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International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering Vol. 6, No.

2, 2013

Original Article

An analysis of rainfall-based warning systems for sediment

disasters in Japan and Taiwan

Chen-Yu CHEN1, and Masaharu FUJITA2

1 Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,
Kyoto University (Katsura Campus,Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan) E-mail:
2 Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan)

Rainfall-based warning systems are widely used as a means of evacuating inhabitants to prevent sediment
disasters. However, considering that only 2.2% of Japanese local governments carried out evacuation orders
after sediment disaster alerts were issued in 2008, it appears that the existing rainfall-based warning systems
are neither effective nor taken seriously. Furthermore, the case study of Shiaolin village in Taiwan indicates
that the existing rainfall-based warning systems may not be sufficient. In addition, most assessments of the
effectiveness of warning systems have merely examined whether alerts were issued before a disaster
occurred; the appropriate timing of alerts has not been thoroughly studied. Here, we examine the
characteristics of the warning models and warning-issuing systems in Japan and Taiwan. We propose
evaluation indices of the effectiveness of warnings, and focus on the shortcomings of rainfall-based warning
models through case studies of disasters and several years of statistical data. Finally, we recommend
improvements to disaster prevention strategies.

Key words: warning system, sediment disaster, debris flow, slope failure, evaluation indexes

1. INTRODUCTION Taiwanese sediment disaster warning systems as

cases studies.
Faced with threats of sediment disasters, the The causes of sediment disasters include
establishment of early-warning systems and earthquakes as well as heavy rainfall; however, the
evacuation strategies is recognized as one of the most Japanese and Taiwanese sediment disaster warning
important approaches for disaster risk management. systems only issue alerts during typhoons or heavy
Over the past few decades, there has been a rainfall. The Japanese warning system only applies to
considerable body of literature reporting on the use debris flows and slope failures, but not to landslides
of different indices to characterize sediment disaster [Osanai et al., 2010], and the Taiwanese warning
warning systems, including rainfall, runoff, system applies only to debris flows [Chen, 2008].
ultrasonic and radar gauges, ground vibration Over the past few decades, there have been a
sensors, video cameras, and trip wires [Caine, 1980; number of studies attempting to establish a rainfall-
Onda et al., 2003; Arattano and Marchi, 2008]. based sediment disaster-warning model. For
Partly because rainfall is an important indicator of example, Wieczorek and Glade [2005] conducted a
sediment disasters, and partly because rainfall data literature review of rainfall-based debris-flow
are more readily obtained, rainfall-based warning warning models around the world. A complete
systems are the most commonly used sediment sediment disaster warning system should be
disaster warning systems. Owing to environmental comprised of two parts: a warning model and an
conditions, Japan and Taiwan typically suffer from issuing system. But because most studies have only
threats of sediment disasters during typhoons or focused on the establishment of a warning model and
periods of heavy rainfall every year; therefore, have not considered complex situations that may be
nationwide rainfall-based sediment warning systems encountered during practical operations, these
have been established. Furthermore, these countries models usually have had limited success when
have considerable operational experience with applied during typhoons or heavy rainfalls.
sediment disaster management [DESC, 2007; COA, Furthermore, the effectiveness of most warning
2010]. For these reasons, we use the Japanese and models is based solely on whether an alert was issued

International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering Vol. 6, No. 2, 2013

before the disaster [NILIM, 2007], and do not consider

the needs of local governments making evacuation
decisions. According to the statistics collected by
NILIM [2010], the proportion of Japanese local
governments that actually carried out evacuation
orders after a sediment disaster alert was issued was
only 2.2% in 2008, and furthermore, only 2.8% of
inhabitants decided to evacuate when they received a
sediment disaster alert. This indicates that the
existing warning models are not taken seriously.
Taking the Japanese and Taiwanese sediment
disaster warning systems as examples, we explore
both warning models and alert-issuing systems, and
identify shortcomings using the available statistical Fig. 1 Basic concept used for sediment disaster warning models
and case study data. We then recommend disaster in Japan.
prevention strategies.


