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Journal of Applied Geophysics 111 (2014) 299–311

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Gravity analysis of the Precambrian basement topography associated

with the northern boundary of Ghadames Basin (southern Tunisia)
Mohamed Dhaoui a,b,f, Hakim Gabtni b, Chokri Jallouli c,f, Ali Jleilia d,
Kevin Lee Mickus e, Mohamed Moncef Turki f
Office National des Mines, ONM, Tunisia
Georessources Laboratory, Centre de Recherches et des Technologies des Eaux, BO 273, 8020, Soliman, CERTE, Tunisia
Department of Geology and Geophysics, College of Sciences, King Saud University, P.O. Box. 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
Entreprise Tunisienne des Activités Pétrolières, ETAP, Tunisia
Department of Geosciences, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 65897, United States
Geological Department, Faculty of Sciences, University Tunis El Manar, Campus Universitaire, 2092 Manar 2, Tunis, Tunisia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Gravity data were analyzed to determine the structural development of the northern boundary of the Ghadames
Received 30 June 2014 Basin in southern Tunisia. The Ghadames Basin which also occurs in eastern Algeria and northwestern Libya is
Accepted 14 October 2014 one of the most prolific hydrocarbon producers in North Africa with several of the largest oil fields occurring
Available online 28 October 2014
along its northern boundary. The Ghadames Basin was formed during a series of tectonic events ranging from
the Early Paleozoic to the Early Cenozoic. These tectonic events produced a basin in southern Tunisia that has a
Gravity analysis
complex basement configuration which is not completely known. A residual gravity anomaly map constructed
Precambrian basement using polynomial trend surfaces, and vertical and horizontal gravity derivative maps indicate that the northern
Ghadames Basin boundary contains a series of maxima and minima anomalies that trend in two prominent directions:
Tunisia northeast–southwest and east–west. The horizontal and vertical derivative gravity anomaly maps indicate that
the width of the basement structures range between 10 and 20 km in width. Three-dimensional (3D) Euler
deconvolution and 3D forward modeling constrained by well data, one seismic reflection profile and
remote sensing data confirm the width of the basement structures and indicates that the depth of basin varies
between 1.5 and 5 km, with deeper sections in general more numerous in the southern sections of the boundary.
The gravity analysis constrained by the seismic reflection profile and well data implies that the basement topog-
raphy may have been formed during the Pan African and/or late Mesozoic rifting. However, additional seismic
reflection and well data are needed to confirm this conclusion. The discovery of the numerous basement
structures suggests that there may exist additional hydrocarbon traps within the northern boundary of the
Ghadames Basin.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction zone between formed during the Pan African orogeny. During the Mid-
dle to Late Paleozoic, a series of collisions (Taconic, Caledonian and
The Ghadames Basin is a large sedimentary encompassing over Hercynian orogenies) occurred between Africa and Laurentia that influ-
350,000 km2 located in southern Tunisia, eastern Algeria and northwest- enced the structural development of the basin (Echikh, 1998; Gauthier
ern Libya (Fig. 1) (Echikh, 1998; Gauthier et al., 2003). The Ghadames et al., 2003). The most important of these tectonic events were two
Basin is one of a series of sedimentary basins formed on the early Paleo- phases of the Herycynian orogeny during the late Paleozoic where
zoic passive margin (Saharan Platform) that stretches from Morocco to large scale thrusting aided in deepening the basin through flexural de-
Egypt (Boote et al., 1998). While the Ghadames Basin has previously pression (Bishop, 1975; Echikh, 1998). During the early Mesozoic,
been considered to be an intracratonic sag basin (Echikh, 1998; Klett, rifting was associated with the opening of the Tethyan Ocean and this
2000),recent detailed studies of the structures within the basin suggest led to the development of a series of en echelon normal faults and tilted
that the basin has a far more complex formation history involving a blocks with the subsequent deepening of portions of the basin (Echikh,
series of compressional and extensional tectonic events (Gauthier 1998). During early Aptian time, deformation caused localized uplifts
et al., 2003). and strike-slip faulting (Rossi et al., 2002). Renewed subsidence oc-
The earliest formation of the basin involved the Pan African orogeny curred in the late Aptian that resulted in the deposition of carbonates
in the Late Precambrian where Cambrian and Ordovican sediments and evaporates (Boote et al., 1998). The Alpine orogeny which caused
were deposited within small-scale rift basins formed along a suture large scale deformation to the north of the Ghadames Basin, only
0926-9851/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
300 M. Dhaoui et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 111 (2014) 299–311

