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Writing Assessment


Looking for a job!

 Use a basic set of grammar structures.
 Copy familiar words and short phrases about everyday objects.
 Describe simple items with basic personal details.

1. Think about:

1. What’s your occupation? Do you

like your job?

2. Do you think it is difficult to get

a job in your city? Why?

3. What is your ideal job?

Job: Work, occupation.

To get: To obtain (in this context).

2. Words matter!

To do well in this lesson, it is necessary to learn a number of words. Please complete

the following exercise. At the end, you will have increased your vocabulary.

2.1. Underline the expression that best matches the idea of the boldfaced word or
phrase. Have a dictionary at hand!

a. Valentina has a job interview in a big company.

-A meeting to get a job - A conversation about a person’s life

b. My boss is hiring new chefs for her restaurant.

- Choose a person for a job - Listen to employees’ comments.

c. Michael’s brother works in a mom-and-pop bakery.

-Business with pop music - Small business

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d. Look! There is a job vacancy in an important hospital.

-Job vacation - Job offer

2.2. Match the word on the left with the meaning on the right. Write in the
parenthesis the corresponding letter.

Word Meaning
1 Staff ( ) a Work for the whole shift.
2 Part-time job ( ) b Work period.
3 Full-time job ( ) c People who work in a company.
4 Shift ( ) d Work for only a short part of the usual.

3. Read a bit!

Read the following text called “Looking for a job!” Alicia is a chef; she wants a new job
and there is a new restaurant in the city.

I’m Alicia. I’m 27 years old and I’m a chef in a

mom-and-pop restaurant in my town. It’s
my best-friend’s restaurant; it’s a good
restaurant of typical Colombian food.

Next year, I’m planning to move to a big city

and get a job as a chef. My friend Natalia lives
in that city. She needs new staff for her
restaurant but it’s a part-time job. I want a
full-time job because I need the money, so I
don’t want to accept the position.
I read the newspaper every morning and I check my e-mail to look for job vacancies. There
is an e-mail of this new international restaurant. They are hiring chefs for the morning shift
and I love it because I’m a morning person. Tomorrow, I’m traveling to the city for the job
interview with the boss of the restaurant. I hope to get this job!

I&D Team 2018

4. Tips for composition

In this session you find grammar elements and composition strategies that help you
with your writing production. Read the explanation; this is important for the next

Sentence structure.
There are different elements you need to take into account when writing in English.

1. Capitalization.
2. Punctuation.
3. Sentence structure.
4. Type of sentence

Let’s take a look at all of them!

Capitalization rules.

1. The first word of a sentence.

2. Names and proper nouns.
3. The first word of a quote. (Ex. His mom always says, “You
have to get a job.”)
4. Days, months, and holidays, but not seasons.
 Correct: I love Mondays!
 Incorrect: His grandpa doesn’t like Winter.
5. Cities, countries, nationalities, and languages.

4.1 In the following text, circle all the words

that need to be capitalized.

“my friend natalia is a businesswoman. she works in a big company in the city called
“foodies”. she lives with her husband, albert; he is the manager of the company. they are
helping me to get a job as a chef. for winter, i want to visit them and celebrate christmas
with my friends.

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Sentence Order
A sentence follows Subject+ Verb+ Object
Natalia (subject) works (verb) in a big company (Object).
 A sentence contains a subject and it is only mentioned once.
Natalia she has a job interview.
 A sentence contains a verb.
I a chef
I am a chef √

4.2. Describe your occupation. What do you do? What about your relatives? What do
they do?

Sentence 1. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Sentence 2. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Sentence 3. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Sentence 4. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Types of sentences.

 Simple sentences: They have only one clause. Ex. I read the newspaper every morning.
 Compound sentences: It has two or more clauses. Ex. (I’m planning to move) and (get a job
as a chef).
To join compound sentences, we can use coordinating conjunctions.

I’m planning to move and get a job as a chef.

The common coordinating conjunctions are called:

 And (Ex. Albert works in the morning and studies in the afternoon)
 But (Ex. I like my job but it’s only part-time)
 Or (Ex. They want to work in a restaurant or in a mom-and-pop bakery)

4.3. Let’s write compound sentences! Connect the sentences 1, 2, 3 and 4 in part 4.2.
using coordinating conjunctions.

Now you are ready for your writing test. Let’s write something!

