs of duced in the mucosa, the parasite generally
hooks. After hatching, the free-swimming elicits little pathogenicity. For unknown
coracidium is ingested by copepods (e.g. reasons, the worm depletes vitamin B12
Cyclops spp., Diaptomus spp.), the first from its definitive host for its own extensive
intermediate host. The procercoid develops growth and development.
in the haemocoel. It has three pairs of hooks
at an expanded posterior region called the
In the second intermediate host (fish), Most infections are asymptomatic but some-
the procercoid transforms into a worm-like, times epigastric pains, cramp-like abdominal
wrinkled, plerocercoid stage (metacestode, pains, diarrhoea or constipation, nausea,
10–20 mm in length) in muscles, viscera vomiting, loss of weight, anorexia and
and connective tissues. The plerocercoid is eosinophilia may occur. The major clinical
the infective stage and is found in plankton- manifestation in some patients is pernicious
feeding as well as carnivorous fishes. The anaemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency, and
latter act as paratenic hosts. Members of there is central nervous system involvement.
604 R.C. Ko

Typically, this includes paraesthesia, nematodes whose natural definitive hosts

numbness, impaired vibration sense and are marine mammals, birds, pigs or other
weakness. Folate absorption may also be animals. Freshwater, brackish or marine
decreased. fishes are the second intermediate host. In
A 13–20-fold increase in lysozyme activ- most infections, the worms can only sur-
ity has been found in the urine of patients vive for a limited period after the initial
(Gosteva et al., 1991). invasion of the gastrointestinal tract. The
method of infection is by ingesting the
Laboratory diagnosis infective-stage larvae, which can be located
in the muscles, intestine or viscera of fish.
A brief review on diagnosis was given by Unlike cestodiasis, some nematode infec-
Kamo (1988). The traditional method is by tions can be fatal.
stool examination. The operculated ova are
relatively large and can easily be seen.
Serodiagnosis is seldom used. Antigenic
cross reactivities between the various species
have not been fully established. Fukumoto
Capillariasis is caused by Capillaria
et al. (1988b) compared the antigenic struc-
philippinensis (Chitwood et al., 1968). This
tures between D. latum and D. nihonkaiense
species is most unusual because it can
by immunoelectrophoresis. Some differences
mature either in humans or in experimen-
were observed. Using heterologous anti-
tally infected monkeys and birds. More-
serum, D. latum and D. nihonkaiense were
over, the worm can either produce eggs or
found to share only six bands. The number of
larvae. The disease was first known to occur
characteristic bands for the former was 21,
in humans in 1963, when the nematode was
whereas for the latter it was 14.
found at the autopsy of a Filipino in Manila
(Chitwood et al., 1964). C. philippinensis
has since been recognized as a medically
The drugs of choice are niclosamide important parasite.
(Yomesan), bithionol (Bitin) and paramo- Updates on the disease were given by
mycin sulphate. The dosages for the first Cross (1990, 1998, 2000). C. philippinensis
two drugs are: Yomesan 1 g given early in is a trichuroid nematode with a narrow and
the morning and then 1 g after 1 h; bithionol, filiform anterior region. The male worms
50–60 mg/kg of body weight in a single dose. measure 1.5–3.9 mm in length; the females
Hayashi and Kamo (1983) found that the are 2.5–5.3 mm in length. A trichuroid
administration of paramomycin sulphate nematode is also characterized by a glandu-
would instantly immobilize the worm and lar structure called the stichosome, which
destroy the tegument, especially in the ante- is located posterior to the muscular oesoph-
rior region. This would loosen the holdfast agus. Most known species have extraordi-
structure. A single dose of 50 mg/kg of body nary life cycles. However, C. philippinensis
weight can result in 100% efficacy. is the only known capillarid that is trans-
A single dose of 7–25 mg/kg with mitted to humans via fish. The life cycle has
praziquantel was effective in treating only been established by experimental
D. nihonkaiense infection (Ohnishi and infections of monkeys, Mongolian gerbils,
Murata, 1993). The anaemia and neurologi- fish and birds (Cross et al., 1972; Bhaibulaya
cal symptoms elicited by the parasite would and Indra-Ngarm, 1979). Presumably the
respond to vitamin B12. natural cycle is similar (Cross and Basaca-
Sevilla, 1989).

Fish-borne nematodiases are generally caused Capillariasis was originally presumed to be
by the incidental infection of humans with an indigenous disease of the Philippines,
Fish-borne Parasitic Zoonoses 605

where a major outbreak was recorded in The few cases reported elsewhere all
1967. However, subsequently, the disease had a history of eating raw fish.
was also found in Thailand, Japan, Taiwan,
Indonesia, Korea, Iran, Egypt and India
Biology of parasite
(Nawa et al., 1988; Cross and Basaca-Servilla,
1991; Chichino et al., 1992; Chunlertrith Several species of monkey (Macaca cyclopis,
et al., 1992; Lee, S.H. et al., 1993; Kang et al., Macaca fascicularis and Macaca mulatta)
1994; Ahmed et al., 1999). The single cases and Mongolian gerbils (Meriones ungui-
found in Spain, Italy and the UK were sus- culatus) were successfully infected in the
pected to have originated from Indonesia, laboratory. Small wild rats (Rattus sp.) are
Columbia and Egypt (Cross, 1998; Austin also susceptible, but the patent period is
et al., 1999). A new focus of capillariasis was short (Cross and Bhaibulaya, 1983).
recently found in Compostela Valley Pro- Fish-eating birds, however, are pre-
vince in the Philippines, where 16 of 72 stool sumed to be the natural definitive host.
samples were positive (Belizario et al., 2000). Amauronis phoenicuris, Ardeiola bacchus,
In the Philippines, capillariasis was first Bulbulcus ibis, Nyticorax nyticorax and
reported from several islands, i.e. Luzon, Ixobrychus sinensis were successfully
Bohol, Mindanao and Leyte. In 1967, the infected under laboratory conditions
number of confirmed new cases was 1037, (Bhaibulaya and Indra-Ngarm, 1979; Cross
with 77 deaths, but, by 1989, the incidence et al., 1979). A natural infection was observed
decreased to nine, with no deaths. This in yellow bittern in the Philippines (Cross
was probably due to the improved recogni- and Basaca-Sevilla, 1989).
tion of the disease and the establishment Adult worms are located in the lumen
of an effective therapeutic regimen, using of the small intestine (Fig. 16.7). The female
mebendazole. More cases were reported worms produce first-stage larvae as early
during the rainy season (from May to as 13–14 days post-infection. The first-
November). The infection rate was signifi- generation larvae are retained in the intes-
cantly higher in males than in females. Of tine, where they develop into a second
1849 cases, 70% were male and the preva- generation of males and females in about
lence was highest in the 20–29 age group. 10 days. Most females in the second genera-
This is probably attributable to the fact that, tion produce eggs (36–45 µm × 20 µm), which
in the endemic areas, most men are farmers are peanut-shaped, with a thin shell and flat-
who occasionally fish in lagoons, lakes and tened bioperculated plugs (Fig. 16.8). The
rivers. They frequently eat part of their eggs are passed out with the faeces. But some
catch raw as lunch. Young men also like to females in the population are ovoviviparous,
gather at nights in their village to drink producing larvae, and this results in auto-
‘basi’ (Philippine gin) and eat raw food infection. Cross et al. (1978) suggested that
(Cross and Basaca-Sevilla, 1989). autoinfection is an integral part of the life
Only small fish (6–7 cm in length) are cycle, both initially and in maintaining the
eaten raw. They are known locally as bagsit infections. However, the genetic and molec-
(Hypseleotris bipartite), bagsan (Ambassis ular mechanisms that control such a unique
miops) and bacto (Eleotris melanosoma). developmental process have not been
Larger fish are cooked before eating. studied.
In Thailand, more than 100 cases were Embryonation of the eggs occurs in
reported in the 1980s. All involved fisher- water and, upon ingestion by freshwater or
men and farmers in the central, northern brackish-water fish, first-stage larvae hatch
and north-eastern parts of the country. The in the intestine. The worms grow to maxi-
inhabitants in these regions enjoy eating a mal length (250–300 µm) without moulting
special dish that consists of chopped, raw, in about 3 weeks. The fully grown larvae are
freshwater fish, seasoned with lime juice, infective to the definitive host.
red peppers and juice from fermented fish The following freshwater and brackish-
(Cross and Bhaibulaya, 1983). water fishes were infected in the
606 R.C. Ko

Fig. 16.7. Female Capillaria philippinensis (without eggs, × 160) (courtesy of Dr John Cross).

increased dramatically within a short period.

At the necropsy of two gerbils (each given
two larvae) on 46 and 47 days post-infection,
2520 and 5353 worms were recovered
(Cross and Bhaibulaya, 1983). The presence
of a large number of parasites invariably
disturbs the normal gastrointestinal func-
tions, resulting in extensive pathophysio-
logical lesions.
The lesions are usually more prominent
in the jejunum. Atrophy of the crypts of
Lieberkühn occurs and the villi are denuded
and flattened. The lamina propria is mainly
infiltrated with mononuclear leukocytes.
Fig. 16.8. Egg of Capillaria philippinensis showing
Ultrastructural studies have shown a com-
two polar plugs (× 400, courtesy of Dr John Cross).
plete loss of adhesion specialization and
widespread separation of the jejunal epithe-
laboratory: H. bipartite, A. miops, E. melano- lial cells, with microulceration and com-
soma, Scyopterus sp., Poecilia reticulata, pressive degeneration (Sun et al., 1974).
C. carpio, Puntius gonionotus, Aplocheilus The pathophysiological process during
panchax, Gambusia holbrooki, Rasbora the acute phase of infection seems to be
borapetenis and Trichopsis vittatus (see caused by alterations in the gastrointestinal
Bhaibulaya et al., 1979; Cross and Bhaibulaya, functions. Toxins or other secretions
1983). released by the worms may be responsible
for the diarrhoea and deficiencies in diges-
tion and absorption, as well as the increased
permeability of the intestinal mucosa to pro-
Although capillariasis is basically an intes- tein loss from the plasma. Since an increase
tinal disease, untreated infections can be in IgE has been observed (Rosenberg et al.,
fatal. This is in part due to autoinfection, 1970), changes in the gastrointestinal func-
which is an inherent feature of the life tions may be due to anaphylactic response
cycle. Hence the parasite population can be (Watten et al., 1972).
Fish-borne Parasitic Zoonoses 607

Symptoms Gnathostomiasis
The onset is marked by borborygmi and dif-
Gnathostomiasis is caused by members of
fuse abdominal pain. This is followed by
the genus Gnathostoma that undergo vis-
intermittent diarrhoea, two to five times a
ceral larval migration. Four species have
day, especially after every meal. The stool is
been found in humans, i.e. G. hispidum
watery, greenish yellow in colour with a
Fedchenko, 1872. G. spinigerum Owen, 1836,
foul odour. The volume may reach 2 l/day
G. doloresi Tubangui, 1925 and G. nipponi-
in severely ill patients. A marked protein-
cum Yamaguti, 1941. Gnathostomatid nem-
losing enteropathy and steatorrhoea gener-
atodes are characterized by a head bulb and
ally result in the loss of large quantities of
a fluid-filled cephalic–cervical system. The
protein, fat and minerals in the stool. With
wall of the head bulb is lined with circular
the onset of diarrhoea, rapid weight loss
musculature (Ko et al., 1980). Both the head
occurs. Muscle wasting, weakness, emacia-
bulb and the body cuticle bear rows of
tion, abdominal distension and oedema are
spines (Fig. 16.9).
prominent. Distant heart sounds, hypo-
The definitive hosts are pigs, cats (and
tension and other cardiac abnormalities
other felids), wild boars and weasels. They
may be present in some patients. Death due
serve as the source for human infections.
to cardiac failure may occur 2 weeks to
The adult worm is located in a tumour-like
2 months after the initial onset of symptoms.
structure in the stomach or oesophagus; the
Laboratory studies have shown a decrease
head of the worm is embedded inside the
in the excretion of xylose, hypokalaemia,
wall. The infective third-stage larva under-
hypocalcaemia and hypoproteinaemia. An
goes extensive tissue migration if ingested
increase in IgE is common (Watten et al.,
by humans. The infection may be fatal.
1972; Cross and Basaca-Sevilla, 1989).
Laboratory diagnosis
The disease occurs in South East Asia, China,
The standard laboratory diagnostic method Japan, Korea, the Indian subcontinent, the
is by stool examination to search for the
characteristic eggs, larvae and adults. Several
stool samples may sometimes be required to
detect the infection. Duodenal aspiration
can be used to recover the worms.
IHA and double diffusion tests using
antigens prepared from a chicken capillarid
(Capillaria obsignata) have been evaluated
for serodiagnosis but the test lacks both
specificity and sensitivity (Banzon et al.,
1975). An ELISA test using somatic anti-
gens of adult C. philippinensis was also
unsatisfactory (Cross and Chi, 1978).

Mebendazole is the drug of choice. The dos-
age is 400 mg/day (in divided doses) for
20–30 days. Few relapses occur with this
regimen. Albendazole is also effective at the
same regimen as mebendazole (Cross and Fig. 16.9. En face view of head of young male
Basaca-Sevilla, 1987). However, treatment adult Gnathostoma spinigerum from stomach of
with thiabendazole may result in relapses experimentally infected cat, showing the large
(Cross, 2000). pseudolabia and cephalic spines (× 400, original).
608 R.C. Ko

Middle East and Mexico. However, due to batrachus, Ophiocephalus spp., frogs and
the nature of the infection and the lack of a snakes (R.C. Ko, unpublished data). An
specific seroepidemiological method, large- extensive survey was undertaken by Koga
scale epidemiological studies have seldom et al. (1996) on the presence of Gnatho-
been carried out. stoma in 689 freshwater fish in the south-
In Thailand, gnathostomiasis, which is eastern Yangtze Valley, China, during
caused by G. spinigerum, is endemic in sev- 1989–1990: 55 larvae were recovered.
eral provinces in the central region, where In Japan, gnathostomiasis was rare
local people eat raw fish dishes known as and caused by G. spinigerum. However,
‘hu-sae’, ‘som-fak’ and ‘pla-som’. Daengsvang since the 1980s, sporadic cases of
et al. (1964) examined seven species of G. hispidum infection have been reported
freshwater fishes and found the infection in urban areas. The Japanese are fond of
rates varied from 2.3 to 16.7%. The rates eating a freshwater loach (Misgurnus
(33–83%) appeared to be markedly higher anguillicaudatus), which is sometimes
in four species of snakes. swallowed live. Loaches have disappeared
During 1985–1988, more than 800 sus- from the rice paddies in Japan due to exten-
pected cases were encountered annually sive applications of agricultural chemicals.
at two major hospitals in Bangkok. Also As a result, the fish has to be imported from
during 1987–1989, G. spinigerum larvae China, Taiwan and South Korea, where it is
were found in about 80% of freshwater commonly infected with G. hispidum.
eels (Fluta alba) purchased from a local About 10% of the loaches were infected,
market (Setasuban et al., 1991). A survey each fish with six or seven larvae (Oshima,
undertaken by Nuamtanong et al. (1998) in 1984).
central Thailand showed that the infec- Two cases of G. doloresi infection
tion rates in 788 eels varied from 10 to were first reported in humans in Japan.
68.7%. The seasonal infection rates in eels Both patients had a history of eating raw
bought at Bangkok were also studied fish (Ogata et al., 1988). Nawa et al. (1997)
by Rojekittikhun et al. (1998) and found 25 cases in Miyazaki Prefecture, most
Saksirisampant et al. (2002). of the cutaneous type. Oyamada et al. (1997)
A survey in 1965–1970 showed that 4% examined 977 gobiid fish and found only
of cats and 1.1% of dogs in Bangkok were one species, Chaenogobius urotaenia, that
infected (Harinasuta, 1984). Most human carried G. nipponicum larvae.
cases were encountered during the rainy A survey in Bangladesh (1968–1970)
season (May to September). About 96% of showed that six species of fish, one species
the patients drank untreated water from of frog and one species of snake were
ponds or canals, which were also sus- infected with G. spinigerum larvae. The
pected to be possible sources of infection rates of infection in fish varied from 15 to
(Punyagupta and Bunnag, 1991). 60% (Bashirullah, 1972).
In Hong Kong, although the occurrence In Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Le and
of gnathostomiasis has not been officially Rojekittikhun (2000) examined 1081 eels
documented, two (4%) of the 49 parasitic and reported that the average rate of
cases referred to the author’s laboratory G. spinigerum infection was 0.11. However,
(1987–1990) were due to this infection. One the authors only used the insensitive tissue
patient probably acquired the infection press method to detect the larvae.
in Thailand. The second patient had eaten In Mexico, gnathostomiasis was first
raw fish in a local restaurant. Of the 28 recorded in 1970. Since then, the number of
freshwater catfish (Clarias fuscus) that were patients in various parts of the country
purchased from local markets and exam- seems to be increasing (Ogata et al., 1998;
ined by the pepsin digestion method, 11% Rojas-Molina et al., 1999). In Culiacan,
were found to be infected with G. spini- Sinaloa, 300 cases of cutaneous larva migrans
gerum; 106 third-stage larvae were recov- were recorded between 1992 and 1995
ered. Larvae were also found in Clarias (Diaz-Camacho et al., 1998).
Fish-borne Parasitic Zoonoses 609

Biology of parasite amphibians, snakes, mice, rats or chickens

can serve as the paratenic host, where
Only the biology of G. spinigerum and
third-stage larvae are encysted in muscles.
G. hispidum is briefly described.
Daengsvang (1968) fed experimentally
The adult worms are located in the
infected copepods to frogs, lizards, chicks,
stomach wall of the definitive host, where
rats, mice, tree shrews and pigs and found
unembryonated ova are deposited and
advanced third-stage larvae in the liver, mus-
passed to the outside via the intestine. The
cle and other organs. He also recovered larvae
ovum (62–79 µm × 36–42 µm) is character-
from two newborn mice after 22 pregnant
ized by a polar thickening (Fig. 16.10).
females were fed with infected copepods.
Embryonation occurs in fresh water and,
The parasite has a low host specificity.
upon ingestion by copepods, the hatched
Many species of copepods, amphibians,
first-stage larva penetrates the digestive
reptiles, freshwater fish and birds can serve
tract and reaches the haemocoel, where it
as the intermediate and paratenic hosts.
develops into the second-stage larva. When
The following copepods have been com-
the infected copepod is ingested by the sec-
monly used in experimental studies: Cyclops
ond intermediate host (a freshwater fish or
strenus, Cyclops vicinus, Eucyclops serrulatus
frog), the second-stage larva enters the mus-
and Mesocyclops leuckarti.
cle and moults into the third-stage worm,
The common fish hosts are Ophio-
which is eventually encysted. A fully grown
cephalus argus, Ophiocephalus (= Channa)
third-stage larva (4–5 mm) is infective to
striata, Ophiocephalus micropeltes, O. macu-
the definitive host (Fig. 16.11). Other fish,
latus, Mogurnda obscura, M. anguilli-
caudatus, C. fuscus, C. batrachus, Anguilla
japonica, Parasilurus asotus, Cyprinus
auratus, C. carpio, Acanthogobius flavi-
manus, Heteropneustes fossilis and F. alba.

If humans ingest the third-stage larva from
fish, frogs or snakes, the worm undergoes
visceral migration. A similar migration will
Fig. 16.10. Egg of Gnathostoma spinigerum also occur upon ingestion of infected
(original). copepods (Daengsvang, 1968). The degree
of pathogenesis, however, is dependent on
the extent of tissue invasion by the larvae
(Sagara, 1953; Nishibuko, 1961).
Takakura (1988) showed that, in exper-
imentally infected rats, G. hispidum larvae
entered the abdominal cavity by penetrat-
ing the intestinal wall within 12 h post-
infection. The worms then invaded the liver.
About 3 weeks post-infection, they entered
the muscles of the inner abdominal wall.
The pathogenesis of gnathostomiasis is
probably partly caused by toxins secreted
by the migrating larvae. These include ace-
tylcholine, proteolytic enzymes, a haemo-
lytic compound and hyaluronidase-like
Fig. 16.11. Anterior region of third-stage larva of substances (see Muller, 1975).
Gnathostoma spinigerum from catfish (Clarias The migrating larvae in subcutaneous
fuscus) (original). tissues cause creeping eruptions along
610 R.C. Ko

their route. Intermittent swellings as a other organs (besides the central nervous
result of erythematous oedema are present. system), which have not been seen in
Invasion of the liver can disturb the normal angiostrongyliasis (Chitanondh and Rosen,
function of this organ and the invasion of 1967). Angiostrongyliasis is in the form of
the eye, bladder or uterus can cause perma- eosinophilic meningoencephalitis and the
nent impairment of vision, iritis, haemor- CSF is clear or turbid (Ko et al., 1987).
rhages, orbital cellulitis, haematuria and
leucorrhoea (Daengsvang, 1949). If the
Laboratory diagnosis
larvae enter the brain and spinal cord,
eosinophilic encephalomyelitis will occur Although third-stage larvae can be surgi-
(Chitanondh and Rosen, 1967). Abscesses cally removed from the superficial swell-
of the breast, mastoid region and subcutane- ings, serodiagnosis should serve as the key
ous tissues have also been reported. diagnostic method. However, in ELISA and
Typical lesions of the infection usually IFAT, there are significant cross reactions
show areas of degeneration, necrosis and between the crude antigens and hetero-
perivascular oedema, with heavy cellular logous antiserum of G. spinigerum,
infiltrations of polymorphs. Haemorrhagic G. hispidum and Angiostrongylus canton-
exudates, mononuclear leukocytes and ensis (Ko et al., 1987). Therefore, before
fibroplasia also occur. serological methods can be used for differ-
ential diagnosis, highly specific antigens
must first be isolated from Gnathostoma spp.
Mimori et al. (1987) used ELISA and
The disease is characterized by eosino- crude G. doloresi antigens to test the sera
philia (5–90%) and the presence of migra- samples of known gnathostomiasis cases in
tory swellings of different sizes, which can Ecuador. Sera from 15 of 16 patients and
be located on the chest, abdomen, head, five of 18 controls were found to be posi-
eyelid and other parts of the body. The tive. Tada et al. (1987) reported a close cor-
swelling is sometimes itchy, irritating and relation between the results obtained by
tender but shows no pitting on pressure. G. doloresi and G. hispidum antigens in
Involvement of the eyes may show iritis, ELISA when they were used to screen
ecchymosis, subconjunctival haemorrhages sera samples from 30 patients. However,
and orbital cellulitis. Involvement of the G. doloresi antigens have been reported to
lungs will lead to mild coughing and diffi- be less specific than those of G. spinigerum
culty in breathing. Involvement of the cen- (Anantaphruti, 1989a,b).
tral nervous system will result in meningeal According to Chaicumpa et al. (1991)
irritation, headache, convulsion, hypo- and Nopparatana et al. (1991), a specific
aesthesia, paresis, paraplegia, coma and 24 kDa protein antigen has been isolated
sometimes death. Only occasionally a slight from the third-stage larvae of G. spinigerum
fever occurs. by gel filtration, chromatofocusing and anion
When there is central nervous system exchange chromatography. The antigen,
involvement, the symptoms of gnatho- which has a pI of 8.5, was used in the indi-
stomiasis can be distinguished from those rect ELISA to screen sera samples from four
of angiostrongyliasis (a neurotropic nemato- parasitologically confirmed patients, 15
diasis also endemic in South East Asia). clinically diagnosed patients, 136 patients
The former disease is usually in the form of with other parasitic diseases and 25 con-
eosinophilic myeloencephalitis, character- trols. The sensitivity, specificity and predi-
ized by transverse or ascending myelitis fol- cative values of the assay were 100%.
lowing the symptoms of nerve root pain. Using immunoblotting, Akao et al. (1989)
The cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) is bloody or studied sera samples from nine patients
xanthochromic (Punyagupta, 1979). Also, who were infected with G. hispidum. An
due to the visceral migration of the larvae, epitope having a Mr of 31,500 was promi-
there are signs and symptoms referable to nent in all samples.
Fish-borne Parasitic Zoonoses 611

Attempts have also been undertaken to frozen prior to sale, anisakiasis has almost
detect circulating antigens. Tuntipopipat disappeared. Freezing fish for 24 h or heat-
et al. (1989) successfully detected antigens ing processed fish to 65°C can kill the
in the CSF using a sandwich ELISA (using larvae. Also, the gutting of fish soon after
antibodies from rabbits immunized with they are caught prevents the migration of
E/S antigens from third-stage larvae). With larvae to muscles.
a biotin–streptavidin procedure, antigens as The disease was reviewed extensively
low as 2 ng/ml could be detected. However, by Oshima (1972) and an update on the bib-
of the 11 patients showing symptoms of liography was given by Huang and Bussieras
cerebral involvement, antigens were only (1988). In Japan, more than 2000 cases of
detected in the CSF of one patient, whereas anisakiasis have been noted. Sporadic cases
IgG antibodies were detected in nine are also known to occur in North America
patients. One other patient had immune and other parts of the world (Chitwood,
complexes in the CSF. 1970, 1975; Little and MacPhail, 1972;
A two-site ELISA was developed to detect Suzuki et al., 1972; Kates et al., 1973; Little
circulating antigens in mice (Maleewong et al., and Most, 1973; Lichtenfels and Brancato,
1992b). 1976; Oshima, 1984; Huber et al., 1989;
Kowalowska-Grochouska et al., 1989; Kim
Treatment et al., 1997; Machi et al., 1997; Takabe et al.,
The worms can be removed surgically when The taxonomy and morphogenesis of
they are close to the skin. Thiabendazole, at the anisakid nematodes are confusing. This
a dosage of 2 g daily for 20 days, may help is probably due to the fact that their life
to alleviate some symptoms (Harinasuta, cycles have not been elucidated under
1984). Albendazole has also been tried experimental conditions. The identification
but the results were unsatisfactory of the adults and larvae from fish and squid
(Suntharasamai et al., 1990; Maleewong is presently based on the classical morpho-
et al., 1992a). However, according to metric method, which has great limitations.
Tierney et al. (2001), albendazole at dosages However, the larvae of the following
of 400 or 800 mg daily for 21 days may be species are considered to be the major aetio-
effective. Ivermectin (single dose) has also logical agents: Anisakis simplex (Rudolphi,
been suggested to be effective (Nontasut 1809), Anisakis typical (Diesing, 1861),
et al., 2000). Anisakis physeteris (Baylis, 1923), Pseudo-
terranova decipiens (Krabbe, 1878) and
Contracaecum osculatum (Rudolphi, 1802).
Anisakiasis The worms are characterized by three
lips and a tooth at the anterior extremity.
Anisakiasis refers to infection by larval Zhu et al. (1998) delineated the larvae of
ascaridoid nematodes whose normal defini- A. simplex, Hysterothylacium aduncum
tive hosts are marine mammals. The genera and C. osculatum by nuclear ribosomal
involved are Anisakis, Pseudoterranova DNA sequences, PCR-based restriction frag-
and Contracaecum. Larvae from squids and ment length polymorphism (RFLP) and
marine fish can invade the gastrointestinal single-strand conformation polymorphism
tract of humans, causing an eosinophilic methods.
granuloma syndrome. In Europe, it has also Genetic markers based on PCR-RFLP
been referred to as the ‘herring worm’ dis- analysis and allozyme electrophoresis are
ease. The first human infection was docu- useful in the identification of the sibling
mented in the Netherlands in 1955 and then species of A. simplex (D’Amelio et al., 1999;
later in Japan (van Thiel et al., 1960; Asami Paggi et al., 2001). Using these methods, the
et al., 1965). However, in the Netherlands, larva obtained by endoscopy from a man in
since the passage of legislation against eat- southern Italy was successfully identified
ing raw herring and requiring fish to be as Anisakis pegreffii.
612 R.C. Ko

There are three types of Anisakis et al. (1969) to determine the prevalence of
larvae, i.e. type I, type II and type III. The infection in 15 species of fishes and five
type I larva, measuring 19–36 mm in length, species of squids that were commonly
has a short tail (0.08–0.16 mm). The body available at the Tokyo metropolitan fish
length of type II is similar (19.0–25.5 mm) market. The prevalence rates of type I larva
but the tail is longer (0.18–0.32 mm in length). were 100% in Theragra chalcogramma
The type III larva, measuring 23.8–38.4 mm in (Pacific pollack) and O. masou (masu
length, has the widest body (0.65–0.97 mm salmon), 83% in Pneumatophorus japonicus
in width). The larva of Pseudoterranova japonicus (common mackerel) and 50% in
is referred to as type A and that of Todarodes pacificus (squid). These are the
Contracaecum as type B (Oshima, 1972). species that are most commonly eaten raw
Attempts have been undertaken to dif- by the Japanese.
ferentiate the various larvae using molecu- In Hokkaido, the incidence of regional
lar biology methods. An analysis of RFLPs enteritis has been observed to increase from
was applied to distinguish type I, type II October to March and decrease during sum-
and type B larvae. Different patterns of mer (Ishikura, 1968). This seems to coin-
RFLPs of genomic DNA were observed. The cide with the fishing of Pacific pollack.
patterns of the two different paratenic However, in other parts of Japan, seasonal
host-derived DNA were the same in hybrid- variations in the incidence of anisakiasis
ized fragments generated by endonucleases have not been observed.
(Sugane et al., 1989). Seasonal variations have been observed
in the infection of squids (T. pacificus) with
type I and type II larvae. Squids collected in
June usually have the lowest prevalence
More than 100 species of fish that the and intensity of infection (Yamaguchi et al.,
Japanese like to eat raw can harbour 1968; Kagei, 1969; Kosugi et al., 1970). This
anisakid larvae. In Japan, eating raw fish is was attributed to the seasonal migration of
part of the culture and a traditional way of squids along the coast of Japan.
life. Hence, anisakiasis still occurs regularly. In Japan, anisakiasis appears to be more
The following Japanese dishes include common in males than in females. Of 95
raw sea food: ‘sashimi’ is raw fish or squid patients seen by Yokogawa and Yoshimura
fillet eaten with shoyu and wasabi; (1967), 65 were male. This is probably
‘sunomono’ is pickled fillet of fish or squid because men frequently consume raw fish
with vinegar; ‘isushi’ is pickled rice with at drinking parties.
raw fillet of chum salmon, masu, cod and In the USA, a study has shown that all
cod roes. of 171 mature herring (Clupea harengus
Anisakiasis due to type I larvae has pallasi) from the Puget Sound, Washington,
been reported throughout Japan, from were infected with Anisakis and Contra-
Hokkaido Island to Okinawa. The most caecum larvae. The average worm burden
commonly infected fishes are the common was 27 per fish and 36% of fish harboured
mackerel, Pacific pollack, cod, various worms in muscles. The prevalence in the
salmon, herring and tuna. Slightly salted Pacific herring is markedly higher than that
roes of cod and herring are also sources of recorded previously. The increase is proba-
infection. The majority of worms removed bly related to an increase in the number of
from the stomach wall of patients by gastro- marine mammals in Puget Sound and along
fibroscopy were type I larvae (Oshima, the coastline after the enactment of the
1984). Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972
Extensive surveys on the prevalence of (Adams et al., 1990). Despite the common
anisakid larvae in fishes, squids and marine occurrence of anisakid larvae in fish in the
mammals have been undertaken in Japan USA, only a handful of anisakiasis cases
(see Oshima, 1972). A study was carried out have been reported. Most Americans do not
by Kobayashi et al. (1966) and Koyama eat raw fish or squid.
Fish-borne Parasitic Zoonoses 613

In China, Ma et al. (1997) studied the Oshima (1972) provided a detailed list
prevalence of anisakid larvae in marine fish of fish in which anisakid larvae have
and cephalopods from the Bohai Sea. A been found. He listed 123 species for type I
total of 5992 A. simplex larvae were recov- larvae, 25 for type II, two for type III, eight
ered from 121 of 290 fish examined (belong- for type A and four for type B. These
ing to 15 species) and eight of 108 squids. include Oncorhynchus spp., T. chalco-
In Mexico, five fish species (Lutjanus gramma, Gadus macrocephalus, P. japonicus,
synagris, Gerres cinereus, Sypyraena barra- Clupea pallasi, Sarda orientalis, Epinephe-
cuda, Epinehelus morio, Haemulon lus spp., Sebastes spp., Fugu spp., Osmerus
plumieriwere) commonly used for prepar- dentex, Hexagrammos otakii, Sebasticus
ing a popular dish (cebiche) made with raw albofasciatus, etc.
fish were examined. Pseudoterranova sp. The common cetacean hosts are Stenella
was found in E. morio and S. barracuda, caeruleo-alba, Phocaena phocoena, Phocoe-
with a prevalence of 83 and 33%. Contra- noides dalli and the pinniped hosts are
caecum sp. was found in G. cinereus, with Phoca vitulina, Callorhinus ursinus and
a prevalence of 57% (Laffon-Leal et al., Enmetopias jubata (Oshima, 1972).
2000). The common euphausiid hosts are
In Spain, a high prevalence of anisakid Thysanoessa raschii, Thysanoessa longipes
larvae has also been found in Micromesistius and Euphausia pacifica.
poutassou, Merlucius merlucius and Scomber Stromnes and Andersen (2000) com-
scombrus. These fishes are common items pared the seasonal variation of the third-stage
in the Spanish diet (de-la-Torre-Molina larvae of A. simplex in Gadus morhua,
et al., 2000; Valero et al., 2000). Pollachius virens and Sebastes marinus in
Norway. The most distinct variation was
observed in the first species. This ‘spring
Biology of parasite
rise’ could be attributed to the increased
The life cycle of anisakid nematodes has supply of parasite eggs from northward-
not been convincingly elucidated. It is too migrating whales and the spring bloom of
expensive to infect marine mammals exper- plankton.
imentally. The following brief account is Iglesias et al. (2001) successfully cul-
based on the reports by Oshima (1972) and tured third-stage larvae of A. simplex to the
Smith (1983). adult stage in RPMI 1640 medium with fetal
Adult worms live in the stomach of the bovine serum and pepsin.
definitive host. The ellipsoidal eggs have a
thick shell, measuring about 46–58 µm ×
41–53 µm. They are passed to the outside
with the faeces. Embryonation of the egg The pathology of anisakiasis in humans and
occurs in the sea. The egg hatches to release experimental animals has been studied
the second-stage larva, which is ingested by extensively (Meyers, 1963; Ashby et al., 1964;
a euphausiid crustacean. In the haemocoel Kuiper, 1964; Yokogawa et al., 1965; Usutani,
of the euphausiid, the second-stage larva 1966; Yoshimura, 1966; Oyangi, 1967; Young
moults to the third-stage worm, which can and Lowe, 1969; Gibson, 1970; Ruitenberg
grow to a length of about 30 mm. Upon et al., 1971; Kikuchi et al., 1972; Oshima,
ingestion by a fish or squid (paratenic host), 1972; Jones et al., 1990).
third-stage larvae penetrate the gastrointes- Anisakid larvae can penetrate into the
tinal tract and enter the viscera or muscles. stomach wall of rats within 1–4 h post-
The odontocete marine mammals acquire the infection. Meyers (1963) recovered type I
infection by eating infected fish or squids. larvae from the mesentery, pancreas, liver
The worm attaches to the stomach wall and and other tissues of experimentally infected
moults within 3–5 days to the fourth-stage guinea pigs. The degeneration of larvae
larva. After further moulting, the worm has been observed in the submucosa of
develops to the adult stage. rabbits and dogs 10 days post-infection
614 R.C. Ko

(Kuiper, 1964; Usutani, 1966; Oyangi, 1967; Symptoms

Ruitenberg et al., 1971).
Acute gastric infections are manifested by
The human cases diagnosed in Europe
gastric pain, nausea and vomiting 4–6 h
mainly involved the intestine, whereas
after ingesting raw infected seafood. During
in Japan gastric and intestinal infections
the chronic phase, vague epigastric pain,
are equally common. Lesions of human
nausea and vomiting may last from several
anisakiasis are classified into five types
weeks to 2 years. In more than 50% of the
(Oshima, 1972). The foreign-body response
recorded cases, eosinophils varied from 4 to
type is characterized by cellular infiltra-
41%. Occult blood may occur in the gastric
tions, consisting mainly of neutrophils,
juice and stools.
with a few eosinophils and giant cells. This
The onset of intestinal anisakiasis occurs
type is caused by a primary anisakid infec-
within 7 days after ingesting infected raw
tion without any presentation.
seafood. The symptoms are severe pain in
The phlegmonous type is characterized
the lower abdomen, with nausea and vomit-
by extensive oedematous thickening in the
ing. The pressure point, unlike appendici-
submucosa, with heavy infiltrations of
tis, is vague and there is no muscular
eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, neu-
rigidity. Marked leucocytosis is common
trophils and plasma cells. Haemorrhages
but eosinophilia is rare. Straw-coloured
and fibrin exudation are also present. Such
ascites may be present.
lesions are common in acute intestinal
cases within 1 week of infection.
The abscess type is marked by the pres-
Laboratory diagnosis
ence of numerous eosinophils, histiocytes
and lymphocytes around the worms, sur- Fibre-optic gastroscopy is most useful to
rounded by a granulomatous zone. Necro- diagnose gastric anisakiasis. The diagnosis
sis, haemorrhages, fibrin exudation or of intestinal cases, however, relies mainly
fibrinoid degeneration occur near the inner on clinical symptoms and a history of eat-
region of the surrounding granuloma. Such ing raw seafood. X-rays, after administra-
lesions occur in chronic cases. tion of a barium meal, may show segmented
The abscess–granulomatous type shows movement of the barium and jagged stric-
a reduction of the central abscess around ture of the regional intestine, with proximal
highly degenerated worms, which is cir- enlargement and a radiolucent area (Oshima,
cumscribed by conspicuous granulation tis- 1972; Higashi et al., 1987). Ultrasound has
sue with slight collagenization. Eosinophilic also been used to diagnose intestinal
infiltration is less extensive than in the anisakiasis (Shirahama et al., 1992).
abscess type. This type occurs in infections Many serodiagnostic methods have
of more than 6 months. been tried, e.g. skin test, CFT, IFAT and
In the granulomatous type, the abscess ELISA (Yoshimura, 1966; Kikuchi et al.,
is completely replaced by granuloma- 1970; Ruitenberg, 1970; Suzuki et al., 1970;
tous tissue with eosinophilic infiltration. Boczon, 1988). The major problem is the
Occasionally, remnants of degenerated failure to isolate specific antigens. Kennedy
worm tissue can be seen. Such lesions et al. (1988) reported extensive antigenic
are rare. relationships between the somatic and E/S
Recently, A. simplex has been emerg- antigens of A. simplex and those of other
ing as an important food allergen. Many ascarids, such as Ascaris suum, Ascaris
persons who had eaten fish showed hyper- lumbricoides and Toxocara canis. Rodero
sensitive symptoms, anaphylaxis and chronic et al. (2001) attempted to purify A. simplex
urticaria, with high levels of specific IgE antigens by affinity chromatography.
and positive skin-prick test results to the E/S antigens were used in immunoblots
worm (Daschner et al., 2000; Sanchez- to diagnose human anisakiasis (Akao et al.,
Velasco et al., 2000; Gracia-Bara et al., 2001; 1990; Petithory et al., 1991; Iglesias et al.,
Audicana et al., 2002). 1993).
Fish-borne Parasitic Zoonoses 615

Monoclonal antibodies between antibody titres against E/S antigens

and the number of anisakid larvae in fish.
Takahasi et al. (1986) developed two mAbs,
However, it is not known whether a cross-
An1 and An2, from type I larvae. Using
reactive study has been carried out by these
SDS-PAGE and Western blotting, An1 pre-
authors and whether the fish used were also
cipitated a band of 34 kDa and An2 bands of
naturally infected with other species of
40 and 42 kDa, respectively. An2 was also
detected in the E/S antigens using ELISA.
Yagihashi et al. (1990) reported that serum
from patients reacted strongly to An2 in
micro-ELISA. Removing worms by gastrofibrescopy is the
Five mAbs (UA2, UA3, UA5, UA6, UA8) method of choice in acute gastric infection.
were produced by Iglesias et al. (1997). For chronic infections, a partial resection
Lorenzo et al. (1999) found that ‘UA2R’ of a small area of the lesion has been
antigens (two proteins with molecular mass recommended.
(MM) 48 and 67 kDa) were recognized by For intestinal anisakiasis, only conser-
mAb UA2. ‘UA3R’ antigens (two proteins vative treatment can be used. However,
with MM 139 and 154 kDa) were recog- colonoscopic removal of worms was suc-
nized by mAb UA3. Ninety-five per cent of cessful (Minamoto et al., 1991).
Japanese anisakiasis patients and 84% of
the allergy patients showed detectable IgG1
antibodies to the UA3R antigens. All allergy Control
patients showed IgE antibodies to these
Fish-borne parasitic zoonoses can be con-
trolled by requiring all fish or fish products
IgE to be deep-frozen or well cooked before con-
Specific IgE was found in anisakiasis sumption. Guidelines can be posted on a
patients (Kasuya and Koga, 1992). Garcia website. Irradiating fish with high levels of
et al. (1997) found that IgE immunoblotting gamma-radiation (200 Gy) can reduce the
was useful in diagnosing A. simplex allergy. infectivity of larval parasites in muscles
Daschner et al. (1999) considered that a rise and minimize the risk of transmission (Chai
of total and specific IgE in the first month et al., 1995). However, this may not be a cost
after an allergic reaction is a good indica- effective measure for large-scale or routine
tion of gastro-allergic anisakiasis, even if operation. The high cost of the commercial
the parasite cannot be seen by gastroscopy. irradiator and the problems of disposing of
Using ethanol precipitation and reversed- radioactive wastes are the limiting factors.
phase HPLC, Moneo et al. (2000) isolated an
E/S protein of 24 kDa (named Ani s1) that is
IgE-binding. Caballero and Moneo (2002) Conclusions
suggested that hypersensitivity and intesti-
nal anisakiasis can be diagnosed by deter- Since the biology and pathogenesis of many
mining the specific IgE directed towards fish-borne parasites still remain unknown,
this major allergen. it is possible that new zoonoses may be dis-
covered if clinicians and public health
workers are better informed about parasitic
Fish screening
Although a reliable serological method has Theoretically, fish-borne parasitic
not been developed to mass-screen fish for zoonoses can easily be prevented by refrain-
anisakid worms, Huber et al. (1989) briefly ing from eating raw seafood. However, in
reported on the use of ELISA to detect anti- many parts of the world, such an eating
bodies against A. simplex in the saithe fish, habit represents an established way of life
P. virens. A good correlation was observed or part of the inherent culture. It cannot be
616 R.C. Ko

easily changed, even by the implementation validity and to trace the source of infection.
of a strong education programme or the pas- Stronger support for this neglected area of
sage of legislation. Therefore, these diseases research is required.
will remain as public health problems and
there is a need to undertake regular epide-
miological studies. These studies, however, Acknowledgements
cannot be carried out effectively without
the development of more cost effective, sen- The author is very grateful for the invalu-
sitive and specific diagnostic methods that able assistance of Ms Y.Y.Y. Chung in pre-
can be used in large-scale screening of fish. paring this chapter. Dr John Cross kindly
The use of molecular biological techniques provided the pictures of C. philippinensis
can also help to clarify species of dubious and his review papers.


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17 Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish

Susan M. Bower
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Sciences Branch, Pacific Biological Station,
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada V9T 6N7

Introduction shrimp) that were not mentioned in Lee

et al. (2000) and have unknown taxonomic
Numerous species of parasites have been affiliations are discussed prior to presenting
described from various shellfish, especially the metazoans that are problematic for
representatives of the Mollusca and shellfish.
Crustacea (see Lauckner, 1983; Sparks,
1985; Sindermann and Lightner, 1988;
Sindermann, 1990). Some parasites have Protozoa Related to Multicellular
had a serious impact on wild populations Groups
and shellfish aquaculture production. This
chapter is confined to parasites that cause Microsporida
significant disease in economically impor-
tant shellfish that are utilized for either Introduction
aquaculture or commercial harvest. These Many diverse species of microsporidians
pathogenic parasites are grouped taxonomi- (Fig. 17.1) (genera Agmasoma, Ameson,
cally. However, the systematics of protozoa Nadelspora, Nosema, Pleistophora, Thelo-
(protistans) is currently in the process of hania and Microsporidium – unofficial
revision (Patterson, 2000; Cox, 2002; Cavalier- generic group), have been described from
Smith and Chao, 2003). Because no widely shrimps, crabs and freshwater crayfish
accepted phylogeny has been established, worldwide (Sparks, 1985; Sindermann,
parasitic protozoa will be grouped accord- 1990). The majority of these parasites are
ing to the hierarchy used in both volumes detected in low prevalences (< 1%) in wild
edited by Lee et al. (2000). In that publica- populations. Although the economic impact
tion, Perkins (2000b) tentatively included of most species of Microsporida on crusta-
species in the genera Bonamia and Mikrocytos cean fisheries is unknown, some species are
in the phylum Haplosporidia. As discussed perceived to have adverse economic impacts.
below, subsequent analysis has verified that Also, these parasites occasionally cause
Bonamia spp. and Mikrocytos roughleyi are serious disease epizootics in penaeid aqua-
Haplosporidia but that Mikrocytos mackini culture (Lightner, 1996).
is not and has unknown taxonomic affilia-
tions. In addition, several other pathogenic
Host range
protozoa (three species unofficially grouped
as Paramyxea that parasitize oysters; and a Ameson (= Nosema) nelsoni infects at least
recently encountered pathogen of pandalid six species of shrimp throughout the Gulf of
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
(ed. P.T.K. Woo) 629
630 S.M. Bower

Fig. 17.1. Histological images of plasmodia (p) and developing spores (s) of unidentified Microsporida in
crustaceans in British Columbia, Canada. A. Infection congesting the connective tissue between the
hepatopancreas tubules (t) of a Pandalus platyceros in which the muscle tissue was not infected.
B. Infection replacing the skeletal muscle (m) tissue of a Pandalus jordani in which the hepatopancreas was
not infected. C. Similar infection to B in a Cancer magister. All bars = 10 µm.

Mexico and north along the Atlantic coast Coast from Bodega Bay, California, to Gray’s
of the USA to Georgia (Sparks, 1985). It is a Harbor, Washington, with prevalences low-
common pathogen and has caused signifi- est in open oceans (0.3%) and highest in
cant financial losses to the bait and food estuaries (usually about 14% but up to
shrimp industries (Sindermann, 1990). 41.2% in one location) (Childers et al., 1996).
Microsporidosis in captive–wild Penaeus Like A. michaelis, N. canceri was also directly
brood stock (infections not apparent at time transmitted to juvenile and adult crabs in
of collection) resulted in losses of up to the laboratory by allowing them to ingest
20% (Lightner, 1988). Also, prevalences infected tissue and to megalope and early
(16% and 15%, respectively) of A. nelsoni, juvenile crabs by placing them in a suspen-
in pond-reared brown shrimp from Texas sion of 106 spores/ml (Olson et al., 1994).
and in white shrimp in a net-enclosed bay An unidentified microsporidian in
in Florida suggest a potential threat to the hepatopancreatocytes of tiger shrimp
shrimp reared in extensive culture (Lightner, (Penaeus monodon) was associated with
1975). low production, slow growth rates and
Ameson (= Nosema) michaelis is occasional mortalities in brackish-water
widely distributed at low prevalences in pond culture in Malaysia (Anderson et al.,
blue crab on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts of 1989). Also, unidentified Microsporida have
the USA (Sparks, 1985). Diseased blue crabs been presumed to cause high mortalities in
(Callinectes sapidus) often inhabit shel- freshwater crayfish in Western Europe and
tered areas near the shore and experience England (Pixell Goodrich, 1956).
high mortalities when stressed (Overstreet,
1988). However, unlike Ameson in shrimp,
the transmission of A. michaelis is direct,
i.e. by ingestion of infected tissue (Sparks, Each species of Microsporida is character-
1985; Overstreet, 1988). Some authors ized by the number of spores per sporont,
indicated that this parasite was a significant the spore size, the tissues infected and,
factor in blue crab mortality and thus a to some extent, the host species (Sparks,
potential threat to the industry. However, 1985; Lightner, 1996). Although the spores
more information is needed on pathogenic- of most Microsporida are ovoid and rela-
ity, geographical distribution and preva- tively small (about 3 to 5 µm in length), the
lence in various populations before its spores of N. canceri are unique in being
economic significance can be established exceptionally long (about 10 µm) and needle-
(Sparks, 1985). shaped (0.2 to 0.3 µm in diameter), tapering
Nadelspora canceri occurs in Dungeness to a posterior pointed end (Olson et al.,
crab (Cancer magister) along the US Pacific 1994).
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 631

Host–parasite relationships control microsporidosis in the lucerne weevil)

may be suitable treatments for this disease
Microsporidians replace host tissue with
in penaeid shrimp. However, Overstreet
spores as they grow, without invoking host
(1975) found that Fumidil B seemed to
inflammatory responses. Infected individu-
exacerbate A. michaelis infection in blue
als exhibit poor stress resistance and poor
crabs and benomyl was not as effective as
stamina and are thus prone to loss by preda-
buquinolate and apparently killed some crabs.
tion and to poor survival following capture
and handling. Infection of the gonad by
some species renders infected individuals
sterile and may cause feminization of Alveolates
infected male penaeids (Lightner, 1996).
Diagnosis of infection
Infected tissue, especially muscle, is even-
tually replaced by spores, giving it an Many species of gregarines and coccidians
opaque appearance. Due to this white dis- have been described from shellfish. Because
coloration, heavy infections are apparent information to date indicates that most of
and justify the common names of ‘cotton’, these species are relatively benign in patho-
‘milk’ or ‘cooked’ shrimp and crabs. In genicity, they will not be mentioned here.
addition, the cuticle of some crustaceans However, two species of coccidia have been
may have blue-black discoloration due associated with pathology.
to expansion of cuticular melanophores Coccidians (family Eimeriidae) have
(Lightner, 1996). The fluorescent technique been described from the kidneys and less
described by Weir and Sullivan (1989) for frequently other organs of bivalves. Although
screening for Microsporida in histological they were all designated as species of
sections may be useful for detecting light Pseudoklossia (Upton, 2000), only the first
infections. A molecular probe has been (type) species and one other appear to be
developed for the detection of Agmasoma heteroxenous. Because the other species
sp. in Penaeus spp. (Pasharawipas et al., undergo monoxenous development in their
1994). molluscan host, Desser and Bower (1997)
proposed the creation of a new genus,
Margolisiella, to accommodate these para-
Prevention and control
sites. Disease concerns were associated with
The only known method of prevention is Margolisiella kabatai (Fig. 17.2A) in Pacific
removal and destruction (freezing may not littleneck clams (Protothaca staminea) that
destroy spores) of infected individuals were found on the surface of the substrate
(Lightner, 1988; Overstreet, 1988). The in Washington State (Morado et al., 1984)
intermediate hosts (fin fish) should be and Margolisiella (= Pseudoklossia) haliotis,
excluded from culture systems and water which can occur in extremely heavy infec-
supplies (e.g. Ameson penaei became infec- tions in the kidneys of abalone (Haliotis
tive for pink shrimp following passage spp.) from California (Friedman et al., 1995).
through the gut of a shrimp predator, the In addition to gregarines and coccidians,
spotted sea trout (Cynoscion nebulosus) Levine (1978) proposed that Perkinsus mari-
(Lightner, 1988)). A single treatment of nus (= Dermocystidium marinum = Labyrin-
buquinolate (used to treat coccidiosis in thomyxa marina), a pathogen of eastern
boiler chickens) prevented microsporidosis (American) oyster (Crassostrea virginica),
caused by A. michaelis in most exposed also be included within the phylum
blue crab (Overstreet, 1975). Lightner (1988) Apicomplexa. Subsequent taxonomic analy-
suggested that Fumidil B (an antibiotic used sis based on nucleotide sequences indi-
to control microsporidosis in honeybees) cated that this parasite may be more closely
and benomyl (a systemic fungicide used to related to the Dinoflagellida (Perkins, 1996;
632 S.M. Bower

Fig. 17.2. Histological images of Apicomplexa in molluscs from British Columbia, Canada. A. Mature
microgamont (m) with peripherally arranged microgametes and trophozoites (t) of Margolisiella kabati in the
cytoplasm of renal epithelial cells with hypertrophied nuclei (arrows) in Protothaca staminea.
B and C. Trophozoites (t), mature trophozoites (signet-ring stage, r) and two schizonts (s) consisting of two
and eight trophozoites, respectively, of Perkinsus qugwadi in the connective tissue of the gonad of
Patinopecten yessoensis. All bars = 20 µm.