2.1 Rainfall-based warning system in Japan

(1) Warning model
Japan has had a rainfall-based sediment disaster
warning system in place since 1984. It uses the short-
term rainfall index (e.g., 60 minute cumulative
rainfall) and long-term rainfall index (e.g.,
antecedent rainfall or soil water index) to demarcate
the threshold for sediment disasters (critical line, CL)
[Osanai et al., 2010]. During typhoons or heavy
rainfall, rainfall data will be converted to short-term
and long-term rainfall indices, and plotted on a graph Fig. 2 Format and content of a sediment disaster alert [DESC and
to form a continuous ‘snake line’ curve. A sediment JMA, 2005]
disaster alert will be issued when the CL is predicted
to be exceeded by the expected rainfall in the jointly by the Sabo Department of the prefecture and
following 1–3 hours (see Figure 1) [Osanai et al., the local meteorological observatory using mass
2010; NILIM, 2001; DESC et al., 2005]. Because the media, telephone, FAX, and the Internet. The
previous method of determining the CL required a warnings are issued in real time; the format and
vast amount of sediment disaster occurrence rainfall content are as shown in Figure 2 [DESC and JMA,
data, which did not exist in many regions, the radial 2005]. The smallest unit of the alert zone is a
basis function network (RBFN) has been used to township. The content of the alert describes which
demarcate the CL since 2005 [DESC et al., 2005]. townships are at high risk of a sediment disaster, and
The RBFN has been implemented nationwide since addresses possible regions of maximum rainfall and
2008 because it is a more objective measure of the the rainfall intensity in the next 1–3 hours. In
CL and does not require as much sediment disaster addition, the Sabo Department of the prefecture also
rainfall data [Osanai et al., 2010]. Furthermore, to offers detailed information on their website that
solve the problem of insufficient rain-gauge density, displays various levels of sediment disaster risks
the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has using a 5-km grid.
produced 1-km grid mesh rainfall data known as the
radar automated meteorological data acquisition
2.2 Rainfall-based warning system in Taiwan
system (radar AMeDAS) analytical rainfall, and
short-duration rainfall forecasts (1–6 hours). (1) Warning model
The Taiwanese nationwide rainfall-based
sediment disaster warning system was established in
(2) Alert-issuing system
2002 [Chen, 2008]. Taiwan’s Disaster Prevention
A sediment disaster alert in Japan is issued
and Response Act only considers debris flows, and

International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering Vol. 6, No. 2, 2013

does not consider slope failures or landslides. The warning model uses rainfall data produced from
Initially, Taiwan’s warning system also used short- the 524 rain gauges of the Central Weather Bureau
term and long-term rainfall indices to define the CL (CWB), and the rainfall data are updated every 10
for each township, and the alert would be issued if the minutes [Chang, 2011]. Based on the locations of the
snake line exceeded the CL. However, to meet the rain gauges and potential debris flow torrents, SWCB
demand for alerts at the village-scale and to provide divides each township into several regions, which are
an easy-to-understand index for self-evacuation designated to refer to the specific rain gauges (see
during typhoons or heavy rainfalls, Taiwan Table 1).
developed a new rainfall-based warning model
known as the rainfall-triggering index, RTI, which is (2) Alert-issuing system
calculated as follows: Sediment disaster alerts in Taiwan are issued by
the central government (SWCB) using mass media,
𝑅𝑇𝐼 = 𝐼 × 𝑅𝑡 (1a)
telephone, FAX, the Internet, and volunteers. Alerts
are issued according to a fixed schedule (i.e., daily at
5:00, 11:00, 17:00, 20:00, and 23:00). Alerts are
where divided into two levels: yellow and red. A yellow
alert means that the sum of the forecast rainfall over
the next 24 hours and the effective accumulated
𝑅𝑡 = ∑ 𝛼 𝑖 𝑅𝑖 (1b) rainfall, Rp+Rt, is greater than Rc, and the local
𝑖=0 government and inhabitants should prepare for
where I is the intensity of the rainfall over a 60- evacuation. A red alert is issued when Rt is greater
minute period, Rt is the effective accumulated than Rc, and the local government could execute
rainfall, which is the amount of rainfall for the mandatory evacuations in the warning areas. The
antecedent i days (i.e., Ri), and α is a weighting factor process for issuing debris flow disaster alerts is
= 0.8. To determinate representative values of the RTI shown in Figure 4, and the format of the debris flow
for each township, historical rainfall data for each disaster alerts is shown in Figure 5. In addition,
township were added to a graph, and RTI10 (a debris detailed warning information is also presented using
flow occurrence probability of 10%) and RTI90 (a Google Maps and Google Earth on the SWCB
debris flow occurrence probability of 90%) were website [SWCB, 2011].
demarcated using a manual method (see Figure 3)
[Jan and Li, 2004]. To set a rainfall threshold for
easier public understanding and local application, a
critical accumulated rainfall, Rc, is calculated by
taking the rainfall intensity at 10 mm/hour, i.e., using
the value of RTI70 divided by 10 and modified to the
closest 50-mm interval. According to the list from the
Soil and Water Conservation Bureau (SWCB), the
critical accumulated rainfall in 2011 was in the range
of 200–600 mm [SWCB, 2011].
Fig. 3 Classification of debris-flow occurrence probability based
on the rainfall-triggering index [Jan and Li., 2004].