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 Write simple sentences about their family and where they live.
 Copy short sentences on everyday subjects (e.g. directions how to get
 Write simple sentences about things they and other people have.
1. Think about:
1. Do you know about the Au Pair

2. What do you think about being

a baby-sitter in a different

3. Do you think you can apply to

this program in the future?

Baby-sitter: A person who takes care

of children
Apply: Present oneself for a job spot.

2. Words matter!

To do well in this lesson, it is necessary to learn a number of words. Please complete

the following exercise. At the end, you will have increased your vocabulary.

2.1. Underline the expression that best matches the idea of the boldfaced word or
phrase. Have a dictionary at hand!

a. Sofia lives with an American host family.

-Family members that don’t live with you -Family that receives a foreigner

b. This is a good opportunity to live abroad.

- To live in a different country - To live in a different city

c. I want to meet many new peeps in this country. They seem to be so kind.

-Places - People

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d. I have to create my profile in the Au pair webpage.

-To give a description about someone’s life -To create a bank account

2.2. Match the word on the left with the meaning on the right. Write in the
parenthesis the corresponding letter.

Word Meaning
1 Accommodation ( ) a Baby-sitter
2 Take care of ( ) b Make something better.
3 Improve ( ) c Be responsible of something or someone.
4 Nanny ( ) d A place to live, work or stay.

3. Read a bit!

Read the following text called “My Au pair experience” Veronika, from Russia, goes to
France. She is a baby-sitter with a family in Lyon.

My name is Veronika and I’m from Russia.

I’m 22 years old and I’m a baby-sitter. I’m
living in Lyon with my host family. I live in a
big house near the bus station “Lyon Part-
Dieu”. It is two blocks from my university.

I take care of two kids, Annette and Jerome.

They are 4 and 7 years old. Today, we want
to go to the beach because it’s summer and
the weather is nice and hot. They are really
cute and kind kids. They love me and they
call me “nanny”. Their parents are also
special. Their dad’s name is Adrien, he is 38
and he’s an architect.

His wife, Amelie, is so young, she is 30 and she is an important lawyer. They like to play with
us every day after work. In this moment, I’m helping my friend Camille, from France, to create
her profile in the Au pair webpage because she wants to travel to Italy and improve her
Italian; also, she wants to travel abroad, visit many new places and meet new peeps. She is
going to apply this month.

I&D Team 2018

4. Tips for composition:
In this session, you will find grammar elements and composition strategies that will
help you with your writing production. Read the explanation; this is important for the
next step!

If you are describing a person, take into account these elements:

1. Mention the person you are describing. (He is Adrien)

2. Provide personal details: age, occupation. (He is 38 and he’s an architect)
3. Describe things they regularly do. (He works every day)
4. Describe things they like to do in their free time. (He likes to play with us after work)
5. Additional details: (He lives near the bus station and he has a wife and two kids)

4.1. Choose one person of your family and describe him/her. Give as many details as you

Person: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Personal details: _____________________________________________________________________________

Regular activities: ____________________________________________________________________________


Hobbies: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Additional details: ___________________________________________________________________________



Asking for directions is the first thing we do when we arrive to a place and we want to find a place.
Here there are some tips you can use when you need to get to a new place:

 You should know the basic vocabulary to ask and get directions. (Blocks, traffic lights,
bank, diagonal, etc…)
 Know the transportation system. (Get a bus, subway, cable car…)
 Learn the common prepositions and adverbs of place (Between, next to, behind, in front
 Use imperative sentences when giving instructions. (Go down the street!)
 Use landmarks (A place that is representative and recognized). (It’s in front of Simon
Bolivar’s park)

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Taken from:

4.2. Imagine you are the hostess of an Au pair resident who is new in the city. Give
directions to get to your house from the airport. Use adverbs of place, vocabulary
related to locations, landmarks and imperatives if necessary.


Simple sentences contain a subject and a verb describing an idea. There are different ways
a simple sentence can be written.

