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24, MARCH, 2019,





For many years various scholars have been striving to insist about patriotism to
Tanzanians. It signifies that, this is our spacious problem. Before an
independence, Mwalimu J.K Nyerere fought for freedom not only for the sake of
Tanganyikans, but also for other African States such as South Africa Countries, he
did so not just as a leader, because he was a patriotic, unless otherwise he
couldn’t bother himself about us. Infact, you cannot say you are secured, while
your neighbor is unsecured. Mwalimu, didn’t give up despite the fact that there
were many internal and external challenges he encounted. Mwalimu, gives us the
doctrines about how a patriot should look like. Many people point out that,
being a patriot is just singing, wearing clothes with heroes picture, or only
ascending and descending the Flag. Certainly not!, Patriotism is an internal love
whereby someone shows to his or her State, even sacrificing for the betterments
of others, as well as proper utilization and management of national resources.
Therefore, is my hope that, patriotism of Mwalimu J,K Nyerere should change our
mindset from family, school or college, Street, Ward, District, Region and National
level at large to a sense of ‘’ My nation First.’’

TANU means Tanganyika National Union. It was a political party transformed

from TAA (Tanganyika African Association) by Mwalimu Julius Kambarage
Nyerere in 1954. It was originated from TAA which mean’t Tanganyika African
Association. Although TAA also emanated from AA, I mean Africans Association. It
was initiated in 1929. This is according to Illife, J. (1979). Again TAA was formed
in 1948 and in 1953 Nyerere became the President of TAA. Being, in such a
throne, he fought for better living condition and good salaries to the civil
servants. This is according to Smith, (1973,p.55), also he changed the party and
come up with new political party called TANU which aimed to fight against the
racial discrimination, inequality, all over the country. This depicts that Mwalimu
Nyerere was creative and democratic too. According to Bjerk, (2017,P.133,) and
Molony, (2014, P.144-191)

In strengthening the party, Mwalimu popularized the principles of the party to

other regions, from mainland to the Islands. He insisted on Self reliance economy
and ujamaa. Through his tour, people of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, knew the
direction of the Country and the desire of the President, Mwalimu J.K Nyerere.
This is well prescribed by Smith, (1973, pp.55) and Bjerk, (2017, pp.56-57)


To unify all the people in entire Tanganyika as far as Africans is concern.

According to Smith, (1973,pp, 88-89). Mwalimu had great visions, he didn’t look
only at Tanganyika, but he thought for other Africa Countries which were
struggling for their independence such as Zanzibar, Angola and Mozambique.
According to Assensoh, (1998, p. 26.) Bjerk, (2017, p.57) and Smith, (1975,
p.125). Mwalimu J. k. Nyerere was not merely an activist, but also a charisma, a
man of wisdom, torelant, humble in constant and hard worker. According to
Molony, (2014, p.170-200). Mwalimu worked strongly enough to ensure that
all Tanganyikans understood the objective of TANU. Infact, Mwalimu was not
alone, he walked hand in hand with Rashid Mfaume Kawawa, Bibi Titi Mohamed,
Oscar Kambona and others, though later on some of these political figures
opposed Mwalimu Nyerere’s Ujamaa policies. Foristance. Oscar Kambona first
time supported Mwalimu Nyerere to strengthen TANU, This is according to
Smith, (1973,p.54,) Pratt,(1976,pp.22,23) and Bjerk (2017,p.39), however in
1977, he despised Ujamaa and summoned Mwalimu a Dictator. This is
according to Bjerk, (2017,p.83), Abooud Jumbe also was among the opponents.
This led them to reside in exile. This is according to Smith, (1973, p.84)

Ujamaa policies have made us to reach here, whereby Mwalimu through his
dreams of uniting Tanganyika and Zanzibar in 1964, he succeeded to make us as
together as we are today. Therefore, every president who hands over this
government, should perpetuate and defend the Union which was created and
established by Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere and Sheikh Abeid Aman Karume of
Zanzibar. Foristance. The speech given out by our current President Dr. John
Joseph Pombe Magufuli during the Union day this year 2019, he said that, any
one who will dare to destroy our Union,he will be destroyed himself, in kiswahili
(yeyote atakayethubutu kuuvunja muungano, atavunjika yeye). He is our Leader
who is patriot also, following the steps of Mwalimu Nyerere Baba wa Taifa for
fighting against corruption, misuse of public properties, classes, moral decay to
the civil servants, e.t.c. There are some thing crucial behind the scene of our
Union, if we get rid of it, we can be in a bad point of peaceful tract. Infact,they
were not gods, but we have to respect and adhere to their visions. This is well
explained by K. Mangazini,(Aug. 2015).

