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MARCH 2019
(TSh1,000, USh2,000)


JSC starts hearings

against 11 judges
Accusations include corruption, unfair decisions and outright bias PG4-5

Kakamega, Kisii
counties top list of
sex pest teachers
They spend the most time with
children. Their calling is built on
trust. But these are precisely the
persons parents ought worry
about most – teachers. Shocking
details on male teachers preying on
teenage schoolgirls in exchange for
little favours were laid bare by the
TSC yesterday.


What families of
Ethiopian Crash
victims expect
Based on the Montreal Convention,
each family of Ethiopian Airlines
crash victims could receive as
much as Sh17 million. Treaty, says
if an airline is found at fault, each
affected passenger is to get a mini-
drawing rights.
BUNDLES OF JOY: The five babies delivered by 28-year-old Evelyn Namukhula at Kakamega Hospital yesterday / CALISTUS LUCHETU PAGE 6


Why young HIV+ 30 witnesses against MCAs shed rubber WYCLIFFE MUGA

women will not get suspects who dug stamp tag as clash NEP vulnerable to
climate change
powerful ARV soon tunnel to steal from KCB with Joho looms
2 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019


Kakamega tops list of sex pest tutors

Male teachers preying on schoolgirls inREGISTERED
favours; TSC’s MachariaCASES
down crisis
They spend the most time with
14 21 VIHIGA
children. Their calling is built on
trust. But these are precisely the 32 30 19
people parents should worry about THARAKA
most—teachers. SAMBURU
Shocking details of male teach-
ers preying on teenage schoolgirls 26 BUNGOMA TURKANA
in exchange for favours were laid
bare by the TSC yesterday. EMBU MACHAKOS TAVETA
A report by the employer expos-
es sexual predators taking cover
44 21
under what is assumed to be one MURANG'A
of the safest environments for chil-
dren—the school. 37 NAKURU
The Teachers Service Commis- NYERI KAKAMEGA KISII 35
27 88 13
sion said at least 1,077 male teach-
ers have been identified as sexual
offenders in the last eight years.
This means an average of 135 KIAMBU
teachers every year are found to be
having sex with learners.
The revelation comes months
after a public outcry over teenage
pregnancies exposed as students
sat the KCPE and KCSE exams last
23 46 17
Kakamega county had the high- BOMET
est number of teachers dismissed,
at 88, followed by Kisii ( 61 ), Homa NYAMIRA 28 TRANS NZOIA
Bay ( 60 ), Kitui ( 53 ), Bungoma ( 47
) and Siaya ( 46 ).
The TSC interdicted 44 teach-

ers in Machakos, Murang’a ( 37 ),
Migori ( 39 ), Kiambu ( 36 ), Naku- MARSABIT

ru ( 35 ), Makueni ( 33 ), Vihiga ( 32 LAMU

), Nyamira ( 31 ), Kilifi ( 30 ), Nandi
( 28 ), Nyeri ( 27 ) and Narok ( 23 ). yesterday tried to play down the Labour committee vice chairper- Knut yesterday said the union
Twenty-six teachers were sacked crisis. son Alice Mlilgo. does not protect teachers who mo-
in both Nyandarua and Kwale “Most of the cases involved chil- The NCCK, Supkem, Muslims lest children sexually.
counties while 21 were dismissed dren from day schools. It, therefore, Education Council, Knut and the Kenya Secondary School Heads
in Kisumu and a similar number in shows that sex did not happen in Kenya Conference of Catholic Bish- Association chairman Indimuli
Taita Taveta and Busia counties. schools. And most of the births ops made submissions to the com- Kahi told the Star the association
The employer sacked 22 teachers do occur between September and mittee. discourages teachers from giving
in Kericho, Elgeyo Marakwet ( 19 ), October, pointing further to the “The cases of teachers defiling any favours to learners.
Bomet ( 18 ), Meru ( 16 ), Uasin Gi- fact that they got pregnant during students account for a minimal Macharia complained of inade-
shu ( 14 ), Laikipia ( 14 ), Baringo ( holidays,” she told a joint Senate percentage, about two per cent. quate prosecution of offenders as
13 ), Kirinyaga ( 10 ), Tharaka Nithi committee. Members of the public continue most cases go unreported. Some
( 10 ), Turkana (nine), Kajiado (sev- She presented the figures to the to prey on learners for sex and re- offenders collude with parents to
en), Embu ( 9 ) and Samburu (five). committee co-chaired by Bomet ward the child victims with little conceal incidents, thus preventing
But TSC boss Nancy Macharia Senator Christopher Langat and favours,” Macharia said. prosecution, she said.


STAR SURVEY Mum-of-four gives
Do you think Boinnet deserves the
Tourism CAS job?
birth to five babies
‘I’ll discuss it with the father of the children
first to see whether we can add more’
A beaming Everlyne Namukhula /CALISTUS LUCHETU
Do you think Boinnet did a good job CALISTUS LUCHETU/ A 28-year-old ed about two hours. Namukhula
woman has set a record at the Ka- has four other children, including we can add more,” she said. She appealed to the gov-
in the police service? kamega County Referral Hospital twins. ernment to support her family. It is not an easy task
by giving birth to bouncing quin- A happy Namukhula said she bringing up quintuplets, she said.
tuplets. would discuss with her husband The husband is a casual worker struggling to fend for
This was the highest number of whether to get more children. his family. He also suffers from hearing impairment.
YES 55%
children to be born at the facility “I thank God for giving me five Namukhula was referred to the county facility from
by one mother at once. children. Now I have nine and I Navakholo Subcounty Hospital after doctors discov-
Everlyne Namukhula from believe, with the help of God, we ered that she was carrying more than twins in her
Sisokhe village, Navakholo, gave shall be able to raise them. For me, womb.
NO 45%
birth to three girls and two boys I think the children are enough but “The mother and the five kids, who are now in the
through a Caesarean section on I have to discuss it with the father nursery, are in stable condition,” Dr Githinji Ndung’u
Tuesday night. The C-section last- of the children first to see whether said. “We thank God for her. She is a strong woman.”
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 3

Former IG Joseph
IG nominee

Who is doing what
and where in the

Another spy to lead police A Treasury official is living in fear

after irate suppliers threatened to de-
monstrate against him for being rude.

as Boinnet gets ministry job

The suppliers, who had camped at his
office at Treasury Building (pictured) last
Wednesday, were shocked when the
man, who brags about his widespread
GORDON OSEN Boinnet’s non-renewable four- launched in November last year. influence, failed to meet them the whole
@TheStarKenya year term ended on Monday. The service’s mandate is to operate day. The official is known for terrorising
The National Police Service Act in high seas to protect the coun- juniors who fail to dance to his tune with
President Uhuru Kenyatta yester- requires that the President “with- try’s territorial waters against ter- transfers and demotions. He is said to
day appointed yet another spy to in 14 days after a vacancy occurs in rorism, piracy, illegal fishing, hu- have taken even the lowest value of
replace Joseph Boinnet as the In- the office of the Inspector-Gener- man and drug trafficking, among tenders, some of which are supposed to
spector General of Police. al, nominate a person for appoint- other maritime crimes. be reserved for youth and marginalised
Hillary Mutyambai will take ment … and submit the name to Brigadier John Mugui Waweru groups.
charge of the police service if ap- Parliament”. will be the director general of the
proved by Parliament. This puts to As per the latest executive order, Kenya Wildlife Service, taking the
rest speculation on who will suc- Boinnet will be the Chief Admin- place of Prof Charles Musyoki.
THE involvement of a politician in one
ceed Boinnet. istrative Secretary in the Tourism Tourism CS Najib Balala appoint- of the latest scandals is causing jitters
The National Intelligence Ser- and Wildlife ministry. ed Musyoki in an acting capacity within the camp of a renowned Cabinet
vice, the Kenya Defence Forces The President also appointed in July last year after the botched secretary. Sources claim the politician
and the National Police Service are Wycliffe Ogalo to replace Isaiah rhino relocation in which 11 of the was only used by the CS to get the lu-
said to have been lobbying to have Osugo as the Commissioner-Gen- rare animals died. crative but fictitious contract. In essence,
one of their own take the police eral of the Prisons Department. Also appointed were members money would be wired through the
Mutyambai is the deputy direc-
Osugo, a career detective, was
appointed to the helm of the de-
of the National Police Service
Commission who were success-
BOINNET, DPP politician’s company accounts and later
shared with the minister. Sources said
tor of Counter-terrorism Coordi- partment in 2008. President Mwai fully vetted by Parliament last HAJI AND detectives are trying to establish the link
Kibaki sourced him from the Di- week
nation at the National Intelligence
Service. He joins the league of sev- rectorate of Criminal Investiga- The new commissioners in- EACC CHIEF between the two in yet another scandal
eral spies appointed to lead key in- tions (then called the Criminal clude Eliud Kinuthia, who takes EXECUTIVE that may jeopardise the minister’s work.
stitutions during Uhuru’s tenure. Investigations Department). the place of Johnston Kavuludi as The CS has survived many scandals
Boinnet, DPP Noordin Haji and Yesterday, Uhuru also appointed chairman. Others are Lilian Kiam- OFFICER and insiders say maybe his Waterloo is
EACC chief executive officer Twal- Vincent Loonena as the director baa, Eusebius Laibuta, Naphtali MBARAK ARE looming.
ib Mbarak are all former intelli- general of the Kenyan Coast Guard Rono, Alice Owala and John Moi-
gence officers. Service, a maritime security organ yaki. EX-SPIES A nominated MP has become the
subject of talk along the corridors of
Parliament. The man is said to only show
CARTOON up in the chambers, register his presence
biometrically, before disappearing. A bird
whispered to Corridors that the man,
after skipping sittings, is normally seen
loitering with women from one city hotel
to another. This raises the question whe-
ther he is tired of executing his legislative
work that some deserving nominees
A nominated MCA in one of the lake-
side counties has become a sensation.
The lawmaker last month gave her hus-
band marching orders from the family’s
town home. The MCA, who is always on
night-out assembly duty, moved from
their rural home immediately after she
landed the plum job. She said she needed
a place close to her workstation. The
husband, Corridors learnt, was reluctant
but followed her to town. Those who
hang out with the MCA say she has
found new love and it is just a matter of
time before she divorces the husband,
whom she claims has not paid dowry.
“Education is limited. Knowledge is infinite.
Never stop learning.” Constance Friday Elias
4 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019


JSC starts hearings

and outright

The Judicial Service Commission

yesterday began hearing petitions
filed against 11 judges, including
Supreme Court justice Jackton
Most of the petitions were filed in
January but the commission was not
able to deal with them because it did
not have a quorum.
Apart from Ojwang’, the other
judge who appeared yesterday be-
fore the JSC was Marsabit’s Said
Juma Chitembwe.
The hearings will be concluded by
next Thursday.
According to sources, Ojwang’
was invited to defend himself
against allegations involving a road
leading to his home, allegedly tar-
macked by the Migori county gov-
He denied the allegations and said
he would produce witnesses.
The team of commissioners who
questioned judge Ojwang’ included
lawyer Mercy Deche, Appeal Court
judge Mohammed Warsame and
High Court judge Aggrey Muchelule.
Other judges who are scheduled and delivered a bribe to a judge. magistrate’s court ruled that the
to appear before the JSC to defend In another complaint, both par- judge and his co-accused had no A SECOND PETITION WAS
themselves against complaints are
Justices D.K. Njagi, James Wakiaga,
ties in a case gave conflicting allega-
tions about bribing a judge. Justice
case to answer in all the four charges
facing them —ending a two-year
Richard Mwongo, Mary Gitumbi, Chitembwe appeared before the JSC trial. FOUR JUDGES, ACCUSING THEM
Edward Muriithi, Martin Muya,
Thripsisa Wanjiku Cherere, Lucy
over allegations of misconduct relat-
ing to a land case he presided over
In that case, the judge and his
co-accused were charged in De-
Waithaka and Amin Farah. in Malindi. cember 2009 with conspiracy to TO GIVE SPECIAL FAVOURS
The accusations against the judges Tsangawa Ngawa Chome filed the defraud the NSSF of Sh1.2 billion in
include bias, partiality in favour of complaint against him. The team of a transaction involving the sale of TO ONE PARTY IN THE CASE
one party in a case, inordinate de-
lay in delivery of rulings and pro-
commissioners who questioned
judge Chitembwe was comprised
land in Nairobi to Delta Resources
Company. They were also accused
fessional misconduct. In one of the of Deputy Chief Justice Philomena of having abused their offices be- INDEPENDENCE
complaints involving an anti-cor- Mwilu, Prof Olive Mugenda, Prof tween January and March 2008
ruption case, one of the accused Tom Ojienda, magistrates Emily when Chitembwe was the NSSF
persons claimed to have procured Ominde and Patrick Gichohi. corporation secretary before he to their dismissal.
During the hearing before the was appointed judge. The accusations against the mag-
commission yesterday, Ojwang’ de- After his acquittal due to lack of istrates included issuing orders lead-
OJWANG’ DENIED THE nied the allegations levelled against
evidence, he resumed his duties as
a judge. In a statement sent to news-
ing to the demolition of properties
in the absence of one party, having
ALLEGATIONS. HE PROPOSES The judge proposes to call three rooms earlier, the JSC indicated that huge unexplained monies deposited
witnesses to demonstrate his inno- it had received 69 complaints against into their accounts, running person-
TO CALL THREE WITNESSES TO cence. The intended witnesses are judges from January 2019. al businesses that resulted in conflict
DEMONSTRATE HIS INNOCENCE. Justice Oscar Angote, deputy regis-
trar of the environmental court di-
After consideration, the commis-
sion admitted only 13 of the 69 cases
of interest and bringing disrepute to
the judiciary.
THE INTENDED WITNESSES vision in Malindi and head registry against judges and scheduled them Also levelled against magistrates
Justice Chitembwe was suspended
for hearing. It also said that 18 other
petitions are at an advanced stage of
are complaints of assigning them-
selves matters that were before other
DEPUTY REGISTRAR OF THE at some point when he faced cor- consideration while the rest were courts, overturning High Court or-
ruption accusations. In 2011 he was dismissed due to lack of merit. ders, altering proceedings, unlaw-
ENVIRONMENTAL COURT freed in a Sh1.2 billion corruption The JSC so far has heard and de- fully releasing accused persons who
DIVISION IN MALINDI AND HEAD case. At the time he was acquitted
under Section 210 of the Criminal
termined nine cases against mag-
istrates. Five of those were found
were in custody, amongst others
REGISTRY CLERK Procedure Code. This was after a guilty of gross misconduct leading The commission further sacked
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 5


s against 11 judges EXPERT COMMENT


JSC able to
handle petition
to remove apex
court judges

he Judicial Service Commis-
sion has the ability to handle
the petition seeking removal
of four Supreme Court judges:
Mohammed K. Ibrahim, Jackton
B. Ojwang’, Smokin C. Wanjala
Justice Jackton Ojwang’ and Njoki S. Ndung’u over the
claims of impropriety in handling
the Wajir Governor petition
It is fully constituted as the
last member, Justice Mohammed
Warsame, took his position at the
JSC too.
A judge can be removed from
office on grounds of inability
to carry out the task of their
office due to mental or physical
incapacity, breach of the Code of
Conduct, bankruptcy, incompe-
tence or gross misconduct.
This may be initiated by the
Judicial Service Commission on
Justice Said Chitembwe its own volition or arising from a
petition from any person in writ-
ing setting out alleged details to
constitute the grounds for judges’
In this case, as soon as the
petition is received by the JSC it is
forwarded to the respective judg-
es for their responses as per the
rules of natural justice. Once the
responses are received, then the
Judicial Service Commission will
consider both perspectives.
If there is no merit, the petition
will be dismissed on grounds of
insufficient evidence. But if eval-
uated by justices and if they are
three staff members for seeking CJ David Maraga According to them, the estab- Justice Mohammed Ibrahim satisfied that it discloses grounds
to unduly influence the tender- addresses the lished rule dictates that a party for removal, then they will for-
ing process and absenteeism from press outside cannot adduce additional evidence ward it to the President, with the
work. Even as the JSC has started Milimani court in a second appeal. recommendation that he create a
hearing cases against judges, peti- on February 1 The residents noted that the court special tribunal.
tions have been filed against four after a meeting extended favours to the governor, Upon receipt of the petition
Supreme Court judges touching on with judges which did not amount to a mere ex- and recommendation from the
their conduct in handling the Wajir /COLLINS KWEYU pression of judicial thought but was Judicial Service Commission, the
gubernatorial petition. gross misconduct intended to arrive President within 14 days sus-
In the petition filed on Friday, at a decision they wanted. pends the judge from office and
the JSC was asked to remove judges “At the end of the day when judg- appoints a tribunal.
Jackton Ojwang’, Smokin Wanjala ment was delivered on 15th of Feb- The tribunal will consist of
and Njoki Ndungu. They were ac- ruary 2019, the four judges did not a chairperson and three other
cused of misconduct. at all look or consider the additional members qualified to hold or
Two of the four judges faced ac- evidence adduced, despite saying have held an office of a judge in a
cusations of engaging in improper that they required it to remove any superior court and have not been
contacts with agents of the gov- vagueness or doubt as to whether or members of JSC in the last three
ernor. A second petition was filed not Mohammed Abdi Mahammud Justice Njoki Ndung’u years. Other members are an ad-
against the same four judges, ac- had a degree. vocate with 15 years of practice,
cusing them of going out of their “This was because the evidence and two other people experi-
way to give special favours to one could not support a finding that he enced in public affairs.
party in the case raising doubt over had a degree,” read the petition. The The tribunal inquires into the
their independence. residents said they are aggrieved matters, considers them and
The main contention is that the because the Supreme Court denied makes binding recommenda-
court allowed the governor to ad- them a chance to look at the gov- tions to the President. Upon the
duce extra evidence while the case ernor as he swore by the Koran to exhaustion of any appeal process,
was going on in blatant disregard of tell the truth on whether he holds the President will act as per the
rules and established jurisprudence a degree or not, when it declined to tribunal’s recommendations.
on the issuance of additional evi- require him to stand in the witness For more news Once a judge is removed the
dence. They believe what the court dock and swear. on our website. normal procedure of filling the
did in allowing additional evidence And now they are left with a gov- Scan this quick vacancy will be followed.
was in bad faith because it changed ernor who has no degree and the response code
established law and decisions on the Supreme Court says they can do using your The Law Society of Kenya Pres-
matter to assist the governor. nothing about it, the residents said. Justice Smokin Wanjala smartphone. ident spoke to the Star
6 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019

French President
Police summon
Macron and Nyong’o’s staffer
President Uhuru
Kenyatta at for threatening
State House
Nairobi where
scribe over story
they launched
the new Peugeot MAURICE ALAL /Kisumu Governor
3008, which was Anyang Nyong’o’s director of
assembled in protocol Bob Madanji has been
Kenya, yesterday summoned by police for allegedly
/EZEKIEL AMING’A threatening to beat up a journalist.
He was summoned by Kisumu
central police station crime
officers. He had threatened
Fredrick Odiero, a Kisumu-based
correspondent with The Sun
The county officer allegedly
issued the threats two weeks
ago over a story. He confronted
the journalist outside the White
Rose laundries at Tivoli centre and
IEBCLACKS QUORUM accused him of tarnishing his name

MPs want panel appointed to

in the media. “He threatened to
slap me and warned that he does
not want to see me in Kisumu,”
Odiero said.
Odiero, who was in the company

recruit electoral agency chiefs

of James Keyi of Reuters, reported
the matter to the police.
County police commander
Benson Maweu said the matter is
under investigations.
Unlike in 2016 where religious organisations had the lion share in the panel, the Justice Kenya Union of Journalist’s
secretary general Eric Oduor
committee, chaired by Baringo North MP William Cheptumo, has given them only one recently said cases of journalists
being targeted by county officials
are on the rise.
GIDEON KETER AND LUKE AWICH sioners — chairman Wafula Chebu- tee, chaired by Baringo North MP values and that it will ably discharge
TheStarKenya kati, Abdi Guliye and Boya Molu. The William Cheptumo, has given them its core mandate of shortlisting suit-

MPs want an 11-member selection

three cannot form a quorum to make
critical policy decisions.
only one slot.
Parliamentary Service Commis-
able persons for appointment as
commissioners,” the bill says.
panel appointed to recruit four com-
missioners to fill vacancies at the
Under the IEBC Act, five commis- sion will nominate four individuals
sioners are required to constitute a — two men and two women — the
The panel that picked the Che-
bukati-led team in 2016 had five
Cops arrested
Independent Electoral and Bound- quorum. Public Service Commission will representatives from the religious for demanding
aries Commission. Roselyn Akombe, Nkatha Maina, nominate one, the Ethics and An- groups, while the Parliamentary
The National Assembly’s Commit- Margaret Mwachanya and Paul ti-Corruption Commission will get Service Commission had four. Sh2,000 bribe
tee on Justice and Legal Affairs said Kurgat resigned and there has been one slot and as well as the Law So- National Council of Churches of
the IEBC Act should be amended pressure from Chebukati among ciety of Kenya, the National Gender Kenya was represented by Canon Pe- FAITH MATETE / Ethicsand Anti
to provide for subsequent hiring of other players to have the vacancies and Equality Commission and the ter Karanja, Abdulghafur EL-Busaidy Corruption Commission detectives
commissioners. filled. According to the draft bill, the Attorney General. represented the Supreme Council of on Tuesday arrested two police
“The current First Schedule only Independent Electoral and Bound- The bill, which was heading for Muslims, while Catholic bishops officers for demanding Sh2,000
applied to the recruitment of the aries Amendment Bill 2019, eight publication last evening, has also had Bernadette Musundi. in bribe from three Burundian
current commissioners and there institutions will have a chance to proposed that the Kenya National Others were Bishop David Oginde businessmen.
is, therefore, need to provide for se- nominate persons who sit in the Human Rights Commission propos- of Christ is the Answer Ministries, The officers identified as police
lection panel to consider subsequent panel. es a nominee. who represented the Evangelical constables Bosaya Muhangani
appointments,” the MPs said in a Unlike in 2016 where religious “It is expected that the 11-members Churches of Kenya, and Ravindra and Jaspha Adams were taken to
draft bill. organisations had the lion share selection panel is representative of Bhurma for the Hindu Council of the commission’s Western region
IEBC currently has three commis- in the panel, the Justice commit- across section of the society and its Kenya. offices where detectives recorded
their statements .
The duo stationed at Railways
ESTIMATES Kenyans mourn police station in Kisumu are said
family and to have impounded the traders’

Numbers in Ethiopian crash friends, who

were victims of
goods and later hid them in
one of their houses as they

compensation to families
the Ethiopian waited for the bribe. The officers
Airlines Flight reportedly threatened to arrest the
ET 302 plane businessmen and detain them but
crash, after a would only release them if they
GORDON OSEN / Based on the Montreal ties and laws. But f it can be proven commemoration paid the amount.
Convention, each of the families of that an airline did not take all re- ceremony at EACC regional director Ignatius
the Ethiopian Airline crash victims quired precautions for a flight, there the scene of the Wekesa said the duo were filmed
could receive as much as Sh17 mil- will be no limit to what a victim can crash, near the receiving the bribe.
lion. recover. town of Bishoftu, Wekesa said they received a
The treaty, adopted by the Inter- In the case of the KQ crash in southeast of complaint from the businessmen.
national Civil Aviation Organisation, Douala Cameroon in 2007, for Addis Ababa, “We arrested the suspects in the
stipulates that “if an airline is found which the investigation report was Ethiopia yeterday process of receiving the bribe,”
at fault for an accident, each affected released in 2010, most of the com- /REUTERS Wekesa said.
passenger is to get a minimum val- pensations was based on out of court They suspects are expected to
ue equal to 113,100 special drawing settlements between the families’ be arraigned in court either today
rights”. advocates and the airline. minimum liability totalled to nearly “Airlines procure insurance and, or tomorrow.
This type of plane crash compen- In another crash involving a KQ $23 million (Sh1.65 billion) or more. therefore, compensation should The arrest came barely days
sation currently equals approxi- plane in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, in Noella Mutanda, the head of cor- follow,” Mutanda said. after police attached to the
mately $170,000 per passenger. 2000 the airline paid out at least porate communications at Insurance Airlines are required to have com- regional office on Friday arrested
In the past, however, there have $135,000 (Sh9.72 million) in com- Regulatory Authority, yesterday told prehensive insurance policies to pro- a Kisumu county officer who
been limitations placed on victims pensation to each family that lost the Star that a cover for the plane tect the plane and passengers. “It is was taking a bribe. The county
for what they can recover from an a relative. and the passengers is standard prac- like having an air-bound matatu,” officer was attached to the Liquor
airline under the international trea- For the 169 fatalities, the airline’s tice required by law. Mutanda said. Licensing Board in Muhoroni.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 7

TRAGEDY Njeru said Gitau stood on the concrete cover of the
septic pit. His granddaughter and the neighbour’s boy
Trader, two children die after joined him.
“It’s suspected their weight caused the pit to cave in. It
Garissa septic tank caves in caved in and the three slipped into the pit,” Njeru said.
The public, the Garissa firefighter and the Kenya Red
STEPHEN ASTARIKO/ A Garissa businessman, his Cross officials unsuccessfully tried to rescue them.
granddaughter and a neighbour’s son yesterday died Njeru said the concrete cover covered the three and
after falling into a septic tank. The boy was aged seven there was no equipment to pull out the debris and rescue
and the girl was two. them. The bodies were retrieved six hours later and taken
Garissa subcounty DCIO Michael Njeru said Steve to Garissa Referral Hospital mortuary.
Gitau, had gone to inspect a newly constructed septic pit The boy’s body was released to the family for burial in
on his plot along Posta Road in Garissa town. accordance with the Islamic burial rites.
Gitau’s daughter had called him to go and inspect Gitau has left behind a widow, two daughters and four
A septic tank /FILE cracks on the septic tank. sons.