1. Simple sentence that contains only a word. (Go! / run! / Stop! / Who?)
2. Simple sentences with compound subjects. (Annette and Jerome go to the beach).
3. Simple sentences with compound verbs. (Camille wants to travel and improve her

4.3. Taking into account simple sentences,explain what you think about being an Au


Now you are ready for your writing test. Let’s write something!

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Living abroad
Students… My experience in another country.

 Complete a simple form requiring travel information.

 Write simple sentences about someone's life and routines.
 Write short, simple notes, emails and postings to friends.

1. Think about:
1. Would you like to travel abroad?
Where would you like to go to?

2. What do you need to live abroad?

3. What is your ideal job?

Abroad: En el extranjero

2. Words matter!

To do well in this lesson, it is necessary to learn a number of words. Please complete

the following exercise. At the end you will have increased your vocabulary.

2.1. Underline the expression that best matches the idea of the boldfaced word or
phrase. Have a dictionary at hand!

a. Today, I’m going to the bank to ask for financial aid for my trip.

- Advice - Money

b. She is calling her advisor to check all the documents she needs.

- Someone who lends money - Someone who gives advice

c. Tomorrow, I’m meeting my travel agent to receive my airline ticket.

- To get together - To introduce yourself for the first time

d. She’s packing her luggage for the flight, then she’s calling her mother to say good-bye.

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- Bags that contain your possessions - Clothes for the season

2.2. Match the word on the left with the meaning on the right. Write in the
parenthesis the corresponding letter.

Word Meaning
1 Scholarship ( ) a To buy a ticket in advance
2 Major ( ) b A list of planned activities
An amount of money given to someone to help pay for
3 To book ( ) c
4 Schedule ( ) d The field or main subject that a student learns in a university

3. Read a bit!

Read the following text called “Living abroad- My experience in another country”
Andres is living in Malta; he writes an e-mail to his friend Valentina telling her his
experience in this new country.

Hello, Valentina. How are things?

I’m helping my roommate to pack his luggage.
His name is Dominico and he’s from Italy. He
travels tomorrow to his country so I have to stay
here alone. Right now, I have a full scholarship
at the University of Malta, so I don’t have to pay
anything. Isn’t that amazing? My major is in
Educational Management, it is expensive, but
thanks to the scholarship I can study now. I really
miss Germany, but I have to stay here for 3 more
years. Next summer, I want to travel to Greece
and Turkey because they are near. I’m studying
here because my mom asked for financial aid to
the local bank in my city. I’m so lucky!
At night, I’m meeting another friend. She is helping me to book your room. I’m so excited
because you are coming in a couple of weeks. I have to organize my schedule at the
university but I’m sure we are going to have time to do all the amazing things that we can
do here. You are going to love it. There are students from all over the world, the location is
unique and you can travel to many different places! But tell me about you. I can’t wait to
hear from you!

Love, Andres.

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4. Tips for composition:
In this session you will find grammar elements and composition strategies that will
help you with your writing production. Read the explanation; this is important for the
next step!


There are some tips that can be used when filling out a form. It doesn’t matter if you are
applying for a visa, scholarship, job position or any other procedure. Take into account
the following elements:

 Fill in all the fields.

 Don’t cross out any part of the document.
 Generally, the date format goes DD/MM/YYYY.

4.1. Take into account the text in exercise 3 and complete the following form with Andres’

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This type of writing is usually between people who know each other like friends or relatives.
We use it to give news, request information, congratulate people or give advice. The letter is
composed by three parts. Let’s take a look at them:




Below, you are going to find some useful expressions that you can use when you are
greeting, writing the body of your e-mail and the closing.

How are things? I’m writing to thank you for… Give my love to…/ say hello
I hope you are well Thank you for inviting me to… That’s all for now
How’s life? I’m writing to ask for your help I can't wait to hear from you
Any news? I have some good/ bad news Hope to hear from you soon
Anything strange? I’m writing to apologize for… Love, Lots of love, Take care,
Best wishes
It’s nice to hear from you Do you have any plans for…? All the best

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4.2. Choose one of your friends and send him/her a little message. Find a reason to
write him/her.

