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[SERVICE CONTRACT #GVA-VN-051019-01 tween STATE OF ARIZONA, ‘THE ARIZONA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR And RUTH MCGREGOR AND REBECCA BERCH ‘This service contact (the “saa” ie enered into hy and between the State of Arizona, Office ofthe Goveroe, located a 1700 W. Washington St, 9" Foor, Phoenix, AZ 85007 snd RUTH MOGREGOR AND REBECCA DERCH (Conmacios"). 1. PURPOSE OF CONTRACT ‘Arzaga Office ofthe Goveror desires to retain the services of Contractors solely fr wsistance to this Office ‘8 4 Consoltant snd in the following amount et forth below m JE CONTRACT! ‘Tho erm ofthe contact shall commence May 10,2019 and dal emi in efeet unt Augist 32,2019, unless termined, canceled or extended ax otherwise provided herein, 1, WORK STATEMENT AND GENERAL PROVISIONS ‘The partes morwaly apr as Follows ‘A, Compensation “The contact ate sal eat a at rte of $30,000, This contacts fr Services to be provide in ration to sm investigation nt serious ses with locks athe Lewis Prison duriag the conta: tem set for above ‘Contractors shal provide regular updates tothe Arizona Offic ofthe Govern tough the General Counsel at the stats of he investigation. Paytnent fom the Avizona Offs ofthe Governor will be ‘made within thiy (30) busines ays of recip ofthe crmpleted report. Paymeats tall comply with the reqirementsoFARS. Ties 35 and “The Arizona Oi of the Governors not responsible fer wilhbolding, and will ac withld,FICA or ‘nes of ery ind fom any payments st owes Contracts B of Services. prement ‘The Contractors shall bogin the assignment under ths contact on May 10,2018 “Tae Contractors sll be responsible fr completion of x investigation tht will examine the following: 1. Provide timeline relate tothe ineffectiveness of locks at Lewis Prison and determine: ‘How lng has this been an issu and waist cause? |b. What, ifny, stops has the Depaieat of Corrosion taken to addres this issue? Does this sue exist at other tate prisons? 4. Whether any staf or inmates led grievances rearing the ineffectiveness flocks at Lewis Prison during this pring of time, and ‘What proactive measure can th stat take moving forward to prevet this? ovANesio.791 Pgs ore 2. Forsho time period of Yeuary 1, 2018 through Apeil30, 2019, review documents avaiable eae 0 asseuls on inmates and staff at Lewis pson resulting in serious badly injuy abd provide aa analysis ‘ofthe deparment’ actions in reviewing tho creumstancss ofeach incident anf the ations taken 10 prevent them frm occuring. Tis inctues review of any criminal and adminisatve reviews, medial ‘examiner reports, policies and video. 3, For those incidents reviowod, determine whelicr the ineffectiveness of locks cnt ibued 1 the conditions tha resulted inthe assault. : 4. Forte dime period of January 1, 2018 through Apri 30, 2019, review management decisions made by ‘ ‘ency leadership elated to the manopemeat an ledershipof Lewis prison to inlude accomntabilty or oversight of he salty and security related tothe ineffectiveness of locks at Lewis prion and provide any recommendation for further aston that may he ware “The Arsona Oe ofthe Governor bal: 1. Assist in proving meeting space to conduct interviews 2. Assist in conectng Contractors with necessty paris to complete the investigation, 3, Assist in gathering documens beessary fr completion of he investigation Contactors rs ndependnt contractors and ae not employees, servans, ages partners o joint ventrers ‘ofthe Arizona Office ofthe Gover. The Arizona Office of the Governor wil determine the work to be ‘done by Contraco, but Conrctrs wil determine te legal cans by which Contactors accomplish the ‘work specie by the Arizona Oise ofthe Gaver. Conractogs are aot entitled to receive benefits hat employees of the Arizona Offi of the Governor are ented t receive nchiding, but not limited, to werkers*compensatin, unemployment compensation, health ison, or dental insane, retirment benefits, anal leave and holiday pay “The Arzora Office ofthe Governr ans no contol or dclion over Contactos or over edt, imanner or methods of performance of the services by Contractors. The Arizona Oi ofthe Governor oes not have the authori to supervise or coma the Wark of Contactors except as to tho asigment and rene of the work performed, ‘Contactors will follow ll appliable ays ules and regulations for work perfomed under this contract. Contractor’ work unde this contact wil bein furtherance ofthe assignments fa the Arizona Ofice of ‘he Governor aad il nat itcladecampuign,poitesl fundraising, pli! enderement, or eletionering activites. TV. APPLICABLE LAW I acordanoe with ARS, § 41-250, ef eg, and Arizona Adainistrative Code R2-7-101, ee te contact sal be governed and interpre by ie laws ofthe State of Azone and the Arizoea Procurement Code \V. NON-AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS Inaccordnce with A'S, § 15-154, very payment obligation of Arizona Office af the Governor unde he conta i eoniioned upon the avalaiity of Sands appropisted or lloeted for puyment of sch olgation. funds are net allocated and available fr the contnannoeof thi contet, tis ona may be ernie by the Arizona Office ofthe Govemor athe en ofthe period for which fend re avaiable, No ability sh cere tothe Avaons Office ofthe Govem inthe event his provision is exercised and the Arizona Office of ‘the Governor shal aot be obligated or able for ny future payments or for any damages aa revulof termination inde this paragraph Vi auprr avaywasio.0t Tage2 ott Tn accordance with AS. § 35.234, Contactors stall retain and shall contractually recur eacn contacter and sabooutactorto refill di, books an ther ecods("ecord” elating to this contact fra period of five {year afler completion of te contact All ecords shall be subject o inspection and aulitby Avizona fice of {ho Governor at reaseaable tines. Upon request, Contactors sal raduce the ovgial of any or all sel records ‘VIL, CONELICY OF INTEREST Te ceorance wits ARS. § 38-511, Ariana Office ofthe Goveror may’ within dee years aRer execution cancel the conta, without penalty or futher obligation, if any peron significantly involved initiating, sepptsting. secarng dating or creating the contac on behalf of Arizona Office othe Cavern, my Fine ‘wile te contact sin aft, becomes en employee o gent or any othe party te contat in ay capacity ‘ora consultant to any ober pry ofthe eatact with respect fo the mati of the oot Vin. NOTICES ‘Any at all notices, equess, demands or comanications by iter party to this contact, pursuant to ria ‘cannection with his conc hall be in writing and sal be delivered in perso, by marshall be sent by ‘he United States Pol Sevie, cries mail retunsvceigt requested, the veseaive partis atthe Following sddeeses: Correspondence to Contrators Correspondence Arizona Offic of he Governor ‘Ruth MeGregor “Anni t Fost Genel Cousel 700 W. Washington St, #8 Floor Phoeais, AZ 85007 afostert@az.g0¥ Rebocsa Berch 1X, ONHER All communication between Contactor andthe Arizona Offic ofthe Governor shal be considered privileged nt confidential, excop a required by applicable a. ‘As Contactors with he Offic ofthe Govemr, itis understood tht Confidential Information maybe obtxined “Coutientat Infomation” means any documents, terial, da or information of any kind, nae, ot

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