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Bali Medical Journal (Bali Med J) 2016, Volume 5, Number 3: 470-478

P-ISSN.2089-1180, E-ISSN.2302-2914

Improvement of adolescent reproductive health

understanding by implementation of
Educative, Collaborative, Participative, and CrossMark
Problem Based (ECPPB) learning strategy in
Published by DiscoverSys Buleleng district, Bali-Indonesia

Desak Made Citrawathi*


Introduction: One of potential public health issues in Indonesia is toward reproduction health, and students’ skill in ARH problem
the problem of Adolescent Reproduction Health (ARH), particulary the solving than students who were treated by using conventional
behavior of having sex premaritaly and promiscuity, which is at risk of teaching strategy in which the p = 0.0001 (p < 0,05). The Partial
having unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted deseases such Ata Squared (PTA) was 87.4%, which means the learning strategy
as HIV/AIDS. Increase in student’s knowledge, attitude, and skill by was able to improve learning achievement as much as 87.4%. The
application of education of adolescent reproduction health (EARH) is highest improvement of learning achievement by using ECPPB
hopefully will reduce the ARH problem. learning strategy was on students’ skill in ARH problem solving
Method: This was experimental research with randomized pretest- (PES=80.9%). Improvement of health reproduction attitude
posttest control group design. This research was conducted in Grade was 63.2%, and improvement of students’ knowledge about
VIII of Junior High School with 72 research samples. Data were analysed reproduction health was 25.1%.
by using Multivariate Analysis of Variances (Manova). Conclusion: Based on the result of this study was suggested in order
Result: Data analysis showed that ECPPB learning strategy was to students be given EARH was integrated on the subject of science in
better to improve students’ knowledge ARH, students’ attitude junior high school by using ECPPB strategy.

Keywords: ECPPB Learning Strategy, ARH Knowledge, Health Reproduction Attitude, Problem Solving Skill
Cite This Article: Citrawathi, D. 2016. Improvement of adolescent reproductive health understanding by implementation of Educative,
Collaborative, Participative, and Problem Based (ECPPB) learning strategy in Buleleng district, Bali-Indonesia. Bali Medical Journal 5(3): 470-478.

Ganesha University of Education, INTRODUCTION

One of the potential public health issues in Indonesia experienced kissing, genital stimulation, and oral
is adolescent reproduction health (ARH), espe- sex; (3) Amongst Junior High School students
cially on adolescent. Lately, reproduction health 62.7% were no longer virgin; and (4) Amongst
problems that should be handled by adolescent are adolescent21.2% had conducted abortion.1 Free
unwanted pregnancy and the increase of HIV and sex attitude among adolescents may cause negative
AIDS among adolescent. effect such as unwanted pregnancy which leads to
Reproduction health is one of major programs abortion, and sexual transmited infection including
conducted by government as the result of interna- HIV/AIDS. Data of Riskesdas showed that propor-
tional convention in reproduction health which was tion of inhabitant 10-15 years old who have expe-
held on 5-13 September 1994 in Cairo. ARH is one rienced intercourse in male adolescent was 17.7%,
of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and in female adolescent was 15.8%, and 4.5% of
which is by reducing number of mother who are 10-14 years old adolescent were married.2 Survey of
having birth (related to adolescent who are having Indonesian Health Demography in 2012 stated that
birth) and HIV/AIDS control. 12.8 of 15-19 years old adolescent were married.3
Sexual attitude amongstadolescentshas lately Adolescent pregnancy increases the probability of
has been in uncontrollable situation. According to health risk or even death of mother-children when
National Commission of Children Protection, in having a birth. This condition highly increases the
33 provinces from January - June 2008 concluded failure of achieving MDGs target.
Correspondence to: Desak Made
Citrawathi, Ganesha University of
that: (1) Amongst of Senior and Junior High School Every adolescent has risk to experience repro-
Education, Bali-Indonesia students 97% had watched porn movies; (2) Amongst duction problem, because it is related to their growth
dskcitra@gmail.com Senior and Junior High School students 93.7% had and physiological development. Other factors are
470 Open access: www.balimedicaljournal.org and ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/bmj