Person: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Reason: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Message: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Any additional detail: ________________________________________________________________________

Now you are ready for your writing test. Let’s write something!

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A1 WRITING ASSESSMENT 4 My family moves to
another house!
 Write simple sentences about personal interests.
 Write simple sentences about a familiar object.
 Give personal details in written form in a limited way.

1. Think about:

1. Do you like your house? Do you

want to move to another house?

2. What are the reasons people

change their place to live?

3. Do you think moving to another

house is a demanding task? Why?

Demanding: Demandante, difícil.

Task: Tarea, labor.

2. Words matter!

To do well in this lesson, it’s necessary to learn a number of words. Please complete
the following exercise. At the end you will have increased your vocabulary.

2.1. Underline the expression that best matches the idea of the boldfaced word or
phrase. Have a dictionary at hand!

a. We move every two years to a different house.

- To change to another house - To produce movement with your hands

b. We need a big moving truck, because we have so many things.

- A big car to travel - A big car to transport objects

c. All the stuff is in the truck now. You have many things in your bedroom!

- Things - People

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d. Hey, keep an eye on my stuff for a second. I need to go to the restroom.

- Wear glasses - Watch / take care of.

2.2. Match the word on the left with the meaning on the right. Write in the
parenthesis the corresponding letter.

Word Meaning
1 Movers ( ) a During the time that…
Movable articles we have in our house or office like tables,
2 While ( ) b
sofas, beds, cabinets, etc.
A person or company that helps people transport their objects
3 Furniture ( ) c
to a new place.
4 Math ( ) d Science about numbers and operations.

3. Read a bit!

Read the following text about “My family moves to another house”. Javier and Helena
are married; they have two children. They are moving to another house.

I’m Javier, I’m 38 years old. Today,

Saturday we move to another house.
It’s 8:00 am now and the moving truck
is here. We need to put all our stuff in
the truck. We have a lot of things.
Helena is my wife, we are married and
we have two children. They are 3 and 7
years old. Helena keeps an eye on the
kids while I help the movers with our

Helena’s father comes to help us. He is 61 years old. He is old but very strong. He lives on
22nd Street and our new house is on the 24th. Our new house is close to his.

We are also moving because the new house is near my office and the school. The kids don’t
need to go by bus to school, they can walk. Helena goes with them; she is a math teacher
in their school. I go by bicycle to my office because I love to exercise.

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4. Tips for composition:

In this session you find grammar elements and composition strategies that help you
with your writing production. Read the explanation; this is important for the next

Simple present in short sentence production.

 First let’s learn how to create short sentences in simple present. Experts like you
follow these steps:
a. Think about a person, animal or object. (Mover)
b. Think about actions related to that character. (organize the furniture)
c. Think about places for the action. (truck)
 Now we have the three basic elements for a simple sentence. (Mover, organize
furniture, truck)
 Then use articles (a, an, the) and prepositions (in, on, at) to complement the
sentence and give it a sense. (The mover organize the furniture in the truck)
 Be careful with the grammatical rule: (The mover organizes …)

4.1. Write 1 character, 3 actions related to the character and places for each action.

(Person, animal or object) _____________________________________________________________________


(Places) ________________________________________________________________________________________

4.2. Include articles and prepositions to give sense to the sentences apart.

Sentence 1. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Sentence 2. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Sentence 3. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Connecting sentences for short paragraphs.

Now you have three sentences. Let’s put them together. Try this!

 Use expressions to connect the sentences you have. (and, or, then, so, after, before)
 Each expression has an intention. Look up the meaning of the words in the
dictionary and use them according to the intention you want to give to your text.

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4.3. Connect the sentences 1 and 2 with a period (.). For the sentence 2 replace the
subject with the personal pronoun (he, she, it). Use one of the words (and, or, then,
so, after, before) to connect sentences 2 and 3. Don’t use the subject in sentence 3.


4.4. Look at a student’s composition.

As a result of the steps and

the instructions this is the
composition of a student.

“Carlos runs in the park. He

organizes the house and
cleans the room.”

Now you are ready for your writing test. Let’s write something.

