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Ssdfdre Holy Spirit Investment Club Notes

March 17, 2018

Holy Spirit Investment Club Notes

May 25, 2019

 USD Strengthens; Shorting China Until New Trade Deal
 Prophetic on New Volatility for Summer
 Rare-Earth Export Ban Coming?
 Q: Deep State’s 16 Year Plan to Destroy USA

 We will have a special meeting on June 1 with Lance McGinnis at Ken and Val’s house.

Market Wrap Up: Markets Remain Volatile, High Volatility After Making New Highs

 The Dow has fallen below the 50 day moving average.

 At the end of 2018 when the market was falling, Lance prophesied that the market would
bounce and return to all-time highs. This prophecy has been fulfilled!
 Since then, the market has retreated a bit because of the trade uncertainty with China.
 Trump has been getting his ducks in a row and signing trade deals with other nations in
preparation for negotiations with China.

 We expect continued volatility as people react to headlines and big players trying to sway
the market one way or another.
 Trump has been getting the economy strong and setting trade deals in place especially
because the world is about to go through the Global Currency Reset.
 In some ways, the GCR has already begun, but the major transition is yet to come.
 Until now, the USD has had an unfair advantage in the world system. However, in order of
the USD to be the world’s reserve currency, America has had to take on enormous
amounts of debt.
 This current system is ending, and the season for the USD as the world’s reserve currency
is coming to an end. Trump sees this and is trying to get America in a place where we will
be able to weather the coming storm/transition.
 Trump is trying to get our balance of payments with other nations to be zero.
 Until now, China has needed USDs, and has produced huge amounts of goods to sell to
the US. This was their way to get USD to exchange for oil, etc. on the global market. As
their need for USDs dwindles, it will affect our trade with China greatly.
 As part of the USD plan, the US has given huge amounts of USDs to other nations in
foreign aid. The US has also had military bases all over the world, and as the USD has
been the world reserve currency, the soldiers on those bases could largely use USDs
 As demand for the USD falls, those dollars will come flooding back to America and will
cause inflation.
 We expect the IMF’s SDR to become the new world reserve currency.
 Trump is doing a good job of strengthening the USD, which no one thought was possible.

 The NASDAQ went to new all-time highs, but has since retreated.
 The S&P 500 is in a similar position:

DXY: The US Dollar is Stronger, Cutting the Price of Oil & Gold
 The DXY is an index that compares the USD to 6 other currencies, the euro being the
primary one.
 You can see the USD has been strengthening:

 The USD has been going up as the US economy has strengthened under Trump.
 Therefore, it takes fewer dollars to buy gold and silver and oil, so the price of these has
been falling.

EUO: Euro Gets Weaker as USD Gets Stronger

 We’ve been saying for a long time now that the euro would collapse.
 One way to play that is through the EUO, a fund that shorts the euro. If the euro falls by 1%,
this fund goes up 2%:

 The volume isn’t very high on this, but it has been in a steady upward channel for a while
 The prophetic revelation is that the EU will collapse over Brexit, and euro will collapse with

FXI: China Growth Slows

 The FXI is a fund that invests in China.
 You can see it has been plummeting because of the “trade wars.”

FXP: Shorting China Until New Trade Deal

 Alternately, the FXP is a fund that shorts China.
 You can see it has been going up:

 The prophetic word is that we will have to prepare for a “June swoon,” and we expect China
to drop the hammer on certain things.
 We are thinking to short China until they make a trade deal.
 After a deal, China could rally, at which point FXI would be the better position.
 We believe Trump has put the US in a great position to negotiate with China.

Dow Heads for 5th Straight Negative Week, Longest Losing Streak Since 2011
Stocks were headed for weekly losses on Friday as investors worry the U.S.-China
trade war is hurting economic growth.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down about 1% this week and is on pace to post
its fifth consecutive weekly decline, its longest since 2011. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq
Composite were headed for a third straight week of losses, their longest since
December 2018.
The indexes got a small reprieve on Friday after President Donald Trump said the
ongoing trade war could be over quickly. The Dow and Nasdaq rose 0.1% each, while
the S&P 500 held around the flatline…
Crude prices are down more than 7% this week as trade worries spilled over to other
markets. Investors also loaded up on Treasurys this week. On Thursday, the 10-year
Treasury note yield fell to its lowest level since October 2017.
 We can see that the market is reacting to what people are saying, and there is high
volatility. It can be difficult to trade this, as there is no clear trend.

