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Machine manual


High-efficiency cyclone

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Order Number


Machine manual Contents
High-efficiency cyclone


1 Technical data......................................................................................... 1-1

2 Safety...................................................................................................... 2-1
3 Components and mode of functioning.................................................3-1
3.1 Components............................................................................................. 3-2
3.2 Mode of functioning..................................................................................3-6
4 Transport and assembly........................................................................4-1
4.1 Transport- and storage instructions..........................................................4-1
4.2 Assembly.................................................................................................. 4-1
5 Lubrication..............................................................................................5-1
6 Preparation for test run.........................................................................6-1
6.1 Checks prior to the test run......................................................................6-1
6.2 Monitoring devices...................................................................................6-2
7 Maintenance...........................................................................................7-1
7.1 Inspection.................................................................................................7-2
7.2 Servicing.................................................................................................. 7-3
7.3 Trouble shooting.......................................................................................7-3
7.4 Repair....................................................................................................... 7-4
8 Spare parts............................................................................................. 8-1
9 Appendix.................................................................................................9-1
9.1 Technical drawings...................................................................................9-1
9.2 Subsuppliers' documentation...................................................................9-1

Machine manual Technical data
High-efficiency cyclone 1

1 Technical data
Information concerning the electrical equipment is contained in
the separate electrical documentation or in the subsuppliers'

Specification of the intended use

Machine upstream of the cyclone......................................................
Feed material......................................................................................
Bulk density of the feed
Maximum grain size of the feed
Maximum gas temperature.............................................................°C
Maximum gas velocity in the cyclone inlet..................................m/s
Maximum moisture content of the feed material...........................%

Basic data of the cyclone

Year of manufacture............................................................................
Number of cyclones, right hand version............................................
Number of cyclones, left hand version..............................................

Wear protection lining in cyclone

Wear protection for cyclone cone......................................................
Wear protection for upper part of cyclone.........................................

Airlock device
Type............................................................flap valve / rotary airlock
See machine manual ....................................................................No.

Special design
Filling level monitor (type).......................................................yes/no
Air extraction spiral...............right hand version / left hand version
Wear lining of cyclone cover...............................................................
Wear protection in the frame on the upper part of cyclone..............
Dip pipe material (in the case of special steel).................................
Proximity sensor for flap valve................................................yes/no
Machine manual Safety
High-efficiency cyclone 1

2 Safety

Be sure to comply with the general safety instructions in the
supplement Important notes on the documentation.

 The machine is exclusively intended for the separating of non-
combustible feed materials.
 Be sure to comply with the specification of the intended use in
section Technical data.
 Any use other than the intended use, such as separating
combustible materials, is forbidden. POLYSIUS AG is not
responsible for damage resulting from any use other than the
intended use. All other use is at the owner’s own risk.
 The intended use also includes the observance of the
instructions in the machine manual and the compliance with
the maintenance instructions.

Transport and assembly

 All transportation instructions in this machine manual refer
exclusively to transportation of the machine at the plant site.
 Only use suitable hoisting and lifting equipment which is in
serviceable order and has a sufficient load bearing capacity.
 Never work under a suspended load.
 Any safety checks before or during operation depend on the
relevant national regulations. The plant management is
responsible for the performance and recording of such checks.
 If changes in the machine or its operating behaviour relevant
to safety occur, shut it down immediately.
Safety Machine manual
2 High-efficiency cyclone