No community
targeted in war
on corruption,
says task force
The team comprises DCI boss
George Kinoti, DPP Noordin Haji,
JULIUS OTIENO EACC boss Twalib Mbarak, Asset
@TheStarKenya Recovery Agency director Muthoni
Kamau and KRA’s director of Con-
The multi-agency anti-corruption sumer Intelligence Githii Mburu.
team has denied targeting specific Appearing before the Senate’s Multi-agency task force on anti-corruption chairman AG Kihara Kariuki, EACC chief executive Twalib Mbarak and DCI George
communities and individuals con- Justice and Legal Affairs Committee Kinoti yesterday /JACK OWUOR
nected to the 2022 succession poli- yesterday, the team said it has been
tics in the war on corruption. working to stop wanton plundering harass the community. to kill all of our projects in the name vatory orders barring it from prose-
There have been claims that the of public resources. “We will not allow you to use Kino- of fighting corruption,” he said. cuting investigation cases involving
fight against corruption is aimed at “We are not in this game for poli- ti and the DPP to fight political bat- The DCI has intensified investiga- high profile cases.
derailing Deputy President William tics to victimise any individual. We tles and we fear you are taking this tions into the alleged misappropria- “The emerging jurisprudence
Ruto’s 2022 presidential bid. His are working professionally and we country to the dogs,” Sang said. tion of funds in the Sh21 billion dam where the courts seem to curtain
allied claim he was systematically have no personal interest other than The legislator said the President projects in Elgeyo Marakwet. Senior connotational and statutory man-
being targeted in the war on graft. to ensure that the rule of law and the should stop “bastardising develop- government officials including Na- date of law enforcement and prose-
The team, formed in 2015 by Pres- Constitution is respected,” Kariuki ment projects in Rift Valley projects tional Treasury CS Henry Rotich has cution agencies is a dangerous one,”
ident Uhuru Kenyatta to spearhead said. and harassing civil servants from the been grilled in connection with the Mbarak said.
the fight against corruption, yester- Haji said, “We are not targeting Kalenjin community.” matter. He said the lack of clear provision
day said it was not targeting anyone. any community at all. We are try- But Kariuki warned politicians Haji disclosed that besides the in- in law to compel corruption suspects
The task force is chaired by Attor- ing to safeguard our interest as a against “making reckless remarks” vestigations into the Kamwarer and to step aside to allow for conclusion
ney general Paul Kihara. country.” touching on the investigations of the Arror dams, the DCI is also probing of their cases has also dealt a blow
Kihara said claims they were tar- The reaction came against the high-profile corruption cases. Doing other dam projects in other parts of to the fight.
geting certain individuals from par- backdrop of intense criticism of the so, he said, interferes with the probe. the country. He said allowing senior suspects
ticular communities were “false and agencies by a section of Rift Valley “It is good to be responsible in “We’re not only going to concen- under investigations to continue
only serve to frustrate the efforts to politicians who claim the team whatever we do. Sometimes we do trate on the two dams, but we are serving has led to interference and
slay the dragon of corruption”. was being used by President Uhu- so much danger making public some also going to central and other dams. tampering with witnesses.
“Politics is introduced by yourself ru Kenyatta to harass the Kelenjin information that is not intended to We have noted there is something The team recommended radical
and others who are in politics. We community and frustrate Ruto’s be. It takes time, sacrifice, dedication serious that needs to be addressed amendment to Anti-Corruption and
are blind like justice. We just do our 2022 presidential ambitions. and everything to investigate and on how we enter financial agree- Economic Crimes Act, Criminal Pro-
work and where the investigation On Tuesday, Nandi Governor Ste- prosecute these cases,” he said. ments,” he said. cedure Act, Evidence Act and other
leads us is where we follow,” Kar- phen Sang accused Uhuru of using “If you want another position in The team told the committee that laws strengthen the agencies to fight
iuki said. his “errand boy” George Kinoti to 2022, you talk to us. You don’t have the courts have been issuing conser- the vice.

NEW RULES MOSES ODHIAMBO/ National Assembly dressed,” he said yesterday. he ruled against the member on
Speaker Justin Muturi has ordered Citing practice and precedence grounds the House was not pleased

Muturi orders MPs MPs, journalists and Parliament

officials who dress inappropriately
barred from the House.
set by other Parliaments that Ken-
ya borrows traditions from, he said
members must wear a coat, long
by his sight.
Former lawmaker Koigi Wamwere
was once ruled out of order when he

barred from House Kisumu West MP Olago Aluoch

sought clarification after Rarieda MP
Otiende Amollo wore a collarless
sleeved shirt, socks and shoes or
service uniform – for men.
For women, an equivalent of for-
sat in Parliament in African attire.
The speaker said the Kanzu, worn
by Muslims, is permissible as long as

for improper dressing

coat to the chambers on February 20. mality should be observed, Muturi a member wears a coat over it.
Members debated on what con- said. They should wear skirts whose He overruled members who ar-
stitutes appropriate dressing within slit is below the knee. gued that nominated MP David San-
the National Assembly precincts. “I have relooked at the suit that kok should be ruled out of order for
Muturi retreated to make a deci- Hon Amollo wore on that day and his ‘green suits’.
Male members must have a tie and sion and communicated during yes-
terday’s plenary sitting. “Members of
realised that the suit was collared
but he did not have a tie, hence, was
“If a member still dons a coat,
long-sleeved shirt, and tie, there is
women should not wear dresses whose the press and guests shall not enter not properly dressed,” Muturi said. no need to dwell on the nature and
the chamber, lodges, dining rooms, He highlighted a past case involv- colour of the said clothing,” Muturi
slits are above the knee, Speaker rules committee rooms when not properly ing former MP Gor Sungu, where said.
8 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019


Macron backs JKIA rail project

French President says his administration is excited by Uhuru’s Big Four
strategy and would increase areas France would work closely with
of partnership to deepen ties. Kenya to ensure peace and stability
JAMES MBAKA “I want France to work closely with in the region. “I am proud and happy
@OnchiriMbaka you (Kenya). That is why tomorrow that we are working closely on secu-
(today) morning we are going to sign rity, defence, and counter-terrorism
French President Emmanuel Ma- MoUs compliant with this strategy to strengthen regional integration
cron yesterday promised to support on infrastructure and blue economy and the peace mission in Somalia,”
President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Big Four growth,” Macron said. he said.
Agenda. He will also help in the con- Among the projects is the pro- Macron, who received a 21-gun French President
struction of a commuter rail service posed commuter rail service from salute and a guard of honour, spoke Emmanuel
from JKIA to city centre. the (rail) station to the Jomo Ken- in English and said his government Macron and
The French leader, who is on a yatta International Airport. has lined up a series of agreements President Uhuru
four-day trip of Africa, said his The President spoke during a joint with Kenya. Kenyatta at State
administration was excited by press conference at State House Nai- President Uhuru Kenyatta de- House yesterday
President Kenyatta’s development robi where he also emphasised that scribed Macron’s visit as historic. / EZEKIEL AMING’A

BOTCHED FENCE MOSES ODHIAMBO/ MPs yesterday the matter.

raised fears taxpayers may have lost Majority leader Aden Duale said

Stalled Somalia money in the construction of the

Kenya-Somalia border wall to ward
off al Shabaab attacks.
that “state offices cannot use inse-
curity or the threat by al Shabaab to
steal and plunder monies allocated

border wall sparks Their fears followed disclosure that

Sh3.3 billion has been spent on the
to the project.”
The Garissa Township MP said the

corruption fears
building of only 10 kilometres. The wall should have by now passed Li-
border is 700 kilometres long. boi, Fafi, Ijara and extended to Boni
The lawmakers have invited the forest. “The whole concept of the
Directorate of Criminal Investiga- project was to eat money. People
After reports Sh3.3bn spent tions, Ethics and Anti-Corruption running it know that just because
Commission, and office of the Direc- of insecurity EACC cannot go there,”
Majority leader Aden Duale / FILE on 10 of the 700km structure tor of Public Prosecutions to probe he said.


P.O.BOX 898-20500
Refer to County website: for detailed tender advert notice and tender document
for: FOR
1 NCG/TECH/ Tender for removal of
Described 2nd April,
1% of
7 and Open
HSP/063/2018-2019 asbestos, replacement with in the BQ 2019 at contract Above Refer to County website: for detailed tender advert
improved iron sheets, roof 12.00noon sum
catchment & floor tilling for notice and tender document for:
Narok referral Hospital
2 NCG/TECH/ Tender for Expansion of Described 2nd April, 1% of 7 and Open
Narok County Government wishes to purchase at least 110 acres of land for development
HSP/064/2018-2019 Narok Referral Mortuary and in the BQ 2019 at contract Above of sewerage treatment plant. The parcel of land should be at least 6-12 kilometers radius
construction of ambulation 12.00noon sum from Narok Town Central Business District and be situated along Enkare Narok River.
3 NCG/TECH/ Supply and installation Described 2nd April, 1% of 7 and Open Interested vendors should note that the documents and information listed below are the
HSP/065/2018-2019 of Mortuary cooling in the BQ 2019 at contract Above
Equipment for Narok 12.00noon sum
minimum requirements and must be accompanied by supporting documents, failure to
Referral Hospital which will render the Bid liable to automatic disqualification.
4 NCG/TECH/ Tender for remodeling of Described 2nd April, N/A N/A Reserved
HSP/066/2018-2019 Narok Referral casualty in the BQ 2019 at for Special 1) Proof of ownership of the plot/parcel
area and construction of 12.00noon groups 2) Indicate sale price of the plot/parcel per acre
3) Current official search from the Ministry of land.
The following documents are mandatory to all categories and must be submitted: 4) The parcel of land should be free from all and any other encumbrances.
- Bid bond guarantee as shown above from a reputable bank or approved insurance firm by PPRA as shown 5) Bid bond security of 1% of the tender price from a reputable bank or approved
- Certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation or copy of Business Registration certificates from registrar insurance firm.
of companies. 6) Bids submitted must be serialized.
- Proof of Similar previous experience.
- Fully signed business questionnaire with contact details and working email address. Successful bid will be required to submit Original Documents for Proof and verification.
- A copy of Valid Tax Compliance Certificate.
- The documents will be available from procurement office and county website as from Monday 18th All proposals in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked the tender number and bearing no
March, 2019.
indication of the bidder should be addressed to: -
Interested firms may obtain Tender documents available from Narok County Website: Free of
charge or obtain Tender Documents from Procurement office located at the county headquarters upon payment
of a non-refundable fee of Kshs.1,000/= (One Thousand Only) per set of document evidenced by official receipt
The County Secretary
payable in cash or bankers cheque may be made at the cash office located at the Headquarters during normal Narok County Government
working hours. P. O. Box 898-20500
Completed Tender documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked on the envelop the tender number and NAROK
name of the tender’ ’should be deposited in the Tender Box located at the entrance of Narok County Government
offices addressed to: And be deposited in the Tender Box located at the entrance of County Government
The County Secretary, Offices or sent by courier or registered mail using the above address to be received on or
Narok County Government before 2nd April, 2019 at 12.00noon.
P O Box 898-20500
Tenders will be opened immediately on the same day in the County Executive Boardroom
The closing date for the submission of applicants will be on or before 2nd April, 2019 at 12.00pm. in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to attend. Any Bid
Tenders will be opened immediately in the County Executive Boardroom, in the presence of bidders or their
representative who choose to attend. Any bid received after 12.00pm will be returned unopened. received after 12.00noon will be returned unopened.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 9

Case of APs accused of
CCTV footage on Iranian poaching pushed to April
STAR REPORTER/ The hearing of a case in which

meetings ruined, court told

four APs are charged with illegal possession of game
trophies was yesterday pushed to next month.
Constables Peter Kimungi, Francis Karanja, Stephen
Ngawai and Martin Mwiti are accused of illegal
possession of 5kg of rhino horns and one piece of
elephant tusk.
Interpol says Iranian officials attempting to compromise key government Kibera resident magistrate Renee Kamau set the
hearing on April 18 and 29.
The four were arrested at Nairobi West in February
AKELLO ODENYO / CCTV footage 2016 during a sting operation by Kenya Wildlife Service
capturing meetings of three people officers after months of investigations.
accused of aiding three Iranian con- KWS had received information that the suspects
victs escape is overwritten, a court were selling ivory and that they used two government
was told. vehicles.
Prosecutor Duncan Ondimu yes- The ivory was found in one of the vehicles after an
terday told a Milimani law courts ma- extensive police search.
gistrate that the footage is corrupted The four were at the time attached to Narc Kenya
from three different hotels within leader Martha Karua, Interior Cs Fred Matiang’i and an
Nairobi where the accused met a se- undisclosed Principal Secretary.
nior Iranian diplomat to discuss how
to help the convicts escape.
Ondimu asked the magistrate for MURDER TRIAL
two more days to continue holding
Wesley Kiptanui and Shemgrant Ag- DPP consents to the release
yei and to establish whether they had
anything to do with overwriting of of TV anchor Maribe’s car
the footage.
“We obtained the CCTV footage ANNETTE WAMBULWA/The DPP has consented to the
from Al Yusra Hotel, Serena Hotel release of TV journalist Jacque Maribe’s car in the
in the CBD and Art Caffe in West- Monica Kimani’s murder case.
lands but all the footage during the State Counsel Catherine Mwaniki told Justice James
timelines when the meeting took Wakiaga that they had consented with the defense
place have been overwritten,” On- to use photographs of the car as evidence in their
dimu said. murder case.
The prosecutor said police were to interview her to establish the pur- in Nairobi in June 2012 and led the Iranian terror Maribe on Wednesday withdrew an application she
investigating phone and M-Pesa re- pose of the cash. police to Mombasa Golf Course where suspects Ahmed had filed seeking to compel the DPP’s office to release
cords from the accused and would The Director of Public Prosecutions 15kg of RDX explosives were found. Mohammed and her car.
finish the analysis by today (Thurs- had accused a senior diplomat at the They were subsequently convicted Sayed Mansour. Lawyer Katwa Kigen told the court that after
day) evening. Iranian Embassy of colluding with of two counts of preparing to commit /FILE consultations they had decided to withdraw the
“We are finalising forensic exa- lawyer Robin Nyangaresi Kiptanui a felony and being in possession of application for the release of her Toyota Allion.
mination on the suspects’ phones. and Agyei in an escape plan involving highly explosive material and sen- At the same time, Joseph ‘Jowie’ Irungu who was
Agyei has three lines and a number a Sh15 million bribe. tenced to life imprisonment in 2013 charged alongside Maribe with the murder of Kimani
of people have been sending him An Interpol report indicated that by a magistrate’s court. also withdrew his application for the bail.
messages which we are also looking Iranian officials have been attemp- The two convicts appealed and their Last week the prosecution had maintained that
into,” Ondimu said. ting to compromise key government sentence was reduced to 15 years. The they would not release her vehicle to her because it
The prosecutor said investigators employees and the legal system to Court of Appeal later quashed their forms part of the evidence to be used in their case.
had summoned another person of in- release Ahmad Abolofathi and Sayed jail term, saying there wasn’t suffi- In an affidavit, Investigating Officer Maxwell
terest whose interview contradicted Mansour. They had several meetings cient evidence to link them to the Otieno said the vehicle was to be relied on during the
the initial information he had given. on diverse dates within the city to bomb-making materials recovered prosecution’s case.
The investigations revealed that Ag- discuss how to scheme an escape in 2012. “The IC3 Cameras placed the vehicle and the
yei sent Sh3,000 to a Milimani court plan for the two convicts. The DPP appealed the ruling. The mobile phone handsets at places of interest in our
clerk and the investigators intended Ahmad and Mousavi were arrested case is in the Supreme Court. investigations,” he claimed.

PETITION DISMISSED amounts of money in their bank ac-

counts, including through mobile

Blow to 20 cops fired phone transfer.

Kavuludi said the vetting was
done according to the law.

over unexplain wealth

Prior to the vetting, the court
heard, the officers were given ques-
tionnaires and had enough time to
raise issues about the process.
1 lied he didn’t have active M-Pesa account The court had heard that the com-
plainants received huge sums of
money through their mobile phones
FAITH MATETE/ Twenty traffic officers they arrived at the decision. and had savings that did not match
have suffered a major blow after “There was no evidence to prove their salaries.
a court dismissed their petition that the vetting board flouted any
against dismissal for failure to ex- constitutional provisions in con- 904 QUIZZED
plain their wealth during vetting ducting the vetting exercise,” he said. One of them lied that he did not have
in 2016. an active M-Pesa account but an au-
The Industrial Court in Kisumu VETTING LAWFUL dit revealed otherwise. Kavuludi said
threw out the petition. The 20 had The judge said they were sacked for the false information breached Reg-
argued that the National Police Ser- unexplained financial transactions, ulation 18 on untruthful disclosure.
vice did not give them a fair hearing sending and receiving money from A total of 904 traffic officers were
and that their fundamental rights fellow officers in the traffic depart- vetted in May 2016 in Coast, Western,
were abused. ment. Rift Valley and Nyanza.
They accused the NPS of treating Others include operating matatus, The NPS sacked 127 traffic police
them unfairly and denying them receiving money from transporters officers after they failed the suitabil-
chance to call witnesses during and operators of breakdown services ity test. Thirty six of them were from
the vetting. and professional misconduct. Coast, 23 from Western, 50 from Rift
In his ruling Justice Nduma Nderi Former NPS chairperson John- Valley and 18 from Nyanza.
said the vetting board adhered to the stone Kavuludi had told court Their ranks ranged from chief in-
rules of natural justice in the manner that the petitioners received huge spector to constable. A police cap /FILE
10 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019

Drought pushes Turkana
Why young HIV+ women will herders to Ethiopia, S. Sudan
HESBORN ETYANG/ Pastoralists in Turkana are fleeing to

not get powerful ARV soon

neighbouring countries in search of water and pasture.
The ravaging drought threatens the survival of
their livestock. They are emaciated. Turkana Kibish
deputy county commissioner Eric Wanyonyi yesterday
said some Kenyans have crossed to Ethiopia and
South Sudan. Starving residents are also seeking
Recent modelling study suggests benefits of DTG to mothers outweigh risks food. Wanyonyi urged the national government and
humanitarian agencies to help. The appeal came as
the county government, led by Deputy Governor Peter
Lotesro flagged off relief food.
“The county government has flagged off 36,000
JOHN MUCHANGI bags (50kg maize), 10,000 bags (50kg beans) and
@jomunji 10,000 jerrycans (20 litres) of cooking oil as we plan to
reach more partners to assist before the drought gets
Young HIV-positive women will wait out of hand,” Lotesro said.
longer to access the powerful DTG The worst-hit areas are Nakalale in Turkana North,
antiviral drug. Nanaam and Songot in Turkana West, Lobokat in
DTG (Dolutegravir) is the pre- Kainuk Turkana South, and Kibish, Kaeris and Lapur in
ferred first-line ARV in Kenya, but Turkana North. The county has so far received support
not recommended for women aged from the World Food Programme. Leaders appealed
15-49 because it can deform the for more support.
spines of unborn babies. Wanyonyi said Kibish, which is located 400km from
A modelling study published in Lodwar town, had some green pasture, but locusts
the latest Lancet HIV Journal, how- invaded it, leaving pastoralists in a dilemma. Water
ever, suggests that the benefits of sources, including boreholes, have dried up.
making DTG available to all wom- “We’re experiencing a tough drought that has
en of childbearing age substantially caused seasonal rivers and water sources to dry up,
outweigh risks. leaving pastoralists with no option but to migrate,” the
Pointing to this study, several local administrator said.
lobbies now want the government to
lift the restriction. But the National
Aids Control Council yesterday said COURT ORDER
it would not change this recommen-
dation unless the World Health Or- Kitui’s Sh38m World Bank
ganisation clears the drug.
“From a health perspective, it’s
road project runs into trouble
better to be more reserved than put
people at risk. We always want to MUSEMBI NZENGU/ A Sh38 million World Bank-funded
look at the science involved and this road tarmacking project in Kitui town has run into
is really a recent study, so we have headwinds after a court stopped the destruction of
to wait for more,” NACC boss Nduku property on a road reserve.
Kilonzo said in Machakos. Contractor Timax Company was stopped from
Last year, Medical Services direc- demolishing two buildings. The order was issued on
tor Jackson Kioko instructed that March 5. The Star established that Patrick Mwendwa,
women of childbearing age be given the owner of the buildings off the Naivas-National
the first-line treatment Efavirenz Oil road, obtained a court order restraining the Kitui
drug. He said the restriction on DTG government that is implementing the project from
was “due to limited safety data”. demolishing his property on residential plots Nos P34
Nairobi-based National Empow- and P35 in Kitui municipality.
erment Network of People living Justice O. Ongote of the High Court in Machakos
with HIV-Aids in Kenya (Nephak) issued the order. It restrains the county, “its agents,
is among the lobbies advocating to servants and employees from alienating, repossessing,
have all women access the drug. threatening to demolish Mwendwa’s buildings”.
“It should be noted that from the of conception, compared to other The new Lancet study shows that ARV tablets The county has also been barred from interfering
outset, Kenya opted for DTG from antiretroviral therapy regimens.” in 20 years, the deaths of women /FILE with the ownership, possession, occupation and or
the time the generic version became He noted the DTG is cheaper, has denied the new drug would double. use of all the property.The orders were posted on the
available,” Nephak CEO Nelson Otu- few side effects, is highly potent and “Because of the greater potency of doors of the two buildings.A county bulldozer razed
oma said. has a high barrier to the develop- dolutegravir and better viral sup- stalls on other plots. Some small-scale traders raced
“The concern only came up after a ment of resistance. pression, the rate of mother-to-child against time to salvage their goods.Mwendwa also
study in Botswana detected a signifi- A study supported by the WHO transmission would be lower under owned three of the demolished plots. He said the
cantly higher rate of neural tube de- is underway in several countries, a universal dolutegravir policy than county did not give notice. “It would have been fair and
fects in infants of mothers who had including Kenya, to determine the if all restrictions applied,” the study humane to allow us to pull the structures down on our
been taking Dolutegravir at the time extent of the risk to unborn babies. noted. own. Using a bulldozer destroys everything,” he said.

FIRST IN EAST AFRICA children in need.

Pumwani hospital to get

Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko said
the Human Milk Bank project is be-
ing funded by the UK through the
Mother-Baby Friendly Initiative Plus

Sh66m baby milk bank (MBFI+) for Sh66,550,000.

APHRC states that human milk
banks receive, process, store and
provide safe DHM to infants who
Mothers to give surplus for children in need need it. PATH and the African Pop-
ulation and Health Research Centre
DELANNIE LUCHINA/ Pumwani Hospital The WHO recommends donated are supporting the Health ministry
will be the first health facility in human milk (DHM) as a lifesaving and other stakeholders to tailor the
East Africa to have a milk bank for alternative for children with no ac- Mother-Baby Friendly Initiative Plus.
newborns. cess to their mother’s milk. “The milk bank will save the lives
This is a new concept of storing It is meant to improve maternal of the vulnerable babies, such as
breast milk. It will greatly benefit healthcare. Women with milk some- those who are premature, orphaned
mothers who cannot produce breast times have more than enough for or abandoned, through the nutrition
milk for their babies. The project will their children. The milk banks will benefit of human milk,” UK High
be launched by month-end. store and share the surplus with Commissioner Nic Hailey said. Pumwani Hospital /FILE
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 11



Infertility and premature deaths make

environmental damage worse — report
Eat less meat, reduce food waste to reduce need to increase food production by 50 per cent by 2050
ed production and development
MAGDALINE SAYA The report also warns that pol-
@TheStarKenya lutants in freshwater systems will
see anti-microbial resistance be-
Kenya could see millions of pre- come the number one cause of
mature deaths If urgent measures death by 2050.
to protect the environment are not Male and female fertility will de-
taken. cline, as will children’s neuro-de-
According to a report released velopment, the report reads.
yesterday by UNEP, damage to the “The science is clear. The health
planet is so dire that health will be and prosperity of humanity is di-
increasingly threatened unless ur- rectly tied with the state of our Siim Kiisler,
gent action is taken. environment,” acting UN Envi- Minister of
The report was produced by 250 ronment executive director Joyce Environment
scientists and experts from more Msuya said. of Estonia and
than 70 countries. She added, “This report is an president of the
The sixth Global Environmental outlook for humanity. We are at a UN Environment
Outlook has been released while crossroads. Do we continue on our Assembly at the
ministers from around the world current path, which will lead to a United Nations
are in Nairobi at the world’s high- bleak future for humankind, or Environment
est-level environmental forum. do we pivot to a more sustainable Assembly in
Negotiations at the Environment development pathway? That is the Gigiri in Nairobi
Assembly are expected to tack- choice our political leaders must on March 11
le critical issues such as reducing make, now.” /REUTERS
food waste, promoting electric ve- The report calls for action to curb
hicles and reducing plastic pollu- the flow of more than eight million production by 50 per cent to feed countries lauded for banning the multi-agency approach is needed
tion in the oceans. tonnes of plastic pollution going the projected 9-10 billion people manufacture, importation and use to stop the smuggling of plastic
According to the report, even into oceans each year. on the planet in 2050. It also ad- of plastic bags in 2017 because they bags across the porous borders.
though countries have the science, vocates for strategic investment in damage the environment. The government has also ex-
technology and finance needed to BAN ON PLASTIC BOTTLES rural areas to reduce pressure for However, to date, they are still pressed its intention to ban plastic
move towards a more sustainable The report says adopting less people to migrate. being used in markets by traders bottles, eliciting sharp responses
development pathway, “sufficient meat-intensive diets, and reduc- While the issue has received in- and fishmongers to wrap their from manufacturers who use them
support is still missing from the ing food waste in both developed creased attention in recent years, merchandise. to package various products.
public, while business and political and developing countries would there is still no global agreement to Nema director general Geof- Manufacturers have opposed the
leaders continue to cling to outdat- reduce the need to increase food tackle marine litter. Kenya is among frey Wakhungu on Friday said a ban.


