Effect of Penetration Rate On Piezocone Parameters in Two Silty Deposits

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Effect of penetration rate on piezocone parameters in two silty deposits

Y. Suzuki, B.M. Lehane & A. Fourie

School of Civil and Resource Engineering, The University of Western Australia

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of piezocone tests (CPTUs) conducted at various penetration
rates in the two silty soils near Perth, West Australia. One of the soils was found on a tailings beach at Gingin
while the other was an estuarine deposit located in Bassendean on the banks of the Perth’s Swan River. The
standard CPTUs were carried out to investigate the site stratigraphy prior to the constant velocity tests which
involved rates down to 0.02 mm/s in Gingin and 0.002 mm/s in Bassendean; dissipation tests were also per-
formed. Cone end resistance resistances are shown to increase with reducing penetrometer velocity while ex-
cess pressures reduce. The results, which are shown to be generally consistent with other studies on the effect
of penetrometer rate, provide much needed data to extend the currently sparse database of variable rate piezo-
cone tests in the field.

1 INTRODUCTION cant obstacle to the interpretation of geotechnical pa-

Cone penetration testing with pore pressure meas- It is well known that penetration resistance varies
urements (i.e. piezocone tests, CPTU) is now a with the penetration velocity. For soils investigated
widely used site investigation technique. Three pri- to date, it has been found that tip resistance general-
mary measurements are obtained, namely the end re- ly increases as the velocity decreases below the
sistance (qc), the friction sleeve stress (fs) and the standard rate of 20 mm/s due to the higher levels of
pore pressure (at the cone shoulder, u2). These consolidation around the penetrometer tip. At greater
measurements allow classification of the soil type velocities, viscous effects dominate and cause the
and estimation of geotechnical parameters along the penetration resistance to increase with velocity.
depth penetrated by the cone. The test procedures To capture effects of the partial consolidation in
and the interpretation of CPTU data are well stand- different soils, Finne & Randolph (1994) defined a
ardized and incorporated into practice (e.g. normalized velocity, V, as
Robertson 1990, Lunne et al. 1997). However, while V = vd/cv (1)
interpretation procedures in sands and clays are rela-
tively well established, there is less certainty regard- where v is the penetration velocity, d is the diameter
ing the interpretation of parameters for intermediate of the penetrometer and cv is the coefficient of con-
soils such as silts and tailings deposits. solidation. Finne & Randolph (1994) indicate
Intermediate soils including natural clayey and that conditions are fully undrained when V is in ex-
sandy silts and man-made tailings deposits contain cess of 30 and are fully drained when V is less than
fine and coarse particles. Their hydraulic properties, 0.01 respectively. Based on studies using kaolin in
such as permeability and coefficient of consolida- the centrifuge, Randolph & Hope (2004), and others,
tion, are therefore expected to lie between those of also present “backbone curves” representing the re-
clays and sands. With the standard penetration rate lationship with V of penetration resistance or excess
of 20 mm/s recommended in practice, cone penetra- pore pressure between these V limits.
tion in clays is expected to be fully undrained while Insights into penetrometer rate effects have been
penetration in sands is fully drained. The response of largely accumulated in centrifuge tests at the Uni-
intermediate soils at a cone penetration rate of 20 versity of Western Australia (UWA) (e.g. Finne &
mm/s is likely to be partially drained, with the de- Randolph 1994, House et al. 2001, Randolph &
gree of partial drainage likely to vary significantly Hope 2004, Schneider et al. 2007, Lehane et al.
depending on the soil composition. The uncertainty 2009, Mahmoodzadeh et al. 2011). However, there
regarding the degree of drainage presents a signifi- is has been less research at field scale using full size
penetrometers. Schneider et al. (2004) conducted in- 3 SITE DETAILS AND SOIL PROPERTIES
situ tests with penetration rates as low as 0.01mm/s
in Burswood clay, but only observed relatively small
3.1 The Gingin site
effects of rate on the penetration resistance. In con-
trast, Kim et al. (2008) report a doubling of the The Gingin piezocone tests were carried out at a