structural highs (e.g., Telemzane High (Fig. 1)) surrounding a central

depression that contains over 6000 m of Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedi-
ments (Klett, 2000).
This study concerns the basement structure of the northern sections
of the Ghadames Basin in southern Tunisia and its relationship to petro-
leum exploration. The northern boundary of the Ghadames Basin in
Tunisia consists of the Telemzane High (Fig. 1) which is a basement up-
lift. The Telemzane High is distinguished by gently dipping Paleozoic
strata truncated by the Hercynian unconformity overlain by Mesozoic
strata (Fig. 2) (Ben Ferjani et al., 1990). Previous studies using well
and magnetic data within the northern boundary have shown this re-
gion to consist of a series of normal faults that controlled the subsidence
of the basin (Acheche et al., 2001; Gabtni et al., 2006; Gabtni et al.,
The goal of this work is to use detailed gravity data constrained by
geological and remote sensing data to determine the basement struc-
ture and to locate Precambrian basement topography irregularities.
These features are then related to petroleum exploration in terms of
petroleum migration paths and the location of petroleum traps. A pre-
liminary gravity analysis showed that all the major oil and gas fields
along the northern boundary of the Ghadames Basin are located on pos-
itive gravity anomalies (Gabtni et al., 2012). A variety of enhancement
techniques including upward continuation, polynomial trend surfaces,
3D Euler deconvolution and 3D forward modeling will be used to ac-
complish the above goals.

2. Geopetroleum setting

Fig. 1. Tectonic elements within Tunisia, eastern Algeria and northwestern Libya (adapted The Ghadames Basin is one of the largest petroleum producing ba-
from Bishop, 1975). Also shown is the location of the Ghadames Basin and the study area. sins in Tunisia, Algeria and Libya where over 3.5 billion bbl of recover-
able oil has been discovered (Acheche et al., 2001; Galeazzi et al.,
produced subtle folding of the sediments within the Ghadames Basin 2010). Within Tunisia, the largest oil and/or gas fields include the El
(Rossi et al., 2002). The combination of the above tectonic events in Borma, Debbech, Larich, Makhrougha, and Chouich es Saida (Fig. 3)
the Ghadames Basin region resulted in a series of fault-bounded where the recoverable reserves are located mainly in middle Triassic

Fig. 2. Geological map of the study area superimposed over a shaded elevation relief map (adapted from Ben Ferjani et al., 1990). Major cities are shown and these cities are shown in
subsequent maps. The inset shows the location of the study area within southern Tunisia. The remaining maps cover the same study area as the inset. The coordinate system is UTM
zone 32N using the WGS84 datum and is used for all the maps.
M. Dhaoui et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 111 (2014) 299–311 301

Fig. 3. Topographic map of the study area showing the location of the major hydrocarbon fields (green) and deep wells. Also shown are the location of profiles (A–B, C–D yellow dots) that
shows a cross section from a 3D gravity model. The orange profile (SP) is the location of a seismic reflection profile shown in Fig. 13. (For interpretation of the references to color in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 4. Geologic cross section along profile A–B (Fig. 3) based on wells OS1 and SN1 along the northern border of Ghadames Basin.
302 M. Dhaoui et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 111 (2014) 299–311