Denying women Scrap killer Lamu coal plant,
land rights hinders
SDGs, says report scholar warns government
GILBERT KOECH/ A scholar warned power, such as solar, are cheaper COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF KILIFI
GILBERT KOECH /Denying women Kenya yesterday against putting than coal.
the right to own and inherit land up coal plant in Lamu, citing “dire “If you are still pushing for coal, SECOND ASSEMBLY – SECOND SESSION
is not only illegal but also a major consequences” for health and it can only be two reasons, either IN THE MATTERS OF CONSIDERATION BY THE COUNTY
barrier to attaining sustainable environment. the policymakers do not know ASSEMBLY OF KILIFI – THE KILIFI COUNTY FICSAL
development. Professor Paul Ekins, one the real cost and they will end up STRATEGY PAPER 2019
The Measuring Progress Report of the authors of the ‘Global paying more than they need to,
2019 by UN Environment shows Environment Outlook’ report, or you have powerful lobbies in CALL FOR MEMORANDA
that of the 93 environment-related urged Kenya to avoid coal as favour of coal that are persuading The County Assembly of Kilifi wishes to notify the entire public that the Kilifi
SDG indicators, there are 22 ( 23 per much as possible. the policymakers to do something County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) 2019 was tabled on 11th March, 2019 in
cent ) for which good progress has He spoke to the Star at the that is not in the national or the County Assembly and committed to the Sectoral Committees to deliberate
been made over 15 years. sidelines of the launch of the international interest,” he said. according to their respective mandates and submit their views to the Select
The report, which was launched report at the UN Environment The Sh200 billion power plant Committee on Budget and Appropriations.
yesterday during the UN Assembly. “Coal is not the future, under the Amu Power Company
Environment Assembly, shows coal is the past,” he warned. was expected to generate Pursuant to Article 196 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and Standing Order
there is a lot to be done. Ekins said other sources of 1,050MW. 206A of the County Assembly of Kilifi Standing Orders; Members of the public
While women have equal are invited to submit their Memoranda on the Kilifi County Fiscal Strategy
rights by law in 37 per cent of Paper (CFSP) 2019 to the Select Committee on Budget and Appropriations. The
160 countries in which data was Memoranda may be forwarded to the Clerk, County Assembly of Kilifi, P.O.
collected, legal land rights are not Box 332 – 80200, Malindi; hand-delivered to the Office of the Clerk, County
followed in practice in more than Demonstrators Assembly of Kilifi Buildings, Malindi; or emailed to;
half of the countries. take part in a to be received on or beforeThursday 21stMarch, 2019at 4.30 p.m.
This is because customary, protest against
traditional and religious practices Kenyan gover- Copies of the Kilifi County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) 2019 can be obtained
still prevent access and control nment plans from the office of the Clerk of the County Assembly or can be downloaded from
for women. Msuya said the report to build East the County Assembly Website: -
shows how environmental issues Africa’s first coal
can affect women more severely. plant near the CPA, Michael B. Ngala,
She said pregnant and lactating coastal town of Clerk of Assembly/ Secretary, County Assembly Service Board,
women face greater threats from Lamu Clerk, County Assembly
pollution of air and water. /FILE
12 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019


Leftover ordnance
from army trainings
killed four children
in two months last
year and many more
residents in years
past. Soldiers are
combing the area
to save lives in the
pastoral hub


The weather is harsh, about 38 de-

grees celsius. Armed with boots,
jeans and long-sleeved shirts, we
are ready for the day’s assignment.
We are joining KDF soldiers as
they comb Archer’s military train-
ing area in Samburu for unexploded
ordnance (UXOs).
These are explosives such as
bombs, shells, missiles and grenades
that fail to detonate on impact and
pose a risk to locals.
Several people in Kenya have
been casualties of the death traps.
Some have died, others acquired
permanent disabilities after being
injured. Some suffer burns, others comfortably sits under an acacia tree, Others who find themselves with The two, Ltarijan Lekoloi, nine, eration, 99 per cent of such dangers
develop hearing problems. All af- camouflaged with the dry leaves and ordnances are Morans looking for and his brother, Ltoruwan Lekoloi, will have been eliminated.
ter unknowingly touching, playing the thirsty ground. Weighing about ornaments. “The Morans looks for 14, were pupils at Lerata Primary “This is not a one-time exercise.
with, carrying or hitting uncollected 15kg, the ammunition has a danger them and remove the metals to make School. That is why we are creating aware-
military ordnances. area of 400m. bangles,” Muchendu said, adding Two more children had perished ness so when locals find them, they
We land at the Kalama Airstrip, “This means anyone within that that in the process, the bombs may in November in similar circum- know what to do,” he said.
Samburu, at about 20 minutes to radius can die from the explosive,” detonate and kill. stances. That, major general Ayub He assured residents that by the
9am. The day begins with a securi- Muchendu said. People who buy scrap metals also Matiiri says, is what prompted the time the operation is done, there will
ty briefing, followed by a five-hour We are only allowed to view it find themselves with the bombs. In operation. Matiiri is the general offi- be no more casualties from Archer’s
walk in the bush. The walk will last from a distance before being escort- 2010, two people died, among them cer commanding Eastern Command. Post and its boundaries.
for as long as we find some ordnance. ed to safe ground, about 600m away, a scrap metal dealer who had collect- He said the military always tries
For close to two months, a bat- as the soldiers prepare to detonate ed a bomb in Elsa Ntirim, a village to clear the areas after every train- AWARENESS CAMPAIGN
talion of soldiers, led by opera- the bomb. in Isiolo. ing, but some ordnances are usually Archer’s training area was gazetted
tion commander Brigadier Isaack Called ‘Operation Ondoa Nanasi’, in October 1977 and became a re-
Muchendu, has endured the heat on the exercise is meant to eliminate stricted area exclusively for military
the rough terrain, walking through any explosives left behind during REPORT TO THE CHIEF IF YOU SEE ANYTHING UNUSUAL. YOU HAVE A training.
shrubs of acacia and euphoria trees army trainings and to educate res- Since the area is not fenced,
as they look for blind bombs on the idents about what to do if they en- BIG ROLE TO PLAY. LET’S MOSTLY SENSITISE OUR CHILDREN SINCE the nomadic communities find
375sq km training area.
Firing at Archer’s Post dates way
counter them.
The theme of the operation is
THEY ARE THE ONES WHO GET HIT — MAJ GEN AYUB MATIIRI themselves grazing within it, and
they have experienced the most
back to the 1970s. ‘Zero casualties from unexploded casualties.
ordnances’, with the motto being, The dealer had unknowingly unnoticed. “We do our best to comb To ensure peaceful coexistence
COMBING PROCESS ‘Don’t pick it if you did not drop it’. picked the bomb but it exploded the areas but sometimes blinds are with the locals, KDF cannot fence
With a gun on the shoulder, a mil- “All military ammunition is de- before he could sell it. left,” he said. off the ranch.
itary water bag tightly tied on the signed to explode on impact. Some- “It’s a very complex scenario,” A former teacher at Lerata Prima- “The ranch is a traditional grazing
back and the energy to serve, the times, however, explosives land on Muchendu said, “and such explo- ry School, where the brothers were area for pastoralists, and fencing it
soldiers start the search every day at soft grounds and immerse them- sives don’t detonate unless they are going to school, said the incident off would create a conflict,” Matiiri
6am, walking for kilometres on end. selves, then resurface during rainy disturbed. They can stay in the same shocked them and it was a big loss said.
On this day, they have started on reasons,” Muchendu said. state for years,” he said. to the family, school and even the He said it would also be a very ex-
the last 5sq km. They walk, stop and Such are the bombs that detonate, Some of them are eroded, mean- community. pensive affair to fence the area due
squat in rhythm. killing unsuspecting locals, mostly ing they could have been dropped Peninah Njoki, who currently to its size.
We are only allowed to walk be- children who find and start playing during the 2nd World War, Muchen- teaches at Girgir Primary School, Dangers of UXOs, Matiiri said,
hind or by their side. About 15km with them. du said. welcomed the idea of KDF comb- are further aggravated by the local
into the walk, a soldier shouts. An “Children may go to graze and be- ing the area. “It is good the military community’s lack of awareness of
explosive has been sighted. They all cause they look attractive, they start FATALITIES PROMPT ACTION is now doing something to ensure their dangers.
stop and wait for direction from the playing with them, unknowing of In December last year, two children such a thing does not happen again,” The sensitisation campaign is tar-
operation officer. the danger they pose,” Muchendu were killed by a bomb as they herd- she said. geting schools, churches, mosques,
The rusted 105mm Smoke calibre said. ed goats at Archer’s Post. Matiiri says by the end of the op- marketplaces and even manyattas.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 13


ARCH World littered with

mines and bombs
T DROP IT 375 sq km

Size of land
Post sits on

Gazetted as a
Military Training
Area (MTA)

Time firing at
1970s the post dates
back to

Era some UXOs

WW2 found at the
post were left

90-105MM smoke
& practice bombs,
mortar shells,
bullets, mines &
artillery shells, hand A 105mm smoke MONICAH MWANGI/ Unexploded ordnance (UXOs)
grenades & rockers bomb that was are not only found in Kenya. Many countries are
found during the contaminated with them, including nations in America
search and Europe.
/MONICAH MWANGI Some ordnance dates way back, as far as World War
Danger Posed 1. Many ordnances are especially found in countries
emerging from long conflicts.
More than 2,000 tons of unexploded munitions
Ordinances kill
are uncovered on German soil every year. Before any
& maim in different
construction project begins in Germany, the ground
parts of the country,
must be certified as cleared of unexploded ordnance. In
where military
2015, some 20,000 people were cleared from an area of
training is done or
Cologne, while authorities removed a one-ton bomb that
was done in the past
“Women are better placed to warn Left, KDF had been discovered during construction work.
children against playing with things soldiers search In November 2013, another 20,000 people in
they don’t know, and that’s why we for explosives at Dortmund were evacuated while experts defused a
are engaging them and even look- Archer’s Post in 4,000-pound “Blockbuster” bomb that could destroy
ing for them at their homes,” said Samburu Most most of a city block.
When visiting the manyattas, the Above, smoke
Vunerable In 2011, 45,000 people — the largest evacuation in
Germany since World War II — were forced to leave their
officers carry a water tanker to dis- billows after KDF homes when a drought revealed a similar device lying on
tribute water to the women, who in detonated an Children grazing the bed of the Rhine in the middle of Koblenz.
return give them a listening ear. explosive found in the field Although the country has been at peace for three
During a baraza later that after- at Archer’s ranch generations, German bomb-disposal squads are among
noon, Matiiri urged locals to join /MONICAH MWANGI Morans seeking the busiest in the world. Eleven bomb technicians have
them and work together to ensure metal for bangles been killed in Germany since 2000, including three
no more lives will be lost as a result who died in a single explosion while trying to defuse a
of the bombs. Scrap metal 1,000-pound bomb on the site of a popular flea market in
“Report to the chief if you see any- dealers Göttingen in 2010.
thing unusual. You have a big role to
play. Let’s mostly sensitise our chil- SCARS OF WAR
dren since they are the ones who get In Vietnam, an estimated 800,000 tons of landmines and
hit,” he said. unexploded ordnance is buried in the land and mountains.
He promised KDF will be putting It is the most contaminated country by UXOs due to
up a project to benefit the locals af- All military ammunition is prolonged war.
ter they are done with the operation. From 1975 to 2015, up to 100,000 people were injured
“We know we owe you since we train designed to explode on impact. or killed by bombs left over from the war. Although a
here. We will sit down with the wa- considerable effort has been made by humanitarian
zees to see what we can do for you,”
Sometimes, however, organisations and the Vietnamese government,
he said. explosives land on soft grounds unexploded bombs continue to place communities at
Area acting chief and Archer’s risk and restrict access to safe land required for housing,
Post assistant chief Henry Lenaya- and immerse themselves, then agriculture, infrastructure and community development.
sa welcomed the idea of KDF giving resurface during rainy reasons In Africa, Egypt is the most contaminated country, with
back to the community. the Egyptian armed forces estimating around 20 million
“We have worked well with them mines and unexploded bombs are still buried in the sand,
and we even managed to show them
where some of the explosives were
Brigadier posing a significant threat to local communities. The EU is
now involved in assisting the Egyptian government and
when the operation started,” he said. Isaack Muchendu others with the cleanup.
He added that they want to start According to UN figures, over 8,000 people have been
a conversation about compensating killed or injured by the explosives, and thousands of
those who have been affected. square kilometres of Egyptian territory remain off limits.
14 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019


Open banking can streamline
financial services – expert
MERCY GAKII /Kenya can learn from the experiences of
other markets and leapfrog directly to the next era of
open banking, industry experts have said. The indicative value of
Open banking is a system that enables banks share the shilling to the dollar
certain data via secure application programming
interfaces and allows for development of a range of The Kenyan shilling edged down
against the dollar on Wednesday due
digital financial services that can be used by customers to dollar demand from the manufac-
to transact, manage their finances and have full access to turing and energy sector outweighing
all their data. inflows from diaspora remittances,
Willie Kanyeki, Myriad Connect’s business traders said.
development director – Africa says in developed nations,
fintech is transforming financial services.
“Open banking will drive transformation in digital
financial services by simultaneously empowering financial market
consumers to own and share their data and enable F O R E X E X C H A N G E R AT E S
financial service providers to leverage this data to deliver Currency Buy Sell Mean
enhanced capabilities to the marketplace,” he said. US DOLLAR 100.0861 100.2861 100.1861
Kanyeki believes that many banks and fintechs already STG POUND 131.1572 131.4428 131.3000
have a closer working relationship in East Africa than EURO 112.8983 113.1500 113.0242
those in Europe, for example, positioning them to move SA RAND 7.0102 7.0260 7.0181
quickly to an Open Banking environment across the East
KES / USHS 36.8147 37.0381 36.9264
African financial services ecosystem.
KES / TSHS 23.3332 23.4798 23.4065
“East Africa has an opportunity to build on experiences
AE DIRHAM 27.2454 27.3051 27.2753
of other markets already embracing Open Banking, and
move directly to a more effective model in the region,” JPY (100) 90.0055 90.2097 90.1076

Kanyeki said. He added that regulation was key to ridding IND RUPEE 1.4366 1.4399 1.4382
the sector of limited space to compete. CHINESE YUAN 14.9153 14.9554 14.9353


Price Change (%)

Oil marketers want

UCHUMI 0.59 9.26
An online shopper looks at mobile phones on display on Jumia’s website. Consumers are increasingly SASINI 18.50 7.87
adapting to the online shopping culture /VICTOR IMBOTO STANDARD GROUP 26.50 5.79

KPC to account for ipo

FAHARI I-REIT 9.50 5.56

51m litres of jet fuel


Jumia edges ahead

Price Change (%)
JUBILEE 380.00 9.52

CYNTHIA ILAKO /Oil Marketing Companies want the Kenya KQ 5.00 7.41

Pipeline Corporation to explain the missing 51.26 million

with NYSE listing

HOME AFRICA 0.55 6.78
litres of jet fuel. EXPRESS 7.50 5.54
Last week, the state agency charged with transportation TPS EA SERENA 20.05 4.52
and storage of jet fuel imported by oil marketers, warned
that only 10.53 million litres of fuel were in stock, hinting
at a possible jet fuel shortage.
The oil transporter blamed the shortage on lower orders The startup will be the first African firm to list on NYSE
by oil marketing firms that were unable to meet demand
from aircraft flying out of JKIA and Moi Airports daily.
“Due to low Jet A-1 fuel stocks at JKIA, with imme- e-commerce vendor in Africa.
diate effect all non- scheduled operators are advised to The poll interviewed 2,031 respon-
tanker fuel from other locations and reduce fuel uptake
from JKIA and Moi International Airport,” KPC acting
dents in Nigeria, South Africa, and
Kenya, and showed 56 per cent of
managing director Hudson Andambi said in a letter to
KCAA dated March 4. The remaining stock would run Pan-African e-commerce firm with
respondents have shopped on Jumia.
In 2017, Jumia reported an 80 per
out by March 7.
The group of oil marketers is however questioning this
footprints in Kenya, Jumia has filed
an Initial Public Offer (IPO) at New
cent year on year growth despite
recording a decrease in gross profit
claim, citing that, as at last Monday the customer stocks York Stock Exchange. from € 30.2 million (Sh3.4 billion) in Difficult conversations are never
entitlement statement by KPC shows available loadable Although documents filed at the 2016 to € 27 million (Sh3.05 billion). fun, but preparing for them can help
stock of jet fuel stood at 29 million litres. US Security Exchange Commission The company is expected to an- you ensure they’re productive. Start
This, in addition to the line fill quantity at 32.79 million (SEC) as seen by the Star did not re- nounce it’s 2018 financial results by identifying your motives. What
litres held by the oil marketers in KPC systems would place veal the anticipated offer date, the next month, the second time since do you want out of the conversation
the total available stock at 61.79 million litres. firm is likely to become the first Af- its inception. In December last year, — for you, the other person, and any
The contradiction in available stock puts to question rican tech startup to list on a major United Nations Conference on the stakeholders involved? Knowing
KPC’s claim of a looming jet fuel shortage. global exchange. Trade and Development (UNCTAD) your goals is a good way to keep
the meeting on track if emotions
“The 51.27 million litres variance of our DPK/Jet stocks The Nigeria-based online mar- Business-to-Consumer E-commerce
rise. Next, gather facts to support
in the KPC system requires an explanation from KPC as ket place formed in April 2013 and Index described Africa’s e-com-
your position. If you’re about to ask
we have already imported this stock and discharged it into launched in Kenya in 2014, empow- merce sector as a sleeping giant for a raise, for example, write down
the KPC system and the same confirmed by our records,” a ers small, medium and large busi- failed by poor internet penetration. notes on how you’ve grown in your
letter signed by CEOs of Oil Marketing Companies shows. ness enterprises by allowing them Speaking during the Africa role. If you’re going to give someone
On Tuesday, KPC announced a return to normalcy in to sell products directly to the com- e-Commerce Week held in Nai- tough feedback, bring examples of
supply of jet fuel at JKIA and Moi International airports, pany’s large customer base. robi, UNCTAD secretary general their work and behavior. Be ready
enough to last 11 days, following the pumping of 115 mil- Jumia Kenya continues to domi- Mukhisa Kituyi said the continent to defend your point of view and
lion litres into the system last week.
“As of today, we have 26.2 million litres in the KPC
NIGERIA IS nate Kenya’s e-commerce sector and
is seen as a pacesetter for both lo-
trails behind the rest of the world
in its preparedness to engage in
explain how you came to it. And
think through any stories you’re
Embakasi depot at JKIA. We will receive an additional JUMIA’S cal and international online market and benefit from the digital econo- telling yourself about the other
32 million litres at the same depot in the next six days place brands entering the country. my as three-quarters of the African person. Do you see your boss as
as we move to spruce up our stocks,” Andambi said in BIGGEST Jumia’s rivals in Kenya include population is yet to start using the “the enemy” because she can
a statement.
He added the oil distributor was expecting an additional
MARKET, Masoko by Safaricom and Kilimall
which launched in 2017 and 2016
The New York filing did not say
grant or deny your raise request?
Consider what your manager will
103 million litres to arrive at the Mombasa port on March OFFERING respectively. how many shares Jumia would care about in the conversation, and
use that to plan how you’ll address
28, ensuring a steady supply of jet fuel moving forward.
KPCs JKIA depot has a total capacity of 54 million litres
ONLINE According to the Geopoll Black-
FridayStraw Poll of December 2017,
sell, or at what price. Morgan Stan-
ley, Citigroup, Berenberg and RBC her concerns.
while airlines consume 2.5 million litres in a day. SHOPPING Jumia remains the most preferred Capital Markets are leading the IPO.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 15


Market specific products Vaccine suppliers get

training to stem losses
can spur tourism – Balala MERCY GAKII /The private sector has partnered with
government to set up systems to ensure efficient
management, delivery and distribution of vaccines in
Representatives from the Global Alliance for Vaccine
Kenya’s tourism industry has been highly reliant on the UK and US markets (GAVI), and global logistics firm United Parcel Services
(UPS), are training national and county health and
supply chain managers in private sector style methods
of ensuring efficient supply of vaccines to the country.
Participants are in a week-long Strategic Training
CYNTHIA ILAKO Executive Programme (STEP), at the Boma Hotel,
@LadyKanyali Nairobi.
The public sector will be able to employ technology
Kenya needs to adopt country-spe- in sourcing, storage and inventory tracking of vaccines
cific strategies to attract both key across the country once the programme is operational.
and emerging tourist markets and Kenya currently buys vaccines worth Sh4 billion
in turn boost the country’s tourism a year, with another Sh8 billion used in logistics of
earnings. moving the drugs to where they will be used.
Tourism CS Najib Balala yesterday It is estimated that the country would have to spend
said Kenya, which is marketed as a at least Sh17 billion a year in managing diseases
safari destination is still employing that come with a lack of vaccination, if Kenya did not
approaches used in the 1960s. vaccinate its population against preventable diseases.
“There is a paradigm shift and it is Through the National Vaccine Immunisation
high time Kenya’s tourism industry Programme in Kenya, STEP is targeting County
evolved to meet current trends,” he Expanded Programme on Immunisation Supply Chain
said. Managers and those who have an oversight and an
Last year was seen as a turnaround influence over the performance of the vaccine supply
point for the tourism and wildlife chain.
industry whose earnings hit a record STEP has attracted local private sector
high of Sh157.39 billion driven by partners including Safaricom, Kuehne Foundation,
international tourist arrivals which GlaxoSmithKline Kenya, Phillips Healthcare, Procter
surpassed the two million mark. and Gamble and others in supporting the buildup of a
Data by the World Travel & Tour- resilient healthcare system through Human Resources
ism Council shows last year, the (HR) mentorship.
sector contributed Sh790 billion Training will include technical and empowerment in
to Kenya’s economy, a 5.6 per cent soft skills.
growth when all direct, indirect
and induced effects were factored
in. Jobs created during the review 20 major international hotel brands and beach destinations. Tourism and
period stood at 1.1 million. are lined up to open shop in Ken- “We now need to see these global Wildlife Cabinet
The lobby group for global private ya over the next five years. This is hotel brands popping up not just in Secretary Najib
sector players in the tourism indus- expected to add 3,444 hotel rooms Nairobi but across all 47 counties,” Balala with
try estimates the sector will contrib- between now and 2023. he said. World Travel and
ute 5.9 per cent to the country’s GDP Some of the brands include Best Tourism Council
this year. Western Group, with six properties President Gloria
“As the private sector, we see tre- already under construction, one of (+) NEW MARKETING Guevara during
mendous opportunities in this coun- the hotels in Naivasha and the rest the release of the
try. A lot of the CEOs in our organisa- in Nairobi. METHODS NEEDED WTTC economic
tion are showing interest in Kenya,” Other global brands expanding impact research
WTTC chief executive Gloria Guevara their Kenyan portfolio are Radisson Last year was one of the most in Nairobi
said yesterday while launching its Hotel Group, Wyndham, CityBlue, impressive for the tourism sector yesterday
annual report. Hilton, Marriot, Radisson, Accor, after tourist arrivals grew by 37.33 /ENOS TECHE
According to the council, Kenya’s Dusit, Swiss International and Sa- per cent from the previous year to
tourism growth rate is faster than the rovar. cross the two million mark for the
global average of 3.9 per cent and While he welcomed the height- first time, and posting a significant
the Sub-Saharan Africa average of ened interest by global tourism growth in earnings to Sh157 billion.
3.3 per cent. stakeholders, Balala said they now The earnings are a 31.2 per cent Head of National Vaccine Immunisation Programme in Kenya
The 2018 Pipeline report released needed to expand their reach outside improvement from Sh119 billion Collins Tabu yesterday during the training at Boma Hotel,
by W Hospitality Group shows about Nairobi, investing in the safari circuit earned in 2017. Nairobi /COURTESY

sector. Aimed at modernising the Energy Corporation (“REREC”) and dance of the Rural Electrification Au- attainment of installed nuclear power
legal framework for Kenya’s energy the Nuclear Power and Energy Agen- thority (“REA”). Similarly, REREC will capacity amounting to 4GW by 2030.
sector, the Acts introduce a raft of cy (“NPEA”). be at the helm of Kenya’s renewable Conversely, the Petroleum Act
amendments to Kenya’s ageing As provided under the Energy energy agenda, and will therefore be 2019 established the legislative
energy legislative framework with Act 2019, the EPRA will be manda- mandated, inter alia, with ensuring framework guiding the exploration
the view of keeping abreast with ted with the regulation of Kenya’s that Kenya’s energy mix comprises and production of petroleum resour-
the evolving global energy lands- electricity value chain with a specific of a significant portion of renewable ces in Kenya. The updated piece of
cape. Additionally, as Kenya is in the focus on generation, transmission, energy sources, in line with the Paris legislation will govern the contracting,
EXPERT COMMENT final stages of making its first crude distribution and supply segments of accord. It is worthwhile to note that exploring, development and produc-
KAREN KANDIE oil sales under the Early Oil Pilot the electricity value chain. Additiona- significant progress is being made on tion of petroleum resources in Kenya,
Scheme (“EOPS”), it is expected that lly, the EPRA will similarly be tasked this front with approximately 65 per including crude oil and natural gas.
Modernising the the Acts will reinvigorate investors
to participate in Kenya’s nascent oil
with regulating the importation, refi-
nement, exportation, transportation,
cent of Kenya’s energy mix coming
from renewable sources.
The assent of key pieces of energy
legislation, it is expected that Kenya’s

energy legislative industry due to increased certainty

with respect to Kenya’s legislative
storage and sale of petroleum and
attendant petroleum products, with
Similarly, the NPEA will be tasked
with assisting the successful at-
legislative framework will be at par
with current industry standards and

framework regime.
Under the Energy Act 2017, three
the exception of crude oil.
The REREC, on the other hand,
tainment of Kenya’s nuclear power
ambitions. It is expected that NPEA
practices. This will likely bring comfort
to investors in Kenya’s energy sector
key institutions are established that will be mandated with providing will pioneer the introduction and with respect to the certainty and

he assent into law of the Energy will be tasked with managing and oversight with respect to Kenya’s implementation of sound policies modernity of Kenya’s key energy
Bill 2017 and the Petroleum Bill regulating Kenya’s energy resources, Rural Electrification Programme as under the nuclear power programme, legislative pieces, which may in-turn
2017 (“The Acts”) by President being, the Energy and Petroleum currently spearheaded by Kenya currently spearheaded by the Kenya invigorate investments in the sector.
Uhuru Kenyatta, on March 12 heralds Regulatory Authority (“EPRA”), the Electricity Transmission Company Nuclear Energy Board. It is expec-
a new chapter for Kenya’s energy Rural Electrification and Renewable Limited (“KETRACO”) under the gui- ted that the NPEA will ensure the Karen Kandie – MD IDB Capital
16 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019