He met with Jomo Kenyatta and Miltone Obote to discuss about the federation of
three countries that is East Africa Community. He wanted democracy within a
single party system. According to Bjerk, (2017,pp. 56-57) and Huddle Stone,
(1995, p. 2). Also, Mwalim sent some of the policemen to Zanzibar to support the
implementation of an order for the demand of freedom through the new
government. This is well explicated by Smith, (1973,p.102). That’s why
Nowadays, there are mainland people who dwell in Zanzibar, and also, there are
Zanzibaris who live in Mainland without any disturbance, apart from that, we
are marring and getting into marriage to each other, this is because of our

Long time ago, Zanzibaris had been into contacts with Arabs and Persians,
however Persians were the first to penetrate in the Island for the business
purposes. These interactions led to the products of Afro Shiraz People or moltos.
This is according to J.D.Fage; Rolandoliver, (1975). Due to this situation of
intermarriage, Nyerere and Sheikh Abeid Aman Karume recognized them as
Africans since they were born here, Example: Those Shirazi people of Mafia
Island who are well known as ‘’AMERIKA NANI?’’ or ‘’WAMBWERA’’ If you ask
them about their origin, they shall give you a story that their ancestors came
from Arab, Persia (Iran), Comoro, Zanzibar, (Pemba) e.t.c. Mwalimu decided to
include them as Tanganyikans who live in Mafia Island. This is according to Ari
Ave, (2010). You can see how Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere was genius.

Another thing which led Mwalimu to convince Sheikh Abed Aman Karume to
unite, was an experience about the misunderstanding between USA and Soviet
Union, bad enough Zanzibar was supported by Soviet Union, hence, he worried
that, USA could cause the conflicts within East Africa Countries as it was
happening in Congo and Vietnam. This is according to Smith, (1975, p.125). As
you know that, USA up to this moment is implementing her policy of
expansionism through capitalism, democracy and liberalization all over the
World. Therefore, Zanzibar could fall into the hands of Cold War. According to
Smith , (1975, p.125). However, Mwalim Nyerere believed that, the solidarity and
unisonity of the Africans, cannot be facilitated by Western Countries, but it is
within our own capacity and agreements. This is briefly explicated by Smith,
(1975, p.125). and ‘’ United Republic of Tanzania; Union of Tanganyika and
Zanzibar Act of 1964. In addition, Cuba was so interested for an Island, and it
became a threat to the U.S.A, That Zanzibar could turn to be -------of Cuba. It is
a strategic Area till today. Ofcourse, Mwalimu was like a prophet, he learnt
something, that if Zanzibar could stand as an autonomy country, there were some
of chaos which could raise, eventually we could never live in peace. According to
Bjerk, (2017, pp.132-33). And Mwakikagile, (2006,p.15,) Mwalimu Nyerere’s
friendship with Sheikh Abed Aman Karume, contributed much to the union. The
aims of these two leaders were to ensure that, all people of Tanganyika and
Zanzibar become one. When the process of unification was going on, the word
Tanganyika changed to be Tanzania due to the union between Tanganyika and
Zanzibar in 1964. According to Bjerk, ( 2017, pp.131-32). Mwalimu tirelessly
kept on imparting the ideas of Ujamaa to the citizens through Arusha
Declaration. Through this declaration all major means of productions where
nationalized, corrupt leaders were put in hard situation, and those who went
against the policy were captured. Foristance. The University Students were
accused of leaving aside the socialist principles and commenced to go against it
were punished. This is according to Bjerk,(2017, p. 93-108) Smith, (1973, p. 73-
171) and Bjerk, (2017, p. 81-99).