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A1 WRITING ASSESSMENT 5 At the clothes
 Use basic punctuation (e.g. commas, full stops, question marks).
 Write descriptions of everyday personal experiences.
 Write about everyday things (e.g. people, places, job, and study) in linked sentences.

1. Introduction

Think about…

1. How often do you go shopping?

Do you like to buy clothes?

2. Do you buy clothes because you

need them or you simply want

3. Do you like branded clothes or

you don’t have a particular

Branded: De marca.

2. Words matter!

To do well in this lesson, it’s necessary to learn a number of words. Please complete
the following exercise. At the end you will have increased your vocabulary.

2.1. Underline the expression that best matches the idea of the boldfaced word or
phrase. Have a dictionary at hand!

a. You find a lot of things in a department store. “Falabella” is one of the most famous.

- a place to watch movies - a place to go shopping

b. My grandfather wins the lottery every year. He is very lucky.

- to have a good luck - to have a bad luck

c. Motorola and Samsung are my favorite cellphone brands. They are so good.

- model - name of the producer company

d. I love all kinds of food, seafood, meat, poultry, vegetables, etc.

- variety - only specific things

e. Normal sweaters don’t cover your head from the rain. That’s why I like hoddies.

- a sweater that also covers your head - an umbrella for rainy days

f. My sister has a black coat. It covers her from her neck to her knees.

- a long jacket or sweater - a lotion you put in all your body

2.2. Match the word on the left with the meaning on the right. Write in the parenthesis
the corresponding letter.

Word Meaning
1 Mittens ( ) a An accessory women use on their necks.
2 Garment ( ) b An article of clothing, a type of clothing.
3 Glad ( ) c A synonym of happy
Something you use to cover your hands to protect them from
4 A pair of ( ) d
the cold. They have a separate section for the thumb only.
5 Necklace ( ) e A couple of / two pieces of the same kind

3. Read a bit!

Read the following text called “At the clothes department”. Eliza tells us about her best
plan ever: Buying clothes. Let’s read what she has to say about it.

Today my friend Ana and I are going

to a party to celebrate her birthday.
I am so excited because some of her
friends go too, so I want to buy
clothes for the occasion. It is 5:10
p.m. and the party begins at 8:00
p.m. I know Ana is never early
therefore I think I have some time to
go to the department store and
buy something. I am lucky there is a
shopping mall near my house.
This is a fantastic place to buy clothes! I love this shop. They have so many clothes and
brands. Besides, they sell clothes for all kinds of weather; they sell shorts for a day when it’s
sunny, hoodies for rainy days, coats when it’s windy, they also sell mittens for days when
it’s snowing! But… what is the perfect garment for tonight? It’s not a formal party, I think it’s
something casual; maybe these jeans, this blouse and that belt will look good together. I
want to buy Ana a pair of shoes, I don’t know what her size is though; I think I am buying
her this necklace.

I know Ana from school, she always plays soccer on weekends, she’s a good dancer too. I
am glad we are having this celebration today. On Sunday morning we are going to the park,
she is playing soccer that day so I want to see her play.

4. Tips for composition

In this session you find grammar elements and composition strategies that help you
with your writing production. Read the explanation; this is important for the next

More expressions to link sentences.

As you know now how to create sentences and how to link them using some words, here we
give you more interesting words to build your paragraph. You find these words in cursive
and underlined in the text “At the clothes department”.

a. So (Entonces): Connects the cause with the result or purpose. (Ex. I want that expensive
jacket, so I need to save money to buy it.)

b. Therefore (Por lo tanto): For that reason or consequently. (Ex. My new sweater is very
big; therefore, I need to change it for a small size.)

c. Besides (Además): As well, too, in addition to the previous idea. (Ex: I’m not ready to
get married. Besides, I like to live alone.)

d. Also (También): As well, too, in addition to the previous idea. (Ex: In this shop you find
casual and also formal clothes.)

e. Though* (Aunque, a pesar de, sin embargo): as a contrast to the previous idea. (Ex: It’s
hard work, I enjoy it though.)
*This expression usually goes at the end of the sentence.
4.1. Write 4 sets of connected sentences using the words explained. Follow the
structure of the examples.

a. So: __________________________________________________________________________________________

b. Therefore: _________________________________________________________________________________

c. Besides: ____________________________________________________________________________________

d. Also: _______________________________________________________________________________________

e. Though: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Punctuation marks
Punctuation marks are very important symbols we use in our writings to give the
composition an order, a structure and a sequence. Punctuation also establishes coherence
in the text and gives meaning.