Reece et al., 1997b; Siddall et al., 1997). and Ragone Calvo, 1996; Ford, 1996; Cook
Norén et al. (1999) proposed that perkinsids, et al., 1998). Also, mass mortalities of
which share features with both dino- eastern oysters (30 to 34 million oysters or
flagellates and apicomplexans, be assigned 90 to 99% of the stock) imported into Pearl
to the phylum Perkinsozoa, equivalent to Harbour, Hawaii, were attributed to this
other alveolate phyla. However, Perkins pathogen (Kern et al., 1973). In addition to
(2000a) tentatively suggested maintaining mortalities, meat yields are drastically
the link with the Apicomplexa because reduced by high levels of infection, and
molecular phylogeny assays have not yet infections may reach 100% in eastern oys-
been applied to parasitic dinoflagellates or ters exposed to two consecutive summers of
to more primitive Apicomplexa, which P. marinus activity (Andrews and Ray,
seem to have morphological features akin to 1988; Crosby and Roberts, 1990).
those of Perkinsus spp. Nevertheless, the P. marinus occurs along the east coast
genus Perkinsus (Fig. 17.2B, C) incorporates of the USA from Massachusetts to Florida,
several species that are highly pathogenic to along the Gulf of Mexico to Venezuela and
molluscs and are thus described in further in Puerto Rico, Cuba and Brazil. However,
detail. the development of P. marinus is correlated
with salinity and temperature (Crosby and
Roberts, 1990; Ford, 1992, 1996). The para-
Host range
site is most virulent in eastern oysters at
Members of the genus Perkinsus (order salinities above 15 ppt during periods of
Perkinsorida, family Perkinsidae) have been elevated water temperatures (above 20°C for
detected in over 67 species of molluscs (pri- at least 1 month) (Chu and Greene, 1989).
marily bivalves) from temperate to tropical Thus, the disease is prominent for about
regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans half the year in high-salinity areas of
and the Mediterranean Sea (Perkins, 1996). Chesapeake Bay and active for most of the
Although several species have been named year in the Gulf of Mexico (Lauckner, 1983).
(see related pathogens below), the best Also, Delaware Bay is periodically free of
known and first named species, P. marinus, the disease, owing to: (i) poor propagation
is one of the prime challenges to the pro- of the parasite due to cool temperatures;
ductivity of the eastern oyster, including and (ii) an embargo placed on importation
the devastation of the once profitable oyster of eastern oysters from more southern areas
industry in Chesapeake Bay, USA, and has (Andrews, 1988a).
caused up to 50% mortality in areas of the Most described species of Perkinsus
Gulf of Mexico (Andrews, 1988a; Burreson lack distinctive morphological features that
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 633

can be used for specific identification. As

indicated below, at least one other species
is known from within the geographical
range of P. marinus and both species have
been reported from the same bivalve hosts,
including the eastern oyster and the
sympatric clams Macoma balthica, Macoma
mitchelli and Mercenaria mercenaria (Coss
et al., 2001). In addition, P. marinus was
reported to develop in the ectoparasitic
snail Boonea impressa (White et al., 1987).
However, the host range of P. marinus has
probably not been fully identified. The
recent development of molecular diagnostic
tools for the detection and identification
of Perkinsus spp. should facilitate the iden-
tification of host species susceptible to Fig. 17.3. Diagrammatic developmental cycle of
P. marinus. Perkinsus marinus within living and dead
Crassostrea virginica and free in the marine
environment as adapted from Perkins (1996). Within
Morphology and life cycle
the living oyster, immature trophozoites (a) grow
The disease caused by P. marinus is popu- and develop a cytoplasmic vacuole (b). Mature
larly known as ‘dermo’, and fungal termi- trophozoites (c) have a large eccentric vacuole
nology, stemming from previous taxonomic containing a vacuoplast, thereby displacing the
nucleus to the cell periphery (signet-ring stage).
interpretations, is still occasionally used for
Palintomy (d, e) occurs and results in the formation
various stages in the life cycle (Fig. 17.3). In
of a schizont (e) from which the immature
the eastern oyster, the trophozoite (aplano- trophozoites (about four to 64 per schizont) escape
spore or meront) ranges in size from 2 to through a tear in the wall. When the oyster dies and
20 µm, with the smaller forms often observed the tissue becomes anoxic, the mature trophozoite
within the phagosome of a haemocyte. At (c) develops into a large prezoosporangium (f). On
maturity, the trophozoite (10 to 20 µm in liberation into the marine environment, the
diameter) has an eccentric vacuole (often prezoosporangium develops a discharge tube
containing a refringent vacuoplast), which (g) and undergoes palintomy (h), resulting in the
may comprise 90% of the cell volume. The formation of numerous biflagellated zoospores
(i) capable of initiating a new infection.
peripheral location of the nucleus produces
the characteristic signet-ring configuration.
The mature trophozoite undergoes schizogony called RFTM), the trophozoites transform
by successive bipartitioning of the proto- into prezoosporangia (hypnospores), which
plast (alternating karyokinesis and cyto- enlarge to diameters usually between 30
kinesis) to form a schizont (sporangium, and 80 µm, with extremes of 480 µm
tomont or ‘rosette’) stage (ranging from 15 to (Perkins, 1996). Upon release into sea water
100 µm but usually less than 25 µm in (aerobic conditions), the prezoosporangia
diameter) containing from two to 64 (usually (from either dead oysters or RFTM) differ-
eight to 32) trophozoites (coccoid or cunei- entiate into flask-shaped zoosporangia, within
form and 2 to 4 µm in the longest axis), which numerous biflagellated zoospores
which are released when the schizont develop in about 4 days. The biflagellated
ruptures (Perkins, 1996). zoospore (ovoid body 4 to 6 µm by 2 to
At death and decomposition of an 3 µm) has a row of long filamentous
infected host or when infected tissue is placed mastigonemes (tinsels) along the length of
in anaerobic fluid thioglycollate medium sup- the anterior flagellum and a naked posterior
plemented with salt and antimicrobial flagellum. It also has an apical complex,
agents (described by Ray (1966a) and now consisting of a conoid, polar ring, up to 39
634 S.M. Bower

subplasmalemma microtubules, rhoptries several layers of haemocytes can encapsu-

and micronemes (Perkins, 1996). Zoospores late trophozoites. Also, host cell destruc-
escape from the zoosporangium via the dis- tion appeared limited to the immediate
charge tube and may initiate infection in vicinity of the pathogen. Advanced infec-
the epithelium of gill, mantle or gut, where tions were characterized by haemocyte acti-
they become trophozoites (Perkins, 1996). vation and recruitment, with concomitant
Apparently, trophozoites contained within exuberant production of haemocyte-derived
haemocytes that underwent diapedesis are oxygen intermediates (oxyradicals), which
infective and represent an alternate means may be associated with the pathogenesis of
by which the infection is transmitted. the disease (Anderson et al., 1992).
Hoese (1964) speculated that dissemina- Foci of infection or abscesses contain-
tion of P. marinus might be achieved through ing thousands of P. marinus and host debris
scavengers because he detected prezoo- may attain several hundred micrometres in
sporangia in the faeces of fishes, oyster drills diameter during later stages of infection.
and crabs that fed on dead or moribund In addition, the pathogen often occludes
infected oysters. He was able to infect east- haemolymph sinuses. Although the epithe-
ern oysters with this material. In addition, lium and adductor muscle are invaded,
White et al. (1987) speculated that P. marinus they do not appear to be damaged until late
might also be transmitted by an ectoparasitic in the infection. By the time the eastern
pyramidellid snail, B. impressa, which oyster becomes moribund, large numbers of
directly injected P. marinus into the oyster P. marinus have accumulated in all tissues.
mantle during feeding or P. marinus was Paynter and Burreson (1991) have indicated
transferred through the water between the that, in Chesapeake Bay, groups of eastern
snail and oyster, perhaps entering the feed- oysters, which incurred high prevalences
ing wound made by the snail. and intensities of infection, exhibited low
Extensive data on the influence of envi- mortalities during their first year but suf-
ronmental conditions on the prevalence and fered high mortalities during the following
intensity of infection and the disease process year. Bushek and Allen (1996a,b) observed
have been integrated into mathematical mod- variations in the virulence of P. marinus to
els of host–parasite–environmental interac- genotypically different stocks of eastern
tions (Hofmann et al., 1995; Powell et al., oysters and proposed that different strains
1996; Ragone Calvo et al., 2001). The of P. marinus may vary in virulence or dif-
models simulate infection cycles within the ferent oyster stocks may vary in resistance
oyster and in oyster populations under dif- to infection.
ferent environmental conditions and fore-
cast conditions that can initiate and end
In vitro propagation
epizootics in oyster populations.
P. marinus is one of the few shellfish patho-
gens that can be maintained by continuous
Host–parasite relationships
in vitro propagation of the trophozoite
Gross signs of ‘dermo’ are severe emacia- (La Peyre, 1996; Casas et al., 2002b). In
tion, gaping, pale appearance of the diges- addition to having biological characteristics
tive gland, shrinkage of the mantle away similar to the histozoic stages of P. marinus
from the outer edge of the shell, inhibition (i.e. morphology, antigenicity, biochemistry
of gonadal development, retarded growth and and development in thioglycollate medium,
occasionally presence of pus-like pockets as described by Ray (1966a)), some cultured
(Lauckner, 1983; Sindermann, 1990). In the isolates were infective to eastern oysters.
early stages of infection, many P. marinus The transformation of the trophozoites
trophozoites are engulfed by haemocytes into prezoosporangia in RFTM (Ray,
and the infection spreads systemically 1966a) is frequently referred to as a culture
throughout the oyster. Although the extent technique. However, prezoosporangia have
of the haemocytic response is variable, poor survival in RFTM. The subsequent
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 635

transformation of the prezoosporangia into test reaction), based on the sequence of the
zoospore-producing zoosporangia can be small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA)
achieved by transferring the prezoo- gene, have been developed (De la Herrán
sporangia from RFTM to sea water. The use et al., 2000; Penna et al., 2001). The use
of RFTM is now considered to be part of a of PCR primers to amplify up to six poly-
diagnostic technique, as described below. morphic loci of genomic DNA from cul-
tured P. marinus indicated that, in vitro,
P. marinus is diploid and that oysters may
Diagnosis of infection
be infected by multiple strains of this para-
In addition to routine histopathological site (Reece et al., 1997a, b). Allelic and
examination of oyster tissues for the detec- genotypic frequencies differed significantly
tion of Perkinsus, other diagnostic tech- among isolates from regions of the north-
niques have been developed. The RFTM east and south-east US Atlantic coast and
procedure indicated above involves the the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The inter-
incubation of test mollusc tissues in fluid and intraspecific genetic variation among
thioglycollate medium as modified by Ray Perkinsus species has provided the oppor-
(1966a) for about 1 week at room tempera- tunity to design genus- and species-specific
ture, which induces the development of molecular diagnostic assays (Casas et al.,
prezoosporangia. When the sample is 2002a; Dungan et al., 2002; Murrell et al.,
stained with dilute Lugol’s iodine solution, 2002). In addition, Yarnall et al. (2000)
the prezoosporangia readily stand out as developed a quantitative competitive PCR
dark brown to blue-black spheres. A semi- that proved to be more sensitive than the
quantitative estimate of disease intensity RFTM tissue assay. However, before molec-
was determined by the apparent percent- ular analysis (e.g. PCR) can be recom-
age of squashed mantle or rectal tissue mended as the method of choice for disease
that contained P. marinus prezoosporangia diagnosis, more research is necessary to val-
(Andrews, 1988a; Choi et al., 1989). Gauthier idate the various molecular diagnostic
and Fisher (1990) demonstrated that haemo- assays and compare them with standard
lymph could be assayed by RFTM to pro- diagnostic techniques (Burreson, 2000).
duce a sensitive, reliable and completely
quantitative method of estimating the inten-
Prevention and control
sity of infection. Although this method is
inadequate for detecting light infections, it Continuous bath treatment with low levels
does not require that the oyster be sacrificed of cyclohexamide (1 µg/ml/week for 45
(Bushek et al., 1994). Because RFTM is not days) prolonged the life of laboratory stocks
species specific, it has been used to detect of eastern oysters infected with P. marinus
other species of Perkinsus in various (Ray, 1966b). However, chemical treatment
Mollusca (see below). is impractical in the field. Andrews (1988a),
Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies Andrews and Ray (1988) and Sindermann
produced against the prezoosporangia can (1990) indicated that control of the disease
be used in ELISA or immunofluorescent depends on isolation and manipulation of
assays for identification and quantification seed stock and recommended the following
of P. marinus. The various antibodies show procedures: (i) avoid use of infected seed
differences in cross reactivity with other stocks; (ii) plant oysters thinly on beds;
life stages of P. marinus and with other spe- (iii) isolate newly planted beds (0.4 km)
cies of Perkinsus (Choi et al., 1991; Dungan from infected eastern oysters; (iv) continually
and Roberson, 1993). monitor eastern oysters (especially oysters
Molecular techniques, including spe- at 2 years of age or older in the late summer
cific and sensitive semi-quantitative and or early autumn) for the disease, using
competitive polymerase chain reaction RFTM; (v) harvest early if beds become
(PCR) and multiplex PCR (simultaneous infected; and (vi) fallow beds after harvest
testing of two or more pathogens in a single to allow all infected oysters to die before
636 S.M. Bower

replanting. Goggin et al. (1990) further rec- only known from Japanese scallops (Patino-
ommended that the spread of Perkinsus sp. pecten yessoensis) that were introduced
from shellfish processing plants could be into Canada from Japan for culture purposes
prevented by not returning untreated (Blackbourn et al., 1998). Scallops native to
mollusc tissues to the sea. enzootic areas (Chlamys rubida and Chlamys
Although P. marinus persisted in east- hastata) were resistant to infection, while
ern oysters held at low salinities (6 ppt), it mortalities among cultured Japanese scallops
was less virulent at salinities below 9 ppt often exceeded 90% (Bower et al., 1999).
(Ragone and Burreson, 1993). The occur- Unlike all other Perkinsus spp., P. qugwadi:
rence of disease only at higher salinities has (i) proliferated and was pathogenic at cool
been used in management practices (Paynter temperatures (8–15°C); (ii) developed
and Burreson, 1991). In Chesapeake Bay, zoospores within tissues of juvenile living
uninfected eastern oyster seed are acquired hosts instead of outside the host; and
from areas of low salinity, which are not (iii) did not produce prezoosporangia in
suitable for oyster culture because oyster RFTM or stain blue-black with Lugol’s iodine
growth and condition are reduced by low (Bower et al., 1998). In addition to these dif-
salinity. In the Gulf of Mexico, where warmer ferences, phylogenetic analyses based on
temperatures allow the infection to remain the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions
active year-round, freshwater diversions of rRNA of P. qugwadi consistently place
into high-salinity bays have been proposed this species at the base of a clade containing
in order to revive or enhance areas that are the other Perkinsus spp. (Coss et al., 2001;
marginally productive for eastern oysters Casas et al., 2002a,b; Dungan et al., 2002).
(Andrews and Ray, 1988). The possibility of The second named species was
breeding eastern oysters that are resistant to Perkinsus olseni, first reported as a pathogen
P. marinus is under investigation (Gaffney of abalone (Haliotis rubra) in Australia
and Bushek, 1996). Also, the introduction (Lester and Davis, 1981). This species is now
of a non-endemic species that is more toler- reported from three other species of abalone
ant of P. marinus (Meyers et al., 1991) is (Haliotis laevigata, Haliotis cyclobates and
being considered as a method for the recovery Haliotis scalaris) along the southern coast
of stable oyster production in areas of of Australia and is often associated with sig-
Chesapeake Bay where native eastern oysters nificant mortalities. It is also believed to
have been eliminated (Mann et al., 1991). occur in a wide variety of molluscan spe-
cies from the Great Barrier Reef but was not
detected in abalone from that area (Goggin
Related pathogens
and Lester, 1995). Perkinsus olseni was
Prezoosporangia of Perkinsus sp. have been experimentally transmitted and highly
detected by RFTM in many species of infectious to a range of molluscs under
Mollusca from temperate to tropical waters laboratory conditions (Goggin et al., 1989).
of the world. For example, in Australia, The third species to be named was
Perkinsus spp. were detected in at least 30 Perkinsus atlanticus, a pathogen of native
species of Mollusca (Lester et al., 1990). clams (Ruditapes (= Tapes = Venerupis)
Although Perkinsus sp. was associated with decussatus, Ruditapes (= Tapes) semide-
giant clam (Tridacna gigas) mortalities (Alder cussatus, Ruditapes pullastra, Venerupis
and Braley, 1989) and lesions in the tissues of aurea, Venerupis pullastra) and the intro-
pearl oysters (Pinctada maxima) (Norton duced Manila clam (Venerupis (= Tapes
et al., 1993), many Perkinsus sp. infections = Ruditapes) philippinarum) along the coasts
seem to have no detectable adverse affects on of Portugal, Spain (Galicia and Huelva areas)
their hosts (Goggin et al., 1990). and the Mediterranean Sea (Azevedo, 1989;
In addition to P. marinus, six other spe- Rodríguez et al., 1994; Ordás et al., 2001;
cies have been named. The most distinctive Casas et al., 2002a).
species is Perkinsus qugwadi, considered In the late 1990s, a Perkinsus sp. was
enzootic in British Columbia, Canada, but associated with significant mortalities of
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 637

native stocks of Manila clams in Korea, Japan life-cycle stages and zoosporulation process
and China (Choi et al., 2002). Hamaguchi were similar to those described for other
et al. (1998) found that the nucleotide Perkinsus spp., P. chesapeaki was identified
sequence of two internal transcribed spac- based on minor differences in the morphol-
ers (ITS1 and ITS2) and the 5.8 S region of ogy of the zoospore. Also, the genetic
the SSU rRNA of the Perkinsus sp. from sequence of the SSU rRNA of this isolate was
Manila clams in Japan were almost identical found to be distinct from that of P. marinus
to those of P. atlanticus and P. olseni and (Casas et al., 2002a; Dungan et al., 2002).
suggested that the parasite in Japan may be McLaughlin and Faisal (2001) reported a
P. atlanticus. Several other investigations difference in the production of extracellular
found similar results (Goggin, 1994; Robledo proteins by P. chesapeaki and P. marinus,
et al., 2000; Casas et al., 2002a). However, in which may help to explain the difference in
all investigations, the gene sequences of the pathology observed in infected soft-shell
P. atlanticus and P. olseni isolates were dis- clams and the eastern oysters, respectively.
tinct from those of P. marinus (from the oys- More recently, Perkinsus andrewsi was
ter C. virginica from Virginia, USA). Based on described from Baltic clams (M. balthica)
similarity (98–99%) in the sequences of the from the east coast of the USA. The species
non-transcribed spacer (NTS) region, Murrell identification was based on sequence data
et al. (2002) proposed that P. olseni and from the SSU rRNA locus, which differed
P. atlanticus be synonymized, with the from those of P. marinus, P. atlanticus,
name P. olseni having priority. If this syn- P. olseni and P. qugwadi (Coss et al., 2001).
onymy is upheld, P. olseni will have a wide DNA analysis (using PCR assays on regions
host range (infecting gastropods as well of the SSU rRNA loci (mainly ITS1 and
as bivalves) and a wide geographical ITS2)) indicated that P. andrewsi can coexist
range (including the coasts of Australia, with P. marinus in Baltic clams and
New Zealand, Japan, Korea and Europe). other sympatric clams (M. mitchelli and
The wide variability in the pathogenicity M. mercenaria) and in the eastern oyster
of this parasite may be attributed to either (Coss et al., 2001). Subsequent analysis of the
differences in strains of the parasite or ITS regions of several species of Perkinsus
differences in host responses. (including several isolates of some species)
The validity of another species, Perkinsus consistently grouped P. chesapeaki and
karlssoni, has been refuted. P. karlssoni was P. andrewsi (Casas et al., 2002a; Murrell
identified as a pathogen of cultured bay scal- et al., 2002). Analysis of the ITS sequence
lops, Argopecten irradians, being conditioned from cloned isolates of Perkinsus sp. from
for spawning under hatchery conditions in Baltic clams and another sympatric clam
Atlantic Canada (McGladdery et al., 1991; (Tagelus plebeius) from Chesapeake Bay sug-
Whyte et al., 1994). This parasite was gested that the minor variations among ITS
described because a Lugol-positive organ- sequences of P. chesapeaki and P. andrewsi
ism was detected in diseased scallop tissues indicate true polymorphism within a single
incubated in RFTM. However, diagnosis by parasite species (Dungan et al., 2002). If these
RFTM alone is controversial and Goggin et al. species are synonymous, P. chesapeaki will
(1996) surmised that the description was have precedence over P. andrewsi.
based on a contaminant biflagellate organism. The current major limitations to identi-
This species may be reinstated if further fying the various species of Perkinsus are
RFTM-positive prezoosporangia are obtained the absence of significant morphological
and phylogenetic analyses of sequence data differences among known species and the
place the species within the Perkinsus clade. broad host range encountered for isolates
Another species, Perkinsus chesapeaki, tested in the laboratory and assayed from
has been isolated from the gills of soft-shell the field. A conservative perspective suggests
clams (Mya arenaria) from the same loca- that only four of the named species may be
tion (Chesapeake Bay, USA) as P. marinus valid (i.e. P. marinus, P. olseni, P. qugwadi
(McLaughlin et al., 2000). Although the and P. chesapeaki). If this perspective is
638 S.M. Bower

correct, then the host and geographical Scuticociliatia, order Philasterida, family
range is very broad for at least one of these Orchitophryidae) periodically cause high
species (i.e. P. olseni) and at least two other mortalities among Crustacea in captivity.
species can infect the same hosts in the Mesanophrys (= Paranophrys = Anophrys)
same geographical area (i.e. P. marinus and spp. have been observed in the haemolymph
P. chesapeaki). These characteristics and of Dungeness crabs (C. magister) and red
the lack of distinctive morphological fea- rock crabs (Cancer productus) on the west
tures render the identity of Perkinsus spp. coast of North America (Fig. 17.4A), in blue
encountered in the field and the specific crabs (C. sapidus) on the east coast of the
identity of all new isolates open to ques- USA and in edible crabs (Cancer pagurus)
tion. Because of the significant negative and green crabs (Carcinus maenas) in Europe.
economic impact caused by some of these Mugardia (= Paranophrys = Anophrys) sp.
parasites, it is important to be able to differ- occurs in lobsters (Homarus americanus) on
entiate between pathogenic and supposedly the east coast of North America (Sindermann,
non-pathogenic species or to determine 1990; Morado and Small, 1995). Although the
which species are pathogenic for which hosts. ciliates are rare in the haemolymph of most
Investigations into the genetic sequence and wild-caught Crustacea, Mugardia sp. was
associated biology of various isolates and the observed in stained hepatopancrease smears
continuing development of molecular assays from all 89 lobsters from ten locations along
will address this problem in the future. the coast of Maine in November 1990
(Sherburne and Bean, 1991). The ciliate is
infectious and lethal for animals held in
Ciliophora artificial enclosures. Presumptive diagnosis
of these ciliates is made by observing
Two closely related genera of holotrich cili- numerous ciliates of typical elongate form
ates (class Oligohymenophorea, subclass and reduced numbers of haemocytes in the

Fig. 17.4. A. Histological images through Mesanophrys pugettensis (arrows) in the haemal sinuses of the
heart of Cancer magister from British Columbia, Canada. B. Wet-mount preparation (Nomarski optics) of
Paramoeba invadens (hyaline region (h), nucleus (n) and parasome (p)) from in vitro culture isolated from
Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis in Nova Scotia, Canada (courtesy of R.E. Scheibling). C and D.
Histological section through Hematodinium sp. (plasmodium (p), trophozoites (t) and binary fission in
trophozoites (b)) in the heart sinus (haemocyte (h)) of Chionoecetes tanneri from British Columbia, Canada.
All bars = 10 µm.
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 639

haemolymph. Ciliates can also be observed from the coast of Queensland, Australia
in histological sections of the soft tissues, (Hudson and Shields, 1994).
especially the heart (Fig. 17.4A) and gills Based on differences in nucleotide
and may be associated with tissue destruc- sequence, two additional unnamed species
tion, especially of the intestine (Sherburne have been documented (Hudson and Adlard,
and Bean, 1991). Protargol-stained prepara- 1996). Hematodinium sp. causes an astrin-
tions are required for specific identification gent aftertaste (bitter crab syndrome) and
(Armstrong et al., 1981). Because most mortalities in Tanner crabs (Chionoecetes
reports of infection pertained to injured bairdi and Chionoecetes opilio) along the
crabs and lobsters being held in enclosures, coast of Alaska (Meyers et al., 1996). Meyers
lowering densities (i.e. less stress of crowd- et al. (1990) conservatively estimated that
ing) and reducing mechanical damage dur- the total economic loss to fishermen due to
ing holding may be beneficial (Sindermann rejected diseased crabs was about 5% of the
and Lightner, 1988). catch for the 1988/89 season. In addition,
data from the commercial Tanner crab fishery
suggested that there was an increase in preva-
Dinozoa (Dinoflagellida) lence and spread of the disease to new areas.
A similar parasite was found in C. opilio from
Introduction the coast of Newfoundland (Pestal et al.,
2003) and in Chionoecetes tanneri from
The parasitic Dinoflagellida in the genus coastal British Columbia (Bower et al.,
Hematodinium spp. (order Syndiniales) are 2003). The other Hematodinium sp. occurs
significant pathogens of commercially har- in the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus)
vested crabs and lobsters (Shields, 1994). off the west coast of Scotland and in the
Irish Sea (Field and Appleton, 1995).
Host range Severe infection has an adverse effect on
meat quality, noted by fishermen and proces-
The first reported and type species, sors. Peak infections of 70% were found in
Hematodinium perezi, was originally some trawl samples, which seasonally coin-
described from the haemolymph of crabs cided with the annual moult. The decrease in
(C. maenas and Liocarcinus (= Portunus) Norway lobster abundance in the last decade
depurator) from European waters (Chatton may in part reflect the higher level of infec-
and Poisson, 1930) and was more recently tion by Hematodinium sp. during this time
reported to cause high mortalities in (Field et al., 1998).
C. pagurus and Necora puber in France
(Wilhelm and Mialhe, 1996). On the west-
Parasite morphology
ern side of the North Atlantic Ocean, from
New Jersey to the western coast of Florida Superficially, Hematodinium spp. appear
and in the Gulf of Mexico to southern similar, with only slight differences in size
Texas, a Hematodinium sp. that is believed for the two named species (Hudson and
to be the same parasite was reported from Shields, 1994). The most abundant form is a
other species of crabs, including the blue round trophozoite (about 6 to 18 µm in diam-
crab, C. sapidus (Couch, 1983). Based on eter) with a single dinokaryon nucleus,
results from epizootiology studies, Messick which is characteristic of the dinoflagellates
and Shields (2000) suggested that this para- (Fig. 17.4D). Binucleate cells and multi-
site represented a significant threat to blue nucleate ovoid to vermiform plasmodia
crab populations in high-salinity estuaries (usually containing fewer than about 20
along the Atlantic and Gulf coast of the nuclei (Fig. 17.4C)) are occasionally observed
USA. The second species, Hematodinium in the haemal sinuses (Couch, 1983; Hudson
australis, occurs in Portunus pelagicus, and Shields, 1994). A flagellated dinospore
Scylla serrata and possibly Trapezia spp. occurs during the terminal stages of infection
640 S.M. Bower

and is rarely observed in some crustacean Diagnosis of infection

hosts. Two sizes of motile dinospores were
The non-motile trophozoites are evident
observed in tissues of C. bairdi in Alaskan
as numerous spheres (6 to 18 µm in diameter)
waters during August and September (Love
in wet mount preparations of haemolymph
et al., 1993). A common ultrastructural
from discoloured crustacea examined micro-
characteristic is the presence of cytoplas-
scopically (× 100 magnification). Hemato-
mic organelles called trichocysts in mature
dinium spp. are also apparent in histological
trophozoites and dinospores (Hudson and
sections (Figs. 17.4C, D). However, the pau-
Shields, 1994).
city of morphological characteristics for spe-
cies identification has resulted in the
Host–parasite relationships development of PCR techniques based on the
The haemolymph of heavily infected crus- nucleotide sequences of parts of the SSU
taceans is opalescent or milky, slow to clot, rDNA gene (Hudson and Adlard, 1996).
devoid of haemocytes and filled with Gruebl et al. (2002) described an 18S rRNA
non-motile trophozoites. Also, there may gene-targeted PCR-based diagnostic tech-
be total lysis of hepatopancreatic tubules nique capable of detecting one Hemato-
and partial destruction of muscle fibres dinium sp. in 300,000 blue crab haemocytes.
(Couch, 1983). These crustaceans are leth- The partial sequences of the 18S rDNA gene
argic and have a short survival time in cap- of Hematodinium sp. from blue crabs
tivity. The main cause of death may be the deposited in GenBank (accession numbers
disruption of gas transport and tissue anoxia AF421184 and AF286023) are nearly identi-
caused by proliferation of large numbers of cal to the equivalent sequences of the para-
dinoflagellate cells in the haemolymph. site from C. tanneri in British Columbia,
Alternatively, Shields et al. (2003) indi- which is believed to be a different species.
cated that infected blue crabs probably die Because of this close association, this region
from metabolic exhaustion, as indicated by of the genome will not be useful in differenti-
reduced levels of haemolymph proteins, ating between species. The development of
haemocyanin and glycogen. Meyers et al. specific molecular tools to differentiate
(1987) suggested that the bitter flavour in between species will probably necessitate the
cooked infected Tanner crabs is the result analysis of more divergent genes, such as the
of either the dinoflagellate itself or its ITS regions of the SSU rDNA. Currently such
metabolite(s). gene sequences are not available for most
Infected blue crabs were found only in Hematodinium spp. from various crustaceans
areas above 11 ppt salinity and in all sea- around the world.
sons except late winter and early spring Field and Appleton (1996) developed
(Messick and Shields, 2000). A reduction in an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT)
prevalence of the disease in the winter was to detect Hematodinium sp. in the haemo-
also reported in Tanner crabs. Laboratory lymph and tissues of Norway lobsters. This
transmission by injection indicated that technique was more sensitive than gross
both types of dinospores from Tanner crabs observations and wet-mount examinations
(Eaton et al., 1991) and trophozoites and and was capable of detecting low-level
plasmodia from blue crabs (Messick and haemolymph infections as well as previously
Shields, 2000) are infectious to their respec- undiagnosable tissue infections. However,
tive host crabs. However, Hematodinium the species specificity of this assay has not
spp. have not been transmitted by feeding been assessed.
(predation or cannibalism) or cohabitation,
Prevention and control
but moulting may predispose crabs to inva-
sion (Messick and Shields, 2000). The com- The management of the Tanner crab fishery
plete life cycle of all Hematodinium spp. in to avoid product quality problems (bitter crab
the field is poorly understood. syndrome) with infections of Hematodinium
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 641

sp. may be possible by harvesting Tanner particular abalone culture facility is no

crabs in the winter, when fewer crabs are longer in operation. Small abalone that are
severely parasitized and meats are more mar- susceptible to infection are rarely found in
ketable. Also, proper disposal of infected the field. Thus, the geographical distribu-
Tanner crabs is essential in controlling dis- tion of this parasite and its effect on wild
semination of the parasite (Meyers et al., stocks are not known.
Parasite morphology and life cycle
The trophozoite of L. haliotidis was spher-
Stramenopiles oid (5 to 9 µm in diameter) and had a
unique organelle of this group called the
Residual heterotrophic Stramenopiles – sagenogenetosome (Fig. 17.5A). Several
Labyrinthulida sagenogenetosomes were scattered on the
surface of each organism, forming openings
Introduction in the thin laminated cell wall, and each
Only one named species of Labyrinthulida produced the ectoplasmic net upon which
has been documented as a pathogen of the parasite moved (0.3 ± 0.16 µm/min) and
economically important shellfish. Labyr- obtained nutrients. Following removal from
inthuloides haliotidis, an achlorophyllous, sources of nutrients (i.e. placement in ster-
eukaryotic protist, is pathogenic to small, ile sea water), the trophozoite underwent
juvenile, northern abalone (Haliotis kamts- synchronous multiple fission to form a
chatkana) and small, juvenile, red abalone zoosporoblast (6 to 10 µm in diameter) con-
(Haliotis rufescens) (Bower, 1987a). taining about ten developing zoospores
(Fig. 17.5B). The uninucleate, ovate, motile,
biflagellated zoospores (Fig. 17.5C) escaped
Host range
through a rupture in the zoosporoblast wall
To date, L. haliotidis has only been (Bower, 1987a). When the zoospore con-
observed in small abalone (less than 1 cm in tacted a hard surface or after about 24 h of
shell length) from an abalone culture facil- active swimming in sea water, both flagella
ity in British Columbia. Within 2 weeks of were shed. The resulting cell was morpholog-
first being detected in a raceway, over 90% ically similar to the trophozoite and survived
of the small abalone succumbed to infection in sterile sea water for at least 2 years (Bower,
and the disease quickly spread between 1987a).
raceways. The high mortalities caused by L. Trophozoites that developed from
haliotidis were one of the reasons why this zoospores were infective to small abalone.

Fig. 17.5. Electron micrographs of Labyrinthuloides haliotidis from British Columbia, Canada. A.
Trophozoite within the muscle tissue of a juvenile abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) showing the nucleus (n)
and the ectoplasmic net (en) originating from the sagenogenetosome. B. Zoosporoblast from sea water
containing well-developed zoospores. C. Zoospore illustrating the subapical attachment site of the two
flagella, the coarse texture of the longer anterior flagellum, where debris has attached to the mastigonemes,
and the thin tapered tip of the short posterior flagellum. All bars = 2 µm.
642 S.M. Bower

Within 4 h of contact, sagenogenetosomes In vitro culture and propagation

were evident and host epithelial cells adja-
Aseptic cultures of L. haliotidis grew well
cent to the parasite were lysed. By 24 h
on several different liquid media and
post-exposure, the ectoplasmic net was well
agar-based solid media. An in vitro life
developed, the parasite had moved into the
cycle could be produced by placing the
head and foot tissues of the abalone and
parasite alternately in minimum essential
dividing forms were observed (Bower
medium with 10% fetal calf serum (where
et al., 1989b). Within 10 days after expo-
rapid production of trophozoites occurred
sure to about 104 parasites in 20 ml of sea-
through binary fission) and in sterile sea
water, about 90% of the abalone (less than
water (where the trophozoites trans-
4.0 mm in shell length and 140 days of age)
formed into zoosporoblasts and zoospores
died with numerous parasites throughout
were produced) (Bower, 1987c). Cultured
the head and foot (Bower, 1987b). As dead
L. haliotidis were infective to small aba-
abalone decomposed, trophozoites released
lone (Bower, 1987b; Bower et al., 1989b).
from the tissues developed into zoosporo-
The trophozoite also grew on pine pollen
blasts, which produced zoospores within
(Pinus contorta) in sea water but failed
about 24 to 72 h. Parasites released from
to produce zoosporoblasts and zoospores
infected abalone were infective to other
(Bower, 1987c).
abalone on contact. Although alternative
hosts have not been described, L. haliotidis
can utilize diverse sources of nutrients Diagnosis of infection
but seems incapable of coexisting with The spheroid parasite is readily observed
bacteria. with light microscopy (× 100 magnification)
in the head and foot of small infected
Host–parasite relationships abalone squashed in sea water between a
glass slide and a cover slip. L. haliotidis
The tissues of heavily infected abalone is also evident in histological sections pre-
were slightly swollen, with a loss of integ- pared using routine procedures. However,
rity. Prevalence and intensity decreased due to the morphological similarities of
and time to death increased as the abalone L. haliotidis to other thraustochytrids, iden-
increased in age and size. Abalone greater tification of the parasite outside its host is
that 15 mm in shell length could not be impossible by microscopy. A direct fluores-
infected even when injected intramuscu- cent antibody technique showed promise in
larly with about 1.5 × 104 L. haliotidis. facilitating the detection of this parasite
The mechanism of defence against this (Bower et al., 1989a). However, this tech-
parasite is not known. There was no indi- nique has not been fully tested to verify its
cation of a haemocytic response in young specificity. A partial sequence of the SSU
susceptible abalone. Possibly the resis- rRNA has been identified and used to assess
tance of older abalone corresponded to the phyletic relationships (Leipe et al., 1996).
development of cellular or humoral defence However, this information has not been uti-
mechanisms as the abalone matured lized in the development of a diagnostic tool.
(Bower, 1987b).
Small juvenile Japanese scallops
Prevention and control
(P. yessoensis) and juvenile Pacific oysters
(Crassostrea gigas), both less than 8 months The source of infection in the abalone
of age, were resistant to infection. However, hatchery was not established. Transmission
two oysters with badly cracked shells of the disease between raceways could be
became infected, suggesting that L. haliotidis prevented by employing sanitary techniques.
was capable of utilizing oyster tissue for The parasite was destroyed in 20 min when
growth and multiplication if it was able to exposed to 25 mg/l of chlorine in sea water.
gain access to the soft tissues of the oyster The fungicide cyclohexamide at 1–2 mg/l
(Bower, 1987b). for 23 h per day on 5 consecutive days
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 643

cured infected abalone. However, this treat- at least 245,000 t (Miller, 1985). No mortali-
ment had the disadvantages of: (i) being det- ties were observed in other echinoderms,
rimental to diatoms upon which the abalone including other echinoids, asteroids and
fed; (ii) being ineffective against non-growing ophiuroids from the same area (Scheibling
but infective zoospores such that reinfection and Stephenson, 1984). However, the trans-
occurred within 2 to 3 weeks following treat- formation of echinoid-dominated ‘barren
ment; and (iii) inducing resistant forms (as grounds’ into kelp beds provided increased
few as three successive treatments resulted areas for American lobster (H. americanus)
in the production of forms twice as resistant recruitment and thus increased lobster
to cyclohexamide) (Bower, 1989). Ozone productivity (Wharton and Mann, 1981).
treatment of incoming water may only be effi-
cacious if ozone exposure is greater than Morphology and life cycle
0.97 mg ozone/l for 25 min (Bower et al., P. perniciosa is round to elongate, with
1989c). linguiform lobopodia, and can be differenti-
ated into small (3 to 12 µm) and large (15 to
35 µm) forms (Couch, 1983). Each amoeba
Amoeboid protists contains a vesicular nucleus with a large
central endosome and a ‘second nucleus’,
Introduction ‘Nebenkörper’ or elongate parasome (1 to
Two species in the order Euamoebida 4 µm) with a Feulgen-positive middle bar
and family Paramoebidae are significant and two opposing basophilic polar caps.
pathogens of shellfish. Paramoeba perniciosa P. invadens is similar in size (20–35 µm in
is the cause of ‘grey crab disease’ or para- length and 8–15 µm in width) but is more
moebiasis in the blue crab (C. sapidus) and is elongated in shape, with a length/width ratio
infectious to other crustaceans. Paramoeba of about 2, and has digitiform pseudopodia
invadens is pathogenic to sea urchins (Strong- (Fig. 17.4B). Also, the parasome (2 to 3 µm in
ylocentrotus droebachiensis). size) has Feulgen-positive poles but no
Feulgen-positive central band (Jones, 1985).
Host range Due to the unusual ultrastructure of the
parasome, which is characteristic for Para-
P. perniciosa has been reported in blue moeba spp., Perkins and Castagna (1971)
crabs along the east coast of the USA from proposed that the parasome may be a discrete
Connecticut to Florida, including the high- organism of unknown taxonomic affinities
salinity areas of Chincoteague Bay and and not an organelle of the amoeba.
Chesapeake Bay, where it periodically The mode of transmission in the field
causes mass mortalities and has caused ongo- has not been fully elucidated for either
ing low-level mortalities since 1967 (Couch, amoeba. Some attempts to infect blue crabs
1983; Sparks, 1985). Epizootics with high by injecting P. perniciosa or feeding infected
mortalities (about 17%) were reported from crab tissues failed (Couch, 1983). However,
Chincoteague Bay in early summer and mor- Johnson (1977) observed the disease in two
talities (20–30%) were observed in shedding blue crabs 34 and 39 days post-inoculation
tanks (for production of newly moulted with infected haemolymph and Sparks (1985)
softshell crab) (Johnson, 1988). It has also claimed that the disease was transmitted by
been reported from the rock crab Cancer consumption of moribund or dead infected
irroratus, the exotic European green crab blue crab. The transmission of P. invadens
C. maenas and the American lobster was direct and the infection was waterborne
H. americanus (Couch, 1983). (Jones, 1985).
P. invadens was associated with mass
mortalities of the sea urchin along the Atlantic
Host–parasite relationships
coast of Nova Scotia in the early 1980s (Jones,
1985; Jones et al., 1985). From 1980 to 1983 P. perniciosa, a parasite of the connective
sea urchin mortalities were estimated to be tissues and haemal spaces, occurs along the
644 S.M. Bower

midgut, antennal gland and Y organ in light poor survival subsequent to handling or
infections. Haemal spaces in gills are usually holding in tanks (Sparks, 1985). Infection is
invaded in medium and heavy infections easily diagnosed only in the terminal phase,
and, in the terminal phase, the infection when numerous P. perniciosa and virtually
becomes systemic (Johnson, 1977; Sparks, no haemocytes are present in circulating
1985). In heavy infections, pathological haemolymph. Characteristic signs of para-
changes caused by large numbers of amoeba moebiasis in sea urchins included muscle
include: tissue displacement; probable lysis of necrosis, general infiltration of coelomocytes,
some types of tissue, including haemocytes; reddish-brown discoloration, poor attach-
and significant decreases in protein, haemo- ment to substrate and high mortalities (Jones,
cyanin (the oxygen-binding and transport 1985; Jellett et al., 1988). Amoeba of both
molecule of crustaceans) and glucose species can be observed with phase contrast
(Pauley et al., 1975; Johnson, 1977). Sparks either live or fixed in 5% formalin sea water
(1985) suggested that the probable cause of and stained with dilute methylene blue.
death was a combination of anoxia and Smears can be stored following fixation in
nutrient deficiency. Terminal infections are Bouin’s, Davidson’s, Hollande’s or 10%
usually observed during the late spring to formalin solutions and staining with iron
early autumn, but infected blue crabs are haematoxylin or Giemsa’s stain. Before amoe-
found throughout the year (Johnson, 1988). bae appear in the circulation, they may be
Most infected blue crabs demonstrate a observed in squashes of subepithelial con-
defence response, which is manifested nective tissue examined with phase con-
usually as phagocytosis of amoeba by hyaline trast if the infection is sufficiently advanced
haemocytes and infrequently as encapsula- (Johnson, 1988). Infection can also be diag-
tion of amoeba by haemocytes, but destruc- nosed by histological examination.
tion of amoeba by humoral factors also
occurred (Johnson, 1977). Occasionally a
blue crab would overcome the infection.
Haplosporidia (Haplospora)

In vitro propagation Introduction

P. perniciosa could not be cultured in various Included within the Haplosporidia are sev-
media, including a medium that supported eral species that are significant pathogens of
continuous growth of Paramoeba eilhardi, a oysters. Species of Haplosporidia were first
free-living species originally isolated from described from oysters in the early 1960s
algal material. However, P. perniciosa sur- and since that time the group and its affilia-
vived for about 2 weeks in 10% calf serum tions have undergone several changes in
agar overlaid with sterile sea water and incu- classification. Initially these parasites were
bated at 18°C (Sprague et al., 1969). Unlike included in an order that was changed from
P. perniciosa, P. invadens was easily cultured Haplosporida to Balanosporida in the phylum
on malt–yeast–seawater agar and on non- Ascetospora (Sprague, 1979; Levine et al.,
nutrient agar with marine bacteria as a food 1980), Perkins (1990) indicating that they
source. However, there was some loss of viru- were sufficiently distinct to warrant the sta-
lence after 15 weeks in monoxenic culture tus of phylum with the name Haplosporidia.
and 58 weeks in polyxenic culture (Jellett and Subsequently, Siddall et al. (1995) indicated
Scheibling, 1988). that the haplosporidians are more closely
related to alveolates (ciliates, dinoflagellates
and apicomplexans) than to other spore-
Clinical signs and diagnosis of infection
forming protozoans based on sequence
In blue crabs, signs of infection include comparisons of the 16S SSU rDNA gene.
a greyish discoloration of the ventral exo- More recently, Cavalier-Smith and Chao
skeleton, general sluggishness, reduced or (2003) indicated that the order status
absence of clotting of the haemolymph and should be reinstated under the recently
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 645

created phylum Cercozoa. The proposal by of spore wall material are Haplosporidium
Cavalier-Smith and Chao (2003) has not yet (Azevedo, 2001).
received wide acceptance and thus the phy- Recently, oyster pathogens in the genus
lum status of this group as indicated by Lee Bonamia, which are not known to produce
et al. (2000) is used here. spores, were incorporated into the phylum
In addition to challenges in determin- Haplosporidia based on molecular phylo-
ing higher taxonomic affiliations, the sort- genetic analysis (Carnegie et al., 2000). The
ing of species at the genus level has also following review focuses on the most signif-
undergone modifications. The initial group- icant representatives of the spore-forming
ing only included spore-forming endo- and non-spore-forming members of this phy-
parasites but differentiation between genera lum. Specifically, Haplosporidium nelsoni
proved problematic, with species being (commonly known as MSX from the origi-
transferred between Haplosporidium and nal assignation of multinucleate sphere
Minchinia (Lauckner, 1983). Although the unknown) and then Bonamia ostreae will
visibility and morphology of spore orna- be discussed. In addition, other significant
mentations (e.g. the presence of prominent species in each genus are mentioned under
extensions (tails) on the spore wall, visible the headings ‘Related pathogens’.
by light microscopy) were proposed as fea-
tures for differentiating between these two
genera (Perkins, 2000b), recent phylogenetic
analysis by Reece et al. (2003) supported an
Host range and economic significance
earlier proposal that composition of the
spore ornamentation is a key characteristic Catastrophic epizootics caused by H. nelsoni
(not the morphology of spore ornamenta- were first encountered in the late 1950s in
tion). Specifically, species with spore orna- eastern oysters (C. virginica) from Delaware
mentation composed of epispore cytoplasm Bay (Haskin et al., 1966). This parasite
are Minchinia and those within it composed (Fig. 17.6A, B, C) currently occurs along the

Fig. 17.6. Histological images (A to D) and tissue imprint (E) of Haplosporidia in oysters. A to C.
Developmental stages of Haplosporidium nelsoni in Crassostrea virginica from Nova Scotia, Canada.
A. Plasmodia (arrows) in the connective tissue of the digestive gland between the tubules. B. Sporocysts
(arrows) within the epithelium of the digestive-gland tubules. C. Spores with a prominent operculum (arrow)
in the disrupted tissue of a digestive-gland tubule (courtesy of M. Maillet). D and E. Bonamia ostreae from
heavily infected Ostrea edulis from France. D. Numerous B. ostreae (arrows) located within haemocytes in
the connective tissue between the tubules of the digestive gland. E. Imprint of connective tissue containing
many B. ostreae (arrows), some with two nuclei, freed from ruptured haemocytes. All bars = 10 µm.
646 S.M. Bower

eastern coast of the USA from Florida to in diameter). Smaller plasmodia are formed
the Piscataqua River estuary in Maine/ by cytoplasmic cleavage of the larger ones.
New Hampshire. A recent (autumn of 2002) They are first observed in the gills, palps and
epizootic, with localized high mortalities suprabranchial chambers but subsequently
(about 80%), occurred in Bras d’Or Lakes, occur in the vesicular connective tissues
Nova Scotia, Canada (Stephenson et al., 2003). adjacent to the digestive tract, and eventually
However, the parasite has not yet been become systemic (Lauckner, 1983). Plasmodia
detected in oyster stocks between the southern and prespore stages (Fig. 17.6B) are most
end of Maine and Bras d’Or Lakes. frequently observed, while sporocysts con-
Sporogonic and/or plasmodial stages of taining mature spores (Fig. 17.6C) are rare in
haplosporidians that resemble H. nelsoni adult oysters (< 0.01%). However, sporulation
were observed in the Pacific oyster (C. gigas) occurs in at least 75–85% of the infected
from California and Washington State, USA, young oysters (< 1 year) in Delaware Bay
Taiwan, Korea and Japan (Friedman, 1996). (Burreson, 1994). Sporulation, when present,
With the development of molecular diagnostic occurs in the epithelial cells of the digestive
techniques, reports of H. nelsoni in Pacific gland tubules (Fig. 17.6B). Spores are
oysters have been confirmed from California, operculate and measure 7.5 µm by 5.4 µm
USA, France, Korea and Japan (Burreson unfixed (Couch et al., 1966; Rosenfield
et al., 2000; Renault et al., 2000; Kamaishi et al., 1969). Ford and Haskin (1982) and
and Yoshinaga, 2002). Effects of H. nelsoni Perkins (1993) noted that the parasite
on Pacific oysters have not been described, could not be transmitted in the laboratory
but some authors speculate that it may be with either infected tissues or spore sus-
pathogenic, especially for juvenile oysters. pensions and foci of infection persisted in
However, haplosporidosis has not been areas where eastern oysters were sparse.
associated with mortality of this oyster Although no hosts other than oysters have
species. been found (Ford, 1992), there is specula-
In 1957, 85% mortality (with 50% dead tion that an intermediate host is required
within 6 weeks) occurred among eastern for the completion of the life cycle of
oysters planted in Delaware Bay. The high H. nelsoni (Ford and Tripp, 1996).
mortality represented a loss in production Extensive epizootiological data indi-
from 7.5 million lbs of shucked meats prior cate that infections acquired in the early
to the enzootic to about 100,000 lbs of summer become patent in July and mortal-
production in 1960, and production has ities begin in early August and peak in
not significantly recovered (Lauckner, 1983; September, with a subsequent decline to
Sindermann, 1990). Average mortalities in low levels by November (Andrews, 1982).
eastern oysters have been estimated at 50 to A few mortalities occur in late winter, fol-
60% in the first year with a 50% further lowed by increased mortalities in June and
loss in the second year of oyster grow-out. July of the second year resulting from infec-
Also, eastern oyster culture in the lower tions acquired during the late summer and
Chesapeake Bay was abandoned for at least autumn of the previous year. Essentially the
25 years due to this disease (Andrews, 1988b). disease is regulated by temperature, with
both parasite and host being inactive below
5°C. Between 5 and 20°C, the parasite mul-
Morphology and life cycle
tiplies faster than the host can contain it.
Despite more than 40 years of intensive Above 20°C, resistant oysters can inhibit par-
research, the complete life cycle, the mode asite multiplication or undergo remission
of infection and several aspects of the gen- (Sindermann, 1990). Levels of H. nelsoni
eral biology remain obscure (Ford, 1992). In have fluctuated in a cyclic pattern, with
eastern oysters, spheroid plasmodia (4 to peaks in prevalence every 6 to 8 years and
30 µm in diameter; Fig. 17.6A) are usually reduced parasite activity following very cold
multinucleate (up to about 60 nuclei per winters (Ford and Haskin, 1982). In addition
plasmodium, with each nucleus about 2 µm to temperature, salinity is also known to affect
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 647

the pathogenicity of H. nelsoni. The dis- an ability to prevent infection but with
ease is restricted to salinities over 15 ppt restriction of parasites to localized non-lethal
(H. nelsoni cannot survive below 10 ppt), lesions. Chintala and Fisher (1991) proposed
rapid and high mortalities occur at about that lectins in the haemolymph could be
20 ppt and the disease may be limited by related to disease resistance or affected by
salinities between 30 and 35 ppt (Andrews, H. nelsoni infection.
1988b). Extensive data on the influence of Parasitism was associated with reduced
environmental conditions on the prevalence meat yield, impaired gonadal development
and intensity of infection and the disease pro- and lower fecundity (Barber et al., 1988).
cess have been integrated into a mathematical The greatest effect on reproduction occurred
model of host–parasite–environmental inter- when gametes were in the formative stage
actions (Ford et al., 1999; Paraso et al., 1999; rather than after they matured (Ford et al.,
Powell et al., 1999). 1990a). There was also a threefold increase
in the proportion of females among infected
oysters, which Ford et al. (1990a) suggested
Host–parasite relationships
was due to inhibition of the development of
H. nelsoni is highly virulent for eastern oys- male more than female gametes. However,
ters and the occurrence of moribund oysters infected oysters that underwent temperature-
with relatively light infections suggests a associated remission during the summer
toxic effect (Andrews, 1988b). The course of developed mature gonads and spawned
the infection seemed dependent on the his- before new or recurrent infections prolifer-
tory of exposure in eastern oyster stocks ated in the autumn (Ford and Figueras, 1988).
(Farley, 1975). In susceptible populations,
the prevalence of infection can reach 100%,
with mortalities ranging between 40 and 80%
(Andrews, 1988b). However, in enzootic H. nelsoni has not been cultured in vitro
areas such as Delaware Bay, natural selection and controlled transmission has not been
has increased the proportion of disease- achieved. Even transplantation of infected
resistant eastern oysters and mortalities were tissues was unsuccessful (Lauckner, 1983).
about half those of naïve stocks (Ford and Enriched suspensions of H. nelsoni plas-
Haskin, 1982). Further development of high modial stages can be obtained using the
disease resistance in wild oyster populations ‘panning’ technique described by Ford et al.
was attributed to drought conditions in the (1990b).
mid-1980s, which caused a salinity increase
in the usually lower-salinity areas of the
Clinical signs and diagnosis of infection
upper Delaware Bay, thereby allowing incur-
sion of H. nelsoni, with resulting high mortal- The only specific but rare sign of this dis-
ities and thus selection for disease resistance ease is a whitish discoloration of the diges-
in the brood stock (Ford, 2002). tive gland tubules due to the presence of
During their second year, eastern oys- mature spores. Other non-specific signs
ters that survived the infection were able to are: emaciation, mantle recession, failure of
suppress or rid themselves of the parasite in shell growth, retracted mantle and, rarely,
the late spring as temperatures approached brown patches of periostracum opposite
20°C (Ford and Haskin, 1982). Remission lesions on the mantle surface (Lauckner,
was characterized by diminution of infec- 1983; Andrews, 1988b). Histological exami-
tion and localization of parasites to external nation is used to confirm the presence of
epithelium, with diapedesis resulting in the infection, and heavy infections can be
deposition of moribund parasites and necrotic detected by microscopic examination
tissues against the shell, followed by external of stained haemolymph smears (Andrews,
conchiolinous encapsulation (Farley, 1968). 1988b; Burreson et al., 1988; Ford and
Ford and Haskin (1982) indicated that resis- Kanaley, 1988). When mature spores are
tance to mortalities was not correlated with present, the sporoplasm specifically stains
648 S.M. Bower

bright red with a modified Ziehl–Neelsen Prevention and control

carbol fuchsin technique (Farley, 1965).
The location of the spore stages in the epi- Reduced salinities (< 10 ppt) adversely
thelium of the digestive gland tubules can affected the pathogenicity and survival of the
be used to differentiate H. nelsoni from a parasite in oysters (Haskin and Ford, 1982).
closely related and potentially cohabiting Thus, management strategies depend, in large
species Haplosporidium costale with spores measure, on avoiding the disease by culturing
that occur in the connective tissue between oysters in areas of low salinity and/or altering
the tubules. If spores are not present the time at which oysters are moved to
(usually the case for adult oysters infected enzootic areas of high salinity to take advan-
with H. nelsoni and during early develop- tage of better growth. Continuous monitor-
mental stages of H. costale), the plasmodial ing and early diagnosis of infections are
stages of the two species cannot be differen- important because they allow mortality to
tiated by histological examination. Although be predicted so that growers and managers
Barrow and Taylor (1966) and Burreson can make informed decisions on when or
(1988) illustrated the potential use of whether to plant and harvest (Ford and
immunoassays for detecting infection and Haskin, 1988). The recently developed mathe-
possibly for identifying alternative hosts, matical model of host–parasite–environmental
molecular diagnostic techniques have interactions has been used to simulate infec-
proven to be more widely used. tion cycles within the oyster and in oyster
An SSU rRNA gene of H. nelsoni was populations under different environmental
sequenced (Fong et al., 1993) and DNA conditions to forecast conditions that can
probes that targeted this region were tested initiate and end epizootics in oyster popu-
for sensitivity and specificity (Stokes and lations (Ford et al., 1999; Paraso et al., 1999;
Burreson 1995; Stokes et al., 1995). In Powell et al., 1999).
addition to being used by various research- Excellent survival has been achieved in
ers to identify H. nelsoni in eastern oysters, enzootic areas using eastern oysters that were
DNA sequence equivalency (tested by PCR experimentally selected for disease resistance
amplification of genomic DNA and in situ (Ford et al., 1990a). Barber et al. (1991) indi-
hybridization) provided conclusive evi- cated that resistance in the selected strain
dence that the haplosporidian in Pacific may be the result of physiological responses
oysters from other areas of the world was that inhibit parasite development and basic
H. nelsoni (Burreson et al., 2000; Renault metabolic adjustments to parasitism. Much of
et al., 2000; Kamaishi and Yoshinaga, the physiological response may be derived
2002). The primer sequence was also used from an increased number of haemocytes,
to develop a competitive, quantitative PCR which plug lesions, remove debris and
assay for this parasite (Day et al., 2000). The repair tissue, thereby helping resistant oys-
subsequent identification of the SSU rRNA ters to survive infection (Ford et al., 1993).
gene for H. costale (Ko et al., 1995) and the Because of economic limitations, resistant
development of specific PCR assays con- oysters have not yet been produced in com-
firmed by in situ hybridization have led mercial quantities (Andrews, 1988b). How-
to the differential diagnosis of mixed ever, triploid eastern oysters seem more
H. costale and H. nelsoni infections in eastern resistant to the disease than diploid cohorts
oysters (Stokes and Burreson, 2001). Also, (Matthiessen and Davis, 1992). The increased
multiplex PCR (simultaneous testing of two resistance in triploids may provide a viable
or more pathogens in a single test reaction) alternative for the eastern oyster culture
was developed for H. nelsoni and two industry in areas where the disease occurs.
other cohabiting parasites, H. costale and Also, natural selection in Delaware Bay seems
P. marinus (Penna et al., 2001). Unfortu- to have resulted in wild oysters that are more
nately, attempts to use PCR technology to resistant to disease than oysters from popula-
identify the complete life cycle of H. nelsoni tions that have not undergone such long-term,
were unsuccessful (Stokes et al., 1999). intensive, selection processes (Ford, 2002).
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 649

The possibility of growing non-native oys- infected flat oysters. Although the disease
ter species that appear to be more resistant is fatal, the prevalence of infection to date
to H. nelsoni, such as the Pacific oyster and has been low (< 1%) with an insignificant
Suminoe oyster (Crassostrea ariakensis = impact on the flat oyster culture industry in
Crassostrea rivularis) are being assessed. Europe (van Banning, 1979; Lauckner,
Minchinia (= Haplosporidium) tapetis,
Related pathogens
was described from European littleneck
In addition to numerous reports of unidenti- clams (R. (= T.) decussatus) in Portugal and
fied species of Haplosporidium or Minchinia France (Lauckner, 1983; Chagot et al., 1987;
in marine invertebrates (Burreson and Ford, Azevedo, 2001). Slightly ovoid spores (4 to
2004), three named species occur in bivalves 6 µm in diameter) were observed in the con-
of economic importance. nective tissue of the gills, mantle and ven-
H. costale (commonly referred to as tral to the digestive gland tubules. Reported
SSO, an acronym for seaside organism) has prevalences of infection were low (4%) and
been detected in eastern oysters along the pathogenicity was minimal.
east coast of North America but has caused
significant disease only in high-salinity
(> 25 ppt) areas from Delaware to Virginia BONAMIA OSTREAE
(Andrews, 1988c). It can be differentiated from
Host range and economic significance
H. nelsoni by: (i) a smaller spore size (3.1 µm
by 2.6 µm); (ii) occurrence of sporulation B. ostreae (commonly called a microcell
throughout all connective tissue and not in because of its small size; Fig. 17.6D, E) is a
the epithelium of the digestive gland; (iii) lethal pathogen of flat oysters (O. edulis), in
antigenic differences; and (iv) species- which it causes a disease called bonamiasis
specific molecular diagnosis, as indicated (Pichot et al., 1980). However, other oyster
above. Initially thought to have a regular species, including Australian flat oysters
and clearly defined life cycle (a 4- to 6-week (Ostrea angasi), New Zealand dredge oysters
period of disease, sporulation and concur- (Ostrea chilensis (= Tiostrea chilensis = Tio-
rent mortalities in May and June, followed strea lutaria)), Ostrea puelchana and
by an 8- to 10-month prepatent period in Suminoe oysters (C. rivularis) were experi-
newly exposed oysters), the application of mentally infected (Cochennec et al., 1998).
molecular diagnostic tools has revealed The Pacific oyster (C. gigas), mussels (Mytilus
unseasonably advanced infections in the edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis) and
autumn (Stokes and Burreson, 2001). Also, clams (R. decussatus and V. (= R.) philip-
mixed infections with H. nelsoni are more pinarum) could not be naturally or experi-
frequent than originally thought. H. costale mentally infected and these bivalves did
is not as serious a pathogen as H. nelsoni not appear to act as vectors or intermediate
and losses can be minimized by harvesting hosts for B. ostreae (Culloty et al., 1999).
oysters at 18 to 24 months of age (Andrews, This parasite occurs along the Atlantic
1988c). coast of Europe from Spain to Denmark,
Haplosporidium (= Minchinia) armo- Great Britain (excluding Scotland), Ireland
ricana causes brown meat disease in flat and Italy (OIE, 2003a). B. ostreae also
oysters (Ostrea edulis) in Brittany (France) occurs in some introduced flat oyster popu-
to Spain and in the Netherlands among lations on the west (California and Wash-
flat oysters imported from Brittany (van ington) and east (Maine) coasts of the USA
Banning, 1985a; Azevedo et al., 1999). (Zabaleta and Barber, 1996). Evidence sug-
Numerous operculate spores (5.0 to 5.5 µm gests that B. ostreae was inadvertently
by 4.0 to 4.5 µm) with two long projections introduced into Europe, Maine and Wash-
(70 to 100 µm) in sporocysts (35 to 50 µm in ington from California by the translocation
diameter) throughout the connective tissue of infected flat oysters in the late 1970s
result in brownish discoloration of heavily (Elston et al., 1986; Friedman and Perkins,
650 S.M. Bower