sandstones but additional reserves are known in Devonian and 3. Gravity analysis
Silurian sandstones (Acheche et al., 2001; Echikh, 1998; Troudi
et al., 2003). Additionally, there are Carboniferous producing units 3.1. Gravity data
within the fluvial channel sandstones in Libya (Frohlich et al.,
2010) but to date, the petroleum potential of these Carboniferous The gravity data, obtained from the Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités
units is unknown in Tunisia. Pétrolières (ETAP) who has collected gravity data within the study area
The general stratigraphy of the northern border of Ghadames Basin since the 1970's, are shown in Fig. 5. The data were tied to the Interna-
is shown in Fig. 4 (Ben Ferjani et al., 1990; Bishop, 1975). The Cambrian tional Gravity Standardization Net (IGSN71) using the absolute base
and Ordovician units represent mainly fluvial sandstones that are station in Sfax, Tunisia. The gravity data which totaled 1500 stations
interfingered with transgressive marine shales. The Taconian unconfor- have an average station spacing of 2 km and are evenly distributed
mity separates the Ordovocian units from the early Silurian units, with allowing for a detailed analysis of the deeper basement structures
the early Silurian being represented by the thick marine black shales along the northern boundary of the Ghadames Basin. All the data were
of the Tannezuft Formation. The Devonian units above the Caledonian merged and reduced using the 1967 International Gravity formula
unconformity include continental and shallow-marine sandstones and (Morelli, 1996). Free Air and Bouguer gravity corrections were made
shales. The Triassic units above the Hercynian unconformity consist using sea level as a datum and 2.67 g/cm3 as a reduction density. The
of basal Triassic fluvial–deltaic deposits (TAGI Formation), and older Bouguer gravity anomaly data were gridded at a 1 km spacing and
carbonates and evaporates. The Triassic formations overlie Cambrian– contoured to produce a Bouguer gravity anomaly map (Fig. 6).
Ordovician formations on the Telemzan High and Devonian formations
in the central basin area. Jurassic to lower Cretaceous rocks contain 3.2. Bouguer and residual gravity analysis
mainly carbonates and fluvial sediments capped by the regional Alpine
unconformity. The upper Cretaceous units include carbonates and The purpose of this study is to analyze the gravity data to determine
dolomites. the basement structure along the northern boundary of the Ghadames
To date, the majority of the oil production has been from Triassic Basin and relate these structures to potential hydrocarbon systems. At
reservoirs which are dominated by the fluvial sandstones of the TAGI first glance, the Bouguer gravity anomaly map (Fig. 6) indicates a grad-
Formation. The TAGI reservoirs are located in the northern Ghadames ual decrease in gravity values toward the south and southwest from the
Basin within the El Borma, Makrougha and Larich oil fields (Echikh, Telezman High. The source for this gradual decrease in the gravity field
1998). The TAGI Formation is widespread within the Ghadames Basin is probably the thickening of the Mesozoic and Paleozoic sediments as
with producing oil fields are also located in eastern Algeria where they indicated by a structural contour map on top of the late Ordovician sed-
are found in a linear trend southwest from the El Borma field in iments (Echikh, 1998; Gabtni et al., 2006). Additionally, a portion of this
Tunisia (Rossi et al., 2002). These oil fields in eastern Algeria represent gravity decrease is caused by the thickening of the crust from north to
the most important recently discovered petroleum systems in North south in Tunisia (Jallouli and Mickus, 2000). However, this gravity gra-
Africa (Rossi et al., 2002). The TAGI Formation outcrops along the north- dient has several short wavelength gravity maxima superimposed on
ern boundary of the Ghadames Basin but the outcrops are discontinuous it implying that, assuming the anomalies may be caused by basement
and are generally covered by sand. An optical and radar remote sensing structures, the basin has a variable thickness and is not a simple sag