Look at the following examples and pay attention to the difference.

a. The teacher said, “Let’s eat, kids!” (El profesor dijo, “¡vamos a comer, niños!”)
b. The teacher said, “Let’s eat kids!” (El profesor dijo, “¡vamos a comer niños!”)*

The example “a” shows a normal situation where a teacher gives instructions to his students
maybe during the break at school. The example “b” shows a disturbing case of cannibalism
where children are part of the break menu. Terrible eh!

Now that you see the importance of punctuation, pay attention to the following symbols
and their function:

a. Period (.): A full stop that goes at the end of a sentence. It shows that the sentence

b. Comma (,): Indicates a pause in a sentence or separates items in a list. It also connects
independent sentences.

c. Question mark (?): Indicates a question. In Spanish you use it inverted (¿) but it is not
used in English.

d. Exclamation mark (!): Indicates strong feeling or high volume. In Spanish you use it
inverted (¡) but it is not used in English.

e. Quotations (“): Used in pairs to mark speech, quotes or phrases.

f. Colon (:): Precedes an explanation, an enumeration or list.

*On Twitter @0RTOGRAFIA
4.2. Read the examples and draw the correct punctuation mark. Circle the part of the
sentence where the mark needs to be. (Ex: I need to buy a scarf a purse and a hat). (,)

a. Period – b. Comma – c. Question mark – d. Exclamation mark – e. Quotations – f. Colon

 This is fantastic I love this dress ( )

 My favorite brands are Nike Adidas Converse and Vans. ( )
 Look! This is my birthday present for you, I hope you like it ( )
 Do you prefer the blue or the brown sweater ( )
 My brother said, I don’t like this shirt. ( )
 The clothes I need are a tie, a pair of mittens, a dress and a vest. ( )

4.2. Think about more words that connect sentences. Look for the words in English and
on a separate sheet write as many sentences as possible. In the sentences you create,
use the punctuation marks you know.


Now you are ready for your writing test. Let’s write something!
2. ASSESSMENT 6 Deciding on what to
write about
 Articulate all the goals described along the writing assessments
and compose a text for the Oral Presentation.

1. Think about:

1. Do you know what your final

text is going to be about?

2. Do you think the strategies of

the previous writing practices can
help you?

3. Do you consider that writing is a

piece of cake? Why?

Piece of cake: Easy

2. Words matter!

To do well in this lesson, it’s necessary to learn a number of words. Please complete
the following exercise. At the end you will have increased your vocabulary.

2.1. Underline the expression that best matches the idea of the boldfaced word or
phrase. Have a dictionary at hand!

a. During the play, the actors didn’t have a script so they had to improvise.

-An objective - A text containing the plan.

b. The teacher told me my text isn’t coherent.

- Logical - Bad

c. I scribble on my notebook while I’m in class.

-To write fast - To draw figures

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d. You know, my boss asked me to write a draft of a letter.

-The first version of a text - The final version of a text

2.2. Match the word on the left with the meaning on the right. Write in the
parenthesis the corresponding letter.

Word Meaning
1 Focus ( ) a To steal someone’s ideas.
2 Quote ( ) b To repeat or copy down words said by another person.
3 To write down ( ) c To put information on a paper.
4 Plagiarism ( ) d Pay particular attention to something.

3. Read a bit!

Read the following text about “Deciding on a topic to write about” Carlos is an English
student; he wants to write his final paper, so he advises other students to choose a
topic based on his experience.

Sometimes I feel blocked and I don’t know

what to write about. I start making
scribbles in my notebook for nothing. It’s
so difficult! But, to help my creative spirit, I
listen to my favorite songs and I try to
reflect about the meaning of them. Also, I
try to remember my happy memories or
bad experiences of my childhood, and
then I write a short draft. If the story is
interesting, I keep writing; but if not, I take
a look at a quote that makes me think on
Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Most of
the times, those thoughts and quotes on
the internet really catch my attention and I
feel I can give my opinion about them.