Cyber attacks won’t disrupt Indonesia Malawi flooding death toll rises
elections despite attempts, says agency to 56 as cyclone approaches
REUETRS / Presidential and legislative polls in Indonesia next month are not at REUTERS / The number of people killed in floods in south-
risk of disruption from cyber attacks, the head of the election commission ern Malawi has risen to 56, an official said on yesterday,
said yesterday, even though regular hacking attempts had been detected on with the country now on alert for an approaching tropical
the agency’s website. cyclone. Almost 83,000 people have been displaced by
Arief Budiman, head of the National Election Commission, was earlier cited storms that began more than a week ago, causing rivers
in a media report as saying Chinese and Russian hackers were attacking to break their banks, leaving villages underwater, and
Indonesia’s voter database “to manipulate and modify” content and create knocked out power and water supplies in some areas.
ghost voters. “The election process will not be disturbed because we can Chipiliro Khamula, spokesman for Malawi’s Depart-
handle (the attacks),” he told journalists at a briefing. ment of Disaster Management, said 56 deaths had been
“This is not about China or Russia,” he said, adding that cyber attacks had recorded as of Tuesday, as well as 577 injuries. “Most of
originated both locally and from abroad. A KPU source with knowledge of the the displaced families are living in camps,” Khamula said. Cardinal George Pell arrives at County Court in Melbourne,
matter said the voter database had been subject to “probing” attacks from IP “So far, a total of 187 camps have been established in the Australia on February 27 /REUTERS
addresses originating in several countries, not just China and Russia. affected districts.”
PROBE BEGINS Cardinal jailed for
Ethiopia black boxes bound for six years for sexual
attack on choir boys
Europe, crash pilot had issues REUTERS / Former Vatican treasurer Cardinal George Pell
was yesterday sentenced to six years in jail for sexually
abusing two choir boys in Melbourne in the 1990s.
He will be registered as a sex offender for the rest
of his life. County Court of Victoria chief judge Peter
REUTERS / The Ethiopian Airlines pilot Debris at the Kidd, who handed down the sentence in a live television
whose jet crashed killing 157 people scene of the broadcast, said there was a real possibility that at age 77,
had reported flight-control problems, Ethiopian Airlines Pell could spend the rest of his life in prison.
the company said on Wednesday, as Flight ET 302 Pell, a former top adviser to Pope Francis, is the most
it prepared to send the black boxes plane crash senior Catholic to be convicted for child sex offences.
to Europe from a disaster that has /REUTERS His downfall brings to the heart of the papal adminis-
rocked the global aviation industry. tration a scandal over clerical abuse that has ravaged the
The still unexplained crash, which Church’s credibility in the United States, Chile, Australia
happened just after take-off from and elsewhere over the last three decades.
Addis Ababa, followed another di- “In my view, your conduct was permeated by staggering
saster involving a Boeing 737 MAX arrogance,” said Kidd in handing down the sentence after
in Indonesia five months ago that Pell was convicted of five charges of sexually abusing
killed 189 people. two children.
Though there is no proof of links, “Viewed overall, I consider your moral culpability
the twin disasters have spooked pas- across both episodes to be high,” he told the packed
sengers, led to the grounding of most court room. Pell, who appeared in court without a
of Boeing’s 737 MAX fleet and ham- priest’s collar for the first time during the case, showed
mered shares in the world’s biggest no emotion during the sentencing hearing that ran for
planemaker. more than one hour.
Since the Indonesia crash, there He has maintained his innocence and has filed an
has been attention on an automated appeal that is scheduled to be heard in June. The of-
anti-stall system that dips the air- fences against two 13-year-old boys took place after
craft’s nose down. Sunday mass in late 1996 and early 1997 in a room and
Ethiopia Airlines spokesman Asrat ‘THE PILOT a corridor at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne, where
Begashaw told Reuters it was still Pell was archbishop.
unclear what happened on Sunday, European Union, have suspended India said it would not take any REPORTED One of the victims died in 2014. The other victim, who
but its pilot had reported control is-
sues - as opposed to external factors
the 737 MAX, grounding about two-
thirds of the 371 jets of that make in
deliveries until safety concerns were
cleared and Ethiopian Airlines said
FLIGHT testified and was cross-examined at the trial, issued a
statement through his solicitor saying he found it hard
such as birds. operation around the world, accord- it would decide whether to cancel CONTROL to take comfort in the verdict for now. “Being a witness
“The pilot reported flight control
problems and requested to turn back.
ing to Reuters calculations.
Many airlines were managing to
orders after a preliminary probe.
Passengers were fretting too, with PROBLEMS in a criminal case has not been easy. I am doing my best
to hold myself and my family together,” said the victim,
In fact he was allowed to turn back,” keep to schedule by using other jets many seeking reassurances they AND who cannot be identified under Australian law protecting
he said. while economic woes meant some would not be flying on a 737 MAX. the identity of sex abuse victims.
A decision where in Europe to may be grateful for a pause. The was the first big site to REQUESTED During the trial the victim described how Pell had
send the black boxes would be taken
by Thursday, the airline said.
biggest impact could be on future
deliveries given Boeing has nearly
say it would modify filters to allow
customers to exclude particular
TO TURN exposed himself to them, fondled their genitals and mas-
turbated and forced one boy to perform an oral sex act
Multiple nations, including the 5,000 more 737 MAXs on order. types of planes from queries. BACK’ on him. Pell was found guilty by a jury on four charges
of indecent acts and one of sexual penetration. He had
faced a maximum of 10 years in jail for each charge.
IN LAGOS, NIGERIA are currently trapped in the build-
ing,” he said.
“Cardinal Pell, I find beyond reasonable doubt that,
on the specific facts of your case, there was a clear re-
Scores feared dead “The third floor of the building
is housing a private school in the
lationship of trust with the victims, and you breached
that trust and abused your position to facilitate this
in building collapse area,” Farinloye said, adding that the
three-storey building came down at
offending,” Kidd said.

REUTERS / Many people including around 10am local time.

children were feared trapped yes- Workers on top of the rubble shov- 200 TREATED
terday after a building containing
a school collapsed in Nigeria’s
eled debris away as thousands of
people swarmed around the rescue
Malaysia shuts 34 schools
commercial capital Lagos, an
emergency agency spokesman
site — dozens watching from roof-
tops and hundreds more packed into
after suspected poisoning
said, as rescue efforts began. the surrounding streets. REUTERS / Malaysia has shut 34 schools after a suspect-
Ibrahim Farinloye, spokesman for The building was in the Ita-faji ed chemical leak last week left more than 200 children,
the National Emergency Manage- area of Lagos island, the original teachers and others being treated for poisoning, the edu-
ment Agency’s southwest region, heart of the lagoon city. Nigeria is cation ministry said yesterday.
said there was no immediate infor- frequently hit by building collapses, Authorities believe the poisoning was caused by toxic
mation on casualties. “It is believed with weak enforcement of regula- Many children were pulled out alive from the rubble waste dumped into a river near the schools in the south-
that many people including children tions and poor construction. /REUTERS ern state of Johor.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 17
18 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019



Do you think Boinnet

did a good job in the
police service?

Yes: He will be remembered

for spearheading changes
in the police service,
including the introduction
of new uniforms and house
Businessman, Makutano

A Kenyan woman
at the scene of
the Ethiopian
Airlines Flight Send your views to
ET 302 plane
crash near the
town of Bishoftu, ‘This is Nairobi’ selves strategic communication Allow DCI Kinoti to
southeast of consultants. Nairobi is the only place
Addis Ababa, excuse leading to in Kenya where if you happen to have finish war on graft
yesterday, after a many social evils lost track of the direction you are
traveling to and ask a man or woman
before becoming IG
commemoration Yes: Merging the
nearby, you are either regarded as
Aside from being the capital city, “mshamba” or given the wrong di- Inspector General of Police Joseph Administration Police and
Nairobi is reputed for being East rection. How fake can this society be! Boinnet ended his four-year Kenya Police was a major
Africa’s economic hub. Many people Men murder their wives and women non-renewable term on March 11.
batter their husbands as neighbours
reform during his time.
from different parts of the world visit He exited office without seeking
Nairobi as multinational companies who should be helping watch even favours to extend the term, at least They are now under a single
seeking to spread their tentacles without calling the police, all in the as far as I am aware. I have to wish command structure.
in Africa choose it as their base on name of “this is Nairobi.” People are him all the best in his immediate
the continent. However, to Kenyans, raped, children are stolen, busi- and future endeavours. I know WILLIAM ETIACH
Resident, Kapsmatia
Nairobi’s lustre keeps on diminish- nessmen hike prices without due important state appointments are
ing. While the number of Kenyans regard to the laws of economics just around the corner for him. He
trooping to Nairobi from upcountry in and teachers turn school buses into does not even need to apply for the
search of greener pasture is still high matatus because we have chosen jobs. But already there are six or
compared to those moving to other to make Nairobi look retrogressive so serving and ex-police officers
Kenyan urban areas, a chat with while thinking that this backward- who are the frontrunners to replace
a Kenyan reveals a city renowned ness is cool. Boinnet. I wish each and every one
for all manner of social evils. Talk of them the best of luck. I also pray
of youths engaging in daylight and JOAB APOLLO that professionalism and patriotism
night robbery and con artists who Freelance journalist and not shenanigans will be put into
reap where they did not sow. This consideration in interviewing and
has earned the city the distasteful shortlisting the next and Kenya’s
moniker, Nairobbery. The chaotic third Inspector General of police. Yes: Chiefs’ camps that
matatu sector has taken it upon itself Ethnic imbalance However, although some people initially were manned by
to extort innocent and financially
struggling Kenyans by imposing in Parliament jobs have proposed DCI George Kinoti
to take over as th IG, it is my wish
APs were converted into
police posts to help boost
huge fares any time and any day
they feel like, while landlords, in their
is a bad example that he first finishes his current
term and responsibility and assist security at the grassroots
bid to make instant riches, charge DPP Noordin Haji in the fight against level.
huge amount they think of as rent. There is a sensitive article in yester- corruption. The two have made cor-
Those who dare to complain are day’s Star about the imbalance in ruption a very dangerous business VIRGIL MMBONE
reminded “this is Nairobi”. Business- employment at Parliament. Kenyans to trade in. They have persistently Student, West Pokot
men and traders are not left behind are surprised on how Parliament, undressed the corrupt without fear,
in giving what should be a great city an institution that is supposed to favour, nepotism, creed, religion or
a bad name. They sell anything, from advocate for equal employment in colour. So far, they have proven be
bad food to badly built buildings, government offices, is the one that unshakable, apolitical and a duo that
unmindful of consequences to flouts such rule. From the figures, cannot be compromised. The two
health. But when tragedy struck, we have seen where the majority of have taken fight against corruption
they are the first to rush before the workforce is drawn from. Senate to levels not seen in Kenya before.
cameras to cry wolf about how the Clerk Jeremiah Nyengenye says I have nothing against Kinoti to stop
government is failing its citizens. In many people don’t apply. Allow me him from being the next IG. In any
Nairobi, you can be anything you’ve to answer him. No Kenyan would case, although the office of the In-
ever dreamt of without breaking a not wish to work in Parliament once spector General is the highest rank in
sweat. If you dropped out of school vacancies are advertised. Majority of the police hierarchy, it sounds more No: His tenure has come
in Standard One, you can saunter Kenyans do apply. There is a form of ceremonial and administrative. The under scrutiny and the
to River Road and be issued with a impunity that our country has devel- Director of DCI is a hands-on office. police blamed for laxity
fake PhD certificate, complete with oped. Take the less qualified as much Therein lies the difference between
a well-researched dissertation from as they are from our community the two offices. However, mine is just
and soaring cases of
any fancied university, walk into any and leave out the less qualified from an opinion and it is up to The National extrajudicial killings. Many
university in Kenya and land a job as other tribes. This is very unfortunate Police Service Commission and teh people have lost lives
a Senior Research Fellow. Magicians for Parliament. President to decide to takes over, mysteriously.
have turned into surgeons, thieves
idlers at public parks brand them- Nairobi Kisumu Resident, Kitale
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 19





GRACE MUIA/ Opposition lead-
er Raila Odinga’s son Raila Junior
says he opposes some of the ideas
his father comes up with.
Raila Junior opened up about his
‘tough love’ for his father during an
interview with Massawe Japanni on Family and friends of Kantai buried
Radio Jambo on Tuesday. the rapper’s burial on Friday at his
“I do oppose most things my dad family’s farm in Oloolua, Ngong.
says, but it is not that I don’t love The rapper’s mother, Eunice Kan-
him; it’s because I have my stand in tai, paid tribute to her fallen son, say-
life. Raila is a good man and a normal ing he had received salvation before
person,” Raila Junior said. his death.
“I do oppose things he says, but at “Very hurt, very lonely, but I will
home, we do talk, encourage each forever be grateful to God for the
other and share good memories years he has given you to me!” she
together.” said.
Losing his brother Fidel Odinga “Seeing you gone is not easy but
was a big blow to Raila Junior and I’m comforted that you finally gave
his siblings, he said. This is because your life to Christ. Hallelujah! We
Fidel was their protector, and his were very close friends and shared
death was the hardest time they had so much. Now in my heart, there is a
undergone as a family. big vacuum. But my comfort is that
Raila’s hectic life in politics back greater is he who is in you than he
in the day meant that it was hard for Raila Junior in because I had not seen him before,” months,” he said. who is the world. 1 John 4.4. Amen.”
him to spend time with the family. studio Junior said. “She is not like the way she was She said the ‘Happy’ hitmaker had
“I saw my father for the first time / FILE Raila’s son was born with a tu- for the first time, and I hope she will nursed her when she had cancer be-
when I was 10 years old. There were mour, which affected his brain and be OK in future,” he said. fore admitting that medicine was
many people in my mother’s house. I later distorted his facial features. It Talking about his family, Junior ‘IT IS NOT not his calling.
was still young so I didn’t know what was later diagnosed as facial paral- said they stayed for five years with-
was going on,” Raila Junior recalled. ysis. out his wife giving birth. THAT I DON’T
“At first I rebelled when I saw him Junior, who is a producer, said
people do not give him a job be-
“We had a lot of pressure from
our friends and family. So the thing
LOVE HIM; Demarco ‘wrote
cause he is the son of a well-known
politician or comes from a famous
I could do was to encourage my wife
because I knew she was also going
IT’S BECAUSE his Swahili lyrics’
family, but because of his high pro- under that pressure. Finally, God
Months ago, Raila Junior’s sister
blessed us with a baby boy,” Junior
Rosemary Odinga lost her sight par- He does not have any ambition for LIFE. RAILA
tially due to a tumour, a condition politics. Rather, he is concentrating
Ainabkoi MP William Chepkut, that saw her hospitalised for months. on his businesses. He also said as a IS A GOOD
crossing Kenyatta Avenue to- Raila Junior told Massawe his sis- family, they did not stop his father
wards Nyayo House on Thursday ter’s condition has greatly improved. Raila from swearing himself in as MAN AND
afternoon. He was alone, wear-
ing a three-piece blue suit with
“First and foremost, I want to
thank God for healing my sister
the People’s President because they
were the one who pushed him to
a red tie. Rosemary, who was sick for some do so. PERSON’

African Children’s Choir founder crowned as Maasai elder

ELIZABETH NGIGI @nyambs_liz/ ecutive Kyengo Kimolo and Oshwal
Ray Barnett, African Children’s Academy teacher Beth Atieno. ELIZABETH NGIGI @nyambs_liz/
Choir Founder, was named Olo- The African Children’s Choir Dancehall artiste Arrow Bwoy says
munyak, which means ‘Blessed programme promotes the beau- featuring Demarco in his new song
One’ after being crowned Maa- ty, dignity and unlimited ability ‘Love Doctor’ was a dream come true.
sai elder at a ceremony in Narok. of the African child around the “I linked up with Demarco
The 82-year-old of Irish descent world, providing for the children’s through a lady called Ivy, who played
was acknowledged for his contribu- well-being and quality education by my sound while she was with him
tion to the improvement of the lives utilising the transformative power and he liked my vibe,” he told Radio
of Maasai children. His crowning of music. Jambo recently.
also signified his integration into The children have been able to “He said he wanted to be in my
the culture and rites of the Maa perform at historic events, such remix and I was linked up with him,
community, and in particular the as 46664 AIDS Awareness Benefit and we had been speaking until he
Siyapei Area Community, despite Concert in honour of Nobel prize came to Kenya for Redsan’s album
his race. winner Nelson Mandela in 2007. launch and we did ‘Love Doctor’.”
“I am honoured to be integrated They also performed for Her Maj- Arrow Bwoy says the Jamaican
with the Maasai, whose cultural esty, Queen Elizabeth II, and Ugan- artiste did his research with the
beliefs and traditions have added dan President Yoweri Museveni at Kiswahili words he used in the song.
to the wealth of Kenya’s heritage,” Commonwealth Day in London, “Kiswahili is one of the sexiest lan-
Barnett said. England. guages we have in the world right
The personalities he has nur- Alicia Keys sang with the choir at now, and actually he is the one who
tured include NTV News anchor Black Ball Gala in 2009, and in ad- For more Word Is wrote his Kiswahili lyrics, which
Mark Maasai, Radison Blue chef dition, the choir has also performed stories scan the means he has been learning a little
Ben Waweru, USAid accounts ex- alongside renowned celebrities. QR code above. bit of it. I was also shocked,” he said.
20 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019



Suspects should step aside Just when Northern Kenya is beginning to catch up with the rest of
if charged with corruption the country, the catastrophic effects of climate change are starting

esterday the multi-agency task force on to be felt; devolved funds are unlikely to make much difference
corruption appeared before the Senate
Legal Affairs Committee (see P7).
Attorney General Kihara Kariuki and
Director of Public Prosecutions Noordin Haji
insisted that senior government officers
with executive powers, charged with a capital
offence, corruption or economic crimes, should
vacate office until their cases are concluded.
There have been allegations that governors
and constitutional office holders have interfered
with evidence after returning to office following
criminal charges.
There are also ethical as well as practical
considerations. Clause 75 of the Constitution
says that politicians and officials who infringe
the provisions of the Leadership Code should
be removed from office.
Unfortunately, Parliament legislated that
removal should not happen until they have
been convicted and exhausted the possibility
of appeal. This was not consistent with the
spirit of the Constitution.
Already civil servants have to stand aside if
they are charged with a criminal offence.
Requiring constitutional office holders to also
step aside would require an amendment to the

Economic Crimes Act but this should happen
bout 15 years ago, I was involved in a debate At the time he told me his story, he was preparing to
as soon as possible. The ongoing crackdown on on NEPAD — the New Partnership for African make fresh applications for various scholarships – he
corruption should not be thwarted. Development — which was hosted by a was not going to give up that easily.
diplomatic mission right here in Nairobi. Back then, neither of us had heard of climate change.
I was at that time an established critic of We agreed that his misfortune had been due to the lack

HISTORICAL QUOTE NEPAD. This put me in opposition to the high

levels of enthusiasm for NEPAD in official
circles. For NEPAD had been sold as being some kind of
of proper roads, bridges, dams and telecommunications
services. And certainly, it did not occur to us that what
he had just described so vividly was a classic example
“The philosophers have only ‘Marshall Plan’ and was supposedly a programme ‘by an ‘extreme weather event’ of the kind that we are
interpreted the world, in various Africans and for Africans.And transformational change now told will be more and more frequent, as a result of
had been promised. climate change.
ways. The point, however, is to But my focus here is not in NEPAD since — as far as I To quote an online source, “In general, climate
change it.” am aware — it has long been (predictably) consigned to models show that with climate change, the planet
the dustbin of history. Rather, it is in my recollection of will experience more extreme weather. In particular
KARL MARX the much younger man who debated the issue with me, temperature record highs outpace record lows and some
The German philosopher died on March 14, 1883. and who answered my well-informed cynicism with types of extreme weather such as extreme heat, intense
a passionate conviction that NEPAD would transform precipitation, and drought have become more frequent
Kenya in general — and in particular his own native and severe in recent decades.”
Northeastern Province (as it was then known). Well, it was ‘intense
Over lunch he told me of his recent failure to take
advantage of a valuable scholarship. The blame for his
THE BAD NEWS FOR THE precipitation’ that forced
my friend to postpone
misfortune lay, he said, in the near-complete absence of LEADERS AND RESIDENTS his hopes for advanced
public infrastructure in semi-arid Northern Kenya. The
kind of infrastructure that he believed NEPAD would
And is it not
WWW.THE-STAR.CO.KE bring to even the small remote villages of that region.
What happened is that he had – most unfortunately
VULNERABLE REGION IS tragic after all those
years of neglect and
– traveled back home to visit his parents while waiting THAT THEY CAN EXPECT marginalisation. After
“When children
to do the oral interviews for the scholarship he had
been short-listed for. And it was while he was there that
MORE EPIC FLOODS AND decades of Northern
Kenya not seeing even
Lion Place, Waiyaki Way, Westlands miss out the village and its environs were hit by unseasonable PROLONGED DROUGHTS the smallest part of ‘the
PO Box 74497-00200 , Nairobi, Kenya on school - torrential rains. fruits of Independence’
+254 20 424 4000 | 0711 046 000 especially in Even the oldest members of his clan could hardly and not once being invited to partake of what Kenyans | times of conflict remember seeing such heavy rains before. Large tracts uniquely define as ‘the national cake’.
- not only are of low-lying land were effectively submerged, cutting Just when the era of devolved government at last
COO News Editor Associate Editor, Daily they unable to the villagers off from the rest of the country. In various allows Northern Kenya to begin on the long and
Agnes Kalekye Francis Mureithi Joseph Olweny learn the skills places, what had for years been just sandy depressions arduous journey of ‘catching up’ with the rest of the
they need to on the arid plains, suddenly turned into raging rivers, country; all this happens just as the catastrophic effects
Head of Content Political Editor Photo Editor build peaceful sweeping all in their path, and making travel impossible of climate change are starting to be felt.
Paul Ilado Felix Olick Nobert Allan and prosperous even after the rains subsided. The bad news for the leaders and the residents of this
communities; That is how this young scholar had missed his climatically vulnerable part of Kenya is that they can
Depth Content Editor Digital Editor Sports Editor they also opportunity: this once-in-a-generation flood marooned expect to be subjected to more and more prolonged
Francis Openda Oliver Mathenge Chris Mbaisi become him in Northern Kenya, and he never got to travel droughts, and more and more epic floods.
vulnerable to back to Nairobi in time for the oral interview which he And the ‘devolved funds’ that they and others fought
horrific forms of believed to have been all that stood between him and so long and hard to obtain will not really make much
The Star is a publication of the Radio Africa Group exploitation.” the scholarship he craved. difference.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 21


Founder, Agriculture First ventures. Sales representative @nyarowiro

The world’s natural resources Young women should travel, they should work, they should go
are getting stretched to feed to school, they should even start businesses, they should fail
increasing populations and then they should succeed. Do not be in a hurry to grow up


he Food and Agriculture Organization
recently released a report on the State of the
World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture.
Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture refers
to plants, animals and micro-organisms that
sustain the ecosystem structures and processes
to provide food and non-food agricultural
As the world’s natural resources get stretched to feed
increasing populations, it is important to understand
the importance of biodiversity to the earth’s ecosystem
especially in relation to food production.
Biodiversity is important in soil formation and
fertility maintenance. The micro-organisms in the soils
such as worms and bacteria help in decomposition of
organic matter and retention of nutrients, while others
enable soils to protect plants against diseases.
Plants are important in preventing soil erosion while
at the same time their residue provides organic matter
which is later decomposed contributing to soil fertility.
The shade from the trees also protects the micro-
organisms in the soil such as worms which aerate and
improve the soil structure.
Forest vegetation contributes to air quality for

animals and human beings through carbon dioxide
sequestration and also control temperatures. he other day a young lady walked into my shoulder, one hand clutching my veil and my heels
Some aquatic plant life in the ocean ecosystem also office and handed me a brilliant resume. She hanging from my mouth. (I have good taste in heels).
helps in absorption of carbon dioxide, thus ensuring had gone to good schools and pursued a great My father had tried to discourage me from that
clean breathing air for aquatic degree. She was in my office seeking a job marriage so many times but I would not listen
animals. It also influences that was way below her qualifications. because it is not like he was the model husband. What
BEFORE YOU APPLY rainfall patterns that affect “Why?” I asked her. “Because my mum I should have known is because he was not a good
THAT CHEMICAL agricultural production.
Bees among other wild
forced me to do that degree, I didn’t want
to, so when I finished the degree I moved out!” And
husband, he could tell a baboon from afar.
I really wish he used more force to convince me.
FERTILISER, SPRAY insects and birds help in it showed in her resume because she started doing This is why I really wish I had the words to pre-warn
THAT HERBICIDE OR pollination of plants and play
a significant role in producing
voluntary work in a church.
I felt sorry for this unfortunate silly girl. She
my daughter because should she ever fall into a
position like I did those many years ago, I will break
PESTICIDE, CHASE micronutrients for human reminded me so much of myself at that age. There is her legs. I am not diplomatic like my parents. Broken
consumption. Indeed much no one more stupid than a girl aged between 20 and legs heal and we forget we broke our legs. Broken lives
THOSE BEES OR KILL of the vitamin A and C are 25. I am not being a hater, listen, I was once stupid, on the other hand, well that is a story on its own.
THAT HARMLESS produced by food from crops
is directly attributed to animal
rather I was 20.
At this age we think our parents are backward,
Young women should travel, they should work,
they should go to school, they should even start
SNAKE IN YOUR pollinators. Areas with high old-fashioned and annoying. I swear a businesses, they should fail and then
FARM, THINK TWICE numbers of diverse animal
pollinators have been found to
teenage girl has nothing on a 21-year-old
girl. We think that just because we have
THERE IS NO ONE MORE they should succeed. Do not be in a
hurry to grow up. Everything is waiting
have higher crop yields. breasts, that we can put on a bra, we are STUPID THAN A GIRL for you. Yes, even men. Like my mother
Biodiversity is also important in controlling pests and adults, of sound mind. Nothing could be used to say, there will always be men.
diseases that attack crops and animals. For instance, further from the truth. AGED BETWEEN 20 Tall, short, thin, fat, rich, poor, old and
some birds are predators of certain pests while there are
cover crops that inhibit the growth and development
Life is too short to want to make all
the mistakes by ourselves, it is usually
AND 25. WE THINK OUR young.
Miriam Makeba said, “Your
of certain weeds. This means diversity in animals and best to learn from others. As I looked at PARENTS ARE BACKWARD knowledge, your education is your
crops can prevent the spread of pests and diseases,
hence, reducing losses.
that young lady in my office, I thought
of my Maria, who will be 18 this year,
AND JUST BECAUSE WE number one husband.” I want to add,
and your money. If you have been
Biodiversity also helps in controlling natural disasters and I wished I knew how to tell her that HAVE BREASTS, WE ARE fortunate enough to get an education or
related to climate change. Magroove trees, coral a time is coming when she would think whatever headstart in life, thank your
reefs and other coastal ecosystems are important in she knows what is best for her, but she ADULTS, OF SOUND MIND parents. Whether they ‘forced’ you or
controlling the impact of storms. In addition, vegetation does not. That she must listen to me not.
cover reduces the impact of flooding in downstream because I only want the best for her and that I have Now take time to live a little and learn a lot, before
areas. It reduces the impact of soil and water erosion. gone through a lot because I did not listen to my own you commit your life to some man you think you
Biodiversity is greatly declining in the ecosystem due parents. cannot live without, because trust me, 10 years from
to the use of chemicals in form of pesticides, herbicides I thought I knew how to make ‘better choices’. now, you will look at that man and wonder who
and fertilisers. The earth’s ecosystem needs every Well, of course, I did not. I got married too young to bewitched you.
micro-organism to function properly. It’s important someone I had no business being around. I remember Since it was Women’s Day, I decided to help the
that farmers adopt good practices such as conservation on that fateful day, standing at the church door with young lady who came for the interview. Call it my
agriculture, crop and animal diversification, among Scan this QR my father, and he said to me, “Mama” (my father good deed for the day. I asked her to go back home to
others, to conserve habitat diversity and promote food code using your never called me by my name) “it is not too late to her mother, she was barely 24. I asked her to apologise
and nutrition security. smartphone to change your mind.” and thank her. She looked down at her hands. She
So before you apply that chemical fertiliser, spray see more opinion The look I gave him, I was ready to run down that had those wedding band sets. Another one bites the
that herbicide/pesticide, chase those bees or kill that columns on the aisle and pick my stupid bridegroom, put him on my dust.
harmless snake in your farm, think twice. Star website. shoulder and run off into the sunset. Groom on one
22 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019



Women in Real Estate (Wire) recently organised an event called “Legends and
Leaders Breakfast” at Jacaranda Hotel, The Node.
Wire focuses on business development, leadership development, industry
research, career outreach and mentorship.
Present were Wire president Robyn Emerson, board member Violet Riungu and
AAK president Emma Miloyo.