analysis indicated that the TAGI Formation contains numerous structur- basin. Such an anomaly pattern is expected given the complicated tec-
al features (folds and faults) that might be related to trapping mecha- tonic history of basin formation (Echikh, 1998).
nisms in the subsurface and thus these surface structures could be The Bouguer gravity field is relatively as evidenced by the nine grav-
useful when analyzing geophysical data in locating future exploratory ity minima representing possible subbasins or grabens (labeled AN1 to
wells (Pena and Abdelsalam, 2006). AN9 in Fig. 6) and 11 maxima representing possible uplifts or horsts
Lower Silurian and upper Devonian shales and mudstones are (labeled AP1 to AP11 in Fig. 6). The gravity maxima and minima are
thought to be the primary source rocks for the all the producing units expressed by different wavelength anomalies superimposed on a longer
within the Ghadames Basin (Echikh, 1998; Rossi et al., 2002; Van de wavelength anomaly caused by either the crustal thickening and/or
Weerd and Ware, 1994). In many parts of the basin, the source rocks sediment thickening to the south and southwest. Since we are interest-
are in direct contact with the Triassic reservoir units (Rossi et al., ed in gravity anomalies caused by structures within the basin, a
2002) and thus are thought to be the source of the oil fields. Basin regional-residual gravity anomaly separation should be attempted to
modeling has indicated that in the western sections of the basin most isolate the gravity anomaly due to the basin and the structures within
of petroleum generation occurred within the lower Silurian shales and the basin which is traditionally called the residual gravity anomaly
the petroleum was formed and migrated during the Hercynian orogeny (Jacobsen, 1987). In formal terms, the observed field, f0, is the sum of
(Underdown and Redfern, 2007). Within the central sections of the the regional field, freg, the residual field, fres, and aggregate noise fnoise,
basin, the upper Devonian mudstones are the main source rocks and
the petroleum was generated in Cretaceous time (Underdown and f 0 ðr Þ ¼ freg ðr Þ þ fresðr Þ þ f noiseðrÞ ð1Þ
Redfern, 2007).
Basin modeling has been important in determining the timing of were r is the location of gravity field.
hydrocarbon maturation and expulsion of the Silurian source rocks There are a number of techniques that can accomplish the regional-
(Underdown et al., 2007). Underdown et al. (2007) showed that the residual anomaly separation including spectral wavelength filtering,
Hercynian and Alpine orogenies had the biggest influence in the gener- upward continuation and polynomial trend surfaces. While these tech-
ation and expulsion of the hydrocarbons. The migration of the hydrocar- niques will produce regional (e.g., longer wavelengths) and residual
bons during these events required petroleum traps which in the (e.g., shorter wavelengths) anomalies, the spectral wavelength methods
northern Ghadames Basin are frequently structural traps including gen- usually cannot completely separate out the regional and residual com-
tle dipping anticlines with normal and reverse faults, and uplifted base- ponents due to spectral overlap (Beltrao et al., 1991; Ulrych, 1968).
ment blocks (Echikh, 1998). The basement involved traps within the The polynomial trend surface and continuation methods are mathemat-
northern Ghadames Basin involves two different lithologies and ical methods that may not produce the “true” regional gravity anomaly
uplifted blocks. Precambrian granite has been encountered in the SN1 but they are more likely to produce regional and residual anomalies that
well (Fig. 4) at a depth of 3966.4 m and Precambrian quartzite has are supported by geological and geophysical evidence (Beltrao et al.,
been encountered in wells Ra-1 and LA-2 (Fig. 4) at depths of 3796 m 1991; Jacobsen, 1987). For our analysis, we used polynomial trend sur-
and 4024 m depths respectively. faces and upward continuation, to approximate a regional gravity
M. Dhaoui et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 111 (2014) 299–311 303

