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Original Article

Public squares in European city centres

Bob Giddings*, James Charlton and Margaret Horne

School of the Built Environment, Northumbria University, Wynne Jones Building, Floor 2, Ellison Place,
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 8ST, UK.
*Corresponding author.

Abstract During the latter part of the twentieth century, while a small number of exemplar city centre
squares continued to be attractive places, the vast majority acquired either an image of empty spaces or an
unattractive picture as traffic islands. This was emphasised by the decline of traditional community activities
and the perception of comfort generated by internalising external space; coupled with a commodifying of cities
in which they were merely viewed as commercial and retail opportunities. Communities need public spaces as
places for assembly. They are the physical manifestation that each community is coherent and vibrant.
Increasingly, it is being recognised that identity and place have enormous roles in reinforcing society. The
re-introduction of public squares is part of reversing the erosion of the public sector and the public realm, and
reclaiming city centres from private interests for the benefit of communities. Criteria for comfortable external
spaces have been researched, and these recognise the differences between Northern and Southern Europe. The
most recent advances are in the simulation of city centre design; which includes geometry, uses, pedestrian
movement and environmental conditions. There is confidence to be gained from visualisation of how squares
will look, feel and be used; and will make a real contribution to sustainable urban design.
URBAN DESIGN International (2011) 16, 202–212. doi:10.1057/udi.2011.6

Keywords: squares; city centres; pedestrians; public realm; communities

Introduction squares, to highlight the positive aspects of public

squares; and is tested and simulated in terms of
The aim of this article is to address three major microclimate and pedestrian movement. This is
issues: a demonstration of how new public squares
can be designed by simulating all the various
K Why there has been a decline in public squares? aspects. Finally, a vision is presented of how
K Why it is important to re-introduce public public squares could be designed in future –
squares? using virtual city models.
K How to re-introduce public squares?

A framework for geometric criteria from a The Decline in Public Squares

previous study (Giddings, 1996) is tested with
new data from five exemplar squares in Northern Urban space has always been the place for the
European cities (Charlton, 2010). However, much community rather than the individual, and
of the research for this article is in manipulating therefore public rather than private in nature.
software that can simulate solar access and Historically, activities that occurred in urban
thermal comfort, wind flow, noise mapping and spaces have been representative of that settle-
pedestrian movement (Charlton et al, 2008) that ment. They were places where the framework of
is, what is the effect of changing the geometry society was formulated, and where economic
on these qualities? Chamberlain Square in activity thrived. A common theme among urban
Birmingham is selected from the exemplar pioneers is that the popularity of particular cities

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Public squares in European city centres