 Ensure that all machines and motors whose operation might
endanger persons or equipment are switched off and
safeguarded against restarting for the entire duration of the
maintenance work.
 Before performing any work on the machine, make sure that
there is no danger of suffering burns when touching the
machine and that no hot material is in the machine when
inspection and service covers are opened.
 Directly after the machine has been shut down, you are only
allowed to enter the interior wearing respiratory equipment
with independent ventilation. You are not allowed to enter the
interior without respiratory equipment until you have
sufficiently flushed it with fresh air. Make sure that there is
sufficient oxygen inside the machine and that no hot gases can
enter it.
 When work is being performed inside the machine, make
absolutely sure that fresh air is supplied continuously (by
injection or suction), so that the inhaled air remains free from
noxious constituents. Aeration with pure oxygen is forbidden.
 Keep the machine free of oily and combustible substances and
materials. Never use gasoline or other easily inflammable
substances for cleaning the machine.
 Switch off the power supply to the electrical components
before commencing any maintenance work.
 Only use 24-Volt lamps for illuminating the interior of the
 Strictly observe the welding instructions when performing any
welding work.
 When electric arc welding or cutting are being performed, you
must ensure that the personnel cannot come into contact with
electrically conductive components. Use insulating underlays
for this purpose.
 Never situate the source of the welding current in a confined
space where walls have conductive properties.
 If you carry out electrical welding on any part of the machine,
never conduct the welding current through plain or antifriction
bearings, other movable connections or measuring devices.
Always directly connect the welding current return lead to the
part being welded.
Machine manual Safety
High-efficiency cyclone 3

 Remount all protection devices and properly close all

inspection and service covers when maintenance work has
been finished. Make absolutely sure that no persons are inside
the plant component before you properly close the inspection
and repair covers.
Machine manual Components and mode of functioning
High-efficiency cyclone 1

3 Components and mode of functioning

The cyclone is used when fine material is to be separated from

an air-fines mixture at the highest possible efficiency.
Typical applications are the separation of dusts from separators,
clinker coolers and flash dryers in the cement and minerals
Components and mode of functioning Machine manual
2 High-efficiency cyclone

3.1 Components

Some details of the drawings in this manual may not be identical
with the drawings supplied under the contract.

The cyclone essentially consists of the components upper

housing section and cone with supporting brackets. The location
of the cyclone support brackets varies depending on the design.
The connecting element above the dip pipe may be an air
extraction spiral or a pipe bend.
A left or right hand version of the cyclone can be delivered. If an
air extraction spiral is installed, the right hand version of a
cyclone always has to be combined with the left hand version of
the air extraction spiral and the left hand version of a cyclone
with the right hand version of the air extraction spiral. The piping
before and after the cyclone is connected to the cyclone via
expansion joints and has to be supported separately.
In the case of particularly heavy wear, e.g. if a flash dryer is used,
the upper part of cyclone can be provided with a frame that is
line with wear protection (silicon carbide bricks or ceramic
Depending on the design, the airlock device may be a flap valve
or a rotary airlock.

In the case of several design variants of a component, the
variants are designated A, B, C etc. in this manual.
Machine manual Components and mode of functioning
High-efficiency cyclone 3

Two different housing variants are existing for the cyclone. Depending on the
plant conditions, single ore double cyclones may be used:

Drawing of the high-efficiency cyclone HZ (right hand version)

Figure 1

Drawing of the high-efficiency double cyclone HDZ

Components and mode of functioning Machine manual
4 High-efficiency cyclone

Figure 2

Figure 3
Machine manual Components and mode of functioning
High-efficiency cyclone 5

Items shown in the drawing

1. Cyclone cone
2. Upper part of cyclone
3. Dip pipe
4. Cyclone support brackets
5. Connecting element, air extraction spiral (5A) or pipe bend
6 Wear protection
6.1 Wear protection for cyclone cone
6.2 Wear protection for upper part of cyclone
7. Repair cover on top of cyclone cover
8. Airlock device, flap valve (8A) or rotary airlock (8B)
9. Inspection cover in the cone
10. Filling level monitor
11. Wear lining of cyclone cover
12. Frame for wear protection on upper part of cyclone
12.1 Wear protection in the frame (not shown)
Components and mode of functioning Machine manual
6 High-efficiency cyclone

3.2 Mode of functioning

High-efficiency cyclone
The dust-laden air flows into the inlet spiral of the cyclone and is
set into a rotating movement. Due to the centrifugal force, the
dust particles are thrown outwards, impact against the cyclone
wall and slide from there in spiral-shaped movements downwards
along the conical wall, are collected at the bottom of the cyclone
and are discharged via an airlock device. The rotating air stream
keeps rotating until it reaches the lower part of the cone, flows
upwards centrically and leaves the cyclone in cleaned condition
through the dip pipe.