Fig. 5. Gravity station locations within the study area showing the range of Bouguer gravity values for each station.

anomaly which was then removed from the Bouguer gravity anomalies the general form of the regional gravity field. Since we are interested
to produce residual gravity anomalies. in removing gravity fields produced by density contrasts deeper than
To use polynomial trend surfaces or upward continuation to deter- the basement/basin interface, usually the only constraints available
mine a regional gravity field, one must have constraints to estimate are deep seismic studies. In the Ghadames Basin region, Jallouli and

Fig. 6. Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the study area. Also shown are solid white lines that trend through the center of gravity maxima, dashed white lines trending through the center of
gravity minima, and well location. AP and AN are labels for the solid and dashed white lines, respectively. Contour interval is 0.5 mGal.
M. Dhaoui et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 111 (2014) 299–311
Fig. 7. A. Upward continuation of the Bouguer gravity field to 30 km. B, C, and D are first, second and third polynomial trend surfaces of the Bouguer gravity field. These maps represent regional gravity fields.
M. Dhaoui et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 111 (2014) 299–311 305

Mickus (2000) based on gravity modeling and one north-south seismic 3.3. Vertical/horizontal gravity derivative analysis
refraction profile shows that the upper and lower crusts thicken to-
ward the south, so a regional gravity anomaly that gradually de- Another common method to analyze potential field data are deriva-
creases toward the south would be expected. The3D configuration tives where either vertical derivatives, horizontal derivatives or some
of the crustal thickness under the Ghadames Basin is unknown due combination of both (e.g., analytic signals) is applied to map data to
to the lack of deep seismic studies (Jallouli and Mickus, 2000). better locate density contrasts in the subsurface (Verduzco et al.,
Additionally, since the study area covers a small region, the upper 2004). Derivative methods are most effective when analyzing shallow
and lower crustal configurations should be approximated by a low depth sources and geologic bodies with large density contrasts
order polynomial. Thus, to estimate the regional gravity field, first-, (Cooper and Cowan, 2004). Both vertical and horizontal derivatives
second- and third-order polynomial trend surfaces were calculated are useful but can provide different information about the density
(Fig. 7b, c and d). Additionally, an upward continuation of the Bouguer sources as horizontal derivatives are better suited to located or enhance
gravity field was calculated to a height of 30 km above the observation the edge of a body (Blakely and Simpson, 1986; Cordell, 1979), while
surface (Fig. 7a). Jacobsen (1987) showed that such a height may vertical derivatives are useful in narrowing the width of the anomalies
represent density variations at a depth of 15 km. Continuation so that the source body can be better located (Cooper and Cowan,
heights corresponding to the crustal thickness depths (~35 km) were 2004; Marson and Klingele, 1993). Additionally, vertical derivatives
attempted but did not produce anomalies that decreased toward the may enhance shallower sources better than the horizontal derivative
south or southwest. (Marson and Klingele, 1993). However, to obtain depth estimates to a
The second-order polynomial trend surface (Fig. 7c) and the 30 km source body, one has to apply some type of two-dimensional (2D) or
upward continuation gravity field (Fig. 7a) roughly agree in shape and three-dimensional (3D) derivative method such as analytic signal or
amplitude. This agreement suggests that either regional gravity field Euler deconvolution. Additionally, the vertical gravity derivative has
may represent a reasonable regional gravity field for the study area. To been shown to provide information on the location of source bodies in
determine the residual gravity field, both of the above regional fields the case of interfering gravity anomalies (Marson and Klingele, 1993)
were subtracted from the Bouguer gravity field and Fig. 8 shows the re- and this method works best when the density boundaries are vertical.
sidual gravity anomaly map obtained using a second-order polynomial Grauch and Cordell (1987) showed the limitations of the horizontal deriv-
surface. The residual gravity anomaly field is similar to the Bouguer ative method especially when the source boundary is dipping, where the
gravity field (Fig. 6), however a detailed investigation of this map horizontal derivative maximum is offset from the boundary which may
indicates that the gravity minima and maxima are more pronounced also be caused by other factors including station spacing. So, in any case,
and the amplitudes are more indicative of the gravity anomalies caused the interpretation of the vertical and horizontal gravity derivative maps
by density variations within the basin. The residual gravity anomaly is not straightforward and one needs outside constraints (e.g., geology,
map outlines, like Bouguer gravity map, 9 gravity minima (named seismic data) to obtain geological meaningful interpretations.
AN1 to AN9 in Fig. 8) and 11 gravity maxima (named AP1 to AP11 in Fig. 9 shows the vertical gravity derivative of the residual gravity
Fig. 8). anomaly map of the study area. To aid in the interpretation of the