1 2

5 6
1. Real estate agent Hilda Nganga and engineer Grace Kagondu 2. Farmer Lisa Echaria and Usafi CEO June Arunga 3. Wire president
Robyn Emerson, board member Violet Riungu and AAK president Emma Miloyo 4. Shamla Fernades Architect director Shamla Ferna-
des, APR&M managing director Nisha Van Hoek and Citilinks Africa urban planner Njeri Cerere 5. Wire admin Cecilia Kibunjia and finance
4 manager Sheila Owidi 6. Land economist Beth Methamo and School of the Built Environment senior lecturer Dr Mary Kimani


Neo-soul star Anto Neo-Soul recently staged a
successful show at the Alchemist Bar.
The annual concert, called ‘’Anto Live 2.0’’, took place
on March 2. It was a special presentation of his past,
present and future music.
The well-attended event, whose entrance was
absolutely free for music lovers, also
featured performances from Lucy
Lugano, Yviona Reign and a
special appearance from four-
time Grammy Award winner
US-based Kenyan trumpeter 1 2
Awuor Arunga.

4 5 6
1. Fans sing along to Anto Neo-Soul’s music 2. Fans at the event 3. Anto Neo-Soul 4. Awuor Arunga 5. Rap group Gangchafu 6. Bensoul and Ziki /MOSES MWANGI
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 23



Mosquito invasion worries city

folk, experts say harmless type
Repellent, bed-nets, long-sleeved shirts, insecticide and fumigation recommended
A mosquito

Swarms of annoying mosquitos

are buzzing about, sucking blood
and worrying Nairobians. But ex-
perts say there’s no cause for alarm.
The chances of contracting ma-
laria from the parasites are minimal;
the chance of being diagnosed with
malaria in Nairobi is about one per
The biggest problem, however, is
that they are a nuisance.
Most malaria cases in the capi-
tal are reported from people, who
travel from malaria-endemic zones
and are already infected when they
Dr John Chumo, secretary of the
National Environmental Complaints
Committee, confirmed that mos-
quitoes are increasing countrywide.
He attributed this to the high tem-
peratures in the last three weeks, es-
pecially in Nairobi. And so mosqui-
toes are anxious to get inside cool
areas, like your home. necessary to screen these mosqui- of Vector-Borne Diseases of the Min- going out at night, spray insecticide
Chumo said this is an indication toes and determine what infections istry of Health?” inside the home.
of 20 years of climate change. they might carry, their vectorial ca- “Homes have become battlefields Muhia said the prevalence of ma-
The best thing to do is lessen the pacity. between mosquitoes and the occu- laria in Nairobi is low and this can
effects by increasing the forest cover, Global warming and climatic pants. Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko mainly be attributed to people trav-
reducing the use of fossil fuels, tak- change could affect disease trends, and Health Cabinet Secretary Sicily elling from malaria-endemic zones
ing care of wetlands and managing especially those of vector-borne dis- Kariuku, urgent action is needed,” to the city, bringing in what we call
water flows. eases like malaria. Koech tweeted. ‘imported malaria’.
“I urge the Nairobi government Dr Andrew Suleh, a healthcare Waqo Ejersa, the head of the Na- “Vehicles and aircraft may also
and the Department of Public practitioner, tweeted that the pop- tional Malaria Control Programme, bring in infected mosquitoes into
Health to step in and control the ulation of mosquitoes in Nairobi said Nairobi remains a low-risk ma- the city,” Muhia said.
parasites through fumigation,” might pose a serious health risk. laria area. It is the female Anopheles He said it’s necessary to control
Chumo told the Star on the phone. He said the matter should be prior- mosquito that transmits malaria. mosquitos by using WHO-recom-
Dr Damaris Matoke-Muhia, a se- itised. Prof Dary Koech, an immu- The insects in Nairobi are the Culex mended control tools such as treated
nior research scientist at the Kenya nology expert, tweeted, “I have wit- mosquitoes, he said. nets and indoor residual spraying.
Medical Research Institute, said the nessed a surge of mosquitoes all over Ejersa urged Kenyans to sleep un- Fumigation can be done to include
mosquitoes do not carry the malar- the city of Nairobi and in other parts der nets, use mosquito repellants, all other mosquitoes, such as Cu-
ia parasites But she said research is of the country. Where is the Division wear long-sleeved clothes when licines and Aedes, he said.

Illegal water connection points closed
MAUREEN KINYANJUI/ City Hall has shut down 483 illegal water connection
points. The main areas where water was disconnected are Huruma, Ngei,
Pangani, Mwiki, Clay City Kasarani, Maji-Mazuri Kasarani, Githurai 44 and
Zimmerman estates.
Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko said on Tuesday that water cartels in colla-
boration with water vendors were disconnecting water pipes in estates so
they can sell water.
He also said in a statement that same cartels were illegally shifting and
connecting water pipes from one area to another.
On Tuesday 128 people had been arrested in connection with illegal wa-
ter hook-ups in the city.
“My officers from the department of water are on continuous surveillan-
ce to ensure illegal water connections are brought to an end,” Sonko said.
He said the operation has helped the county increase its revenue from Water bowsers wait to distribute water to clients in Dagoretti , Nairobi on April 17
water billing. last year /REUTERS
“Billing figures have increased since we launched this operation. Initially,
the government was losing millions due to the illegal connection,” Sonko involved in cartels to divert piped water for illegal connections and personal
said. benefit.
The crackdown on illegal connections started in December last year and Early this year, Sonko had threatened to reshuffle staff at Nawasco to
is being carried out by the Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company to break up cartels causing what he called an artificial water shortage in major
end water shortages in estates. estates. The estates include Umoja, Kariobangi South, Roysambu, Mathare
Sonko offered a Sh10,000 cash reward for anyone reporting any official and Langata.
24 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019

Charles Mwangi,
Julius Ndung’u Use biometric listing
and Shem Karani
in a Thika court
for August census,
yesterday says Waititu and MP
JOHN KAMAU/Kiambu Governor
Ferdinand Waititu and Ruiru MP
Simon King’ara want the August
census conducted using biometric
The figures are likely to be
manipulated if the process is done
manually, they said.
The two were speaking in Ruiru
during the commissioning of roads
funded by the World Bank under the
Kenya Urban Support Program (KUSP)
for six municipalities.
“For fairness, the population census
should be done using the biometric
system. If it is not possible, then the
ACCUSED OF STEALING SH52M exercise should be shelved,” the

30 witnesses to testify against

governor said.
He said Kiambu deserves more
funding from the national government
because of its large population.
King’ara said the population in his

Thika KCB bank heist suspects

constituency has more than doubled
in the past few years as more people
settled there, attracted by improved
road networks such as the Thika
Superhighway and the Eastern and
Defence applied for an adjournment, saying the prosecution is yet to provide documents Northern bypasses.
The other municipalities to benefit
from the World Bank’s Sh1.9 billion
Urban Development Grant (UDG) are
JOHN KAMAU had not provided them with all the the University of Nairobi and Jomo The prosecution however said the Thika, Kiambu, Limuru, Kikuyu and
@TheStarKenya documents to be used in the case. Kenyatta University of Agriculture report is still being worked on at the Karuri.
The first three suspects were and Technology. Government Chemist and will be
The state has lined up 30 witnesses charged with being in possession of ready for submission to the defense
to testify against four people accused 200 IDs, 200 Orange sim cards, 1,239 DOCUMENTS in a month’s time. BUILDING REHAB CENTRE
of stealing Sh52 million from KCB,
Thika branch, two years ago.
MTN sim cards, seven CPUs and 305
telecommunications authority cards.
When the case came up for hearing
before Thika chief magistrate J M
Ms Maundu said the defence has
been served with other documents, Murang’a county
Halford Munene, his brother
Charles Mwangi, Julius Ndung’u and
The items are suspected to have been
Mang’ea yesterday, the prosecution
led by state counsel Ms Maundu, said
including three sets of inventories,
amended charge sheet, ID parades,
rehabilitates 50
Shem Karani have denied stealing The fourth accused is charged with 30 witnesses are ready to testify in printout from the Registrar of Per- alcohol, drug addicts
the money after digging an under- being in possession of three identity the case. sons and bank cash balances print-
ground tunnel between November cards, also suspected to have been However, the hearing didn’t pro- outs. ALICE WAITHERA/ The Murang’a county
18 and 20, 2017. stolen. The cards were in his posses- ceed as the defence applied for ad- “We only had witness statements government has sponsored the
The cash comprised 95 Australian sion in Mtwapa, Kilifi county, where journment of the case, claiming the and we have just finished making rehabilitation of 50 alcohol and drugs
dollars, 185 Euros, 1,630 sterling he was arrested. prosecution is yet to provide them copies of the other documents. We since 2015.
pounds, 271,000 Tanzanian shil- They all denied the charges before with the all documents to be used need to be provided with all docu- It plans to help many more as illicit
lings, 947,000 Ugandan shillings, the then Thika chief magistrate The- in the case. ments before we can proceed with liquor and drugs are returning, despite
five Canadian dollars and 40 South resa Murigi, who had slapped them Lawyers Waithera Mwangi, ap- the matter,” said Waithera. a countrywide crackdown that began
African rand. with Sh4 million bond. The bonds pearing for the third and fourth The chief magistrate ordered the two years ago. After some success,
The state has amended the charges were revised to Sh2 million. accused persons and Jack Oronga prosecution to serve the defence it fizzled out.Community Services
to include handling stolen property. Munene and Mwangi are grad- appearing for the first and second with all requisite documents when officer Stephen Kuria said on Tuesday
Their cases did not proceed yester- uates of Electrical and Electronics accused persons said the prosecu- the case will be mentioned on April that more youths will be rehabilitated
day after the defence applied for ad- Engineering and Agricultural Engi- tion is yet to suffice them with the 3. The hearing will be on July 15, 17 in the county rehab centre that is being
journment, saying the prosecution neering, respectively. They studied at soil analysis report. and 18. established.
The centre in Kambirwaa is almost
completed and is only waiting required
WE CAN’T LIVE HERE facilities, and furnishings, he said.
Previously addicts were taken to
Sh16.4bn road project halts a centre in Nakuru county for three
months. They were identified with the

as firm barred from mining help of community health workers and

Kuria was speaking at Ihura stadium
while registering the addicts. He
GEORGE MUGO / Expansion of the People in Uthiru, Kinoo, Gitaru, said the initiative is part of the 2015
James Gichuru Road up to Rironi has Kiambaa and Rironi are complaining rehabilitation programme that treated
stopped after a Chinese company that they are now unable to access 1,000 addicts at no cost.
was barred from mining in Maai the main road because of the poor The county initiated the programme
Mahiu quarries for 14 days. state of the road. Some leave their following a countrywide crackdown
China Wu Yi was on Saturday vehicles at home and walk to bus on illicit second-generation liquor that
stopped from mining by the Na- stages. “I’m now using matatus these killed some addicts and ruined lives.
tional Environmental Committee. days. I have two cars. There are deep The lucky ones went through painful
Maai Mahiu residents complained terraces near my gate, which need to withdrawal.
that the blasts from the mines are be filled up,” Kinoo resident Simon A makeshift camp was established
destroying their houses. They also Ngere said. Construction of James Gichuru Road /ENOS TECHE at the stadium where addicts were
reported livestock deaths and a lot Maai Mahiu residents said their rehabilitated for three months.
of dust. houses have developed cracks and The Chinese company has, howev- ter the area around the quarries to Then they enrolled in the Kazi Kwa
The stones and quarry chips from some people have developed respi- er, claimed there is political incite- reduce dust,” the official said. Vijana programme in which they
the quarries are compacted to make ratory problems because of the dust ment. A senior official, who sought However, the officials declined received short technical courses in
the surface of the road firm. The from the mines. “Some people are anonymity, said they use wet crush- further comment, saying there are local polytechnics. Kuria said once
26km road on the Nairobi-Nakuru coughing continuously, something ing techniques and the dust does talks between the Kenya National rehabilitated, the 50 addicts will also
highway is being funded by World we suspect could be caused by the not blow more than a radius of 500 Highway Authority, the committee receive technical training to help them
Bank. It will cost Sh16.4 billion. dust,” resident Paul Kihara said. metres. “Our sprinklers always wa- and the Nakuru government. become financially independent.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 25

Governor Hassan some of his executives and advis-
Joho in the ers. Early this month, Governor Joho
Mombasa county warned the MCAs against intimidat-
assembly ing his executives. He threatened
/JOHN CHESOLI to mobilise residents to send them
packing before their terms end.
On Tuesday, speaker Khatri said
during a sitting that the Standing Or-
ders demand that when a notice of
motion is introduced in the assem-
bly, members will dispense with the
motion in three assembly days. This
means the matter will be debated on
Tuesday next week.
After the sitting, Shebe criticised
Balala for being arrogant and failing
to honour invitations and summons-
es to appear before the Transport
committee over his department’s

But Mumba defended Balala, saying
he is yet to be summoned. She said
RESISTANCE TO THE SULTAN only the chief officer of the Transport

MCAs shed rubber stamp tag as

department has been summoned.
“The matter is still at the commit-
tee level. Anything at the committee
level cannot be discussed anywhere
else until the committee tables its

clash with Joho looms over CEC

report. We have not done so,” she
told the Star on the phone.
According to the committee chair-
person, the intended impeachment
motion is illegal and against the as-
Speaker says they are right to demand answers over operations and projects sembly’s Standing Orders. When
Mumba attempted to address the
EUGENE OMILO & BRIAN OTIENO represented the ‘voices of change’. had been relatively unknown. county assembly dissolved. Opera- media shortly after Shebe spoke on
@TheStarKenya Mumba, the Shimanzi/Ganjoni Shebe is now the centre of atten- tion Fagia Bunge is mobilising vot- Tuesday, a group of youths blocked
MCA, defended beleaguered Trans- tion. He has been nicknamed Mu- ers to sign a petition to support the her. She became angry, there was
Mombasa MCAs are trying to shed port executive Tawfiq Balala, the kono, Kiswahili slang for fist or the cause. a clash.
the ‘rubber stamp’ tag and take the subject of their clash. number five. On Wednesday, Mumba told the
executive head-on in their oversight Since the inception of the assem- Magogoni MCA Ali Shomari sec- INCOMPETENT MEMBERS Star the whole incident was planned.
role. bly in 2013 MCAs have been docile, onded a motion to censor Balala. Its officials accuse the MCAs of in- “There was some kind of sabotage
Speaker Aharub Khatri said the never openly defying Governor The MCAs accuse Balala of incom- competence and sabotaging the ex- yesterday [Tuesday],” she said.
assembly is demonstrating maturity Hassan Joho, they barely defied petence, arrogance and violating ecutive. But Shebe said those calling The MCAs, the Star has learnt, took
by exercising independence. him openly. the Constitution. He has allegedly for the dissolution don’t understand advantage of powerful nominated
Politician Mariam Antonette set a refused to allow the assembly to MCAs’ roles. MCA Mohamed Hatimy’s absence
precedent when she clashed verbally CEC BALALA IMPEACHMENT exercise its oversight role over his “We forgive those who have signed to have their own way. Hatimy, the
with assembly Transport commit- Joho wants his executives left to work department. to have the assembly dissolved be- chairperson of the powerful Finance
tee chairperson Priscillah Mumba with no pressure from the assembly. Shebe said Balala was not com- cause they don’t understand our committee, was admitted to Mom-
outside the assembly chambers on But the MCAs now say the electorate petent enough to deliver on his roles. The reason they are not getting basa Hospital ICU after he developed
Tuesday afternoon. is becoming hostile to them because mandate. He is overwhelmed by the services is that we have incompetent complications four days ago. He is
That demonstrated defiance and of the executives’ ‘incompetence’. technical demands of his job and has members of the executive whom we diabetic. He is now stable. Hatimy is
it just might signify a new dawn for On Tuesday, they took the first failed to formulate a sound policy to seek to remove from office,” he said. a Joho ally and has defended Balala.
the assembly. MCAs appear to have step in a process meant to culmi- guide operations in his department, “MCAs do not issue bursaries or Speaker Khatri defended the as-
finally found their own voices and nate in Balala’s impeachment. This he said. Shebe accused the execu- construct roads. It is the county sembly against claims of miscon-
are trying to be their own men and is opposed by Joho. tive of failing to submit documents executives who do that. If wana- duct and underperformances. He
women. Can it be sustained? Bolstering the defiance is the el- requested by the assembly and pre- nchi don’t get these services it is said they are on the right track. He
Mariam, popularly known as oquent Jomvu Kuu representative, siding over stalled projects that have because the executives have failed accused Balala of trying to shield
Digida, is a staunch supporter of Athman Shebe. He is the author of overlapped financial years. in their roles.” himself using Joho’s name. “That’s
Speaker Khatri and was leading the impeachment motion and issued In the background of this agitation Shebe said they are fully behind wrong. You are now seeing that the
pro-Khatri chants. She said they notice on Tuesday. Until recently he is a push by a lobby to dissolve the Governor Joho but have issues with assembly is independent.”


Mombasa Muslims pray for pilot

of Ethiopian airliner that crashed
His mother is Kenyan, his father Ethiopian. He grew up in Nairobi
BRIAN OTIENO / The Muslim commu- Ababa on Sunday. It was bound for Yared’s dentist parents Rayan
nity in Mombasa on Tuesday evening Nairobi. All 157 people aboard, in- Shapi and Getachew Tessema live
mourned the pilot of the Ethiopi- cluding eight crew members. Thir- in Nairobi, where they raised Yared.
an Airlines plane that crashed on ty-two Kenyans perished. They flew to Mombasa for the
Sunday. The short service for Yared, led by service. Yared’s uncle Khalid Shapi,
Family and friends of Yared Ge- Baluchi Mosque Imam Nizar Mo- the MD of Pollman’s Tours and Sa-
tachew, 29, converged at the Baluchi hamed, was held immediately after faris Limited, also attended. Rayan,
Mosque for Swalatul Mait Al Ghaib the Magharib prayers. Yared’s mother, is Kenyan, while Tes-
— prayers conducted for departed sema, his father, is Ethiopian. Relatives and friends of plane crash victim Yared Getachew at Baluchi Mosque,
souls whose bodies cannot be found. CHILDHOOD DREAM The pilot studied at the prestigious Mombasa, on Tuesday /ANDREW KASUKU
His mother is Kenyan, his father Family members were overwhelmed Oshwal High School and proceeded
Ethiopian. He grew up in Nairobi. and only wanted to go home. Yared’s to the Ethiopian Aviation Academy Tewolde Gebre-Mariam said Yared more than 8,000 flight hours since
The Boeing 737 MAX 8 crashed six younger brother was devastated. The to pursue his childhood dream. was, despite his young age, an expe- he joined the airline in November
minutes after taking off from Addis service lasted just15 minutes. Ethiopian Airlines’ group CEO rienced pilot who had accumulated 2007.
26 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019



Mutua, Deputy
Governor Francis
Maliti and Matuu
Meru MCAs want
Hospital staff Kiraitu to reinstate
after presiding
over the sacked workers
opening of an
operation theatre BY GERALD MUTEHIA/ Meru MCAs
yesterday have demanded that Governor Kiraitu
/GEORGE OWITI Murungi’s administration stop termi-
nating staff and compensate injured
Representatives Robert Ringera
(Nyaki East), Ayub Bundi (Abuthugu-
chi Central), Kinoti Kinyua, Karimi Nje-
ru, Makena Muthaura and Assenath
Kaimuri called for the immediate
compensation of Reuben Mburugu,
who was attacked and injured in the
line of duty.
“It is inhuman. He worked there for
years and it is unfortunate the county
sacked him. He should be reinstat-
ed,” Muthaura said in the House on

Hire sign language
police service urged
Governor Mutua bans private BY REUBEN GITHINJI/ The National
Police Service has been urged to hire

clinics near county hospitals

sign language interpreters or train
police in sign language for the benefit
of deaf people.
People with disability complain of
the humiliation the deaf experience
when they report crimes at police
Get my ‘No Objection’ letter before operating a hospital, county chief orders employees stations.
The chairman of the Association
of the Disabled Persons of Kenya in
BY GEORGE OWITI/ Machakos Gover- cannot happen if health workers 31 to either close or relocate.” workers to international standards.” Embu county, Peter Kathambara, said
nor Alfred Mutua has ordered pri- are not properly managed and fa- On the new Matuu theatre, he The governor accused the sacked the deaf failed to report defilement or
vate clinics near public hospitals cilitated. said, “I am glad that the theatre was workers of gross misconduct. “Their rape for fear of stigmatisation.
to close. Mutua said any Machakos health used for a successful procedure this supervisors have been suspended He said the deaf feel humiliated by
At the same time, Mutua sacked worker who wishes to own or work morning minutes before I arrived. pending disciplinary hearings,” he officers who at times make fun of
health workers who were on duty in a private clinic must obtain a let- A baby girl was delivered through said. them in police stations because they
when a man assisted his wife to de- ter of “No Objection from my gov- caesarean section on mother Mon- Mutua added that a similar fate not know sign language.
liver in the open at Kyeleni Health ernment”. icah Mwikali.” would befall Thinu Health Centre He said some normal people take
Centre in Matungulu subcounty He promised that the theatre will workers for absconding duty. advantage of the deaf by raping and
recently. GET A PERMIT be staffed and resourced adequately. Mutua said any Machakos health defiling them because they know that
He cautioned public health work- “The law and regulations are clear “My government will by end of worker who wishes to own or work nothing will happen to them.
ers that owning or operating private on the issue of proximity of private this month employ more health in a private clinic must obtain a let-
health facilities compromised their clinics, pharmacies, laboratories to workers to ease work load,” he said. ter of “No Objection from my gov-
work effective service delivery. a public health facility,” he said. “We will also have short term con- ernment”. They then have to obtain TRANSPLANT
The governor, who presided over “No such facilities within a kilo- tracts to ensure proper coverage of a permit from the medical board.
the opening of the Matuu operation metre of a Machakos County health
theatre yesterday, said the provision facility. Such facilities near govern-
all medical points. By end of April,
2019, we will have improved the
The governor will tomorrow an-
nounce more changes to streamline
It’s perfectly safe
of quality and efficient healthcare ment health centres have up to May working environment of our health health provision in the county. to donate kidneys,
says specialist
CRY FOR JUSTICE on Tuesday for the victims, who said
they had lost hope in the judicial BY GEORGE OWITI / Kenyans have
Forty land-grab system and government agencies. been encouraged to donate kidneys
Some of them threatened to to ailing relatives instead of letting
victims ask the take the law into their hands if the them go through dialysis.
state for help disputes are not resolved soon.
They said they are ready to provide
“Dialysis is not the solution to
kidney ailments but a management
any documents needed if it will help process,” said Dr Sanand Bag, a senior
BY REUBEN GITHINJI / Forty victims of them get help. consultant urologist and transplant
land grabbing from Embu, Meru and “My brothers disinherited me specialist.
Kirinyaga are seeking the state’s after colluding with the police to He spoke on Wednesday during
intervention, saying they have have me arrested. Bhang was an awareness event ahead of World
suffered injustices for 40 years. planted on me and as I was [thrown] Kidney Day celebrations today at
They said they were evicted from in jail. They lied that I was dead and Machakos Level 5 Hospital.
their land by relatives and prominent took my land in Mbuvori, Embu North The director of the transplant
people, including lawyers and subcounty,” Mwaniki Njue said. programme at Mediheal Group of
politicians. He said the issue has been in court Hospitals said kidney transplant is cu-
The victims said they have been since 1998. Njue said he was evicted rative and cost-effective compared to
to the courts but lawyers of the after his brothers sold his land. dialysis. Bag said relatives should not
influential parties have colluded with Njue said he and his family are be afraid of donating kidneys since it is
judicial officers to deny them justice. so frustrated that he is thinking of a safe process.
Nyangi Ndiiriri Council of Elders chairman Andrew Ireri in Embu on Tuesday The Nyangi Ndiiriri Council of taking the law into his own hands if “The definite treatment for kidney
/REUBEN GITHINJI Elders organised a press conference he will not get back his land in a year. ailments is kidney transplant,” he said.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 27


No pay for shoddy work,

state warns contractors
Some projects have stalled because contractors vanished
satisfied with his work,” Birik said. The regional commissioner said
“We have incidents where a con- all heads of departments undertak-
STEPHEN ASTARIKO tractor has been paid over 50 per ing projects must attend bi-weekly
@TheStarKenya cent for a job while on the ground he meetings and give a progress report.
has delivered about 30 per cent. This “All heads of departments when in-
The government will not pay con- will not be entertained anymore.” vited for the meeting must attend in
tractors who do shoddy work, North The government will ensure there person. There will be no delegation.”
Eastern regional commissioner Mo- is value for every coin spent on its Birik regretted that some projects
hamed Birik has said. projects, the administrator said. conceived way back in 2015 have not
Birik at the same time said bad In the past, some contractors took been completed.
contractors risk being blacklisted. advantage of insecurity and the President Uhuru Kenyatta, at a
He said the old days are long gone vastness of the region to carry out meeting with regional and county
when contractors colluded with shoddy work because government commissioners in Mombasa late Northeastern regional commissioner Mohamed Birik /STEPHEN ASTARIKO
rogue government officials to falsi- officials rarely visited to evaluate last year, said government officials
fy progress reports of projects to be the projects. would be held personally responsi- undertaken by the national govern- complete and the building of several
paid and vanish. Birik said with the formation of ble if projects were not implemented ment in North Eastern is the Sh12 dams and water pans through the
The administrator was chairing a the RDICC there will be a paradigm and delivered as per specifications. billion solar plant in Raya, Garis- Northern Water Service Board.
Regional Development Implemen- shift in the way government projects The President said he would not sa county, set to add 54MW to the Birik said with the massive invest-
tation Coordination Committee are initiated, tendered, implemented entertain excuses, noting that gov- national grid. The project is due for ment in projects and programmes in
meeting in Garissa yesterday. “This and delivered. ernment officials are the “eyes of the commissioning by the President. the region, the government should
committee will be very strict at every “Timelines must be adhered to government” on the ground mandat- Others are the tarmacking of be felt on the ground.
step of project implementation. We because this has been a loophole ed to ensure that all public projects the 165km Nuno-Modogashe road The commissioner said nobody
shall recommend that a contractor where project costs are varied to and programmes succeed. which, according the Kenya National should use insecurity as the excuse
should not to be paid if we are not allow corruption to thrive,” he said. One of the major projects being Highway Authority, is 90 per cent for non-delivery of services.