Mwalim was humble in constancy, brave, patriot and charisma who stood affirm
on what he believed to be correct no matter how was pinchful to others. His
patriotism, good morals and leadership skills commenced to be seen from his
teenage when he was supporting his parents to do job such as chopping
firewood, grazing cattles and goats. This is according to Molony.(2014, p.38)
Mwalimu respected his parents. He convinced the people of Africa through his
militancy, humbleness and confidence when Nduli Iddi Amin Dada was dictating
and murdering the people of Uganda as far as his desire of invading Kagera
region of Tanzania. Other countries didn’t do it except Mozambique which
provided long range missels. This is according to He listened at him when was
boosting himself, he asked him why he was doing such a thing, he replied hushly,
and even after Milton Obote to be overthrown by him, Mwalimu provided
shelters for Obote, this shows that Mwalim was a peace maker. This is according
to Copper and Fontanellar, (2015, p. 7). Mwalimu decided to take serious steps
against Nduli by broad casting his intentions in the national assembly concerning
a war which put off the reign of Amin Dada in Uganda. This is according to
Anderson, David, M, Rolandsen, (2017, p, 163) and Mbando, S. I, (1980). Infact,
this makes Ugandans to remember Mwalimu up todate and they take him as a
role modaled figure in Africa.

Mwalimu didn’t do these because he studied at Makerere College in Uganda,

certainly not! He made these as a testimony to Africans that, he needed to see all
Africans were liberated. Mwalimu went beyond East Africa, he turned his neck
and eyes of freedom to other countries like Mozambique, Angola, South Africa,
Namibia, and Zimbabwe. This is according to Assensoh, (1998, p.26) and Bjerk,

Mwalimu started to talk with Sheikh Abeid Aman Karume of Zanzibar about the
union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar in 1964. Fortunately Karume’s response
was positive and finally people from mainland became brethreans officially and
the people of Zanzibar through the union Act of 1964, infact, here is where the
name Tanzania was born. This is according to Smith, (1975, p.125). Mwalimu
kept on rebuking, educating, and proclaiming on the effects of tribalism,
religionalism, corruption and classes among Tanzanians. According to Bjerk,
(2017,p.93-133) and Malony, (2014,p.203).Wherever he went, he talked sur the
peace, unity, equality, compromise, love, dignity and working hard to all Africans.
According to Molony, (2014, p.144-147) and Huddleston,(1995,p.2). His name
was not just a nick name, but he was called Mwalimu, in order to put himself in
the shoes of normal people who were majority, if he wouldn’t be humble, he
would has been summoned MTUKUFU and other names. Mwalimu is still
remembered by the name of Baba wa Taifa

Mwalimu had the visions and dreams about Africa Continent, the darken place
in which even our mind seemed to be indark, this is how Eurocentric
perceptions pointed out. All elites from Africa were like a seed which was planted
by the colonialist themselves. It included prominent leaders such as Mwalimu
Julius Kambarage Nyerere of Tanganyika, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Nelson
Mandera of South Africa, Samora Macheli and Edward Mondlane of
Mozambique, Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, Kamuzu Banda of Malawi, Keneth Kaunda
of Zambia and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. This is according to
Bjerk,(2017,p.62), and Molony, 2014,p.135-138. These people were sent by the
Europeans to study in their motherland thinking that, after coming back at home
they shall all be puppets, coordinating with whitemen to exploit and torture their
fellow Africans, instead the situation changed, Most of them such as Mwalimu
Nyerere, Kwame Nkrumah, Nelson Mandera, were filled with a spirit of Pan
Africanism, patriotism and nationalism doctrines which were originated from
Europe, America and later in Africa. This is according to Assensoh, A.B. (1998),
Anderson, (1991), and Nyongo,(2003). They joined their hands to fight for
Africans’ freedom despite the fact that they were opposed and punished severely.
Example. Mwalimu Nyerere was sentenced to the court for a mistake of opposing
one of the British officers, According to Smith,(1973,p.70), while Patrick
Lumumba, Samora Machelle and Edwardo Mondlane were assassinated. The
tears and death of these leaders geared up Mwalimu to carryon insisting about
liberation, through Africanisation and nationalism. According to Bjerk, (2017, p.
93-108). He told the British and American government to provide an assistance
for the freedom of Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), Namibia, Angola, and South
Africa he told British that, if they would fail to support independence in Southern
Rhodesia, he would ban the relationships with them. Mwalimu was not coward.
According to Assensoh, (1998,p. 26) and Bjerk, (2017,p. 57). He was so
associative and was ready to loose his time, man power, and other resources to
manouvre the hustling for independence in Africa. According to Mbando, S.I,

