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Janet Castro

Annotated Lesson Plan

TED 623: Language Development Methods

National University

May 28, 2017



The annotated lesson plan will follow the appropriate lesson plan format and include

the CELA and ELD standards, appropriate goals, objectives, outcomes, rationale, class

(student) characteristics. The lesson plan will include appropriate presentation methods,

instructional strategies, learning activities, classroom management, technology

applications, assessment techniques, and teaching materials. There will also be appropriate

accommodations listed for English Learners, as well as accommodations for a specific EL

learner profile, and overall integration of 1/3 Plus Model. The lesson plan will be followed by

a thorough annotation that clearly explains my planning decisions and rationale for all

lesson components. This will include how and why lesson meets needs of all students,

especially ELs and profiled student. Explicit references from course required literature and

additional sources will be used to support my planning decisions in APA format.


Annotated Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Description Rationale

This will give me ample time to practice
June 1, 2017 the instructional strategies, make changes
as needed, and make sure the video
recording works (sound, visual, layout of
This lesson is intended for 7th grade
8 grade students, as part of the nutrition
curriculum from the UC CalFresh
Nutrition Education Program
(Cooperative Extension — Riverside
I will be single subject credentialed in
PE (English + Math) Physical Education. However, my goal is
to integrate other subject areas in my
lessons like Math (include
computations), and English (3-day food
diary and reflection for homework).

Food Labels It is vital that students learn how to read
and understand food labels and its
contents, because they must first learn
how to determine the difference between
healthy and unhealthy food items based
on fat (g), % Daily Values, in order to be
able to make life long
time: This lesson will take the entire The activity is a closure activity from
instructional time – 50 minutes. Lesson 5 - “Food Label Fax” in the
“Eatfit” nutrition curriculum. This
activity helps students to review and
connect previously learned information
(bridging) and activate prior knowledge.

The video will only record 10 minutes of

the lesson, which will highlight the key
areas in the lesson like student
engagement, cooperation, and


Class (student)
profile: The student profile I chose was I chose Liang because he is the age group
Liang is a 13-year-old 8th grader who I plan to work with (middle school age).
came with his family from Taiwan 3 Also, because his background mentioned
his interest in sports.
years ago. His father runs a small
grocery store and his mother cares
for his 2 younger siblings. Though
there are several Mandarin speakers
in his neighborhood, his extended
family is still in Taiwan. Liang
speaks Mandarin fluently and can
read age-appropriate books and
magazines. His report cards from
his school in Taiwan indicated
average grades. Liang is outgoing
and active in sports. Though he still
struggles with English
pronunciation, his CELDT results
indicate an overall score in the Early
Advanced range, and he has been
identified as an English
Learner (Listening and Speaking =
Intermediate level. Reading =Early
Advanced. Writing = Early

 Students will learn how to It is essential for students to learn and
read Nutrition Facts food understand how to read nutrition facts
labels. food labels, so they know how to make
 Determine their daily food healthier food choices.
consumption in a 3-day food
diary. Reflect upon changes
they must make in their diet
to live a healthier lifestyle.

Objectives/ Students will be able to satisfy the

Learning  Students will learn how to learning outcomes with the help from
Outcomes calculate total grams of fat their peers.
and % daily values for food

items in their respective

 Work with peers to practice
collaborative and
communication skills.
Physical Education Model Content Even as a physical educator, I know I
Standards for California Public must also meet the Common Core
Schools (Kindergarten Through Standards. It is my job to bring
Grade Twelve): enthusiasm day in and day out. It is my
job to make learning fun, exciting, and
Standard 4.5: Explain the effects of enjoying.
nutrition and participation in
physical activity on weight control,
self-concept, and physical

Standard 4.7: Compile and analyze

a log noting the food intake/calories


1. Exchanging information and 1. SL.7.1, 6; L.7.3, 6
ideas with others through oral
collaborative discussions on a range
of social and academic topics

Connecting and Condensing Ideas

6. Connecting ideas 6. W.7.1–5; WHST.7.1–2, 4-5;
SL.7.4, 6; L.7.1, 3–6

Accommodations: Use of the 1/3 Plus model

My students will all be able to succeed in
Top third: Students will be able to the lesson, because they will all have
lead their groups (leadership peer support. I will also be walking
quality), and answer their peers’ around station to station to observe and
questions. The reflection piece will answer any questions or concerns.
allow them to express themselves at
their own level of understanding.

Middle third: Students will be able

to work with peers and get help as

Bottom third: Students will be able

to collaborate with peers and also get
help as needed. This will give them
an opportunity to display
collaborative and communication
Copies of the 6 nutrition food label Why try and re-invent the wheel by
stations, and tape to post them coming up with a new lesson? I will
around the gym walls. utilize activities that have been
successful in other physical education
36 copies of the “EatFit” Workbook programs.
page - Food Label Fax Worksheet.

N/A This lesson will not require technology.
However, I could include technology if
there are students that have
accommodations listed on their IEP. I
can provide them with a laptop or tablet
with access to a powerpoint listing the 6
nutrition food label stations. They could
look at each slide (each station) and
locate the same information. If student
needs audio, I can include a recording
that can read the food labels and its

There will be a brief review of the Sharing a personal experience that is
previous lesson, followed by a realistic can help students better connect
transition that includes the teacher’s the key concepts. Having students work
personal experience. Then, the with peers can help them with their
teacher will place students into collaboration skills.
groups. The students will
collaboratively work together to
answer the activity and quiz
questions in the handout. In the end,
the teacher will review the quiz
questions and give them some
question to think about.
Anticipatory Set:
The teacher will introduce a personal This will help students to critically think
experience that ties in with the about their own experiences and help
activity. them to activate prior knowledge from

the past lessons.