lees information of the adolescent about the chang- Material about ARH has been embedded into
ing of themselves especially related to reproduction Science in Junior High School. However, it is not
health and sexuality,4,5,6,7,8 society environment of appropriate with the needs of Junior High School
the same age, less attention of parents and family students about it. So far, the materials are given
as well as school in giving information about ARH, through conventional learning strategy (CLS). This
permissive society which because teenagers are easy strategy is teacher centred and the students have
to have pre-marital intercourse 4,5,9,10,11 and the vast lesser rules in the teaching learning process which
development of information technology. In this lead them to be passive. It more improves students’
information era, teenagers easily get either printed cognitive skill, which means that it does not train
or electronic pornography (book, video, VCD) students’ problem solving skill optimally, espe-
which lead them to have sexual stimulation.9 In cially about ARH. In this situation, students do not
adolescent period, they will get stimulation to have understand the process as well as the result of the
sexual activity, even sexual intercourse. Lestary learning. It will cause the students to be less compe-
and Sugiharti argue that risky attitude of teenagers tence in implementing their learning into real life
closely related to knowledge, attitude, access to situation. Therefore, problem solving skill should
information media, and communication with their be taught to them. It can be used along their life
parents.12 To prepare adolescents in decreasing the since they will need this skill every time they have
risk of having sexuality and reproduction health problem including reproduction health. Teachers
problem, they should be informed through educa- tend to use this strategy since the final assessment
tion of adolescent reproduction health (EARH) is only based on students’ cognitive aspect.
correctly and comprehensively as young as possible. Based on research about materials of ARH
National Policy and Strategy of Reproduction and Junior High School students’ characteristics
Health in Indonesia in 2005 established adoles- as well as analysis of many teaching strategies,
cent health program is conducted through School therefore, EARH should be taught by using ECPPB
Health Centre (SHC).13 In policy of the Minister of learning strategy (ELS). It has four educational
National Education of the Republic of Indonesia pillars, namely (1) education, (2) collaborative, (3)
No. 22 of 2006 about Content Standard, health participative, and (4) problem-based. Education
education is embedded in subject of Physical means giving information and establishes knowl-
Education Sport and Health. In Law of Republic of edge as well as understanding to help individual
Indonesia Nomor 36 of 2009 about Health stated having values, attitude and making decision based
that the state must provide information and educa- on presented information.16 Here, the education
tion of health, including reproduction health for process is about ARH. It is social issue; therefore,
adolescent. Until today, school policy in imple- collaborative strategy is appropriate to be imple-
menting SHC more emphasizes on health service mented because it gives opportunity to the students
and healthy environment consultation. Health to interact developing meaning based on learning
education especially about ARH is conducted in material through social interaction. In Arends, it
form of incidental consultation through extra- is stated that cooperation will motivate students to
curricular on community of Student Cares AIDS be involved continuously in tasks, discussion, and
and Drugs or Youth Red Cross. The Republic of developing social skill.17 In participative strategy,
Indonesia’s Voluntary Family Planning and Living all students are involved in learning process, and
Standards Coordinating Body (BKKBN) also the teacher as facilitator and mediator. In prob-
establishes Information and Counseling Center lem-based strategy the students are trained to solve
of Adolescent Reproductive Health (ICC-ARH) a problem about ARH scientifically. EARH with
which aims at helping adolescents to solve problems ELS is started by giving problem about ARH in
in reproduction health. However, not all schools students’ environment. Group discussion, teacher
have ICC-ARH which causes not all students have and students are collaboratively and participative in
a chance to experience the program of ICC-ARH. solving the problem of ARH.
So far, EARH has not been taught as a subject Problems about physical growth, physiology and
in school. Research finding and academic review psychology of Junior High School students who have
about adolescent reproductive health proposes the puberty, unwanted pregnancy, or even HIV/AIDS
importance of EARH into curriculum.5,15 Through case should encourage us to perform ICC-ARH in all
EARH, students will acquire sufficient knowledge, schools. Porn videos or information on internet and
attitude, and skill about ARH. Students who have external factors in Buleleng put EARH as important
sufficient knowledge, attitude, and skill in repro- element for Junior High School students. Materials
duction health and sexuality will propose right of EARH should be integrated into Science through
decision toward their rights of reproduction as well ELS. It will improve students’ achievement in form
as sexuality appropriately and in right manner. of knowledge, attitude of healthy reproduction,