Table 1 List of rainfall thresholds and selected rain gauges in Taiwan (sample) [SWCB, 2011].
Selected rain
Warning Areas Critical gauge
County Township Total number of
Villages (Number of potential debris flow rainfall
potential debris flow 1 2
torrents per village) (mm)
Chaoyang (4) 4 Nan-ao Don-au
Su-ao Nanchen (1), Yonchun (2), Chan-an (1), 500
14 Su-ao Donshan
Yonlo (5), Subei (1), Shanwho (4)
Hanshi (2), Fushin (4) 6 Kulu Hanshi
Datong Lunpi (3), Shunlo (4) 7 550 Yulan Nudo
Shichi (6), Nanshan (7) 13 Nanshan Shiyun

International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering Vol. 6, No. 2, 2013

Fig. 4 Process for issuing debris flow disaster alerts in Taiwan. Fig. 6 Example of the warning model effectiveness indices.

FAR = WTND / WT (3)

where DE is the number of sediment disaster events,

DEAA is the number of sediment disaster events that
were located within the warning areas and occurred
after a warning was issued, WT is the number of
townships which had been issued a sediment disaster
warning, and WTND is the number of townships
which had been issued a sediment disaster warning
but where no disaster occurred [NILIM, 2007]. To
characterize the proportion of sediment disasters that
were not located within the warning area, as well as
the hit rate in the warning area, we define the warning
coverage rate (WCR) as
Fig. 5 Format of debris flow disaster alerts from the SWCB.
WCR = DEA / DE (4)
2.3 Evaluating the effectiveness of the warning
models and the warning hit rate in the warning area
(WHRWA) as
The effectiveness of the warnings is a significant
factor in the evacuation decisions taken by local
governments. A good warning system not only needs
to promptly issue alerts before a disaster occurs, but
where DEA is the number of sediment disaster events
must also avoid false alerts since local governments that occurred in the warning areas. Figure 6
and inhabitants will ignore the warnings if there are illustrates an example of these warning model
too many false alerts. effectiveness indices.
In this study, we use four indices to evaluate the To explore whether the time for evacuation is
effectiveness of a warning model: the hit rate, false sufficient, we define the “remaining time for
alert rate, warning coverage rate, and time available evacuation (RTE)” as the time from the alert being
for evacuation. The warning hit rate describes the
issued to the time the disaster occurs. According to
frequency with which an alert is issued before a the warning hit rate definition, an alert is regarded as
sediment disaster occurs. The false alert rate
successful if RTE  0. However, some time is
describes whether alerts are being issued where
required for the alert dissemination and the
disasters will occur. The warning coverage rate
evacuation; we define this time as the “shortest
assesses to what extent the spatial locations of a
remaining time for evacuation (SRTE)”. A valid alert
sediment disaster are issued a warning.
has to be issued at a time at least equal to the SRTE
The warning hit rate (WHR) can be expressed as
before the disaster occurs. Owing to traffic conditions
and the population structure, different regions may
WHR = DEAA / DE (2)
have different SRTE values.
Lindell et al. [2005] investigated the evacuation
and the false alert rate (FAR) can be expressed as

International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering Vol. 6, No. 2, 2013

behavior of people living in coastal regions during a 3 hours.