Figure 4

G Cleaned air
M Mixture of air stream and fines
F Fines
Machine manual Components and mode of functioning
High-efficiency cyclone 7
Machine manual Transport and assembly
High-efficiency cyclone 1

4 Transport and assembly

4.1 Transport- and storage instructions

The machine is transported in single parts or in subassemblies. It

must be ensured that suitable lifting equipment is employed for
lifting the parts from the transport vehicles and transferring them
to the storage area.
When they arrive at the site, all parts must be inspected for
transport damage and placed on wooden beams with the
provision of suitable protection against moisture, soiling and
damage. Never place the parts directly on the ground.
Make absolutely sure that motors, couplings, gear units,
measurement and control equipment are stored in well-ventilated
rooms and protected against moisture.
The wear protection material has to be stored according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.

4.2 Assembly

General notes
The following assembly instructions do not detail the individual
steps for assembling the machine units but rather give an
overview of the work to be performed.
Changes in the planning of the plant during the processing of the
contract may lead to deviations from these assembly
We recommend that the assembly work is supervised from start
to finish by an assembly specialist from POLYSIUS AG.
Careful selection of the tools and appliances used and of the
personnel is important for the correct execution of the assembly

If you carry out electrical welding on any part of the machine,
never conduct the welding current through plain or antifriction
bearings, other moving connecting elements or measuring
devices, in order to prevent damage to these parts.
Always directly connect the welding current return lead to the
part being welded.
Transport and assembly Machine manual
2 High-efficiency cyclone
Machine manual Transport and assembly
High-efficiency cyclone 3

Sequence of assembly

All joints of the housing and the air piping have to be sealed by
means of the also provided seals.

The arrangement of the cyclone in the building is shown in the

installation drawing. See Technical drawings in section Appendix.
If several cyclones are to be installed in one plant, make
absolutely sure that they are installed in accordance with the
marking in the general arrangement drawing.
If components are marked at their joints, they have to be
assembled according to their marking.
A cyclone is assembled as is shown below, the sequence of work
operations can be adapted to the local conditions:
 Preassemble the cyclone on the ground completely or in
sections depending on the size. Depending on the situation at
site, the wear protection lining can also be installed on the
 Assemble the cyclone support brackets at the mounting
location according to the assembly drawing.
 Lift the preassembled cyclone into the supporting brackets,
align and weld the supporting brackets and the cyclone
 Install the wear protection unless it was installed before.
 Mount the dip pipe.
 Mount the air extraction spiral.
 Mount the airlock device.
 Mount the inward and outward conveying piping.

Proper functioning of the expansion joints before and after the
cyclone must be ensured. The arrangement of the expansion
joints is shown in the installation drawing.
Transport and assembly Machine manual
4 High-efficiency cyclone

Wear protection
There are two standard wear protection variants:
 Reinforced plate construction (thicker base plates made of
mild steel)
 Lining by means of ceramic castable that is applied to the
base plates

Depending on the application, special materials may also be

used, such as
 Wear-resistant special steel (fastened on the base metal by
means of plug welding or fixing pins, or designed as
construction material)
 Ceramic tiles
 Cast basalt
 Silicon carbide bricks in the frame for wear protection (12)
 Ceramic castable in the frame for wear protection (12)

When installing the wear protection lining materials, make sure
that the manufacturer’s documentation and instructions are also
complied with.

When installing the wear protection lining, provide openings in

the areas that require adaptation work during assembly
(adjustment or welding work), and line these areas after the
For wear protection lining made of ceramic castables up to 20
mm thickness, mount expanded metal mesh with approx.
62x21x3x3 mesh aperture close to all walls. Make sure that the
expanded metal mesh is mounted by means of pointwise welding-
on onto the housing wall. The maximum distance of the welding
point is 300 mm x 300 mm.
When using castables that exceed 20 mm thickness, make
absolutely sure that 8 mm to 10 mm high spacers are used. This
ensures that the castable is adequately clamped with the
expanded metal mesh.
Make sure that ceramic tiles are bonded by means of an
appropriate adhesive. Pay particular attention to the permissible
temperature of adhesive application.
Machine manual Transport and assembly
High-efficiency cyclone 5

When installing cast basalt lining, make sure that the plates are
installed in a bed of mortar according to the installation drawing.
Make sure that cylindrical and vertical lining surfaces are closely
covered with corrugated wire cloth prior to the installation. Make
sure that the expanded metal mesh is welded on pointwise at a
maximum weld distance of 300 mm x 300 mm.
Install the silicon carbide bricks with a special mortar.