Published by DiscoverSys | Bali Med J 2016; 5 (3): 470-478 | doi: 10.15562/bmj.v5i3.308 471

and students’ skill in solving ARH problem. The cognitive test, attitude scale, and problem solving
improvement of students’ achievement on ARH skill test about reproduction health.
will decrease the opportunity of students having
reproduction health. Integration of ELS as alterna- Data Analysis
tive in EARH with Science should be researched. Descriptive data analysis was conducted to deter-
This research aims at finding out the advantages of mine mean, standard deviation, and gain score
ELS compared to CLS in order to improve students’ from pretest and posttest about knowledge, atti-
knowledge about ARH, healthy reproduction atti- tude, and problem solving skill both from control
tude, and problem solving skill toward reproduction and experiment class. Score gain was analyzed by
health by Junior High School students. using Multivariate Analysis of Variance (Manova).
Normality test with Box’s M, homogeneity test with
Leven’s test, and intercorelation test with Bartlett’s
Test were conducted to fulfill condition of Manova
Research Design requirement. After having those test, the data were
An experimental research with randomized pretest- analyzed by using Manova.19
posttest control group design was conducted
at junior high school at Buleleng District, Bali
Province.18 The population was State and Private
Junior High Schools in Buleleng District, Buleleng Characteristics of Research Subject
Regency, Bali Province. The schools were chosen The research subjects were 72 students of class VIII
by using graded random sampling. This research Junior High School. Average age of the students who
was conducted in class of SMPN 2 Singaraja on were treated by using CLS was 13.22 ± 0.53, and
Jalan Sudirman. The samples were class VIII of 72 average age of the students who were treated by using
students. ETS was 13,23 ± 0,55. Yusup, Pieter & Lubis, and
Sarwono stated that adolescents in ages of 12-14 are in
Research Instrument puberty period.20,21,22 Besides teaching materials and
Integrated EARH Lesson Plan, Teaching Learning learning objectives, students’ period development is
Materials of ARH, and Problem Based Worksheet one of important criteria that should be considered
were used to integrate EARHinto Science with ELS. in choosing and planning teaching strategy.23 From
Students’ knowledge about ARH, students’ attitude Junior High School student’s development charac-
of healthy reproduction, and students’ skill in prob- teristics, ARH materials, and the purpose of EARH
lem solving were the evaluated variables. Students’ in Junior High School, it was found that ELS was
knowledge about ARH was assessed by objec- relevant to teach ARH to the students.
tive test, multiple choices test with four answers.
Students’ attitude of healthy reproduction was Description of Students’ Achievement
assessed by attitude scale. Students’ skill in problem about Adolescent Reproduction Health
solving of adolescent reproduction was assessed by The following is the description of students’
using problem solving skill test. achievement about ARH that was treated by ELS
and CLS. The analyzed data was from pretest and
Research Implementation posttest result on each of the implemented strate-
The research was conducted as follows: gies. The mean (M), standard deviation (SD), and
gain score (g) were normalized and the result of
PRETEST students’ achievement about teenager reproduction
Students in control and experiment class were given health can be seen in the following Table 1.
pretest. The tests were cognitive test, attitude scale, From Table 1, it can be seen the learning achieve-
and problem solving skill test about reproduction ment of pretest and posttest about EARH on treated
health. class both by ELS and CLS. From description of
knowledge, attitude, and problem solving skill about
TEACHING IMPLEMENTATION ARH, there was improvement of the achievement
In experiment class, the students were treated by in both classes treated by ELS or CLS. Mean score of
using ELS and students in control class were treated normalized gain score (g) on CLS was categorized
by using CLS with material of human growth and medium (0.7 <g> 0.3), meanwhile in attitude and
human reproduction system. problem solving skill, they were categorized as low
(g<0.3). Mean score of normalized gain score (g) on
POSTTEST ELS in terms of its knowledge, attitude and problem
Students in control and experiment class were solving skill about ARH was categorized medium
given posttest after the treatment. This test includes (0,7 <g> 0,3).24