is derived, at least in part, from space that is places. Fear of crime began to deter people
defined by buildings rather than the commercial from using them (Woolley et al, 2004). Much of
twentieth century model in which buildings are this negative perception was aimed at young
seen as artefacts dropped into space (Alexander, people, and notions such as urban youth culture,
1987). Squares are special urban spaces, provided clientele of the young with large disposable
for the benefit of the public. Initially, this income (Worpole and Knox, 2007), and youthful
facilitated ready defence against external aggres- playscapes (Chatterton and Hollands, 2002)
sion but the developing courtyard form offered dominating city centres, encouraged increasing
more symbolic value. Of all types of urban space, privatisation. Often the process happened
squares are the most representative of the values through public-led urban regeneration initiatives,
of the societies that created them – the agora, with resulting developments being owned and
forum, cloister, mosque courtyard are examples. managed by private landlords who have the
Traditional functions included: power to restrict access and control activities
(Minton, 2006). It also enabled the private sector
Trade: buying and selling, depository and to operate a form of social control through
manufacture segregation; and the attendant growth in private
security enabled a reduction in police costs.
Information: dissemination of news – place Private developments on public space provided
of social activity a further income for the city authorities through
the tax base, as well as offering profitable
Recreation: games, teaching, lunch and ventures for private enterprises. What was left
conversation of public space was often rented-out by local
governments for commercial purposes; and what
Protection: militia, training and drill, gather- has been termed cafe-creep (Kohn, 2004), spread
ing in times of danger commercial interests even deeper into the public
Piety: holy inspiration and prayer, open space
before a church for worship. (French, 1983)
The Importance of Public Squares
However, Krier (1979) articulates a general feeling
that towards the end of the twentieth century, There is a growing body of evidence that public
these functions had either become outdated or space is able to deliver a range of benefits across
changed location and the public square had economic, social and environmental spheres.
become synonymous with an empty space. The A high quality public environment can have a
loss of symbolism in particular, was greatly significant impact on the economic life of urban
lamented by Giedion (1962). The empty spaces centres. The presence of squares and other public
were often filled with vehicles and many squares spaces become vital business and marketing
presented an unattractive picture as traffic is- tools: companies are attracted by public places
lands. Gehl and Gemzoe (2001) observed that the and these in turn attract customers, employees
private car was invading public space. The loss of and services. Public spaces are open to all, and as
the city squares as places for citizens, seemed to such represent a democratic forum for citizens
hasten the commodifying of cities in which they and society. They can bring communities together,
were viewed merely as commercial and retail provide meeting places and foster social ties of a
opportunities; and the downgrading of the public kind that have been disappearing in many urban
realm by privatisation. Modern landmarks started areas. These spaces shape the cultural identity of
to reflect the values of commercialism, where an area, are part of its unique character, and
offices and retail units replaced buildings that provide a sense of place for local communities.
were more representative of society. City streets One of the benefits of high quality public space
and squares were covered-in by malls. These have is its potential as a venue for social events.
the illusion of being public, especially as they Well-managed festivals and other events can
occupy public space, but are operated by the have a very positive effect on the urban environ-
private sector (Giddings et al, 2005). There also ment, drawing the community together and
grew a perception, mainly emanating from the bringing economic, social and environmental
United States that public spaces were dangerous benefits (Pugalis, 2009). Squares, in particular, can

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Giddings et al

reintroduce the kind of civil society that has been 20 500 m2 of pedestrianised space in 1968,
lost in too many cities (Woolley et al, 2004). 50 000 m2 in 1986 and 71 000 m2 in 1995 (Gehl,
According to Mattson (1999), citizens have made 2006). Pedestrianising city spaces is literally a step
it clear that they need spaces where they can forward as it shows the public demand for them;
interact with fellow citizens and try to persuade but it has its limitations. First, large areas freed
others of their viewpoints. Lack of public space from vehicles can reduce options for drivers, and
is an insidious expression of a lack of democracy. generate choking routes at the periphery. Second,
In the past, public squares were invested with streets designed for vehicles may not feel parti-
symbolic power that could evoke pride and cularly comfortable for pedestrians. Third, surro-
public interaction. A crucial role of architecture gate squares are often generated at road junctions,
and urban design in a democracy is the creation without the possibility to introduce spaces that
of public spaces that encourage civic interaction really act as squares. The dimensions may not be
and discourse. appropriate, gaps between enclosing buildings
Much of the negativity about city centre squares too large, and so on. City design requires net-
is derived from zoning policies, in which centres works of properly conceived streets and squares –
are viewed as the sole province of retail and introducing pedestrians to symbolic buildings,
commercial activity. In many popular European culture, entertainment, as well as commercial
cities, squares are part of mixed use areas that activity. The re-introduction of public squares
include residences above ground floor level; needs to be viewed as part of reversing the
so that 24-hour occupation of buildings is main- erosion of the public sector and the public realm,
tained and natural surveillance provides for and reclaiming city centres from private interests
defensible space, re-assuring those using city for the benefit of communities. The central idea
spaces at any time – in a similar way to is that people need spaces in which they can
Newman’s (1973) proposals. Public squares have conceive of themselves as citizens committed to
important social and cultural roles, providing political debate and persuasion; and as neigh-
people with places to meet, rest or stop and bours with common educational and cultural
talk. These activities evidently take place where needs. Without these spaces, citizenship wanes
outdoor areas are of suitable quality. They (Mattson, 1999).
also provide important focal points, which
demonstrate that visitors have reached the heart
of the city. Historic or otherwise significant How to Re-introduce Public Squares
buildings need a context, and squares can be an
expression of civic pride, historic power and Often local authorities own city space, or least
importance (Chesterton, 1997). The significance have major influence on how it is developed.
of a renaissance of buildings and activities that Design is more than just providing any space
define society cannot be overstated; and the between commercial and retail buildings. Plan-
importance of bringing symbolic buildings back ning gain can be derived from these private
to prominent positions in city centres; and sector developments as a means of creating
locating them in proper settings is at its core. new squares. They also need to be comfortable
This leads to the concept of a square for every places. As Chesterton (1997) points out, a space
symbolic building. Increasingly, it is being recog- needs to offer shelter, particularly from the wind.
nised that identity and place have enormous roles Even relatively unattractive places have been
in reinforcing society. successful where they offer sheltered open spaces
In recent years, there have been numerous in the city centre. Criteria for comfortable city
city centre pedestrianisation schemes throughout centre squares have been researched, and these
Europe, aimed primarily at rescuing pedestrians recognise the differences between Northern and
from the domination of motor vehicles. For Southern Europe.
example in 1981, there were approximately
1450 pedestrianised precincts in UK towns and
cities (Roberts, 1981). By 1995, approximately 37 A framework for the design of squares
per cent of principal city streets in the United
Kingdom were pedestrianised compared with A study undertaken to establish a frame of
less than 5 per cent in 1971 (Colliers Erdman reference for a city structure approach to urban
Lewis, 1994). While in Copenhagen, there was design (Giddings, 1996) included criteria for the

