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Text in groins of the song of the video chosen

Freak On To Leash in Groins

Something takes To part of me
Something lost and never seen
Every time I start to believe
Something's raped and taken from Me, from me

Life's gotta always be messing with Me

(You wanna see the light?)
Can't they chill and let Me be free?
(Under do I)
Can't I take away all this pain
(You wanna see the light?)
I try to every night all in vain, in vain

Sometimes I cannot take this place

Sometimes it's my life I can't taste
Sometimes I cannot feel my face
You'll never see Me fall from grace

Something takes To part of me

You and I were meant to be
To cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes To part of me

Feeling like To freak on to leash

(You wanna see the light?)
Feeling like I have no release
(Under do I)
How many times have I felt diseased?
(You wanna see the light?)
Nothing in my life is free, is free

Sometimes I cannot take this place

Sometimes it's my life I can't taste
Sometimes I cannot feel my face
You'll never see Me fall from grace

Something takes To part of me

You and I were meant to be
To cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes To part of me

Something takes To part of me

You and I were meant to be
To cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes To part of me
Part of Me
Part of Me
Part of Me
2.Translation of the video in Spanish
Freak On To Leash in Spanish
Something takes a part of my...
Something stray and never seen
all the time try to believe
something is violating and taking it of me, of my...
The life seems always ensañarse with me (want to feel you alive?)
They can not cool it and leave me be free (like me do it)
can not move away all this pain (want to feel you alive?)
I try it every night
everything in vain... In vain…
sometimes it can not take this place
sometimes is my life what can not saborear...
Sometimes I can not feel my face
never me edges fall of tolerance
something takes a part of
my what you and I mean
a p*** cheat so that it learn
something takes a part of
my feeling me as a phenomenon enjaulado (want to feel you alive?)
Feeling me as if it did not have greatness (like this do it)
those that times have felt me patient? (You want to feel you alive?)
At all in my life is free... It is free...
Sometimes it can not take this place
sometimes is my life what can not saborear...
Sometimes I can not feel my face
never me edges fall of tolerance
something takes a part of
my what you and I mean
a p*** cheat so that it learn
something takes a part of
my sees
sometimes litigates...
Sometimes they litigate
something takes a part of
my what you and I mean
a p*** cheat so that it learn
something takes a part of my (X3)
3. Of what treats the video?
It begins with a group of boys that jump a grid to play in a cliff, a policeman of
security darse and follows them, but trips and when falling shoots him the gun that carried
in the hand. The bullet goes in direction to a girl that is playing and raisin beside her. The
bullet goes out then of a wall by a drawing of the boys and begins to cross imparable all what
finds to his step until it arrives to a room in which the group is touching, a dark room in which
the only light that goes in is through innumerable holes of bullet in the walls. The bullet gives
several turns around the members of the band and goes back by where has come until it goes
back to cross the drawing of the boys in the wall and stops in front of the face of the girl,
that takes it with the hand and gives it back to him to the policeman of security.

4. Which relation exists between the video and the song?

When we observe the bullet that displaces by the places that does, see that it goes crossing
objects inanimados and goes them destroying, likewise read the subject of the song, where
the author expresses that like this it feels he. Where expresses the form of exploitation of the
musicians by those who have the power inside this system.

5. Of what treats the song?

The letter heads to forms of exploitation by the industry of the music (a common shot for the
also evident band in his And' All Want to Single of 2003). The track offers a number of scats
to the end, and of beatboxing before the interruption. Usually it is touched in the live
presentations of the band

6. Name other striking elements of the video

-It is a form of protest against the stereotypes established

-The damages that can cause without proposing it.

-The presence of water, in good part of the video.

-Has a happy end.

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