Writing is difficult if you don’t have inspiration, but when you finally have a topic, writing
about it in detail is a piece of cake! You are going to have tons of ideas. Occasionally, you
should have an amount of words, so be careful. Then, I recommend to focus on the details
and write as many ideas as you can. I’m sure that if you follow those tips, you are going to
succeed. And remember, avoid plagiarism; it is better if you write down your own thoughts.

I&D Team 2018

4. Tips for composition

In this session you find grammar elements and composition strategies that help you
with your writing production. Read the explanation; this is important for the next

Let’s take a look at all the grammar and composition topics of the previous writing
practices so they can guide you with your final text for the oral presentation.

Writing practice 1  Sentence structure.

o Capitalization.
o Punctuation.
o Sentence structure.
o Type of sentence.
Writing practice 2  Describing a person.
 Asking for directions.
 Simple sentences.
Writing practice 3  Filling out an application form.
 Writing an informal letter/e-mail.
Writing practice 4  Simple present in short sentence production.
 Connecting sentences for short paragraphs.
Writing practice 5  More expressions to link sentences.
 Punctuation marks.
So now you are ready for your final composition. Let’s write something!

I&D Team 2018

Writing tests – A1
Let’s write something.
Student’s name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________

5. Let’s write something! – A1, Looking for a job!

Now you know the basics of describing basic personal information. Use this knowledge
and everything you learn in class and write a story of your life, your life experience and
your ideal job similar to the story “Looking for a job!” Include the words in the box. Use a
separate sheet if more space is needed.

Job interview- staff- shift- full/part- time job

Title. _______________________________________________


Use a separate sheet of paper if more space is needed. Of course you will need it!

6. Self assessment time!

American School Way - © 2018

Student’s name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________

5. Let’s write something! – A1, My Au Pair experience!

Now you know the basics of describing a person and places. Now, imagine that you’re an
Au pair in London. Use the knowledge and everything you learnt in class and write a
paragraph describing the family you’re living with and the place where you’re staying. Use
the words in the box

Abroad- Improve- Take care of- Nanny- Apply


Use a separate sheet of paper if more space is needed. Of course you will need it!

6. Self assessment time!

American School Way - © 2018

Student’s name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________

5. Let’s write something! – A1, Living abroad.

Now you know the basics of writing short, simple notes. Use this knowledge and everything
you learn in class and write an answer to Andres’ e-mail. Tell him what you are doing right
now and what you think about the trip to Mali to visit him. Include the words in the box. Use
a separate sheet if more space is needed.

Job interview- staff- shift- full/part time job

Use a separate sheet of paper if more space is needed. Of course you will need it!

6. Self assessment time!

American School Way - © 2018

Student’s name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________

5. Let’s write something! – A1, My family moves to another house.

Now you know the basics of creating a short paragraph. Use this knowledge and everything
you learn in class and write a story of a family similar to the story “My family moves to another
house” Use grammar and vocabulary from units 1 to 4 to add more elements to your
paragraph. Include the words in the box. Use a separate sheet if more space is needed.

Move Stuff Keep an eye on… Furniture

Title. _______________________________________________

Use a separate sheet of paper if more space is needed. Of course you will need it!

6. Self assessment time!

American School Way - © 2018

Student’s name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________

5. Let’s write something! – A1, At the clothes department.

Now you can create a more complete paragraph. Use all the elements in the previous steps
and write about one of your experiences buying clothes. Include the following words in the

Department store Brand A pair of Garment

Title ____________________________________


Use a separate sheet of paper if more space is needed. Of course you will need it!

6. Self assessment time!

American School Way - © 2018

Student’s name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________

5. Let’s write something! – A1, Deciding on what to write about.

Now you know how to write and express your ideas using all the elements worked in the
previous workshops. So it is time for you to write down your own final composition. The
topic is of your own choice.

Title. _______________________________________________


Use a separate sheet of paper if more space is needed. Of course you will need it!

6. Self assessment time!

American School Way - © 2018

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