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Factors That Affect The Chosen Specialization Of Selected

Food and Beverage Services Students To Their Performance At

Amaya School Of Home Industries
S.Y. 2019-2020
A Research Paper presented to Senior High School Department

Amaya School of Home Industries

In Partial Fulfillment

of the requirements for the subject

of Practical Research 2


Adalem, Laarnie

Dimalaluan, Trixie Joyce

Espiritu, Kimberly

Mallari, Harvey Mae

Nuestro, Rose Ann

Varias, Jaimee

Grade 12 – Oxygen

Mrs. Arlyn A. Ylagan

Research Adviser

Submitted to:

Charo P. Nepomuceno

Practical Research II

August 2019

The Problem and its Background


The future Filipino is dependent to their choice. As to the republic act of the

Philippines no. 10533 tells about implementation of K-12 program. K to 12 programs is

an education system under t Department of Education which aims to enhance learning

basic skills, produces more competent citizen, and prepared graduates for life-long

learning and employment. According to Boyer (1987) “in taking course, one of the life’s

major decision is being made. A lot of time, money, and effort will be involved. The

shape and excellence of the student’s life may rest in result “.

In making our own decision, about choosing the strands we would like, to is work

harder than what others think, mostly, the ones who are unsure of their career. Making

decision implies that there are choices to be regarded, and also to be thought of. We need

to consider many alternatives for our choice, many as possible but it is better if we

choose the one that best fits with what we want to achieve and what our hearts desire.

Choosing career paths can help you set own goals.

As observed, the students usually took the course that they don’t like and as a

result it affects primarily their grades. The purpose of this study is to identify factors that

influence students chosen career.

For this persistence, the existing study employed a case of study which

understand a Senior High School student choice, by selecting respondents among Food

and Beverage Grade 12 students of Amaya School of Home Industries batch 2019-2020.

As to, Siegfried and Fels (1979) concluded that the student’s aptitude is the most

important determinant of his/her learning. In a study among high school students who are

in an economic class and decided to take another economics course, Beron (1990) found

that there is a link between the perceived usefulness of an additional course in economics

and the performance of the students in a current economic course.

Background of the Study

Academic performance is the extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has

achieved their short or long term educational goals. It cannot be changed; it may be good

or bad. It affects one’s student achievements and goals. A bad result may affect the

planned future of a student. A good result may lead to a student plan being in progress.

Choosing your track or strand is one of the hardest parts of being a senior high

school student thus; we don’t know how it could affect our academic performance when

choosing one’s strand or track we must always ensure that the dedication of each student

through their passing years.

Many teens do not have the capacity to ensure that they had choose the right

consequences, such as low academic grades, unwillingness to finish studies and affecting

their study habits are common problems having the mistake of choosing your preferred

track or strand.

Students make the wrong decision because they don’t take time in thinking what

to choose. This research will be a big help for the students who are confuse on what to

take this exploration will serve as their awareness and to help young people find their

career direction contributes, directionless of youth. Senior high school students use online

resources to guide students into specific career cluster. It will help the students to know

the factors that affect them are family background, socio economic income, and the

general average during high school and the demanding course during the year. Students

tend to choose specialization they don’t really like thus the school doesn’t offer their
chosen specialization, or sometimes there are only limited slots, and also, sometimes they

don’t really have any decision on what track or specialization they would take.

The idea of developing this study is all about the factors that affect the chosen

specialization of selected food and beverage services students to their performances,

because now a day students had the hard time of choosing their specialization and this

affect their performances in their academic activities. The researchers are curious and

invested to help on how to avoid this mistake of a decision, so they can have interest to

their studies. This research includes the senior high school strands of Amaya School of

Home Industries who took the food and beverage services strand.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to seek answers for the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of age, sex, and family

monthly income?
2. How often do the respondents attend classes?
3. What are the factors that affect the student choice of specialization?
4. What are the factors that affect the student academic performances in terms

teacher-related aspects, study habits, school-related aspects, personal condition,

and home-related aspects?

Objectives of the Study

This research aims to:

1. To identify the demographic profile of the respondents.

2. To determine how frequent does the student attend their classes.
3. To identify the different factors affecting the students choice of specialization.
4. To define the different factors affecting students academic performances.

Significance of the Study

The importance of the study is for us to understand the collected information

about the factors that affect the chosen specialization of selected food and beverage

services students to their performance. This study will benefit to the following


For the students, this study will help them to have idea about choosing their

desired specialization and how this affects their performance. They would have deeper

understanding what factors that affect the senior high school students to their academic


For the teachers, this will help them to have a deeper understanding on how can

contradict the academic performances of the student through their chosen specialization.

They would know how to guide their students towards choosing their specialization.

