SAP Business One Finanacial Year End Document

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Prepared for:

SAP Business One Clients

Prepared and presented by:


1 DOCUMENT OVERVIEW .................................................................... 3

1.1 Year End Closing in SAP Business One .......................................... 3

1.2 Check that all periods are in “open” state. ..................................... 3

1.3 Launch the Period End Closing Tool .............................................. 5

1.4 Confirm transactions ................................................................... 8

1.5 Journal Entry created ............................................................. 10

1.6 Final Closing of the Period ......................................................... 11

1.7 Setting up new posting periods ............................................... 13

1.8 Renaming the Period................................................................. 16


1.1 Year End Closing in SAP Business One

It's that time of year again for, well, year end closings. Closing out the year
in your business accounting software has traditionally been difficult and time
consuming, but with SAP Business One it is a much better experience.

The below instructions are for running the Year End process, and do not
include the steps necessary to "prepare" for Year End Closing.

1.2 Check that all periods are in “open” state.

In SAP Business One, posting periods can have multiple statuses, so it is

important to check that all the periods in the year being closed are in the
correct status. An open period can have any of the following period status:

 Closing Period
 Unlocked Period
 Unlocked Except Sales

What we're making sure of here is that none of the periods are "locked",
which is a status that should be used after the period is completely closed
and will no longer be used (such as after a year end close, for example).

Tip: Be sure to check each sub-period for the year that is being closed if you
use sub-periods. Sub-periods typically begin with the year and then have a
month or sub-period identifier, such as 2009-12, for the 12th period in

1.3 Launch the Period End Closing Tool

This tool can be found at: Main Menu > Administration > Utilities > Period
End Closing

Select all of the General Ledger (GL) accounts that need to be closed by
clicking the check box next to each, or by clicking the column header to
check them all.

Select the Year of the periods you want to close and selecting the from and
to month.

Retained Earnings Account: Select the appropriate GL Accounts for
‘Retained Earnings’

Period End closing: Select the appropriate GL Account for ‘Period End
Click on Execute to open the Period End.

Approve the recommended year end postings by ticking the check box.

Set the due date the same as the posting date to avoid confusion in future.

Once executed again:

1.4 Confirm transactions

Run the Balance Sheet Report for last day of previous year and for the first
day of the new year, to compare.
Balance Sheet –Selection Criteria:

Include the ‘Add Closing Balances ‘when running the Balance sheet.

Balance sheet for the last day of the previous year:

Balance sheet for the first day of the New Year:

The balances that show are the opening balance for the new financial year.

1.5 Journal Entry created

The Period End closing is done; new posting periods can be set.

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1.6 Final Closing of the Period

To close the period, you change its status to lock. Locking the period helps
you prevent any additional or accidental postings. Before you lock the
current period, you must close the P&L accounts.

Administration → System Initialization → Posting Periods.

In the Posting Periods window, click for the period you want to lock.

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Change Period status to Locked.

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1.7 Setting up new posting periods

Administration – System Initialization – Posting Periods –click on New


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Period Code: Enter the current year “2013”

Period Name: Enter the current year name “2013”

Sub –periods: In Months

No. of Periods: Its 12

Period Indicator: Default

Period Status: By default it is on “Unlocked” you will only be change the

period status once you have added the Posting Period.

The dates should automatically be aligned, but you need to double check
and make sure they correspond to the previous year periods.

Posting Date: Specify the posting date range for the new period. By
default, the From date is the day after the end date of the latest posting
period exists, and the To date is the last day of the year.

Due Date: Specify the due date range of the new period. The due date
range can be longer than the posting date range. You need to keep in mind
the Payment Terms for the Business Partner when setting up your due date.

Document Date: Specify the document date range of the new period. The
document date range can also be longer than the posting dates range.

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Start of fiscal year: The first day of the new period.

Fiscal Year: The New Year “2013”

Once you are done, you can than click on Add, to add the new posting

The new Periods have been created -12 months.

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1.8 Renaming the Period

Click on the Orange arrow starting with 2013-01, you can name both the
period code as well as the Period name, name them according to the
previous periods. E.g

Click on update to save the new name.

You must do the same with the other period codes:

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