Flexible Coupling - Nasir Zulfiqar PDF

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- CONTINUED FROM PAGETWO ‘VSS 2231 anna “ue is Figure f Accurate project data due ta realtime’ canching_of deta In & project environment, PID oaintains an accurate database of 31 tap nowbers, 3. process lines, instruments, jrumps. tanks eve. found on all drawings tn the project. Accuracy is maintained tssough “real-time” checking of the oject database at the time of the tag's insertion on the drawing, On finding an existing tay occurence, P&ID alerts the user and prompts the user for another value, This greatly reduces project Inceking time” of the drawings result in accurate projet dat reports and fever errors in purchasing. (see Figure 3) Figure 2: reduction In ‘checking time’ chrough Woking of deowings Mulleve security minimizes human error ‘Multilevel security és provided (0 a mnber of levels within the project. Users ean be given aceess 0 the Following levels + bility to adel tags to the project + bility to delete us in the project ability to edit information in an Jividal database field within the project This multi-level security 0 the project 1 provides control minimizing human ro in the project which further reduces the overall design time, Ml Figure 3: reat-time chacking of deta @ NASIR. ZULFI Mines eve ‘Jexible couplin: modeling of bi-linear moment rotation relationships in AutoPIPE By Nasir Zulfgar Engineering Analyst lexible couplings connecting ‘0 joints of pipes are fe- quently used in building water piping systzms. The couplings ean flexibly Accommodate rotations of about 2.5 10 3.5 ddegroes. Ifthe rotation exeveds this smount, the gap between the wo pipe joints closes and the rotational stiffness of the couplings increases significantly, The couplings ean accommodate signiticast additional rotation before the coupling begins to leak. The bending behavior of flexible couplings can thus be upproxi- mated by a bilinear moment rotation relationship as shown in Figure ! on page 12, As an example, consider a exible coupling with a rotational stiffness of 56.7 flbsidegrees in the intial stages of loading up to a rotation of 3.3 degrees (Path A-B in Figure 1). Once the gap closes (for rotations greater than 3.3 degrees), the rotational stiffness increases 1 3,500 frtbeldegrecs as shown by Path B-Cin Figure 1 Flexible couplings are usually modeled in AutoPIPE® using a flexible joint element. For the flexible joint element the usce can define the axial, Y¥-shear, Zshear, torsional, Y-bending and Zebending stiffesses. For the example case, to model the inital path, i. A-B of the bilinear momeat rotation relationship Y and Z bending stiffness of 56.7 flbeldegrees and a rigid ial sifnest ae specified. In some situations, a model of the behavior including the effect of the gap closure may be required. The question arises how to model the bending behavior of the coupling oncethe gap clases. One approximate technique it described as follows ‘An isolated model of the flexible joint assembly is frt created. It consist of @ flexible joint BO4-B104-{sce Figure 2). Four rigid frame elements (M1, M3, MS and M7) are connected to the starting CONTINUED ON PAGE TWELVE Rog1/002 ers us/oomse . 99960 lol FE > CONTINUED FROM PAGE FOUR point of the flexible joint (BOA) and four rigid frame elements (M7, Ma, MS and MB) are connected to the end pont of the joint (B104). These radially oriented elements are connected tothe pipe center Tine at the 12:00, 3:00, 6:00 = 2d 9:00 positions. The Jength of eack frame member (is acbiteaily chosen to be one foot: Point BOA is restrained from movement by adding a tiga anchor. The ext map isto add four tie! link supports to connect the tips of the frame elements across the flexible joint. As shown ia Figure 2, point XOL 4s connected to poiat X02, X08 to XO4, X05 t0 X06 and X07 10 X08, respectively. For the te link sopport, the ser must define the sping seiffnese and the backward and’ forward gaps. Specifica- sion of the gap enables the Figure 1 seme 80 supported point to move towards the connected point fisely before engaging the spring restraint when the gap is closed. ‘Based on the geometry ofthe joint assembly, a rotation of 3.3 degrees at i "coterie of the flexible joint (BO4-B 104) | accra { Figure 2 ‘(12%sin@.3%) at the tie-Hink Jocation, acti lnk 6 ‘yrame member “Therefore the gaps of the tie links in both pe the backward and forward directions are [specified to be 0.69 inches. The next step | isto select the stiffness of the tie-Link Nee |, suspen, The ffs of he le fin (K,) ae selected such that, once engaged, the forces produced ip the tie links () cause an additional moment 8M of 8,372 ft-lbs (8,558-186) fora coe. ‘sponding additional rotation 39 of 2.4 degrees (5:7°-3.3°) at the NASIR ZULPIQAR aan 2/002 8324 ibfin ceaterline of the exible joint. The sifness values can be calculated sing the following equations: K,=F/A_ where = EMpihnd A = I*sin(60) A Fe 8370/2 = 486i, b> KS IuP~. .041 “The proper functoning of the joint assembly ean bbe checked by applying, at point B104, rotations of 3.3 degrees and 5.7 degrees as usér defined displace ‘ments in the YY and ZZ directions and conducting a ‘nonlinear static analysis inchudiig the option of gaps! friction/yielding. The resulting mmorieat rotation relationship must agree with the target values of 186 felbs moment at 3.3 degrees of rotstlon and 8,558 ft Ibs of moment at 5.7 degrees of rotation. In order to use the joint assembly in a'new piping model, the AutoPIPE impor, copy and paste features are utilized. First the richors from the assembly model are removed, and then the’ assembly ‘model is imported at the desired location in the new piping model, For conveaicnce it may be useful to deyelop assembly models oriented along the global X.Y and Z directions, This can be done by copying, pasting and rotating the assembly model. Figure 3 shows an exaniple of a portion of:a building water piping system in which three flexible couplings are modeled using the above described technique. ‘The resulting rhode! may be useful for investi- SNe iting the moment

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