Russian Central Bank to Explore Using Gold-Backed Cryptocurrencies for Mutual

 The Eurasian Economic Union has just completed their first transactions using their own
 These are major developments.
 Russia and other nations are worried that they wouldn’t be able to control their own
currencies if there were cryptocurrencies. So for now, they are banning most cryptos, but
they want to use some of the technology. We could see a digital ruble.
 As more nations do this, the price of gold will go up with demand.
 Below is a chart of US Official Gold Reserves:

 The government has been reporting 8,134 for the last 10 or 15 years, and it never changes.
 However, mint held gold should be changing all the time.
 Supposedly, this is gold that was confiscated from the American people by FDR.

 The “Euro dollar” really has nothing to do with Europe. It started in Europe, but it’s called
that regardless of what foreign nation the USD is used in.

Prophetic on New Volatility for Summer

 Ken thinks stocks may have volatility in June, but they will come back.
 Regarding political manipulations, Ken believes this refers to the exposure of what the
Deep State has been doing to Trump and other nations of the world. We may see exposure
of how markets and politics are manipulated for the benefit of the elite.
 Ken believes this sort of exposure would bring more volatility.
 Lance’s last word was right on the money, so we’re paying close attention to this.
 It seems that the prophetic is clearer and more accurate when the person hearing doesn’t
have money in the market.
 If we make money on a prophet’s word, we want to see that prophet rewarded for their
 We are looking into Patreon as a means to give towards those who’ve given words that
we’ve profited from.
 Lance McGinnis has registered on Patreon as well. If you’ve made money from his words,
please consider giving. You can do so here:
 And if you’ve been giving words to the group, please consider registering on Patreon as
 Below are some more words from Lance.
 911 type stuff, Ken believes, are events that the Deep State orchestrates to throw up
smoke screens.

 There is a school in Rome that secretly trains FBI/CIA spies.
 An Italian official just fired many of his head officers that were involved in it and their activity
trying to take down Trump.
 These people aren’t trying to take down Trump just because they don’t like his policies.
They know that they are at risk of being exposed of their many crimes, so they’re doing
anything they can to take him out.

 Ken’s opinion is that often when there are bad news headlines, it is the Deep State trying to
take the focus off of themselves. People who commit some of the terrorist attacks and/or
school shootings may be programmed by the Deep State.
 We expect to see this more as the FISA documents are released.
 We are watching to see if this is true, and to be prepared to trade accordingly.
 Another member, Ben from Australia, has been getting revelation about oil. We will cover
more of his words in the future.
 In a chat with Ben, Lance said:

 Oil is currently about $59.

 An event such as trade problems with China or an explosion in Saudi Arabia could cause a
spike in oil like this. We don’t know what it will be, but we keep our eyes open.
 We have a revelation on price, but not timing. We want to steward the word well until it
becomes more clear.
 It could come in the “June swoon.”
 Below is our summary of these words and possible strategies for these months:
“Choppy May”
 We could see 600 point swings.
 You can trade ETF pairs for these market swings.
 For instance, QID (short) and QLD (long) are ETFs that leverage the movements in tech
 When tech/the NASDAQ goes down 1% QID goes up 2%; when the NASDAQ goes up 1%,
QLD goes up 2%.
 There are pairs for the Dow and S&P as well, but tech stocks generally make bigger moves.
 TMF is another ETF that could be good for May.
 TMF has to do with US Treasurys. The fact that it is going up means more people are
putting money into US Treasurys.

 This could be European money come into US Treasurys as the European market is shaky.
 TMF might also be good in the “June swoon.”

“Prepare for a Swoon in June”

 We are taking the “June swoon” to mean a fall in the market when it comes.
 TMF and VIXY could be good in that scenario.
 You could also try to buy on the dips in anticipation for stocks going back up in August.
 Other options include FXP and EUO.
 Ken is holding on to his LBSR and NAK and counterbalancing with some of these ETFs.
 One way to trade ETF pairs is to buy both the short and long (i.e. QID and QLD), put a
trailing stop loss in place (of say, 3%), then hopefully one will stop out and the other will
keep running up. However, in a highly volatile market this may not work.

“July Manipulations”
 One way elites could cause manipulations is by orchestrating a crash in the market, then
going in to buy companies for pennies on the dollar.
 Ken thinks this will cause the market to stay down, with volatility continuing.