hurricane, and found that the average evacuation time
was 3 hours and 16 minutes. There have been a 2.4 Evaluation methods for the evacuation rate
number of studies of the evacuation time for people Because township governments are responsible
living near potential debris flow torrents in for making the decision to evacuate, as well as for
mountainous areas of Taiwan. Pai [2008] found that executing the evacuation in Japan and Taiwan, this
the average evacuation time for these groups was study used the township as the assessment unit. The
2 hours and 40 minutes; 90 percent could be evacuation rate (ER) after an alert is issued is defined
evacuated in 3 hours, and the evacuation could be as
completed in 7 hours. Lin [2007] suggested that it
would take more than 8 hours for the evacuation rate ER = EWT / WT (6)
to be greater than 95%. A survey has shown that the
average evacuation time is 2.62 hours in Shueili where EWT is the number of townships that are
Township of Nantou County, and 3.83 hours in located in the warning area and have carried out an
Jiashih Township of HsinChu County [Wu, 2009]. evacuation.
Accordingly, here, we assume that the SRTE is

Table 2 Comparison of the Japanese and Taiwanese warning systems.

Topics Japan Taiwan Comparison
Warning Method of defining RBFN RTI RBFN is more objective than
model CL RTI for defining CL, and it can
be used in areas lacking
historical disaster data
Warning indices 60-minute cumulative Effective accumulated rainfall Taiwan's warning system uses
rainfall and soil-water and recent 3-hour rainfall the effective accumulated
index rainfall as the main index
Types of rainfall 1-km grid mesh rainfall Real-time rain gauge data (10 Using grid mesh rainfall data
data data and 1–3 hour min updates) and 24-hour can solve the problem of having
rainfall forecast rainfall forecast insufficient rain-gauge data
Who modifies CL? Prefectures Central government (SWCB) -
Alert- Who issues alerts? Prefectures Central government (SWCB) -
issuing Who receives the Township County and Township -
system alerts?
Criteria for issuing Predict if the snake Effective accumulated rainfall is The Taiwanese warning system
alerts curve will cross CL in higher than Rc, as well as recent requires more manual operations
1–3 hours 3-hour accumulated rainfall is and experienced operators
higher than 30 mm, and rainfall
will last
Interval between Non-fixed Daily at 5:00, 11:00, 17:00, All disaster prevention units,
issuing alerts 20:00, and 23:00; extra alerts media, and inhabitants can
will be issued if necessary obtain the latest warning
information easily by
themselves if issued on a fixed-
time basis
Levels of alerts One level Two levels Understanding risks using colors
(sediment disaster (yellow alert and red alert) may be suitable
Unit of warning Township Village -
Alert dissemination Telephone, FAX, Telephone, FAX, messages, -
tools messages, Internet Internet, volunteers
Format of alerts Text-based, Table-based, supplemented by -
supplemented by text
Presentation of 5-km grid to present Display warning areas using -
detailed risk levels Google Maps and Google Earth
information of the
warning areas
Types of disaster Debris flows and slope Only debris flows -

International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering Vol. 6, No. 2, 2013