Instruction: 1. Students will review the 1. This will help activate prior
previous lesson, and see the knowledge, and bridge the
connection between the information to the new lesson.
previous lesson to the new 2. This will help students to
lesson, and teacher will use a understand what is expected of
personal experience (story) to them. The teacher will model how
relate it to. (5 minutes) the students should perform the
2. Explain the rules, task. The teacher will encourage
expectations, and stations for peer learning. The teacher will
the activity (2-3 minutes). make groups. The groups will
Teacher will place them in include students from different
groups. levels of ability. This could help
3. Students will fill out the food the EL learners feel comfortable
label fax worksheet with communicating with other peers
their group members, as they that speak English only.
rotate to each station every 3- 3. This will help students to
5 minutes (18-30 minutes). collaborate with peers.
4. Teacher will review the quiz 4. This will help the teacher check
answers with them and ask for understanding.
them critical thinking
questions (10 minutes).

Student Activity
1. Students will be divided into Collaborating with peers in a small group
six groups and be assigned to setting is beneficial for students. They
a different station. will have opportunities to work together
to come up with solutions and clarify any
2. Using the Food label Fax questions their peers may have. Students
sheet in the workbook, give can verbally express their answers and/or
students three to five minutes write their responses onto their individual
at each station. worksheet provided.

3. Have students stay at each

station until time is up or
until everyone is finished,
then ask students to rotate to
the next station.

4. Students may work together

to answer questions.

5. When each group has visited

all six stations, bring the
students back together and go

over the answers.

Students will be asked to keep track This activity will help students be aware
of a 3-day food diary (breakfast, of their daily food choices. The reflection
lunch, dinner, snacks, etc.) and write will help them connect what they learned
a 1-page reflection. about reading food labels and its content
related to their daily diet.

Closure: (10 minutes)

The teacher will review the quiz This will help me informally determine
questions and have them reflect on what was successful about the lesson.
what they learned. Students will be Also, this will activate their critical
asked closure questions that will thinking skills.
help them to reflect on the lesson
content and concepts learned. For
example, “How will your food
choices affect you in your future?”
The teacher will informally assess Utilizing both formal and informal
the students by observing them work assessments is the best practice because I
with their group members can assess for progress, development,
(collaboration), and by observing growth, and also be able to determine
them fill out their independent what areas need more emphasis or
worksheet. review. In addition, they can help me to
determine if students have met the lesson
The teacher will formally assess the goals, objectives, and standards.
students by grading their individual
quiz. The quiz is included in the
food label worksheet. The quiz
includes true/false and multiple-
choice questions.


The purpose of the Common Core State Standards is to implement educational

consistencies to prepare students for the demands of the workforce. Spring (2016) said, “the

common standards will help ensure that the students are receiving a high-quality education

consistently, from school to school, and state to state” (p. 251). For example, a student living in

the mid-west should be receiving the same education and be given the same standards to meet, as

those students living in the north, west coast, southwest, and east coast. Spring (2016) also said

that “standards do not tell teachers how to teach, but they do help teachers figure out the

knowledge and skills their students should have so that the teachers can build the best lessons

and environments for their classrooms” (p. 252). In other words, the standards help guide

teachers in setting appropriate goals and objectives for students to meet.

According to Serdyukov and Ryan (2014), “Knowledge construction is enhanced when it

takes place in a social environment where students can collaborate, cooperate, and

communicate…” (p. 253). I decided to incorporate collaboration into my lesson plan activity to

emphasize knowledge construction and skill development in the English language like

Serdyukov and Ryan describe in text. It was important for me to come up with a lesson that was

fun and engaging. My goal was to have the students explore the information as a group, and

come up with solutions. This is a great lesson to teach because it incorporates an array of SDAIE

strategies such as: activating prior knowledge, bridging, appropriate language input and pace,

metacognitive development (cooperative learning), modeling, contextualization, teacher

enthusiasm, and student engagement. Students from all learning styles, including the 1/3 model

students, ELLs, and exceptional students can all meet their needs. The upper 1/3 model can play

a leader role in which they can be challenged in many ways to lead their group. The middle and

lower 1/3, and ELLs have peer support to help guide them and clarify any questions they may

have. Also, the teacher acts more as a facilitator rather than a lecturer by also guiding students as


I chose Liang for my profiled student because he is the age group I plan to work with

(middle school age). Also, because his background information mentioned his interest in sports.

In his description it mention that he was outgoing. This activity would be a great because he

could work in a small group setting with peers. He would have opportunities to discuss with his

peers and work together to fill out the handout and answer quiz questions. According to Haley

and Austin (2014), “preparing learners who share the learner’s first language, as well as those

whose don’t know the learner’s L1, to collaborate in order to accomplish the lesson” (p. 235). In

other words, ELL’s like Liang can learn more in the long run by collaborating with peers that

speak their first language and with peers that do not.

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California Department of Education (2012). California english language development

standards: Kindergarten through grade twelve. Retrieved from


California Department of Education (2010). Physical education model content standards for

california public schools: Kindergarten through grade twelve. Retrieved from

Haley, M. H. and Austin, T. Y. (2014). Content-Based Second Language Teaching and

Learning: An Interactive Approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson.

Serdyukov, P. & Ryan, M. (2014). The 5-minute lesson plan A practitioner’s guide. Boston, MA.

Spring, J. (2016). American education. (17th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

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