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FORM QW-482 FORMAT FOR WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION WPS (Gao QW.2001, Seton x, ASME Baler and Pressure Vessel Coe)) ‘Organization Name ConsorcioTurmarounds lance Prepared by lose Chavarro| Welding Procedure Specification No. 1-GTAWHT Date ‘April $0, 2014 RevisonNo. 0 | Date 12,2016 Supporting POR 1-1-GTAWHT Welling Process (es) |GTAW Type Manat e) Type ons (aW-402) DETAILS ointDesign Groove and Filet = w ‘SEE FABRICATION DRAWINGS Root Spacng See welng detsi | OR WELDING SKETCHES Backing (2) Yes +B to Backing Materia Type | Base or Weld Metal El Het 1 Nonfsing Metal Nonmetatic Other Retainers Yes No BASE METALS (QW-403) PNo.1 >) GroupNo, [182 ¥ To PNo. 1» GroupNo, 182 © oR SSpectcaton and typelrade or UNS Number to Speciation and typelgrade or UNS Number — Chem, Analysis and Mech. Prop. to Chem. Analysis and Mech, Prop. Thickness Range: Base Metal: From: 0.0625 /in upto. (0.750 in, Filet _ Al base metal thickness Maximum Pass Thickness |< 1/2in. ~| Yes O Wo Other — FILLER METALS (QW-404) cmw oy ~ ‘Spocticaton Ne. SFA) 18 Ctassication (AWS No) ERWSZ No, 6 No. 7 ‘Sizo of filer met TAB, IT Filor Metal product form ‘Soi ‘Supplemental ier metal = (Groove weld metal deposed fackness 7a" ae Filet weld metal deposited thickness. ae Throat thickness OTF Electrode fx classification = Flux ype Tone Flux trade name — ‘Consumable inser Tone ‘Other oly wih ier Position(s) of groove Welding progression Poston(s) of filet Other POSITIONS (aW-408) ‘al > a - FORM QW-482 (BACK) WPSNo 1.GTAWHT Revision No. 0 =| POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT (QW.407) Temperature range: 1100°F 1200°F Time range ‘hour minima omer None PREHEAT (QW-406) GAS (QW-408), iia es enperie so Percent composton ‘Maximum interpass temperature Any [_Gasfes)[(Witure) [Flow rate Protat menace Notrequied [Siting [Aron [Fire [15400 [rang Ragen Sa hee Secing Tone oter None [== ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Filer metal Curent, Wire feed | Energy or Weld ‘Cassif ‘type, and | Amperage} Voltage | speed | power esses | proces | colon | Daneter| rxaty | range | rome | rome | terse one Al GTAW LERTOS| 6" [BEN | w-160-| 1015 -[——|— = Al GrAWLERTOS-7| wal [DEN [0.160115 [=| = Al [-arAaw YERTOS-2| — i" [BEN [120200 | 10.15 -[ ||} Paulsingcurent [No ‘Tungsten elecrode ype SFAS.12, EWm2 | Sue |3/32in. = Heat Input Mavinum Any Node of metal aster for GMAWIFCAW S otter None TECHNIQUE (QW-410) =) ‘Sting or weave bead Both Orifice, nozzle o gas cup size Ie Inia cleaning ‘Grinding and brushing Inierpass cleaning Brushing Method of back gouging Grinding Oseiaton = Conlact tube ta work distance : ‘Mutpe or single pass per side ‘Single and mip ‘Muliple or single eloctrodos Single Elecrode spacing — Peoning Not alowed Otter Out Chambor Thermal procoss: any 2% FORM QW-483 FORMAT FOR PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD (PQR) (See aW-200.2, Section I, ASME Boler and Pressure Vessel Cade) Record Actual Vaabes Used to Weld Test Coupon WG Mee (Orgenizaton Name Consorcio Turarounds Alfance Procedure Qualification Record No. 11-GTAWHT Dae ‘Api 10, 2014 Wielding Procedure Spocitcation No, 1-1-GTAWHT Welding Process 25) _|GTAW 7) Tye Mont] Type ——— JOINTS (QW-402) ‘BASE METALS (QW-403) JPOSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT (QW.A07) ‘Material Specification SA-516 0 SA-516_ [Temperature 1100°F ‘TypelGrade/UINS No. 70 70 [Time 132 minutes PNo|1 Gutta? w|ToPNo 1 ~|oato.2 >| ‘chess atest coupon 0375in Danette coupon ne Naina ps thos Do9a75i ter = TALLER METALS (W404) Prose aa Pant anpaaion SrA pester 5 Sea | ore) [Fora ws dasseston FRIST Siting ‘gor [Pe [a0 cr Fer metal FN t ing ee edna aayse ANE i Sacre a [Se talermeta Ta ther Hone [= Fler tal reduc Sel Sulenntl er nee = (awa laecods Rxclesesion ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (QW-409) ux Type Tone [roses caw») “ Fuxiade name = [corer 0 [idl ios Tish Pasty EH [oer ti ster Penge Te Tw Notane id [Tungsten ceae | 367 POSTION (OWA) ert ose me Process aaw >) =I eatin Tate Peston ogra 7 fotier = [ta pero 7 er = FrecHNQuE (avetoy PREHEAT (QW-406) [Pecess [eraw >] >| [ait specs Ne acd Pranealtenerare 0 Ising creave Bah intpass emperor OOF Josten = owner basil pass Ti fscleruteeccrede | Sing lovee

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