1994; Cigarría and Elston, 1997). The source Host–parasite relationships

of infection for the introduced flat oysters
Bonamiasis is usually systemic because
in California is not known.
B. ostreae normally resides within haemo-
This parasite was first associated with
cytes and has not been reported in other
mortalities in Brittany, France, in 1979 and
host cells. Infections are often accompanied
the disease quickly spread throughout the
by dense, focal haemocyte infiltration into
major flat oyster culture areas in Europe.
the connective tissue of the gill and mantle
Average losses were about 80% or higher
and around the gut, and may result in tissue
(Grizel, 1986; Hudson and Hill, 1991; van
lesions (Cochennec-Laureau et al., 2003a).
Banning, 1991). In conjunction with the
Many of the infiltrating haemocytes contain
protist Marteilia refringens (see below),
several microcells (Fig. 17.6D), which are
B. ostreae reduced flat oyster production
often in cytoplasmic vacuoles. As the infec-
in France from 20,000 t per year in the
tion progresses, infected haemocytes occur
1970s to 1800 t in 1995 (Boudry et al.,
in the vascular sinuses, and microcells may
1996). Production of flat oyster has not
be released by lysis of haemocytes and
recovered, and the Pacific oyster (C. gigas)
found free in necrotic tissues (Balouet et al.,
is now the main species of oyster cultured
1983). Two years of age appeared to be criti-
in Europe.
cal for disease development in oysters, and
infection level was statistically independ-
ent of oyster gonadal development and sex
Morphology and life cycle (Culloty and Mulcahy, 1996).
In vitro tests were used to determine that
Two morphological forms of B. ostreae have
haemocytes of Pacific oysters were able to
been identified (Lauckner, 1983; Grizel
bind more B. ostreae than were haemocytes
et al., 1988). The most frequently observed
of flat oysters (Fisher, 1988), but haemocyte
‘dense forms’ (2 to 3 µm in diameter) have
infection rates were similar for both species
basophilic, dense cytoplasm with a pale
(Mourton et al., 1992). The apparent inabil-
halo around the nucleus. This form is usu-
ity of flat oyster haemocytes to inactivate
ally free (extracellular) in tissues altered by
the parasites once they are ingested may
the disease and may represent the transmis-
explain differences in susceptibility and
sion stage. The slightly larger and less
disease development in oysters (Chagot
dense ‘clear forms’ (2.5 to 5 µm in diameter)
et al., 1992; Xue and Renault, 2000).
may be the trophozoite, schizogonic stage
and typically occur within the cytoplasm of
haemocytes and in branchial epithelial Propagation
cells (Montes et al., 1994). The usual mode B. ostreae is readily propagated in vivo by
of multiplication in the oyster is by simple injection of infected haemocytes or purified
binary fission. However, Brehélin et al. (1982) parasite suspensions and by cohabitation of
described a true plasmodial multinucleate diseased and uninfected oysters (Hervio
stage with three to five nuclei and about 6 µm et al., 1995). Comps (1983) reported in vitro
in diameter. proliferation of B. ostreae in the presence of
Unlike the spore-forming haplospori- flat oyster cells after 48 h of incubation but
dians, B. ostreae can be directly transmitted the viability of the cultures over longer peri-
between flat oysters, and lethal infections ods was not indicated.
usually develop within 3 to 6 months after
exposure (Grizel et al., 1988; Sindermann,
Diagnosis of infection
1990). Transmission occurs year-round,
with the highest prevalence of infection Microcells are detected by histological
found during the summer. Van Banning examination (Grizel et al., 1988). Although
(1990) suggested that an infectious phase many infected oysters appear normal, others
may occur in the ovarian tissue of flat may have yellow discoloration and/or exten-
oysters. sive lesions (i.e. perforated ulcers) on the
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 651

gills and mantle. The isolation and purifi- the oysters at a relatively young age (after
cation of B. ostreae from infected flat oys- 15 to 18 months of culture) (Lama and
ters (Mialhe et al., 1988a) have led to Montes, 1993; Montes et al., 2003).
the production of monoclonal antibodies Alternative resistant species, such as
(Rogier et al., 1991) and the development Pacific oysters, are now being cultured in
of an IFAT (Boulo et al., 1989) and of an areas where flat oyster populations were
ELISA diagnostic technique with 90% devastated by bonamiasis. However, flat
reliability in comparison with standard oyster production has marginally persisted
histopathological light microscopic exami- in a few areas of France in which the
nations (Cochennec et al., 1992). Because seeding of young oysters was reduced from
classical histological (Fig. 17.6D) and heart 5 to between 1 and 2 t/ha, and by the use
smear (Fig. 17.6E) techniques are unreli- of ‘deep water’, where the parasite is
able for detecting light infections (Culloty apparently not transmitted (Grizel et al.,
et al., 2003) and immunoassays (ELISA 1986). Also, the absence of infection in
kits) are no longer commercially available, juveniles has allowed the use of oyster
molecular diagnostic techniques were seed produced in areas where B. ostreae
developed. occurs (Grizel et al., 1988). Selecting for
A PCR reaction specific for an rDNA disease-resistant flat oysters is showing
amplicon (528 base pairs (bp) spanning some success (Culloty et al., 2001). How-
341 bp of 18S rDNA and 187 bp of ITS1) ever, there is evidence from DNA micro-
with a gene sequence resembling that satellite loci analysis that a population
belonging to members of the phylum bottleneck has occurred during the
Haplosporidia was identified and found to selection process in some stocks of
detect the parasite in naturally infected bonamiasis-resistant O. edulis. The small
O. edulis in Maine, USA (Carnegie et al., effective number of breeders is expected to
2000). This PCR assay proved to be more lead to increasing inbreeding and have
sensitive, more specific and less ambigu- important consequences for the future
ous than standard histological and cytolog- management of at least three selected
ical (tissue imprint) techniques. Another bonamiasis-resistant populations (Launey
DNA probe identified from the same area et al., 2001).
of the genome also detected another spe-
cies of Bonamia (see B. exitiosus below)
and H. nelsoni (Cochennec et al., 2000).
Related pathogens
Bonamia exitiosus has devastated dredge
oysters (O. (= T.) chilensis (= lutaria)) popu-
Prevention and control
lations in the Foveaux Strait south of South
Following the recognition of bonamiasis Island, New Zealand (Hine et al., 2001b).
in Europe, measures such as the destruc- Stocks of dredge oysters were reduced by
tion of infected stocks and restricting 67% in 1990 and by 91% in 1992 from levels
movement of flat oysters were imple- recorded in 1975. The commercial dredge
mented (van Banning, 1985b; Grizel et al., oyster fishery was closed in 1993, with severe
1986; Hudson and Hill, 1991). In many economic impacts on South Island coastal
instances, these measures were employed communities (Doonan et al., 1994). Like
too late to prevent the spread of the patho- B. ostreae, B. exitiosus resides in haemo-
gen. Studies in the Netherlands indicated cytes, is small in size (2 to 7 µm) and has
that B. ostreae persisted in low levels for light and dense forms, which vary in
at least 6 years in areas where flat oysters prevalence seasonally (Hine, 1991a,b). How-
were virtually eradicated (van Banning, ever, B. exitiosus can de differentiated from
1987). Mortalities due to bonamiasis were B. ostreae by antigenic features (Mialhe et al.,
reduced by using suspension culture and 1988b), divergent regions in the SSU rDNA
lower stocking densities and marketing sequence and ultrastructural differences in
652 S.M. Bower

the dense forms. Dense forms of B. exitiosus Unknown Taxonomic Affiliations

are less dense and slightly larger in size
(3.0 ± 0.3 µm mean diameter in comparison Mikrocytos mackini
with 2.4 ± 0.5 µm for B. ostreae), have more
haplosporosomes, mitochondrial profiles Like Bonamia spp. described above,
and lipoid bodies per ultrastructure section, M. mackini (Fig. 17.7A, B, C) is commonly
have smaller tubulovesicular mitochondria referred to as a microcell (2 to 4 µm in diam-
and have nuclear membrane-bound Golgi/ eter) and is infective to at least four species
nuclear cup complexes and a vacuolated of oysters (Pacific oysters, C. gigas; eastern
stage that are lacking in B. ostreae (Hine et al., oysters, C. virginica; flat oysters, O. edulis;
2001b). Ultrastructural examination of cyto- and Olympia oysters, Ostrea conchaphila).
plasmic structures in B. exitiosus led Hine However, M. mackini is not related to
and Wesney (1992) to suggest that the Bonamia spp. and its taxonomic affiliations
haplosporosome-like bodies may be a sign remain unknown. This parasite has been
of disease within the microcells. In part, reported from oysters in the southern part
this suggestion was derived because of the of British Columbia, Canada and adjacent
similarities: (i) between haplosporosomes areas of Washington, USA. Disease caused
and virus-like particles; and (ii) between by M. mackini appears to be restricted to
haplosporogenesis and virus production older oysters (over 2 years) in some loca-
within host cells. As with B. ostreae, molec- tions in British Columbia and mortalities
ular diagnostic assays (in situ hybridization (recorded as high as 30% in older oysters at
and PCR amplification) were more sensi- low tide levels) occur in the spring (April
tive in the detection of B. exitiosus than and May) after a 3–4-month period when
traditional techniques (microscopic exami- temperatures are less than 10°C. The require-
nation of heart imprints and histology) ment for cool temperatures and the long
(Diggles et al., 2003). prepatent period may explain why the dis-
The microcell that causes winter mor- ease only occurs during the spring and seems
talities in Sydney rock oysters (Saccostrea to be confined to oysters cultured in more
glomerata (= commercialis)) in New South northerly locations. M. mackini can de differ-
Wales, Australia, initially described as entiated from Bonamia spp. by its location in
Mikrocytos roughleyi (Farley et al., 1988), is vesicular connective tissue cells, in adductor
now believed to be a species of Bonamia muscle myocytes and, less frequently, in
(Cochennec-Laureau et al., 2003b). The haemocytes, and by the apparent lack of
morphological features that separate this mitochondria and haplosporosomes. Also,
parasite from the other Bonamia spp. have M. mackini seems to have a very unique way
not been identified. Like other Bonamia, of obtaining energy from its host cell. Hine
this microcell also occurs within haemo- et al. (2001a) depicted tube-like structures
cytes and is associated with focal abscess- extending into the cytoplasm of M. mackini
type lesions in the gill, connective and from the mitochondria of its host cell (Fig.
gonadal tissues and the alimentary tract. 17.7A, B). C. gigas seems to be more resis-
Disease is associated with low temperatures tant to the disease than the other species
and high salinities (30–35 ppt). It can kill of oysters challenged experimentally under
up to 70% of mature Sydney rock oysters in laboratory and field conditions (Bower et al.,
their third winter before marketing and 1997). Hybridomas that produce monoclonal
mortalities seem to be highest in autumns antibodies specific for M. mackini were pro-
and winters with low rainfall (Wolf, 1979). duced (Hervio et al., 1996), but this product
The high mortalities can be reduced by har- has not been developed into an immunodiag-
vesting large oysters before the winter nostic assay. Carnegie et al. (2003) described
and by overwintering smaller oysters on PCR and fluorescent in situ hybridization
up-river leases where lower salinities and assays for M. mackini, based on the SSU
higher racks protect them from the disease rDNA, which detected three to four times
(Anderson, 1990). more infections than standard histopathology.
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 653

Fig. 17.7. Transmission electron micrographs (A and B) and a histological image (C) of Mikrocytos mackini
in the cells of Crassostrea gigas and Ostrea edulis, respectively, from British Columbia, Canada. A. Protist (p)
against the host cell nucleus (hn) and two closely associated host mitochondria (hm). B. Higher
magnification of a host mitochondrium (hm) with tube-like structures (arrows) extending into the cytoplasm
of M. mackini (p). C. Several M. mackini (p) in the cytoplasm of vesicular connective-tissue cells (hn, nuclei
of host cells) of the labial palps of O. edulis. D. Tissue imprint of the gonad of Crassostrea gigas from Japan
with a sporangiosorus (s) of Marteilioides chungmuensis in each ovum against the host cell nucleus (hn).
Each sporangiosorus contains two sporonts and each sporont contains one basophilic developing spore.
A and B bars = 0.5 µm, C and D bars = 10 µm.

Mortalities caused by M. mackini can be et al. (2000) supported this phylum desig-
circumvented by well-timed plantings and nation. These parasites are characterized by
harvests of Pacific oysters in relation to the presence of several cells enclosed inside
season and tide levels (Bower, 1988). one another, which arose by a process of
internal cleavage (‘endogenous budding’)
within a stem cell. Included in this group are
pathogens in two genera, Marteilia (several
species) and Marteilioides (two species),
that have had a significant impact on
bivalve production in different areas of the
These spore-forming bivalve pathogens were world. Each genus will be presented
initially assigned to the phylum Ascetospora separately.
in the same class (Stellatosporea) as the
haplosporidians (Levine et al., 1980). MARTEILIA SPP.
Because of significant morphological and
Host range and economic significance
developmental differences, Desportes
(1984) moved them to the class Paramyxea Species of Marteilia produced disease of
and order Marteiliida, and Desportes and economic concern on the coast of Europe,
Perkins (1990) suggested that the class eastern Australia and Florida, USA. In
Paramyxea be raised to the rank of phylum. Europe, especially along the Atlantic coast
Based on an SSU rDNA gene sequence that of France, M. refringens, commonly known
was very different from all known seq- as Aber disease or digestive-gland disease,
uences of eukaryotic organisms, including caused recurrent serious mortalities (from
myxosporeans and haplosporeans, Berthe 1967 to about 1977) in flat oysters (Grizel
654 S.M. Bower

et al., 1974; Sindermann, 1990). Alderman oyster (Saccostrea (= Crassostrea) echinata)

(1979) indicated that the decline (to about in Australia but has not been associated with
47%) of flat oyster production in France overt pathology (Hine and Thorne, 2000).
over 6 years (from 18,000 t in 1969 to 8400 t On the coast of Florida, another
in 1975) was a direct result of the spread of Marteilia sp. has been implicated in mass
this parasite. To date, M. refringens has been mortalities approaching 100% of the calico
detected in flat oysters from the coasts of scallop (Argopecten gibbus). The fishery,
France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and which produced 11–40 million lbs of
Morocco (OIE, 2003b). In addition to flat adductor muscle meats annually prior to
oysters, M. refringens was reported from December 1988, was destroyed within
blue mussels (M. edulis), European cockles 1 month, with mortalities spread over a 2500
(Cardium edule) and imported Pacific oysters square mile area. As of the spring of 1992, the
(C. gigas), and was experimentally infective scallops had not returned to commercially
to New Zealand dredge oysters (O. (= T.) harvestable quantities (Moyer et al., 1993).
chilensis (= lutaria)) and Australian flat
oysters (O. angasi). Interestingly, negligible
pathology was found in most of these other
Parasite morphology and life cycle
species (Cahour, 1979; Grizel et al., 1983;
Bougrier et al., 1986). As the impact of Aber Infections by all Marteilia spp. are presum-
disease seemed to be subsiding in the late ably initiated by a primary cell or stem cell
1970s, the flat oyster industry in Europe was (5 to 8 µm in diameter) in the epithelial
struck by another devastating disease caused cells of the gut or gills (Grizel et al., 1974).
by the microcell B. ostreae (see above), from The early development of M. sydneyi in the
which it has not yet recovered. gill and palp epithelium of the Sydney rock
In addition to M. refringens, two other oyster was revealed by Kleeman et al.
species, Marteilia maurini in ‘gallo’ mussels (2002a) using molecular in situ hybridiza-
(M. galloprovincialis) and blue mussels tion techniques. The primary uninucleate
from France, Spain and the Persian Gulf cell contained a secondary uninucleate
(Comps et al., 1981), and Marteilia lengehi daughter cell in a vacuole within its cyto-
from oysters (Saccostrea (= Crassostrea) plasm. The daughter cell divided by binary
cucullata) from the Persian Gulf (Comps, fission to produce four daughter cells within
1976), have been described. Due to the mor- the enlarged primary (stem) cell and within
phological similarity between these each daughter cell a uninucleate cell devel-
marteilias, the validity of the latter two spe- oped by internal cleavage. The primary cell
cies is questioned. Nevertheless, in some degenerated to release the daughter cells,
areas, mortalities of mussels attributed to which became new primary cells. For
M. maurini are significant, especially for M. sydneyi, initial proliferation in the epi-
‘gallo’ mussels from rías in Galicia, north- thelial cells of the gills and palps was fol-
west Spain (Villalba et al., 1997). High lowed by systemic dissemination to the
prevalences (37 to 70%) have also been digestive-gland tubules, where the basal
reported in blue mussels from the north membrane of the tubules was penetrated
coast of Brittany (Auffret and Poder, 1983). and the parasites became established as
On the east coast of Australia, in sub- nurse cells at the base of the epithelial
tropical and tropical regions of southern cells. Nurse cells containing daughter cells
Queensland and northern New South proliferated and eventually degraded. Daugh-
Wales, another species, Marteilia sydneyi, ter cells of M. sydneyi and M. refringens in
the cause of QX disease, was associated the digestive gland tubules become sporan-
with high mortalities (often exceeding 80%) giosori, described as ‘primary cells’ by Perkins
in Sydney rock oysters (S. (= Crassostrea) and Wolf (1976). Sporulation occurred within
glomerata (= commercialis)) (Lester, 1986). the sporangiosorus via a unique process of
The same, or a very similar, species of internal cleavages (endosporulation) to
marteilid has been reported in the black-lip produce cells within cells (Fig. 17.8).
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 655

3.5 to 4.5 µm in diameter. As the spore

matures, light-refractile inclusion bodies
appear in the sporont cytoplasm surrounding
the spores. The specific name of M. refringens
was derived from these refringent inclusion
bodies. Mature spores are shed into the
tubule lumen for evacuation from the oyster
and infected oysters may shed large numbers
of spores before oyster death.
Marteilia sydneyi can be differentiated
from M. refringens by: (i) the formation of eight
to 16 sporangial primordia in each sporan-
giosorus instead of eight for M. refringens;
(ii) each sporont contains two or infrequently
three, rather than four, spores; and (iii) the
heavy layer of concentric membranes sur-
rounding mature spores of M. sydneyi is lack-
ing around M. refringens spores (Perkins and
Fig. 17.8. Schematic drawing to scale of the Wolf, 1976).
sporulation process of Marteilia spp. based on The development of M. refringens and
descriptions by Grizel et al. (1974), Perkins (1976)
M. sydneyi was directly related to water
and Kleeman et al. (2002a). S, sporangiosorus (or
primary cell); NS, nucleus of sporangiosorus; SP,
temperature, with the disease being most
sporangial primordium (or secondary cell); NSP, severe towards the end of summer, which
nucleus of sporangial primordium; St, sporont; SpP, coincides with the sporulation process.
spore primordium (or tertiary cell); MSp, mature Transplantation experiments in France sug-
spore; R, refringent bodies; N1, nucleus of gested that new infections of M. refringens
outermost sporoplasm; N2, nucleus of middle were acquired from early May to early
sporoplasm; N3, nucleus of innermost sporoplasm. September (Grizel, 1979). However, similar
Bar = 10 µm and 2 µm for inset of spore. experiments in Australia indicated that oys-
ters may be exposed to infection over a very
short interval (possibly only a few weeks
At the initiation of sporulation, uni- per year) during the summer (Lester, 1986;
nucleate segments become delimited with- Wesche, 1995). Warm temperatures favoured
in the cytoplasm of the sporangiosorus to parasite development and, at lower tempera-
form the sporangial primordia (secondary tures, host mortality was retarded and parasite
cells). Eventually, eight to 16 sporangial development suppressed. Young plasmodia
primordia (each about 12 µm in diameter at may persist throughout the winter and
maturity) form within the sporangiosorus, reinitiate clinical infections the following
which retains its nucleus and enlarges to spring (Lauckner, 1983).
about 30 µm in diameter. Each sporangial The mechanism of infection has not been
primordium matures into a sporont con- determined for any species of Marteilia.
taining two to four spore primordia (tertiary Experimental attempts to transmit the dis-
cells), which mature into spores (Fig. 17.8). ease to oysters in the laboratory met with
Each spore contains three uninucleate failure, although field exposures were suc-
sporoplasms of graded sizes, with each of cessful (Roubal et al., 1989; Berthe et al.,
the smaller sporoplasms being enclosed 1998). As with Haplosporidium spp., an
within the cytoplasm of the next largest one intermediate host is suspected (Perkins,
(i.e. consecutive internal cleavage of two 1993). Audemard et al. (2002) detected
sporoplasms within the spore primordium) M. refringens with molecular tools in the
(Perkins, 1976). A continuous spore wall gonad of the copepod Paracartia grani and
with no operculum occurs around each speculated on its involvement in the life
spheroid mature spore, which measures cycle of this parasite.
656 S.M. Bower

Host–parasite relationships Subsequent identity of segment sequences

within the SSU rDNA of both M. sydneyi
Signs of disease in oysters include a poor
(Anderson et al., 1995; Kleeman and
condition index, with glycogen loss (emaci-
Adlard, 2000) and M. refringens (Le Roux
ation), discoloration of the digestive gland,
et al., 1999; Pernas et al., 2001) was used in
cessation of growth, tissue necrosis and
the development of PCR and in situ hybrid-
mortalities (Sindermann, 1990). The patho-
ization assays. Assays developed from the
genesis of M. refringens remains obscure due
ITS1 by Kleeman and Adlard (2000) proved
to the lack of consistent correlation between
specific to M. sydneyi when tested for their
the degree of infection and mortality
potential to cross react with related species
(Lauckner, 1983). Some flat oysters kept in
of Paramyxea (Kleeman et al., 2002b).
high-prevalence areas for extended periods
Although the ‘Smart 2 probe’ identified by
showed characteristic signs of disease with-
Le Roux et al. (1999) cross-reacted with var-
out notable numbers of parasites, while
ious species of Paramyxea (Kleeman et al.,
other flat oysters heavily infected with young
2002b), this probe provided a stronger sig-
sporangiosori and mature spores exhibited
nal in the detection of sporont stages and
virtually no histological alterations. To
was more reliable in the detection of mature
explain these inconsistencies, Balouet (1979)
spores of M. sydneyi than the ITS1 probe.
and van Banning (1979) suggested that either:
Thus, Kleeman et al. (2002b) indicated that
(i) the parasite produced toxins inconsistently;
the Smart 2 probe was preferred for use in
(ii) the parasite required the synergistic
the screening or surveillance of oyster pop-
effect of another, as yet unidentified, patho-
ulations and that the ITS1 probe should be
gen; (iii) an intermediate host was required to
used as one means of confirming the spe-
amplify parasite abundance; and/or (iv)
cific identity of the pathogen as M. sydneyi.
unfavourable environmental conditions
(e.g. physicochemical factors in sea water)
played prominent roles in determining the Prevention and control
apparent pathogenicity of M. refringens.
Similar farm management practices were
Anderson et al. (1994a) determined that fluc-
employed to reduce the risk of infecting
tuations in pH, salinity and water tempera-
oysters with M. sydneyi in Australia and
ture in close proximity to the Sydney rock
M. refringens in Europe (Lester, 1986;
oysters did not correlate with epizootics of
Sindermann, 1990). During the summer,
M. sydneyi.
oysters were not planted in areas of risk and
young oysters were held in high-salinity
water, where they grow more slowly but
Diagnosis of infection
remain free of infection until after the risk
Because there are no specific clinical signs, of infection has passed. Also, large oysters
infection can best be confirmed by histological were harvested prior to the onset of the
examination (Grizel, 1979; Kleeman et al., transmission period. In Europe, Pacific oys-
2002a). A diagnostic feature is the presence ters, which seem to be resistant to the dis-
of Marteilia spp. in histological sections of ease, are cultured in most areas affected by
the digestive gland tubule epithelium and M. refringens.
occasionally in the gills and palps (Sinder-
mann, 1990). Gutiérrez (1977) described a
modified staining technique for enhancing
the detection of the parasite in paraffin- Protozoa in the genus Marteilioides can be
embedded histological sections. An IFAT, differentiated from Marteilia spp. in that two
based on the polyclonal antibodies that were sporonts usually develop in each sporan-
specific for sporulating stages of M. sydneyi, giosorus, each sporont produces a single
failed to detect presporulation stages of M. pluricellular spore and the mature spore
sydneyi in the connective tissue of recently contains two concentric cells rather than
infected oysters (Anderson et al., 1994b). three. The Marteilioides species of greatest
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 657

concern is Marteilioides chungmuensis, Spot prawn parasite

which causes a nodular appearance (like
multiple tumours) in the gonad of Pacific A parasite in pandalid shrimp (Pandalus
oysters in western Japan and southern platyceros and Pandalus borealis) reported
Korea. Surveys in Gokasho Bay, Japan, in from the west coast of northern North America
1996 and 1997 revealed prevalences in cul- was initially identified as Hematodinium-like
tured female oysters between 18 and 20% (Meyers et al., 1994). However, a few incon-
from autumn to spring, with up to 52% sistent morphological features (massive
infected in July (Imanaka et al., 2001). In plasmodia and binary fission of the tropho-
Gosung Bay, Korea, surveys conducted in zoites, with mitosis unlike that of parasitic
2000 did not detect M. chungmuensis dinoflagellates; Fig. 17.9), antigenic charac-
between February and May and prevalence teristics that were inconsistent with those
peaked at about 16% in December (Ngo of other parasitic dinoflagellates and genetic
et al., 2003). A similar-looking parasite was analysis that consistently grouped this
reported from the ova of black-lip oysters parasite with members of the phylum
(Saccostrea echinata) from Western Austra- Haplosporidia clearly indicated that this
lia and Northern Territory, Australia (Hine lookalike pathogen was not related to the
and Thorne, 2000). Dinoflagellida (Bower and Meyer, 2002). The
M. chungmuensis infects the cytoplasm identity of this shrimp parasite remains
of oocytes (Fig. 17.7D) and can affect large unknown because none of the morphological
areas of the reproductive follicles, causing features found to date can be used to affiliate
irregular enlargement of the infected it with the Haplosporidia.
gonadal tissues (Itoh et al., 2002). This para-
site may cause a significant reduction in the
reproductive output of an infected female
oyster. Also, M. chungmuensis can have a Phylum Annelida
serious economic impact because infected
oysters lose their marketability due to the The cosmopolitan spionid polychaetes
unaesthetic appearance caused by the dis- include several species (most in the genera
ease. Basic biological information pertain- Polydora and Boccardia) that burrow into
ing to the complete life cycle of this the shells of living molluscs. Spionid poly-
parasite, including the route of infection, chaetes are filter feeders and do not derive
early infective and multiplication stages nutrients from their host; however, the bur-
in the oyster and method of transmission, rows that they create in mollusc shells can
remains unknown (Imanaka et al., 2001). be problematic. Due to the overall low eco-
The recent identification of a partial nomic significance of this group of para-
sequence of the SSU rDNA and develop- sites, the taxonomic problems, as indicated
ment of specific molecular diagnostic by Lauckner (1983), will not be reiterated
assays will be used to elucidate the life here. Instead, instances where these poly-
cycle of M. chungmuensis and to determine chaetes have had an impact on commercial
the phylogenetic position of this parasite stocks of molluscs in various parts of the
(Itoh et al., 2003). world will be mentioned.
A related species, Marteilioides In European waters, mortalities and
branchialis, in conjunction with M. sydneyi, loss of market quality of blue mussels were
was associated with significant economic caused by Polydora ciliata (Lauckner,
losses among Sydney rock oysters (Anderson 1983). The burrows excavated by P. ciliata
and Lester, 1992). M. branchialis was differ- in blue mussel shells not only caused
entiated from M. chungmuensis by sporu- unsightly blisters containing compacted
lation in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells, mud but also resulted in significant reduc-
connective tissue cells and occasionally tions in shell strength, thereby increasing
haemocyte accumulations within lesions susceptibility to predation by birds and
on gill lamellae and not in ova. shore crabs (Kent, 1981). Nacreous blisters
658 S.M. Bower

Fig. 17.9. Histological images (A and B) and electron micrographs (C and D) of an unnamed protist with
unknown taxonomic affiliations from Pandalus platyceros in British Columbia, Canada. A. Plasmodium with
numerous nuclei. B. Trophozoites in the process of binary fission showing metaphase (m), late telophase (t)
and one cell in which the nucleus has recently divided (d). C. Trophozoite in late metaphase with an intact
nuclear membrane surrounding condensed chromosomes (c), which are connected by microtubules (mt) to
spindle-pole bodies (s) emerging through the nuclear envelope. D. A higher magnification of C illustrating
the microtubules connecting to the spindle-pole body at a gap in the nuclear membrane. A and B bars =
10 µ m, C bar = 2.5 µm and D bar = 0.5 µm.

produced by blue mussels in response to oysters cultured on the south coast of Brazil
P. ciliata may result in atrophy and detach- and in Baja California, Mexico (Caceres-
ment of the adductor muscle and possibly Martinez et al., 1998).
interference with gamete production when In British Columbia, Canada, stunting
the calcareous ridges occur adjacent to and high mortalities caused by high intensi-
these organs (Lauckner, 1983). ties of P. websteri (burrows too numerous
On the east and south coasts of North and interwoven to count in shells of dead
America, Polydora websteri may cause scallops) have precluded the culture of intro-
unsightly mud blisters in the shell and yel- duced Japanese scallops in a few localities
lowish abscesses in the adductor muscle (Bower, 1990). However, P. websteri only
(when the burrow comes in contact with the occurred in low intensities (fewer than ten
muscle tissue) of eastern oysters (Lauckner, per shell) and had no apparent effect on
1983). Prevalence and intensity vary consid- Pacific oysters and giant rock scallops (Cras-
erably with local ecological conditions, but sedoma giganteum) cultured in the same
there is a general tendency for infection to be localities (S.M. Bower, unpublished data).
more severe on the south and south-east In southern Australia, five species of
coasts. Infection rarely causes mortalities and polydorid polychaetes (Polydora haswelli,
infected oysters can be marketed. However, Polydora hoplura, P. websteri, Boccardia
mud blisters may interfere with shucking chilensis and Boccardia polybranchia) were
and this reduces the commercial value of observed in up to 95% of blue mussels.
oysters to be served on the half-shell. Simi- Although the intensity of infection was gen-
lar conditions caused by unidentified spe- erally low, about 15% of the blue mussels
cies of Polydora were observed in Pacific from two localities had serious shell damage
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 659

attributed to polydora. The most heavily the taxonomy of many larval Bucephalidae
infested blue mussels were from bottom in bivalves remains obscure (Lauckner,
samples (Pregenzer, 1983). Also, spionid 1983). For simplicity, the Bucephalidae will
polychaete infestations along the east coast be considered as a group, with examples of
of Australia caused Sydney rock oyster certain species presented where appropriate.
aquaculture to change from bottom culture
to an intertidal stick-and-tray culture sys- Host range and economic significance
tem (Anderson, 1990; Handley, 1997).
Larval bucephalids infecting commercially
important scallops, oysters and mussels
are possibly the most deleterious metazoan
Phylum Trematoda parasites of marine bivalves (Lauckner,
1983). Examples have been reported from
Numerous species of digenean trematodes various locations: (i) scallops (Pecten alba)
have been described from various shellfish from Bass Strait, Australia, parasitized by
worldwide. In general, the trematodes that Bucephalus sp. (prevalence of 31%) were
cause the greatest economic impact are spe- castrated and had significant adductor mus-
cies in the families Bucephalidae and Fello- cle (only part of this scallop that is marketed)
distomidae that utilize bivalves as primary atrophy (Sanders and Lester, 1981); (ii)
hosts. In such instances, miracidia are infec- Bucephalus longicornutus caused castration
tive to bivalves and the larval trematode life and significant mortalities of infected dredge
stages of sporocyst and development of oyster (O. chilensis (= lutaria)) under labora-
cercariae occur within the tissues of the tory conditions with suspected impact
bivalve. Four cases in which trematodes on wild stocks in New Zealand (Millar,
from other families were reported to cause 1963; Howell, 1967); and (iii) weakness and
pathology are noted. gaping caused by Prosorhynchus squamatus
(Fig. 17.10) in blue mussels from north-
western Europe, Britain, Iceland and the
Family Bucephalidae
White Sea, Russia, reduced product value
during shipping and marketing (Coustau
et al., 1990). In 1997, P. squamatus was
Numerous species of Bucephalidae (suborder encountered for the first time in mussels
Gasterostomata) have been described from from Atlantic Canada and a similar-looking
marine and freshwater fishes and the larval parasite was detected in a few mussels from
forms have been reported from bivalves the Pacific coast of Canada. Surprisingly,
worldwide. However, few experimental life parasitic castration of blue mussels caused
cycle studies have been conducted. Thus, by P. squamatus (Coustau et al., 1993) was

Fig. 17.10. Histological images (A and B) and a wet mount (C) of Prosorhynchus squamatus from Mytilus
edulis in Nova Scotia, Canada (courtesy of S.E. McGladdery). A. Anterior end of sporocyst sectioned
through oral sucker (os) adjacent to digestive-gland tubule (dgt). B. Sporocyst containing cercaria sectioned
through the trilobate tail (tt). C. Cercaria with trilobate tail (tt) and curled furcae (f). All bars = 50 µm.
660 S.M. Bower

once thought to be beneficial for blue mussel Prevention and control

culture, because parasitized blue mussels do
Haplosporidian hyperparasites have been
not spawn and appear to remain in good
described from Bucephalus sp. parasitic
condition during the summer spawning sea-
in eastern oysters (Lauckner, 1983) and from
son. However, consumption of trematode-
B. longicornutus parasitic in dredge oysters
infested molluscs may be hazardous to
(Howell, 1967). Although both hyperparasites
humans, due to accumulation of toxic metab-
are pathogenic for the bucephalids, Howell
olites (butyric and other short-chain fatty
(1967) concluded that ecological conditions
acids) resulting from degeneration of the
as well as the difficulty of collecting large
host’s neutral fats by parasite-secreted
numbers of infective spores precluded the
enzymes (Cheng, 1967; Lauckner, 1983).
effective use of the hyperparasites as biologi-
cal controls.
Coustau et al. (1990) showed that blue
Morphology and life cycle
mussels are more susceptible to P. squamatus
Bucephalids have fairly uniform life-cycle than hybrids of blue mussels and ‘gallo’ mus-
patterns. Sporocysts (Fig. 17.10A) and sels and suggested that it may be possible to
cercariae (Fig. 17.10B, C) occur in bivalves. select for a mussel stock that is resistant to
Metacercariae occur in various parts of the this parasite.
central and peripheral nervous systems or
in internal organs and musculature of teleost
fish, and adults inhabit the alimentary tract
Family Fellodistomidae
of piscivorous fish (Lauckner, 1983). In
bivalves, the large, dichotomously branching
Although numerous species of this family
sporocyst forms a dense interwoven net-
parasitize many marine pelecypods as pri-
work, which infiltrates practically every
mary hosts and secondary hosts world-
organ, especially the gonad. Infection is ter-
wide (Lauckner, 1983; Wolf et al., 1987),
minal following growth into and occlusion
Proctoeces maculatus, which infects blue
of the haemal sinuses and the gradual destruc-
mussels as well as other mollusca, has the
tion and replacement of molluscan tissue by
greatest economic impact. Thus, this section
the sporocyst. Prevalence of infection usually
presents information only on P. maculatus.
increases with bivalve age (Matthews, 1974).
P. maculatus from shellfish and fin fish
Cercariae (Fig. 17.10C), often several hundred
appear in the literature under a variety of
at a time, are forcibly discharged through the
synonyms, and life stages have been
bivalve’s exhalant siphon. Although they are
described from a wide variety of bivalves
not active swimmers, transmission to the
and gastropods (Bray, 1983). Metacercariae
intermediate host is aided by the long, extend-
occur in various mollusca (including species
able and retractile furcae (Matthews, 1974;
of Amphineura, Gastropoda, Cephalopoda
Lauckner, 1983).
and Lamellibranchiata), Polychaeta (Anne-
lida) and Echinoidea (Echinodermata).
Adults have been reported in mollusc-eating
Host–parasite relationships
fishes (mainly labrids and sparids) in tropi-
Bucephalid sporocysts and cercariae cause cal and subtropical areas, as well as in some
castration of infected bivalves, tissue necro- Gastropoda, Lamellibranchiata and Poly-
sis and debilitation, expressed as a signifi- chaeta. However, sporocysts have only been
cant reduction in tolerance of environmental reported from blue mussels, ‘gallo’ mussels,
stress (Lauckner, 1983). Despite the severe and hooked mussels (Ischadium recurvum).
pathology associated with Bucephalus sp. The wide host tolerance, global distribution
infection in eastern oysters, there is usually in tropical and temperate marine waters
little host response to the parasite, but and morphometric variability led Lauckner
massive biochemical alterations have been (1983) to speculate that more than one spe-
observed (Lauckner, 1983). cies of trematode may have been included
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 661

in P. maculatus. Thus, this species (group)

requires further study, using biochemical
and DNA analysis as well as life cycle stud-
ies in the laboratory.
P. maculatus was reported in up to
46% of blue mussels and ‘gallo’ mussels on
both sides of the North Atlantic Ocean
and in the Mediterranean and Black Seas
(Lauckner, 1983). In ‘gallo’ mussels from
the Black Sea, up to 28,000 sporocysts per
mussel, comprising 20% of the biomass of the
soft tissues, were observed (Machkevski,
1985). In Italy, extensive mortalities in cul-
tured mussels were attributed to this para-
site, which was thought to have been
introduced via a depuration plant located Fig. 17.11. Life-cycle alternatives of the Trematoda
nearby (Munford et al., 1981). Proctoeces maculatus. The occurrence of a
In mussels, sporocysts of P. maculatus progenetic cycle (adult stages of P. maculatus in the
heart or kidney of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis))
usually occur in the vascular system of the
eliminates the requirement of a final (definitive) fish
mantle (Lauckner, 1983). Infection causes
host for the completion of the life cycle.
an alteration in haemolymph components,
a sharp decrease in energy stores, a reduc-
tion in growth rate and weakness in respect
of valve closure and attachment to the sub- of shellfish. Some of the more prominent
strate (Mulvey and Feng, 1981; Machkevski, examples are as follows:
1985, 1988). In heavily infected mussels,
1. In the North Sea and adjacent areas,
sporocysts developing in the mantle can
reduced byssal production and impaired
seriously reduce the glycogen content of the
shell cleaning were reported in young blue
tissues and efficiency of the circulatory sys-
mussels infected with metacercariae of the
tem. This results in disturbances to gameto-
bird trematode Himasthla elongata (family
genesis and possibly castration and death
Echinostomatidae) (Lauckner, 1984). Also,
(Mulvey and Feng, 1981; Machkevski and
H. elongata and Renicola roscovita were
Shchepkina, 1985; Feng, 1988). Mussels may
thought to have an impact on European
also serve as a final host for P. maculatus
cockle populations on the German North
(Lauckner, 1983). Progenetic development
Sea coast (Lauckner, 1983).
(Fig. 17.11) represents a mechanism by
2. On the west coast of Sweden, high
which P. maculatus could become estab-
intensities of Cercaria cerastodermae (fam-
lished in new localities as a result of mov-
ily Monorchiidae) in about 20% of the
ing infected stocks. P. maculatus probably
cockles (C. (= Cerastoderma) edule) led to
represents a threat to mussel culture world-
severe tissue damage, impairment of bur-
wide. However, Lauckner (1983) indicated
rowing and eventual mortalities (Jonsson
that the hazard would be minimal due to
and André, 1992).
the supposed narrow range of ecological
3. Several species of gymnophallid
conditions under which P. maculatus is
metacercariae, which occur between the
capable of disseminating.
mantle and shell of various lamellibranchs
on both sides of the North Atlantic Ocean,
are reported to cause soft-tissue pathology,
Other pathogenic Trematoda
induction of pearl formation and shell
deformities (Lauckner, 1983).
In addition to the Bucephalidae and
P. maculatus, several other digenetic As aquaculture operations expand
trematodes have been reported as pathogens and diversify, diseases caused by various
662 S.M. Bower

trematodes will probably be encountered. in the bivalve hosts is minimal, there is con-
However, the requirement of at least two cern that at least some species may
different hosts for completing the life cycle have public health significance as potential
in most species renders these parasites vul- invaders of the human digestive tract. The
nerable to control once the life cycles have species (Echinocephalus pseudouncinatus)
been identified. Aquaculture practices alone in pink abalone (Haliotis corrugata) from
may be sufficient to create an unfavourable California causes blisters and weakens the
environment for the completion of a foot as a holdfast organ in heavily infected
trematode’s life cycle, as illustrated by the specimens (Sindermann, 1990).
reduced prevalence of R. roscovita in 2. An ascaridoid Sulcascaris sulcata is
farmed (4 to 12%) as opposed to natural widespread in warm seas and has a consid-
populations (96 to 100%) of blue mussels erable host range, including scallops and
from the west coast of Sweden (Svärdh and clams (Lauckner, 1983; Sindermann, 1990).
Thulin, 1985). Although S. sulcata is a minor pathogen for its
hosts, significant economic impact occurred
on the east coast of North America where a
Phylum Cestoda haplosporidian hyperparasite (Urosporidium
spisuli) caused the usually white to yellow-
Metacestodes (larval cestodes) have been ish coloured worm to become dark brown.
reported from a wide variety of aquatic The epizootic spread of the hyperparasite in
invertebrates. Among marketed shellfish, S. sulcata parasitizing Atlantic surf clams
metacestode infections are economically (Spisula solidissima) in the mid-1970s
insignificant. Nevertheless, there are a few caused considerable economic concern for
isolated instances of high prevalences and aesthetic reasons (Payne et al., 1980).
intensities of metacestodes in bivalves and 3. Angiostrongylus cantonensis, the
crustacea from various subtropical and rat lungworm that causes human eosino-
tropical areas of the world (Lauckner, 1983; philic meningoencephalitis in parts of Asia,
Sparks, 1985; Sindermann, 1990). Meta- can utilize eastern oysters and quahogs
cestodes of Echeneibothrium spp. were (M. mercenaria) as aberrant intermediate hosts
associated with unusual behaviour of under experimental conditions (Sparks, 1985).
Pacific littleneck clams (P. (= Venerupis) These findings could be significant for some of
staminea) and fringed littleneck clams the Pacific Islands where the rat lungworm
(Protothaca laciniata) in California (Warner occurs and oysters and clams may be eaten
and Katkansky, 1969) and caused histo- raw or poorly cooked (Lauckner, 1983).
pathology and gonad atrophy in Atlantic 4. The ‘codworm’ Phocanema decipiens in
calico scallops (A. gibbus) in North Carolina the North Atlantic has been observed in blue
(Singhas et al., 1993). In most cases, the mussels and softshell clams (M. arenaria),
final hosts of the cestodes are fishes, mainly which may serve as paratenic hosts for this
elasmobranchs. parasite (Lauckner, 1983).

Phylum Nematoda
Phylum Arthropoda
Nematodes are uncommon as parasites of
The pathogenic arthropods all belong to
shellfish (Lauckner, 1983; Sindermann, 1990).
the class Crustacea (subclass Copepoda,
However, the exceptions are all larval stages
mainly in the order Cyclopoida and sub-
and include the following:
class Malacostraca, order Isopoda). Because
1. Various species of the gnathostomid the economic significance of all species is
genus Echinocephalus from oysters, scal- either disputable or confined to small local
lops and abalone from tropical and subtrop- areas, these pathogens are only briefly
ical marine waters. Although the pathology mentioned.
Parasitic Diseases of Shellfish 663

Subclass Copepoda Subclass Malacostraca

The cycloid copepods presumed to cause Members of the family Bopyridae within
the most significant mortalities among the order Isopoda are common parasites of
shellfish belong to the genus Mytilicola. the branchial chamber of many species of
These copepods have a direct life cycle shrimp worldwide. Infected shrimp are
and reside in the intestinal tract of a wide conspicuous due to the protruding lump on
variety of bivalves (Dare, 1982; Gee and the lateral aspect of the carapace of the
Davey, 1986). Prevalence and intensity of cephalothorax caused by the presence of the
Mytilicola intestinalis in mussels in Europe bopyrid (Sparks, 1985). Although the preva-
can be high. For example, in Cornwall, lence of bopyrids is usually low (< 5%), a few
UK, the prevalence in mussels from some instances of high prevalences and associ-
localities only fell below 90% during the ated pathology have been noted. Japanese
early summer months and intensity of red prawns (Penaeopsis akayebi) were
infection often exceeded 30 copepods per frequently infected (up to 70%) with
mussel (Davey, 1989). Several workers con- Epipenaeon japonicus, with associated
cluded that some of the periodic mass mor- gonad reduction or castration in some male
talities in cultured mussels in Europe were prawns (Sindermann, 1990). In the Gulf of
attributable to M. intestinalis (Sparks, 1985; Carpentaria, Australia, the bopyrid Epipe-
Blateau et al., 1990). However, these conclu- naeon ingens infects up to 25% of the
sions: (i) were not substantiated by statistical grooved tiger prawns (Penaeus semisulcatus),
analysis; (ii) were not supported by experi- which it castrates and whose growth and geo-
mental evidence; and (iii) did not rule graphical distribution it alters in comparison
out the possibility that microscopic patho- with those of uninfected prawns (Somers and
gens were responsible for the mortalities Kirkwood, 1991).
(Lauckner, 1983). From the results of a 10-
year study conducted in Cornwall, England,
Davey (1989) concluded that M. intestinalis is
not a harmful parasite. Nevertheless, more
work is required before the pest status of Conclusions
M. intestinalis can be fully appreciated, espe-
cially in respect of its synergistic relations A wide variety of parasites have been identi-
with other pathogens and/or pollutants (Davey fied as causing significant economic losses
and Gee, 1988). in shellfish production worldwide. Many of
A parasitic copepod, Pectenophilus these pathogens have the potential of caus-
ornatus, of unknown taxonomic affinity ing significant losses either in endemic areas
and originally thought to be a species of or if they inadvertently become established
rhizocephalan in the subclass Cirripedia, is in other areas. In the past, transplants of
considered a serious pest of commercial scal- commercial shellfish have been notorious
lop production in Japan (Nagasawa et al., for the accidental introduction of associated
1991). The bright yellowish or orange parasites (Sindermann, 1990, 1993). In order
female (up to 8 mm wide, consisting mainly to avoid future disasters, all movements of
of a brood pouch with no appendages) shellfish must be conducted with caution.
attaches to the gills and feeds on the Equally essential is the acquisition of
haemolymph of commercially valuable information on agents of disease, including
scallops (P. yessoensis and Chlamys spp.). parasites, such that risks associated with
Heavy intensities of infection (greater than impending movements and aquaculture
20 P. ornatus per scallop) have detrimen- practices can be accurately assessed. This
tal effects on the condition of cultured scal- information should also prove useful for
lops and the parasite also reduces market treating or controlling a disease in the event
acceptability (Nagasawa and Nagata, 1992). that an accidental introduction occurs.
664 S.M. Bower


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18 The Immune System of Fish

Willem B. Van Muiswinkel1 and Brenda Vervoorn-Van Der Wal1,2

Biology and Immunology Group, Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences,
Wageningen University, PO Box 338, 6700 AH Wageningen, The Netherlands;
2Dr Martinus Van Der Stoelstraat 14, 2251 RL Voorschoten, The Netherlands

Introduction immunoglobulin (Ig) as well as other mem-

bers of the ‘Ig superfamily’, is observed for
Vertebrates are distinguished from inverte- the first time in this animal group. Classic Ig
brates by an internal skeleton of cartilage or molecules are lacking in the invertebrate
bone. The subphylum Vertebrata includes phyla. This chapter provides a general over-
the jawless fish (Agnatha), such as hagfish view of the defence mechanisms in fish.
and lamprey, the Placodermi, which are the Most data are derived from bony fish, but
earliest group of jawed fish, the cartilagi- some interesting differences with cartilagi-
nous fish (Chondrichthyes), such as sharks nous or jawless fish will be discussed. It is
and rays, the bony fish (Osteichthyes), such known from fossil remains that the earliest
as sturgeon, trout, carp and Tilapia, the fish appeared some 350–400 million years
amphibians, the reptiles, the birds and the ago. This implies that unique specializa-
mammals. Fish are the oldest animal group tions in the defence systems of certain fish
with an immune system showing clear sim- species may have developed over the years.
ilarities with the defence systems of mam-
mals and birds. The defence system is
organized on two levels: (i) an innate (inborn) Innate Defence Mechanisms
defence system; and (ii) an acquired (adap-
tive) defence system. Protection based upon Epithelial barriers
innate immunity has a general character
and does not depend upon recognition of The first line of defence includes structures
distinctive molecular structures of the that form stable physical and/or chemical
invading organisms. Moreover, this compo- barriers against invading microorganisms.
nent of the system can act rapidly (minutes The epithelial surfaces (e.g. skin, gills and
to hours) and is relatively temperature gut) are examples of these barriers. It is of
independent. The acquired component is prime importance for the fish to maintain
characterized by specific antigen recogni- the integrity of its covering epithelia because
tion and memory development. Specific they are important in defence and for
responses usually require between weeks osmoregulation. Hence wound healing is a
and months to build up adequate protec- remarkably rapid process in fish. Normal
tion against pathogens. Moreover, the epithelia are covered by a mucus layer,
appearance of specific receptors, such as which is secreted by goblet cells. The most
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
678 (ed. P.T.K. Woo)
The Immune System of Fish 679

important function of mucus is to prevent C-reactive protein

the attachment of bacteria, fungi, parasites
and viruses to epithelial surfaces. Moreover, In teleost fish, C-reactive protein (CRP) is
mucus also contains antimicrobial activi- a serum component that increases rapidly
ties. The genes for antibacterial peptides, upon exposure to bacterial endotoxins
such as pleurocidin, have been cloned from (Ingram, 1980) or experimental infection
the winter flounder (Pleuronestes americanus with bacterial pathogens (Murai et al., 1990).
Walbaum); the peptide is found in skin and CRP reacts with polysaccharide structures
intestine. The gene is first expressed at at the cell surface of microorganisms. It has
13 days post-hatch, suggesting that this fac- lectin-like properties and can act as an
tor plays an important role in the early life opsonin to enhance phagocytosis or to
of the fish before acquired immunity can activate the complement system after bind-
develop (Douglas et al., 2001). ing to the bacterium Vibrio anguillarum
(Nakanishi et al., 1991). CRP from rainbow
trout (O. mykiss) was isolated and character-
Lectins ized as a 66 kDa glycoprotein that contains
two protein subunits (Murai et al., 1990).
Lectins (or natural agglutinins) in fish can
be detected as natural precipitins or
agglutinins. They are usually cross-linking Interferon
carbohydrate moieties on the surface of
xenogeneic erythrocytes or bacteria. They Interferon (IFN) is a cytokine that is pro-
are probably important in neutralizing duced by many cell types in response to
bacterial components (e.g. exotoxins) or in viral infections. It increases the resistance
immobilizing microorganisms and hence of host cells to different viruses by inducing
will facilitate phagocytosis (Fletcher, 1982). the expression of proteins that inhibit the
Fish lectins are not structurally related to Ig, translation of viral mRNA. IFN in teleosts is
but resemble plant or invertebrate agglutinins. species-specific, e.g. IFN produced by rain-
Fish lectins have been found in coho salmon bow trout does not protect cyprinid cells
(Oncorhynchus kisutch) eggs (Yousif et al., in vitro. In vivo synthesis of IFN during
1995), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) a viral infection peaks after 2–3 days and
serum (Hoover et al., 1998) and mucus of usually precedes the virus-neutralizing effects
ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) (Itami et al., 1993). of circulating antibodies, which appear 1 or
A mannose-binding lectin, isolated from 2 weeks later (De Kinkelin et al., 1977). It is
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) serum, has interesting that type I and type II IFN can be
been shown to opsonize a virulent Aeromonas distinguished in rainbow trout based upon
salmonicida strain and lectin-coated bacte- acid stability (pH 2) and relative temperature
ria can induce macrophages to kill them resistance (60°C) (Secombes, 1991). Today
(Ottinger et al., 1999). IFN activity has been demonstrated in a
number of fish species, e.g. rainbow trout,
Atlantic salmon and halibut (Hippoglossus
Lysozyme hippoglossus L.) (Robertsen, 1999).

This enzyme is found in fish mucus, serum

and eggs (Ellis, 1999) and is able to digest Complement
the peptidoglycan layer of bacterial cell
walls. Lysozyme is produced by macro- The complement system consists of a group
phages and neutrophilic granulocytes of protein and non-protein components that
(Murray and Fletcher, 1976) and is bacteri- are involved in both innate defence mecha-
cidal even for serious pathogens such as nisms and specific adaptive immunity. The
Aeromonas salmonicida and Aeromonas complement system can be activated along
hydrophila (Ellis, 1999). two major routes: (i) the classical pathway,
680 W.B. Van Muiswinkel and B. Vervoorn-Van Der Wal

which is stimulated by antigen-antibody (Finn and Nielsen, 1971). Granulocyte infil-

complexes; and (ii) the alternative pathway, tration appears 12–24 h after injection of
which is started by contact with microbial bacteria or Freund’s complete adjuvant in
cell-wall polysaccharides (lipopolysaccharide rainbow trout. The infiltrating cells (granu-
(LPS), zymosan) and rabbit erythrocytes. In locytes and macrophages) increase in num-
both cases, the activation results in the bers till day 2–4. The macrophages are
opsonization and/or lysis of foreign cells. stimulated to secrete interleukin-1 (IL-1)
Yano (1996) shows that most classes of fishes, and eicosanoids, which attract and activate
including jawless fishes, possess a lytic other leukocytes, including lymphocytes
complement system. Nanoka et al. (1981, (Secombes et al., 1999). These events can
1984) isolated C3 and C5 from rainbow be seen as an example of the interaction
trout plasma. Yano (1996) has shown that between the innate and acquired immune
C1–C9 are present in carp (Cyprinus carpio) systems in fish.
plasma. These studies suggest that all the
mammalian complement factors (C1–C9, B,
D) are present in fish blood and that both Phagocytic cells
pathways operate in fish. Woo (1992) has
shown that the alternative pathway is the Macrophages and neutrophilic granulocytes
protective mechanism against haemo- in fish are the principal phagocytic cells
flagellate parasites (Cryptobia) in naïve fish. (Secombes and Fletcher, 1992; Verburg-Van
The classical pathway turned out to be Kemenade et al., 1994). These cells recognize
important in acquired immunity after evolutionarily conserved epitopes present
survival of parasitic infections or against on microorganisms, using so-called ‘pattern
bacteria, such as V. anguillarum (Boesen recognition receptors’ (PRRs). Different types
et al., 1999). Yano (1996) suggested that the of PRRs have been described for fish, includ-
alternative pathway in fish is more active ing Toll-like receptors (Bricknell and Dalmo,
than in mammals. However, this may also 2005). Upon stimulation through PRRs, these
depend on water temperature (season), age cells phagocytize antigenic material and/or
or condition of the animals. exert cytotoxic activity. The killing of intra-
cellular or extracellular pathogens is based
upon the release of a number of oxygen
Inflammation radical species and nitric oxide (NO) (Cam-
pos-Perez et al., 2000; Saeij et al., 2002).
Inflammation is a local reaction upon tissue Phagocytosis of antigenic material by
damage, e.g. caused by invading micro- macrophages is not only an activity of the
organisms. The initiation of inflammation non-specific innate defence system but is
is highly complex and multifactorial. Many also the initial step in the specific adaptive
soluble factors (clotting system, kinin system, immune response (see Fig. 18.4). As in
complement system) and cells (thrombo- mammals, we are probably dealing with
cytes, granulocytes and macrophages) play subpopulations of mononuclear phagocytes
a role (Secombes, 1996). Characteristics of that differ in function. In this respect, it is
the process include local vasodilatation and interesting to note that macrophages from
an influx of granulocytes and monocytes/ immune fish are more active in phago-
macrophages. The massive influx of cells cytosis than those from control animals.
confers some degree of protection by ‘wall- This is probably due to opsonization of the
ing off’ an infected area from the rest of the antigen by antibodies or to metabolic activa-
body. Histopathological studies in fish pro- tion of the macrophages (Griffin, 1983).
vide evidence for inflammatory responses Sakai (1984) has even suggested that salmonid
in bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoan and macrophages have Fc and C3 receptors on
metazoan parasitic infections (Roberts, their surface facilitating the binding and
1978). Acute inflammation responses in bony subsequent phagocytosis of opsonized
fish are comparable with those in mammals material. Most macrophages from the hind
The Immune System of Fish 681

gut of carp bind purified Ig, which is an indi-

cation for Fc receptors on these cells
(Koumans-Van Diepen et al., 1994). This is
another example of cooperation between the
innate immune system (phagocytes) and the
acquired immune system (Ig molecules).