Opposition picks Abdi as

assembly minority leader
Change follows nullification of Mohammed Ali Sheikh’s
election as Abakaile MCA in the 2017 General Election
STEPHEN ASTARIKO/ Nasa members in The IEBC is yet to announce the
the Garissa county assembly yester- by-election date, the campaign time
day picked a new Minority leader to as well as the nomination date.
replace Abakaile MCA Mohammed Abdi, who is in the county assem-
Ali Sheikh who lost his seat after a bly for a second term, said he will
long court battle. rally Nasa members in shaping and
Dadaab ward rep Mohamed Abdi keeping in check the county admin-
of ODM was picked by 14 members istration.
of the coalition to take over from “I want to thank and appreciate
youthful Sheikh who is set to seek the coalition members who saw it
re-election. wise to pick me as their Leader of
Garissa county speaker Ahmed Minority in the assembly. I want to
Abass on Friday declared the assure them that I will not let them
Abakaile ward seat vacant following down in making sure the assembly The Garissa
a successful petition by Abdiwahab works for the people of the county as county assembly
Sheikh that went all the way to Ap- expected of them,” he told the Star. /STEPHEN
peals Court. ASTARIKO
28 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019


Give EACC powers to We’re harassed

over cages, say
arrest and prosecute Busia fishermen

– Governor Ottichilo GILBERT OCHIENG’/ Fishermen and

beach management officials from
Mulukoba beach in Busia have
Says move will stop the bungling of cases demanded the immediate transfer of
three fisheries officials they accuse
of harassment.
HILTON OTENYO/ The Ethics and An- cases,” Ottichilo said. Led by Pius Olengo and Oliver Bilal,
ti-Corruption Commission should He spoke on Tuesday when he the fishermen on Tuesday said the
be given arrest and prosecutorial presented his memorandum to the officials bar them from working near
powers to discharge its mandate, Building Bridges Initiative at Siosa fish cages. The three officials are in
Vihiga Governor Wilbur Ottichilo Cottages. “We also want the Truth, charge of fish cages under the Busia
has said. Justice and Reconciliation Commis- county government.
Ottichilo said failure to include sion report be implemented.” Vihiga Governor Wilbur Ottichilo in Mbale last year /FILE Both Governor Sospeter
EACC as one of the constitutional The governor also wants bail Ojaamong and Budalang’i MP Ra-
commissions has weakened the refused for suspects of economic framework can be contained in an county governments enhanced to phael Wanjala have previously told
agency. crimes, corruption and murder. Act of Parliament and anchored in a minimum of 45 per cent of the fishermen to stay away from cages
Article 79 of the Constitution “Parliament should make laws on the Constitution. pre-audited accounts of the previous for raising fish.
mandates Parliament to enact leg- crimes that should be bailable and Ottichilo also wants governance fiscal year revenues,” Ottichilo said. But Olengo and Bilal, both beach
islation to establish the commission. those that should not be bailable. changed from the current presi- The governor also wants the right management unit officials, said the
But it does not establish it within Those accused of corruption should dential to a parliamentary system. to strike and picket to exclude essen- fish cage project was to be managed
the Constitution, meaning EACC step aside until their cases are de- He wants Cabinet ministers picked tial services like security and health. by the unit.
officials only operate at the whims termined,” he said. from elected MPs, with the President “Governance structure at both na- They said the fisheries depart-
of the appointing authority, he said. Ottichilo also proposed that re- given powers to appoint a Prime tional and county levels should be ment was harassing fishermen.
“The EACC should be able to inves- gional economic blocs being formed Minister. restructured to make them lean, ef- They said the department had
tigate, arrest and prosecute to avoid by counties should be given consti- “Devolution should be strength- fective and efficient so more resourc- failed to involve them in fish cage
situations where police bungle their tutional backing. He said a detailed ened and allocation of funds to es can be allocated to development.” management as initially agreed.
They claimed the officials were forc-
ibly managing private cages. They
BEATEN BY BODYGUARDS “He (Nelson) said he was with his said these include cages owned by
former Cabinet minister Fred Gumo

MP wants to kill
wife and could not leave her alone,”
BRIAN OJAMAA Barasa said. and former Bunyala West MCA
@ojamab The two men argued and ex- Chris Nakitare. “We suspect fish
changed words before the MP start- feed purchased and supplied by the
Sirisia MP John Waluke’s daughter- ed beating his son. Barasa said the county government is being diverted

me, says Waluke

in-law is living in fear of her life, say- bodyguards took her husband away. to the fish cages owned by private
ing the lawmaker wants to kill her. About 10 minutes later, the body- investors,” Bilal said.
Philezian Barasa, 26, told the Star guards returned with Waluke. The Officials denied the claims. Igna-
on Wednesday that Waluke’s body- MP opened the door to the house tius Wandera, the fisheries officer

guards were instructed to beat her where Barasa was, saying, “This is in charge of 20 beaches in Bunyala,
up at the weekend. the girl ruining my son. She should said fishermen must comply with
“They whipped me for about two be handled firmly.” the directive requiring fishing be
hours until I passed out,” Barasa said With that, the bouncers descend- done away from the cages. “It must
inside her boutique in Bungoma ed on Barasa and beat her uncon- be adhered to,” Wandera said.
town. They then bundled her into scious. The woman told the Star her
Philezian Barasa says Sirisia lawmaker is a car and abandoned her in a forest problems with the father-in-law
“to die.” began when he got wind they were
against her marriage to his son Nelson When she regained conscious- planning to get married.
Bungoma to host
ness, Barasa said she called her “My parents-in-law have always
sister who rushed her to Bungoma
Referral Hospital. She was admitted
been against our marriage despite
their son saying he has a strong bond
national drama
with severe pains. with me and the child,” Barasa said. festival next month
“The guards had a rope with She said the dislike was exacer-
which they wanted to hang me but bated by Nelson’s refusal to take BRIAN OJAMAA/About 25,000 par-
it’s like they dropped the idea after up a job in Nakuru. The MP had ticipants are expected at this year’s
beating me senseless.” secured the job but the son turned national drama and film festival to
She said Waluke has threatened to down the offer, saying he preferred be hosted at Kibabii University in
kill her if he finds her with his son to look after his wholesale business Bungoma. The event, to be held from
again. Barasa, who was discharged in Bungoma town. April 2 to 15, will be sponsored by the
on Tuesday, said the MP beat up his Kenya Film Classification Board.
son Nelson Waluke before the guards BRAWL WITH ‘WIFE’ The board’s CEO Ezekiel Mutua on
were unleashed on her. Nelson is Celestine Auma, Barasa’s employee Tuesday said the sponsorship was in
Barasa’s husband of four years. The at the boutique, said her boss was line with President Uhuru Kenyatta’s
couple have a child. terrified. They asked Bungoma coun- commitment to given prominence to
On Saturday, Barasa was with her ty commissioner Stephen Kihara to culture, sports and social events.
husband when they met the MP in ensure Barasa is safe. Mutua spoke during a tour of the
Bungoma town. Waluke later went Efforts by the Star to reach Waluke institution to check on its prepared-
to his village home in Sirisia with his for a comment failed because he did ness to host the event.
son. “Nelson later called me saying not pick calls. The MP did not reply He said they want to turn the
he was stressed. He asked me to join text messages sent to his phone. festivals into platforms for creation
him at home.” His PA Chris Wakhisi said he was of jobs and wellness for youths.
The two spent the night togeth- not aware of the claims. “The MP is “We have seen what Hollywood
er. In the morning, they realised currenly in Nairobi. I don’t have any has done for Americans both in
their house was locked from out- information regarding the incident terms of creating money, branding
side. Barasa thought it was Nelson’s nor have i heard anything,” Wakhisi their country and in fashioning of
brother and that he would return to told the Star on the phone yesterday. their country by selling its products
open. But that did not happen. Waluke was elected MP in 2013. and culture,” Mutua said.
At about 2pm, a bouncer came But he is not new to drama. In De- He said creative industries and
and told Nelson that the father cember 2017, he was caught up in a sports were the way to go in the dig-
wanted to speak with him. roadside brawl with a woman said ital world. “As a board, we’re proud
Waluke asked his son if he had to be his wife. In August last year, to be sponsors of this year’s event
his phone with him. He said he Waluke was charged with falsely ob- because we want film and arts to
wanted Nelson to accompany him taining millions from the National become tools for transmission and
Philezian Barasa at her boutique in Bungoma town yesterday /BRIAN OJAMAA somewhere. Cereals and Produce Board. promotion of national values.”
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 29


Elders call for handshake

between Awiti, Magwanga
Urge the two leaders to bury the hatchet and put aside their
2017 political differences; Ready to meet the two leaders
es aside. They spoke to journalists in Ahead of the last general election,
Homa Bay town. Homa Bay residents were split be-
ROBERT OMOLLO Mbaka said a handshake between tween Awiti and Magwanga, and
@TheStarKenya Awiti and Magwanga would enhance clashed on a number of occasions.
cohesiveness in Homa Bay.
The Luo Council of Elders wants “Both have called for a united BORROW LEAF FROM UHURU-RAILA
Homa Bay Governor Cyprian Awiti county after the Supreme Court Mbaka urged the two leaders to
and former Kasipul MP Oyugi Mag- verdict, but their supporters attack borrow a leaf from President Uhu-
wanga to end their differences and each other on social media,” he said. ru Kenyatta and Opposition leader
shake hands. The court last month upheld Aw- Raila Odinga.
The elders yesterday said they are iti’s victory. Magwanga was Awiti’s “We are not saying that Homa Bay
ready to meet the two leaders to main challenger in the 2017 elec- is not calm for development. But we
promote peace and harmony. They tion. He challenged Awiti’s victory appeal to Awiti and Magwanga to
said a handshake would help grow in court, but after a long legal battle, unite and share ideas on the best way
the economy, attract investors and the governor’s election was upheld. to govern the county,” he said.
unite residents. After the Supreme Court approved Anyango said it’s the elders re-
The elders include chairman Odak his reelection, Awiti extended an ol- sponsibility to promote peace. “What
Mbaka, secretary Richard Anyango, ive branch to Magwanga. Magwanga we’re spearheading is part of our
members Olela Siso and Edward urged his supporters to remain call work. We want our children to live
Ouma. The elders urged the two and give Awiti a chance to imple- in peace,” he said.
leaders to bury the hatchet and put ment projects promised during Siso urged the two leaders not to
behind their 2017 political differenc- campaigns. dwell on past political differences. Members of Homa Bay Luo Council of Elders yesterday /ROBERT OMOLLO


Illegal gun holders in Kuria

given 2 weeks to return them
Smuggled from Tanzania, mainly by bhang peddlers
MANUEL ODENY/ Illegal gun holders mop up all weapons in the hands of
in Kuria have until March 25 to sur- criminals,” Kianda said. He spoke
render the arms or security agencies to security agencies, elected lead-
will start hunting them down. ers, youth groups, businesspeople
The two-week ultimatum was is- and clan elders in Kehancha town.
sued by Nyanza regional commis- The meeting was told guns were
sioner James Kianda on Tuesday. smuggled from Tanzania, mainly
“Those who will surrender the by bhang peddlers.
weapons will be pardoned but “As leaders, you have the respon-
non-responders will be punished sibility to see that the weapons are
severely,” Kianda said. returned to the government before NON-
A similar order made last year
was largely ignored by the criminals.
security officers are deployed to re-
cover them forcefully,” he said.
Only about 15 illegal guns were either Security officials from Kisumu, WILL BE
surrendered or dropped at strategic
spots for security officers to collect.
Migori county commissioner Joseph
Rotich and county police command-
“This time around our resolve is to er Joseph Nthenge were present. SEVERELY
Nyagarama picks team to
scrutinise and appraise staff
ALVIN RATEMO/ Nyamira Governor John Nyagarama (pic-
tured) has created a county executive payroll committee
to scrutinise staff monthly returns.
The team will be in charge of receiving the draft analysed
report from the human resources management director.
“The County Human Resource Advisory Committee
will ensure internal controls are strengthened and provide
monthly wage bill expenditure returns and reconciliation
that will be handed over to the county executive committee
meetings,” the executive order reads.
The team will ensure that each month, departmental
staff returns are submitted for harmonisation and eventual
salary processing. The governor has put strategies in place
to reorganise, establish and re-engineer the public service.
30 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019


NO CASUALTIES parents “the dormitory and prop-

Chewoyet Boys dorm

erty worth millions of shillings were
destroyed. Boxes, uniforms, bedding,
beds and books were reduced to

razed in morning fire

The parents demanded an expla-
nation on why the school has been
experiencing “frequent fires”.
MARRYANN CHAI/ Property of undeter- that the police are investigating the One of them, Mansour Moham-
mined went up in smoke yesterday cause of the fire. med, complained that their children
after fire destroyed one of the dor- He said all the students’ properties were sent at home to buy bedding
mitories at Chewoyet Boys National had been burnt by the time the fire every year after fire in the dormi-
School in Kapenguria, West Pokot brigade arrived. tories.
county. Korir assured parents that none “This is the fourth time within
The dormitory, one of the newest of the students was injured as the three years the dormitory is being
in the school with a capacity of 166 fire started when they were in class- razed. We won’t leave until we get
students, was reduced to ashes in rooms for studies. a solution. We are tired of paying
the 5am blaze. The Parents Teachers Association extra money to cater for the damages
Principal Joseph Korir told parents chairman Tingaa Phillip told the caused by fires,” he said. The burned dormitory /MARRYANN CHAI


Pokot residents flee as two herders killed

Over 300 heads of cattle stolen, 50 shot; MCA says they are still at risk where they camped along Kerio River


More than 300 Pokot residents

have fled Ng’oron in Tiaty, Baringo
county, after bandits suspected to
be Marakwets killed two herders on
The residents and the National Po-
lice Reservists fought with the more
than 200 bandits before they were
overpowered. The attacks were at
Chewara and Chemukutan villages.
“They drove away over 300 head of
cattle towards Tot, Chesilil and San-
gich villages in the neighbouring El-
geyo Marakwet county,” Tirioko ward
MCA Sam Lokales said yesterday.
The dead were identified as Mtai
Lonyanga, 18, and Namuket Limi-
lim, 22.

The 370 animals stolen belong to
Bakar Lokwiadow, Lopuonyang
Pakar, Kitulia Lokori, Nangolepok
Remor, Kitara Lomun, Lokwiakoris
Alimakoru, Todokin Agolanyanga and
Topew Remor.
Lokales said more than 50 head of
cattle were shot dead as the NPR and
the bandits exchanged fire. Pokot residents flee with their livestock after rustlers attacked Chewara and Chemukutan villages in Tiaty, Baringo, Tuesday /JOSEPH KANGOGO
The more than 300 children, wo-
men and the elderly are camped at and appealed to the government to bandits.The raid happened barely had no fuel,” Lokales said. West Pokot counties”. In February
Kaisakat, Cherengatet and Cheruto. improve security along the porous two days after a similar one at Lodio He dismissed the notion that “the last year, Marakwet bandits raided
“The displaced need food and non- county borders. Bridge in Kolowa ward, also in Tiaty. Pokot are always the aggressors as Kipnai also in Tiaty subcounty killing
food items like medicine, tents and Yesterday, Ng’oron assistant county “There is no response so far from se- the Marakwets continue to kill and one Pokot herder and stealing more
mosquito nets. They also risk scor- commissioner Eliud Nalungu said curity officers Elgeyo Marakwet side maim our people along the Kerio than 100 head of cattle.
pion and snake bites,” Lokales said security officers are pursuing the who keep on claiming their vehicles Valley on the border of Baringo and

LEAN WORKFORCE The Public Finance Management Act states that per-
sonal emoluments should not be more than 33 per cent
Laikipia wage bill to be of the total budget.
The governor did not say how many employees will
cut, possible job losses be affected. He said he will communicate soon how the
county intends to scale down the wage bill.
Muriithi said he intends to have a lean workforce.
ELIUD WAITHAKA/ Hundreds of civil servants in Laikipia “Why should we have street cleaners, parking at-
county risk losing their jobs as Governor Ndiritu Muriithi tendants and revenue collectors at the same location?
moves to cut the Sh2.7 billion wage bill. We should be able to live within our means and do more
Muriithi yesterday said salaries take up more than 55 with less, such that fewer employees are able to do more
per cent of the budget. This is more than what is spent work,” he said.
on development, which stands at Sh1.2 billion in this Paying health personnel on study leave, he said, has
financial year’s budget. “The issue of wage bill is critical also contributed to the “unsustainably ever-rising” wage
and of national concern. We are looking at a period of bill.
belt-tightening to put the wage bill under control and “There are certain luxuries that we have enjoyed in the
Laikipia Governor Ndiritu Muriithi and Deputy Governor John Mwaniki /ELIUD WAITHAKA bring it within the law as required,” Muriithi said. past that we may not enjoy in the future,” Murithi said.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 31

Fill the grid with digits
so that each column,
each row, and each
of the sub-grids that

compose the grid

all contain all of the
numbers from 1 to 9
one time.

February 20 - March 20

The danger of minor accidents will

increase with the turmoil. You are apt to
meet someone special on your journey.

Solutions March 21 - April 20
You will be looking for creative ways to make
a little extra cash. Take the day to relax and
pamper yourself.

April 21 - May 21
Courses dealing with psychology or
Find and mark all the words
hidden inside the box. The words health care will be of interest. Someone
may be placed horizontally,
vertically, or diagonally. may be trying to damage your reputation.
1. Hon member of the Parliament for sotik 1. The basic unit of money in Iceland (5) ALL LITTLE
constituency (8) 5. Hon member of the Parliament for Gatundu South
2. Senator for Kisii County (6) constituency (5)
3. Largest known toad species; native to Central 8. Any thick, viscous matter (5) May 22 - June 21
America (4) 10. Fasten or secure with a wooden pin (3) ASLEEP LOOKED
4. A state of deep and often prolonged 11. Of the color of black ink (4) AWAY LORD You will feel tired and rundown if you
unconsciousness (4) 13. Hon member of the Parliament for Loima BABY LOVE
have allowed yourself to get into a
6. The stiff bony spines in the fin of a fish (4) constituency (7) BED LOWING
7. Someone who acts as assistant (4) 15. Islets (4) BLESS MAKES financial mess.
9. Informal terms for urination (4) 17. Morally bad or wrong (4) BRIGHT MANGER
12. Former member of the Parliament for Sigowen/ 19. Experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness (3)
Soin County (7)
14. A craftsman who works with stone or brick (5)
20. A place of worship that has its own altar (6)
22. Hon member of the Parliament for Isiolo North
16. The organic phenomenon that distinguishes living constituency (6)
CATTLE NIGH June 22-July 22
organisms from nonliving ones (4) 24. Strong liquor flavored with juniper berries (3) CHILDREN POOR Plan to do things with youngsters who
18. Former Senator for Samburu County (7) 25. Weapons that discharges missiles at high velocity have interesting hobbies. Don’t be too
20. Long and narrow strip of water made for boats or (4) CRIB SIDE
for irrigation (5) 28. Put up with something or somebody unpleasant CRYING SKY judgmental when talking to your mate.
21. Hon member of the Parliament from Samburu (8) (4) DEAR STARS
23. Have the skills and qualifications to do things well 30. Hon member of the Parliament from Nakuru DOWN STAY
26. Having a practical or beneficial use (6)
County (7)
33. Flightless New Zealand rail of thievish disposition
27. A mark left on by the healing of injured tissue (4) having short wings each with a spur used in July 23 - August 22
28. An itemized statement of money owed for fighting (4)
services rendered (4) 34. Food and agriculture organisation abbr (3) HEAD THEE You must not allow them to force you
29. Not present; having left (4) 35. Kenya’s political veteran (5) HEAVEN THERE to rush. A long discussion is in order if
31. The act of going out (4) 36. Hon member of the Parliament for Saboti HIS THY
you wish to clear the air.
32. A state in the western united states (4) constituency (5) JESUS WAKES
37. An expression of greeting (5) LAID WHERE
August 23 - September 23
Your changing philosophies may lead you
into new circles and open doors that will
give you a unique outlook on life.

September 24 - October 23
Travel could be in order. Unpleasant
situations concerning family members
will be unnerving.

October 24 - November 22
Secret affairs will only lead to heartache.
Partners may try to argue with you;
however, you must stand your ground.

German yachtsman Unable to reach the life jacket

November 23 - December 21

thrown by his brother, Murke was

inflates trousers to soon carried far off by the swell. Misunderstandings could cause confusion

survive 3 hours in sea “Luckily, I knew the trick with the

jeans,” Murke told the New Zealand
and upset. Get involved in groups that can
offer intellectual stimulation.
Herald newspaper. “Without the
REUTERS/ Knocked overboard
in rough seas off New Zealand, a
jeans I wouldn’t be here today. They
were really the thing that saved me.”
December 22 - January 20
German yachtsman credited his jeans He made knots at the end of the
Your best gains will come through
with saving his life after fashioning legs and pulled them over water to
helping others emotionally. You may find
them into a make-shift life jacket that get air inside and then forced them
a rare antique today.
kept him afloat for over three hours under to trap the air and create an
before his rescue by coastguards. improvised life vest.
Arne Murke, 30, was sailing with A rescue helicopter managed to AQUARIUS
his brother in Tolaga Bay, on the east locate the German about three and January 21 - February 19
coast of New Zealand’s north island, a half hours after he was knocked
on March 6, when the yacht’s boom overboard. Images of Murke floating Take part in stimulating debates that will
swung unexpectedly, whacking him in the water while being rescued have allow you to show off your intelligence.
into the water. been circulating on the internet. Arne Murke, 30, just before he was rescued /COURTESY Travel and entertainment will be pleasurable.
32 Thursday, March 14, 2019

The star does not endorse the advertised product /service or its quality and value nor does the star endorse the appearance of or any of the claims made in the advertisement by the advertiser.
The star shall not be held liable for any claims, loss or liability that arises from the product/service and claims made in the advertisement


our our
Chekmula Building -3rd Floor P.O. Box 9147-40121, Kisumu CAP 286 CAP 286 CAP 286
Jomo Kenyatta Highway Tel: 0721 757 206 CHANGE OF USER
Kisumu Email:
The registered owner of the parcel Title The registered owner(s) of plot No Lemek The owner(s) of the plot L.R Number
Under instructions received from principals, we shall sell the under
mentioned goods by public auction on Friday 22nd March 2019
No. Loc 5/Muruka/285 Located along
Kandara road in Makenji Muruka, propose
to change the use from Agricultural use
to Commercial use Subject to approval by
offices /11 located within Mulot off Narok-Bomet
highway proposes to change the user part
of the land (50*100) from Agricultural to
Light Industry within the transport
offices Thika Municipality Block 19/766 located
in Kisiwa, Ngoingwa, Thika Sub County
wishes to regularize the Change the user
of the property from Single dwelling to
from 10:00 am at Yamuko Auctioneers Yard, Kisumu-Kakamega sector subject to the approval of the Multi dwelling Residential Develop-
county Government of Murang’a. ment (Low density flat) subject to
Road, Tom Mboya Estate, Kisumu City. Narok County Government.
Any Individual(s), institution(s) or organi Any individuals, institutions, organizations approval by the County Government of
zations with comments or objections to e.t.c with comments and or objections to Kiambu. Any Individual(s), organization(s)
1. LANDLORD–VERSUS-ELISHAMA ONGONG’A KIAMBASA the development proposal are requested this proposal is requested to forward them and/or institution(s) with objections or
(7) Low back seaters poofs stools, (3) High tables Kinyozi chairs, (3) to submit them in writing within 14 days in writing within fourteen (14) days from comments to submit them in writing
shaving electrical machines, (1) wooden counter, (1) Dressing of this notice to: the date of this notice to: within 14 days of this publication to:
mirror, (1) T.V – TCL and (2) plastic chairs
The Director of Physical Planning, The County Secretary The Director of Physical Planning,
County Government of Murang’a Narok County Government County Government of Kiambu
P.O Box 52-10200 P.O Box 898-20500
CASH at the fall of the hammer Murang’a. Narok Kiambu, Kenya