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Public squares in European city centres

three-dimensional (3D) geometry of squares. The There is confidence to be gained from visualisa-
study was based on academic literature from Sitte tion of how squares will look, feel and be used;
(1986[1889]) to Tibbalds (1990), as well as inves- and this will make a real contribution to the
tigating popular Northern European cities and longevity of sustainable urban design. With the
selecting two comparable districts in Stuttgart current research, in addition to geometry –
and Amsterdam for detailed measurement and measures of temperature, wind and noise are also
analysis. A particular influence was Lynch (1960) taken; to assess them against the following
with his well-known analysis of city centres microclimatic criteria, and to validate the software
through elements termed paths, edges, districts, modelling intended for incorporation in the
nodes and landmarks. More recently, this kind of design of future squares: Table 2.
analytical approach has been developed into a The primary differences between Northern and
multiple centrality assessment by Porta et al Southern Europe is that in the North it is not
(2008). Their assessment examines the relation- usual for the climate to produce temperatures
ship between nodes and generates optimum of over 241C; whereas uncomfortable winds
locations within the spatial system. In the context speeds of over 8 mph are commonplace. Thus
of this article, nodes are city centre squares. the objective in Northern Europe is to design
Another study (Charlton, 2010) selected five squares that provide temperatures of more than
exemplar squares from different countries in 131C, on as many occasions as possible, while
Northern Europe to further test the framework. minimising the number of days that the wind
It is shown in Table 1 that the criteria remain exceeds 8 mph. Wind speeds of less than 4 mph
appropriate. are generally the most comfortable, and ideally
The restriction until recently has been that would only increase to 8 mph, as the temperature
although it was possible to analyse existing approaches the preferred maximum of 241C. In
popular squares and produce a frame of refer- Southern Europe, the squares tend to be smaller
ence; the notion that a square designed to those and more enclosed, to maximise shading. There
criteria would be successful, had to be taken on are more hours of sunlight, the temperatures are
trust. There was no guarantee that the microcli- higher and the wind often less. Thus, the
matic conditions would be favourable, that people objectives in Southern Europe are to lower
would be comfortable interacting with it; and temperatures and increase air movement.
indeed even the visualisation of the proposal The other major part of the current research is
relied on traditional architectural communication modelling pedestrian movement. In order to
techniques. It has been discovered that even a avoid the claims that squares will remain empty
concept as unsustainable as recent master plan- spaces, simulated pedestrian activity related to
ning has benefitted from pictorial 3D visions; the dimensions of a proposed square, the size,
demonstrating how more sophisticated images number and nature of openings, its detailed
can assist with decision-making and fund raising design; and the uses of its enclosing buildings
(Giddings and Hopwood, 2006). need to be demonstrated.

