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Wednesday, November 21, 2018 S1


Necklaces perfect for little girls are available in a multitude of styles and colors for just $10 at Downtown Designs in Newport. [JOCELYN O’NEIL/DAILY NEWS PHOTO]

An Aquidneck Island Christmas

Don’t stress! Finding the perfect gifts for everyone on your list may be easier than you think

By Jocelyn O’Neil
Daily News staff

et’s face it, the holidays can be
tough! The stresses of buying gifts
for the various people in your life
can seem like a never-ending whirlwind
of shops and online cruising. And most
gift guides are useless, with categories
that are not specific to the people on
your shopping list. All they end up
doing is crowding your head with
useless ideas that don’t even apply.
So to help you out, here’s a gift guide
that works for Aquidneck Island shop-
pers, and will (hopefully) cover for
everyone on your list:


Want to get the lady in your life something

unique that will accent her beauty, you won’t have
to wrap yourself and will be under $20? Sounds
too good to be true, right? Well it’s not. Just head
to Downtown Designs, located at 7 Dr. Marcus F.
Wheatland Blvd. in Newport. The shop is a non-
profit that supports Looking Upwards.
“Every piece that we made is made with real
gemstones and real glass beads,” said Melissa
Seitz, the store’s manager. “The necklaces are
all handmade with real gems, real glass beads, all
handmade by the community. We can keep our
prices low because we are a nonprofit.”
Necklaces cost $18 or less, and gift wrapping is
included. Trust me, your wife or girlfriend will be
happy. Every handmade necklace, including this one pictured, goes for $18 or less at
Downtown Designs located at 7 Dr. Marcus Wheatland Blvd. in Newport. [JOCELYN

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