472 Published by DiscoverSys | Bali Med J 2016; 5 (3): 470-478 | doi: 10.15562/bmj.v5i3.308

Multivariate Analysis of Learning Largest Root, it was found that significance score
Achievement = 0.000 (p<0.05). It indicates that learning strat-
The result of this research was analyzed by using egy had influenced the learning achievement of
Manova with SPSS 20 for Windows. The Manova knowledge of ARH, healthy reproduction attitude,
test result is presented in the following Table 2. and students’ skill in solving problem about ARH.
From Multivariate significance test of Pillai’s The Partial Eta Squared (PES) was 08.74 (87.4%). It
Trace, Wilk’ Lambda, Hotelling’s Trace, and Roy’s means the implemented teaching strategy improved
students’ achievement as much as 87.4%.
Table 1  R
 esult Description of Pretest and Posttest on treated class The effect of teaching strategy upon students’
by ELS and CLS knowledge of ARH, healthy reproduction attitude,
and students’ skill in solving problem about teen-
Statistical Description
Learning Learning ager reproduction health can be seen in the follow-
Strategy Achievement Test M SD g ing Table 3.
ELS Knowledge Pre 054.31 10.12 0.38 From those three learning achievement aspects,
the significance score was 0.0001 (p<0.05) which
Post 072.22 06.20
showed that the teaching strategy improved
Pre 203.76 12.89 students’ learning achievement in terms of students’
Attitude 0.20 knowledge of teenager reproduction health, healthy
Post 222.76 13.10
reproduction attitude, and students’ skill in solving
Pre 028.65 02.88
problem about teenager reproduction health. The
Skill 0.19
Post 042.19 04.12 teaching strategy improved 25.1% of students’
CLS Knowledge knowledge; 63.2% of healthy reproduction attitude;
Pre 051.49 10.47 0.52 and 80.9% of skill in solving problem about teen-
Post 078.46 05.43 ager reproduction health.
To look more detail about the number of
Attitude Pre 198.51 11.55 0.37
students’ learning achievement about ARH both
Post 236.29 12.69 in ELS and CLS, we can see in the following mean
Skill Pre 028.34 03.40 0.53 score on Estimate Marginal Means as stated in
Post 066.83 07.08 Table 4.
Table 4 shows mean on Estimate Marginal
ELS: ECPPB Learning Strategy
CLS: Conventional Learning Strategy Means. Mean score on knowledge of ELS (mean =
0.545) was higher than CLS (mean = 0.384).
Table 2  Result of Mannova Test Mean score on healthy reproduction attitude of
ELS (mean = 0.377) was higher than CLS (mean=
Learning Strategy Score F p PES
0.200). Mean score on problem solving skill about
Pillai’s Trace 0,874 157,775b 0,000 0,874 teenager reproduction health of ELS (mean = 0.536)
Wilks’ Lambda 0,126 157,775 b
0,000 0,874 was higher than CLS (mean= 0.189).
Hotelling’s Trace 6,961 157,775 b
0,000 0,874
Roy’s Largest R 9,961 157,775b 0,000 0,874 DISCUSSION
Relevancy of ECPPB Learning Strategy on
Table 3  Result of Test of Between-Subjects-Effects Junior High School Students Growth
Source Dependent Variable p-score Partial Eta Squared Based on Piaget’s theory on cognitive develop-
ment, Junior High School students are in formal
Corrective Model Knowledge 0,000 0,251
operational level. Suparno, Nur, and Santrock
Attitude 0,000 0,632 described that in formal operational level, students
Skill 0,000 0,809 have acquired logical thinking about abstract
ideas systematically, and scientifically in solving a
Table 4  E
 stimate Marginal Means of Teaching Strategy and problem.25,26,27 It means that in cognitive develop-
Learning Achievement ment aspect, Junior High School students can be
treated by using ELS. ELS stimulate the students
to collaborate and participate actively in solving
Variable CLS ELS problem about ARH around them. In Suyatno,
Knowledge 0,384 0,545 it was stated teaching learning process which
Attitude 0,200 0,377 involves collaborative strategy closely related to real
life.28 In the discussion, there is social interaction
Skill 0,189 0,536
among students, between teacher and students.