information, but also ensures that all disaster

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION prevention units, the media, and inhabitants can
obtain the latest warning information easily by
3.1 Comparison of the Japanese and Taiwanese themselves.
warning systems
Table 2 compares the Japanese and Taiwanese
3.2 Effectiveness assessment of the existing
warning systems, including the warning models and
warning systems in Japan and Taiwan
alert-issuing systems. We will examine the
significant differences based on the following (1) Japan
factors. According to statistics from NILIM [2010], a
total of 669 sediment disasters took place in 2008 in
(1) Warning model Japan. One hundred and ninety-two (28.7%) occurred
The RBFN used in Japan is more objective than outside of the warning areas, almost all of which were
the RTI used in Taiwan for defining the CL, and in slope failures. A total of 1,129 townships were
addition, makes artificially demarcating the CL designated warning areas during typhoons or heavy
unnecessary. It can be used in areas lacking historical rainfalls in Japan in 2008, but only 138 townships
disaster data and employs only considerable suffered sediment disasters. The number of sediment
historical rainfall data, which are easier to acquire. disasters that occurred in the warning areas was 477,
Using 1-km grid mesh rainfall data as a resource for
and 356 of them occurred after the sediment disaster
the warning indices may be an effective means of alerts were issued. The effectiveness of the warning
solving the problem of insufficient rain gauges in the system in 2008 is summarized in Table 3.
Japanese system.
(2) Taiwan
(2) Alert-issuing system Although the sediment disaster warning system
Sediment disaster alerts are issued by the in Taiwan only includes debris flow disasters, for the
prefectures in Japan. The unit of a warning area is the benefit of comparison, the following statistics
township. These prefectures also offer a detailed
include debris flow and slope failure disasters.
range for warnings using 5-km grid meshes, which According to the debris flow annual from SWCB
display the risk level using different colors (some [2007–2011], the number of significant disasters
prefectures, for example, Nara, offer 1-km grid investigated by SWCB in 2009 in Taiwan was 127.
meshes), so the townships can judge which areas may
Excluding simple flood disasters, there were 117
be at a higher risk of sediment disasters. Because of sediment disasters, and 113 occurred during Typhoon
the lack of technology and budgets to build warning
Morakot in 2009. Twenty-six of them (22.2%)
systems at the local government level, sediment occurred outside of the warning areas, and almost all
disaster alerts are issued by the central government of these happened in villages that were never
(SWCB) in Taiwan. Alerts that show which village
designated as potential debris flow torrent areas (i.e.,
is at a higher risk of debris flow disasters are these villages were not within the range of the
d i s s e m i n a t e d t o c o u n t i es a n d t o w n s h i p s warning systems). Seventy-two townships were
simultaneously. T o be easily under stood by designated as warning areas during typhoons or
everyone, the high-risk areas for potential debris flow heavy rainfall in 2009 in Taiwan, but only 30
torrents are marked on Google Earth and Google townships suffered sediment disasters. The number
Maps, and anyone can view this data via the Internet. of sediment disasters that occurred in warning areas
Moreover, Taiwan's warnings are issued on a fixed was 91, and 85 occurred after the sediment disaster
schedule (although additional alerts may be issued if alerts were issued. The warning effectiveness in 2009
necessar y). T his not only avoids confusin g in Taiwan is summarized in Table 3.

Table 3 Effectiveness of the sediment disaster warning systems in Japan and Taiwan (including debris flows and slope failures).

Japan (2008) 1129 991 87.8% 669 477 356 53.2% 71.3% 74.6% 25 2.2%
Taiwan (2009) 72 42 58.3% 117 91 85 72.6% 77.8% 93.4% 46 63.9%
(Average in 2008-2010)* 2965 2475 83.4% 2482 - 1460 58.8% - - 291 9.8%
(Average in 2007-2011) 310 233 75.2% 262 164 119 45.4% 62.6% 72.6% 160 51.6%
*The averages were obtained from Okamoto et al. [2012]

International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering Vol. 6, No. 2, 2013