We invite offers from interested parties for the OFFICE: PUBLIC NOTICE OFFICE:
purchase of motor vehicles listed below. PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT
CAP 286 CAP 286
CAP 286
MAKE MAN. Moi Avenue, The owners of plot No.5 of Moi Avenue,
The owner of Plot LR No. NDUMBERI/RIA-
FORESIGHT MOTORS The owner(s) of plot no. 5120 & 5117
1. TOYOTA HIACE KAW 516Y 2000 L.R.No.10090/27 is proposing to change BAI/T.529 situated off Kirigiti-Kambui
Malindi Located at Malindi propose to Contrust Contrust
Road in Riabai area,Kiambu proposes to
YARD-JUJA the user of this property from Single
change use from Residential to Light dwelling to Residential Multi-dwell- Change the Use (Regularization) of the
Industrial subject to approval by county Building, 3rd ings(Flats) subject to approval by Kiambu Building,
from Agricultural to Multi Dwelling
2 YARD-JUJA government of Kilifi. County government. Units (Flats) subject to approval by
3. TOYOTA IST KBQ 491S 2005 FORESIGHT MOTORS Any individual(s), Organization(s) and Floor Email: Individuals, institutions, and organisations Floor Kiambu
Email: County.
YARD-JUJA institution(s) etc. with comments, with objection (s) or comments Individuals, Institutions and Organizations
ann.ndirangu@ are requested to forward them in writing ann.ndirangu@
4. HONDA KCQ 492H 2011 recommendations or objections to the etc. with objections/comments to the
within 14 days from the date of proposal to forward them in writing within
AIRWAVE YARD-JUJA development proposal are requested to radioafrica- this notice to:- radioafrica-
fourteen (14) days of this notice to:
5. LEXUS HYBRID KCG 008B 2008 FORESIGHT MOTORS forward them in writing within 14days to:
YARD-JUJA The Director Physical Planning
The Director of Physical Planning
6. BMW 320I KBS 422X 2005 FORESIGHT MOTORS THE CHIEF OFFICER Tel: 020 4244300 County Government of Kiambu, box Tel: 020 4244300
County Government of Kiambu
YARD-JUJA PHYSICAL PLANNING, URBAN 2344-00100, P.O. Box 2344-00900
YARD-JUJA P.O. Box 519 – 80108
300 300
10. NISSAN XTRAIL KBR 457F 2005 FORESIGHT MOTORS The owner of the Parcel DAGORET- The registered owner of L.R No. 36/II/247

11. MAZDA DEMIO KBF 671W 2001

Kikuyu Sub-County, Kiambu County REGIONAL
located along 10thStreetin Eastleigh area,
Nairobi, proposes to Change its Use from
4th Floor, Suite No. 04, Contrust House, Moi Avenue, P.O. Box 14829 – 00400, Nairobi,
Tel: 0722 751 269 / 0716 621 160 Email:
wishes to change the use of the plot
currently under Agricultural to Residenti OFFICE
Single Dwelling to Commercial cum
Residential (Apartments) subject to
•Viewing can be done from 8am to 6pm( Monday to Saturday ) PUBLIC AUCTION TSS Towers, al Multi-dwellling (Apartments) subject
TSS Towers,
approval by the Nairobi City County
to approval by the County Government of
•Vehicle sold on ‘as is where is’ basis buyers advised to visit the Duly instructed by our clients, chargees we shall sell the under Kiambu.
yard to verify the condition before giving offers. mentioned properties in Kajiado County (Ngong Nkrumah Road -
Town) registered Individual(s), Organization(s) and
Nkrumah Road - Institutions, Organizations etc.
in the names of Jacinta Wangui Njoroge Murimi of P.O. Box with any comments and or objections to
For further inquiries and forwarding your offers Mombasa Institution(s) etc. with objections or Mombasa
the proposed should forward them within
Please contact SIMON: 0799862315/Quality-0730669860 22817 – 00400 Nairobi, by PUBLIC AUCTION on Friday 29th comments to the proposal should submit
march 2019 at our offices In Contrust House 4th FloorTel: Moi them in writing within fourteen (14) days Tel:
14days of this notice to:
Avenue Nairobi. from the date of this advert addressed to:
Drop the same in a sealed envelope addressed to the tender 041- 2319991 041- 2319991THE COUNTY SECRETARY,
committee at All that parcel of land known as Title No. NGONG/NGONG /23724 County Director of Physical Planning, NAIROBI CITY COUNTY,
(MOTOR VEHICLES-OFFERS): in Ngong townBondeni area measuring 0.100Ha. The parcel is County Government of Kiambu, P.O BOX 30075-00100,
PROGRESSIVE CREDIT LIMITED situated on Dedan road off Masai road, 1stDedan drive junction P.O. Box 2344-00900 NAIROBI
P.O BOX 64036-00620 800 Metres off Ngong - Kiserian tarmac road on 1stDedan drive KIAMBU.
Sanlam house 3rd floor, Kenyatta Avenue road.
NAIROBI (Google Maps -1.374287,36.663643)
The property has no development but its surrounded by ELDORET ELDORET
residential properties with mains, electricity and piped water
services available in the neighborhood for connection to the
An Etreprenuer’s True Success Story (Mr Rajesh Westlands)
After working for 15-years, I expected to live a better life on retirement &
AUCTIONEERS, REPOSESSORS, COMMISSION AGENTS, INVESTIGATORS & DEBT COLLECTION property. Uganda road, do business, but that only happened for a few years.Uganda
My business was
Nature Hse, P.O. BOX 67170- 00200, successful at the beginning, but suddenly started collapsing & I lost all my
3rd Flr, Room 515, Mob: 0720-840533,
Zion mall, Wing money. Zion mall, Wing
Tom Mboya Str, Mombasa. CONDITIONS OF SALE I visited many Prophets & Healers but nothing changed till I met Dr Ali.
1.All interested bidders are requested to view and verify details for I was touched by the testimonials from many people
PUBLIC AUCTION B, Ground floor.
themselves as these are not warranted by the Auctioneers or our
B,(on Radio &floor.
Ground Local
papers) he had helped before.
Under instruction received from our principals (financiers), we shall sell I booked an appointment and without me telling DrTel: Ali anything, he told
the under mentioned motor vehicle by public auction on 21
Client. Tel: 0723598023 0723598023
2.A deposit of 25% is payable at the fall of the hammer and the me everything about my life and why I was struggling in business. I was
ST MARCH2019 at 10:00am at PLANET MOTORS MOMBASA LIMITED balance within 30 days from the date of the auction failure to surprised! Every detail about me was so true. He then prayed for me and
yard. gave me the FREE Super Magic Ring & Money Wallet for Lotto & Casino. Dr Ali brings back a separated family
which the bidder will forfeit 20% of the deposit amount and the It was on a weekend when we played the lotto & casino, and we were so
property will be sold to the second highest bidder. surprised to see results; we had won!
KCQ 999S
3.Sale is subject to a reserve price and the auctioneer reserves the KISUMU
Finally we discovered the truth that Dr Ali was really God sent to us
because he brought ever-lasting happiness to our lives.
right to reject any bid without giving any reason for doing it.
Note: The vehicle can be viewed at our PLANET MOTORS MOMBASA Today we are running a very successful business in town and I can’t
4. Interested bidders are requested to view the property between
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8AM and 5PM and our office will assist in pointing out the
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Thursday, March 14, 2019 33


Pursuant to Regulation 21 of the Environmental Management and Coordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Pursuant to Regulation 21 of the Environmental Management and Coordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003, the National
Regulations, 2003, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has received an Environmental Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the above proposed project.
Impact Assessment Study Report for the above proposed project.
The Proponent, Khalala Hydropower Kenya Limited, is proposing to construct a 28 MW Hydropower plant 19 km The Proponent, Nakuru Edoil Limited, is proposing to construct a cooking oil (corn oil), bar soap and animal feeds factory. The factory will comprise
from Webuye town in Sitikho and Khalala Msabale villages, Sitikho sub-location, Webuye West Sub-County in of offices, production and processing rooms, boilers, sanitation facilities, tanks and a parking area, a borehole and a perimeter wall and other associated
Bungoma County. The proposed project will comprise of; weir and intake structure, desander/desilting tank and facilities and amenities. The factory will be located on plot L.R. No. Njoro/Ngata block 2/6072 in Sobea area, along Nakuru – Eldoret Highway, 15 km from
headrace channel, forebay, spillway, penstock pipe, power house, tailrace water discharge, 6No. access roads and Nakuru town (1.5km from Sobea Shopping Centre) in Rongai Location, Nakuru County.
a construction workers camp site.
The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation measures:
The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation measures:
• Noise events will be scheduled for appropriate times of the day to avoid disturbances; IMPACT PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES
• Construction activities will be limited to only day time hours; Noise and Excessive • Personal hearing protection should be provided as required by law;
Noise and • Community awareness of the project activities; Vibrations • Developing and implementing an effective noise control and hearing conservation programme;
Excessive • Noise monitoring will be undertaken within the area and at nearby receptors;
• Carrying out periodic noise surveys;
Vibration • Use well maintained and serviced equipment that generates low noise levels;
• Noisy equipment will be sited away from sensitive receptors whenever possible; • Fitting noisy machines with noise reduction devices;
• Only monitoring site visits necessary for proper running of the hydropower project will be • Providing suitable hearing protection to all workers exposed to noise levels above 85dB(A);
conducted. • Posting notices and signs in noisy areas;
• Watering of unpaved access roads and restrict clearance; • Carrying out audiometric test by a designated medical practitioner to all workers exposed to noise levels above
• All truck loads that enter or leave the site will be covered; 85dB(A);
• All vehicle movements will be subject to risk assessment; • Mountain vibrating machines on vibration absorbers.
• Community awareness and sensitization about the project; Air pollution • Emission reduction by enhancing combustion efficiency;
Air quality • Vehicles and machinery will be fitted with appropriate exhaust systems; • Optimize boiler efficiency through engineering controls;
• All emission-producing equipment will be operated only when necessary;
• Monitor quality of stack emissions;
• Staff working in dust generating activities e.g. site preparation, excavation, concrete mixing,
stone dressing should be provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) the use of PPE • Use of air-conditioned, closed cabins where necessary;
shall be enforced; • Install dust extraction systems;
• Strict adherence to Air Quality Regulations, 2014. • Dust reduction through engineering and administrative measures;
• All the waste collected from the headrace system at the time of cleaning will be disposed of • Air ventilation (suction);
appropriately at designated waste disposal sites; • Workers to use appropriate PPE;
• A site operation waste and wastewater management plan in order to minimize • Obtain air Emission license from NEMA as required under Air Quality Regulations, 2014.
environmental damage; Storm Water • Storm water should be separated from process and sanitary wastewater streams;
Soil and water • All machinery and equipment be regularly maintained and serviced to avoid leak oils; • Runoff should be minimized and the peak discharge rate be reduced (e.g. through landscaping, retention ponds etc.);
pollution • Maintenance and servicing of vehicle, machinery and equipment must be carried out in a
• Oil water separators and grease traps should be installed and maintained as appropriate along the drainage channels;
designated area (protected service bays);
• Oil interceptors shall be installed along the drainage channels leading from such areas; • Drainage channels should be lined with impervious surface to minimize soil erosion.
• All applicable national laws, regulations and standards for the safe use, handling, storage Oil Pollution • Proper storage, handling and disposal of new oil and used oil and related wastes;
and disposal of hazardous waste to be followed; and • Provide oil interceptors along the drains leading from car wash areas;
• Implementation of erosion and sediment control measures such as silt fences • Maintenance of construction vehicles should be carried out in the contractor’s yard (off the site).
Impacts on fauna • Monitor operation activities at the open headrace. Solid Waste Management • Recycle and reuse where applicable;
• Minimize cut and fill for new development; • Segregate for appropriate disposal;
• Respect natural contours so that new development follows natural contour; • Process and Technological improvements to minimize waste generation;
• Construct project access roads parallel to the contours of the land to minimize erosion and to • Material substitution to minimize waste generation;
reduce the runoff rate more effectively; • Waste disposal as provided for in the Environmental Management and Coordination (Waste Management) Regulations,
• Adhere to Nairobi County Government Traffic By-Laws and National Traffic Laws; 2006;
• Designation of vehicle registration and checkpoint inside the premise to avert unnecessary
• Provide appropriate waste handling receptacles;
traffic snarl up along adjacent roads
• Safe disposal of electronic waste.
• All waste generated should be sorted and disposed of appropriately;
Wastewater • Adaption of water conservation measures;
• Toilet facilities for use by the construction personnel will be in place at the construction sites
Water and the work camps;
• Formulation of an elaborate Waste Water Management Plan;
Management • Anti-vermin safeguards should be issued; • Segregation of wastewater streams;
• Waste management in line with the waste hierarch • Treatment of wastewater to meet national standards for sanitary wastewater discharge before release into the
• Implement soil erosion control measures and reduce soil disturbance during construction; • Obtain an Effluent Discharge License from NEMA for discharge into the environment;
Impacts on
• Proper design for storm water drainage facilities and maintenance during the construction • Quarterly monitoring of wastewater quality as required under Water Quality Regulations, 2006.
aquatic ecology
phase; Heat • Shielding surfaces;
and biodiversity
• Design and implement agreed seasonal compensation flow regime during operation;
• Using personal protective equipment;
• Initiate river catchment protection programmes.
• Minimizing the work time required in high temperature environment by implementing shorter shifts;
Weir and intake • Contract qualified and experienced civil engineers (contractor) for the construction works;
• Use of air-or oxygen supplied respirators.
failure hazard • Carry out soil test for the proposed site to determine its bearing capacity;
• Technical consideration will be taken during construction work. Occupational Health and • Conduct a workplace risk assessment;
Safety • Conduct Safety and Health Audits on annual Basis;
• Standard health and safety measures should be adhered to;
• Workers should be provided with PPEs and used as directed;
• Conduct Fire Safety Audit on annual Basis;
Occupational • Installation of fire detection and fire fighting system;
• Stop operations in case of an imminent and serious danger;
health and safety • Training of workers on occupational safety, health and welfare;
• Provide adequate and well stocked first aid box;
• Adequate toolbox talks and training to all workers; • Provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and clothing to all workers;
• Adequate warning / inductions and instruction signs must be prominently displayed. • Training and sensitization programme;
• Medical examination of exposed workers;
The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection during working hours at:
• Full compliance with requirements of OSHA, 2007 and its subsidiary legislations;
1. Principal Secretary,
2. Director General, NEMA Popo Road, off Mombasa Road, • Formulation of Environment, Health and Safety Policy.
Ministry of Environment and Forestry,
P.O. BOX 67839-00200,
NHIF Building, 12th Floor,
Ragati Road, Upper Hill, The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection during working hours at:
P.O. BOX: 30126-00100, 3. County Director of Environment 1. Principal Secretary, 2. Director General, NEMA
NAIROBI BUNGOMA COUNTY Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,
NHIF Building, 12th Floor, P.O. BOX: 67839-00200,
Ragati Road, Upper Hill, NAIROBI
A copy of the EIA report can be downloaded at P.O. BOX: 30126-00100,
NEMA invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of
NAIROBI 3. County Director of Environment
publication of this notice to the Director General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decision-making process for NAKURU COUNTY
this project. Kindly quote ref. no. NEMA/EIA/5/2/1558 A copy of the EIA report can be downloaded at
NEMA invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to
Comments can also be e-mailed to the Director General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decision-making process for this project. Kindly quote ref. no. NEMA/EIA/5/2/1565.
Comments can also be e-mailed to
This advertisement is sponsored by the proponent. This advertisement is sponsored by the proponent.
34 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019


Snow gets Harding, B

Local favourite is joined by fancied
foreign pros as Magical Kenya Open
gets underway at Karen Club today
Day One, kicking off their first
rounds at 08.10.
Gagli said yesterday that he’s
@samson ateka
looking to kick start his Europe-
an Tour season as he defends his
Local favourite Greg Snow has title at this week’s Kenya Open.
the company of winner Jus- “It’s amazing to come back
tin Harding and Dane Thom- to Kenya,” he said. “I have a
as Bjorn as the Magical Kenya lot of good memories from last
Open, presented by Absa, gets year so I’m really excited to
underway today. play here again.”
South Africa’s Harding bird- “The prize giving was really fun
ied three of his final four holes last year. There were a lot of peo-
to claim his maiden European ple and the President of Kenya,
Tour title at the Commercial it was really special to be there.
Bank Qatar Masters at Doha Golf “Sometimes it’s not easy. It’s
Club last week. a tough job, but at the same
He will begin his bid for time it’s really good because
back-to-back titles at 13.00hrs you can visit all these kind of
at Karen Country Club today countries like Kenya. I love Ken-
alongside Snow and Bjorn, who ya and Africa. The people are
finished in a tie for second at the amazing here.”
Kenya Open on the European Countryman Renato Paratore
Challenge Tour in 1995. also enjoys the globe-trotting
Haydn Porteous, who has nature of life on the European
fond memories of this week’s Tour, arriving in Kenya after
host venue, having secured his back-to-back events in the Mid-
maiden professional victory on dle East and before playing in
this course at the 2015 Kenya Malaysia next week.
Open on the Challenge Tour will The 2017 Nordea Masters win-
be joined by Gonzalo Fernan- ner has not played this event
dez-Castaño and internet sen- before and expects a good test at
sation Hosung Choi for the first high altitude.
two rounds, with the trio getting “I feel good,” Paratore said,
started at 12.50 in the afternoon. adding: “I like the course; it’s a
Italy’s Lorenzo Gagli, who good challenge, also very good
won last year’s Barclays Kenya weather so I’m going to enjoy it.
Open on the Challenge Tour be- “You have to play every part of
fore earning his European Tour the game well because from the
card, will start at 13.10 on Thurs- tees and also around the greens
day alongside Gaganjeet Bhullar is not easy, so it’s a good test.”
and George Coetzee. “When you are in Europe four
Indian star Shubhankar Shar- in a row is easier but I went from
ma, Adri Arnaus and Kenyan Qatar, then here and then Ma-
Dismas Indiza Anyonyi are laysia. It’s good because I like to
among the early starters on travel and discover new places.”


Race to Dubai hots up as European Tour visits Kenya fo

BY SAMSON ATEKA / After last weekend’s Formerly known as the Order of Merit, the Safari Tour golf series. Others include
Qatar Masters, the race to Dubai resumes points are accumulated based on prize Nelson Simwa (Vet Lab), Rizwan Charania Dismas
this morning as European Tour golfers be- money won, with the top five ranked (Windsor), Eric Ooko (Royal), David Wakhu Indiza during
gin the hunt for the 1.1million euros at stake players at the end of the season sharing a (Golf Park) and CJ Wangai (Windsor). yesterday’s
in the Magical Kenya Open. $5million ‘Race to Dubai’ bonus pool. South Indiza has turned 51 incidentally on the Magical Kenya
The Race to Dubai, spanning 48 tourna- African Justin Harding, who won Qatar same year the Kenya Open is celebrating Open Pro-Am
ments in 31 countries across four conti- Masters on Sunday is among the golfers to its 51st edition and so is Kenya’s most tournament
nents, is a season-long competition to watch this week. decorated golfer Jacob Okello who landed / OLIVER MORGAN
crown the European Tour’s No 1 player. Harding moved to fifth in the ‘Race a slot by invitation. “We are overly excited
Celebrating the global connectivity of To Dubai’ and 52nd on the world rank- to get back into competition mode after a
Dubai and the European Tour, the list of ing. As the leading Tour pros fight for a competitive season of the inaugural Safari
champions since 2009 reads like a who’s share of Race to Dubai points, locals will Tour,” said Indiza.
who of modern-era greats, including resume their long-standing hunt for the Great Rift Valley’s Justus Madoya now in
three-time winner Rory McIlroy and title which has remained elusive since his second year as a professional said: “We
Henrik Stenson with two titles, as well as inception in 1967. have had a strong week of practice and all
Tommy Fleetwood, Martin Kaymer, Luke Kenyans will peg their hopes on Greg ready to go. It’s essential for us to remain
Donald, Lee Westwood and most recently Snow and 51-year-old Dismas Indiza who focused and give it our all more so as event
Francesco Molinari. finished first and second respectively on debuts the main Tour.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 35


Bjorn’s company
Coach Murunga laments
Shujaa’s lack of fitness
BY WILLIAM NJUGUNA / Kenya Sevens head coach
Paul Murunga has attributed Shujaa’s dwindling for-
tunes in the World Sevens Series to lack of pre-sea-
(L-R) Justin
son training and injuries
Speaking on arrival from Vancouver, Murunga
Harding and
observed that lack of fitness has contributed to the
Haydn Porteous team’s dismal showing this season.
of South “The injuries we are having are simply due to lack of
Africa and a strength and fitness regime ahead of the tourna-
Kenya’s Nelson ment,” said Murunga.
Simwa during Playmaker Brian Wahinya, forward Herman Humwa
yesterday’s and utility back Cyprian Kuto picked up injuries in the
Magical Kenya North American tour and will be assessed today by
Open Pro-Am the doctors to see if they will be available for Asia’s
leg. They join forward Brian Wandera on the side-
lines. Wandera picked up a rib injury in Las Vegas and
returned home last week. Murunga said the youthful
side are not used to playing intense, physical rugby
over two weekends.
“The boys are young and their bodies are tired.
In the next couple of years, they will get used to
it,” added Murunga
Shujaa picked up a point in Vancouver and sit in
13th place with 18 points. They are in a relegation
dogfight with Wales and Japan who occupy the last
position on the log. Murunga said he will be forced to
call upon players to the team if the injury toll con-
tinues to mount.
“As the technical bench, we will be forced to
call players to beef up the squad for the next
leg,” he added.
On the pooling in Hong Kong, where they face
Kenya’s Daniel
Olympic champions Fiji, New Zealand and Australia in
Taabu runs
pool B, Murunga relished the opportunity.
clear of Samoa “There are no easy pools in the World Sevens
defence at the Series. You must always be at your best and this is an
Vancouver World opportunity for us to compete against the big boys.”
Sevens Series The team is slated to take a ten-day break and
/ COURTESY resume training next week.


or four days of Magical Kenya tourney Local and regional pros get boost
from Titleist ahead of Open show
It’s a great honour to play in the to make the cut at Qatar Masters,
same event alongside ex-Ryder Cup could make history in Kenya this SAMSON ATEKA / Local and region- Sports managing director, said the
captain Thomas Bjorn.” Although week. Should he defend his title, al professional golfers who qualified move is geared towards helping
the 2019 Magical Kenya Open will be which he won on the Challenge Tour to play at this year’s Magical Kenya the local players in their quest for
the first time it appears on the main circuit last year, he will become the Open Golf Championship, presented success at the 2019 Magical Kenya
Tour Schedule, 2018 marked the first man to mount a successful by Absa, through the 2018/19 Safari Open Golf Championship.
event’s 50th anniversary. defence, thereby becoming the first Tour Golf Serie yesterday received “We are delighted to be supporting
Past winners include Seve Balles- two-time winner of the Kenya Open free Titleist golf balls courtesy of our pros at this year’s tournament
teros and Ian Woosnam before the since its debut on the Challenge Kibo Sports Limited, an official dis- through this gesture. Our objective
event formed part of the European Tour circuit in 1991. tributor of Titleist products in Kenya. is to help them excel at the tourna-
Challenge Tour schedule in 1991. A Karen Country Club will have All 15 professional golfers who ment and wish them well,” he said.
different winner has been crowned the honour of hosting the Magical qualified through the process Commenting on the same, Pro-
at the Kenya Open in each of the 26 Kenya Open’s debut as a Euro- including 14 Kenyans and 1 Ugandan, fessional Golfers of Kenya Captain
editions since 1991, including Future pean Tour event. will receive a dozen Titleist golf balls CJ Wangai said: “We thank Kibo
Masters tournament Champion The venue has played host to (worth Sh12,000 each) and a Titleist sports for the generous support.
Trevor Immelman, who triumphed at the event on nine occasions on the cap to wear during the tournament. This gives us a big boost as we go
Muthaiga in 2000. Challenge Tour, but this will be the Speaking while making the into the 2019 Magical Kenya Open
Italian Lorenzo Gagli, who failed first time since 2016. announcement, Sunny Thethy, Kibo Golf Championship.”
36 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019

Gangla ready to revamp Kenyan rugby as polls draw nearer
BY WILLIAM NJUGUNA / Ken- elected as chairman,” added Gangla Gangla dismissed the notion of
ya Rugby Union secretary Oduor “We have a large student population misappropriation of funds at the
Gangla has promised to revitalise the at the universities and we have a lot union during his stint as director.
technical capacity of the game in the of players who don’t make it to the “There is notion doing rounds
country if elected as chairman during university teams so we need to look that the board is corrupt but we are
next week’s polls. at the model again and see how we above board and if people want to
Gangla (pictured) said there is can tap that talent.” inspect our books, we are very much Mutua Kilonzo in action in recent tourney/ CONSOLATA MAKOKHA
a lack of adequate coaches for a On national teams, Gangla said open,” he added.
sport that has witnessed significant he is keen on introducing Kenya ‘A’ He noted that the board has been BEACH VOLLEYBALL
growth in the last decade. squad for the 15s team to bolster able to bring in sponsors like Stanbic
“One of the biggest challenges we
are facing in the country as far as the
the national teams and provide a
pathway for growth.
Bank, Bidco and Radio Africa Group.
“We have been able to bring a
Kemboi, Kimutai eye beach
game is concerned is lack of coaches
to coach the young people who are
“We need to create depth and it’s
something am looking at as a way
couple of sponsors for the past one
year which has helped us espe-
World Championship slots
getting into the game and its one of boosting our options for the 15s cially with this tough economic
priority I will seek to address once game,” added Gangla. times,” added Gangla. BY AGNES MAKHANDIA / Having impressed in the recently
concluded Under-21 beach zonal qualifiers in Tanzania,
fast-rising Strathmore duo of Mathias Kemboi and Wilfred
FOOTBALL Kimutai are seeking to book one of the four slots during the

Gor tread with care

African Nation Cup next month in Algeria.
The team, under the stewardship of Patrick Owino,
emerged overall winners ahead of host Tanzania and Uganda.
The other Zone Five-member Egypt were given a bye. The
event, which is set for April 3-8, will be a qualifier for the June

as Boyz come calling

16-23 FIVB World Championship two be staged in Thailand.
Kenya Beach Volleyball Federation chairman, Ben Juma,
said the two players have been impressive during the
ongoing beach circuits and their performance last week-
end was expected.
Juma said it is unfortunate they didn’t get women players
to field in the zonals, adding that most of the beach players
were busy with their respective clubs ahead of this week-
Wounded Gor to use league duel as a build-up for Confed Cup match end’s African Club Championship in Egypt.