Non-specific cytotoxic cells

Studies in channel catfish (Ictalurus punc-

tatus) reveal the presence of non-specific
cytotoxic cells (NCC) in these bony fish
(Graves et al., 1984). The monocyte-like NCC Fig. 18.1. The main lymphoid organs in
show a clear in vitro lytic activity against cartilaginous fish (A) and bony fish (B). 1, thymus; 2,
certain transformed mammalian cell lines. head kidney (pronephros); 3, trunk kidney
NCC have been shown in the blood, spleen (mesonephros); 4, spleen; 5, intestine; 6, Leydig
and head kidney of several teleost fishes organ; 7, epigonal organ. (A from Fänge, 1982, and
(Manning, 1994). These cells are the teleost B from Lamers, 1985, slightly modified.)
equivalent of mammalian natural killer (NK)
cells (Evans and Jaso-Friedmann, 1992). They system is well developed in fish. Bone mar-
are probably involved in killing protozoan row, the bursa of Fabricius, Peyer’s patches
parasites and virus-infected cells. and lymph nodes, which are present in birds
and/or mammals, are not found in fish. Most
observations indicate that the spleen of bony
Lymphoid Cells and Organs fish is an erythropoietic and secondary lym-
phoid organ (Van Muiswinkel et al., 1991),
Lymphocytes are cells essential to the whereas the thymus is a primary lymphoid
acquired immune response because they organ, mainly involved in T-cell differen-
express the Ig and T-cell receptor (TCR) tiation (Zapata et al., 1996). The kidney
molecules as antigen-specific recognition (pronephros and mesonephros) is probably
units. Lymphocyte heterogeneity (T- and analogous to mammalian bone marrow
B-cells) in fishes has been demonstrated in (Lamers, 1985; Zapata et al., 1996). There-
hapten-carrier studies (Stolen and Mäkela, fore, it may function as a primary organ
1975), by using monoclonal antibodies (blood-cell formation, B-lymphocyte differ-
(Secombes et al., 1983) and by functional entiation) but also as a secondary organ
tests for cell cooperation (Miller et al., (memory-cell and plasma-cell development).
1987). The main lymphoid organs in carti-
laginous fish (Fig. 18.1A) are the thymus,
Leydig organ, epigonal organ, kidney and Antigen Recognition and Presentation
spleen (Fänge, 1982). There are also indica-
tions for substantial gut-associated tissue in Ig structure
these animals (Tomonaga et al., 1986). Tele-
osts do not have a Leydig organ or epigonal The major Ig in bony fish consists of heavy
tissue. However, the thymus, head kidney (H) chains and light (L) chains and hence is
(pronephros), trunk kidney (mesonephros), similar to that in other vertebrates. The native
spleen and intestine contain high numbers Ig molecule (Fig. 18.2) of fish is usually a
of leucocytes (Fänge, 1982; Rombout et al., tetramer with four structural units (H2L2)4.
1986, 1989a; Fig. 18.1B). Considerable num- It contains 4 × 2 = 8 antigen-binding sites
bers of leucocytes are also found in the skin and has a molecular weight between 600
and gills (Iger and Wendelaar Bonga, 1994), and 900 kDa (Pilström et al., 1998). The
which indicates that a mucosal immune molecule is usually called IgM because of
682 W.B. Van Muiswinkel and B. Vervoorn-Van Der Wal

antigen-binding Fab part of the Ig molecule

is better conserved in evolution than the
so-called constant part of the same molecule.

Ig isotypes

Most authors agree that cartilaginous fishes

(e.g. sharks) have both pentameric and mono-
meric serum Ig (Frommel et al., 1971). In
both Ig types, the H chain corresponds with
the mammalian µ chain. Although low-
molecular-weight Ig has been reported in
teleosts (Lobb and Clem, 1981a), no struc-
tural or functional equivalency to mamma-
lian IgG has been found (Wilson and Warr,
1992). On the other hand, convincing evi-
dence for the existence of IgM isotypes was
found in molecular studies on the C genes
of sharks (Kokubu et al., 1987) and in bio-
chemical studies on the Ig H chains in tele-
osts (Lobb and Olson, 1988). Moreover, the
existence of a separate mucosal Ig (sub)class
in bile and mucus of sheepshead (Archo-
sarchus probatocephalus) (Lobb and Clem,
Fig. 18.2. Schematic representation of secreted
teleost and human IgM. The teleost Ig molecule
1981b) and carp (Rombout et al., 1993) has
(upper left) is composed of equimolar amounts of been described. Interestingly enough, a
heavy (H) and light (L) chains. These are assembled novel chimeric Ig heavy chain sharing simi-
to produce a tetrameric molecule, as opposed to the larities with IgD has been found in channel
pentameric human IgM (upper right). Each catfish (Wilson et al., 1997) and Atlantic
monomer (lower centre) possesses five domain salmon (Hordvik et al., 1999). At least two
heavy chains (VH + CH1–4) and two domain light distinct light-chain types (F and G) were
chains (VL + CL). The brackets and lines depict found in channel catfish. This distinction
potential intradomain and interchain disulphides. was based upon differences in molecular
Numerals refer to positions of cysteine residues.
weight, antigenic structure and peptide
Fab, fraction antigen-binding; Fc, fraction
cristallizable; C-T, C-terminal tailpiece. (From
mapping (Lobb et al., 1984).
Kaattari and Piganelli, 1996, with permission.)

Antibody repertoire
its high molecular weight and polymeric
structure. However, the mammalian IgM is a The mechanism by which antibody diver-
pentamer with five structural units (H2L2)5. sity is generated in mammals is well known
The amino acid sequence of the four constant and involves recombination of various Ig
domains in the H chain (CH) shows 24% gene segments (V, D, J and C) during differ-
homology with the mouse µ chain (Ghaffari entiation from haemopoietic stem cell to B
and Lobb, 1989). Interestingly enough, the lymphocyte (Tonegawa, 1983). Studies in
variable heavy (VH) genes of channel cat- sharks (Heterodontus) show a remarkable
fish (I. punctatus) (Ghaffari and Lobb, 1989) Ig gene organization (Hinds and Litman,
or rainbow trout (O. mykiss) (Matsunaga 1986; Hinds-Frey et al., 1993). In contrast
et al., 1990) show much higher amino acid to mammals, we see high numbers (≥ 200)
sequence identity (45–60%) with mammals of closely linked clusters of V, D, J and C
than the C domain genes. In other words, the segments in genomic DNA of these marine
The Immune System of Fish 683

Fig. 18.3. Schematic presentation of Ig heavy-chain loci in germline DNA of cartilaginous fish, bony fish
and mammals. V, variable gene segment; D, diversity gene segment; J, joining gene segment; C, constant
gene segment. The V, D, J and C gene segments are recombined during B-cell development in bony fish and
mammals. In cartilaginous fish this process has taken place already at the early germ-line stage.

fish (Fig. 18.3). Inter-cluster rearrangements personal communication), suggests the

are not thought to occur during B-cell existence of different and functional TCR–
development, which will limit antibody CD3 complex types in fish.
diversity in these ‘primitive’ fish. In bony
fish, the organization of V, D, J and C seg-
ments is almost identical to that in mam- Major histocompatibility complex
mals (Fig. 18.3). There are at least 150 V,
two or more D, at least six J and a single Cµ Studies in mammals and birds have shown
region (Matsunaga and Törmänen 1990; that the gene products of the major histo-
Ghaffari and Lobb, 1991; Marchalonis et al., compatibility complex (MHC) play a key
1998), which means that there are numer- role in the regulation of the immune response
ous possibilities for recombination during (Klein and Horejsi, 1999). The MHC incor-
B-cell development in bony fish. However, porates a group of closely linked genes,
an Ig class switch (change of H chain) has which show a high degree of polymorphism.
not been observed. This may explain why They code for membrane glycoproteins,
somatic hypermutation and the subsequent which are divided into class I and II. Class I
selection of high-affinity B-cell clones is molecules are present in all nucleated cells,
restricted in bony fish (Du Pasquier, 1982; whereas class II molecules are more or less
Kaattari, 1992). restricted to cells of the immune system, i.e.
lymphocytes and antigen-presenting macro-
phages. These MHC molecules also play an
T-cell receptors important role in the development of the
T-cell repertoire (self-tolerance) and in anti-
We know from molecular studies in mam- gen presentation (Fig. 18.4). In the last
mals that Ig and TCRs are related protein 15 years, an impressive amount of informa-
molecules that are characterized by an tion has became available on class I and
extreme variation in antigen-binding sites class II loci in bony fish. Using the poly-
based upon rearrangements of V, J, C and merase chain reaction, Hashimoto et al.
sometimes D region gene segments in the (1990) were able to demonstrate that the
genome of early B- or T-cells. In mammals, genome of carp contains nucleotide sequences
two antigen-specific TCR types (αβ and γδ) that show considerable homology with
are present. TCR-α and β chain gene MHC class I and II sequences in humans
sequences have been described in teleosts and mice. Subsequently, classical class I
(Partula et al., 1996; Hordvik et al., 1999; and class II genes have been found in
Wilson et al., 1998). The isolation of TCR-γδ zebrafish (Danio rerio) (Bingulac-Popovic
chains in cartilaginous fish (Rast et al., et al., 1997), carp (Stet et al., 1993, 1997),
1995), as well as CD3-like polypeptides in rainbow trout (Hansen et al., 1999), medaka
sturgeons (Acipenser rhutenus) (B.Y. Alabyev, (Oryzias latipes) (Naruse et al., 2000) and
684 W.B. Van Muiswinkel and B. Vervoorn-Van Der Wal

class I and II genes were unlinked in fishes

and this could provide an evolutionary
advantage. The offspring in mammals are
endowed with only four possible MHC
genotypes (haplotypes) per family. Local
populations will usually show only a small
number of MHC haplotypes. This limited
diversity becomes risky when environmen-
tal circumstances change or new diseases
arise. This risk can be counteracted by inves-
ting a relative large amount of resources
Fig. 18.4. Schematic diagram of cell interactions (care, energy) in a relatively small number of
during the humoral response in vertebrates. offspring. Fish, on the other hand, usually
Specialized macrophages (M) are able to trap and have high numbers of offspring, up to thou-
process foreign molecules or particles, i.e. antigen sands or even millions (McLarney, 1987).
(u). These macrophages will present relatively Mortality in fishes can be over 80% in the
small antigenic determinants ( E) associated with
early life history, which can be due to pre-
MHC class II molecules to lymphoid cells.
dation but diseases will probably play a role
Subsequently, specific T-helper cells (Th) are
activated by interaction with the antigenic as well. Fish with unlinked major histo-
determinant and factors secreted by the compatibility (MH) genes have the ability to
macrophages (interleukin-1). The activated Th-cells endow their offspring with high numbers of
stimulate the differentiation and proliferation of genotypes, which will increase the chance
effector cells as B-lymphocytes (B) and cytotoxic that at least some individuals will survive.
T-cells (not shown in this scheme) by secretion of
different factors (e.g. interleukin-2). Depending on
the circumstances, B-cells will develop into The Humoral and Cellular Response
long-lived B memory cells or short-lived plasma
cells. These plasma cells secrete huge amounts of
Cell cooperation
specific antibodies (immunoglobulins), which will
bind or kill invading microorganisms, showing the
corresponding determinant. <, Proliferation; The acquired response in fish shows the
→, interleukins; I, MHC class I molecule expected characteristics of specificity and
(immunoglobulin); II, MHC class II molecule; memory. At the start of the humoral response,
>-, B-cell receptor; V, cell receptor. it takes some time before the first specific
antibodies appear in the circulation. This
lag phase is needed for antigen processing
Atlantic salmon (Grimholt et al., 2002). and cell cooperation between distinct leu-
An important observation in all bony fish cocyte populations (accessory cells, B- and
studied is the fact that – in contrast to the T-cells). Accessory cells (monocytes and
situation in mammals – the class I loci are macrophages) process different antigens
not linked to class II loci, but are found on and present the processed antigenic deter-
different linkage groups. In other words, a minants in association with MHC class II
classical MHC does not exist in fish. Several molecules to lymphocytes (Fig. 18.4). We
suggestions have been made to explain the know from mammalian studies that the TCR
absence of linkage between these class I and on the cell membrane of a T-helper (Th) cell
class II genes (Kuroda et al., 2002). For is important for the recognition of the anti-
example, duplication of parts of a chromo- genic determinant. Also, other molecules,
some bearing the MHC could have taken such as CD3 and CD4, are essential as
place, followed by translocation and subse- co-receptors. Activated macrophages secrete
quent loss of certain loci, or class II loci IL-1, which is essential for the induction of
were translocated from a prototype MHC to the response by activating Th cells. Th cells
other chromosomes in the ancestor of fish. regulate the proliferation and differentia-
Stet et al. (2003) suggested that the classical tion of B-cells into antibody-secreting
The Immune System of Fish 685

plasma cells by producing IL-2 and other tetraploidization event, which occurred
interleukins (Fig. 18.4). Most of these B, Th independently in the two species during
and accessory cell functions have been veri- evolution.
fied by using monoclonal antibodies and
functional in vitro tests for channel catfish
(Miller et al., 1985; 1987) or carp (Caspi Cytokine receptors
and Avtalion, 1984; Grondel and Harmsen,
1984). In addition to the IL-1β sequences, the IL-1
receptors type I (Holland et al., 2000) and
type II (Sangrador-Vegas et al., 2000) were
Cytokines published for rainbow trout. Elegant three-
dimensional models of IL-1β and IL-1
Surprisingly, the apparently old and con- receptor type I from rainbow trout and sea
served cytokine system exhibits low degrees bass were predicted by comparison with
of homology among vertebrate species those available from humans and mice
when its ligands are compared at the level (Scapigliati et al., 2004; Fig. 18.5). The mul-
of amino acid sequences (approximately tiple forms of IL-1β and the presence of both
30% homology between the human and types of receptors indicate that the com-
teleost forms of IL-1β). On the other hand, plexity of the IL-1 system in teleost fish is
the secondary and tertiary structure of the similar to that in mammals.
IL-1 molecule appears to be quite conserved.
Secombes et al. (1998) have shown that the
trout IL-1 sequence can be superimposed on Cytokine function
the human crystal structure for IL-1β. It would
appear that, in an evolutionary context, A biological role for carp IL-1β is strongly
the conservation of the three-dimensional supported by the observation of a transient
structure is more important for cytokine in vivo expression of this interleukin during
function than its primary sequence. In recent days 1–4 of Trypanoplasma borelli infec-
years, a variety of cytokine sequences have tion (Saeij et al., 2003b). Functional aspects
been elucidated for several fish species. of TNF-α action in fish were demonstrated
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and some CC using human recombinant TNF-α in rain-
and CXC chemokines have been cloned bow trout macrophages (Knight et al., 1998)
from a number of fish species (Secombes and assaying for hepatocyte serum amyloid
et al., 1999; Laing and Secombes, 2004).
Several isoforms of the anti-inflammatory
cytokine transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β)
have been described for fish and isoforms of
the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and
tumour necrosis factor-β (TNF-β) sequences
have been published (Secombes et al.,
1999). The first teleost sequence for IL-1β
was published for rainbow trout by Zou
et al. (1999), followed by the IL-1β sequence
for common carp (Fujiki et al., 2000), sea
bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) (Scapigliati
et al., 2001) and gilthead sea bream (Sparus
aurata) (Pelegrin et al., 2001). For both rain-
Fig. 18.5. Molecular complex of rainbow trout
bow trout (Pleguezuelos et al., 2000) and interleukin-1β (IL-1) and IL receptor type I (IL-1R).
carp (Engelsma et al., 2001; Huising et al., The interaction of IL-1 with its receptor has been
2004), a second IL-1β sequence was found. simulated on the basis of the experimental structure
An explanation for the existence of two of the human IL-1β–IL-1R complex. (From
related but distinct forms may be the Scapigliati et al., 2004, with permission.)
686 W.B. Van Muiswinkel and B. Vervoorn-Van Der Wal

A expression (Jørgensen et al., 2000). TNF-α rainbow trout (12–17°C) need 14–15 days
sequences have been published for Japanese for the same response (Chiller et al., 1969).
flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) (Hirono Recent studies in European eel (Anguilla
et al., 2000), rainbow trout (Laing et al., 2001) anguilla L.) (Esteve-Gassent et al., 2003)
and carp (Saeij et al., 2003a). While most kept at 26°C have shown that the antibody
teleost cytokine sequences are available, response to Vibrio vulnificus in mucus is
functional information on cytokines in faster (peak days 3–4) than in serum (peak
neuroendocrine communication in teleosts day 7 or later). The graph shown in Fig. 18.6
is still limited. IL-1β is the best-studied tele- is a theoretical presentation of the humoral
ost cytokine and it has considerable impor- serum response of cyprinid fish to SRBC at
tance and potency in the communication 20°C. The first Ab producing plasma cells
between the neuroendocrine system and appear in the spleen and kidney around
the immune system (see section on Stress). 1 week after immunization, followed by a
peak in the second week. Circulating Ab-
titres peak later, due to the relatively long
Humoral immunity half-life of the Ig molecule (Harrell et al.,
1975). After a second contact with the same
The kinetics of the humoral response in bony antigen, the lag phase is shorter and the
fish have been studied in detail (Sailendri response is accelerated. Moreover, higher
and Muthukkaruppan, 1975; Rijkers, 1982; numbers of plasma cells or titres are reached.
Kaattari and Piganelli, 1996). It is important However, an Ig isotype switch is not
to realize that, following immunization, the observed and the increase in antibody affin-
length of the lag phase, exponential phase ity is limited when compared with that in
and decay phase may be influenced by sev- mammals (Arkoosh and Kaattari, 1991;
eral factors, such as water temperature, type Kaattari, 1992).
of antigen, antigen dose, route of applica-
tion, age and species involved (see also
sections on memory, vaccination and tem- Cellular immunity
perature). Injection of an optimal dose of
sheep red blood cells (SRBC) into carp Cellular immunity in fish has been studied
(24°C) evokes peak numbers of antibody in vitro using mixed leukocyte reactions
(Ab)-forming cells in spleen and kidney (MLR), cytokine production and stimulation
after 9–10 days (Rijkers et al., 1980a), but of DNA synthesis by T-cell mitogens or

Fig. 18.6. A schematic representation of the primary and secondary humoral response in bony fish (from
Lamers, 1985, with permission).
The Immune System of Fish 687

antigens (Kaastrup et al., 1988; Secombes, (Verlhac et al., 1990). It was demonstrated
1991). In vivo studies include delayed-type that the response of primed leucocytes to
hypersensitivity reactions and graft rejec- autologous trinitro phenol TNP-modified
tion (Rijkers, 1980; Manning and Nakanishi, target cells was considerably greater than
1996). The in vivo kinetics of specific cellu- against allogeneic TNP-modified cells, sug-
lar responses has been extensively studied gesting that MHC restriction was involved.
by following the fate of transplanted scales In mammals, cytotoxic T-cells recognize anti-
or skin (Perey et al., 1968; Borysenko gen in association with self (MHC class I)
and Hildemann, 1970; Rijkers and Van surface molecules.
Muiswinkel, 1977). The cellular reactions
that occur at the grafting site are essentially
the same as in mammals. The graft-invading Immunological Memory
host cells are lymphocytes and macrophages.
Jawless and cartilaginous fishes reject first-set An important feature of the immune system
grafts in a chronic way (median survival time is the capacity to develop immunological
(MST) of the graft ≥ 30 days). The more memory. A first contact with an antigen
advanced bony fishes show an acute type of usually induces relatively short-lived effector
rejection (MST ≤ 20 days). Second-set grafts cells (activated Th, plasma cells or cytotoxic
are rejected more rapidly than first-set T-cells). There are also long-lived memory
grafts (Fig. 18.7). Specific cytotoxicity has cells among the progeny of the original
also been shown in in vitro approaches by non-primed lymphocytes. These memory
using modified autologous cells as targets cells retain the capacity to be stimulated by

Fig. 18.7. Survival times of scale and skin allografts in different groups of fish. Dark columns: first-set
grafts; grey columns: second-set grafts. (From Manning and Nakanishi, 1996, with permission.)
688 W.B. Van Muiswinkel and B. Vervoorn-Van Der Wal

the antigen (Fig. 18.4). The development of mammals and teleosts have been found. One
immunological memory is often examined distinction that can be made is that the ratio
indirectly by monitoring the secondary between the secondary and the primary
response. In the case of positive memory, response is much higher in mammals than
this response will be faster and more vigor- in teleosts (which can be expressed as the
ous than the primary response (Figs 18.4 and ‘memory factor’ (MF)). The MF in mice
18.6). The height of the secondary response injected with Salmonella flagellar antigen
is dependent on the amount and antigenicity was, for example, 100 (Nossal et al., 1965),
of the priming antigen. A relatively low whereas in carp injected with A. hydrophila
priming dose is usually optimal for memory the maximum MF was 6.1 (Lamers et al.,
development in carp (Rijkers et al., 1980b; 1985).
Lamers et al., 1985). In carp, the ratio between During the secondary response the
secondary and primary antibody responses dominant Ig isotype in mammals is IgG. It is
never reached the high levels of that in not surprising that IgG is absent in fish,
mammals (5–20-fold in carp and up to 100- since teleosts possess only the IgM isotype.
fold in mammals). Immunological memory Isotype switching is triggered in mammals
has also been demonstrated in both vaccine- during the secondary response, in contrast
challenged and infected–recovered brook to teleosts, where this phenomenon has not
charr (Salvelinus fontinalis). Ardelli and been demonstrated. A temperature depend-
Woo (1997) described rapid increases in ence of the secondary response in carp has
complement-fixing antibody titres after chal- been observed (Rijkers et al., 1980a). In
lenge with Cryptobia salmositica. The para- mammals, this is not the case as endotherms
sites were lysed when they were incubated are not dependent on the environmental
with immune S. fontinalis plasma and com- temperature. In teleosts, B-cell immunolog-
plement, which confirms that complement- ical memory is probably due to an increase
fixing antibodies can play an important role in the antigen-sensitive precursor pool with-
in protection. The existence of immunolog- out any of the accompanying characteristics
ical memory in rainbow trout has been observed in mammals (such as a switch in
demonstrated in vitro as well (Marsden isotype). In mammals, there is an increase
et al., 1995). Separated T- and B-cells from in both the precursor pools and clone sizes
rainbow trout that were injected previously after initial antigen priming (Kaattari, 1992;
with A. salmonicida (the causative agent of Fig. 18.8). Affinity maturation and somatic
furunculosis in salmonids), appeared to mutation have not been found in rainbow
proliferate in response to various antigen trout (Arkoosh and Kaattari, 1991). However,
preparations of A. salmonicida. All primed Fiebig et al. (1977) showed that, although
cell populations demonstrated enhanced minor increases in the absolute affinity of
responses to these antigens in vitro. This the carp Ig occurred during an immune
indicates the existence of T- and B-cell response, the functional affinity increased
memory in vaccinated individuals. Elegant logarithmically. This means that only a minor
studies in rainbow trout also showed binding-site affinity increase is required to
that the B precursor cell frequency in fish generate major functional affinity increases.
immunized with the hapten-carrier TNP- Somatic mutation is involved in affinity
keyhole limpet haemocyanin increased about maturation in mammals. Some affinity mat-
15-fold (Arkoosh and Kaattari, 1991). The uration takes place in teleosts, and this indi-
same authors also showed that there was no cates that somatic mutation may occur in
evidence for antibody affinity maturation teleosts as well. It is interesting to note that,
during the primary or secondary response at least in sharks, evidence for the occur-
against this T-dependent antigen. This would rence of somatic mutation has been found
indicate that memory in fish is probably (Hinds-Frey et al., 1993).
due to an expansion of the antigen-specific If it is known where antigen is pro-
precursor cell pool (Fig. 18.8). Several dif- cessed and presented, then perhaps the
ferences between the secondary responses of location of memory formation in the organs
The Immune System of Fish 689

Fig. 18.8. The development of memory B-cell populations in teleost fish (rainbow trout) and mammals
(rat). Note the difference in size of the memory pool between the trout and the rat. B∗, memory B cell;
B, B cell; P, plasma cell; Ag, antigen. (Slightly modified after Kaattari, 1992.)
690 W.B. Van Muiswinkel and B. Vervoorn-Van Der Wal

can be identified. An antigen-localization can occasionally be seen, especially after

study was carried out in carp, using immunization (Secombes et al., 1982).
A. hydrophila as an antigen (Lamers and De Large clusters of Ig+ cells (probably B-cells)
Haas, 1985). The presence of the antigen in were observed in Atlantic salmon 3 months
the lymphoid organs was examined up to after vaccination and were associated with
12 months after injection. The antigen was MMC (McL. Press et al., 1994). These obser-
at first present in splenic ellipsoids and in vations support the idea that B memory-cell
solitary phagocytic cells in the spleen, head development could take place near or in the
and trunk kidney. Two weeks later, the MMC of fish.
antigen was gradually more concentrated
in or near the melano-macrophage centres
(MMC) in the spleen (Fig. 18.9), head and Vaccination
trunk kidney. After 1 month, the antigen
was detected attached to cells in and General aspects
around the MMC, where it remained for at
least a year. It has been suggested that the Fish farming has grown significantly during
MMC could be the location for the immune the last 30 years. Fish like trout, Tilapia and
response and/or formation of immunologi- salmon are often kept at high population
cal memory (Secombes et al., 1982; Van densities. This increases the risk of dramatic
Muiswinkel et al., 1991). Analogies have disease outbreaks. Although antibiotics can
been drawn between the MMC of teleosts be used for the treatment of bacterial dis-
and the germinal centres of mammals (Agius, eases, this also has some drawbacks. Repeated
1980). The MMC consists of groups of dark use can induce drug resistance in micro-
pigment-containing cells, which are present organisms or suppress the immune system of
at the bifurcation of large blood vessels or fish (Rijkers et al., 1980c). Moreover, harm-
near the ellipsoids. Reticular cell and macro- ful residues may be present in the fish sold
phage populations were found among the for human consumption. Hence, it is not
MMC of the spleen (and in the head kidney) surprising that there is an increasing inter-
and within the peri-ellipsoidal macrophage est in protecting fish by vaccination. There
sheaths of the spleen as well (McL. Press are several reviews or books on fish vacci-
et al., 1994). Aggregations of lymphoid cells nation (Lamers, 1985; Ellis, 1988; Gudding

Fig. 18.9. Section of a melano-macrophage centre (MMC) in the spleen of adult rosy barb (Barbus
conchonius). The dark staining (left) is characteristic for the pigment-containing macrophages in the MMC.
The Immune System of Fish 691

et al., 1997). In addition to the usual vac- encapsulation of vaccines is needed to pre-
cination method by injection, new proce- vent digestion in the first part of the gut and
dures for bath or immersion methods have to ensure that the essential antigenic deter-
been developed. These impose less stress on minants reach the second gut segment in
fish and are almost as effective as injection. a non-degraded and immunostimulatory
form (Joosten et al., 1995). This approach
Oral vaccines should allow the development of new and
effective oral vaccines in the future.
Oral vaccination usually evokes only mini-
mal immune responses in the host. It is not
easy to explain this phenomenon. Stroband DNA technology
and Van Der Veen (1981) showed that the
intestine in almost all fish is divided into In recent years, various vectors have been
three different segments. The first or proxi- used to produce large quantities of antigens
mal segment is involved in the digestion by recombinant DNA technology. In aqua-
and absorption of lipids and proteins. The culture, research on recombinant vaccines
second segment contains epithelial cells has focused mainly on viral vaccines,
with pinocytotic activity and the third seg- because traditional production of viruses
ment or end-gut probably plays a role in in cell culture systems is relatively expen-
osmoregulation (Fig. 18.10). In a study by sive. Glycoproteins of viruses causing viral
Rombout and Van Den Berg (1989), it was haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) and infec-
shown that the second gut segment is tious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN) in
important for antigen transport and antigen rainbow trout elicit protective antibodies
processing by macrophages. Numerous (Lorenzen and Olesen, 1997). Genetic
lymphoid cells are also present in this gut immunization using naked DNA is the most
segment (Rombout et al., 1989a). These recent approach in vaccine development.
cells probably play a role in local (mucosal) Intramuscular injection of plasmid DNA
responses. Repeated oral administration of containing genes encoding glycoproteins or
bacterial antigen resulted in antibodies in nucleocaspid protein in rainbow trout pro-
skin mucus and bile, but not in serum tected against challenge by VHS and IHN
(Rombout et al., 1989b). It is expected that (Lorenzen et al., 2002).

Fig. 18.10. Uptake of horseradish peroxidase by epithelial cells in the second intestinal segment of
20-day-old grasscarp larva (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.). Note that the enzyme activity is absent in the
first (left) and third (right) segment of the gut. The circle in the lumen is an empty Artemia salina eggshell,
which was part of the food used. (Courtesy H.W.J. Stroband.)
692 W.B. Van Muiswinkel and B. Vervoorn-Van Der Wal

Environmental Effects synthesis and release of antibody could take

place at low temperatures (≤ 12°C) if fish
Temperature were kept at high temperatures (25°C) dur-
ing the early phase of the response. It was
In cold-blooded animals such as fish, the suggested that antigen processing and sub-
metabolic activity is directly influenced by sequent cooperation between macrophages,
the ambient water temperature. The effects Th- and B-cells is a temperature-sensitive
of temperature on antibody synthesis have event, which lasts 3–4 days in these warm-
been known for a long time (Bisset, 1948). water fish. The temperature sensitivity of
The summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) T-cells was confirmed by Miller and Clem
needs water temperatures above 18°C for (1984), who showed that low temperatures
an effective Ab response against parasitic inhibited the generation of putative carrier-
haemoflagellates (Sypek and Burreson, 1983). specific memory Th-cells from virgin Th-cells.
The relationship between temperature and Cytokine production in rainbow trout is
the humoral response in carp is shown in also inhibited at non-permissive temperatures.
Fig. 18.11 (Rijkers et al., 1980a). This rela- Again, it is the T-cell that is the temperature-
tionship matches the effect of temperature sensitive cell, the macrophage function
on allograft survival in goldfish (Carassius itself remaining intact at low temperatures
auratus) (Hildemann and Cooper, 1963). when suitably stimulated with macrophage-
Avtalion (1981) studied the effects of tem- activating factor (MAF) (Hardie et al., 1995).
perature on antibody production in carp It is possible that innate immunity may
and Tilapia against bovine serum albumin compensate for the loss of acquired immu-
and hapten-carriers. They showed that nity at lower temperatures. For example,
low temperatures inhibiting the mitogenic
effect of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) on carp
T-cells were found to enhance NCC activity
(Le Morvan-Rocher et al., 1995). Recent work
on rainbow trout (Nikoskelainen et al., 2004)
showed that innate immunity (respiratory
burst activity, lytic activity of total and
alternative complement pathways) was still
working but responding at a lower level in
animals acclimatized to lower temperatures
(5–10°C). The normal function of fish lym-
phocytes at different temperatures is highly
dependent on homoviscous adaptation of
membrane lipids (Abruzzini et al., 1982).
It is likely that the fatty acid composition
(unsaturated versus saturated) determines
the fluidity and permeability of membranes,
as well as the activity of membrane-associated
receptors and enzymes. Sheldon and Blazer
(1991), working with channel catfish at
optimal (28°C) and suboptimal (19°C)
temperatures, observed a positive correla-
tion between the bactericidal activity of
macrophages and the level of highly unsat-
Fig. 18.11. The relationship between the water urated fatty acids in the diet. This opens
temperature and the speed (peak day) of the new perspectives for the improvement
humoral response in carp (from Rijkers et al., of disease resistance of fish at lower
1980a, with permission). temperatures.
The Immune System of Fish 693

Stress proliferation is decreased after injection

with cortisol (Espelid et al., 1996) and in
It is obvious that several human activities vitro antibody responses are impaired after
affect fish welfare, e.g. commercial and sports cortisol administration (Carlson et al., 1993).
fisheries, aquaculture, ornamental fish keep- Reports on the effects of stress or cortisol on
ing and scientific research. Tissue damage, respiratory burst and phagocytosis are con-
physical exhaustion and severe oxygen defi- flicting, but may reflect differences between
cit can occur during handling or capture. species as well as differences in methodolo-
Moreover, pain and stress can be expected gies. Receptors for glucocorticoids were
when a fish is killed. It is inevitable that demonstrated in salmon and carp leuko-
fish are exposed to stress induced by aqua- cytes (Maule and Schreck, 1990; Weyts,
culture practices such as crowding, trans- 1998). In carp a differential effect of cortisol
port, handling and impaired water quality. was demonstrated on lymphocytes and
In fishes, as in mammals, the stress response neutrophilic granulocytes under in vitro
comprises activation of the sympathetic ner- conditions. Activated B-cells harvested
vous system, as well as of the hypothalamus– from the blood are easily triggered to enter
pituitary–interrenal (HPI) axis; the interrenal cortisol-induced apoptosis (Weyts, 1998).
tissue in the head kidney of fish contains Moreover, compared with B-cells from head
the equivalents (cortisol-producing cells and kidney and spleen, circulating B-cells are
chromaffin cells) of the mammalian adrenals most affected by cortisol (Verburg-Van
(Wendelaar Bonga, 1997). In response to Kemenade et al., 1999). In contrast to the
hypothalamic release of corticotrophin- sensitivity of B-cells to apoptosis signals,
releasing hormone (CRH) and thyrotrophin- carp neutrophilic granulocytes are rescued
releasing hormone (TRH), the pituitary from apoptosis by cortisol (Weyts, 1998),
enhances synthesis of Pro-opiomelanocortin demonstrating dual actions of gluco-
POMC and release of its cleavage products. corticoids in fish. Not surprisingly, there
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) is a are indications that not only mammalian
potent stimulator of cortisol production by but also fish leukocytes produce HPI-axis
the interrenal steroid-producing cells. Cortisol hormones. Ottaviani et al. (1998) demon-
has both glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid strated in goldfish the presence of immuno-
actions in fish (the type of response to reactive CRH in the thymus. Channel catfish
cortisol is receptor-dependent). leukocytes (Peripheral blood leucocytes
(PBL); B- and T-cell lines) secrete ACTH
(Arnold and Rice, 2000), both constitutive
Endocrine-immune interactions and CRH-driven. Thus, although research in
this field is only starting, we anticipate
As the head kidney combines glucocorticoid that ‘stress hormones’ in fish are produced
and catecholamine production with impor- by leukocytes to allow for bidirectional
tant immune features, e.g. lymphopoiesis communication between the neuroendocrine
and antibody production, the potential for system and the immune system (Fig. 18.12).
paracrine modulation of immune responses
by stress hormones is indicated. Effects of
cortisol on the immune system of fish are Genetic Aspects and Disease Resistance
generally similar to those in mammals.
Numerous studies suggest that prolonged The identification of genes involved in
stress causes lymphocyte depletion in the regulation of defence mechanisms is
peripheral blood and lymphoid organs important for understanding and perhaps
(Zapata et al., 1992). Circulating lympho- improving disease resistance in fish. Stud-
cyte populations decrease in number while ies with several mammalian species have
neutrophilic granulocytes remain constant shown that the products of the MHC genes
or increase (Ellsaesser and Clem, 1986; play a key role in the regulation of the
Ainsworth et al ., 1991). Lymphocyte immune response (Klein and Horejsi, 1999).
694 W.B. Van Muiswinkel and B. Vervoorn-Van Der Wal

Fig. 18.12. Interaction between the stress response and the immune response in fish. During the stress
response, neuropeptides, including corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) and thyrotrophin-releasing
hormone (TRH), control the release of pituitary hormones involved in the regulation of cortisol (ACTH,
adrenocorticotrophic hormone; MSH, melanophore-stimulating hormone). The head kidney of fish
contains equivalents (e.g. cortisol-producing interrenal cells) of the mammalian adrenal. High levels of
cortisol may affect the expression of cytokine genes in cells of the immune system. Cytokines (e.g. IL-1,
interleukin-1; IL-6, interleukin-6; TNF, tumour necrosis factor) play an important role in the regulation
of the immune response, but are also known to interact with the hypothalamus–pituitary–interrenal (HPI)-axis.
Administration of IL-1 in experimental fish can activate CRH neurons and stimulates the release of CRH,
illustrating immune–neuroendocrine interaction (J. Metz, G. Flik and S.E. Wendelaar Bonga, personal

Moreover, an association has been estab- and MH gene polymorphism in Atlantic

lished between certain MHC alleles and the salmon. These observations underline the
susceptibility for specific diseases in birds importance of genetic variation in a popula-
and mammals (De Vries et al., 1979; tion of fish.
Svejgaard et al., 1982). The increasing
knowledge of the MHC in fish will certainly
be important for our ideas about regulation Conclusions
of the immune response in fish (see also the
section on antigen recognition and presen- During the last 20–30 years, considerable
tation). Several examples of genetic differ- progress has been made in describing and
ences in disease resistance in fish have been understanding the immune system of fish.
described (Chevassus and Dorson, 1990; Antigenic stimulation in fish evokes res-
Houghton et al., 1991; Wiegertjes et al., ponses that are comparable to those in
1993), but well-defined genetic markers are warm-blooded vertebrates. An effective
still scarce. In a study with captive-bred chi- innate immune system is present and
nook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), it acquired immune responses show the
was shown that outbred and/or heterozy- expected characteristics of specificity and
gous (MHC genes) animals were usually memory. However, an isotype switch or
more resistant to V. anguillarum, IHN virus affinity maturation in Ig is usually absent.
and the parasite that causes whirling dis- There are clear influences of environmental
ease than inbred or homozygous fish (Arkush factors, such as temperature and stress
et al., 2002). Only a few studies have conditions. Our knowledge of the immune
addressed the functional aspects of MHC system of fish can be used for evaluation of
molecules in fish. Grimholt et al. (2003) the health status of fish under different
showed a significant association between conditions, but can also be used for vacci-
resistance to disease (infectious salmon nation and breeding for disease resistance
anaemia virus (ISAV) and A. salmonicida) in aquaculture.
The Immune System of Fish 695


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19 Immunocompetent Cells and Their
Mediators in Fin Fish

Bernadette F. Ardelli1 and Patrick T.K. Woo2

of Parasitology, Macdonald Campus, McGill University, 21,111 Lakeshore
Road, Ste Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, Canada H9X 3V9; 2Axelrod Institute of
Ichthyology and Department of Integrative Biology, College of Biological Science,
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1

Introduction identified based on their morphological and

functional characteristics, as well as by
Much progress has been made in recent their receptors (Miller et al., 1998).
years, particularly in the identification of
cytokines and chemokines; however, the
immune system of fin fish is still not as well Cells of the Immune System
characterized as that of more recently evolved
vertebrates, such as mammals. Although the Mononuclear cells
chapter will focus on teleosts and cartilagi-
nous fishes, much of what is discussed Monocytes
will be done with reference to the more
well-defined immune system of mammals. Monocytes are found mainly in the blood,
The immune system has two basic com- and in small numbers in lymph nodes, the
ponents that respond to foreign antigens: spleen, bone marrow and connective tissue
(i) the humoral response, involving produc- in higher vertebrates. These cells migrate
tion of immunoglobulins (antibodies) by from the blood when they receive the appro-
plasma cells; and (ii) the cell-mediated priate stimuli and enter tissues. They are
response, mediated by T-lymphocytes. In generally regarded as immature until they
addition, there are also cell populations leave the circulation, enter the tissue and
responsible for non-specific and specific develop into mature, phagocytic macro-
immune defences and they include lym- phages. Monocytes are much larger than
phocytes, monocytes/macrophages, granu- lymphocytes, and in mammals they are
locytes and thrombocytes. The lymphocytes described as having large ovoid or horse-
are classified as immunoglobulin positive shaped nuclei that occupy half of the cell.
B-cells and immunoglobulin-negative T-cells. True monocytes (Figs 19.1 and 19.2, M)
Other cell types include mast cells, non- have been described from a few species of
specific cytotoxic cells and dendritic cells. fishes. Generally, most studies do not dif-
In addition, the tissues of the spleen and ferentiate between the monocyte and the
kidney of fish also contain a distinct popu- phagocytic macrophage. Monocytes have
lation of cells, known as melanomacrophages. been clearly demonstrated in plaice
All of the cell types described are generally (Hippoglossoides platessoides) and, although
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
702 (ed. P.T.K. Woo)
Immunocompetent Cells and Their Mediators in Fin Fish 703

numerous vesicles of different sizes with a

few lysosomes (Zuasti and Ferrer, 1989).
Similarly, carp (Cyprinus carpio) cells with
monocyte/macrophage morphology contained
abundant organelles, with varying-size gran-
ules and occasional phagolysosomes (Bielek,
1988). The cytochemical features of the
monocyte–macrophage have been described
in sea bream. The lysosomes of macrophages
are not acid-phosphatase-positive. In another
study of sea bream, a monocyte–macrophage
cell with acid and alkaline phosphatase and
peroxidase has been described (Meseguer
et al., 1994).


Fig. 19.1. Blood smear from an Atlantic salmon Until recently, macrophages have been con-
(Salmo salar) stained with Wright–Giemsa stain – sidered to be the primary cell type serving
monocyte (M) and neutrophil (N); bar = 10 µm, as an antigen-presenting cell. In mammals,
magnification × 1000 (original – courtesy of mononuclear phagocytes originate in the
A. Chin). bone marrow, circulate for a short time in
the blood as monocytes and then move into
tissues, where they develop into macro-
phages. Tissue macrophages (fixed or wan-
dering) are derived primarily from blood
monocytes, but they may also form by pro-
liferation in the tissues as well. When in
other tissues, macrophages are often called
alveolar phagocytes (lungs), microglia (cen-
tral nervous system), reticular cells (bone
marrow and lymphoid organs) or Kupffer
cells (liver).
In mammals, macrophages have a
unique surface glycoprotein, known as F4/80
(160 kDa) (Hirsch et al., 1981). They are larger
than B- or T-cells and are characterized by a
large number of lysosomes. Mammalian
macrophages also have receptors for class II
Fig. 19.2. Blood smear from an Atlantic salmon major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
(Salmo salar) stained with Wright–Giemsa stain – antigens, FcRs, complement (C3b) and
lympocyte (L), monocyte (M) and round-form lymphokines. In contrast to T-cells, macro-
thrombocyte (T); bar = 10 µm, magnification × 1000
phages do not possess specific antigen
(original – courtesy of A. Chin).
receptors but they bind, ingest and degrade
virtually any type of antigenic material.
They produce some of the major components
scarce, are found in the blood and kidney. of complement, interferons, prostaglandins
They are morphologically similar to mamma- and cytokines, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1)
lian monocytes and are capable of phago- (see later section). In the nurse shark
cytosis. The monocytes of gilthead sea (Nebrius ferrugineus), the neutrophil, not the
bream (Sparus auratus) are large cells with an macrophage, carries the receptor for Fc
indented nucleus. The cytoplasm contained (McKinney and Flajnik, 1997). The FCR falls
704 B.F. Ardelli and P.T.K. Woo

into two general classifications – those the classical hematopoietic pathway. Three
involved in effector functions and those that distinct macrophage subpopulations were
transport immunoglobulin (Ig). The FCRs that identified from a goldfish cell line that
mediate phagocytosis in human macrophages appeared to develop from differentiation of
are classified as FcγRI, FcγRIIA and FcγRIII monocyte-type cells and from direct differ-
(Ravetch, 1997). FCRs exist for every anti- entiation in the absence of a monocyte-like
body class: FcγRs bind IgG, FcαRs bind IgA, stage. The mature macrophage-like cells
FcεRs bind IgE, FcµRs bind IgM and FcδRs could proliferate and distinct macrophage
bind IgD (Fridman et al., 1991). The FcεRI subpopulations, designated R1, R2 and R3,
receptor was cloned from carp and was with distinct functions were identified
expressed in leucocytes (Fujiki et al., 2000b). (Neumann et al., 2000). The R1-type macro-
In channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), nat- phages contained acid phosphatase, but not
ural killer (NK)-like cells express a putative myeloperoxidase or non-specific esterase. The
FcµR receptor for IgM. R2-type cell had a morphological resemblance
Macrophages in fish are typically to mature mammalian tissue macrophages,
found in connective and other tissues and and contained acid phosphatase, myeloper-
are not normally seen as circulating leuko- oxidase and non-specific esterase. The
cytes. Similarly to mammals, macrophages R3-type macrophage, described as a round
of fish are capable of phagocytosis and are cell, had an eccentrically placed nucleus,
important scavengers of necrotic tissue. which closely resembled mammalian macro-
Kupffer cells have been identified in the liver phages. These subpopulations of macrophages
of polka-dot catfish (Pimelodus masculatus) also exhibited distinct functional responses.
and are described as being attached by After activation with macrophage activa-
desmosomes to the endothelial cells lining tion factors (MAF) and/or bacterial LPS, the
the sinusoids (Ferri and Sesso, 1981). Macro- R2-type macrophages produced nitric oxide,
phages are also in the gastrointestinal tract of while R3 produced little or no nitric oxide. A
catfish, and they have been suggested to be new class of low-molecular-weight, cysteine-
the primary mediators of intestinal mucosal rich, regulatory growth factors, designated
immunity (Herbert et al., 2002). In carp, granulins, was characterized from carp
macrophages and neutrophilic granulocytes (C. carpio) and goldfish (Carassius auratus)
produced an IL-1-like molecule, with (Belcourt et al., 1995). This growth factor was
T-cell-proliferating potency. It shares struc- localized, using immunocytochemistry, to
tural similarity with mammalian IL-1 macrophages/monocytes.
(Verburg-van Kemenade et al., 1995).
The response of goldfish macrophages
Melano-macrophage centres
to various pathogens has been well studied.
The biochemical events that lead to In addition to phagocytic macrophages
induced nitric oxide production by teleost fishes also have aggregates of macrophages,
macrophages are similar to those of mam- more commonly called melano-macrophage
mals. For example, cultured goldfish macro- centres (MMCs) (Agius and Roberts, 2003).
phages produce nitric oxide in response to MMCs are localized accumulations of macro-
macrophage-activating factors, secreted by phages that contain haemosiderin, lipofuschin
mitogen-stimulated leukocytes, or bacterial and ceroid, as well as melanin-staining pig-
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (Neumann et al., ments. These structures have also been
1995). Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) described from other poikilotherms, such
appears to be a functional enzyme in goldfish as reptiles (i.e. turtles) and amphibians
macrophages, as there is increased iNOS (Christiansen et al., 1996). The MMCs are
expression post-stimulation with bacteria generally found in the spleen, kidney and
LPS (Laing et al., 1996). An interesting study liver, but have been found in other locations,
by Barreda et al. (2000) suggested that, particularly during inflammation. The size
unlike mammals, fish macrophages develop and location of these centres vary with the
through alternative pathways rather than species of fish. They are considered good
Immunocompetent Cells and Their Mediators in Fin Fish 705

indicators of fish health because the size, The origin of thrombocytes in fish is
number and pigmentation vary depending not known but it is generally accepted that
on the health of the fish (Gogal et al., 1999). they are produced in the spleen. Similarly
Granulin-1 isolated from carp has immuno- to mammals, thrombocytes of fish are
reactivity in the MMCs of the spleen and involved in clotting and are also capable of
head kidney (Belcourt et al., 1995). Excessive phagocytosis. Very few studies have been
copper storage in the liver of white perch conducted to characterize platelets mor-
(Morone americana) has been associated phologically (Figs 19.2 and 19.3, T). In one
with enlarged MMCs (Bunton et al., 1987). study, the thrombocytes of S. auratus were
In the turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), Ig+ described as having numerous vacuoles and
cells are mainly associated with MMCs in abundant glycogen in the cytoplasm (Zuasti
the spleen and kidney (Fournier-Betz et al., and Ferrer, 1989). The platelet-derived growth
2000). In tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) factor receptor and colony-stimulating factor
injected intraperitoneally with azathioprine, receptor 1 gene were cloned from the
an anti-neoplastic drug and therapeutic pufferfish, Fugu rubripes (Williams et al.,
immunosuppressant, MMCs were larger 2002), and the platelet-derived growth fac-
and in greater abundance in fish given a tor-α gene was cloned from the zebrafish
high dose compared with controls (Gogal (Danio rerio) (Liu, L. et al., 2002).
et al., 1999). In flounder (Platichthys flesus)
exposed to pollutants for 3 years, MMCs in
the liver were in much higher densities in Granulocytic cells
exposed fish compared with the controls
(Vethaak et al., 1996), while guppies (Poecilia Granulocytes are leukocytes that are charac-
reticulatus) aged 1 year or older showed terized by the presence of cytoplasmic gran-
marked accumulation of melanin in MCCs of ules. This group is subdivided into three
the kidney, and the amount present increased types in mammals, based on the nature of
with age (Woodhead et al., 1983). the granules present: (i) basophils, contain-
ing basophilic granules; (ii) eosinophils,
Thrombocytes (platelets)
Platelets in the blood of fish may be small
cytoplasmic fragments with diameters less
than half that of a red blood cell. In mam-
mals, they are derived from large megakar-
yocytes in the bone marrow and possess
small granules, surface receptors (FcRs) for
IgG and IgE and class I MHC antigens. Plate-
lets are not only important for blood clotting
(as producers of thromboplastin), but they are
also critically involved in hypersensitivity
reactions and the inflammatory process. This
cell type releases permeability-increasing sub-
stances, such as histamine, following aggre-
gation and degranulation. Platelets can be
induced to aggregate and degranulate by
platelet-activating factor, immune com-
plexes and complement components (C3a
and C5a). Platelet-activating factor is pro- Fig. 19.3. Blood smear from an Atlantic salmon
duced by a variety of cells, for example, (Salmo salar) stained with Wright–Giemsa stain –
basophils and mast cells, following interaction lymphocyte (L) and spindle-form thrombocyte (T);
with allergens or immune complexes and bar = 10 µm, magnification × 1000 (original –
complement factors. courtesy of A. Chin).
706 B.F. Ardelli and P.T.K. Woo

having eosinophilic granules; and (iii) neutro- The neutrophils of fish vary in size
phils, which lack specific granules. In mam- (8–15 µm in diameter) and are round to oval,
mals they develop in the bone marrow, but and the shape of the nucleus is variable. The
development in fish is variable. Granulo- cytoplasm ranges in colour (in Romanowsky
poiesis in cartilaginous fishes occurs in the stain) from whitish to whitish grey. Trout
spleen and lymphomyeloid tissues (epigonal appear to be the only species that have the typ-
organ and organ of Leydig), while the spleen ical polymorphonuclear nucleus (Fig. 19.1, N),
and kidney are the granulopoietic organs in which in other species ranges from round to
bony fishes. In some elasmobranchs, granulo- lobed. The granules of fish neutrophils also
poiesis aggregates are found in the central ner- vary in size, shape, colour and chemical com-
vous system. Human eosinophils, basophils position. Fish neutrophils have phagocytic
and mast cells share a number of recruitment ability and appear similar to those of mam-
pathways with one another and with other mals in that chemotaxis, adherence, ingestion
cell types. However, each also possesses or engulfment and then destruction of the
unique adhesion and migration responses, foreign microorganism occur (Sepulcre
which may contribute to their preferential et al., 2002). In the head kidney of gilthead
accumulation. The behaviour of these cell sea bream, S. auratus, neutrophils are the most
types is not identical, however. All three are abundant cell type. In this fish, the most
linked to allergic reactions and yet their local- distinguishing characteristic of the neutro-
ization within a given tissue can be distinct. phil is an eccentric and slightly segmented
nucleus and cytoplasm containing numer-
ous homogeneously dense granules (Zuasti
and Ferrer, 1989). The cytoplasmic granules
The granular cytoplasm in neutrophils does are positive for alkaline phosphatase and
not stain well with either acidic or basic dyes peroxidase, but are acid-phosphatase-negative
at neutral pH. In mammals, mature neutro- (Meseguer et al., 1994).
phils are characterized by distinct lobed
nuclei and are commonly referred to as
polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs). The
percentage of circulating neutrophils in fish Eosinophils contain an abundance of highly
is generally smaller than in mammals (60%), basic proteins within their granules, which
because they tend to have larger numbers of confer their affinity for acid dyes (Gleich
circulating lymphocytes. The PMNs in mam- and Loegering, 1984). In mammals, these
mals are derived from pluripotent stem cells, cells are characterized by bilobed nuclei,
as are the other blood cells, but in fish the abundant ribosomes and mitochondria, and
head kidney is the major haemopoietic they account for 3–5% of the leukocyte pop-
organ. The main function of neutrophils is ulation. However, certain allergic conditions
phagocytosis of foreign, aberrant or dead and some parasitic infections cause a dra-
cells, as well as pinocytosis of immune com- matic increase in the number of eosinophils
plexes. In mammals, neutrophils also exhibit (Butterworth and David, 1981). These cells,
antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxic- like neutrophils, have phagocytic abilities,
ity (ADCC) and are capable of rapid activation and engulf and remove immune complexes
and mobilization in response to chemotactic (Bodammer, 1986). However, it is generally
stimuli, such as bacterial products or activated accepted that the major function of eosino-
components of complement (C5a). Once acti- phils is secretion of their granular contents
vated, a variety of receptors (Fc, C3b, C3d in response to parasitic infections. Mamma-
and C5a) is displayed. During the early lian eosinophils possess FcRs and can
stages of inflammation, as a result of mediate ADCC and respond to chemotactic
infection and/or immune complexes, neu- factors released by T-cells. As indicated
trophils are the most prominent cell type at later, basophils and mast cells secrete hista-
the inflammatory site and bind, ingest or mine, which is a mediator of type I hyper-
lyse the foreign target (Miller et al., 1998). sensitivity reactions, and eosinophils
Immunocompetent Cells and Their Mediators in Fin Fish 707