Fig. 8. Residual gravity anomaly map of the study area based on the removal of a second order polynomial trend surface (Fig. 7c). Also shown are solid white lines that trend through the
center of gravity maxima, dashed white lines trending through the center of gravity minima, and well locations. AP and AN are labels for the solid and dashed white lines, respectively. Also
shown are wells within the study area. Contour interval is 0.5 mGal.
306 M. Dhaoui et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 111 (2014) 299–311

Fig. 9. First vertical derivative of the residual gravity anomalies (Fig. 8). Also shown are solid white lines that trend through the center of vertical gravity derivative maxima, dashed white
lines trending through the center of vertical gravity derivative minima, and well locations. AP and AN are labels for the solid and dashed white lines, respectively. Contour interval is 0.001

Fig. 10. Magnitude of the horizontal derivatives of the residual gravity anomalies (Fig. 8). Solid black lines are drawn through the center of the horizontal derivative maxima. Also shown
are solid white lines that trend through the center of vertical gravity derivative maxima, dashed white lines trending through the center of vertical gravity derivative minima, and well
locations. Contour interval is 0.001 mGal/km.
M. Dhaoui et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 111 (2014) 299–311 307

anomalies, solid and dashed white lines were drawn through maxima least three to four times greater than the depths one wants to deter-
and minima anomalies that were roughly linear. The main advantage mined (Hussein et al., 2012). The radially average power density spec-
of vertical gravity derivative map is to outline the location of density trum is then plotted on log plot (Fig. 11) and best-fit straight lines are
sources within the regions (AN1 to AN9, AP1 to AP11) that were outline estimated through “obvious” linear segments on the plot (Tanaka
on Fig. 8. et al., 1999) (Fig. 11). The slope of these line segments provides
The magnitude of the horizontal gravity derivative using residual estimates of the depths to the interface with lower wavenumbers
gravity anomalies (Fig. 8) was calculated using north–south and east– representing deeper interfaces.
west directional derivatives. The magnitude of the horizontal gravity Fig. 11 shows an example of the power spectrum analysis. One prob-
gradient is given by (Blakely and Simpson, 1986): lem with using the spectral methods is determining what wavenumbers
to use in fitting a straight line as slight variations in the slope can lead to
∂gðx; yÞ 2 ∂gðx; yÞ 2 different depths (Ravat et al., 2007). To determine the variation in the
HGGMðx; yÞ ¼ þ 2 depths to density interfaces, we measured the wavenumber slopes at
∂x ∂y
three different locations for each segment. By performing this analysis,
    we estimated that the largest error in the depths was less than 0.2 km
∂gðx;yÞ 2 ∂gðx;yÞ 2
where ∂x
þ ∂y
are the north–south and east–west direction for the deepest interface. Fig. 11 shows that there are three obvious
derivatives, respectively. Fig. 10 shows magnitude of the horizontal linear segments with depths at 4, 2 and 1 km. Based on well data, we es-
gravity derivative of the residual gravity anomaly map of the study timate that the 4 km depths represent the deeper basement regions,
area. The maxima are highlighted with solid black lines and to compare 2 km represents shallower basement depths and 1 km represents the
with the results from the vertical gravity derivative map. Mesozoic/Paleozoic sediment interface.
The derivative analysis indicates that the majority of the high ampli- Euler deconvolution is a commonly applied method to analyze grav-
tude anomalies trend either northeast–southwest or east–west (Figs. 9 ity and magnetic for either 2D (Thompson, 1982) or 3D (Reid et al.,
and 10). As shown below in the modeling section, we believe that these 1990) source geometries. Euler deconvolution is based on Euler's homo-
anomalies are caused by Precambrian basement topography. The deriv- geneity equation and can be used like the power spectrum method, as a
ative maps (Figs. 9 and 10) indicate that the widths of the source bodies fast approach to estimate the depth and geometry of the density sources
are relatively narrow (between 10 and 20 km). The vertical derivative (Reid et al., 1990). We used the method of Reid et al. (1990) on the re-
map indicates that a majority of the basement blocks are not continuous sidual gravity anomalies to delineate the depths and geometries of the
as a positive derivative trend is actually composed of a series of linear source bodies. In order to obtain depth solutions, two parameters had
maxima. This can be seen especially on anomalies AP5, AP7 and AP6 to be considered for calculations: the size of a moving window and
on Fig. 9. Now this feature may be caused by noise in the data, however, the structural or shape index. The size of the moving window is similar
as shown below, 3D modeling of the residual gravity anomalies indi- to methods applying moving averages (Gotze and Krause, 2007) and to
cates that this may be a true feature of the basement structure. the size of the window which determines the size of the source that
could be analyzed. The structural index varies from a point source, line
3.4. Power spectrum and 3D Euler deconvolution analysis source, plane-shaped or a block (3D source). When applying the Euler
deconvolution method, one usually uses a variety of window sizes and
Spectral methods have been commonly used in the analysis of po- structure indexes to determine which combination of window size
tential field data to provide first-order depth estimates to density and and structural index produces results that agree with the available con-
magnetic susceptibility interfaces (e.g., Blakely, 1988; Dorman and straints. The method produces a series of points that estimate the loca-
Lewis, 1970; Shuey et al., 1977; Tselentis et al., 1988). They have been tion of density sources. There are a number of variations on the 3D Euler
most commonly used in the analysis of magnetic data to estimate the deconvolution method such as the use of multiple vertical sources
depth to the Curie isothermal point (e.g., Bouligand et al., 2009; Shuey (Hansen and Suciu, 2002) and derivatives of the gravity field
et al., 1977; Tanaka et al., 1999) to provide estimates of the regional (e.g., Debeglia and Corpel, 1997). However, we used the most common
heat flow regime. The spectral method assumes that the density or mag- method (Reid et al., 1990) where the 3D Euler's equation is defined as
netic susceptibility boundaries are essentially horizontal interfaces. To
estimate spectrally determined depths, a radially averaged 2D power ∂gðx; y; zÞ ∂gðx; y; zÞ ∂gðx; y; zÞ
x þy þz þ ŋgðx; y; zÞ ð3Þ
density spectrum is calculated over a region and in our case we used ∂x ∂y ∂z
the entire region shown in Fig. 6. The depths that are determined de- ∂gðx; y; zÞ ∂gðx; y; zÞ ∂gðx; y; zÞ
¼ xo þ yo þ zo þ ŋb
pend on the size of the region that is analyzed. The size must be at ∂x ∂y ∂z

Fig. 11. Example of the gravity power spectrum analysis. Dashed lines represent the best fit line tangent to the linear segments.
308 M. Dhaoui et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 111 (2014) 299–311

