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Varicose veins of the legs are more common in women than men, this is often associated
with pregnancy and hormonal factors. The prevalence of leg vein varices in the UK at the
age of 18-64 years is 40% in men and 32% in women. The prevalence in the United States is
15% (ranging from 7% to 40%) in men and 27.7% (25% to 32%) in women.
Data shows that female sex, increasing age, and activity are risk factors for varicose veins,
there is no strong evidence that family history or work is a factor. Obesity does not appear
to carry the risk of excess.10-12 Accurate prevalence data allows the provision of
appropriate resources or at least helps rational debate if demand is greater than available
resources. In Indonesia alone there are no definite figures regarding the incidence of
varicose limb veins.

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