“August: Stocks Will Fly – Buy, Buy Buy!”
 As the Global Currency Reset continues, various currencies will be revalued and new
liquidity will enter the market. This could cause stocks to “fly.”
 You may want to buy in July in preparation for the August fly.
 The QLD would be one ETF to buy if you’re long on tech stocks in August.
 ETF pairs work ok if the market runs the same direction for 2 or 3 days. It does not work if
volatility is so high that it changes direction one or more times in the same day (3% or

China Trade War

 It looks like the trade war is heating up, and it looks like they will be playing hard ball.

Xi Sends Trump a Message: Rare-Earth Export Ban is coming
Back in April of 2018, when the trade war with China was still in its early stages, we
explained that among the five "nuclear" options Beijing has to retaliate against the US,
one was the block of rare-earth exports to the US, potentially crippling countless US
supply chains that rely on these rare commodities, and forcing painful and costly
delays in US production as alternative supply pathways had to be implemented.
As a result, for many months China watchers expected Beijing to respond to Trump's
tariff hikes by blocking the exports of one or more rare-earths, although fast forwarding
one year later this still hasn't happened. But that doesn't mean it won't happen, and
overnight President Xi Jinping’s visit to a rare earths facility fueled speculation that the
strategic materials will soon be weaponized in China’s tit-for-tat war the US…
The reason for the dramatic market response is that the presidential visit flags policy
priorities, and "rare earths have featured in the escalating trade spat between the U.S.
and China." Specifically, as Bloomberg notes, China raised tariffs to 25% from 10% on
American imports, while the U.S. excluded rare earths from its own list of prospective
tariffs on roughly $300 billion worth of Chinese goods to be targeted in the next wave
of measures. And just in case the White House missed the message, Xi was
accompanied on the trip to JL MAG by Liu He, the vice premier who has led the
Chinese side in the trade negotiations.
Why does China have a clear advantage in this area? Simple: the U.S. relies on
China, the dominant global supplier, for about 80% of its rare earths imports.
The visit “sends a warning signal to the U.S. that China may use rare earths as a
retaliation measure as the trade war heats up,” said Pacific Securities analyst
Yang Kunhe. That could include curbs on rare earth exports to the U.S., he said.
 REMX is an ETF for rare earths:

 If China does cut off our rare earths supply, this fund could really take off.
 This could also cause North American miners to take off.
 Liberty Star has rare earths deposits in anomalous amounts, but they need to quantify it to
see if they can be mined profitably.
 Other companies to consider are Pure Energy Minerals (PEMIF):

 First Cobalt Corp (FTSSF):

 And Westwater Resources (WWR):

 20 years ago, the Carolinas were the largest producers of rare earths in the world. We had
the biggest mines (i.e. Kings Mt, NC) and processing centers.
 South America eventually became bigger miners, as they had cheaper labor. However, they
were sending their ore to the Carolinas to be processed.
 Then, China began producing their own rare earths and dumping them on American
markets at such a low price that it drove American companies into bankruptcy. When Kings
Mt went under, the Chinese then came in and bought up all their equipment at a low price.
 China took control of their marketplace. Now, people don’t want to open mines because
they don’t want to compete with China.
 Trump wants to put tariffs on some rare earths to protect American mining. We believe
Trump will continue to put major policies in place to protect America’s rare earths industry.
 Lance McGinnis released a word last year about rare earths being discovered in the US –
“riches hidden in secret places” Isaiah 45. He said that part of the word he got for this
year was a continuing of the revealings and uncoverings of last year.

Update on Crypto Revelation

 Bitcoin has risen to above 8,000:

 We thought the Bitcoin rally would come at the end of last year, but it was delayed.
 It looks like the prophetic word has been fulfilled, but just 6 months later than we thought.