release histaminase to inactivate the histamine involved in the inflammatory process (Bielek
(McEwen, 1992). et al., 1999). The granules of basophils in carp
Eosinophils in fishes are involved in are larger than those of eosinophils and they
immunity against parasitic infection. Eosino- have a lamellar structure (Khamidov and
phils adhere to parasites to kill them, neutral- Nishanbaev, 1975).
ize secreted parasite products and attract Mammalian mast cells originate from
leukocytes to the infected area. In S. auratus, distinct bone-marrow haematopoetic progen-
eosinophils in the head kidney have lobed itors, which circulate before entering tissues,
nuclei with two types of granules in the where they subsequently differentiate into
cytoplasm (Zuasti and Ferrer, 1989). The mature mast cells (Saito et al., 1996;
eosinophils of gilthead sea bream (S. auratus) Denburg, 1999). The granules of mammalian
are alkaline phosphatase- and peroxidase- mast cells contain histamine as well as
positive at pH 11.0. Eosinophils have also glycosaminoglycan and proteins. These cells
been described from the peripheral blood of are activated by local tissue damage and
the nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) degranulate to release histamine, which
(Hyder et al., 1983). Eosinophils of carp causes dilatation and increased permeability
(C. carpio) have an increased polarization of small blood vessels. This ‘degranulation’
response when exposed to extracts of the manifests itself as redness and oedema. In
tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi addition to histamine, mast cells also release
(Nie and Hoole, 2000). heparin, proteases and chemotactic factors
(Daffern et al., 1995). Once activated, they
also produce secondary mediators, such as
Basophils and mast cells
prostaglandins, blood platelet-activating fac-
Basophils comprise less than 1% of white tor, leukotrienes and cytokines (Saito et al.,
blood cells. Both blood basophils and their 1996). Histamine is important in anaphylactic
tissue counterparts, mast cells, possess hypersensitivity reactions (type I hypersensi-
prominent, randomly distributed, basophilic tivity). Once a type I reaction develops, IgE is
(because of their affinity for the dark aniline produced and mast cells become sensitized
dyes) granules. These granules contain through binding of the immunoglobulin to the
eosinophil chemotactic factors and pharma- specific receptors on mast cells (Columbo
cological mediators of type I hypersensitiv- et al., 1992). Secondary exposure to the
ity. They release their contents when antigen leads to binding between antigen
stimulated by allergens and cross-link these and immunoglobulin, leading to the
molecules, which have become attached to degranulation process.
the basophil through high-affinity FcRs. Mast cells are generally quite similar
Mammalian basophils also possess FcRs for to basophils in morphology, expressed
IgG and receptors for the complement com- receptors and function. The presence of
ponents C3a, C3b and C5a, suggesting a true mast cells in fish has been questioned
capability to exhibit ADCC, phagocytosis by several investigators. Mast cells in fish
and chemotaxis (Denburg, 1999). are often referred to as ‘eosinophilic granular
Basophils are scarce in the head kidney cells’ (ESGs). Some ESGs found in the gills,
of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), and skin and alimentary canals of fishes have
they have similar characteristics to those from been considered analogous to mast cells, in
other species (Meseguer et al., 1990). Simi- terms of structure and function (Hollan
larly, basophils are also scarce in gilthead sea and Rowley, 1988; Vallejo and Ellis, 1989).
bream, S. auratus (Zuasti and Ferrer, 1989). However, in one study, no histamine was
In experimental peritoneal inflammation found in ESGs, although they did contain
induced in goldfish (C. auratus), the most aryl sulphatase B and peroxidase activity,
striking feature in the head kidney during particularly in granules. These cells had
inflammation was a severe depletion of phagocytic activity (Sire and Vermier, 1995).
cells with basophilic granules. It was sug- ESGs have been described from the connec-
gested that the head kidney of goldfish is tive tissues in the gut, gills, pseudobranch,
708 B.F. Ardelli and P.T.K. Woo

nares and heart of teleosts. Similarly to damage, immature dendritic cells capture
eosinophils, basophils and mast cells of fish antigen and subsequently migrate to the
are important against parasitic infections in lymphoid organs, where they select rare
the intestine, gills and skin. Eosinophils antigen-specific T-cells, thereby initiating
appear to have opposing functions – they immune responses (Banchereau et al., 2000).
are the main effector cells of parasitic infec- Dendritic cells present antigen to CD4+
tions and, yet they modulate type I hyper- T-helper cells, which in turn regulate the
sensitivity reactions (Kay, 1985). The brains immune effectors, including antigen-specific
of several teleost fishes were examined by CD8+ cytotoxic T-cells and B-cells, as well
using light, fluorescence and electron micro- as non-antigen-specific macrophages, eosino-
scopy. Of 56 fish examined, mast cells were phils and NK cells (Lambrecht et al., 1998).
detected in only four of the cases. The mast Mammalian dendritic cells are found
cells were concentrated in the meninges of in non-lymphoid and lymphoid organs and
one pike (Esox lucius) and in the meninges tissues, as well as in blood and lymph. Non-
and in blood vessels of the hypothalamus of lymphoid dendritic cells include Langerhans
two trout (Salmo trutta fario). In the hypo- cells (in epidermis) and interstitial den-
thalamus of the carp (C. carpio), an infiltra- dritic cells (in heart, lungs, liver, kidney
tion of mast cells was detectable in the and gastrointestinal tract) (Steinman, 1991).
meninges and in blood vessels and capillaries The function of non-lymphoid dendritic
between neuronal and glial fibres and sub- cells is to capture antigen and carry it to the
and intra-ependymally. In contrast to what regional lymph nodes. As mammalian non-
was observed in the pike, the granules of mast lymphoid dendritic cells enter the blood and
cells in the carp changed, suggesting that those lymph, they change morphologically and
in carp released their contents. Junctions become ‘veiled’ cells (Banchereau et al., 2000).
between the mast cells and capillary walls or These lymphoid dendritic cells are
ependymal cells are characterized by struc- interdigitating and follicular cells. The
tures indicating an enhanced cytopempsis interdigitating cells are in T-cell-rich regions
(Weiss, 1979). of the lymphatic organs, where they interact
with T-cells to form large multicellular
aggregates, which are thought to enhance
Dendritic cells
antigen–MHC presentation to T-cells. Lymph
Information on structural and functional follicles are rich in B-cells and, similarly to
aspects of follicular dendritic cells is mostly interdigitating cells, the follicular cells are
based on studies in mammals, particularly thought to trap antigen, thus facilitating B-cell
human and rodent species. In birds, follicular activation. Follicular dendritic cells express
dendritic cells are present and functional. high levels of membrane receptors for anti-
However, it is difficult to state if follicular body and complement (Szakal et al., 1989).
dendritic cells exist in lower vertebrates. A Follicular dendritic cells have not been
dendritic cell is a type of antigen-presenting demonstrated in fish; however, there are
cell (APC) that has long membrane pro- indications that interdigitating cells are pres-
cesses, reminiscent of the dendrites of ent in the thymus of sea bass. Organs contain-
nerve cells. Dendritic cells are unique APCs ing lymphoid cells in fish are in the spleen
because they are the only ones able to and kidney, but the degree of organization
induce primary immune responses, thus of lymphoid tissue varies between species.
permitting establishment of immunological Trapping of heterologous immune comple-
memory (Hart, 1997). After ‘capturing’ anti- xes or heat-aggregated antigen was observed
gen in tissues, these cells migrate to lymphoid in the spleen and pronephros of carp
organs and present antigen to lymphocytes. (C. carpio) and plaice (Pleuronectes platessa).
Dendritic cell progenitors in the bone marrow In the spleen, immune complexes were
give rise to circulating precursors, which trapped by cells with dendritic extensions
reside as immature cells in tissues and have in areas described as ellipsoids. Although it
high phagocytic capacity. Following tissue was shown that trapping required antibody,
Immunocompetent Cells and Their Mediators in Fin Fish 709

it was not clear how the immune complexes lines, the existence of T-, B- and NK cells
were trapped. The significance of immune- have been confirmed in fish. In mammals,
complex trapping in fish is not clear, but, T-lymphocytes are formed in the bone mar-
analogously to higher vertebrates, it may have row, migrate to the thymus and then undergo
a role in the establishment of the secondary differentiation, division and development into
antibody response (Gudding et al., 1999). mature antigen-reactive T-cells. The mature
Members of the Ikaros multigene family T-cells in mammals migrate to secondary lym-
of zinc finger proteins are expressed in a phoid organs, such as the spleen, lymph
tissue-specific manner and most are critical nodes and mucosal-associated lymphoid tis-
determinants in the development of both B- sue (MALT). MALT includes the intestinal
and T-lymphocytes, as well as NK cells and villi, tonsils, the appendix and Peyer’s
dendritic cells. Studies conducted in the patches.
clearnose skate (Raja eglanteria) demon- A thymus gland also exists in all classes
strate specific expression patterns for two of of fishes except the Agnatha (e.g. hagfishes,
the Ikaros genes (Haire et al., 2000). The lamprey). In contrast to mammals, fish lack
expression pattern was similar to that bone marrow and lymph nodes, and the head
observed in mammals. kidney functions as the major lymphoid
organ, with the thymus, spleen and MALT
functioning as secondary organs. After mat-
Lymphoid cells uration in the thymus, lymphocytes in fish
migrate to the spleen. Fish T-cells are still
Lymphocytes occur in large numbers in the indirectly defined as Ig-negative lympho-
lymph of the thoracic duct in mammals. cytes because definitive surface markers
Similarly, lymphocytes in fish are numerous have not been identified. Ig-negative lym-
in lymph, particularly in lymph of the neu- phocytes respond in mixed leukocyte cul-
ral lymphatic duct. A lymphatic system has tures (Scapigliati et al., 2002), proliferate
been described for most teleosts, although in specifically to autologously processed and
some fishes the presence of a true lymphatic presented antigen (Jansson et al., 2003),
system has been challenged (Vogel, 1985). provide helper function for in vitro antibody
Lymphocytes are ovoid cells and, responses and produce interleukin-like factors
depending on the species of fish, they range upon activation (Secombes et al., 2001).
in size (8 to 12 µm in diameter). As in mam- Recent identification of teleost T-cell recep-
mals, fish have T-cells and B-cells and they tor alpha and beta genes has now permitted
are morphologically indistinguishable using the unequivocal genetic demonstration that
light microscopy. However, both classes of some of these Ig− cells are bona fide T-cells
lymphocytes have characteristically large (Miller et al., 1998).
nuclei, which fill almost the entire cell (Figs The B-lymphocytes are derived from
9.2 and 9.3, L). Lymphocytes are mobile cells the bursa of Fabricius in birds and the bone
and they circulate throughout the body. In marrow in mammals. In fish, these cells are
mammals, approximately 20–30% of circulat- formed in the kidney. As in higher verte-
ing lymphocytes are antigen-reactive B-cells, brates, B-lymphocytes can be distinguished
65–75% are T-cells and fewer than 5% are by their surface immunoglobulin and they
null cells. In contrast, fish have 12 × 103 secrete antibody in response to antigenic
lymphocytes/mm3, while mammals have a stimuli. B-cells are directly defined by mono-
much lower number, at about 2 × 103 lympho- clonal antibodies to teleost Ig and identifi-
cytes/mm3 (Ellis, 1986). The lymphocytes cation of Ig heavy (H) and light (L) chain
of S. auratus have different sizes, with genes. As in mammals, fish B-cells show Ig
small microvilli on the cell surface and H-chain gene rearrangements and allelic
scanty cytoplasm (Zuasti and Ferrer, 1989). exclusion, produce both membrane-bound
With the use of immunological assays, and secreted forms of Ig and transduce
cell separation techniques and the devel- intracellular proliferative signals upon
opment of distinct clonal leukocyte cell anti-Ig cross-linking. It has also been found
710 B.F. Ardelli and P.T.K. Woo

that some fish B-cells express a unique a receptor for the Fc portion of immunoglob-
chimeric Ig chain with sequence homology ulin molecules, as well as class II MHC
to mammalian Ig (Wilson and Warr, 1992). (Accolla et al., 1991). In mammals, pre-
Both classes of lymphocyte recognize, B-cells are recognized by diffuse H chains
bind and interact with antigens via unique of immunoglobulins (IgM class). As these B-
antigen receptors on their membrane sur- cells differentiate and develop into mature
faces. A single lymphocyte or a clone of iden- antigen-reactive cells, they begin to express
tical lymphocytes possesses monospecific membrane-bound monomeric IgM at the
receptors that essentially bind a single cell surface. Later, immunoglobulins of other
type of antigenic determinant (an epitope) classes (i.e. IgG, IgD, IgE, IgA) may also
(Townsend and Bodmer, 1989; Kantor, 1991). reside on cell membranes (Tonegawa, 1983).

B-lymphocytes Plasma cells

In mammals, subpopulations of B- Plasma cells are scattered throughout the
lymphocytes have been identified. B-1 splenic white pulp in fish. These cells are
cells can be distinguished from B-2 cells fully differentiated antibody-synthesizing
because they express CD5, are capable of B-lymphocytes. Mammalian plasma cells
self-replenishing, have a specific tissue dis- possess a unique cell antigen not found on
tribution (i.e. abundant in peritoneal and their B-cell precursor; however, unlike B-cells,
pleural cavity) and produce autoantibodies they do not have MHC antigens or surface
(Kantor, 1991; Herzenberg et al., 1996). The immunoglobulin receptors. In mammals, the
CD antigens are cell-membrane molecules antibody secreted by a single plasma cell (or
used to differentiate human leukocyte specific clone) may change, that is, the class
subpopulations. The CD antigens are identi- gene in the cell may undergo rearrangements
fied based on the reaction of lymphocytes to express a new H chain isotype without
with monoclonal antibodies. Monoclonal altering the specificity of the antibody
antibodies that identify the same membrane (Tonegawa, 1983). However, the antigen-
molecule are grouped into a common cluster binding specificity is identical to that of the
of differentiation (CD). B-1 cells form a receptor expressed by the original B-cell.
minor population of the total splenic B-cell It is not clear if this phenomenon occurs in
pool, are absent from lymph nodes and fish (see later section). The plasma cell of
have distinct physiological properties from S. auratus is described as having a well-
those of conventional B (B-2) cells. The developed granular ectoplasmic reticulum
bone marrow does not reconstitute B-1 cells, (Zuasti and Ferrer, 1989). Channel catfish
whereas either fetal liver (presumably precur- B-lymphocytes proliferate in response to
sors) or B-1 cells from the peritoneum (mature membrane IgM cross-linking. Similarly to
cells) can reconstitute them. B-1 cells are what happens in mammals, there is a rapid
thought to be major contributors of IgM in the increase in intracellular calcium levels
serum and IL-5 receptor (IL-5R) expression is early in the activation process. The B-cell
found on B-1 cells that reside in the perito- does not exhibit such changes with LPS, a
neum (Hitoshi et al., 1990). mammalian B-cell mitogen (van Ginkel et al.,
The membrane antigen of the B-cell is 1994). However, there was a rapid induction
immunoglobulin, a serum glycoprotein that of protein phosphorylation on activation.
is composed of two H and two L chains. In mammals, the clones of memory
B-cells are marked by copies of the same cells produced during the first exposure to
immunoglobulin molecule, which serves as antigen, which display the same antigen
an antigen receptor and subsequently deter- recognition specificity as their lymphocyte
mines the specificity of antibodies secreted precursors, can develop into a second wave
by plasma cells. B-cells also express of plasma cells and memory cells upon sub-
other non-immunoglobulin cell surface sequent encounter with the same antigen.
markers, including a complement receptor, This second wave of plasma cells is
Immunocompetent Cells and Their Mediators in Fin Fish 711

responsible for the more rapid and intense based on their cell-surface antigens. A recent
response to the previously encountered study isolated and identified all four TCR
foreign antigen. The identification of a (α, β, γ, δ) genes in the Japanese flounder
subpopulation of memory cells in fish is a (Paralichthys olivaceus), providing unequi-
matter of some dispute. Generally, height- vocal evidence that T-cells exist in teleosts
ened secondary antibody responses are (Nam et al., 2003).
used as the most indicative measure of B-cell T-lymphocytes participate in both
memory. Characteristics of fish memory humoral and cell-mediated immune res-
generation include increased antibody titres ponses. In mammals, helper (TH) and
(Miller and Clem, 1984a; Arkoosh and Kaat- suppressor (TS) T-cells contribute to the
tari, 1991), accelerated antibody responses regulation of humoral immunity, while
(Arkoosh and Kaattari, 1991) and increased cytotoxic (TC) T-cells and T-cell mediators of
sensitivity to antigen (Arkoosh and Kaattari, delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) (TD) are
1991). However, the processes of isotype involved in cell-mediated immunity. These
switching and affinity maturation do not specific cell-mediated immune responses
appear to occur to the same degree as in are mediated by two fundamentally differ-
mammals. Most studies suggest that a fish ent effector T-lymphocyte subsets, which
memory B-cell is not a physiologically dis- are discriminated on the basis of the cluster
tinct cell. Studies suggest that increased anti- designation (CD) antigens they display. In
body response is not only due to increased mammals, mature T-cells leave the thymus
antibody secretions, but also to an increase in and they express either CD2, CD3, CD4 or
the antigen-sensitive precursor pool (Rijker CD2, CD3, CD8 phenotypes (Van Ewijk,
et al., 1980; Arkoosh and Kaattari, 1991). 1991). However, a very small number of cells
express neither CD4 nor CD8. T-cells that dis-
play CD8 surface markers recognize and
react specifically with antigen on target
In mammals, T-lymphocytes are formed in cells, causing their lysis, and are referred to
the bone marrow and then migrate to the as cytotoxic T-cells (TC). A second type of
thymus to differentiate, divide and become T lymphocyte, referred to as a TD (DTH) cell, is
mature antigen-reactive cells. Fish have a phenotypically CD4 and secretes lymphokines
well-developed thymus and can elicit (e.g. IL-1) when stimulated by antigen. TD cells
cell-mediated immunity, which involves differ from TC cells in that they do not
thymus-derived (T) lymphocytes. T-cells specifically kill (i.e. lyse) other cells, but
recognize antigens only on the surface of instead recruit cells, such as macrophages,
other cells that express cell-surface antigens and control their activity. Both TC cells and
encoded by MHC. They can be further sub- TD cells show a memory response and are
divided based on their effector functions, as regulated by TH (CD4) and TS (CD8) cell pop-
either cytotoxic or helper cells. Unlike B-cells, ulations. Most T-cell populations express
which express and secrete immunoglobulins, either CD4 or CD8 cell antigens and are thus
T-cells express a specific membrane-bound MHC-restricted. However, there are a few
receptor called the T-cell receptor (TCR). T-cell populations that do not express CD4 or
The TCR is a member of the immunoglobulin CD8 and are thus not MHC-restricted.
superfamily and is a disulphide-linked In fish, a cell-mediated immune res-
glycoprotein heterodimer, which in mam- ponse has been demonstrated in vitro using a
mals is expressed in association with CD3 mixed leukocyte reaction (Stuge et al., 1997),
(Ashwell and Klusner, 1990). Once mature, cytokine production and cell proliferation
T-cells migrate to secondary lymphoid organs induced by mammalian T-cell mitogens
and are responsible for expression of cellular (conconavalin A, phytohaemagglutinin) or
immunity. T-lymphocytes (in mammals) are antigens. In vivo studies have demonstrated
divided into different subclasses of regula- graft rejection and DTH reactions (Nakanishi
tors (TH cells and TS cells) and effectors (TD and Ototake, 1999). Also, antibody responses
cells and TC cells), which are differentiated to T-dependent antigens in fish require
712 B.F. Ardelli and P.T.K. Woo

APC/T-cell/B-cell collaboration, which occurs As mentioned previously, some unique

in an MHC-restricted fashion (Townsend populations of TC lymphocytes may not be
and Bodmer, 1989). T-like lymphocytes in MHC-restricted. These cells lyse a broad
fish do not have surface immunoglobulin, spectrum of tumour cells bearing different
but respond to the mitogen conconavalin A MHC antigens. In these cases, a tumour
(a mammalian T-cell mitogen). In a mixed antigen is recognized by clone-specific TC
leukocyte response, they proliferate with cells using the TCR; however, association
monocytes and accessory cells and they with MHC is not required for lysis. Also,
display MHC restriction. Monoclonal anti- these non-MHC-restricted cytotoxic T-cell
bodies that recognize antigenic determinants populations do not express CD4 or CD8
expressed by T-cells allowed lymphocyte differentiation antigens.
subpopulations involved in allograft rejec- The generation of TD cells provides a
tion of muscle transplants to be identified second antigen-specific cell-mediated mecha-
in D. labrax (Abelli et al., 1999). A study by nism of resisting infection that is distinct
Partula et al. (1995) isolated complemen- from direct cytolysis by TC cells. TD cells are
tary DNA (cDNA) clones from rainbow trout involved in host defence against intracellular
(Onchorhynchus mykiss) that have sequen- pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi
ces very similar to amphibian, avian and and protozoa. DTH responses may also
mammalian TCR-β chains. Putative TCR-α occur whenever the body encounters
and TCR-β cDNAs were cloned from Atlantic histoincompatible cells or self-cells that
cod (Gadus morhua). A monoclonal antibody, have been altered/transformed such that
DL15, that is specific for thymocytes and they are recognized as foreign. TD cells are
peripheral T-cells of sea bass (D. labrax) capable of recruiting leukocytes from vari-
was used to purify immunoreactive cells ous parts of the body to a site that they
from blood and gut-associated lymphoid have recognized as non-self, and help
tissue. Using reverse-transcriptase PCR defend the host by secreting lymphokines.
(RT-PCR), a cDNA was amplified from DL15- The relative ability of TD cells to protect the
purified cells from gut-assoicated lymphoid body is mainly due to their capacity to pro-
tissue that had a high similarity to the TCR duce and release lymphokines. Lymphokines
constant region, suggesting that these cells can recruit, activate and regulate non-specific
are T-lymphocytes (Scapigliati et al., 2000). effector cells that have the potential to com-
The lymphocyte subpopulations involved bat infectious agents. T-lymphocytes (CD4
in allograft rejection of muscle transplants phenotype) that are active in DTH reac-
in D. labrax were studied. Immuno- tions are quite different from cytotoxic
histochemical studies showed a high den- T-cells (CD8) involved in lytic reactions
sity of lymphocytes in these allografts, and because they recruit potential killers, such
the results indicated that they were pre- as macrophages, and control their activity
dominantly T-cells (Abelli et al., 1999). (Townsend and Bodmer, 1989).
In mammals, cytotoxic T-lymphocytes
display antigen specificity and are usually
Natural killer cells
detectable in the body only after multiplica-
tion and following antigen exposure. Exten- Human NK cells are bone-marrow-derived
sive studies suggest that recognition of antigen lymphocytes that share a common progeni-
by most TC lymphocyte populations is class I tor with T-cells, do not express antigen-
MHC-restricted and these cells express CD8 specific cell-surface receptors and comprise
differentiation antigens. However, a subset 10–15% of all circulating lymphocytes
appears to exhibit class II MHC restriction (Middleton et al., 2002). Owing to their early
and express CD4 differentiation antigens, production of cytokines and chemokines and
which are characteristic of TH cells. Regard- their ability to lyse target cells without prior
less of which antigen is expressed, both sets sensitization (hence the term ‘natural killer’
recognize antigen by means of the TCR cells), NK cells are crucial components of
(Townsend and Bodmer, 1989). the innate immune system, providing a first
Immunocompetent Cells and Their Mediators in Fin Fish 713

line of defence against infectious agents. NK The evolutionary precursors to mam-

cells also exert cytotoxicity by recognizing malian NK cells in teleost fishes are called
and inducing lysis of antibody-coated target non-specific cytotoxic cells (NCC) (Jaso-
cells (ADCC) through antibody binding to Friedmann et al., 2001). Teleosts appear to
the receptor CD16 (Fcγ receptor III). Whereas have NK-like cells, and little is known of the
they express CD16 and CD56, they lack the immune function of these cells. They have
expression of CD3 and CD4. Approximately been most extensively studied in catfish and
half of human NK cells express CD8 but only are described as agranular with numerous
the α/α form. NK cells can be activated non-- surface villi, and the nuclei are more pleo-
specifically by several cytokines, including morphic and smaller than those in mammals.
IL-2, IL-15 and IL-18 (Seaman et al., 2000). These cells are located in the kidney, liver
There are two subsets of NK cells – the and spleen and appear to be involved in
CD56dim NK subset is more naturally cyto- defence against protozoan parasites. In
toxic – whereas the CD56bright subset has the teleost fishes, NCC are important media-
capacity to produce abundant cytokines but tors of innate immunity against bacterial
has low natural cytotoxicity (Ogata et al., and parasitic infections and tumour
2001). Class I MHC glycoproteins are impor- growth (Ruiz et al., 2001). Unlike mamma-
tant in controlling the effector functions of lian NK cells and T-cells, activated NCC do
both cytotoxic and NK cells. However, unlike not express membrane FasL (Fas ligand)
T-cells, which recognize antigen as peptide (Evans et al., 2001).
fragments bound to MHC molecules, NK
cells become functional in the absence of
class I MHC proteins on target cells.
The NK cells in mammals are large gran- Mediators of the Immune System
ular lymphocytes (LGL) that have reniform
nuclei and cytotoxic ability. These cells lack Chemokines
immunoglobulin or T-cell receptors but can
recognize and destroy some tumour cells Chemokines are small (70–100 amino acids
without MHC restriction. They are commonly (aa)), inducible, structurally related pro-
found in the blood, as well as in the spleen teins that guide cells expressing the com-
and liver. NK cells are not phagocytic and plementary chemokine receptors to sites of
lack the immunological specificity and immune response and inflammation. They
memory displayed by TC cells. These cells have been identified and studied extensively
have the innate ability to recognize and in mammals, but little is known of their
destroy various tumour cells, virus-infected presence in other vertebrate groups. Based on
cells and some microorganisms. They are the position of the first two conserved
found in the spleen and lymph nodes, gall cysteines, chemokines are classified into four
bladder, liver, intestine (particularly the subfamilies: C, CC, CXC and CX3C. Recently,
lamina propria), lungs, respiratory tract and there have been a number of cytokine homo-
uterus. The NK cell has many regulatory logues cloned from teleost fishes, including
functions, including regulation of growth and a number that resemble chemokines, but there
differentiation of haemopoietic stem cells have been few functional assays to determine
and regulation of cell-mediated immunity, the validity of the chemokine/cytokine
as well as antibody responses. NK cells also cloned. Lally et al. (2003) cloned a CK-1
act as natural suppressor cells and are chemokine from rainbow trout, O. mykiss.
capable of producing cytokines. NK cells A recombinant CK-1 was produced and it
participate in control of infections caused attracted peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL)
by viruses, bacteria, fungi and intra- and in a micro-chemotaxis chamber. The tissue
extracellular parasites. They also inhibit the distribution of CK-1 was assessed using
development of primary tumours and meta- Northern blotting of PCR products, pro-
stases and are involved in organ transplant duced using RT-PCR. Rainbow trout CK-1 is
rejection. in the liver and gut and, when injected with
714 B.F. Ardelli and P.T.K. Woo

phytohaemagglutinin in addition to PBL, sea bass (D. labrax) and flatfish (P. olivaceus)
it is induced in the head kidney. Alabyev (Hardie et al., 1994; Secombes et al., 1994;
et al. (2000) cloned a CXCR4 chemokine Fujiki et al., 2000a; Hirono et al., 2000; Nam
from the sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus. et al., 2000; Laing et al., 2001; Scapigliati
CXCR4 and its ligand, SDF-1, are known to et al., 2002).
be essential for haematopoiesis, organo- Several immune system genes were
genesis and immunomodulation in mam- identified from rainbow trout (O. mykiss),
mals. A CC cytokine was cloned from carp including IL-1 receptor-related protein and
(C. carpio) (Fujiki et al., 1999) and a two invariant-chain-like proteins, TNF-α
cytokine that is a member of the CXC decoy receptor and a novel chemokine,
cytokine group was cloned from zebrafish trout chemokine 2, which is most similar
(D. rerio). CXC resembles a mammalian to the glycosylation stalk of fractalkine, a
BRAK chemokine (Long et al., 2000). Also, mammalian CX(3)C chemokine (Liu, L. et al.,
several chemokine receptor sequences have 2002). No functional studies were performed.
been discovered in trout (Daniels et al., 1999).
Cytokines Interleukins are specifically secreted by
leukocytes and function in cell growth and
These are secreted by stimulated immuno- differentiation. IL-1 is the term for two
competent cells (e.g. macrophages) and they polypeptide mediators, known as IL-1α and
encompass regulatory proteins, commonly IL-1β (Dinarello, 1997). In mammals, IL-1
called growth factors (CSF), interleukins, affects cells of haemopoietic origin, from
lymphokines, monokines and interferons immature precursors to differentiated leu-
(IFN). Classifications of cytokines in higher kocytes, vessel wall elements and cells of
vertebrates have been based on the struc- mesenchymal, nervous and epithelial origin.
tural motifs they adopt. The largest group The activity of IL-1 overlaps largely with that
of cytokines has an antiparallel 4-α-helical of TNF and other cytokines (Dinarello, 1997).
bundle structure and is subdivided into When mammalian macrophages and
short-chain or long-chain helical bundles. monocytes are appropriately stimulated, they
Short-chain cytokines include IL-2, IL-3, secrete increasing amounts of IL-1. A number
IL-4, IL-5, IL-7, IL-9, IL-13 and IFN-γ and of nucleated cells are also capable of pro-
large-chain cytokines include IL-6, IL-12, ducing low levels of IL-1, including dendritic
IL-11, IL-10 and IFNα/β. Another group of cells, Langerhans cells, endothelial cells, epi-
cytokines are classified as having long-chain thelial cells, neutrophils, B-lymphocytes
β-sheet structures. In mammals, these and LGL. Macrophages may be stimulated
include the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) to produce IL-1 by contact with activated
family of cytokines (i.e. TNF-α, TNF-β, CD40, lymphocytes (as seen in cytotoxic and DTH
CD27 and Fas ligands) (Nicola, 1994). Fish reactions). However, all cells capable of pro-
cytokines have adopted this categorization ducing IL-1 can be stimulated by a variety of
(Secombes et al., 2001). T and B lymphokines, mitogens and adju-
Cytokines regulate the intensity and vants, as well as by latex or silica particles
duration of an immune response by stimulat- (Dinarello, 1997).
ing or inhibiting the proliferation of various Both IL-1α and IL-1β stimulate T-cells
immune cells or their secretion of antibodies to produce lymphokines (IL-2, 3, 4 and 5)
or other cytokines. To date, cytokines with and IFN-γ, as well as chemotactic factors.
activities similar to IFN, IL-1, IL-2, 1 L-4, During cytotoxic and DTH responses, IL-1
chemokines, macrophage migration inhibi- promotes both proliferation and differentia-
tion factor (MIF), macrophage-activating tion of TC or TD lymphocytes. For a T-cell to
factor (MAF) and CSF have been described be activated, it must be in contact with the
from rainbow trout (O. mykiss), carp antigen/MHC complex (on the APC), as
(C. carpio), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), well as IL-1. Contact with IL-1 by T-cells
Immunocompetent Cells and Their Mediators in Fin Fish 715

promotes production of IL-2 by TH cells and and this is associated with inflammatory
the expression of IL-2 receptors. Thus, TH response. The Fc εRIγ expressed in leuco-
cells may serve as an IL-1 target, and, later, as cytes indicates that the Fc receptor is func-
both an IL-2 target and producer. Moreover, tional in the carp immune system (Fujiki
this cytokine promotes proliferation, differen- et al., 2000b).
tiation and antibody production by B-cells, as Specific gene expression of the
well as promoting expression of their mem- pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β and the
brane immunoglobulin receptors (Dinarello, type II IL-1β receptor (IL-1R11 decoy recep-
1997). tor) was studied in the skin of rainbow trout
The influence of IL-1 extends beyond fry during infection with the ectoparasite
lymphocytes. Monocytes, macrophages, neu- monogean Gyrodactylus derjavini. Generally,
trophils and NK cells are also mobilized and low levels of specific IL-1β, IL1β11 and
activated by IL-1. In mammals, during an IL-1R11 gene transcripts were found in
inflammatory response, IL-1 can act as an infected hosts. In contrast, a clear induction
endogenous pyrogen responsible for fever of both IL-1β isoforms was observed during
production and bring about changes in the initial phases of primary G. derjavini
plasma levels of metals and acute-phase infections. A less obvious induction of IL-1β
proteins. IL-1 can also produce an influx of expression was seen in secondary infections
leukocytes to the inflammatory site imposed just after recovery from the primary
(Dinarello, 1997). infection (Lindenstrom et al., 2003).
It has been known for some time that
IL-1 activity exists in fish. Recently, this
Interleukin-2 and interleukin-15
cytokine has been cloned in several teleost
species. The most important structural IL-2 was discovered as a T-cell proliferative
difference between IL-1 of fish and that factor purified from mitogen-stimulated
of mammals is the lack of a clear IL-1β- lymphocyte cultures. This interleukin con-
converting enzyme cleavage site. Thus, it is trols the amplification of naïve T-cells by ini-
not known if the fish molecule is processed to tially stimulating growth following antigen
a mature peptide. There is amino acid activation, and later promotes the activation-
sequence evidence for the existence of IL-1β in induced cell death (Fehniger et al., 2002).
fish (see Secombes et al., 2001). The known IL-2 also has effects on several other
IL-1-like activity in fish, together with the immune cells, including NK cells, B-cells,
induction of the IL-1β transcript in leuko- monocyte/macrophages and neutrophils.
cytes (after in vitro stimulation with LPS or IL-15 was identified by two independent
in vivo challenge with bacteria), suggests groups based upon its ability to stimulate
that IL-1β is involved in the immune proliferation of the IL-2-dependent T-cell line
response of fish (Engelsma et al., 2003). in the presence of neutralizing anti-IL-2 anti-
IL-1β was cloned from sea bass bodies. Interleukin-15 mediates functions sim-
(D. labrax) and there are two incompletely ilar to those of IL-2 in vitro because signalling
spliced transcripts; Southern blot analysis by IL-2 and IL-15 occurs via shared IL-2/
suggests the presence of only one gene copy IL-15Rβ and γc receptor subunits. They have
(Buonocore et al., 2003). The carp IL-1β gene different in vivo functions (Fehniger et al.,
has been cloned and identified. Its recombi- 2002).
nant protein significantly stimulates prolifer- IL-2 is a cytokine that is a potent
ation of head kidney and spleen cells from growth and differentiation factor for T-cells.
carp (Mathew et al., 2002). It also stimulates NK cells and lymphocyte-
Carp (C. carpio) full-length cDNAs, activated killer cells as well as exhibiting B-
analogous to IL-1β, and the gamma subunit cell growth factor activity. In mammals, cells
of the high-affinity Fc receptor for IgE bearing the CD4 phenotype (i.e. TH) produce,
(Fc εRIγ) have been cloned. Higher amounts secrete and respond to IL-2; however, resting
of IL-1β expressed in sodium alginate stim- T-cells do not produce IL-2. Once these cells
ulate peritoneal cells and head kidney cells are activated, IL-2 production begins within
716 B.F. Ardelli and P.T.K. Woo

minutes and is detectable extracellularly chemotaxis of neutrophilic granules in tele-

several hours later. In mammals, IL-1 and a ost fish, which is similar to the mammalian
variety of neurohormones and surface- situation (Huising et al., 2003). The IL-8
active compounds can enhance IL-2 pro- gene has been cloned from dogfish (Triakis
duction. Very low levels of IL-2 may be scyllia) (Inoue et al., 2003), rainbow
produced in several diseases where T-cell trout (O. mykiss) (Laing et al., 2002;
activity is depressed (Fehniger et al., Sangrador-Vegas et al., 2002; Zhang et al.,
2002). 2002; Fujiki et al., 2003) and flounder
In mammals, all subsets of T-lymphocytes, (P. olivaceus) (Lee et al., 2001). In flounder
B-lymphocytes, macrophages and LGL injected with LPS, IL-8 was detected in the
develop IL-2 receptors and respond to IL-2. head kidney and spleen. It was also
IL-2 promotes the production of IFN-γ, detected in LPS-stimulated leucocytes,
additional interleukins, CSF and lympho- but not in tissues of leucocytes of non-
toxin (produced by TH/TD cells) and stimulated flounder.
enhances the cytotoxic activity of TC cells.
It also stimulates clonal expansion of
Tumour necrosis factor
B-lymphocytes, increases antibody forma-
tion and induces macrophages to become TNF-α is secreted by macrophages in res-
more cytotoxic (Fehniger et al., 2002). ponse to inflammation and infection. It has
There is indirect evidence that IL-2 is a cytotoxic effect on tumour cells, but not
present in fish. Normally, to test for IL-2 on normal cells. It also induces numerous
activity in lower vertebrates, leukocytes are cell types to secrete various cytokines
stimulated with T-cell mitogens (e.g. con- involved in the inflammatory response.
conavalin A or phytohaemagglutinin under TNF-β is secreted by TH cells (TH1 subset)
in vitro conditions) and the activity of IL-2 is and TC cells. It kills tumour cells and, simi-
tested in supernatants. Using this approach, larly to TNF-α, it enhances the phagocytic
effects analogous to IL-2 have been noted in activity of macrophages and neutrophils.
carp (Caspi and Avtalion, 1984; Grondel and A TNF-α-like factor was produced by
Harmsen, 1984; Ghanmi et al., 1993). rainbow trout macrophages that had seq-
uence similarity to mammalian TNF-α.
Supernatants from LPS-stimulated trout
macrophage cultures significantly enhanced
IL-8 belongs to the CXC chemokine neutrophil migration and macrophage
subfamily. It can activate and attract migra- respiratory-burst activity. These superna-
tory neutrophils to an inflammation site. This tants were also highly toxic to murine L929
cytokine has multiple functions, including cells, a cell line sensitive to mammalian
inducement of lysosomal enzyme release TNF-α (Qin et al., 2001). Two TNF-α genes
from neutrophils, expression of adhesion were cloned and sequenced from carp
molecules on neutrophils, chemotactic activ- (C. carpio) (Saeij et al., 2003). In vitro stimu-
ity for basophils and T-lymphocytes. It was lation of carp head-kidney phagocytes
formerly called monocyte-derived neutrophil induced expression of TNF-α. A TNF-α-like
chemotactic factor (Mukaida et al., 1998). gene was also identified in channel catfish
In fish, basal expression is most prom- (I. punctatus) (Zou et al., 2003). This TNF
inent in immune organs like the anterior was expressed in proliferating macrophage
kidney and spleen. Anterior kidney and T-cell lines, but not in B-cell or
phagocyte-enriched leucocyte suspensions fibroblast lines. In another study in rainbow
express IL-8 and this expression is trout, head-kidney leucocytes and a macro-
up-regulated by brief (4 h) stimulation phage cell line were exposed to two recom-
with PMA, but not LPS. Neutrophilic binant TNF molecules. Exposure of cells
granulocyte-enriched leucocytes display induced expression of a number of genes,
chemotaxis to human recombinant IL-8, including IL-1β, TNF-1, TNF-2, IL-8 and
thus confirming CXC chemokine-mediated COX2 (Zou et al., 2003).
Immunocompetent Cells and Their Mediators in Fin Fish 717

Interferons functions similarly to mammalian IFN (Long

et al., 2004). Channel catfish ovary cells
Interferons are divided into two major were injected with a reovirus or double-
groups, type I and type II. Members of the stranded RNA and up-regulation of IFN
type I IFN family have homology to each mRNA was observed. In addition, an anti-
other, bind to the same cell surface receptors viral factor was found in the culture
and have overlapping functions (Oritani medium. A recombinant catfish IFN was
et al., 2001). The type I interferon family is produced in COS-7 cells and had antiviral
comprised of IFN-α, IFN-β, IFN-ω and IFN-τ. activity in ovary cells.
IFN-α and IFN-ω are produced by leuco-
cytes, while IFN-β is a fibroblast product.
Transforming growth factor
Although only small amounts of IFN are
produced under normal healthy conditions, Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) is a
these can be dramatically increased during cytokine secreted by platelets, macrophages
a viral infection. Some growth factors and and lymphocytes. This cytokine chemotac-
cytokines also induce IFN-α/β production. tically attracts monocytes and macrophages,
IFN-α/β affects proliferation, differentiation induces IL-1 production by macrophages,
and function of various cell types in the inhibits proliferation of epithelial, endothe-
immune system. For example, type I IFNs lial, lymphoid and haematopoietic cells, lim-
suppress the antigen-specific or mitogen- its inflammatory response and promotes
induced proliferation of CD4+ and CD8 + wound healing. It also induces class switch
T-lymphocytes, while they induce IL-15 to IgA.
production in macrophages and IL-15 can TGF-β1 was detected in the liver, brain,
enhance T-cell growth. In contrast, IFN-α/β muscle, kidney, heart, gills and spleen of
has been reported to augment the lytic activ- sea bream (S. auratus), as well as in the
ity of NK cells and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. head kidney, macrophages and blood
Enhanced expression of cell-surface antigens leukocytes (Tafalla et al., 2003). Also, a
of the MHC represents one important mecha- TGF was isolated and cloned from hybrid
nism for IFN’s influence on immunity. striped bass anterior kidney mononuclear
IFN-α/β further modulates the immune sys- cells. Higher levels were detected in
tem functions by influencing the production mononuclear cells of peripheral blood than
of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1, from either kidney or spleen (Harms et al.,
TNF-α and IL-8. Expression of the nitric 2000). A TGF-β was also cloned from O.
oxide synthetase gene in macrophages is also mykiss (Daniels and Secombes, 1999).
IFN-sensitive (see Oritani et al., 2001).
An IFN gene has been cloned and char-
acterized from the zebrafish (D. rerio).
Treatment with the known IFN inducer, IgM is the main immunoglobulin in teleosts,
polyinosinic acid-polycytidylic acid (poly- although IgD has been recently described
(I)-poly-(C)), increases IFN mRNA transcripts from the Japanese flounder (P. olivaceus)
in zebrafish. Also, a putative IFN from (Hirono et al., 2003). The piscine immuno-
puffer (F. rubripes) was present when the globulin is classified as an IgM-like molecule
zebrafish IFN was used to BLAST (basic that has a tetrameric structure (i.e. four basic
local alignment search tool) the puffer units joined together), as opposed to the
genome (Altmann et al., 2003). Fish are pentameric structure of IgM in higher verte-
known to produce substances that exhibit brates. The monomer is the basic unit of an
IFN activity, but IFN has not been cloned or immunoglobulin and it is composed of two H
purified (Renault et al., 1991). However, (each chain approximately 70,000 Da) and
IFN-induced genes have been cloned from two L chains (each chain approximately
several species of fish. Following viral infec- 25,000 Da). Each immunoglobulin molecule
tion or exposure to double-stranded RNA, has two H and two L chains per monomer
catfish cells produce a soluble factor that and four monomers per molecule; thus the
718 B.F. Ardelli and P.T.K. Woo

approximate molecular mass of an immu- Osteichthyes (i.e. salmonids and cyprinids)

noglobulin with an IgM structure is tetramers, dimers and monomers exist,
760,000 Da. Each monomer is joined to the some among the same species. In addition,
others by disulphide bonds. In some cases, some teleosts appear to have antibodies that
fish immunoglobulins have a J-chain-like differ in the structure of the disulphide
protein, which in mammals is involved in the bonds and the size of the heavy chain, as
polymerization of the monomers into the well as having antigenically different anti-
multimer (Weinheimer et al., 1971; Mestecky body subpopulations. However, affinity or
et al., 1975; McCumber and Clem, 1976; avidity maturation, immunoglobulin class
Hagiwara et al., 1985). The J chain has not switching and the presence of a secretory
been detected in the gar (Lepisosteus osseus), piece on immunoglobulin found in secre-
paddlefish (Polydon spathula), pike (E. lucius) tions have not been demonstrated in fishes
or chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) (Wilson and Warr, 1992).
(Weinheimer et al., 1971; Mestecky et al.,
1975; Kobayashi et al., 1982). Gel electropho-
resis assays are commonly used to detect the Conclusions and Future Directions
presence of the J chain. It was suggested that
the J chain was undetectable in some fishes Although considerable progress has been
due to an unusual net charge on the J poly- made in the understanding of the immune
peptide that distorts its mobility in an electric system of fin fish, there are still obvious gaps
field (McCumber and Clem, 1976). The IgM of in our knowledge. There has been consider-
channel catfish (I. punctatus) has been rela- able success in the cloning and sequencing of
tively well studied. It consists of ~700,000 Da immune-system-related genes, particularly
H chains and ~22,000–25,000 Da L chains. chemokines and cytokines; however, func-
The basic repeating structural unit is H2L2, tional studies need to be undertaken. For
referred to as the monomeric form, which con- example, the majority of the chemokines
tains two antigen-binding sites (Warr and and cytokines have not been cloned or puri-
Marchalonis, 1987). fied. Although knowing a gene is present is
Fish antibody molecules are of lower useful information, it is imperative that
affinity (a measure of the binding strength studies be undertaken to determine if these
between one binding site on an antibody genes are functional in the various fish spe-
and an antigenic determinant) and more cies. Also, the genes for many of the TCRs
diversity than those of mammals and birds. have been cloned and yet it still remains to
Although fish are generally considered to be determined if fish T-cells express surface
have only one class of immunoglobulin, receptors similar to those observed in mam-
the immunoglobulins display some hetero- mals. Finally, affinity or avidity maturation,
geneity. For example, the Chondrichthyes immunoglobulin class switching and the
(i.e. sharks and rays) have a pentameric presence of true memory cells are other
IgM-like immunoglobulin and among the areas that should be studied.


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20 Molecular Approaches and Techniques

Ted G. Clark
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

Introduction tissues. Finally, gene cloning methods and

their use in the rapidly emerging fields of
Molecular genetic techniques have in the genomics and vaccine development are
last 15 years gained widespread use in the described.
study of fish parasites. These techniques
have been particularly effective in unravel-
ling the complex life histories of various
parasitic forms, and have played a key role PCR and DNA Sequence Analysis: an
in determining the precise taxonomic rela- Overview
tionships between parasite species that are
difficult to ascertain using traditional mor- PCR is among the most widely used meth-
phological techniques. In some instances, ods in biology today. Briefly, the technique
these studies have provided key insights into utilizes short oligonucleotide primers that
evolutionary biology as a whole. In addition, flank a given region of DNA to amplify large
molecular tools have contributed to our amounts (µg–mg quantities) of a specific tar-
understanding of the cellular biology of para- get sequence in successive rounds of primer
sites, and have proved indispensable in the annealing and strand elongation (DNA syn-
more practical realm of disease diagnosis and thesis) catalysed by thermostable DNA
vaccine development. polymerase enzymes. Once made, amplified
The present chapter focuses primarily DNA fragments are purified, using agarose
on the use of two methods, namely, the gel electrophoresis, and either directly
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequenced or introduced into a standard
sequencing, in the analysis of fish parasites. plasmid cloning vector for subsequent
This emphasis reflects the widespread use analysis (Sambrook et al., 1989; Fig. 20.1).
of these techniques in diagnostics, epidemi- Perhaps the most common targets for
ology and systematics. Specific applica- amplification in both diagnostic testing and
tions are described for Myxozoa, Microspora, phylogenetic studies are the 18S small sub-
Ciliates, kinetoplastids, Icthyosporea and unit ribosomal RNA genes (SSU rDNAs) and
helminths. Along with PCR and DNA the internally transcribed spacer regions of
sequence analysis (which rely on DNA–DNA the rDNA loci (ITS domains) (Sogin and
interactions in solution), solid-phase hybri- Silberman, 1998; Van de Peer et al., 2000;
dization methods are also discussed, with Fig. 20.2). These rDNA genes evolve at a
particular emphasis on in situ hybridization slow rate in eukaryotes and thus serve
as a means of identifying parasites in host as reliable markers for the identification of
CAB International 2006. Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol. 1
(ed. P.T.K. Woo) 725
726 T.G. Clark

differences within species. For some types

of analyses, rDNA sequences alone are not
sufficient and amplification of protein-coding
genes becomes necessary.
For diagnostic testing, genomic DNA
from the parasite in question is used as a
template for PCR amplification, with primers
that recognize sequences common to parti-
cular species or conserved amongst broader
taxonomic groups. The choice often depends
on the likelihood that a particular organism
is present. In most instances, amplification
does not require a highly purified template,
owing to the sensitivity and specificity of
PCR. Indeed, bulk DNA from infected tis-
sues is often used as starting material for
these reactions, since contaminating DNA
from the host generally does not interfere
Fig. 20.1. Applications of PCR and DNA with amplification of target sequences from
sequencing in molecular parasitology. Amplification the infecting agent. Resulting products
of a DNA fragment from small subunit ribosomal (referred to as amplicons) are then fraction-
RNA genes (SSU rDNA) is illustrated. Genomic ated using agarose gel electrophoresis and
DNA from infected host tissue (or from the agent visualized under ultraviolet (UV) light, fol-
itself) is used as a template for PCR amplification, lowing staining with the fluorescent dye
along with forward and reverse primers ethidium bromide. The presence of an
complementary to regions of the rDNA sequence.
amplicon of the expected size is generally
Primers can be directed towards regions that are
conserved among broad classes of organisms or
sufficient to identify a particular agent,
towards sequences found only in particular species. assuming proper controls are included. More
Production of an amplicon of the expected size, stringent diagnostic tests include additional
following agarose gel electrophoresis and staining steps, such as digestion of purified amplicons
with ethidium bromide, is often diagnostic for the with restriction endonucleases that recognize
presence of a particular agent. A DNA size standard specific sequences within the target DNA
is depicted in the left lane of the gel. Definitive (see below, PCR-restriction fragment length
diagnosis can be achieved by sequencing of the polymorphism (RFLP)). Restriction digests
purified PCR fragment (either directly or after result in a complex pattern of bands (on
insertion into a plasmid DNA cloning vector).
agarose gel electrophoresis), which lend
Alternatively, the sequence can be used to infer
evolutionary relatedness between the identified
added confidence to the presumptive diag-
organism and other species. In the case of nosis. Clearly, the most definitive test and
protein-coding genes, amplified PCR fragments can the one used in most phylogenetic studies
be used for a variety of other purposes, including involves the sequencing of amplicons to
the production of subunit vaccine antigens in determine their primary structures. Follow-
heterologous cell types (typically yeast or ing agarose gel electrophoresis, individual
Escherichia coli). bands containing amplified DNA fragments
are cut from the gel. The DNA is then puri-
fied on silica-based resins and either
species. Indeed, the conserved nature of directly sequenced or introduced into
SSU rDNAs makes them ideal molecular plasmid cloning vectors for subsequent
‘clocks’ for estimating evolutionary dis- analysis (Fig. 20.1).
tances between widely diverged taxa. In Although sequencing is still performed
contrast, the more rapidly evolving ITS within individual laboratories, a more com-
domains are used to discriminate closely mon practice is to outsource the DNA to a
related species or, in some instances, strain commercial or academic centre that employs
Molecular Approaches and Techniques 727

Fig. 20.2. Organization of ribosomal RNA loci. Small subunit (18S) and large subunit (28S) rRNA genes are
separated by internally transcribed spacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2). The rDNA genes are expressed as a single
large transcript that extends from the externally transcribed spacer region (ETS) just proximal to the small
subunit gene, through the end of the large subunit gene. The transcript is processed into separate 18S, 5.8S
and 28S rRNAs, which are then incorporated into the ribosome. The variable region at the proximal end of
the large subunit gene (D1/D2), as well as the intergeneic non-transcribed spacer regions (IGS1 and IGS2)
are sometimes used as targets for phylogenetic analyses.

standard dideoxy chain termination methods (primarily fish) and annelid hosts, and the
of sequence analysis (Sambrook et al., 1989). Malacosporea, which alternate between fish
Sequences are provided for the end-user in and bryozoan hosts (Kent et al., 2001). Par-
electronic form, which are then used to tial or full-length 18S rDNA sequences are
search comprehensive databases (e.g. Gen- now available for a wide range of myxozoan
Bank; using species (Kent et al., 2001) and have been
standard algorithms such as the basic local used in the development of PCR-based diag-
alignment search tool (BLAST) (Altschul nostic tests for detection of these organisms
et al., 1990). An exact (or near) match is in fishes and in the aquatic environment.
considered diagnostic for a given species. In Such tests have clear advantages in terms of
the event that a novel sequence is found, a speed, sensitivity and specificity relative to
variety of computational methods (cluster more classical methods of detection, and
analysis, maximum parsimony, maximum have been applied to a number of species
likelihood, neighbour-joining, etc.) can be that are of importance to commercial
used to define the taxonomic relationship(s) aquaculture. For example, primer pairs that
between the new or presumptive species specifically amplify rDNA sequences of the
and its closest relatives (see Swofford et al., enteropathogen Ceratomyxa shasta have
1996). Comparisons of many sequences within been used to develop a simple diagnostic
and among taxonomic groups allow the test for this pathogen in salmonids
establishment of phylogenetic trees. Inferred (Fig. 20.3). One such pair can be used to
relationships are further strengthened by the detect as little as 50 fg of purified C. shasta
inclusion of protein-coding gene sequences genomic DNA. The test is able to detect
(in addition to rDNA) in such comparisons. organisms in gill tissues of rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) within 2 days of
exposure of naïve fish to the actinosporean
stage of the parasite (Palenzuela et al., 1999).
Applications of PCR and DNA Sequence Diagnostic tests for several other important
Analysis in Diagnostics, Epidemiology myxozoans affecting farm-raised fish are
and Systematics of Fish Parasites reviewed briefly.
A PCR-based test that amplifies a 104 bp
Myxozoa SSU rDNA fragment from Henneguya ictaluri
has proved extremely useful in detecting
Analyses of SSU rDNA sequences have the proliferative gill disease agent of chan-
been particularly informative in studies of nel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). The prim-
the Myxozoa (Chapter 8). Classification ers used for this test are highly specific
schemes based on SSU rDNAs separate for H. ictaluri and do not amplify detectable
these organisms into two classes, the Myxo- fragments from genomic DNA of other
sporea, which alternate between vertebrate Myxozoa (including Henneguya exilis,
728 T.G. Clark

Fig. 20.3. (Top panel) SSU rRNA gene primer map for C. shasta. Predicted amplicon sizes for different
combinations of the primers (Cs1, Cs2, R, Cs3, Cs4, Cs5, 18SUNIF and 18SUNIR are shown in base pairs.
Bottom panel shows specificity of different primer pairs for C. shasta DNA. Amplicons of the predicted size
were obtained with DNA from C. shasta spores (lanes a, d, g, j and m), but not rainbow trout (lanes b, e, h,
k and n) or Henneguya salminicola (c, f, i, l and o). Primer pairs were Cs1–Cs5 (lanes a–c); Cs1–Cs3 (lanes
d–f); Cs2–Cs5 (lanes g–i); R–Cs4 (lanes j–l); and r–Cs5 (lanes m–o). (From Palenzuela et al., 1999 with
permission from Diseases of Aquatic Organisms.)