penetration resistance as the rate dropped from 20 closed mine site, which had been used for the extrac-
mm/s to 0.01 mm/s. Schnaid et al. (2010) completed tion of heavy minerals such as ilmenite, rutile and
in-situ tests with the different rates to investigate zircon. The in-situ tests were performed on a tailings
drainage characteristics in bauxite residue storage; beach comprising wet clay and sand tails to which a
these tests indicated that conditions changed from flocculent had been added. This disposal method,
drained to partially drained when the normalised ve- which is referred to as a ‘Modified Co-disposal pro-
locity (V) was in the range 0.1 to 1 while the transi- cess’, encourages fast drainage and was used to ac-
tion from partially drained to undrained occurred at celerate the water loss achieved using the more tra-
V between 10 to 100. ditional solar drying technique employed in West
This paper presents the results of variable rate Australia. A tailings pond existed about 3 m below
piezocone tests performed in two silty soils found at and 30 m from the test area in winter 2010, but this
sites near Perth, Western Australia. The tests varied pond had disappeared during testing in Summer
the penetration rate by five orders of magnitude 2011. Other observations at the site suggested that
from 0.002 mm/s to 20 mm/s. One of the soils was the presence of silty clay layers (or ‘slimes’) within
found on a tailings beach at Gingin (80 km north of the predominantly sandy tailings had led to a serious
Perth) while the other was an estuarine deposit lo- of seasonal perched water tables within the tailings
cated in Bassendean on the banks of the Perth’s beach.
Swan River. The primary aim of this investigation
was to extend the currently sparse database of varia-
ble rate piezocone tests in the field. 3.2 The Bassendean site
A site at Bassendean, close to the centre of Perth,
was selected for in-situ tests in April and May 2011.
2 FIELD TESTING The tests were conducted within 15 m of the water
front and, as consequence, tidal variations caused the
The cone penetrometer employed for the field tests water table to fluctuate from between 0.5 m and 2 m
had a diameter and projected area of 35.7 mm and depth. The soil is lightly overconsolidated (partly
10 cm2 respectively and a pore pressure transducer because of water level fluctuations) and, below a
attached at the shoulder of the probe (i.e. the so- surface crust, is relatively uniform to a depth of 10
called u2 position). Calibrations for all load cells m.
were completed before use and an unequal area ra-
tio,  was obtained as 0.73 during the calibration of
the pore pressure transducer. Data were recorded at 3.3 Soil properties
20 Hz using an acquisition system developed at Soil properties assessed for the soils at the two
UWA and then averaged over 20mm intervals for sites were obtained from disturbed samples and are
presentation purposes. The CPT apparatus was also summarized in Table 1. The samples were collected
fabricated in UWA and full details are provided in using a hand auger at Gingin and using a 1m core
Schneider et al. (2004). sampler at Bassendean. The particle size distribu-
At the Gingin site, eight CPTUs were performed tions determined for the two soils are shown on Fig-
in February 2011. The penetration velocity was held ure 1. The tailings collected from between 0.7 m and
constant between depths of about 0.7 m and 1.7 m at 1.5 m at the Gingin site contain ~85% sand sized
rates of 10, 2, 1, 0.4, 0.2 mm/s; the rate was held at particles and ~15% clay sized particles; the material
0.02mm/s between depths of 0.96m and 1.16m. At may therefore be described as a Clayey SAND. The
Bassendean, 11 tests were completed in April and Bassendean soil obtained from between 5 m and 7 m
May 2011. Velocities were held constant at 2, 0.2 is typical of a natural estuarine deposit comprising
and 0.02 mm/sec between 3 and 4 m depths and at about 15% clay, 45% silt and 40% fine sand; it can
0.01, 0.004 and 0.002 mm/s between 3.1 and 3.5 m be classified as a sandy and clayey SILT.
depths. The depth intervals selected for the study
of rate effects were decided after review of the Table 1 Soil properties
standard rate (20 mm/s) tests conducted initially at
each site. Soil property Gingin Bassendean
Sample collected depth (m) 0.7-1.5 5-7
Liquid limit, wL (%) 28 42
Plastic limit, wp (%) 17.5 21
Natural water content, w (%) 29.9 66
100 sures still exist in the less free draining layers. The
Gingin soil at 0.7‐1.5m profiles of u2 pore pressures recorded during very
80 Bassendean soil at 5‐7m slow piezocone penetration (see Figure 3) indicate
Percent passing (%)