 Today, 10,000 Bitcoin is worth $80 million! Now on the anniversary of this first Bitcoin
purchase, Bitcoin companies will celebrate with a big pizza party for all their employees.
 Below is a chart showing how many people own more than one Bitcoin:

 Lance shared with us that he heard, “8,000 is either a new beginning or a perfect ending.”
Ken believes it is a new beginning.
 What would cause Bitcoin to go down? One thing would be some form of governmental
 The government must intervene to implement things like anti-laundering laws and “know-
your-client” laws – laws that banks have to abide by.
 Also, cryptos may eventually have to be insured. There may be insured and uninsured
exchanges to choose from.
 Some say they are going to set up international courts whose sole purpose is to handle
cryptocurrencies exchanges.
 These kinds of headlines could scare the market and cause the price to drop. However, we
expect these sorts of drops to be temporary.
 The SEC, US Treasury and Federal Reserve have all stated that cryptos are not illegal, and
people have the freedom to create their own currencies.
 Another issue is the taxation of cryptocurrencies. In the US, cryptos are taxed like assets,
so if you sell at a profit, you will be taxed on the profit. Different countries have different
taxation rules for cryptos, so there is no international standard.

 This is what we are seeing as well.

 It is possible that this word has already been fulfilled, as Bitcoin has really soared since
 Ken believes it may still fly higher.
 Based on Lance’s more recent word, we are at a pivot point, and may go up or down from

Ripple Reveals Expansion of XRP-Powered xRapid, Amazon Files Crypto Patent, and
Bitcoin’s 21 Million Club Hits New Record
Amazon Crypto Patent
Amazon has been granted a new patent that outlines a number of ways to create
proof-of-work cryptographic systems.
The proof-of-work algorithm is used by Bitcoin and a number of other cryptocurrencies
as a method of verifying transactions.
 Facebook and Amazon are major players, and they are both getting into the crypto world.
 We believe major things are happening, and that cryptos may play a part in the Global
Currency Reset.

Q and the Anons Update

 Trump just issued an interesting statement:

 The intelligence community has been trying to suppress much of this information, as
it is incriminating against them.
 This investigation will show who was really involved in trying to interfere with the elections.
 It appears that major U.S. agencies (CIA, FBI, DOJ, etc) and other nations (U.K., Australia,
etc.) were involved in trying to stop Trump from getting elected, and maybe assassination
 We’ve got a circular firing squad now, with Strzok, Brennan, Comey and Clapper all
pointing at each other in an effort to take the blame off of themselves.

 To “translate” Q’s post above, Hussein (Obama) would take his 8 years in office to install
rogue operations, leak classified intel and military assets, cut funding to the military, and
take down “good guys” in the government.
 Valerie Jarrett was Obama’s handler from the Deep State. She was “sniffing out” the good
guys, pointing them out, and the Deep State was getting rid of them.
 SAP = Special Access Program. SAP information isn’t even allowed to be copied, but
Hillary Clinton had some on her personal server.
 Snowden was catastrophic to military bad guys world wide, as well as the CIA (clowns) and
the NSA (No Such Agency).
 The Deep State was trying to weaken the conservative base via IRS targeting and through
the mainstream media (MSM).
 They also planned to have immigrants flood through the border in order to boost Democrat
voter base and to allow in ISIS and MS13 (violent gang) to create fear in the U.S.
 The Deep State took a blind eye to North Korea’s nuclear development and were funding
and supplying Iran’s nuclear program.
 The Deep State also tried to stage the Supreme Court. 187 is the police code for murder,
so he’s saying that Antonin Scalia was murdered.
 They also sold off our uranium (U1), which diminished America’s supply and gave it to Iran
and North Korea.
 Most people wouldn’t believe this, but they have traced the U1 uranium. It was shipped to
Canada, then Europe, then Iran. Iran has been assisting North Korea with their nuclear
 One of our members spent 25 years in the agency that oversaw classified information. She
explained how each level of classified information gets higher as the consequences of it
being breached pose greater and greater threats. To reveal top secret information could
cause catastrophic loss of life and damage. It is no small matter that Hillary and others were
selling state secrets and putting many lives in jeopardy.
 We are in a war right now, but is being fought in subversive ways. The Deep State uses
blackmail and assassinations.
 Trump and his team (Q and the Anons) are trying to shut down the corrupt CIA operations
around the world. They took out major operations in Armenia and North Korea.
 North Korea was such an enemy of America because of who was controlling them. Trump
has taken them out so that negotiations can move forward.
 Now that the Deep State is in Trump’s crosshairs, we expect they will fight with various
attacks and shootings meant to cause chaos.
 Please pray for our President and his team! Pray that the FBI and DOJ will get major
overhauls and righteous people put in position.
 To keep informed, Ken likes to follow ZeroHedge, The Daily Caller, Praying Medic and
Breitbart, among others.