Aurantiactinomyxon mississippiensis and than the more standard pepsin–trypsin

Helioactinomyxon sp.) shed by the alterna- digest method, which relies on microscopic
tive invertebrate host, Dero digitata (Hanson detection of parasites released from enzy-
et al., 2001). In addition to H. ictaluri, SSU matically digested tissue (Andree et al.,
rDNA sequences have been determined for 1997, 1998; Schisle et al., 2001). PCR-based
several other freshwater and marine species tests also provide definitive diagnoses of
of Henneguya (Kent et al., 2001). M. cerebralis in host tissues, in contrast to
Both single-round and nested PCR tests less specific microscopic methods (Frasca
have been developed for detection of et al., 1999). Single-round PCR tests con-
the whirling disease agent, Myxobolus cere- ducted on large numbers of free-ranging
bralis, in salmonids. Both tests have been and hatchery-reared fish have suggested
shown to be more reliable indicators of that this agent may be present in locations
infection (particularly at low parasite load) once thought to be free of the parasite
Molecular Approaches and Techniques 729

(Schisle et al., 2001). Nested PCR, which is found worldwide, and SSU rDNA analysis
typically more sensitive than single-round has permitted definitive diagnosis of parti-
reactions owing to successive rounds of cular species (for example, K. thyrsites and
amplification with different sets of primer K. amamiensis) across a broad geographical
pairs, can detect the equivalent of one range, including waters off eastern Australia
sporoplasm of M. cerebralis per sample of (Whipps et al., 2003). At least six species of
infected tissue. The 415 bp amplicon gener- Kudoa have been inferred based on SSU
ated by this method can also be detected in rDNA analysis (K. thyrsites, K. paniformis,
tissue samples as early as 1 week following K. ciliatae, K. crumena, K. amamiensis, and
exposure of rainbow trout to the actino- K. miniauriculata) (Kent et al., 2001). The
sporean stage (Andree et al., 1998). In com- total number of species remains unknown,
parative studies of SSU and ITS rDNA although analyses of infected tissues of a
sequences from parasites collected in dif- bullseye puffer (Sphoeroides annulatus)
ferent geographical locations, relatively lit- and sweeper (Pempheris ypsilychnus) have
tle sequence divergence was found among suggested the existence of at least two more
isolates from the USA and Germany species, namely, Kudoa dianae and Kudoa
(Andree et al., 1999a). This lack of diver- minithyrsites, respectively (Dykova et al.,
gence provides support for the suggestion 2002; Whipps et al., 2003).
that M. cerebralis was introduced relatively PCR-based diagnostic tests have been
recently into the USA from Europe. The applied to less prevalent myxozoan species,
parasite was first reported in North America such as Parvicapsula minibicornis and
in 1958. Similar analyses of 18S rDNA from Enteromyxum scophthalmi. Epidemiologi-
ten different species of Myxobolus placed cal studies in migrating sockeye salmon in
these into three distinct clusters that were the Fraser River (British Columbia, Canada)
independent of spore morphology, spore found that the infection rate with P. mini-
size and host specificity. The phenotypic bicornis increased dramatically as fish
trait most closely correlated with the entered their spawning grounds, with prev-
rRNA-based clusters appeared to be tissue alence reaching ≥ 95% while it was 0% for
tropism, as these organisms infect muscle, fish while at sea. Infections were also detected
neuronal or enteric sites (Andree et al., in other salmon species (Jones et al., 2003).
1999b). Additional applications of SSU In the case of E. scopthalmi, SSU rDNA
rDNA analysis to the Myxobolidae include analysis has suggested that this parasite rep-
the identification of distinct species among resents an entirely new genus (Palenzuela
the morphologically similar types Myxobolus et al., 2002). E. scophthalmi has been iden-
elegans (Kashkovsky) and Myxobolus tified as an enteric pathogen that can be
hungaricus (Jaczo) (Eszterbauer, 2002). lethal to cultured turbot (Psetta maxima).
PCR-based (SSU rDNA) tests have also Based on rDNA analysis, it appears taxo-
been developed for Kudoa spp., an emerg- nomically related to Myxidium leei, which
ing group of disease-causing agents of marine had previously been ascribed to the genus
fishes. Such tests have permitted the diag- Myxidium on morphological grounds. It has
nosis of Kudoa thyrsites in net-pen-reared been suggested that M. leei be renamed
Atlantic salmon, where it causes myolique- Enteromyxum leei and grouped with
faction and problems with flesh quality. E. scopthalmi as members of the new genus,
PCR-based tests have suggested that tube- Enteromyxum, consisting of histozoic and
snouts (Aulorhynchus flavidus) are reser- enteric pathogens of marine fin fishes
voirs for infection of commercial salmon (Palenzuela et al., 2002).
fisheries (Shaw et al., 1997). Tube-snouts In addition to Myxosporea, PCR-based
were often found in the vicinity of net tests have been developed for Malaco-
pens, and a high prevalence of K. thyrsites sporea, in particular Tetracapsuloides bryo-
infection (up to 100%) was shown in fish salmonae. This is the causative agent of
collected near Vancouver, British Columbia proliferative kidney disease (PKD) in
(Shaw et al., 1997). The genus Kudoa is salmonids (Saulnier and de Kinkelin, 1997;
730 T.G. Clark

Kent et al., 1998; Hedrick et al., 2004). present in a range of bryozoan host species
Such tests have been used to detect para- collected in diverse habitats, with temporal
sites in infected fish and to distinguish and spatial variations in the incidence of
T. bryosalmonae from other myxozoa within infection (Okamura et al., 2001).
the class Malacosporea, including the worm- Finally, classification of the Myxozoa
like parasite Buddenbrokia plumatellae and in respect of higher-order taxonomy has
an as yet unidentified species belonging to relied heavily on gene sequence data. Based
what may be a third genus (Canning et al., on morphological criteria alone, the phylum
2002; Hedrick et al., 2004). was difficult to classify, and the Myxozoa
In addition to their practical applica- were originally placed with the cnidarians.
tion in diagnostics, molecular genetic While there is some support for this
analyses have played critical roles in hypothesis based on SSU rDNA sequence
unravelling the complex life cycles of analysis, a number of studies suggest that
myxosporeans. Comparisons of 18S rDNA they either fall within or are sister to the
sequences provided the first direct evidence Bilateria (see Kent et al., 2001; Canning and
that organisms previously considered to be Okamura, 2004). This view is bolstered by
members of different taxonomic classes the analysis of protein-coding genes, in par-
(that is, Myxosporea and Actinosporea) ticular Hox genes whose sequences in
were in fact different forms of the same Myxozoa align with those of bilaterians
organism alternating between vertebrate (Ferrier and Holland, 2001; Finnerty, 2001).
and invertebrate hosts (Andree et al., 1997; However, a more recent analysis of a gene
Bartholomew et al., 1997). This was demon- that encodes a cathepsin-like protease has
strated at about the same time for both suggested that the Myxozoa may actually
C. shasta and M. cerebralis. In the case of predate the bilaterians (Kelley et al., 2003).
C. shasta, primers specific for the parasite
were able to detect relevant rDNA sequences
in Manayunkia speciosa, a polychaete
worm that was also capable of transmitting Microspora
Ceratomyxa infection to susceptible fish
(Bartholomew et al., 1997). Annelids that The microsporidia are an extremely inter-
could not transmit infections had no esting group of intracellular parasites that
detectable C. shasta sequences. Similarly, infect vertebrate and invertebrate hosts
18S rDNA sequences from M. cerebralis (Chapter 7). More than 150 species are known
were detectable using PCR in both infected to infect fishes (Lom and Nilsen, 2003).
fish (harbouring the myxosporean stage) Microsporidia may cause either destruction
and aquatic oligochaete worms (harbouring of the host cell cytoplasm or hypertrophy
the triactinomyxon stage of the parasite) and the formation of an enlarged host cell/
(Andree et al., 1997). Further studies using parasite complex referred to as a xenoma. In
this technique showed that 2–3% of tubifex fish, microsporidia are found in different
worms in areas that are endemic for whirl- host tissues, including gills, muscle, nerve,
ing disease actually carry the parasite blood, gonads, liver and intestine, where
(Rognlie and Knapp, 1998). Such worms they cause severe disease. Although mor-
(Tubifex tubifex) appear to be persistently phological criteria have been used to clas-
infected, and can release the triactinomyxon sify the microsporidia, SSU rDNA sequence
stage periodically into the environment analyses have been far more informative in
(Gilbert and Granath, 2001). Primers specific respect of phylogenetic relationships within
for rDNA sequences of H. ictaluri detected this group. While a detailed phylogenetic
the actinosporean stage of the parasite tree for microsporidia is still emerging,
(Aurantiactinomyxon ictaluri) in the aquatic sequence data are available for 12 of the 15
oligochaete D. digitata (Pote et al., 2000). microsporidian genera known to infect fish.
Analogous PCR-based studies have shown SSU sequence comparisons suggest that
that the malacosporean T. bryosalmonae is these cluster into five taxonomic groups,
Molecular Approaches and Techniques 731

four of which form a single clade. The out- highly sensitive and can detect parasites in
lying group (Nucleospora) is only distantly host tissues at the pre-spore stage, and as
related and probably represents an entirely early as 3 days post-infection (Hung et al.,
different taxonomic order (Nilsen, 2000). 1998; Bell et al., 1999). In N. salmonis, diag-
Supporting this argument is the fact that nostic PCR tests have been used to look
SSU ribosomal genes from Nucleospora for divergence among parasites infecting
salmonis and species belonging to the main salmonids and other fish hosts in different
clade share only ∼ 60% sequence identity geographical locations. Sequences derived
overall (Lom and Nilsen, 2003). from amplified rRNA genes (along with
The high degree of conservation of SSU their respective ITS domains) have been
sequences sometimes obscures relationships shown to be highly conserved, suggesting
between closely related species within the that N. salmonis forms a relatively homoge-
individual microsporidian group. However, neous group across a broad geographical
ITS regions (which vary in length by a fac- range (Gresoviac et al., 2000). A rapid assay
tor of 10 among different microsporidia), as for differentiating rDNA sequences from
well as protein-coding genes, often provide microsporidia of fish, insects and shrimps
the necessary data to resolve the relation- was developed by Pomport-Castillon et al.
ships between individual species (Lom and (1997). In this assay, fragments of SSU and
Nilsen, 2003). Interestingly, within the ITS sequences, amplified using PCR, are
principal clade of microsporidia infecting subjected to restriction endonuclease diges-
teleosts, a number of species appear to be tion to generate RFLPs, which are screened
specific for hosts other than fish (including visually on agarose gels. The technique,
crustaceans, insects and humans). If this alternatively known as riboprinting or PCR-
host specificity can be verified, similarities RFLP (Graham, 1997), avoids the require-
in the SSU sequences between fish-specific ment for sequencing DNA fragments from
parasites and the non-fish species would individual isolates (Fig. 20.4).
suggest that the switch to non-fish hosts is a
fairly recent event (Lom and Nilsen, 2003).
At the higher taxonomic level, initial Ciliates
studies of SSU rDNA sequences suggested
that microsporidia evolved early in the SSU rDNA sequence analysis has been
eukaryotic lineage and were considered to applied to the two most important parasitic
be primitive protozoans (Vossbrinck et al., ciliates of commercially raised fish, namely,
1987). Nevertheless, accumulating data from Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, the causative
both SSU and protein-coding genes, includ- agent of white-spot disease in freshwater
ing tubulin (Edlind et al., 1996; Keeling and fish, and Cryptocaryon irritans, its saltwater
Doolittle, 1996), HSP70 (Germot et al., 1997; counterpart (Chapter 4). These species were
Hirt et al., 1997; Peyretaillade et al., 1998) long considered to be taxonomically related
and RNA polymerase II (Cheney et al., 2001), because of their similar life cycles and
have indicated that the microsporidia are morphologies. Nevertheless, rDNA sequence
related to fungi and have evolved more analysis has indicated that I. multifiliis and
recently than previously thought. C. irritans are highly diverged. I. multifiliis
Apart from their use in phylogenetic is one of two genera within the group
studies, PCR-based analyses of SSU rDNAs Ophryoglenina that is sister to the tetra-
have been useful as diagnostic tools for the hymenines (class Oligohymenophorea)
detection of microsporidian infections in (Wright and Lynn, 1995). C. irritans, on the
fishes. Single and nested PCR tests have other hand, is only distantly related and is
been developed for Microsporidium seriolae in a different class, the Prostomatea (order
(Bell et al., 1999), Pleistophora anguillarum Prorodontida) (Diggles and Adlard, 1995;
(Hung et al., 1998), Loma salmonae (Docker Wright and Colorni, 2002). Analysis of
et al., 1997), and N. salmonis (Barlough et al. rDNA sequences from individual isolates of
1995; Gresoviac et al., 2000). These tests are Cryptocaryon from Australia (Diggles and
732 T.G. Clark

Fig. 20.4. Riboprinting. Specific primers (in this example for SSU rDNA) are used to amplify regions
of DNA by PCR. PCR products are then digested with a given restriction endonuclease. Sequence
polymorphisms among individual organisms, strains or species are manifested as different patterns of bands
on agarose gels. (From Clark, 1997. With permission from Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology.)

Adlard, 1997) and Taiwan (Yambot et al., SSU rDNAs of these organisms (Pugovkin
2003) suggests the existence of strains that et al., 2001). The test is designed to ensure
may occupy different ecological niches. that I. multifiliis maintained in artificial
Because C. irritans appears capable of chang- media is free of contaminating T. corlissi.
ing its morphological and developmental
characteristics, rDNA analysis is likely to
provide the most reliable marker for strain Kinetoplastids
differences in this species (Yambot et al.,
2003). The kinetoplastids (Chapter 3) are a group of
In the case of Ichthyophthirius, rDNA flagellated protozoa (phylum Euglenozoa)
sequence analysis has been used to estimate that share a common structural feature, the
the age of the ciliate phylum and, by infer- kinetoplast, which lies within the single
ence, the ‘crown’ group eukaryotes as a mitochondrion at the base of the flagellum(a).
whole. The rate of nucleotide substitutions This structure comprises a network of cir-
within the rDNA of ciliates was estimated cular DNA molecules containing genes for
by comparison of SSU sequences of Ichthyo- mitochondrial proteins. However, unlike
phthirius and its closest free-living relative, standard protein coding genes, those within
Ophryolgena, using the earliest emergence the kinetoplast undergo an unusual pro-
of freshwater fish in the fossil record as a cess of post-transcriptional RNA editing in
reference point. Based on this, the ciliates order that their sequences can be trans-
are predicted to have arisen in the lated in an appropriate fashion (Maslov
Palaeoproterozoic, roughly 2 billion years et al., 1994; Vickerman and Coombs,
ago (Wright and Lynn, 1997). The predic- 1999). The kinetoplastids consist of two or
tion is based on a number of assumptions, more suborders, the most widely recog-
and suggests that the ‘crown’ group of nized being Trypanosomatina, a group of
eukaryotes (Knoll, 1992) evolved much exclusively parasitic forms that have a sin-
earlier than previously thought. gle flagellum (including the well-known
A more practical application of sequence Trypanosoma and Leishmania species), and
data has been the development of a PCR Bodonina, which include free-living hetero-
assay that distinguishes I. multifiliis from trophic, ectocommensal and parasitic forms
Tetrahymena corlissi in mixed cultures, with two flagella. A number of species
using primers specific for regions of the within each group are parasitic on/in
Molecular Approaches and Techniques 733

fishes. With the inception of SSU rDNA primarily of protozoan parasites of fishes
sequence analysis, the taxonomic relation- and crustaceans. Known alternatively as
ships of such species within the larger DRIPs (an acronym representing the genera
kinetoplastid order have changed dramati- Dermocystidium, the rosette agent (recently
cally relative to the more classical scheme Sphaerothecum destruens Arkush et al.,
based on morphological features alone 2003), Ichthyophonus and Psorospermium),
(Maslov et al., 1996, 2001; Hollar et al., this group maintained an enigmatic stand-
1998; Callahan et al., 2002). Nevertheless, ing prior to phylogenetic analyses of rDNA
even molecular approaches have left a and mitochondrial protein-coding genes.
comprehensive phylogenic tree for the kin- Based on SSU rDNA sequencing, these
etoplastids in doubt, due in part to the pau- organisms (along with additional genera,
city of data for many members of the group such as Rhinosporidium) are clearly members
(Maslov et al., 2001). In this regard, a recent of a distinct class of organisms that arose
study that included Ichthyobodo necator near the metazoan–protozoan boundary
and a number of other important fish para- (Ragan et al., 1996; Herr et al., 1999).
sites has suggested a novel taxonomic order Indeed, their position in the descent lead-
for the kinetoplastids (Callahan et al., 2002). ing from single-celled protists to metazoa is
While previous work had indicated the extremely interesting from an evolutionary
existence of two well-defined suborders standpoint, and prompted the recent
(consisting of Trypanosomatina and sequencing of the entire mitochondrial
Bodonina), the inclusion of SSU rDNA genome of Amoebidium parasiticum, an
sequences from I. necator splits the order ichthyosporean that can be readily cultured.
into two different sublineages, one consist- Analysis of the content and architecture of
ing of Ichthyobodo itself, and the other con- the mitochondrial genome of A. parasiticum,
taining all other kinetoplastid species when compared with mitochondrial DNA
(Callahan et al., 2002). Whether this alterna- (mtDNA) from choanoflagellates (repre-
tive view prevails remains to be determined. sented by Monosiga brevicollis) and Metazoa,
However, even for the previous trees, 18S indicates that these three lineages comprise
rDNA sequence analysis clearly indicates a monophyletic assemblage (termed Holozoa)
that several genera (as defined morphologi- separate from the other major eukaryotic
cally) within the suborders Trypanosomatina clades, including fungi. Based on likeli-
and Bodonina are polyphyletic, indicating hood tests of tree topologies generated from
that a reordering of these taxa will almost comparisons of 11 conserved mitochondrial
certainly occur (Maslov et al., 2001). proteins, the Holozoa appear to have
Classification schemes for the kineto- evolved from a common ancestor, with
plastids are interesting not just from the Ichthyosporea emerging first, and Metazoa
standpoint of taxonomy, but in terms of and choanoflagellates later as branching
how parasitism evolved. In the bonodids, sister taxa (Lang et al., 2002; Burger et al.,
free-living and parasitic species intermingle 2003). A few Ichthyosporea have evolved
within distinct lineages, and current schema into fish parasites, thus falling within the
(which include the trypanosomatids) sug- lineage that led directly to the formation of
gest that a parasitic life style may have sponges and other extant animals, and
evolved independently a number of times were among the first organisms to separate
during the evolution of the kinetoplastids this lineage from the fungi. Given their
(Maslov et al., 2001). phylogenetic position, Ichthyosporea have
been renamed Mesomycetozoea (Herr et al.,
1999), and have been further subdivided
Ichthyosporea (Mesomycetozoea) into the orders Ichthyophonida and Dermo-
cystida based on gene sequence, life style
Molecular genetic analyses have been and morphological criteria (see Mendoza
instrumental in the classification of et al., 2002). Although computational analy-
Ichthyosporea, a discrete taxon consisting ses of sequence data for the nuclear genes
734 T.G. Clark

encoding elongation factor 1-α from Ichthyo- been classified into 400 species on mor-
sporea, animals and fungi do not provide a phological grounds, although the true
clear picture of the relationships between number may exceed 20,000 (Zietara and
these organisms, they clearly group all three Lumme, 2002). A number of these species
within a separate clade, known formally as are pathogenic to fishes and have serious
the Opisthokonta (Ragan et al., 2003). effects on wild populations, particularly
Analyses of the mtDNAs of the Holozoa those of Norwegian Atlantic salmon. Genetic
provide additional, interesting information markers that can distinguish species and/or
regarding the evolution of the genome intraspecific (i.e. strain) differences that
structure of this organelle. While Metazoa relate to pathogenicity have long been
have relatively uniform compact (13–19 kb) sought. Because of its economic impact,
mitochondrial genomes, consisting of closed considerable emphasis has been placed on
circular DNAs present as monomers and Gyrodactylus salaris. The parasite has been
concatenated oligomers, mtDNAs in other identified in rivers and streams across
eukaryotic clades (including plants, fungi Northern Europe, where it infects both
and protozoa) vary greatly in terms of their Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), and
size and overall structures. Interestingly, farmed rainbow trout. Disease outbreaks in
the circular mtDNAs of choanoflagellates specific locations have suggested that
are up to four times as large as those in pathogenic strains of G. salaris may exist.
Metazoa and have roughly twice the num- However, pathogenicity has not been linked
ber of protein-coding genes. Mitochondrial to any particular morphological trait(s).
DNAs of Ichthyosporea are even larger (up Indeed, while intraspecific differences in
to ten times the size), and consist of several host adaptation appear to exist, the genus as
hundred linear chromosomes that share a whole is morphologically quite similar. At
elaborate terminal repeat structures (Burger the molecular level, neither SSU nor ITS
et al., 2003). The differences in mtDNA rDNA sequence analysis has been parti-
structure within various branches of the cularly useful for discriminating strains.
Holozoa would clearly suggest that compac- For example, ITS sequences are identical
tion of the mitochondrial genomes seen in between G. salaris isolates obtained from
animals occurred at or near the time of different host species across a wide geo-
emergence of a multicellular body plan. graphical range and fail to discriminate
G. salaris from Gyrodactylus thymalli, its
avirulent sister group that is specific for
Helminths European grayling (Thymallus thymallus)
(Cunningham, 1997; Zietara and Lumme,
Nucleotide sequence analyses of rDNA and 2002). However, analyses of the intergenic
protein-coding genes have been widely spacer (IGS) regions of rDNA, as well as the
applied in epidemiological and phylogen- mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI)
etic studies of parasitic helminths of fish. gene, have been far more revealing (Sterud
These approaches are particularly useful in et al., 2002; Cunningham et al., 2003;
uncovering cryptic or sibling species whose Hansen et al., 2003; Meinilä et al., 2004).
members are more or less morphologically While these studies have failed to yield mark-
similar. In addition, they relate to important ers for pathogenic strains, they provide con-
issues in parasite evolution, including the siderable insight into the phylogeny of
idea that host switching plays a role in the G. salaris and its sister group G. thymalli,
speciation of at least some taxa. Examples and suggest an interesting hypothesis
of the use of these techniques are summa- regarding mechanisms of speciation within
rized briefly below, with primary emphasis the genus. Analysis of IGS rDNA sequences
on species that have an impact on wild and of Gyrodactylus collected at different loca-
commercial fisheries. tions from different types of fish show clear
Monogenean parasites (Chapter 9) differences in the number and sequence of
belonging to the genus Gyrodactylus have individual 23 bp repeats within the two
Molecular Approaches and Techniques 735

repetitive regions of the IGS domain (Sterud (1997a,b) employed two complementary
et al., 2002; Cunningham et al., 2003). While approaches (namely, DNA/DNA hybridiza-
IGS elements were too conserved to make tion and ITS rDNA sequence analysis) to
inferences regarding the geographical spread determine phylogenetic relationships among
of the parasite, analysis of these regions seven marine bothriocephalid species, and
showed unequivocal separation of G. salaris compared these with the lineages of their
and G. thymalli and presumptive diver- fish hosts. The study showed little congru-
gence of G. salaris into forms that infect ence between the branching patterns of the
either salmon or trout (Cunningham et al., different bothriocephalid species and their
2003). Two independent studies of the host species. Indeed, it appears that the
mitochondrial COI gene were equally majority of the parasites (six of seven spe-
informative. While they differed in their cies) have diverged recently, and it seems
precise conclusions, each study identified clear that switching events (leading to
multiple clades of both G. salaris and speciation) have occurred since the emer-
G. thymalli (Hansen et al., 2003; Meinilä gence of at least some host groups.
et al., 2004). Furthermore, consistent with Along with marine bothriocephalids,
IGS sequence analysis, phylogenetic trees sequence analysis of the ITS rDNA domains
based on mitochondrial COI data showed of the freshwater tapeworm Bothriocephalus
that these clades are specific for either acheilognathi has revealed the existence of
salmon (G. salaris), both trout and salmon multiple genotypes (distinguished on the
(G. salaris) or grayling exclusively basis of microsatellite repeats within the
(G. thymalli) (Hansen et al., 2003; Meinilä ITS2 region) that exhibit degrees of host
et al., 2004). The fact that neither G. salaris specificity as well (Luo et al., 2002). The
nor G. thymalli appears to be monophyletic apparent increase in the number of fish
leaves open the question of whether they species infected by B. acheilognathi has sug-
constitute: (i) a single polytypic species; gested that colonization and host switching
(ii) two polytypic species; or (iii) a complex may have occurred recently (Luo et al., 2002).
of more than two sibling species (Hansen The absence of widespread co-speciation
et al., 2003). Irrespective of the alterna- during the evolution of Lamellodiscus
tives, the linkage between parasite clades (Monogenea) and their fish hosts, the
and host species suggests that host switch- Sparidae, has also been inferred based on
ing (either in addition to or separate from molecular genetic data. In this case, phylo-
geographical isolation) may underlie genetic trees built on SSU rDNA sequences
speciation within the gyrodactylids (Brooks (for Lamellodiscus) and both 16S and
and McLennan, 1993; Cribb et al., 2002; cytochrome-b mitochondrial gene sequences
Huyse and Volckaert, 2002; Poulin, 2002; (for the Sparidae) were examined for
Meinilä et al., 2004). co-evolution using computational methods,
Molecular genetic analyses of other all of which agreed that widespread
parasitic helminths of fishes also suggest co-speciation in this host–parasite system is
co-speciation of parasites and their hosts. unlikely to have occurred (Desdevises et al.,
For example, tapeworms (Chapter 11) of the 2002). In contrast, comparative phylogenies
genus Bothriocephalus infect a broad range of helminths and their fish hosts have sug-
of fish hosts that belong to distantly related gested co-speciation in evolution in at least
taxa. Nevertheless, individual parasite spe- two cases, namely, the genus Diplozoon, a
cies appear to be restricted to a given fish class of monogeneans that interacts with
host. Since host species in this case extend cyprinid species (Sicard et al., 2001), and
across a broad taxonomic range, it becomes the Tetraphyllidea, a group of tapeworms
possible to examine whether particular that infect elasmobranchs (Olson et al., 1999).
hosts and their parasites evolved in parallel In addition to its use in systematics and
(through co-evolution) or whether switch- evolutionary biology, PCR amplification
ing to different hosts led to the emergence of rDNA sequences has served as an impor-
of different bothriocephalids. Verneau et al. tant tool for identifying species and for
736 T.G. Clark

determining fish hosts parasitized by worms the possible involvement of a second

such as digenean trematodes (Chapter 10). unnamed species termed Bolbophorus sp.
In this regard, ITS2 rDNA sequences were type 2 (Levy et al., 2002). Using specific
used to infer a three-host life cycle for primers that generate 820 and 420 bp
Bivesicula claviformis, a digenean found in amplicons from B. damnificus and Bolbo-
the intestines of warmwater fishes (Cribb phorus sp. type 2, respectively, both species
et al., 1998). Amplification of ITS2 rDNA were shown to be present in the American
from immature bivesiculids found in labrid white pelican, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
species, such as Thalassoma lunare, identi- suggesting that the pelican is the definitive
fied these parasites as B. claviformis. Previ- host (Levy et al., 2002; Overstreet et al.,
ously, this trematode had been found (as 2002). Similarly, both species were shown
adults) only in large carnivorous serranids to be present in field-collected ramshorn
(namely, Epinephelus fasciatus) in the snails (Planorbella trivolvis), considered the
Great Barrier Reef, and was assumed to first intermediate host (Levy et al., 2002).
have a two-host life cycle. Since the diet of Interestingly, only B. damnificus was identi-
E. fasciatus includes labrid fish, it is likely fied in field isolates of infected channel cat-
that the larger carnivorous fish become fish, which presumably acts as a second
infected by feeding on the intermediate host intermediate host. Although Bolbophorus
(T. lunare) (Cribb et al., 1998). In other stud- sp. type 2 has been shown to be pathogenic
ies, ITS1 rDNA sequences have been used to to a variety of fish species in direct chal-
identify encysted metacercariae in molluscs lenge studies, it remains to be determined
(Cerastoderma edule) collected from the whether it causes disease in the commer-
Atlantic Ocean off the Iberian coast as those cially important catfish, I. punctatus (Levy
of Monorchis parvus. The adult stage infects et al., 2002). Given the extreme differences
Diplodus sargus and other fish species in the in morphologies of the different stages of
Mediterranean Sea. In the absence of rDNA these parasites, molecular genetic analyses
sequence data, the encysted form had been were indispensable in correctly matching
identified only as Cercaria cerastodermae I parasite species with their respective hosts.
(Bartoli et al., 2000). The study also pro- Dzikowski et al. (2003) have used a similar
vided a means to distinguish M. parvus from approach to distinguish the North American
the related species Monorchis monorchis, on species B. damnificus and Bolbophorus
the basis of ITS1 rDNA sequence data (Cribb sp. type 2 from Old World species that
et al., 1998). affect cyprinid fish, namely, Bolbophorus
Application of PCR and DNA sequence confusus and Bolbophorus levantinus.
analysis has been useful in identification Using species-specific primers that ampli-
and epidemiological studies of other fied 820 and 420 bp fragments of SSU rDNA
trematodes, most notably Bolbophorus, which from B. confusus and B. levantinus, respec-
can be highly pathogenic to farm-raised fish. tively, it was possible to generate a prelim-
Since the late 1990s, catfish farms in south- inary phylogenetic tree relating the Old and
western Louisiana and the Mississippi delta New World species based on sequence com-
region of the USA have experienced epi- parisons. In this analysis, B. damnificus was
demics of metacercarial infections with more closely related to B. levantinus than to
high mortalities, especially among young Bolbophorus sp. type 2. It is not understood
fish. These mortalities were originally why two species from different continents
thought to have a viral etiology but have (and different hosts) are more closely
now been ascribed to Bolbophorus species, related than species from the same conti-
which can be distinguished on the basis of nent. More in-depth sequencing of rDNA
rDNA and mitochondrial COI gene sequence and protein-coding genes is clearly war-
analysis (Levy et al., 2002; Overstreet et al., ranted to determine whether the inferred
2002). The principal agent responsible for relationship is correct.
these outbreaks is probably Bolbophorus Marine and freshwater nematodes
damnificus (Overstreet et al., 2002), with (Chapter 12) have also been targeted for
Molecular Approaches and Techniques 737

genetic analysis. A number of anisakid spe- gels. The complexity of eukaryotic genomes
cies (in particular, Anisakis simplex) are ensures that multiple fragments (RAPD
recognized as zoonotic agents in humans markers) are generated with most arbitrary
who consume undercooked seafood. Sim- primer pairs, and that the patterns of bands
ple PCR-based assays that can be used to in each case are distinct. Such patterns
detect and distinguish species of anisakids establish a fingerprint of DNA for an indi-
infecting marine and freshwater fishes, vidual, with certain (fixed) markers being
mammals and fish-eating birds have now indicative of species. RAPD PCR provides a
been developed (Zhu et al., 1998; D’Amelio nimble way to study genetic diversity
et al., 2000; Kijewska et al., 2002). These within populations, and has been particu-
assays rely on RFLPs in a region of the larly useful in uncovering sibling or cryptic
rDNA containing ITS1, the 5.8S rRNA gene, species. Its advantages include the fact that
ITS2 and ∼ 70 bp of the 28S rRNA gene. it does not require prior knowledge of the
Upon amplification of this region with nucleotide sequence of any gene and that it
broadly specific primers spanning the ITS1 can generate a large number of genetic
and ITS2 domains of anisakid rDNA, batter- markers for establishing the population
ies of restriction enzymes generate discrete structure for a given species. RAPD analysis
patterns of fragments from different parasite has been applied to two different types of
species, including possible cryptic species helminths infecting fish, namely, G. salaris
of A. simplex (Zhu et al., 1998; D’Amelio and Hysterothylacium fabri (an anisakid
et al., 2000; Kijewska et al., 2002). These nematode). In the case of G. salaris, certain
types of PCR-RFLP assays will undoubtedly primers revealed clear polymorphisms in
be extremely useful in future diagnostic and populations of worms taken from Atlantic
epidemiological studies of marine and salmon in different Norwegian rivers
freshwater ascarids. (Cunningham and Mo, 1997). In a more
detailed study with H. fabri, RAPD PCR was
used to generate more than 400 genetic
Arbitrary primed PCR: RAPD analysis markers, of which > 90% were polymorphic
(Martín-Sánchez et al., 2003). An analysis
In addition to the direct sequencing of of genetic diversity and population struc-
rDNA and protein-coding genes, intra- and ture using this approach suggested that
interspecific differences within and H. fabri represents a species complex com-
between taxa can also be detected using prising at least three sister groups having
arbitrary primed PCR. Referred to alterna- little host specificity (Martín-Sánchez et al.,
tively as random amplified polymorphic 2003). RAPD PCR analysis has also suggested
DNA (RAPD) analysis, this relatively sim- the existence of bottlenecks of genetic
ple method relies on the ability of arbitrary diversity in I. multifiliis grown in different
PCR primers to generate visibly different species of host fish (M. Gray, D.M. Cassidy-
patterns of amplified DNA from templates Hanley and T.G. Clark, unpublished;
representing different species (or strains of Fig. 20.5).
the same species) following electrophoresis
on agarose gels. Initially either single or
pairs of random PCR primers are used to Solid-phase hybridization techniques
amplify total DNA from a given organism,
under conditions of low annealing tempera- Along with solution-based assays, such as
ture, which allow some mismatch between PCR, solid-phase methods, which rely on
the primers and their target sequences nucleic acid hybridization with labelled
within the genome. Following the initial probes, provide additional means for
rounds of PCR, the annealing temperature is detection and identification of pathogens
raised and additional cycles are carried out (Fig. 20.6). As with PCR, such methods are
to generate PCR fragments that can be visu- highly specific, owing to the discrete inter-
alized using ethidium staining on agarose action of nucleic acid probes with their
738 T.G. Clark

Fig. 20.5. RAPD PCR analysis of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. DNA from individual (cloned) parasites
collected from rainbow trout following a natural outbreak of ‘white spot’ disease in upstate New York was
amplified,using a single pair of random PCR primers (lanes 1–10). The infection was passaged on channel
catfish and individual parasites were again harvested and analysed by RAPD PCR with the same set of
random primers (lanes 11–19). While DNA fingerprints from parasites collected from the initial infection
on rainbow trout were quite varied, the patterns generated with parasites taken from channel catfish were
largely homogeneous. The lane on the extreme right represents a DNA size standard.

cognate sequences. With most solid-phase to the probe. Following hybridization, sig-
techniques, DNA or RNA is purified from nals generated by the probe are used to
the target organism prior to annealing with detect and localize the pathogen (where the
a labelled probe that is specific for a given probe is labelled with a fluorochrome, the
gene or sequence. In such cases, the puri- method is referred to as fluorescence in situ
fied DNA/RNA is either directly bound to a hybridization (FISH)).
support (dot blots, slot blots, etc.) or frac- ISH techniques for the detection of
tionated using gel electrophoresis prior to fish parasites have been applied to both
immobilization on nylon or nitrocellulose Myxozoa and Microsporea. Antonio et al.
membranes (Southern and Northern blot- (1998) used them to detect M. cerebralis in
ting analysis). Once attached, the target fixed tissues of rainbow trout and its inter-
DNA/RNA is reacted with the probe under mediate host, T. tubifex. Three different
conditions that favour specific hybridiza- oligonucleotide primers intended originally
tion and discourage non-specific binding to for PCR amplification of M. cerebralis SSU
non-target sequences or to the support itself. rDNA were end-labelled with the steroid
A second approach involves in situ hybrid- hapten digoxigenin (DIG) and hybridized
ization (ISH), in which pathogen-specific to fixed tissue sections that had been
probes are reacted directly with histological dewaxed and proteinase K-treated to expose
sections suspected to contain a given agent parasite DNA. After high-stringency washing,
(Wilcox, 1993). Prior to screening, the sec- probes were detected using alkaline
tioned material is treated so that endo- phosphatase-conjugated anti-DIG antibodies
genous nucleic acids are available for binding and appropriate colorimetric (NBT/BCIP)
Molecular Approaches and Techniques 739

Fig. 20.6. Solid-phase hybridization with labelled

nucleic acid probes. DNA probes are constructed
from either PCR-generated or cloned fragments of
DNA. Probes are labelled with tagged
deoxyribonucleotides (dNTPs), using any of a
number of different methods. Shown here are
end-labelling with terminal deoxynucleotide
transferase (TdT) and continuous labelling of both
DNA strands in synthesis reactions with either the
Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase or with
thermostable Taq DNA polymerase (that is, by
PCR). Commonly used tags include the steroid
Fig. 20.7. Localization of M. cerebralis in host
hapten digoxigenin, biotin and radioactive 32P.
tissues by in situ hybridization. Panels (A) and (B)
Once labelled, probes are denatured to separate the
show sections of cranial cartilage from rainbow
DNA strands and then hybridized to immobilized
trout infected with M. cerebralis and processed for
RNA (Northern blot), genomic DNA (Southern blot)
in situ hybridization 3 months post-exposure.
or histological sections (ISH) under low stringency
Oligonucleotide probes were labelled at their
conditions that favour annealing. The probe is then
3′ ends with dUTP–digoxigenin. Preincubation of
washed off the substrate under high-stringency
sections with excess unlabelled probe eliminated
conditions, which disrupt non-specific interactions
tissue staining (panel A). Strong staining of
(including mismatched hybrids), leaving only the
developmental stages of the parasite was visible
probe bound to its complementary target sequence.
in host tissues using the labelled probe by itself
Radioactive hybrids are detected using X-ray film,
(arrows, panel B). (From Antonio et al., 1998 with
while biotin and digoxigenin probes are detected
permission from Journal of Aquatic Animal Health.)
with streptavidin–enzyme conjugates and
anti-digoxigenin antibody conjugates, respectively.
detected with anti-DIG monoclonal anti-
bodies linked to alkaline phosphatase.
substrates. Developmental and sporogonic A modification of this method, which
stages of the parasite were easily detected in reduces the workup time from 2 days to
fish and oligochaete tissues (Fig. 20.7). The about 5 h, involves the use of biotinylated
probes were specific for M. cerebralis and probes and a streptavidin peroxidase conju-
did not generate positive signals in tissues gate. The ability to detect the parasite in tis-
from fish infected with other Myxozoa, sues suggests that the gill is an important
including C. shasta, T. briosalmonae and portal of entry for T. bryosalmonae and
Myxobolus sp. (Antonio et al., 1998). Morris that the parasite spreads directly to the
et al. (2000) applied similar methods for kidneys prior to the involvement of other
detection of the PKX agent, T. bryosalmonae, tissues (Morris et al., 2000).
using oligonucleotide probes that were also Detection of the microsporidia
developed for PCR. T. bryosalmonae-specific L. salmonae and Tetramicra brevifilum has
probes were end-labelled with DIG and also been described using ISH techniques
740 T.G. Clark

(Sánchez et al., 1999, 2001; Leiro et al., 2001). 28S rDNA. After the addition of poly-dT
In the case of Loma, a 272 bp single-stranded tails, the probes were covalently attached to
probe corresponding to the ITS and por- the wells of microtitre plates, where they
tions of the small- and large-subunit rDNA became available for hybridization with
was constructed by PCR and labelled during labelled probes. The probes consisted of
synthesis with digoxigenin-11-deoxyuridine amplicons generated from single copepods
triphosphate (dUTP) in reactions that con- (adult and naupliar stages) labelled during
tained only a forward primer (Sánchez synthesis with biotin. In all cases, amplicons
et al., 1999, 2001). When applied to sections were produced using the same (universal)
of fixed tissue from infected rainbow trout, primers that recognize conserved sequences
the probe detected parasite xenomas with delimiting the variable D1/D2 region. Fol-
high sensitivity and specificity (Sánchez lowing hybridization, the probe was
et al., 1999, 2001). Using similar methods, a detected with a streptavidin–horse radish
1.2 kb digoxigenin-tagged probe, generated peroxidase conjugate. Because a single set
using PCR from SSU rDNA of Tetramicra; of primers was used to amplify all unknown
allowed definitive diagnosis of this agent in samples, the requirement for a large number
xenomas of infected turbot (Scophthalmus of PCR reactions for each sample, using
maximus) (Leiro et al., 2001). Although pat- multiple species-specific primers, was
ent infections with T. brevifilum are easily avoided (Kiesling et al., 2002). While the
visualized in host tissues using conven- copepods identified in this study were not
tional light microscopy, identification and necessarily pathogenic, the procedure could
localization of immature stages (or mild easily be adapted and used as a means of
infections) are more difficult. ISH, on the identifying parasitic species within the
other hand, has permitted detection of environment.
L. salmonae during its earliest stages of
infection where it is localized to the gut epi-
thelium of infected fish. With time, para-
sites are visible in the lamina propria and Gene Cloning
then blood cells within the heart, where they
appear to undergo merogony prior to their The isolation of genes encoding specific
final development in the gills (Sánchez proteins has become an indispensable tool
et al., 2001). This is the first description of for studying the biology of living species
early stages of infection in fish exposed to and is often a key step in the development
L. salmonae. of therapeutic and prophylactic reagents
Applications of Southern and Northern against pathogens. Procedures for gene puri-
blotting analyses in fish parasitology are fication generally take one of two routes. The
described below in connection with the first involves construction and plating of
development of vaccines against I. multifiliis. libraries of genomic or complementary
However, another solid-phase technique, DNA (cDNA) from the pathogen, followed
which combines PCR with hybridization of by the identification and isolation of clones
target and probe sequences in a microtitre of interest by hybridization with specific
plate format, has been developed for marine nucleic acid probes (or by cross-reactivity
copepods (Kiesling et al., 2002). The tech- with antibody probes in the case of expres-
nique, which was developed to distinguish sion libraries). The alternative approach
copepod species within the marine envi- involves amplification of known (or sus-
ronment, significantly reduced the number pected) protein-coding regions by PCR,
of individual PCR reactions that would be using genomic DNA as the template and
required using more conventional methods. degenerate oligonucleotide primers that tar-
With this streamlined approach, a series of get conserved regions of coding sequence.
species-specific oligonucleotide probes was Once desired genes have been isolated, cor-
constructed against the highly variable responding protein products can be synthe-
D1/D2 region at the 5′ end of copepod sized using any of a number of heterologous
Molecular Approaches and Techniques 741

protein expression systems (e.g. Esche- Trypanosoma carassii (a kinetoplastid that

richia coli (Swartz, 2001), yeast (Gellissen, infects cyprinid fishes) (Aguero et al., 2002),
2000), Tetrahymena (Gaertig et al., 1999), Lepeophtheirus salmonis (an ectoparasitic
insect (Jarvis et al., 1996) and mammalian copepod that affects salmonids) (Johnson
tissue culture cells (Fussenegger et al., et al., 2002) and I. multifiliis (the causative
1999)). The resulting recombinant products agent of ‘white spot’ in freshwater fishes)
can then be used for a variety of purposes, (T.G. Clark, unpublished). The GenBank
ranging from X-ray crystallography and dbEST database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
drug design to the development of recombi- gov/dbEST/) currently lists 1921 EST
nant subunit vaccines. In systems that sequences for T. carassii, 512 for I. multi-
allow reverse genetics, gene isolation often filiis and 248 for C. sinensis. An additional
permits one to conduct functional assays of 392 ESTs have been sequenced for L. sal-
specific proteins by ‘knocking out’ the cor- monis (Johnson et al., 2002). Of the 1921
responding gene in vivo, using either ESTs for T. carassii, the vast majority
targeted deletion via homologous recombi- (> 90%) had no significant match to other
nation (Gong and Rong, 2003) or interfering known protein-coding sequences at the time
RNA technology (RNAi) (Zanmore, 2002). they were submitted to GenBank (Aguero
The creation of ‘knockout’ strains can also et al., 2002). Similarly, ∼ 33% of the EST
serve in the construction of rationally atten- sequences identified in the C. sinensis
uated vaccine strains, particularly in cases library did not have significant database
where gene deletion results in altered viru- matches (Lee et al., 2003). Such results
lence (Kit et al., 1985; Charles and Dougan, clearly attest to the power of this approach
1990; Uzonna et al., 2004). for gene discovery. While the numbers of
Along with conventional gene isolation gene and EST sequences for fish parasites
methods, robotic systems are now available are relatively low (particularly when com-
that permit high-throughput sequencing of pared with agents that infect mammalian
large numbers of cloned inserts from DNA hosts), one can only expect that they will
libraries. This approach has opened up an increase dramatically as work in this area
entirely new method for gene discovery, in expands and as the cost of high-throughput
which computational methods can be applied sequencing continues to decline.
on a genome-wide scale. High-throughput, Apart from large-scale data collection,
single-pass sequencing of cloned cDNAs (to the construction of genomic and/or cDNA
create expressed sequence tags (ESTs)) (Gill libraries has made possible in-depth analy-
and Sanseau, 2000) offers further opportu- ses of a number of important gene products
nities, along with microarrays (Freeman, from agents that parasitize fish. These
2003), to examine patterns of gene expres- include several trypsin-like enzymes from
sion at different stages of parasite life cycles L. salmonis (Johnson et al., 2002), trans-
or in response to changes in environmental sialidase-like and mucin-like proteins from
conditions. High-throughput methods are T. carassii (Aguero et al., 2002) and a family
particularly useful in systems that do not of surface membrane antigens involved in
allow straightforward genetics, and they protective immunity against I. multifiliis
offer a powerful approach towards the dis- (Clark et al., 1992, 1999; Lin et al., 2002b).
covery of novel targets for diagnosis, drug The latter case provides an example of how
treatment and vaccine development. While gene cloning can be used in vaccine devel-
the application of genomics to fish disease opment and is discussed in detail below.
is still in its infancy, a number of pilot EST The use of expression libraries for the clon-
projects are under way for a diverse group ing of genes from the PKX agent of sal-
of parasitic agents that affect wild and monids (T. bryosalmonae) has also been
farm-raised fish. These include Clonorchis described (Saulnier et al., 1996).
sinensis (a digenean trematode that is an The alternative approach of gene
important zoonotic agent in China, Korea cloning using PCR has been applied to
and South East Asia) (Lee et al., 2003), a variety of fish parasites. For example,
742 T.G. Clark

full-length coding sequences for genes with numerous other phylogenetic studies.
encoding abundant glycosyl phosphatidyl As indicated above, these include full or par-
inositol (GPI)-anchored surface proteins tial sequences for homeobox-containing pro-
from Ichthyophthirius and a cathepsin teins, tubulins, ribosomal proteins, heat-shock
Z-like enzyme from M. cerebralis have been proteins and mitochondrial proteins from
described (Lin et al., 2002b; Kelley et al., Myxozoa, microsporidia, flatworms and a
2003). In both instances, fragments of the variety of other parasitic forms.
relevant coding sequences are amplified
using PCR. The degenerate primers are
designed against conserved regions of the Molecular Parasitology and Vaccine
corresponding proteins. After sequencing Development
the truncated fragments, missing regions
are obtained using rapid amplification of Fish are capable of mounting effective
cDNA ends (RACE), a procedure that allows immune responses to parasitic protozoa,
amplification of the 5′ and 3′ regions of the including Ichthyophthirius (Chapter 4). As
coding sequences of genes, using cDNA as a with a variety of other parasites, however,
template (Frohman, 1990). In RACE, a first- Ichthyophthirius cannot be easily cul-
strand cDNA is synthesized from mRNA, tured, and it has long been recognized
using oligo-dT as the primer, and missing 3′ that development of an effective vaccine
sequences are amplified in PCR reactions, against this agent will require the expres-
which utilize a forward primer based on a sion of protective antigens in recombinant
known sequence (derived from the previ- form. Immunological studies have shown
ously amplified gene fragment) and oligo-dT that immunity against I. multifiliis is
as the reverse primer. Missing 5′ sequences largely humoral and involves an antibody
are obtained after addition of a homopoly- response to abundant parasite membrane
meric tail (e.g. poly-G) to the 5′ end of the proteins, known as immobilization antigens
first-strand cDNA, using terminal deoxynu- (i-antigens) (Clark et al., 1995; Clark and
cleotidyl transferase. The relevant 5′ Dickerson, 1997). Antibodies against these
sequence is obtained by PCR, using a reverse proteins immobilize swimming (theront
primer of known sequence and a forward and tomont) stages of the parasite in vitro
primer complementary to the homopoly- and offer passive protection against infec-
meric tail. A variation on 5′ RACE, known as tion when administered parenterally to
SMART (switching mechanism at 5′ end of naïve fish. Purified i-antigens confer active
RNA transcript) RACE, allows the addition immunity as well (Wang et al., 2002). How-
of a specific sequence rather than a homo- ever, inability to grow the parasite on a
polymeric tail at the 5′ end of the cDNA and large-scale precludes the use of the native
strongly favors the production of full-length antigens for commercial vaccine develop-
products (Chenchik et al., 1998). A variety ment. This has led to efforts to express
of modifications of these procedures are these proteins as recombinant antigens in
also available (Schaefer, 1995; Das et al., heterologous systems.
2001). In the case of the cathepsin Z-like These efforts began with the isolation
gene from M. cerebralis, a phylogenetic of a 1.2 kb cDNA containing the preponder-
analysis comparing its deduced sequence ance of the coding sequence for a 48 kDa
with cathepsin proteases of other eukaryotic i-antigen from parasite isolate G1 (i-antigen
species has suggested that the myxozoan serotype A). This sequence was obtained
protein is among the earliest of the Z-group by screening a trophont cDNA library with
enzymes to have evolved. This analysis has an oligonucleotide probe based on the
implications for the origins of the Myxozoa N-terminal sequence of the purified antigen
(see above and Chapter 8) (Kelley et al., itself (Clark et al., 1992). The library was
2003). constructed using a standard approach, in
Additional protein-coding sequences which poly-A+ trophont mRNA was used
have been amplified using PCR in connection as the template for first-strand cDNA
Molecular Approaches and Techniques 743

synthesis, together with oligo-dT as the

primer and AMV reverse transcriptase to
make the first strand. Second-strand syn-
thesis was carried out with DNA polymerase,
and the resulting double-stranded product
was introduced into a lambda phage vector.
After plating on E. coli, the library was
screened with the 32P-labelled probe, and a
phage plaque containing the 1.2 kb cDNA
was isolated. This cDNA had the deduced
sequence for a nearly full-length protein,
394 amino acids in length, that was rich in
cysteine and had five tandemly repetitive
amino acid sequence domains of ∼ 80 resi-
dues each.
Northern and Southern hybridization
studies were then carried out to examine
the expression and organization of the cor-
responding gene (Fig. 20.8). In Northern
blotting analysis, either total or poly-A+ Fig. 20.8. Northern and Southern blotting analysis.
RNA was fractionated on agarose gels and In the Northern blot in panel (A), poly-A+ RNA from
blotted onto nitrocelluose or nylon filters I. multifiliis was size-fractionated on a 1.2% agarose
gel, blotted onto nylon and probed with a
under denaturing conditions. Membranes 32P-labelled cDNA for the 48 kDa i-antigen of
were then incubated with a labelled nucleic parasite isolate G1 (serotype A). The probe
acid probe specific for the gene (cDNA) of recognized two distinct RNA transcripts of 1.6 and
interest. The probe was permitted to anneal 1.9 kb. In the Southern blot in panel (B), genomic
with its target sequence under conditions of DNA from Ichthyophthirius strain G1 was digested
low stringency (high salt, low temperature) with EcoRI (lane 1), Hind III (lane 2) or SmaI (lane
and the filter was washed at high stringency 3), then fractionated on a 0.8% agarose gel and
(low salt, high temperature) to remove blotted as above for Northern analysis. When
weakly bound probe. As shown in Fig. 20.8, screened with the same cDNA probe used in (A),
when the 1.2 kb cDNA was used to screen two major bands were seen in each of the
restriction digests. Consistent with the presence of
Northern blots of I. multifiliis poly-A+ RNA,
two transcripts in (A), the Southern blot suggests that
the probe recognized two transcripts of 1.6 two i-antigen genes with strong homology to the
and 1.9 kb. This was consistent with probes are present in the G1 parasite strain.
Western blotting studies, which revealed
two closely related i-antigens of 48 and
60 kDa in the G1 parasite strain. Steady- 1.2 kb cDNA revealed two prominent bands
state levels of RNA transcripts for these in I. multifiliis DNA cut with different
proteins were shown to be very high (equiv- restriction enzymes, indicating the presence
alent to ∼ 6% of total poly-A+ RNA) and of two, closely related, i-antigen genes in the
were developmentally regulated through G1 parasite strain (Clark et al., 1992).
the parasite life cycle (with maximal levels With the 1.2 kb cDNA in hand, it
of expression occurring at the infective became possible to isolate the gene for the
theront stage) (Clark et al., 1992). Southern 48 kDa i-antigen (Clark et al., 1999). The
blotting analysis, using the 1.2 kb cDNA as gene, designated IAG48[G1], was obtained
probe, also revealed two closely related from a lambda phage library prepared from
genes (Fig. 20.8). In Southern blotting, genomic DNA fragments cut with the
genomic DNA fragments produced by restric- restriction enzymes SwaI and probed with
tion endonuclease digestion were screened the 1.2 kb cDNA. The gene was found to
with labelled probes for specific genes contain a single, uninterrupted, reading
(Sambrook et al., 1989). In this case, the frame that predicts a full-length (that is,
744 T.G. Clark

preprocessed) protein of 442 amino acids. adjuvant was reported to provide signifi-
Interestingly, the coding sequence of the cant protection in terms of parasite load and
gene differed from the cDNA at its 3′ end. The overall mortality (although the challenge
gene (in contrast to the cDNA) predicted a dose itself killed fewer than half the fish)
protein with a hydrophobic C-terminus (He et al., 1997). This result is clearly inter-
having all the hallmarks of a signal peptide esting and deserves further investigation,
for a GPI-anchored protein. Since the particularly in light of studies indicating
i-antigens are known to be GPI-anchored that protection afforded by purified subunit
(Clark et al., 2001), the 1.2 kb cDNA repre- antigens is serotoype-specific. As shown by
sented an alternatively spliced transcript or Wang et al. (2002), channel catfish injected
was the product of a cloning artefact. The with i-antigens purified directly from the
latter seems to be the case since: (i) primers parasite confer protection against only
flanking the coding region of the gene those strains from which the antigens are
amplify a fragment identical to the gene obtained. Similarly, passive protection using
itself when RNA is used as a template (i.e. i-antigen-specific mouse monoclonal anti-
by reverse-transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR)) bodies is serotype-specific, with the conform-
(Clark et al., 1999); (ii) the 3′ sequence of ational epitopes recognized by these
the 1.2 kb cDNA recognizes an entirely dif- antibodies being unique to a given sero-
ferent transcript on Northern blots than logical strain (Clark and Dickerson, 1997). In
does a probe from the 5′ end of the gene the studies of He et al. (1997), the parasite
(Clark et al., 1999); and (iii) no other strain used for challenge was undefined, as
i-antigen-specific cDNA clones encoding was the nature of the epitope(s) associated
the anomalous 3′ end have been identified with the recombinant fusion protein.
(in > 100 independent clones) (T.G. Clark, Recently, paralogous surface antigen
unpublished). genes have been isolated from a different
Analysis of the coding region of the I. multifiliis strain (G5), representing a dis-
gene for the 48 kDa antigen made it clear that tinct i-antigen serotype (namely, D) (Lin
Ichthyophthirius, like other hymenostome et al., 2002b). These genes, designated
ciliates, utilizes a non-standard genetic code, IAG52A[G5] and IAG52B[G5], encode sur-
in which the normal UAA and UAG stop face antigens of 468 and 460 amino acids,
codons specify glutamine instead (Clark respectively. As with the 48 kDa protein
et al., 1992, 1999). This has important impli- from the G1 isolate, the serotype D proteins
cations in respect of vaccine development, are predicted to contain hydrophobic signal
since the native gene sequence would yield peptides at their N- and C-termini and a
truncated proteins when produced in con- series of imperfect tandem repeats of ~ 80
ventional heterologous protein expression amino acids each spanning their length.
systems, such as E. coli or yeast. The gene Antibodies against affinity-purified i-antigens
for the 48 kDa antigen contains 18 such of serotype D recognize a broad band of
‘stop’ codons, including several near the 52/55 kDa on Western blots, which resolves
N-terminus itself (Clark et al., 1992, 1999). into four or more spots on two dimensional
To overcome this problem, He et al. (1997) gels. Along with IAG48, the IAG52A and
used overlapping oligonucleotides (prim- IAG52B genes have recently been cloned
ers) to synthesize a 315 nucleotide fragment and expressed in Tetrahymena thermophila,
(corresponding to roughly one tandem a non-pathogenic, freshwater ciliate that is
repeat near the N-terminus of the 48 kDa taxonomically related to Ichthyophthirius
protein) lacking seven potential UAA (Shang et al., 2002; T.G. Clark, Y. Bisharyan
glutamine codons. The synthetic gene frag- and D.M. Cassidy-Hanley, unpublished).
ment was then expressed as a GST fusion Following their expression, T. thermophila
protein in E. coli and tested as a subunit cell lines are rapidly immobilized by spe-
vaccine in goldfish. In a single vaccine trial, cific antibodies against the parasite proteins
15 µg of the fusion protein administered in a manner almost identical to that seen
intraperitoneally in Freund’s complete with I. multifiliis (T.G. Clark, Y. Bisharyan
Molecular Approaches and Techniques 745

and D.M. Cassidy-Hanley, unpublished). say, similar methods are being used against
Expression of the native I. multifiliis genes other fish parasites, particularly those of
in Tetrahymena was possible because economic importance within the aqua-
T. thermophila and Ichthyophthirius share culture industry. In this regard, a large-scale
identical codon usage with respect to UAA effort to identify potential targets for vaccine
and UAG triplets. Synthetic genes in which development against sea lice and Neopara-
the native sequences of the 48 and moeba pemaquidensis (the causative agent
52/55 kDa antigens were replaced with the of amoebic gill disease in Atlantic salmon)
preferred codon usage of channel catfish are now well under way (Raynard et al., 2002;
have also been constructed. However, B. Nowak, personal communication; Inter-
unlike the recombinant antigens expressed national Association of Biologicals, 3rd Inter-
in Tetrahymena, the synthetic gene prod- national Symposium on Fish Vaccinology,
ucts expressed in E. coli and mammalian Bergen, Norway, 2003).
tissue-culture cells do not bind to protec-
tive monoclonal antibodies, indicating that
the proteins did not fold correctly in these Conclusions
heterologous (non-ciliate) systems (Lin
et al., 2002a). Consistent with this observa- Over the past 15 years, molecular genetics
tion, plasmid constructs encoding these techniques have proved exceedingly useful
proteins elicit only weak protection against in studies of fish parasites and have revealed
parasite challenge when administered as novel aspects of the biology, evolution and
DNA vaccines (Lin, 2002). life styles of these organisms. In many
Although to date, DNA vaccines (also instances, such studies have gone beyond
known as genetic immunization) have proved fish parasites and shed important light on
less than successful with Ichthyophthirius, evolutionary biology as a whole. In more
this general approach has shown that it has practical terms, molecular cloning tech-
enormous potential against a variety of micro- niques provide sensitive and specific meth-
bial agents and may serve an important role ods for diagnosing parasite infections of
in the prevention of parasitic diseases of fish. fish. They have contributed significantly
A DNA vaccine is constructed by introducing towards our understanding of the epidemi-
the gene for a protective antigen into a ology of parasite disease, and are beginning
plasmid expression vector that contains a to play a role in the development of effica-
promoter element, which can drive transcrip- cious vaccines for the prevention of para-
tion of the cloned sequence in host cells sitic infections in farm-raised fish. Despite
(Donnelly et al., 1997; Heppell and Davis, this explosion of new information, continued
2000). Promoters from viruses normally asso- studies at the molecular level will be needed
ciated with mammalian infection (for exam- to unravel species differences and the pre-
ple, cytomegalovirus) have been shown to be cise evolutionary relationships among and
highly efficient even in fish. The vaccine, in between taxa for a variety of parasite lin-
the form of naked DNA, is introduced into an eages. One would imagine that molecular
animal by parenteral injection, where it is approaches will continue to be applied in
taken up by host cells. Once expressed, the the arena of vaccine development, since these
vector-encoded antigen is recognized by the offer the best hope for protecting farm-
immune system as a foreign substance, lead- raised fish against a number of the most
ing to the production of humoral and cell- important disease-causing agents of commer-
mediated immune responses. cial aquaculture. Finally, the bioinformatics
Apart from genetic immunization, recom- revolution spawned by genomic and
binant subunit antigens are also effective as proteomics-based approaches to biology
vaccines, and pilot studies with i-antigens have begun to find their way into the study
expressed in Tetrahymena have been quite of fish parasites and will almost certainly
promising (X. Wang, T.G. Clark and provide the next wave of understanding of
H. Dickerson unpublished). Needless to these complex and fascinating organisms.
746 T.G. Clark


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Abdomen: The part of the crustacean body that lies behind the genital segments; the last
genital segment normally corresponds to the last thoracic segment.
Abiotic factors: Physical factors which affect the development/survival of an organism.
Abscess: A localized collection of pus in a cavity formed by disintegration of issues.
Acanthella: An acanthocephalan larva that lacks a proboscis and develops from an
acanthor in the intermediate host.
Acanthor: An acanthocephalan larva that develops from a zygote and is infective to the
intermediate host.
Accessory cell: A cell required for, but not actually mediating, a specific immune response;
often used to describe antigen-presenting cells (APC; see below).
Accessory filaments: Fibrillar structures, such as striated lamella, that may form part of the
support in cells; accessory filaments are distinct from microtubules.
Acetabulum: The ventral sucker in trematodes.
Aclid organ: A structure with large, tissue-cutting spines which is located anteriorly on the
Acquired (adaptive) immunity: A series of host defences against a parasite which are char-
acterized by extreme specificity and immunological memory; the defences are medi-
ated by antibody and/or T-cells.
Adenoma: A tumour which consists of glandular tissues.
Adhesion: A pathological condition which results in connective tissue proliferation within
and around an organ.
Affinity: The strength of interaction or binding between an antibody binding site and an
antigenic determinant.
Agarose gel electrophoresis: A method for separating DNA or RNA fragments (in an electric
field) of different lengths, based on their differential rates of migration in an agarose gel.
Agglutinate: The aggregation of organisms or particles into clumps; this may be due to the
reaction of specific antibodies against surface antigenic determinants on the organism.
Agglutinin: Any substance, not necessarily antibody, which is capable of forming bridges
between antigenic determinants on contiguous cells to form visible clumps.
Alae: Lateral cuticular expansions along the body of some nematodes.
Allograft: A tissue transplant (graft) between two genetically non-identical members of a
Alternative complement pathway: The activation of complement through involvement of
properdin factor D, properdin factor B, C3b, C3 and then progressing as in the classical

754 Glossary

Amastigote: The ovoid developmental stage (usually intracellular) of a trypanosome in

which there is no emergent flagellum.
Amplicon: A fragment of DNA synthesized using the polymerase chain reaction.
Anadromous: Fishes that migrate from the sea to fresh water to spawn.
Anaemia: A deficiency in blood or red blood cells.
Anchor: An outgrowth from the head of some female copepods; it is used for attachment to
the host.
Anchoring disc: A laminar structure at the anterior end of a microsporidia spore.
Anoneme: The core of a cilium or flagellum which comprises the microtubule skeleton.
Anorexia: The loss of appetite for food.
Anoxia: The absence of oxygen in tissues.
Antibody (Ab): A protein with the molecular properties of an immunoglobulin and capable
of combination with an antigen; it is produced by lymphoid cells, especially plasma
cells, in response to antigenic stimulation.
Antibody titre: A measure of the amount of antibody, usually in the blood of an animal.
Antigen: A substance or cell that elicits a specific immune response when introduced into
an animal.
Antigen-binding site: The part of an immunoglobulin that specifically binds to antigen(s).
Antigenic determinant: A single antigenic site or epitope on a complex antigenic molecule
or particle.
Antigen-presenting cell (APC): A specialized type of cell (e.g. macrophage, dendritic cells),
which bears cell surface class II MHC (major histocompatibility complex) molecules
and is involved in processing and presentation of antigen to T-cells.
Antigen processing: Large molecules are broken down into peptides in macrophages and
are presented within the groove of MHC molecules.
Antigen receptor: The specific antigen-binding receptor on T- or B-lymphocytes; these
receptors are transcribed and translated from rearrangements of V genes.
Antiglobulin test (Coombs test): A technique to detect cell-bound immunoglobulin.
Antisera: Sera containing antibodies induced in animals against known antigens.
Aplanospore: The trophozoite or vegetative stage of the protozoa Perkinsus sp. and
Appendix: A finger-like posterior projection of the ventiruculus, common in some
ascaridoid nematodes.
Aqueous humour: Anterior chamber of the eyeball.
Ascites: The presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity.
Atrophy: A decrease in the amount of tissue or the size of an organ after normal growth has
been achieved.
Attachment plate: A region of the trophont of a dinoflagellate which is modified for attach-
ment to the host.
Autogamy: A kind of sexual reproduction in which the zygote is formed by fusion of two
haploid nuclei from one individual.
Avidity: The summation of multiple affinities, for example, when a polyvalent antibody
binds to a polyvalent antigen.
Axiel structure: A supporting structure aligned along the long axis of a cell.
Axostyle: A rod-like supporting organelle composed of microtubules arranged in sheets or
ribbons, e.g. in the Trichomonadida.

