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Name: Bea Eunice Ann M.

General Purpose: To Persuade

Specific Purpose: To persuade audience about Happiness and Fulfillment

Practice Time Average: 3 minutes

Happiness & Fulfillment

Aristotle once said that “Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and
end of human existence.” And, in my opinion, I believe that it is true. In this world, it seems like
HAPPINESS and FULFILLMENT is what most people want and expect out of life. We all want
to achieve something, right? So have y’all ever wondered what does it takes to be truly happy?

Well for some, it might take a lot of things or qualifications, standards, and requirements
in order for them to be happy and fulfilled in life but true happiness can be attain without all of
that. So how do we find true happiness?

Happiness comes when we stop looking at other people’s fulfillment and start looking at
ours. Happiness comes when you accept it to yourself that each and every one of us is unique
and different. So, we don’t have to be like others, we don’t have to think of other people’s
expectations, we don’t have to achieve what they achieve or fulfilled in life. We can be our own
kind of different. Maybe it takes longer time before you achieve something or fulfilled
something but what matters the most is that you did it. You succeeded despite of all the
hardships and challenges in your way. You still did it. You fulfilled your goals. And that is
enough. You are enough.

We don’t seek for happiness. We just have to realize that it is within us. Our own
happiness is up to us. If we have that passion, that drive within ourselves. We can be happy.
Passion is the key to our happiness. Passion is the fulfillment of your desire whatever that may
be. We might not discover it yet but it is there. It is within us. Just keep doing that passion of
yours because that is what happiness is all about. Happiness is just there actually it is
everywhere. We just have to open our eyes, mind, and heart and just embrace it fully because
that’s what it takes to be truly happy.

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