Company Updates

Organigram Holdings (OGI)

Organigram Announces May 21st as Inaugural Date of Trading on the Nasdaq Global
Select Market

 OGI is a marijuana company that has been moving up in value. It is up to $7.49.

 When a company moves to the NASDAQ from the OTC, it is usually a good sign.
 We haven’t covered them much in the past, but wanted to you to see it now.

Prophetic Word
 We believe Trump is a Cyrus, and God is using him mightily. There is a great anointing on
him, but it doesn’t mean he is invincible. We need to cover him in prayer continually.
 The evil that he is exposing is beyond anything most of us can comprehend. The people in
control in the Deep State worship satan.
 The people that are recruited by the Deep State are initially bribed with money or power,
but eventually, they get some sort of blackmail material on them, such as evidence of
pedophilia or human sacrifice.
 Johnny Enlow spoke of this in the prophetic word below:

Johnny Enlow: "5779: A Great Day of Deliverance (Trump, Justice, Elections, Israel,
Church & the Economy)"
God Saved the United States (and the Nations)
Even as it was said in verse 30, "So the Lord saved Israel..." so it will be realized that
we too have been similarly saved, and that we are the recipients of a great work of
divine deliverance. This will be something important as we move forward. We
sometimes confuse the fact that we do have a responsibility from our end to do
something and use that as the proof that it is ALL up to us. Yes, as in Moses' day we
must obey and head for our Promised Land of the nations. Yes, Moses must lift up his
rod and exercise his authority. Yes, we must respond to the parted sea before us and
move quickly. We do have our part—however, it pales in comparison to the rescue
operation put on by God. It is He who makes the "east wind" blow. It is He who causes
the Red Sea to part. He is the One who makes it instantly dry land. It is He who
removes the chariot wheels of the enemy. It is He who causes the Red Sea to cover
the very ones who strategically used the Red Sea to keep us limited and in survival-
The great deliverance we are walking through is orchestrated and executed by God.
He sees us moving toward the 7 mountains of our Promised Land and He is removing
the embedded darkness that thought this to be THEIR Promised Land. The evil power
holders are beginning to sense God is fighting for us. It will be more than a "sense"
before 5779 is over. They will experience what it is like to be in the cross-hairs of His
justice. Though we wrestle not against flesh and blood, some "flesh and blood" has so
partaken of the demonic that they are almost one.
Zephaniah 1:9 Will Be in Play for 2019
"In that same day, I will punish all those who leap over the threshold, who fill their
masters' houses with violence and deceit." (Zephaniah 1:9)
Those who "leap over the threshold" are associated with the worship of Dagon. Dagon
was the Philistine deity who was the father of Baal. Part of what will be coming out in
5779 is the proof that many of the corrupt ones being disempowered are actual
worshipers of Baal, Molech, Dagon, and satan himself. Some of the most abominable
practices imaginable will come to light and it will be initially hard to believe because it
will be so evil—and so widespread among certain evil elite. Their violence and their
deceit have filled this nation, even in multi-generational ways. They are now going to
be punished. Some you will never hear about it, but their lives will just be taken, even
as Herod's life was taken in Biblical times. If you are one of these you will be in His
cross-hairs in 5779…
The human-trafficking, sex-trafficking, pedophilia rings are a specific focus of
God at this time, and worldwide webs and rings are being disrupted and will be
the focus of God's justice in 5779…
The Economy Will Continue to Prosper

…We have been blessed economically, and despite the unchartered and somewhat
unnerving process we are going through it will all tend towards an even greater
financial rescue. Whatever momentary hiccups we may experience from time to time,
know that the steady direction will be economic health—despite surreptitious attempts
from dark agendas to harm or kill the economy.
If you are a Believer, there is one course of action for you to take moving forward on
money matters and that is: Be bold. Don't be a hoarder and don't be consumed with
self-preservation. This is the time for the righteous to be bold as lions and to ignore
fearful speculations…
There are surreptitious elements within Israel's intelligence community that are going
to be exposed, and it will be an important national matter and even international
matter. Exposure of corruption, especially sexual, is going to be something God is
going after, while simultaneously judging the outside nations that attempt to do Israel
 We need to keep Trump and his team in prayer!
 Pray for our military. The Deep State has nuclear weapons they are trying to bring in
through South America. Trump is trying to stop them.
 This is not about partisanship. This is about good versus evil!

As always, we wish you Godspeed on your investment journey.


Ken Storey
CEO, Investing With Insight

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