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Jane Ritter For the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) (Cambridge University Press worccambridge orpet ‘Cambridge English Language Assessment sn cambrigenglshorg Information on this tite: wwrwcambridgeorp/9741316617253 (© Cambridge Univesity Press 2017, ‘This publication iin copyright. Subject to statutory exception sand othe provisions af relevant cllective licensing agreements, ‘no reproduction of any part may take place without the writen permission of the publishers First published 2011 Second edition 2017 2 19 18 17 16 15 14.13 12 11 10987654321 Printed in Malaysia by Viva Printing ‘A catalogue eon or this publication ie avalable from the British Library ISBN 978-1-216-61715-1 Student’ Book wth online activites and Home Fun booklet ISBN 978-1-316-61718-2 Teachers Book with Audio ISBN 978-1-316-61721-2 Presentation Pus “The publishers have no responsibility forthe persistence or accuracy of URLS for external or thir: party Internet websites referred ton his publication, and do not guarante that any content on such websites is or wil emai, ‘or appropriate. Information regarding pics travel timetables and other factual {information given in tis work i correct a the ime of first printing but the publishes do no guarantee the accuracy of sch information thereat, CAMBRIDGE i CAMBRID! UNIVERSITY PRESS Language Ass Wore Jane Ritter ENGLISH nt

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