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he prime aim of all universities and institutes all-over the world is to

provide top quality skilful personnel to the market. To obtain the desired
aim of producing and creating student of extraordinary functional capacity they are
arranging different sorts of seminars, visits to the industrial areas, stock exchanges, and
the one which is of utmost importance for final furnishing of the student is an internship.
Keeping in view the importance of internship government has also launched National
internship program (NIP) for those entire student who has completed sixteen years of
their education so as to get their youth on a track of development and progress.

Thus in order to keep in line with international as well as national competition

Institute of Management Studies, University of Peshawar also requires every student of
BBA(IT)Hons to go on an internship Program of Eight Weeks in a recognized
organization. The internship is to serve the purpose of acquainting students with the
practice of knowledge of the discipline of business administration.

For this reason I carried out my internship at Habib Bank Limited, City Branch
Peshawar, and prepared this report. Habib Bank Limited is the premier bank of the
country, established in 1941. Its registered head office is in Karachi. Habib Bank played a
memorable role in credit handling at the time of independence.


The main purpose of the study is to analyze the operations of the Habib Bank
Limited City Branch. The main focus of the report is to study the management of credit
portfolio of the Bank. The impact of economic conditions prevailing in the country as
well as the region in which it lies is also determined. The main purpose of the study is to
complete BBA-IT (HONS) course, but there are some other purpose which are as follow.
Dp To gathered relevant information about HBL
Dp To observe analyze and interpret the relevant data completely and in useful
Dp To work practically in the organization so that enough exposure should be gained
of an organization environment
Dp To develop the interpersonal of the internee by working with a reputable
Dp To learn about the organization structure, behavior of the personnel (co-worker
and boss) with in organization


The scope of the study is basically confined to HBL city Branch Peshawar.
The departments and the functions performed the products and services offered and other
banking practices are almost the same as in other branches throughout the country as all
of them follow the same procedure and scheme of things. Therefore, the emphases is on
the credit management involving the credit proposal at branch level, processing, and
submission to a particular sanctioning authority and then administration as well as
maintenance of the portfolio.


For the completion of this report, I used both primary and secondary
sources. Formally discussion helped me greatly while preparing the report

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It was collected through.

Dp Personal observation.
Dp Sitting with staff market
Dp Interview staff market
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Dp Annual report
Dp Manuals
Dp Magazines


The vast scope of the operations of a bank is difficult to analyze in a short span
on two months. Thus, the time factor is a limitation of this study. Another problem was
scarcity of written material and last but not the least was the element of secrecy, due to
which, I could not get access to all areas.


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This section include chapter 1.

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This is an introductory chapter, which describes the background, purpose, scope,

methodology and scheme of the report

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