Basement membrane: The extracellular supporting layer of mucopolysaccharides and

proteins underlying the epithelium.
Basic local alignment search tool (BLAST): A computational algorithm that allows one to
search for sequence homologues (similar or identical genes, proteins, etc.) within an
electronic database of stored sequences.
Glossary 755

Benthos: The bottom of the sea.

Binary fission: Asexual reproduction by an organism which results in two progenies.
B-lymphocytes (B-cells): These are precursors of antibody-forming plasma cells; these cells
carry immunoglobulin and class II MHC (major histocompatibility complex) antigens
on their surfaces.
Biomass: Mass of biological tissue commonly expressed in units of weight.
Borborygmus: A rumbling noise caused by gas in the intestine.
Boring tooth: A cuticular tooth-like projection at the cephalic end of a larval nematode.
Branchiae: Leaf-like or finger-like lateral appendages on the urosome of some leeches.
Buccal: Pertaining to the oral cavity.
Buccal cavity: A pouch in ciliates equipped with compound ciliary organelles (see Cilium)
and which precedes the cytostome.
Buccal ciliary apparatus: The specialized ciliature inside and around the buccal cavity in
ciliates for food uptake.

Cachexia: The wasting of body tissues due to extreme malnutrition.

Caecum: An anterior projection of the intestine from the region of the oesophageal–intestine
junction, common in some ascaridoids and spirurids.
Calcification: The deposition of calcium compounds occasionally associated with capsule
Carcinoma: An epithelial tumour which tends to invade the lymph spaces of surrounding
connective tissues.
Carrier: A large immunogenic molecule or particle to which an antigenic determinant is
attached, thus allowing the determinant to become immunogenic.
Catadromous: Fishes that migrate from inland waters to the sea to spawn.
Cataract: The loss of transparency in the eye lens.
Catarrhal: The discharge of fluid due to inflammation of the mucus membrane.
Caudal cilium: An unusually long somatic cilium at the posterior pole of a ciliate.
cDNA: copy DNA, made from isolated messenger RNA.
C domain: The constant homology region of an immunoglobulin molecule.
Cell-mediated immunity (also cellular immunity): Specific immune response which is
dependent on T-lymphocytes.
Cercariae: Free-swimming larvae of digeneans; these stages are usually released from the
gastropod intermediate host.
Chalimus: The modified copepodid stage of a copepod; the parasite attaches to its host by a
Chemotherapy: The use of chemicals to control an infection.
Cholangitis: The inflammation of the bile duct.
Cholangiocarcinoma: Cancer of the bile duct.
Chondroblasts: Cartilage-forming cells.
Chorioallantois: The vascular membrane which encloses the chick embryo.
Chromophores: Dermal cells which contribute to skin colour.
Cilium: A locomotory organelle rooted in a kinetosome, composed of a microtubular axoneme
and covered by the outer cell membrane. The axoneme consists of nine peripheral
doublets and a central paid of microtubules. Cilia may be grouped together in func-
tionally specialized compound ciliary organelles (e.g. membranelles).
Cirrus: Coarse cilia which are longer than normal.
Classical complement pathway: The activation of complement components (in a sequential
enzymatic cascade; C1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) as a result of an antigen-antibody reaction
which ultimately leads to cell lysis.
Class I and II MHC molecules: Proteins encoded by genes in the major histocompatibility
756 Glossary

Class switch: See Isotype switch.

Clitellum: The portion of a leech which is located betweeen the trachelosome and
urosome; it secretes the cocoon.
Clonal deletion: A concept related to the clonal selection theory, which suggests that toler-
ance to ‘self’ antigens results from the deletion of autoreactive lymphocyte clones during
embryonic development.
Clone: A population which is derived from a single individual.
Club cells: Large, roundish or club-shaped cells in the epidermis of fishes. In carps and
crucian carps they are the Leydig cells, in channel catfish they are the alarm substance
cells and in eel and loach they are the clavate cells.
Coccoid: A globular shape that resembles a coccus bacterium.
Cocoon: A brooding capsule for leech eggs.
Ceolozoic parasites: Parasites which occur in organ cavities.
Collagen: The principal proteinaceous substance in connective fibres.
Complement: A group of serum proteins that is the primary humoral mediator of antigen-
antibody reactions and as opsonins in cellular immunity to enable leucocytes to
phagocytose foreign particles.
Complement fixation: A serological assay used for the detection of an antigen–antibody
reaction in which complement is fixed as a result of the formation of an immune
Conchiolin: A nitrogenous albuminoid substance which is usually dark brown in colour;
the organic base of many molluscan shells.
Congested: An excessive or abnormal accumulation of blood in an organ or tissues.
Conjugation: A sexual process in ciliates, in which two individuals fuse; their micronuclei
undergo meiotic division followed by exchange and fusion of the haploid nuclei in the
Constant region (C region): The invariant carboxyl-terminal portion of an antibody mole-
cule, as distinct from the variable region, which is at the amino-terminal of the chain.
Contractile vacuole (or water expulsion vesicle): The pulsating vacuole in a protozoan that
has osmoregulatory and excretory functions.
Coombs test: See Antiglobulin test.
Copepods: Small planktonic or bottom-dwelling crustaceans that are important components
of the food chain of aquatic animals.
Copepodid: The larval stage of a copepod; between the nauplius and the pre-adult stages.
Cornified: Containing fleshy fibrous tissue.
Corticosteroid: Any of the adrenal-cortex steroids.
Cortisol: The major natural glucocorticoid synthesized by the adrenal gland.
Cytokine: A soluble substance (e.g. interleukin 1) secreted by cells that has a number of
effects on other cells.
C-reactive protein (also acute phase protein): A serum protein which increases during
acute inflammation; it has calcium-dependent phosphorylcholine binding properties.
C3 receptor: The cell surface receptor which is capable of selectively combining with the
third component of complement.
Cyst: A non-motile, resistant, dormant stage.
Cystacanth: A juvenile acanthocephalan that develops from an acanthella; it possesses a
proboscis and is infective to the definitive host.
Cystogenous glands: Glands which produce encystment substances.
Cytopharynx: A tube (cytopharyngeal tube) which leads from the cytostome into the
endoplasm of a protozoan.
Cytostome: An oral opening or aperture for ingestion of food particles.
Cytotoxic T-cell: A cell that kills target cells bearing appropriate antigen within the groove
of an MHC class I molecule that is identical to that of the T-cell.
Glossary 757

Definitive host: The host in which the parasite usually undergoes sexual reproduction.
Degenerate primer: A set of oligonucleotides, each coding for the same region of a pro-
tein, but differing at the third position of codons. Degenerate primers are used to
amplify genes from related organisms based on regions of conserved sequence within
Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH): A T-cell-mediated reaction to an antigen, which
takes 24–48 h to develop fully in an animal, and which involves the release of lympho-
kines and the recruitment of monocytes and macrophages. Also called cell-mediated
Dermatitis: The inflammation of the skin.
Determinant: Part of the antigen molecule that binds to an antibody-combining site or to a
receptor on T-cells.
Diadromous: The life history of fish with both freshwater and marine phases.
Diapedesis: The movement of haemocytes through intact epithelium (i.e. through the gut
or mantle) and thus, are voided from the body.
Digestive gland: Part of the digestive tract of molluscs that extends from the midgut and is
composed of numerous ducts and blind tubules. Forms a discrete organ that functions
in nutrient acquisition.
Digitiform: Finger-like.
Dimorphic: Existing in two morphologically different forms.
Dinospore: A unicellular, haploid, motile, parasitic stage that resembles a free-living
dinoflagellate. The dinospore is covered by thecal armour and may contain pigment,
starch, lipid and a stigma.
Diplokaryon: Two closely apposed nuclei with their membranes adhering to each other in
a binucleated cell.
Diplomond: A flagellate with one or two karyomastigonts, each with one to four flagella
and accessary organelles; duplozoic individuals have bilateral symmetry.
Diplozoic: Having two karyomastigonts.
Disporic: A small sporogonic plasmodium or pseudoplasmodium which produces only
one spore.
Disporoblastic sporogony: A process of spore production in which two sporoblasts arise
from one sporont.
DNA polymerase: An enzyme that catalyses the synthesis of DNA strands. PCR (polymerase
chain reaction) reactions utilize DNA polymerase enzymes from thermophilic bacteria,
which can withstand denaturation at the high temperatures required for DNA strand
DNA probes: Segments of DNA from an organism which are used to identify homologous
segments of DNA from another organism. These probes are usually used for rapid iden-
tification of parasites.
DNA sequencing: A method of determining the primary nucleotide sequence of a DNA
Domain: A compact segment of an immunoglobulin molecule, made up of about 110 amino
acids around an S–S bond, and encoded by a unique segment of DNA surrounded by
non-translated sequences.
Dropsy: The abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in cellular tissue or the body cavity.
Ductus ejaculatorus: The functional penis in flatworms.
Dyplasia: The regressive change in adult cells.
Dysmea: Difficulty in breathing.

Ecchymosis: A small haemorrhagic spot, larger than a petechia, in the skin or mucus
Ecdysis: The shedding of the nematode cuticle following moulting.
758 Glossary

Electrophoresis: The separation of proteins across an electrical gradient according to their

mass and charge.
ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay): An immunological test to detect minute
quantities of an antigen (antigen capture ELISA) or an antibody (antibody ELISA).
Emaciation: The deficiency of muscle and fat in an organism due to undernourishment.
Encapsulation: The covering of a parasite by the host with materials, mostly, if not entirely,
of host origin.
Encephalomyelitis: The inflammation of the brain and the spinal cord.
Encystment: The covering of a parasite with materials of parasite origin.
Endocytosis: The uptake by a cell of material from the environment by invagination of its
plasma membrane.
Endoplasmic reticulum: The network of fine tubules in the cytoplasm of cells for structural
framework and circulating pathway.
Endosome: The central dark staining body in the nucleus of an amoeba that probably corre-
sponds to the nucleolus.
Endospore: The thick inner chitinous layer of the wall in a microsporidia spore.
Endothelium: The innermost lining of the blood vessels.
Enteritis: The inflammation of the intestine.
Enzyme: An organic compound, frequently a protein, capable of accelerating or producing
by catalytic action with some change in a specific substrate.
Eosinophilia: An increase in the number of eosinophils in circulation or in tissues.
Eosinophilic granulocytes: Leucocytes which contain acid staining granules.
Eosiniphilic meningoencephalitis: Meningitis characterized by the presence of numerous
Epimastogote: The elongated development stage of a trypanosome in which the flagellum
arises anterior to the nucleus and emerges laterally to form a short undulating mem-
brane along the body to the anterior end.
Epistomial disc: The vaulted apical cell surface in peririchous ciliates, it is encircled by
haplo and polykinety and these two rows together form the adoral zone.
Epithelioid cells: Mononuclear cells which are involved in the inflammatory reaction and
are common in granulomatous lesions. They are formed from the transformation of
macrophages during encapsulation.
Epitope: An alternative term for antigenic determinant.
Epizootic: An outbreak of a disease or an unusually large increase in prevalence and/or
intensity of a parasite in an animal population.
Epizootiology: The study of disease in animal populations.
Esterase: An enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of an ester into its alcohol and acid.
Estuarine: The transitory aquatic habitat between river and sea.
Ethidium bromide: A fluorescent dye that intercalates into the double-stranded DNA and
emits a red-orange light (590 nm) in response to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
Eukaryote: An organism whose cell(s) has a double nuclear envelope.
Eutropic: An aquatic habitat with abundant organic matter.
Exfoliation: The sloughing of cells from the tissue surface.
Exocytosis: The discharge from a cell of particles that are too large to diffuse through the
cell membrane.
Exogenous budding: Reproduction by outgrowth of a protrusion (one or more buds) that is
smaller than the parental cell.
Exophthalmus: Protrusion of the eye.
Exospore: The proteinaceous outer layer of the wall in a microsporidia spore.
Expressed sequence tag (EST): A single-pass sequence of a cDNA insert coding for a given
Glossary 759

Expression library: A DNA library in which cloned gene fragments (inserts) are expressed
as proteins in a bacterial cell host. Expression of the DNA is driven by a promoter
element in the cloning vector which is either constitutively active or induced by the
conditions of cell culture.
Extracellular: Situated or occurring outside a cell.
Extrasporogonic: A phase of the development cycle which occurs parallel to the sporogonic
Extravascular: Situated or occurring outside a vessel.
Extrusion apparatus: An elaborate apparatus that serves for injection of the sporoplasm of
a microsporidia into the host cell.

Fab: A fragment of an antibody containing the antigen-binding site generated by cleavage

of the antibody with the enzyme papain.
Fc: A fragment of an antibody without antigen-binding sites generated by cleavage with
papain; the Fc fragment contains the C-terminal domains of the heavy immuno-
globulin chain.
Fibroblastic response: The response characterized by intensive hyperplasia of fibroblasts.
Fibroblasts: A type of connective tissue cell which is responsible for synthesis of collagen.
Fibrosis: The proliferation of connective tissues which consists of a high proportion of
Fingerling: A young salmonid fish which is older than a fry, and is approximately finger
Flagllar pocket: An elongate tubular in-tucking of the body surface from which emerges a
Flame cells: Cilia bearing cells in flatworms that have excretory and/or osmoregulatory
Flashing: An erratic swimming behaviour in fishes.
Formalin: A 37% solution of formaldehyde.
Freund’s complete adjuvant: A water-in-oil emulsion with killed mycobacteria; addition
of an antigen to the emulsion significantly increases the production of antibody
against the antigen.
Friable: Easily pulverized.
Funis: One of three bands of microtubular ribbons in Hexamita and Spironucleus; the
ribbon (M3) originates at kinetosome R, and passes from a nucleus posteriorly along
the flagellar pocket.

Gamogony: Part of sexual reproduction; it generally precedes fertilization of macrogametes

by microgametes.
Gastritis: The inflammation of the stomach.
Gastroderm: The epithelium lining the gastric lumen.
Genome: The complete set of genetic material of a living organism. In eukaryotes, the genome
can be further subdivided into the DNA within individual cellular compartments such
as the nucleus, mitochondria and other plastid organelles.
Genomic DNA library: A collection of individually cloned DNA fragments, typically in a
bacterial plasmid or phage vector. Genomic DNA libraries represent the sum of all
DNA present within the genome, while cDNA libraries represent the mRNA tran-
scripts being expressed by a cell at the time RNA was extracted.
Genomics: The study of the genome of a particular organism, especially the sequence and
organization of its genes.
Germinal cells: Non-differentiated cells in a larval trematode, which serve as a source of
cells for the next larval generation.
760 Glossary

Germ line: Refers to genes in germ cells as opposed to those in somatic cells; that is, genes
in their unrearranged state rather than those rearranged for production of proteins.
Gliosis: The disease condition associated with the presence of glioma (neuroglial tumour)
or with the development of neuroglia tissue.
Glomerulitis: The inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney, with proliferative or
necrotizing changes of the endothelial or epithelial cells or thickening of the basement
Glycocalyx: The glycoprotein and polysaccharide covering that surrounds many cells.
Golgi complex: The internal reticular apparatus in the cell cytoplasm which is involved in
the secretory process.
Gonopore: The external opening of the reproductive system of a crustacean.
Graft: A piece of transplanted tissue.
Granulation tissues: Newly formed tissues (proliferating fibroblasts, endothelial cells,
histiocytes and macrophages) involved in the healing of various types of lesions and in
the reparative stage of inflammation.
Granulocytes: Granular leucocytes (eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils).
Granuloma: A lesion resembling a tumour which results from chronic inflammation and
consisting primarily of aggregation of macrophages, epithelioid cells and some con-
nective tissue elements.
Granulomatous inflammation: The type of inflammation characterized by the exudate
composed of macrophages, epithelioid and giant cells and by connective tissue

Haematophagous: Feeding on blood or lymph.

Haematuria: The presence of blood in the urine.
Haemodilution: The increase of fluid content in the blood with resulting decrease in con-
centration of its red blood cells.
Haemorrhage: Internal bleeding and subsequent clotting caused by the rupture of blood
Hamuli: Large sclerites that occur in pairs which are located centrally in the haptor of
Haplokinety: Paroral membrane of exceptional length which is around the epistomial disc
in peritrichous ciliates.
Haplotype: A particular combination of closely linked genes on a chromosome inherited
from one individual.
Hapten: A substance that cannot initiate an immune response in an animal unless it is
bound to a carrier because of its small size.
Haptor: The posterior and principal organ of attachment used by monogeneans.
Heavy chain (H chain): The larger of the two types of chains that comprise a normal immuno-
globulin molecule.
Helper T-cells: A class of T-cells that helps to trigger B-cells to produce antibodies against
thymus-dependent antigens. Helper T-cells also help to generate cytotoxic T-cells.
Hepatomegaly: The enlargement of the liver.
Hepatopancreas: A part of the digestive tract in crustacea that extends from the midgut and
is composed of numerous ducts and blind tubules.
Hermaphrodites: Organisms with both male and female genital systems.
Herniation: Protrusion of part of a membrane-covered organ through a defect or opening.
Heteroxenous parasite: A parasite that requires more than one host to complete its cycle.
Histocompatibility: The ability of transplanted tissues to get along with host tissues; these
antigens are collectively referred to as histocompatibility antigens.
Histiocyte: A type of cell with phagocytic ‘macrophage’-like properties; found in connective
Glossary 761

Histolysis: The breakdown of host tissues.

Histophagous: Feeding on tissues of animals.
Holarctic: Of the entire Arctic region.
Holdfast: The attachment organ of some parasites (e.g. copepods, cestodes).
Holotrichous: Ciliates with cilia which cover the entire body surface.
Homologous recombination: Site-specific integration of foreign DNA into the genome of a
host organism as a result of recombination between sequences that flank the DNA
insert and homologous sequences within the genome.
Humoral immunity: Specific immunity mediated by antibodies.
Hyalinization: Describes an abnormally smooth and glassy appearance in tissues under the
light microscopic.
Hyaluronidase: An enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of hyaluronic acid, the cement
Hybridization: Annealing between complementary strands of DNA.
Hydropic: Pertaining to or affected with dropsy.
Hyperaemia: The increase in blood flow during acute inflammation.
Hyperbiotic: Pathological processes which have in common an increase in cell metabolism
resulting in excessive growth.
Hyperosmotic: The increase in concentration of osmotically active components in a
Hyperplasia: The increase in size of a tissue or an organ by the formation and growth of
new cells.
Hyperplastic: Pertaining to abnormal multiplication or increase in the number of normal
cells in normal arrangement in a tissue.
Hypertrophic: Pertaining to enlargement or overgrowth of an organ.
Hypertrophy: An increase in size of a tissue or an organ due to an increase in size of
individual cells.
Hypnospores: A term used by phycologists for resting cells. This term has also been
applied to the pre-zoosporangium of Perkinsus spp., which is produced by incubating
the parasite from infected hosts in fluid thioglycollate medium for several days.
Hypobiotic: Pathological processes which have in common a decrease in cell metabolism
resulting in deficient growth or abnormal patterns of growth.
Hypochronic: A condition in which the amount of haemoglobin in red blood cells is lower
than normal.
Hypoesthesia: Abnormal decreased sensitivity to stimulation.
Hypoxia: The reduction of oxygen supply to tissues below physiological levels despite
adequate perfusion of the tissue by blood.

Immune complex: An antigen bound to an antibody.

Immunization: The protection of an organism against disease by exposing the animal to
parasite antigens so that its immune system recognizes and produces a rapid response
against the same antigens on subsequent exposures.
Immunodepression: The decrease in response of the immune system to antigenic materials
because of an established infection or exposure to some chemical agents.
Immunoglobulin (Ig): A family of proteins which is made up of light and heavy chains
linked together by disulphide bonds; usually produced in response to an antigenic
Indirect fluorescent antibody technique (IFAT): A technique in which unlabelled antibody
is incubated with the antigen and then overlaid with a fluorescent conjugated
anti-immunoglobulin to form a sandwich.
Indirect (passive) agglutination test: The agglutination by specific antibodies of particles
or red blood cells to which antigens have been chemically absorbed on their surfaces.
762 Glossary

Inflammation: The initial response in vertebrates to tissue injury; this is characterized by

the release of amines which case vasodilation, infiltration of blood cells and proteins,
and redness.
Infranuclear microtubules: One of three bands of microtubular ribbons in Hexamita and
Spironucleus; the ribbon (M2) originates at kinetosome R1, passes below one nucleus,
crosses to the other, and then passes posteriorly along the flagellar pocket.
Infundibulum: The funnel-shaped buccal cavity of peritrichous ciliates; it is equipped
with buccal ciliary apparatus.
Innate immunity: Various host defences against a parasite which are not dependent on
prior exposure to the parasite nor on immunological memory.
Insert: A DNA fragment that has been cloned into a plasmid or bacteriophage vector.
Integument: The tissue which covers an organism.
Intensity: The number of parasites per infected host.
Intercellular: Situated or occurring between cells in a structure.
Interferon: A group of low molecular weight proteins that have antiviral activities, and are
capable of enhancing and modifying the immune response.
Interleukin (IL): Glycoproteins derived from macrophages or T-cells which exert regula-
tory effects on other cells.
Interleukin-1: A macrophage-derived factor that promotes short-term proliferation of T-cells.
Interleukin-2: A lymphocyte-derived factor that promotes long-term T-cell proliferation in
Interleukin-8: A factor produced by macrophages that chemoattracts T-cells and neutrophils.
Intermediate host: A host in which there is development of the asexual or immature stages
of a parasite.
Internal transcribed spacer (ITS): The spacer between the ribosomal subunits coding.
Intercellular: Situated or occurring inside a cell.
Interspecific: Between two different species.
Intraspecific: Among individuals of a species.
Introperitoneal: Within a peritoneal cavity.
Iridoclitis: Inflammation of the iris and the ciliary body.
Isoelectric focusing (IEF): A method that separates isozymes based on their PI (isoelectric
point) on a gel.
Isotypes: Classes of antibody that differ in the constant region of their heavy chain (Fc por-
tion); distinguishable also on the basis of reaction with antisera raised in another spe-
cies. These differences also result in different biological activities of the antibodies.
Isotype switch: The process of changing synthesis of heavy-chain isotypes, e.g. from µ to γ
in B-cells.
Isozymes: Different molecular forms of an enzyme with different physical properties.

Karyomastigont: The unit of mastigonts and associated nucleus.

Kilodaltons: The expression of the molecular weight (size) of a compound, expressed as
thousand atomic mass.
Kinetoplast: The part of the mitochondrion which contains DNA and is conspicuous after
staining; it is located near the base of the flagellum.
Kinetosomal complexes: Clusters of kinetosomes, in Hexamita and Spironucleus, each
complex comprises one anterior pair and one posterior pair of kinetosomes.
Kinetosomal pocket: A depression in the nucleus that accommodates the kinetosome.
Kinetostome (or basal body): A subpellicular cylinder of nine skewed, peripheral struc-
tures each composed of three microtubules. It produces a cilium or flagellum at its
distal end.
Kinety: Rows of cilia; structurally and functionally integrated entity of kinetosomes and
their cilia but not all kinetosomes are necessarily ciliferous.
Glossary 763

Lacunar system: A system of fluid-filled sinuses in the tegument of acanthocephalans that

may act to distribute nutrients.
Lacustrine: Of the lake habitat.
Lanceolate: Tapering at both ends.
Lemniscus: One of a pair of tegumental projections into the anterior portion of the acan-
thocephalan pseudocoelom.
Lesions: Abnormal changes in tissues or body functions.
Leucocyte (or Leukocyte): A white blood cell.
Leucocytosis: An increase in the number of white blood cells.
Leucorrhoea: A whitish discharge from the vagina.
Library: See Genomic DNA library.
Light chain (L chain): A polypeptide chain common in all immunoglobulin molecules; two
forms (kappa and lambda) exist in most animals.
Linguiform lobopodium: A tongue-shaped lobular pseudopodium of an amoeba, which
often has a hyaline cap at the advancing tip; it is used in both locomotion and feeding.
Lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin): A compound from Gram-negative enteric bacteria; it has
a variety of biological functions, including mitogenic activity for B-lymphocytes.
Liquefaction: The result of necrobiosis; conversion of tissue into a semisolid or fluid mass.
Littoral: The coastal zone.
Lymphocyte: A mononuclear, nongranular leucocyte with a dark staining nucleus and pale
blue cytoplasm; this class of leucocyte includes cells responsible for producing anti-
bodies and is in circulation and in organs such as lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils.
Lymphokines: Soluble substances secreted by lymphocytes, which have a variety of effects
on lymphocytes and other cell types.
Lysin: An antibody which cases cell lysis (e.g. haemolysin) or a bacterial toxin which lyses

Macrogamogenesis: The formation of macrogamonts during sexual reproduction.

Macronucleus: A large, usually highly polyploid vegetative nucleus in ciliates which con-
trols tropic functions.
Macrophages: Leucocytes which are important in cellular defence and have phagocytic
Macrospores: Large spores in microsporidia characterized by spore di- or polymorphism.
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC): A cluster of genes encoding cell surface mole-
cules that are polymorphic and code for antigens that lead to rapid graft rejection. Sev-
eral classes of protein, such as MHC class I and II proteins, are encoded in this region,
and MHC molecules also play an important role in antigen presentation.
Manca: The larval stage of a parasitic isopod; it has six pairs of legs and usually has good
swimming ability.
Manubrium: The stalk of the bulla in a lernaeopodid copepod.
Marsupium: The chamber in which eggs are brooded in an isopod. It is formed by oostegites.
Mastigonemes: Fine filamentous structures arranged in one or more rows or bands and typ-
ically appearing at right angles to the flagellar shaft of some protozoa that have flagel-
lated stages.
Mastigont: A complex of flagella-associated organelles in flagellated protozoa, including
basal bodies (also called kinetosomes) and projecting and trailing flagella.
Mehlis gland: A gland which evacuates into the ootype in the digenean female system.
Melano-macrophage centres: Localized accumulations of macrophages in organs, which
contain haemosiderin, lipofuschin, ceroid and melanin-staining pigments.
Melanomacrophages: Pigment bearing macrophages which aggregate in the haeopoietic
tissues to form melanomacrophage centres. They contain melanin, maemosiderin and
lipid pigments.
764 Glossary

Melanophores: Dermal cells containing melanin.

Membranelle: An organelle in the buccal cavity or ciliates, it is composed of three short
rows of densely set kinetosomes.
Memory (immunological): The ability of the immune system to recall a previous exposure
to an antigen and to respond with an earlier and/or higher response.
Meningitis: Inflammation of the meninges, which are membranes that cover the brain and
spinal cord.
Merogony: The sequence of asexual multiplication (syn. schizogony) to produce a great
number of vegetative parasite stages.
Meront: An asexual development stage to produce merozoites.
Merozoite: A crescent stage formed by a meront during asexual reproduction; a stage which
may initiate another merogony or gamogony.
Mesangial cells: Irregularly shaped, phagocytic cells which support capilliary loops in the
renal corpuscles.
Mesotrophic: Aquatic habitat with intermediate organic load.
Metacercariae: Encysted cercariae of digeneans.
Metaplasia: A change in tissue type.
Metatrypanosome: The trypomastigote stage of a trypanosome that is formed in the vector
after cyclopropagative development.
Microarray: A large number of specific sequences (genes, gene fragments or oligo-
nucleotides) spotted on an inert support (e.g. a glass microscope slide) in a pattern or
grid. Such arrays are used to evaluate alterations in gene expression within a given tis-
sue or organism under different sets of conditions, by hybridization with RNA
obtained from cells subjected to those conditions.
Microcytic: A condition in which red blood cells are smaller than normal.
Microfilaments: Very fine filaments, such as those occurring in longitudinal rows of tufts
on the surface of Spironucleus elegans.
Microgamete: A male gamete which is usually motile.
Microgamogenesis: The formation of microgamonts and microgametes.
Microgamont: A cell which produces microgametes.
Micronucleus: An usually very small, diploid generative nucleus in ciliates which carries
the genetic information.
Micropyle: An opening of the oocyst wall.
Microspores: Small spores in microsporidia which are di- or polymorphic.
Microtubular ribbons: Multiple linked microtubules in a flat, ribbon-like arrangement;
they are also called microtubular bands or fibres.
Microtubule: A hollow rigid cylindrical structure of 20–25 nm in diameter; microtubules
may be linked to others to form a ribbon or band; they comprise the ‘9 + 2’ structure in
Microvilli: Extensions from the surface of epithelial cells or tegument (in Platyhelminthes).
Mictosporic: A Myxosporean species whose plasmodia forms various types of spores.
Miracidia: The larval stage that hatches from a digenean egg.
Mitochondrion: A filamentous or granular organelle in the cytoplasm; it is the principal
site of oxidative reactions by which energy is made available for endergonic processes.
Mitogen: Any agent which induces mitosis in cells.
Mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR): When lymphocytes from two individuals are cultured
together, a proliferative response is generally observed, as the result of reactions of
T-cells of one individual to MHC antigens on the other individual’s cells.
Molluscicide: An agent (usually a chemical) that is used to control molluscs.
Monoclonal antibody: Identical antibody (immunoglobulin) molecules produced by a
cloned antibody producing cell.
Monocytes: Non-granular, usually phagocytic leucocytes.
Glossary 765

Monopisthocotyleans: Tissue feeding monogeans which have sclerotized hamuli in the

haptor at some point in their life cycle.
Monosporic: A plasmodium or pseudoplasmodium which produces a single spore.
Monoxenous: A life cycle which involves one host.
Monozoic: Flagellates that have a single karyomastigont or cestodes that have a single set of
reproductive organs.
Moulting: The shedding of an old cuticle during the development of a nematode.
Monoclonal: In immunology, monoclonal generally describes a preparation of antibody
that is monogenous or cells of a single specificity.
Monokine: A substance released by a macrophage or a monocyte that affects the function of
another cell.
mRNA: Messenger RNA.
Mucocyst: A membranous and/or fibrous structure located beneath the surface membrane
of a ciliate or a flagellate; it is discharged through an opening in the pellicle as a
mucus-like mass.
Mucopolysaccarides: Mucin substances which are composed of protein-sugar complexes.
Mucron: A cuticular spine at the posterior end in a nematode.
Mucus: A secretion that is usually rich in mucin and is produced by epithelial goblet
Multiple fission: Cell division in which the parent cell undergoes a series of nuclear divi-
sions before the cytoplasm divides to produce daughter cells.
Muscularis externa: The external muscular layer of the vertebrate gut.
Myelitis: The inflammation of the spinal cord.
Myofibrils: Microfibrillar strands or bundles with contractile function in protozoan cells.

Nacre: The iridescent inner layer (mother-of-pearl) of many mollusc shells.

Natural killer cells (NK cells): Large granular lymphocyte-like killer cells that kill various
tumour cells, do not exhibit antigenic specificity, and their number does not increase
by immunization.
Nauplius: The early larval stage of copepods and barnacles; it has three pairs of swimming
Necrosis: The alteration of tissue which results in cell death and formation of exudate.
Necrotic: Pertaining to cell death and enzymatic degradation in a limited area in an
Nematocyst: A specialized organelle in coelenterates which contains a capsule with
extrusible polar filament. Serves mostly for capture of prey.
Nematodesma: A bundle of microtubules in paracrystalline arrangement, associated with
kinetosomes, reinforcing the walls of the cytopharyngeal tube in ciliates.
Neutralization: The process by which an antibody neutralizes the infectivity of a parasite.
Neutrophils: Leucocytes with polymorphic nuclei, and neutral staining granules; they
have phagocytic properties and are present during inflammation.
Northern blot: A technique in which RNA is transferred from an agarose gel to a membrane
and hybridized with the complementary DNA.

Obligate parasite: An organism that can only survive as a parasite on or in another animal.
Ocelli: Punctiform or crescentiform pigment markings, usually arranged segmentally on
the urosome of leeches or radially around the caudal sucker.
Oedema: The accumulation of fluid in tissues.
Oesophagus: Part of the gut between the pharynx and the stomach.
Oligohaline: Refers to water (brackish) in the area where fresh water and sea water mix (e.g.
in an estuary, bay or areas adjacent to the shoreline) and the salinity of the water tends
to vary widely, depending on the kinetics of the mix of marine and fresh water.
766 Glossary

Oligonucleotide primers: Short single strands of DNA used to initiate the DNA polymerase
chain reaction on the template for the synthesis of the complementary strand.
Omnivorous: An animal with diverse diet.
Oncomiracidium: The free-swimming or crawling infection stage of monogeneans.
Oocyst: A one-to-three-layered wall or membrane-bound sack surrounding a sporont or
Oostegite: Thoracid plates that extend under a female isopod to form a marsupium in
which the eggs are carried.
Ootype: A central chamber in the digenean female system which connects the oviduct, the
seminal receptacle, the vaginal and the vitelline ducts.
Operculum: A cup-like opening of the egg of flatworms.
Opsonin: A factor which binds to particles or parasites and increases their susceptibility to
Opsonization: The coating of bacteria (or protozoans) with antibody and/or complement,
which leads to enhanced phagocytosis of the microorganisms by phagocytic cells.
Oral kinety: Any kinety associated with the oral region in ciliates.
Oral vaccination: The immunization of an animal in which the vaccine is mixed with food.
Osmolarity: The concentration of osmotically active particles in solution.
Osmoregulation: The adjustment of internal osmotic pressure in an organism in relation to
changes in the external osmotic environment.
Oviparous: An organism that lays eggs.

Palintomy: Rapid binary fissions typically within a cyst and essentially without interven-
ing growth.
Pansporoblast: A spore-producing formation within a polysporic plasmodium. It origi-
nates by the union of two generative cells (the pericyte and the sporogonic cell). The
pericyte gives rise to the pansporoblast envelope while the sporogonic cell divides to
produce the sporoblast cells.
Papillae: Small conical projections on the body surface.
Paraoral membrane: A ciliary organelle at the right border of the buccal cavity in ciliates. It
consists of two rows of kinetosomes, of which only the outer one is ciliated.
Parasome: An organelle-like structure beside the nucleus of Paramoeba sp., which may be
a discrete organism of unknown taxonomic affinities and is not an organelle of the
Paratenic host: A transport host in which the larval stage of a parasite undergoes no devel-
opment and its only function is to transfer the parasite to the next host.
Paraxial rod: An electron-dense ribbon or rod along the axoneme in the flagellar membrane.
Paresthesia: Morbid or abnormal sensation such as burning, prickling.
PAS reaction: The Periodic-Acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction used for specific staining of glyco-
gen, neutral mucin, basement membranes and fungi.
Pathognomonic: Specifically distinctive or characteristic of a disease or pathological con-
dition; a sign or indicant on which a diagnosis can be made.
Pectinelle: One of an equatorial band of short oblique rows of up to about six closely
apposed cilia. It is used for locomotion in telotrochs of peritrichous ciliates; in adult
ciliates the cilia are usually resorbed.
Pellicle: The cortex of the ciliate cell; it is composed of an outer cell membrane subtended
with flat pellicular alveoli with underlying fibrous layer, the epiplasm.
Penmiculus: A modified membranelle, with kinetosomes slightly more apart, forming
sometimes more than three rows (up to seven) across.
Pentamer: A molecule consisting of five (sub)units.
Performatorium: A cortical structure at the anterior of theronts and trophonts, used for
penetration of epithelium and feeding.
Glossary 767

Perichondrium: Cartilage-forming tissue in an animal.

Pericyte: See Pansporoblast.
Periopod: A walking leg of a crustacean.
Peristomial lip: A pellicular fold in peritrichous ciliates, it skirts the groove in which the
cilia encircling the epistornial disc are inserted.
Petechial haemorrhage: A tiny haemorrhage about the size of a pin head.
Phagocytosis: The engulfment of microorganisms or other particulate material by cells.
Phagosome: A closed membrane-bound intracellular vesicle in a phagocyte formed by
invagination of the cell membrane and the phagocytized material.
Pharynx: The muscular bulb at the anterior end of the gut in flatworms.
Phosphatase: An enzyme that splits phosphate from its organic compounds (esters).
Plankton: Small organisms which float in water.
Plasma cell: End-stage differentiation of a B-cell to an antibody-producing cell.
Plasma membrane: The trilaminated cell membrane.
Plasmid: A circular DNA molecule that can act as a replicating unit of DNA. By inserting a
foreign DNA element into a plasmid, that element can be maintained following intro-
duction of the plasmid into a host cell.
Plasmodium: A multinucleate mass of protoplasm which is generally produced from a
uninucleate stage.
Plasmotomy: The division of a multinucleate cell by cleavage in two or more cells.
Pleopod: An abdominal appendage of a crustacean.
Pleocercoid: The larval stage of cestodes which is adapted to aquatic transmission; the
larval stage is usually in the fish intermediate host.
Poikilotherms: Vertebrates (fish, amphibians and reptiles) whose body temperature fluctu-
ates with the ambient temperature.
Polar cap: A body stained by PAS (Periodic-acid-Schiff) in the apex of a microsporidian
spore; it is essentially identical to the anchoring disc.
Polar capsule: A thick-walled vesicle in myxozoan spores with an inverted polar filament;
it forms a coil and on stimulation everts inside out.
Polar filament: See Polar capsule.
Polarplast: An organelle in the anterior part of a microsporidian spore which consists of an
anterior membraneous and posterior vesicular part; it is instrumental in the extrusion
of the polar tube.
Polar tube: A tubular coiled organelle inside a microsporidian spore; it is used to inject the
sporoplasm into a host cell.
Poly-A+ RNA: Synonymous with messenger RNA from eukaryotic cells. These RNAs are
post-transcriptionally modifed to contain a homopolymeric A tail (in the range of
50–200 nucleotides) at their 3′ end.
Polykinety: An extremely elongated membranelle in peritrichous ciliates which encircles
the epistomial disc.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): A method that allows amplification of specific DNA
sequences, utilizing oppositely oriented (forward and reverse) oligonucleotide primers
that flank a given region of DNA. Template DNA is denatured (melted) at high temper-
atures and allowed to reanneal in the presence of a large molar excess of flanking prim-
ers. The region between primers is then synthesized in the presence of a thermostabile
DNA polymerase. Successive rounds of melting, reannealing and synthesis are carried
out leading to a geometric increase in the amount of the specific sequence with each
round of synthesis.
Polymorphic: The ability of biomolecules, such as some enzymes, to exist in more than one
molecular form.
Polyopisthocotyleans: These are blood-feeding mongeneans, which attach to fish gills by
means of sclerotized clamps.
768 Glossary

Polypeptide: A peptide which on hydrolysis yields more than two amino acids.
Polysporic: A plasmodium which produces several spores.
Postoral kinety: A kinety which runs from the buccal cavity on the central side of a ciliate.
Pranzia: The larval stage of a gnathid isopod.
Precipitin: An antibody or other substance which reacts with a soluble antigen to form a
Precocious: An animal attaining maturity at early age (larval age).
Premunition: The resistance to infection against the same or closely related pathogen after an
acute infection has become chronic. The protection lasts as long as the infection persists.
Prepatent period: The period after infection but before the causative agent can be found
using the usual diagnostic techniques.
Presporogonic: A sequence of development which precedes sporogony.
Prevalence: The percentage of animals in a population which are infected at any one time
by a particular organism.
Primary lymphoid organs: Organs in which the maturation of T- and B-lymphocytes takes
place and antigen-specific receptors are first acquired.
Primary responses: The immune response to a first encounter with an antigen. The pri-
mary response is generally small, has a long induction phase or lag period, consists
primarily of IgM antibodies and generates immunological memory.
Primer: An oligodeoxynucleotide used to prime DNA synthesis reactions in PCR or DNA
sequencing protocols. The free 3′ hydroxyl group of the terminal deoxyribose sugar
initiates DNA strand synthesis.
Primordia: The earliest discernible indication of an emerging organ or part of it.
Proboscis: A muscular, protrusible feeding organ in rhynchobdellid leeches.
Proboscis sheath: The space surrounding the proboscis when it is retracted.
Proceroid: The first larval stage of many cestodes which develop inside the body cavity of
the invertebrate (first) intermediate host.
Productive inflammation: See Proliferative inflammation.
Progenetic: Larval stage that attains sexual maturity and produces eggs.
Prohaptor: A non-sclerotized anterior organ of attachment used by monogeneans.
Proliferative inflammation: An inflammation which is characterized by a pronounced
multiplication of fibroblasts: histiocytes and endothelial cells.
Pronephros: The primary kidney which is incorporated into the head kidney in adult fish.
Prostate gland: A gland which provides the supporting medium for male gametes.
Protandry: A type of hermaphroditism in which the individual first functions as a male
and then as a female.
Protease: A general term for proteolytic enzymes.
Protista: Single-cell (or very few-celled and, therefore, still microscopic) eukaryotic
microorganisms which diversified to give rise to animal, plant and fungal evolutionary
Protonephridium: An organ for osmoregulation and excretion; it consists of flame cells
connected to a tubule complex that opens to the exterior.
Pseudocyst: A cyst-like structure surrounded by a dense fibrous capsule. It does not pos-
sess an inner lining and the formation of a pseudocyst follows necrotic changes.
Pseudopodium: A temporary cytoplasmic projection of an organism which is used for feed-
ing and/or for locomotion.
Pulsatile vesicles: Blister-like lateral appendages on the urosome of some piscicolid
leeches; they are part of the coelomic system, and contract/expand to circulate
coelomic fluid.
Pyknotic: The degeneration of a cell in which the nucleus shrinks and the chromalin con-
denses to a solid amorphous mass.
Pyriform: Pear-shaped.
Glossary 769

Raceway: An elongated earth pond or cement lined container with constant water flow.
Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE): A method to obtain sequence information from
the 5′ and 3′ ends of cDNA molecules. Starting with the sequence of a partial cDNA,
this method allows one to obtain the full-length sequence of an RNA transcript by PCR.
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD): DNA fragments generated by PCR using
pairs of random oligodeoxynucleotide primers. Patterns of bands generated with given
sets of primers can be diagnostic for a given organism, strain or species, and can be
used as a tool in genotype analysis.
Receptaculum seminis: A sac for storing received spermatozoans in the female genital sys-
tem of trematodes.
Recurrent: Directed towards the posterior end.
Redia: The third larval stage of digeneans.
Regressive changes: A pathological process which is related to metabolic disorders and
includes dystrophic (degenerative) changes and necrosis.
Repair: A process to reestablish anatomical and functional integrity of tissues after an
injury or inflammation.
Respiratory burst: Oxygen-dependent increase in metabolic activity within phagocytic
cells usually stimulated by bacteria or parasites.
Restriction endonuclease: An enzyme that recognizes specific sequences within duplex
DNA and cleaves (digests) the double strand, leaving either blunt ends or overhangs,
which can act as sticky ends for DNA cloning. Digestion of genomic DNA with these
enzymes creates a unique pattern of fragments for any given endonuclease.
Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP): DNA fragments of different lengths
after the DNA has been cleaved by restriction endonucleases at specific sites.
Rete system: A series of canals associated with the musculature in the body wall in an
Reticuloendothelial system (or mononuclear phagocyte system): A network of phagocytic
cells primarily in the reticular connective tissues of lymphoid and other organs.
Retina: The sensory lining on the back of an eye.
Rhizocyst: A nail-like organelle which projects from the attachment disc of some parasitic
dinoflagellates, e.g. Piscinoodinium; the organelle penetrates the host cells to provide
anchorage for the parasite.
Rhizoids: Modified cytoplasmic projections which arise from the basal end of some para-
sitic dinoflagellates, e.g. Amyloodinium, Crepidoodinium; these projections attach to
or penetrate host cells to provide anchorage.
Rhynchi: Anterior tentacles or fimbriae in bucephalid digeneans.
Ribosomal DNA (rDNA): A region of the genome that contains the genes for ribosomal RNA.
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): A structural unit of the ribosome. Ribosomal RNA is expressed in
the nucleus as a large primary transcript that is processed to form 18S and 28S RNAs
that associate with the small (40S) and large (60S) subunits of eukaryotic ribosomes,
Ribosomes: Intracytoplasmic granules which are rich in RNA and function in protein
RNA interference (RNAi): A method for suppressing the expression of specific genes in
eukaryotic cells using double-stranded RNA.
Rootlet fibril: See Striated lamella.

Sagenogenetosomes: Complex pit-like structures in the cell surface of the Labyrintho-

morpha; they are presumed responsible for production of the ectoplasmic net which is
involved in movement and nutrient acquisition.
Sanguiniferous: Blood feeders.
Second set rejection: Accelerated rejection of an allograft in an already immune recipient.
770 Glossary

Schizogony: See Merogony.

Schizont: See Meront.
Scolex: See Holdfast.
Scolex pleuronectis: A scientific name which is used widely to describe tetraphyllidean
plerocercoids whose adult stages are unknown.
Scopula: A small area of the pellicle at the aboral body end of sessiline peritrich ciliates. It
consists of very short, imperfect and immobile cilia and is used for attachment to the
substrate, either directly or by means of a secreted stalk.
Secondary lymphoid organ: An organ which contains the effector cells (activated lympho-
cytes and plasma cells) after an antigenic stimulation.
SEM (scanning electron microscopy): A technique which utilizes electronics to study the
surface structures of an organism; this method provides increased resolutions at high
magnifications compared with what is achieved with light microscopy.
Senescent: The depression of cellular functions in an animal as part of the ageing process.
Serosanguineous: Pertaining to or containing both serum and blood.
Shell valve: one of the parts of the myxosporean spore wall.
Shucking: A procedure in which a mollusc is removed from its shell.
Smolt: A young salmon or sea trout that is about two years old.
Somatic: Pertaining to the body.
Somatic cilia: All cilia on the body surface which are outside the oral region.
Sonicated: Disruption of an organism by ultrasonic waves.
Southern blot: A method for detecting specific genes or DNA fragments. Typically,
genomic DNA is digested with restriction endonucleases, and the resulting digests are
fractionated by agarose gel electrophoresis. DNA is then transferred (blotted) on to a
filter, and screened with a labelled DNA or RNA probe for a gene of interest. Southern
blots reveal the presence or absence of a particular DNA element and its organization
within the genome.
Spermatophore: A package of sperm, usually deposited by a male crustacean on to a female.
Sphaeromastigote: The round developmental stage of a trypanosome in which the
flagellum is visible but the anterior end of the organism cannot be identified.
Splenomegaly: The enlargement of the spleen.
Spongiosis: Intercellular oedema of the spongy layer (malpighian layer) of the skin.
Sporangium: The developmental stage of some protozoa that is sac-shaped and is destined
to produce multiple spores or trophozoites as in Perkinsus sp.
Spore: The infective stage of an organism that is usually protected from the environment by
one or more protective membranes.
Sporoblast: A cell which developed into a spore; it is produced generally by the division of
a sporant.
Sporocyst: A membrane bound sac which contains sporozoites of Apicomplexa or the sec-
ond larval stage of digeneans in the gastropod intermediate host.
Sporogonial plasmodium: A multinuclear cell with many generative cells engaged in
Sporogony: A phase in the development of an Apicomplex in which the zygote initiates
asexual reproduction and results in production of infective sporozoites.
Sporont: A developmental stage that gives rise to one or many sporoblasts.
Sporophorocyst: A thick envelope which is produced by early stages of heterosporis, and
later is enlarged to contain all ensuing stages of merogony and sporogony.
Sporophorous vesicle: A solid envelope of parasite origin which encloses sporogonic
stages and mature spores when they are formed.
Sporoplasm: The infectious component in spores.
Sporoplasmosome: An electron-dense inclusion in the sporoplasm.
Sporozoite: A nucleated infective stage formed by division of the sporont.
Glossary 771

Sporulation: The formation of sporocysts and sporozoites within an oocyst.

Stigma: A pigmented red spot in diniflagellates, it may also be present in the dinospore and
other stages.
Stomopode: A membrane-bound tubular projection which arises proximal to the sulcus in
the trophont stage of Amyloodinium.
Stress: An adverse stimulus which results in disruption of homeostasis in an organism.
Striated lamella: The fibrillar structure which extends from a kinetosome (R in Hexamitinae),
into the deeper cytoplasm of the cell; typically it is cross-banded (striated).
Sublabia: Lip-like structures which are located below true lips, and they open into the oral
cavity in some nematodes.
Suctorial tentacle: A rod-like organelle which extends from the body of suctorian ciliates.
It is retractile and contains a microtubular cylinder, and has a capitate end. This end
has a battery of haptocysts whose extrusomes contain toxic and lytic substances to
capture prey and the prey cytoplasm is ingested through the tentacle.
Supranuclear microtubules: One of three bands of microtubular ribbons in Hexamita and
Spironucleus; the ribbon (M1) originates at kinetosome K1, and passes from the top of
one nucleus across to the top of the other nucleus.
Surfactant: A surface-active agent such as a soap or a detergent.
Suture line: A line of convergence of somatic kineties from different areas of the surface of
a ciliate. There may be preoral sutures (in front of) and postoral sutures (behind the
oral area).
Symmetrogenic division: A type of binary fission (generally longitudinal) in which the
progenies are mirror images of each other with respect to principal structures.
Syncytium: A multinucleated mass of cytoplasm.
Syrian–African rift: Formed between Syria and central Africa by sinking of land between
two roughly parallel faults.
Syzygy: Side-by-side or end-to-end association of gamonts after the formation of gameto-
cysts and gametes.

T-cell: A rhymus derived lymphpcyte (see T-lymphocyte).