two-way drainage occurs in the 0.6-1.3 m layer and

60 that a perched water table above this layer is likely
to have existed during the winter season.
40 The undrained shear strength, su, of the layer be-
tween 0.6 m and 1.3 m is estimated to be approxi-
20 mately 20 kPa, assuming a nominal Nkt value of 14
and fully undrained conditions during piezocone
0 penetration. The normalized cone resistance, Qt
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 (=qcnet/'v0), and the pore pressure parameter ratio,
Particle size (mm) Bq (=(u2-u0)/qcnet), are about 20 and 0.1 respectively,
Figure 1 Particle size distribution of the Gingin and Bas- which according to Robertson (1990) classify the
sendean soils layer as a sandy silt and not as a clayey SAND, as
apparent in Figure 1.

qt (kPa)
4 PENETRATION TEST RESULTS 0 200 400 600 800

4.1 The Gingin site 20mm/s

The profiles of corrected tip resistance, qt (=
qc+u2(1-)), and pore pressure, u2, measured in a 0.4mm/s at 
standard CPTU at Gingin are shown in Figure 2. A 0.67‐1.67m
relatively soft/loose soil layer can be seen between
Depth (m)

0.6 m and 1.3 m depth, where the qt value lies be-

1.0 0.02mm/s at 
tween 200 kPa and 300 kPa. Beneath this layer, qt
increases with depth until again reducing in a 200
mm thick layer at 2.2 m. Pore pressures are zero
throughout except in the 0.6-1.3m and the 2.2-2.4 m 1mm/s at 
soft layers where u2 values are between 10 and 30 0.67‐1.67m
kPa. The seasonal variation of the water level in the
tailings pond (at a distance away of about 30 m)
coupled with the presence of layers with relatively 1.5
low permeability provide an explanation for the u2 (a)
values. It appears that after the winter rain has u2 (kPa)
drained from the sandy layers, residual pore pres- ‐25 0 25 50
qt (kPa) u2 (kPa) 20mm/s
0 500 1000 1500 ‐25 0 25 50
0.0 0.0

0.5 0.5
Depth (m)

0.02mm/s at 
1.0 1.0
Depth (m)


1.5 1.5
1mm/s at  0.4mm/s at 
0.67‐1.67m 0.67‐1.67m
2.0 2.0
2.5 2.5
Figure 2 Standard rate CPTU at the Gingin site Figure 3 Comparison for the rate tests at Gingin: (a) qt, (b) u2
This soft layer was investigated at various cone minimum distance apart of 1 m). It can be observed
penetration rates and the resulting qt and u2 profiles that, as expected, qt increases and u2 reduces as the
obtained are plotted on Figure 3. Each cone test was cone velocity reduces. qt values at 0.002 mm/s (i.e.
performed within a radius of 1.5 m. It is interesting 10,000 times slower than the standard CPT rate) are
to note that the qt values are not highly rate depend- about twice those recorded at 2 mm/s. Cone re-
ent within the 0.02 mm/s and 20 mm/s range. Alt- sistances at 0.002 mm/s and at 0.02 mm/s are com-
hough some local variations at the site complicate parable, which is consistent with the similarity be-
the inference of the actual rate effect, there is an av- tween their respective u2 values. These u2 values are
erage trend for qt to be roughly independent of rate essentially equivalent to the ambient pore pressure
between 0.4 mm/s and 20 mm/s and to be 60±20% (u0) of ~10 kPa suggesting that cone penetration in
larger at v=0.02 mm/s than that at the standard rate. this material was drained at cone velocities at or less
The u2 measurements mirror the qt data, showing than 0.02 mm/s. Conditions tend to become progres-
broadly similar u2 values between 0.4 mm/s and 20 sively more undrained above this velocity, as con-
mm/s and much lower u2 values at 0.02 mm/s. firmed by the large excess pores pressures developed
at a velocity of 0.2 mm/s.
4.2 The Bassendean site
qt (kPa)
Figure 4 shows the results from the three standard 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
rate tests conducted at the Bassendean site. Below an 2.8
upper 2.5m thick crust, the qt profiles generally in- 2mm/s at  0.02mm/s 0.002mm/s
crease linearly with depth and correspond with an 3.0
3‐4m at 3‐4m at 3.1‐3.5m
undrained strength varying from 13 kPa at 3 m to 25
kPa at 10 m (assuming a nominal Nkt value of 14).
The spikes in qt and accompanying drops in u2 are 0.2mm/s
at 3‐4m
indicative of more free draining sandier horizons,
Depth (m)