Nevertheless, Mwalimu adhered to the principles of TANU which nowadays are

despised though are jotted on the constitution of CCM, he implemented the
policies of his political party. Mwalimu was saying by doing and most of the time
his deeds were seen to his people. Whereby the group of people who were
supporting TANU, scattered in various areas of our Country to let us know the
principles of Arusha Declaration which were entangled by Ujamaa and socialism
ideology. This is according to Smith, (1975,p.171) and Pratt,(1976,p.5).

In 1971-1979, Mwalimu Nyerere came up with villagilisation strategies, his

aims were to avoid private ownership of the land. Before this system, one person
was monopolizing huge acres of the land. If he couldn’t do so, there could emerge
the classes between Wamwinyi or Wabwanyenye and Watwana in coastal areas.
Feudal Lords and serfs in Mainland. Mwalimu in his leadership he didn’t want to
see antagonistic zones, he preferred the unisonity, peace, dignity, compromise
and understandings. According to Smith, (1975) and Pratt, (1976).

Mwalimu enabled his people to be hard worker through self-reliance. Mwalimu

was expecting us to depend our selves economically, socially, politically and
culturally, rather than depending on foreign financial aids. He insisted that,
education for self-reliance of Tanzania should prepare patriotic society with
militancy students and teachers, through working together, behaving properly,
adherent to equality, putting theory into practical while reflecting the real
situation of their environment.This is according to Nyerere,(1968a-b) and
Kumar, (1989). He had a thirst of leading people who were educated enough.
Infact, the aims of education for Self-Reliance were to change the mindsets of
Tanganyikans from saying to doing, and also to criticize the colonial education
system which based on the colonial interests and not African interests. This is
according to Kumar, (1989).


The nature of the politics in Tanganyika was democratic. When Mwalimu was
campaigning, three political parties were contesting. According to Smith and
William Edgett, (1973). The first one was called U. T P, which meant, United
Tanganyika Party, which was initiated by British colonial government to oppose
TANU, The second one was TANU under Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere, and the last
one was called ANC under Sheikh Zuber Mtemvu.Still, TANU was accepted by the
multitude of the people in Tanganyika, compared to those from opposing political
parties. As stipulated more by Smith; William Edgett, (1973), and Smith,

Apart from having a single political party, Mwalimu faced a lot of economic
challenges which reinforced him to adopt the liberalization and democratization
processes. The involvement of Tanzania in the support for the liberation of
various Africa Countries, brought us to the poor and devastated economy though,
some of them tend to forget our contribution for their freedom. This is according
to Mbando, S.I,(1980) and Bjerk,2017,pp102-103. Example. An incidence made
Mozambique people to torture and chase away Tanzanians who were living there
last 2 years in 2017, they forget that, Tanzania has been sheltering and
accommodating them for a long time.This is derived from

Apart from that, there were competitions among the elites within a single party,
which geared up Mwalimu Nyerere to be adhere rant to the policy. Another
factor was the disintergration of the Soviet Union, also this led Mwalimu to loose
direction and finaly he decided to sign for non-alignment movement (NAM),
Which acts also as a base for our peace and security. Infact, he was Great
Thinker, Philosopher-King. This is according to Bjerk,(2017,p.13).
These were some of the factors geared up Mwalimu Nyerere to be adhere rant to
the policy.