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Junior High School students have a desire to be study. Nuroso& Siswanto, and Prastowo argued
accepted in their community. Besides that, ELS that materials which are arranged based on the
may trigger harmonious and good situation among level of students and suitable with their cognitive
students and between teacher and students. Good level, will make the learning process to be more
and harmonious teaching learning condition may interesting, memorable, exciting, so it will trigger
develop respectful, trusted, and responsible atti- more effective learning process and improving the
tude.20,26,29,30 Therefore, learning condition with ELS learning achievement.38,39 This argument is in line
may develop students to be mature emotionally and with research of Adnyana & Citrawathi, Citrawathi,
teach them to behave through problem solving. et.al., and Adnyana, et.al., which found that mate-
Based on those explanations, ELS is suitable to rials based on need analysis and taught by using
the students’ development and be able to accom- appropriate learning strategy may develop the
modate Junior High School students’ needs about process as well as the learning achievement of the
teenager reproduction health, so the process students. 40,41,42,43
and learning achievement of the students can be ELS facilitates students into small heterogenic
improved. groups (4-5 students). Siberman & Auerbach stated
that the advantage of learning in small group is
Improvement of Students’ Knowledge optimizing individual participation. 44 Meanwhile,
upon ARH heterogenic group aims at finding various opinions.
The implemented teaching strategy can develop Students may improve their learning achievement
students’ knowledge upon ARH significantly when they are learning in a group with different
(p<0.05) as much as 25.1%. From mean score of level of ability. More experienced student will
Estimate Marginal Mean, it was found that students explain to inexperienced students based on the
who were treated by using ELS had higher score in needs of them, and the inexperienced students will
terms of their knowledge about ARH than students be triggered into their experience limits, and even
who were treated by using CLS. Integration of EARH far more beyond that.29 Slavinalso explained that
into Science with CLS caused lower achievement on students will be easier to find and understand diffi-
the students’ knowledge than ELS. It is caused by the cult concept if they discuss it with other students.45
teacher-centred paradigm of CLS. Teacher domi- Interaction within group friends has big influence
nated the process, while students only received mate- into student’s mind. It is in line with Murmanto
rials given so they tend to be passive. 31,32 According who said that students who are given opportu-
to Kardi & Nur, Gulo, and Arends, in CLS, teacher nity to deliver their opinion, idea, and interact
should manage the materials completely before to the teacher and other students have already
giving to the students.26,33,34 Individual or group mastered the materials.46 This learning process is
assignments aim at reviewing previous discussed the same as in EARH. As argued by Iryanti that
concepts. In CLS, teacher rarely stimulates and trains the same age education in EARH may improve
the students to implement the concept into real life. students’ knowledge significantly.47 Improvement
CLS aim at material understanding which can be of learning achievement as the result of interaction
seen from test score or rapport score. among students and between student and teacher
ELS is a teaching strategy designed to make the was also stated by Dewi, et.al.48 Therefore, group
students active, through collaborative, participa- study with all students’ participation makes EARH
tive, and problem based teaching. ELS design is more effective so the learning achievement can
appropriate to the idea proposed by Brownell, et al., be improved. Knowledge improvement through
Hesson & Shad, and Ajiboye & Ajitoni, in which collaborative learning strategy was also stated by
student-centered learning strategy can be imple- Tanggaard, Ajiboye & Ajitoni, Lin & Xie, Duze, and
mented through collaborative, participative, and Santoso.37,49,5,51,52
problem based learning.35,36,37 ELS implementation Learning process with ELS is started with real
is facilitated with Teaching Learning Materials of problem about ARH which deals with main mate-
ARH, and Problem Based Worksheet (PBW). rial in Science syllabus. It is the same with Ostroff ’s
Teaching learning materials of ARH is arranged opinion who said that effective learning strategy to
based on needs analysis, so it is suitable to the improve students’ knowledge is discussing concrete
Science syllabus in Junior High School, teacher’s problem or experience.53 Students’ motivation
need, and students’ need, and has been approved to will arise when they are asked to find solution of
be used in PKRR in Junior High School. By using real life problem. Muhzon stated that discussing
Teaching learning materials of ARH as main mate- real life problem in learning process will make
rial it will make the learning process to be more the process more interesting and meaningful54.
innovative, contextual, interesting and memorable Improving motivation in collaborative learning and
for students, therefore it will motivate them to improving learning achievement was proposed by