Table 1: Geometric criteria and results from five exemplar squares Northern European cities

Cities Dimensions Length to width Length to height Width to height Perimeter Number of % of perimeter
small: 30  12 1.1 to 3.0:1 1.4 to 8.0:1 0.8 to 3.0:1 75–335 openings 2–5 8–28%
avg: 70  50
90  35
max: 100  70
120  50

Giddings (1996) all dimensions in metres

Birmingham 70  60 1.2:1 3.5:1 2.0:1 254 5 23
Bruges 70  45 1.5:1 5.2:1 2.3:1 230 3 9
Hague 70  30–40 2.0:1 6.0:1 2.7:1 207 4 12
Bonn 70  25–50 1.9:1 3.5:1 1.1:1 220 3 14
Paris 100  45 2.2:1 3.2:1 2.2:1 286 4 18
Charlton (2010) all dimensions in metres

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Table 2: Microclimatic criteria for squares in Northern Europe


Temperature (1C) Wind in miles per hour (mph) Noise dBA

13 o4 – No noticeable pedestrian 40 – Private discussion

24 4–8 – Wind is felt on the face 50 –
Ambient background noise level light traffic 30 m away
Gehl (2006) Cooper Marcus and Francis 60 –
Conversation at 1m singing birds
Pushkarev and Zupan (1997) 65 –
Maximum at night to avoid sleep disturbance
(1975) 70 –
Maximum during day to maintain acceptable Internal noise
Sharland (1972)
Sacre (1993)

Table 3: Microclimate, pedestrian movement and selected TownScope offers a database of the most common
software materials found in the urban realm. It has a
relatively sophisticated capability to assess direct,
diffused and reflected energy; total sunlight time
Solar access and thermal TownScope and total shade time. It can also estimate the
variation in temperature from the city meteorolo-
Wind analysis Star–CCM þ
Noise mapping Cadna A gical data at any time. Currently, this takes a
considerable amount of computer power.
Pedestrian movement Legion studio with Legion 3D Software development is therefore needed to
produce a package that can be run on standard
design office computers (

Wind analysis
Software modelling
Wind flow has already been identified as having a
substantial effect on the comfort of pedestrians.
A comparative analysis of microclimatic and
The factors that can modify natural wind speed
pedestrian movement software was undertaken
include the size and shape of the space, openings
(Charlton et al, 2008) and the following were
and the nature of the enclosing buildings. Perme-
selected as the most accurate and compatible for
able features such as trees, hedges, fences and so
the analysis and holistic design of public squares.
on, can also reduce wind speeds. Of the available
A fundamental criterion was the need for 3D
software, a computer fluid dynamics tool devised
simulation. There are a number of well-estab-
for the engineering industry was selected. It is
lished simulation software systems that can only
termed STAR–CCM þ , and has a long established
operate in two dimensions. Thus the following
reputation of providing solutions to complex
software was selected: Table 3.
problems in fluid mechanics, as well as being
the most versatile platform for industrial compu-
ter fluid dynamics simulation. Developed by
CD-adapco in the United States, the latest version
offers CAD importation and preparation, mesh-
Solar access and thermal comfort
ing, model set-up and iterative design studies –
A selection process based on available software
enabling the user to achieve more accurate results
revealed that a Belgium product, TownScope is
in a shorter time period (
the most appropriate choice for simulating these
aspects. It can import both 3Ds and DXF file
formats, add meteorological parameters (humid-
ity, clouding and so on) and vegetation masks Noise mapping
specified as monthly data, create terrain from 3D Noise is part of the daily assault on the senses and
points, and can render opacity and daylight a major source of urban pollution. Solid walls are
shadings. To define the surrounding materials, the most effective sound barriers. However, to be