Damaged silicon carbide bricks can break and fall down.
The silicon carbide bricks are fragile and have to be mounted
vibration free and free of stresses! Never use damaged bricks!
Machine manual Lubrication
High-efficiency cyclone 1

5 Lubrication

This machine requires no lubrication.

Information concerning lubrication of the airlock device (8) is

contained in the separate documentation of the airlock device.

Ensure that the lubricants are stored, used and disposed of in an
environmentally-friendly manner and observe your national
environmental legislation when handling lubricants.
Machine manual Preparation for test run
High-efficiency cyclone 1

6 Preparation for test run

6.1 Checks prior to the test run

After completing the assembly work and prior to the first test run,
check all parts of the plant in accordance with the list below.
Make absolutely sure that any material remnants, tools and
assembly implements have been carefully removed.
 Has the cyclone been properly mounted?
 Have all flange connections been bolted on tightly and have the
provided seals been correctly fitted?
 Have the cyclone support brackets been completely welded to
the cyclone?
 Have all foundation bolts been properly tightened?
 Are the covers securely closed and have the provided seals
been fitted?
 Have all signs and protection devices been attached?
 Has the airlock device been mounted correctly and checked for
proper functioning?
 Has the interlock system been checked?
 Has the wear protection lining been installed according to the
supplier’s instructions?
Preparation for test run Machine manual
2 High-efficiency cyclone

6.2 Monitoring devices

If there is a blockage of the airlock device, the cyclone would

choke up with material up to the dip pipe. Electrical safety
devices are installed in order to detect and prevent blockages in
good time. The safety devices for the cyclones have to be
integrated into the electrical interlock of the entire grinding
plant. The following control facilities can be installed:

Flap valve monitoring system

Inductive limit switches monitor the weaving of the flap.
The timer of the monitoring unit has to be set to approx. 3
If no movement of the flap valve arm is registered during this
period, an optical
or acoustic warning signal is triggered. The stated periods are
reference values and may be adjusted to the requirements of the

Filling level monitor with microwave barrier

The cyclone filling level can be monitored by means of a
microwave barrier. Transmitter and receiver are installed opposite
each other in the lower area of the cyclone on a bracket.
Machine manual Maintenance
High-efficiency cyclone 1

7 Maintenance
All components that come into contact with material-carrying air
inside the cyclone, are exposed to more or less heavy wear.

Different materials are therefore used as wear protection.

All components inside the cyclone have to be regularly checked

for wear. The corresponding components have to be repaired or
replaced as soon as significant wear occurs (see section Spare

Be sure to comply with the safety instructions in section Safety.

The plant management must ensure safe and permanent access
to the inspection covers.

Mortal danger due to hot material and carbon monoxide.
Do not open the flaps until the inhaled air contains sufficient
oxygen. (Flush with fresh air!) Make absolutely sure that no hot
gases can get into the plant and that the high-efficiency cyclone
has cooled down and is empty before beginning the work.

The cyclone is hot.
You may suffer burns.
Wait until the high-efficiency cyclone has cooled down before
starting the work. There is still the danger of being burned by
material spurting out.

After the last fixing bolt of the inspection cover (9) has been
unscrewed, the cover may fall out of the inclined frame due to its
dead weight. The cover therefore has to be secured by a second
Maintenance Machine manual
2 High-efficiency cyclone

7.1 Inspection

No. Work to be performed Frequency Comments

1 Check the airlock device (8) daily
2 General inspection of the cyclone for every 4 weeks
 leaks
 damage
3 Check for wear on 4 weeks after  The upper part of
 the cyclone cone (1) commissionin the cyclone (2) in
 the upper part of cyclone (2) g, then the inlet area is
 the dip pipe (3) for wear particularly
every 3 vulnerable
months  Minimum plate
thickness 5 mm
4 Check for wear on 4 weeks after
 the air extraction spiral (5A) commissionin
 the wear lining of the cyclone cover (11) g, then
every 3
5 Check the wear protection lining 4 weeks after  At the latest when
 for the cyclone cone (6.1) commissionin the base metal is
 for the upper part of the cyclone (6.2) g, then visible in some
 in the frame for wear protection on the places or parts of
every 3 the lining are
upper part of cyclone (12.1)
months loose or lacking
 In the case of
silicon carbide
bricks, at the
latest when 50 %
of the thickness