Based on the statistics of the sediment disaster inhabitants of warning areas, the SWCB, which
data in the debris flow annual from SWCB for the is responsible for issuing warnings, came under
period 2007–2011, the average warning hit rate was pressure to reduce the false alert rate. From
WHR = 45.4%, the average false alert rate was Figure 7, the false alert rate has fallen in recent
FAR = 75.2%, the average warning cover rate was years; however, the warning hit rate also fell. For
62.6%, and the average warning hit rate in the example, in 2010 and 2011, the warning
warning areas was 72.6%. These are also listed in coverage rates were greater than 60%; however,
Table 3. the alert-issuing operator appears to have become
more cautious and has issued alerts too late,
(3) False alert rate and impact on evacuation possibly due to pressure to reduce the false alert
Based on these sediment disaster-warning rate. This appears to have resulted in an increase
statistics for Japan and Taiwan, the warning hit rate in the warning coverage rate but a decrease in the
was 45–59%, but the false alert rate was greater than hit rate.
75%. For example, in Japan in 2008, the false alert (4) Because the Taiwanese warning system only
rate was 87.8%, that is, only 12.2% of the townships considers debris flow disasters, the monitored
that suffered sediment disasters were in the warning areas were limited to villages that are in potential
areas. Such a large false alert rate is harmful for debris flow areas. Therefore, the warning
disaster prevention [DESC, 2007; Amano and coverage rate would be lower if the statistics
Takayama, 2006]. According to a survey of the included slope failure. However, SWCB has
evacuation rate in warning areas in Japan in 2008, continued to investigate new potential debris
only 2.2% of the township governments released flow areas since 2008, so the warning coverage
evacuation orders, and more than 80% of the rate has started to increase.
evacuation orders were released after disasters
These trends indicate that the effectiveness of the
occurred; moreover, only 2.8% of inhabitants in the
Taiwanese warning system is dependent on the scale
alert-issued areas decided to evacuate [MILIM,
of the disaster, the decision-making tendencies of the
alert-issuing operator, and the integrity of the disaster
Compared with Japan, the evacuation rate in
potential data. The central government plays an
Taiwan was higher (see Table 3). The main reason
important role in the evacuation ratio.
was that the Central Emergency Operation Center
(CEOC) always forced the local governments to 3.4 Appropriate timing for issuing alerts
evacuate inhabitants living in the warning areas
during typhoons.
(1) Sediment disasters occurring
The timing of a disaster directly affects the
3.3 Effectiveness of warnings difficulty of evacuation. Based on the environment
To investigate the practical operational factors of mountainous areas and the daily routines of the
that may affect the effectiveness of a sediment
disaster warning system, we analyzed statistical data
covering the period 2007–2011 in Taiwan. The
following trends were observed:
(1) The scale of the disaster (i.e., the number of
disasters) was related to warning hit rate, false
alert rate, and warning coverage rate (see
Figure 7). The existing rainfall-based warning
model was more effective for large-scale
disasters. For example, in 2009, the warning hit
was 72.6%, the warning coverage rate was
77.8%, and the false alert rate was 58.3%. Similar
results have been shown in Japan [Okamoto et
al., 2012].
(2) Due to the impact of typhoon Morakot in 2009,
there was an increase in the evacuation rate by
local governments (see Figure 7).
(3) Because of the central government mandate to Fig. 7 Yearly number of sediment disaster events and warning
urge local governments to evacuate the effectiveness in Taiwan.

International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering Vol. 6, No. 2, 2013

inhabitants, here we define the period from 21:00 to in Taiwan were greater than 12 hours, but over 50%
07:00 as the difficult period for evacuation (DPE). of the RTE values in Japan were less than 2 hours.
During this period, it is difficult not only to Considering the practical implications of
disseminate the alert to inhabitants, but also to carry mountainous areas, such as difficulties with
out the evacuation. According to statistics from the communication and transportation, and a more
SWCB in the period 2007–2011, the proportion of elderly population, further study into whether an RTE
significant sediment disasters occurring in the DPE of 2 hours is sufficient is warranted. Moreover, it
was 45.9% (see Figure 8). This proportion became does not seem reasonable that the current warning hit
larger than 50.0% during typhoons. Moreover, the rate calculation in Japan does not consider the time
proportion of casualties during the DPE was 52.2%. required to disseminate alerts and evacuate. This time
should be modified to include at least the SRTE when
(2) Frequency of issuing alerts labeling a warning as valid.
In 2002, the SWCB established a nationwide
sediment disaster warning system in Taiwan, and, 4. CASE STUDY: WARNINGS ISSUED
following the Japanese warning system, started DURING TYPHOON MORAKOT
releasing alerts in real time (i.e., not on a non-fixed
schedule; the alerts were issued immediately when 4.1 Shiaolin village
the rainfall exceeded the CL). The real-time alerts Typhoon Morakot was the largest natural disaster
caused problems; for example, disseminating alerts in recent years in Taiwan, and Shiaolin village
and evacuations were difficult when the alerts were located in the south of Taiwan was one of most
issued at night, and the local governments and news seriously damaged areas. Within 24 hours, Shiaolin
agencies could not confirm whether an alert that they
had was the latest. Furthermore, the alerts were
updated faster than what was broadcast on television
and what could be distributed by the alert
dissemination system. Amano and Takayama [2006]
also discussed similar problems in Japan. To solve
these issues, the SWCB started to announce alerts
based on a time schedule associated with the CWB
daily rainfall forecast in 2009, at 04:00, 10:00, 16:00,
and 22:00. The SWCB currently issues daily alerts at
05:00, 11:00, 17:00, 20:00, and 23:00, with
additional alerts if necessary. Furthermore, at 17:00
and 20:00, the SWCB issues early warnings to areas
where the forecast rainfall during the next 12 hours
may exceed the CL to reduce the possibility of
issuing alerts at night. Fig. 8 Timing of sediment disaster events in Taiwan [SWCB,
(3) Remaining time for evacuation
According to statistics for the period 2007–2011
in Taiwan [SWCB, 2007–2011], the remaining time
for evacuation (RTE) was, on average, 21.6 hours,
whereas in Japan in 2008 it was 4.4 hours [NILIM,
2010]. Both the Japanese and Taiwanese systems
issued warnings with more than the recommended
shortest remaining time for evacuation (SRTE) of
approximately 3 hours. The main difference was that
the Japanese system issued alerts in real time,
whereas the Taiwanese system used a fixed-time
alert-issuing system. In addition, to avoid issuing
alerts at night, Taiwan's warning system issued early
alerts for areas where the rainfall was forecast to
exceed the CL during the DPE. Fig. 9 Remaining time for evacuation after a warning was issued
Figure 9 shows that over 50% of the RTE values in Japan and Taiwan [NILIM, 2010; SWCB, 2007-2011].