where ∂gð∂x
x;y;zÞ ∂gðx;y;zÞ
, ∂y and ∂gðx;y;z
are the derivatives of the gravity field in northern boundary of the Ghadames Basin. The model was constructed
the x, y and z directions, (xo, yo, and zo) is the position of the gravity using a 3D forward modeling algorithm that calculates the gravitational
source, b is the regional gravity value to be estimated and ŋ is the structur- attraction due to an ensemble of right, rectangular prisms (Nagy, 1966).
al index. By considering four or more neighboring gravity values on a grid, The model was constructed using the residual gravity anomalies
the source location (xo, yo, and zo) and b can be computed by solving a lin- (Fig. 8). Since gravity modeling is nonunique, constraints must be used
ear system of equations. Then by moving the window to the next grid lo- to obtain geologically reasonable models. Rock densities of the Mesozoic,
cations, multiple solutions for the same source are can be obtained. Paleozoic and Precambrian lithologies, and depths to the Paleozoic and
For the northern boundary of the Ghadames Basin, we found that the Precambrian lithologies were estimated from well logs. The depth of the
best fit to the residual gravity anomaly data occurred using a window various units was estimated from one seismic reflection profile (Figs. 3
size of 10 grid points. This grid size was determined by trial and error and 13). Additionally, the location of structural lineaments determined
with smaller window sizes emphasizing shallow, local density sources from remote sensing data (Pena and Abdelsalam, 2006) was used to con-
and larger window sizes not providing depth information on density strain the locations of structural elements. The model was broken up into
sources within the basin. The structural index was chosen after deter- three layers: 1) Mesozoic sediments (2.60 g/cc), 2) Paleozoic sediments
mining an optimum window size. All structural indexes were attempted (2.57–2.72 g/cc) and Precambrian lithologies (2.76 g/cc). The gravity
and a structural index of 0 (3D bodies) was chosen as the results were model was calculated for the region shown in Fig. 6.
similar to the power spectrum results. Pena and Abdelsalam (2006) analyzed Landsat Enhanced Thematic
Fig. 11 shows the results of the 3D Euler deconvolution analysis. The Mapper (EM+), Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection
depths to the density sources varied between 1 and 5 km. The majority Radiometer (ASTER), radar (RADARSAT), and Digital Elevation Models
of the depths were greater than 2 km implying that most of the depth (DEMs) derived from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) to
sources are related to the top of the Precambrian basement. Well data determine the spatial location of surface geology units and lineaments
indicate that the shallowest depth to the basement is approximately possibly related to near surface structural features. EM+ and ASTER
1.5 km. Even though there are deeper sources throughout the basin, data were fused to produce band and band-ratio images that were used
the deeper portions are concentrated in the southern and in the to identify lithological units ground truthed from surface geological
north–central portions of the study area. Within the central portions studies (Ali et al., 1985; Bishop, 1975). The RADARSAT data were used
of the study area, there are large regions with shallower basement to trace these geological units under the regions covered by thin
depths (2–3 km-green color in Fig. 12). This analysis shows that the (b 1 m) sand. These remote sensing-based geological units were used
basin has a complex basement with no region that can be considered to constrain our gravity models. The lineament analysis was performed
the basin's deepest portion as the basement depths occur in basically by analyzing the DEMs using hill-shading techniques (Sabins, 1997) to
north–northeast and east–west trending regions. determine linear features. Additionally, the RADARSAT was analyzed
for linear features under thin (b1 m) sands. While the lineament anal-
ysis produced a multitude of linear features, those that correlated
4. Gravity modeling and discussion with geophysically and/or geologically derived structural features
(Montgomery, 1994) were interpreted to be structural lineaments.
To quantify the interpretations of the Bouguer and residual gravity These lineaments were used to help constrain near surface structural
anomalies discussed above, we constructed a 3D gravity model of the elements in our gravity models.

Fig. 12. Locations of the 3D Euler deconvolution solutions within the Ghadames Basin in Tunisia and surrounding regions. The solutions were found using a window size of 10 grid cells, and
a structure index of 0. Circles with plus signs-well locations. The black, white and dashed-white lines are the same as shown in Figs. 7 and 8.
M. Dhaoui et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 111 (2014) 299–311 309

(Fig. 13). The uplift of the Precambrian basement shown on the seismic
reflection profile is on the northwest edge of large amplitude gravity
maximum (Fig. 8) which implies that the amount of uplift is greater
over this anomaly than is shown on Fig. 8. The gravity model (Fig. 15)
through this region indicates at least 0.5 km of offset. This complex
basement topography is probably caused by deep faults offsetting the
basement and probably the overlying sediments. However, the one seis-
mic reflection profile that was available does not indicate any offset on
the Triassic and younger sediments. At best, there is possible doming of
the overlying Paleozoic and lower Triassic units. To determine if this
scenario is repeated throughout the basin, additional seismic reflection
and well data are needed as gravity data alone cannot determine these
The analysis of the residual and Bouguer gravity field of the northern
boundary of the Ghadames Basin in Tunisia by a variety of interpreta-
tional methods aided in delineating its basement structure. From
these analyses, the depth to the basement is highly variable ranging
from approximately 1.5 to 5 km with the depths being controlled by
faulting probably in the Precambrian units. The deepest sections occur
both in the southern and northern portions of the study area (Fig. 13).
The trend of the basement structures is highly variable as determined
Fig. 13. Interpreted seismic reflection profile (SP) whose location is shown on Fig. 3. Well by the derivative analyses (Figs. 9, 10 and 12), however these trends
PGA1 is shown on the profile.
agree with those found by a remote sensing analysis (Pena and
Adapted from Howell and Shoemaker (1981)
Abdelsalam, 2006). The major trends follow two prominent directions:
northeast–southwest and east–west. This finding is not surprising given
The final model was obtained through a trial-and-error process until the complex tectonic basin development history.
the predicted gravity values matched the residual gravity anomalies The faults controlling the basement structure were formed by one or
using the above constraints. The final model is not unique but is a rea- more the tectonic events listed in the introduction. While the gravity
sonable model given the available constraints. The model was con- data alone cannot distinguish which events caused the structures, we
structed to confirm the derivative, power spectrum and 3D Euler can speculate on their origin based on the tectonic structures formed
deconvolution analysis which suggested that the basin was structurally by these events in surrounding regions. The gravity analysis has im-
complex. proved our knowledge about the basement topography and suggests
Two cross sections are shown and they both indicate that the base- that the northern flank of Ghadames complex basin is controlled by un-
ment depth is highly variable ranging in depth 1.8 to 4.3 km (Figs. 14 known deep faults related to Pan African orogeny or Mesozoic rifting
and 15) which essentially agrees with the 3D Euler deconvolution re- during the opening of the Tethys Sea. This analysis updates the geome-
sults (Fig. 12) that indicate that the basin has a complex and highly var- try of the Ghadames Basin and their hydrocarbon habitat and provides
iable basement structure. The seismic reflection profile, while short in new ideas regarding all elements responsible for the oil and gas
length, indicates that there are significant variations (at least 0.25 km distribution. The development of the northeast–southwest trending
based on a seismic velocity of 2.5 km/sec) in the depth to basement structures could have been caused by one or more tectonic events

