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Wednesday, November 21, 2018 S3


Give the gift of wine

Don’t stress about
what to get people
— just give them
something to drink,
or something to
drink out of

By Len Panaggio
Special to The Daily News

nd all of a sudden,
the holidays are
upon us and the
thoughts of gifts are start-
ing to go through my head.
I am not a good shopper,
and I don’t particularly
care for it anytime of the
year. The only reason I
go grocery shopping is
because I enjoy eating.
For me, giving friends or
family gifts is a chore, but I [METRO CREATIVE]
do try to lessen the pain by
giving something that is a
reflection of me: gifts with
a wine theme.
I always tell people there
are three ways to learn
about wine: drink it, read
about it and go to a wine
region. Simple enough.
In the past, I have talked
about going to holiday par-
ties and wanting to take a
nice bottle of wine as a gift.
One of the beauties of wine
is there are price points that
you can match with the
value of your friendship.
Don’t take that wrong way,
but you get the idea: casual
friends equal a lower, more
casual price, while a hus-
band or wife would match a
higher price level.
And, of course, there is
everything in between.
Sadly, Rhode Island
doesn’t allow shipping
of wine across state bor-
ders, but if you have a
friend in Connecticut or [METRO CREATIVE] [METRO CREATIVE]
Massachusetts, ask if you
can ship some wines to Drinking wine is one of to what you have enjoyed. have the app, winespectator. my trip to wine country. This I would also like for all
their residence. This will life’s greatest pleasures, As for books, there are com, which I use almost daily year is Sonoma, and I will be to think about going to our
allow you to try wines that and with friends and a couple I highly recom- as a reference guide in my taking one of my daughters local wineries as they have
you are not familiar with family, to me it’s the best. mend. First and foremost is consulting and writing tasks. and two friends, who are so much to offer for gifts
and that aren’t available in We all see man caves on Kevin Zraly’s “Windows on For the money, you can’t pinot noir lovers, so it will be beyond their wines and the
Rhode Island. TV, and probably some the World Complete Wine beat them. There are several a themed trip. Agritourism educational and experiential
Many wineries offer of your friends have one Course.” Zraly was the others to consider as well. has become big business opportunity of being there.
special holiday discounts, and they always seem to wine director of the famous I always get excited about around the world and there As you can see, there is
special etchings, etc. In be beer-centric. I do have Windows on the World res- books and how they open is nothing like waking up in a so much more to wine than
addition, ask the owner or some friends, though, that taurant in the North Tower one’s eyes to the world of vineyard. what is in the bottle — but
manager of a local liquor have made their caves of the World Trade Center. wine and, as I do each year, I
store what they can offer wine-centric. He has continued inspiring always suggest a wine map of
you that is unique and One of my friends has a those of us involved in wine the region your friends enjoy
special. cork stool, in the shape of education, and his book is a going to or are dreaming of
One of the gifts I fre- a champagne cork, made worthy gift. going to. Maps help put so
quently give to dear friends out of cork, which can be Another book, “Wine much into perspective and
is wine glasses, and I used both as a stool or an for Dummies” by certified make great gifts.
usually have their initials end table. It is the per- wine educator Ed McCarthy Then there are vintage
etched in the glass. Being fect accoutrement to a and Master of Wine Mary wine posters from all over
close friends, I usually wine-themed man cave! Ewing-Mulligan, is one I the world, featuring certain
know what they enjoy They aren’t cheap, costing often recommend to rookie wineries, regions or cer-
drinking regularly, so I buy around $250, but for the staffs at restaurants that tain products. They are
that style of glass — bur- oenophiles out there, these want to start building their truly worthy pieces to have
gundy, bordeaux, chablis, make great gifts. wine knowledge. It is an easy hanging in one’s home,
riesling — that they will Another great idea for read and jumpstarts novices. again, making a connection
enjoy. That enhances the people who throw a lot of Lastly, “Wine Folly: to the one you are giving it
gift, adding a personal parties are wine glass pens. Magnum Edition: The to. Both are great adorn-
touch to the glassware, and When they have a group Master Guide” by Madeline ments to that wine man
when I am at their house coming over, they can write Puckette and Justin cave, or, if one is so lucky, a
dining, those glasses magi- names on the glasses so Hammack is for those who wine cellar.
cally appear on the table. everyone knows which glass have graduated from “Wine Every year I encourage all
Knowing that most wine is theirs. And don’t worry, for Dummies.” that the ultimate gift is a trip
glasses do eventually break, the ink easily washes off. In addition to books, I to wine country, no matter
you can keep giving these A wine journal is also a encourage all to subscribe what part of the world that
gifts every year. It really great gift. Sadly, most of us to one of several magazines may be. There is nothing
works for me, and there don’t write about our experi- that are available. I have like being there, walking the
are so many places online ences and many are lost over subscribed to The Wine vineyards, talking to the staff
you can order personalized time. Journals are a great Spectator for years and I and tasting the wines. My
glassware. way to awaken your memory read it cover to cover. I also annual gift to me from me is

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