International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering Vol. 6, No. 2, 2013

Fig. 10 Accumulated rainfall and timeline of disaster events in Shiaolin village during typhoon Morakot [Chen et al., 2011].

village suffered a multi-modal sediment disaster that there remained a number of deficiencies in the
included a series of floodings, debris flows, deep- existing rain-based warning system. These are as
seated landslides, natural dams, and dam bursts follows.
[Chen et al., 2011]. Prior to Typhoon Morakot, the (1) The existing Taiwanese and Japanese warning
critical accumulated rainfall, Rc, of Shiaolin village systems can only show which areas are at higher
was 450 mm. On August 7, the SWCB issued a debris risk of sediment disasters during typhoons and
flow yellow alert at 17:00 and a red alert at 23:00. heavy rainfall. They cannot clearly point out
The village was inundated at 15:00 on August 8. whether a disaster will occur or in which slope or
Bridge 8, which was located to the south of the torrent, and they cannot indicate which types of
village and was the only escape route, was destroyed sediment disasters will occur. Even if a local
by a debris flow at 19:00 on August 8, leaving no government receives an alert, it is still difficult to
evacuation routes from the village. At 06:00 on carry out an evacuation.
August 9, a deep-seated landslide almost completely (2) Both the existing Taiwanese and Japanese
buried Shiaolin village and killed 462 people warning systems are based on models that
[MPDRC, 2010]; the shelter and the Shiaolin depend on whether the rainfall exceeds the CL.
elementary school were both destroyed. The deep- However, the model cannot describe with
seated landslide blocked the Chi-Shan River and certainty the relationship between the rainfall and
formed a natural dam; this natural dam burst the scale of the disaster. Therefore, even if the
approximately one hour later. The destruction rainfall is predicted to be 1,000 or 2,000 mm, the
timeline is shown in Figure 10. existing warning model cannot determine the
severity of the potential disaster.
4.2 Existing warning system in Shiaolin village (3) According to statistics from Typhoon Morakot,
Based on the disaster events in Shiaolin village, 60.9% of the sediment disasters occurred during
the period from when the debris flow red alert was the DPE (see Figure 10). The appropriate time
issued until Bridge 8 was destroyed was 20 hours. for issuing these alerts is before sunset, and
Thus, there was sufficient time to disseminate the sufficient time should be allowed for an
alerts and evacuate, so the existing rain-based evacuation.
warning system in Taiwan achieved its goal of (4) The sediment-disaster warning model can only
providing an early warning. However, this disaster report the possibility of a disaster. The decision
ultimately resulted in 462 deaths, which indicates that on whether to evacuate must consider other

International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering Vol. 6, No. 2, 2013

issues, such as the location of the village as well evacuations for debris flow disasters (in Chinese).
as the location and capacity of shelters, the traffic Department of Erosion and Sediment Control (DESC), Ministry
and communications infrastructure, and the of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT),
demographics. An effective warning system that Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), and National Institute
can offer accurate long-time predictions (for for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM) (2005):
example, over the next 12 hours) will enhance the Manual for the setting mass-movement disaster warning
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