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NATION - bro earal pene crac frat aU Language ue via} Soyoil (| ae Advanced Set of 3 books + 3 CDs EASE DO NOT WRITE ON THE BOOK® icles e- LOLs) Carol Nuttall Cee AL Bee) NATIONAL | Ceocepiic |< CENGAGE LEARNING es Learning: spotight on Advanced student's Book {© 201 National Geographic Leaning, part of Cengage Learning aad Eee). [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part ofthis work covered by the copyright. Carol Nutal and Francesca Mansfield herein may be reproduced, transmitted stored or used in ay frm ox by This second edition has been updated for the revised | any means graphic, electronic, o mechanical, including but not limited to exam with somenew material by ateamled by photocopying recording, scanning, digtsng taping, Web istriution, Micha! Black rom Language Testing 123. Infermation networks a information storage and reieval ystems, Copyright Act, or applicable copyright law of another jurisdiction, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 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Fauna Flora nterationa for an exact nthe Practice Tetelipted fom Consenaton challenge: Our depleted oceans - what es beneath” by Dr Aga Ext, tpn faura-orarp/ntiavesfour depleted Tera pyc fauna Flora lntenatnal Guardian News Media Lt for exacts nthe Practice Test rary Review: To the Lette: by Sn Gari by Catton aghee and Mountain rescue: sti cooperatives tang ta in Canad by Susan Greenwood, The Guardin 35716 November 203, copyright © Guardian Nance Mesa Led 2013: and john Wiley & Sons foran extract inthe Practice Test adapted frm Managing Teams Fr Dummies by Marty Sroustein, copyright © 3008 by Whey Publishing, nc: Reproduced with petmsion of ohn Wey & Sons Lid Insom instances we hve been urablete trace the onners of copyright materia and we would appreciate ary information that would enable ws todo sa Printed in China by RR Donnelley 123456789 10-1817 1615 14 CONTENTS Map of the book Introduction and overview of the exam Unit 1 Beginnings Unit2 A child's world Unit 3 Are you game? Unit4 Eureka! Unit 5 Safe and sound? Unit 6 Hale and hearty Unit 7 Wish you were there ... Unit 8 Making our mark Unit 9 Brushstrokes and blueprints Unit 10. The good life Unit 11_ Making ends meet Unit 12. Behind the silver screen Unit 13 Getting the message across Unit 14 Gaia's legacy Unit 15 Our global village Unit 16 Endings ~ and new beginnings Vocabulary organisers Speaking video worksheet Practice test answer sheets Practice test Grammar reference Writing guide Speaking reference files Information files Audioscripts and Videoscripts

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