206 r 2011 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International Vol. 16, 3, 202–212
Public squares in European city centres

effective they must be sufficiently long and high, spaces. Pedestrian software can either be a 2D or
and close to the source of the noise or to the 3D application used to model the movement
people to be protected. Thus, the arrangement of and flow of pedestrians within a given space and
the enclosing buildings and the detailed design of environment. The methodology identified and
the space is the most visually appropriate means filtered the software applications capable of
of controlling sound. The software, CadnaA pedestrian movement, and selected the software
(computer-aided noise abatement) was selected application Legion Studio with Legion 3D as
for this research, as it appeared to have features being considered appropriate for the research, in
absent in other noise mapping software that order to achieve a 3D application, realistically
would assist in generating, adapting and editing rendered pedestrians and other animations. Le-
models. Developed by DataKustik in Germany, gion was designed to simulate pedestrian move-
the software has powerful calculation algorithms, ment at transport interchanges and sports stadia.
extensive tools for object handling, the ability to This research has extended its application to city
import and export information from Google earth, squares. More information on this product can be
outstanding 3D visualisation and a user-friendly found at (
interface. It is also able to communicate with
other applications such as CAD software and
GIS-databases. Originally devised for noise Example – Chamberlain Square
pollution from industrial sites, road and rail – as
it has been used in this research, the company This is the exemplar square from Birmingham in
has added entire towns and urbanised areas to the United Kingdom (see Table 1), and will be
its portfolio ( used to demonstrate activities, microclimate and
cadnaa/). pedestrian movement. Any of the other squares –
Burg in Bruges, Grote Markt in The Hague, In der
surst in Bonn or Burg in Paris, could have been
Pedestrian movement chosen as they all meet the criteria. However,
as Corbett (2004) points out Birmingham’s City
This is the essential ingredient of public squares. Centre Design Strategy is focused on the delivery
Without people, squares have no justification and of new and improved city squares. As shown on
there would be a return to the image of empty Figure 1, the square is bounded by the Public

Figure 1: Plan of Chamberlain Square, Birmingham, UK.

r 2011 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International Vol. 16, 3, 202–212 207
Giddings et al

Figure 2: Statue of Thomas Attwood (political reformer) on the Figure 3: Birmingham Beach, June 2009 Chamberlain Square.
steps of the amphitheatre.

Library and Municipal Offices to the north, the The results show that on a sample day,
Council House, Museum and Art Gallery to the Chamberlain Square enjoys a more comfortable
east, the Town Hall to the south, and Paradise microclimate than the natural climate in Birming-
Forum cafes and shopping to the west. The open- ham. The temperature in the square was raised by
ings are a relatively high percentage of the 51C and the wind reduced by 9 mph. The simulated
perimeter (see Table 1), suggesting quite high figures appear very similar to those measured.
pedestrian numbers. Public art includes statues Thus, there is confidence that the simulated figures
of Thomas Attwood (Figure 2), Priestley, Watt, which will be produced for future designs of public
and Dawson. In urban design terms, the square squares will be realised in practice.
is a fitting, high quality setting for the historic Figures 4 and 5 show the number of people
buildings, as well as an attractive and distinctive moving every 15 min in a westerly direction, that
space in its own right. With the existing and is, from Victoria Square towards Paradise Forum
developing public facilities around it; including during a sample day of Monday, 30 June 2003.
the School of Music, the square is increasingly These are the most recent comprehensive data
being viewed as a cultural hub. It is also an collected by Birmingham City Council. The
important component of the east-west pedestrian survey showed similar numbers for the easterly
spine, which is an attractive route of squares and movement. The total number of people who
promenades. Chamberlain’s memorial and central moved in one direction during the day was 8545.
fountain form the focus of a distinctive am- This is an extraordinarily high figure for just
phitheatre, where people sit out in fine weather. one of Birmingham’s squares, and clearly demon-
It also acts as a stage for a variety of public events strates the attraction to pedestrians. Of the total
and as a speakers’ corner (Sparks, 1993). The number, only 85 were aged between 11 and 17
amphitheatre design exploits the 6 m change in years – dispelling the perception that city centre
level, and enhances the setting for these activities spaces are dominated by an urban youth culture.
(for example Figure 3).
For simplicity, the measurement of tempera- Simulation of pedestrian movement
ture, wind and noise; and their simulation with
the software outlined above, was undertaken on a The software can predict pedestrian movement
single day – 26 May 2009 (Table 4). within external spaces. Measures of pedestrian