Tegument: The nonciliated body wall of platyhelminths.
Tetramer: A molecule which consists of four (sub)units.
T-dependent antigen: An immunogen that is able to induce antibody synthesis only in the
presence of lymphokines released by helper T-cells.
Theca/rhizotheca/amphiesma: A multilayered membranous sheath that covers most of the
surface of a dinoflagellate.
Theront: The free-swimming infective form of Icthyophthirius and Cryptocaryon.
Thigmotactic ciliature: Specialized somatic cilia which are presumed to have sensory-
tactile or adhering function.
Thrombocytes (platelets): Involved in clotting and in phagocytosis; they are presumed to
be produced in the spleen
Thrombus: (pl. thrombi): Blood clot.
Thyroxine: A hormone secreted by the thyroid; its main function is to increase the rate of
cell metabolism.
T-independent antigen: An immunogen that induces antibody synthesis in the absence of
lymphokines released by T-cells; the antibodies are generally only IgM isotype.
Titre: The reciprocal of the last dilution of an antiserum titration giving a measurable
effect; e.g. if the last dilution giving significant agglutination is 1 : 128, then the titre
is 128.
T-lymphocyte: A subpopulation of lymphocytes whose development occurs in the thymus;
these are effector cells in cell-mediated immune response and regulatory cells of the
immune system.
772 Glossary

Tolerance: Diminished or absent capacity to respond to a specific antigen; it is usually pro-

duced as a result of contact with that antigen under non-immunizing conditions.
Tomites: Cells within the tomont which result from serial binary division.
Tomont: A cyst-like structure formed by the trophont following detachment from the host;
it supports binary division of the tomites and their maturation.
Torus (pl. tori): Rounded swelling.
Trachelosome: The neck region of a piscicolid leech that includes clitellar and preclitellar
Transcript: An RNA molecule copied from genomic DNA (often synonymous with messen-
ger RNA).
Trophont: The feeding and growing stage of a dinoflagellate or a ciliate which differenti-
ates into the reproductive tomont following detachment.
Trophozoite: A vegetative (feeding) stage in the life cycle of a parasitic protist that may
undergo asexual multiplication (fission).
Trunk: The ‘body’ of many parasitic copepods; formed from fused and enlarged genital
segments and may also incorporate other thoracic segments.
Trypomastigote: The elongated developmental stage of a trypanosome in which the
flagellum arises posterior to the nucleus and emerges laterally to form a long undulat-
ing membrane along the body to the anterior end.
Tumour necrosis factor (TNF-a): Secreted by macrophages in response to inflammation
and infection; cytotoxic to tumour cells but not to normal cells.

Ulcer: The excavation of the surface of an organ or tissue produced by sloughing of necrotic
inflammatory tissue.
Ulceration: A pathological condition which is usually associated with the skin or mucosal
surfaces; it involves lesions with erosion of surface epithelia, and inflammation with
infiltration of leucocytes.
Urosome: The main body region of a piscicolid leech between the clitellum and caudal
Urticaria: An allergic condition marked by red wheals.
Uveitis: Inflammation of the uvea – the iris, ciliary body and choroid considered together.

Vaccination: Originally referred to immunization against smallpox with the less virulent
cowpox (Vaccinia) virus; it is now used for any immunization against a pathogen.
Vaccine: An antigen preparation which consists of either whole cells or extracts of cells
and is used to immunize animals.
Vacuolated: Containing spaces or cavities in the cytoplasm of a cell.
Valvogenic cell: One of the cells in a sporoblast in Myxosporea which differentiates into
the shell valve.
Vascularization: The increase in supply of blood to a tissue; this is either by increasing
blood volume (dilation of blood vessels) or the development of new blood vessels.
Vas efferens: Proximal sperm-carrying duct.
Vector (molecular biology): A vehicle for cloning genes, most often consisting of plasmid
or bacteriophage DNA that has been modified to accept foreign DNA inserts.
Ventriculus: The posterior glandular part of the oesophagus, this structure is characteristic
of many ascaridoid mematodes.
Vesicle: A small circumscribed elevation on the epidermis which contains serous fluid.
Vestibulum: A depression of the body surface which leads to the cytostome and is
equipped with ciliature of somatic origin; if it is in the shape of a groove, it is called a
vesticular groove.
VH genes: Genes which code for the variable region of a heavy chain in immunoglobulins.
Glossary 773

Virulence: The capacity of a parasite to cause disease in an animal; the damage may be
modified by the defence mechanism of the host.
Vitellaria: Yolk glands.
Vitreous humour: The posterior chamber of the eye.
Viviparous: The bearing of live young.

Western immunoblotting: A technique to identify specific antigens in a mixture by separa-

tion on polyacrylamide gels, blotting onto mitrocellulose, and labelling with radio-
labelled or enzyme-labelled antibodies.

Xanthochromic: Yellow in colour.

Xenoma: A symbiotic complex formed by a hypertrophic host cell and an intracellular
parasite which proliferates in its cytoplasm.

Yearling: A one-year-old salmonid fish.

Zooplankton: Animal-like organisms which float or drift almost passively at sea or in other
large water bodies.
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abalone 636, 641–643 Allella spp. 505–506, 507–508, 509–510

Abramis spp. 161, 221 Allobivagina spp. 313, 334
arthropod infections 440 Allocreadium isoporum 352(fig)
nematode infections 424 aluminium, compounds of 316
Acantharus xanthopterus 162 Amazonspora hassar 205
Acanthocephala Ambiphrya 172–173
disease mechanisms 455 Ambiphrya infestation 172
host immune response 455–456 Ameiurus melas 172
host range and geographical distribution Ameson spp 629–631
444 ammonia 317
life cycle and transmission 449–451 amoebae
location in host and course of isolated from aquatic organisms 9–10(tab)
infection 451–452 Paramoeba perniciosa 643–644
morphology 445–449 amoebic gill disease
nutrition, physiology and biochemistry clinical signs and pathology 3–4
457–459 diagnosis 6–7
origin and systematics 446 epizootiology 4–5
pathology future research directions 8
feeding induced 458–459 host range and geographical distribution
gross signs 452–453 1–2
histopathology 453–454 immunity 5
pathophysiology 454–455 in vitro culture and propagation 6
potential sentinel species 458 parasite morphology and life cycle 2–3
prevention and control 459 parasite nutrition and physiology 6
seasonal fluctuations 444–446 parasite systematics and taxonomy 2
in vitro culture 456–457 pathogenesis 4
Acanthocephalus spp. 448(fig), 452(fig) treatment and control 7–8
competition with host for minerals 458 amphibians: as infection source 51, 60
Acanthocotyle greeni 307 Amphiprion ocellaris 32, 38
Acanthostomum imbutiforme 352–353 amplicons 726
acetic acid 62 Amyloodinium 16, 17–18(tab)
acid phosphatase 80 associated with Cirolana attacks 530
Acipenser spp. 222, 299, 418(fig), 432(fig) clinical signs and pathology 31–32
Acolpenteron utereocetes 300–301, 324 diagnosis 37–38
actinospores: in myxozoan taxonomy 232–233 factors affecting growth 24, 27–28
Aegidae 528–529 host attachment mechanism 27(fig)
Aeromonas hydrophila 169 host range 19
Agarella gracilis 258 immunity 32–34
Alitropus typus 529 in vitro culture 35–36

776 Index

Amyloodinium continued pathogenicity and clinical signs

life cycle and morphology 24, 25(fig), 193–195
26(fig) diagnosis 199
parasite nutrition and physiology 36–37 host-parasite relationships 197–198
prevention and control 38–39 host range 185
taxonomy and systematics 20, 22 literature 183–184
anaemia nutrition 197–198
in arthropod infections 503, 526 other apicomplexans 193
in cryptobiosis 63(fig), 79, 80 prevention and control 198–199
in monogenean infections 311–313 systematics and taxonomy 184–185,
in nematode infections 428 631–632
pernicious anaemia in humans with see also Perkinsus marinus; Perkinsus spp.
tapeworms 603 Apiosoma 171
in sea lice infestation 490 Apophallus brevis 370
in trypanosomiasis 97, 99 Aporocotyle simplex 348
Anarhichas spp. 216 aquarium fish, tropical
Ancistrus cirrhosus 217 hexamitid infections 55
Ancylodiscoides vistulensis 300, 325 Arapaima gigos 300, 325
Anelasama spp. 533–534 Argentina silus 348
angelfish Argopecten irradians 637
hexamitid infections 48–49, 55 Argulus spp. see Branchiura
Angiostrongylus cantonensis 662 Arhythmacanthus paraplagusiarum 448(fig)
Anguilla spp. 32, 218, 265, 581 Aristichthys nobilis (bighead carp) 323–324, 350
arthropod infections 509–510 arthropod infections 477
digenean infections 350 Aristotle 466
immune response 376 Artemia salina: as biocontrol agent 39
monogenean infections 300, 311, 315(fig), arthropods see Anelasama spp.; Bopyridae;
324–325, 326 Branchiura; Cymothoidae; Ergasilidae;
nematode infections 419(fig), 427, 431, Flabellifera; Lernaea spp.;
436 Lernaepodidae; Mytilicola spp.;
Anguillicola spp. 436 Pectenophilus ornatus; Pennellidae;
pathology 427, 429, 431 Sarcotaces spp.; sea lice (Caligidae);
Anguilliocola spp. 419(fig), 4121(fig), 423(fig), Sphyrion spp.
424(fig) Artystone spp. 525
Anilocra spp. 520, 521, 522, 523, 524 Ascocotyle coelostoma 369(fig)
Anisakis spp. 421(fig), 424–425, 436, 613 Asotana magnifica 523
application of molecular techniques 737 Atherestes stomias 500
pathology 427(fig), 429, 430 Atlantic salmon see Salmo salar
zoonoses see zoonoses, fish-borne Austrobdella translucens 570
Anisostremus virginicus 32 Axine bellone 303(fig)
Annelida 657–659
see also leeches
Anoplodiscus tai 301, 329 B-cells 688, 689(fig), 708, 709–711
anorexia: as beneficial symptom 79, 85 Babesiosoma spp. 192–193
antibiotics 88 balantidia infection 176
antibodies Balantidium spp. 176
drug-conjugated 89–90 Balantiocheilos melanopterius 260
humoral response 686 Banamia spp. 651–652
structure and repertoire 681–683 Banamia ostraea 649–651
apical complex 185 Barbus spp. 163, 171, 271, 347
Apicomplexa basophils 707
adelid parasites (coccidia sensu lato) Benedenia spp. 301, 310, 313, 331
191–193 benzimidazoles 318–319
pathogenicity 195 biocontrol 39, 480, 528
coccidia see also cleaner fish
development 185–189 birds: trematode hosts 350, 351
infection of fish 190–191 Bivesicula claviformis 361
Index 777

black grub 347 Centrocestus spp. 347–348, 349, 359(fig),

blood flukes see Sanguinicola spp. 360(fig)
Bodo necator see ichthybodosis in farmed fish 350, 351
Bolbophorus spp. 347, 351, 358(fig), 361 identification 361–362
application of molecular techniques 736 pathology 369(fig), 370, 371–372
digenean infections 349 Centroderma spinosissima 361
pathology 370, 371(fig), 373 Centrolabrus exoletus 495
Bopyridae 663 Ceratomyxa shasta 727, 728(fig), 730
Bothitrema bothi 313 Ceratomyxa sparusaurati 269–271
Bothriocephalus acheilognathi 393, 402, 735 Ceratothoa spp. see Cymothoidae
Branchiura (Argulus spp. and others) Cercaria cerastodermae 661
antigenicity 517–518 Cerithidea californica 350
as disease vectors 518 Cestoidea see tapeworms
host range, distribution and seasonality Charopinus spp. 506
512–513 Chelon labrosus 216
as intermediate hosts for nematodes 423, chemokines 713–714
424(fig), 518 chemotherapy against tapeworm 406(tab)
morphology and life cycle 513–515 chiclids: trichodinosis 158–160
nutrition and physiology 518 Chilodonella 166–168
pathology 515–517, 518 Chinese herbal medicine 436
prevention and control 518–519 chinook salmon see Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
systematics 513 Chionoecetes spp. 639
Brooklynella hostilis 168–169 Chlamys spp. 636, 663
brown trout see Salmo trutta Chloromyxum spp. 265, 268–269
buccal cavity: arthropod infections 524, chloroquine 38
525–526, 525(fig) Chonopeltis spp. 515
Bucephalus spp. 216, 348, 659–660 Ciliophora 115–116, 153
Buddenbrockia plumatellae 234 Brooklynella hostilis 168–169
Bulinus truncatus 346(fig), 347, 349 Chilodonella 166–168
Bunodera luciopercae 348 in crustaceans 639
diagnosis 177
facultative parasites 175–177
C-reactive protein 679 prevention and control 177–179
Caligidae see sea lice (Caligidae) suctorians 173–175
Caligus spp. see sea lice (Caligidae) systematics 120–121
Callinectes sapidus (blue crab) 1, 630, 639, see also Cryptocaryon irritans;
643–644, 643–645 Ichthyophthirius multifiliis;
Calliobdella vivida 92, 581–582 sessiline peritrichs; trichodinids
Calliperia 173 Cirolana spp. 529–530
Calyptospora spp. 188, 197 clams 636–637
Camallanus spp. 421(fig), 428, 429 Clarias spp. 271, 300
Cancer spp. see crabs source of zoonoses 608
Capillaria spp. 420(fig), 421, 428, 436, Clausophrya 173
604–607 Clavella spp. 506, 508
Capriniana spp. 173–175 cleaner fish 317, 495, 532
Carassius auratus (goldfish) 96–97, 265, 318, Clinostomum spp. 347, 353(fig), 358(fig), 373
445 cloning, gene 740–742
arthropod infections 477, 512 Clonorchis sinensis 741
immune system 707 see also zoonoses, fish-borne
macrophages 704 clownfish 32, 38
monogenean infections 321, 322 Clupea harengus pallasi 612
Carassius gibelio (gibel carp) 432(fig) coccidia see Apicomplexa
carbohydrates, surface membrane 73 coccidiosis 193–195
Cardiodectes spp. 497(fig), 498–499, 451, 503 cockles 661
Catastomus commersoni 63, 347, 445, 476 Cololabis saira 489
catfish see Ictalurus spp. complement 679–680
Centrarchidae 170 receptors 703–704, 706–707
778 Index

Contracaecum osculatum 424, 425 systematics and taxonomy 65–67, 68

copepods see Ergasilidae; Lernaea spp.; vectors see leeches
Lernaepodidae; Mytilicola spp.; cryptobiosis 68, 71–72
Pectenophilus ornatus; Pennellidae; Cryptocaryon irritans 728–729
Sarcotaces spp.; sea lice (Caligidae); culture and propagation 139
Sphyrion spp. diagnosis 141–143
copper: in disease treatment 38, 40, 62, 145, geographical distribution and host range
178, 377 119–120
Coregonus spp. 215 immune response to parasite 134
Costia necatri see ichthybodosis morphology and life cycle 125–128
Cottus spp. 87, 268(fig), 452(fig) parasite antigens 139
Cotylurus erraticus 376 pathology: clinical signs 129, 130
couta see Thyrsites atun pathology: histopathology 131
crabs 630, 638, 639–641 prevention and control 144–145
Crassiphiala bulboglossa 347 see also Ciliophora
Crassostrea gigas 642, 650, 652, 657 Cryptocotyle lingua 346
Crassostrea virginica 645–649 Cryptogonimus chyli 357–358
dermo disease see Perkinsus marinus Cryptospridium spp.
Crenilabrus spp. 214 development and life cycle 187–188
Crepidoodinium 19, 29, 30(fig) infection of fish 190
Cryptobia nutrition 198
C. borreli (freshwater) 89–92 pathogenicity 194
C. branchialis (freshwater) 64(fig), 67, 69, crystal violet 88
75–76 Crystallospora crystalloides 189
C. iubilans (freshwater) 65(fig), 66(fig), Ctenopharyngodon idellus (grass carp) 321–323,
67–68, 69, 76–77 350
C. salmositica (freshwater) Ctenolabrus rupestris 495
chemotherapy and Cucullanus spp. 421(fig), 425–426,
immunochemotherapy 88–90 427–429
diagnosis 75–76 culture, in vitro
effects on fish production 85–87 of Amyloodinium 35–36
epizootiology 87–88 Cuna insularis 524
geographical distribution of parasite Cyclopterus lumpus (lumpfish) 498
and vector 68 Cymothoidae
haematozoic 67 distribution and host range 519–520
immune response 80–84 host and site selection 523
immunodepression 78, 79, 84–85 host immunity 526
in vitro culture and propagation 72 in vitro culture 527
morphology 63(fig), 69 morphology and life cycle 521–523
pathology and mortality 78–80 nutrition and physiology 527–528
surface structures and metabolism pathology 523–527
72–75 prevention and control 528
transmission 69–71 systematics 520–521
vaccines 83–84 Cyprinus carpio (common carp)
description 63–65 antigen localization 690
freshwater arthropod infections 475, 477–478,
diagnosis 75–76 515–517
direct transmission 69–71 chemokines 714
in vitro culture and propagation 72 cytokines 715, 716
parasite geographical distribution and digenean infections 348
host range 67–68 immune system 703, 707
glycoproteins, surface membrane and immunological memory 688
metabolism 72–75 monogenean infections 321–322
marine virus transmission by leeches 574
C. bullocki 92–94 Cystidiola spp. 431
effects on fish production 86–87 Cystoopsis acepenseris 420, 432(fig)
morphology 65(fig), 66(fig), 69, 92 cytokines 679, 685–686, 713–717
Index 779

cytotoxicity tissue penetration and encystment

non-specific 618, 711–713 369–372
specific 686–687, 705, 711–712 viscera 371–374
prevention and control 377–378
seasonality of occurrence and infections
Dactylogyrus spp. 310–311, 316, 319 348–350
species causing disease in aquaculture in shellfish 659–662
321–324 in vitro culture 376–377
dactylosomatids 192–193 zoonoses (Opisthorchis spp., Heterophyes
Danio rerio 222 spp., etc) see zoonoses, fish-borne
Dawestrema cycloancistrium 300, 308(fig), digestive tract
325 abdominal dropsy 373(fig)
dendritic cells 708–709 coccidiosis 193–195, 196–197
Dendrosomatidae 174 cryptobiosis 77
Dentex dentex 264 hexamitid infections 52–53, 54–55
Dermoergasilus spp. 468, 471 microsporidia infection 215–216
Dermophthirius spp. 330 myxozoan infections 269–271
Derogenes spp. 348 nematode infections 428–429
Dicentrarchus labrax (sea bass) 2, 258, 301, 326, tapeworm infections 401–404
527 dinoflagellates
cytokines 715 Hematodinium spp. in crustaceans
digenean infections 348 639–641
immune system 707 life cycle 23(fig), 24
Dichelyne minutus 424, 426 syndinid 23
didymozoidae 351–353, 356(fig), 357(fig), 362, taxonomy and systematics 20, 21(tab)
363, 368 unclassified dinoflagellates 20, 23, 31, 37
Diergasilus spp. 468, 470 see also Amyloodinium; Ichthyodinium;
digenean infections 350–351, 367–368 Oodinioides; Piscinoodinium
digeneans Diodon hystrix 501
effect on food fish sales 375 Dipartiella simplex 166
evolution and taxonomy 360–361 Diphyllobothrium spp. 392(fig), 395, 400,
feeding and nutrition 366–367 404–405
host immunity 375–376 zoonoses 601–604
host range and geographical distribution Diplectanum spp. 301, 326
346–348 Diplodus puntazzo 2
infections in farmed fishes 350–352 diplomonads 46
life cycle see also hexamitids
cercariae 363–364 Diplostomum spp. 347–349, 351, 369, 370(fig),
egg release 363 374–377
host and site specificity 362 Discocotyle sagittata 300, 303(fig), 308(fig), 309,
infection of definitive host 365 311, 319, 333
lifespan 362–363 discus 48
metacercariae 364–365 disinfection 39
progenetic generation 365–366 DNA sequencing see PCR (polymerase chain
molecular diagnosis 361–362 reaction) and DNA sequencing
morphology Dolfustrema vaneyi 349
adults 352–353, 660 Dolops spp. 513, 514, 516
larvae 353–354 Dorosoma cepedianum 214
ultrastructure 354–360 Drepanopsetta hippoglossoides 216
pathology drugs: antibody-conjugated 89–90
caused adult trematodes 367–368
caused by metacercariae 368–369
dermal encystment 372 Echinocephalus spp. 429, 662
estimation of mortality 375 Echinorhyncus spp. 445
eyes 347, 348–349, 351, 374–375 eels see Anguilla spp.; Fluta alba: source of
gills 346–347, 350, 367–368, 371–372 zoonoses
heart 372 Eimeria spp. 188, 193, 196, 198
780 Index

Elaphognathia cornigera 531 Fundulus grundis 32

Ellobiophyridae 173 Furnestia echeneis 301, 326
Elthusa spp. 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 527
Emetha aoudini 520
Endosphaera engelmani 174–175 Gadus spp. 161, 425, 496, 580
Engraulis japonica 299 arthropod infections 503
Enispa convexa 523 ichthybodosis 59
Enteromyxum spp. 270(fig), 271, 729 microsporidia infections 219–220
Entobdella soleae 301, 309, 331–332 tagged with myxozoans 232
eosinophils 705–707 trypanosomiasis 98
Epinephelus spp. 266–267, 301, 361, 570–571 gall bladder: myxozoan infections 267–269
Epistylis 170 garlic: in treatment of nematode infections 436
epithelium: barrier function 678–679 Gasterrosteus aculeatus 59, 375
Erastophryra spp. 174 gene cloning 740–741
Ergasilidae (Ergasilus spp. and others) genes, disease resistance 693–694
diagnosis 471 Giardia spp. 48(fig), 49
host range, distribution and seasonality gills
466–468 amoebic gill disease see amoebic gill
infection: mechanisms and pathology disease
469–471 arthropod infections 469–471, 476, 501,
morphology and life cycle 468–469 502, 509, 524
nutrition 471 chilodonellosis 168
prevention and control 472 cryptobiosis 64(fig), 76, 77
systematics 468 digenean infections 346–347, 350,
Ericentrus rubrus 173 367–368, 371–372
erythrocytes: cryptobiosis 63(fig) dinoflagellate infections 26(fig), 29, 32, 35
Esox lucius 221, 258, 262, 265 effect of gill damage on behaviour 130
Etmopterus spp. 533–534 Ichthybodo necatar infection 59(fig), 61
Eubothrium spp. 394, 402 ichthyphthiriasis 130, 133, 135
Eustrongylides spp. 428, 429–430 microsporidia infection 219–221
eyes monogenean infections 300, 313, 315(fig)
arthropod infections 477, 502 myxozoan infections 250–252
of Branchiura (argulids) 513–514 nematode infections 431–432
diplostomatid infections 347, 348–349, site of sanguinicolid egg release 363
351, 374–375 Girardinus januarius 258
nematode infections 433 Glugea spp. 206, 207(fig), 208(fig)
spectacled eye 175 intestinal infections 215–216
liver infections 216
multi-organ infections 213–214
farming, fish muscle infections 218
effects of arthropods 512, 527, 474, prevention and control 224
477–478 xenoma formation 208, 209(fig), 210,
effects of cryptobiosis 85–87 211(fig), 214–215, 216
effects of leeches 570–571 glycoproteins 73, 95–96
effects of sea lice 480–481, 483, 484 Gnathidae
Fessisentis friedi 445 morphology and life cycle 530–531
Flabellifera 528–530 inhibitory effects of males 534
see also Cymothoidae nutrition 532
flatworms see digeneans; monogeneans; pathology 531–532
tapeworms prevention and control 532–533
flounders Gnathostoma spp. 607–609
ichthybodosis 62, 63 Gobio gobio 418(fig)
trypanosomiasis 92, 93–94, 98, 99 goblet cells: hyperplasia 455–456
flukes, blood see Sanguinicola spp. Goezia spp. 427–428, 429
Fluta alba: source of zoonoses 608 gonads
formalin 38, 39, 62, 144 arthropod infections 504, 533–534
fumagillin 274 microsporidia infection 221–222
Index 781

myxozoan infections 257–258 Hexamita see hexamitids

Gottus gobio 259 hexamitids
Goussia spp. clinical signs and pathology 54–56
development and life cycle 186, 187(fig), cross-reaction with Cryptobia DNA vaccine
188 84
host-parasite relationships 196, 197 diagnosis of infection 57
infection of fish 189, 190 geographical distribution and host range
nutrition 198 47–49
pathogenicity and clinical signs 193–194, host specificity 51–52
195 intestinal and systemic infections 52–53
growth regulators, insect 494 in vitro culture and propagation 56–57
guppies 61 life cycle 52
Gymnocephalus cernuus 215 morphology 50–51
Gyrodactylus spp. 299, 300, 302(fig), 308–309, parasite nutrition 57
320 prevention and control 57–58
application of molecular techniques susceptibility 53–54
734–735 systematics and taxonomy 49–50
host cytokine response 715 trophozoites 47(fig)
host preferences 310 Himasthla elongata 661
pathogenicity 311, 313, 314(fig) Hippoglossoides platessoides 216, 580, 702–703
species causing disease in aquaculture Hirudinea see leeches
326–329 histone-like proteins 33
vectors for other pathogens 316 Hoferella spp. 265
hole-in-the-head disease 49, 55
Hoplosternum littorale 258
Haematractidium spp. 193 Hucho hucho 221
Haemobaphes spp. 497, 499, 500(fig), 501, 502, hybridization, solid-phase 737–739
503 hydrogen peroxide 39, 318, 493
haemogregarines 184, 191–192, 195, 580 Hypomesus olidus 215
Haemohormidium spp. 193, 580 Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (silver carp) 323
Haemopis grandis 571 Hysteromorpha triloba 347
Halichoeres tenuispinis 501 Hysterothylacium aduncum 425, 433
Haliotis spp. (abalone) 635, 641–643, 662 Hysterothylacium bidentatum 418(fig), 428
hamburger gill disease 249
Haplobothrium globuliforme 396
Haplorchis spp. 347, 348, 349, 353(fig) ichthybodosis 59, 60, 62
haplosporidians 644–645, 649, 651–652 clinical signs and pathology 63
Banamia ostraea 649–651 difference between freshwater and marine
Haplosporidium nelsoni 645–649 parasites 63
heart: digenean infections 367(fig), 372 freshwater: Ichthybodo necatar
heavy metals: concentrated in acanthocephalans clinical signs and pathology 61
458 control 62
Hematodinium spp. 639–641 diagnosis 61–62
Hemiclepsis marginata 68, 71, 96, 570, 575, geographical distribution and host
578, 583 range 58–59
Hemigrammys erythrozonus 217 host susceptibility 60–61
Hemitrichodina robusta 163–164 morphology and life cycle 60
Hemiurus spp. 348 systematics and taxonomy 59–60, 733
Henneguya spp. 237(fig), 249–251, 253, 259, freshwater: Ichthybodo pyriformis 59
727–728 marine: geographical distribution and host
herbs, Chinese 436 range 62–63
Heteraxine heterocerca 301, 312–313, 334 Ichthyodinium spp. 19, 29–31
Heterobothrium okamotoi 301, 310, 311, 319, ichthyophthiriasis 119, 133, 134–135
332 Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
Heterophyes heterophyes 351, 370–371, behaviour of infected fish 130
600–601 cross-immunity with Tetrahymena
Heterosporis spp. 206, 207(fig), 217–218 139–140
782 Index

Ichthyophthirius multifiliis continued cellular immune response 686–687,

culture and propagation 140 711–713
diagnosis 142–143 complement 679–680
disease mechanisms 135–136 cytokines 679, 685–686, 713–717
geographical distribution and host range dendritic cells 708–709
118–119 environmental effects 692–693,
host parameters and susceptibility 129–130 694(fig)
immobilization antigens (i-antigens) eosinophils 706–707
138–140, 141–142, 145 immunological memory 687–690
immune response to parasite 133–135 lymphoid tissue 681, 709
molecular techniques 731, 732, 738(fig), melano-macrophage centres 690,
740, 741, 742 704–705
in vaccine development 742–743 MHC complex 683–684
morphology and life cycle 122–126, monocytes 702–703
128–129 neutrophils 81, 82(fig), 83(fig), 84,
pathology: clinical signs 130–131, 132 700, 703–704, 706
pathology: histopathology 131–132 NK (natural killer) cells 712–713
prevention and control 143–145 non-specific cytotoxic cells 681
seasonality 119–120 non-specific defence mechanisms
theront and trophont antigens 137–139 678–679
vaccination using controlled infection 136 phagocytes 700–701, 702–704
vaccines: live vs. killed 136–137 plasma cells 710–711
see also Ciliophora role of inflammation 680
Ichthyosporea: taxonomy 733–734 T-cells 683, 708, 709, 711–712
Ichthyosporidium giganteum 214 thymus 709
Ichthyoxenus spp. 520, 522, 524, 526 immunosuppression 78, 79, 85, 197
Ichthysporidium spp. 207(fig) to microsporidia 213
Ictalurus spp. (catfish) 124(fig), 125, 134, 172, to monogenean flatworms 310–311
347 to myxozoan infections 274, 276
diplostomiasis 348, 351, 374–375 to nematodes 426
leech infestation 572 and subclinical infection 53
proliferative gill disease 249 to tapeworms 402–403
Ictiobus cyprinellus 571 to trypanosomiasis 97
IgD immunoglobulin 717 and water temperature 274
IgG immunoglobulin 688 see also vaccines and vaccination
IgM immunoglobulin 681–682, 717–718 immunoglobulins 681–682, 688, 717–718
immunity Indodidymozoon pearsoni 361
to acanthocephalans 455–456 inflammation: role in immunity 700
to amoebic gill disease 5 interferons 679, 717
to Amylodinium 32–34 interleukins 685, 686, 714–716
to arthropod infections 477–478, 490, 502, isometamidium chloride 88–90
510, 526 isopods see Cymothoidae; Flabellifera;
to Cryptobia Gnathidae
acquired 81–84, 92 ivermectin 436, 493–494
innate 80–81, 91–92
to digeneans 375–376
genetic aspects of disease resistance Johanssonia arctica 98, 580–581
693–694 Joryma brachisoma 525
to I. multifiliis and C. irritans 133–135
immune system
antibodies: structure and repertoire Kabatana spp. 218–219
681–683, 717–718 kidneys 729–730
antibodies and humoral response 686, kidney enlargement disease 265
711 myxozoan infections 247–249, 260–267,
B-cells 708, 709–711 274
basophils and mast cells 707–708 source of B-cells 709
cell cooperation 684–685 killifish 32, 194–195
Index 783

kinetoplastids 46, 732–733 economic significance 505–506

see also Cryptobia; Ichthybodosis; host immunity 510
trypanosomiasis in vitro culture 510
Kudoa spp. 233, 255, 258, 260, 270–271, 729 morphology and life cycle 505(fig),
Kupffer cells 704 506(fig), 507–508
nutrition and physiology 510
pathology 508–510
Labyrinthulida haliotidis 641–643 systematics and distribution 506
lamellar disease 250 Leuciscus spp. 49, 272, 444–445, 456
Lancides vayassieri 348 lice, sea see sea lice (Caligidae)
lasalocid 38–39 light
Lateolabrax japonicus 260 initiating monogenean egg hatching 309
Lates calcarifer 301 and susceptibility to argulid infection
Latris lineata 260 513–514
Lecithobothrys bothyrophorum 348 Ligula spp. 396, 400, 403
lectins 679 Limanda spp. 62, 498, 504
leeches liver
host range 566 in arthropod infections 503
morphology and life cycle 569–570 Kupffer cells 704
as pathogens 570–573 myxozoan infections 268–270
prevention and control 583–585 nematode infections 430–431
systematics and taxonomy 567–568 tapeworm infections 400
as vectors of other pathogens 573–574, 575 Livoneca spp. 522
apicomplexans 184 Liza akame 489
bacteria 574–575 Liza haemaocheila: source of zoonosis 602
cryptobia 68, 71–72, 93, 574, 575, Lobatozoum multidacculatum 356(fig)
578–579, 581, 582 lobsters 638, 639
haemogregarines 580 Loma spp. 205, 206, 215–216
listing of haematozoa transmitted pathology 219–221
576–577(tab) prevention and control 224–225
trypanosomes 96, 98, 575, 578–579, susceptibility to L. salmonae 213
580, 581 transmission 210
vector specificity 585–586 loperamid 459
viruses 574 Lophius spp. 222
Leiostomus xantharus 214 Lymnaea spp. 346, 347, 349, 351
Lepeophtherius spp. see sea lice (Caligidae) lymphocytes
Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis 502 B-cells 688, 689(fig)
Lepidosiren paradoxa 258 cell cooperation 684–685
Lepomis gibosus 258 T-cells 683, 686–688
Leptorhynchoides thecatus 450(fig), 451(fig), lymphoid tissues 681
453(fig) lysozyme 679
Leptotheca spp. 266, 272
Lernaea spp.
diagnosis, prevention and control 479–480 Macrobdella decora 571
host immunity 477–478 α2-macroglobulin 81
host range and distribution 472–474 macrophages 680–681
in vitro culture 478 Macrozoarces americanus 216
morphology and life cycle 475–476 magainin 2, 33
nutrition and physiology 478–479 malachite green 62, 143, 273–274
pathology 476–477, 478 Malmiana spp. 569, 572–573, 580
systematics 474 Marteilia spp. 653–656
unanswered questions 534–535 Marteilioides spp. 656–657
Lernaeenicus spp. 497, 500 mast cells 707–708
Lernaeocera spp. see Pennellidae melano-macrophage centres 690, 704–705
Lernaeolophus spp. 497(fig), 451 Melanogrammus aeglefinus 62, 503
Lernaepodidae (Salmincola spp. and others) Melanoides tuberculata 346, 347, 348, 349, 351
diagnosis, prevention and control 511 in fish ponds 350
784 Index

memory, immunological 687–690 monopisthocotyleans vs.

Merlangius merlangus 503–504 polyopisthocotyleans 298, 302,
Merluccius merluccius 496, 503 304, 306
Mesanophrys spp. 638 muscular system 304–305
Metakinetoplastina 65 opithaptor 301–302, 303(fig)
metalloproteases reproductive system 306
Cryptobia 70, 71(fig), 72–73, 79 sensory and nervous systems 304,
neutralization 81 305(fig)
MHC complex 683–684 tegument 302–303
Microcotyle spp. 301, 311, 319, 333 pathogenicity
Microgemma spp. 216 effects of feeding 312–313
Micromesistius poutassou 217 effects of gland secretions 316
Micropterus spp. 171, 300–301, 324, 351, effects of opithaptor 313–314, 316
572 prevention and control
Microsporidia biological control 317
application of molecular techniques chemical control 317–319
730–731, 739–740 physical methods 317
diagnosis 223–224, 631 regulatory measures 320
host range vaccination 319
fish 205 wild vs. cultured fish 316–317
shellfish 629–630 zoosanitary measures 320
in vitro culture and propagation 223 reproduction and life cycle 307–309
morphology and life cycle 206–210, species causing disease in aquaculture
630 Acolpenteron ureterocetes 324
pathology 210–214 Allobivagina spp. 334
development in host cell nuclei Ancylodiscoides vistulensis 325
222–224 Anoplodiscus tai 329
gills 219–221 Benedenia spp. 331
gonads 221–222 Dactylogyrus spp. 321–324
intestines 215–216 Dawestrema cycloancistrium 325
liver 216 Dermophthirius spp. 330
multi-organ infections 213–215 Diplectanum spp. 326
muscle 216–219 Discocotyle sagittata 333
nervous system 222 Entobdella soleae 331–332
prevention and control 224–225, 631 Fumestia echeneis 326
systematics and taxonomy 205–206 Gyrodactylus spp. 326–328
Mikrocytos mackini 652–653 Heteraxine heterocerca 334
Minchinia spp. 645, 649 Heterobothrium okamotoi 332
Misgurnus anguillicaudatus: source of zoonoses Microcotyle spp. 333
608 Neobenendia spp. 330–331
molly 32, 139 Neoheterobothrium hirame 331–333
monocytes 702–703 Pseudodactylogyrus spp. 324–325
monogenean infections 300, 310–311, 319 Tetraonchus spp. 325–326
monogeneans vectors for other pathogens 316
distribution 299–301 in vitro culture and propagation 312
egg hatching 309 Monorchis parvus 361
general characteristics and evolution Moravecia australiensis 433
297–298 Morone spp. 32, 261, 572, 585
host finding and effect of host arthropod infections 467–468, 476–477
factors 309–310 hybrids 348
host immunity 310–312 Mothocya spp. 520, 521(fig), 522, 526, 527, 528
identification 306–307 mucus 133, 135–136
morphology 321 as chemoattractant 310, 487
adhesive pads 303 initiates monogenean egg hatching 309
digestive and excretory systems Mugardia spp 638–639
305–306 Mugil cephalus 252, 470, 600
digestive glands 303–304 Mugil subviridis 530(fig)
Index 785

Mullus spp. 160, 216, 259 Neascus spp. 347, 349, 351
muscles pathology 369(fig), 372(fig)
microsporidia infection 216–219 Nebrius ferrugineus 703–704
myxozoan infections 253–255 nematodes
tapeworm infections 400–401 development 422–424
Mya spp. 637 economic importance 418
Myoxocephalus scorpius 572–573 host immunity 425
Myrophis platyrhyncus 216 host range 419
Mytilicola spp. 663 hosts: final 423, 424–425
Mytilus spp. 654, 657–659, 660–661 hosts: intermediate 421, 423–424
Myxidium spp. 264–265, 268(fig), 271 identification and diagnosis 434–435
Myxobolus spp. 238(fig), 245, 248 in vitro culture 434
as biological tags 231–232 larval spoilage of fish products 433
molecular techniques 728–729, 730, 738, morphology 420–422
739(fig), 742 pathogenicity
pathology 255–256, 257(fig), 258–260, body cavity 429–430
269–270, 272 eyes 433
myxozoans general effects 426
diagnosis 272–273 gills 432–433
host immunity 274–275, 276 intestinal tract 428–429
host range and distribution 231–232 liver 430–431
host susceptibility 275 mortality 427–428
life cycle 239–243 skin 432
extrasporogonic and plasmodial stages swim bladder 431
238(fig) prevention, control and prophylaxis
intra-oligochaete development 435–436
(actinospore phase) 235(fig), shellfish 662
239(fig), 243–245 systematics and taxonomy 419
intra-piscine development 245–247 zoonoses see zoonoses, fish-borne
malacospore development 247–248 Nematonothrium spinneri 356(fig)
sporogonic stages 240(fig) Neobenedenia spp. 301, 310, 330–331
morphology 237–240 Neobola brevianalis 173
origin and evolution 234–236 Neochinorhyncus carpiodi 453(fig)
pathology 277 Neodiplotrema pelamydis 357(fig)
bone and cartilage 255–256, 257(illlust) Neoergasilus japonicus 467, 468–469, 470(fig)
gall bladder and liver 267–269 Neoheterobothrium hirame 300, 301, 313,
gastrointestinal tract 269–271 332–333
gills 249–251 Neometadidymozoon helicis 356(fig)
gonads 257–258 Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis see amoebic gill
kidney 247–248, 260–267 disease
muscle 252–255 Neophasis lageniformis 356, 357
nervous system 258–260 Nephrops norvegicus 639
skin, scales and fins 251–252 Nerocila spp. 520, 523, 524, 526, 527
swim bladder 271–272 nervous system
prevention and control 262, 273–277 microsporidia infections 222
systematics and taxonomy 232–234, 276 myxozoan infections 258–260
representative genera 233(fig), 237(fig) neutrophils 81, 82(fig), 83(fig), 84, 680, 706
transmission Fc receptors 703–704
ecological factors 248 nitroimidazoles 58
vector-related factors 248–249 Nitzschia sturionis 299
use as biological tags 231–232 NK (natural killer) cells 712–713
in vitro culture and propagation 272 Nosema spp. 629, 630
Myzobdella lugubris 572, 573, 585 Nosemoides syaciumi 215–216
Notemigonus crysoleucos 163, 222, 259
digenean infections 348
Nadelspora canceri 630 Nothobranchius rubripinnis 223
Nanophyetus salmincola 349 Notostomum cyclostoma 574
786 Index

Notropis cornatus 259 Opisthorchis spp. see zoonoses, fish-borne

Nucleospora spp. 222–223, 731 opithaptor 301–302, 303(fig), 313–314, 316
Oplegnatus fasciatus 260
Oreochromis aureus 33, 375
Oceanobdella pallida 573 Oreochromis mossambicus 32, 170
Octomitus 49 organophosphates 318, 319, 479, 493
Olencira praegustator 520, 521, 523 Osmerus spp. 215
Oligohymenophorea see sessiline peritrichs Ostrea spp. see oysters
Oliverichthys melobesia 173 Ourozeuktes spp. 526
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha 571–572 Ovipleistophora spp. 207(fig), 208(fig), 221
Oncorhynchus kisutch (coho salmon) 68, 80 oysters 636, 649–654, 656, 658, 659–660
digenean infections 349 Crassostrea gigas 642, 649, 652, 657
immunity 490 Crassostrea virginica 645–649, 658
microsporidian infections 220–221 derm disease see Perkinsus marinus
monogenean infections 328
myxozoan infections 262, 263
tapeworm infections 401 Pacific salmon 85, 86
Oncorhynchus masou (Masou/cherry salmon) Pacific threadfin 39
325–326 Pagrus major 301, 329
source of zoonoses 602, 612 Pandalus spp. 657, 658(fig)
Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) 1 Pangasius sutchi 218, 220(fig)
arthropod infections 512 Parabodonida 65
chemokines 713–714 Paracheirodon innesi 217
cryptobiosis 63(fig), 70, 88 Paradeontacylix spp. 367
effects on fish production 86, 87 Paraergasilus spp. 468, 471
immunity and vaccination 81–84 Paragnathia formica see Gnathidae
cytokines 715, 716 Paralichthys spp. 62, 63, 92, 93–94, 330, 581
digenean infections 349 monogenean infections 300, 301, 313,
Hexamita salmonis infection 50, 54–55, 330–331, 332–333
58 Paramoeba genus 1
ichthybodosis 60 Paramoeba pemaquidensis see amoebic gill
immobilizing properties of mucus and disease
serum 133 Paramoeba perniciosa 643–644
immunity 81–84, 376, 456 parasomes 2
immunological memory 688 Paratrichodina spp. 164
microsporidia infections 214, 219, Parophrys vetulus 573
220–221, 222 Parvicapsula spp. 263–264
monogenean infections 300, 314(fig), 319, Paryphostomum radiatum 360(fig)
327–328, 333 Patinopecten yessoensis 636, 663
nematode infections 427 Paurorhyncus hiodontis 362
proliferative kidney disease 261–262 PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and DNA
whirling disease 255, 257(fig) sequencing
Oncorhynchus nerka (sockeye) 70, 80, 117, applications in diagnostics, epidemiology
220–221, 263 and systematics
virus transmission by leeches 574 ciliates 731–732
Oncorhynchus spp. 583 helminths 734–737
arthropod infections 509 Ichthyosporea 733–734
tagged with myxozoans 231 kinetoplastids 731–733
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (chinook salmon) microsporidians 730–731
cryptobiosis 80, 87 (fig) myxozoans 727–730
effects on fish production 85, 86 overview 725–727
treatment 88 schematic of applications 726(fig)
helminth infections 445 PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and RAPD
hexamitid infections 49, 52, 55–56 analysis 737
microsporidia infections 222–223 Pearsonellum corventum 367(fig)
Oodinioides 19–20 Pecten alba 659
Operculariidae 171 Pectenophilus ornatus 663
Index 787

Penaeus spp. host range 19

microsporidian infections 629–631 life cycle and morphology 28–29
Penella spp. 495, 497(fig), 499, 503, 535 prevention and control 39–40
Peniculisa spp. 500(fig) taxonomy and systematics 22–23
Peniculus spp. 497 Plagiorhyncus cylindraceus 455
Pennellidae (Lernaeocera branchialis and other plaice see Pleuronectes spp.
species) plankton: as source of digenean infection 348
economic significance 495 Planorbella trivolis 349, 351
host immunity 502 plasma cells 710–711
host range, distribution and seasonality Platichthys flesus (flounder) 495, 498
496–497 Platybdella olriki 600
morphology and life cycle 496(fig), Platycephalus fuscus 356(fig)
497–500 platyhelminths see digeneans; monogeneans;
nutrition and physiology 504–505 tapeworms
pathology 501–502, 502–504 Platypoecilus maculates 60
prevention and control 505 Plecoglossus altivelis 214, 351, 600
systematics 497 Pleistophora spp. 205, 206, 207(fig)
Penniculisa shiinoi 499 gonadal infections 221–223
Perca spp. 163, 259 host tissue reaction 210–213
acanthocephalan infections 458 life cycle of P. hyphessobryconis 212(fig)
digenean infections 348 muscle infections 216–217
diplostomiasis 375 Pleuronectes spp. (plaice, flounders)
source of zoonoses 603 digenean infections 346
tapeworm infections 401 ichthybodosis 62
perch 163 immunity 376
Percopsis omiscomaycus 255 microsporidia infections 215
peritrichs, sessiline see sessiline peritrichs tagged with Myxobolus aeglefini 231
Perkinsiella amoeba 2 trypanosomiasis 92, 98, 99
Perkinsus marinus Pneumatophoros japonicus: source of zoonoses
diagnosis, prevention and control 635–636 611
effects on oyster industry 632 Poecilia gillii 347
in vitro propagation 634–635 Poecilia latipinna 32, 140, 300
morphology and life cycle 633–634 Poecilia reticulata 60, 328–329, 428
pathology 634 Pollachius spp. 268(fig), 269
Perkinsus spp. 636–638 Polydactylus sexfilis 39
Peroderma spp. 497(fig), 501, 502 Polydora spp. 657–659
Phagicola nana 369(fig), 371 Polysporoplasma sparis 265–266
phagocytes 680–681, 702–703 Pomacentrus spp. 520
Philometra spp. 418(fig), 420(fig), 422(fig), 424, Pomphorhyncus spp. 444–445, 453–454, 455,
425, 4258, 429, 432–433 456
Philometroides spp. 432, 436 porkfish 32
Philonema spp. 429 Posthodiplostomum minimum 347, 373(fig)
phototaxis 486, 487 potassium permanganate 144, 479–500
Phoxinus phoxinus 348–349 Proctoeces maculatus 660–661
Phrixocephalus spp. 497(fig), 500–501, 502 Prokinetoplastina 59
Pimelodus masculatus 704 proliferative gill disease 249
Pimephales promelas 221, 259, 348, 373(fig) proliferative kidney disease 247–248, 260–262,
Pirenella conica 346(fig), 349–350, 351 274, 729–730
Piscicola geometra 68, 71–72, 569, 570, 574, Propyxidium tectiformis 171
578–580, 583 Prosorhynchus squamatus 659–660
Piscicola punctata 571 proteases
Piscicola salmositica 68, 71, 570, 571–572, 574, Cryptobia 70, 71(fig), 72–73, 74–75, 79
582–583, 584–585 hexamitid 53
Piscinoodinium 16, 19 neutralization 81
asymptomatic infection 40 Proteocephalus spp. 393, 394, 396, 399, 400,
clinical signs and pathology 34–35 401
host attachment mechanism 28(fig) Proteorhinus marmoratus 173
788 Index

Pseudanthocotyloides spp. 299 invasion of head tissue by Tetrahymena

Pseudobagrus fulvidraco 349 rostrata 176
Pseudocapillaria spp. 427, 428 monogenean infections 299, 300, 314(fig),
Pseudocrenilabrus spp. 170, 171, 217 326–327, 328, 329
Pseudodactylogyrus spp. 302(fig), 305(fig), myxozoan infections 260
306(fig), 307(fig), 315(fig), 324–325 proliferative kidney disease 262
Pseudoloma neurophilia 222 Spironucleus infection 49, 51, 52, 53
Pseudopleuronectes spp. 62, 215 susceptibility 54
Pseudorhabdosynochus spp. 301 tapeworm infections 394
Pseudoterranova spp. 433 treatment of cryptobiosis 88
Pterophyllum scalare 48–49, 217 ulcer caused by Spironucleus barkhanus
pyrethroids 493 54(fig)
Salmo trutta 53
amoebic gill disease 2
quinine and derivatives 146 ichthybodosis 58
monogenean infections 300, 327–328, 333
myxozoan infections 259, 268
Rachycentron canadum 266 proliferative kidney disease 262
Raja spp. 162 whirling disease 255
Raphidascaris acus 424, 427, 430 Salvelinus alpinus 394
receptors, T-cell 683 Salvelinus fontinalis 54, 221, 262, 327–328,
red drum 38, 39 350, 571
red sore disease 170 Cryptobia infections 78–79, 81
regulators: of insect growth 494 immunological memory 688
Renicola roscovita 661 Salvelinus leucomaeni 218
Renocila heterozota 524 Samorin 88–90
respiratory burst 81, 82(fig), 83(fig), 84 Sanguinicola spp. 348, 354(fig), 355(fig)
Rhipidocotyle fennica 375–376 egg release 363
riboprinting 732(fig) in farmed fish 350
Riboscyphidia 172–173 miracidium 360
ribosomes: RNA loci 727(fig) pathology 367–368
Riggia spp. 525 Sarcotaces spp. 472
Rissoa spp. 361 Sardina pilchardus 497
RNA: ribosomal loci 727(fig) Sarotherodon melanotheron 258
Rocinela spp. 529 scallops 636, 637, 654
rotenone 316, 320– Schistocephalus spp. 396–397, 403
Ruditapes spp. 636 Schulmanela (Hepaticola) petruschewski 430
Rutilus rutilus 162, 264, 349, 400397 Sciaenops ocellatus 38, 39
Scophthalmus aquosus 313
Scophthalmus maximus (turbot) 214, 271
salinity amoebic gill disease 1, 2, 3, 5
in control of disease 39–40, 62, 143–144, Haemogregarina sachai infection 195
147 microsporidia infection 214
effect of temperature on tolerance 27 Scyphididae 171–173
and outbreaks of amoebic gill disease 5 sea bass see Dicentrarchus labrax
Salmincola spp. see Lernaepodidae sea bream see Diplodus puntazzo; Sparus aurata
Salmo gairdneri (previous name for O. mykiss) sea lice (Caligidae)
see Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow diagnosis 492
trout) economic significance 480–481, 482(tab)
Salmo salar effect of temperature on development 486
amoebic gill disease see amoebic gill host immunity 490
disease host range and seasonality 483–484
arthropod infections 480, 489(fig), 490, infection process 486–488
491, 511, 525(fig) molecular biology 491–492
Hexamita salmonis infection 48, 55 morphology and life cycle 481(fig),
ichthybodosis 59, 63 483(fig), 485–486
immunity 81–84, 490, 703(fig) nutrition 491
Index 789

pathology 488–489, 490–491 Sphaerospora spp. 238(fig), 246

disease mechanisms 490–491 pathology 249, 258, 264(fig), 266–267,
prevention and control 488, 492–495 272
systematics and taxonomy 484–485 Sphoeroides annulatus 271
vaccines 494 Sphyrion spp. 511–512, 535
in vitro culture 491 Spironucleus see hexamitids
sea urchins 1 spot prawn parasite 657
Sebastes spp. 311, 319, 333, 511–512 Spraguea lophii 208, 222
Seriola dumerili 330–331 Sprattus sprattus 497
Seriola purpurascens 367 Stellantchasmus falcatus 371
Seriola quinqueradiata 218, 259, 301, 311–313, Stentoropsis spp. 176
334 Stephanostomum baccatum 346
sessiline peritrichs 169–170 stickleback, three-spined 59
Ambiphrya 172–174 Stizostedion lucioperca 163, 215, 251
Apiosoma 171 stress: factor in infection 118, 693, 694(fig)
Calliperia 173 striped bass 32
Epistylis 170 Strongulocentrotus droebachiensis 1
Propyxidium tectiformis 171 suctorians 174–176
Riboscyphidia 171–172 Sulcascaris sulcata 662
shrimp see Penaeus spp. swim bladder
Siganus luridus 267, 313, 334 myxozoan infections 272–273
Sillago ciliata 570 nematode infections 431
Silurus glanis (European catfish) 300, 325 swordtails 60
Sinergasilus spp. 468 Symphysodon discus 48, 436
skates 162 syndinid dinoflagellates 23
skin Syscenus infelix 529
arthropod infections 477, 488–489, 516,
517(fig), 524
pouch formation 525, 526 T-cells 683, 686–688, 708, 709, 711–712
dermal encystment 372 Takifugu rubripes (tiger puffer) 271, 301, 319,
dinoflagellate infections 32, 34–35 332
epithelial barrier 678–679 tapeworms
Ichthybodo necatar infection 61 characteristics 391–392
ichthybodosis 63 economic significance 392–394
infection by I. multifiliis and C. irritans host immunity 402–403
130–132, 133–134 host range and geographical distribution
myxozoan infections 251–252 394–395
nematode infections 432 identification 404–405
Skrjabillanus spp. 424(fig) indicators of community health 394
snails in vitro culture 403
intermediate hosts for digeneans 346–350, metacestodes in shellfish 662
361, 377 morphology and life cycle 395–399
in fish ponds 249–251 nutrition and physiology 403–404
sockeye 70, 80, 117 pathology 400–401
Solea solea 216, 301, 330–331 prevention and control 405–407
scales attract parasite larvae 309–310 systematics and taxonomy 395
solid-phase hybridization 737–740 zoonoses 601–604
source of chlonorchiasis 593, 594–595 Telogaster opisthorchis 376
source of opisthorchiasis 598, 600 temperature, water
Sparus aurata (gilthead sea bream) 32, 527 and control of dinoflagellates 39
cytokines 717 and development of sea lice 486
digenean infections 351–352 effect on growth of Amylodinium 24, 27
immune system 703, 706 effect on immunity 692
monogenean infections 301, 326 effect on monogenean reproduction
myxozoan infections 265–266, 269, 308–309
270(fig), 271 and I. multifiliis infection 119
spectacled eye 175 and immunity 274
790 Index

temperature, water continued diagnostically important features

and microsporidia infections 208–209, 156(fig)
212–213 see also Ciliophora
outbreaks of amoebic gill disease 5 trichodinosis 161–162
Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae 729–730 Trichophyridae 173–174
malacospore development 247–248 Trichurus savala 489
pathology 260–262 Trifur spp. 497
persistence 232 Tripartiella spp. 164–165
sporogonic stages 240(fig) Trisopterus luscus 496
Tetrahymena spp. 60, 139–140, 175–176, 732 trout, brook see Salvelinus fontinalis
Tetramicra brevifilum 214 trout, brown see Salmo trutta
Tetraonchus spp. 300, 325–326 trout, rainbow see Oncorhynchus mykiss
Thalassoma bifasciatum 258 Trypanasomida 65
Thalassoma lunare 361 Trypanoplasma
Theragra chalcogramma: source of systematics and taxonomy 66–67
zoonoses 612 trypanosomiasis
Therodamas spp. 468, 469(fig), 471 application of molecular techniques 741
Thersitina spp. (Diergasilus spp.) 468, 470 evidence in naturally infected fish 99
Thunnus maccoyi 260 in freshwater fish 94–98
thymus 709 morphology and life cycle 95–96
Thyrsites atun 2 in marine fish 98–99
tilapia 32, 33 vectors see leeches
cryptobiosis 64(fig) Tubifex tubifex 256, 275
diplostomatid eye infections 347 tumour necrosis factor (TNF) α 685–686, 716
ichthybodosis 60–61 tumour necrosis factor (TNF) β 685
monogenean infections 301
myxozoan infections 258
Tinca tinca 267, 470 urinary tract: trichodinosis 162
Todarodes pacificus: source of zoonoses 611 Uronema marinum 176–177
Tracheliastes maculatus 507–508 Uvulifer ambloplitis 347
transforming growth factor 717
transgenesis 81
Transversotremetidae 357(fig), 362 vaccines and vaccination 690–691
trematodes see digeneans; monogeneans application of molecular biology 741–745
Trepomonas 49 arthropods 494
Triaenophorus spp. 392(fig), 393–394 Cryptobia salmositica 84–85
host response and pathology 400–402 Ichthyophthirius multifiliis 135–136
life cycle 396, 398 monogeneans 319
prevention and control 405–407 Vauchomia renicola 164
Triangula percae 259 velvet disease 32
trichodinids viral haemorrhagic septicaemia 300, 313
adhesive disc function 157–158
binary fission 156–157
Dipartiella simplex 166 whirling disease 239, 255, 257(fig), 728–729
effects on the host 158–159 white grub 347
genus Paratrichodina 164
genus Trichodina
ectozoic species 159–162 xenomas 208, 209(fig), 210, 211(fig), 213–214
endozoic species 162–163 in gills 220–221
genus Trichodinella 165–166 hepatic 216
genus Tripartiella 164–165 increased in sea lice infestations 490
genus Vauchomia 164 intestinal 215
Hemitrichodina robusta 163–164 Xiphophorus helleri 60, 515–516
morphology 154–156
taxonomy 157
denticle schematics 156(fig) yellow grub 347
Index 791

Zeylanicobdella arugamensis 570–571, 585 myxozoan infections 231

zoonoses, fish-borne nematodes 417, 604
Clonorchis (Opisthorchis) sinensis Anisakis spp, 433, 611–615
diagnostic methods 596–597 Capillaria 604–607
epidemiology 593 Gnathostoma spp. 607–611
nomenclature 592 Opisthorchis felineus 599–600
parasite biology 593–595 Opisthorchis viverrini 349, 598–599
pathogenesis and symptoms 595–596 tapeworms (Diphyllobothria spp.) 601–604
treatment and control 597 Zschokkella spp. 239, 267–268
Heterophyes spp. and other small
trematodes 600–601

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