474 Published by DiscoverSys | Bali Med J 2016; 5 (3): 470-478 | doi: 10.15562/bmj.v5i3.308

Santoso.52 Same opinions was proposed by Eggen experiences or interaction with their friends,
and Kauchak, they stated that learning through besides with their parent or adults.20,30 Iryanti and
authentic problem solving really improve students’ Teguh, et.al asserted the education of the same age
motivation because they are triggered by challenge can influence students’ attitude.47,57 In Adisusilo,
and curiosity.32 Motivated students will use higher it was stated as well about values is the barometer
cognitive process in learning the materials. Mulyasa to determine attitude, and attitude determine how
proposed that motivation is one factors increasing to behave.58 Therefore, values direct someone to
learning quality.55 Students will learn attentively if behave based on society morale. Participative and
they have high motivation. collaborative learning can teach about attitude, and
students’ attitude will be better or positive as found
Improvement of Healthy Reproduction by Murmanto and Duze. 46,51
Attitude EARH and ELS can improve students’ knowl-
The teaching strategy improved healthy repro- edge about ARH. The improvement of this
duction attitude significantly (p<0.05) as much as knowledge effects on students’ believe (cognitive
63.2%. This finding showed that the ELS improving response), students’ feeling (affective response),
students’ healthy reproduction attitude better than and students’ tendency to do (conative response)
CLS. From mean score of Estimate Marginal Mean, related to attitude object. As cited from Naidoo &
it was found that students who were treated by ELS Wills, improving knowledge will improve attitude.59
had higher improvement than students who were Attitude change through education process will last
treated by CLS. longer.
Learning syntax with ETS triggered conducive Hamzah stated that students who learn specific
condition and harmonious relationship among discipline will not only acquire learning achieve-
students and between students and teacher. ment of cognitive aspect but also forming attitude
Learning process with ELS improve positive atti- related to the object being learned.23 Research
tude of the students upon attitude object in EARH finding of Rao, et.al. showed the program of repro-
rather than students under CLS process. This result duction health education intervention is able to
is in line with Nur, Yusuf, Muijs & Reynolds, and improve adolescents’ knowledge and attitude about
Sanjaya, who stated that harmonious and condu- reproduction health. 60
cive learning condition may develop respectful,
trusted, and responsible attitudes.20,26,29,30 Discussed Improvement of Problem Solving Skill
problems in ARH put the students into the prob- about ARH
lem itself. This learning strategy trains the students The implemented learning strategy has improved
to understand other people. Sanjaya explained students’ problem solving skill about ARH signifi-
that helping and developing students to care and cantly (p<0.5) as much as 80.9%. This finding
emphatic to others is an attitude learning.30 During showed that ELS can improve students’ problem
the discussion, students are trained to accept and solving skill about ARH better than CLS. To find
believe other students opinion by their argumen- out the differences of students’ skill in solving prob-
tation. In solving problem with ELS, by teacher’s lem about ARH among students who were treated
guidance, the students are learning how to analyse by ELS or CLS can be seen from mean of Estimate
strength and weakness of others’ opinion and atti- Marginal Mean. From Estimate Marginal Mean, it
tude. Therefore, students gain the best attitude and was found the mean of students in problem solving
opinion. In the activity, students analyse and assess skill on teenager reproduction health who were
opinion or attitude about teenager reproduction treated by CLS was 0.189 and e mean of students
health as a part of problem solving steps. in problem solving skill on teenager reproduction
When discussing problem about teenager health who were treated by ELS was 0.536. It means
reproduction health with ELS, teacher roles as that ELS is better in improving students’ problem
facilitator and mentor to teach students about solving skill on ARH than CLS.
values and morale related to reproduction and Adolescents should have skill on teenager
sexuality. Teacher guides, supervise, and support reproduction health. Muadz, et.al argued that
students in the group discussion or class discussion adolescednts should acquire life skill on teenager
to find alternative solution, and decide the best reproduction health in form of problem solving
solution based on the value and morale in the soci- and making decision (1). Problem based learning
ety. Suryoputro, et.al stated that values and morale is the way to teach students in order to have prob-
are the strongest factor influencing teenagers’ lem solving skill. Research finding of Adyana, et.al
behaviour.56 The values and morale can be taught explained that problem based learning may improve
in the EARH. As stated by Yusuf and Sanjaya, students’ life skill and competence.61 Moreover,
students are more familiar to morale values through research finding of Afcariano, Krishnan, et al, and