Iliteracy; in mid of 70s to 80,s during the reign of Mwalimu J.K Nyerere, most of
Tanganyikans were not educated, number of illiterates estimated to be 5.2
Millions. Mwalimu abolished racial, tribes, religious discriminations in school, as
well as fees. This is well explicated by Bjerk,(2017,p.56-103), and Smith,(1973, p.
26). He did a level best to make sure that his slogan materialize. It was after an
acceptance of Liberal and democratization policies from Western Countries
which were under British and U.S.A is when the privatization and investment in
various fields including education sectors commenced. IMF entered into conflict
with Mwalimu, worning him about his program of education for all, the school
fee raised up, and many children didn’t progress with their studies, they
remained at home. This is according to Bjerk, (2017,p.125), Nyerere perceived
these strategies as a threat to his socialist ideas, he underscored that, Europeans
didn’t want to see Africans are educated so that they can pop ahead their
colonialism. Nyerere defended our African culture through education for self
reliance. He didn’t want to adopt neither English, Kizanaki, nor Kisukuma
language as the media for the spread of his ujamaa policy and unity, instead he
encouraged the uses of Kiswahili as the language for our identy and solidarity
which gave us an independence without bloodshed..Kiswahili was used for
instruction from primary school to adult studies program. This is according to
Mazrui, A.A, and Mazrui, A. M, (1995), And Mazrui and Tidy,(1984:30)
Mwalimu wanted our educational system to inculcate the values of socialism and
not capitalism. This is according to (Nyerere,1968:74). To strengthen the
patriotism spirit to Tanzanians, in 1961, through self-reliance villagers were
mobilized to work for community projects such as construction of roads,wells,
schools and clinics. This is according to Smith,(1973,p.82). Also Mwalim initiated
National youth Services, JESHI LA KUJENGA TAIFA.(J.K.T), Which encouraged
youths to work for the public and become militants. Smith,(1982). As we
remember that, in 1974 during the Musoma Declaration, Mwalimu Nyerere
introduced UPE, which means Universal for Primary Education which didn’t exist
for long time, it stayed for 10 years only, then it collapsed because there were
mushrooming of the pupils, but there were few school buildings, others were
supposed to study while sitting under the trees. In early 1971, the national
assembly passed the law of nationalizing all commercial centres, apartments, and
homes. Most of Asians trading buildings were engulfed this geared up them to
leave the country. Also, many Roman Catholic Schools were brought on the hands
of the government. This is well explicated by Bjerk,(2017,pp.96-108) and Smith,
(1973, pp.173).This led to the gape between boys and girls. Many boys were sent
to school while girls remained at homes for working. Mwalimu had to accept
their hard financial conditions so that, they can assist him in the provision of
better education and other social services. Mwalimu still insisted about defending
Ujamaa policy under a single party system, he was totally against with neo-
colonialism.According to Bjerk,P. (2017). Corruption scandals commenced to take
position into various sectors some of the Mps were expelled from their positions.
This is according to Smith,(1973,p.188) and Bjerk,(2017,p 83). But Edward
Moringe Sokoine stood affirm fighting against corrupt leaders. This is according
to Bjerk, (2017,p.126-130), To be genuine, Sokoine’s death cannot be forgotten in
the minds of all patriots in Tanzania, he was an acquaintive to most of
Tanzanians, he was a man of doing, to an extent that, Mwalimu was not very
much interested of him. In the mid of 1970s, members of TANU, thought that,
Mwalimu could resign, but the election held in 1975, Mwalimu was selected
again to reign the Country, this pinched him, he insisted in his speech about the
habit of selecting one person every time. Naturally, Nyerere was a democratic
leader who wanted to leave the presidential seat for others especially youths. This
is according to Bjerk,(2017,p.108). In 1977, Mwalimu mergered TANU and A.S.
P Afro Shiraz Party of Zanzibar to form CCM, (Chama Cha Mapinduzi). He
wanted all Tanzanians to be governed by single political party. This is according
to Bjerk,(2017,p.109)