For the Parents, this study will help them guide their minors towards choosing

their specialization.

The Future Researchers, this study can help the future researchers in terms of

giving them a related study to their chosen topic.

Scope and Delimitation

The study focuses much on the factors that affect the student’s academic

performances on their chosen specialization in Amaya School of Home Industries. The

researchers will explain and enlighten the mind of the readers for them to understand

clearly this study. The main location of the will be conducted at the Amaya School of

Home Industries and the target of this study are the Grade 11 and grade 12 students that

took food and beverage services as their specialization. This study is conducted during

the school year of 2019-2020. This study would be done through utilization of

questionnaire to the students as a survey and reference. By their strategy the researchers

will be able to know the factors that affect the student’s academic performance by their

chosen specializations that possibly the researchers could also gather data and also as

other school teachers to this research to gather information and will use other sources to

be able for this research to become possible and effective.

The study had number limitations. First, is the financial constraint, insufficient fund tends

to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing of the relevant materials, literature

or information and in the process of data collection such as internet, questionnaire and

interview. Second, is the time constraint, the researcher will simultaneously engage in

this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time

devoted for the research work.

Conceptual Framework
D a t g a t h e r in g Input G a th e r th e d m o g ra p h ic p ro fi le o f th e stu d e n t Fa cto rs th a ff e ct h e ch o se n sp e cia l z ti o n f se l cte d fo d a n d b e v ra g e s rv ice s tu d e n ts o th e ir p e rfo m a n ce a t A m a y S ch o l o f H o m e In d u strie s S . Y 2 0 1 9 -2 0
Process Output

Q u e sti o n a ire D a t in te rp e ta ti o n
D a t o f stu d e n t a tt e n d i g th e ir cla s e S ta ti s ca l n a ly si
R e sp o n d e n t's p ro fi le D a t a n ly s i
S ta ti s ca l d a t G a th e r d a t a tt e n d i g th e ir cla s e to a d v ise r

Theoretical Framework
This research study is supported by two theories, spady’s sociological theory

(1970) and Bean’s psychological theory (1980). Spady’s sociological theory by William

Spady. Spady was one of the first researcher to propose a widely recognized theory on

student retention in 1970 (Spady 1970, 77). The basic assumption of this theory is that

the student drop out is the best explained by a process involving an interaction between

individual student and the university environment. In this interaction, the student attribute

such as attitude, skill and interest are exposed to influences, expectations, and demands of

the university. The result of this interaction will determine whether the student will be

assimilated in the academic and social system of the university and subsequently whether

the student will be retained in the university. Linked to this process are variables that

promote the academic and social integration of students on higher education. These

variables are family background, academic potential, normative congruence, grade

performance intellectual development and peer support. All these variables are further

linked to two other variables namely satisfaction with the university environmental and

institutional commitment (Spady 1970, 77).

In 1980 Bean (1980, 158) developed the psychological theory of student retention

by asserting that the background characteristics of students must be taken into

consideration in order to understand their integration into a new university environment.

According to this theory, Bean (1980; 183) further contents that the intentions of students

to persist are influence by their attitudes and behaviors, these attitudes had behaviors

might affect the degree to which the student is satisfied with the institution. The level of

satisfaction might increase the level of commitment to the institution. In 1985, Bean and

Metzner developed theory on non-traditional students. According to Bean and Metzner

(1985, 2013), these older part-time and commuter student the attrition of these student

mostly affected by the external environment variables such as family responsibilities,

finances and outside encouragements, rather than social integration variables such as

university membership and friends, which tend to affect traditional students. In 1995,

Eaton and Bean (1995, 617) added copping behavior as a variable into these theory,

stating that students ability to adopt to the university environment reflects their ability to

cope, which is related to previous coping skills in other environments.

Definition of terms

Aptitude - a natural ability to do something.

Aspects - a particular part of feature of something.

Consequence - importance or relevance

Cluster - a group of similar things or people positioned or occurs closely together

Competent - having a necessary ability knowledge or skills to do something successfully

contradict deny to truth of a statement by a asserting the opposite.

Dedication- the ability of being dedicated.

Demographic - relating to the structure of population

Distinction - a difference or contrast between similar things or people.

Exploration - the action or traveling a truth an unfamiliar area to learn about it.

Extend - the area covered by something.

Facilities - a place, amenity or a piece of equipment.

Frequent - occur or done on many occasion on many cases or in a quick occasion.

Grip - taken, keep a firm hold of.

Implementation - a processed of putting a decision or plan into effect.

Implies - strongly suggest the truth or existence of something not expressly stated.

Insufficient - not enough inadequate.

Perceived - become aware of conscious of something.

Persistence - firm or obstinate continuous in a course of action despite of opposition.

Tend - call for a look after give one's attention to;

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