Gor Mahia’s
Muguna and Nyanza games shelved to
pave way for national trials
@kisengemeshack1 Tusker’s Jackson
Macharia vie for
A wounded Gor Mahia will start to the ball during
whittle their three SportPesa Premier a recent KPL
League matches in hand today when match
they play Kakamega Homeboyz at the
Kenyatta Stadium, Machakos.
Gor have had two of their league
matches rescheduled to honour their
continental assignments and the club
will shift their attention to defend-
ing the league against Homeboyz to-
day before embarking on securing a
place in the quarterfinals of the CAF
Confederations Cup against Petro At-
letico of Angola.
The Kenyan champions are bound
to host Atletico on Sunday in the fi-
nal Group D match at the Moi Stadi- Loice Moraa (L)
um, Kasarani where a win will see and Sara Orobi BY ANGWENYI GICHANA / Nyanza secondary Schools
them progress to the final eight of during the Kisii track and field championship has been moved to
the tournament. Prior to the must- County games allow athletes to attend the national Under-18 and
win continental match, Hasan Oktay / ANGWENYI Under-20 trials.
charges who are fourth on the log GICHANA Kenya Secondary Schools Sports Association (KSSSA)
with 29 points will have to narrow Nyanza region’s secretary Tom Odhiambo said athlet-
the gap between them and the other ics will now be held on Monday and Tuesday at Homa
league chasing opponents against the Bay High School.
high-flying Homeboyz, who humil- “This will allow students to attend national trials which
iated Mt. Kenya United 6-1 in their will be in Nairobi on March 21 and 22 at Moi International
previous league match. Sports Center, Kasarani,” said Odhiambo.
Gor jetted back to the country from Nyanza were earlier scheduled to hold the event on
Egypt on Tuesday and had a light March 19 and 20 but the dates clash with the national
training session yesterday in readiness trials. “We shall have our clinics on Saturday and we
for today’s match, where a number of expect all teams to arrive on Monday in readiness for
players who were unused in the Zam- the championship.”
alek match are expected to be handed The national trials will be used to select Team Kenya to
the starting roles. only deep in the transfer market on new players as the coach says he is the 3rd Confederation of Africa Athletics Under 18 and
Despite the fixture congestion the recommendation from the head satisfied with the available players the 14th Under-20 championships to be held in Abidjan,
which is set to escalate once again as coach who had since expressed satis- and we will only sign players if he re- Ivory Coast from April 13 to 20.
the club is set to push forward their faction with the depth in his side. quests us to do so.” Yesterday, Mogonga High School coach and Principal
SportPesa Shield Cup round of 32 “The team jetted back on Tuesday Ahead of the match, Gor will have Haroun Onchong’a welcomed the changes.“I’m com-
matches set for this weekend against evening and trained yesterday ahead to worry of Allan Wanga’s free-scor- fortable with the new dates because my athletes will
Kenoly to pave way for the Atletico of the Homeboyz game. It’s a cru- ing form as the former AFC Leopards participate in the regionals and travel to Nairobi for the
match, Gor have downplayed ship- cial match even though we would man leads the league scorers chart national trials,” he added.
ping in new players to curb fatigue have wanted it rescheduled to give us courtesy of his eight goals and will be Onchong’a said he is confident of dominating the ath-
in their squad. time to prepare for the Sunday match looked up to guide his side in halting letics scene in Nyanza. “We dominated the Kisii County
According to the deputy secretary but we are aware that time is limited their eight-match winless run against Championships and we want to rule regionals next
general Ronald Ngala, the club will this season. We have no plans to sign the champions. week,” said Onchong’a.
Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 37


Zidane’s Gattuso escapes derby

ban after being sent off

BY BRIAN HOMEWOOD / AC Milan coach Gennaro Gattu-
so escaped a ban from Sunday’s derby against Inter Milan
when he was let off with a fine and a warning after being
sent off in his team’s last match.
Serie A’s disciplinary tribunal said Gattuso ‘left the
technical area and made an intimidating remark to a player

of the opposing team’ during the 2-1 win at
Chievo on Saturday.
Gattuso, ordered from the
touchline, was fined 15,000 euros
and given a warning. Milan, third in
Serie A, face fourth-placed Inter
at San Siro on Sunday.
Atalanta coach Gian Piero Gas-
perini, however, was banned for
Hazard No 1 target he said: “I would say both”. one game for pushing a Sampdoria
That playing to gallery, on official in the tunnel after being sent
for returning boss a triumphant day that off in his team’s 2-1 win on Sunday.
as Neymar, Pogba, seemed to sweep away all
of the doom and gloom
Gasperini, dismissed for angrily protesting
a penalty, said after the game that he had merely “nudged
Mbappe and Mane of last week’s Champi-
ons League exit, is not
aside” the official and that Sampdoria had made a ‘song
and dance’ about it.
are all in the picture likely to last. However, he apologised after a video of the incident was
Madrid know that published on several websites.
BY PETE JENSON / Zinedine their chances of get-
Zidane was promised the world in ting Mbappe – the
order to step back into the fray as jewel in PSG’s crown PREMIER LEAGUE
Real Madrid coach – now the club - are very slim and
must work out how they are go- that Neymar will cost the same West Ham brace for another
ing to pay for it. 222m euros (£190m) he cost PSG
The club have made Eden Haz- two seasons ago. transfer saga with Arnautovic
ard their main target but are If action is finally taken against
waiting to see how the Chelsea’s PSG for financial doping then that BY KIERAN GILL / Marko Arnautovic is frustrated
appeal to the Court of Arbitration changes the transfer landscape. after finding himself frozen out by manager Manu-
for Sport pans out. Until then, and all the time Hazard el Pellegrini with West Ham facing another transfer
If they earn a stay of execution is a possibility, the Chelsea player saga this summer.
on the FIFA ban on registering remains the number one target. Arnautovic has not started since the closure of the
new players then the way will be Zidane has yet to draw up his January transfer window, when he tried to force through a
clear to bring Hazard this summer. list of targets but he will also £35million move to the Chinese Super League.
If that door is closed to them need a new centre-forward and Pellegrini has asserted his authority by handing Arnau-
they will not give up on the Bel- there is a suggestion that last tovic four substitute appearances since,
gian but they may have to pay summer he wanted the club to despite the Hammers seeming worse
Chelsea’s full £100m asking price pursue Liverpool’s Sadio Mane. off without the Austrian up front.
despite the fact that the 28-year- He is likely to make a similar The Chilean boss is considering
old will have only one year request in the coming weeks bringing Arnautovic back into
left on his deal. when he sits down with Real the line-up for this Saturday’s
So buoyed by succeeding in Madrid’s director general Jose game against Huddersfield
bringing back Zidane, club pres- Angel Sanchez. following their lacklustre 2-0
ident Florentino Perez was un- Real Madrid don’t just need defeat by Cardiff.
characteristically forthright attacking reinforcements. Mid- Pellegrini decides his starting
about the club’s possible pur- field and defence will also need to line-up the day before fixtures
suit of two other targets – Kylian be strengthened. after consulting staff. Should he use
Mbappe and Neymar. Porto centre-back Militao will Arnautovic as a substitute again, however,
Asked if signing Mbappe now be the first to arrive and attention the forward’s frustration will only grow. Arnautovic signed a
became easier because he had will then turn to the middle of one-year extension after agreeing to stay at West Ham - a
Zidane at the helm he joked the pitch. Paul Pogba has already deal which was announced 22 minutes after the club were
with reporters on Monday night: been linked in Spain but the old knocked out of the FA Cup by Wimbledon.
‘Zidane is French he can may- barriers of negotiating with Mino The contract, which runs until June 2023, is understood
be do something’. And asked if Raiola remain. Christian Eriksen to include performance-related incentives but he has been
he preferred Mbappe or Neymar remains a more likely target. unable to trigger them from the bench.

Chelsea’s pay-off battle with Conte headed for High Court
BY AMITAI WINEHOUSE / Chelsea is the first legal port of call for any hind the scenes at Stamford Bridge.
could end up in the High Court amid ongoing issue around an em- The issues began when Conte
their ongoing legal battle with Anto- ployment contract. sent a text message to Diego Costa
nio Conte over his severance package. Further disagreement and refusal to tell the striker he was surplus to
A Premier League managers’ to accept the ruling would see the requirements. This is likely to be used
arbitration tribunal has now been ap- judgement challenged in the High in Chelsea’s case against Conte.
pointed to rule on the matter, accord- Court. Conte’s lawyers have argued There have been discussions
ing to The Times. There have been he should be paid for the final year within Conte’s legal team about
months of wrangling between Conte of his deal — which would be worth claiming for aggravated damages.
and Chelsea’s respective legal teams, around £9million — unless he They believe that by leaving it so
but both parties are yet to reach an takes another job. late to sack him, Chelsea stopped
agreement on the Italian’s pay-off. Chelsea, on the other hand, have Conte from finding another top
He was sacked by Chelsea in argued that his behaviour during job in the summer.
July, two years into his contract at his last year put him in breach of his The 61-word statement that failed
Stamford Bridge and with a year left contract. There was a serious deteri- to thank Conte that was released
to run. The dispute will now be put oration of relationships between the when he was sacked speaks for the
Former Chelsea boss Antonio Conte /REUTERS to a three-person tribunal, which 49-year-old and senior figures be- acrimony between the two sides.
38 THE-STAR.CO.KE Thursday, March 14, 2019

Arsenal talisman Lacazette free to
face Rennes today as Uefa cuts ban
BY SHRIVATHSA SRIDHAR / Arse- March as Unai Emery looks to keep
nal’s Alexandre Lacazette is eligible his squad in pristine condition in the
to play in Thursday’s Europa League battle for a top-four finish.
last 16 second-leg clash against His side will meet Al-Nasr
Rennes after his three-match ban Dubai on March 26, during
was reduced to two games, Uefa the upcoming international
said on Tuesday. break so Emery will have
The French striker was shown a a limited squad at his
red card for a foul on BATE Borisov disposal. Tonight’s
defender Aleksandar Filipovic in the clash against Rennes
last-32 first-leg match and was hit is their last this

179, 937, 455 with a three-game ban by Euro-

pean soccer’s governing body for
serious rough play.
Arsenal appealed against the
month and no
FA Cup action
means they
play their next
decision which was partially upheld against New-
and Lacazette’s suspension was castle on April 1.
reduced to two matches, which he “It will be great to get
has already served. some warm weather
“The appeal lodged by Arsenal FC training and break up
has been partially upheld,” Uefa said the usual routine as
1. 16/03/2019 18:00 Burnley vs Leicester 3.08 3.30 2.38 in a statement. we enter the final
2. 16/03/2019 18:00 Aston Villa vs Middlesbrough 2.36 3.22 3.17 Arsenal will play a friendly in Dubai stage of the sea-
3. 16/03/2019 18:00 Peterborough vs Coventry 2.42 3.44 2.90 as part of a five-day training camp in son,” Emery said.
4. 16/03/2019 18:00 Grimsby vs Northampton 2.61 3.25 2.71
5. 16/03/2019 18:00
6. 16/03/2019 18:00
Brentford vs West Bromwich
Bristol Rovers vs Charlton
2.25 3.59 3.06
2.65 3.14 2.82

Pep warns rivals

7. 16/03/2019 22:45 Heracles vs Vitesse Arnhem 2.78 3.64 2.41
8. 16/03/2019 22:55 Wolverhampton vs Manchester Utd 3.15 3.26 2.30
9. 17/03/2019 04:00 Guadalajara Chivas vs Club America 2.83 3.15 2.57
10. 17/03/2019 14:00 FC Ufa vs Akhmat Grozny 2.75 2.91 2.91
11. 17/03/2019 15:30 Arminia Bielefeld vs VfL Bochum 2.47 3.33 2.90
12. 17/03/2019 16:30 Lokomotiv Moscow vs FC Krasnodar 2.70 3.24 2.70
13. 17/03/2019 18:00 Nacional Madeira vs Rio Ave
14. 17/03/2019 18:15 Espanyol vs Sevilla FC
2.54 3.41 2.76
2.76 3.52 2.49
Guardiola says there’s more to
15. 17/03/2019 19:00 Spartak Moscow vs Zenit St Petersburg 2.85 3.22 2.58 come from City despite hitting
16. 17/03/2019 22:30
17. 17/03/2019 23:00
AC Milan vs Inter
Crotone vs Lecce
2.53 3.18 2.96
2.76 3.14 2.71
seven past struggling Schalke
BY JACK GAUGHAN / Manchester City roared into
the Champions League quarter-finals after slapping
Schalke for seven.
Pep Guardiola warned City’s rivals that there is more
to come from his side, suggesting the likes of Leroy
Sane still have an extra gear to find. That should act as a
frightening prospect for those across Europe, with City
Venue: KICC, The LAWNS. now having scored 61 goals since New Year. “When I
Time: Gates open @ 4PM said we are a teenage team in this competition, I didn’t
Date: Saturday, 23rd March, 2019 say we are not going to fight,” Guardiola said.
“Teenagers have patience, desire, they are not scared.
We are trying to achieve for the second time in our his-

tory a semi-final of the Champions League. It is why
when the people say you have to win, you have to win,
when you are out in the quarter-finals, it is a disaster,

vS pHirI
it is not fair.”
“Real Madrid is out and Atletico Madrid is out and
PSG is out and it is unfair, this competition, because it
is incredibly tough. There are incredible teams so when
we are through the group stages, I am happy. It is so nice
s El Tigre
Hassan v to be in the quarters for the third time in our history.”
Guardiola — who revealed he wants former club Bay-
ern Munich to dump Liverpool out on Wednesday night
Tickets on sale from 16/03/2019 — is demanding more from his players, particularly the
at wingers. He also suggested City will face elimination in
VIP - ksh 3,000 the next round if the Premier League champions strug-
regular - ksh 1,000 gle in the first leg as they did at Schalke last month.
“Leroy was not aggressive enough in the first 20 min-
utes,” Guardiola added. “I like when he runs and goes,
lose the ball, doesn’t matter. It is the same with Raheem Manchester City’s Sergio Aguero with his Manchester
#NairobiFightNight Sterling. The first half in the last game was not good.” City manager Pep Guardiola / REUTERS


Thursday, March 14, 2019 THE-STAR.CO.KE 39


Portuguese’ hat-trick sends Juventus into quarter-finals


his was Operation Cristiano Ron- club’s ultras, housed in their Cur- attacker’s confidence, he almost lev-
aldo in all its glory. Without the va Sud stand behind the goal they elled the tie with a spectacular over-
Champions League trophy since attacked in the first half, cancelled head kick only to see his clean con-
1996, Juventus turned to the man their planned protest to ensure a sell- nection send the ball narrowly over.
who caused them so much heart- out for the visit of Atletico. A cacoph- Juventus set the pace, this was
ache, a man who is never far away ony of noise every time Juventus had their home and their rules, after all.
from the trophy having lifted it for the ball. A chorus of boos with every But how Alvaro Morata missed a
the past three seasons consecutively. touch. It was almost the dream start. free header no more than six yards
Just look at Real Madrid with- The home support knew how im- out with seconds left on the clock
out him. Stunned by Ajax. As for portant an early goal would be and will leave him and his team-mates thursday 14 th march 2019
Juventus, they are profiting im- 30 seconds in a jinking run from in bewilderment long after the final
mensely. Having fallen flat in Ma- Blaise Matuidi saw him fizz in a low whistle. The ball came in from the
drid in the first leg, there was never cross, only for Mario Mandzukic to right from Koke and Morata found a
a worry their main man would miss see his effort deflected away. It was rare section of space between Chiel- 14:00 4837 Keshla FK vs FC Kapaz 1.53 4.18 4.84
the mark again. a sign of things to come and three lini and Joao Cancelo but butchered 14:00 4974 FK Qaradag Lokbatan vs Zira FK 2 1.59 4.26 4.21
There was VAR drama. Goal-line minutes later Juventus thought his header to the frustrations of his 15:30 1894 AL Salt vs Kfarsoum 1.53 3.76 5.59
technology was called into action they had cracked Atletico - but VAR manager who was left apoplectic in 16:30 4041 Isloch vs BATE Borisov 4.79 3.76 1.60
and the final nail in the coffin came begged to differ. Ronaldo stretched to his technical area.
17:00 1987 FK Rfs vs US Citta DI Pontedera 2.41 3.59 2.46
from the penalty spot. Then came win a loose ball in a 50/50 with Jan The interval did Juventus no harm,
17:00 3245 FK Dukla Prague vs Atlantida Juniors 1.23 5.65 8.98
the cojones celebration Diego Sim- Oblak, it squeezed free and Giorgio they emerged rampant once more,
17:00 4945 Genoa Cfc vs AS Livorno 1.65 4.06 4.06
eone produced with such enthusi- Chiellini, making his 500th appear- starting with far more purpose. Then
asm come full-time in Madrid. How ance for Juventus, converted. one became two as Ronaldo again 17:00 5116 FC Krasnodar vs Westchester United 1.17 6.95 9.53
the tables turned in Turin. For boss There was no on-screen review but put his head to good use, connect- 17:45 3379 AC Milan vs Spezia 1.26 5.70 7.51
Massimiliano Allegri, this was the the decision was made. No goal. The ing with a wicked delivery by Can- 18:15 1946 Puszcza Niepolomice vs Miedz Legnica 2.94 3.26 2.36
plan all along from the first whistle celo wide on the right. Oblak got 18:45 3945 Al Faisaly (KSA) vs Al Qadisiyah 2.06 3.39 3.44
of the first leg. HAVING FALLEN FLAT IN MADRID a firm hand to it from close range 19:00 1780 MO Bejaia vs DRB Tadjenant 2.30 2.72 3.61
“The lads put in a great perfor- but Kuipers looked at his watch and
mance. They had technique, pre- IN THE FIRST LEG, THERE WAS signalled that the ball had indeed
MC Alger vs USM Alger
Benfica U23 vs Sporting CP U23 2.42
2.47 2.84
cision, aggression and it’s what we
had planned for the first leg, but I
NEVER A WORRY RONALDO crossed the line. Make it 24 in 32
against Atletico.
19:30 5754 Al Ahli Amman vs AL Tora 1.30 4.57 9.08

thought about it and made some WOULD MISS THE MARK AGAIN. Juventus lost the bite in their attack 19:45 4931 ACF Fiorentina vs Perugia 1.22 5.94 9.03

changes. We didn’t spread the play soon after as Atletico settled. The tie 20:00 3751 Naestved BK vs AaB Aalborg 4.18 3.65 1.80
enough,” he said. It’s really satisfy- comeback, for the time being, was was level, the hard work had largely 20:00 5101 Senglea Athletic vs ST Andrews 2.27 3.59 2.85
ing for the fans, the club, the players still to get going. Atletico thought the been done but Massimiliano Allegri’s 20:15 2429 Al Taawon vs Al Fateh (KSA) 1.58 4.15 5.15
themselves, as they know that they hard work was done in the first leg. men were going for the jugular. They 20:55 2116 Dynamo Kiev vs Chelsea 3.46 3.25 2.22
are a great team. Now we’ll focus on Sitting deep and allowing Juventus to wanted this to turn into a blood- 20:55 3480 FC Krasnodar vs Valencia 3.08 3.30 2.38
Serie A, getting the points we need to attack them presented no real danger bath. Paulo Dybala came on, as did 20:55 5222 RB Salzburg vs Napoli 2.38 3.58 2.87
reach the finish line, and then think initially with Oblak a passenger for 19-year-old striker Moise Kean and 21:00 5475 Vasco DA Gama RJ U20 vs CS Paraibano U20 1.26 5.44 8.03
about the Champions League.” large spells while the Italians huffed the latter could have sealed it mo-
21:30 2346 Bolamense FC DF vs Capital CF DF 7.01 4.62 1.35
Atletico manager Simeone, for his and puffed; it all soon unravelled. ments before Ronaldo did. The Italian
21:30 3223 Santa Quiteria MA vs Cordino MA 2.77 3.28 2.31
part, admitted they had lost because Then it came, Juanfran exposed had time, perhaps too much time,
Juventus were the better team on the and Ronaldo struck. The Portuguese to think about where the ball was 21:30 3232 US Sassuolo vs Benevento 1.59 3.99 4.56

night — helped by ‘the best player in has had plenty of experience against going. He kept his head down and 22:00 2037 Comunicaciones vs CA Fenix 2.73 2.83 2.94
the world’. He told Sky Italia: “I have him but at left back Juanfran looks drilled inches wide, but still wide. 22:00 2239 Colegiales vs Sacachispas FC 1.92 3.20 4.42
to congratulate Juve, because they seriously vulnerable and as Ronaldo Then came the drama. Bernan- 22:00 3887 Bogota FC vs Independiente Santa Fe 5.59 3.76 1.53
attacked very well. They did better put his leap to good use, the ball flew deschi weaved his way into the box, 22:00 5233 Deportivo Riestra vs UAI Urquiza 1.76 3.31 5.28
and deserved the victory. It’s true, past Oblak and the stadium erupted. was hauled down and the referee 22:05 4357 Deportivo Espanol vs Estudiantes BA 6.40 3.89 1.55
we made mistakes too, but they did Halfway there. needed no time to think. Certain 22:15 5730 Qormi vs Tarxien Rainbows 2.64 3.70 2.38
better tactically and on the second Ronaldo roared to the crowd to penalty. The look on Simeone’s face
22:30 3741 Chambly vs Laval 2.02 3.25 3.88
balls. Cristiano Ronaldo is the best in keep up the atmosphere. There was told the story. His side’s dream was,
23:00 1272 Inter vs Eintracht Frankfurt 2.31 3.39 3.12
the world, he can put in these perfor- never any worry that Atletico could once again, ruined by a certain Por-
mances on big nights. silence this lot. Federico Bernad- tuguese. This was a night written 23:00 3257 Villarreal vs Zenit St Petersburg 2.01 3.58 3.69

He will have seen how I did it [the eschi, selected to start ahead of Paulo for Ronaldo. A deep breathe out, his 23:00 3669 Slavia Prague vs Sevilla FC 3.55 3.61 2.05
cojones celebration] at the Wanda Dybala, enjoyed one of his finer per- cheeks moving as fast as his manag- 23:00 4278 Arsenal vs Rennes 1.34 5.35 8.83
Metropolitano and, like me, was try- formances in the black and white er’s feet on the touchline and he con- 23:00 4697 SL Benfica vs Dinamo Zagreb 1.51 4.21 6.75
ing to show his character.” Juventus shirt in recent memory as he proved verted as he has done so many times 23:30 1145 Jaguares de Cordoba vs Deportivo Pereira 1.94 3.32 3.52
started like a squad possessed. The a constant menace. So high was the over the years. friday 15 march 2019

01:00 5348 CA Penarol vs CD San Jose 1.24 5.63 12.86

01:15 2745 Cruzeiro vs Deportivo Lara 1.18 6.18 19.33
01:15 2759 Santa Cruz PE vs Central PE 2.57 3.28 2.46
01:15 5359 Sport Boys Warnes vs Blooming 2.86 3.55 2.28

PLAY & STAND A 02:00

Boavista vs Fluminense
CA Atlanta vs Barracas Central

03:00 1502 Atletico Pr vs Jorge Wilstermann 1.26 5.36 12.06
03:00 4421 Sporting Kansas City vs Atletico Independiente 1.25 5.57 10.88
04:00 4166 Juarez FC vs TR Veracruz 2.22 3.07 3.39
05:00 2188 SC Emelec vs Huracan 1.91 3.14 4.57
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Sharks’ Muluya tips
returning Kapaito to
clinch ‘Golden Boot’
bangi Sharks coach William Muluya
has tipped his striker, Erick Kapaito,
for the Golden Boot award after
watching the youngsters deliver
the all-important goal as they beat
Nzoia Sugar 1-0 at the Moi Stadium,
Kasarani yesterday.
And despite the six-goal deficit
between him and current top scorers,
Allan Wanga (Homeboyz) and Enosh
Ochieng (Ulinzi Stars), Muluya said
Kapaito is determined to challenge for
the individual award.
“I am happy he is scoring after en-
during a goal drought in the recent past
due to poor fitness levels. I am sure he
will catch up with the leading top scor-
ers and surpass them,” said Muluya.
“We played well especially in the first
half but struggled in the second. The
defence stood strong. Had we con-
verted our first half chances, then we
would have won by a bigger margin.”
Nzoia defenders had an afternoon
to forget in dealing with Sharks’ duo
of Kapaito and Sydney Lokale, who
pitched camp in their area in search of
goals. With the talented Duke Abuya

Proposal rejected
supplying ammunition to the two
forwards, Sharks invaded Nzoia’s area
at will with their well-rehearsed moves
but despite playing under pressure,
Nzoia firmly guarded their goal.
Speedy winger Harrison Mwendwa
squandered clear cut chances in the
sixth and 12th minutes but his shots
were well gathered by Humphrey
Katasi. Fast-rising Nzoia midfielder,

Tuwei calls for reinstatement of U18 championships and distance races

Patrick Otieno, whose services are
reportedly on demand by several clubs
in the ongoing transfer market, man-
aged a number of runs in the Sharks’
Junior women “It is not fair for the IAAF to do will be the first time the continen- area but was met with equal force
compete in the away with the U18 Champion- tals, set for between April 16 and by his markers.
BY CONSOLATA MAKOKHA 6km race during ships and CAA should not emu- 20 in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire will be Experienced forward Hansel
@Connie_Makokha the national late that. This competition acts as held side-by-side. Ochieng also tested Sharks’ goalkeep-
cross country an entry point for young athletes Tuwei said the championships er Brian Bwire twice in the 12th and
Athletics Kenya president Lieuten- trials at the into the world stage and I think the give opportunities to young run- 15th minute as Nzoia sought to rely on
ant General (Rtd) Jackson Tuwei Eldoret Sports IAAF should reconsider having it ners to gain exposure and no one, counter-attacks.
has implored the IAAF to re-install Club back,” noted Tuwei. not even the athletes themselves, As minutes ticked on the score-
the World U18 Championships to /ERICK BARASA Speaking as the chair of the East should rob other deserving run- board, Nzoia grew in confidence and
its calendar alongside 5,000m and Africa Athletics, Tuwei said: “This ners this chance. neutralised Sharks play but their hopes
10,000m race in the IAAF Diamond region has been producing the best “Here, age cheating is not only of getting the first goal ahead of the
League circuit. runners in the middle and long about reducing, but also adding so hosts were put off in the 19th minute as
In Monday’s IAAF Council meet- distance races hence I do not sup- that a much younger athlete can be Kapaito put the ball past the line from
ing, it was revealed that, from next port the omission of 5,000m and considered in the competitions,” he Lokale’s fine run.
year, the Diamond League will in- 10,000m from the Diamond League. said, adding: “Let a child be a child!
clude the very best 12 meetings, It is unfair.” Let us give exposure to them in their
leading to a single final at the end of Meanwhile, Tuwei has sounded rightful age groups whenever op-
Edition 3525

the season. 24 disciplines ( 12 male a warning to athletes and coaches portunities arise.
and 12 female) will run across the over age cheating with national U18 “Fielding an over/underage ath-
12 meetings and the final, with the and U20 teams trials set for March 21 lete into these competitions will
longest discipline being the 3000m. and 22 at the Moi Stadium, Kasarani. translate into denying a deserving
This means both the 5,000m and A total of 52 athletes will be runner somewhere a chance to
10,000m will miss out of the circuit picked to represent the country at gather experience. We will go the
entirely, knocking some of the re- the third edition of U18 and 14th distance to establish the truth if
gion’s best runners off the rich list. U20 CAA championships. This any cases arise.”

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