Villagization operations of1970s; According to Lange, S. (2008). Mwalimu forced

his people to dwell and work and own all major means of production collectively
instead of one person to have a big land than others. Any one who went against
this, was considered as an opponent of TANU. This is according to
Bjerk,(2017,p.89) As the results low production and the price of the commodities
went down. Hence there was an outbreak of hunger. Parastatals were working
below the standard, no foreign exchange to import and export raw materials.
Also misuses of public properties became to be big problem. This is according to
Coulson,(1982,) He tried to negotiate with IMF, World bank, his friends from
Scandinavian Countries, but they turned to be his opponents, they sticked much
on provision of loans through Structural Adjustment Program and withdraw of
some subsidies. Mwalimu insisted all developing Countries to come together, but
they refused. In his speech he was worning by saying, These powerful European
States are moving towards unity and you people are talking about the atavism of
the tribe, this is non sense! Iam telling you people. How can any body think of
tribe as the unity of the future? Hakuna. This is according to Nyerere,(1997b;22)

Kagera war from 1978-1979. Tanzania participated fully in the liberation of the
Ugandans on the crued hands of Nduli Idd Amin Dada. Tanzania wasted a lot of
Money and other materials. This is according to Mbando, S. I, (1980). This led
Tanzania to face economic bancrupcy. Mwalimu got an assistance of BM from
Soviet Union only, but African Countries didn’t provide any support. This is
according to (Reed,1993) So, Mwalimu decided to use his budget to cover the
expenses of the war, as you know that, a war is economy. Those countries with
well economy are always win the war, no matter how they are small
geographically. Tanzania supported the struggle for freedom to many African
Countries such as Mozambique, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe and South
Africa.This is according to Pfister,(2003)and Mpangala, (2007) All these
happened because of the Patriotism, dignity, confidence, humanity of Mwalimu
J.K Nyerere.This is accoeding to (Reed,1993). Infact, the peace we have today, it
was due to an offering we donated to other African neighbor countries. This is
according to Sedman, (1985; Omari,1992). Think about Kenya, the way they are
disturbed by Somali. Mwalimu was not a god, he was a human being like me and
you, but he seemed quiet different from other African Leaders due to his rational
thinking capacity which was characterized by, patriotism, love, dignity, charisma,
and his desire of making all Africans to be together as one through his African
socialism ideas and Ujamaa ( Family hood). This is well explained by
Smith,(1973),pp.83-84. Infact, we lost people, money in wars sacrifying for the
sake of others, but we got a spacious reward from God, that are peace and
understandings. This is well explained by Mbando, S.I, (1980). That is why
investers are preferring to invest in Tanzania, not because, there is either vast
areas, or, an Ocean, because of the peace, silence and harmony. Mwalimu wished
CCM to stay stronger as an old political party with stiff roots which holds the
pillars of security and peace. As he said. ‘’Without a solid CCM, the country will
be unstable.’’ This is according to (Jamboleo,2011)

In 1985, Ali Hassan Mwinyi took a throne. Mwalimu didn’t want a party to be
like an island, he allowed the democratic challenges through multipartism,
because, most of the leaders were corrupt and they had forgotten the ethics, codes
and principles of Arusha Declaration. Ali Hassan Mwinyi took the position,
because of the bancrupcy status of our country, he decided to adopt the
liberalization policy which were spreaded all over the World by Britain and USA
with the following characteristics. Multipartism, investment, democracy, and
privatization. This is according to Gillette, (1977). Mwalimu Nyerere left the
Country on the hand of Hon. Ali Hassan Mwinyi who adopted liberalization
policies due to hard economic situation of our country. Fortunately from
Mwalimu Nyerere reign till the current President we are culm, peaceful and the
Union is persisting. Mwalimu Nyerere who is well known as Baba wa Taifa,
destined to be an adviser of Ali Hassan Mwinyi, and the mediator of Burundi
peace crisis. He died from Leukemia in his voyage of making Peace in Burundi.
This is according to Bjerk,P, (2017). Julius Nyerere.Athens.OH.ohio short
Histories.pp.165, and Smith,(1973,p.11)