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Astika, et al, explained that problem based learning CONCLUSION

may improve students’ thinking skill.62,63,64 Besides
that, Delisle explained that problem based teach- Based on the previouss explanation of the research
ing trigger collaborative teaching. As the problem finding and discussion, it can be concluded as
based teaching, participative learning emphasizes follows: (1) ECPPB Learning Strategy (ELS) has
on cooperation and collaborative.65 As stated by improved students’ knowledge about ARH mean-
Hesson & Shad, problem based learning is used ingfully rather than Conventional Learning Strategy
to change teacher-centered learning into student-­ (CLS); (2) ELS has improved students’ healthy
centred learning and the knowledge transfer prob- reproduction attitude to be positively and mean-
lem would be better.36 Therefore, in ELS, students ingfully rather than CLS.; (3) ELS has improved
learn in group and cooperate to solve ARH problem students’ problem solving skill on ARH issue mean-
in order to understand the development and system ingfully rather than CLS; and (4) ELS is the best
of ARH. way to be used in teaching students about problem
In the use of ELS in EARH, students were solving skill on ARH, because the improvement of
trained and taught to solve teenager reproduction learning achievement in problem solving is higher
health problem. In ETS, students were stimulated than improvement of students’ knowledge about
to improve knowledge about human reproduction ARH, and students’ health reproduction attitude.
system, and solving teenager reproduction health
problem by using knowledge of human reproduc-
tion system which have been understood by them.
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tion, communication, and learning material. 32,63 2. Riset Kesehatan Dasar. Badan Penelitian dan
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Problem solving exercises improve internalization Republik Indonesia. 2010.
in the process of students’ learning; therefore, 3. Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia. Kesehatan
there is a meaningful process toward what is Remaja. Badan Pusat Statistik Badan Kependudukan dan
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problem rather than a problem from textbook or Reproduksi Remaja dalam Kurikulum SMP untuk
Menghindari Remaja dari Tindak Aborsi akibat Free Sex
learning book. 27,54 (Laporan Penelitian). 2008. Universitas Negeri Malang.
In CLS, teenager reproduction health problem is 6. Catio, M. 2009. Peran Pendidikan dalam Mengatasi
given in the end of learning and the students work Masalah Kesehatan Remaja. Available from:http://www.
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