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Public squares in European city centres

Table 4: Measures of climate, microclimate and simulation for Chamberlain Square

Microclimate – Sample 26 May 2009

Measure Average climate in Birmingham (1) Average microclimate in Square (2) Simulated with software (3)
Temperature (1C) 13 18 18
Wind (mph) 15 6 6
Noise (dBA) NA 60 60.5

Abbreviation: NA=not applicable.

Notes: Average climate in Birmingham on 26 May 2009 ( Average figures from seven locations in the square,
measured morning, mid-day and evening. Data from the simulation include a solar access pattern throughout the day.

Figure 4: Pedestrian movement between Chamberlain Square and Victoria Square.

numbers of people

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
time of day
(Birmingham City Council 2003)
Figure 5: Pedestrian movement figures for Chamberlain Square.

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Giddings et al

Figure 6: Simulation of pedestrian movement in Chamberlain Square.

numbers from city data, together with building configurations can be tested until the optimum
uses, and entry/exit points are entered; and solution is achieved. The detailed design of
scenarios for pedestrian movement can be simu- subspaces, landscaping, seating, public art, light-
lated. Figure 6 shows a still frame from a time- ing, canopies and umbrellas can be added to
related moving sequence. In this case, it has been the model and their effects on microclimate
applied to Chamberlain Square but could equally and pedestrian activity observed. High levels of
well be applied to the design of a new square. pedestrian activity are usually desirable, pro-
vided there is not overcrowding; so that there
are still places to rest and linger, and there are
The Vision no pressure points at entrances and exits to the
This research has proved that software can be
used to predict solar access and thermal comfort,
wind speed and movement, noise and pedestrian Conclusion
movement for proposed public squares at design
stage. However, the study revealed that none of This article has outlined the reasons for the
the software is well developed and the simulation decline of public squares in European city centres,
takes considerable computer power. Thus, sig- analysed why they are important and why they
nificant programming work is required before a should be re-introduced. Previous studies were
design tool could be available. An alternative summarised and it was shown that the frame-
could be to utilise the virtual city models that work developed for the design of new squares is
are becoming common place in British and other still valid. However, there was inactivity in
European cities (for example, see Figure 7). progressing the criteria beyond geometric para-
Currently, these are based on virtual reality, but meters owing to the lack of tools. Software is now
layers of building information modelling could be becoming available that can simulate microcli-
added to produce a database of climatic informa- matic conditions and pedestrian movement. An
tion and existing pedestrian movement in 3D existing exemplar square in the United Kingdom
form. The intention is that designers will be able was selected to demonstrate these tools, which are
to log onto the appropriate city model, and insert on the point of being ready for use in the design of
their designs. The building information modelling new squares. Innovative visualisation techniques
database will then be able to predict the micro- are already being adopted by developers, and
climatic conditions and pedestrian movement. these can also be used in the promotion on new
In this way, different locations and geometric squares. Future studies were identified and these

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Public squares in European city centres

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212 r 2011 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1357-5317 URBAN DESIGN International Vol. 16, 3, 202–212

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