From 1985, till now, there is provision of free education. Fortunately, this
government under the good leadership of Dr. John Pombe Magufuli there is free
education from primary to secondary school. Through this plan, all parents
should send their children to school. There is no need to defend themselves that
they can’t afford to pay school fees, Hon. President J. P Magufuli has done for us.
Hon. Dr. J.P. Magufuli is accomplishing all projects which were proposed by
Mwalimu J.K Nyerere and his successors. Foristance. Stigirers gerge electricity
from Rufiji Delta, e.t.c. This is according to Azam Tv, published on Feb.14,2019.
A little i can say is this, every President in his time, has done good things for our
sake. During the reign of Hon. Ali Hassan Mwinyi and Hon. Benjamin Mkapa, we
experienced construction of road, especially Southern zone, foodstuffs and crops
were very cheap and the money had value, improvement of education,fightings
against corruption,the rise of democracy under multipartism, uses of computers,
televisions, and other wireless networks, the World was on our hands. This is
according to
kiafrika-kuwa-na-uelewa-juu-ya mambo ya sayansi na teknolojia. At that time
we commenced to understand what was transpiring in either USA, or China.This
is also explicated by Heilman,Bruce; Laurean Ndumbaro, (2002)’’ Corruption,
Politics,and societal Values in Tanzania; An Evaluation of Mkapa Administrations,
Anti-Corruption Efforts’’ (PDF).Afr.J.Polit.Sd.7(1) Retrieved 1. March. 2010, and
Vene, J.L (1996).During the reign of Dr. J. M. Kikwete, we testified the
constructions of flying Over roads and bridges example Kigamboni under the
supervision of Hon. Dr. J.P. Magufuli when he was The Minister, improvement of
education in science through constructions of laboratories in each ward
secondary school as well as establishment of heath services. Example. The
construction of International Health Centre at Dodoma University, this is derived
hospitali... he strengthened democracy not only Tanzania, but also in entire
Africa. e.t.c.This is also described by ‘’ Africa fights to free itself of malcontents’’
IOL News,reported by Peter Fabricius,27 May.2013. Now Dr. J.P. Magufuli is
accomplishing what were left by his colleagues, and come up with new projects.
Foristance. Flying over roads, REA, recently he has bought planes called
Bombardier, Iringa and Mbeya are among the religions in Tanzania, which can
be benefited much of this project. This is according to Star TV. Habari, Published
on 29,April.2019. Not only that, but also the construction of standard gerge
electric train from Dar-essalaam to Dodoma. This is according to BBC
News/SWAHILI/ujenzi wa reli ya kisasa unavyoendelea Tanzania, 8,Juni, 2018.
He emphasizes on the collections of taxes, avoiding misuses of public funds for
travels, also he has reduced his salary, US$15,000 and US$4,000 per month, he is
constructing health centres in various areas in our country,e.t.c. This signifies
that, our President is patriot. This is well explicated by Zambia; New Tanzanian,
‘’President John Magufuli, November, 2015; Making radical changes’’ Lusaka
Times.26.Retrieved 25 April 2018. Infact, these are very big projects that shall
enable us to reach the midiest economic level.

In summing up, i can say that, the intention of Hon. Dr. J.P. M about having
industrial economy, is not bad, is very good, we have to appreciate and join him
the hands, any one who goes against it, will be pointed as power monger, puppet
and betrayer. Therefore, in order to succeed the following should be done. First,
inculcating a sense and spirit of patriotism to Tanzanians, because without it, this
plan cannot materialize. Remember, even the industries initiated by Mwalimu
Nyerere were killed by ourselves and not the outsiders. Second, education,
security affairs and health sectors should be given first priority. Third. Kiswahili
language should be promoted much, because we can sell our language as a
commodity also. Let us join the hands with our current President who insists on
the use of Kiswahili than foreign languages. I say so because, our culture are well
expressed through the use of Kiswahili and not other languages.

‘’If you know you are a human being, whenever your fellow does mistakes you
have to advise, and not to judge as if you are perfect.’’
‘’ And if he is doing good, appreciate and motivate him or her so that, he can
carry on doing good.’’

‘’Every body needs to be appreciated as human being, Yes. But wherever he goes
wrong as a human being, he should let people to comment, criticize and advise

‘’ Due to our individual differences, others want to be appreciated even if they go

wrong, to a patriot person, this is serious wrong.’’



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