Fig. 14. A north–south cross-section (A–B on Fig. 3) of the 3D gravity model. Wells OS1 and SN1 are shown on the cross section. The cross-section consists of three layers: Mesozoic sed-
iments, Paleozoic sediments and Precambrian lithologies.
310 M. Dhaoui et al. / Journal of Applied Geophysics 111 (2014) 299–311

Fig. 15. A north–south cross-section (C–D on Fig. 3) of the 3D gravity model. Wells PGA1 and BZ1 are shown on the cross section. The cross-section consists of three layers: Mesozoic sed-
iments, Paleozoic sediments and Precambrian lithologies.

(Badalini et al., 2002; Coward and Ries, 2003). Throughout north–north- 5. Conclusions
west Africa, northeast-trending rift structures are found that is related
to Pan African rifting during the Ordovician. Additionally, northeast- The analysis of gravity data combined with well data and one seis-
trending thrust faults associated with the Late Paleozoic Hercynian mic reflection profile along the northern boundary of the Ghadames
orogeny are found throughout northwest Africa (Coward and Ries, Basin in southern Tunisia indicated that the boundary consists of a com-
2003). These thrust faults emplaced large amounts of crustal material plex of basement highs and lows. Residual gravity anomaly, and vertical
onto the African crust causing flexure within the Ghadames Basin and horizontal derivative maps indicated that these highs and lows are
region. This flexure produced a series of northeast-trending normal between 10 and 20 km wide and trend in two major directions: north-
faults that controlled the thickness of the basin. Lastly, Mesozoic rifting east–southwest and east–west. A 3D Euler deconvolution and 3D for-
that caused the opening of the Tethyan Ocean produced a series of ward modeling of the residual gravity anomalies indicated that the
northeast-trending grabens in the Ghadames Basin region (Coward thickness of the basin varies between 1.5 and 5 km with thicker regions
and Ries, 2003). From the gravity analysis we cannot determine which in the northern and southern portions of the northern boundary of the
one (or more) of these events was responsible for the formation of the basin. Even though the basin was formed by a series of tectonic events
northeast-trending gravity anomalies, especially since we are speculat- ranging from the Early Paleozoic to the Early Cenozoic, the gravity anal-
ing that the gravity anomalies are caused mainly by varying basement ysis without additional constraints could not determine which of these
topography. The seismic reflection profile indicates that the uplift of events were mainly responsible for the complex basement topography.
the Precambrian may have affected the overlying Paleozoic and possibly However based on the one seismic reflection profile, the basement to-
the Triassic sediments (Fig. 13). If this is true, the major movement of pography may have formed by either the Pan African orogeny and/or
the Precambrian faults may have occurred in the late Mesozoic. To con- late Mesozoic rifting. The gravity analysis has important petroleum ex-
firm this model, additional well or seismic reflection data is needed to ploration implications as several major oil fields in Triassic sediments
show if there is a variable thickness of the Mesozoic formations. The occur in the northern boundary mainly within structural traps and
north–south structures may have been formed by north–south trending there are several additional structural features (blocks and faults) with-
strike-slip faulting that occurred during the Late Apian time (Coward in the northern boundary that may contain additional hydrocarbon
and Ries, 2003). accumulations.
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fields within the Triassic TAGI Formation (Fig. 3) and these are mainly
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