which are particularly prevalent between 5.5 and 7m 3.4

in one of the CPTUs. Application, to the Robertson
(1990) chart, of the average normalized cone param- 3.6
eters Qt and Bq of 5 and 0.5 respectively (obtained
excluding the sandy layers) maps the material as a 3.8
clay to silty clay, which is somewhat different from
the inference of a sandy and clayey silt made from 4.0
the particle size distribution shown on Figure 1.
The CPTU response of a (uniform) soil layer be-
tween 3 m and 4 m was investigated for a range of
cone velocities. Figure 5 shows the profiles of qcnet (a)
and u2 for rates of 2, 0.2, 0.02, and 0.002 mm/s; all u2 (kPa)
tests were conducted in close proximity to each oth- ‐25 0 25 50 75 100 125
er within an area measuring 3 m × 12 m (and at a 2.8
0.002mm/s 0.2mm/s 2mm/s
at 3.1‐3.5m at 3‐4m at 3‐4m
qt (kPa) u2 (kPa) 3
0 200 400 600 0 200
0 0 0.02mm/s
at 3‐4m
Depth (m)

2 2 3.4

4 4
Depth (m)

6 6
8 8
10 10
Figure 5 Comparison for the rate tests at Bassendean: (a) qt, (b)
Figure 4 Standard rate CPTUs at the Bassendean site u2
An interesting observation from Figure 5 is the
160 Bassendean at 4m
‘wavy’ nature of the qt and u2 profiles, which is not Bassendean at 6m
evident in the standard rate test but is particularly Gingin at 1.5m
noticeable at velocities of 0.2 mm/s and 0.02 mm/s.

Pore pressure (kPa)
The ‘wavelength’ of these waves is typically about
150 mm, which may be indicative of the amount of
sediments deposited annually by the Swan River in
that area. The peaks in qt and trough in u2 indicate
slightly more free draining material than the soil 40
immediately above and below the peak and the local
troughs in qt must correspond to the finest material
present within the stratigraphy. Inspection of the 0
standard rate test data shown Figure 4 suggests that 1 10 100 1000 10000
Time (sec)
most of the material has a very similar grading while
Figure 5 points to subtle changes in these gradings. Figure 6 Dissipation tests results
The detection of these subtleties is evidently not 1 The & Houlsby (1991)
Teh & Houlsby (1991)
possible at this site using the standard rate CPTU. Bassendean at 4m; c 2
h=8mm /s
Bassendean at 4m; ch=8mm2/s
Bassendean at 6m; c 2
h=3mm /s
Bassendean at 6m; ch=3mm2/s
0.8 Gingin at 1.5m; c =2mm 2/s
Gingin at 1.5m; ch=2mm2/s


Dissipation tests were also performed at the two u2 at t=0
sites to investigate in-situ coefficients of consolida-

u2 (kPa)
tion. The extended rods were left clamped and the
pore pressures recorded for periods of between 30 0.2
minutes and 3 hours. The theoretical dissipation Time (√sec)
curve proposed by Teh & Houlsby (1991) was em- 0
ployed to assess the in-situ coefficient of consolida- 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Normalised time, T* (Teh & Houlsby, 1991)
tion, ch, using the pore pressure dissipation data.
Figure 6 shows the results of the dissipation tests Figure 7 Normalized dissipation curves (Ir=150)
carried out at a depth of 1.5m at Gingin and at 4m
and 6m at Bassendean. It can be inferred that the rate Gingin and Bassendean. Averaged values of qt and
of dissipation is relatively fast at both sites, with on- u2 are plotted for each cone penetration velocity (v),
ly a small proportion of excess pressures remaining where averaging only included data recorded after
after 2000 seconds. The short delay to reach peak the cone had travelled a distance of 2 cone diameters
pore pressure (~30 seconds) is likely to be related to (71 mm) at a given speed.
the response time of the pore pressure transducer. It is apparent that the variations of qt with v are
The excess pore pressures are normalised by the similar at both sites and that cone resistance doubles
assessed initial maximum values and plotted against as v reduces by 5 orders of magnitude from 20 mm/s
the Teh & Houlsby (1991) time factor (T*) on to 0.002 mm/s at Bassendean. The qt values remain
Figure 7. The initial maxima were estimated, as in- relatively constant between 2 mm/s and the standard
dicated on the figure, by assuming a linear reduction rate of 20 mm/s and only increase by about 20%
in u2 with the square root of time. Assuming a soil from this constant value when v is reduced to 0.2
rigidity index (Ir) of 150, a ch value of 2 mm2/s was mm/s. Greatest changes in qt occur between v=0.2
derived at 1.5 m depth at the Gingin site while ch mm/s and v=0.02 mm/s with the resistance at the lat-
values of between 3 mm2/s and 8mm2/s provide the ter velocity being 50% greater than at the former.
best fit to the data at Bassendean. ch in the soil hori- Although tests at cone velocities less than 0.02mm/s
zons examined at both sites is therefore quite simi- were not conducted at Gingin, it can be inferred that
lar. The slightly higher value inferred at 4 m depth at qt at both sites is effectively independent of velocity
Bassendean is consistent with higher qt and lower u2 when v is less than 0.01 mm/s to 0.002 mm/s.
values (see Figure 5). The variations of u2 with cone velocity at both
sites are broadly similar, although they show more
variation than the qt values. The significant drop in
u2 as v reduces from 0.2 mm/s to 0.02 mm/s is con-
6 COMPARISON OF PENETRATION RATE sistent with the great increase in qt.