Thickness measurement
Use an ultrasonic thickness gauge for non-destructive
measurement of the plate thicknesses,
(e.g. digital thickness gauge D-Meter-DM 2 from Messrs.
Krautkrämer, Cologne)
Machine manual Maintenance
High-efficiency cyclone 3

7.2 Servicing

No. Work to be performed Frequency Comments

1 Repair or refurbish the wear as required
protection lining for
 the cyclone cone (6.1)
 the upper part of the cyclone (6.2)
2 Repair or replace the wear lining of as required
the cyclone cover (11)
3 Replace the housing plates as required Minimum plate
thickness 5 mm
if extra wear protection is not
4 Repair or refurbish the wear as required
protection in the frame on the upper
part of cyclone (12.1)

7.3 Trouble shooting

Fault Cause Elimination

Fines are blocked Airlock device (8) is See separate machine
faulty manual
Foreign bodies are lying Remove the foreign
above the airlock device bodies

If any faults occur which are not described above, consult the
additional information about faults, their causes and their
elimination in the subsuppliers’ documentation.
Maintenance Machine manual
4 High-efficiency cyclone

7.4 Repair

Before beginning any repair work, switch off the power supply to
all electrical components.

Mortal danger due to hot material and carbon monoxide.
Do not open the flaps until the inhaled air contains sufficient
oxygen. (Flush with fresh air!) Make absolutely sure that no hot
gases can get into the plant and that the high-efficiency cyclone
has cooled down and is empty before beginning the work.

The cyclone is hot.
You may suffer burns.
Wait until the high-efficiency cyclone has cooled down before
starting the work. There is still the danger of being burned by
material spurting out.

Ensure absolute cleanliness at all times during repair work in

order to prevent dirt from entering the bearings, the drives or
other sensitive parts of the machine or plant.

After the last fixing bolt of the inspection cover (9) has been
unscrewed, the cover may fall out of the inclined frame due to its
dead weight. The cover therefore has to be secured by a second

After you have completed the repair work, you must check the
machine/plant again according to section Preparation for test run.

Tools and implements

Machine manual Maintenance
High-efficiency cyclone 5

No special tools are required for repair work on the machine.

However, you may need torque wrenches of a bigger size than
Whether or not you need auxiliary equipment, such as scaffolds
or hoists, depends on the conditions in your plant.
Machine manual Spare parts
High-efficiency cyclone 1

8 Spare parts

Notes for enquiring about and ordering spare parts

Dear Customer,
POLYSIUS AG strive to render your enquiring about and ordering
of spare parts as easy, and as a consequence, as efficient as
possible. For this purpose we have prepared a table containing all
data required by our spare parts department to ensure optimum
processing in the most speedy and troublefree manner.
Please copy the page with the respective table and mark those
parts which you require with a cross in the column Order or
If the table refers to more than one machine, please indicate also
the POLYSIUS Order Code (POC) of the machine for which the
spare parts are needed.
Spare parts Machine manual
2 High-efficiency cyclone

Figure 5

Code Word: Order No.: POC:

Item Designation Qty. Unit Order Enquiry
6.1 Wear protection for 1 Set
cyclone cone
6.2 Wear protection for 1 Set
upper part of cyclone
11 Wear lining of cyclone 1 Set
Machine manual Spare parts
High-efficiency cyclone 3

12.1 Wear protection in the 1 Set

Machine manual Appendix
High-efficiency cyclone 1

9 Appendix

9.1 Technical drawings

For drawing numbers, please refer to the table of contents of this

Designation Drawing no.

Assembly drawing

Limiting plate

Danger spots and sign location

9.2 Subsuppliers' documentation

Wear protection, ceramic castable

Filling level monitor

Wear protection, silicon carbide bricks

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