Figure 8 compares the rate effect on measurements

of qt and u2 for the soil layers under investigation at
600 Gingin averaged values The normalized end resistance for the Burswood
Bassendean averaged values clay varies by less than 20% between velocities of
0.01 mm/s and 20 mm/s. However, in contrast, the
400 normalized resistance at Bassendean between 0.1
mm/s and 0.01 mm/s is 1.5 to 2.2 times the corre-
qt (kPa)

300 sponding Burswood resistances. It is clear from the

normalised excess pore pressure plot that conditions
200 are close to being fully drained at Bassendean at
v=0.01 mm/s whereas the normalised excess pore
pressures at Burswood are still half of the maximum
0 (undrained) values recorded at 20 mm/s.
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 The disparity between the Burswood and Bas-
v (mm/sec) sendean data evident on Figure 9 supports the use of
(a) a normalized velocity term that can account for dif-
90 ferences in consolidation characteristics. Figure 10
80 presents the data on Figure 9 using the normalised
70 velocity term given by Equation 1, but using ch ra-
ther than cv, as ch might be expected to control the
dissipation process in the field. To account for dif-
u2 (kPa)

50 ferent frictional characteristics and undrained

40 strength ratios of the two soils, this figure also nor-
30 malises the net cone resistances by the minimum
20 value; this minimum is likely to occur at the slowest
10 velocity at which conditions are effectively un-
0 drained.
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Figure 10 shows that drained conditions at Bas-
v (mm/sec) sendean occur at normalised velocities (V=vd/ch)
less than about 0.05 and that the onset of partial
15 Bassendean constant rate tests 
Bassendean averaged values 
Figure 8 Comparison of penetration rate effects on (a) qt and Burswood CPTU twitch tests ‐ after 
(b) u2 Schneider et al. (2004)

It is of interest to compare the data measured at Bas-
sendean with the results obtained in another piezo-
cone rate effects study conducted at Burswood by 0
Schneider et al. (2004). The Burswood site is located 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
on the opposite bank of the Swan River in Perth to v (mm/s)
the Bassendean site (the distance between these two
sites is 8km). The properties of the Burswood clay 2.5
are summarized in detail by Low et al. (2011). This
clay has an average liquid limit of 85%, plastic limit 2
of 32%, clay fraction of 14% and silt fraction of
82%. Piezocone dissipation tests indicated ch values

ranging from 0.19 and 1.46 mm2/s, which can be ap- 1

proximately an order of magnitude lower than at
Bassendean. 0.5
The variation with cone velocity of qcnet (=qt-σv0)
and excess pore pressure (Δu) normalised by vertical 0
effective stress (σ'v0), after modified data based on ‐0.5
Schneider et al. (2004), is compared on Figure 9 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
with the Bassendean data re-plotted in the same v (mm/s)
format. The scatter of the Bassendean results (as in- (b)
dicated by the small dots) arose due to the subtle
layering within the deposit as discussed previously. Figure 9 Penetration rate effect on (a) qcnet/’vo and (b) u/’vo

Bassendean; ch=6.5mm2/s Finne, I. & Randolph, M. (1994). Punch-through and

liquefaction induced failure of shallow foundations on
2 ?

calcareous sediments. International Conference on the

Behaviour of Offshore Structures, Boston, 217-230.
? House, A., Oliveira, J. & Randolph, M. (2001). Evaluating
1 the coefficient of consolidation using penetration tests.
International Journal of Physical Modelling in
Burswood; ch=0.65mm2/s  Geotechnics, 1, No. 3, 17-25.
Kim, K., Prezzi, M., Salgado, R. & Lee, W. (2008). Effect
0 of penetration rate on cone penetration resistance in
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 saturated clayey soils. Journal of Geotechnical and
V=vd/ch Geoenvironmental Engineering, 134, No., 1142-1153.
Figure 10 Assessment of rate effects on the normalised veloci- Lehane, B., O’Loughlin, C., Gaudin, C. & Randolph, M.
ty (2009). Rate effects on penetrometer resistance in kaolin.
Géotechnique, 59, No. 1, 41-52.
drainage occurs at a V value of about 5 at both sites. Low, H., Maynard, M. L., Randolph, M. & De Groot, D.
However, while V may be suitable to mark the tran- (2011). Geotechnical characterisation and engineering
sition from undrained to drained conditions, it is properties of Burswood clay. Géotechnique, 61, No. 7,
clear from Figure 10 (and other experiments per- 575-591.
formed by the authors) that the normalised plot at Lunne, T., Robertson, P. & Powell, J. (1997). Cone
penetration testing in geotechnical practice. London:
lower V values is not unique and depends, amongst
Blackie Academic & Professional.
other factors, on the ratio of the drained to undrained Mahmoodzadeh, H., Boylan, N., Randolph, M. & Cassidy,
penetration resistance of a particular soil. M. (2011). The effect of partial drainage on
measurements by a piezoball penetrometer. The 30th Int.
Conf. on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering
8 CONCLUSIONS (OMAE2011). Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Randolph, M. & Hope, S. (2004). Effect of cone velocity on
This paper reports the results of piezocone tests per- cone resistance and excess pore pressures. IS Osaka-
formed at field scale at a range of velocities in a Engineering Practice and Performance of Soft Deposits,
clayey sand and a clayey/sandy silt. The experi- 147-152.
ments confirm the importance of cone velocity (v) Robertson, P. (1990). Soil classification using the cone
on the qt and u2 values. If a normalised velocity is penetration test. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 27,
defined as V=vd/ch, where d is the cone diameter and No. 1, 151-158.
Schnaid, F., Bedin, J. & Costa Filho, L. (2010). Drainage
ch is the horizontal coefficient of consolidation in-
characterization of tailings from in situ test. 2nd
ferred from a dissipation test, the rate tests show that International Symposium on Cone Penetrtion Testing,
drained conditions arise at V<0.05 and that un- Huntington Beach.
drained conditions are prevalent at V>5. A compari- Schneider, J., Lehane, B. & Schnaid, F. (2007). Velocity
son of the data obtained with field results obtained at effects on piezocone measurements in normally and over
another plastic clay site indicates that undrained consolidated clays. International Journal of Physical
conditions also occur at V>5, but that resistances at Modelling in Geotechnics, 7, No. 2, 23-34.
given V values in the partially drained range are not Schneider, J., Randolph, M. & Chung, S. (2004).
a fixed multiple of the minimum resistance. "Characterization of soft soils for deep water
The field experiments also showed how con- developments" Report on variable rate penetration tests
ducting tests at different (slower) rates can assist in at Burswood site. Crawley, Australia: Centre for
the detection of subtle changes in soil grading; such Offshore Foundation Systems, University of Western
subtleties were not evident in the qt and u2 data rec- Australia.
Teh, C. & Houlsby, G. (1991). An analytical study of the
orded at the standard cone rate.
cone penetration test in clay. Géotechnique, 41, No. 1,

The authors would like to thank the land owners;

Iluka Resources Ltd and people supervising the Gin-
gin site for their assistances, and people who provide
their private site at Bassendean. The contributions of
many technicians in UWA as well as one final year
student, Simon Van Kleef, are greatly appreciated.

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